Very scary houses. The scariest houses in the world are not for the faint of heart. White House, USA

According to the stories of local residents, in these abandoned buildings one can find the ghosts of stabbed brides, murdered children, executed soldiers, etc.

Baldun Castle

Baldoon Castle, Bladnock, Scotland

Access: free

The colorful ruins of an ancient castle do not look ominous during the day. But at night, the ghost of a girl in a bloody wedding dress allegedly wanders through them. They say that in the middle of the 17th century, a certain Sir James Dalrymple decided to marry his daughter Janet to the wealthy owner of Baldun Castle. The girl loved someone else, but she could not go against her father’s will. However, Janet never had the chance to become the wife of a wealthy nobleman: literally a few minutes before the start wedding ceremony she was found stabbed to death in the room where brides wait to walk down the aisle. Most likely, the crime was committed by Janet's rejected lover, who could not survive the insult inflicted on his feelings, but some believe that the girl committed suicide.

Bhangarh Fort

Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India

Access: free

The first thing that catches your eye on the way to the Bhangar fort is the signs strictly prohibiting approaching the ruins after sunset. According to legend, a powerful wizard cursed Bhangar because his shadow fell on a sacred place intended for meditation. Frightened, the people left the fort, but they were unable to escape: almost all of them soon died and were forced to return to damn place already as incorporeal entities. To debunk this myth, the Indian government wanted to set up armed patrols in Bhangar, but there were no volunteers to sign up for the units.

St John's Hospital

St. John's Hospital, Lincolnshire, England

Access: free

The clinic, founded in 1852, housed not ordinary patients, but poor people suffering from mental disorders. Few people cared about the fate of the unfortunate people, so the treatment methods used on them were quite cruel. After the establishment closed in 1989, hired workers had to remove all medical equipment from the building. However, they could not spend even a few days there: the men claimed that they were haunted at every step by terrible screams of unknown origin. Firefighters were repeatedly called to the abandoned clinic: to casual passers-by, it seemed as if flames were bursting out of the windows. The crews who arrived at the scene did not find any signs of fire, but they saw some strange lights flashing in the corridors.

Hotel Berengaria

Hotel Berengaria in Cyprus

Berengaria Hotel, Prodromos, Cyprus

Access: free

The hotel, which opened its doors in the 1930s, was intended for wealthy tourists and brought great profits. Its sad fate was determined by the death of the owner, who bequeathed the management of the family business to his sons. At first, the three men tried to follow the orders of their father, who, dying, demanded that they work together and share the proceeds equally. However, over time, quarrels began to break out between them over money more and more often. It all ended with the young owners of the hotel dying one after another under unclear circumstances. There was no one to continue their work. The huge building quickly fell into disrepair, and valuables were stolen by residents of the surrounding villages - they claim that the ghosts of greedy brothers settled in the ruins of the hotel.

Church in San Juan Parangaricutiro

San Juan Parangaricutiro Church, Michoacan, Mexico

Access: free

Residents of the Mexican village of Paricutin for a long time had no idea that they were living on a volcano - in the literal sense of this expression. Their surprise knew no bounds when, in the winter of 1943, in a field that belonged to one of the peasants, an impressive cone-shaped mountain grew in a matter of days. Soon the volcano began to erupt. The inhabitants of Paricutin, as well as the nearby settlement The San Juan Parangaricutiros fled their homes. The lava crawled slowly, and therefore all the people managed to escape. She also spared the stone church. Now once a year, Mexicans make a pilgrimage to the cracked altar and try to appease the spirit of the volcano with small offerings. If he remains dissatisfied with the gifts, the pilgrims will be tormented by nightmares for a long time.

Great Isaac Cay Lighthouse, Bahamas

Access: free

Tiny island in Atlantic Ocean Not shown on every map. Nevertheless, ghost hunters from all over the world know about its existence. According to legend, in the 19th century there was a shipwreck near the island, as a result of which only Small child. What happened to him later is unknown, but the spirit of his mother - the Lady in Gray - still wanders around the abandoned lighthouse at night and cries bitterly. By the way, I also left with two lighthouse keepers strange story: They disappeared without a trace in the summer of 1969. Their bodies were never found. The solution to this mystery is usually associated with the fact that Great Isaac Cay is located on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. However, skeptics believe that the lives of the caretakers were most likely carried away by a hurricane.

