Sample of a complete protocol. How to properly draw up minutes of a meeting? Do I need to keep minutes of the meeting on a special form?

Based on the results of a meeting, meeting or meeting, a protocol is almost always drawn up according to the appropriate template. Features of filling out and a finished example of the document can be found below.

During the meeting, a protocol is always drawn up, and the management itself decides which template is best to use. This document performs several functions at once:

  1. Records information about all those present and speakers.
  2. Contains all key decisions made during this meeting.
  3. Reflects the actual state of the negotiation process and records key agreements at this stage.

Thus, the main task of the document is to record the fact of the meeting and all the decisions that were made as a result.

NOTE. Not all meetings are recorded, so the company’s management has the right to independently decide in which case to draw up a reporting document and in which - not. Typically, minutes are used at those meetings at which issues that directly affect the future development of the organization are discussed.

The legislation has not developed any requirements for the content of the document, much less a uniform form. Therefore, each company can use its own form. In particular, you can use different versions of forms for specific cases (for example, a department meeting, an extraordinary meeting or a joint meeting with representatives of the counterparty).

Typically the document contains the following information:

  1. Full name of the company, protocol number and date of its preparation. Numbering can be carried out continuously - starting from each calendar year.
  2. Composition of those present:
  • chairman of the commission;
  • executive secretary recording entries in the protocol;
  • the rest of those present - usually the list is placed at the end of the document.
  1. Agenda – i.e. a list of issues to be discussed. Drawed up in advance and brought to the attention of all those present (usually special announcements are created several days in advance of meetings).
  2. List of speakers (name, position, topic of speech, issues raised).
  3. Decisions that were made as a result of the meeting.
  4. Signatures of the chairman and secretary, transcripts of signatures (surname and initials).
  5. If additional documents are attached to the protocol, as well as materials from audio recordings, photographs and videos, this fact must be reflected in the document. At the end, write the word “Appendices” and list the names of documents and other materials, their quantity and type (original or copy), as well as the number of pages.

Form and sample 2019

In the simplest case, the form looks like this.

And as a sample you can choose this form:

NOTE. In the “RESOLVED” section, with a description of the decision, the results of the voting procedure are often given, if it was held at the meeting. The results are recorded by simply summing the votes “FOR”, “AGAINST” and abstentions.

Short and full varieties

Different meetings can be held in the same organization. The importance of a particular meeting depends on the issues that are discussed at it. And they also determine the choice of one or another sample according to which the protocol will be drawn up. In general, two types of documents can be distinguished:

Extract from the protocol

If it is necessary to obtain some information from the protocol, an extract is drawn up. This document is an exact copy of part of the protocol. The extract must indicate the date of preparation of the main document, its number, and the name of the company. The accuracy of the copy is certified by the personal signature of the secretary and/or chairman of the meeting.

Features of management

In the case of year-end reporting meetings, extended document forms are usually chosen. If we are talking about a meeting of a separate structural unit, managers, as a rule, choose the simplest template.

Features of recording facts and storing protocols are as follows:

  1. A sample meeting protocol is approved by the management of the company or a specific structural unit of the organization.
  2. Conducted immediately at the time of the meeting. A special employee is appointed who is responsible for processing the document. In most cases, this is a secretary who also serves as secretary of the meeting.
  3. In order to avoid inaccuracies and incorrect interpretation of speakers’ phrases, additional recording of all events occurring during the meeting is often made. Audio and video recording tools are used. Subsequently, if necessary, transcripts of speeches are provided in the appendix to the protocol - exact quotes of what employees and other invited persons said.
  4. The number of original copies is compiled depending on the situation. As a rule, one original is enough. However, if a meeting is held with the participation of a partner (representatives of another company), it becomes necessary to prepare 2 originals. Typically, such meetings are held at various stages of business negotiations.
  5. As for document copies, you can make any number of them. This need arises when holding meetings, the decisions of which are binding on all departments of the organization. Then copies are sent to all structural units. As a rule, they are certified by the original seal and the handwritten signature of the manager.

To avoid possible inaccuracies, audio and video recording tools are used to subsequently accurately reproduce in shorthand the speech of each employee or invited person.

