Making a warm and cozy room in the attic with your own hands. Do-it-yourself insulation of an attic in a private house: technology Arranging an attic space for living space

Over time, every owner of a private house thinks about insulating the attic. After all, every year the materials lose their original qualities, which leads to a loss of heat that escapes through the attic.

Insulating your home is a top priority that needs to be addressed before the cold weather arrives. So, as everyone knows that warm house- this is not the one that is well heated, but the one that does not allow all this heat to pass through.

It is also necessary to note the fact that insulating the attic of a private house with polystyrene foam or any other insulation material will make it possible to significantly reduce heating costs.

That is why the question of how and with what to insulate an attic becomes extremely relevant.

Typically, this kind of insulation is necessary in little-used rooms. It is also important to note that they must be equipped with properly equipped roof ventilation.

The attic, together with its ceilings, performs a very important function, namely, it acts as a boundary between heat and cold. A large amount of condensation accumulates here and this occurs as a result of intense exposure to moisture in the attic. And this must be taken into account when insulating your private home.

Many firms and companies offer similar services, but it often happens that the prices for their services are too high and many people think about insulating the house themselves. You can insulate your house with your own hands. However, for this it is important to take into account all the installation features of this or that insulation.

Below we describe in more detail all the materials that can be used as insulation for the attic. All the advantages, as well as their disadvantages, will be discussed here, so that in the end you can choose the most optimal option for yourself.

But first you need to determine the main types of insulation:

  • bulk;
  • slab;
  • roll;
  • sprayed.

It should be noted that each of the options has its own characteristics and can be used as insulation for the attic. It is important to understand that only the main materials that have been collected are indicated here. greatest number positive feedback.

Insulation using mineral wool, ecowool

Mineral wool is perhaps today the most popular material for insulating a hill. This is something of a classic construction industry. After all, it is used by both professional teams and people who decided to tackle the issue of insulation on their own.

Such wide popularity of mineral wool was achieved due to its excellent performance characteristics. Especially if you take into account basalt mineral wool. It is fire resistant and easy to install.

It is also worth considering some more of its advantages, which include:

  • Simplicity in operation; when working with mineral wool, absolutely no problems arise, even for those who insulate the attic themselves.
  • It has a “breathing effect” and it is due to this that a good microclimate is created.
  • Not flammable.
  • Allows you to create good sound insulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Many note its property of not losing shape even during long term use.
  • It has a relatively light weight, which in no way affects the main structure.
  • Rodents and other pests cannot spoil it.
  • Minimum level of thermal conductivity.
  • One of the cheapest materials, which is suitable for insulating the attic of a private house.

It must also be said that mineral wool Sold both in rolls and in slabs. And this makes it possible to choose the most suitable option, which will be easier for you to install.

Important! If you decide to insulate the attic with mineral wool, you will need to take care of both waterproofing and vapor barrier. This is due to the fact that this material is afraid of moisture. And if you ignore this point, then after some time the mineral wool will lose its original appearance and its performance characteristics.

Insulating the attic with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam

Anyone who wonders how to insulate an attic has the idea of ​​using polystyrene foam. And this is not at all accidental, since this material is even more common than mineral wool. It is also used by professional builders in their work, and for independent work it fits perfectly.

The main feature that polystyrene foam has is its reasonable price. It is actually the cheapest building material that can be used as attic insulation.

It is also important to note that polystyrene foam is much denser than cotton wool, and therefore it is a pleasure to lay it, since it is an “obedient” material. It can be easily processed and placed in the right place.

In addition, a number of its advantages can be noted:

  • Keeps its original shape perfectly.
  • Unaffected by moisture.
  • Low thermal conductivity, an order of magnitude lower than that of mineral wool.
  • The ability to create excellent sound insulation.

But along with a large number of advantages, this material also has significant disadvantages, which include the following indicators:

  • Highly flammable, just one spark is enough for the foam to begin to smolder.
  • It does not allow steam to pass through, and therefore it is not possible to achieve the effect of “breathing walls” with this insulation.
  • If you don’t additionally protect the polystyrene foam, then rodents will “happily” chew on it, and therefore you may end up without attic insulation.

