Cooling rooms without air conditioning. Natural recuperator or free air conditioner for a country house. Open windows save

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We all look forward to hot summer days, but when thermometers show more than 35 degrees, you already dream of coolness. Undoubtedly, the best option will purchase an air conditioner. What if it’s not possible to do this, and the heat in the house makes it hard to breathe? There is no need to despair, there is plenty different ways cool the room without the help of an air conditioning system.

It would seem that this is simple, but ventilation must be done wisely.

Open windows and doors to “let them in” to the apartment Fresh air, you need from 4 to 7 am. If you can hardly be called a “lark”, then leave the windows open all night.

It would be a good idea to ventilate your closets and chests of clothes at this time by opening them, then you can put on cool clothes in the morning.

Hiding the house from the sun

But when the sun is already ruling the sky, you need to carefully close not only windows and doors, but also curtains (especially if the windows face south). White thick linen curtains perfectly reflect sunlight.

Air humidification

High temperatures quickly destroy moisture, making it more difficult to breathe into the room.

  1. Therefore, you need to either purchase special moisturizing sprays in the store, or make them yourself: pour plain water into a spray bottle, humidifying the air with it every hour.
  2. You can also wet the curtains, which, when dry, will give up their moisture.
  3. In addition, it is worth placing vessels with water in each room, adding refreshing aromatic oils to them: lavender, mint or citrus.

But you don’t need to overdo it with moisturizing, so that later you won’t.


This is definitely a source of cold. Not only can it cool many water bottles, freeze ice, but also take care of your dreams. How? You can cool your bed linen in it. In the morning, carefully fold it into a bag and put it in the refrigerator. In the evening, make the bed, but you should only go to bed after 20-30 minutes. After all, if you lie down immediately on such a “frozen” sheet, you can catch a cold.

To make it easier to breathe at night, you need to put cold water bottles on the chair at the head of the bed.

Many people are surprised, but foil copes well with the heat in the apartment. You can stick it on window glass, as well as walls. This will be especially necessary in those rooms whose windows face south or southwest. The material reflects heat very well. This cooling method is very effective; interior elements do not heat up, which means the air does not heat up.

Window tinting will help counteract the sun's rays. Through the darkened film you will be able to see everything that happens on the street (although not in the usual colors), but bright light will not enter the room.

When choosing a tinted film, you should choose green or blue.

If you don’t want to buy foil or cover your windows with darkening film, then you should install blinds.

When the blinds are closed, they do not let in 90% sun rays.

With their help, you will not only be able to cool the apartment, but will make the interior more fashionable and modern.

But, like curtains, they need to be taken care of carefully.

Good results In hot weather, frequent wet cleaning helps. By wiping furniture, window sills, doors and especially the floor with a damp cloth, you can easily reduce the air temperature in the room by several degrees.

Also, fighting dust and increasing humidity will make it easier to breathe.

Wet sheet

A wet sheet can be hung on a door or window. The main thing to remember is that the larger the sheet, the faster the heat exchange occurs. Some cover themselves with a wet sheet at night.

It is preferable to use fans with automatic change of air flow direction. After all, there is a high probability of catching a cold. For cooling, you can use table, floor or ceiling fans.

Cold water

If you open the door to the bathroom, where the flow of water is noisy in the shower or the bathtub is filled with cold water, the whole apartment will become cooler.

Regular ice will help make the room temperature cooler. It should be thrown into any wide container. Soon the ice will begin to melt, releasing cold and cooling the air.

Dry air and high temperatures negatively affect a person’s performance, mood and health. People with weakened immune systems or elderly citizens are especially sensitive to this temperature regime. An air conditioner can solve this problem, but not everyone can afford it due to the high price. Other ways to beat the heat accessible ways, how to cool a room without air conditioning will be discussed below.

An air conditioner is capable of lowering the air temperature with the help of the physical processes that take place in it and it will not be possible to completely imitate it at home. All of the methods listed below will help achieve only a short-term effect, so that you can endure the heat more comfortably.

