Description of one of the large islands of the world ocean. World oceans. What is the smallest ocean in the world

When most of us were in school, geographical maps Our planet was designated 4 oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic. But on modern maps you can see the name of the 5th ocean - the Southern. What kind of ocean is this, and why did it become necessary to rewrite maps and change the number of oceans available?

Confusion with the oceans has continued for centuries. The term “Southern Ocean” was first found on maps of the 17th century and denoted the expanses of ocean surrounding the then-unknown “Unknown Southern Continent,” the existence of which was suspected by travelers. Southern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean were very different in terms of navigation conditions: there were their own currents, strong winds and met floating ice. For this reason, this region was sometimes identified as a separate ocean, and in some cartographic materials of the 17th-18th centuries one can see the names “Southern Ocean” and “Southern Arctic Ocean”. Later the name “Antarctic Ocean” began to appear.

After the discovery of Antarctica, in the middle of the 19th century, the Royal geographical society in London, delineated the boundaries of the Southern Ocean, including the southern parts of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, which are located between the Antarctic Circle and Antarctica. And the International Hydrographic Organization approved the existence of the Southern Ocean by 1937.

But subsequently, scientists again came to the conclusion that separating the Southern Ocean was inappropriate, and it again became part of three oceans, and by the middle of the 20th century this name no longer appears on any planet. nautical charts, nor in school textbooks.

The need to isolate the Southern Ocean was again discussed at the end of the 20th century. The waters of the three oceans surrounding Antarctica differ in many ways from the rest of the world's oceans. There is a powerful circumpolar current, the species composition of marine fauna is very different from warmer latitudes, and floating ice and icebergs are ubiquitous around Antarctica. We can say that the Southern Ocean was distinguished by analogy with the Arctic: too different natural conditions in the polar and subpolar territories of the ocean and in other parts of the World Ocean.

In 2000, member countries of the International Hydrographic Organization decided to separate the Southern Ocean, and its northern border was drawn along the 60th parallel of southern latitude. Since then, this name has appeared on world maps, and there are again 5 oceans on our planet.

Earth is the only habitable planet in the world. You can find out what the World Ocean is called, how it is located on Earth, and how it is divided into separate bodies of water by reading this article.

Continents divide the entire hydrosphere located on the surface of the earth into bodies of water that have a separate circulation system. At the same time, scientists have found that under the water column there are not only seamounts, but also rivers and their waterfalls. The ocean is not a separate part, it is directly connected with the bowels of the Earth, its bark and everything.

It is thanks to these accumulations of liquid in nature that such a phenomenon as the cycle is possible. There is a special science called oceanology, which studies the fauna and flora of the underwater depths. In terms of its geology, the bottom of the reservoir near the continents is similar to the structure of the land.

In contact with

World hydrosphere and its research

What is the World Ocean called? First this term scientist B. Varen suggested using it. All bodies of water and their components together make up ocean area- most of the hydrosphere. It contains 94.1% of the entire area of ​​the hydrosphere, which is not interrupted, but is not continuous - it is limited by continents with islands and peninsulas.

Important! The world's waters have different salinity in different parts.

Area of ​​the World Ocean- 361,900,000 km². History identifies the main stage in hydrosphere research as the “Epoch geographical discoveries”, when the continents, seas and islands were discovered. The voyages of the following navigators turned out to be the most important for the study of the hydrosphere:

  • Ferdinand Magellan;
  • James Cook;
  • Christopher Columbus;
  • Vasco de Gamma.

The area of ​​the World Ocean began to be intensively studied only in the 2nd part of the 20th century already using modern technologies(echolocation, diving in bathyscaphes, studies of geophysics and geology of the seabed). There were various methods studying:

  • using research vessels;
  • conducting major scientific experiments;
  • using deep-sea manned vehicles.

And the first scientific research in the 20th century began on December 22, 1872 on the Challenger corvette, and it was this that brought results that radically changed people's ideas about the structure, flora and fauna underwater world.

Only in the 1920s did echo sounders begin to be used, which made it possible to determine the depth in a few seconds and have a general idea of ​​​​the nature of the bottom.

Using these instruments it was possible to determine the profile of the bed, and the Gloria system could even scan the bottom in entire 60 m stripes, but given the area of ​​​​the oceans, this would take too much time.

The most major discoveries become:

  • In 1950 – 1960 discovered rocks of the earth's crust that are hidden under the water column and were able to determine their age, which seriously influenced the idea of ​​the age of the planet itself. Studying the bottom also made it possible to learn about the constant movement of lithospheric plates.
  • Underwater drilling in the 1980s made it possible to thoroughly study the bottom at depths of up to 8300 m.
  • studies by seismologists have provided data on suspected oil deposits and rock structure.

