Serving readers at the university in the library. Library services to readers in the context of the historical development of the scientific library of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova Babiy Anna Aleksandrovna. Library and information services for students

Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts

Faculty of Correspondence Studies

Department of IDK


Course: Library User Services

Topic: User service system in the library


4th year student

Komleva Olga Sergeevna

Checked by: teacher

Pereverzeva Yu.A.

Disclosure of the organizational structure of library-branch No. 20

Library service is an open, multi-level library subsystem for providing a variety of information services, user-oriented. Therefore, the functioning of this subsystem is associated with monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of the market of real and potential users, their needs and expectations, research of the development of information, cultural and educational services in the region and the state of the user environment within the library, analysis of the quality of services provided by the library itself, their compliance with needs users. To ensure this, library service management is necessary. Library Services Management - the set of processes by which authorized persons support and direct these activities to meet user needs. Management involves forecasting, planning, organization, coordination, analysis, leadership, accounting, control.

Library-branch No. 20 of Minsk.

Library No. 20 opened in the Oktyabrsky district of the Belarusian capital on November 28, 1991. For 20 years it was not possible to increase the number of branch libraries of the Central Public Library and, finally, the new public library began its work! The library staff has identified high-quality information services for readers in comfortable conditions as the main priorities of its activities. The main attention is paid to two areas: the accumulation of information resources and the organization of library space using modern design solutions. To date, the library has formed a fund of more than 40 thousand copies of documents; Every year about 6,500 readers visit the library. However, there is another indicator - reader responses to the library's work. Readers pay attention to the modern interior of the library and note that they are pleased to work in comfortable conditions. The creative and economic initiatives of the library staff always find support from the leadership of the Central State Public Library. Within 10 years, the library became one of the cultural centers of the area. From the very beginning of its existence, fruitful cooperation was established with the administration of the Oktyabrsky district. The library always takes an active part in the folk art festival "Suzor'e" and in organizing regional holidays. Cooperation has been established with social services within the framework of the “Mercy” program to serve certain categories of readers at home. An important activity of the library is the organization of cultural programs for readers. Over the past 10 years, we have accumulated significant experience in this area. A two-stage concept for the development of cultural and educational programs has been chosen: educational and communication. The educational part involves cooperation with educational institutions: secondary schools in the microdistrict, BUKs in the field of holding events to help the educational process. Communication means organizing chamber meetings: literary and musical lounges, presentations of new works by Belarusian writers, etc. Interestingly, almost all the guests became true friends of the library. Paintings donated by artists who participated in meetings organized together with the Belarusian Cultural Foundation decorate the interior of the library. On the books, readers see autographs with wishes from famous Belarusian writers: N. Gilevich, A. Zhuk, A. Dudarev, A. Fedorenko, V. Orlov, S. Tarasov, V. Neklyaev, etc. The library invites leading actors to its events theaters In 1996, a specialized department of Ukrainian literature was opened at Library No. 20. The department has been working for more than 5 years with the support of the Belarusian public association of Ukrainians “Vatra”. Readers have the opportunity to become familiar with the culture of Ukraine through information resources in the Ukrainian language. In addition, the library hosts thematic events as part of the Vatra cultural and educational program. Thus, over the course of 10 years, the library has established itself both as an information service institution and as a modern cultural center. But this would be impossible without the well-established work of a highly professional team, headed by a competent, modern-minded leader Tatyana Viktorovna Tarnagurskaya, and good relations between employees. Librarians associate the prospects for the activities of their institution with modern library and information technologies, with professional education, and with creative discoveries. Thanks to them for their conscientious work.

Library – branch No. 20 consists of the following departments:

Service department

Reading room

Subscription hall.

The service department consists of a reading room and a subscription room. This department directly performs the function of serving readers. In the service department there is a sector that deals with registration, re-registration of readers, issuance and replacement of library cards.

Subscription- the leading department of the library in terms of volume and content of the book collection.

The department registers readers for a subscription, provides library services, fulfills thematic requests based on its collection, studies the range of users and their information needs, organizes anniversary exhibitions and exhibitions of new acquisitions.

The department provides automated services and offers readers a wide selection of fiction, periodicals, as well as books on history, literary criticism, philosophy, psychology, religion, art and other fields of knowledge for home reading.

Common reading room is one of the most diversified departments of the library. Its fund consists of literature on the most diverse branches of knowledge, both natural science and socio-political.

Ecology, mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, zoology, botany, geography, medicine (including literature on social medicine, hygiene, pharmacology, clinical medicine, folk and non-traditional methods of treatment, etc.), as well as history, ethnography, cultural studies, sociology (including literature on industrial sociologies, conflictology, globalization, methods of social work, etc.), statistics, philosophy, religious studies, ethics, pedagogy (including literature on theory and methodology education, social and educational technologies, pedagogical management, teaching quality management, methods of teaching educational processes, etc.), political science, logic, psychology (including literature on general and special psychology, social psychology, child and adult psychology, personality psychology, management psychology, as well as the works of the founders of domestic and foreign psychology, etc.), literature of universal content, literary criticism (including all the masterpieces of world literature in retellings, collections of school essays, brief materials on Russian and foreign writers), linguistics, as well as fiction of the classical and programmatic directions - these are the components of the book stock of the reading room.

A large place in the department's collection is occupied by reference literature of both a universal and industry nature. Particularly highlighted are such fundamental multi-volume reference publications as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, the pre-revolutionary edition of the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia, the Great Medical Encyclopedia, the Geographical Encyclopedia, chemical, philosophical, military and other encyclopedias. The department's fund is regularly updated with the latest encyclopedic publications, including such as the Pushkin Encyclopedia, the "Chronicle of Humanity" encyclopedia, the "Peoples and Religions of the World" encyclopedia, the "History of the 20th Century" encyclopedia, "The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Football", the World philosophical encyclopedia and many others.

Among the dictionaries and reference books in the reading room, the collection of dictionaries on linguistics is especially complete. These include: Multi-volume Dictionary of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, dictionaries by Ushakov, Dahl, Ozhegov, as well as dictionaries in various areas of linguistics - linguistic, phraseological, etymological, word-formation, foreign words and so on.

Based on the creation of descriptions of literary collections coming to the library, the “Literary Studies” and “Literary Personalities” card indexes have been created and are constantly being updated. Materials from these collections are not reflected anywhere except this card index, and they can only be found here.

The stock of the general reading room mainly consists of educational, scientific and, to a slightly lesser extent, popular science literature, thanks to which it satisfies the majority of readers' requirements and requests.

Information resources of the reading room - a large selection of books and periodicals on various topics

Readers can use:

Prompt and high-quality service with books and periodicals;

Searching and providing information on a topic that interests you;

Consulting assistance in searching and selecting sources of information;

Carrying out inquiries using the reading room fund;

Pre-orders of books from the main book storage department of the library and magazines from the retrospective periodicals storage;

Disclosure of the fund through exhibitions of thematic exhibitions and information exhibitions: “New Books” and “Periodicals - the Pulse of Life”, etc.;

Reviews of new arrivals;

Conducting presentations of new publications together with writing organizations and book publishing houses; meetings with creative teams, evenings, Information Days and Specialist Days;

The reading room is designed to perform a number of tasks:

Providing readers with a wider range of information services based on traditional sources;

Helping the learning process

Promoting comprehensive, harmonious development of personality

Improving the culture of service for specialists.


According to the age:

37% - up to 20 years

63% - 20-30 years.

Information on the volume of the fund as of 01/01/06. and 01/01/09 and characteristics of sources for acquiring the library collection

As of 01/01/06, the volume of the library’s collection was 63,800 copies. And as of 01/01/07, the volume of the branch library’s collection was 74,200 copies. To date, the branch library's collection has increased by 10,400 items.

To date, the library has a collection of more than 40 thousand copies. documents. Every year about 6,500 readers visit the library.

View warehouse of the branch library– the library’s collection is universal in nature. The library has documents on all types of knowledge, such as scientific literature, popular science, production, reference, methodological, socio-economic, socio-political, artistic, children's, educational, agricultural, medical sciences, natural sciences, natural sciences sciences, official non-fiction, entertaining, educational, developing, etc.

