Furnishing the bedroom. How to decorate a bedroom - interesting ideas and options for decorating a relaxation room. photo of small bedroom design

From this article you will learn:

    What color should I choose for my bedroom?

    What bedroom styles are popular today and what are their features?

    How to properly arrange furniture and accessories in the bedroom?

    What should be the bedroom lighting?

    How to arrange a living room-bedroom?

    What do designers advise for decorating a bedroom?

    How to arrange a small bedroom?

    What are the secrets to arranging a narrow bedroom?

The bedroom is a special room in the house, the interior of which must be thought out as carefully as possible. Properly arranging a room means creating a space that is practical and cozy, and also meets the tastes and needs of the owners of the house. Everyone would like it to be easy to relax in, comfortably engage in their hobbies and, of course, sleep peacefully. How to decorate a bedroom: which style to prefer, how to fit everything you need on limited area, what decorative elements to use? We will talk about all this in this article.

Bedroom color

The choice of color that will become the main one in the interior of the room depends on its functional purpose. It has long been proven that different colors influence the human psyche in different ways: some relax, others support performance, and so on.

Accordingly, to decorate your bedroom, you should choose neutral, soft shades. Design in light colors will help solve two problems at once: create a calming atmosphere and visually enlarge the room. If the bedroom is very small or there is not enough sunlight, light colors will come in handy.

Even if the bedroom is large, you can still decorate it using beige tones. These shades are the basis Scandinavian style, which is now popular throughout Europe.

In the bedroom interior, light blue walls and cherry furniture will be in perfect harmony with each other. Textiles will help place accents: for example, a purple canopy and purple bed linen.

In general, light wall decoration in combination with dark wood furniture is one of the trends of recent years. In this case, the shade of one of them may be slightly darker than the main one.

Bedroom style

The style for this room is chosen primarily based on the preferences of the owner. There are many options for how to arrange a bedroom, but the following directions are most often used:

  1. ecostyle;


A country style bedroom will resemble a room in a private house. Distinctive features This direction includes pieces of furniture made of wood, bedspreads sewn from scraps of fabric, carpets, paintings in wooden frames. It is impossible to furnish a room in this style without the use of natural materials: they are used in the design of floors and walls, as well as in decoration.

An ethnic direction is part of an entire culture; it reflects the characteristics of life and mentality of the country in which it arises. Interiors in Japanese or oriental styles look unusual and original.

Eco-style presupposes naturalness in everything: natural materials, simple fabrics and neutral tones. It is important that the room is as spacious and bright as possible. Wooden furniture is suitable for this direction; cotton and linen fabrics are used in the design.

Minimalism is a specific style, which is characterized by the presence of two or three primary colors. In a minimalist interior, practicality comes first, and all the few decorative elements are functional. It’s worth arranging your bedroom in this direction if you like spacious, calm spaces that are not overloaded with unnecessary details.

The decoration in vintage style is bright, unusual, in which each item attracts attention. It is based on the use of antique furniture and accessories, as well as rich colors. For a vintage bedroom, pieces of furniture that are more than 40 years old are suitable: you can use your grandmother’s closet or dressing table. The main materials will be wood, metal and antique fabrics.

One of the most modern styles can be called high-tech. Here, special attention is paid to technology, and the basic colors are black, white, silver and so on. To decorate your bedroom in this style, you can use colors such as purple, green or blue to create accents. Another feature of this direction is unusual shapes. Any interior and decorative items, from beds and armchairs to shelves and lamps, may have outlines that are unusual to the eye.

Selection and arrangement of furniture and accessories in the bedroom

How to arrange a bedroom in a house? An integral part of this process is the selection of functional furniture.

It is necessary to think about how a bed, bedside tables, wardrobe and other furniture can be placed in the available area so that there is free space in the room.

The optimal width of passages for a bedroom is approximately 70 cm. It is important to arrange the room so that all doors and drawers open freely. If the room area is small, you should completely abandon traditional cabinets in favor of a sliding wardrobe.

If possible, you should place it in your bedroom big bed with a canopy - this will make the room look truly luxurious.

In general, the bed is the center of the bedroom, and you cannot skimp on this piece of furniture. Its quality affects not only the visual appearance of the room: first of all, it ensures the quality of sleep. Those who are furnishing a bedroom should think about buying a full bed rather than a sofa.

A good bed should be at least 213 cm in length; the width for single models is at least 99 cm, for double models - 152 cm. It is equally important to purchase a one-piece orthopedic mattress. The sleeping place should be located so that it can be approached from both sides, and the front door can be clearly visible.

Mirror surfaces will help you properly arrange a small bedroom: a wardrobe with similar doors will visually enlarge the room.

Those who spend time watching TV series or TV shows before going to bed should think in advance about where it will be most convenient to place the TV.

If you prefer reading, it is important to properly arrange your bedside area. There should be a bedside table or table, and, of course, high-quality lighting.

In the bedroom, in addition to the bed and wardrobe, there may also be bedside tables, armchairs or ottomans, and so on. What pieces of furniture are suitable for your bedroom? This depends on many factors, the main ones of which are the area of ​​the room, as well as its style. If you decide to arrange a room in a minimalist style, the least amount of furniture and decor is welcome here, while in classic interior A full-fledged headset would be appropriate.

And yet, decorating a bedroom is not just about purchasing furniture. You will have to devote a lot of time to selecting textiles and accessories. In accordance with the interior style, curtains are selected - more or less dense, neutral or bright.