Thanks to research and scientific experiments, not only were all the data that are known today collected, but life at depth was also discovered. There are special scientific organizations who are still studying today.

These include various research institutes and bases, and they are characterized by territorial distribution, for example, the waters of Antarctica or the Arctic are studied by different organizations. Despite a long history of research, scientists say they currently know only 194,400 of the 2.2 million species of marine life.

Division of the hydrosphere

You can often find questions on the Internet: “ How many oceans are there on Earth 4 or more? It is generally accepted that there are only four of them, although for a long time scientists doubted 4 or 5. To accurately answer the question posed above, you should find out the history of the identification of the largest bodies of water:

  1. XVIII-XIX centuries scientists identified two main, and some three, water areas;
  2. 1782-1848 geographer Adriano Balbi designated 4;
  3. 1937-1953 – designated 5 world water bodies, including the waters of the South, as a separate part from other seas, due to certain specific features of the waters close to Antarctica;
  4. 1953-2000 scientists abandoned the definition of the Southern Waters and returned to previous statements;
  5. In 2000, 5 separate water areas were finally identified, one of which is South. This position was accepted International organization hydrographers.


All divisions happen based on differences in climatic conditions, hydrophysical characteristics and salt composition of water. Each body of water has its own area, specificity and characteristics. Their names come from certain geographical features.


Quiet is sometimes called Great because of its large size, because this is the largest ocean on Earth and the deepest. It is located between Eurasia, Australia, Northern and South America, as well as Antarctica.

Thus, it washes all existing Earths except Africa. As mentioned above, the entire hydrosphere of the Earth is connected, so it is not surprising that the water area is connected with other waters through straits.

The volume of the Pacific Ocean is 710.36 million km³, which is 53% of the total volume of world waters. Its average depth is 4280 m, and its maximum is 10994 m. The deepest place is the Mariana Trench, which was properly explored only in last 10 years.

But they never reached the bottom, because the equipment does not allow this yet. Recent studies have confirmed that even at such depths, in conditions of terrible underwater pressure and complete darkness, life still exists. The shores are unevenly populated. The most developed and largest industrial areas:

  • Los Angeles and San Francisco;
  • Japanese and South Korean shores;
  • Australian coast.


Atlantic Ocean area- 91.66 million km², which makes it the largest after the Pacific, and allows it to wash the shores of Europe, both Americas and Africa. It is named after the titan named Atlas from Greek mythology. It communicates with the waters Indian Ocean and others, thanks to the straits, and touching directly at the capes. A characteristic feature of the reservoir is a warm current and called Gulf Stream. It is thanks to him that coastal countries have a mild climate (Great Britain, France).

Despite the fact that the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean, it is not inferior in the number of species of flora and fauna.

The reservoir makes up 16% of the entire hydrosphere of the Earth. The volume of its waters is 329.7 million km3, and the average depth is 3736 m, with a maximum depth of 8742 m in the Puerto Rico Trench. On its shores, the most active industrial areas are the European and American shores, as well as the South African countries. This pond is incredible important for global shipping, after all, it is through its waters that the main trade routes connecting Europe and America lie.


Indian is third largest on the surface of the Earth is a separate body of water, which received its name from the state of India, which occupies most of its coastline.

It was very famous and rich in those days when the water area was actively studied. The reservoir is located between three continents: Eurasian, Australian and African.

As for other oceans, their borders with the waters of the Atlantic are laid along the meridians, and the border with the South cannot be clearly established, since it is blurred and arbitrary. Numbers for characteristics:

  1. It occupies 20% of the entire surface of the planet;
  2. Area - 76.17 million km², and volume - 282.65 million km³;
  3. Maximum width - about 10 thousand km;
  4. The average depth is 3711 m, and the maximum is 7209 m.

Attention! Indian waters are different high temperature, compared to other seas and water areas. Thanks to this, it is extremely rich in flora and fauna, and its warmth is due to its location in the Southern Hemisphere.

The sea routes between the four main trading platforms of the world pass through the waters.


The Arctic Ocean is located in the north of the planet and washes only two continents: Eurasia and North America. This is the smallest ocean in area (14.75 million km²) and the coldest.

Its name was formed based on its main characteristics: its location in the North, and most of the waters are covered with drifting ice.

This water area is the least studied, since it was allocated as an independent body of water only in 1650. But at the same time, trade routes between Russia, China and America run through its waters.


