Fencing terraces and verandas: how to choose material for fencing, classic and modern types of fencing. Frame veranda on wooden and metal structures Construction of a metal veranda

If the dimensions summer cottage they do not allow the construction of a separate guest house for receiving friends and relatives, the right decision will be the installation of a summer extension to the main building. And thanks to its simple design, you can make it yourself. Metal veranda – original version structures for summer cottages. It will decorate your summer cottage, and its production will not take much time.

Important stages of construction work

Often when creating this type of building, the question arises of what material to use as a basis. And if a wooden or brick frame has already become a common solution for private houses, then metal elements are only gaining popularity.

Users often search:

Of course, a building made of laminated veneer lumber with a log house at the corners has an attractive appearance, does not require finishing or additional reinforcement.

However, several main advantages of metal construction should be noted:

  • durability in use,
  • not affected external environment and insects,
  • strength,
  • simplicity and ease of installation.

The construction of such a frame veranda can be done in the shortest possible time and with your own hands, step by step following the instructions and advice of experienced craftsmen.

The main stages of work include:

  • design of future construction,
  • preparation of necessary materials,
  • laying the foundation,
  • frame assembly,
  • walling,
  • roof installation,
  • finishing,
  • decoration.

And to simplify your task of creating a building, we will consider each of the listed steps in more detail.

Selection of a ready-made project or development of an individual drawing?

Taking into account the requirements of current legislation, the beginning of any construction process implies obtaining permission to carry it out from the relevant services. Otherwise, penalties may be applied to the owner of the site, including demolition of the building. You can look at ready-made drawings of verandas or terraces on the Internet, draw the option you like and take it to the competent organization for approval.

Scheme: metal frame, monolithic or cellular polycarbonate is used as a roof.

If financial possibilities allow, you should immediately contact architects who will independently design the extension, taking into account the wishes of the owners. Big advantage This solution will save time and effort on collecting the required package of papers and standing in queues.

Users often search:

Permitting documentation will be required regardless of whether the extension is created together with the house or separately, after a while.

What materials will be needed?

Range building elements made of metal is quite large, but not all are suitable for creating a summer structure.

In order to get a high-quality and budget-friendly product as a result, experts recommend:

  1. . They come in square, oval and rectangular shapes. They have thin walls up to 3 mm thick and a width of no more than 30–40 cm. Light in weight. Easily amenable to any type of processing and welding. In addition, they have the following advantages: low price, do not deform under heavy loads, a structure made from this material does not require a monolithic foundation, everything installation work one person can handle it.

    Photo: square and rectangular pipes

  2. Metal channels. Often the raw material is steel or aluminum. Channels in cross-section have the shape of the letter “p”. Can be of different lengths. The length of one element can reach 12 m. This type of material is convenient to use as a grillage on screw piles. In addition, they are light in weight, so even one person can assemble such a frame.
  3. Metal corners. They are L-shaped beams, the thickness and length of which vary greatly. Depending on the size of the edges, there are equal and non-equal edges on sale. This material is used in installing the rafter system, laying the base and reinforcing the pillars of the structure.
  4. Lightweight galvanized profiles. They are based on thin steel sheets. The choice of sizes is varied (thickness ranges from 0.5–4 mm; length reaches 12 m; wall height can be up to 40 cm). It is not recommended to use them as the main material for creating a terrace frame, since constant load deformation of the structure will occur. However, such profiles can be an excellent addition to fencing and rafter systems.

    Photo: lightweight profile made of thin sheet metal

To create a metal veranda, the right solution would be to purchase several different elements, which will simplify the assembly process and speed up installation work.

Choosing the right type of foundation

Thanks to the lightweight frame, there is no need to pour a monolithic foundation; a columnar type of foundation or a screw pile is quite suitable.

Step by step installation guide columnar foundation looks like that:

An important component of each stage of laying the base is checking that all elements are in the same plane using a level.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of distortion of the future structure.