Ventilating the room

Most people make the same mistake during hot weather; they open all the windows wide open. This is highly discouraged, especially if the outside temperature is above +35 ºС. Even if there is no air conditioning in the house, microclimatic conditions They will be much more comfortable in it than on the street. If you open the windows during the summer heat, the temperature in the room will be the same as outside, and a person’s well-being may worsen.

The same applies to windows that are located in the shade. Sometimes people try to keep their house cool by keeping all the windows closed on the sunny side and open in the shade. In fact, the desired effect cannot be achieved in this way, since in this case there will be an exchange of air, no matter with the solar or shadow side he got into the house.

It is best to avoid ventilation during hot periods, as this will prevent the appearance of stuffiness, while at the same time cold air will not be able to escape into the street. It is recommended to ventilate at night or early in the morning; at 9:00 the heat already appears.

Remove direct sunlight

To create a comfortable microclimate, you should remember that more than half of the heat enters the room due to direct sunlight. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to curtain all windows or lower the blinds if possible. The denser the curtain material, the higher the likelihood that excessively high temperatures will not appear in the apartment. Certainly, dark room sometimes it’s depressing and it’s nice to enjoy the bright sunshine, but in this case you have to choose between comfort and personal preference.

If the curtains on the windows are transparent and they still let light through, then you can use foil or a special reflective film. They are glued to the windows, thus protecting the room from direct light. You can also cope with ultraviolet radiation by gluing light filters. Energy-efficient windows can also replace air conditioning; they have a polarized coating, so they provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer. This option is suitable for those who decide to do major renovation or simply replace window structures.

Regulating humidity

Air humidity is also an important factor when assessing the microclimate in the house. Hot, dry air can cause dizziness, nausea and fever, so it is recommended to install a humidifier in the room. It will not fully replace air conditioning, but it will make you feel much more comfortable. It can also be used in the cold season, since it operates on batteries and other heating elements also affect air humidity. A household humidifier must be purchased if there are children in the house.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics will also benefit from humid air, as it nails all dust particles to the floor. Against this background, exacerbation of the disease can be avoided. Another suitable device for this purpose is an air washer; this device performs the following functions:

  • moisturizes any room;
  • cleans the air of dust, all kinds of viruses and fungi;
  • ionizes air;
  • can fill a room with any chosen aroma.

When purchasing any of the listed devices, you still need to regularly check wet cleaning, wash floors and care for furniture.

Heating household appliances

To feel comfortable at home, you need to turn off, if possible, all appliances that produce heat. Otherwise, in addition to natural high temperature additional heating will occur in the air in the home. You need to turn off not only the batteries, but also the heated towel rails. They can be powered by electricity or hot water. Each thermal or heating device can produce up to 400 W of heat, this amount is enough to heat a small bath, so it is best to avoid them during hot weather.

Electrical appliances can also generate heat, although in fairly small quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones. Such a change will entail significant changes, since just 5 such lamps can be comparable to the heat production of one small radiator. Incandescent light bulbs not only cause discomfort in the heat, but also consume a lot of electricity, so replacing them would be a great solution.

Hot air travels through the house much faster than cold air. Therefore, when cooking food for a long time, it is better to close the door to the kitchen. If there is such an opportunity, then during periods of abnormally high temperatures you can not use a stove or kettle; it is best to cook food in the microwave.

Basic misconceptions

In the summer, many people try to cool the apartment with a fan, but on the contrary, it only heats the air. They use it to make the house cool and comfortable. This feeling is created due to constant air ventilation. During this process, the sweat glands, which are located in the human body, begin to secrete fluid onto the surface of the skin. Due to ventilation, it evaporates and the person feels cool.

A fan cannot cool the air in an apartment, but if you place it near your workplace or bed, it will be much easier to endure the hot period. The maximum effect can be achieved if you place this device in an apartment near a window or door. This method will be especially relevant for those whose house is located on the sunny side, since hot air will move from the apartment to the street.