Language warehouse – The library's collection contains documents of various linguistic ranges. Of course, mostly literature is in Russian and Belarusian, but library branch No. 20 also has a lot of foreign literature, such as Ukrainian, Lithuanian, English, French, Latin, German, Spanish, etc. In 1996 A specialized department of Ukrainian literature was opened at Library No. 20. The department has been working for more than 5 years with the support of the Belarusian public association of Ukrainians “Vatra”.

Chronological framework of documents – The library's collections contain documents of various chronological indicators, both documents from the Soviet era and publications of our time. Literature that is outdated in content is, of course, little used.

Geographical aspect - The fund contains publications by both authors from Belarus, Russia, CIS countries, and foreign authors. Fiction is especially distinguished by foreign authors. Authors from the USA, Germany, France, Belgium, etc. And once again I would like to emphasize that the library has a department of Ukrainian literature, so there are many Ukrainian authors.

The priority direction of acquiring the fund is the acquisition of the fund with documents from Belarusian publishing houses, such as “Belarus”, “Higher School”, “Mastatskaya Literature”, etc. and Russian publishing houses. The library works with 6 state and 32 non-state publishing houses. Particular attention was paid to finds of special types of documents: music editions. Subscriptions to periodicals are carried out on time, where priority is given to Belarusian newspapers and magazines. Today, the branch's staffing is organized using the face-to-face group method directly in the staffing department. TsSGPB enters into direct agreements with state publishing houses, publishing centers of the country's leading universities, and bookselling organizations. All of them present samples of their documents, from which the acquisition groups are completed.

In addition to budget funding, as with other libraries, the acquisition source is paid services and donated books. The main paid services remain photocopying and a “night pass” in the reading room. As for periodicals, the information principle prevails here. The branch receives 13 titles of newspapers from the Republic of Belarus, 1-2 from the Russian Federation, 21 titles from magazines from the Republic of Belarus, 25 from the Russian Federation.

An important role in supplying libraries belongs to general or specialized bookstores, selling both newly published and used (second-hand and antiquarian) literature. It is easy to buy local publications in stores. However, selling through stores also has disadvantages. Stores do not guarantee systematic replenishment of the fund.

There is also a way to supply the library, such as supply based on direct contracts with publishers. The library also has the opportunity to purchase documents from owners of personal libraries. One of the traditional ways to replenish the fund is book exchange. Valuable publications and manuscripts, which cannot be purchased in the original, are reproduced. Another source of replenishment of the fund is receiving voluntary donations from donors - institutions and individuals. Donated publications can significantly increase the number of copies. Often, publications are received that are not needed. Each of them requires a lot of work before it becomes clear whether the library needs it.

Library users by type of activity and professional affiliation. Characteristics of their information interests and needs

The needs of subscribers are expressed in their requests for a document, with which they turn to the librarian.

In modern library practice, reader requests are studied mainly based on the volume and structure of actually used library collections, i.e. a satisfied reader's request, which does not allow us to accurately judge the patterns of its actual development.

A reader's request is, firstly, a need for a document, and secondly, a need for a document available in the library. Thus, the reader's request directly depends on the information need and the library collection and at the same time is a connecting link between them.

The library staff has identified high-quality information services for readers in comfortable conditions as the main priorities of its activities. The main attention is paid to two areas: the accumulation of information resources and the organization of library space using modern design solutions.

About 6,500 readers visit the library every year. However, there is another indicator - reader responses to the library's work. Readers pay attention to the modern interior of the library and note that they are pleased to work in comfortable conditions.

An important activity of the library is the organization of cultural programs for readers. Over the past 10 years, we have accumulated significant experience in this area. A two-stage concept for the development of cultural and educational programs has been chosen: educational and communication. The educational part involves cooperation with educational institutions: secondary schools in the microdistrict, BUKs in the field of holding events to help the educational process. Communication means organizing chamber meetings: literary and musical lounges, presentations of new works by Belarusian writers, etc.

Interestingly, almost all the guests became real friends of the library. Paintings donated by artists who participated in meetings organized together with the Belarusian Cultural Foundation decorate the interior of the library. On the books, readers see autographs with wishes from famous Belarusian writers: N. Gilevich, A. Zhuk, A. Dudarev, A. Fedorenko, V. Orlov, S. Tarasov, V. Neklyaev, etc. The library invites leading theater actors to its events.

The problem of information needs, which today has become fundamental for library science, has always been the focus of attention of librarians, but most often it was presented as the study of reader interests. People's reading needs, their reading interests and requests have long attracted the attention of progressive librarians, teachers, and sociologists seeking to promote the education of the people. During the fight against illiteracy and the development of cultural and educational work among the working masses, research aimed mainly at analyzing the needs of beginning, poorly trained readers: adults mastering the basics of literacy, children, adolescents, and working youth became widespread.

The registration processes for user services and EC have been automated, and work has begun on creating a local area network (LAN).

The library serves a variety of users of different types of activities and professions. Mostly, of course, the library is visited by students from schools, colleges and universities. Since there are many educational institutions nearby. The library is also visited by workers from Belgazprom, Stroymir, Keramir, SU-12, Belkamunmash and others, as well as specialists in the field of healthcare, agriculture, culture, and education. But still, pupils and students remain among active readers. The library pays special attention to elderly people and people with disabilities.

The library organizes its work taking into account the main user groups with which it works and the types of services it can provide.

As we can see, the decreasing trend continues. The reasons are different:


Insufficient repertoire of publications offered by the market;

Decline in the prestige of reading among modern youth;

The library's computer base is insufficiently developed.

Types of plans for the formation of collections and their full names, which are formed in the library. Structure of plans

Based on forecasts and programs, plans are drawn up, which, unlike forecasts, are prescriptive in nature and binding. It is no coincidence that in everyday life they are called thematic, thematic-typological, etc. acquisition plan.

The guideline for calculating the planned indicators of the CF are the standards, i.e. the totality of library services per subscriber. The standards provide for optimal numerical values ​​in absolute data, percentages or coefficients for the formation and use of CF.

The subject of management - individual employees, sectors, departments - usually draw up five-year (perspective) and annual (current) plans for their work. These plans are included as components in the corresponding work plans for the entire library. Annual plans can be differentiated by half-year and quarter. The plans of the department, sector, group are detailed in relation to each employee, giving him a task for the month in advance. Most often, quantitative indicators and quantities are planned.

The form of the plan can be arbitrary. It is important that it reflects the main benchmarks for the planned period, as well as the means to achieve them. They plan the indicators of documents entering the fund and leaving it, the volume of acquisition and processing, placement and movement of documents in the fund system, cost estimates for the acquisition of types of documents, taking into account the share of each source of document supply, and studying the fund. Organizational and methodological measures are also planned (improving the qualifications of employees, assistance to lower divisions, etc.).

Plans need to be reviewed regularly and adjusted to take account of changing circumstances.

The library collection of the branch is compiled on the basis of thematic plans of publishing houses, catalogs and price lists of bookselling companies.

The acquisition department is an independent structural unit of the library and reports to the director of the library, his deputy for scientific work and methodological work.

The library acquisition department carries out: centralized acquisition of its collection with printed publications and other information carriers, development of scientific, methodological and organizational issues related to the activities of the department.

Department tasks.

Scientifically based formation of the library collection on various media as a universal collection of scientific nature of socio-political, natural science, technical, agricultural, art literature, fiction and other literature in accordance with the thematic acquisition plan. Formation of funds of local and local history publications.

Coordination of work with large libraries - fund holders of the region to ensure the quality of acquisition of collections.

Improving the organization of work and introducing technical means into the work of acquiring library collections.

Work is being planned to complete the collection of the library's collections.

For these purposes:

Studies the socio-economic profile of the region and prospects for its development;

Focuses on identifying new publications in the region that do not pass through the channels of the state press (cooperative, independent publications; literature published at the expense of the authors, etc.);

Develops and improves a thematic and typological plan for acquiring library collections;

Organizes, together with the libraries of the territory, the development of a coordination plan for acquisition, making timely adjustments to the thematic and species composition of the coordination plan in accordance with changes in the economic profile of the territory;

Draws up a long-term plan for the development of library collections, and annual work plans for acquiring collections.