Weaverly Hills Sanatorium

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Access: with a tour group

The former sanatorium for tuberculosis patients has been repeatedly voted the most frightening place in the United States. It is believed that paranormal activity within its walls is very high. It is especially evident in the so-called “tunnel of death,” which was originally cut through so that sanatorium employees could get to work without going through the steep hillsides. However, the tunnel was subsequently adapted for the secret removal of the bodies of the dead: the living were not supposed to see how their neighbors in the ward set off on their last journey. Ghosts can live not only in a narrow dark corridor, but also in separate offices. For example, room number 502 was haunted by the spirit of a nurse who hanged herself here after contracting tuberculosis while pregnant.

Hotel "Diplomat"

Hotel Diplomat in the Philippines

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines

Access: free

Residents of houses located near the Dominican Hill in Baguio complain that at night they are kept awake by chilling sounds - screams, moans, hurried steps, slamming doors. They believe the source of these sounds is the abandoned Diplomat Hotel, the building of which served as a shelter for refugees during the Second World War. It was repeatedly bombed and shelled, and many sisters of mercy were innocently executed by soldiers of the Japanese army. The guests of the hotel that opened on this site in the 1970s also had a hard time: they constantly saw mysterious black figures walking around the halls, appearing in the windows, hiding behind heavy curtains.

Salesian school

Salesian School, Goshen, New York, USA

Access: the building is under security

The Catholic school for boys, opened on the territory of a former aristocratic estate, enjoyed great respect in the area until one of the students died. In 1964, nine-year-old Paul Ramos fell from the roof of an academic building to his death. Then everyone decided that a tragic accident had occurred. Already in the early 2000s, the case again attracted the attention of the press and intelligence agencies. It turned out that the boy’s body lay too far from the building: for the child to fly such a distance, he had to be pushed, but, of course, it is now impossible to find the killer. Those few brave souls who managed to get close to the dilapidated building, bypassing the guards, claim that they saw window openings silhouette of a boy.

VIDEO: A haunted house was found in Russia

Mass culture is experiencing another paranormal boom. It is not surprising that haunted houses have become an important part of tourist routes: the mystical stories associated with a particular attraction add to its popularity. The spirit of the former owner, who wanders around the hotel at night, does not scare away the guests, but makes them stay a couple more nights.

Text: Maria Ivanova, Forbes magazine

Joelm's building

Place: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Access: office building, entry by pass

February 1, 1974 at about nine in the morning due to short circuit a fire broke out in the air conditioning system on the 12th floor of a 25-story building administrative building Joelma Building. The fire in a matter of minutes engulfed the entire building, which had no emergency exits or fire alarm. Three hundred people were saved, although they suffered burns of varying severity, and more than 180 died, 40 of whom jumped out of windows in the hope of being rescued.

It took four years to reconstruct the building, now it fully complies with the standards fire safety. However, they are reluctant to rent offices there: employees claim that it is completely impossible to be there in the evening due to sounds of unknown origin - moans, screams, stomping feet. Some even periodically smell a distinct burning smell. Moreover, Brazilian ghost hunters claim that in the past there was a well on the site of the Joelma Building, where the corpses of victims of a serial killer were found in the 1940s. It turns out that in modern building There is not one, but two generations of ghosts.

Whistler Mystic House

Place: California, USA
Access: by tickets ($20-35)

In the mid-fifties of the 19th century, Oliver Fisher Winchester, who in the past was a successful manufacturer of men's clothing, began making weapons. His rifles and shotguns were in great demand, bringing world fame to the creator and a curse to his family.

In any case, this version was put forward by a medium who was visited by Winchester’s daughter-in-law after her father-in-law and husband died just a year apart. She had lost her only daughter fifteen years earlier. The medium claimed that misfortunes were being sent to the Winchester family by the ghosts of those who were killed with weapons produced by their company.

To get rid of them, he advised the widow to move from Connecticut to another state and build a huge house there with many rooms - in order to confuse the ghosts.

Mrs. Winchester followed the medium's instructions exactly. And since she believed that her life would end the moment the construction was completed, the house was constantly being rebuilt: one after another, stairs appeared that rested on the ceiling, doors leading to nowhere, partitions of unknown purpose and openings into which an adult could hardly squeeze through.

Door to nowhere:

By the time of the owner’s death in 1922, the building had more than 150 rooms, which today anyone can wander through.

Grand Hyatt Taipei Hotel

Place: Taipei, Taiwan
Access: room rate - $170-550 per night

“It’s a good hotel, but the ghosts don’t give you peace,” “The service is excellent, but it’s completely impossible to sleep because of some strange rustling noises,” “We came out of the elevator and saw a spirit” - such reviews about the Grand Hyatt Taipei hotel are often found on tourist websites forums. The answer lies in the dark past of the hotel, built on the site of a prison where many political prisoners perished during the Second World War.

