General physical training at a university via correspondence. "Physical education" (correspondence course). Basic concepts of the lesson

Reviewed Agreed Approved

at a meeting of the Moscow Region Deputy Director for Water Resources Director of Evening (Shift) School No. 7

Ispodnikova Yu.E. _________ Vlasova I.E.

Protocol No. ___ dated _______ 09/01/2017 Order No. dated 09/01/2017

Municipal budget educational institution city ​​of Ulyanovsk "Evening (shift) school No. 7"

Working programm

(a basic level of)

Name of academic subject: Physical Culture

Classes: 11 B

Form of study: correspondence.

Level of general education : secondary general education

Biology teacher: Kayumova L.K., first qualification category

Number of hours according to the curriculum: 1 hour per week, 36 academic weeks in 11 grades, 36 hours per year.

The work program is compiled on the basis of: Model state program of secondary general education at a basic level in physical education for educational institutions implementing the Federal component of the state standard of general education of 2004.


2017-2018 academic year

Physical education and health activities

Module 1. Sports games13 hours


Movements, stops, player stances, turns. Catching and passing the ball with two or one hand, on the spot and in motion, in pairs, circles, in a column, with a rebound from the floor; in simple and complex conditions; without resistance and with resistance from the defender. Dribbling the ball in place, in motion, in a straight line with changes in speed, rebound height and direction, according to a visual and auditory signal; in simple and complex conditions; without resistance and with resistance from a partner. Throws with one hand, on the spot, in motion, from the chest, from the shoulder; throw after catching and after dribbling the ball, throwing the ball in simple and complicated conditions, without resistance and with resistance from the defender. Attack. Basket attack. Protection. Game interactions for one and two rings. Game according to simplified basketball rules. Educational games for one and two rings. Relay races with passes, dribbles, ball throws.


Kicking the ball: inside foot, mid-instep, inner and outer part, toe, heel, volley, half volley. Hitting the ball with your head while jumping, with your forehead from a place, or with the side of your head. Stopping a rolling ball: the inside of the foot, the sole, the outside of the foot. Dribbling: Dribbling, or pushing the ball. Deceptive movements (feints). Tackling the ball: interception, push, tackle. Throwing in the ball. Catching the ball: from below, from above, from the side, in the fall. Hitting the ball oneAndwith both hands. Hitting the ball with one or two fists. Ball throws from above, from the side, from below, and with both hands. Mastering tactical actions. Individual, ggroup and team tactics. Relay races, educational games, sports games.



Module 2. Sambo7 hours

Gymnastics.4 h

Sports ; acrobatic combinations of six elements, including a long forward roll over an obstacle, a sideways flip and acrobatic elements. Young man's vault: split leg jump over horse (long); girls: angle jump with a running start at an angle to the projectile and push with one leg (horse wide), girls: with an oblique run-up with a swing of one, push with the other, jump at an angle over the horse. From the hanging, lifting with a flip to the point-blank range, from the hanging, lifting by force to the point-blank range, hanging, bent over, bending over, from behind; flexion and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars, angle in support, shoulder stand from the saddle with legs apart. Lifting by coup , from an emphasis, bent over on your hands, rise with an extension to a sitting position, legs apart, dismount with a backward swing. Climbing a rope with the help (without help) of the legs. Hanging pull-ups on a high (low) bar. Exercises in hangs and supports, with dumbbells, medicine balls. Exercises with a gymnastic bench, on a gymnastic beam, on a gymnastic wall, and gymnastic apparatus. Relay races, games, obstacle courses using gymnastics equipment and equipment.

Sambo “Self-Defense”. 3 hours

Repetition of special preparatory exercises studied at previous stages of preparation. Improving various self-insurance techniques in difficult conditions: in motion, with increasing heights of falls, for landing accuracy, with limited capabilities (without arms, bound legs, etc.), etc.

Improving Sambo techniques in a prone position and throws learned at previous stages of preparation.

Familiarization and learning of Self-Defense techniques: release from grips in a standing and lying position: from grips with one hand (front, back, side) - sleeves, arms, lapel of clothes; from grips with two hands (front, back, side) - arms, hands, sleeves, lapels of clothes, legs; release from gripping the body in front and behind, with and without arms; release from neck grabs (attempted strangulation) with fingers, shoulder and forearm, belt (front, back, side).

Tactical training. Task games. Contractions according to instructions in pairs and groups of students. Simulation of self-defense situations.

Module 3. Athletics 4 hours

Improving race walking techniques. Improving running technique at sprint distances (60, 100 m) taking into account time. Improving the technique of “running out” from various starting positions and starting acceleration; running a sprint distance (starting acceleration, maintaining speed, finishing); relay race in conditions close to competitive ones (receiving and passing the baton; running in and out of the “corridor”). Improving hurdling technique (for a while); overcoming vertical obstacles of various heights. Practicing tactical techniques for running over medium and long distances. Improving standing long jump and running technique (for results); running high jump. Improving projectile throwing technique (for results). An obstacle course that includes overcoming various obstacles and consolidating acquired athletics skills.

Task games using elements of sports games: basketball, football and handball.

Module 4. Ski training3 hours

Skiing on a training track (ski track, on flat and rough terrain). Imitation exercises performed without equipment; with accessories. Sliding step. Moving on skis using a classic move: (alternating moves - two-step and four-step; simultaneous moves - stepless, one-step and two-step). Skating skiing: simultaneous half-skating; skating without pushing off with hands (with swings and without swings); simultaneous one-step skating stroke, alternating two-step skating stroke. Exercises aimed at coordinated and seamless execution of the basic elements of classical and skating moves. Descent from slopes in high, medium and low stances. Overcoming climbs in a herringbone, half-herringbone, stepping, sliding, running step. Braking by “plow”, “stop”, “turn”, slipping, falling. Turns on the spot and while moving. Descents, ascents, braking. Relay races, games - competitions, sports games, games - tasks

Module 5. Swimming11 hours

General physical training on the water includes exercises identical to the previous stages of training, including elements of water polo, sports and outdoor games. In-Depth Study starting and turning techniques. In-depth study of sports swimming techniques (front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke). Learning swimming techniques - butterfly. Training in coordinated synchronous movement of arms and legs, wave-like movements of the whole body. In-depth study of applied methods of swimming and transporting a drowning person.

Forms of organizing training sessions: consultations.

Forms of organization of the main types of educational activities: Frontal form of organizing educational activities (a type of activity in a lesson when all students in the class, under the direct supervision of the teacher, perform common task), Individual form of organizing students' educational activities(provides self-execution the student performs the same tasks for the entire class without contact with other students, but at the same pace for everyone), Group form of organizing students' educational activities(involves the creation of small groups within the same class).

Educational and thematic plan


Name of sections and topics

Number of hours perincluding on:

According to work program (hours)

Practical work


Sport games

Sambo. Gymnastics


Ski training

Sambo. Self-defense



Planned results of mastering the academic subject :

As a result of studying physical education, the student must


    the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion, prevention of occupational diseases and bad habits;

    methods of monitoring and assessing physical development and physical fitness;

    rules and methods for planning systems of individual lessons physical exercise different target orientation;

be able to

    perform individually selected complexes of health-improving and adaptive (therapeutic) physical culture, compositions of rhythmic and aerobic gymnastics, sets of athletic gymnastics exercises;

    perform simple self-massage and relaxation techniques;

    overcome artificial and natural obstacles using a variety of transportation methods;

    perform defense and self-defense techniques, insurance and self-insurance;

    carry out creative cooperation in collective forms of physical education;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life For

    increasing performance, maintaining and promoting health;

    preparation for professional activities

    organizing and conducting individual, collective and family recreation, participation in mass sports competitions;

    active creative activity, choosing and developing a healthy lifestyle.

Thematic planning

in physical education 11th grade


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Lesson type

Lesson content elements (mandatory minimum).

Basic concepts of the lesson.

