Appeal to the Federal Assembly. Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. What did Putin say? Putin on education

Citizens have united around patriotic values ​​not because they are happy with everything - there are plenty of difficulties and problems now. Russians are confident that they will be able to overcome them, they are ready to work for the good of the country.

Russian people strongly feel injustice and believe that they will be provided with equal opportunities, rights and freedoms—Russia defends these principles in its foreign policy, not without results. We are not talking about “compulsion to a worldview” or false unity - all this has already happened in the history of Russia, and it has not been forgotten.

Those who consider themselves more advanced, intelligent, “smarter” should treat other people and their opinions with respect, this is natural. Aggression is not justified, especially if it results in vandalism and violations of the law. The state will react harshly to such facts.

2. Mistakes of the past should remain in the past, speculation is unacceptable

The coming year is the year of the centenary of the revolution, this is another reason to deeply analyze the causes of any revolution. Russia has a thorny path, but Russians perceive it as something familiar. It is unacceptable to drag splits, anger and grievances of the past into today's life, to speculate on topics that affect almost every family.

3. Elections are competitive, the Duma is integral, the state is strong

The current election campaign was competitive. The authority of the legislative branch has strengthened and must be confirmed by deeds. All promises of United Russia, which has a constitutional majority, must be fulfilled. Society's immunity to populism and demagoguery is strengthening. The country could not develop freely on the basis of a weak state, with a State Duma torn apart by squabbles. There are many countries where such a situation opened the way to adventurers, coups and, ultimately, anarchy.

4. Demographics are improving

The meaning of all social policy is to save people and increase human capital. Natural population growth continues. In 2013, Russia's fertility rate was 1.7 - higher than most European countries. In 2015, the total fertility rate in Russia will be even higher - 1.78

5. Medicine will become more prestigious, hospitals will be connected to the Internet, doctors will be offered professional retraining

The social sector must attract young people; in this regard, new jobs are created and wages increase. Competition for medical and pedagogical universities. There were no perinatal centers in Russia at all; now there will be 94 of them in 2018. Medical mortality has dropped to 5.9 per 1000 patients - this figure is also better than in many European countries.

In 2016, about 900 thousand patients are receiving high-tech care. The waiting time for operations is reduced. Problems persist, there are still many of them, they relate to primary care and patient reception. Next year a system of professional retraining for doctors will be organized. Work will continue to simplify document flow. According to the head of the Ministry of Communications, all hospitals and clinics can be connected to the Internet - now the whole country will follow this promise.

6. New school places, support for gifted children

The school refurbishment program will continue. In 2017, there should be no unsafe school buildings left; the problem of second and third shifts must be solved. School education must meet two basic objectives: to provide knowledge and to educate a moral person. We need projects in theaters, cinema, television, and the Internet. Many experiments are being carried out both in Russia and abroad, but they must be treated with caution. Purely modern children's technology parks will increase to forty next year. Regional authorities need to consider creating centers to support gifted children. Business should also get involved in this work. The Sirius center has already declared itself to be the most successful.

7. New grants for young scientists, science should create finished products

To access new level economy and social sphere need their own scientific developments, end-to-end technologies are those that are used in all industries. But digital technologies also come with risks; for example, you need to build protection against cyber threats. In 2017, the foundations of the “new digital economy” development program will be laid, with an emphasis on domestic companies.

The number of budget places in universities in technical and IT specialties will increase. In the scientific field, strong figures will be supported who are ready to give practical results - the Russian Academy of Sciences should pay attention to this. A special line of grants will be launched for young scientists for periods of up to 7 years. Russia needs to learn how to turn advanced developments into successful commercial products - this problem has been traced for a long time, dating back to the Russian Empire, but it can be overcome.

8. Laws on the activities of NPOs need to be finalized, and they themselves need to be allowed to receive state funding and social work

A special sign of the times is charity events. The government should start supporting charitable and social non-profit organizations. The social potential of people must be in demand. Next year, the opportunity will open for NPOs to provide social services at the expense of the Russian budget. Local authorities should not be greedy, but should invite NGOs as much as possible to participate in social work, because they have not yet “been blinded.” It is also necessary to complete the formation of the legislative framework for NPOs and clarify the requirements for their competencies.

9. Active citizen - in every city, single-industry towns, landscaping, landfills eliminated

Officials should not hide in their offices, but communicate with citizens. Very often, issues of improvement and preservation of the historical appearance of cities are often resolved behind the scenes, and the right decisions are not always made.

In 2017, the regions will be allocated 20 billion rubles for improvement, including in single-industry towns. It is important that residents take part in this - the ONF should help monitor this. Programs for saving unique natural symbols of Russia will also be prepared. It is necessary to eliminate landfills, both in large cities and in villages.

10. Record figures for new housing, the Kerch Bridge is being delivered on time

85 million sq. meters of housing commissioned - this is a record figure in the entire history of the country. It is important that all this housing is sold, and here the state will continue to provide targeted support for mortgages.

Also, within two years, at least half of all roads in large agglomerations must be put in order. Construction of the Kerch Bridge is on schedule.

11. Financial reserves have been preserved, inflation is low, banks have survived

This year the decline in GDP will be insignificant. Two years ago, Russia faced an unfavorable external climate. Sanctions were used to force people to dance to someone else’s tune, although the main reasons for the slowdown in the economy “remain within ourselves,” in the lack of competition, shortage of investment resources, etc.

In difficult conditions, macroeconomic stability was ensured, reserves were preserved, their total volume now amounts to $103.86 billion. The gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank have also increased. Inflation is expected to be below 6%. The lowest was in 2011, last year it was 12%, this year it will be 5.8%, and next year we can reach the target of 4%.

Domestic banks have restored their profitability, the sector’s profit this year is 714 billion rubles, last year it was 193 billion rubles. Thanks to the work of law enforcement officers and the Central Bank, the banking sector was restored and weak players left. The banking system managed to replace foreign lending to companies and stabilize the situation. A decrease in inflation should create conditions for lower lending rates, but the volume of real lending has not increased—it has only decreased, despite the opportunities. Lending to small businesses also continues to fall.

12. The growth of certain industries, especially IT companies, they need to be supported with benefits

There has been a slight increase in industrial production, a trend that must be maintained. In the automotive industry as a whole there was a slight decrease, but for trucks - an increase of 14%, for buses - an increase of 35.2%, railway production - 21.8%, for freight cars - 26%, production of agricultural equipment - 26%. It is necessary to carry out systematic work to solve the problem of supporting non-state industry in high-tech orders of the military-industrial complex, so that in 3 years their participation will be reduced to servicing half of all orders. The volume of exports of domestic IT companies has doubled over the past 5 years, with profits reaching $7 billion. Tax benefits for such enterprises have had their effect. It is proposed to extend IT benefits until 2023, and then the high-tech industry could become a key industry in the future.

13. Agriculture is growing, sanctions have helped, but they will not last forever

Previously, problems in agriculture were called a “black hole.” Today, the agricultural sector is a confident industry that is beginning to conquer international markets. The sanctions helped us, but this will not last forever; manufacturers need to take full advantage of this favorable situation. The export of agricultural products today gives us more than the sale of weapons - $14.5 billion versus $16.9 billion this year.

14. Regions - more independence in subsidies, local banks - simplified working conditions

Regions should be given more independence in agricultural subsidies, and their volume should be linked to an increase in arable land, an increase in productivity, creating an incentive to put idle agricultural land and advanced technologies into circulation. Regional banks could work under much more simplified conditions than large federal players - this will not bring risks, they have only 1.5% of the market, and it will meet the needs of small businesses locally much better.

However, if the government gives more freedom, then the responsibility of the regions should also increase. It is necessary to support agricultural cooperation. Next year, the state will replenish the capital of the Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises by almost 13 billion rubles. The quality of work of regional management teams will be determined by the quality of the business environment, which should be equally high throughout the country. Starting next year, data from supervisory agencies will be publicly available: who is punishing whom, how and where.

15. The economy is being renewed

More and more trade barriers are being erected around the world, and one of the main problems is the growth of protectionism. Russia must fight more actively to enter international markets; competition will help strengthen domestic producers.

All the examples given already speak of economic renewal. However, no later than May, the government will develop a substantive plan of action in the economy until 2023, where the participation of all industries will be spelled out, and the goal will be to reach a level of economic development above the world one. In addition, it is necessary to achieve independence of state finances from external factors, including prices for hydrocarbon raw materials.

16. The tax system should be more transparent

Despite external economic factors, since 2014 the authorities have not revised benefits. Russians have a request for a more transparent tax system. It is necessary to streamline existing fiscal benefits, make them more targeted and abandon unnecessary ones. At the beginning of next year, the authorities will consider this issue together with business representatives in order to develop the necessary laws in 2018 and put them into effect in 2019.

17. Self-employed citizens will be legalized

The definition of self-employed citizens as conducting “illegal business activities” will be abolished. Next year, it is necessary to clearly define the legal status of self-employed citizens. Justice is not about equalizing, but about creating equal opportunities for success.

18. The fight against corruption is not a show

The majority of civil servants are honest, decent people. But neither position, nor high connections, nor past merits can be a cover for dishonest people. However, no one has the right to make verdicts before the trial. The noise is often created artificially. The fight against corruption is not a show.

There have been cases when successful companies collapsed as a result of illegal actions of law enforcement agencies. We must thank parliamentarians for working on a law that strengthens the criminal liability of law enforcement officers for fabricating cases.

19. Foreign policy: priority to China, progress with Japan, willingness to cooperate with the USA

Myths about Russian aggression, propaganda, accusations of interference in other people's elections, bullying of Russian athletes, including Paralympians - all this was part of the external pressure on Russia in the past year. The doping scandal, at the same time, will make it possible to create a national anti-doping program as early as 2017.

All the developments in international relations since the Cold War were in vain. Mentor teachings are already quite boring. If necessary, Russia itself can teach anyone. Russia does not want confrontation, does not and has never looked for enemies. The priority of Russian foreign policy has been and remains the further deepening of cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The government must ensure that all promises for the development of the Far East are fulfilled. Mutually beneficial cooperation with China is a symbol of how countries can cooperate without domination and regardless of the military strength of each of them. Russia also hopes for progress in relations with Japan. The authorities are ready to cooperate with the new American administration. The development of Russian-American relations on an equal basis meets the interests of the whole world - we have a shared responsibility for the nonproliferation regime, and attempts to break nuclear parity are a global threat.