Almost from the first days of its existence, hotel employees began to complain about the sounds that were coming from behind the doors of empty rooms: voices, footsteps, laughter, the clinking of glasses. Soon, hotel guests began to notice paranormal activity: they encountered disembodied entities in the corridors, and in the rooms someone was moving objects from place to place, although the cleaning ladies swore that this was not their doing.

Concerned hotel management turned to Feng Shui experts for help. The latter, having examined the building, placed scrolls with spells that scare away ghosts at strategically important points. Judging by the fact that guests are still encountering ghosts, it didn't work.

Old New Synagogue

Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Access: by ticket (140-200 CZK)

The Old New Synagogue is the oldest functioning synagogue in Europe. Built in the middle of the 13th century, it is overgrown with many legends, the main of which is associated with the Golem of Prague - a giant clay man. It was created in the 16th century by the Prague rabbi Yehuda Lev Ben Bezalel - either to protect his brothers, or to help with the housework. Following magical ritual, Rabbi Lev put a tablet with a shem - the sacred name of God - into the Golem's mouth, and the clay giant came to life.

Every day Rabbi Lev took the shem out of the Golem’s mouth, but one day, on the night from Friday to Saturday, he forgot to do this. The giant went to wander around the block and, instead of protecting the residents, began killing them and destroying buildings. With great difficulty, the Rabbi managed to calm the Golem, after which the lifeless clay body was dragged to the attic of the Old New Synagogue and forbidden to anyone to be there.

One of the modern Prague legends tells about a secret agent fascist Germany, who in the 1940s, despite the ban, climbed into the attic - and died under unclear circumstances. Residents of Prague also believe that once every 33 years the Golem wakes up and patrols the Jewish quarter at night, and meeting him is fraught with dire consequences.

Brissac Castle

Place: Brissac-Quinsay, France
Access: by ticket (€4.50 – 9.00)

A castle in the Loire Valley preserves the memory of a bloody double murder.

In 1462, Jacques de Brezé, one of the first owners of the Chateau de Brissac, married Charlotte de Valois. While her new husband was hunting in the surrounding forests, the socialite wandered alone through the luxurious halls and eventually took a lover.

De Breze learned about the betrayal only in the fifteenth year of marriage: one night he was woken up by a servant and reported that he had found his mistress in the arms of a local huntsman. The husband grabbed a sword, rushed into his wife’s bedroom and killed first her lover, and then herself. Soon after the funeral, Jacques de Breze was imprisoned, and ghosts settled in the Chateau de Brissac.

The new owners of the castle know Charlotte as the Lady in Green - during her lifetime it was her favorite color. The lady is quite harmless and only with her silent presence reminds that she will forever remain the mistress of the castle. By the way, this ghost appears only to men. Charlotte's lover, on the contrary, prefers women.

Those who crave thrills can spend the night in one of the historical bedrooms for €390: The Lady in Green will probably come to check if the guests are damaging her property.

Cape Hicks Lighthouse

Place: Point Hicks, national park Croajingolong, Australia
Access: by agreement

The Cape Hicks Lighthouse is considered the tallest in Australia, but that is not what is primarily known for it.

In April 1947, headlines appeared on the front pages of local newspapers: “Man disappeared without a trace on Cape Everard,” as this section of the coast was called in those years. It was about a certain Kristofferson, a lighthouse keeper who went to sea to set traps for shellfish.

A few years later, when the mysterious story had already begun to be forgotten, the new lighthouse keeper one day heard someone's footsteps. The man knew that there was no one else in the building except him, and nevertheless he heard someone with heavy steps ascending the long spiral staircase:

Since then, the ghost regularly visits the lighthouse, stomping, puffing, and sometimes even polishing door handles. Every year, hundreds of tourists come to Point Hicks not only to admire the breathtaking views from the top of the lighthouse, but also to hear the sounds that its disembodied occupant makes.

For those who want to stay overnight, there are several cottages and bungalows. Accommodation prices range from AUD 100 to 330 per night, and unpretentious visitors can stay at the campsite.

Place: Saint Francisville, Louisiana, USA
Access: excursion cost - $4-10, price per room - $115-400 per night

The Myrtles Plantation proudly holds the title of one of the most haunted houses in the United States. The house was built in 1796 by General Dave Bradford, and local residents associate the appearance of ghosts in the house with the biography of the general's daughter and her husband.