Despite all its shortcomings, polystyrene foam still remains one of the leaders in the field of attic insulation. After all, fires do not happen so often, additional protection of the material can be used against rodents, but the “breathing effect” is not so important in a mountainous area.

Therefore, we can conclude that for such a low price this is simply an excellent option.

Blown-in attic insulation

This method of insulating a hill in a private house is the most fashionable today. It is used by almost all companies that offer similar construction services.

The main advantage it has this insulation for the attic is that it independently fills all the space, voids and at the same time creates a uniform and continuous layer. You no longer need to cut blocks to fill all the holes.

In Russia today, two blown insulation materials are used: blown wool and ecowool.

The latter consists of 80% cellulose fibers. They are made from the most ordinary waste paper, but the remaining 20% ​​are a wide variety of additives, which can act as boric acid, acting as an antiseptic and Buran as a fire retardant.

Blown-in wool consists entirely of standard mineral substances that are intended for thermal insulation. It is important to note that it is highly crushed.

Insulation with bulk materials: expanded clay

If you are still thinking about how to insulate an attic in a private house, then you should pay attention to expanded clay. This is one of the easiest ways to insulate an attic without turning to specialists.

Expanded clay consists of balls that are poured onto the floor, trying to distribute them as evenly as possible. As you already understand, they can only insulate the floor, the ceiling - it won’t work, in any way.

The advantages of the material include the following:

  • Not flammable.
  • Resistant to low temperatures.
  • Has high strength.
  • Creates excellent sound insulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material that does not in any way affect human health.
  • Has a long service life.
  • Provides good thermal insulation.

The material is poured over the roofing felt, the minimum layer should be at least 15 cm. In order to be able to walk through the attic, you will need to make a concrete screed.

Sawdust as insulation for the attic

The technical characteristics of this material are in no way inferior to modern synthetic insulation.

Important! Sawdust is used extremely rarely for insulation, since the market offers big choice other materials that are much easier to work with.

Advantages of sawdust:

  • Sawdust is an environmentally friendly material.
  • Low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • To create such insulation, you do not need any special equipment or special tools.

Polyurethane foam

This material occupies a leading position in the environmental safety table, and therefore you can safely buy it.

Important! This material shows excellent adhesion and therefore can be used with absolutely any materials.

Characteristic properties of polyurethane foam:

  • not susceptible to moisture;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • practically non-flammable.

Stages of attic insulation

In order for the insulation to serve for a long time and not cause any problems, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of insulation.

Preparing the attic

The first stage is preparing the attic.

And first of all, it is necessary to restore order in it, by this we mean:

  • cleaning up all unnecessary items;
  • All wooden parts should be pre-treated special composition, which protects the material from rotting, as well as from the formation of fungus;
  • if any metal surfaces, then you should take care of them, or rather treat them with a special primer or an anti-corrosion compound;
  • Old insulation, rags, and sawdust should be removed from all cracks.
  • If cracks are found in the attic, they need to be sealed with polyurethane foam.

Stage two - waterproofing

When insulating a hilltop, this stage is one of the most important, since many materials do not tolerate moisture well and may even lose their original characteristics. That is why it is necessary to take care of a good one. Waterproofing also helps prevent corrosion on metal floors.

The third stage - laying insulation

Depending on the chosen insulation, we begin to distribute it evenly over the floor, as well as the walls and ceiling, unless, of course, it is expanded clay or sawdust.

It is important to ensure that all layers are the same and that there is no gap between the insulation. At this stage you need to be as careful as possible.

The fourth stage - vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is prerequisite, both for and for reinforced concrete. It must be laid directly on the ceiling, only in this way can it protect the insulation from the resulting vapors that can accumulate in the heat insulator passing through the ceiling.

Fifth stage - counter-lattice

After the previous stages have been completed, you can begin to finish the walls (roof). To do this, you can use various materials: lining, drywall or plywood.

