Cleansing with porridge for 11 days. Cleansing the body with porridge: both tasty and healthy! Colon cleansing dish

Polluted ecology and poor nutrition are the reasons for the accumulation of heavy metals, pesticides and other toxic substances in the body.

Slagging leads to decreased immunity, skin problems, and general fatigue.

Therefore, cleansing the body is a quite popular procedure today. The absence of dirt in the body contributes to the proper functioning of not only the digestive organs, but also all other systems.

To obtain the desired effect, you can resort to herbal therapy, or you can cleanse yourself by introducing ordinary cereals into your diet. A variety of cereals, if cooked in water and without adding salt, can rid the body of excess waste. Such porridges are extremely useful.

For complete cleansing, you should not just add porridge to your regular diet, but use porridge as a mono-diet for 5-7 days. The method of cleansing the body with porridge is not expensive, and allows you not to feel hungry.

Advantages of the method of cleansing the body with porridge

Each cereal has its own characteristics, but the main general positive aspects of the porridge cleansing method are as follows:

  • improving the functioning of the digestive system. Cereals activate the liver and gall bladder. The stomach digests food more easily. Old remnants of digested food are removed from the intestines.
  • activation of the cholesterol removal function. Porridges tend to bind abnormal cholesterol, preventing it from settling on the walls of blood vessels.
  • acceleration of metabolic processes. The fiber contained in cereals helps to establish the proper functioning of metabolic processes in the body.
  • restoration of intestinal microflora. Cereals are good at maintaining the natural balance in the body. While taking antibiotics, during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, maximum consumption of various cereals is recommended.
  • removing excess fluid from the body. Cereals contain coarse fibers that absorb excess water. This helps reduce swelling and weight loss.

The benefits of certain types of cereals for cleansing the body

All grains are beneficial for the health of the body. You can cleanse with any type of porridge.

  • oats have the ability to coat the stomach, which facilitates the digestion process. It also contains a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, unsaturated fatty acids and iron. Oatmeal is an irreplaceable source of energy for the body.
  • Buckwheat is rich in pectin and lecithin. This porridge is universal for maintaining the proper functioning of the liver and gall bladder. In addition, this cereal contains vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.
  • Millet is easily digestible and also supports the immune system due to the presence of B vitamins.
  • pearl barley contains minerals and vitamins. The coarse fibers of this cereal act as a kind of brush.
  • Rice cleanses the intestines well due to the presence of starchy substances. It is also enriched with fiber, magnesium and other minerals. It is better not to practice cleansing with rice porridge for people prone to constipation and colic.

To prepare porridge, you must follow some rules related to the characteristics of the cereal. It is better not to cook buckwheat and oats, but to steam them with boiling water in the evening. Rice, barley and millet must be thoroughly washed before cooking.

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If you want to avoid pesticides and heavy metals, you should heed the advice of nutritionists to add a variety of cereals to your diet.
The best means for removing toxins include oatmeal, starch-washed rice, millet, and buckwheat. Corn porridge removes pesticides better, while oatmeal removes heavy metals.

How to determine the need to cleanse the body?

Indirect reasons indicating this may be irritability, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, dull complexion, problems with excess weight, split ends.
For prevention purposes, it is possible to recommend cleansing the body with porridge.

Cleansing diet

The best effect can be achieved with porridge cooked in water without the use of salt, which contains the presence of sodium metal. Products that contain
contains a large amount of non-toxic metals - calcium, magnesium, potassium. They are not toxic, but they will also be absorbed and removed from the body. The best substitute for sugar in porridge is honey.
Advice - spend a week eating the porridges you like best, giving special preference to oatmeal, millet, rice, and buckwheat. When planning your meal, try to avoid simultaneously combining cereals with protein products, only neutral, carbohydrate ones.
Any porridge has an excellent combination with milk, low-fat cottage cheese and cream, feta cheese, vegetable and butter, sauerkraut and mushrooms, spices, herbs and nuts, excluding peanuts.
An excellent addition to porridge can be dried fruits, dried apricots, raisins, figs, apples, honey, without the cereal losing its sorbing properties. Toxic metals accumulated in your body will be eliminated first, you just need to increase your consumption of porridge. In order for porridge to bring you maximum benefit and cleanse your body of all nasty things as best as possible, you must not forget about its proper preparation.

Proper preparation of porridge to cleanse the body

For rice Long-term rinsing with cold water is recommended to remove starch from it, interfering with the contact of acids and toxins, thereby accelerating the process of cleansing the body. This is doubly beneficial for those who are on a diet of washed rice while losing weight at the same time. Rinse the rice until it becomes glassy. This rice, poured with boiling water, instantly becomes crumbly.
Buckwheat It needs to be steamed, not boiled. The cereal must be poured with boiling water, wrapped well and placed in a warm place. , prepared in this way will be very tasty, crumbly and more useful, including for the absorption of metals (for example, harmful excess iron). If you have an electric stove, you can heat it up as much as possible, turn it off, leaving buckwheat covered with boiling water on it until it cools completely.

What other benefits, besides the cleansing properties, do porridges have?

It is distinguished by the presence of large amounts of fat and valuable protein, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. And the magnesium content in it is such that “Hercules” is classified as a means of maintaining blood pressure and bone strength.
Large amount of pectin in buckwheat porridge improves digestion, lecithin is necessary for the liver and pancreas. This porridge can be considered an excellent remedy for overcoming “night hunger”, as it is easily digestible and contains few calories.
Millet is an excellent source of salts, vitamins PP, trace elements and magnesium.
more useful is the wild, brownish color or the Central Asian long one, which must be washed for at least an hour under running cold water.
Semolina It is characterized by the presence of large amounts of iron and potassium - essential elements that make up the blood.