Requirements for the level of training of students

ICT support

Forms of control




Date Fact

Basic sports of the school curriculum

Sport games. 13 hours

Basketball. Incoming control


Technical training. Moving, stopping, player stances, turns. Move with side and cross steps, sideways, face-first and backwards. Stopping with two steps and a jump. Turns without the ball and with the ball, face and back forward. Stance of the attacker and defender. Catching and passing the ball. Catching and passing the ball with two or one hand, on the spot and in motion, in pairs, circles, in a column, with a rebound from the floor. Catching and passing the ball in simple and complex conditions. Without resistance and with resistance from the defender. Dribbling. Dribbling the ball in place, in motion, in a straight line with changes in speed, rebound height and direction, according to a visual and auditory signal. Dribbling the ball in simple and complex conditions, without resistance and with resistance from a partner. Throws. Throwing the ball with one hand, in place, in motion, from the chest, from the shoulder; throw after catching and after dribbling the ball, throwing the ball in simple and complicated conditions, without resistance and with resistance from the defender. Development of team sports (football, basketball) in Russia. The meaning and place of football and basketball in the system of physical education. Russian football and basketball competitions: Russian championships and Cups. Football and basketball are modern developments of sports. Russian football and basketball associations, famous Russian teams, coaches, players. The history of handball. Rules of the game. Famous Russian and world teams.

Know about the development of team sports. Understand the meaning and place of basketball in the system of physical education.

Have an idea, analyze the current state of team sports and predict the paths of their development.


Frontal survey



Know and be able to present to the audience theoretical information and your own position on modern sports associations, famous Russian teams


External control




Frontal survey


Presentation 4


Presentation 5

Frontal survey


Know and be able to present the successes of outstanding domestic Olympic athletes, and the Olympic movement as a whole.

Presentation 6

Frontal survey



Presentation 6

Selective control



Basic technical and tactical actions and techniques in team sports, improving movement techniques in the chosen sport.

Know, name and understand the basic technical and tactical actions and techniques in team sports. Based on knowledge, analyze your own results in improving movement techniques in your chosen sport.

Presentation 6

External control



Presentation 7

Selective control


Physical training

Development of physical qualities and functionality, ensuring the efficiency and reliability of gaming actions.

Technical training

Movement technique.

Field player technique. Strikes for accuracy, strength, range, with an assessment of the tactical situation before executing the strike, masking the moment and direction of the intended strike.

The ability to balance the force of an impact, give the ball a different flight path, accurately perform long passes, perform strikes from difficult positions (sideways, with your back to the direction of the strike, and jumping, falling); the ability to accurately, quickly and unexpectedly for the goalkeeper make shots on goal.

Hit the ball with your head while jumping, performing them with active resistance, while paying attention to the high jump, winning the duel and the accuracy of the direction of the ball's flight.

Stopping the ball in various ways, performing techniques with the least amount of time, high speed movements, bringing the ball into a convenient position for further actions.

Dribbling the ball in a variety of ways with the right and left foot at high speed, changing the direction and rhythm of movement, using feints, securely controlling the ball and observing the game environment.

Performing feint-trained techniques in game exercises and games.

Tackling the ball using learned techniques in game exercises and games. The ability to determine (predict) the intention of the opponent in possession of the ball, the moment to take the ball and accurately apply the chosen method of taking possession of the ball.

Throwing the ball from various starting positions from a place, after a run, for accuracy and throwing distance, to stop it with learned techniques to a standing and moving partner.

Goalkeeper technique.

Classify, characterize and qualitatively perform exercises aimed at developing physical qualities.

Be able to perform technical actions, meaningfully apply in a changing situation.

Be able to interact with partners and the teacher.

Know and understand the language of non-verbal communication.

Master the methods of tactical actions. Be able to quickly respond to a changing situation.

Be able to work in a group.

The ability to manage one’s own psychophysical state.

High level of motivational attitude

Presentation 8

External control, self-control


Presentation 9

Selective control


Presentation 10

Practical work No. 1 “Preparation of messages on the topic “History of the Origin of Sports Games”


Student presentations

Teacher control

Sambo. Gymnastics 4 hours

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics


General and special physical training.

General physical exercises to develop dexterity, balance, coordination of movements, maintaining correct posture, etc.

Exercises to develop muscle strength of the lower and upper extremities, torso (back, chest, abdomen, buttocks) with

using resistance

own weight, dumbbells,

other sports equipment in various starting positions - standing, sitting, lying down.

Special exercises to develop the strength of the hands and strengthen the feet.

Complexes of physical exercises of various types with and without the use of various sports equipment

Know general physical exercises. Perform exercises to develop strength using body weight resistance and

various sports equipment, taking into account individual physical

preparedness and level

health. Be able to do it yourself

draw up and implement

individual physical exercise plan taking into account individual physical fitness and health level. Know and perform exercises for the hands and feet. Master previously studied and master new various sets of physical exercises for the development of general physical fitness and individual parts of the body.

Be able to apply in practice knowledge about the effect of physical exercise on various parts of the body using one’s own body weight and various sports equipment


Frontal survey

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics



Selective control

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics


Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics. Development of balance, strength, flexibility and agility by means of artistic gymnastics with elements of acrobatics:


Acrobatic combinations

of six elements, including a long forward somersault over an obstacle,

side flip and acrobatic elements


Selective control

P21, repetition

Test No. 1

Knowledge control lesson

SUN control

Athletics 4 hours



Modern sports classification.

Prospects for the development of modern sports.

Olympic movement in modern world.

Characteristics of the sports included in the program of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games.

Outstanding Achievements Russian athletes

Physical culture and VFSK "GTO" today.

Basic principles of the theory and methodology of physical education.

Social orientation and forms of organization of physical education classes. The relationship between physical culture and subjects of the humanities, natural sciences and physics and mathematics.

Physical culture in modern society.

Selection of exercises and tasks for the development of physical qualities.

Assessing the effectiveness of self-study.

Features of individual preparation for participation in sports, recreational and physical education events.

The influence of lifestyle on health and physical development.

The connection between human physical development and physical education.

Physical culture and preparation for a future profession. Drawing up individual plans for self-study and preparation for passing the standards of the VFSK "GTO" complex.

Physical training and its impact on promoting health and developing physical qualities.

Rules for organizing and conducting athletics competitions. Organization and participation in refereeing of mass sports events of athletics orientation. Organization of independent athletics classes.

Know and understand aspects of the development of modern sports, sports classification

Reveal and

characterize the Olympic movement, winter and summer Olympic sports, and the achievements of Russian athletes.

Explain the significance and role of the All-Russian Sports Society "GTO" for the country.


Frontal survey



Know and characterize the basic principles and methods of physical education; influence on modern society and people. Reveal the basic concepts of physical education. Explain the relationship between physical education and other subjects and be able to apply existing knowledge and skills in practice. Determine the main directions of development of physical culture in modern society and its influence on people.


Selective control



Know, understand and explain the positive impact of physical education on health, the development of physical qualities, and the formation of positive personality traits.

Be able to plan and conduct independent physical education classes; prepare for sporting events; to pass the standards of the VFSK "GTO" complex.

Be able to create complexes for independent study; organize and conduct sports events.

Plan and be able to independently conduct classes in preparation for passing the burrows of the All-Russian Federal Sports Society "GTO" complex


Frontal survey

Practical work No. 2 “Preparation of reports about famous Russian athletes”


Student presentations

Selective control

Ski training 3 hours

Ski training


History of the development of skiing. Russian skiers on Olympic Games.

Know about the history of the development of skiing. Be able to present knowledge about Russian skiers at the Olympic Games to an audience


Frontal survey

Ski training


Concepts of skiing technique. Classification of classic ski moves. Phase composition and structure of movements of alternating two-step and simultaneous ski moves. Typical errors when moving with classic ski moves. Classification of skating ski moves.

Know and be able to present to the audience information about the classification of classic and skating ski moves.

Have an idea of ​​the phase composition, structure and typical mistakes ski moves.


Selective control

Ski training


Health and healthy lifestyle. Hygienic requirements activities and rest, diet. The meaning and content of self-control in the process of skiing.

Safety requirements and first aid for injuries during physical education and sports. First aid for frostbite.

Know theoretical information about health. Follow the necessary rules of a healthy lifestyle in everyday life.

Know and follow safety requirements in the classroom. Know how to provide first aid for injuries and frostbite.


Frontal survey

Sambo. Self-defense 3 hours

Elements of martial arts


Basics of biomechanics of Sambo exercises. Their influence on the physique, development of strong-willed qualities. Applied aspects of Sambo. The capabilities of the Sambo system as the basis for self-defense, survival in a modern metropolis, preparation for service in the Russian army and law enforcement agencies. Sports and sports training. All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for labor and defense.”