The South was officially recognized only in 2000, and includes part of the waters of all the water areas listed above, except the Arctic. It surrounds Antarctica and does not have an exact northern border, so it is not possible to indicate its location. Because of these disputes about its official recognition and lack of precise boundaries, there is still no data on its average depth and others important characteristics separate reservoir.

How many oceans are there on Earth, names, characteristics

Continents and oceans of the Earth


Thanks to scientific research Today, all 5 bodies of water, which make up most of the entire hydrosphere of the Earth, are known and examined (albeit not completely). It is worth remembering that they all communicate with each other and are an important factor in the lives of many animals, therefore their pollution will lead to an environmental disaster.

Includes all the seas and oceans of the Earth. It occupies about 70% of the planet's surface and contains 96% of all water on the planet. The world ocean consists of four oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic.

Sizes of the oceans: Pacific - 179 million km2, Atlantic - 91.6 million km2, Indian - 76.2 million km2, Arctic - 14.75 million km2

The boundaries between oceans, as well as the boundaries of seas within oceans, are drawn rather arbitrarily. They are determined by land areas delimiting the water space, internal currents, differences in temperature and salinity.

Seas are divided into internal and marginal. Inland seas protrude quite deeply into the land (for example, the Mediterranean), and marginal seas adjoin the land with one edge (for example, the Northern, Japanese).

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific is the largest of the oceans. It is located in both the northern and southern hemispheres. In the east, its border is the coast of North and, in the west - the coast of and, in the south - Antarctica. It owns 20 seas and more than 10,000 islands.

As the Pacific Ocean covers all but the coldest,

it has a diverse climate. over the ocean varies from +30°

to -60° C. Trade winds form in the tropical zone; monsoons are frequent to the north, off the coast of Asia and Russia.

The main currents of the Pacific Ocean are closed in circles. In the northern hemisphere, the circle is formed by the Northern Trade Wind, North Pacific and California Currents, which are directed clockwise. In the southern hemisphere, the circle of currents is directed counterclockwise and consists of the Southern Trade Wind, East Australian, Peruvian and Western Winds.

The Pacific Ocean is located on the Pacific Ocean. Its bottom is heterogeneous; there are underground plains, mountains and ridges. On the territory of the ocean is the Mariana Trench - the deepest point of the World Ocean, its depth is 11 km 22 m.

The water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean ranges from -1 °C to + 26 °C, average temperature water +16°C.

The average salinity of the Atlantic Ocean is 35%.

The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean is distinguished by a wealth of green plants and plankton.

Indian Ocean

Most of the Indian Ocean is located in warm latitudes and is dominated by humid monsoons, which determine the climate of East Asian countries. The southern edge of the Indian Ocean is sharply cold.

Indian Ocean currents change direction depending on the direction of the monsoons. The most significant currents are the Monsoon, Trade Wind and.

The Indian Ocean has a varied topography; there are several ridges, between which there are relatively deep basins. The deepest point of the Indian Ocean is the Java Trench, 7 km 709 m.

The water temperature in the Indian Ocean ranges from -1°C off the coast of Antarctica to +30°C near the equator, the average water temperature is +18°C.

The average salinity of the Indian Ocean is 35%.

Arctic Ocean

Much of the Arctic Ocean is covered in thick ice—almost 90% of the ocean surface in winter. Only near the coast does the ice freeze to the land, while most of the ice drifts. Drifting ice is called "pack".

The ocean is located entirely in northern latitudes and has a cold climate.

A number of large currents are observed in the Arctic Ocean: the Trans-Arctic Current runs along the north of Russia, and as a result of interaction with the warmer waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian Current is born.

The relief of the Arctic Ocean is characterized by a developed shelf, especially off the coast of Eurasia.

The water under the ice always has negative temperature: -1.5 - -1°С. In summer, the water in the seas of the Arctic Ocean reaches +5 - +7 °C. The salinity of ocean water decreases significantly in summer due to the melting of ice and, this applies to the Eurasian part of the ocean, deep Siberian rivers. So in winter the salinity in different parts is 31-34% o, in summer off the coast of Siberia it can be up to 20% o.

Traditional geography taught that there are four oceans in the world - the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian.

However, just recently...

... in 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization combined the southern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, creating a fifth addition to the list - the Southern Ocean. And this is not a volitional decision: this region has a special structure of currents, its own rules of weather formation, etc. The arguments in favor of such a decision are as follows: in the southern part of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, the boundaries between them are very arbitrary, while at the same time the waters adjacent to Antarctica, have their own specifics, and are also united by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

The largest of the oceans is the Pacific. Its area is 178.7 million km2. .