Meetings are held in many organizations, no matter what form of ownership they have. On them, employees and managers exchange important information and make decisions. For the event to be effective, minutes of the meeting are created. The sample of this document is approximately the same in organizations. The rules are described below.

Meeting Types

These events can go wrong if you don't prepare for them. This function falls on the manager. He must determine the nature of the event. Experts distinguish several types of meetings:

  1. Training (conference), the purpose of which is to provide employees with knowledge and improve their skills.
  2. Informational. The event is required to summarize information and study different points of view on emerging issues.
  3. Explanatory. At such meetings, managers convince employees of the correctness of the economic policy being implemented.
  4. Problematic. The event is held to develop a method for solving current problems.

Whatever the type of meeting, it must be documented. This allows it to be carried out competently and in an organized manner.


In order for the meeting to be effective, senior staff need to be aware of the following rules:

  1. You need to clearly define the topic and desired outcomes. This will allow for an organized event.
  2. Carefully develop the agenda. It is necessary to establish the sequence of consideration of issues. At the same time, it is better to start with easy questions and move on to more complex ones.
  3. It is necessary to familiarize participants with the facts that will be discussed. This is best done before the meeting.
  4. An invitation must be sent in advance to the persons who are to attend. If some cannot help in resolving issues, but need to know the results of the event, then they need to be provided with a protocol.
  5. The location of the meeting should be chosen based on its purpose. The conditions in which people are accommodated are important in creating a business environment.

These nuances are fundamental in preparing for the meeting. If they are followed, the event will be held efficiently and in an organized manner.

Why are meeting minutes required?

Every organization holds regular meetings. This type of event helps resolve many pressing problems, make timely decisions on complex issues, and create a company development strategy. Often meetings are not recorded in minutes, which is considered the norm. Management can independently determine the list of activities during which recording is carried out. They also establish where this is not necessary.

The main purpose of the protocol is to record in writing all questions, tasks and opinions voiced at the meeting, as well as joint decision-making. The best form is considered to be a detailed protocol. Typically, such a document is used at events that will affect the future development of the company. In addition, it is necessary to record the content of meetings with enterprises and employees of government agencies. Sample meeting minutes for different types of events are similar, with only minor differences.


The minutes of the meeting are kept by the head of the enterprise. But this function can also be performed by another employee. Before this event, the secretary is given a list of invitees and an approximate list of questions. Participants provide abstracts of reports. This will allow you to prepare a document template to speed up the work of drafting the document. Samples of minutes of meetings for such events are similar at all enterprises.

When there are many participants, it is better to create a registration sheet where the full names of those who appear will be recorded. At the beginning of the meeting, the secretary approves the list of those present. The information is recorded by the secretary during the event. To improve the accuracy of logging, voice recordings are used. All words are recorded on digital media and then reproduced when the protocol is finalized.

If there are many participants at the meeting, then 2 secretaries are invited to take minutes. This kind of work speeds up the process if the event is delayed. Replies, remarks, comments that are not related to the topic of the meeting are not included in the content of the document. The minutes include the general meaning of the reports, questions and proposals. Decisions and instructions that are provided by the manager to individual employees are accurately recorded.

If the manager needs accurate information, he may require a report signed by the responsible person. Meetings discuss the state of affairs in general, so there is no need to take detailed notes. As a result, the minutes include the progress of the meeting: topics discussed, issues, decisions. Sometimes managers require verbatim recording of all phrases. This happens at meetings of modern organizations, at which many operational issues are resolved.


Meetings? The sample includes the basic information that should be included in the document. In government departments, protocols are kept on the basis of special forms. The usual form of a sample meeting minutes consists of:

  1. Mandatory details (dates, numbers, company name, type of document indicating the event, location).
  2. List of those present (full name, positions of participants). An attendance sheet may be used, in which everyone who came signs.
  3. If persons from other institutions were present at the event, they must be entered in the “Invited” section.
  4. Main part. It indicates 3 parts: listened (full name and position of the speakers, topics of speeches, presentation of the essence), spoke (full name and position of the person asking questions or providing comments), decided (the manager gives instructions or a resolution is imposed, deadlines for completing tasks are set).
  5. At the end the signatures are given by the secretary and the manager. No stamp needed.