Carries out the current acquisition and replenishment of library funds within the allocated allocations.

For these purposes:

Provides departments with publishing and book trade information, coordinates department requests, issues consolidated orders, and uses information and bibliographic materials: (thematic plans of publishing houses, book trade newsletter, newspaper "Book Review", catalogs, printed book cards, etc.);

To identify, select and acquire the necessary literature, the department organizes card indexes: ordered literature, completed orders, replenishment, subscription publications, a reference card index of stores indicating addresses;

Acquires literature using various acquisition sources: bookstores, kiosks, “Book by mail”, book exchange, trays, subscription to periodicals;

Provides replenishment of funds with literature donated to the library by various organizations and individuals, as well as by copying publications (micro-, photo-, photocopies);

Monitors the completeness of receipt of paid legal deposit, local legal deposit and the fulfillment of orders from other sources of acquisition;

Organizes exhibitions - viewings of literature received by the library;

Participates in identifying gaps in the library collections;

Selects publications and determines the number of copies collected.

Performs work on receiving, recording and registering literature received by the library, sending it to the appropriate departments and sectors, and excluding written-off literature from inventories.

Monitors the correct maintenance of summary and inventory books in library departments.

Conducts scientific, methodological and research work on the acquisition of the fund.

Prepares annual reports and certificates on the work of acquiring library collections.

The deadlines for completing the plan items must be completed on time, a person in charge is assigned for each plan item and his name is also unambiguous in the plan. An annual plan is being developed for the formation and management of the library collection of branch No. 20. After all, the annual plan is the main and mandatory plan for all libraries. It is prepared 2-3 months before the start of the new year. The library's goals for the next year are formed based on current goals. Directive materials on librarianship and decrees for drawing up plans are studied.

Analysis of the table of indicators of the size and use of the library collection

Indicators in numbers and %

Dynamics of changes in absolute numbers and %

Fund size

Number of users

Number of documents and daughters

Share of documents received by the fund (in%)

Share of documents removed from the fund (in%)

Fund growth

Documentation for users

Fund turnover (total)


Fund growth rate

User Growth Rate

Document growth rate

All indicators and numbers given in the table are given by a library employee at branch No. 20.

Dynamics of changes in absolute numbers and %: in numbers from the indicators for 2006, subtract the indicators for 2005 and we get + or -.

F = F2006 - F2005 F = 69200 – 66450 = 2750

A = A2006 - A2005 A = 6300 – 6453 = -153

B = B2006 – B2005 B = 80000 – 111216= -31216

Fn = Fn2006 – Fn2005 Fn = 5.6% - 3.8% = 1.8%

Fw = Fw2006 – Fw2005 Fw = 2.7% - 4.8% = -2.1%

Pf = Pf2006 – Pf2005 Pf = 2.9% - 1% = 1.9%

K = K2006-K2005 K = 11-10.3 = 0.7

O = O2006 O2005 O = 1.2 – 1.7 = -0.5

H = H2006 – H2005 H = 12.7 – 17.2 = -4.5

Trf = Trf2006 – Trf2005 Trf = 1.04 – 1 = 0.04

Tra = Tra2006 – Tra2005 Tra = 1- 1.4 = - 0.04

Trv = Trv2006 – Trv2005 Trv = 0.7- 2.01 = -1.31

In %: the absolute number of dynamics of change is multiplied by 100% and divided by a larger indicator:

F= ob.h. *100% :F 2006 F= 2750 * 100% :69200 = 3.9%

A = ob.h. * 100% :F 2006 A= -153 *100% : 6300 = -2.4%

V = rpm * 100% : Ф2006 В = -31216 *100% :80000 = -39%

K = ob.h. * 100% : F2006 K = 0.7 * 100% :11 = 6.4%

O = ob.h. * 100% :F2005 O = -0.5 *100% : 1.7 = 29.4%

H = v.h. * 100% : F2006 H = -4.5 * 100% : 12.7 = 35.4%

Tf = ob.h. *100% : F2006 Trf = 0.04 *100% : 1.04 = 3.8%

Tra = ob.h. *100% : F2005 Tra = -0.04 *100% : 1.4 = 2.9%

Trv = rev. *100% : F2005 Trv = -1.31 *100% : 2.01 = 65.1%

F – fund size

A – number of users

B – number of documents

Fn – share of documents received by the fund (in%)

Fv - share of documents removed from the fund (in%)

Pf – fund growth

K – document availability of users

О – fund turnover

R – readability

TRF – fund growth rate

Tra – user growth rate

Трв - document issuance growth coefficient

About. h. – absolute number of dynamics of change

4) Fn – volume of received documents * 100%: F

Fn2005 = 2580 *100% : 66450 = 3.9%

Fn2006 = 3870 * 100%: 69200 = 5.6%

5) Fv = number of retired documents *100% : A

Fv2005 = 3120 *100% :66450 = 4.8%

Fw2006 = 1870 *100% : 69200 = 2.7%

6) Pf = Fn – Fv

Pf2005 = 3.8 – 4.8 = -1%

Pf2006 = 5.6 – 2.7 = 2.9%

K2005 = 66450: 6453 = 10.3

By 2006 = 69200: 6300 = 11

O2005 = 111216: 66450 = 1.7

O2006 = 80000: 69200 = 1.2

Ch2005 = 111216: 6453 = 17.2

Ch2006 = 80000: 6300 = 12.7

10)Trf = Fananalysis.year: A of the previous year

Trf2005 = 66450:69180 = 1

TRF2006 = 69200: 66450 = 1.04

11) Tra = Aanalysis.year: Aprevious year

Tra2005 = 6453:4453 = 1.4

Tra2006 = 6300: 6453 = 1

12) Trv = Analysis of the year: In the previous year

Trv2005 = 111216: 55068 = 2.01

Trv2006 = 80000: 111216 = 0.7

After analyzing the table, we can draw conclusions about changes in the value of the fund. The conclusion is that the fund of documents has increased, and this is the result of the work of librarians, which influenced the budget for acquiring the fund, work with publishing houses and other organizations, as well as users who donate literature or book exchange between the user and the library. Thus, compared to 2005, the fund increased by 2,750 items.

But the number of users has decreased compared to 2005 (where there were 6453 people). In 2006, the number of users was already 6,300. I think this may be due to the location of the library and the lack of specialized and professional literature. I think that the library still needs to expand its collection, advertise, and organize presentations in the library more often. Decreased users by 153 people.

The number of documents issued in 2005 was 111,216, and already in 2006 it became much less than 80,000, i.e. decrease by 31216. This is a conclusion of insufficiently good organizational work. Again, the more users, the more documents are issued. And in order to have users, they need to be lured with the same presentations, advertisements, etc.

The share of documents received by the fund compared to 2005 (2580), and for 2006 (3870), or 1.8%. All this was influenced by the increase in the budget for staffing the fund.

The percentage of all documents retired from the fund compared to 2005 (3180), and in 2006 (1870), or 2.1%. This is a positive result, perhaps due to the work plan for completing the fund in previous years.

Readability in 2005 was 17.2, and in 2006 it was 12.7, or -35.4%. Perhaps due to the fact that the repertoire of publications offered by the market is insufficient, there is a decline in prestigious reading among young people.

The growth rates of the fund, users, and document issuance indicate that the situation may soon lead to a decline. Use of the fund.

Directions that I could give for further management of the formation of the fund. This is a timely replenishment of the fund with newer, modern literature; coordinate work with other libraries, get rid of outdated literature from the collection as often as possible. And of course, improve the work organization and introduce new technical means.