Know the basics of biomechanics of gymnastic exercises and Sambo exercises, their influence on the physique, and the development of volitional qualities.

Know about the applied aspects of Sambo and the various capabilities of the Sambo system.

Know the history and modern development of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”


Frontal survey

Elements of martial arts


Special preparatory exercises

Repetition of exercises learned in previous stages of preparation.

Improving various self-insurance techniques in difficult conditions: in motion, with increasing heights of falls, for landing accuracy, with limited capabilities (without arms, bound legs, etc.), etc.

Be able to independently characterize self-insurance options.

Be able to independently characterize options for special preparatory exercises for technique


Selective control

Elements of martial arts


Technical training.

Improving techniques learned in previous stages of preparation. Self-defense

Release from grips in a standing and lying position: from grips with one hand (front, back, side) - sleeves, arms, lapel of clothing; from grips with two hands (front, back, side) - arms, hands, sleeves, lapels of clothes, legs.

Freeing yourself from gripping the body in front and behind, with and without arms.

Release from neck grabs (attempted strangulation) with fingers, shoulder and forearm, belt (front, back, side).

Be able to correctly assess the situation (degree of risk) if it is necessary to use self-defense techniques


Selective control

Swimming 11 hours



System of international and Russian swimming competitions. Achievements of the strongest Russian swimmers.

Know about the modern development of swimming, the system of international and Russian competitions, and the achievements of outstanding swimmers.


Frontal survey



The place of swimming in the physical education system. The concept of the basics of modern sports swimming techniques. The main factors influencing the effectiveness and efficiency of sports swimming techniques. Biomechanics of swimming.

Know the role, place and significance of swimming in the system of physical education.

Know and be able to present to the audience the basics of modern sports swimming techniques, the factors influencing its effectiveness and efficiency, and the biomechanics of swimming.


Selective control



Brief information about the structure and functions of the human body (heart and blood circulation, breathing and gas exchange).

Correction of posture and physique. Healthy swimming.

Know the basics of human physiology and the impact of recreational swimming on health.


Frontal survey

Practical work No. 3 “Preparing messages on the topic “Maintaining a healthy lifestyle”


Student presentations

Selective control, teacher control

Repetition of the topics “Football”, “Volleyball”, “Handball”


Presentation 16

Frontal survey



Frontal survey



Frontal survey

Summarizing the material covered



Frontal survey

Test No. 2 for the 11th grade course

Knowledge control lesson

SUN control

Individual. Teacher control

Test analysis


Repetition of the topics “Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics”, “Athletics”

Repetition of the topics “Ski training”, “Elements of martial arts”, “Swimming”

Frontal survey

Repetition of material for the 11th grade course


Frontal survey





by discipline

"Physical Culture"

Correspondence and external studies in all areas of specialist and bachelor's degrees.


year 2013






"I affirm"

Vice-Rector for OD L.I. Shcherbakova

" "_________________ 2012


By Physical education .

For Part-time and external studies in all areas of specialist and bachelor's degrees

Institute of Physical Education and Sports

Well I II III .

Semester 1  2  3  4  5  6 .

Total by discipline 2 ZET (400 hours)

The work program is compiled on the basis of work plans for the training of bachelors and specialists in the Federal State Educational Standards (third generation), approved by the Academic Council of SRSTU (NPI) protocol №4 dated December 29, 2010 and an approximate program for the discipline “Physical Education”.
The work program was drawn up Associate Professor Chalykh A.S., senior teacher Serova N.A., senior teacher Chikina E.V.

The work program was discussed at a meeting of the IFViS council

. The work program has been agreed upon:
Dean of FIEP ______________________________ E.B. Kolbachev

Dean of the Faculty of Science and Education _____________________________ V.L. Kondrashev

Dean of FIT ______________________________ D.V. Grinchenkov

Dean of the FMF ______________________________ B.M. Seredin

Dean of the EMF ______________________________ B.N. Lobov

Dean of the Faculty of Physics _______________________________ G.M.Skibin

Dean of the KhTF ______________________________ E.A. Yatsenko

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy ______________________________ V.M. Berdnik

Dean of the ENF ______________________________ S.V. Skubienko

Dean of FGGiNGD ______________________________ N.D. Shurygin

federal state educational standard for discipline

« Physical Culture"
General cultural competence: possession of means of independent methodological correct use methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.

The discipline of cycle B.4 is taught in semesters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The labor intensity of the discipline is 2 z.e.T. (400 hours). The form of intermediate certification is a test.

1.1.Purpose of the course:

The purpose of physical education of university students is the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to purposefully use various means of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.

1.2. Course objectives when studying the discipline:

To achieve this goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, developmental and health-improving tasks:

    • understanding the social significance of physical culture and its role in personal development and preparation for professional activity;

    • knowledge of scientific, biological, psychological, pedagogical and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. Involvement in regular physical education and sports;

    • formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, attitudes toward a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular physical exercise and sports;

    • mastering a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture and sports;

    • ensuring general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the student’s psychophysical readiness for a future profession;

    • acquiring experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals.

2. Place of discipline in the structure of the PLO: B-4.
Requirements for input knowledge, skills and competencies of a student in physical education:


The influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion, prevention of occupational diseases and bad habits;

Methods of monitoring and assessing physical development and physical fitness;

Rules and methods for planning individual lessons of various target orientations;

Be able to:

Perform individually selected complexes of health-improving and therapeutic physical culture, compositions of rhythmic and aerobic gymnastics, complexes of athletic gymnastics exercises;

Perform simple self-massage and relaxation techniques;

Overcome artificial and natural obstacles using a variety of transportation methods;

Perform defense and self-defense techniques, belaying and self-insurance;

Carry out creative cooperation in collective forms of physical education.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

Increasing performance, maintaining and strengthening health;

Preparation for professional activities and service in armed forces RF;

Organization and conduct of individual, collective and family recreation, participation in mass sports competitions;

Organizing active creative activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.

3. Disciplines for which this discipline is a predecessor:


The concept of modern natural science;

Life safety.

4. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline.

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at developing the following competencies in the following areas:

Code of training direction (specialty)

Code of formed competencies

General cultural competencies



Knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle standards.





Ability to adhere to ethical values ​​and a healthy lifestyle.



The ability to form, maintain and use constructive general physical and socio-psychological resources necessary for a healthy lifestyle.



Possession of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.





The ability to independently, methodically correctly use physical fitness methods to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



The ability to independently, methodically correctly use physical fitness methods to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



The ability to organize your life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

The ability to independently apply methods and means of cognition, training and self-control, building and implementing promising lines of intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement, the ability, with the help of colleagues, to critically evaluate one’s strengths and weaknesses with the necessary conclusions.



The ability to independently use means, methodically correct methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activity after graduation.



Possession of the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



Possession of the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.

Willingness to organize your life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle.



The ability to independently apply pedagogical means and methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



The ability to build and implement promising lines of intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement; willingness to develop independence, initiative and creativity, to improve their qualifications and skills.

The ability to master the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.





Possess the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



Possess the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.





Competencies for maintaining health (knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle standards; physical education).



Possession of the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



Possession of the means of independent, methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

Know: scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Be able to: creatively use means and methods of physical education for professional and personal development, physical self-improvement, formation of a healthy image and lifestyle.

Own: means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, values ​​of physical culture of the individual for successful socio-cultural and professional activities.

  • basic methods of self-study;

  • self-control of those involved in physical culture and sports;

  • the basics of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle;

  • health systems and sports (theory, methodology and practice);

  • professional applied physical training of students.
The educational material of each didactic unit is differentiated through the following sections and subsections of the program:

  • theoretical, forming a worldview system of scientific and practical knowledge and attitude towards physical culture;

  • practical, consisting of two subsections: supervised independent work, ensuring operational mastery of methods and methods of physical culture and sports activities to achieve educational, professional and life goals of the individual, and independent section, promoting the acquisition of experience in creative and practical activities, the development of amateur performances in physical culture and sports in order to achieve physical perfection, increase the level of functional and motor abilities, and the directed formation of personality qualities and properties;

  • control, defining differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of students' educational activities.
5.1 theoretical section

The material of the section provides students with mastery of a system of scientific, practical and special knowledge necessary for understanding the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the individual, the ability to use them adaptively, creatively for personal and professional development, self-improvement, organizing a healthy lifestyle when performing educational, professional and sociocultural activities.