Using this sample protocol, you can draw up a competent document. It must be numbered to monitor the progress of the meeting. The final paper is prepared some time after the meeting. This may take several hours or even days, it all depends on the amount of information.

The sample minutes of a meeting with the director are exactly the same as those held without him. Then the document is submitted for signature to the boss in charge of the event. The protocol is sent to interested parties or official statements are created with instructions for performers.

If minutes of a technical meeting are being drawn up, a sample of it may include specific nuances of this event. But in general, it should contain the main essence, problems and issues discussed by the participants. The sample minutes of the workshop presented in the article can serve as an example in the preparation of this document.

Operational meeting

This event has the following features:

  1. Specific frequency, for example, every week.
  2. A certain composition of those present.
  3. Similar topics and questions.
  4. Short duration.

The sample protocol for an operational meeting is the same as for a regular event. Only the secretary first gets acquainted with the algorithm of work and the questions for discussion. This speeds up work on the document, because most of it is formed in advance. The protocol is prepared quickly, the document is immediately submitted to management for signature.


To resolve the issue of storing protocols, the secretary needs to familiarize himself with the internal documents of the organization. It depends on the specifics of the enterprise. Documents related to meetings of the boards of directors or shareholders of the JSC are stored permanently. The protocols are left at the location of the current body of the organization. Meeting documents are typically retained for 3 or 5 years and then archived and destroyed based on instructions.


Minutes of meetings allow participants to remember the agenda and complete assignments on time. Now there are electronic resources for the operational preparation and distribution of this documentation. Therefore, it will be convenient for the secretary to present a version of the protocol to interested parties.




Most documents created by institutions are informational and reference. These documents contain information about the actual state of affairs. Information and reference documents include: certificates, memos, acts, letters, etc. They are of an auxiliary nature and are not binding. The information contained therein may be taken into account.


The protocol occupies a special place in the system of organizational and administrative documentation. It can be classified as information documents (since it contains information, it contains information about the progress of the discussion of some management issues), and since it contains an operative part. can be considered as an administrative document.

Protocol -, a document recording the progress of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, conferences, meetings, conferences, and other forms of work of collegial bodies (boards of committees and ministries, municipal governments, as well as scientific, technical and methodological councils).

Meetings of shareholders and meetings of boards of directors are subject to mandatory minutes.

Protocols are submitted to government authorities for registration (for example, when registering commercial banks, chambers of commerce and industry, etc.). Minutes are also drawn up to document the activities of temporary collegial bodies (conferences, meetings, meetings, seminars, etc.).

The minutes are drawn up on the basis of records that were kept at the meeting by the secretary manually or using a voice recorder.

Depending on the type of meeting and the status of the collegial body, the form of the protocol is selected: short, full or stenographic.

Brief protocol– records the issues discussed at the meeting, the names of the speakers and the decisions made. It is recommended to keep such minutes only in cases where the meeting is taken in shorthand, reports and texts of speeches will be presented to the secretary, or when the meeting is of an operational nature.

Full protocol - records not only the issues discussed, decisions made and names of speakers, but also fairly detailed records conveying the content of the reports and speeches of the meeting participants, all opinions expressed, questions and remarks voiced, comments, positions. Full minutes allow you to document a detailed picture of the meeting.

Verbatim protocol – is compiled on the basis of a verbatim report of the meeting (transcript) and conveys verbatim the process of discussing each issue and developing a decision on it.

Full and stenographic protocols are compiled on the basis of handwritten stenographic or tape recordings.

All types of protocols are drawn up on a common form, which includes the following details: name of the institution, type of document, place to put the date, index of the document, place where the protocol was drawn up, place for the heading to the text. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. If it lasted several days, then the protocol date includes the start and end dates. The number (index) of the protocol is the serial number of the meeting. The title to the text reflects the type of meeting or collegial activity (Minutes - meetings of the collegium).

The text of the protocol includes introductory and main parts.