The Atlantic Ocean extends over 91.6 million km 2.

The area of ​​the Indian Ocean is 76.2 million km2.

The area of ​​the Antarctic (Southern) Ocean is 20.327 million km 2.

The Arctic Ocean covers an area of ​​approximately 14.75 million km2.

Pacific Ocean, the largest on Earth. It was named so by the famous navigator Magellan. This traveler was the first European to successfully cross the ocean. But Magellan was just very lucky. There are very often terrible storms here.

The Pacific Ocean is twice the size of the Atlantic. It occupies 165 million square meters. km, which is almost half the area of ​​the entire World Ocean. It contains more than half of all the water on our planet. In one place, this ocean extends 17 thousand km in width, stretching almost half the globe. Despite its name, this huge ocean is not only blue, beautiful and serene. Strong storms or underwater earthquakes make him furious. In fact, the Pacific Ocean is home to large zones of seismic activity.

Photographs of the Earth from space show the true size of the Pacific Ocean. This is the largest ocean in the world, covering one third of the planet's surface. Its waters stretch from East Asia and Africa to the Americas. At its shallowest points, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 120 meters. These waters wash the so-called continental shelves, which are submerged parts of continental platforms, starting from the coastline and gradually going under water. Overall, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 4,000 meters. The depressions in the west connect to the deepest and dark place in the world - Mariana Trench - 11,022 m. Previously, it was believed that there was no life at such a depth. But scientists found living organisms there too!

The Pacific Plate, a huge area of ​​the Earth's crust, contains ridges of high seamounts. In the Pacific Ocean there are many islands of volcanic origin, for example Hawaii, the largest island of the archipelago Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii is home to the highest peak in the world, Mauna Kea. It is an extinct volcano 10,000 meters high from its base on the seabed. In contrast to volcanic islands, there are low-lying islands formed by coral deposits that have been deposited over thousands of years on the tops of underwater volcanoes. This vast ocean is home to a wide variety of underwater species - from the world's largest fish (whale shark) to flying fish, squid and sea lions. The warm, shallow waters of coral reefs are home to thousands of species of brightly colored fish and algae. All kinds of fish, marine mammals, mollusks, crustaceans and other creatures swim in the cool, deep waters.

Pacific Ocean - people and history

Sea voyages across the Pacific Ocean have been undertaken since ancient times. About 40,000 years ago, Aboriginal people crossed by canoe from New Guinea to Australia. Centuries later between the 16th century BC. e. and X century AD e. Polynesian tribes settled the Pacific islands, venturing across vast distances of water. This is considered one of the greatest achievements in the history of navigation. Using special canoes with a double bottom and sails woven from leaves, Polynesian sailors ultimately covered almost 20 million square meters. km of ocean space. In the western Pacific, around the 12th century, the Chinese made great advances in the art of sea navigation. They were the first to use large ships with multiple underwater masts, steering, and compasses.

Europeans began exploring the Pacific Ocean in the 17th century, when the Dutch captain Abel Janszoon Tasman sailed around Australia and New Zealand. Captain James Cook is considered one of the most famous explorers of the Pacific Ocean. Between 1768 and 1779 he mapped New Zealand, East Coast Australia and many Pacific islands. In 1947, the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl sailed on his raft “Kon-Tiki” from the coast of Peru to the Tuamotu archipelago, part of French Polynesia. His expedition provided evidence that the ancient indigenous inhabitants of South America could cross vast sea distances on rafts.

In the twentieth century, exploration of the Pacific Ocean continued. The depth of the Mariana Trench was established, and unknown species of marine animals and plants were discovered. Development of the tourism industry, pollution environment and beach development threaten the natural balance of the Pacific Ocean. Governments of individual countries and groups of environmentalists are trying to minimize the harm caused by our civilization to the aquatic environment.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean is the third largest on Earth and covers 73 million square meters. km. This is the warmest ocean, the waters of which are rich in various flora and fauna. The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is a trench located south of the island of Java. Its depth is 7450 m. Interestingly, currents in the Indian Ocean change their direction to the opposite direction twice a year. IN winter time When the monsoons prevail, the current goes to the shores of Africa, and in the summer - to the shores of India.

The Indian Ocean stretches from the coast of East Africa to Indonesia and Australia and from the coast of India to Antarctica. This ocean includes the Arabian and Red Seas, as well as the Bays of Bengal and the Persian Gulf. The Suez Canal connects the northern part of the Red Sea with the Mediterranean.