The content of mandatory lectures in a generalized form includes: basic concepts and terms; leading scientific ideas; basic patterns, theories, principles, provisions that reveal the essence of phenomena in physical culture, objective connections between them; topical information and scientific facts that explain and shape beliefs. On some topics, lectures include recommendations on the subject-specific and operational use of acquired knowledge and the acquisition of practical experience in practicing a chosen sport or system of physical exercises. For each lecture, the Department of Physical Education provides students with a list of recommended (available) literature. Test questions for compulsory topics 1-5
5.1.1. Name of lecture topics, their content, volume in hours for courses:

First course.

Topic 1. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for students (2 hours).

Basic concepts: health, physical and mental health, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, capacity, ability to work, self-regulation and self-esteem.

Summary. Human health as a value and its determining factors. Basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle, criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement in a healthy lifestyle. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle.

Literature:___5 __
Topic 2. Self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports. (2 hours).

Basic concepts: medical control, diagnosis, diagnosis of health status, functional tests, criteria for physical development, anthropometric indicators, pedagogical control, test, nomogram, self-control.

Summary. Diagnosis and self-diagnosis of the body’s condition during regular exercise and sports. Medical control, its content. Pedagogical control, its content. Self-control, its main methods, indicators and self-control diary. The use of standards methods, anthropometric indices, nomograms of functional tests, exercises - tests to assess physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of the content and methods of physical exercises and sports based on the results of control indicators.

Literature section 5
Second course.
Topic 3. Injuries, characteristics of injuries, first aid. Rehabilitation methods (2 hours).

Basic concepts: injuries, classification of injuries, characteristics of injuries and their symptoms, first aid, injury prevention measures, rehabilitation methods

Summary. Injuries and their classification by body part and type of injury. Mechanical injuries: open, closed. Types of injuries: concussion, bruises and sprains, ligament and tendon ruptures, bone fractures. Providing first aid: cold, rest, immobilization, pain relief, thermal and physiotherapy, in severe cases - combating fainting and painful shock. Methods, stages and basic means of rehabilitation.

Literature section 5
Topic 4. Fundamentals of methods of independent exercise (2 hours.)

Basic concepts: forms of independent study, motivation for choice.

Organization of independent physical exercises of various types. The nature of the content of classes depending on age. Features of self-study for women. Planning and managing independent studies. Limits of load intensity in conditions of independent training for individuals of different ages. The relationship between exercise intensity and level of physical fitness. Hygiene of self-study. Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies. Participation in sports competitions.

Literature 5
Third course.
Topic 5 . Professional applied physical training (PPPP) for students (2 hours).

Basic concepts: professionally applied physical training; forms (types), conditions and nature of work; applied knowledge, physical, mental and special qualities, applied skills; applied sports. General provisions professional applied physical training. Features of the PPPP of students in their chosen field of study or specialty. Scheme of presentation of the section at each faculty: the main factors determining the PPPP of a future specialist in this profile; additional factors influencing the content of the PPFP in the chosen profession; the main content of the PPPP of the future bachelor and specialist; applied sports and their elements. Credit requirements and standards for PPPP by year of study (semester) for students of the faculty.

Summary. Personal and socio-economic need for special psychophysical preparation of a person for work. Definition of the concept of PPPP, its goals, objectives, means. The place of PPPP in the system of physical education of students. Factors that determine the specific content of PPPP. Methodology for selecting PPFP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPPP for students at the university. Monitoring the effectiveness of professional-applied physical preparedness of students. Definition of the concept of PPPP, its goals, objectives, means. The place of PPPP in the system of physical development of students. Factors that determine the specific content of PPPP. Methodology for selecting PPFP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPPP for students at the university. Monitoring the effectiveness of professional-applied physical preparedness of students.

Literature __5
5.2. Practical section.

5.2.1. Controlled independent work.
First course.
To topic No. 1: Methods for drawing up individual programs of physical self-education and programs with a health, recreational and restorative orientation. (1 hour)

To topic No. 2 Methods of self-monitoring of the functional state of the body. (1 hour)

Second course.

To topic No. 3 Methods of first aid and rehabilitation. (1 hour).

To topic No. 4 Methods of compiling and conducting simple independent physical exercises. (1 hour)

The educational material of the section is aimed at increasing the level of functional and motor abilities, developing the necessary qualities and personality traits, mastering the methods and means of physical education and sports activities, acquiring personal experience targeted use of means of physical culture and sports. The practical section of the program is implemented in supervised independent classes in study groups .

Controlled independent work involves mastering the basic methods and methods of developing educational, professional and life skills through the means of physical culture and sports.

Each lesson is aligned with a corresponding theoretical topic. When conducting classes, it is recommended to adhere to the following approximate scheme:

  • in accordance with the planned topic of the lesson, the teacher gives students in advance a task to familiarize themselves with the recommended literature and the necessary instructions for mastering it;

  • the teacher briefly explains teaching methods and, if necessary, shows appropriate techniques, ways of performing physical exercises, motor actions to achieve the necessary results according to the method being studied;

  • students reproduce thematic assignments under the supervision of the teacher, practically with mutual control;

  • students are given individual recommendations on practical self-improvement of thematic actions, techniques, methods. Under the guidance of the teacher, the results of the assignment are discussed and analyzed.

5.2.2. Independent work .

Physical culture in the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports is presented in the highest educational institutions as an academic discipline and an essential component of holistic personal development. Being an integral part of the student’s general culture and professional training during the period of study, physical education is included as a mandatory section in the humanitarian component of education. Physical culture most fully carries out its educational and developmental functions in the purposeful pedagogical process of physical education.
The educational material of the section is aimed at increasing the level of functional and motor abilities, developing the necessary qualities and personality traits, mastering the methods and means of physical education and sports activities, and acquiring personal experience in the targeted use of physical culture and sports means.

Independent studies involve mastering the basic methods and methods of developing educational, professional and life skills through physical education and sports.

Self-studying students must know the rules of conducting classes and the basic mechanisms for obtaining a training effect. Both knowledge and self-control skills are important.

Of no small importance are the selection of the form of classes, the place where they are held, the correct equipment, sports equipment or its homemade analogues. Independent work of students in physical education should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health; development and improvement of physical qualities.

The most accessible and effective means of physical education at home are morning hygienic gymnastics (UGG), classes based on the general physical training principle (general physical training), aerobics, walking, running, swimming, etc.
Morning hygienic exercises .

UGG exercises, as one of the main forms of independent exercise, contribute to a more rapid adaptation of the human body to the rhythm of the working day. This is achieved due to the fact that the cerebral cortex receives a stream of nerve impulses from many receptors located in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints, which, thanks to temporary connections, provide a more perfect adaptation of the body, reducing the period of operation. It is best to perform UGG exercises on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area and end with water procedures or a shower, which helps increase the body's resistance to colds.

general physical preparation

General physical training groups exist at all stadiums, swimming pools, etc. Students studying in general physical training groups can use an approximate lesson plan: from 10-15 to 30 minutes. general developmental exercises (GDE) and running exercises, then swimming for 20-30 minutes, or outdoor games (volleyball, basketball, football, etc.). From the point of view of increasing physical activity and using various means, classes in such groups can improve the level of health and performance.

Groups are formed, as a rule, according to age. Exercises based on general physical fitness are the most effective form of maintaining health levels.
Health aerobics

To organize independent classes, you need to familiarize yourself with the exercises that will be used in advance. At the moment, there are a significant number of videotapes with various sets of exercises and students can practice in their free time.

Health-improving aerobics is an effective means for increasing the level of development of cardiovascular and respiratory system training, all physical qualities and overall health.
Health walking

Used as a means of active rehabilitation. For health purposes, it is recommended to walk 4-5 times a week for 40-60 minutes. The length of the distance is from 3 to 5 km.

Health running

An effective means of increasing the level of health of the body. For health purposes, it is recommended to train 3-4 times a week for 25 to 40 minutes. The weekly running volume is 25-40 km. Running is the most accessible for individual training.


It is one of the most effective means of training and maintaining health. It is recommended to train at least 3-4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. In addition to the significant effect of movements, simply staying in water also has positive changes (energy metabolism doubles, since water is 700 times denser than air). It is recommended to swim from 800 to 1500 meters, alternating between different swimming methods.

