Design of a fence for a private house in the village. How to improve the territory of a private house with your own hands: principles and basic elements. Ideas for arranging areas of non-standard shapes

A beautiful, well-groomed area near the house attracts attention at any time of the year, giving special pleasure in the summer, when everything is blooming and fragrant. Let's figure it out: how to decorate your yard so that your neighbors will envy and you will admire.

First, decide what the concept of “beautiful yard” means to you? The set of decorations for a private plot largely depends on your lifestyle and habits

To begin, prepare a schematic plan of your territory with dimensions. This will help you accurately plan the location of flower beds, decorative ponds, lawns and other decorations, especially since you have the opportunity to experiment with different variations.

Site improvement project

The landscape design of the yard should delight you and your guests

Determine your preferences: you want a minimalist design with a neat lawn, or an abundance of flower beds, arches, and bushes that bloom throughout the warm season. Flowers require special attention; caring for them always requires some labor. Before planting flowers, you need to dig up the designated areas and remove weeds. If possible, the flowerbed bed is filled up drainage layer sand 10-15 centimeters high, soil with fertilizer is laid on top. Then we moisten it well so that the earth settles. The soil for planting is ready.

Flower beds and flower beds

In landscape design, free flower beds represent a mass planting of a variety of plants to suit your taste, without any borders. However, they are definitely needed for a neat appearance. Enclose with edges made of plastic, wood, stones, or fill the edge with fine gravel.

It is important to properly organize the placement of flower beds and planting of perennial plants

You can decorate your yard with your own hands using the following types of flower beds.

  • Flower garden borders are placed along paths, walls, and fences. Usually low-growing flowers are used, one or two types that do not stand out too much (lavender, violets, navel, lupine).
  • Mixed border (mixborder) - differs from the border in its planting pattern. Flowers are planted singly, in groups of different heights, in colored spots. Moreover, plants are chosen with different flowering periods, providing diversity from spring to autumn.
  • Rabatka is a rectangular ridge along paths, gazebos, and fences. The planting is lined with flowers of different heights: the near part is made up of low plants, and the distant ones are higher. In a symmetrical version, tall plants are in the middle, low along the edge.
  • Front garden is a strip of land separating a house from the road. Choose bushes and perennials for this place, the main thing is that it looks equally good both from the road and from the window. Fragrant lilac, jasmine, tea rose will fill the house with aromas, protecting it from dust or heat.

The design of the area being developed should be in harmony with the house itself

Flower beds can also be made in the form of various geometric shapes. Create waves of multi-colored tulips in the spring in the courtyard of a private house, or a fluttering colorful butterfly of marigolds, nasturtiums, and asters.

Flowerbeds have a shape and a frame. Their appearance is limited only by your imagination. Any container is suitable for a flower bed that will decorate the yard. All that remains is to paint and fill with soil. They use old tires painted in different colors, a watering can with holes lying around for many years, baskets, furniture, plastic products, even dishes.

Plan planting flowers so that the flowering of some is followed by the flowering of other varieties

In the depths of the courtyard of a private house you can set up small garden stones This trend came to us from Japan. Choose stones in shape and color that are most in harmony with the overall composition. They create a long-lasting environment for your plants. Place them on the site as they would look in nature, or lay them out according to the chosen pattern.

If the size of the plot allows, you can place a small oriental-style rock garden in a secluded corner.

Shrub trimming

Another decoration of the yard is the topiary bushes. You will have to shape it using garden shears, pruners or loppers. The simplest shapes (ball, rectangle) can be made by anyone with their own hands. It is worth remembering that processing will have to be done constantly. A missed haircut season will require 2-3 years to restore the result, and coniferous shrubs, pleasing all year round, cannot be restored.

The results of trimming shrubs can be the most various figures– abstract, geometric or depicting animals and people

Topiary shrubs are great for creating a “living” fence around a summer cottage

If you have the skill of cutting, you will get neat bushes in the shape of some animal or, for example, a heart.

Reservoirs on the site

A pool, fountain or waterfall creates the desired freshness and coolness in the courtyard of a private house on hot summer days. The sound of falling water and the shade of the garden are relaxing.

Even a small pond or fountain will add an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility to your patio design

A wonderful decoration of the yard will be a pond in chinese style with concrete tiles in the form of islands

It will not be possible to create a reservoir special labor. You can buy ready-made pallets, pumps and systems. For decoration, use river stones, broken tiles, and tiles. Place a bench or deck chair nearby and you will have your own park on the site. A small waterfall will organically complement the rock garden.