One of the most practical elements of bedroom design is, of course, a mirror. In addition to its main function, any reflective surface makes the room wider and freer. Any surface can be decorated with mirrors, just do not place them opposite the bed.

An optional but quite functional part of the bedroom is the dressing room, which is much larger than compact cabinet with folding doors. This is a full-fledged room where you can store all your belongings and also change clothes. Of course, not every room can have not only a place to relax, but also a dressing room: this will require an impressive area.

The dressing area can be located:

    In the corner of the room. This option is optimal for arranging a wardrobe area in a small room due to significant space savings.

    Near the bed. In a rectangular-shaped bedroom, the sleeping place can be located near a long wall. If you use room zoning techniques, you can also arrange a place for changing clothes next to it.

    Along the wall. It is very convenient to place the wardrobe along a long wall that does not have a doorway.

You can allocate space for a dressing room using a plasterboard partition, but this will only be appropriate in a room with a large area. In this case, it becomes truly separate, separate premises inside the bedroom. Another option is to arrange your wardrobe by separating it with a screen or curtain. This method of zoning can be considered more acceptable for medium-sized bedrooms, while the presence of such a border will reduce a very small room even more.

In the question of how to beautifully arrange a bedroom, decorative elements play an important role. The following decorative components will help make the room more comfortable: paintings, photographs, elegant souvenirs. In the spouses' bedroom, paired items always look great, be it vases, lamps or souvenir figurines.

Lighting in bedroom design

Lighting in the bedroom is different from other rooms in the house. Since it is necessary to arrange a place to relax, one lighting fixture with bright light will not work here. It is better to install several lamps with shades that would create soft, dispersed light throughout the room.

An excellent option for the bedroom is halogen lamps. They can have different color shades, and also allow you to adjust the lighting, that is, make it more or less bright when you need it.

Consider the location of the lamps so as to provide illumination to the bedside area, mirrors, chest of drawers, and so on.

A combination of general lighting with local and decorative lamps. This will allow you to create the most comfortable level of illumination at different times of the day.

How to arrange a living room-bedroom

Often in small apartments ah, the bedroom is also a living room. There is a need to arrange it so that you can not only sleep and relax before bed, but also do business during the day, as well as receive guests. This task may seem almost impossible to many. If you need to design such a multifunctional room, they will come to the rescue various ways zoning.

Creating several zones within one room will allow you to create separate places for relaxation and work. To divide the bedroom into two parts, you need to follow general rules zoning of premises, and also take into account what your design will be.

Eat whole line techniques that allow you to arrange rooms divided into several functional zones. Speaking about bedroom zoning, there are three main ways:

    decorative partitions;

    sliding doors.

Arches are a classic zoning tool. Their presence allows you to create a feeling of privacy in each of the improvised “rooms”. Distinctive feature The advantage of these structures is that they do not take up much space and can fit into a wide variety of interiors.

If there is enough free space in the room, you can arrange it using decorative structures. Shelves or glass partitions, as well as unusual elements such as a fireplace or an aquarium, can also serve as a division into zones.

Another way to separate one part of the room from another is a podium about 20 cm high. In this case, this elevation is not only a zoning tool: it provides additional storage space (in some cases, it can even accommodate a bed). If you're thinking about how to decorate a bedroom with a podium, don't forget about lighting. In this case, the isolation of the zone will be perfectly emphasized by lighting.

Very often, zoning is carried out using sliding doors. Another option is to install furniture, which, in addition to its main function, will divide the room into parts. In the kitchen, a bar counter is usually used as such a “partition”.

If we talk about the bedroom-living room, here you can separate a place to relax with the help of curtains. This simple solution is suitable for almost any room, and you can create a very cozy sleeping area.

In what cases is it necessary to visually divide a room into parts?

Firstly, this may be necessary when its different parts are intended for different purposes. For example, a bedroom can be divided into a bedroom and a living room, or a small work area can be allocated.

Secondly, zoning is very important for owners of one-room apartments. This way they can arrange separate common and private areas.

Division into zones is also appropriate when a room is used differently at different times of the day. For example, if the owners spend time in it during the day and receive guests, and sleep at night.

Among other things, separating several zones in a room can be part of design solution. Thanks to zoning tools, you can make a room visually more spacious and attractive. If you know in advance that you want to arrange a bedroom with division into zones, then you can carefully consider how exactly one zone will be separated from another, as well as how best to arrange lighting fixtures.

Lighting and zoning are closely related to each other. One overhead lighting in the form ceiling chandelier- Not the best option for a room that is divided into two parts with different functions. Use a floor lamp or sconce that will become part of the design solution.

If you need to decorate a small room, try not to use bright colors in the design of the floors and walls. Plain contrasting patterns will also have a bad effect on the visual appearance of the room. Choose one neutral color to paint the floor - this simple step will immediately make the room feel larger.

How to arrange a bedroom, living room and kitchen in one room? To decorate a studio bedroom, you need to remove all partitions. The division into zones is carried out using visual techniques: the color of the walls, furniture, lighting, and so on.

In the food preparation area, the walls should be decorated with practical materials, such as tiles. The dining area is decorated in colors that are in harmony with the tone of the tiles, while the walls can be painted and plastered. There must be a dining table, the lighting of which will be provided by a hanging lamp.

An indispensable piece of studio furniture is corner sofa: It takes up much less space than a bed. Choose a convenient point for the TV - and a full-fledged space for relaxation and sleep is ready. This is how you can arrange it multifunctional room using zoning.