Swimming eliminates any overload of the musculoskeletal system and allows people with excess body weight to exercise.

When starting independent physical exercise, everyone should outline for themselves not only the most accessible means and training program, but also choose methods of regular self-monitoring for changes in their performance.
By analyzing subjective sensations (well-being, mood, degree of fatigue, sleep, appetite, etc.) and objective indicators of the state of the body (pulse rate, breathing, sweating, weight, etc.), you study the changes that occur in your body under the influence of physical activity.

Observation data must be regularly recorded in a self-monitoring diary. In addition to subjective sensations, it is necessary to record the time spent on training, the length of the running distance, changes in your weight, and heart rate.

5.3. Control section.

Control classes, keeping a diary of self-control of independent studies and tests provide operational, current and final information on the degree of mastery of theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills about the state and dynamics of physical development, physical and professionally applied readiness of each student.

The final control (test) makes it possible to identify the level of development of a student’s physical culture and self-determination in it through a comprehensive test of knowledge, methodological and practical skills, characterization of the student’s general physical, sports and technical readiness, his psychophysical readiness for professional activity as a result of constant independent studies, with mandatory keeping of a self-control diary.
The professional orientation of the educational process in physical culture unites all three sections of the program, performing a connecting, coordinating and activating function.
6.distribution of classes by semester

№№ semester

№№ lecture topics

Number of hours by program sections



Supervised independent work

Independent work
















Just for 1 course




















In just 2 courses




















In just 3 courses












6.1. Laboratory classes, their name and volume in hours

6.2. Sections of a course project, course work, essay, homework, their content and characteristics.

Not included in the curriculum.


Assessment of development educational material programs

Students who completed the work curriculum in each semester they take a test in physical education in the 6th semester. A condition for admission to the test is regular attendance at theoretical classes, CSR, which provide a physiologically and methodologically justified increase in functional and motor readiness, performance of independent work, with the obligatory keeping of a self-control diary.

The criterion for a student’s success in mastering educational material is expert review teacher on the regularity of attending compulsory theoretical classes and the results of keeping a self-monitoring diary.

8. Test questions for mandatory lectures on the academic discipline "Physical Education"
Topic 1. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student.
The concept of "health", its content and criteria. Functional capabilities of human health manifestation in various spheres of life. The influence of lifestyle on health. Influence of conditions environment to your health. Heredity and health measures. Their impact on health. Health in the hierarchy of needs of a cultured person. The influence of cultural development of personality on the attitude towards oneself. Health knowledge system. The orientation of human behavior towards ensuring one’s health. Methods for determining individual psychological characteristics of a person. The relationship between physical culture and sports activities and the general cultural development of students. The orientation of students' lifestyle, its characteristics. Ways to regulate lifestyle.

Adequate and inadequate attitude to health, its self-esteem by students and reflection in the real behavior of the individual. Orientation towards health among individuals classified as internal and external. Value orientations of students towards a healthy lifestyle. Reflection of a healthy lifestyle in the life forms of students. The essence and significance of the use of psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene in life. The need for individual activity in introducing a healthy lifestyle. Life, psychological, functional and behavioral criteria for using a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement as necessary condition healthy lifestyle.

Topic 2. Self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports.
Diagnosis of the state of the body during regular exercise and sports. Types of diagnostics, their goals and objectives. Clinical examination. Medical control as a condition for admission to physical exercise and sports, its content and frequency. Pedagogical control, its content. Types of pedagogical control. Self-control, its purpose and objectives. Basic methods of self-control. Objective and subjective indicators of self-control. Criteria for assessing self-control. Self-control diary. Methods of standards, anthropometric indices, nomograms, functional tests, exercise tests for assessing physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of the content and methods of physical exercises and sports based on the results of control indicators.
Topic 3.Injuries, characteristics of injuries, first aid. Rehabilitation methods.
Fundamentals of the physiological and therapeutic effects of physical actions on the body . The concept of trauma and traumatic illness. Means of therapeutic physical culture for various injuries. Indications and contraindications for therapeutic physical culture. General requirements to the method of therapeutic physical culture. general characteristics means of rehabilitation (physical therapy, exercises on simulators, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, manual therapy, massage). Injuries, types of injuries, first aid for concussions, bruises, sprains, ruptures and fractures.

Topic 4. Fundamentals of methods of independent physical exercise.
Optimal physical activity and its impact on health and performance. Formation of motives and organization of independent physical exercises. Forms of independent study. Contents of independent studies. Age-related characteristics of the content of classes. Features of self-study for women. Planning the volume and intensity of physical exercises taking into account mental learning activity. Managing the process of self-study. Determining the goal. Accounting individual characteristics. Preliminary, current and final accounting of training load and adjustment of training plans. Intensity limit physical activity for people of student age. The relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate. Signs of overload. Pulse modes of rational training load for people of student age. HR/TANO (heart rate/anaerobic metabolic threshold) in people of different ages. Energy consumption during physical activity of varying intensity. Participation in sports competitions during independent training. Self-study hygiene: nutrition, drinking regimen, skin care. Hygienic requirements when conducting classes: places of classes, clothing, shoes, injury prevention. Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies.

Subject 5. Professional applied physical training (PPPP) of students.
1st part. General provisions. Brief historical background. Personal need for psychophysical preparation of a person for work. Provisions defining the socio-economic need for the psychophysical preparation of a person for work. Definition of the concept of PPFP, its goals and objectives. The place of PPPP in the system of physical education. The main factors that determine the specific content of students’ PPPP. Additional factors influencing the content of PPFP. Methodology for selecting PPFP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPPP at the university. PPPP of students in classes and during extracurricular time. System for monitoring professional-applied physical preparedness of students.

Part 2. Types and forms of professional work for bachelors and specialists. The main and additional factors that determine the physical performance of future specialists - graduates of the faculty. Their working conditions. Nature of work. Psychophysical stress. Budget for working and free time of a specialist in this profile. Features of fatigue and performance dynamics during the working day, week, season. The influence of geographic, climatic, and regional conditions on the livelihoods of workers.

Credit requirements and standards for PPPP by year (semester) of study for students of this faculty. PPPP in the final certification in the academic discipline "Physical Culture".

9.An approximate form of keeping a self-control diary.













A little tired




Sleep, h

8, strong

8, strong

7, restless

8, restless

8, calm









Pulse beats/min.,
lying down
before training
after training







Weight, kg







Training loads

Acceleration 8x30 m, run 100 m, tempo run 6x200 m


Acceleration 8x30 m, 100 m run, steady run (12 min.)


Specialist. ex. runner, acceleration 10x30 m, cross (15 min.)


Violations of the regime


Light alcohol consumption





Painful sensations



Dull pain in the liver area

Slight pain in right side after running



Sports results

100 m run (14.2 s)


100m run (14.8 sec)


Run (14.5 sec)


Main literature
1. Physical culture and sports: methodology, theory, practice: tutorial/ Barchukov I.S., Nesterov A.A. - M.: “Academy”, 2009. – 528s.

2. Grishina Yu. I. “General physical training” Textbook, Rostov-on-Don LLC “Phoenix” 2012

3. Psychology of physical culture and sports: textbook for universities / G.D. Gorbunov, E.N. Gogunov - M.: "Academy", 2009. – 256s.

4. “Physical culture” Textbook, Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix”, Yu.I. Evseev 2012

additional literature

5. Kobyakov Yu. I. “Physical culture is the basis of a healthy lifestyle”, Rostov-on-Don LLC “Phoenix” 2012

6. Construction of the educational process for physical education of students at a university: textbook / Sakun E.I. – M.: Dashkov and K,

2008 – 208s.

7. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: textbook for universities / Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. – M.: “Academy”, 2009. – 272s.

8. Chalykh A. S., Moroz L. M., Rybalchenko T. I., Ladychuk D. M. “Organization and methods of conducting physical education classes with students of a special medical department” Textbook. Novocherkassk 2009.

10. Mogilinets N. N. “Modern views on the organization of training of wrestlers” Novocherkassk, SRSTU (NPI) 2011

11. Vilensky M. Ya., Gorshkov A. G. “Physical culture and healthy lifestyle of a student” Textbook M. Gardariki 2007

11. The university’s sports facilities are represented by:

Stadium with running tracks, sectors, football field, stands for spectators;

Volleyball courts - 3, basketball court - 1, tennis court with stands.