The couple had a slave named Chloe, who was very fond of eavesdropping. One day the owner caught her doing this and, in order to forever wean the girl from bad habit, cut off her ear. Chloe, now forced to constantly walk around with a scarf wrapped around her head, decided to take revenge on her offender and baked a poisonous pie, adding oleander leaves to the dough. The man did not want the pie that evening, but his wife and two daughters ate a piece and died in agony. Enraged slaves lynched Chloe, and since then her ghost has been wandering around the house and the adjacent garden.

The victims were also unable to leave the estate: they leave fingerprints on the furniture, hide the guests’ personal belongings and appear to them in mirrors. And although historians do not advise taking the legends of the Myrtle plantation seriously, tourists vying with each other to talk about how strange clumps of fog haunted them during the excursion, and guests talk about how prints of children’s feet were discovered in the morning on the flour scattered in the evening.

Place: Estes Park, Colorado, USA
Access:$169-339 per night

Stanley Kubrick's thriller "The Shining" based on the book of the same name by Stephen King is considered one of the most scary movies throughout the history of cinema.

But few people know that in 1997 the mini-series “The Shining” was released on television, some scenes of which were filmed in the luxurious The Stanley Hotel. And for good reason: it is believed that the atmosphere of this hotel inspired King to create the novel.

It all started with complaints from the cooks that sounds of noisy fun could be heard from the ballroom, which is located above the kitchen, although there was no one in the room. Then an invisible musician appeared at the hotel, playing the piano in the evenings. The guests also suffered: at night they were woken up by the ringing laughter of children, and in some the emboldened ghosts even threw small objects or, deciding to play caring nannies, tucked blankets into them.

The owners of the hotel were not at a loss and turned to their advantage all the rumors associated with it. Not only are they not going to drive away ghosts, but, on the contrary, they offer guests rooms where paranormal activity is especially high - 407, 428, 1302 and 217 (they say Stephen King himself stayed there), and on the internal TV channel they show Kubrick's " Shine".

Place: Edinburgh, Scotland
Access: by tickets (?8.60-14.50)

In the very center of the Scottish capital, on a 133-meter cliff, stands Edinburgh Castle, which over the course of more than a thousand years has acquired an entire army of ghosts.

The two most famous are distinguished by their love of music. The first is a headless drummer who appears when the city is in danger: it is said that it was he who warned the inhabitants of the castle in 1650 that Oliver Cromwell's troops were approaching it.

The second is a bagpiper who disappeared without a trace in the labyrinth of dungeons, where the British kept French prisoners during the Seven Years' War (their spirits, by the way, still cannot calm down either).

Several four-legged ghosts were donated to the castle by the dog cemetery located on its territory, where dogs that belonged to garrison officers were buried. One of them has become a cult character in Scottish mythology of modern times: the terrier Bobby spent 14 years at his owner’s grave and deserved a posthumous monument. In contrast, the ghost named Mr. Boots has a bad character.

An old man in a frock coat, cocked hat and high leather boots often chases tourist groups, pulls the clothes of castle guests, throws stones at them, closes doors in front of them, and especially likes to scare young girls.

There are many mysterious places in the world where all sorts of strange phenomena occur; for decades now, researchers of anomalous incidents have been trying to understand the nature of such places. In this article we want to tell you about the most scary houses in the world, which are famous for their permanent “residents” - ghosts. So, let's begin our short excursion.

The Most Scary Haunted Houses

This strange house with a complex structure of rooms was built in 1922, it was owned by the wife of the late “king of rifles” - Sarah Winchester. The service staff and visitors to the house claimed that the mansion was lived in. Several invited psychics (in different time) stated that not one, but three ghosts “lived” in the house.

The story goes that one day Sarah Winchester felt something mysterious was haunting her, she went to a psychic who told her that her life was influenced by the spirits of people who died from Winchester rifles, in order to protect herself from persecution, she needed to build “rooms” for ghosts in the mansion. Mrs. Winchester heeded the medium's call and began the constant expansion of the house in 1884.

Construction has not stopped for many decades; the mansion has more than 150 rooms, 3 dance halls, 50 bedrooms, and more than 10 thousand windows. Employees and tourists who have visited the house in our time talk about a strange, frightening feeling upon entering the building; people try to stay here in groups so as not to be left alone with the unknown.

This mysterious house is located on the outskirts of New York, in the Long Island area. In the 70s, the Lutz family moved into the building, however, without even living here for a month, the new owners moved out in horror. It turned out that a year before Lutz moved in, a terrible massacre took place in the house - the previous owner, R. Defeo, shot all members of his family. The Lutz family claimed that there was an evil spirit in the house that was negatively affecting people.