  1. Calming color.

Pastel colors are the best option for arranging a relaxation room. The bedroom is not a place that should surprise you with bright details and a variety of colors. Neutral, soothing shades would be much more appropriate.

  1. Using fabric wallpaper on the walls.

Textile wallpaper in a bedroom will make the room much more comfortable. They look beautiful, are pleasant to the touch and also diffuse light. There is only one drawback: by choosing this type of wall covering, you won’t be able to save money.

And yet there are a number of arguments why it is better to use fabric wallpaper to arrange your bedroom:

    they are natural and will not harm your health;

    wear- and moisture-resistant, do not deteriorate from sunlight;

    easy to clean with a regular vacuum cleaner;

    increase the sound insulation of the room;

    You can choose the color and pattern to suit any interior.

  1. High headboard.

In the bedroom, the bed is the central object. A high headboard is a visual accent, which is also an interior decoration. It is made from different materials, for example, from fabric-upholstered panels (this also provides additional sound insulation).

  1. The softness of the carpet.

To create a cozy bedroom, be sure to use a carpet. It is not necessary that it covers the entire floor: a small rug near the bed is enough. The main thing is that it harmonizes with the interior and is pleasant to the touch.

  1. High quality and comfortable mattress.

What you can’t skimp on when decorating a bedroom is a quality mattress. He is the collateral good night which every person needs every day.

Choose the height of the mattress based on the type of interior: if you decide to arrange a room in classic style, a tall one will fit perfectly into it; if you have a bed with a lifting mechanism, choose a model with a height of 25–30 cm.

  1. Correctly selected pillows.

Practical to have pillows in the bedroom different sizes: standard (50x70 cm) - for sleeping, and larger (70x70 cm) - for reading. This combination is convenient to use and will also fit well into the interior of the room.

Will help you arrange your bedroom correct design beds. Elements such as a cylinder-shaped pillow and a blanket folded underneath are considered classic. By choosing this decor option, you definitely can’t go wrong: the classics always remain relevant.

  1. Silk elements.

Silk is indeed a very pleasant material in terms of tactile sensations, and it is also environmentally friendly. If possible, you should arrange your bedroom using silk linen instead of regular sheets.

  1. Natural materials.

Furniture, mattress, textiles and decorative elements - all this should be comfortable and beautiful, as well as harmless to health.

Give preference to natural materials, avoiding substitutes and products with mixed composition. This is the only way you can create a room that will be pleasant and safe to be in.

  1. Curtains.

Thick curtains are an indispensable interior for a bedroom. Without them, the room will be very light from early morning, which is not conducive to restful sleep.

The most practical is considered to be a combination of thick curtains with light ones: materials such as voile or organza are suitable. When going to bed, you can close the main curtains, completely blocking the access of sunlight to the room. During the day, it will be easy to tie them up, leaving only thin curtains.

  1. Aromatherapy.

Pleasant scents can be a great addition to your bedroom interior, helping to create a calm, relaxing atmosphere. An aroma lamp or scented candles will help you create a cozy bedroom. Remember that water and oil should not boil - this will release harmful substances.

Melissa, lavender, sandalwood and chamomile oils are suitable for use in the bedroom; you can also mix ylang-ylang, patchouli, jasmine, geranium, basil and bergamot oils.

How to arrange a narrow bedroom

Narrow rooms are quite common in Russian apartments. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of how to arrange a bedroom in a rectangular room with a small width. In such a situation, you need to use design tricks that will help visually adjust the shape of the room. The following can help you with this:

Square-shaped furniture is what you need to correct a disproportionate space. The more equilateral elements there are in the interior, the better. No less important point– location of lighting fixtures. They can make a room visually wider Spotlights placed on narrow walls. Lamps located on the different levels. In this case, the central light should be diffused and soft.

There is one more nuance, knowledge of which will help you arrange narrow bedroom so that it looks aesthetically pleasing. You probably know that mirror surfaces can “pull apart the walls” of small rooms. In the case of a narrow room, mirrors should be placed along one of the walls. You will see how the room will immediately double in size - if only visually. And yet, this technique can seriously affect the perception of room space.

If the bedroom does not have a huge area, the question of how to arrange it is a real puzzle. Below you will see ten short tips, using which you can place everything you need in a small room without neglecting the beauty of the interior.

  1. Choose light-colored bedding.

As we have already said, neutral colors are the basis of bedroom design. Pastel shades should be used not only in wall decoration, but also in textiles. Bed linen should not be too bright and colorful: it is better to choose one light color which will visually enlarge the room.

  1. The bedroom should have intimate lighting.

There is no need to give up central lighting, but the light should be soft and diffused. Also pay attention to the size of the chandelier - if it is too large, the interior will look inharmonious. Wall lamps will help you decorate your bedroom: they will provide additional light if, for example, you want to read.

  1. If there is a canopy, then it is light.

If you want to divide a small room into zones, you can use a canopy. Choose a lightweight fabric that won't look bulky. And yet, if there is no desk in the bedroom and the room is used only for sleeping, it is better to refuse partitions.

  1. Save on furniture, not on sleep.

How to decorate your bedroom and save money at the same time? Naturally, you cannot save on buying a bed and mattress. Otherwise, try to discard all pieces of furniture that are not strictly necessary.

  1. Make a bright accent on one wall.

Designers advise using no more than two primary colors when decorating a bedroom. But to decorate a small room, you can add one dark, rich tone to the color scheme for an accent wall. Bright paint or wallpaper on one of the walls - effective technique expansion of space.