20. The fight against terrorism is not a mythical task

Terrorism is one of the real, not mythical, international threats. The Russian military in Syria has proven that they can carry out tasks far from their permanent locations. And the special services, not without losses, are successfully fighting terrorism within the country.

On December 1, 2016, in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin will deliver his traditional annual address to the Federal Assembly. Federal television channels will begin broadcasting from the St. George's Hall of the Kremlin, where the President's message to both houses of parliament will be read out, at exactly 12 o'clock. What will Putin talk about?

This message will be the 23rd in the modern history of Russia and the 13th for Vladimir Putin. As the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, previously noted, in 2016 the Federal Assembly will have a special content, but at the same time it will retain the main “Putin core”. But Peskov did not disclose the details of the current address, suggesting that they wait for the president’s speech.

The announcement of the message will be attended not only by members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, but also members of the Government, heads of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, governors, chairmen of legislative assemblies, heads of traditional faiths, public figures and others.

Foreign policy in the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly

If we analyze the previously announced ones, we can guess what the president will talk about this year. The head of state will touch upon international problems and the country’s successes on the world stage. Putin will not ignore international terrorism, and in particular the situation in Syria and the results of the operation carried out by the Russian Aerospace Forces in this country.

Surely the President of the Russian Federation will focus the attention of those gathered on the unexpected results of the elections in the United States and on the prospects for further relations between the two strongest world powers.

Other “hot” foreign policy topics continue to be relevant: Ukraine, the Minsk agreements, the situation in Donbass, elections in European countries, NATO expansion near Russian borders. This and much more will also be discussed.

What will Putin say to the Federal Assembly about domestic policy?

A significant part of Vladimir Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly for 2017 will be devoted to current issues of the country’s domestic policy, its impact of sanctions, the situation in small business and the economy as a whole, finance and social problems.

For the economy, restoring the material and technical base should become a priority, since the outdated infrastructure of our economy requires urgent updating. The country is ready to invest in this direction starting from 2018, but the mechanism for increasing such investments has not yet been worked out.

In general, the economic situation remains difficult. On the positive side, we can note the leveling of oil prices, curbing inflation and stabilizing the ruble exchange rate.

It is possible that the head of state will note that 2017 could become a turning point, after which economic recovery should begin.

The announcement of the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly for 2017 will begin on December 1, 2016 at noon. The live broadcast from the Kremlin will be carried out by central TV channels - Russia 1, Channel One, Public Television of Russia. Also, many leading media outlets plan to broadcast online.





Dear citizens of Russia! Dear members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma!

Today’s Message is of a special, milestone nature, just like the time in which we live, when the significance of our choice, the significance of every step and deed are exceptionally high, because they determine the fate of our country for decades to come.

It was at such turning points that Russia more than once proved its ability to develop, to renew itself, to develop lands, build cities, conquer space, and make grandiose discoveries. This constant focus on the future, a fusion of traditions and values, ensured the continuity of our thousand-year history.

We also went through large-scale, difficult transformations, coped with completely new and very complex economic and social challenges, maintained the unity of the country, and established ourselves as a democratic society on a free, independent path.

We have ensured sustainability and stability in almost all spheres of life, and this is critically important for our huge multinational country, with a complex federal structure, with a diversity of cultures, with the memory of historical fault lines and the most difficult trials that befell Russia.

However, sustainability is the basis, but not a guarantee of further development. We have no right to allow the achieved stability to lead to complacency. Moreover, many problems are still far from being resolved.

Russia today is one of the leading powers with powerful foreign economic and defense potential. But from the point of view of the most important task of ensuring the quality of life and well-being of people, we, of course, have not yet reached the level we need. But we must do it and we will do it.

The role and position of the state in the modern world are determined not only and not so much by natural resources and production capacities - I have already spoken about this - but, above all, by people, the conditions for the development, self-realization, and creativity of each person. Therefore, at the heart of everything is the conservation of the people of Russia and the well-being of our citizens. This is where we need to make a decisive breakthrough.

I repeat: a solid foundation has been created for this. And therefore today we can set and solve problems of a new level. We already have experience in implementing large-scale programs and social projects. Our economy has shown its stability, and the achieved stable macroeconomic situation opens up new opportunities for breakthrough development and long-term growth.

And finally, the world today is accumulating enormous technological potential, which makes it possible to make a real breakthrough in improving the quality of life of people, in modernizing the economy, infrastructure and public administration. How effectively we can use the colossal opportunities of the technological revolution, how we respond to its challenge, depends only on us. And in this sense, the coming years will be decisive for the future of the country. Let me emphasize this: they are decisive.

I'll explain why. What I’m about to say has absolutely nothing to do with the internal political cycle or even with the presidential elections. No matter who is elected president, every citizen of Russia, all of us together must feel and understand what is happening in the world, around us and what challenges we face.

The fact is that the rate of technological change is increasing rapidly and is going up sharply. Whoever harnesses this technological wave will be far ahead. Those who cannot do this will simply be overwhelmed and drowned by this wave.

Technological backwardness and dependence mean a decrease in the security and economic capabilities of the country, and as a result, a loss of sovereignty. This is exactly how things stand, and not otherwise. The lag inevitably leads to weakening and erosion of human potential. Because new jobs modern companies, attractive life prospects will be created in other, successful countries, where young, educated, talented people will go, and with them society will lose vitality and energy for development.

I repeat: changes in the world are of a civilizational nature. And the scale of this challenge requires us to respond equally strongly. We are ready to give this answer. We are ready for a real breakthrough.

This confidence is based on those significant results, although outwardly perhaps not so bright, nevertheless on the results that we have already achieved together, on the cohesion of Russian society and, most importantly, on the colossal potential of Russia, our talented, creative people .

To move forward and develop dynamically, we must expand the space of freedom, in all areas, strengthen the institutions of democracy, local self-government, civil society structures, courts, and be a country open to the world, new ideas and initiatives.

Long overdue, difficult, but extremely necessary decisions need to be made. Cut off everything that slows down our movement, prevents people from opening up to their full potential and realizing themselves. We must concentrate all our resources, gather all our strength into a fist, and show the will for daring, effective work.

If we don’t do this, there will be no future for us, our children, or our country. And the question is not that someone will come, seize and destroy our land. No, that's not the point at all. It is the lag that is the main threat and our enemy. And if we don’t turn the situation around, it will inevitably intensify. It’s like a serious chronic disease that tirelessly, step by step, undermines and destroys the body from the inside. The body often does not feel this.

We need to ensure such creative power, such dynamics of development that no obstacles will prevent us from moving forward confidently and independently. We ourselves must and will determine our future.

Dear Colleagues!

What should be our priority? I repeat: I consider the main, key factor of development to be the well-being of people and prosperity in Russian families.

Let me remind you that in 2000, 42 million people were below the poverty line, that’s almost 30 percent - 29 percent of the country’s population. In 2012, we managed to reduce this level to 10 percent.

Due to the effects of the economic crisis, poverty has risen again. Today, 20 million citizens face it. Of course, this is not 42 million, as it was in 2000, but it is also unacceptably high. Even some working people live very modestly.

For the first time in modern history, we were able to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence level. This norm will come into effect on May 1, 2018, which will have a positive impact on the incomes of about four million people. This is an important step, but not a fundamental solution to the problem.

We need to seriously update the employment structure, which today is largely ineffective and archaic, to give people Good work, which motivates, brings prosperity, allows you to realize yourself, create modern, decently paid jobs. On this basis, we must solve one of the key tasks for the coming decade - to ensure confident, long-term growth in real incomes of citizens, and in six years to at least halve the poverty level.

The entire system of social assistance must be built on the principles of fairness and targeting. We talk about this a lot, but it has to be done eventually. It should be received by citizens and families who really need it.

In previous years, thanks to active support for family, motherhood, and childhood, we were able to reverse negative demographic trends: we achieved an increase in the birth rate and a decrease in mortality, and managed to smooth out the consequences of two severe, overlapping demographic failures of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War and the end of the last century. As you can see in the graphs, this, unfortunately, turned out to be approximately the same in terms of the level of fertility decline. But today the demographic losses of the 90s are inevitably making themselves felt. This is primarily a decrease in the birth rate, as the small generation of the 90s begins to create families. This is simply an objective fact.

The demographic problem also has an economic dimension, a purely economic dimension. In 2017, for example, the working-age population fell by almost a million. This downward trend will continue in the coming years, which could become a serious constraint on economic growth. There are simply no labor resources. It is necessary to respond to these challenges and ensure sustainable natural growth of Russia's population in the coming decade.

Our demographic policy has proven its effectiveness. And we continued and expanded it. We extended the maternity capital program and provided targeted payments for the birth of the first, second and third children. Over five years, over half a million families with children will be able to improve their living conditions with the help of preferential mortgages. A program to update children's clinics and children's outpatient departments in hospitals is also being launched.

Despite a number of remaining issues, the problem with kindergartens has been generally resolved. Now we need to provide all families who need places in nurseries. Thus, to give young mothers the opportunity to continue their education or, if someone wants, to go to work as quickly as possible without losing their qualifications. Over three years, more than 270 thousand places in nurseries should be created. To solve this problem, we will provide financial support to the regions in the amount of about 50 billion rubles from the federal budget.

In general, over the next six years we will need to allocate at least 3.4 trillion rubles for demographic development measures and for the protection of motherhood and childhood. This is a large, but not prohibitive, realistic figure; it is 40 percent more than in the previous six years. In 2012 - 2017, we allocated 2.47 trillion rubles for these purposes.

Our moral duty is to fully support the older generation, who have made a huge contribution to the development of the country. Older people should have decent conditions for an active, healthy longevity. The main thing is that we must achieve an increase in pensions, ensure their regular indexation, and above the rate of inflation. We will also strive to reduce the gap between the size of the pension and the salary that a person had before retirement. And of course, we need to improve the quality of medical and social services for older people and help those who are lonely and find themselves in difficult life situations.

Solving all these issues requires integrated approach. I believe that the future, the new government will have to prepare a special program for systemic support and improving the quality of life of older people.

Every person is important and valuable to us, so that he feels needed, lives a long and, most importantly, healthy life, enjoys his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so that children grow up and become successful in a strong, dynamic, successful country that is reaching new frontiers of development.

Russia must not only firmly gain a foothold in the top five largest economies in the world, but also increase its per capita GDP by one and a half times by the middle of the next decade. This is a very difficult task. I am confident that we are ready to solve this problem.