Swimming pool-25m;

Athletics arena;

Specialized halls: sports games, boxing, weightlifting, wrestling, exercise equipment-3, special. honey. groups.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher vocational education

"Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

(Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "UlSPU named after I.N. Ulyanov")

Faculty of Natural Geography

Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Hygiene


Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

I.V. Stolyarov



Academic discipline program for the specialty

050720.65 Physical culture

(extramural training)

Compiled by:

Nazarenko L.D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports (minutes from “__ "__________ 2012 No.___)

Ulyanovsk, 2012

The work program of the discipline “Physiology of Physical Education and Sports” is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty 050720.65 Physical, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on January 31, 2005 (state registration number No. 712 ped / sp).

Requirements of the state educational standard for the mandatory minimum content of the discipline

DPP.F.04 Physiology of physical education and sports

Physiology of muscle contraction and relaxation. Physiology of muscle activity. Physiological characteristics of the main sports (competitive and training activities). Physiology of sports training. Physiology of sports exercises. Physiological characteristics of children, adolescents, young men and adults. Physiological basis physical education and sports.

Among the academic disciplines in the process of training specialists in physical education and sports, an important place belongs to the physiology of physical education and sports. In the medical and biological cycle, this discipline occupies a leading position and provides the basis of knowledge about the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body, means and methods of their implementation in the process of physical education and sports. Everything is taken into account in the program latest achievements in the field of human physiology, physiology of sports and physical education, pedagogy, psychology, theory and methods of physical education. The main attention is paid to the physiological characteristics of types of muscle activity; physiological mechanisms of motor skill formation; characterization of the qualitative aspects of motor activity and the functional state of the body during muscle activity; vegetative support of muscle work; physiological characteristics of a school lesson in physical education and sports training; characteristics of the main types of physical exercises that form the basis of the school curriculum in physical education and sports; physiological basis for sports orientation and selection of children and adolescents.

Knowledge of these topics is necessary for organizing physical education and sports activities, especially for children. school age; scientifically based selection of children and adolescents for sports, etc. All main issues are considered on the basis of the ideas of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlova about the mechanisms of voluntary movements, the levels of their constructions (according to N.A. Bernstein), the views of P.K. Anokhina, A.N. Krestovnikova, L.A. Orbeli, P.F. Lesgaft and other domestic physiologists, as well as in the light of modern achievements in physiology, theory and methods of physical education, sports medicine and other related sciences.

Goals and objectives of the discipline.

Purpose disciplines "Physiology of Physical Education and Sports" is to familiarize students with the basic ideas about the functions of the human body at rest and during various types of activities, about the mechanisms of their regulation, as well as to teach future specialists to use the acquired knowledge in the field of physiology in their practical activities when developing specific And effective programs in the field of physical education and sports training.

Tasks disciplines:

1.Study the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children and adolescents in the process of physical education and sports.

2.Study the basics of the physiological patterns of functioning of the body and increasing its reserve capabilities

3.Study the psychological and physiological mechanisms of formation of the need for motor activity.

4.Study the physiological patterns of adaptation of the body to a specific load in various types of sports activities.

5. Master the methods of medical and biological monitoring of the state of the body in the process of physical education and sports.

6. Master the skills of research and methodological work on the problems of physiology of physical education and sports.
Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content
As a result of studying the academic discipline Physiology of Physical Education and Sports, the student must

know stages of development of the physiology of physical education and sports and the latest scientific achievements in this area; aesthetic, moral, spiritual values ​​of this discipline, as one of the leading ones in the medical and biological cycle; anatomical-physiological, hygienic and psychological-pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports, characteristics of the body of children, adolescents and adults, compliance of physical activity with the functional capabilities of the body, methods for the prevention of functional disorders and their correction in different periods of ontogenesis; features of the formation of motor skills and age-sex patterns of development of motor-coordinating qualities; methods of organizing and conducting school lessons and sports training; methods and organization of complex control during training in various sports; didactic patterns in physical education and sports; methods of organizing and conducting research work;

be able to formulate the basic ideas, provisions and principles of physical education and sports when organizing and conducting classes; master the technology of teaching motor actions to various categories of the population, developing motor-coordinating qualities in the process of physical education and sports, taking into account sanitary and hygienic, climatic, regional and national conditions; analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of physical education and health activities from the standpoint of optimal dosing of physical activity and their compliance with the functional capabilities of the body; to form physical physical activity of all categories of the population, to promote a healthy lifestyle; organize scientific research and methodological work in the field of physical culture and sports, taking into account the physiological patterns of development of the body; carry out consulting activities on all issues of organizing and conducting mass physical education and health events and sports training; have skills effective use educational and scientific equipment, audiovisual aids, computer equipment and special literature in the learning process; be able to apply methods of medical and pedagogical control when using hygienic and natural factors for the purpose of hardening and healing the body; be able to provide first aid for injuries during physical education and sports.

Scope of discipline and types of academic work:

Type of educational work



Total labor intensity of the discipline


Auditory lessons



Practical exercises (PL)




Laboratory work (LR)

And/or other types of classroom activities

Independent work


And (or) other types of independent work

Type of final control





discipline section




Self slave.



Physiological characteristics of types of muscle activity.





Physiological mechanisms of motor skills formation.





Qualitative aspects of motor activity.





Physiological characteristics of the functional state of the body during muscle activity.





Vegetative support of muscle work.





Physiological characteristics of a physical education lesson.





Physiological characteristics of sports training.





Physiological characteristics of the main types of physical exercises that form the basis of the school curriculum.





Physiological justification for sports orientation and selection of children and adolescents.




Total labor intensity (hours)





Topic 1. Physiological characteristics of types of muscle activity

Subject and tasks of the physiology of physical education and sports. Research methods. Connections with other disciplines. History of development. Theoretical prerequisites for the emergence of the physiology of physical education and sports in the works of I.M. Sechenova, I.P. Pavlova, N.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Ukhtomsky et al. Scientific substantiation of the physiology of physical exercises in the studies of N.A. Bernstein, A.N. Krestovnikova, P.F. Lesgafta and others. Levels of movement construction according to N.A. Bernstein. Basic concepts: physical activity, optimal volume of physical activity, hypokinesia, hyperkinesia, physical development, physical fitness.

Variety of muscle activities. Classification of physical exercises and their physiological characteristics. Physiological basis for human postures. Features of static and dynamic load. Stereotypical (standard) and situational (non-standard) groups of muscle movements. Their place in the school physical education curriculum.

Features of cyclic movements and their influence on the body of children and adolescents. Power (intensity) zones, their physiological characteristics.

Acyclic movements. From the meaning and role in the physical education of schoolchildren and in sports training.
Topic 2. Physiological mechanisms of motor skills formation.

Patterns of motor skills formation from the perspective of leading domestic physiologists: I.P. Pavlova, P.K. Anokhina, A.N. Krestovnikova, N.V. Zimkina, N.A. Fomina, L.V. Krushinsky and others.

Conditioned reflexes in the mechanism of formation of voluntary exercises. The role of the second signaling system. Organization and programming of motor activity. Ring principle of control of voluntary movements (N.A. Bernshtein). Sensory and effector components of motor skill. Afferent synthesis. The importance of motivation, memory, situational and triggering information in the formation of a skill. Stereotyping and dynamism of a motor skill. Automation and deautomation. Stages of formation. Skills of the highest order. Supporting systems of motor skill. Features of the formation of vegetative components of motor skills during various types of muscle activity (based on the material of the school physical education curriculum). Extrapolation. Its form and range in elite sports and mass physical culture. Types of skill transfer: positive, negative, cross. Taking into account the phenomena of motor asymmetry.

Conditions that ensure the strength of skills and their consideration in the practice of physical education of schoolchildren.

Topic 3. Qualitative aspects of motor activity

General characteristics of motor-coordination qualities, their classification. Physiological characteristics of muscle strength. Its varieties. Modes of power work (yielding, overcoming, isometric, etc.) Factors determining its manifestation and development. Characteristics of exercises presented in the school physical education curriculum.

Speed ​​(speed) of movements. Its physiological mechanisms, factors and conditions for the development of speed. The concept of "speed barrier".

Endurance, its types. Physiological mechanisms for improving general and special types of endurance.