  1. Get rid of the headboard.

In small rooms you have to give up many details, and one of them may be the headboard. Such a “sacrifice” may be justified, since it will immediately free up quite a lot of space and make the bed lighter.

  1. Place furniture on legs.

Such furniture creates a feeling of lightness, adding “air” to the room. Therefore, you should prefer a table with thin elegant legs to a monolithic chest of drawers.

  1. Consider storage space.

By installing a massive wardrobe in the bedroom, you will immediately say goodbye to half of the free space. To avoid this, try organizing storage areas in a non-standard way. Some of them can be put in drawers under the bed, used as bedside tables, and so on.

  1. Build a “second floor”.

Sometimes owners of small apartments have to go to extreme measures in order to furnish their home practically and comfortably. Such a measure could be the second floor, on which the sleeping place will be located.

  1. Transform.

Multifunctional furniture can be a real salvation for studio apartments. To equip such a room, you can use a sliding desk, sofa bed, transformable chair - in a word, two-in-one pieces of furniture.

How to arrange a small bedroom: photo

Conclusion on how to arrange a bedroom

Nowadays, the choice of furniture finishing materials and accessories for bedrooms is quite wide, and choose interior elements for the most different rooms is not difficult. Shelves and drawers will help you organize all your things while saving space: use them to arrange a small bedroom.

Main condition good interior– you should feel comfortable in it. Make your bedroom such that you feel as calm and comfortable as possible. You can look for original design solutions that will help you decorate a room in thematic magazines and on the Internet. And only when you have developed the project down to the smallest detail, proceed directly to the repair.

Video about the basic principles of bedroom design

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The bedroom is the most intimate and personal place in the house, so its layout should be thought through especially carefully. A lot depends on its organization: the mood of the spouses in the morning, their state of mind and relationships. Of course, the harmonious atmosphere in the apartment depends not only on the arrangement of the said room, but this point plays an important role. We’ll talk further about how to decorate a bedroom and what tips will help you avoid mistakes in organizing its space.

The best option for decorating a bedroom is when it acts only as a place to sleep, and the children's room, workplace or soft zone are located in other rooms. But for many families this option is not possible due to small area apartments. In such cases, screens and partitions will come to the rescue, separating the sleeping area from the rest of the space.

Another important point is sufficient natural lighting, because this directly determines how comfortable it will be for the spouses to wake up in the morning.

Narrow bedroom

A rectangular room, small in width, is a fairly common phenomenon in our country, so many people are concerned about the question of how to arrange a narrow bedroom. When decorating in this case, the emphasis is on the visual “squaring” of the room. This can be done using:

  • furniture;
  • Sveta;
  • mirrors

Furniture will help correct the disproportion of space. The more pieces of furniture that have a square shape, the better. Play with the shape of your bedroom with sun rays- place spotlights along narrow walls, and this will visually expand the room. The placement of lamps at different levels will highlight certain areas of the room and emphasize its beauty.

Central lighting should be made softer and more diffuse. There is one secret that all designers use and which will save you from the question of how to decorate a small bedroom. It consists in expanding the space narrow room through mirrors. Placing them along one of the narrow walls will divert attention from small parameters, and you will no longer have to think about how to arrange a small bedroom.

Small bedroom

If you are in possession of small room, you've probably thought about how to decorate a small bedroom. Every centimeter of space is important here, but don’t panic, because even a small room can be decorated profitably, the main thing is to know certain tricks and tricks that designers resort to.

It's no secret that the bedroom is 12 square meters. m and even less, made in light colors, visually becomes more spacious. A light palette makes light room and graceful, it seems to saturate her with air. A free, uncluttered entrance to the room is another important condition for creating a comfortable space. Leaving the distance from the bedroom door to the opposite wall open will visually expand the room. You should also add bright accents and details to the interior; they will attract attention and distract from the insufficient footage of the room.

Furniture for a small bedroom should be compact, oversized and as functional as possible. Forget about bulky bedside tables and think about organizing a second tier. If desired, the window sill can be equipped as a comfortable sofa. We also solve the issue of storing things in a small bedroom - you can arrange all kinds of shelves and cabinets not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Combination of bedroom and nursery

Sometimes the area of ​​the apartment does not allow for a separate room for the nursery. In this case, you should carefully consider how to arrange a bedroom with a crib. First of all, you should choose a place for parents to sleep and only then decide where the child will sleep. Key points to consider:

It is strictly not recommended to place a child’s crib near a radiator or other heating devices. Overheating is just as dangerous as hypothermia and can cause frequent illnesses and the baby's ailments. It should also be remembered that the baby’s crib must be in a safe place; there cannot be any wall decorations or sockets near it, because these are potential sources of threat.

Feng Shui bedroom

IN last years Feng Shui has become often used in the design of living spaces, and the bedroom is no exception. When thinking about how to decorate a bedroom according to Feng Shui, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  • room location;
  • color spectrum;
  • arrangement of furniture, mirrors and accessories in the room.

The location of the bedroom is extremely important. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the bedroom should not be a walk-through; it is better if it is located in the back of the house, and not next to front door, bathroom or toilet. As for the color scheme, it is recommended to choose warm pastel colors - they allow you to relax and bring calm to the interior. When decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui, you should avoid bright colors, they are unacceptable for a vacation spot.