The most important basic indicator of the well-being of citizens and the country is, of course, life expectancy. Let me remind you that in 2000 in Russia it was a little over 65 years old, and for men it was generally less than 60. This is not just small, it is a tragedy, tragically small.

In recent years, the growth rate of average life expectancy in Russia is one of the highest in the world. We managed to achieve this. Life expectancy has increased by more than seven years and is 73 years. But this, of course, is not enough. Today we must set ourselves a goal of a fundamentally new level. By the end of the next decade, Russia should confidently enter the club of “80 plus” countries, where life expectancy exceeds 80 years. These include countries such as Japan, France, and Germany.

At the same time, the duration of a healthy, active, full life, when a person is not limited or constrained by illness, should increase at a faster pace. I am convinced that this goal, given the positive dynamics of past years, is achievable. And for this, all of Russia, of course, has to take a big step in its development so that the life of every person changes qualitatively.

Dear Colleagues!

We need to create a modern living environment and transform our cities and towns. At the same time, it is important that they preserve their identity and historical heritage. We already have successful experience in updating the urban environment and infrastructure. I want to get away from this now. This experience exists in Kazan, Vladivostok, and Sochi. Many regional capitals and small towns are changing. We basically learned how to do this.

I propose to launch a large-scale program for the spatial development of Russia, including the development of cities and other populated areas, and to at least double spending for these purposes in the next six years.

It is clear that the development of cities and towns is associated with a comprehensive solution to many other problems: healthcare, education, ecology, transport. All this will also require additional funding. I will talk about this a little later in the relevant sections of the Message today.

Renewal of the urban environment should be based on the widespread introduction of advanced technologies and materials in construction, modern architectural solutions, and the use of digital technologies in the operation of social facilities, public transport, and public utilities, which will, among other things, ensure transparency and efficiency of the housing and communal services system so that citizens receive quality services and do not overpay for them.

Such a large-scale project means new economic and social prospects for people, a modern living environment, for cultural and civic initiatives, for small businesses and start-ups. All this will serve to create a massive, active middle class in Russia.

A lot will depend, of course, on city and local authorities, on their openness to advanced ideas. From readiness to respond to requests from residents of different generations, families with children, pensioners, and the disabled. The opinion of people on what their city or town should be like should be decisive. We have talked about this more than once, including at meetings with municipal leaders. Today I am not saying this for show and I would like to ask you to draw the attention of managers at all levels to this.

It is important that urban development becomes a driving force for the entire country. The active, dynamic life of Russia, with its vast territory, cannot be concentrated in several megacities. Large cities must spread their energy and serve as a support for the balanced, harmonious spatial development of all of Russia.

For this, modern infrastructure is urgently needed. I’ll say more about this separately. But it is obvious that it is the developed communications that will allow residents of small towns and villages to conveniently use all the opportunities and modern services that are available in large centers, and the small settlements themselves will be closely integrated into the general social and economic space of Russia. At the same time, we will also support initiatives that will allow our small towns and settlements to preserve their identity and reveal their unique potential in a new way.

Special attention We will focus on social and infrastructural development of rural areas. The Russian agro-industrial complex has already become a globally competitive industry. The life of the people who ensure this success with their work should be just as modern.

Dear Colleagues!

I understand how important it is for a person, for every family, to have their own home, their own housing. For our country this is a problem of problems. It stretches from decade to decade. How many times they promised it and tried, sincerely tried to solve it. And we can and must do this.

In 2017, three million families in Russia improved their living conditions. Now we need to stably (please note, for the first time in history modern Russia) reach a level where at least five million families improve their living conditions every year. It's a challenge to jump from three million to five. Last year we had 3.1 million, but we need five. But this is a solvable problem.

I see three key factors for increasing housing affordability. The first is the growth of citizens' incomes. I spoke about this, we must ensure this. A reduction in mortgage lending rates and, of course, an increase in supply in the housing market.

Let me remind you - now this has already been forgotten - that in 2001, how many mortgage loans were issued throughout Russia, do you think? Four thousand. Four thousand mortgages. The rate reached 30 percent, including in foreign currency. More than half of the loans, by the way, were issued in foreign currency. Only a few could take advantage of a mortgage. Last year, dear colleagues, about a million mortgage loans were issued. In December, the average rate in rubles dropped below 10 percent for the first time.

Of course, we also know this well; in each specific case, the cost and other terms of the loan are individual. But in general, we need to further reduce the average rate to 7-8 percent. We argued for a long time about what number to name from this podium. But we should certainly strive for 7 percent, that’s for sure. Over the next six years, mortgages should become affordable for the majority of Russian families, for the majority of working citizens, and for young professionals.

And a few more numbers. In the 50s - 70s of the last century, on average, about 60 million square meters of housing were built and commissioned in the country per year. By the end of the 80s they approached 70 million. Today in Russia about 80 million square meters are built annually. It was, however, a little more in some years, but on average 80 million. We need to reach new heights and strive to increase construction volumes from today’s 80 to 120 million square meters per year. The goal is very ambitious, but also absolutely realistic, if we take into account both new technologies and the experience that our construction companies, and new materials. This movement from 80 to 120 is possible and necessary. I'll tell you why. If we want 5 million families a year to receive new housing, then we need to build 120 million.

People who invest their money in housing construction must be reliably protected. From shared construction it is necessary to gradually switch to project financing, when the risks are assumed by developers and banks, and not by citizens.

I also propose returning to the property tax on individuals. It must be fair and feasible for citizens.

When some colleagues, including those sitting in this room, convinced us, including me, to use the market value of real estate when calculating this tax, they said that the old, outdated BTI assessments are an anachronism. However, in reality it turned out that the cadastral value, which supposedly should correspond to the market value, often significantly exceeds it. But this was not agreed upon, and people did not expect this from us.

It is necessary to clarify the mechanisms for calculating tax, as well as the definitions cadastral value real estate. In any case, it should not exceed the real market value. All decisions must be made as quickly as possible in the first half of this year.

Dear Colleagues!

To develop cities and towns, increase business activity, and ensure the “connectedness” of the country, we need to literally “wire” the entire territory of Russia with modern communications.

In just a few months, automobile traffic will open along the Crimean Bridge, and next year, railway traffic will open. This will give impetus to the development of Crimea and the entire Russian Black Sea region.

We have seriously updated federal highways. Now we need to put regional and local roads in order. I won’t give numbers now, but I know about it. Federal highways have indeed been put in order to a large extent. The situation is a little worse with regional ones. And the locals are no good at all. I appeal to the heads of regions and cities: the condition of the roads should be constantly in the center of your attention. It is necessary to increase the quality and volume of road construction, to use new technologies and solutions, infrastructure mortgages, and life cycle contracts.

And of course, our most important task is to increase road safety and reduce mortality from road accidents to a minimum.

In total, over the next six years it is necessary to practically double the costs of construction and improvement of Russian highways, and to allocate more than 11 trillion rubles from all sources for these purposes. This is a lot, bearing in mind that in 2012 - 2017 we allocated 6.4 trillion rubles for these purposes, which is also a large figure, but 11 are needed.

Powerful Eurasian transport arteries will be developed. Already running construction of a highway, which will become an important part of the Europe-Asia-Pacific corridor. By the way, our partners from China and Kazakhstan - we are doing this together with them - have already completed their part of the work. Their sites are already in use. And we need to seriously accelerate.

Over six years, the throughput of the BAM and Trans-Siberian Railways will increase by one and a half times, to 180 million tons. Containers will be delivered from Vladivostok to the western border of Russia in seven days. This is one of the infrastructure projects that will provide quick economic returns. There is cargo there, and all investments will pay off very quickly and will contribute to the development of these territories.

The volume of transit container traffic according to our railways should increase almost fourfold. This means that our country will be one of the world leaders in the transit of containers between Europe and Asia.

In 1990, the total port capacity Soviet Union reached 600 million tons. Due to the collapse of the country, we lost almost half. In the early 2000s, the capacity of Russian ports was only 300 million tons. In 17 years, we have tripled it. At the beginning of last year, for the first time in history, the total capacity of Russian ports exceeded the 1 billion ton mark. This, as you can see in the graphs, is two-thirds more than the indicators for the entire USSR. By the way, this is the figure at the beginning of the year, now it is already 1 billion 25 million tons. Growing constantly.

The key to the development of the Russian Arctic and the regions of the Far East will be the Northern Sea Route. By 2025, its cargo traffic will increase tenfold, to 80 million tons. Our task is to make it a truly global, competitive transport artery. Please note in Soviet time used more actively than we did in the previous one. But we will build up and reach new milestones. There is no doubt about it.

We will continue our active policy of attracting investment and forming centers of social and economic growth in the Far East. We will create all the conditions so that people live here comfortably, come here, so that the population of the Far Eastern regions increases.

A number of large-scale industrial projects have already been launched in the Arctic. They meet the strictest environmental standards. We are strengthening the scientific, transport, navigation, and military infrastructure, which will reliably ensure Russia’s interests in this strategically important region. We are building modern nuclear icebreakers. Our Arctic fleet was, remains and will be the most powerful in the world.

We have to reconstruct and expand the network of regional airports in Russia. In six years, half of interregional flights will be direct. The situation when even to neighboring regions you need to fly through Moscow will largely remain a thing of the past. We are already doing this. This applies to both the aviation and airport components.

Based on the Spatial Development Strategy, it is necessary to prepare a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the entire backbone infrastructure of the country. I consider this one of the top priorities for the future government.

Russia should become not only a key logistics and transport hub of the planet, but also, I emphasize, one of the world centers for storage, processing, transmission and reliable protection information arrays, so-called big data.

In general, when developing infrastructure, it is necessary to take into account global technological changes, that is, today we need to incorporate into projects specific solutions that will allow us to combine infrastructure with unmanned vehicles, digital maritime and air navigation, and organize logistics using artificial intelligence.

It is also necessary to introduce new technologies for generating, storing and transmitting energy. In the next six years, it is planned to attract about 1.5 trillion rubles of private investment in the renewal of the domestic electric power industry. Electric power systems across the country must switch to a digital mode of operation. With the help of so-called distributed generation, it is necessary to solve the issue of energy supply to remote areas.

By 2024, we will provide almost universal fast Internet access. The construction of fiber-optic communication lines will be completed to most settlements with a population of more than 250 people, and remote, small settlements of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East will receive stable access through the Russian satellite network.