This house has survived to this day; no one lives in it; the builders do not risk building major renovation In the house, fearing an ominous spirit, only the windows were replaced. The story of this was made into a feature film, The Amityville Horror.

This ancient mansion was built back in the 18th century; it belonged to a slave owner, Mr. Mirt. Nowadays it is a cozy hotel in Louisiana. The idyll is disrupted by periodic reports of strange murders within the walls of the former estate, which cannot be solved.

The story goes that the first owner of the house had a mistress - the slave Chloe, she poisoned the unwanted residents of the house, it is unknown whether she did this on the orders of the owner. Psychics claim that the Myrtle house is haunted by many ghosts, including the spirit of Chloe. Hotel guests have repeatedly recorded all sorts of oddities in their rooms.

Another one of the scariest houses in the world is the Belmez mansion in Spain. There are no ghosts, in the usual sense, here, but there is another mysterious phenomenon. Silhouettes periodically appear on the floors of the house human faces, which then disappear. A group of scientists even studied the floors of the building, but they did not draw any clear conclusions.

One part of the researchers believes that interaction is to blame chemical elements floor and dampness, as a result of which contours appear on the floor, similar to human faces. Another group believes that this is a "projection" of the subconscious of visitors to the mansion, the house can somehow "burn" images into the floors.

Visitors to the Belmez house continue to spot mysterious faces on the floor, and even take photographs.

The castle in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh, is a medieval building in which people lived until the seventeenth century. This place has seen many battles, and where there have been battles, there are many ghosts. Thorough scientific research was carried out here in the early 2000s, but scientists were never able to provide a clear explanation mysterious phenomena which take place in the castle. Keepers and guests of the Scottish often talk about frightening silhouettes that sometimes appear in dark corridors structures.

There are scary haunted houses in China too. In one of the districts of Beijing there is a building with number 81, a large 3-story building in the Baroque style. However, wealthy Chinese are in no hurry to purchase it. The point is that during civil war An imperial official and his wife lived here; during the arrival of communist troops in the city, the official's wife committed suicide; it is believed that her spirit still lives in the building. Because of this story, house 81 has not been able to find its new owners for many years; no one wants to “neighbor” with the ghost.

Hotel Berengaria

This large building was erected in the 30s of the 20th century. The hotel was designed for wealthy guests and in the early years brought good profit. Before his death, the founder of the hotel bequeathed to his three sons to manage the business together and jointly, dividing profits equally. At first this was how it was, but gradually the brothers began to quarrel more and more often over money.

History is silent under what circumstances, but the three brothers died one after another, there was no one to continue running the business, the back ones fell into disrepair, and everything valuable became the prey of local thieves; it was they who said that they had repeatedly observed three brothers in the former hotel.

Salesian school

Initially, it was the estate of one of the aristocratic families of the United States, then the building became Catholic educational institution for boys. Until 1964, this place was shrouded in mystery; this year one of the school’s students died, he fell from the roof; investigators considered this incident an accident. However, a repeated investigation showed that the boy was too far from the building, he simply could not have fallen like that, and talk of murder began. People who look after the building claim that they sometimes see a boy in the old windows of the former school.

These are the scariest haunted houses, there are many more such places in the world, you can’t write about everything in one article, so stay tuned for updates on the website and visit us more often! If you know about similar houses in your city, be sure to write about them in the comments.

Our top 10 creepiest haunted houses will tell you about buildings with mystical stories associated with them.

10 Fulingen House

This house is located in Germany. It used to belong to the banker Eduard Freiherr von Oppenheim. Now several ghosts “live” in the house. One ghost is a judge who committed suicide in the Fulingen house. The other ghost is a worker who has been searching for his long-lost love for many years.

9 Queens House

Queens House was built in the 17th century in Great Britain. Several women were held captive there. Nowadays, the ghost of the Lady in Gray is sometimes seen on the stairs of a house - although it is not known whose spirit it is. In 1966, they even managed to capture a ghost in a photo. The Lady in Gray is not the only inhabitant of Queens House. From time to time, children's choir singing is heard in the house. People sometimes see the ghost of a woman wiping blood from the floor.

7 Springhill House

This house, surrounded by plantations, is located in the UK. It was erected in the 17th century. In 1816, the owner of the house, George Lenox-Coningham, committed suicide. After this, a ghost began to be seen often in the mansion. The ghost has become the most famous and frequently encountered in Northern Ireland. The tall woman ghost is always dressed in black. It is believed that this is the soul of Olivia, George's widow.

6 Quinta da Juncosa

The old farmhouse belonged to a jealous baron. He suspected that his wife was cheating on him. As a result, the baron killed his wife. After some time, the killer learned that his wife was faithful to him. After this, the baron killed his children and, tormented by guilt, committed suicide. Since then, two ghosts have often been seen on the farm: the baron and his wife.