It is also necessary to use a humidifier and other methods within reason. Sometimes, for this purpose, people hang a lot of wet towels around the house and wet the curtains. Each curtain can hold about 5 liters of water; if exposed to direct sunlight, it will dry out very quickly. In this case, the air humidity will be very high and a microclimate will appear that will feel very much like the tropics. As a result of such actions, breathing may become difficult and profuse sweating may occur, which will evaporate very slowly due to high humidity.

To make it easier to cope with the heat, it is also recommended to remove everything unnecessary from the house, for example, get rid of carpets. It is much more pleasant and comfortable to walk on linoleum or parquet flooring. You can moderately humidify the air using a fan, if you attach wet wipes to it or put frozen bottled water in front of it, this will also create a cooling effect.

As weather forecasters note, during the summer the unbearable heat usually lasts no more than a month. You can survive this period using the methods listed above to achieve maximum comfort you will need to purchase an air conditioner.

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Summer heat and elevated temperatures can reduce our productivity, affect our mood and have a detrimental effect on health, especially for older people. There are ways to cool an apartment in hot weather without using air conditioning. They will help without much financial costs solve the problem with heat or at least reduce its negative impact, increase comfort, and therefore improve your mood.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the air conditioner does reduce the air temperature due to a special physical process and expensive equipment; the methods listed below will only temporarily, to one degree or another, help combat the unbearable heat.


It is worth remembering that opening all the windows in the apartment in the heat, especially at temperatures above +35 ºС, is not the best correct option. Firstly, even in the absence of air conditioning, the premises usually remain more comfortable. It is logical to assume that by opening the windows, you will simply “let in” summer heat, and you will suffer even more from the heat. Some resort to cunning and try to tightly close the windows with sunny side, and open them in the shade. This method cannot be called effective, because with active air exchange it does not matter at all whether the window is in the shade or not - the temperature will be the same.

The best option would be minimal ventilation, which will relieve you of stuffiness, but will not allow coolness to escape from the apartment through the windows. Fully ventilate the apartment better at night, in cloudy or cool weather. It is optimal to do this from 10 pm, and you should stop airing with the first signs of heat (usually 8-9 am).

If you're struggling with the heat and are looking for ways to cool your apartment and do it effectively, pay attention to your windows. 90% of the heat enters the apartment precisely due to direct exposure to sunlight. First of all, curtain all the windows and close the blinds. Thick curtains are a guarantee of protection from ultraviolet radiation and an increase in room temperature to such a level that it becomes unbearable. Of course, not everyone will like this atmosphere, but it’s worth making a decision - a sunny room or coolness and comfort.

Pasting with reflective film also remains a popular method now. A slightly more advanced option is to stick on light filters that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation into the room. By the way, if you are thinking about the question of how to cool an apartment during the renovation or construction stage, and it is not possible to install an air conditioner, install special energy-efficient windows with a polarized coating applied. They guarantee warmth and comfort in winter, and coolness and freedom from the summer heat in summer.


Moist air can reduce the effect of heat in an apartment. Stuffiness, dry air combined with elevated temperatures can greatly ruin the life of even a lover of hot climates. An installed household air humidifier, of course, will not replace an air conditioner, but it will make your apartment a pleasant place to spend time. In general, this device is quite universal, since it solves the problem with indoor humidity in winter, and with temperature in summer. A humidifier is especially important if you have small children.

Even if you are very meticulous and thoroughly wet cleaning, in the summer, especially in the heat, dust particles easily rise from the floor and move from shelves and hard-to-reach places. It is for this reason that many allergy sufferers and asthmatics experience an exacerbation during this period. Wet air

able to reduce the impact of dust.

  1. Modern developments make it possible to use such a device in the home as an air washer. This device performs several functions at once:
  2. Humidification – the ultrasonic membrane is intensively capable of moisturizing a fairly large internal volume. You just have to remember that the device works effectively only in the room where humidification is needed.