Frame assembly

The optimal size of a terrace area is considered to be 5–6 m in length and 2–3 m in width.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • iron scarves (have an enhancing effect on individual elements designs);
  • hammer;
  • profile pipes with a cross section from 20 to 80 mm;
  • workwear;
  • protective glasses;
  • dielectric gloves.

Installation of the veranda frame is carried out in the following sequence:

If you plan to use the veranda not only in the warm season, you must immediately worry about covering the frame with panels.


For further work You need to prepare several types of materials. Among them:

The creation of each individual panel looks like this:

Each subsequent unit of wall covering is assembled according to the same pattern.

You can take note of another version of the panels, where monolithic polycarbonate is used as the main material. The fastening elements are thermal washers and rubber seals. However, the tightness of such a structure can be one of the reasons for the appearance of corrosion on metal elements and a reduction in their service life.

Roof installation

When rafter system ready, you can start laying materials or create an additional reinforcing element - a prefabricated truss. In the case of the second option, you need to make two metal belts in the shape of zigzags. They will serve as protection against sagging of the roof.

To get this design you need:

  • weld a frame from profile pipes;
  • fasten the pipes between the belts, and the angle between them should be within 90 0, but no more than that;
  • weld the sheathing with tack welds across the trusses.

It should be noted that this reinforcing element is assembled on the ground and is already in finished form rises to the top of the frame.

The roof can be laid with corrugated sheets or ondulin.

It is important not to forget to attach rubber seals to the profile pipes from the inside before laying them. This is a necessary measure to create good sound insulation.

In this case, each sheet should overlap the other. The main fastening will be galvanized bolts that are resistant to the external environment. And to protect the building from excess moisture and precipitation, the overhangs of the eaves when laying roofing material should protrude an average of 40 cm beyond the perimeter of the frame.

Finishing work

Self-creation of veranda walls in the form of panels requires additional cladding inside and outside the building. Yes, and metal elements are also recommended to be processed, unless the structure is built from galvanized material, so you should purchase a block house, lining or plastic panels. By choosing the desired finishing option, you can easily create an imitation natural stone or wood.

The sequence of work and the timing of their completion directly depend on the selected type of material.

Siding is in increasing demand.

The main features of working with it are:

  1. The use of an unusual type of lathing with only guides - vertical profiles. Thanks to them, the wall panels will be constantly ventilated and will not absorb excess moisture.
  2. Finishing starts from bottom to top. The starting point is the starting bar, which must be correctly fixed, since the evenness of the entire surface depends on it.
  3. The final element is the finishing profile, which forms a beautiful edge to the structure.
  4. It is recommended to purchase all parts of the trim at the same time to avoid discrepancies in the shades of the color scheme.
  5. The correctness of fastening of the elements will be indicated by a characteristic click during their installation.
  6. When fixing the planks, you need to remember that siding can expand or contract under the influence of temperature and humidity. Therefore, all fastenings must be moderately tight.
  7. In choosing colors, preference should be given light colors, because no matter how bright and high-quality the coating is, over time it will begin to fade and fade.

To treat the metal parts of the veranda, you need to purchase anti-corrosion solutions or paints. However, they should be applied before laying roofing material so that there are no unpainted areas left.

If rust begins to appear periodically, it is necessary to clean the damaged areas each time and re-treat them.

The design can be decorated with forged elements in the form of flowers, ornaments, and abstractions.

When open version After construction, the window and walls can be replaced with light-colored curtains, and planted around the perimeter of the frame climbing plants which will create shade on hot days.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, in addition to low cost, convenience and speed of installation, the advantages of choosing frame terrace from metal it is possible to replace its individual parts without harm to the entire structure, to reinforce the ceiling without using outside help.

An extension to the main entrance is an indispensable attribute of a private or country house. It not only saves you from the heat in summer, but also keeps you warm and protects front door from snow and rain at other times of the year. In this article we will talk about how to make a veranda frame with your own hands, about the types of materials for construction and methods of covering the frame.

Depending on capabilities, skills and funds, the material for construction is chosen. If you are familiar with carpentry work, know how to use an ax and a hacksaw, you can easily and quickly assemble wooden frame.