Traditionally, the librarian dealt with documents on paper, which did not require technical floppy disks, CDs, or electronic publications for their reproduction. Therefore, he needs to possess the appropriate technical means. A modern librarian must own a computer, copier, scanner, printer, modem, video equipment and other equipment. Thus, the technicalization of the library profession occurs. It should be noted that young people are very actively and quickly mastering new technology. But the introduction of new technical means into libraries also involves the use of modern technologies, which entails the emergence of such a specialty as a librarian-technologist and a number of specializations. Thus, the need for coordination when using network computer technologies required specializations such as database administrator, information systems manager; The development of the WWW Internet service has necessitated the need to train a specialist in creating and updating WEB pages; librarians also specialize in the field of electronic publishing, conducting training on the Internet for library employees and users, and specialists in teleconferencing are needed.


1. Librarian's reference book / scientific-ed. A.N. Vaneev, V.A. Minkina. – ed. 2nd, rev. and additional – St. Petersburg: Profession, 2001.- 448 p. - (Library).

2. Dvorkina M.Ya. Library service. Lectures. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow State University of Culture.

3. “Spravazda for 2005, 2006.” (Form 6NK).

4. “Statistychny pakazchyk work 2004-2006.”


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Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts

Faculty of Correspondence Studies

Department of IDK


Course: Library User Services

Topic: User service system in the library


4th year student

Komleva Olga Sergeevna

Checked by: teacher

Pereverzeva Yu.A.

Disclosure of the organizational structure of library-branch No. 20

Library service is an open, multi-level library subsystem for providing a variety of information services, user-oriented. Therefore, the functioning of this subsystem is associated with monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of the market of real and potential users, their needs and expectations, research of the development of information, cultural and educational services in the region and the state of the user environment within the library, analysis of the quality of services provided by the library itself, their compliance with needs users. To ensure this, library service management is necessary. Library Services Management - the set of processes by which authorized persons support and direct these activities to meet user needs. Management involves forecasting, planning, organization, coordination, analysis, leadership, accounting, control.

Library-branch No. 20 of Minsk.

Library No. 20 opened in the Oktyabrsky district of the Belarusian capital on November 28, 1991. For 20 years it was not possible to increase the number of branch libraries of the Central Public Library and, finally, the new public library began its work! The library staff has identified high-quality information services for readers in comfortable conditions as the main priorities of its activities. The main attention is paid to two areas: the accumulation of information resources and the organization of library space using modern design solutions. To date, the library has formed a fund of more than 40 thousand copies of documents; Every year about 6,500 readers visit the library. However, there is another indicator - reader responses to the library's work. Readers pay attention to the modern interior of the library and note that they are pleased to work in comfortable conditions. The creative and economic initiatives of the library staff always find support from the leadership of the Central State Public Library. Within 10 years, the library became one of the cultural centers of the area. From the very beginning of its existence, fruitful cooperation was established with the administration of the Oktyabrsky district. The library always takes an active part in the folk art festival "Suzor'e" and in organizing regional holidays. Cooperation has been established with social services within the framework of the “Mercy” program to serve certain categories of readers at home. An important activity of the library is the organization of cultural programs for readers. Over the past 10 years, we have accumulated significant experience in this area. A two-stage concept for the development of cultural and educational programs has been chosen: educational and communication. The educational part involves cooperation with educational institutions: secondary schools in the microdistrict, BUKs in the field of holding events to help the educational process. Communication means organizing chamber meetings: literary and musical lounges, presentations of new works by Belarusian writers, etc. Interestingly, almost all the guests became true friends of the library. Paintings donated by artists who participated in meetings organized together with the Belarusian Cultural Foundation decorate the interior of the library. On the books, readers see autographs with wishes from famous Belarusian writers: N. Gilevich, A. Zhuk, A. Dudarev, A. Fedorenko, V. Orlov, S. Tarasov, V. Neklyaev, etc. The library invites leading actors to its events theaters In 1996, a specialized department of Ukrainian literature was opened at Library No. 20. The department has been working for more than 5 years with the support of the Belarusian public association of Ukrainians “Vatra”. Readers have the opportunity to become familiar with the culture of Ukraine through information resources in the Ukrainian language. In addition, the library hosts thematic events as part of the Vatra cultural and educational program. Thus, over the course of 10 years, the library has established itself both as an information service institution and as a modern cultural center. But this would be impossible without the well-established work of a highly professional team, headed by a competent, modern-minded leader Tatyana Viktorovna Tarnagurskaya, and good relations between employees. Librarians associate the prospects for the activities of their institution with modern library and information technologies, with professional education, and with creative discoveries. Thanks to them for their conscientious work.

Library – branch No. 20 consists of the following departments:

Service department

Reading room

Subscription hall.

The service department consists of a reading room and a subscription room. This department directly performs the function of serving readers. In the service department there is a sector that deals with registration, re-registration of readers, issuance and replacement of library cards.

Subscription- the leading department of the library in terms of volume and content of the book collection.

The department registers readers for a subscription, provides library services, fulfills thematic requests based on its collection, studies the range of users and their information needs, organizes anniversary exhibitions and exhibitions of new acquisitions.

The department provides automated services and offers readers a wide selection of fiction, periodicals, as well as books on history, literary criticism, philosophy, psychology, religion, art and other fields of knowledge for home reading.

Common reading room is one of the most diversified departments of the library. Its fund consists of literature on the most diverse branches of knowledge, both natural science and socio-political.

Ecology, mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, zoology, botany, geography, medicine (including literature on social medicine, hygiene, pharmacology, clinical medicine, folk and non-traditional methods of treatment, etc.), as well as history, ethnography, cultural studies, sociology (including literature on industrial sociologies, conflictology, globalization, methods of social work, etc.), statistics, philosophy, religious studies, ethics, pedagogy (including literature on theory and methodology education, social and educational technologies, pedagogical management, teaching quality management, methods of teaching educational processes, etc.), political science, logic, psychology (including literature on general and special psychology, social psychology, child and adult psychology, personality psychology, management psychology, as well as the works of the founders of domestic and foreign psychology, etc.), literature of universal content, literary criticism (including all the masterpieces of world literature in retellings, collections of school essays, brief materials on Russian and foreign writers), linguistics, as well as fiction of the classical and programmatic directions - these are the components of the book stock of the reading room.

A large place in the department's collection is occupied by reference literature of both a universal and industry nature. Particularly highlighted are such fundamental multi-volume reference publications as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, the pre-revolutionary edition of the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia, the Great Medical Encyclopedia, the Geographical Encyclopedia, chemical, philosophical, military and other encyclopedias. The department's fund is regularly updated with the latest encyclopedic publications, including such as the Pushkin Encyclopedia, the "Chronicle of Humanity" encyclopedia, the "Peoples and Religions of the World" encyclopedia, the "History of the 20th Century" encyclopedia, "The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Football", the World philosophical encyclopedia and many others.

Among the dictionaries and reference books in the reading room, the collection of dictionaries on linguistics is especially complete. These include: Multi-volume Dictionary of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, dictionaries by Ushakov, Dahl, Ozhegov, as well as dictionaries in various areas of linguistics - linguistic, phraseological, etymological, word-formation, foreign words and so on.

Based on the creation of descriptions of literary collections coming to the library, the “Literary Studies” and “Literary Personalities” card indexes have been created and are constantly being updated. Materials from these collections are not reflected anywhere except this card index, and they can only be found here.

The stock of the general reading room mainly consists of educational, scientific and, to a slightly lesser extent, popular science literature, thanks to which it satisfies the majority of readers' requirements and requests.

Information resources of the reading room - a large selection of books and periodicals on various topics

Readers can use:

Prompt and high-quality service with books and periodicals;

Searching and providing information on a topic that interests you;

Consulting assistance in searching and selecting sources of information;

Carrying out inquiries using the reading room fund;

Pre-orders of books from the main book storage department of the library and magazines from the retrospective periodicals storage;

the left principle of service, organized a collective subscription for issuing books to organizations that do not have their own libraries. The development of science and technology inevitably led to the emergence of new ways of transmitting information and delivering documents on the IBA. Various types of communications were used (postal, telegraph, telephone, fax), transport, copying machines, etc.

In 1996, the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences developed information technology that made it possible to provide the information needs of users with electronic copies of articles from domestic and foreign publications. Electronic document delivery (EDD) technology has appeared, which many Russian libraries have gradually mastered. Later, a distributed corporate EDD system “Sigla” was created, uniting regional corporate library systems that fulfill EDD orders taking into account the copyright conditions laid down in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation13.