In the water part of the protocol, after the title, the surnames and initials of the chairman and secretary of the meeting are given. Starting on a new line after the word attended, the surnames and initials of the permanent members of the collegial body are listed in alphabetical order (in the short form of the protocol this data is omitted), as well as the surnames, initials and positions of the invitees. The words “Chairman”, “Secretary”, “Present” are written with a capital letter from the beginning of the left edge. When drawing up the minutes of an extended meeting, the names of the participants are not listed, but their total number is indicated. Counting of participants is carried out according to registration lists, which are transferred to the secretary of the meeting and become one of the annexes to the minutes.

The water part of the protocol includes the agenda. It lists the issues discussed at the meeting with the names of the speakers (speakers) and sets out the sequence of their discussion. It lists the issues discussed at the meeting with the names of the speakers and sets out the sequence of their discussion. The agenda for the meeting is drawn up in advance and should include the optimal number of issues.

The main body of the protocol contains as many sections as there are items included in the agenda. In accordance with it, sections are numbered.

Each section consists of three parts: “LISTENED”, “SPEAKED”, “DECIDED”, which are printed in capital letters in order to highlight in the text of the protocol the speech of the main speaker, the participants in the discussion of the issue and the operative part formulating the solution to the issue. For the same purpose, in the text of the protocol, each surname and initials of the speaker are printed on a new line in the nominative case. The presentation of the recording of the speech is separated from the surname by a hyphen, it is presented in the third person singular, and the content of the report is written in the form of direct speech. If the text of the report is shorthand or presented in writing by the speaker, then after the dash they also write in capital letters – “The report is attached.”

The number of the agenda item is placed before the word “LISTENED”, followed by a colon.

The progress of the discussion of the report is reflected in the “SPEAKING” section. Questions and answers are recorded in the “SPEAKING” section. The words question and answer are not written.

For example:

A.V. Smirnov - Have measures been taken to eliminate...?

The adopted decisions are contained in the “RESOLVED” section. If there are several solutions, they are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot. Each decision is accompanied by an indication of the position, surname and initials of the person responsible for its implementation and contains a deadline, for example:


1. Prepare a draft of a new Staff Regulation. Responsible – HR manager Rodionova N.P. Deadline – November 18, 2001.

The operative part is structured according to the following scheme: action – performer – deadline. The executor can be an organization, a structural unit or a specific official.

The protocol may record the decision to approve a document. In this case, the protocol should have a reference to the date and document number, and the document itself should be attached to the protocol.

During elections, the protocol indicates the voting results for each candidate.

The minutes are signed by the chairman and secretary. The secretary edits the text, introduces each speaker to the recording of his speech and obtains the signature of the speaker who agrees with the recording of his speech. The minutes of the meeting to be kept, which are chosen by the presidium, are signed by the chairman, secretary and all members of the presidium.

An extract from the protocol is an exact copy of part of the text of the original protocol. At the same time, all the details of the form, the introductory part of the text, and the agenda item for which the extract is being prepared are reproduced. The extract from the protocol is signed only by the secretary, who also draws up the certification. It consists of the word “Correct”, an indication of the position of the person certifying the extract, a personal signature, surname, initials and date. If an extract is given for submission to another organization, it is certified by a seal.

Sample protocol format

(with longitudinal arrangement of details)

Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Name of company


____________________ № _________________



Place of publication


Meetings of the commission on...

Chairman - Smirnov S.S.

Secretary - Antonova M.I.

Present: 30 people (list attached)

(if there are up to 15 people, then in the protocol

surnames with initials are indicated

in alphabetical order separated by commas)


1. About the procedure for preparing for the conference.

Head's report...


Sokolov A.I. - The text of the report is attached.


Ivanov M.I. - a short recording of the speech (from a third person).


1.1. Approve...




Chairman Signature S.S. Smirnov

Act– a document drawn up by several persons and confirming specific facts or actions.

Acts are drawn up in different situations and therefore have many varieties:

· act of acceptance of work under the contract;

· act of acceptance and transfer of documents;

· act of write-off of materials;

· commercial act;

· inspection report, etc.

Acts are drawn up by a commission, either permanent or appointed at the direction of the managers.