If you are more accustomed to working with a holder and a welder’s mask, then it will not be difficult to build a frame for a veranda from reinforcement and metal profile. Let's talk about each type in more detail.


Wood is the most available material, easy to process, so many owners prefer it for framing, but the main thing here is to choose the right type of wood.

Hard varieties (larch, oak) are more durable, less susceptible to rot, fungus and mold, but they are more expensive and more difficult to work with, so this type is usually used in the lower part of the frame, which is more often in contact with the ground and is more susceptible to atmospheric influences. The bottom trim of the frame is made from hard varieties.

Top and rafter part constructed from other types (cedar, pine, walnut). Although, if there are no financial problems and are not afraid of processing difficulties, then, if desired, the entire frame can be made of hard wood. Since the reliability of the entire structure depends on the strength of the frame, special attention should be paid to the quality of the material.

Upon visual inspection, the wood should not have the following defects:

  1. Rotten.
  2. Wormhole.
  3. Blue, the precursor to decay.
  4. Cracks.
  5. Black (tobacco) and falling knots.
  6. Skolov.

Important! The material for the veranda frame must be dry with a humidity of no more than 12–14%, otherwise the raw wood will shrink, crack, and change geometric and linear dimensions when it dries.


Let's consider the technology of its device:

  1. On a measured building area, the black fertile layer of soil is removed and the surface is leveled.
  2. In the corners of the future veranda, holes are dug with a depth of at least 60 cm and a width of 50*50 cm. The same holes are dug along the long sides with a distance between them of no more than 200 cm. If the width of the veranda is more than 300 mm, then the pillars must be placed inside the perimeter.
  3. At the bottom of the pits, make a sand cushion 15–20 cm thick and compact it thoroughly.
  4. The holes are filled with concrete, leveled horizontally and smoothed.
  5. After the concrete has set, its surface is covered with a layer of waterproofing material and columns of the required height made of brick or foam or cinder blocks are placed.
  6. The dimensions of the supports are made “in brick” with the obligatory bandaging of the rows.

Important! The height of the pillars depends on the level of the finished floor on the veranda, which is recommended to be 20–30 cm below the floor in the house. Then the roof falls under the canopy of the main building, which makes it easier to connect the two buildings and reduces the risk of leaks.

  1. For monolithic columns, formwork is made over the holes and poured with concrete to the design height of the foundation.
  2. The columns are covered with a layer of waterproofing (plastered and coated with bitumen).
  3. If there are voids left - sinuses, then they are covered with dry soil, gravel or crushed stone.
  4. To install a metal frame into the foundation when laying or pouring concrete, embedded elements are installed to which the lower frame will be attached (pieces of reinforcement protruding 10–15 mm above the surface, plates or corners).
  5. Under metal carcass You don't have to build a foundation. If the cladding involves the use of lightweight materials, for example, polycarbonate, then it may be sufficient concrete preparation 10–15 cm thick on a leveled and compacted surface.

Using the prepared foundation, you can begin the construction of the veranda frame, which comes in two types.

Wooden frame

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • Beam 100x150 or 150x150 mm - for the lower and upper trim.
  • Beam 100x100 mm or board 150x50 mm - for racks and joists.
  • Bar 50x50 mm - for horizontal connections.
  • Board 150x50 mm - for rafters.
  • Nails, staples, metal corners.

The structure of the frame is as follows:

  1. The surface of the posts is covered with one or two layers of roofing felt or other rolled insulating material to protect the wood from dripping moisture.
  2. Installing timber bottom trim, the corners are joined using the “wood floor” method. The instructions for constructing such a lock are simple: identical grooves are cut out at the joining ends of the beams, which are connected by placing one end of the beam on the other. The depth of the groove is half the height of the beam, and the length is approximately twice the width.

Important! If it is necessary to join the strapping along the long sides of the veranda, you need to ensure that the joints of the beams always fall on the foundation and do not hang in the air between the pillars.

