Garage furnishings. A man's idea of ​​order: how to arrange the inside of a garage - photo. The subtleties of arranging a basement in a garage

Competent arrangement building the inside of the garage with your own hands is a process that is carried out immediately after the construction of its walls and roof. At first glance, this is a fairly simple procedure that does not require a special approach. However, many car enthusiasts are lost when faced with the problem of how to equip the inside of a garage with their own hands. It is especially difficult for those who own a rather cramped room measuring 6 x 4 x 2.5 m. There is barely enough space in it to park a car. I would like to place in the garage spare parts, tools and various household items, the need for which arises from time to time. Let's look at the main ways to equip a garage so that it turns into a comfortable and multifunctional room where you can spend hours doing a wide variety of work.

Interior finishing options

Improvement of the garage must begin with its insulation and interior decoration. If this is not done, there will be dampness in the room and mold and mildew will develop.

Let's consider the methods and materials with which you can decorate and insulate a garage with your own hands:

    Floor. Typically used as a base reinforced concrete slab. You can insulate it from the dampness and cold of the earth with polystyrene foam or coarse expanded clay. Don't forget about external cladding concrete. The best option is to install a heated floor, on top of which porcelain stoneware or corrugated tiles are laid. steel sheets. A faster way to prepare the floor for use is to polish the concrete and treat it with special penetrating impregnations.

    Walls. In order not to reduce the already small volume of the garage, thin finishing materials with low thermal conductivity should be used. Styrofoam covered with thick waterproof plywood works well for sheathing steel panels. Brick and aerated concrete walls better to cover facade plaster. This material has decent strength and very low thermal conductivity due to the presence of special fillers and plasticizers in its composition.

    Ceiling. When setting up a garage with your own hands, you should remember that this is a fire-hazardous room. When choosing a material for ceiling cladding, you should focus on plasterboards. You can lay wiring over them and ventilation ducts. After installation on a steel frame, drywall is treated with a primer, puttied and covered with acrylic paint. It’s even easier and faster to build a steel frame, put slabs of stone wool and cover it with corrugated board.

After completing the finishing work, you can proceed to planning interior decoration garage. In this building, its owner will have to spend many hours doing a wide variety of things. Therefore, arrange your garage so that staying in it is convenient and comfortable.

Planning functional areas

Proper zoning in a garage is no less important than for any residential or office space. Its functionality will depend on how well the garage space is distributed. The optimal division of the area into zones will make it possible to place various cabinets, racks, shelves and equipment for the garage.

Zones with the following purposes should be distinguished:

    Car parking. It does not necessarily have to be in the geometric middle of the garage. The machine can be placed close to one wall or in a corner. The parking place should be chosen so that the nearest piece of furniture is at least 50 cm away. To avoid accidentally hitting a wall when parking, install a durable wheel bumper.

    Passage place. It will be installed directly at the entrance. Large objects that will interfere with passage should not be placed in this area. The optimal option for arranging a passage area is to install small hallway which can be used for storage outerwear, umbrellas, shoes, keys and documents.

    Quick Access Zone. This is a place that is easy to reach without using a stepladder or moving large items. It is advisable to arrange it in the form of an open shelving. Things that are used every day are placed on it. This could be store purchases, groceries, towels and rags, dishes, and necessary household chemicals.

    Space for long and thin items V. In a small and narrow shelving You can put shovels, brooms, scythes and other equipment used for working inside and outside the garage. Another option for a storage device is to install hangers above the entrance or against the far wall.

    Storage for large items. It is installed in one of the corners of the room. This includes items that are rarely used or only used during a certain season. It could be faux Christmas tree, camping equipment or folding furniture to accommodate guests.

    Storage for fuel, oil and lubricants. Best suited for this metal cabinet with sealed doors. Old refrigerators are a good option.

There should be a workshop in the garage. Every person has a hobby. In addition, a large number of different devices may be needed to repair a car.

To combine the ability to perform diverse tasks, you need to install a wide workbench on which it will be convenient to work with any tools. This way the craftsman will be able to use the interior space to make crafts, souvenirs and car parts.

Garage tools and equipment

In order to carry out landscaping of the garage, it is necessary to purchase various devices and fixtures. Subsequently, they will come in handy more than once for performing a wide variety of work.

The garage needs to be equipped with:

    Standard set of tools. This set should include wrenches of all types and sizes, a vice and a jack. It is advisable to purchase all devices from a trusted manufacturer.

    Workbench. You can make it yourself or buy it ready product the right size. In order for the workbench to last for a long time, it is advisable to cover its tabletop with sheet iron.

    Welding machine. It is better to have an electric unit of sufficient power. Such equipment is completely safe; it can be used to repair a garage, restore gates and doors, and make cabinets and shelves.

    Air purifier. Such a device removes dust, tiny particles of fuel and oil from the air. The cleaner is needed to ensure high-quality metal painting and create a comfortable microclimate in the room.

    Steel sink. Car maintenance involves removing many parts and cleaning them from oil, dirt and carbon deposits. It is advisable to install a hood above the container to remove volatile compounds of petroleum products from the room. The sink must be equipped with a drain to collect dirty liquid.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the furniture. An equipped garage will only be considered as such if it has a sufficient amount of compact and functional furniture.

How to choose shelves and racks

The garage is in most cases a station Maintenance, warehouse and workshop at the same time. The abundance of various property requires quite a lot of storage space. And all this needs to be placed in a limited space. There are several options for arranging a room with furniture so that it does not interfere with free movement and production various works.

There are the following solutions for arranging a garage:

    Closed cabinets under the ceiling. This technique allows you to make maximum use of space that usually remains unclaimed. Bottom part shelves can be used as a base for lamps, lamps and LED strips. For ease of access, it is better to equip cabinets with sliding doors.