With the help of advanced telecommunications, we will open up all the possibilities of the digital world to our citizens. And this is not only modern services, online education, telemedicine, which in itself is extremely important, we understand this. But, in addition, people will be able to create scientific, volunteer teams, project groups, and companies in the digital space. For our vast country, such a combination of talents, competencies, and ideas is a colossal breakthrough resource.

Dear Colleagues!

In 2019 - 2024, an average of more than 4 percent of GDP will need to be spent annually on the development of the healthcare system from all sources. But we should certainly strive for 5 percent. In absolute terms, this would mean that overall health spending would have to double. At the same time, it is necessary to find additional opportunities for financing that would not restrain economic growth.

I would like to thank the doctors, paramedics, and nurses for their difficult and much needed work. Very, very much depends on these people, just like teachers, educators, and cultural workers, and they must receive decent wages.

Much has been done during the implementation of the May 2012 decrees. I must say that there are some shortcomings, but in general, no matter how high the standards of these decrees are raised, if they were not there, then there would not be the results that we have today. Ambitious goals should always be set.

And here we cannot deviate from the already achieved milestones, I mean now the level of wages. The size of salaries in the public sector should continue to grow, as well as the quality of work, the level of training of specialists in healthcare, education, and other areas that determine the well-being of people.

In recent years, the network of medical institutions has been optimized. This was done in order to build an effective healthcare system. But in a number of cases, I simply have to say this today, they clearly got carried away with administrative reforms: they began to close medical institutions in small towns and rural areas. They didn’t offer any alternatives; they left people practically without medical care, offering nothing in return. There is only one piece of advice: “Go to the city and get treatment there!” This is absolutely unacceptable, I want to say. They forgot about the main thing - about people. About their interests and needs. Finally, about equal opportunity and justice.

This should not be the case in healthcare or any other field. It is necessary to ensure, and where necessary, restore, truly within walking distance in primary healthcare. After all, it can be done, but it had to be done from the very beginning, when they were engaged in transformation.

Now we need to do it as quickly as possible. In settlements with a population of 100 to 2000 people, paramedic and obstetric centers and medical outpatient clinics should be created during 2018 - 2020. And for settlements where less than 100 people live, we also have these, organize mobile medical complexes, off-road vehicles with all the necessary diagnostic equipment.

It is necessary to keep control over the implementation of these tasks. I consider them extremely important. And I also ask the All-Russian Popular Front to be in contact with citizens and monitor the situation on the ground. At the same time, clinics and medical and obstetric centers, regional healthcare institutions and leading medical centers must be connected into a single digital circuit so that the forces of the entire national healthcare system are involved in helping each person.

The most important task is disease prevention. In the 90s, such work was practically not carried out. We started to restore it. It is necessary to ensure that all citizens have a real opportunity to undergo a high-quality preventive examination at least once a year. This is also important for developing a responsible attitude towards one’s own health.

Modern diagnostics will reduce mortality in working age and consolidate positive dynamics in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system. We have such dynamics, this is very good. But this should also force such a threat as cancer to retreat.

I think that, dear colleagues, almost each of us has relatives, friends, and relatives who have been struck by this misfortune - cancer. I propose to implement a special national program to combat cancer, actively involve science and the domestic pharmaceutical industry in solving this problem, modernize oncology centers, build a modern comprehensive system, from early diagnosis to timely effective treatment which will protect people. We have positive experience. In terms of all the key indicators that demonstrate the effectiveness of oncological care - and specialists know them well - we must reach the modern, highest level we need.

Dear Colleagues!

To preserve people's health, medical efforts alone will not be enough. We must ensure high standards of environmental well-being throughout Russia.

It is difficult to talk about a long and healthy life if millions of people are still forced to drink water that does not meet standards, if black snow falls, as in Krasnoyarsk, and residents of large industrial centers do not see the sun for weeks due to smog, as in Cherepovets, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk and some other cities.

We have now tightened environmental requirements for enterprises, which will certainly reduce industrial emissions. From 2019, 300 industrial enterprises that have a significant negative impact on the environment must switch to environmentally friendly, best available technologies, and from 2021, all enterprises with a high category of environmental risk must do this.

We have "stepped up to the plate" many times, with industry representatives continually citing the challenges they face. That's it, there is nowhere to retreat further. I want everyone to know: there will be no more postponements.

It will also be necessary to modernize thermal power plants, boiler houses, and public utilities, to relieve cities of transit traffic congestion through the construction of bypasses, and to use environmentally friendly types of public transport. Today in Russia, government authorities and social activists have identified about 22 thousand landfills. We need to solve this problem and, first of all, first of all, at least remove and reclaim landfills within cities.

The quality of drinking water needs to be significantly improved. In some small towns it is still served hourly. It is important to involve the technologies available in the defense-industrial complex in solving these problems.

Projects will be implemented to preserve the unique natural systems of Baikal, Lake Teletskoye, as well as the entire Volga basin, which will directly affect the improvement of the quality of life of almost half of the Russian population.

24 new nature reserves and national parks will open. It is necessary to make them available for eco-tourism, which is important for fostering a careful, responsible attitude towards nature.

Dear Colleagues!

2018 has been declared the Year of the Volunteer in Russia, and it is symbolic that this year began with the adoption of a law that establishes the obligation of all levels of government to assist volunteers. Today, active, caring citizens and socially oriented NGOs are actively involved in solving important problems. It is the involvement of people in the affairs of the country and civic activity, as well as cultural, moral, spiritual values, that make us a united people capable of achieving great goals.

I propose to launch a program to create cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions. They will include concert halls, theater, music, choreography and other creative schools, as well as exhibition spaces where the country's leading museums will be able to display their exhibitions. Why keep so many works of art in storage? These must be real centers cultural life, open to young people, for people of all ages. The first such project will be implemented in Vladivostok. Then we will select other regions and cities of the country.

Dear Colleagues! Our children dream of a Russia looking to the future. In school essays on this topic there are many sincere, I would say, heartfelt words. Bold dreams always work towards a greater goal, and we must unleash the talent that every child has and help him realize his aspirations. The future of Russia is being shaped in classrooms. The school must respond to the challenges of the time, then the country will be ready to respond to them.

International experts recognize that our primary school is already one of the strongest in the world. We will continue to actively work to develop our general education, and at all levels. At the same time, I would like to emphasize: modern, high-quality education should be available to every child. Equal educational opportunities are a powerful resource for the development of the country and ensuring social justice.

It is necessary to move to fundamentally new technologies, including individual learning technologies, already with early years instill a readiness for change, creative exploration, teach teamwork, which is very important in the modern world, and life skills in the digital age. We will definitely support talented teachers who are focused on constant professional growth. And of course, we need to build an open, modern system for selecting and training management personnel and school principals. The formation of strong teaching teams and the atmosphere in the school largely depend on them.

We will continue to strengthen the holistic system of support and development of the creative abilities and talents of our children. Such a system should cover the entire territory of the country, integrate the capabilities of such platforms as Sirius, Quantoriums, centers additional education and children's creativity in all regions of Russia.

We need to build modern career guidance. Here universities, research teams, and successful companies should become partners of schools. I propose to launch a project for early career guidance for schoolchildren, “Ticket to the Future,” starting with the new school year. It will allow the children to try themselves in business, in their future profession in the leading companies of the country. Already this year we are allocating 1 billion rubles for this initiative.

I consider the development of the mentoring movement to be a significant task. Only in this way, by combining advanced knowledge and moral principles, ensuring true partnership and mutual understanding between generations, can we be strong.

Dear Colleagues!

Today, the most important competitive advantage is knowledge, technology, and competencies. This is the key to a real breakthrough, to improving the quality of life.

As soon as possible, we need to create an advanced legislative framework, remove all barriers to the development and widespread use of robotics, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles, e-commerce, and big data processing technologies. Moreover, such a regulatory framework must be constantly updated and built on a flexible approach to each area and technology.

We are also well positioned to quickly implement fifth-generation data networks and Internet of Things communications technologies.

We need to create our own digital platforms, naturally compatible with the global information space. This will make it possible to organize production processes, financial services and logistics in a new way, including using “distributed registry” technology, which is very important for financial transactions, for recording property rights, and so on. This has a practical dimension.

We need to establish the development and localization of key technologies and solutions, including for the development of the Arctic and the sea shelf, for new systems in the energy sector, transport and urban management. For areas that determine the quality of life, for example, modern means of rehabilitation for people with disabilities.

We are obliged to support high-tech companies, build a favorable environment for start-ups, for the rapid introduction of new developments into production. We are talking about convenient infrastructure, comfortable tax regimes, intellectual property protection, technical regulation and venture financing.

Our technological development must be based on a strong base of fundamental science. In recent years, we have been able to seriously increase its potential and have taken leading positions in a number of areas. Much credit here belongs to the Russian Academy of Sciences, our leading scientific institutes.

Building on the foundations of past years, including in the research infrastructure, we need to reach a fundamentally new level. Projects of modern megascience class research facilities are already being implemented in Gatchina and Dubna. Recently, the Council for Science and Education decided to create a powerful synchrotron accelerator in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and a new generation accelerator in Protvino, near Moscow.

As a result, Russian research infrastructure will be one of the most powerful and efficient in the world. Its use will give our research teams and high-tech companies serious competitive advantages, for example, in the creation of modern medicines, new materials, and microelectronics components.

And of course, such infrastructure and ambitious scientific projects will attract our compatriots and scientists from other countries. In this regard, it is necessary to quickly create a legal basis for the work of international research teams in Russia.

Powerful scientific and educational centers should be fully operational. They will integrate the capabilities of universities, academic institutions, and high-tech companies. Such centers are already being formed in Kazan and Samara, Tomsk and Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen, Vladivostok and Kaliningrad and other cities.

It is important to focus them on the implementation of large interdisciplinary projects, including in such a promising area as genomic research. A fundamental breakthrough in this area will open the way to the creation of new methods for diagnosing, preventing and combating many diseases, and will expand opportunities in breeding and agriculture.

It is necessary to consolidate the superiority of the domestic mathematical school. This is a strong competitive advantage in the era of the digital economy. International mathematical centers will also become platforms for such work. Today they are already operating in Kazan and Novosibirsk. As part of the decisions made, we will open them in St. Petersburg, Moscow and, additionally, in Sochi.

Russian youth are already proving their leadership both in science and in other areas. Last year, schoolchildren won 38 medals at international competitions. Our teams triumphantly won olympiads in natural sciences and robotics, won the world championship in professional skills, and our students became the strongest in programming for the twelfth time.