4 Raynham Hall

This estate is located in the UK. For several centuries it has been seen as the ghost of a woman called the Brown Lady. It is believed that this is the soul of Dorothy Townshend, who lived at Rainham Hall. The ghost has been seen many times over the centuries. In 1939, the owner of the house invited photographer Indra Shire and his assistant, wanting to get photographs of the interior of the estate. They set to work, but got a rather unexpected result. The photographer saw the ghost and told his assistant to photograph it. The assistant himself did not see anything and did not believe that a ghost would be visible in the photo. However, the photograph actually captured a female silhouette.

3 Monte Cristo Estate

The Monte Cristo estate was built in 1885 in Australia. Before the reconstruction in 1948, the house belonged to the Croly family. During this time, many tragedies occurred in Monte Cristo: the death of two children and a maid, Harold's madness. His father looked after the house, and the man himself was kept chained in an outbuilding for 40 years. When Harold was seen over his mother's body, he was sent to an insane asylum. Soon the madman died. In 1948, the house's custodian died in the annex where Harold was kept. Ghosts have been seen in the house more than once. Monte Cristo Manor is believed to be the most haunted place in Australia.

2 House Defeo

This house is located in the USA. In 1974, six people were killed in the building. In 1975, the house was bought by the Latz family. They didn't even stay there for a month. After 28 days, the family left the house, saying that they were haunted by frightening mystical phenomena.

1 House of Winchester

In 1884, the widow Sarah Winchester purchased a house in San Jose, USA. The medium told the woman that she was being haunted by spirits. The fact is that her husband's father created a rifle that killed many people. The medium explained that the souls of those killed with a Winchester rifle would haunt the widow. To escape from them, Sarah needed to build a house in which even ghosts could get lost. The widow invested her entire fortune in ongoing construction. The layout of the house turned out to be quite confusing. There are “surprises” waiting for you at every step: stairs that reach the ceiling; dead-end doors; narrow confusing corridors; doors on the upper floors opening outwards; secret windows... In total, the mansion has 160 rooms, 13 bathrooms and 6 kitchens. They contain 2000 doors and 450 doorways, approximately 10,000 windows and 40 staircases. It is believed that spirits still haunt the Winchester home.

Everyone decides for themselves whether or not to believe in the terrible stories that are told about the above houses.

Why is there no 11th entrance at the Waterfront House, but the paintings at the Denver airport show a dead leopard? Some buildings can be spoken of not only as architectural structures, but also as riddles.

1 Pentagon

The Pentagon is the largest office building in the world. It got its name because of its shape - a regular pentagon. The perimeter of this huge Arlington geometric figure is about 1405 meters.

The Pentagon is still the most optimal building in terms of ergonomics. The building is intersected by ten corridors in the center, which connect five pentagons extending from the center.

Thus, an employee of the American military department can get to any point of the building along the perimeter, spending no more than seven minutes.

The Pentagon is pure numbers magic. It was built in 491 days. If, according to the Pythagorean method, we add these numbers (4+9+1), then we get – 5 (the number of sides of the pentagon). If we go further, using the same Pythagorean method, and decide to multiply the numbers (4X9X1), we get – 36. If we count the sum of all integers from 1 to 36, we get – 666.

Construction of the Pentagon was planned to begin on September 11, 1941 and end on January 15, 1943. The builders met the deadlines on the same day. The date September 11 mysteriously accompanies the Pentagon. On this day in 1941, construction of the building began, in 2001 the Pentagon was attacked by Boeing, and on September 11, 2002, the entire Pentagon territory came back into use.

2 Denver Airport

The largest airport in the USA. Its area is 140 square kilometers. For supporters of the global conspiracy theory, this building is almost the central link in the plans of the World Government.

According to one version, the airport was built on the site of an ancient Indian cemetery, which is why its roofs are decorated with wigwam-shaped tents. According to the official version, the tents symbolize the rocky mountains.

The runways at the top resemble a swastika in shape, which also cannot but arouse suspicion among people who are inclined to see everything as a hoax.

In fact, this form is the most convenient for managing traffic and minimizing the dependence of flights on weather conditions.

It's as if Denver's airport was purposely built to give conspiracy theorists something to talk about. So, during its construction, despite the fact that Denver is a flat city, as much land was removed as would be enough for a third of the city’s territory. This gives rise to some people to argue that the airport building is the tip of the iceberg, and underneath it there is a whole city, otherwise military base, or a concentration camp (yes, they say that too!).