    Open shelves on the walls. Such devices allow you not only to place a lot of property on them, but also to quickly find what you need, since everything is in plain sight. It is advisable to use prefabricated shelf models in order to be able to expand, reduce or dismantle them for cleaning and repair.

    Wardrobes. This is very comfortable furniture, which has proven itself when used in cramped conditions. An alternative to doors on rollers are roller shutters. They allow you to access the entire cabinet space without taking away useful space.

A very useful gadget for the garage would be folding tables on casters. They will complement the workspace during renovations and serve as a gathering place for friends during relaxation.

Little design tricks

There are so many different things stored in the garage that car enthusiasts often forget where and what they have. In many cases, there is also a lack of free space.

To expand your living space and avoid confusion, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

    Label all shelves, doors and boxes. Avoid writing directly on furniture. It is better to stick an adhesive plaster or white masking tape on the products. Inscriptions must be made with a black marker, in large block letters and without abbreviations. Such marking will greatly facilitate the search for the necessary property and organize its storage.

    Use magnetic stripes. It's inexpensive, but very useful device. It is convenient to attach tools and parts containing iron to it. In the process of performing any work, tools, small parts, bolts and nuts are fixed on magnetic strips. It is recommended to install magnetic strips above tables, workbenches and near the entrance.

    Attach perforated panels to the walls. With the help of these devices you can maintain order in the workplace during repairs or creativity. It is convenient to attach an awl and screwdrivers, bolts and screws, hooks and scissors in the holes. Hangers and fixtures for lamps can be screwed into the holes.

    Hang several transparent ones over your workbench. plastic containers . They are convenient for storing various repair tools or using them as containers for consumables.

Almost every family has a bicycle. With the storage of this vehicle There are always certain problems that arise. They can be easily solved by hanging the bike on a free section of the wall on hooks or on hangers from the ceiling.

Garage ventilation and lighting

Quite often, motorists do not pay due attention to these issues. This is a big mistake.

High-quality ventilation allows you to rid the room of humidity, unpleasant odors and harmful fumes. There are options for forced and forced ventilation. In the first case, holes are made in the lower part of the gate and under the ceiling of the building. The holes are closed with a grill. Installing an exhaust pipe 1-2 m high helps to increase draft. Compulsory system involves the installation of a powerful exhaust fan on the ceiling or at the top of the wall.

As for lighting, it is necessary to install several light sources. Depending on the size of the building, 1-2 lamps with a power of at least 400 W each are fixed to the ceiling. It is advisable to equip every corner of the garage with lamps so as not to search for the necessary property in the dark. One lamp should be installed above the tables and workbench. Be sure to make a carrier to highlight hard-to-reach areas.

Using these recommendations, you can qualitatively equip any garage with your own hands, turning it into a convenient and comfortable room, adapted for carrying out activities of any level of complexity and simply having a pleasant stay.

Any motorist who cares about his car should have a garage to protect his car from natural phenomena, temperature changes and protect against possible theft. This room is also necessary for those who often repair something and use the garage as a workshop. In order to make it convenient to work there and have everything you need at hand, it is important to arrange it correctly.


If a person has purchased or built a garage, then the next step will be its arrangement. It is important to think through everything that he would like to see in this small but functional room, try to plan a place for each detail. It is this approach that will allow you not to miss a single important detail.

For a garage, the main task should be the ability to fit not only a car, but also the necessary furniture and tools for the car. It would seem that the task is not difficult, but when it comes to practice, in a room with dimensions of 6x4 m it turns out to be very difficult to arrange everything correctly. If the car owner wants to actively work in the garage, for example, repairing furniture, garden equipment, and sometimes cars, then the furniture should be arranged so that there is a work area, an area for tools and storage compartments. If the dimensions of the room are even more modest and are only 3x6 m, then it is important to clearly decide what should be in the garage and what things are better placed in another utility room.

Since the dimensions of the car occupy almost the entire space of the garage, the remaining space should be planned from floor to ceiling.

It is important to equip ventilation, heating and drainage systems– in the garage it is necessary to maintain a comfortable microclimate at any time of the year so that the metal of the car does not deteriorate and lasts as long as possible.

For a small garage, it is important to choose the right upholstery materials for the interior surfaces and ceiling in order to visually expand the space at least a little. Usually the simplest technique is used for this: light colors in the interior and white ceilings. Not every car owner thinks about somehow bringing this room into proper shape, but for a real car enthusiast and just a business person, this approach is a necessary measure.

It is important to equip garages with dimensions of 4x6 m with a system for rapid heating of the premises in case severe frosts. How smaller house for a car, the easier it is to maintain it optimal temperature. Garages with dimensions of 6x3 m are easier to arrange in this regard, but it is more difficult to find free space to place everything that should be in the room.


In order to properly arrange everything in the garage, it is important to plan out each area in it. Zoning allows you to find each thing, tool and object its place and not interfere with each other, being in sight and at hand. The first thing for which space is allocated is the car itself, depending on which the further layout will be partially built, although it can be important to leave space for a possible change of car. If the car is small, then ease of access to any area will be ensured; otherwise, you need to make the shelves and racks as narrow as possible to increase the aisles. Due to the large number of shelves, you can place absolutely everything you need.

If you don’t want to buy a ready-made garage, but would prefer to build it yourself, then this, although an expensive option, is more comfortable. Here you can provide everything you need. Therefore, the best option would be to place a cellar under the garage, and if you already have one, then having a basement as a lower tier definitely wouldn’t hurt. When building such a room, it is important to fit on one piece of land the largest possible number of auxiliary objects where you can store temporarily unnecessary things. If you have a summer house, then supplies of fruits and vegetables will last much longer in the basement than in an apartment or garage.