  1. They cut into the frame the joists on which the flooring will be mounted.
  2. Frame posts are installed along the perimeter using the tongue-and-groove method, which should rest on the foundation pillars. The verticals are secured using nails, metal brackets, and corners.
  3. The top of the frame along the entire perimeter is rigidly fastened with a beam of the upper trim.
  4. Under the eaves of the building, along the length of the roof of the veranda, a beam is installed - a “purlin”, rafters are attached to it, which rest on the other side on the frame frame. The roof slope is made at least 3%, and the rafters extend 40–50 cm above the front side of the frame for the installation of a cornice.

The frame is ready, you can start covering it.

Metal carcass

When choosing a standard kit of a prefabricated frame, which can be purchased over the counter, assembly is carried out without the use of special technical means, here you only need an adjustable or wrench. detailed instructions will help you understand the purpose of each element and do everything correctly.

It cannot be said that when constructing a frame from individual profile elements, it will be necessary to involve a specialist and prepare a set of special equipment. Although this does not cause problems now, there are many organizations that specialize in the construction of welded structures and are equipped with everything necessary for such work. But the price in this case can be quite high.

In our article we are talking about work done with our own hands, so we will consider the procedure and technology for constructing a welded frame for a veranda yourself.

  • The lower piping, usually consisting of pipes, is laid along the foundation columns larger diameter than the other elements and are firmly welded to the mortgages.
  • Install corner posts, carefully measuring the verticality of each profile.
  • Intermediate supports are installed at the same distance from each other, equal to the width of the facing material.

  • The upper trim is welded along the perimeter to the ends of the racks, strictly monitoring the horizontality of the structure.
  • To provide stability and rigidity in the blind walls of the frame, it is recommended to install additional diagonal struts - “stringers” from the same profile as the intermediate posts. There must be at least one on each side of the building.
  • Along the beams of the lower trim, by welding, logs are installed every 60–70 cm, serving as the basis for.

Roof rafters are placed at a slope of at least 3%, their cross-section depends on the roofing covering - the heavier the material, the stronger the elements should be. The technology for installing a metal roof frame is similar to installing wooden rafters.

Important! Special attention attention should be paid to the quality of the welds of the structure; the reliability and durability of the building depends on this. It is necessary to clean the seams with a grinder, check for lack of welding, boil again if necessary and coat with a protective primer 3 times.

The frame of the terrace veranda is made of metal, made in compliance with all technological requirements, it will be easy to sheathe and insulate (see), and such an extension will last for many years.

We discussed in the article possible options constructing a frame for a terrace or veranda, which one to choose depends on your preferences, finances and capabilities.

After looking at the photos and videos in this article, you will get a complete picture of the working aspects of construction and will certainly be able to complete your plans with your own hands.

Proper construction of extensions for various purposes can not only expand the residential part of the house, but also improve its appearance and protect it from wear and tear. The construction of a veranda adjacent to the house, regardless of the type of structure, requires careful development of the project, with the determination of materials and construction technology.

Proper execution and approval project documentation in government agencies will not only insure you against problems with the law, but will also help you draw up a plan and estimate for the structure.


A typical veranda is covered with a roof frame structure, built on a strip or columnar foundation, with glass or half glass walls. The statement that the veranda should be built from the same materials as the main building, with the emergence of new styles and fashion trends in architecture, has lost its relevance.

In the photos below - ready-made solutions verandas attached to the house, with different principles compatibility. In some cases, the new extension is made of the same materials and is completely combined with the house; in others, the new addition is combined with the preservation of common elements - roof, beams, etc.

There are also projects in which original design The extension introduces a new architectural touch, updating the exterior.

When choosing materials and construction technologies, you should also take into account the parameters of proper ventilation, moisture resistance and thermal insulation. With full glazing, it is necessary to provide opening segments for ventilation.

In case it is being built open veranda, or as it is also called - a summer terrace, you need to take care of the frost-resistant cladding and the slope of the floor towards the site.

Designs with removable frames are optimal for year-round use. Installation of large sliding doors will also allow the building to be used in a dual-mode version.

IN standard project The area of ​​the veranda is rectangular and ranges from 10 to 15 sq.m. For smaller areas it will be too cramped; for larger ones, additional reinforcement for the roof will be required. Polygonal and semicircular foundations are also possible.