Four strange paintings by artist Leo Tanguma hanging in the airport building also raise questions. According to the artist's plan, they symbolize humanity's struggle against genocide.

Some details of these paintings, such as three dead girls in coffins, a dead leopard, a giant soldier in a gas mask, can be shocking. Proponents of conspiracy theories believe that these paintings depict hints of the transformation of the earth, the establishment of a world government and a new world order.

Another interesting place– the last stone of the terminal with a time capsule, laid by the Freemasons. The capsule should be opened in the year 2094. The sculptures of gargoyles in the luggage compartment also raise suspicions... In general, this airport is a very busy place.

3 House on the embankment

The house on the Embankment was first named so in the story of the same name by Yuri Trifonov. There are many legends associated with this building and the site on which it was built.

Back in the 17th century, the boyar Bersen Beklemishev began to build a mansion on this site (which since ancient times was called the Swamp), but did not have time to complete the construction, since he was executed by order of Vasily III. The construction of the building was completed by clerk Averky Kirillov, who was killed during the Streltsy riot and never lived in his chambers.

Gradually the Swamp gained notoriety. Here the gang of the famous robber Vanka Cain robbed visiting merchants, and executions of state criminals were often carried out here.

In 1927, construction began here of the “house of the future” for the party elite. total area houses amounted to about 400,000 m2. The ten-story building contained 505 apartments and many infrastructure facilities. There was a hairdresser, a laundry, a store, kindergarten, telegraph, post office, gym.

The first residents of the famous house were Beria, Marshals Zhukov and Tukhachevsky, children of Stalin. Resettlement was carried out according to special government lists.

It is interesting that the House on the Embankment does not have an 11th entrance. In 1930, when the facility was under construction, there was a severe fire. The developer was afraid of missing the deadline for putting the facility into operation. It was decided to abandon the 11th entrance and distribute usable area between entrances 10 and 12.

The square meters of apartments were redistributed, but where the stairs, elevators and stairwells “went” remained a mystery. Since then, rumors began to circulate that the “secret corridors” were used by Lubyanka employees to monitor the residents.

The residents were indeed being watched, but not in a very secret way. On the ground floor of the house there were secret apartments for security officers. They worked in the house under the guise of commandants, concierges, elevator operators and in their apartments they met with their informants or hid mysterious residents, such as a Soviet intelligence agent in South Africa Dieter Gerhardt.

4 Ostankino Estate

Ostankino has had a bad reputation since the 15th century, when a cemetery for suicides was located here. Therefore, those who were driven out of the city were strong here: soothsayers, sorcerers.

In Ostankino there was also a serf theater. It is difficult to say whether it was the influence of the place or a difficult, unfree fate, but many actresses drowned themselves in the Ostankino ponds, which were even nicknamed “actorkin’s”. Now there is a residential building nearby, and in the churchyard there is a television center building. Local residents and television center workers say that sometimes in these parts you can meet an ancient old woman with a stick, who appears before misfortunes and tragedies.

The list of those warned by the prophet includes several kings (Paul I, Alexander I, Alexander II), boyars, and princes. Today, in the era of television, for some reason the ghost makes contact exclusively with the Ostankino security guards and ordinary employees of the television center.

5 CNPO Leninets

There are many mysterious buildings in St. Petersburg. The status of mysterious house from the times of the USSR can be house 212 on Moskovsky Prospect. Here, in the building of the Leninets Research and Production Association, a secret special laboratory was allegedly located, directly subordinate to the NKVD. Here they studied genetics and carried out crossbreeding work different types animals.

At the beginning of 1999, documents were made public, according to which every year in the 30-50s of the last century, about 200 prisoners were sent to the special department of the Leningrad NKVD (and then the MGB and KGB) “to conduct a holistic analysis of the physiological and mental state and develop methods for correcting identified violations.”

6 Moscow State University building

The Moscow State University skyscraper is one of the decorations of the Russian capital. There are many legends associated with this building. They say that the place chosen by the architects was unsuitable for construction: for such big building The soils on Vorobyovy Gory are too weak. But the architects who worked on the Moscow State University project found a solution: they dug a huge foundation, filled it with liquid nitrogen, and then erected refrigeration units to what is now called the 3rd basement. That is, if something goes wrong and the freezers fail, in a week the Main Building of Moscow State University will end up in the Moscow River.

There is also talk that the main building of Moscow State University is as multi-story down as it is up. The collective consciousness has produced many versions: the underground city “Ramenki-2”, the secret Metro-2, the cyclophastron, an atomic reactor and even a secret laboratory for the study of permafrost.