Options for building a structure for a car can be very diverse., including materials for it. You can make a permanent housing for a car from brick, or you can make a reliable, but not so powerful, shelter from corrugated sheets. Dimensions are also calculated individually. If you don’t plan to do anything in the garage other than leave the car there, then you can make it smaller, but when there are two cars standing there and you periodically need to tinker with them, then a spacious pavilion is what you need.

No matter, large garage or not, do not forget to make an inspection hole in it in order to resolve issues with the machine yourself or with additional help. It is better to organize a work corner for yourself on the furthest wall from the entrance and place as many shelves along the walls as you need for all your existing things. It is also worth considering free zones that can be used in unexpected situations so that the interior space of the garage is absolutely functional.


Construction of a new garage involves choosing the materials from which this room must be constructed. The simplest and most inexpensive option is wood. Environmental friendliness, ease of installation and beautiful appearance allow you to create your own garage in a short time. If you need something more reliable, then it is better to use a cinder block. It is indispensable for the construction of garages: you can quickly build a base from it, after which all that remains is to cover it with a roof. Such structures will last much longer and are safer than wooden ones.

The most fast construction The garage will be constructed from corrugated sheets. The main thing is to make a base, and you can attach sheets to it within just one day. Corners are installed on the finished foundation, to which the wall and roof are attached.

It is better to make the gate with a lifting mechanism. For a small garage, this is the fastest and most convenient option.

If necessary iron garage, then you need to execute for it concrete foundation and already weld on it individual elements future premises. Capital garage also provides for a foundation on which a house for a car is built using bricks. Is there an advantage to metal or brick garage, it’s hard to say, because everyone determines the type of material for themselves. It is believed that iron hardens more in winter, and therefore it is better to cover it with bricks.

There are few material options from which you can build a garage, but there are quite enough to be able to choose them according to your capabilities. Once the base of the room has been chosen, you need to work on its internal content. Before placing shelves, racks and a work area, it is necessary to create a pleasant environment inside: the walls should be covered with euroboards - if the garage is metal, plastered and painted - if it is made of brick or cinder blocks.

Don’t forget about the ceiling – it’s also important to close it. The easiest way to do this is using the same Euroboard. As for colors, everything is simple: small rooms are decorated in light colors, and you can experiment with larger options. If there is a garage for two cars, one of which is for men and the other for women, then the walls can be painted in different colors so that it is clear where whose car should be parked.

To finish the floor, you can use cement, with which you can fill the floor and level it, and boards for making wooden flooring around the entire perimeter of the garage. It is important to use thick boards so that they do not bend or break under the weight of the machine.

If you want to create an interesting room design, you can put tiles on the floor.

It is important to level the floor so that there are no unevenness, otherwise the tiles will simply crack from the weight of the machine. To do this, choose high-quality tiles with high strength: the smaller the tiles, the less chance they will crack. You can lay out some kind of pattern from them or simply lay them out in the form of a chessboard, alternating two colors.

During repair work electrical wiring needs to be installed immediately, making wiring throughout the garage so that everything functional areas were equipped with sockets with the ability to add lighting if necessary. Ventilation can be either natural or a mechanical fan can be installed in case something needs to be welded, soldered, or simply quickly ventilated and cleaned the room. Having installed all the necessary elements and decorated the inside of the garage, you can proceed to the next stage.

Furniture and equipment

Properly equipping a garage is a necessary measure that will allow you to accommodate a maximum of things, tools and all kinds of parts with a minimum of furniture. Previously, old furniture was used for this, which had no place in the apartment or house. It helped give her new life and at least somehow create order and comfort in the garage, but truly great benefit there was none from her. Therefore, we equip the garage correctly: with the help of modern, spacious furniture.

Modern furniture for the garage - it's not easy wooden racks, which can be placed under books at home. These are metal elements made from suitable materials, specially painted and designed in such a way as to occupy a minimum of space in the room and be as functional as possible. A two-level rack will allow you to accommodate more necessary things. The shelves here can be set to a convenient height, for which there are special places for fastening. They are also made of metal and, to maintain cleanliness, have a mesh structure so that dust and dirt do not accumulate on them.

The racks can be moved to different heights depending on the wishes of the owner of the room, and this can be done at any time, but the shelves, which are also placed in the garage, are fixed forever, so you need to find the most suitable place for them and not change it during use. Heavier equipment is placed on the shelves, which will have to be moved very rarely. They are also perfect for storing cans of paint and other substances.

The most important element in a real owner’s garage is workplace – this is where most of the work will be done. It is important to choose it exactly for yourself, your needs and requirements. Such a work area must be equipped with a workbench, on the tabletop of which all repair work will be carried out. This tabletop is very strong and can support a weight of up to two hundred kilograms. In addition, the workbench also has drawers in which it is convenient to store the most necessary tools.

The presence of a screen and brackets allows you to hang some tools directly above the table - for some types of work this approach is considered the best option. The appearance of the workbench can be different: it all depends on the desire and number of tools that need to be carefully and conveniently placed near the work surface. One or two workbench cabinets can accommodate large and small tools - inside each drawer it is best to place something specific, without mixing different types inventory for ease of searching.

Another important element furniture in the garage is a cabinet made of metal. He may have different design: either consist of shelves, or are divided into functional areas where the owner’s things will be stored.

For hunting enthusiasts, space for a gun and cartridges with a bandoleer will be useful. It should be locked with a key for greater security, especially if there are children at home.

Modern furniture is quite light and multifunctional - despite the simplicity of the design, it fulfills its role, but at the same time helps to create order and comfort in the garage.