According to its location, the veranda can be corner, end or facade. An original solution can be considered the construction of a terrace along the entire perimeter of the house, which can have glazed, open and closed areas for various purposes: they can accommodate a hallway, a recreation area, and a large storage room.


The foundation of terraces and verandas attached to the house must fit tightly to the main building, but at the same time have independent supports.

A strip foundation is suitable for large and heavy structures; in all other cases, a columnar foundation can be erected. When pouring concrete, you need to leave a gap of 3-4 cm with the main wall, which will subsequently be filled with waterproofing foam.

At the first stage of preparation for construction, the soil is cleaned and compacted. Then, for the pillars, corner holes are dug along the depth of the house foundation (about 1 m on average), a cushion is made of crushed stone, gravel and sand, onto which concrete is poured.

After setting, asbestos or asbestos supports are inserted metal pipes. Can also be used concrete pillars or brick. The same method is used to lay high piles for buildings adjacent to the second floor level.

Depending on the area and weight of the terrace, intermediate posts may be needed, installed every half meter.

For a strip foundation, a 30-50 cm trench is dug, the formwork is placed 15-20 cm higher. Metal reinforcement bars or reinforcement mesh. Concrete is poured onto a layer of crushed stone and sand.

Wood frame

The frame is assembled from beams or logs with a width of at least 12 cm, which are covered with a waterproofing layer. For the strength of horizontal knitting, experts recommend using fastenings in the foot, the surface of the connection will be at an angle. Vertical racks secured with diagonal interceptions.

At the final stage, the wooden frame is covered with rafters for the roof. For cladding you can use plywood panels, chipboards, etc.

Construction wooden veranda- the best budget solution in terms of prices for materials, but when choosing this type of construction you need a professional approach and knowledge of the nuances of construction from wooden beams.

Other materials for verandas

The foam block structure is erected on strip foundation. This type of masonry is easy to do yourself. The laying is carried out using a special glue, with the seams bandaged for strength.

When finishing, an internal and external waterproofing layer, plasterboard finishing, wooden shields, moisture-resistant wallpaper and paints. The outer surface can be lined with ventilated facades.

The construction of the structure is made of polycarbonate, a modern and attractive option. This material goes well in buildings with wooden and brick frames.

For a building that consists entirely of bicarbonate panels, you do not need a foundation. The earth can simply be compacted and covered with paving slabs.

The structure is created using aluminum profiles; it is necessary to provide for the possibility of ventilation and water drainage. Polycarbonate panels and frames various types can be tailored to specific needs for lighting and thermal insulation.

Before you attach a veranda to the house, you need to decide on the functions that it will perform. In addition to the necessary drainage and ventilation systems in any case, proper connection to the permanent structure and roof structure, the schedule for using this part of the house is important.

Design and construction summer verandas differs from the requirements for premises with year-round operation. It is also important to note that any extension will require the same care and updating as permanent buildings.

Photo of the veranda attached to the house

If the size of the summer cottage does not allow the construction of a separate guest house for receiving friends and family, the right solution would be to install a summer extension to the main building. And thanks to its simple design, you can make it yourself. A metal veranda is an original version of a summer cottage structure. It will decorate your summer cottage, and its production will not take much time.

Important stages of construction work

Often when creating this type of building, the question arises of what material to use as a basis. And if a wooden or brick frame has already become a common solution for private houses, then metal elements are only gaining popularity.

Users often search:

Of course, a building made of laminated veneer lumber with a log frame at the corners has an attractive appearance and does not require finishing or additional reinforcement.

However, several main advantages of metal construction should be noted:

  • durability in use,
  • not affected by the external environment and insects,
  • strength,
  • simplicity and ease of installation.

The construction of such a frame veranda can be done in the shortest possible time and with your own hands, step by step following the instructions and advice of experienced craftsmen.

The main stages of work include:

  • design of future construction,
  • preparation of necessary materials,
  • laying the foundation,
  • frame assembly,
  • walling,
  • roof installation,
  • finishing,
  • decoration.