Based on the best practices and experience, we need to modernize the vocational education system in a short time, achieve qualitative changes in the training of students, primarily in advanced areas of technological development, create an “applied bachelor’s degree” level for those blue-collar professions that actually require engineering education, as well as organize centers for advanced professional retraining and advanced training for already working citizens.

I also propose to create the most convenient and attractive conditions for talented young people from other countries to come to study at our universities. They are coming. But we need to create conditions so that the best foreign graduates of our universities remain to work in Russia. This fully applies to foreign scientists and qualified specialists.

I believe that it is necessary to seriously improve the procedure for granting citizenship of the Russian Federation. The focus should be on those who the country needs: young, healthy, well-educated people. A simplified system for obtaining citizenship in Russia needs to be created for them.

Dear Colleagues!

In order to ensure breakthrough development, bring education and healthcare, the quality of the urban environment and infrastructure to a new level, in the next six years we will need to allocate significant additional financial resources for these purposes.

Question: due to what? How are you planning to find these funds? First of all, we need to clearly set priorities and increase the efficiency of government spending. More energetically attract private resources to finance large projects. Also, the future government will have to create new tax conditions as quickly as possible. They must be stable and fixed for the coming years.

Let me emphasize that we need fiscal decisions that will ensure the replenishment of budgets at all levels, as well as the fulfillment of all social obligations, and at the same time will not restrain, but stimulate economic growth. It is the building up of the economic potential of the country and each region that is the main source of additional resources. To do this, we need an economy with growth rates above the world's. Not an easy task. But this is not a good wish, but a basic condition for a breakthrough in solving social, infrastructure, defense and other problems. Achieving such growth rates should be a key target for the new government.

In recent years, we have strengthened the stability of the national economy. The dependence of the economy and budget on fluctuations in energy prices has significantly decreased. We have increased the volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves. Inflation has dropped to a record low level, a little more than two percent. Of course, you and I understand that for a number of essential goods, price increases remain significantly higher. This needs to be closely monitored and closely monitored, including by the antimonopoly service. But in general, such a low level of inflation provides additional opportunities for development. Let me remind you that back in 2015, quite recently, inflation was almost 13 percent - 12.9 percent.

In Russia today, in fact, a new macroeconomic reality has been formed, with low inflation and overall economic stability. For citizens, this is a condition for increasing real incomes and reducing the cost of mortgages. For business - predictability in work and cheaper credit. Business must also adapt and get used to these new macroeconomic conditions. And finally, it allows you to attract long borrowed funds and private investment in large-scale infrastructure projects.

Now we have the opportunity, without accelerating inflation and maintaining a very careful, responsible approach, to gradually reduce interest rates and increase the availability of credit. I count here on the support of the Bank of Russia, that when making its decisions, implementing monetary policy measures, developing financial markets, it will work in contact with the government in the interests of a common goal - creating conditions for increasing the rate of economic growth.

To further change the structure of the national economy and increase its competitiveness, it is necessary to use sources of growth at a fundamentally different level. Where are they? First of all, increase labor productivity on a new technological, managerial and personnel basis. In this indicator, we are still noticeably behind.

It is necessary to ensure that labor productivity in medium and large enterprises in basic industries (industry, construction, transport, agriculture and trade) grows at a rate of at least 5 percent per year, which will allow it to reach the level of the world's leading economies by the end of the next decade.

I want to emphasize that increasing labor productivity also means increasing wages, and therefore consumer demand. This, in turn, is an additional driver for economic development.

All our actions should push companies to produce technically complex products and to introduce more efficient technologies. It is necessary to take an inventory of subsidies and other instruments of direct support for industries, and aim them at creating competitive goods.

The second source of growth is increased investment. We have already set the goal of bringing them to 25 percent of GDP, and then to 27 percent. The problem, unfortunately, has not yet been solved. To ensure sustainable growth, we need to do this, do it at all costs. I hope that the new Government, together with the Bank of Russia, will present a specific action plan in this area.

Investments should go primarily to the modernization and technological re-equipment of production and industrial renewal. We need to ensure the highest dynamics here, to reach a level where, on average, every second enterprise makes technological changes during the year. Then the renewal of the economy and industry will be noticeable.

One of the key problems that worries entrepreneurs is the difficulty of gaining access to financial resources. The government is currently implementing a program under which small manufacturing businesses can take out loans at an effective interest rate of 6.5 percent. I believe that it must be continued, and most importantly, ensure the real availability of such a support tool.

Within six years, we must practically double the volume of non-resource, non-energy exports to $250 billion, including increasing the supply of mechanical engineering products to $50 billion. Annual exports of services, including education, medicine, tourism, and transport, should increase to $100 billion.

Back in the early 2000s, we were seriously dependent on imported food supplies. The situation has changed dramatically. Now we have to take the next step. In just four years, we plan to supply more food to world markets than we import into the country. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the export of meat products and high value-added goods, as well as increase the country’s self-sufficiency in beef, milk, and vegetables.

I want to emphasize: the development of the agro-industrial complex is, of course, largely connected with large-scale commodity production, but this should not be to the detriment of the interests of small farms and the people who work in them. We must support family businesses, farmers. We will develop agricultural cooperation and create conditions for income growth for residents of rural areas. Here and there, we see, I know this, some problems break out related to the interests of people and the fact that these interests are affected. We need to be very careful about this.

Nevertheless, I would like to once again thank the agricultural workers for the record [grain] harvest in the entire history of the country - 134 million tons. Note that this is more than the record harvest in the Soviet Union. The previous achievement was recorded in 1978 - 127.4 million tons. Now we regularly reach harvests of 100 million tons.

It is clear that such a high yield also has a downside. Prices have dropped, and problems with storage and transportation have arisen. To support our producers, until July 1, 2018, preferential tariffs are provided for grain transportation by rail.

It is necessary to work out the extension of this measure, necessarily, for the next grain seasons, as well as to provide for additional purchases in the regions of the Urals and Siberia, remote from the ports, and in general help those who are ready and want to engage in processing locally. The added value needs to be increased. And then further go into livestock farming with this product. We will definitely discuss these and other questions raised by agricultural workers at the upcoming forum of agricultural producers in March and, based on the results, we will formulate additional measures to support the industry.

Dear Colleagues!

In order for the economy to work at full strength, we need to radically improve the business climate and ensure the highest level of entrepreneurial freedom and competition.

I would like to outline a principled position here. The state's share in the economy should gradually decline. In this regard, I would like to note that recently, as a result of the rehabilitation of the banking system (and this is a very correct process, I support it), a number of financial assets have come under state control. But they need to be vigorously brought to market and sold.

Everything that allows unscrupulous, corrupt government officials and law enforcement officials to put pressure on business should be removed. The Criminal Code must cease to be a tool for resolving economic conflicts between legal entities. Such disputes need to be transferred to the administrative and arbitration plane.

I ask the working group on monitoring and analysis of law enforcement practice in the field of entrepreneurship with the participation of the Supreme Court, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, and representatives of the business community to prepare specific proposals in this regard. Such issues cannot be resolved at the end of the day. But they definitely need to be considered, submitted for decision and resolved. This needs to be done as quickly as possible.

At the same time, on the contrary, the norms of criminal law must act strictly in relation to crimes against the interests of citizens, society, and economic freedoms. This is an encroachment on the property and funds of citizens, raider attacks, violation of competition, tax evasion and theft of budget funds.

Another important topic. The number of various types of inspections formally seems to be decreasing, but during meetings with businesses we hear that fundamental changes have not yet occurred. It is necessary to ensure that the appearance of controllers at enterprises becomes an exception. This is only justified at sites with increased risk. In other cases, remote control methods should be used. Within two years, it is necessary to transfer the entire control and supervision system to a risk-based approach. Let me remind you, the legislative framework formed for this purpose.

It is important to support aspiring entrepreneurs, to help people take the first step so that they can open their own business with just one click, make mandatory payments, receive services and loans remotely, via the Internet.

Individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens who use such digital services should be exempted from reporting altogether, and tax payment should be made a simple, automatic transaction for them. As for entrepreneurs who use cash register equipment, they tax reporting needs to be simplified. You know, this is all such a routine, at first glance, but this routine does not allow us to move forward energetically. Everything must be done to clear this space. I will add that the active implementation of digital technologies and platforms will allow us to consistently move towards increasing transparency and whitewashing the economy.

I would now like to appeal to all representatives of Russian business, to those who run their own small business, family enterprise, farm, manage an innovative company, large industrial enterprise. I know, I know, we still have a lot to do. And, I assure you, we will do everything to ensure that our entrepreneurs have new opportunities to expand production, to open companies, to create modern jobs. But at the same time, I expect that Russian business will increase its contribution to the breakthrough development of the country, and respect for entrepreneurial work in society will grow. It is very important.

Dear Colleagues! We need not only to build modern services for business, but also in general to make the system of interaction between the state and society, between the state and the citizen clear, convenient and comfortable.

We have already deployed a network of multifunctional centers. A person anywhere in the country can now receive government services on a one-stop-shop basis. Let me remind you that it was special program. We developed and implemented it.

We need to move forward, within six years to ensure the provision of almost all government services in real time, using remote services. Also, document flow between government agencies needs to be digitized, which is important both for the government agencies themselves and for citizens, so as not to have to run around the Internet and search. It will be possible to get everything in one place. I will add that digitalization of the entire public administration system and increasing its transparency is also a powerful factor in combating corruption.

Officials at all levels should be interested in increasing their efficiency and be strictly focused on obtaining a specific result. By the way, we talk about corruption and officials all the time. I must say and I have no right not to say this: the vast majority of people who work in the management system are honest, decent and results-oriented people. But what I said will help everyone, including those who work in the government apparatus and citizens who use government services. It is in this logic that the entire system needs to be rebuilt civil service, where appropriate, introduce project-based work methods.

Of course, it is necessary to ensure the promotion of modern professional personnel in the state and municipal services, in business, in economics, science, in production, in all areas.

As you know, the first “Leaders of Russia” competition has already taken place, and a number of other projects are being implemented to support young workers, entrepreneurs, innovators, volunteers, schoolchildren and students. They have already united hundreds of thousands of young people from all regions and have become an important step in their lives and professional careers.

I want to emphasize: for everyone who wants to work, prove themselves, is ready to honestly serve the Fatherland and the people, and achieve success, Russia will always be a country of opportunities. This is the key to our successful development and confident movement forward.