The main gathering place for the family for cozy evening gatherings is the gazebo. They come in the following types.

  • Open. This is a system of perimeter pillars holding up a lightweight roof. Most often, the frame is made of metal rods or wooden posts.
  • Closed. Small houses with windows and doors, which allows them to be used all year round in any weather.

Modern gazebo open type in the courtyard of a private house

IN closed gazebo you can organize a full-fledged summer kitchen

Choose a gazebo depending on the size of your site. Closed design is more suitable for large areas, as it looks quite massive. An open one is a wonderful decoration for a yard of any size. Thanks to its lightness and airiness, it does not clutter up the space.

Semi-open gazebos with several walls and a roof are popular

Frame, decorated climbing plants, will create shade and coolness inside. Having selected a variety climbing roses, You'll get lush flowering throughout the summer.

Light metal gazebo with climbing plants

The title of the most romantic gazebos rightfully belongs to tents. Fabric flowing in the wind wicker furniture will give a unique image to your site.

Paths and steps

Sturdy walkways are required for ease of movement. They can be made from many materials (tiles, stones, rubber), or you can make them yourself using liquid molds of various designs.

Can be used for paths natural stone or fine gravel

Concrete slab area in front of the main entrance

Rest area with gravel backfill

If your site is located on a slope or for decorative purposes, the path is combined with steps decorated with flowerpots and curly shrubs.


At night it is required correct lighting, which in addition to practical purpose will perform a decorative function. The multi-colored illumination of reservoirs at night looks very impressive. Hanging old glass bottles can be used to illuminate gazebos and decorate flower beds with decorative lanterns. Soft light will guide you safely through the area, creating an atmosphere of magic.

Beautiful lighting can transform an area beyond recognition

Lighting of the courtyard area has two functions - decorative and lighting.

Winter decorations

How to decorate the yard with your own hands winter period? Very simple. There are several ways to create a festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve.

Gift boxes with bows

Decoration flower box under the window with fir branches and bright berries

  • Festive illumination. You will need a lot of street garlands; we wrap them around the branches of trees, bushes, and the facade of the house. You can also purchase ready-made luminous designs of deer, snowman or Santa Claus' New Year's sleigh.
  • Wreaths and garlands. Using pine branches, cones, rowan berries, and white paint, you can make your own Christmas wreath for the front door. Fir branches tied with red bows and Christmas balls can be used to decorate stair railings.
  • Boxes with gifts. You will need old boxes from household appliances, beautiful wrapping paper, big bows.
  • Lollipops. Using trimming water pipe, red and white duct tape, create giant candy canes in the area. Freeze water (with berries, pine cones, or just colorful dye) various forms, you will get beautiful “sweets” for decorating paths.
  • Foam figures. Make a snowman, reindeer, or a bucket of snowballs.
  • Snow fortress and snowman. Build a snow fortress with your children, make ice colored glass, put up several lanterns, tie a scarf for the snowman - the New Year's fairy tale is ready.

You can take old flowerpots and decorate them with twigs, cones, ribbons and balls

Simple and effective option holiday decorations - hanging planters with fir branches and New Year's toys

A real winter fairy tale

Video: using old things for decoration

Since ancient Soviet times, it has been the custom that a dacha is not a place to relax, but a place where you need to “work hard” in the literal sense of the word. Stop daydreaming, looking at pictures of beautiful summer cottages! It’s time to make your site so that it is not only pleasant to be on, but also pleasing to the eye from the outside.

Country yard design. Where do we start?

The first step is to start directly from the area used for planting vegetables and fruits. In addition, a summer cottage plot is an excellent opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer.

To begin, draw up a plan of your summer cottage on paper. Start from exactly how the house is located. It is important to note which and where buildings already exist. Also think carefully about what you would like or simply lack to fully relax. Perhaps you would like to admire a pond with small fish, do you have a gazebo, or do you still need to improve such a structure. Maybe you love strawberries, so think about where it would be convenient for you to pick them. And in general, everything your soul desires!

It should be taken into account that plants should decrease in height from the north to the south. The beds should be landscaped on the side where it is warmer, and the trees should be landscaped on the north side.

If you are creating a landscape design with your own hands, be patient and knowledgeable in numerous areas, as well as effort. With all this, you should always remember what you initially wanted to see on your own site. After all, in fact, in the process of creating a design it can very easily happen that the main idea is simply lost. As a result, you may end up not with a garden, but with a collection of beds, from which it all originally began.

Be bolder! Implement bold ideas and ideas, trust your own intuition, and don’t go far from the original idea so that your idea can come true!