Furniture in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, also has its own meaning. The main attribute is the bed. You should not place it in the middle of the room, directing it so that the person lying will have his feet towards the door or his head towards the window. In this case, during sleep the person will be surrounded by negative energy, which will have a bad effect on well-being. The best location for a bed according to Feng Shui is with the headboard facing the wall and diagonally from the door.

The space under the bed should be empty, this promotes full circulation of positive energy. As for the rest of the furniture in the bedroom, it should be simple and unobtrusive, and clutter with unnecessary objects should be avoided.

Mirrors are very welcome in Feng Shui, but not in the bedroom. If you still want to place a mirror in the room, you should do this with extreme caution. Remember that a sleeping person should not be reflected in it. It is believed that if a mirror is located opposite the bed, then the negative energy emanating from a person during sleep is doubled and redirected back to him.

Turning your bedroom into a quiet and cozy island of relaxation is not so difficult; you just need to remove from the room everything that worsens your mood or disturbs you. The atmosphere of the bedroom is calm and a favorable mood, because the most important thing here is to have a good rest and gain strength for a new day.

Choosing a bedroom style

The style of a bedroom largely depends on the character of its owner. Designers identify five main styles that are used to decorate a bedroom. Most often this is:

  • country;
  • ethnic style;
  • ecostyle;
  • minimalism;
  • vintage.

Owners of their own homes know how to decorate a bedroom in country style. His characteristics- wooden, natural furniture, patchwork bedspreads, simple curtains and curtains, carpets and runners, landscapes and still lifes in wooden frames. In this case, exclusively natural materials are used to decorate the walls and floors.

In turn, it reflects the national flavor of a people or culture. An example of this is Japanese or oriental style.

An eco-style bedroom is characterized by natural materials and natural tones.
First of all, it is spaciousness and a lot of light. It is pleasant to be in such a room not only morally, but also physically. Linen, bamboo, cotton and wood are materials commonly used in eco-style.

For people who value peace and free space, a minimalist bedroom style will suit them. In such an interior it is impossible to get tired of the variety of shades and colors, because the color palette is usually neutral - gray, white and black. The number of accessories and decorative elements in such a room is kept to a minimum, and each of them performs a necessary function.

A vintage bedroom is a bright room, decorated in rich colors, using unusual patterns, antique furniture and accessories. Vintage items are items that are over 40 years old, so grandma's old chest of drawers makes a great base for a bedroom in vintage style. As a rule, antique fabrics, wood and forged products are used as materials in such an interior.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

One of the most common ways to decorate a bedroom is to decorate with wallpaper. Many people like this finishing option because it has many advantages:

  • wide selection of colors and shades of wallpaper;
  • imitation of any materials and textures;
  • easy way of gluing;
  • no need to hire professionals;
  • the ability to change wallpaper frequently;
  • ease of care (washing, cleaning).

It is recommended to use discreet, calm wallpaper patterns when arranging a bedroom. To liven up the interior, you can play with accents, for example, highlight the wall at the head of the bed with wallpaper of a different shade or texture. This technique is quite popular now, due to the fact that this accent can easily be replaced with a new one if desired. At the same time, the basic concept of the room will not change, and you will get an almost new room.

When creating an interior in a retro or vintage style, wallpaper can be completely replaced with fabric upholstery. However, the fabric tends to collect dust, which can be a real challenge for people suffering from allergies.

Bedroom furniture and accessories

An ideal bedroom is characterized by the absence of a large amount of furniture. The most important item in this room is the bed, and everything else - a double-leaf wardrobe or chest of drawers - should be installed only if space allows. When choosing a bed, you should pay attention not only to its appearance, but also for convenience. Try to choose high-quality and reliable furniture, because this is very important for health.

Curtains play an important role in the bedroom interior. Material density and color scheme depend on the style of the room. Their color can match the shade of the walls or, along with pillows and other textiles, on the contrary, become a bright accent in the room.

The lighting solution for the bedroom should be calm. Wall lamps can easily replace a chandelier and will be an excellent source of soft light.

Mirrors in the bedroom look very advantageous. The only caveat, which was already mentioned above, is that it is not recommended to place them opposite the bed. Otherwise, this piece of furniture will serve perfectly to expand the space and saturate the room with air.

Dressing room in the bedroom

When thinking about how to decorate your bedroom, consider adding a walk-in closet. Without a doubt, a dressing room in a bedroom has more functionality than, for example, a double-door wardrobe, but here it is necessary to take into account not only its location, but also other points. The most basic is the size of the room. A dressing room will be appropriate only if the area is large, since it provides sufficient space not only for storing things, but also for changing clothes.

The place for it can be:

  1. Bedroom corner. This method of placement is a great space saver and is suitable even for small bedrooms.
  2. Near the bed. If the bedroom is elongated and quite long, an excellent solution would be to place the bed against a large wall and a dressing room next to it. The only thing worth taking care of in this case is the separation of zones.
  3. Along one of the walls. This arrangement is very convenient, but you should use a long wall that does not have a doorway.

You can highlight a dressing area in the bedroom using a plasterboard partition, however, this option is only suitable for a large bedroom. This is very convenient, because the dressing room turns into a full-fledged separate room. Another frequently used option is the use of screens and curtains. This option is suitable for medium-sized rooms, but if the room is small, screens will visually reduce the space.

Decorating a boy's bedroom

When decorating a bedroom for children, you should remember that there should not be bright, flashy colors in it, since they stimulate the baby’s mental activity and excite the nervous system. Bright, saturated colors are best used for decoration game room. The main rule when decorating a bedroom for children is that it should be bright and cozy.