Dexterity, accuracy, flexibility, balance - as motor-coordination qualities. Varieties and manifestations. Factors determining their development and improvement. Criteria for evaluation. Sensitive periods of development.

Physiological characteristics of physical exercises for the development of motor-coordination qualities presented in the school curriculum for physical education and sports training.

Topic 4. Physiological characteristics of the functional state of the body during muscle activity

Physiological nature emotional state athlete.

Pre-launch state. Warm-up, its features depending on the type of sport, age and preparedness of the athlete. Physiological mechanism of activation. State of stable performance. True and “apparent” steady state. The concepts of “dead point” and “second wind”. Physiological mechanisms of their occurrence and overcoming.

Fatigue. Causes and ways to overcome. Features of fatigue during various types of muscle activity. Feeling tired. Features of the development of fatigue in school-age children. Overwork. Ways to prevent it. The recovery period is a constructive period. Recovery and super recovery phases. Heterochronicity of the recovery period. Criteria for readiness to re-work. The destructive effects of doping. Medical and biological means of recovery in sports training.

Topic 5. Autonomic support of muscle work

Physiological systems that provide muscle activity. Neurohumoral regulation of autonomic support of muscle work. Homeostasis and its maintenance, taking into account the age characteristics of those involved. Mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Aerobic and anaerobic performance of the body. Hypoxemia. Features of thermoregulation. Adaptation to muscle work. Her age characteristics.

Topic 6. Physiological characteristics of a physical education lesson

Physiological justification for the lesson structure. The importance of different types of warm-up. Phases of performance: working in, steady state, decrease in physical activity. Physiological analysis of load intensity in various parts of the lesson. Management of physical activity based on indicators of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. "Physiological curve" lesson. Physiological analysis of recovery tools presented in the school physical education curriculum. Features of the lesson in elementary, middle and high schools.

Topic 7. Physiological characteristics of sports training

Physiological justification for the characteristics of sports training: objectives, content, principles. Fitness indicators in a state of relative rest under standard and maximum load. Principles of sports training. “Sports form”: acquisition, maintenance and temporary loss. Factors that determine the degree of fitness. Stages of sports training. Physiological mechanism of overexertion and overtraining. Features of sports training for school-age children. Physiological justification of means and methods for developing fitness. Influence of factors external environment on the state of fitness: temperature changes, atmospheric pressure, change of time zones. Physiological mechanisms of acclimatization.

Topic 8. Physiological characteristics of the main types of physical exercises that form the basis of the school curriculum

Physiological characteristics of physical exercises with a cyclic structure of movements: athletics running, skiing, speed skating, swimming. Features of the functioning of physiological systems, energy consumption. Age characteristics of classes.

Physiological characteristics of physical exercises with an acyclic structure of movements. The influence of outdoor and sports games on the body. Age characteristics of classes.

Physiological characteristics of gymnastics as the basis of all motor actions (school of movements). Physiological justification for the universality of the effects of gymnastic exercises on the body. Changes in vegetative systems. Age characteristics of classes.

Physiological characteristics of martial arts. Characteristics. Requirements for the musculoskeletal system, nervous system. Energy consumption. Age characteristics of practicing various types of martial arts.

Physiological characteristics of jumping and throwing. Physiological aspects of their effects on the body. Age characteristics of jumping and throwing activities.

Physiological justification for mass forms of health-improving physical culture.

Topic 9. Physiological justification for sports orientation and selection of children and adolescents

Sports orientation and selection for various types of physical exercises. Accounting for heredity. Sensitive periods in the process of physical education and sports training, their accounting. Correspondence of training and competitive loads to the functional capabilities of the body. Physiological justification and consideration of age when choosing a specific sport.

For each topic of the discipline, it is expected to conduct classroom lessons and independent work, i.e., lecturing, developing an abstract message, and asking questions to control knowledge. Active forms of learning are also provided.

Preparation and conduct of lectures, seminars and practical classes must provide for a certain order.

To prepare students for a seminar lesson at the previous lecture, the teacher must identify the main issues and problems to be discussed, recommend additional educational and periodical literature, and talk about the procedure and methodology for conducting it.

8. Physiological justification of mass forms of physical culture.

9. Physiological factors that determine the development of agility (flexibility, balance, jumping ability, accuracy).

10. Lateral motor preferences in athletes of different specializations or qualifications.

11. Physiological justification for organizing a physical culture festival or other mass sports and recreational events.

Criteria for assessing student knowledge
Grade Great(5) awarded for deep and sound knowledge of all program material; for its consistent, competent, emotional and complete presentation; for the free application of knowledge in practice.

Grade Fine(4) – for a solid knowledge of all program material; for his competent and substantial presentation, with the allowance of some inaccuracies; for a fairly free and independent application of theoretical knowledge in practice.

Grade satisfactorily(3) – for knowledge of the basic material; for its simplified presentation, with minor errors; for the ability, with the help of the teacher, to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Grade unsatisfactory(2) – for ignorance of a significant part of the program material; for significant errors in its presentation; for inability to perform practical work.

The criterion for applying theoretical knowledge in practice is the ability to diagnose the functional state of the body in various operating conditions.

Main literature

  1. Nazarenko, L.D. Physiology of physical exercises [Text]: [textbook. allowance] / L. D. Nazarenko; I.S. Kolesnik; UlSPU. - 2nd ed., add. - Ulyanovsk: UlSPU, 2007. - 259 p. (UlSPU Library)

  2. Nazarenko, L.D. Physiology of physical exercises [Text]: [textbook. allowance] / L. D. Nazarenko; I.S. Kolesnik. - Ulyanovsk: UlSPU, 2011. - 255 p. (UlSPU Library)

  3. Nazarenko, L.D. Independent work of students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports in the discipline "Physiology of Physical Education and Sports" [Text]: textbook. manual for teachers universities / L. D. Nazarenko. - Ulyanovsk: UlSPU, 2003. - 111 (UlSPU Library)

  4. Solodkov, A.S. Human physiology. General. Sports. Age [Text]: textbook. for universities physics culture / A. S. Solodkov; E.B. Sologub. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Olympia Press, 2005. - 527 p. (UlSPU Library)

  5. Nazarenko, L.D. Means and methods for the development of motor coordination [Text] / L.D. Nazarenko. - M.: Theory and practice of physics. culture, 2003. - 258 p. (UlSPU Library)
additional literature

  1. Nazarenko, L.D. Development of motor-coordination qualities as a factor in the health of children and adolescents [Text] / L.D. Nazarenko. - M.: Theory and practice of physics. culture, 2001. – 328 p. (UlSPU Library)

  2. Smirnov, V.M. Physiology of physical education and sports [Text]: textbook. for medium and higher textbook institutions for physical education culture / V.M. Smirnov; V. I. Dubrovsky. - M. : VLADOS-Press, 2002. – 604 p. (UlSPU Library)

  3. Bernstein, N.A. Biomechanics and physiology of movements [Text]: selected psychological works / N.A. Bernstein; RAS, Moscow. psych.-social. Institute; under. ed. V. P. Zinchenko. - M.: MPSI; : MODEK, 2004. - 687 p. (UlSPU Library)

  4. Filin, V.P. Fundamentals of youth sports [Text] / V. P. Filin; ON THE. Fomin. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1980. – 254 p. (UlSPU Library)

  5. Tsirkin, V.I. Physiological foundations of mental activity and human behavior [Text]: textbook. for universities / V. I. Tsirkin. - M.: Medical book; N.Novgorod: Novgorod State Medical Academy Publishing House, 2001. – 522 p. (UlSPU Library)

Approval sheet for the work program of the academic discipline

Work program of the academic discipline"Physiology of physical education and from the port"

Compiled by: L.D. Nazarenko - Ulyanovsk: UlSPU, 2012. - 12 p.
The program is compiled taking into account the state educational standard for higher professional education in specialty 050720.65 Physical culture
Compiled by ____________________ L.D. Nazarenko

The work program of the academic discipline (practice) was approved at the meeting of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Hygiene "___" __________ 20__, minutes No. ____