All the projects and priorities that I spoke about today: spatial development, investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare and the environment, new technologies and science, measures to support the economy, promoting talent, youth - all this is designed to work towards one strategic goal - breakthrough development Russia.

At the same time, of course, we cannot forget about the reliable provision of its security.

Dear Colleagues!

The Syrian operation showed the increased capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces. In recent years, a huge amount of work has been done to strengthen the army and navy. The equipment of the Armed Forces with modern weapons has increased 3.7 times. More than 300 new types of military equipment have been put into service. The strategic nuclear forces received 80 new intercontinental ballistic missiles, 102 ballistic missile submarines, and 3 Borei strategic missile submarines. 12 missile regiments have been re-equipped with the new Yars missile system. The number of carriers of long-range precision weapons has increased by more than 12 times, and high-precision cruise missiles by more than 30 times. The power of the forces has increased significantly general purpose, Aerospace Forces and Navy.

The whole country and the whole world now know the names of our newest aircraft, submarines, air defense systems, sea-, air- and land-based missile systems. All these are the latest, high-tech weapons of the last time. A continuous radar field of a missile attack warning system has been created along the perimeter of Russia’s borders (very important!). After the collapse of the USSR, huge “holes” appeared. Everything has been restored.

A qualitative breakthrough has been made in the development of unmanned aircraft, the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation has been created, and an operational command for the far sea zone has been formed. The number of contract servicemen has increased by 2.4 times, the strength of the Armed Forces has been increased from 70 percent to 95-100 percent, and the long-term waiting list for permanent housing has been eliminated. The waiting period has been reduced by 6 times.

Now about the main thing in this part, in the “Defense” section.

We will talk about the latest Russian strategic weapons systems, which we are creating in response to the unilateral withdrawal of the United States of America from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the practical deployment of this system both on the territory of the United States and beyond its national borders.

Back in 2000, the United States raised the issue of the United States withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Russia was categorically against it. We proceeded from the fact that the Soviet-American ABM Treaty of 1972 was the cornerstone of the international security system. According to this agreement, each side had the right to deploy on its territory only one area that protected it from a missile attack. In Russia, such a system was deployed around Moscow, in the United States - around the Grand Forks ground-based missile base.

Along with the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Nuclear Offensive Arms, this agreement not only created a certain atmosphere of trust, but also guaranteed against the thoughtless use of one of the parties, dangerous for all mankind. nuclear weapons, since the limitations of missile defense systems made the potential aggressor vulnerable to a retaliatory strike.

We spent a long time trying to persuade the Americans not to destroy the ABM Treaty and not to upset the strategic balance. Everything is in vain. In 2002, the US unilaterally left this agreement. But even after that, we tried for a long time to establish a constructive dialogue with them. They proposed to establish joint work in this area to alleviate concerns and maintain an atmosphere of trust. At some point it seemed to me that a compromise could be found, but no. All our proposals, precisely all our proposals, were rejected. We stated then that we would be forced to improve modern strike systems to ensure our own security. In response, we were told: “The United States is creating a global missile defense system not against you, not against Russia, but you do what you want. We will proceed from the fact that it is not against us, not against the United States.”

Where this position came from is generally clear. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia, which in Soviet times was called the Soviet Union - it was called that way abroad, Soviet Russia - if we talk about our national borders, lost 23.8 percent of the territory, 48.5 percent of the population, 41 percent of the gross social product , 39.4 percent of industrial potential (I pay attention, almost half), 44.6 percent of military potential in connection with the division of the Armed Forces of the USSR between the former union republics. The equipment in the Russian army was outdated, the Armed Forces themselves were, frankly speaking, in a deplorable state. Was in the Caucasus Civil War, and American inspectors were at our leading uranium enrichment enterprises.

The question at one time was not even whether we could develop a strategic weapons system; some wondered whether our country was even able to safely maintain and maintain the nuclear weapons that we inherited after the collapse of the USSR. Russia was completely in debt; without loans from the IMF and the World Bank, the economy did not work, and it was impossible to maintain the social sphere.

Apparently, our partners have a strong opinion that the revival of the economy, industry, military-industrial complex and Armed Forces of our country to a level that provides the necessary strategic potential is impossible in the foreseeable historical future. And if this is so, then there is no point in taking into account Russia’s opinion; you need to go further and achieve a final unilateral military advantage, and then dictate your terms in all other areas.

In principle, such a position, such logic, based on the realities of that time, can be understood; we ourselves are to blame for this. All these years, all 15 years after the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, we persistently tried to return the Americans to a serious discussion and reach agreements in the field of strategic stability.

We managed to do something. In 2010, the START III Treaty was signed between Russia and the United States on measures to further reduce and limit strategic offensive weapons. However, with the implementation of plans for the construction of a global missile defense system, which continues now, all agreements within the framework of START III are gradually devalued, because with the reduction of carriers and warheads, simultaneously and uncontrollably by one of the parties, namely the United States, the number of interceptor missiles increases and their quality improves characteristics, new position areas are being created, which ultimately, if we do nothing, will lead to a complete devaluation of the Russian nuclear potential. Well, it will just be completely intercepted, that’s all.

Despite our numerous protests and appeals, the American machine started working, the assembly line started moving. Missile defense systems are already operational in Alaska and California; as a result of NATO expansion to the east, two missile defense areas appeared in Eastern Europe: it has already been created in Romania, deployment is being completed in Poland. The range of the interceptor missiles used will increase, and it is planned to deploy them in Japan and South Korea. The US global missile defense system also includes a naval group - five cruisers and 30 destroyers, as far as we know, deployed in areas in close proximity to Russian territory. I am not exaggerating anything here; work is still in full swing today.

What have we done besides protests and warnings? How did Russia respond to this challenge? Here's what.

All these years after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the ABM Treaty, we have been working hard on advanced equipment and weapons. This allowed us to take a rapid, big step in creating new types of strategic weapons.

Let me remind you that the US global missile defense system is being created mainly to combat strategic missiles flying along a ballistic trajectory. These weapons form the basis of our Nuclear Deterrence Force. Just like, indeed, other states of the “nuclear club”.

In this regard, Russia has developed and is constantly improving very modestly priced, but in highest degree effective missile defense penetration systems that are equipped on all our intercontinental ballistic missile systems.

In addition, we have begun developing a new generation of rockets. In particular, at present, the Ministry of Defense, together with enterprises of the rocket and space industry, has begun the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it "Sarmat".

This missile system will replace the Voevoda complex, created back in the Soviet Union. Everyone has always recognized his high combat power. Our foreign colleagues, as you know, even gave it a very threatening name.

But the capabilities of the Sarmat missile are much higher. Weighing over 200 tons, it has a short active flight segment, which makes it difficult to intercept by missile defense systems. The range of the new heavy missile, the number and power of warheads is greater than that of the Voevoda. Sarmat will be equipped with a wide range of high-power nuclear weapons, including hypersonic ones, and the most modern missile defense penetration systems. High security characteristics of launchers and high energy capabilities will ensure the use of this complex in any environmental conditions.

Show the video, please. (A video is shown.)

The Voevoda has a range of 11 thousand kilometers; the new system has virtually no range restrictions.

As can be seen from the video materials, it is capable of attacking targets through both the North and South Pole. "Sarmat" is a very formidable weapon; due to its characteristics, no missile defense system, even promising ones, is a hindrance to it.

But we didn't stop there. We have begun to develop new types of strategic weapons that do not use ballistic flight trajectories at all when moving towards a target, which means that missile defense systems are useless and simply pointless in the fight against them.

Russia's promising weapons systems are based on the latest unique achievements of our scientists, designers, and engineers. One of them is the creation of a small-sized, super-powerful nuclear power plant, which is placed in the body of a cruise missile such as our newest air-launched X-101 missile or the American Tomahawk, but at the same time provides tens of times - tens of times! - long flight range, which is practically unlimited. Low-flying stealth cruise missile carrying a nuclear combat unit, with a practically unlimited range, unpredictable flight path and the ability to bypass interception lines, is invulnerable to all existing and future systems of both missile defense and air defense. I will say these words more than once today.

At the end of 2017, the latest Russian cruise missile with a nuclear power plant was successfully launched at the Central Test Site of the Russian Federation. During the flight, the power plant reached the specified power and provided the required level of thrust.

The completed missile launch and a series of ground tests make it possible to move on to the creation of a fundamentally new type of weapon - a strategic nuclear weapons complex with a missile equipped with a nuclear power plant.

A bypass of the defense lines is shown. Since the range is not limited, she can maneuver for as long as she likes.

As you understand, no one in the world has anything like it yet. Someday it will probably appear, but during this time our guys will come up with something else.

Further. It is well known that unmanned weapons systems are being actively designed and created around the world. I can say that Russia has developed unmanned underwater vehicles capable of moving at great depths (you know, I would say at very great depths) and at intercontinental ranges at speeds many times higher than the speed of submarines, the most modern torpedoes and all types, even the most high-speed surface ships. This is simply fantastic. They have low noise, high maneuverability and are practically invulnerable to the enemy. There are simply no means in the world today that can resist them.

Unmanned underwater vehicles can be equipped with both conventional and nuclear weapons. This will allow them to hit a wide range of targets, including aircraft carrier groups, coastal fortifications and infrastructure.

In December 2017, a multi-year test cycle of an innovative nuclear power plant to equip this autonomous uninhabited vehicle was fully completed. The nuclear installation has uniquely small dimensions and at the same time an ultra-high power supply. With a volume one hundred times smaller than that of modern nuclear submarine installations, it has greater power and 200 times less time to reach combat mode, that is, to maximum power.

The results of the tests gave us the opportunity to begin creating a fundamentally new type of strategic weapon equipped with high-power nuclear weapons. Video please. (A video is shown.)

By the way, the code names for these two new types of Russian strategic weapons - a global-range cruise missile and an unmanned underwater vehicle - have not yet been chosen. We are waiting for proposals on the websites of the Ministry of Defense.

It is well known that countries with a high level of scientific potential and advanced technologies are actively developing so-called hypersonic weapons. Supersonic speed is measured, as is known, by swings in honor of the Austrian scientist Ernst Mach, who was engaged in research in this area. One swing - 1062 kilometers per hour at an altitude of 11 kilometers. One speed of sound is one mach, from one to five is supersonic, from five and more is hypersonic. Possessing such weapons certainly provides serious advantages in the field of armed struggle. Its power and might, as military experts say, can be enormous, and its speed makes it invulnerable to today’s missile defense and air defense systems, since anti-missiles, to put it simply, simply cannot catch up with them. In this regard, it is clear why the leading armies of the world strive to possess such ideal weapons for today.