Interesting fact: the red stripes on the façade of the Main Building of Moscow State University create the appearance of proportionality of the building. If you remove them, it will seem almost shapeless. Since the central body, the “large” and “small” zones differ significantly in height and width.

Finally, there is still talk that MSU is haunted: prisoners who died during construction or former students who want to settle old scores with the university.

7 Rotunda on Gorokhovaya

The rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg is one of the most mystical and legendary places in the city. This round building with six columns along the perimeter, to the dome of which a cast-iron staircase leads.

The house where the rotunda is located was built in the 18th century, and after that it was rebuilt many times. The dome of the rotunda is hidden under the attic, and its only window faces the courtyard. Everything is arranged in such a way that you can guess what exactly is hidden behind the doors an ordinary house impossible.

According to the most common version, the rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street was a meeting place for Masons who received new members of the club here. This version is supported by the fact that the house once belonged to the famous freemason Count Andrei Zubov. What makes the rotunda even more mysterious is the fact that Grigory Rasputin himself often visited here. His mansion was very close. Since the 80s of the last century, the rotunda has become a meeting place for rockers, punks and other informals.

8 Tretyakov Gallery

They say that paintings from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery somehow have a special, mystical influence on people. For example, the painting “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution” by Surikov became the cause of the long, serious illness of Pavel Tretyakov’s daughter. The image of the Vladimir Mother of God helped protect the capital from the enemy. And the positive impact on the audience of the paintings of Levitan and Nicholas Roerich can even be measured with instruments.

There is a well-known legend associated with the Tretyakov exhibition: girls of undistinguished age should not look for long at the portrait of Maria Lopukhina (she died shortly after the painting was painted). It appeared thanks to secular gossips who believed that Maria’s father, Ivan Lopukhin, a famous mystic and master of the Masonic lodge, lured his daughter’s spirit into this portrait.

9 House of Winchester

The Winchester House is one of the landmarks of the United States. In 1884, the house was purchased by Sarah Winchester, widow of William Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, inventor of the famous rifle.

At a reception with a medium, the widow learned that she was haunted by misfortunes due to the fact that her family was cursed by those killed by the Winchester (and there were many of them, given the history of the conquest of the Wild West). To avoid further problems, a woman must build special house, in which the spirits cannot harm her.

Sarah purchased a house on the West Coast and invested her entire fortune in renovating the house. The house is set up so that the spirits haunting Sarah will become confused when trying to find the widow. There are many dead-end doors that open into walls and stairs that reach into ceilings. The corridors in the building are very narrow, especially since the widow was miniature and could easily move through this labyrinth. Some of the doors on the upper floors open outwards, and many walls have secret windows. The number 13 is often found - almost all stairs have 13 steps, and many rooms have 13 windows.

Currently, the house has about 160 rooms, 13 bathrooms, 6 kitchens, 40 stairs. The rooms have 2,000 doors, 450 doorways, about 10,000 windows (stained glass windows have survived to this day), 47 fireplaces and one shower.

10 Lip Castle

We couldn't help but include the castle in the list of the most mysterious buildings. Castles are generally mysterious, but this one, Leap Castle in Ireland, is considered the most mysterious and creepy.

The castle was owned by the O'Carroll clan. They became famous, among other things, for often inviting their enemies to dinner at the castle under the pretext of reconciliation, and then killing them right at the table or in their beds after the feast. A tradition worthy of Game of Thrones.

In the same way, dozens of mercenaries from the O’Neill and McMahon clans were killed, who had previously helped the O’Carrolls in internecine wars and received death instead of payment.

Under the dining hall in the castle there was a dungeon (“oubliette”), into which unsuspecting guests fell through a secret door in the corner of the hall. Its bottom was strewn with sharp stakes, on which the victims fell.

According to some reports, when the castle was restored after a fire in the 20s of the twentieth century, workers found in the “oubliette” great amount bones - it took three carts to clean out the dungeon. In total, the remains of 150 people were discovered. A pocket watch made in 1840 was also found among the bones, suggesting the use of an oubliette even in the 19th century.

Due to the abundance of horrors that happened in the castle, it is now inhabited by many ghosts (at least, this is what local residents and psychics who visited the castle say). The most terrible spirit - it is called Elemental ("natural phenomenon") or "It" - does not even have a human appearance. Eyewitnesses describe it as a bent, ready-to-pounce beast the size of a sheep. Before this spirit appears, the air is filled with the smell of decaying corpses and sulfur... It is also said that every night a mysterious light comes on in the “bloody chapel”.