At the bottom of the Indian Ocean there are huge sections of the earth's crust - the African Plate, the Antarctic Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. Shifts in the earth's crust cause underwater earthquakes, which cause giant waves called tsunamis. As a result of earthquakes, new mountain ranges appear on the ocean floor. In some places, seamounts protrude above the surface of the water, forming most of the islands scattered in the Indian Ocean. There are deep depressions between the mountain ranges. For example, the depth of the Sunda Trench is approximately 7450 meters. The waters of the Indian Ocean are home to a variety of wildlife, including corals, sharks, whales, turtles and jellyfish. Powerful currents are huge streams of water moving through the warm blue expanses of the Indian Ocean. The Western Australian Current carries cold Antarctic waters north to the tropics.

The equatorial current, located below the equator, circulates warm water counterclockwise. Northern currents depend on the monsoon winds that cause heavy rainfall, which change their direction depending on the time of year.

Indian Ocean - people and history

Sailors and traders plied the waters of the Indian Ocean many centuries ago. Ships of the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians and Indians passed along the main trade routes. In the early Middle Ages, settlers from India and Sri Lanka crossed into Southeast Asia. Since ancient times, wooden ships called dhows sailed the Arabian Sea, carrying exotic spices, African ivory and textiles.

In the 15th century, the great Chinese navigator Zhen Ho led a large expedition across the Indian Ocean to the shores of India, Sri Lanka, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. In 1497, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama became the first European whose ship sailed around the southern tip of Africa and reached the shores of India. English, French and Dutch traders followed, and the era of colonial conquest began. Over the centuries, new settlers, traders and pirates have landed on the islands in the Indian Ocean. Many species of island animals that lived nowhere else in the world became extinct. For example, the dodo, a goose-sized flightless pigeon native to Mauritius, was exterminated by the end of the 17th century. Giant turtles on Rodrigues Island have disappeared 19th century. Exploration of the Indian Ocean continued in the 19th and 20th centuries. Scientists have done a great job mapping the topography of the seabed. Currently, Earth satellites launched into orbit take pictures of the ocean, measure its depth and transmit information messages.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and covers an area of ​​82 million square meters. km. It is almost half the size of the Pacific Ocean, but its size is constantly increasing. From the island of Iceland to the south in the middle of the ocean a powerful underwater ridge stretches. Its peaks are the Azores and Ascension Island. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a large mountain range on the ocean floor, is becoming wider each year by about an inch. The deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean is a trench located north of the island of Puerto Rico. Its depth is 9218 meters. If 150 million years ago there was no Atlantic Ocean, then over the next 150 million years, scientists suggest, it will begin to occupy more than half of the globe. The Atlantic Ocean greatly influences the climate and weather in Europe.

The Atlantic Ocean began to form 150 million years ago, when shifts in the Earth's crust separated North and South America from Europe and Africa. This youngest of the oceans is named after the god Atlas, who was worshiped by the ancient Greeks.

Ancient peoples, such as the Phoenicians, began exploring the Atlantic Ocean around the 8th century BC. e. However, only in the 9th century AD. e. The Vikings managed to reach from the shores of Europe to Greenland and North America. The “golden age” of Atlantic exploration began with Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator who served the Spanish monarchs. In 1492, his small squadron of three ships entered the Caribbean Gulf after a long storm. Columbus believed that he was sailing to the East Indies, but in fact he discovered the so-called New World- America. He was soon followed by other sailors from Portugal, Spain, France and England. The study of the Atlantic Ocean continues to this day. Currently, scientists use echolocation (sound waves) to map the topography of the seabed. Many countries fish in the Atlantic Ocean. People have fished these waters for thousands of years, but modern fishing by trawlers has led to a significant reduction in fishing schools. The seas surrounding the oceans are polluted with waste. The Atlantic Ocean continues to play a huge role in international trade. Many important trade sea routes pass through it.

Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean, which is located between Canada and Siberia, is the smallest and shallowest compared to the others. But it is also the most mysterious, since it is almost completely hidden under a huge layer of ice. The Arctic Ocean is divided into two basins by the Nansen Threshold. The Arctic basin is larger in area and contains the greatest ocean depth. It is equal to 5000 m and is located north of Franz Josef Land. In addition, here, off the Russian coast, there is an extensive continental shelf. For this reason, our Arctic seas, namely: Kara, Barents, Laptev, Chukotka, East Siberian, are shallow.