A special group is formed by commercial acts establishing facts of damage, spoilage or shortage of cargo, or other violations of transportation rules. Such an act is drawn up on standard printed form and filled out without blots, erasures or strikethroughs. All additions and corrections to the act must be agreed upon and certified by the signatures of both parties.

If the act is an internal document of the enterprise, it is drawn up on a general form. If the act is an external document, then it must contain background information about the organization.

The act must have:

· name of the organization (structural unit);

· name of the document type;

· title to the text;

· signatures;

· seal;

· applications; (if copies of supporting documents are available).

The text of the act consists of introductory and stating parts.

The water part of the act indicates the basis for its preparation. This may be a reference to a document, to an oral order from management, to any facts, events, or actions.

The act may have a title, for example: “Act on shortage of consumer goods” or “Act of acceptance and transfer of documents marked “Confidential”.

The main part of the act states:

· goals and objectives;

· the timing of the work carried out by the commission;

· results (findings, conclusions, proposals).

After the text and note about the application, if necessary, information about the number of copies of the act, their location or the addressees to whom they were sent is indicated.

The act is signed by all persons who took part in its preparation.

A number of acts (on material, financial and other important issues) require approval by the manager and certification with the seal of the enterprise.

Acts of audits and inspections are familiarized to all persons whose activities they affect. Moreover, in the act, after the signatures of the drafters, there is a note “The act has been read: positions, signatures, transcripts of signatures and dates.”

For example:

Compiled by:


Members of the commission:

Members of the commission: 1. _____________________________________

Position, surname, initials

Present: 1. _____________________________________

Position, surname, initials

The names of the commission members and those present are arranged alphabetically. The job title also includes the name of the institution.

The stating part begins with a paragraph. It sets out the goals, objectives and essence of the work done by the drafters of the act, and its results. The results of the work can be presented in the form of a table.

In the final part of the act, conclusions are drawn or recommendations are made. This part of the text is optional - the act may also end with a statement of facts.

After the text, before the signatures, if necessary, indicate the number of completed copies of the act and their location (this part of the act is also optional). For example:

Compiled in 3 copies:

1st copy sent to the Ministry of Economy of Russia

2nd copy sent to the Ministry of Railways of Russia

3rd copy - in business 05-24.

Complete the text of the act with a signature. The act is signed by the chairman of the commission and all drafters. When signing, positions are not indicated before last names. For example:

Chairman of the Commission Signature K.Ya. Lakin

Members of the commission: ______________ V.N. Kirillov


______________ I.N. Potapov


N.N. Lamshina


As in any document, in the act there is a heading before the text, starting with the preposition “O” (“About”) and formulated using the verbal noun “On inspection”, “On acceptance-transfer”, “On write-off”, “On destruction” " and so on.

Some types of acts require approval. For example, an act on the liquidation of an institution is approved by the head of a higher department (minister), an act on the allocation of documents and files for destruction - by the head of the institution. The approval is stamped in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-97.

Here's an example of how to write a document:

Ministry of Culture of Russia APPROVED

Committee on Culture Chairman of the Committee

Administration Signature N.I. Petrov

___________________________ ___________________

Name of area Date

18.05.2000 № 12

Novosibirsk city

On checking the safety of documents in the committee

Reason: order of the chairman of the committee dated April 20, 2000 No. 102 “On checking the safety of management documents.”

Compiled by a commission consisting of:

Chairman: Deputy Chairman of the Committee Sidorov G.V.

Members of the commission: 1. Head. general department Grigorieva N.I.

2. Inspector of the HR department Mikhailova G.G.

3. Deputy Chief Accountant S.I. Myshkin

4. Referent Prokudin M.V.

During the period from May 16 to May 18, 2000, the commission checked the organization and storage conditions of management documents in the culture committee. Documents are stored in structural units and in the general department.

The nomenclature of files is annually agreed upon with the Novosibirsk Regional Archives. No facts of destruction, loss, damage or illegal destruction of documents have been established.

Compiled in 2 copies:

1st - to case No. 1-23

2nd - to the regional archive.