Landscape design of a summer cottage

Path design

The layout of the paths should be based on which garden areas need access. Very good decision will lay out the so-called excursion route directly past the most attractive places in the garden. If appearance Your flower beds and beds are preserved, be sure to consider making the path to them, as well as the beds, as simple as possible.

Also keep in mind that the main paths should be made with smooth turns, but not with sharp turns!

As for the walking route among the bushes and trees, it can be winding and quite difficult. This way you will allow each of your guests to enjoy all the delights of your site.

Yes, in fact, not everyone has as much free space in their dacha as they would like. But at the same time, the width of the tracks should not suffer at all. Take into account that two people can safely walk on it in the event of a situation. The most optimal width of paths is considered to be up to one and a half meters.

Also garden paths there must be a slope, at least small, so that puddles after precipitation do not linger on them. At the same time, such water will additionally water, moisten the plants planted nearby, and once again wash the paths from dust and dirt.

As for the materials used for garden paths, it must be as resistant as possible to temperature changes and the effects of various weather conditions. As a rule, stone, concrete, and decorative tiles are used for these purposes. The most natural option is paths sprinkled with gravel or sand. Pebble paths lined with mosaics are also attractive.

Lighting design

If little attention was paid not only to the design of flower beds, but also to the design of the entire landscape in general, or even none at all, in comparison with the interiors of the house, then what can we even say about lighting?! But if the lighting is chosen correctly, the area in the dark will be so interesting that you will like it even more than in the daytime.

Of course, functional lighting is always used. But you shouldn’t forget about its decorative options. To illuminate paths, turns and structures on your site, diffuse lighting is enough, but it should be soft. Then you will be able to move around your own area absolutely safely, while at the same time surveillance of it will remain intact.

But as for functional lighting, great option use built-in lights. They are mounted along paths and railings, as well as along the edges of steps. Their main purpose is to be guide lights, but at the same time they should not dazzle or irritate the eyes. The option of using lamps on poles is also suitable. These options can be purchased in different styles.

Using decorative lighting, You can emphasize all the advantages of your site, while highlighting individual trees, flower beds or figures in the garden.

For the latter case, you can also use spotlights, which are now special - mini. They create a warm/cold tone, and also perfectly illuminate the perimeter due to the filters on their glasses.

To the features of lighting on your own summer cottage can be attributed:

  • The need for less powerful lamps than within the city
  • It is best to choose energy-saving lamp options
  • Technical and decorative lighting should be thought out in such a way that it is always possible to connect it separately
  • Thoroughly insulate the backlight power cable so that it is not accidentally damaged during gardening work.

Figures in the garden

Such products in the form of animals and gnomes, as well as various mythical characters, are quite popular all over the world. You can install absolutely any decor on the site, at your own discretion. The main task is to make sure that it is not detached from the entire main design. For example, gnomes are hidden somewhere in the bushes, but if you choose a forest fairy, then she should be placed near a tree. You can also come up with your own fairy tale.

Landscaping garden plot

When choosing tall plants, place them in the north direction. IN middle lane Shrubs should be identified in the area. But tomatoes with lettuce peppers should be planted in the south of the garden.

Trees with flowers should be positioned as naturally as possible. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the relief on the site, for example, there is no need to level out the hillocks in the areas; play with it by creating your own, unique design.

Install an alpine slide

But such structures are like real mountains, but only those that you create yourself, with your own hands. But if you just pile up a hill of stones and stick flowers between them, you can’t even call it an alpine hill. In fact, creating such a design is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Before turning the composition into reality, plan everything on a piece of paper, how and what should be. So, for example, in the most authentic alpine mountain there are cliffs with peaks, flat areas, and also a valley of greenery.

Start building the slide in the fall, first take gravel/broken bricks, and sprinkle a mixture of earth on top. The height is approximately a meter, perhaps a little lower after shrinkage.

When the ground settles, large stones should be mounted into the hill, and elements of medium and small shapes should be placed on top. Choose plants based on the style of site you prefer, as well as the soil and equipment requirements.

At the base of the hill, you must definitely plant perennial plants; as for annuals, you can replant them several times a year, thereby changing general form structures.

The most popular plants for hills: edelweiss, sedum, saxifrage, lumbago, gubastik.


They do not necessarily have to be in the shape of a circle or rectangle, filled with flowers, planted in an even row. Create interesting options for flower beds, showing your taste, as well as putting some effort into this, and you will see that the resulting composition was not thought out in vain!

Vertical shape of flower beds

This is a fairly popular way to decorate a flower garden. But colors on earth are not at all necessary! Yes, flowers need soil, but it can be filled in different containers, and at the height of your height!