Dear friends! Russia has such weapons. Has already.

The most important stage of modern weapons systems was the creation of a high-precision hypersonic aircraft-missile system, which, as you probably already understood, has no analogues in the world. Its tests have been successfully completed, and, moreover, since December 1 last year, the complex began to carry out experimental combat duty at the airfields of the Southern Military District.

The unique flight characteristics of the high-speed carrier aircraft make it possible to deliver the missile to the release point in a matter of minutes. At the same time, a missile flying at hypersonic speed, ten times the speed of sound, also maneuvers in all parts of the flight path, which allows it to also be guaranteed to overcome all existing and, I think, promising air defense and missile defense systems, delivering to the target at range of more than two thousand kilometers nuclear and conventional warheads. We called this system "Dagger".

Video please. (A video is shown.)

But that’s not all I’ll say today.

A real technological breakthrough is the creation of a promising strategic missile system with fundamentally new combat equipment - a glide wing unit, the testing of which has also been successfully completed. I will repeat once again that we have repeatedly told our American and European partners - NATO members that we will take the necessary measures to neutralize the threats that arise for us in connection with the deployment of the US global missile defense system. They talked about this during negotiations and even publicly. Back in 2004, after the exercises of the strategic nuclear forces, during which the system I am talking about was tested for the first time, I said at a meeting with the press. It’s awkward to quote myself, but it’s just appropriate today. So, it was said: “In the conditions of qualitative and quantitative growth in the military potential of other states, Russia needs a breakthrough to have weapons and equipment of a new generation. In this regard, I can inform you with satisfaction that as a result of the experiments carried out during these exercises , experiments that ended positively, we were finally convinced and confirmed that in the near future, the latest technical complexes will be supplied to the Russian army and strategic missile forces, which are able to hit targets at intercontinental depths with hypersonic speed and high accuracy, with the possibility of deep maneuver as "altitude and heading. I must say that in what was just said, every word matters. No country in the world currently has such weapons systems." End of quote.

Of course, every word matters, because we were talking specifically about the possibility of bypassing interception lines. Why did we do all this? Why did we say this? As you can see, we did not make any secret of our plans, but spoke about it openly and in order, first of all, to encourage our partners to negotiate. I repeat, this was 2004. It’s even surprising, but despite all the problems that we faced in the economy, in finance, in the defense industry, in the army, Russia still remained and remains the largest nuclear power. No, no one really wanted to talk to us, no one listened to us. Listen now.

So, this system differs from existing types of combat equipment in its ability to fly in dense layers of the atmosphere at an intercontinental range at hypersonic speeds exceeding the Mach number by more than 20 times.

For obvious reasons, we cannot show today the true appearance, the true appearance of this product. Even this has significance today, serious significance. I think everyone understands this. But I assure you, all this is available and works well. Moreover, Russian industrial enterprises have begun serial production of this system - this is another new type of Russian strategic weapon. We called it "Vanguard".

Thus, significant results have been achieved in the creation of laser weapons. And this is no longer just theory or projects, and not even just the start of production. Since last year, the troops have already received combat laser systems.

I don’t want to go into details in this part, it’s just not the time yet. But experts will understand that the presence of such combat systems greatly expands Russia’s capabilities, precisely multiple times, in ensuring its security.

Look short video. (A video is shown.)

For those who are interested military equipment, I would also like to suggest, I would ask them to suggest a name for this new technology, this newest complex.

Of course, we will still be engaged in fine-tuning, developing, and improving our newest weapons systems. And, of course, today I did not talk about all of our achievements and promising developments. But that's enough for today.

I would especially like to emphasize that the samples of new strategic weapons created and being created, in fact, new types of strategic weapons, are not a legacy of the times of the Soviet Union. In the course of our work, we, of course, relied on some ideas of our brilliant predecessors, but everything I said today is the latest developments of recent years, this is the result of the efforts of dozens, dozens scientific organizations, design bureaus, institutes. Thousands, namely thousands of our specialists, wonderful scientists, designers, engineers, talented workers passionate about their work, have been working on this quietly, modestly, without any narcissism, with full dedication and for many years. There are a lot of young people among them. All of them are the same as our servicemen who demonstrated in combat conditions best qualities Russian army, all of them are real heroes of our time. I would like to now turn to each of them and say: of course, there will be prizes, awards, and honorary titles, but I know, having met many of you personally on numerous occasions, that you do not work for awards. The main thing is to reliably ensure the security of the Fatherland and our people. And as the head Russian state On behalf of the people of Russia, I sincerely thank you for your work and for its results. Our Motherland needs them so much today!

All promising military developments, as I have already said, are based on outstanding achievements, which can, should and will in due time be used in high-tech civilian industries. But what I want to especially note is that such unique, highly complex weapons can be successfully developed and produced only by a state with the highest level of fundamental science and education, a powerful research, technological, industrial, and personnel base. And you see that Russia has all these resources.

We will build up this potential, concentrate these capabilities on solving the large-scale tasks that the country faces in the economy, in social sphere,in infrastructure. And such confident long-term development of Russia will always be reliably protected.

I repeat, each of these weapon systems is unique and important, but what is even more significant is that all this together enables specialists from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff to create a promising, comprehensive system of defense for the country, in which each new instrument of armed struggle has its own role. Along with the strategic weapons that we already have and are already on combat duty, which we are also constantly improving, Russia is receiving a defense system that will reliably ensure its security for the long term.

Of course, there is still a lot to be done in the field of military development, but today we can rightfully say: Russia has a modern, compact, high-tech army, taking into account the vastness of our territory, the heart of which is devoted to its Motherland, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of its people officer corps. Equipment and weapons, even the most modern ones, will sooner or later appear in other armies of the world. This doesn’t bother us at all, we already have it and it will be even better. The main thing is different. They will never have such people, such officers as our guard pilot, Major Roman Filipov!

I hope that everything that was said today will sober up any potential aggressor, and such unfriendly steps towards Russia as the deployment of a missile defense system, bringing NATO infrastructure closer to our borders, and the like, from a military point of view, become ineffective, from a financial point of view. unreasonably expensive and, ultimately, simply meaningless for those who initiate and do it.

We had to inform our partners about everything that was said today, one way or another, in accordance with the international obligations we had previously assumed. At the right time and to the right extent, specialists from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense will discuss these issues with them more than once, if, of course, our partners want this.

For my part, I would like to note that all work to strengthen Russia’s defense capability was and is carried out by us within the framework of existing agreements in the field of arms control, we are not violating anything. I would especially like to emphasize: Russia’s growing military power does not threaten anyone; we have not had and have no plans to use this potential for offensive, much less aggressive purposes.

We are not threatening anyone, we are not going to attack anyone, we are not going to take anything away from anyone at gunpoint: we have everything ourselves. On the contrary, I consider it necessary to emphasize (and this is very important): the growing military power of Russia is a reliable guarantee of peace on our planet, since this power maintains and will maintain the strategic balance and balance of power in the world, which, as is known, has been and remains one of the most important factors of international security after the Second World War and to the present day.

And to those who over the past 15 years have been trying to intensify the arms race, trying to gain unilateral advantages in relation to Russia, introducing restrictions and sanctions that are illegal from an international legal point of view in order to restrain the development of our country, including in the military field, I will say: everything that you tried to prevent, to prevent, by pursuing such a policy, has already happened. It was not possible to contain Russia!

Now we need to realize this reality, make sure that everything I said today is not a bluff - and this is not a bluff, believe me - think, send to a well-deserved rest those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future , stop rocking the boat we're all in, called Planet Earth.

In this regard, I would like to note one more circumstance here. Of great concern are also some provisions of the updated review of US nuclear strategy, which expands the possibilities of reducing and reduces the evil of the use of nuclear weapons. And behind the scenes you can calm anyone down in any way you want, but we read what is written. And it is written in such a way that it can be used in response to attacks with conventional weapons or even to a cyber threat.

Let me note that in our military doctrine, Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons only in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, or in the event of aggression against us using conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened. Everything is very clear, clear, specific.

In this regard, I consider it my duty to state the following. We will consider any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies of low, medium, or any power as a nuclear attack on our country. The answer will be immediate and with all the ensuing consequences.

No one should have any doubts about this. There is no need to create new threats for the world, but, on the contrary, we need to sit down at the negotiating table and think together about an updated, promising system of international security and sustainable development of civilization. We have always told you about this. All these proposals remain in force, Russia is ready for this.

Our policy will never be based on claims to exclusivity; we defend our interests and respect the interests of other countries, are guided by international law, and consider the key role of the UN inviolable. It is these principles and approaches that allow us to build strong, kind and equal relations with the absolute majority of states in the world.

An example of this is our comprehensive strategic partnership with the Chinese People's Republic. Russia has developed a particularly privileged strategic relationship with India. Our relations with many countries of the world are gaining new dynamics.

Russia is actively involved in the work international organizations. Together with our partners, we are developing such associations and structures as the CSTO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, and promoting a positive agenda in the UN, G20, and APEC. We are interested in normal, constructive interaction with the United States and the European Union. We hope that common sense will prevail and our partners will make a choice in favor of fair, equal cooperation. The whole world is now going through a turning point, and the leader will be the one who is ready and capable of change, the one who acts, moves forward. Our country and our people demonstrated such will at all defining historical stages of our development. Over the past almost 30 years, we have achieved changes that took centuries for other countries.

We walked, we walk and we will continue to follow our confident course. We have been and will be together. Our unity is the strongest foundation for further development. In the coming years, we need to further strengthen our unity so that we work as one team that understands that change is necessary and is ready to give our strength, knowledge, experience, and talent to achieve common goals.

Challenges and big tasks fill our lives with special meaning. We need to be bold in our plans, deeds and actions, take initiative, responsibility, become stronger, and therefore benefit our family, children, the whole country, change the world, the life of the country for the better, create the Russia that we dream about together . And then the coming decade, the entire 21st century, will certainly become a time of our bright victories, our common success. I believe it will be so.

Thank you.

Moscow Kremlin

Published 01.12.16 12:37

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly for 2017: Putin remembered the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution, named the meaning of politics in Russia and called on governors “not to be greedy.”