And to simplify your task of creating a building, we will consider each of the listed steps in more detail.

Selection of a ready-made project or development of an individual drawing?

Taking into account the requirements of current legislation, the beginning of any construction process implies obtaining permission to carry it out from the relevant services. Otherwise, penalties may be applied to the owner of the site, including demolition of the building. You can look at ready-made drawings of verandas or terraces on the Internet, draw the option you like and take it to the competent organization for approval.

Scheme: metal frame, monolithic or cellular polycarbonate is used as a roof.

If financial possibilities allow, you should immediately contact architects who will independently design the extension, taking into account the wishes of the owners. The big advantage of this solution will be saving time and effort on collecting the required package of papers and standing in queues.

Users often search:

Permitting documentation will be required regardless of whether the extension is created together with the house or separately, after a while.

What materials will be needed?

The range of metal building elements is quite large, but not all are suitable for creating a summer structure.

In order to get a high-quality and budget-friendly product as a result, experts recommend:

  1. . They come in square, oval and rectangular shapes. They have thin walls up to 3 mm thick and a width of no more than 30–40 cm. Light in weight. Easily amenable to any type of processing and welding. In addition, they have the following advantages: low price, do not deform under heavy loads, a structure made from this material does not require a monolithic foundation, all installation work can be completed by one person.

    Photo: square and rectangular pipes

  2. Metal channels. Often the raw material is steel or aluminum. Channels in cross-section have the shape of the letter “p”. Can be of different lengths. The length of one element can reach 12 m. This type of material is convenient to use as a grillage on screw piles. In addition, they are light in weight, so even one person can assemble such a frame.
  3. Metal corners. They are L-shaped beams, the thickness and length of which vary greatly. Depending on the size of the edges, there are equal and non-equal edges on sale. This material is used in installing the rafter system, laying the base and reinforcing the pillars of the structure.
  4. Lightweight galvanized profiles. They are based on thin steel sheets. The choice of sizes is varied (thickness ranges from 0.5–4 mm; length reaches 12 m; wall height can be up to 40 cm). It is not recommended to use them as the main material for creating a terrace frame, since under constant load the structure will deform. However, such profiles can be an excellent addition to fencing and rafter systems.

    Photo: lightweight profile made of thin sheet metal

To create a metal veranda, the right solution would be to purchase several different elements at once, which will simplify the assembly process and speed up installation work.

Choosing the right type of foundation

Thanks to the lightweight frame, there is no need to pour a monolithic foundation; a columnar type of foundation or a screw pile is quite suitable.

A step-by-step guide to laying a columnar foundation looks like this:

An important component of each stage of laying the base is checking that all elements are in the same plane using a level.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of distortion of the future structure.

Frame assembly

The optimal size of a terrace area is considered to be 5–6 m in length and 2–3 m in width.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • iron scarves (have a reinforcing effect on individual structural elements);
  • hammer;
  • profile pipes with a cross section from 20 to 80 mm;
  • workwear;
  • protective glasses;
  • dielectric gloves.

Installation of the veranda frame is carried out in the following sequence:

If you plan to use the veranda not only in the warm season, you must immediately worry about covering the frame with panels.


For further work you need to prepare several types of materials. Among them:

The creation of each individual panel looks like this:

Each subsequent unit of wall covering is assembled according to the same pattern.

You can take note of another version of the panels, where monolithic polycarbonate is used as the main material. The fastening elements are thermal washers and rubber seals. However, the tightness of such a structure can be one of the reasons for the appearance of corrosion on metal elements and a reduction in their service life.

Roof installation

When the rafter system is ready, you can begin laying materials or create an additional reinforcing element - a prefabricated truss. In the case of the second option, you need to make two metal belts in the shape of zigzags. They will serve as protection against sagging of the roof.

To get this design you need:

  • weld a frame from profile pipes;
  • fasten the pipes between the belts, and the angle between them should be within 90 0, but no more than that;
  • weld the sheathing with tack welds across the trusses.

It should be noted that this reinforcing element is assembled on the ground and, ready-made, rises to the top of the frame.