An important component good garage are his tools. Both the car enthusiast and the good owner will need to have welding machine. It is not necessary to purchase something bulky: a carbon dioxide apparatus that works using a wire is best suited. Alternatively, you can buy a device that works using tungsten electrodes.

If the owner of the premises will take care of his own car exclusively on his own, then he cannot do without a water-oil separator, which will help apply the paint to the car in the most even and uniform layer. It is with it that you will be able to patch small holes, repair scratches, using paint so that no one notices the intervention.

Another important tool that will help with painting and other garage work is a compressor. The most common are piston or diaphragm devices. With their help, you can clean your inventory, pump up your tires, and much more.

It’s nice to also have a sink in the garage. You can look for a compact device that should be placed not far from the car, but the easiest way is to connect a pipe or hose to the garage, and organize a drain for used water in the room itself so that it does not stagnate and cause dampness, because it is extremely important to keep the garage dry, clean and neat.

  • If it is necessary that the garage is always cleaned, then you need to make some efforts to clean it once and maintain it constantly. Very often the appearance is spoiled by the abundance of nails, self-tapping screws, which are located everywhere. In order to change this, you need to find convenient containers for them. You need to buy a special organizer where you can put everything in a certain order and sign it. There may be molds with several compartments that will fit similar components well, for example, nuts of different sizes.
  • In the event that a car enthusiast often works with tools in the garage, then you also need to come up with appropriate place. If he was unable to purchase garage furniture with the necessary shelves, then no one will stop him from making them with his own hands. To do this, you need to calculate the required dimensions of the shelf for the equipment and provide all the cutouts in it for installing devices, and then you can start manufacturing.

  • If there is any unnecessary furniture of small dimensions, then it can also be used as a place to store any parts. For example, if there was a shelf for documents that is no longer in use, then by removing the shelves and laying it on the floor, you can store it in each compartment garden tools for various purposes. This is convenient and helps create order in the room.
  • If you have a lot of long-shaped small items, then for the convenience of storing them you can come up with special tubes. They can be placed or hung - it all depends on the ingenuity of the owner of the room. If, in addition to the car, you also have a bicycle, then for convenient storage you can make a hanging shelf. It is similar to a regular part for hangers, but instead there will be special fastenings with Velcro straps. The straps are threaded through the wheel and the bike is literally suspended.

  • If it is inconvenient to store fasteners in open containers, you can use jars. They can be either glass or plastic, which is safer. The size is preferably small - it is more convenient.
  • If you have plastic containers like baskets and have nowhere to use them, then there is always a use for them in the garage: you can put work clothes and shoes in them, place bulky but light objects that often have nowhere to put them. And those who like to tinker and want to improve their garage can make a hanging cabinet on one of the walls. It can easily accommodate removable car covers, rugs and other textile items. You can also store different types of machine oil, distilled water and empty containers there.

  • If the owner often drills something and does not like to tinker with the bag of drills, then he can make magnetic strips on which the drills are attached. It is best to make such a zone not in a walk-through place, so as not to catch the instrument with clothes or other things at hand. You can increase the magnetic surface and add other small elements to it that are necessary for frequent use.
  • If you have children, then the house will not be complete without toys and sports equipment, but sooner or later there will not be enough space there and everything will move to the garage. In order for everything to lie neatly and in its place, you need to allocate your own area for these items and think over a fastening system for each of them. Things for the sandbox will be placed on a small shelf, rackets can be hung on a nail, and special storage compartments can be made for balls.

  • If you plan to keep your garage tidy, it is best to install a reel on which garbage bags will be placed. Thus, the owner will always know where they are and will be able to quickly and efficiently remove the garbage. It’s logical to place a broom and dustpan somewhere nearby.
  • If you need to frequently use various small equipment, then a rotating rack, which on each of the four sides will have different types of fastening for a specific tool, will be very helpful. With this device you can easily take everything you need. Such racks have swivel legs, so they are very convenient to use both in the garage and near it, having rolled out the mini-workshop outside.

A garage is an object that requires proper interior design, especially for storage and self-restoration of the car. Additionally, a tool is located here, work zone. The subtleties of equipment depend on the goals set.

Here are some recommendations that require attention to help you draw up a work plan and achieve better results:

  1. The arrangement of the box involves maintaining certain temperature and humidity levels for normal storage of the car.
  2. Even before the start of the arrangement stage, it is important to divide the territory into zones, providing for a working, repair, and recreation area.
  3. Racks and cabinets are integral elements that provide storage of tools and parts and access to them. There are such structures in every box, but they need to be positioned so that they do not interfere with the passage and are within 1 m of the vehicle itself.
  4. Protection from possible entry by unauthorized persons is required.

These are the main steps that will help you organize the inside of your garage with your own hands. At the same time, the subtleties of the process depend on the additional equipment used, inspection pit, cellar and other systems.

How to arrange a workplace?

An important part of the garage space is the workplace, which requires appropriate design. Since this involves the installation of racks, shelves, and a workbench for the tools used, you need to choose a suitable location. The far wall from the garage door is perfect.

Furniture and elements used to prepare the work area can be made from:

  • metal or metal elements;
  • plastic, characterized by lightness, durability, attractive appearance of structures;
  • wood is a material actively used in work, often supplemented with metal elements for protection and increased strength.

When thinking about arranging a workplace in the garage, you need to take care of installing a comfortable desktop or workbench, preferably 2-3 levels. This will allow you to use space more efficiently. You can choose ready-made structures or construct them yourself from wood, using metal for the working surface.