Cleaning the air from dust, fungal spores, viruses - in the summer heat, dust rises from the floor and moves to the middle layers of the room volume, and is suspended. Air washing will allow a large volume of air to pass through a mechanical and water filter to remove contaminants.

Even if you have such a device, you need to wash the floors more often, wet-clean surfaces, and wipe down furniture and shelves.

Additional heat sources

Despite the hot season, we cannot always refuse to use devices that produce heat. This means that in addition to the natural elevated temperature, additional heating occurs inside the room. Disconnect heated towel rails if they are connected to hot water or electric, if there are no thermostats. Such a heating device, firstly, is not needed, and secondly, it is capable of generating enough a large number of small bathroom, why is it warm in summer?

It is worth remembering that every electrical device, to one degree or another, produces heat. If you have regular incandescent lamps installed, add up their number and calculate the power. More than 5 lamps can produce thermal energy, comparable to a small radiator. Not only does this lead to increased energy consumption, but it also causes additional discomfort in the summer.

Hot air spreads very quickly indoors. If you have to cook for a long time, close the doors tightly and open the windows. It would be better to reduce the use of the stove, electric kettle, and cook and heat food in the microwave.


Contrary to obvious misconceptions, a fan is not capable of cooling the air; on the contrary, it heats it. Why is it used then? Just for the sake of feeling cool, creating forced ventilation in room. Our sweat glands actively release fluid onto the surface of the skin, and it evaporates. In this case, an exothermic process occurs that cools us.

The fan is not capable of cooling, but if you install it in close proximity to the workplace, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You can use the fan effectively only by installing it towards a window or front door. It must move hot air masses from the room to the street if the room is located on the sunny side and is very overheated.

Excessive humidity is also bad. Many people unknowingly hang large amounts of laundry inside the apartment and hang wet curtains. The result is a not very pleasant and comfortable climate, very similar to the tropics. Humidity plays a crucial role in summer.

Firstly, curtains that are hung directly in the sun dry instantly, secondly, they can become damaged because of this, and thirdly, one curtain can contain up to 5 liters. water, which will evaporate almost instantly and saturate the internal volume. It will become difficult to breathe, you may suddenly break out in profuse sweat, which will dry out more slowly due to the saturation of moisture in the air. Not a very happy prospect, especially in the heat.

Buying an air conditioner, although expensive, is beneficial from a comfort point of view. Depending on where you live, the heat may be easy to bear or require significant effort. For example, located in close proximity to the road, an apartment on the sunny side will be very susceptible to temperature influence.

Air conditioning cooling

On average, in summer, unbearable heat can last for no more than a month. In this short period, you can get by with the above tips. If you want the maximum level of comfort, you will have to fork out money and buy an air conditioner.

Until recently, regulation of microclimate parameters was associated only with air conditioning equipment. But as the requirements for changing individual parameters grow air environment Specialized devices began to appear on the climate systems market. Such devices include air coolers, which purposefully lower the temperature and, if necessary, can also perform the functions of ionization and humidification.

Operating principle of coolers

Exist different types humidifiers, but they all work by spraying water. A small reservoir is installed in the device body, which serves as a kind of cooling source. In front of it in the same housing there is a fan unit. During operation, the mobile air cooler generates currents that fill the room, changing its characteristics. The fundamental difference between coolers is their ability to humidify the air, while mobile air conditioners dry it.

A mesh filter is used to spray small particles of water - a fan passes through it air currents. For this reason, air coolers must be filled with water regularly. The working fluid is poured into a special reservoir. In some cases, automatic filling is carried out if the system is connected to a central water supply.