The advantages of this method are:

  • Requires less space compared to conventional flower beds
  • The fact is that with their help, the plots turn out to be very original and non-standard.

At the same time, they may not necessarily contain ordinary flowers. Some decorative options for vegetables, herbs, etc. would also look interesting here.

To the classics vertical flower beds relate:

  • A pyramid shape where plants are planted in a container of many tiers.
  • The shape of the tower is very similar to a pyramid, but the tiers are reduced in diameter.

Application of a discount

Such structures are real stripes of flowers, which are placed right along paths or fences, lawns. They are planted at least 50 cm wide. And when the plants begin to bloom in such stripes, the ground seems to be covered with a bright rug.

There are discounts different types, For example:

  • Unilateral
  • Bilateral


They are flower beds in which herbs are interconnected quite organically. There may also be small shrubs or even trees. Weeding them can be problematic, especially when the plants are densely planted. Such flower beds are suitable for landscape gardens, where plants are arranged as if at random.

The features of mixborders include:

  • The lines and shapes of the flower beds are quite free
  • Tall plants are planted at the back or in the central part.
  • Contrasting colors will look very original and impressive.

In general, now you know the basic nuances and techniques for decorating a landscape design on a summer cottage with your own hands, so you can organize it as soon as you wish! And so that you don’t have to involve designers, stock up on construction and farming skills, as well as an agronomist and a talented artist!

Study the features of the forms, as well as the location of the site, create your own plan, on which you indicate everything as you want to see as a result of the work performed. And everything will work out for you!

75 photos of country yard design

The appearance of a private house and the impression it makes largely depend on the well-groomed and comfortable surroundings of the area. Gone are the days when the main and only requirement for arranging a yard was functionality; now the exterior is no less important than the intended purpose of objects and buildings.

For those who want to make their home and yard not only more comfortable, but also beautiful, landscape design- the art of harmonious combination of buildings and plantings in a certain cultural or historical style. Is it possible to master the basics of this business on your own? Without a doubt. What nuances need to be taken into account when decorating a site with your own hands and the basic techniques of landscape design will be discussed today.

How to decorate a yard: design features for large and small areas

Any yard can be made more comfortable

One of the most important parameters, from which you will have to start - the size of the plot. Naturally, the more free space you have at your disposal, the wider the possibilities for decoration. If the yard is very small and represents only 1-2 acres of land, you need to approach the planning of landscaping work more carefully.

How to decorate a yard with small square footage? It’s better to avoid large verandas and lawns; a swimming pool will also look out of place. If the area between the porch and the gate is small (10 meters or less), it is worth allocating this space for flower beds and other green spaces that will make the area more attractive from the outside, and also hide the inside of the yard from prying eyes.

Large areas allow you to place almost anything: a recreation area, a barbecue with a gazebo, a swimming pool, flower beds, lawns and even decorative pond. But at the same time, a new problem arises - to place all the objects so that they are in harmony with each other and do not create clutter and voids. Let's look at the basic techniques for combining different buildings and areas of the site with each other in more detail.

Cozy yard with your own hands

A small pond will delight you and your guests

Before you begin to redevelop your yard, you need to decide on your goals and draw up a plan for future changes. A gazebo can add coziness, flower beds will decorate and enliven the area, and decorative fencing functional areas will be highlighted. If you want to surprise guests, create a small fountain or decorative pond. Also near the house you can place:

  • pool;
  • bath;
  • domestic buildings;
  • grill or barbecue;
  • playground;
  • parking spaces, etc.

Having selected the necessary objects from the above or added something of your own, you should transfer your wishes to paper, i.e. draw up a diagram of what you imagine cozy yard. In addition to personal preferences, it is also necessary to take into account the principles of zoning of the territory and general style registration

Landscape near the house: design, zoning and choice of style

Design is the most important part of landscaping. To create a sketch you will need:

  • a blank sheet of paper, preferably with markings (millimeter) for ease of scaling;
  • pen or pencil;
  • compass and ruler.

If possible, after thinking about the landscape near the house, you can use special design programs to sketch it.

You can create a sketch using special programs

Territory zoning

Large areas must be divided into functional zones. The main ones:

  • Front door. This is a place located between the main entrance to the house and the road.
  • Household. As a rule, it is reserved for buildings.
  • Gardening. Designed for growing various vegetables and fruit trees. Its size depends on the wishes of the owners, in some cases it may be completely absent. It is better to locate this area in well-lit and convenient places for watering.
  • Relaxation area. It is often placed in the courtyard, but there may be several such areas (sports ground, benches, etc.).
  • Gaming. The area allocated for... It is usually placed near the house or in another clearly visible place.
  • Parking lot. Parking space for personal vehicles.