This work area is perfect for:

  • storage of small tools (for example, soldering iron, hammer, screwdrivers, pliers);
  • preservation of various mastics, solutions, car cosmetics;
  • placement of diodes, light bulbs, and other elements.

The upper part of the working area can be decorated using shelves and hooks. They are suitable for placing additional equipment, keys, and fasteners.

Carrying out repair work or other processes can take a lot of time. Therefore, if there is free space, it is worth considering the arrangement of a recreation area.

The subtleties of arranging a basement in a garage

The garage, being an excellent place for storing and repairing cars, is also used for other tasks. The arrangement of the basement requires attention. It is advisable to think through this process at the design stage, then it will be possible to:

  • use special equipment to dig a pit;
  • carry out the necessary research to determine the level of freezing and groundwater;
  • carry out the selection of materials, taking into account the depth of freezing, the location of groundwater;
  • define best option foundation devices;
  • consider the implementation of room ventilation;
  • take care of high-quality waterproofing, ensuring the durability of structures.

If work on arranging a cellar is carried out in a finished room, the process will take a lot of time. Since everything will have to be done manually.

Floor and walls

These are the main elements that protect the basement from moisture and act as supports.

To arrange a basement in a garage you need:

  • dig a pit with optimal parameters;
  • deepen the bottom an additional 20 cm to level and fill the sand cushion and gravel.

The floor itself is made of concrete, clay and soil, with preliminary application of waterproofing.

  • The first option is the most reliable and durable, but requires corresponding costs.
  • Clay – attracts with its environmental friendliness and simplicity of design.
  • A dirt floor is not as reliable and is only suitable for dry areas.

Foam blocks, concrete, and other solid materials can be used to construct walls. Reinforced concrete is the most reliable, but labor-intensive option.


Strength, reliability and resistance to loads are the main requirements for a garage floor, as it must withstand the weight of the car located above. The arrangement of the cellar according to the size of the inspection hole makes it possible to avoid such a powerful ceiling.

Wooden boards can be used, selected internal insulation. Waterproofing, ventilation, and drainage are important points that determine the durability of the cellar in the garage and the quality of food storage.

Where to start with the design work?

To make your garage comfortable, you need a lot of space. In practice, there is always not enough free space. Therefore, it is important to work out the interior arrangement of the garage.

Key planning points:

  1. A detailed sketch, design of the garage and proposed internal equipment are being developed. Accurate measurements of height, width and length are taken into account.
  2. Thought out in advance optimal design necessary racks, cabinets, shelves and their future location. If there is not enough space, it is recommended to use hanging systems.
  3. A suitable location for placing the machine is determined so that there is enough space for transport maintenance and movement.
  4. Gate type has special meaning. The design must be such that during opening the possibility of damage to the machine body is eliminated.
  5. Design development and selection of materials determine the appearance of the garage and the level of comfort.

The final stage is the calculation of the estimated costs that will be required for construction work, finishing, and decoration.

Subtleties of self-design

Equipment for a garage requires the installation of cabinets, shelves, and racks. They are made entirely of metal. Combined models use wood, plastic and metal.

Thinking about arranging a garage with your own hands in a simple way, it is easy to make everything you need yourself. This will reduce costs and at the same time optimize designs by selecting suitable parameters.

To work you will need:

  • metal profile, corners, other components;
  • wooden boards for cladding structures and making shelves;
  • assembly tool.

Depending on the type of construction and assembly, shelves and racks are made:

  1. Mobile. The systems are attractive due to their compactness and mobility. They are designed to accommodate small items and light tools.
  2. Hanging. Such specimens are mounted under the ceiling, occupying very little usable space. The best decision For small space.
  3. Stationary. Reliable models that are installed once during the construction process. Designed for storing heavy tools.

Interior design also involves working with walls and ceilings.

More often, plaster, tiles, and lining are used. Decorative indicators are not so important here, so it’s worth studying budget materials.

The floor is traditionally made of concrete, as the material is durable and wear-resistant.

Important points about constructing an inspection pit

The pit is an important part of the garage. The need for its device is determined individually. It all depends on whether the car is to be restored independently or whether an overpass has been erected on the street.

If you need to install an inspection hole in the garage, you should take into account the design features.

Requires attention:

  • the need for concreting the bottom and side walls;
  • strengthening corner elements pits, installation of metal corners is suitable;
  • flooring, often made of wooden boards;
  • making a drainage hole to collect water that gets down;
  • lighting that provides visibility and illumination during repair work;
  • niches for tools, parts;

During the construction of a pit, it is important to perform high-quality insulation, since the object is a source high humidity. Because of this, condensation collects on the bottom and other elements of the car, which leads to the formation of pockets of corrosion.

A garage is required for storing vehicles. But if it is properly equipped, it can also become a storage room for tools and equipment, a storeroom, or a workshop. In this article we will talk about how to arrange a garage so that it becomes a comfortable multifunctional room with a stylish masculine design.

The process of interior arrangement of a garage space should begin with the development of a garage layout. This is necessary in order to properly distribute the available space. The first step, of course, is to mark the location for the car. Then the location of the racks for storing all the necessary automotive equipment is determined. Any remaining space can be filled at your discretion.

At the same stage it is worth deciding on the color of the finish. It is better to make the walls light so that the garage does not seem too cramped. In addition, light shades of the interior will smooth out the shortcomings of the technical room. Against the background of light surfaces, shelves with tools and spare parts will look less cluttered.

Finishing materials

After drawing up a simple project, you need to decide finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings. In this case, first of all, the technical characteristics of various finishing options are taken into account. But aesthetics are also taken into account, since the design of the garage is not the least important in its arrangement.

The main requirements for materials for garage interior decoration:

  • non-flammability;
  • non-toxic;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to impact chemical substances;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • ease of care.