The roof can be laid with corrugated sheets or ondulin.

It is important not to forget to attach rubber seals to the profile pipes from the inside before laying them. This is a necessary measure to create good sound insulation.

In this case, each sheet should overlap the other. The main fastening will be galvanized bolts that are resistant to the external environment. And to protect the building from excess moisture and precipitation, the overhangs of the eaves when laying roofing material should protrude an average of 40 cm beyond the perimeter of the frame.

Finishing work

Self-creation of veranda walls in the form of panels requires additional cladding inside and outside the building. Yes, and metal elements are also recommended to be processed, unless the structure is built from galvanized material, so you should purchase a block house, lining or plastic panels in advance. By choosing the desired finishing option, you can easily create an imitation of natural stone or wood.

The sequence of work and the timing of their completion directly depend on the selected type of material.

Siding is in increasing demand.

The main features of working with it are:

  1. The use of an unusual type of lathing with only guides - vertical profiles. Thanks to them, the wall panels will be constantly ventilated and will not absorb excess moisture.
  2. Finishing starts from bottom to top. The starting point is the starting bar, which must be correctly fixed, since the evenness of the entire surface depends on it.
  3. The final element is the finishing profile, which forms a beautiful edge to the structure.
  4. It is recommended to purchase all parts of the trim at the same time to avoid discrepancies in the shades of the color scheme.
  5. The correctness of fastening of the elements will be indicated by a characteristic click during their installation.
  6. When fixing the planks, you need to remember that siding can expand or contract under the influence of temperature and humidity. Therefore, all fastenings must be moderately tight.
  7. When choosing colors, preference should be given to light tones, since no matter how bright and high-quality the coating is, over time it will begin to fade and fade.

To treat the metal parts of the veranda, you need to purchase anti-corrosion solutions or paints. However, they should be applied before the roofing material is laid, so that there are no unpainted areas left.

If rust begins to appear periodically, it is necessary to clean the damaged areas each time and re-treat them.

The design can be decorated with forged elements in the form of flowers, ornaments, and abstractions.

In the case of an open construction option, the window and walls can be replaced with light-colored curtains, and climbing plants can be planted around the perimeter of the frame, which will create shade on hot days.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, in addition to the low cost, convenience and speed of installation, the advantages of choosing a frame terrace made of metal include the ability to replace its individual parts without harm to the entire structure, and to reinforce the ceiling without using outside help.

The seemingly simple design of the canopy requires preliminary calculations, and before erecting the frame, it is recommended to draw at least basic drawings. This should be done to save materials - in order to accurately calculate the need and use expensive materials as much as possible without residue. In addition, correct calculation will ensure the reliability of the structure and its ability to withstand gusts of wind.

What's included in the canopy?

Any canopy is a structure with a roof and no side walls. Thus, in any canopy several mandatory elements will be installed:

  • racks or supports;
  • floor purlins;
  • elements of vertical and horizontal connections.

And if calculating the need for materials for racks and for floor purlins is not difficult and is quite possible to do on your own, then a design engineer or any other specialist familiar with the basics of drawing will be able to correctly calculate and draw a drawing of a truss. If there are none or you decide to make your own canopy from “a” to “z”, then a few tips will help you understand this matter. We will talk about how to make a canopy from profile pipe- This is the most commonly used material for awnings. Although the drawings are the same for any material, including wooden structures.

Briefly about supports

Most often used for making supports steel pipes with square or rectangular cross-section. Round section A regular pipe will also work, but difficulties may arise with it at the junctions of structural elements.

As for the pipe parameters, that is, its thickness and wall width, there is a whole method for determining it taking into account loads. However, in a small structure these calculations can be neglected, since with a relatively small vertical load on the canopy roof, even a thin-walled pipe will not be subject to deformation. In general, use either a thin-walled pipe with a wide cross-section, or a thick-walled pipe with a small cross-section. From a cost point of view, it is more economical to use a thin-walled one with a large cross-sectional perimeter.