If you have a themed room, the boy's bed and other details should be selected in accordance with the style. Do not use metal materials in the design of a bedroom for children: they give the room an office look. You should also remember that even the most careful children can hit a protruding part, so choose furniture and a boy’s bed with rounded corners. It would not be a bad idea to place the lamp next to the child’s sleeping place; the baby will be especially pleased with a night light in the form of a robot, a car or a favorite cartoon character.


How to arrange a bedroom is a serious question, and it causes difficulties for many. However, no matter what size bedroom you have, filling it with comfort is more than possible. Proper arrangement of furniture and the use of optical illusions is all that is needed to create a harmonious space. Now you know exactly how to beautifully decorate your bedroom.

How to arrange a living room-bedroom A separate bedroom definitely won’t work in one-room apartment, and in most cases it will not work in a two-room apartment - especially if 2-3 people live in such an apartment. But what can we do? After all, you need a bedroom. The solution is to create a bedroom in the living room. If you act according certain rules, you can arrange a living room-bedroom without losing quality for the functions of both of these rooms.

Such a combined room, on the one hand, should be very cozy and conducive to relaxation, so that it can be considered as a bedroom. But on the other hand, the “sleeping” function should not be conspicuous. Therefore, it is best for this room to be a living room during the day and turn into a bedroom in the evening.

Basic set of furniture for the living room-bedroom− this is a sleeping place, table, wardrobe, shelving, seating, TV, decorative items and some other things, depending on the interests of the apartment owners. Only these objects, and their arrangement, should have some peculiarities.

Sleeping area. In most cases, the sleeping place in the living room-bedroom should be a pull-out sofa, except in certain cases, which will be discussed below. This sofa when folded does not resemble a bed at all and is very suitable for the living room. If the room is not very small, the best option is a corner sofa; it seems to simultaneously contain an armchair. Next to the sofa you can put a beautiful coffee table, preferably on wheels. So that in the evening it would be easy to roll it aside and dismantle the sofa. At night, such a coffee table can serve as a bedside table. The most convenient table is one with an additional shelf underneath; it can serve as a bedside table.

Places for bed linen. As a rule, everything modern models folding sofa beds are already equipped with a drawer for bed linen. Thus, the problem of bed linen is solved by itself. In those rare cases when the sofa bed model is not equipped with a special drawer, you can purchase a special laundry container on wheels and roll it under the sofa during the day.

In addition, bed linen can be put away in a special low cabinet with a lid on top. Many companies make these cabinets, they look like a side table. Well, if you have set up a podium, it is in it that you can organize a special compartment for storing bed linen.

As additional seating In the living room-bedroom it is best to use poufs and bean bags. Such items can be easily rearranged to any place.

TV stand may be on wheels. If the TV is stationary, it is necessary to provide something with which it will be closed at night: a structure with doors, a small screen, elegant blinds, etc. You also need to make sure that electrical sockets were not directly opposite the sleeping place, and there were not many of them concentrated in one place. Also, there should be no television or computer wires near the sofa. The fact is that all this equipment is noticeably “phoning” even when turned off. If in an ordinary living room you can ignore this, then in the living room-bedroom measures must be taken.

Cabinets. A traditional closet-wall is not always convenient in the living room-bedroom. It is best to use several small cabinets, divide them into groups and place them at different ends of the room. This technique will allow you to diversify the configuration of the living room-bedroom, and there will be a degree of freedom in its design. The same can be said about shelving. But it is not advisable to arrange mezzanines in the living room-bedroom.

Textile. A carpet is desirable in the living room-bedroom. This gives this room much needed coziness. A nuance: if the room is large, then there is one large rug, and if it is small, there are several small rugs. As for the textile decoration of the window, it is best to hang multi-layer curtains in warm colors.

Zoning. It is advisable to zone the living room-bedroom, since it is necessary, at least visually, to separate the quiet zone from the more active zone (or zones). Classic zoning can be done using light shelving, different floor coverings and by installing a podium. Island zoning is a method in which a kind of “island” of furniture is formed in the center of the room. For example, you can place that same sleeping place in the center, placing a table and poufs in the same group. The “island” can even be….. a work area in the center of the room, which in this room will be looks good and visually divides the space. But it’s definitely not possible to create a dining area in the living room-bedroom.

Podium real even in small room. Podiums can be arranged starting from an area of ​​12 square meters. m. If you arrange a podium pencil case in the living room-bedroom, then you can roll up a real bed under it during the day. This is one of the cases when a sofa is optional. Well, if the bed is partially rolled out, you get a small sofa. Any podium can provide space for storing various things, so the podium is a horizontal “cabinet”. If the podium is very small, you can put a sofa bed on it, arrange a work corner or your personal music salon on it - this is a matter of taste. It will look good in the living room.

Style selection. Styles for the living room-bedroom are more suitable classic, not avant-garde. If you want to furnish it in modern style, use calmer, noble colors and no more than 2 bright color accents.

In a very small living room It is better to place the sofa bed on the right and not opposite the window. If the necessary folding sofa is not yet available, and only a bed is available, it is better to cover it quilted bedspread neutral colors and add a few bright pillows. This way there will be fewer associations with the bed.

Lighting. In the sleeping corner of the living room, it is better to use not a chandelier, but soft lighting: spots, floor lamps, sconces. But illuminate other areas of the living room brighter.