The most economical option for wall finishing is plastering. Well-applied plaster will last for many years. The main advantage of this option is absolute fire safety. The disadvantages include the length of the plastering process and the need to involve qualified specialists in the process.


Walls to be painted need to be primed and puttied. The result should be a smooth surface with good adhesion. Facades are often used for interior decoration of garages. water-based paints. They are not affected by moisture and are highly resistant to abrasion.

Acrylic paints are often used, which are suitable for working with any substrate. This paint can be used to cover a plastered wall, a wall made of brick or, for example, concrete. This is the most economical painting option for garage walls.

Experts recommend painting brick walls with deep penetration facade paints. They evenly fill the pores of the ceramic wall and concrete seams. The result is a reliable protective and decorative coating.

If the wall is concrete, it is better to decorate it with acrylic paint based on organic resins. In this case, the room will not lose its ability to self-ventilate, and there will always be optimal level humidity.


Ceramic tiles are used for wall cladding in any room with high humidity and temperature changes. This is a reliable and durable material, easy to clean and does not require complex maintenance. However, tiled finishing is rarely used in garage decoration due to its rather high cost.


The garage can be finished with wooden or plastic lining. Wooden is highly flammable, but despite this, many car enthusiasts choose this cladding option for their garages. Here the aesthetic appeal of the wooden panels that make Utility room more comfortable for a long stay.

In addition to aesthetics, wooden lining is easy to use. You can easily hang a shelf or hanger on it. Therefore, the number of garages decorated in this way is not decreasing. It’s good that currently the risk of fire of wooden lining in the garage can (and should) be reduced with the help of special impregnations.

Plastic panels, despite the fact that they are mounted in the same way as wooden ones, represent a fundamentally different finishing option. Plastic is a much less flammable material. But he has another significant drawback– he is very fragile. In a garage with this finish, you cannot rely on wall-mounted equipment; all shelving should be floor-mounted only. Besides plastic lining very easy to damage mechanically.


The siding is mounted on the sheathing, just like the lining. For the interior decoration of the garage, plastic or metal siding is used. Metal is better in several respects - it is fireproof, immune to aggressive cleaning compounds, resistant to temperature changes and quite durable.

The functions of finishing the garage inside are design and wall protection. When choosing a material option for interior decoration, you need to remember that it must be durable, reliable and aesthetically pleasing.

Ceiling finishing

The ceiling is often finished with the same material as the walls. It can be painted, covered with plaster, covered with siding or clapboard. Or you can use another type of material and make a ceiling from plasterboard or corrugated sheet.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.


The garage floor carries a huge load. In addition to the vehicle itself, it must be able to withstand heavy equipment. At the same time, during the repair work, the floor is subjected to serious mechanical stress. Therefore, very high demands are placed on floor coverings.


The most widely used option is pouring concrete. High-strength concrete grades are used for concrete screed. Often the screed becomes the basis for laying one or another decorative material. But in a technical garage, a simple concrete floor looks quite logical.


Wood floors can be installed in a garage as a temporary, economical covering. Wood is not highly resistant to abrasion, so it quickly loses its original characteristics. Wooden boards not only deform under the weight of a car and heavy equipment, but also absorb all kinds of automotive fluids, which are often spilled in the garage. But in a small garage that is not intended for renovation work, a wooden floor can last quite a long time - about 5 years.

Self-leveling floor

A cement-based self-leveling floor has characteristics similar to those of a concrete screed. But self-leveling mixtures are more moisture resistant than concrete, and they also do not absorb dirt. They are generally very attractive in terms of their technical indicators. As a minus we can name high cost this type of coverage. The self-leveling floor looks like wet concrete, and car owners who are annoyed by the glossy shine of the floor cover it with additional decorative material.

Porcelain tiles

The garage floor can be laid with special technical ceramics with increased strength and an anti-slip surface. This option is quite practical. At the same time, it provides an attractive design to the room, as it exists in various color options. But ceramic coating can crack and split, and the seams between the tiles absorb fuel and lubricants.

Choice flooring is carried out taking into account many factors, such as the size of the budget allocated for the arrangement of the garage, the amount of work that will be performed in the garage, the aesthetic preferences of the car owner, etc. Experts recommend using bulk materials, since they are more suitable than others operational features garage space.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of project development and installation of garages and other small forms on a turn-key basis. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


The gates perform a special function in the garage. It is necessary to choose the optimal gate option that will fully meet the technical and aesthetic requirements of the owner.


The simplest type of garage door in design. Swing canvases are made of durable metal and reinforced with a reliable frame. A doorway is usually made in one of the doors so that you can enter or exit the garage without opening the gate completely.


The recoil mechanism is very convenient. With it, the door leaf moves to the side along the fence or wall of the building adjacent to the garage. This option is usually used when arranging garage buildings located at the entrance to the site.


They are single-leaf structures that rise up to the garage ceiling. A good option for small garage spaces. But the lifting line of such gates must be taken into account when thinking about arranging the inside of the garage so that they do not touch the lamps or ceiling trim.


They work on the lifting principle, but when opened they are divided into sections and folded under the ceiling. They move along guides using a spring mechanism.

Roller blinds

A convenient and inexpensive option for gates that, when open, fold into a box above the opening. Roller shutters are installed in those garages that are located in a protected area, since this type The gate is easy to break into.


Must have in the garage good system ventilated. Otherwise, unpleasant car odors will accumulate in it. The simplest and most rational way to arrange ventilation is to make two ventilation holes on both sides of the entrance gate at a low height, and two more on the opposite wall high under the ceiling.