Chairman of the Commission Signature G.V. Sidorov

Members of the commission: Signature N.I. Grigorieva

Signature GG. Mikhailova

Signature S.I. Myshkina

Signature M.V. Prokudina

Option 2

Document the result of the audit of the work of the Sibtekhmash OJSC enterprise, which was carried out from 02/01/2000 to 03/01/2000. As a result of the audit, the following shortcomings were identified: personnel records are not streamlined, some personal files of engineers are in a neglected state; Unreasonable write-off of packaging paper, nails and spare parts for equipment repair is allowed; in the mechanical shop there was an excess consumption of solder in the amount of 60 kg; Warehouse manager P.I. Yakovlev untimely shipped returnable containers to suppliers, for which the plant paid a fine in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. Determine the remaining data at your discretion.

Secretary Signature M.A. Antonova

16. Draw up minutes of the meeting of the inventory commission of the gas equipment plant, at which the issue of the results of the inventory for warehouse No. 2 of auxiliary materials was considered. At the meeting, a resolution was adopted to approve the results of the inventory and attribute the shortage of auxiliary materials in the amount of 365 million rubles to the warehouse manager, and a matching statement for warehouse No. 2 and an explanatory note from the warehouse manager were also read out. Determine the remaining data at your discretion.

17. Draw up a complete protocol of the general meeting of workers of the production cooperative “Launch”, at which the issue of creating a production of building materials for the construction of residential buildings was discussed. At the meeting, the chairman heard information about the possibility of creating such a workshop and the prospects for its work. After discussion, it was decided to instruct the chairman and his deputy for construction to begin work within 6 months and allocate 315 million rubles for these purposes.

18. Draw up a short protocol of a production meeting of workers of the planning and economic department of a medical preparations plant, at which the issue of early development of a technical industrial financial plan for 1998 was considered. After discussion, the production meeting decided to develop a technical industrial financial plan three days ahead of schedule. Enter the rest of the information yourself.

Related information.

Protocol– a document containing a consistent record of the progress of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, sessions, conferences and sessions of collegial bodies.

The protocol reflects the activities of joint decision-making by a collegial body or group of workers. From the minutes of meetings created in the management activities of organizations, it is necessary to distinguish the minutes of investigative, some administrative bodies and public order protection bodies (for example, the protocol of a sanitary inspector, the protocol of a traffic accident, etc.), as well as protocols of the contractual type (protocols of disagreements, protocols reconciliation of disagreements, price agreement protocols, etc.).

Meetings of permanent and temporary collegial bodies (colleges of federal executive bodies, meetings of labor collectives, meetings of shareholders, meetings of boards of directors, etc.) are subject to mandatory minutes.

Minutes are drawn up on the basis of records made during the meeting (meeting), presented abstracts of reports and speeches, certificates, draft decisions and other materials.

The minutes are kept by the secretary or other appointed person. The chairman and secretary leading the meeting are responsible for the accuracy of the entries in the minutes.

Protocols may be issued in full or brief a form in which the discussion of an issue is omitted and only the decision taken on it is recorded.

The decision on what form of minutes to take at a meeting is made by the head of the collegial body or the head of the organization.

The heading of the protocol is the name of the type of collegial activity (meeting, meeting, etc.) and the name of the body whose activities are being recorded (minutes of the meeting of the certification commission...; minutes of the general meeting of shareholders...).

Text full protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main.

IN introductory part the initials and surnames of the chairman (presiding officer), secretary, those present at the meeting and, if necessary, persons invited to the meeting (meeting) are indicated. If representatives of different government bodies and organizations take part in the meeting (meeting), the place of work and position of each person is indicated.

If the number of people present exceeds 15 people, in the introductory part of the protocol a reference is made to the list that is an integral part of the protocol, for example:

Present: 25 people. (the list is attached).

The words “Chairman”, “Secretary”, “Present” are printed to the left of the zero position of the tabulator (from the field), separated by two intervals from the title and from each other.

The introductory part of the minutes ends with an agenda containing a list of issues to be considered, listed in order of importance, indicating the rapporteur for each issue to be considered. Agenda items are formulated with the preposition “O”, “About”, printed from the left margin and numbered in Arabic numerals.