International Interlibrary Loan (IILLA) exists in large libraries in different countries, their activities are regulated by the Code of Practice for International Interlibrary Loan developed by IFLA.

11.3 Organization of library services

in reading rooms

The library's generic function - serving readers - was initially implemented in the reading room, and still exists today. The classic appearance of the reading room (spacious, bright, with high ceilings, decorated with busts of philosophers and poets) was preserved for a long time. Such rooms were common in many famous libraries: the Library of Congress (USA), the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences and many others.

The reading room is a specially equipped room in which the most complete library services are provided to users. Comfortable conditions have been created for readers, a special atmosphere in which a psychological “contagion effect” occurs, contributing to the reader’s productive work.

13 Since 2008, the provisions of Part IV of the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” have been in effect [Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part IV. –

Collection legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2006. – No. 52, art. 5496. – pp. 14803–14949].

Main types of reading rooms

There are general and specialized reading rooms. A common reading room is typical for small libraries, as

V It serves all users, and its collection includes all types and types of publications that the library collects. Large libraries operate a system of specialized reading rooms, organized depending on:

· categories of users (for students, teachers, primary schoolchildren, youth, etc.);

· branches of knowledge (technical literature, social sciences, legal publications, etc.);

· type of publications (room of periodicals, dissertations, regulatory and technical publications, patent descriptions, rare books, etc.). Besides,

V such especially large libraries as the Russian State Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences, the State Public scientific and technical library of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and some others, there are halls of new acquisitions.

Library services in the reading room are provided using personalized library cards, which are common for subscriptions and other departments of the library. In many foreign countries (for example, Finland, Denmark), users present a single library card for all city libraries, in other countries - a social card (according to

which you can also rent a car, buy a plane ticket, etc.), and in Japan - the user’s palm.

The working hours of reading rooms differ from the work of others - business hours last longer, and in many foreign libraries, for example, university ones, during the session the reading rooms are open until 2–4 o'clock in the morning.

Large libraries have an extensive network of specialized reading rooms, organized depending on the number of library readers and the type and field of knowledge of documents, as well as a room for new acquisitions, where the reader can quickly get acquainted

With new publications acquired by the library.

IN In recent decades, with the development of information technology, the structure of stationary library services has become more complex: electronic reading rooms are being organized, Internet classes, Business Information Centers, etc. An electronic reading room is a room in which users work with electronic media or the Internet on library computers or personal laptops. Electronic reading rooms are often identified with virtual ones. However, there are differences between them

The advantage is that the virtual room is available to any user in any place where access to the Internet is provided, since this “room” does not have a physical embodiment, unlike the electronic reading room of a particular library. Expansion but

The range of services offered increases the level of comfort (providing readers with the opportunity to work on laptops, “download” information from databases to their disk, scan documents, etc.).

11.4 Divisions of library services for “non-book carriers”

The library services department includes the following subdivisions:

library collections, how media library, art library, diateka, video library.

The term mediateque has French roots and is defined as a library specializing in non-book media. The Media Library is a publicly accessible information, educational and cultural center organized for the purposes of lifelong education, personal development throughout life and meeting its needs related to general self-education and study. By studying in the media library, users acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to work with non-book media, master computer and video culture, the formation of which takes into account the psychophysiological characteristics of acoustic and figurative-verbal perception.

The range of information products of the media library consists of the following services: issuing documents on various media; listening and playing; conducting cultural programs; organization of exhibitions; watching film, video and television programs; recording information on various media; copying documents; training in working with computer, video, audio, laser equipment and training in new technologies; rental of equipment, equipment, storage media, etc. Organizing a media library requires special premises, furniture, and equipment to create jobs.

The components of the media library are an art library, a diathek, and a video library. An art library is a collection of reproductions of paintings, as a means of service that contributes to solving the problems of spiritual and aesthetic development of a person. Diatheque is a collection of slides and filmstrips. The video library is a collection of various films on CDs. Specific collections of these library departments

require certain conditions of organization and storage. Most large and small (for example, school) Russian and foreign libraries have media libraries. In France, Germany and other European countries, as well as in the USA, media libraries exist both as departments of libraries and as independent institutions, for example, the Stuttgart Media Library or the Stuttgart Media Library. J.-P. Melville in Paris.

Seminar lesson

Topic: “The evolution of forms of organization of lending at different stages of public attitude to the problems of development of the library industry.”

1. The history of the appearance of the subscription in world library practice.

2. Types of subscription (general, functional, group, industry, open access), their definitions.

3. The problem of differentiated service for individual and collective (family and team) subscriptions.

4. The evolution of forms of organization of lending at different stages of public attitude to the problems of development of the library industry.

5. Methods of working with “debtors” used by libraries.

6. When and where was the IBA form first used as an interlibrary lending/borrowing of publications?

7. Principles of the MBA system in Russia.

8. Features of library services on correspondence, interlibrary and international loans.

9. Technology of electronic document delivery (EDD). In what year and by whom was it developed in Russia?

10. Conditions laid down in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation for EDD.

Practical lesson

Topic: “Organization of the work of various types of subscriptions.” Exercise

I. Visit various types of subscriptions and study their work (reading room, subscription for issuing documents at home, MBA, etc.).

II. Identify and talk about differences in the technology of subscriptions.

12 Non-stationary forms of library service

Along with stationary library services, there is non-stationary, that is, serving readers outside the walls of the library. This type of library service performs an important social role in providing basic library services to those who, for some reason, cannot visit the library. Traditional forms of non-stationary library services

These include book lending points, mobile libraries, including library buses, and book distribution.

Library items

Points for issuing documents are organized in populated areas where there is no stationary library, and can also be temporarily opened at enterprises, in hostels, in city parks, summer children's camps, etc. When organizing a point, the relevant institution enters into an agreement with a stationary library, which transfers to the point of issue of the publication, periodically updating them. The thematic and species composition of the collection is formed depending on the needs of real and potential users of the item, who are served by the full-time librarian of the stationary library.

Mobile libraries

This name was given to sets of books issued by a stationary library, which, after being read by readers in one locality, were transferred to another. Mobile libraries became widespread in the first years of Soviet power, since with their help the decisions of the party and government were communicated to the population. In addition, in the 1920s. Mobile libraries served the troops of the Red Army, and later - during the Great Patriotic War - the Soviet Army, constantly changing locations.

Currently, mobile libraries are also relevant, as they help promote reading among non-reading segments of the population:

for example, serving the peoples of the North who lead a nomadic lifestyle, etc. Abroad, mobile libraries serve homes for the elderly and disabled, prisons, and hospitals.

Mobile forms of non-stationary library service: library buses, book distribution

The most common form of mobile library these days is the library bus. A bibliobus is a bus specially equipped for a mobile library, which, in addition to various types of documents, contains computers and electronic storage media. In addition to traditional services, library bus employees organize meetings with writers, actors, and conduct reference and even research work to study the needs of their users. The route, stop times, and operating hours of the library bus are determined by the stationary library in agreement with local authorities. The technology of service in the library bus is no different from service in a stationary library. Bibliobuses are actively used in many countries with large or sparsely populated areas: the USA, Argentina, Australia, Greece, Great Britain.

Book distribution - delivery of books to the user's home - is a traditional form of out-of-station service that can be organized by the smallest library. This form of library service is used for people with disabilities and the elderly, and is most widespread in foreign practice. Book circulation contributes to maintaining the number of library users, and also plays a humane role in helping older and infirm people maintain social connections through reading and communication.

The American Library Association adopted the document: “The Responsibility of Libraries to the Elderly” (1964), one of the main provisions of which is the obligation of libraries to provide library services in forms that meet the needs of the elderly, including those with disabilities or those in appropriate social institutions, a similar situation is observed in libraries of European countries, as well as Canada and Japan.

Seminar lesson

Topic: “Basic forms of non-stationary library services.”

Assignment Prepare speeches on the following topics:

1. Basic forms of non-stationary library services.

2. Organization of library services using library buses: arrangement of a library bus, development of routes, maintenance of the library bus.