Artificial lighting must provide sufficient light for repair work. The working area of ​​the room should be especially well lit. Modern design ideas for a garage involve multi-level lighting, including an overhead light, a side light, and a set of portable lighting fixtures.

Storage system

In the garage you need to store many items that are used to care for your car. All this equipment should be arranged so that the room is kept in order and so that nothing threatens the safety of the car and people in the garage.

The best option for organizing storage of garage accessories is to install special ready-made racks. Today you can purchase racks of various sizes and configurations. The main thing is to first think about what exactly the storage system should be in terms of size and number of shelves.

Instead of shelving, you can make a storage system from a set of shelves mounted on the wall. This option is only suitable for garages with reliable, solid walls with appropriate finishing. When installing shelves or racks, you must remember that there must be a distance of at least 1 meter from them to the car.

Video description

Shelves and racks in the garage interior

You can supplement the storage system with perforated panels. Such garage equipment consists of wall panels with hooks and fastenings for tools, work clothes, hoses, ropes and much more. If you attach the panel to a reliable bracket, it will be an excellent solution for storing tires, wheels and bicycles.

Video description

Perforated panel for garage

Inspection hole

The inspection hole does not have to be in the garage. If a car owner prefers to inspect and repair his car himself, he can use an overpass installed on the street for this. If you decide to make a viewing hole, you need to take into account several important conditions:

  • the floor and walls of the pit must be concreted;
  • its edges need to be reinforced with metal corners;
  • For convenient location tools, it is advisable to arrange niche-shelves in the walls of the pit;
  • the walls of the pit should be insulated using polystyrene foam boards;
  • the pit must be covered with a lid, the top edge of which must be level with the floor;
  • to collect water that gets into the hole, make a drainage hole in its corner and cover it with a grate;
  • lamps must be installed in the pit.

Video description

Options for inspection pits in garages


Like any technical room, the garage must be equipped in accordance with all standards and requirements. At the same time, it may well be interesting and attractive in design.

Nowadays, almost no car enthusiast can imagine his life without a garage. This important room serves as a shelter for your beloved car and at the same time also serves as a whole line useful functions - a repair shop, storage space, and often a place for rest.

That is why there are many subtleties of arranging a garage, the study of which will help make the garage as organic as possible.


At first glance, organizing a garage may seem like a very simple matter. Due to the fact that the garage, as a rule, is a small room and has a number of fairly simple functions. However, for the same reason, a number of features emerge that are unique to this room.

The first question to arise in terms of arrangement is about fire safety to avoid situations where you can lose both the garage and the car at once.

It is necessary to decide in advance what electrical appliances will be used in the garage, and do not forget to add lighting. Do it yourself or have the help of a qualified electrician calculate the network load. This is an important part of planning where the suitability of the transformer and cables is determined.

If you need to replace the wiring and transformer, the best option would be to buy a thicker cable for larger loads with a margin. If in the future the garage owner wants to buy, for example, a welding machine, he will not have to change these components.

The second important feature of arranging a garage is insulation.. Based on the climate of the region in which the garage is located, a sufficient level of thermal insulation is calculated. Otherwise, for most of the year the garage will not be able to perform its direct function, and the car will simply freeze.

Fortunately, there are now more than enough types of room insulation. They are selected individually in specialized stores. In this case, what plays a role is what temperature should be inside the room, how thick the walls are and what material they are made of, and the need for subsequent finishing of these walls is also taken into account.

If there is heating inside, you can get by simple insulation foam walls. This will be enough for a comfortable stay inside the garage and will allow you to maintain an acceptable temperature for the car longer.

A more radical way to preserve heat can be heating wiring with a thermostat. In this case, the garage will always maintain a constant required temperature.

In addition to the obvious important features of arranging a garage, it is worth deciding in advance for what purposes the garage will be used. If it will only serve as a shelter for the car, storage of tires and spare parts, then perhaps you should not take the issue of finishing too seriously.

In the case where the garage also needs to be equipped as a repair shop, there is a need for a more thoughtful layout and decoration.


Having decided what exactly will be in the garage, it’s time to create a project. To do this, you can independently arm yourself with the necessary office supplies and mark out the garage. You can also order a garage project from specialists. Both options are good The main thing is that when creating a sketch, important points are noted:

  • Height, length and width of the room. Accuracy is important here, neglecting centimeters, you may later find that some important part of the furniture does not fit the remaining space.
  • Determine what exactly will be inside and enter the dimensions of these things: shelves, workbenches, racks, and so on. Everything that, one way or another, occupies space must be reflected in the project. Otherwise, it may turn out that the remaining space is barely enough for the machine itself. Of course, first of all you should take into account the dimensions of the garage. There is no need to arrange carbon copy furniture and equipment like other owners.

So, for a 3x6 m garage, the workbench will most likely fit well against the far wall, which is quite convenient when working with the engine.

In the case of a 4x6 m garage, it is already possible to slightly move the space under the car, thus freeing up the side wall. There are more options for arrangement.

  • The next step is to check the sufficient width of the aisles between the shelves, racks and the car when it is in the garage. It is advisable not to forget this point throughout the creation of the project, then it will be easy to track the correct placement of furniture.
  • Finally, we select the gate. It all depends on how much money the garage owner is willing to spend. There are special gates with increased security. They are usually equipped with several locks and are additionally equipped with loops through which a special cable is threaded. In this case, a hook is made in the garage floor to secure the cable, which serves as additional protection if the locks suddenly fail.

In addition, garage doors can be additionally insulated from the inside. If the project includes a warm garage, this is necessary, since there will be air from the cracks between the gate and the frame. But also as insulation Garage Doors can come with clapboard interior trim.

However, here you may encounter the fact that the lining will move due to temperature changes and periodically it will need to be knocked into place.