Arrangement of the front area

When locating these zones on a site, the landscape of the area, as well as existing structures and plantings, should be taken into account. If there are fruit-bearing trees, then it is better to preserve them, organically fitting them into the overall design of the yard.

Choosing a Design Style

Having decided on the division into zones and the number of objects and buildings, it is necessary to think over a single design style for them. It can be developed independently, based on several design directions, or selected from existing ones. The most popular styles for decorating areas are:

Modern. This design is characterized by minimalism. All elements have their purpose, any unnecessary details are absent, and plantings are used as an addition and are of secondary importance.

English. A landscape made in this style resembles a miniature landscape and looks as natural as possible, but at the same time neat.

Italian. It is characterized by the use of various wooden products, untreated stone and lush vegetation in decoration. Often the focus of attention is on some artificial pond, reservoir or fountain.

Mediterranean. It resembles in many ways Italian style, however, the emphasis is on decorating with stone in the form of various terraces, walls and flowerpots.

Asiatic. This includes traditional Chinese and Japanese motifs: minimalism, a large number of stones, alternation of hills and flat areas, ponds, rounded shrubs.

Natural. With this design, the landscape is as close to natural as possible. However, it is important to take precautions so that the site does not seem abandoned. Preference is given irregular shapes, winding paths and lawns of wild plants.

Regular. This style is quite strict, straight lines and regular geometric shapes, the principle of symmetry is observed whenever possible. It looks especially appropriate on large areas (from 15 acres or more).

Before making a choice, you should carefully study each of these styles and compare them with the size of your site and your financial capabilities. It is important to consider that for a harmonious appearance of the yard, all elements, from the facade of the house to flower beds, paths and garden lanterns, must be combined with each other.

Patio design: setting up a patio

As a rule, it is in the inner part of the yard that the main areas for recreation and entertainment are located, so it is worth considering the features of its design in more detail. In Spain, this part of the yard is called a patio and there is a small stone-paved area equipped with a table, benches, a canopy, and sometimes a barbecue or barbecue. Often, for greater comfort, it is surrounded on several sides by green spaces.

Cozy patio on the lawn

The design of the patio may vary. It is often placed at the back wall of the house or in the garden. If this is not possible, then hedges made of bushes or climbing plants can play the role of a fence. The dimensions of such a site usually do not exceed 4 square meters. m., and it itself is complemented by a standard garden set - a table and chairs or benches.

One of the main decorative elements patio – paved area. Stone is traditionally used to create it, but it can be replaced concrete slabs, paving bricks or even wood. However, you need to understand that a base made of boards will last several times less than a stone one and will require additional treatment with antiseptics.

It is recommended to choose natural and soft colors for the site so as not to disturb the atmosphere of rest and relaxation characteristic of this part of the yard. Good materials for patio furniture include wicker, wood, plastic or wrought iron. Sofas and chaise lounges, especially wicker ones, look appropriate here.

Patio adjacent to the house

And of course an integral attribute patio are plants surrounding it or located inside it in pots and flowerpots. If you like evening gatherings at fresh air, then you also need to take care of the lighting of the site.

Possible difficulties when decorating the site

Not all yard landscaping work always goes smoothly. One of the main problems that you may encounter is the unsuitable terrain of the site. Significant surface unevenness may make it impossible to plant some plants and locate buildings. Harsh climatic conditions or excessive soil moisture can also become an obstacle to the implementation of the plan.

In this situation, you need to think about how to turn existing disadvantages into advantages. For example, if the house is located on a hill, then it is worth focusing on its design. Uneven terrain can look good combined with terraces or a rock garden. And in the lowlands it is very convenient to place a pond or pool.

Properly selected decor will hide the imperfections of the site

If, on the contrary, the site is too flat, and you want to add variety to it, then creating artificial embankments is not recommended - they look unnatural. It's better to arrange it instead alpine slide, flower beds and garden.

Beautiful landscapes of private houses (photos)

As you can see, there are plenty of options for decorating your yard and garden area. All you have to do is use your imagination, put in a little effort and your yard will turn into a real oasis. And they will help you get inspired to create your own masterpieces beautiful landscapes private houses shown in the photos below.