3. How does service technology in a library bus differ from- about services in a stationary library?

4. The role of bibliobuses in countries with a large territory: from the experience of bibliobuses in Russia and foreign countries (USA, UK, Canada, etc.), competitions for the “best bibliobus”.

5. Briefly retell the history of book circulation in Russia XIX–XX centuries

6. The social significance of book circulation in modern Russia.

7. What place does book distribution occupy in library services in foreign countries?

8. Library points for issuing documents (universal, specialized) and features of the organization of their work.

9. What is the difference between mobile libraries and document collection points?

10. Identify the main provisions of the document: “Libraries' Responsibilities to the Elderly,” adopted by the American Library Association in 1964.

13 Virtual (electronic) library services

Electronic library as a new form of organizing library services

The informal birth date of open digital libraries is considered to be 1971, when Project Gutenberg began. This year, University of Illinois employee Michael Hart manually entered

V computer “Declaration of Independence” and the US Constitution, the text of the Bible and some other sources related to the category of eternal values. Now this project includes several thousand

works, including the most famous works of art, scientific treatises and journalistic works14.

IN In Russia, a new evolutionary process called informatization was caused by the introduction of computers and modern means of processing and transmitting information to mid-1990s, with the synthesis of automation and telecommunications proving particularly fruitful.

In the global information space, remote access technologies via the Internet have begun to occupy an increasingly important place, the date of its appearance being considered to be 1983. Most libraries and information centers in Russia have connected to the Internet

V 1996, at the same time they began to createdigital libraries. The concept of “electronic library” appeared in Russia in the late 1980s, but there is still no precise definition, including a distinction between the terms “digital”, “virtual”, and “electronic” library.

Similar discrepancies exist abroad, since terms such as “digital library”, “virtual library”, “electronic library” are used to designate collections of electronic documents.

The term “electronic library” is the most commonly used in the professional environment, but it refers to various objects, including:

· distributed information system that allows reliable communication

store and effectively use heterogeneous collections of electronic


documents (text, graphics, audio, video, etc.) available in a user-friendly form via global data networks;

· information retrieval an environment that provides the user with effective access to a complex of information arrays;

· organization by providers of access to certain arrays of homogeneous or heterogeneous information;

· a set of information resources organized according to a library principle;

· independent system of electronic information resources,

anytime and anywhere, that is, a worldwide decentralized virtual library;

· a fund of electronic documents, specially organized and equipped reference and search engine;

· library of electronic books (available for reading using special devices).

All of the listed definitions of an electronic library do not reflect the physical forms and specific models of it, therefore A. B. Antopolsky and T. V. Maistrovich define an electronic library as an information system that includes an ordered collection of electronic documents generated in accordance with specified

criteria and intended for public use, and a set of software and technological tools that implement the functions of creating, using and storing this fund.

The defining criteria of an electronic library also include: the location of its collection (specific address), the presence of an acquisition policy; organized metadata system. An electronic library can be local or network, which is not decisive for the methodology of its organization. Depending on the way to create electronic libraries are divided into:

generated (when electronic documents are created by the fund holders themselves);

aggregated (from existing electronic documents or entire collections);

mixed (consisting of borrowed and independently prepared electronic documents).

According to the composition of documents electronic libraries are divided into mono-type and poly-type, depending on the symbolic nature of the stored information (text only, multimedia, etc.).

By purpose Digital libraries are classified as follows:

memorial, created for the purpose of cumulating documents about a person or event;

scientific, intended for in-depth study of a topic (subject) by scientists and specialists of a high level of preparedness;

– educational (educational and methodological) focused on supporting education;

reference books, created like a universal encyclopedia to obtain the necessary brief information on all branches of knowledge;

educational, having popular science in nature and intended for comprehensive coverage of the topic (subject) at the general educational level;

without a specific purpose.

There is a typology of electronic libraries, which is based on a set of twelve characteristics: creators, legitimacy (created in compliance with Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), method of creation, composition of the collection, principle of collection formation, search capabilities, organization (independent, built-in or integrated), purpose , copying, method of organization (by library or “non-library” type), type of access, characteristics of texts. From the point of view of the possibilities of application in information activities, electronic libraries are divided into free electronic

throne text collections and commercial full-text databases.

Currently, there are a huge number of free electronic libraries on the Internet. A lengthy list of them is contained in the “Electronic Libraries” section of the “Aport” directory15. Among the largest and most authoritative collections,

There is a Maxim Moshkov Library, which includes many tens of thousands of a wide variety of works, from serious novels to detective stories, technical documentation and works of literary amateurs. Electronic libraries located on sites with characteristic domain names are widely known:,, “” and many others.

Electronic libraries have significantly expanded the range of library services and provided users with unprecedented

15 http://С


Collection output:


Logacheva Anna Alexandrovna

Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor
Oryol State University,
RF, Orel

Svinakova Liliya Sergeevna

4th year student
Oryol State University,

RF, G. Eagle


Anna Logacheva

cand. filol. sciences, associate professor,
Orel State University,
Russia, Orel

Lilia Svinakova

4th year student
of Orel State University,
Russia, Orel


Studying the features of library and information services in a university library is currently one of the priority areas of library science and practice, since obtaining ready-made knowledge, educational, scientific, is very important in the formation of a high level of professional. The purpose of the article is to describe the organization of user services in a university library and determine the prospects for its development.


Study of features of Library and Information Service of University Library is currently one of the priorities of library science and practice, as getting ready knowledge, educational, scientific, very important in the formation of high-level professional. Purpose of the article - description of the service organization by the University Library and the definition of its prospects.

Keywords: library and information services; library user; university library; library structure.

Keywords: library and information services; library user; university library; structure library.

Library and information services are the leading and most important function of modern libraries. Having undergone a long evolution of its historical development, library and information services manifest themselves in different forms. It is service that changes and predetermines the entire work of the library, its direction and quality for all divisions and existing departments. Library service forms its image initially in the eyes of users and subsequently rises and predetermines its place in society.

When talking about library services, it is necessary to give this term a precise definition. “Library services are a set of different types of library activities to meet the needs of its users by providing library services.”

Based on this definition, the purpose of library services is to meet the needs of users through the provision of library services. It is known that in domestic library science the methodology of library services has been developed at a very high level, its goals, principles, content, system have been developed, and the theoretical foundations have also been well developed. The basic principles determine the requirements for librarianship: goals, content, methods, personnel, structure. They originate from the level of development of the library.

What do we see today in the university library? In our opinion, the definition indicated above is quite broad, including a variety of services: individual, group, mass services, work with electronic resources, etc. The library does not always provide such a wide range of services, which is due to its type, area of ​​activity, the volume of funds and the degree of development of the material and technical base.

Our scientific interests are focused on the consideration of library and information services in a university library. As an example, we use the university library of Oryol State University. The university library has not only a rich history, but also a solid material base. Considering the work of this library, it should be noted that currently it is not the quantity of the collection that determines the quality of library service, but the most developed information and library service. For its broadest development, the library has increased its holdings, taking into account that in the modern world the development of electronic media is increasingly gaining momentum. But this does not mean that the university library focuses only on increasing electronic information. A modern user of the Oryol State University library has a wide range of options for choosing the type of information.

It should be noted that the university library has a fairly extensive structure. It is represented by various departments whose activities are focused on library users. These are the department of acquisition and scientific processing of literature, the scientific bibliographic department, the hall of electronic resources, reader service departments, and interlibrary loan (ILA). Of course, the reader has the right to obtain the information he needs in the service departments. But the work of other departments is also aimed at working with information that should be relevant to the user’s request. In the course of analytical and synthetic processing of information, departments form a reference and retrieval apparatus as a means of disclosing the resources of the university’s university library, and also provide reference, bibliographic and information services to faculty, staff, graduate students, and students. Interlibrary loan services enable library readers to use literature from the collections of other city libraries in the absence of the necessary documents in the library collection. MBA serves all categories of university readers. Provides services to readers in the traditional mode (ordering original documents that are not in the collection), as well as ordering copies of documents.