Cleanse your body with porridge, which is the surest and safest method.

Greetings! Cleansing the body with porridge is not only a fight against excess weight, fatigue and heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract. Morning porridge made from oatmeal to cleanse the intestines is tasty, healthy and weight loss.

Colon cleansing with oatmeal

Combinations of simple, accessible, but no less effective components work truly miracles:

  • you will start losing weight very quickly,
  • your well-being will improve,
  • the digestive system will be cleansed,
  • you will feel a surge of strength and vitality.

In the evening, add five tablespoons of oatmeal with a small amount of water.

  1. In the morning, add one tablespoon of milk, one teaspoon of honey and a handful of walnuts to the oatmeal (you can add a few sliced ​​almonds).
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, add an even amount of chopped ginger root and consume it instead of breakfast.

At the same time, you cannot eat anything else; you can only drink simple purified water.

You can have this porridge for breakfast for a long time.

This recipe is indispensable when carrying out - as the basis of the diet. During them, in addition to healing porridge, it is necessary to consume fresh and stewed vegetables and green tea.

Cleansing the body with porridge is a rather tasty and healthy process. Although it can be assumed that not all people adore porridge. There are legends about the healing properties of porridge, and the saying “I ate little porridge” has become a symbol of lack of strength.

Modern nutritionists confidently declare that a month-long diet of cereals will not be wasted on your body. What happens when you cleanse your orgasm with porridge? Specially prepared porridges can normalize your digestion in a month, improve the appearance of your facial skin, establish regular bowel movements, and you will also acquire the necessary habit of eating little but often. Porridge removes toxins and heavy metals, after which your body will definitely thank you with a good mood.

Cleansing with porridge and water.

Cleansing porridges give the best effect when prepared simply with water without adding salt. Out of habit, porridge without salt may seem tasteless, but after a few days you will get used to its absence. But we want to clean ourselves, we’ll have to be patient. The porridge can be sweetened, but be sure to replace the sugar with honey. It is very useful to add dried fruits, dried apricots, raisins, figs or apples to porridge. When on a cereal diet, toxic residues and metals will leave your body as a priority.

What porridges are good for cleansing?

It is very useful for cleansing the intestines and is a master at removing toxins and heavy metals from the body. It contains magnesium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the body. To reduce cooking time, you can use regular oatmeal.

Rice porridge removes salts from the body and also fights toxins. Just before cooking, don’t forget to rinse the rice to get rid of excess starch.

If you have problems with the pancreas, liver or stomach. Cleansing with buckwheat porridge is most suitable for you. Buckwheat contains a large amount of pectin and lecithin, which allows it to be considered an indispensable cleaner and healer. In addition, buckwheat porridge contains a minimal amount of calories.

Millet porridge is suitable for cleansing the body and is recommended for overweight people.

Wheat cereal has a longer digestion process, while remaining an excellent cleanser. If you suffer from blood pressure problems, be sure to take advantage of the wonderful properties of this cereal. You simply need to eat a small portion of millet porridge in the morning.

Cleansing the body with porridge will benefit you. The main thing is to start taking action!

Everyone has long known that the human intestine loves porridge. Our grandmothers knew about this, and therefore preferred cereal dishes. To cleanse the intestines with porridge, you should eat only porridge for several days, which can be prepared from any cereal.

The following cereals are suitable for bowel readings: millet, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, oats, pearl barley.

Scheme for cleansing the intestines with porridge: drink a glass of water in the morning; for breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat 1 serving of porridge; During the day, drink 2 liters of water, also green tea, natural juices.

Pearl barley and barley porridge

Barley has been used in cooking for many years. Cereals are considered dietary and are ideal for cleansing the intestines. Pearl barley porridge is rich in vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances.

Porridge copes well with intestinal problems, eliminates constipation, and removes toxins from the intestines. In addition, barley has a positive effect on the stomach and treats ulcers.

Barley porridge can also rejuvenate the body, slow down the graying of hair, and improve skin condition. Europeans boil barley together with potatoes, then mash it. To cleanse the intestines, porridge should not be sweetened. 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil is allowed.

Buckwheat porridge for colon cleansing

Buckwheat is a storehouse of health. Buckwheat contains a sufficient amount of vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium and many other minerals. Thanks to routine, buckwheat is able to treat vein diseases and hemorrhoids. Cereals are recommended to be consumed during pregnancy, to cleanse the intestines, and to maintain health.


Oatmeal is another valuable food that supports health. Oats are rich in fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Due to the content of plant fiber, oatmeal copes well with constipation and gently cleanses the intestines. In addition, oats reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and are also recommended for patients with diabetes.

Healthy breakfast: mix a few tablespoons of oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts, grated apple, pear, and pour over unsweetened yogurt. Nuts can be replaced with various seeds, for example, flax seed (1 teaspoon). If you are used to sweets, then you can add 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to your breakfast.

Millet porridge for the intestines

Millet porridge is an ancient, proven dish of our grandmothers. Millet porridge is a very valuable, easily digestible food that cleanses not only the intestines, but also the kidneys

Millet contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, especially iron and B vitamins. In addition, millet does not contain gluten. Regular consumption of millet porridge supports the immune system and cleanses the body.

It is better to cook millet porridge with water to cleanse the intestines. After the porridge is cooked, add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to it. Unrefined sunflower oil goes perfectly with millet.

It is better not to overcook porridges to cleanse the intestines; some cereals, for example, buckwheat, can be steamed overnight with boiling water and eaten for breakfast in the morning. You should not add salt or sugar to porridge; instead, you can add honey, or dried fruits, nuts. Colon cleansing with porridge lasts from 3 to 10 days. It is important to maintain a drinking regime of 2 liters per day (natural juices, herbal and green tea).