Stage six – insulation of utilities

To do this, you can purchase mineral wool and wrap it around the pipes, and then wrap everything with roofing felt and secure it with wire. This is the easiest way to insulate communications.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in insulating an attic. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and do everything consistently and then you will be able to do this procedure no worse than the professionals.

After all, now you can independently choose the most suitable material as insulation.

Construction of a residential building is a labor-intensive and financially expensive process. Often, the construction of an additional floor during the construction of a house has to be abandoned due to a lack of finances. However, over time, home owners often wonder: how to increase the living space in the house? It is possible to expand the living space in a house without adding new buildings. The simplest solution is to use the attic as a living space. In order to magically transform a nondescript and dusty room into a cozy and functional room, it is necessary to carry out a complex of works.

Carrying out repairs or construction attic space, a preliminary action plan should be drawn up. This will help avoid additional costs and optimize the conversion of the attic into living rooms. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Plan and drawing. Before starting repairs, you should draw up a detailed plan drawing. There are specialized computer programs for this. Planning can be done traditional way by drawing up a project on paper. The drawings must take into account: the height between the floor and the ceiling, the dimensions of the elements rafter system and other highlights.
  2. Definition of functionality. The residential attic floor can be turned into a bedroom, children's room, family recreation area or office.


The height between the floor and ceiling in a residential attic must be at least 2.1 meters. If the height is below the established indicator, the level of living comfort decreases.

Before you begin, you should determine functional purpose for the attic space.

  1. Cleaning. Before the beginning construction work The attic needs cleaning. After cleaning, you should once again check the plan drawing with the actual room.
  2. Inspection. In order for the room to be comfortable and safe for living, it is necessary to inspect its structural parts for possible breakdowns and damage, identify design flaws and carry out repairs.
  3. Planning and purchasing. After the estimate has been prepared and the choice building material and the roof covering has been produced, we begin purchasing.

An approximate plan may include many subparagraphs, it all depends on the situation, the architectural features of the building and the wishes of the residents of the house.

Choosing a roof covering

As you know, the attic crowns the entire structure of a private house, located under its roof. Therefore, the height of the roof and the choice of material for roofing are one of the main ones when arranging a living space. The most wear-resistant and durable types of coating include:

  • metal tiles;
  • roll materials with high bitumen content;
  • asbestos cement sheets of regular or reinforced profile.

The choice of coating material depends on several factors, one of the most important being the type, slope angle, structure and architecture. It is the choice of coating material that is important in order to provide reliable protection from moisture and weather conditions, ventilation, and create optimal temperature conditions and indoor comfort under a roof. When choosing a material, it is worth performing approximate calculations to take into account the degree of load on the roof of the house and the rafter system. This will help increase the service life of the structure and avoid unpleasant situations (cracks, collapse).

Stairs to the attic

Reconstruction of a dark and unattractive attic space is a complex undertaking. The question of how to equip the entrance to the attic worries many. The staircase is a classic solution, but it’s not that simple! There are a huge number of design options. Each type of staircase has its own characteristics and advantages, so making a choice is not easy.


A wide straight staircase, matching the design of the house, looks expensive, solid and aesthetically pleasing, but “steals” precious meters of living space.

More democratic and inexpensive option The equipment for entering the attic space is a folding staircase structure. It is less monumental in appearance, but no less reliable in operation.

Types of non-stationary stairs for a private house:

  • Folding design is a traditional ladder that you can make with your own hands, having basic knowledge.
  • Retractable design- V assembled form hidden behind the hatch cover from view and does not interfere with the aesthetics of the interior.
  • Sliding design– compact and reliable, consists of several sections and a sliding mechanism.

In order to make the arrangement of the entrance to the attic as comfortable as possible for each of the household members, it is necessary to calculate the size of the stairs and the number of steps. First of all, we measure the distance between the ceiling and the subfloor and make an approximate calculation based on medium height steps. When all the calculations have been made, you can make an estimate for the purchase required material and make the design yourself. Detailed information is available on our website. When choosing a staircase to the attic of a private house, it is important to understand who will use it most often. If it is intended for elderly people or children, the requirements for the convenience and safety of entering the attic increase (making handrails or).