The Russian President's Address to the Federal Assembly this year will be different from previous ones. Topics are not announced in advance. At the same time, the main distinguishing feature of Vladimir Putin’s address will remain: in the words of the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, this is “Putin’s core,” writes

The annual address of the President to the Federal Assembly is a tradition prescribed in the Russian Constitution. In the message, the leader informs parliamentarians about the state of affairs in the country and the main directions intkbbach domestic and foreign policy. The ceremony takes place in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

In addition to deputies of both chambers of the Federal Assembly, members of the government and the State Council, chairmen of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts are present at the announcement of the message. The Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission and Accounts Chamber, representatives of the Public Chamber of Russia, heads of religious denominations.

Vladimir Putin first addressed the Federal Assembly shortly after his election to the highest government post, on July 8, 2000. The message was entitled "Russia. The path to an effective state." The President outlined the main threats to Russian society. The leitmotif of all subsequent messages from the President to the Federal Assembly was increasing Russia's competitiveness in the world.

In the year that has passed before the next presidential address, the attention of the international community, including Russia, has shifted from Ukraine to Syria. There was talk about the sanctions that the West had imposed a year earlier against Russia, and about the fall of the ruble. The head of state also noted the rapid development of civil society in the country. The contents of the 13th Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly are traditionally not disclosed. However, experts, as usual, are trying to predict it - based on what topics Vladimir Putin raised at recent important meetings. Political scientists are confident that in the “international” part, attention will be paid to the situation in Syria and the work of Russian media abroad.

The media found that on average, Vladimir Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly took 61.5 minutes. Dmitry Medvedev spoke before the Federal Assembly only four times, but for an average of 80.5 minutes.

Text broadcasts of the message are carried out by TASS, Life,, RBC and other media.

Putin remembered the centenary of the February revolution and promised to continue the course towards democracy

At the beginning of his speech, the president drew attention to the patriotic values ​​around which Russian citizens united.

“But not because they are happy with everything, that everything suits them. There are enough difficulties and problems,” added Vladimir Putin, noting that any injustice and untruth are perceived very sharply in society.

Putin also said that the course towards democracy will continue. Putin stressed that the state will react harshly to vandalism and violations of the law.

The President recalled that the coming 2017 is the year of the centenary of revolutions. In the year of the centenary of the revolutions of 1917, an honest analysis of these events is necessary, the head of state added.

He emphasized that “the lessons of history are needed for reconciliation” and that “the split of the past cannot be dragged into today’s life.”

“It is of concern that even in prosperous countries, more and more internal conflicts are arising: on religious, national or social grounds. Conflicts are especially acute against the backdrop of growing problems caused by migration,” the president said.

The president also expressed concern about the growth of internal conflicts in prosperous countries based on religious, national and social differences.

“Conflicts are especially acute against the backdrop of growing problems caused by migration,” Putin added.

Putin called the meaning of politics in Russia

Vladimir Putin said that the meaning of politics in Russia is to save people. The President pointed out that the percentage of child and infant mortality is falling. He greatly praises the achievements of high-tech assistance. But there are also problems, queues, low qualifications, Putin admits.

He promised to use information technology to control the drug market in order to connect clinics and hospitals to high-speed Internet without counterfeit goods. In 2017, 3.3 billion rubles will be allocated for the purchase of aviation services for air ambulances. The audience greeted this phrase with applause.

“To give knowledge and educate a moral person,” the president defined the key task of Russian education in a quote from Academician Likhachev. According to him, studying alone is not enough; “creativity” must be developed at school.

In addition, he emphasized that children should study in comfortable conditions, in modern schools. “There should be no schools in a dilapidated state,” Putin said.

Putin asked governors “not to be greedy”

Putin asked the governors “not to be greedy” and not to deprive NGOs of priorities in favor of “state-owned structures.” He addressed “many of those present” with a proposal to “not stay in their offices.” It hints that when choosing improvement programs, officials need to pay attention to the opinions of residents - here the ONF will have a special role.

In 2017, 20 billion rubles will be allocated to the regions for improvement, including single-industry towns, the president said.

The president moved from urban improvement to the topic of ecology. In particular, he calls for improving environmental legislation in the year of ecology.

Putin noted that construction Crimean Bridge is on schedule.

Putin promised inflation no higher than 6% in 2016

Half an hour after the start of the speech, the external agenda was finally announced - the president spoke about sanctions. However, he immediately moved on to developing the economy. According to the president, the main reasons for the economic slowdown lie in our internal problems. According to the president, the decline in the Russian economy in 2016 will be 0.3%.

At the same time, the president noted a slight decline in the auto industry in terms of production passenger cars, but increased production of trucks and buses.

Putin said that the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank have increased, and annual inflation will be below 6%. The President recalled that the lowest inflation was in 2011 - 6.1%. And the current figure is expected to be 5.8%.

Putin: agricultural exports gave Russia more than arms sales

Revenues from agricultural exports exceeded state revenues from arms sales, Putin said. Exports of agricultural products in 2016 will amount to $16.9 billion.

Putin said that the share of civilian products in the defense industry should be increased from 16% to 50% in 2030.

The President paid special attention to the development of the IT industry, although he is pleased with the pace of its growth. The introduced benefits for the IT sector played a significant role, says Putin. To maintain momentum, he proposes to extend benefits until 2023.

Putin proposed to “tweak” the tax system

One of the main problems of the world economy is protectionism, says Putin, recalling the results of the last meeting in Peru. “What is needed is not abstract scenarios, but a professional development forecast.” Instructs the government, no later than May 2017, to develop a substantive action plan that will allow it to achieve economic growth rates above world ones, and therefore strengthen Russia’s position in the world economy. Putin emphasizes that this, of course, cannot be done without the help of business.

The President proposes to consider proposals for setting up the tax system. “We need to prepare and adopt all the necessary amendments to the tax code in 2018,” Putin said.

The president promises amendments to the tax code from January 1, 2019. The wording of tax increases was not mentioned.

During 2017, it is necessary to clearly define the status of self-employed citizens in order to allow them to work in peace, Putin said. Speaking about the situation with small and medium-sized businesses, the President emphasized the need to radically increase the transparency of control and supervisory authorities.

Putin: “the fight against corruption is not a show”

Regarding the fight against corruption, the President emphasized that the vast majority of civil servants are honest and decent people working for the good of the country.

Putin is against the fact that law enforcement agencies make information noise about high-profile cases.

“The fight against corruption is not a show,” he said.

“Everyone who works honestly should feel that the state is on his side,” the president is confident. Justice lies in creating working conditions.

Putin encouraged the revocation of CBR licenses

The President emphasized that only stable banks can develop lending to the economy. He noted the decisive actions of the Central Bank to cleanse and improve the banking sector.

“It is very important to support lending to small businesses, which continues to fall,” Putin said. He also called for the development of the non-banking financial sector, through which it is possible to attract funds from ordinary citizens and investors in bonds, shares and other financial instruments.

Putin spoke about terrorism and Russia's friends

Putin spoke about external threats: “Everyone is already quite tired of custom-made information campaigns and mentor teachings. If necessary, we ourselves can teach someone. But we are ready to participate in solving world problems. We don't want confrontation. We don't need it. We are not and never have been looking for enemies. We need friends, but we will not allow interests to be infringed. We will build our own future without the help of others. But we are committed to dialogue.”

The President also recalled the doping scandal. Promises a new anti-doping program by early next year.

An example of world order relations, Putin believes, is the relationship between Russia and China. Everything is fine there. Not like with Western colleagues. We are also friends with Japan and India. But as for relations with America, Putin hopes for a new administration.

Let's move on to international terrorism. Putin dwelled briefly on the actions of the Russian military in Syria, saying that the Russian army and navy have proven the possibility of successful work away from permanent locations.

“It has not been easy for us in recent years, but these trials have made us stronger. They have helped us identify the paths that we should follow more persistently,” Putin said.

With this, Vladimir Putin concluded his message. This time it lasted 1 hour 8 minutes.

In order to implement the Address of the President of the Russian Federation and anti-crisis measures of the Government of the Russian Federation, it is planned to carry out a number of measures aimed at stimulating the activities of small and medium-sized businesses. This includes:

exemption from personal income tax for the period until December 31, 2018, on income from the activities of individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs providing certain types of services to individuals (for example, cleaning, housekeeping, tutoring, supervision and care for children, the sick and the elderly);

granting the right to reduce the amount of UTII for the costs of acquiring a cash register, which ensures the transfer of fiscal documents to the tax authorities;

stimulating the development of new deposits and rational use of subsoil through the introduction of a new taxation system (NTS) for pilot facilities, including both new and mature deposits;

exemption from taxation of coupon income on bonds.

In order to ensure the balance of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is proposed to: change the existing ratio of corporate income tax rates between federal budget and the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; limit the carryover of losses received by taxpayers in previous tax periods.

As part of improving the VAT taxation procedure, it is proposed to implement a mechanism for the return to foreign individuals of part of the VAT amounts paid by them when purchasing goods during a temporary stay in the Russian Federation, as well as to make changes to the legislation on taxes and fees aimed at collecting starting from 2018 - 2019 Russian Federation VAT on imported goods sold by foreign suppliers to Russian individuals using Internet platforms.

In the period 2017 - 2019, a significant increase in excise tax rates is planned (including a 2-fold increase in excise tax rates on wines (with the exception of sparkling wines (champagnes), fruit wines, etc.). It is proposed to include " e-Sigs"(disposable nicotine delivery systems). Excise tax rates on all types of tobacco products, established for 2017, are expected to increase by 10 percent, and excise tax rates for 2018 and 2019 will be indexed by 10 percent compared to the previous year.

For class 5 motor gasoline, the excise tax rate for 2017 is proposed to be set at 10,130 rubles per 1 ton, for 2018 - 10,637 rubles per 1 ton, for 2019 - 11,062 rubles per 1 ton.

It is planned to clarify the taxation procedure natural resources(MET). Including an increase in the tax burden on the oil and gas industry in the period 2017 - 2019. by clarifying the procedure for calculating the mineral extraction tax rate for oil.

The issue of legislative consolidation of the obligation to pay property tax for individuals in relation to capital construction projects registered in the cadastral register, the rights to which are not registered in the cadastral register, is being considered. in the prescribed manner, for the owners of the land plots on which the specified objects are located.

Measures aimed at improving tax administration (in particular, it is planned to increase the amount of penalties) and optimizing existing tax benefits are also being considered.