There's nothing better in summer than spending time on suburban area. Fresh air, gentle sun and nature are completely conducive to relaxation! And to make the time spent not only useful, but also enjoyable, you can start decorating your private yard. A little imagination, and your site will be unlike others - you can make it into a mysterious forest and a fairy tale - your child will especially like this option. There are many ideas for decorating a country area, the most interesting of them are collected especially for you, so that you can choose the most interesting for yourself and bring it to life!

15 of the most creative ideas for decorating a private yard

1. Old car as a flower pot

Nowadays you can find many very old, rusty cars that are long overdue for a junkyard. Get one of these for yourself - it could make a very creative arrangement in your yard. You just need to properly fix the soil - and you can plant a variety of unpretentious garden flowers directly on the car!

2. Unusually trimmed bushes

Boring bushes and clearings are no longer popular at all, but if green figures from bushes appear on your site. Such trimmed bushes look very unusual, and caring for them is not at all difficult! If you plant special plants suitable for this, then for the first time it is better to entrust the haircut to professionals, but then you can do it yourself.

3. Compositions from flower pots

Old flower pots There will also be a place in your yard, so don’t rush to throw them away. You can make a great one garden composition, if you apply just a little imagination! Place unusual little people from pots on your site that will surprise all your guests.

4. Fountains in the courtyard

Fountains can be a wonderful decoration for a private home and property if you approach this issue creatively. There are a lot of types of fountains, but stone fountains look the most organic, as they fit very well into the overall setting. It’s easy to create such a fountain - just put the pipe out into the street correctly and make a valve. But decorating the fountain is a matter of your imagination!

5. Stone garden

Stone decorations are now most popular in private courtyards - after all, the maintenance of such stone flower beds is minimal, and their beauty lasts for a long time. You can do this type of landscape design yourself, you just need to have imagination and a desire to decorate your yard. And of course, stones of different colors and textures!

6. Roof gardens

In Europe, so-called rooftop gardens are now extremely popular. Many domestic landscape designers also adopted this idea. The same plants used to create living green walls are used to create rooftop vegetation. But many people prefer to plant the simplest shrubs and small trees. Such roofs look very unusual!

7. Treehouses

Is there some more great idea on the design of a private plot, especially if there are a lot of trees on it. Decorative houses of different colors and styles can be placed on the trunks and branches of trees; some of them may well serve as real birdhouses and nests for various birds. And it's beautiful, and you'll always enjoy the sound of birds singing in your garden!

8. Second life of old things in the garden

If you have started a renovation in country house, then do not rush to throw away old things. They can make a very beautiful and creative decoration for a summer cottage. For example, in old chairs you can make holes for a pot and grow flowers. Or use old galoshes as pots for miniature plants!

9. Planting flowers in patterns

A very simple way to decorate the area near the house is to plant flowers, but not just, but with patterns. All summer long, colorful meadows of flowers and plants planted in a certain order will delight and lift your spirits!

10. Place to relax

After all, you can relax not only in the house, but also in the fresh air. For this, it will be quite convenient if you make a place to relax or a gazebo in your garden. And instead wooden buildings Closely planted trees can be used as a canopy. A few carefully hidden fastenings, and you will have a great summer gazebo for relaxing in the heat!

11. Flowers in pots outside

Instead of flowers in the flower beds, if at all small plot- You can plant flowers in pots. For this purpose, it is better to take pots that are not wide, but tall, so that a lot of flowers can fit, but at the same time they are compactly arranged. You can arrange such pots in any order, and what’s even nicer is that you can change places to create patterns of flowers!

12. Concrete sculptures

Sculptures on garden plot You can buy it, or you can make it yourself - from concrete. There are now many technologies for making such sculptures and there is something for every desire. And coloring yourself will bring pleasure to both you and your children. Little bunnies, turtles and hedgehogs will decorate your yard and look as if they were alive!

13. Pond in the yard

You can create a magical pond in your yard, especially if it’s too hot! And in the middle small pond make a flower arrangement - let it rise slightly above the water, then the flowers will not rot or rot. This option is very suitable for those who have a very small yard, but want both a pond and a flower garden.

14. Water slide made from watering cans

Water in a summer cottage not only serves for watering flowers, but also generally refreshes the area. If you have old buckets and watering cans, then along the steps such a water slide made from old watering cans and buckets will look very unusual; you just need to drill holes at the required level and insert tubes into them.

15. Mosaic in a private courtyard

Multi-colored mosaics in the yard are a great way to liven up a small and not overly planted area. The advantage of this method is that it practically does not require any serious effort or investment - you can use ceramic tiles remaining from the renovation, plus self-creation The fact is that a unique individual pattern will fully correspond to your desires!