Insulation of a residential attic

To create comfortable living conditions in the attic of a private house, you should pay attention Special attention insulation of the room. The work can be done with your own hands, without involving expensive specialists. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  1. The first step is to ensure the integrity of the roof and roof covering. If damaged areas or gaps in the coating are found, they must be sealed using construction tape. If the integrity of the roof covering is damaged on a large scale, restoration work should be carried out or it should be completely covered.
  2. Next, the integrity of the rafter system is checked. Remember that even minor deviations from the norm can cause a violation of the integrity of the entire structure.
  3. Special slats are attached to the rafter legs, which in the future will provide a gap for ventilation between the insulation layer and the roof. First, a hard covering, for example, roofing felt, is secured, and slats are attached on top of it.


Reiki for ventilation gap must be attached exclusively along the rafter legs. If you attach it across, the strength of the structure will significantly decrease.

  1. We attach the insulation. The choice of material for attic insulation depends on the design features and financial capabilities of the home owners. To insulate a living space in the attic, you can choose:
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene boards;
  • kraft paper, straw or sawdust.

There is an unspoken rule for choosing thermal insulation material: the steeper the slopes of the roof of the house, the denser the insulation should be. Expanded clay is often used as an option for insulating floors between floors. The use of expanded clay is especially important for concrete floor floor in the attic of a residential building. When insulating a residential attic space, you should remember about vapor barrier. When choosing a material such as foil-coated mineral wool, an additional vapor barrier layer is not needed.

Correct and attic ceiling


Insulating the attic does not guarantee warmth in the room under the roof. Using the attic of a house as additional living space implies organizing a high-quality communication system. One of the aspects of a comfortable stay, especially during the cold season, is heating. Installing a heating system in the attic of a house makes it possible to use this space year-round. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • Using a stationary heating system.
  • Fireplace equipment in the attic.
  • Using electrical appliances to heat a room.

Each of the proposed options is feasible, but has its own characteristics. To install a traditional heating system, you will need to run pipes into the attic. After this, the heated area is calculated and radiators are installed. Fireplace in the room under the roof - original idea. Undoubtedly, having a fireplace in a room is always cozy and warm. When carrying out construction, it is better to make an additional branch for the fireplace, which in the future will be connected to the general heating system Houses. The design of such a system is complicated by the need for a powerful feed pump. This will help cope with the increased workload. In addition, you need to take into account that a high-quality chimney must be installed for the fireplace, and this will lead to additional financial expenses. Using electric heating devices to heat a room under a roof is the most cost-effective way. It does not require the construction or arrangement of specialized premises, chimneys or compartments.


When choosing equipment, you should take into account the power of the devices and remember the fire safety techniques of a private home.

Electric heating has disadvantages: high energy consumption, risk of fire, drying out the air in the room. When choosing the safest and most economical heating option, experts advise giving preference to an autonomous heating system.


In order for natural light to freely enter the rooms under the roof, translucent structures are needed. In this case the only thing the right decision will become . Important point in the process of preparing for installing a window into the roof slopes - manufacturing with inside strong wooden frame that will help hold window frames and prevent possible deformation. The frame is installed between rafter legs, therefore the width is ordered taking into account this distance and thickness of the beams. Windows can be installed on gables or directly in the roof of the house. What are the advantages skylights?

  1. Saving on energy costs. Such windows allow you to increase throughput natural light by 40%.
  2. Exquisite design. Windows help create a unique atmosphere in the room under the roof; they organically complement the design, creating spaciousness in the room.
  3. Functionality. Manufacturers offer various configurations and functional loads of windows for attic spaces.

Regarding electrical wiring into the attic to create high-quality artificial lighting, that is, there are several proven methods:

  • laying wires over the walls, hiding them in special plastic boxes;
  • arrangement of hidden electrical wiring by laying the wires under the inner lining.

The first method is the simplest; you can do it quickly and easily with your own hands. The second method is more technically complex, since the standards and requirements for fire safety private house. Hidden wiring laid at the stage of installation of the frame, wall and ceiling cladding.


When settling in hidden wiring, copper wire fits into a special corrugated metal sleeve. After this, it is mounted into the wall.