Types of devices

The main difference between cooler models is functionality. As already noted, such devices not only change the temperature regime, but are also responsible for humidification. Actually, based on these criteria, two main types of equipment can be distinguished - these are coolers themselves, as well as evaporators. The work of standard coolers is to lower the temperature and saturate it with moisture. At the same time, evaporators are also capable of providing an air cleaning effect. But the temperature reduction function of such models is ineffective. Devices also differ in type of design. A traditional air cooler is a floor-mounted one, which allows the body to be moved and quickly installed anywhere without connecting to engineering networks. But there are also wall-mounted and even suspended structures, which save space and often turn out to be more efficient in operation.

Reviews of the model BPAM-09Н from Ballu

The model is included in the middle segment of coolers, but is highly valued by users. It is noted that the device shows good performance even when used from the sunny side under a window. According to the owners, only 10 minutes are required to bring the temperature to the optimal state. But for full operation of this model, it will be necessary to bring the pipe to the street - through it the hot air. Concerning negative reviews, then the BPAM-09Н version of the air cooler for home is significantly limited in settings. You can only adjust the speed of rotation of the fan blades, and other parameters are set according to unified standard. This model is also criticized for its noisy operation, not enough effective system air filtration (from dirt and odors), lack of timer option and remote control. That is, in terms of basic performance qualities, the solution is worthy, but the functionality and individual operational nuances spoil the overall picture.

Reviews of the model AC TIM 09H P4 from Timberk

This option is suitable if you need both a cooler and insulation. Users testify that the device effectively cools the room, makes little noise and can act as a dehumidifier. Pleasant moments also include the original stylistic execution of the design and well-implemented controls - at least in comparison with the previous analogue from Ballu. The kit includes a remote control and a standard list of equipment settings for different parameters. But during operation, this air cooler can also disappoint. Reviews indicate the lack of ability to select the temperature, which is a big drawback during the first time of use. In the future, such settings can be made intuitively, knowing the potential of the cooler.

Reviews of the AM400 model from Bimatek

It should be noted right away that this cooler is a record holder in terms of low noise. It works very quietly, causing virtually no acoustic discomfort. For comparison, its lower noise threshold is 38 dB, while the average parameter of other models is 50 dB. But this is not the only attractive feature of the air cooler from Bimatek. Operating practice shows that it quickly cools rooms and does not require special effort during installation and can be easily configured using different parameters and modes. Weaknesses This one doesn't have much, but it has them too. For example, a short pipe of the device is noted and big sizes housings.

How to choose the optimal air cooler?

Mobile cooling systems are very diverse in their capabilities. Therefore, you should initially determine what specific tasks will need to be performed - lowering the temperature, humidifying, air purification, ionization or drying. As already noted, some models are capable of increasing the temperature level, which allows the device to be used in winter time. Next, the design and its parameters are determined. The most popular solution is a floor-standing air cooler, which can be moved around the apartment without difficulty. If you need complete freedom of movement, then you should choose models without an external pipe and corrugation - it should be a device with closed system accumulation of air masses. Then specific ones are selected operational parameters, a set of options and other nuances are determined - from design subtleties to power.


The very need for a cooler for a home occurs in cases where it is not possible to install a standard air conditioner. Such situations are also possible in country houses, and in apartments, and even more so in dachas. But will it be the best way out out of position? In terms of the totality of operational qualities, in fact, in addition to full-fledged split systems, only an air cooler can regulate the microclimate as effectively. The price of a floor-standing model with standard parameters averages 8-10 thousand rubles. As you can see, even compared to an air conditioner, this is a very attractive option. Of course, such devices may lose in performance, but this will depend on the power of the specific model and operating mode. Theoretically, a cooler can become an even more effective assistant in regulating the air environment, as it provides, in addition to temperature regulation, humidification and ionization functions with cleaning, filtration and drying. This list is not always found in one model, so the functionality is calculated in advance in the optimal configuration.

The summer heat is not just tiring - it is dangerous to health: in hot weather, diseases of the cardiovascular system worsen. Therefore, it is important to know how to cool a room in hot weather, even if it does not have air conditioning. To do this, you need to act in several directions at once.