For a student at Oryol State University, library service is a service organization that serves its institution, helps in studying, conducting scientific research, and also in helping to find the necessary information. The target interests of users in a university library are very different. Because a library user is not only a student, but also a teacher or library employee. Some people take books, while others use electronic resources. Considering that the majority of library users are young people under 25 years of age, libraries must take into account their interests and commitment to electronic information. Therefore, the main direction for the development of library collections is the creation of an integrated collection with various types of information. The mission of the library has changed. The thesis: “The library is a foundation” is a thing of the past. The library should develop taking into account the interests of its users

Thus, library and information services are aimed at providing information to users. This can be both traditional media and electronic documents. It should be noted that not only this form of service is typical for a university library. The university library has long been practicing organizing exhibitions - this is also a form of library service. Exhibitions of this kind, dedicated to any significant dates and events, are held by library staff. Exhibitions are visited by teachers, students and library staff. Their themes are “New Year’s card”, “Handmade toy” and others.

Let's summarize. Modern libraries, regardless of their type and type, organize their activities aimed at providing information to users. The forms of this activity are quite diverse. As we were able to establish, the library of Oryol State University aims to provide information for educational and scientific purposes. This work is also complemented by the organization of exhibitions, which can rightfully be considered an addition to the main information, since such exhibitions will be of interest to representatives of various faculties of the university.

Turning to the prospects for the development of university library activities, it can be noted that they certainly exist. With the development of science and technology, new technologies appear and are introduced into practical activities. It seems that with their active use, a university library is able to reach a qualitatively new level of library and information services: receiving, providing and using electronic information. But traditional forms of library services also need to be developed in the university library.


  1. Guseva E.N. Innovations in the country's libraries: approaches, problems, projects // Librarianship - XXI century. – 2010. – No. 1 (19). – pp. 93–109. – App. to the journal "Library Science".
  2. Erakhtorin M.V. Organizational and psychological aspects of the reader service system // Educational libraries. establishments. – 2008. – No. 27. – P. 3.
  3. Fokeev V.A. Bibliographic science and practice: terminology. words / V.A. Fokeev; scientific ed. G.V. Mikheeva. – St. Petersburg: Profession, 2008. – 272 p.

Lesson plan:

1. Goals, objectives and principles of modern library services.

Differentiation in service.

2. Main directions of library and bibliographic services.
3. Individual work with users: features and methods.

1. Goals, objectives and principles of modern library services.

Library and bibliographic services - this is an activity carried out by library structural units specially created for this purpose, which provide users with bibliographic and factual information, the documents themselves or their copies, and other library services that ensure the satisfaction of spiritual, industrial, educational and other needs.

Service is the leading function of modern libraries, which subordinates, changes and directs the work of all departments, as well as the technological processes they carry out, forms the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, ultimately, predetermines its place in society and the sphere of social influence.

The purpose, objectives and principles of library services (LS) are determined by an understanding of the role of the library and the dominant concept of the reader in society. Libraries, as social institutions, are intended to provide broad and complete information to the reader to solve various life problems, that is, to promote personality socialization in modern society.
This understanding of the purpose of library services fully corresponds to the specific nature of the library as an information institution, as well as its social role in society.
The formulated goal allows us to determine the library service tasks that need to be done to achieve this goal:
- reducing barriers (physical, intellectual, technical, organizational, interpersonal, financial) to the user’s access to the information and library services he needs;
- constant study of reader and information interests, requests and needs of users in order to most fully satisfy them;
- expanding the range and increasing the level of creativity
- promoting the formation of a reading culture and information culture of users;
- promotion of reading to non-reading sections of society.
Solving each of these tasks will facilitate easier access to information resources and expand the circle of users who can use them to achieve their life goals.
The definition of the principles of library services is also based on an understanding of the role of the library in society and the purpose of library services.

Today they are formulated as follows:
- Congruence(from Latin congruens - correspondence, harmony) library services. This is the most important principle of BC, meaning: 1) compliance of its main directions, forms, methods, as well as technical means with the tasks that society sets for itself; 2) compliance with user needs; 3) compliance with the level of industry development. This principle requires the correlation of the main parameters of BO with the activities of other social institutions: local government, the media, etc.
- Tolerance and priority of the interests of the user’s personality. This means organizing the CP process in the interests of the individual, focusing on his needs and requests. At the same time, the use of the library’s wide information base should be aimed at developing, deepening, and expanding reader interest. This principle presupposes an attentive, friendly attitude towards the individual, regardless of nationality, religion, social status, health status, etc.

- Continuity of BO. Communication is a critical element of library service. Dialogue is manifested in the use of forms of work in BOs in which the user is an active participant: he has the right to evaluate the service received and express his own opinion on the quality of BOs. It is especially important to observe this principle in relation to young readers who react sharply to the imposition of any information.
- Individualization and specialization of BO. This principle involves both taking into account the individual characteristics of the user and the developing trend of personalized service, which is determined by the technological capabilities of the library (providing a personal computer, etc.). The concept of BO specialization is manifested in the use of special forms and services required by “advanced” users (“virtual help”, commercial programs, etc.), which, of course, means a higher level of service. This principle is actively implemented in foreign libraries, where the role of librarians in assisting specialist users: businessmen, managers, lawyers, etc. in selecting the best information sources is steadily growing. It is clear that specialized services require correspondingly specialized training for librarians.
It is necessary to highlight a number of principles, the implementation of which enhances the effect of BO.

- Systematic approach to providing information to users. This principle is based on the theory of knowledge, which states that only systematized information leads to the formation of knowledge. Thus, BO promotes the acquisition of knowledge from disparate information and stimulates the development of the user’s systemic thinking.

- Visibility of BO. The principle is based on the fact that 80% of information is perceived by a person through vision, ensuring its greater assimilation and memorization.

- Comfort of BO. Convenience and ease of access to information are in the foreground today. The principle assumes: user-friendly library operating hours; compliance with reading room standards (lighting, temperature conditions, technical equipment); comfortable atmosphere of communication with the librarian; efficiency of obtaining the most complete information.

The library professional community has developed the following Recommendations to help service department employees:

  1. When lending books, the librarian is entirely at the disposal of the reader and wants to demonstrate this.
  2. You should strive to create a favorable first impression.
  3. You must work calmly, with maximum effort.
  4. If the reader does not like the librarian, under no circumstances should they show it to him. It is necessary to be smooth in communication with all visitors, polite and friendly. Difficult readers should not come as a surprise to the librarian. It is unacceptable to argue with the reader.
  5. A reader can wait only if the librarian is serving other patrons, but not if the librarian is busy with internal work, no matter how urgent.
  6. There are no stupid reader requests. If a reader asks for advice, the librarian tries to understand him, constantly showing a willingness to provide help, but does this carefully and unobtrusively.
  7. An employee does not have the right to redirect the reader to other employees or the SBA if he himself can help.
  8. The librarian should freely admit his incompetence, but only in the reader’s field of activity (in terms of understanding his request), and not in his own field (knowledge of the collection and SBA).
  9. Other readers should make comments to an adult reader in the library if his actions interfere with their concentration. The librarian tries not to make comments.
  10. When a visitor breaks the rules, you need to show him that by doing so he is infringing on the rights or disturbing other readers, but not the librarian.
    1. You should make sure that in advertisements prohibiting words sound softly, like a request, and not as a demand.
    2. The librarian must be able to look at the library through the eyes of the reader, doing this constantly.

Differentiation in service.

Constant study of reader demand shows that the composition of the readership of each specific library is diverse. Readers differ in professional, age, educational, national, and mental characteristics. Group and individual characteristics of people influence the choice and reading of books, and this necessitates a differentiated approach to readers.
What means differentiation?

This is dismemberment, differentiation, isolation of constituent elements when considering, studying something. In this case, the identification of the main groups, categories of readers in libraries as a result of studying their composition.
It is customary to note three main aspects of such a study:
– study of the living and working conditions of the population of the serviced area (covered by the service), which determine potential reader demand;
– study of the composition of readers, which can be divided into age, educational, national and other groups in order to give an objective description of each of them, to find out the essential features;
– study of the individual characteristics of each reader.
Since the social approach determines primacy in differentiating readers, libraries distinguish groups by occupation, social activity, profession, age, etc.