When the electrical wiring is installed in the attic, all sockets and switches are placed in their places, you can begin the most exciting stage - interior planning. Flights of imagination are welcome here! You can choose classic style solutions, cozy Country or gentle Provence. For young people you can create an urban room under a roof in the Loft style, and for children - a fabulous dream island.

Transforming a dusty and dark attic into a cozy and spacious room under the roof itself is a labor-intensive process and requires financial costs. Knowing the secrets and tricks, following the rules and advice of experts, you can transform a non-residential property in a short time cold attic under the roof into additional living space.

Transforming an Abandoned Attic

As a rule, in dachas, and even in private houses, the attic serves as a place where they go to long years old furniture, rags and other junk. However, it can be used to make just the right room or useful square meters, which the owners always lack. We've collected 17 ideas for decorating a living room in an attic that will inspire you to take action right now.

1. Bright living room

Cozy living room in Scandinavian style with a simple light finish, a small white sofa, hanging chair and laconic wooden details.

2. A place for creativity

Workplace in modern style with a large table by the window and spacious storage systems along the walls - an excellent example of the competent use of attic space.

3. Relaxation area

A cozy place for relaxation and privacy, organized in a small attic, with wood trim and a small functional bed.

4. Modern bedroom

A stylish bedroom with low furniture that does not disturb the proportions of this non-standard space, and wooden shelves up to the ceiling, which became an interesting detail of the interior.

5. Provence

Charming bedroom in Provence style with white and pink walls, classic bed, a coat rack and wonderful decorative details - a wonderful example of arranging a tiny attic space with a sloped roof.

6. Natural materials

A bright attic bedroom in which the spirit of happiness and freedom hovers, with makeshift bed made from pallets, two simple nightstands and a charming hanging chair.

7. Gaming

A small attic can be turned into a cozy room for playing video games and watching movies. To do this, you need to cover the walls with any dynamic wallpaper, put a couple of tables, armchairs, a TV and speakers.

8. Children's room

High-quality finishing of the walls and ceiling, two built-in beds with shelving, a small sofa by the window and a dull attic will turn into a wonderful bedroom for children or teenagers.

9. Cinema hall

Calm interior of a small attic space with a bright semicircular sofa, a round table and a large plasma TV on the wall.

10. Informal space

A tiny lounge in the attic with a bright orange wall, a soft mattress, an abundance of colorful textiles and well-chosen decor.

11. Modern

Fantastic attic with OSB boards on the walls, round window, an elegant table with light textile upholstery, two classic armchairs and a soft carpet in a pleasant coffee shade.

12. Office

A magnificent office, equipped in a small attic, with a classic desk, vintage floor lamp and comfortable chair.

13. Rustic chic

An atmospheric bedroom with wood trim that creates a warm feeling, two beds, a simple bedside table, a vintage rug and fairy lights that create a cozy and festive atmosphere.

14. Eclecticism

An attic in the “made from what was there” style, with bare brick walls, a mattress under a bright blanket, wooden rack, a wicker bedside table and an abundance of various decorative details. It is worth noting that despite the lack of a single idea, the room turned out to be quite cozy, harmonious, and most importantly - original.

15. Territory of comfort

Atmospheric space in Scandinavian style.

A unique space with rough wooden beams, a panoramic roof, soft blankets and plenty of... sofa cushions- a fantastic example of arrangement cozy place for relaxing in the attic without much investment.

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If you have not yet decided what you can do with your attic, then continue the topic by reading

Despite the fact that the popularity of the residential attic is growing, many supporters remain for houses with a full second floor and a cold attic. This solution allows you to reduce costs. In general, a cold attic is structurally simpler, however, even here, designers and builders are not at all immune from mistakes, the price of which is a decrease in the comfort and service life of the building.

Most often you have to deal with improper insulation attic floor. The problem is that customers strive to reduce costs on materials to the limit, and builders carry out work in the attic extremely carelessly, confident that the owner will not carefully inspect this non-residential premises. So, let's move on to a review of possible shortcomings.