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State educational institution of higher professional education "Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov" Approved at a meeting of the Department of Physical Education on September 10, 2013, protocol No. 2 DISCIPLINE PROGRAM (MODULE) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Direction of training For all specialties (correspondence course of study) Graduate qualification (degree) Bachelor Developed in accordance with the federal educational standard higher professional education in Kostroma 2012 EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline. The purpose of physical education is the formation of the individual’s physical culture and the ability to purposefully use a variety of means of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for professional activities. Course objectives: - understanding the social significance of physical culture and its role in personal development and preparation for professional activity; - knowledge of scientific, biological, pedagogical and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; - formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement and self-education of the need for regular physical exercise and sports. 2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program: Requirements for input knowledge, skills and competencies in physical education: a) the student must know: - the natural scientific foundations of physical activity, the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion, the basics of hygienic assessment of various sports and exercise systems, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of organizing independent exercise. b) the student must be able to: - assess the level of physical development, conduct accessible functional tests and evaluate their results, plan independent training in the chosen type of physical exercise. c) the student must master: - methods of physical education to improve health and achieve a high level of professional performance. 3. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline: The learning process is aimed at developing the following competencies: - master the methods of physical education and health promotion to achieve the proper level of physical fitness; - the ability to use methods of independent physical training for full-fledged social and professional activities. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: Know: the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. Be able to: creatively use means and methods of physical education for professional and personal development, physical self-improvement, formation of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle. Possess: means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, personal physical culture values ​​for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. 4. Scope of discipline and types of academic work. The total labor intensity of the discipline is 12 academic hours. Types of academic work Classroom classes (total) 18 Semesters 1 2 3 4 5 6 According to the curriculum 18 areas of training Total hours Lectures Type of intermediate certification Pass According to the curriculum of the areas of training 5. Contents of the discipline 5.1. Contents of discipline sections. 1. Theoretical section (lectures) Topic No. 1. “Physical education as component general human culture." 2 hours. The role and place of physical culture in human life and society. Physical education, physical education, physical development, physical improvement, physical qualities (abilities), general and special physical training (GPP and SPP), physical exercises. Values ​​of physical culture. Functions of physical culture. Types of physical culture. Physical culture in the region. Topic No. 2. “Natural scientific foundations of physical culture” 2 hours. Human organization as a single self-developing and self-regulating biological system. The impact of natural and socio-economic factors on the human body and life activity. General understanding of the structure of the human body, the musculoskeletal system, the muscular system that supplies energy to muscle contraction. General understanding of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and digestive systems. Central nervous system (CNS). Hypokinesia and physical inactivity. Physiological classification of physical exercises. Concept of metabolism (metabolism). Energy exchange. Composition of food and daily energy expenditure. Regulation of metabolism. Topic No. 3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. Physical culture in ensuring health. 2 hours. The concept of “health”, its content and criteria. Value levels of health. Healthy lifestyle, value orientations towards a healthy lifestyle and their reflection in life. Content characteristics of the components of a healthy lifestyle. Work and rest schedule, diet, sleep organization, physical activity organization, personal hygiene and hardening, prevention of bad habits. Physical self-education and improvement is a condition for a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle and its impact on health. The influence of environment and heredity on health. Topic No. 4. Motor qualities, means and methods for their improvement. 2 hours. Basic physical qualities. Strength as a physical quality, forms and manifestations of strength qualities. Methods for developing strength qualities. Concepts of endurance. Types and indicators of endurance. Flexibility as a physical quality and its manifestations. Concepts of dexterity, its manifestation. The concept of speed, the form of its manifestation, the basis for the development of speed abilities. Age-related features of the development of motor qualities. Topic No. 5. Fundamentals of methods for independent physical exercise. 2 hours. Motivation and purposefulness of independent studies. Optimal physical activity and its effect on the body. Organization of independent physical exercises. Forms and content of independent studies, features of women’s studies. Physical activity planning. Self-study management. Taking into account individual characteristics, taking into account the training load. The relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate. Hygiene of self-study. Self-monitoring of physical development and functional state of the body. Topic No. 6. Methods of control and self-control during physical education. Individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems. 2 hours. Diagnostics and self-diagnosis of the body during regular exercise and sports. Medical supervision, medical examination. Self-control. Methods of standards, anthropometric indices, nomograms, functional tests, tests, exercises for assessing physical development and physical fitness. Pedagogical control. Subjective and objective indicators of self-control, self-control diary. Methods for determining indicators of motor qualities and physical fitness. Methods for determining the functional capabilities of the body. Choosing sports to improve health, correct deficiencies in physical development and physique. Choosing sports for active development and physique. Modern (non-traditional) sports and their brief characteristics. 5.2. Control section After completing the lecture course and self-study, correspondence students are allowed to take the final control in the form of a written test. The student is given two questions from different sections of the discipline “Physical Education”. Criteria for assessing knowledge: A student who has fully mastered the program material, presents it consistently, does not allow significant reservations, gives examples, correctly uses scientific terms, is able to highlight the main thing, connects theoretical material with practical issues, does not allow separate reservations and inaccuracies, minor errors in the examples given; allows for insufficient independence of judgment; Additional questions are required to clarify individual provisions. A “failed” grade is given to a student who has discovered problems in his knowledge of the basic educational material, does not reveal the main content of the question, makes gross mistakes, and does not answer additional questions. List of questions for testing in a theoretical course. 1. The concept of “physical culture” and “sport” as social phenomena of society. 2. Physical culture and sports as a means of maintaining and promoting health. 3. Components of physical culture. 4. Social foundations of physical culture. 5. General idea of ​​the structure of the human body. 6. Influence of the external environment, nature and environmental factors on the human body. 7. The effect of physical exercise on the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory, digestive and central nervous systems. 8. The concept of motor activity. 9. The concept of fatigue. Mental and physical fatigue. Recovery tools. 10. Metabolism. Energy supply during muscular work. 11. The concept of “health”, its content and criteria. 12. The main components of a healthy lifestyle. 13. Idea of ​​human biological rhythms. 14. Basic principles of physical education. 15. General Basics movement training. Stages of movement training. 16. General provisions for the restoration of physical qualities. 17. Methods for developing strength, endurance, speed, agility (coordination of movements), flexibility. 18. Means and methods of developing correct body posture. 19. Forms of physical exercise. 20. Construction and structure of the training session. 21. Forms of independent study. 22. Contents of independent studies. 23. Age characteristics of physical exercises. 24. Features of physical exercise for women. 25. Self-monitoring of physical development and functional organism. 26. Subjective indicators of self-control. 27. Self-control diary and its contents. 28. Definition of the concept of “sport”. Its fundamental differences from other types of physical exercise. 29. Sports and mass work. Regulations on competitions. 6. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline: Basic literature 1. Goloshchapov B.R. History of physical culture and sports: textbook. – M., 2005. 2. Reshetnikov N.V., Kislitsyn Yu.L. Physical culture: textbook. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1998. 3. Physical culture. Textbook / team of authors; edited by M.Ya.Vilensky. – M.: KNORUS, 2012. Additional literature 1. Bishaeva A.A. Physical education and valeology: a textbook for university students: in 3 hours. Part 1: Physical education of youth with a professional and valeological orientation / A.A. Bishaeva, V.N. Zimin - Kostroma: KSU named after N.A. Nekrasov, 2003. Part 2. Increasing the reserve capabilities of the body by means of valeology / A.A. Bishaeva, V.N. Zimin - Kostroma: KSU named after N.A. Nekrasov, 2003. Part 3. Physical education of students of a special medical department / A.A. .Bishaeva, V.N.Zimin - Kostroma: KSU named after. N.A. Nekrasova, 2003. 2. Bishaeva A.A. Physical culture: [textbook for institutions beginning. and secondary vocational education]: recommended by the Federal Institute for Educational Development / A.A. Bishaeva. – 2nd ed., rev. and.additional – M.: Academy, 2010. – 299, p.: ill.3. Vainbaum Ya.S. and others. Hygiene of physical education and sports: textbook for higher students. educational institutions / Weinbaum Ya.S., Koval V.I., Radionova T.A. – M.: Academy, 2003. 4. Vilensky M.Ya. Physical culture and healthy students of higher educational institutions]/M.Ya.Vilensky, A.G.Gorshkov. – M.: KNORUS, 2012 lifestyle of a student: [textbook for 5. Goloshchapov B.R. History of physical culture and sports: [textbook for students. higher education institutions]: recommended by UMO / Goloshchapov B. R. – 6th ed., erased. – M: Academy, 2009. – 320 p. 6. Physical culture of a student / ed.: V.I. Ilyinich. – M.: Gardariki, 1999.