All these ideas can be realized on your own, you just need to apply a little imagination! If you implement at least some of these tips, then your yard will be bright, unusual and interesting, and will also delight you every day!

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities of a good owner. Creating comfortable space on a designated plot of land, sometimes you have to make efforts comparable to those required to furnish a home interior. However, this process is not only within the capabilities of a professional designer.

The courtyard of this private house is intended for recreation

Let's clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions the plot of land will perform. Some owners of private houses cannot imagine their vacation without shady garden, others definitely need an artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter - an ice skating rink for children. All this requires additional space, which should be immediately taken into account in the site improvement project. In the designated area, it is necessary to correctly place structures for economic needs. To make the task easier, we have compiled a list from which you can choose what is difficult to do without:

  • sauna and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various outbuildings;
  • pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, which can be equipped with a barbecue;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • paths and green spaces.

Having compiled your own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas for landscaping the territory so that the necessary structures fit on the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to understand everything by looking at the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient it will be to move around the territory, as well as how the plot will look from different vantage points.

When planning a site, it is necessary to think through in detail all the necessary buildings and plantings

We divide the yard into sections according to function

To improve functionality personal plot, it makes sense to think about dividing it into zones. This technique allows you to allocate a place for relaxation, create a children's corner, and also separate vegetable beds from the main area. To define clear boundaries, you can use several fencing options:

  1. A low picket fence is suitable for separating a sports, children's corner or relaxation area.
  2. Sometimes you need to build a cozy corner that will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellises or modern garden trellises are suitable.
  3. The partition can be constructed conditionally - for example, using forged arches braided with roses or other climbing plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the area; they are easy to make with your own hands.
  4. Some types of partitions from natural material– bamboo, wicker, rattan are in perfect harmony with any structures in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful decorative element.
  5. Mats as fencing will help in creating an oriental style for a private courtyard. In this case, it is recommended to plant plants that love the sun in flower beds.
  6. The vegetable garden can be separated using a fence made of bricks, stones, fastened cement mortar, and other available means.

The yard is divided by a trellis into a recreation area and a utility area

Paths for traffic and decoration

Paths are a necessary functional element of any yard. If you pay enough attention to them, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We will note several options for arranging paths:

  1. To improve the central part of the yard, it is best to build paths made of stone, paving stones or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the gaps between the slabs can be filled with small pebbles or glass granules. Or plant grass and other low-growing plants in these gaps. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding to maintain.
  2. The yard will be decorated with paths made from wooden saw cuts. They are fixed as close to each other as possible, and sawdust or bark is poured into the gaps between the round elements. Such paths are appropriate anywhere in the yard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often suggest using wooden boards as the basis of the tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to obtain the most even surface possible. After constructing such paths, they need to be painted or varnished to increase their service life.
  4. The simplest paths can be built in the garden - just sprinkle them with gravel.

It’s easy and pleasant to move along a beautiful path

Plantings and decor

Landscaping land plot- an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and well-executed flower beds, correctly selected shrubs and trees, a simple and unremarkable courtyard can easily be turned into a cozy garden.

A house surrounded by greenery

If the walls of the house have lost their original appearance, they can be hidden behind climbing plants. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is quite simple. You should select the most unpretentious plant specimens: hops, ivy, grapes or wisteria are suitable. It is advisable to plant them under the wall that faces the sun. All you need for this is a strip of earth under the house, or long container boxes with soil.

The second option for vertical gardening is simpler. You need to start by attaching identical containers with soil to the wall or fence, in which flowers and herbs should be planted. Can be used plastic bottles, milk cans and other unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening at home has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, entwined with greenery, better retain coolness, since dense foliage retains Sun rays. Probably, this method of landscaping is not suitable for those whose house is located in the shady part of the yard.

The garden is made of stones

It’s not difficult to set up a rock garden on your property, and besides, such decor will cost very little. Landscape design in general and the landscaping of the site in particular will become more original if it is emphasized with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, the main one of which is easy maintenance.

With the right approach to the issue, a rock garden will become the highlight of any private territory. To construct it, you will need large boulders, which should be placed in a designated area. It is better to choose stones different color and textures, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Stone sellers have already thought of a stone garden

Gabions will highlight the stylish design of the site

Many summer residents successfully use unexpected materials, the purpose of which may be different. Landscape design experts suggest using gabions in landscaping the site. These are metal frame meshes that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give it a modern look, but will also serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with crushed stone, stone and even bottles. With their help, it’s easy to set up a place to relax with a barbecue, make a fence near a pond, or build a small table. They are used to create fences, fences for high flower beds or beds, and also as a basis for long garden shop. As you can see, with a certain level of imagination, it is not difficult to come up with your own application for such structures.