The folding invisible ladder comes complete with an insulated sealed hatch. Photo: Fakro

Mistakes when arranging the attic

1. The insulation is laid directly on the suspended ceiling

Water vapor will inevitably seep into the thickness of the insulation, which will negatively affect its properties. In addition, there are inevitable gaps in the ceiling through which particles of insulation and/or emitted by it chemical substances will enter the rooms. Before installing the insulation, plank ceilings or rough rolls on beams must be covered with a continuous carpet of thin-layer rolled vapor barrier with an overlap of strips of at least 10 cm.

General scheme insulation of the attic floor. Photo: Rockwool

2. The insulation layer is too thin

The attic floor is subject to the same thermal insulation requirements as the attic floor. Accordingly, the thickness of mineral wool slabs or sprayed cellulose wool or polyurethane foam should be at least 200 mm (if you focus on Northern European standards, then 300 mm), low-density polystyrene slabs - at least 150 mm. By the way, when insulating with expanded polystyrene, the joints of the sheets and their junctions with wooden beams must be sealed.

3. The insulation is not protected from weathering

This paragraph concerns fibrous materials, the structure of which is destroyed over time by air currents. Mineral or cellulose wool it is necessary to tighten it on top with a roll of vapor-permeable waterproofing.

Icicles on the eaves are a sure sign of insufficient insulation of the attic floor. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev

4. Ventilation of the attic space is not provided

Water vapor somehow penetrates into the attic, and in cold weather it condenses on the sheathing, causing it to rot. And in summer heat the air under the roof gets very hot and through the smallest cracks and leaks in the ceiling “flows” into the rooms on the second floor, where it also becomes hot. To avoid these troubles, you need to organize intensive ventilation of the attic. Today, most experts believe that the attic roof, like the attic roof, should be equipped with perforated eaves soffits and a ventilation ridge.

Pedimental dormer windows often insufficient for attic ventilation. Photo: MidAmerica

5. Movement is possible only on beams and boards placed here and there

The attic space can be used for laying communications, installing engineering equipment(both sometimes need revision) and. But for this you need to make movement around the attic comfortable and safe, which means you can’t do without a floor, for which edged and unedged boards thickness from 35 mm or durable sheet materials(plywood, OSB, etc.).

Perforated soffits provide intense and uniform air flow. Photo: FineBer

6. Comfortable lifting, loft and lighting are not provided

Even if you do not use the attic as a storage room, you still sometimes have to go up there - to inspect the roof structures, chimneys or ventilation pipes. Moreover, the need to get into the attic may arise urgently (suppose you smelled burning and overheated metal near the chimney). Going to the barn in search of a stepladder will waste precious minutes. Therefore, it makes sense to acquire a stationary ladder or a special folding “invisible” ladder. And of course, we must not forget about the lighting - ideally it should turn on automatically (circuits with a motion sensor or a reed switch on the hatch).

A ventilation ridge originally designed for mansard roof, today they are often used in houses with a cold attic. Photo: Klober

In order for the house to be warm, and we do not have to overpay for heating, we need to take care of high-quality insulation walls, floor and roof. It is also important to insulate the ceiling of a private house in the attic. There are several options for how to insulate an attic in a private home inexpensively and efficiently. How to do it yourself, what materials can be used for this? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

How to insulate the attic of a private house correctly?

An attic is a space under a sloping roof that is not used for residential purposes. If the roof slopes are not thermally insulated, insulating material can be placed on the ceiling dividing the space under the roof with the living rooms.

The roof space that is not used for living often lacks an insulating layer, which creates the need to lay a buffer zone to insulate the roofing. The complete absence of such insulation is allowed only when the room is unheated, for example, a garage. In other cases, it is necessary to retain the heat that is used to heat living rooms, since warm air tends to rise up. To save money spent on heating, it is necessary to prevent its leakage through the roof.

Before starting renovations, it is very important to learn how to properly insulate an attic in a private home; many factors should be taken into account. These include roof design features and attic height.

What is the best way to insulate the attic of a private house with a concrete floor?