At the project stage, a decision is made on the advisability of an inspection pit (if there is none). An alternative to a pit can be a mobile overpass, onto which the car is driven to open access to the lower part.

If we take a standard 6x3 m garage as an example, then the option with an overpass has an obvious disadvantage - these are the dimensions, and, accordingly, the space that they will occupy inside the garage. Unlike a 6x4 m garage, where an extra meter gives the necessary space.

Regardless of the size of the room, there is always the opportunity to implement the idea of ​​a basement. This will provide additional space for storing things or rarely used equipment.

Besides, the basement also serves as a viewing hole. There is also enough internal space to dig a cellar as well. This provides a major advantage both functionally and cost-effectively when selling a garage.

Nowadays, garages with living spaces are becoming increasingly popular.. As a rule, the living space is a superstructure over the garage, equipped with heating and everything necessary.

You can consider this option for the future, and at the project stage take into account the add-on with everything necessary to save money.


Interior decoration also plays a significant role. The material for walls, floors and ceilings may vary. In addition to the obvious aesthetic qualities, we should not forget about practicality, and, first of all, safety. Today, you can improve your garage without sacrificing safety and functionality using almost any materials.

The main thing is that they have certain qualities:

  • Non-flammability. An important point, especially if welding work is planned in the garage.
  • Resistant to various chemicals. Few people think about this, considering it unimportant. However, walls or floors painted with the wrong paint can quickly begin to peel if they come into contact with gasoline or solvents.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. An example of an unsuccessful option here would be drywall. Having a low degree of protection from mechanical stress, it would be inappropriate to use it for wall decoration.

  • Wear resistance and durability. Agree, no one wants to apply new plaster or paint every year. Therefore, it is worth considering this point, especially in places with harsh climates.
  • Ecologically safe materials . Do not forget that we are talking about the interior decoration of the room. When using materials for exterior finishing that are more durable and wear-resistant, there is a risk of acquiring a material that is hazardous to human health. You should carefully study the instructions for use before choosing.
  • Finally, the materials should not get dirty. The caveat, however, is that while in the garage, one way or another, there will be contact with the walls and so on. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the material used does not leave marks on clothing.

The market offers a huge range of materials that more or less meet these requirements. And they allow you to easily complete interior decoration garage with your own hands without much effort.

The most common is plaster. This option is most often used for wall decoration due to its economy, durability and simplicity. In addition, finishing walls with plaster is much faster.

It's another matter if you use plaster to finish the ceiling. Here you can encounter obvious difficulties in work, and consumption increases noticeably.

In addition, do not forget that after applying the plaster, it is necessary to apply facade paint. Otherwise, the plaster may begin to crack.

The second material with similar properties for finishing is ceramic tile. Its advantage is its increased strength, which allows it to be used for flooring. The obvious disadvantage is the energy costs of DIY repairs. In addition, much more time is spent on finishing.

The advantage can be durability, a more pleasant appearance and the ability to choose a shade and pattern to suit every taste.

Wood is an interesting material for finishing.. Of course, we are talking about finishing the walls with wood only. In the case of wooden finishing, there is one huge plus - the moisture that accumulates inside the room will be absorbed by the walls finished wooden clapboard. This finish creates the most favorable conditions for car storage.

There are cases where completely new cars were stored in garages with wooden trim for more than thirty years. There was no rust found on them at all.


Garage landscaping is not complete without furniture. First of all, you should decide how much money will be spent on this item. Based on this, there will be a need to equip the garage with furniture made by yourself. But Do not forget that the main material of furniture is metal.

Thus, it all comes down to the main attribute of the furniture - the workbench. A finished workbench costs a lot of money depending on the model and size. New workbenches are usually all metal. This makes them practically eternal.

An obvious advantage The point here is to save time - making such a workbench yourself will be quite difficult.

Workbenches have a different number of levels and are always equipped with small drawers, which makes them very convenient. All tools are always kept at hand, and the work surface is always ready.

But iron workbenches are quite heavy. The tabletop and base most often cannot be disassembled. This makes transporting the workbench difficult. An alternative would be to make a workbench by hand.

Main material To replace metal, it is wood. From it you can assemble the main frame of the workbench, drawers and even a table top. This will significantly reduce the weight of the finished structure and facilitate further placement and movement. But do not forget that since the workbench is the main workplace, it must be stable. That's why the structure must have a strong foundation.

A tabletop made of wood must be covered with sheet metal, otherwise the workbench will lose its functionality.

Besides the workbench, the second most important attributes of garage furniture are shelves. Everything is much simpler here. There are a large number of different shelves made of metal and designed for the garage on the market.

The most convenient option would be ready-made racks. There are racks different sizes, which are easy to assemble. All you have to do is decide what will be stored on them, and choose racks with shelves designed for this weight.

This way, you won’t have to overpay for additionally reinforced racks or, on the contrary, you will be able to choose a rack that can withstand a lot of weight.


It is worth considering the availability and need for various types of equipment.


More and more garage owners prefer to have their own car wash in their garage. Of course, this will not be a complete wash, but it will be enough to wash the car. The sinks are sold ready-made, they take up very little space and are easy to use.

To equip a garage with a sink, you only need a water supply and drainage, if this cannot be done directly to the street.


The compressor is important. The options for using it in the garage are simply endless. Starting from simple tire inflation to cleaning tools, blowing out car parts or cleaning hard-to-reach corners of the garage from dust.

Welding machine

When choosing a welding machine, you should know in advance what it will be used for. An electronic AC machine is suitable for general welding.. But it is not suitable for body work, as it can burn holes. For these purposes, a device with a tungsten electrode and a protective gas environment is required.

Water-oil separator