Sun protection

On a sunny day, infrared radiation, freely penetrating through the window glass, heats the walls and furniture in the room. Premises with windows facing south literally turn into gas chambers. At the first stage of fighting the heat, it is necessary to protect the room from sunlight.

There are several ways to do this:

  • one of the most effective options protection – special spraying on glass. Such double-glazed windows are somewhat more expensive than regular ones, but quickly pay for themselves due to the fact that they retain heat in winter and prevent heating of the room in summer;
  • glass can be covered with sun protection film. However, it is advisable to use it only in very bright rooms, since in cloudy weather the room will be even darker than outside;
  • light blinds do not let in most of the sun's rays, but do not darken the room too much and do not create a gloomy atmosphere. But it is better that the blinds are fabric, since the metal plates heat up;
  • the same role as blinds is played by dense light curtains. They must be kept closed all day;
  • if the window faces a balcony or loggia, it’s worth landing there sun loving plants. Dense greenery is pleasing to the eye and creates a feeling of coolness.

Hot air protection

In hot countries, rooms are never ventilated during the day: hot air from the street does not bring the desired freshness, but only warms the room even more. Therefore, from morning to late evening, all doors and windows must be closed.

But after sunset, when it gets cooler outside, you should open all the windows, or better yet, create a draft for a while. At night, if you wish, you can sleep with the vents or windows open, having previously covered them with mosquito nets. But in the morning, before the heat sets in, the windows must be closed.

Humidify the air in the apartment

One of the reasons for the discomfort experienced in a heated room is dry air. But you can humidify it only if the room is protected from sunlight and hot air from the street.

Ways to humidify the air:

  • buy a humidifier. There are many models in stores for every taste. The design of such devices allows you to set the operating time and humidity level in advance, and water needs to be filled once every few days;
  • wash the floors in the bedroom at night;
  • Using a regular spray bottle, spray water every 1–2 hours. If you add a few drops of lemon or grapefruit oil to it, the air in the room will seem fresher and cooler. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise mold will appear on the walls;
  • buy an electric fountain. The sound of water calms you down and makes you forget about the heat;
  • hang several wet towels in the room;
  • You can cool a room without air conditioning, and at the same time humidify the air using a regular fan. If it has a grill protecting the blades, hang a damp towel on it;
  • a more radical option: prepare a 10% salt solution (500 g per 5 l), fill it ¾ full plastic bottles and place them in freezer. When the liquid freezes, the bottles are placed in a basin and placed in front of a switched on floor or table fan.

Cooling with fan and plastic bottles with ice

Turn off electrical and gas appliances

Heat sources include TV, computer, electric hob, even washing machine and incandescent lamps. Gas stove and the oven heat up the kitchen significantly. It is recommended to use electric and gas appliances as rarely as possible and not during the day, but in the late afternoon, when the heat subsides.

Remove carpets and warm bedspreads

If possible, it is better to remove carpets and rugs from the premises. It is recommended to replace woolen and synthetic bedspreads, covers on chairs and sofas with linen ones.

Set up a sleeping place

In hot weather, bed linen should be changed every day, as it absorbs sweat. In summer, it is recommended to use linen only from completely natural cotton, linen or silk fabrics.

If all the measures described above are not enough, and it is impossible to sleep in the room due to the heat, you need to cool it down sleeping area. Half an hour before bedtime, put plastic bottles or hot water bottles with ice in bed. They are removed before going to bed, as direct contact with ice can cause you to catch a cold. If you still can’t fall asleep, all you can do is cover yourself with a wet sheet.

Thermal insulation of the room

To cool a room for a long time in the heat, you need thermal insulation. If during the construction of the house the thermal insulation of the apartment was not provided, it should be installed during the renovation (for apartments on the top floors, the thermal insulation of the attic is very important). Indoors with high-quality thermal insulation in summer the temperature is 5 °C lower than outside. Glazing a balcony or loggia also allows you to protect your apartment from the summer heat.