Concrete floor - monolithic or prefabricated, is usually intended for residential attics. Sometimes, however, this solution is also used for non-residential roofs. How and how to insulate the attic floor in a private house made of concrete?

The concrete floor is insulated after construction and finishing of the roof. This operation will not be difficult as long as we have easy access to the attic, and also if the height of the attic allows for free movement.

The most commonly used material in such cases is mineral wool. Particularly recommended are compressed mats, which are gradually expanded up to the nominal thickness. The resilient surface easily fills all the nooks and crannies of the attic. The mats should be placed close to each other without any gaps between them that could lead to heat loss.

It is much more difficult to achieve this result using stiffer materials such as expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene or polyurethane foam.

To create the structure, the insulation must be laid between wooden beams, to which boards or wood panels will be screwed to form the floor.

You can also make a mineral lining from a mineral solution, which is poured onto the insulation insulated with foil, but this solution is rarely used.

How to insulate the attic of a house with bulk insulation?

If the attic is too low, then the work should not be very difficult and time-consuming, good decision there will be insulation using one of the bulk insulating materials:

  • granulated cotton wool;
  • polystyrene granules;
  • cellulose fibers.

The thickness of the insulating layer depends on the material used and the thermal permeability of the ceiling. The average thickness is approximately 20 cm.

How to insulate a wooden ceiling?

If the ceiling is wooden, it is better to insulate the attic of a private house with your own hands in a slightly different way. Thermal insulation is placed primarily between the beams. In this case, materials made from mineral wool or wood derivatives are used. How to insulate the attic of a private house with mineral wool? Thanks to their excellent elasticity, slabs or mats fill gaps between ceiling beams very well. Before insulating the attic of a private house with mineral wool, you should lay a lining from the bottom of the roof. If it will be a plasterboard suspended ceiling, it is good to place an additional layer of insulation on the underside of the attic. Wooden beams will also be insulated, which has a very positive effect on the heat transfer of the entire layer.

Additionally, if the ceiling is insulated this way, it will be easier to build a batten or OSB floor on it. If you decide not to insulate suspended ceiling, then an additional heat-insulating layer will be located in the attic. Construction of the floor will then be more difficult for two reasons. First you need to be perpendicular to ceiling beams nail beams with a cross section of 4 x 6 cm and put an insulating layer between them; in addition, the surface of such a floor will ultimately be higher, thereby reducing the height of the attic.

Photo. When insulating a wooden ceiling, the thermal insulation material is placed primarily between the beams

For insulation wooden ceilings polystyrene is not used in traditional form, but you can fill the space between the beams with polystyrene granules. However, the light weight of such backfill, despite good thermal insulation, does not provide the ceiling with satisfactory sound insulation. Also, this type of insulation material does not provide sufficient fire protection for wood.

Among loose insulation materials much more profitable than granules made of mineral wool or cellulose fibers. Both products have very good thermal insulation properties, provide good sound insulation and protect the structure in the event of a fire.

In buildings that have an unused attic, it is cost effective to implement a truss roof structure. Precast elements replace traditional rafters. They form large triangles that are located tightly next to each other.

The space under the roof with this design is severely limited by beveled beams. However, it is almost impossible to insulate such an attic using slabs or mats. Most rational decision in this case, blower insulation using polystyrene granules or cellulose fibers is used.

The space is filled with air flow through holes in the gable walls, through a hatch in the roof, or through the so-called inspection hole.

Bulk material capable of scattering very densely throughout all the nooks and crannies of this attic. Insulation work should be carried out only after the construction of the ceiling is completed. It is also necessary to check whether the ceiling can support the weight of such insulation, and appropriate reinforcement may need to be provided.

Attic ventilation

Since many of thermal insulation materials, including mineral wool, reduce their insulating properties as a result of increased humidity, it is necessary to ensure that the space in the attic is provided with sufficient ventilation. Good ventilation is provided by air intakes on the eaves and exhaust holes made in the gable walls. They must be protected with a net to prevent the entry of birds and small animals. Upper layer It is advisable to cover insulating materials with high elasticity with a windproof film, then less heat will be blown out of the insulation.

How to insulate an attic in a private house video