Ocean (ancient Greek Ὠκεανός, on behalf of the ancient Greek deity Ocean) - the largest water body, part of the World Ocean, located among the continents, with a water circulation system and other specific features. The ocean is in continuous interaction with the atmosphere and the earth's crust. The surface area of ​​the world's oceans, which includes oceans and seas, accounts for about 71 percent of the Earth's surface (about 361 million square kilometers). The bottom topography of the Earth's oceans is generally complex and varied.

The science that studies the oceans is called oceanology; The fauna and flora of the ocean is studied by a branch of biology called ocean biology.

Antique meaning

In ancient Rome, the word Oceanus denoted the waters that washed the known world from the west, that is, the open Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, the expressions Oceanus Germanicus (“German Ocean”) or Oceanus Septentrionalis (“North Ocean”) denoted the North Sea, and Oceanus Britannicus (“British Ocean”) denoted the English Channel.

Modern definition of oceans

The World Ocean is a global volume of sea water, the main part of the hydrosphere, constituting 94.1% of its total area, a continuous but not continuous water shell of the Earth, surrounding continents and islands and characterized by a common salt composition. Continents and large archipelagos divide the world's oceans into parts (oceans). Large regions of the oceans are known as seas, gulfs, straits, etc.

Some sources divided the World Ocean into four parts, others into five. From 1937 to 1953, five oceans were distinguished: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern (or Southern Arctic) ocean. The term “Southern Ocean” appeared many times back in the 18th century, when systematic exploration of the region began. In publications of the International Hydrographic Organization, the Southern Ocean was separated from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific in 1937. There was a justification for this: in its southern part, the boundaries between the three oceans are very arbitrary, while at the same time, the waters adjacent to Antarctica have their own specifics, and are also united by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. However, later they abandoned the distinction of a separate Southern Ocean. In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization adopted a division into five oceans, but this decision has not yet been ratified. The current definition of oceans from 1953 does not include the Southern Ocean.

In the table below, in addition to the seas related to the oceans, the seas related to Southern Ocean.

Area, million km²

Volume, million km³

Average depth, m

Maximum depth, m


8,742 (Puerto Rico Trough)

Baltic, Northern, Mediterranean, Black, Sargasso, Caribbean, Adriatic, Azov, Balearic, Ionian, Irish, Marmara, Tyrrhenian, Aegean; Bay of Biscay, Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay

: Weddell, Skosh, Lazarev


7,725 (Sunda Trench)

Andaman, Arabian, Arafura, Red, Laccadive, Timor; Bay of Bengal, Persian Gulf

Also related to the Southern Ocean: Rieser-Larsen, Davis, Cosmonauts, Commonwealth, Mawson


5,527 (in Greenland Sea)

Norwegian, Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukotka, Greenland, Beaufort, Baffin, Lincoln

11 022 (Mariana Trench)

Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese, East China, Yellow, South China, Javanese, Sulawesi, Sulu, Philippine, Coral, Fiji, Tasmanovo

Also related to the Southern Ocean: D'Urville, Somov, Ross, Amundsen, Bellingshausen

Brief characteristics of the oceans

The Pacific Ocean (or Great Ocean) is the largest ocean in terms of area and depth on Earth. Located between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, North and South America in the east, Antarctica in the south. In the north, through the Bering Strait, it communicates with the waters of the Arctic Ocean, and in the south, with the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Occupying 49.5% of the surface of the World Ocean and containing 53% of the volume of water in the World Ocean, the Pacific Ocean extends approximately 15.8 thousand km from north to south and 19.5 thousand km from east to west. The area with seas is 179.7 million km2, the average depth is 3984 m, the volume of water is 723.7 million km3 (without seas, respectively: 165.2 million km2, 4282 m and 707.6 million km3). The greatest depth of the Pacific Ocean (and the entire World Ocean) is 11,022 m in the Mariana Trench. The International Date Line runs across the Pacific Ocean approximately along the 180th meridian. The study and development of the Pacific Ocean began long before the written history of mankind. Junks, catamarans and simple rafts were used to navigate the ocean. The 1947 expedition on the balsa log raft Kon-Tiki, led by the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl, proved the possibility of crossing the Pacific Ocean in westward from central South America to the islands of Polynesia. Chinese junks made voyages along the ocean shores into the Indian Ocean (for example, the seven voyages of Zheng He in 1405-1433). Currently, the coast and islands of the Pacific Ocean are developed and populated extremely unevenly. The largest centers of industrial development are the coast of the United States (from the Los Angeles area to the San Francisco area), the coast of Japan and South Korea. The role of the ocean in the economic life of Australia and New Zealand is significant.