None of us should underestimate the interior around us. And even more so when we're talking about about the bedrooms. As a result of psychological tests, it has been proven that the emotional influence of the environment has a very strong influence on us. Accordingly, the surrounding interior plays a huge role in the life of each of us. And even if your bedroom is very small in size, it must be cozy and comfortable for spending time in it. We suggest you understand the ways of decorating bedrooms in small rooms, as well as look at the options proposed in the photos of small bedroom design. In addition to the basic rules for interior design, we will tell you how to choose the right furniture with wallpaper, as well as how to expand the space of a room.

Advantages and disadvantages of small bedrooms

As a rule, ordinary apartment options are not at all pleasing to their inhabitants, including the owners. Low ceilings, narrow windows, and the overall area of ​​the room basically always wants only the best. And often such “negative” moments characterize Khrushchev’s buildings directly. At the same time, such disadvantages can simply be turned into great advantages.

If the room is small, it is very easy to create cozy nests in it, where everyone will want to constantly strive after a hard working day for a quick rest in the company of a loved one.

Among other things, decorating your bedroom is a great opportunity to show others how great your taste is in this matter. The fact is that problems are solved here that do not need to be solved in large rooms, for example, visual increase rooms, choice of color and its harmonious combination with the entire interior, as well as selection of furniture. Doing something like this will bring a lot of pleasure and pleasure!

What color is best for the bedroom?

The main purpose of the room is relaxation. Accordingly, the color scheme here should be calm, not burdensome, peaceful, and even relaxing to some extent.

It is generally accepted that light shades are ideal for tired looks. In addition, they also visually increase the space, which is very important for the interior of small bedrooms. Moreover, we are not talking only about white or beige color, any options are appropriate here. Whatever you like, as long as they are light! Thanks to them, the room will be bright and creative. To get inspired, look at the photo options of small bedrooms presented in our catalog.

You must understand that each color can have both warm and cool undertones. The first ones are used in bedrooms facing north side, but cold shades are used to decorate rooms that overlook southern sides. At the same time, the interior will not look very boring if it is diversified with color accents that contrast with the overall color mood. For example, you can accent the wall at the head of the bed by painting it with a bright color, use rich photo wallpaper, put a carpet on the wall, or buy a dark-colored bedspread that will stand out among the pastel-colored walls and furniture.

Furniture for a small bedroom

Since there is not much free space in the bedroom, you need to use a minimum amount of furniture here. Of course, there must be a bed. But in order to create the impression that the space is not too cluttered, choose models that do not have legs. Such options will look smaller than usual, and the ceilings will visually appear higher. For example, if the bedroom is small and it is intended for children, it is worth purchasing a bed with two tiers. But modern designers offer a variety of options for multifunctional furniture:

  • Options bedside tables, combined with shelving. Things are stored on them - these are closed version. For books or decorative elements/objects, open shelves are best.
  • The built-in wardrobe model, which has a mirrored door, will accommodate any things you need. They help to visually expand the room, as well as replace the mirror near the night table model. Of course, if you don't have too much a large number of things, you can also choose a chest of drawers. You can also use drawers under the bed as a storage system.

Small bedroom decor

To begin with, it is important to understand what kind of center you will have for your compositions. Naturally, in the bedroom it represents a bed. Of course, a specific place may already have been selected for it, in which case it will not be a problem to arrange other furniture. It is worth leaving some free space in the central part of the room so that the room is not overloaded. It is best when the furniture is installed right around the entire perimeter of the bedroom. If you decide to bet bedside tables, choose options whose height will not exceed the height of the bed.

When decorating a modern small bedroom, you should not choose bright and contrasting colors in which your walls and furniture will be painted. It is very important to choose colors so that they combine harmoniously with each other. Choose a light color, but not white. But if you choose options for light, squat furniture, then your ceiling height will seem higher. Decorative elements use the minimum amount. There should be no details that will clutter up the space. Let there be only one accent in the room that attracts attention, but it should not be in the central part of the room. Place it in one of the far corners to add visual perspective.

If the chosen accent is elongated and vertical, the height of the ceilings in the bedroom will appear higher.

Also take into account the fact that the upholstery on the furniture, as well as any textiles with a large pattern on it, will look completely ridiculous and inappropriate in a small bedroom. It is best if you choose the option of low-contrast or small ornaments.

What are the ways to visually increase space?

If your bedroom is not too large, don't worry too much about it. To make the room seem larger or, conversely, smaller, you can use some techniques that we will introduce you to.

Using mirrors and glass elements in a small bedroom style

IN this issue the mirror is given the main role. It can be the only one hanging on the wall, or on the door of the closet. This method will perfectly add volume, but if there are several mirrors on the wall small size, then they are able to break up space, while its edges will be hidden. To make the room look as bright and large as possible, it is best to hang mirrors opposite the windows. It may also happen when the room uses a design that simply does not fit the use of wall mirrors. In this case you can use various options mirror surfaces, for example, tiles, panels, stained glass.

“A material like glass is quite transparent and light, so the space will not be cluttered. You can do some glass elements in furniture, for example, the same shelves, door panels, coffee table.

Gloss ceiling and walls

If we take into account exactly modern designs, then they often use glossy paint, because when it is applied to the walls, it can perfectly visually increase the space of the room. But don't go too overboard when choosing the color of the material. For example, if you choose some bright and aggressive options, you will probably feel tired and restless. The main task is to choose an option pastel shade so that he doesn't press too hard. But, in this case, it is important that there is an ideal, even surface. The mirror type of gloss is capable of perfectly refracting light rays, making visible any irregularities and flaws, which will make it seem as if the painting was done completely untidy.