Gabions can perform the most different functions

Expanded clay concrete for garden decoration

Perhaps after construction you still have unused blocks of expanded clay concrete. There is no need to throw them away; it is better to use them for landscaping the site. Thanks to its hollow design, this material is excellent for arranging small flower beds; it is also used for fencing beds. In addition, expanded clay concrete blocks can be used to create a barbecue, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. Interesting example on the picture.

To build a barbecue, even one block may be enough, on which you can cook mini vegetable kebabs

We create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decide to decorate a garden from scrap materials can successfully use unnecessary pieces of furniture, things, as well as any household utensils for decoration. Read also: Let's offer some simple ideas:

  1. Vertical gardening of a patio with your own hands is much easier to do on a ready-made basis. So, on a stepladder you can comfortably place boxes with flowers, and old chairs and a chest of drawers will serve as the basis for creating a flower bed.
  2. Tin kettles, galvanized buckets, watering cans can do a good job for a thrifty owner. All these waste materials that can no longer be used for their intended purpose can enliven the design of the patio. You just need to pour soil into each of them and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint old bike in bright yellow, white or orange, it can be hung under the roof of a shed or garage. This decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes, in which apples and potatoes are stored. It is advisable to paint the boxes, strengthen the open side parts, pour soil into them and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic comfort, naturalness and closeness to nature.

You can very simply use an old umbrella by turning it into a bright and a unique flower bed


Any area will be decorated with a decorative mill. It seems to us that such decor for a private courtyard amazingly combines popularity and originality. The decorative mill pleases both adults and children equally. It can be easily and simply made with your own hands from a variety of materials. Just don’t overdo it with the size: too big will seem inappropriate.

A simple mill enriches the landscape

Everyone is tired of the tree trunk

It happens that there is an outdated tree in the yard. The owner’s first instinct is to turn it into firewood for barbecue so that it does not spoil the appearance of the garden. Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, but to try to create an element of garden decor from it with your own hands.

For example, if you cut down the branches and top, the tree can be used as a base for decorative house or castle. It is enough to build a roof from old boards, attach doors and windows - and the elf’s house is ready. It’s even easier to make a flower bed out of a stump, or to arrange a flower garden in a hollowed out trunk, laying it on the ground. The photo shows interesting option decorating dried wood.

You can build an unusual flower bed from a stump; just hollow it out required hole, cover with soil and plant flowers

Floral monument to the car

It happens that owners keep their grandfather’s old car for decades, which is already for a long time not on the move. Designers suggest using its body as a decorative flower bed. Some craftsmen plant climbing plants in such a way that they completely cover the body of the car, leaving only the windows. Landscape design also offers another option for landscaping - filling the space under the hood and in the trunk with soil in which you can plant plants. The body itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bed, the make of the car does not matter

The necessity and charm of lighting and backlighting

One of the key features of a beautiful yard is the presence of lighting. Today there are many ways to illuminate an area. Lighting will help in landscaping any plot of land. It will allow you to highlight accents and enhance the perception of a particular decorative element. In addition, lighting will help you navigate a large area and spend your evenings in comfort.

Pleasant to watch, comfortable to move around with the right lighting
  1. Landscape designers recommend Special attention pay attention to lighting sculptures, fountains, paths, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too budget-friendly, but LED elements mounted in tiled paths look incredibly impressive. Using the illuminated dots, you can create a starry panorama right on the track. A project of such a composition can be completed without the help of a professional.
  3. Water lily lamps are designed to illuminate a pond or other artificial reservoir. They float freely, reflecting from the surface of the water, which creates the effect of double light. It turns out to be quite an elegant spectacle.
  4. Poles with lanterns are the most practical solution. With the help of vertical lighting it is easy to find the path from the gate to the house. It is also important to illuminate the porch - here you can fix decorative lantern in medieval style.
  5. Site lighting – necessary element celebration decorations. If you are planning a wedding or anniversary, local area good lighting is a must. Not only stationary lamps, but also garlands that can be used to decorate trees, partitions, and hedges can cope with the task of creating a festive mood.

We have demonstrated the available and popular methods site decorations. Our article is intended to provide inspiration to those who dream of turning their garden into a designer creation. If you are new to this business, do not restrain yourself for fear of lack of experience. Practically, any of us can bring to life the most extraordinary and daring decisions. In fact, to improve your property, it is important to have a burning desire and put in a little effort.