At the same time, readers of each group have significant differences, which manifest themselves in their attitude towards books, their choice, and application in life. Taking into account such important properties of readers as the level of consciousness, motives and goals of reading, the direction and volume of reading interests, and the skills of independent work with a book lies at the basis of individual work with them.

2. Main directions of library and bibliographic services.

The work of the library receives direct access to users through three interconnected, complementary areas: individual, group and frontal library and bibliographic services. The second and third directions are traditionally called mass library and bibliographic services.

Group library and bibliographic service involves meeting the cultural and information needs of small groups (groups) of users united by common interests.

Front library and bibliographic services is built in such a way as to satisfy the cultural and information needs that are typical for the majority of users and “non-users” of the library. Such service helps to attract their attention to the library, reading, and a specific book.

Group and frontal events should be conducted in such a way that the questions posed and their disclosure are understandable and interesting both to those who know the recommended book well and to those who are getting acquainted with it for the first time.

The guidelines for organizing group services are actually functioning (teachers, entrepreneurs) or conditionally united (poetry lovers, postage stamp collectors) groups of readers; for the front - all library users and “non-users” living in the area of ​​its activity - the so-called library readership.

The reading group and the reading audience have much in common, since both are formed by many individuals, but the content of these concepts is different.

Reading group - This is a collection of individuals who have some common objectively existing characteristics and properties. This is a well-defined stable set, ordered by one or another characteristic that is significant for library services: by gender, age, profession, interests.

IN readership this set does not represent an independent holistic entity.

The same book can become the object of consideration both at a group event and at a frontal one. But it will reveal itself in different ways. At a group event involving a small number of people, there is an opportunity to explore the book in more depth, taking into account the interests of a larger number of people present; at a frontal event - to reach a larger number of representatives of different groups, but to reveal only those sides that are equally interesting to them. A group event requires lengthy preparation, but when you need to quickly introduce a book, it is better to use a frontal event, which is easier to prepare than a group event. It should be noted that there is no strict “binding” of one or another method of queuing only to group or only frontal work. Examples of public events include: book discussions, question and answer evenings, oral journals, book premieres, and reading conferences.

3. Individual library and bibliographic services- a process that ensures direct and systematic communication between a librarian and one or several readers at the same time, taking into account the personal characteristics of each. The latter is necessary for the reader to take exactly “his” book, that is, one that is accessible to him in terms of the level of reading culture, corresponding to his interests and real needs, taking into account individual psychological characteristics and capabilities.

The range of tasks of individual service is quite wide: assistance in determining the topic of reading, choosing specific literature, discussing what has been read in order to determine and form reader’s interests and clarify requests, fostering a reading culture, providing assistance in searching for published works and familiarizing with bibliographic sources and reference books.

Towards effective forms and methods of individual library service relate:
- individual conversation;

Individual information;

A universal way of individual service is individual conversation with library users. It acts as an independent method and is present in all other methods of individual library and bibliographic services and includes three interrelated types: a conversation when registering a reader in the library; recommendation conversation; conversation when receiving a read book from the user.

Conversation when registering for the library makes it possible to collect information about a person who wishes to become a reader. This information plays an important role in determining the strategy and general direction of work with a new library user. During this conversation, he is introduced to the rules of use, history and traditions that have developed in the library, with its information capabilities, and the level of the reader’s reading culture is established. Finally, they find out how it can be useful for the library itself. It is advisable that this conversation be conducted by the most qualified library employee.

Conversation when handing out literature to the reader. This conversation is considered tactical, because based on the knowledge about the reader obtained when registering him in the library, further service tactics are determined. The general rule of such conversations boils down to the following: different readers are told about one book exactly what they can find useful in it for themselves, based on the reading culture of each, his purpose for accessing the book, the contents and features of the recommended publication.

Recommendation conversation structured in such a way that the reader wants to read the book. For example, in a recommendation conversation on a work of art, it is advisable to provide vivid information about the personality of the writer, about the intention of the work, to show why the writer was worried about these particular thoughts, why this particular genre was used. It is advisable to dwell on the creative history of the work. It is useful to talk about the time when the work appeared and how its contemporaries accepted it. To make it easier for the reader to understand the work, you need to draw his attention to the main problems and moral conflicts in it. If a film or performance was created based on the work, then this certainly needs to be mentioned. It is not necessary, of course, to touch on all these issues in every conversation - the work itself and the reader will tell the librarian what is best to focus on.

Conversation about what you read (corrective conversation) is a way of checking the decisions made by the librarian on working with the reader in general and recommending a specific book. The nature of the conversation depends on many factors, including the characteristics of the book (content, reader’s purpose), the reading development of the library user, etc. The main criterion is to determine the degree to which the reading task has been achieved (identifying the level of perception, understanding of what is read, clarifying the reader’s interests, etc.). d.).

Typical techniques that ensure the creation of conditions for the reader to enter into a conversation with the librarian boil down to the following:

During such conversations, the librarian helps the reader deeply understand what he has read.

Individual reading plans. In modern practice, mainly three types of planned reading are used:

- typical, which are created based on an analysis of the user’s most common interests and requests;
- lists of literature on any frequently asked topic:
- compiled together with the reader further reading plan.

The essence of this method is to attract library users to read literature based on their interests with a constant transition from one topic to another with the aim of versatile cultural or professional development of readers, as well as developing their skills in systematic self-educational reading.

  • Individual information.

Way individual information consists of constantly notifying specialists about new literature in their field, both received by the library and identified from bibliographic sources. Personalized service is called selective dissemination of information(IRI), if it:

  • carried out promptly at specified intervals;
    • has two contours, that is, the reader is initially provided with bibliographic information, and only then, at his request, the full texts of documents;
    • provides for the analysis of feedback data, thereby clarifying the subscriber's needs.

The IRI system serves readers whose professional activities require systematic independent familiarization with new information on a certain range of problems, provided that the topic of their needs is stable. Among readers of public libraries, IRI subscribers are, first of all, employees of educational institutions; among the readers of scientific, technical and scientific and medical libraries are leading specialists of the organization.

  • Literature recommendations

Way literature recommendations in accordance with the reader’s personal hobbies, it involves providing library users with all the literature that is thematically related to their interests and hobbies. Reading preferences can relate to a wide range of issues: fine arts, theater, music, politics, geography, travel, natural history, gardening, fishing, sports, handicrafts, etc. Some readers are sometimes interested in rather narrow topics: collecting various objects (for example, buttons, match labels), growing certain varieties of indoor plants (for example, cacti), etc. The task of librarians is to have a clear understanding of leisure and its structure, the characteristics of the leisure interests of the main groups of library users and to collect literature, especially reference literature, about collectors and types of collections .

More information about the organization of library services can be found in the following publications:

Borodina, V. A. Library services. 100 issue; Vol. No. 7. [Text]: educational method. allowance / V. A. Borodina. – M.: Liberea, 2004. – 168 p. – (Librarian and time. XXI century).

Melentyeva. Yu. P. Library services [Text]: textbook / Yu. P. Melentyeva. – M.: “FAIR Publishing House”, 2006. – 256 p. – (Special publishing project for libraries).

Organization of the work of the Central Bank [Text]: instructions and accounting forms./ Ed. R.Z. Zotova – 2nd ed. – M.: Book, 1985.

Pudov, V.I. Conversation with the reader in the system of individual work [Text] / V.I. Pudov // Current issues of library work: theory and practice: collection. 1987. – M.: Book, 1987. – P. 67-80.

Pudov, V.I. Impact on the reader: propaganda methods in individual work [Text] / V.I. Pudov // Current issues of library work: theory and practice: collection. 1988. – M.: Book Chamber, 1988. – P. 85-97.

Working with readers [Text]: textbook for the Bible. Faculty of Culture Institute / Ed. V. F. Sakharov. – M.: Book, 1970. – 352 p.

Library service. Differentiated approach to user service. Individual work with users: features and methods. / MUK MCB; MBO; comp. and resp. per issue A. O. Kesheshyan. – Chaltyr, 2009 // website