Also, the space will help to increase the options for glossy suspended ceilings. Combined with well-chosen lighting options, it creates the impression that the space is endless. But if a mirrored ceiling is made with an imitation of a starry sky, on which lights will flicker chaotically, it will create the impression that the room is “a piece of space from outer space.”

Special wallpaper for a small bedroom

By using photo wallpaper, the way we perceive the surrounding space can be deceived. Today, fortunately, a huge and varied selection of such materials is offered, and even those in which the perspective is expressed in a fairly vivid way. Very often you can see options depicting landscapes/cities. But, this type of material should be glued to one - accent wall, it is with the help of it that the space of the room will be increased. If you prefer a perspective version of the drawing, then definitely, it should not be applied to one of the narrow walls in a rectangular room. Thus, you will only contribute to the fact that the room will take on even more elongated shapes, and you will have the impression that you are in a tunnel.

If the space is quite disproportionate, the proportions of the walls can be visually changed if the selected wallpaper has stripes. For example, horizontal ones contribute to expansion if they are on the wall that is narrower. If you prefer vertical ones, then the ceilings will visually appear higher.

Also, wallpaper options with a pompous/very large size design are not suitable. Large details make the room seem much smaller. But if the wallpaper is too shiny and ornate, the atmosphere as a whole will be disrupted. After all, everything in the room will just look terribly piled up. It is very important that there is harmony in small bedrooms, otherwise it will not be cozy.

Lighting in a small bedroom design idea

The question regarding lighting is very important in any room, and even more so if we are talking about a room with small dimensions. It is not at all necessary that it be a classic with the only option for central lighting. In this case, the room will not become more comfortable. It is best to have zonal lighting that will illuminate each corner of the room.

If the lamps are placed on the walls along the entire perimeter, then visually the ceilings will appear much higher. By the way, a very good result will come from the option with multi-level lighting.

Balcony combined with bedroom

If you have this particular layout option, you are very lucky. Due to it, the space of the room will not only visually seem larger, it will actually be so! If it is included in the main design of the bedroom, then it will continue it. In addition, this is an excellent option for placing furniture. Here you can sit very comfortably and comfortably and read a book, magazine, or just think about good things... By the way, if you have some kind of hobby, then this is a very good option for this kind of activity. There will be many times more daylight lighting here.

Interesting design options for small bedrooms

If you are still looking for options for decorating your own bedroom, choosing the most suitable option, You should look at the proposed video options, as well as photos of small bedroom design. After all, it is here that you can find exactly what you have long dreamed of and it will turn out to be the most the best solution for you. Surely, inspired fresh ideas You will not only be able to choose a wardrobe for a small bedroom that you will like, but will also suit all your needs and preferences. And if you approach the issue with complete seriousness and responsibility, the design of your bedroom will be the envy of many inhabitants of huge bedrooms, which are very cold and impersonal. After all, happiness is all about not “chasing” for square meters, but creating comfort in your own home.

95 photos of small bedroom design

The beginning of the year is the right time to implement plans, determine future goals and make your cherished desires come true. But not everyone manages to live to the fullest. And often the reason for this is poor sleep. To be more precise, it’s a bed, the location, shape and proper use of which determine a lot... Therefore, we have prepared for you 12 useful tips on how to properly arrange a sleeping area.

1. The bedroom should be located as far as possible from the kitchen and the entrance to the apartment.

2. Perfect option for a sleeping place - a rectangular bed with solid mattress. It should not touch the floor with its base. But the presence of a backrest is a must. It is believed that the back protects against the invasion of extraneous energies. From a functional point of view, this is also useful - pillowcases stain the wallpaper less.

3. A round bed is not the best option (especially for single people). Psychologists say that for people sleeping on a round bed, life rolls like a runaway wheel. What can I say? After my friend bought one for herself, she quickly got married, gave birth to a child, and then just as quickly got divorced... Maybe a coincidence, but an interesting one!

4. It is worth throwing out transformable beds, sofa beds and similar structures. Following Feng Shui, they can have a bad influence on people's attitudes towards each other. For the same reason, an extra element is a niche for storing bedding.

5. The height of the edge of the mattress to the floor, according to orthopedists, should be 50 cm (so that when getting out of bed the load on the spine and intervertebral discs is minimal). It is not recommended to constantly sleep on low beds and air mattresses.

6. Place the bed itself away from the window (noises and drafts are not the best allies for a good night), but not with the foot of the bed facing the door (according to legend, this can attract negative energy). It’s better to place it so that you can see the entire room (this has a calming effect).

7. There should be free access to the bed on both sides (especially if you are looking for a couple).

8. There should be no shelves hanging above the sleeping area - during sleep, the body relaxes and accepts hanging shadows as a threat.

9. Remove the mirror from the bedroom: in many Eastern cultures it is considered a source of negative energy, which is capable of absorbing human life force.

10. If you decorate the bedroom with paintings, vases, rugs - all this should be in pairs (this enhances the energy of the family).

11. It is not advisable to place vases with flowers, aquariums, or paintings depicting water in the bedroom - this is a symbol of changeability. Place equipment further from the bed. Or better yet, outside the bedroom!

12. In the old days, in order to choose the right sleeping place, they let a cat into the house: where it sat, there they placed a bed.