The second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific Ocean, the name comes from the name of the Titan Atlas (Atlas) in Greek mythology or from the legendary island of Atlantis. It extends from subarctic latitudes all the way to Antarctica. The border with the Indian Ocean runs along the meridian of Cape Agulhas (20°E to the coast of Antarctica (Donning Maud Land). The border with the Pacific Ocean is drawn from Cape Horn along the meridian 68°04'W or the shortest distance from South America to the Antarctic Peninsula through the Drake Passage, from Oste Island to Cape Sterneck. The border with the Arctic Ocean runs along the eastern entrance of the Hudson Strait, then through the Davis Strait and along the coast of Greenland Island to Cape Brewster, through the Denmark Strait to Cape Reydinupyur on the island of Iceland, along its coast to Cape Gerpir, then to the Faroe Islands, further to the Shetland Islands and along 61° north latitude to the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The area of ​​​​the seas, bays and straits of the Atlantic Ocean is 14.69 million km2 (16% of total area ocean), volume 29.47 million km³ (8.9%). The area is 91.6 million km2, of which about a quarter is inland seas. The area of ​​coastal seas is small and does not exceed 1% of the total water area. The volume of water is 329.7 million km3, which is equal to 25% of the volume of the World Ocean. The average depth is 3736 m, the greatest is 8742 m (Puerto Rico Trench). The average annual salinity of ocean waters is about 35 ‰. The Atlantic Ocean is highly indented coastline with a pronounced division into regional waters: seas and bays.

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean on Earth, covering about 20% of its water surface. The Indian Ocean is mainly located south of the Tropic of Cancer between Eurasia to the north, Africa to the west, Australia to the east and Antarctica to the south.

Its area is 76.17 million km2, volume - 282.65 million km3. In the north it washes Asia, in the west - the Arabian Peninsula and Africa, in the east - Indochina, the Sunda Islands and Australia; in the south it borders the Southern Ocean.

Border with Atlantic Ocean passes along the 20° meridian of eastern longitude; from Quiet - along the 147° meridian of eastern longitude.

The northernmost point of the Indian Ocean is located at approximately 30°N latitude in the Persian Gulf. The Indian Ocean is approximately 10,000 km wide between the southern points of Australia and Africa.

The Arctic Ocean (English Arctic Ocean, Danish Ishavet, Norse and Nynorsk Nordishavet) is the smallest ocean on Earth by area, located between Eurasia and North America.

The area is 14.75 million km2, that is, slightly more than 4% of the entire area of ​​the World Ocean, the average depth is 1,225 m, the volume of water is 18.07 million km3.

The Arctic Ocean is the shallowest of all oceans, with an average depth of 1,225 m (the greatest depth is 5,527 m in the Greenland Sea).

Formation of the oceans

Today, there is a version in scientific circles that the ocean appeared 3.5 billion years ago as a consequence of degassing of magma and subsequent condensation of atmospheric vapor. Most modern ocean basins arose in the last 250 million years as a result of the breakup of an ancient supercontinent and the divergence of lithospheric plates to the sides (the so-called spreading). The exception is the Pacific Ocean, which is a shrinking remnant of the ancient Panthalassa Ocean.

Bathymetric position

Based on the bathymetric position and nature of the relief on the ocean floor, the following several stages are distinguished:

  • Shelf - depth up to 200-500 m
  • Continental slope - depth up to 3500 m
  • Ocean bed - depth up to 6000 m
  • Deep sea trenches - depth below 6000 m

Ocean and atmosphere

The ocean and atmosphere are fluid media. The properties of these environments determine the habitat of organisms. Flows in the atmosphere affect the general circulation of water in the oceans, and the properties of ocean waters depend on the composition and temperature of the air. In turn, the ocean determines the basic properties of the atmosphere and is a source of energy for many processes occurring in the atmosphere. The circulation of water in the ocean is influenced by winds, the rotation of the Earth, and land barriers.

Ocean and climate

The ocean warms up more slowly in summer and cools down more slowly in winter. This makes it possible to smooth out temperature fluctuations on land adjacent to the ocean.

The atmosphere receives from the ocean a significant part of the heat supplied to it and almost all the water vapor. The steam rises, condenses, forming clouds, which are carried by the winds and fall as rain or snow on land. Only surface waters of the ocean participate in heat and moisture exchange. Internal ones (about 95%) do not participate in the exchange.