Main part The text of the protocol consists of sections corresponding to the agenda items. The text of each section is structured according to the following scheme:


In the “LISTENED” section the surname and initials of the speaker, the content of his report (message, information, report) are given. If the text of the report is presented by the speaker in written form, it is allowed, after indicating the topic of the speech, to make a note: “the text of the report is attached.”

The “SPEAKERS” section indicates the names and initials of the persons who spoke in the discussion, as well as their speeches, including questions for the speaker. If necessary, after the name of the speaker, his position is indicated.

In the “DECIDED (DECIDED)” section, the decision made is recorded, which is formulated briefly, accurately, and laconically in order to avoid double interpretation. Along with the decision, the number of votes cast “for”, “against”, “abstained”, as well as a list of persons who did not participate in the vote are indicated. The decision may contain one or several points, they are arranged in order of importance, each of them is numbered.

A number is placed before the word “LISTENED” in accordance with the agenda. The words “LISTENED”, “SPEAKED”, “DECIDED (DECIDED)” are printed from the left margin in capital letters and ending with a colon. The text of the sections “LISTENED”, “SPEAKED”, “DECIDED (DECIDED)” is printed at 1.5 line spacing on a new line. Each surname and initials of the speakers is printed on a new line in the nominative case, the recording of the speech is separated from the surname by a hyphen.

Text short protocol also consists of two parts. The introductory part indicates the initials and surnames of the presiding officer (chairman), secretary, as well as the initials and surnames of the persons present. The word “Present” is printed from the left margin, underlined, and a colon is placed after the word. The names of the positions of those present are printed below, and to the right of the names of the positions are their initials and surnames. Job titles may be indicated generically. Multi-line job titles of those present are printed with 1 line spacing.

The list is separated from the main part of the protocol by a solid line.

The main part of the protocol indicates the number of the issue in accordance with the agenda, the content of the issue and the decisions made. The name of the question is numbered with a Roman numeral and begins with the preposition “O” (“About”), is printed centered in font size No. 15 and underlined by one line below the last line at a distance of no more than one space. The names of officials who spoke during the discussion of this issue are indicated below the line. Last names are printed with 1 line spacing. Then the decision taken on the issue is indicated.

Examples of drawing up a full and short protocol are given in Appendix 16 to the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved by Order of the Federal Archival Agency of December 23, 2009 No. 76.

The minutes of the meeting are signed by the chairman and secretary. In especially important cases, the protocol must be signed by the speakers; visas are affixed on the left margin of the document at the level of the recording of the speech.

The date of the protocol is the date of the event (meeting, meeting, etc.). If it lasted several days, then the start and end dates of the meeting are indicated through a dash. For example: 06/16-17/2010 or 06/16/2010-06/17/2010.

Minutes are assigned serial numbers within a calendar year separately for each group of protocols: protocols of board meetings, protocols of coordinating, expert councils and other bodies. The minutes of joint meetings have composite numbers, including the serial numbers of the minutes of the organizations that took part in the meeting.

Copies of protocols, if necessary, are sent to interested organizations and officials in accordance with the distribution index; the index is drawn up and signed by the responsible executive of the unit that prepared the consideration of the issue. Copies of protocols are certified by the seal of the Records Management Service.

The decisions made are communicated to the executors in the form of extracts from the protocols, which are drawn up on the appropriate form and certified by the seal of the Office Management Service.

Extract from the protocol is an exact copy of part of the text of the original protocol relating to the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared.

An extract from the minutes reproduces all the details of the form, the introductory part of the text, the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared, and the text reflecting the discussion of the issue and the decision made. The extract from the protocol is signed only by the secretary, who also certifies it.

Regulatory legal acts may establish additional requirements for certain types of protocols that must be taken into account when drawing up and processing them.

For example, when drawing up minutes of meetings of the board of directors (supervisory board) of a joint stock company, the requirements established by the following regulatory legal acts must be taken into account:

  • Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies”;
  • Code of Corporate Conduct, approved at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on November 28, 2001 (Minutes No. 49), recommended for application by Order of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market dated April 4, 2002 No. 421/r.