Typically, a do-it-yourself canopy from a profile pipe is made from a pipe with a size of 50-100 mm. The pipes can be thinner if the racks are placed more often. If the roof rests on only four pillars, then it is better to make them from a pipe of a larger diameter or cross-section.
The supports are poured with concrete or installed using anchors. In the first case, particularly careful leveling of the vertical is required. In the second, with the help of anchors, you can later correct some distortion of the support.

Farm calculation and drawing

Since the canopy is exposed to the wind, it is necessary to very securely fasten the frame of the crossbars with the posts. The cross beams are fixed as rigidly as possible to the racks; for this, the metal elements should be securely welded or bolted at two points on each of the supports.
It is safer to install a pair of crossbars, which are connected to each other by cross-shaped connections.
Next, proceed to calculating the truss - a structure that firmly and tightly connects cross beams with supports and sheathing, creating a monolithic frame system.
The truss is designed depending on the type of canopy roof.

The most simple roof- single-slope. Gable and multi-slope roofs are more difficult. Calculation arched roof produced in a special way. But whatever the design, it is important to know that as the height of the truss increases, its load-bearing capacity will increase, so in winter snow will not linger on such a canopy roof.
With strong stiffening ribs you will increase the strength of the entire structure.
For stiffeners, of which there will be several, you need to choose a durable pipe. Its size is determined by the size of the canopy structure itself:

  • metal pipe size 2x20x40 mm is used in the construction of small sheds, less than 4.5 m;
  • pipe size 2x40x40 mm used in construction up to 5.5 m;
  • over 5.5 m will require a pipe with the size 2x30x60 mm.

The distance between the pipes cannot be more than 1.7 m, so this must be taken into account when planning the pitch of the farm.
The larger the overlapped side, the more posts and, accordingly, the more expensive the canopy is, the more more difficult work. It is optimal to make a span of three meters; it will provide sufficient area and at the same time be minimal in cost.

Single-pitch canopy

This canopy is the easiest to make. To install it, you only need simple runs from a pipe with a square or rectangular cross-section.
The beams should be calculated taking into account the loads on them, the climatic characteristics of the region and the length and pitch of the purlins, the weight of the proposed roof. It is better to entrust the calculations to a specialist. For self-calculation We can recommend small beams of 3-4 meters and a profile for them of 80-100 mm.
The upper and lower chords are connected by a central post, the upper beam is strengthened using a strut. Other types of canopies, including arched ones, should be installed according to separate calculations. In this case, the frame is built on the basis of the above diagrams.

How to cook a canopy and assemble it

If you do not know this craft at all, then it is better to entrust welding to a specialist. But if you have a welding machine and the skill, then you will be able to make welding with a tubular cross-section. First, splicing is carried out along the edges. Then continue towards the center. Spot baiting, checking the level, straightening with a sledgehammer, welding of all elements - these are the stages welding work. As a rule, the side parts and rafters are assembled alternately and separately, and then they are also placed one by one on the supports - the side ones and then the rafters on them. If you have a lift, the frame can be completely assembled directly on the ground and lifted into place once assembled.

The finished frame is placed on supports; this will require help, since one pair of hands cannot do it. Next, the same spot welding is carried out, accuracy is checked using a level, and finally permanent welding is carried out. When the frame is assembled, the joints should be cleaned to remove scale, and then the metal frame is processed anti-corrosion coating. Often the metal profile already has such a coating. If it is not processed, the processing must be carried out independently.

Important: All metal frame elements should be carefully checked for treatment with an anti-corrosion compound. If the coating surface was damaged during installation. Needs to be reprocessed. Only in this case will the canopy last a long time.

Manufacturing of sheathing

Placed on farms wooden sheathing, on which the roofing covering is installed. The easiest and most reliable way is to lay a simple metal profile flooring. It is reliable, quite durable, and relatively inexpensive. Widespread use today polycarbonate sheets for the manufacture of canopy roofing. In addition, no one has canceled slate, and you can also use sheets of polymer.
To ensure that wooden sheathing lasts longer, wooden structures should be treated with antiseptic preparations. The polycarbonate roof is laid directly over the girders of the truss.