Chemical composition of water

There is an inexhaustible source in the ocean chemical elements, which is contained in its water, as well as in deposits located at the bottom. There is a constant renewal of mineral deposits, through the fall or introduction to the bottom of various sediments and solutions from the earth's crust.

The average salinity of sea water is 35 ‰. The salty taste of water is given by the 3.5% dissolved minerals it contains - these are mainly sodium and chlorine compounds.

Due to the fact that the water in the ocean is constantly mixed by waves and currents, its composition is almost the same in all parts of the ocean.

Flora and fauna

The Pacific Ocean accounts for more than 50% of the total biomass of the World Ocean. Life in the ocean is abundant and diverse, especially in the tropical and subtropical zones between the coasts of Asia and Australia, where vast areas are occupied by coral reefs and mangroves. Phytoplankton in the Pacific Ocean consists primarily of microscopic single-celled algae, numbering about 1,300 species. In the tropics, fucus algae, large green algae, and especially the famous red algae are especially common, which, along with coral polyps, are reef-forming organisms.

The flora of the Atlantic is distinguished by species diversity. The water column is dominated by phytoplankton, consisting of dinoflagellates and diatoms. At the height of their seasonal bloom, the sea off the coast of Florida turns bright red, and a liter of seawater contains tens of millions of single-celled plants. The bottom flora is represented by brown (fucus, kelp), green, red algae and some vascular plants. In the estuaries of rivers, sea zoster, or eelgrass, grows, and in the tropics green (caulerpa, valonia) and brown (sargassum) algae predominate. The southern part of the ocean is characterized by brown algae (Fucus, Lesonia, Electus). The fauna is distinguished by a large - about a hundred - number of bipolar species that live only in cold and temperate zones and are absent in the tropics. First of all, these are large sea animals (whales, seals, fur seals) and ocean birds. They live in tropical latitudes sea ​​urchins, coral polyps, sharks, parrotfish and surgeonfish. Dolphins are often found in Atlantic waters. The cheerful intellectuals of the animal kingdom willingly accompany ships large and small - sometimes, unfortunately, falling under the merciless blades of the propellers. The indigenous inhabitants of the Atlantic are the African manatee and the largest mammal on the planet - the blue whale.

The flora and fauna of the Indian Ocean are incredibly diverse. The tropical region is distinguished by the richness of plankton. The unicellular algae Trichodesmium (a type of Cyanobacterium) is especially abundant, due to which the surface layer of water becomes very cloudy and changes its color. The plankton of the Indian Ocean is distinguished by a large number glowing at night organisms: peridines, some types of jellyfish, ctenophores, tunicates. Brightly colored siphonophores are abundant, including poisonous phasalia. In temperate and arctic waters, the main representatives of plankton are copepods, eufuazides and diatoms. The most numerous fish of the Indian Ocean are coryphens, tunas, nototheniids and various sharks. Among reptiles there are several species of giant sea turtles, sea snakes, and among mammals there are cetaceans (toothless and blue whales, sperm whales, dolphins), seals, and elephant seals. Most cetaceans live in temperate and subpolar regions, where intensive mixing of waters creates favorable conditions for the development of planktonic organisms. The flora of the Indian Ocean is represented by brown (sargassum, turbinaria) and green algae (caulerna). The calcareous algae lithothamnia and halimeda also develop luxuriantly, which participate together with corals in the construction of reef structures. Typical for the coastal zone of the Indian Ocean is the phytocenosis formed by mangroves. For temperate and Antarctic waters, the most characteristic are red and brown algae, mainly from the fucus and kelp groups, porphyry, and gelidium. Giant macrocystis are found in the polar regions of the southern hemisphere.

Cause of poverty organic world Arctic Ocean - harsh climatic conditions. The only exceptions are the North European Basin, the Barents and White Seas with their extremely rich flora and fauna. The ocean flora is represented mainly by kelp, fucus, ahnfeltia, and in the White Sea - also zostera. The seabed fauna of the eastern Arctic, especially the central part of the Arctic basin, is extremely poor. There are more than 150 species of fish in the Arctic Ocean, including a large number of commercial fish (herring, cod, salmon, scorpionfish, flounder and others). Seabirds in the Arctic lead a predominantly colonial lifestyle and live on the shores. Mammals are represented by seals, walruses, beluga whales, whales (mainly minke and bowhead whales), and narwhals. Lemmings are found on the islands, and arctic foxes and reindeer cross the ice bridges. Should also be considered a representative of the ocean fauna polar bear, whose life is mainly associated with drifting, pack ice or coastal fast ice. Most animals and birds all year round (and some only in winter) are white or very light in color.

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