The wallpaper is beige with a black pattern. Beige wallpaper – the sophistication of a modern interior. Beige wallpaper in the interior

Beige color is an ideal basis for interior experiments, because it is versatile and well compatible. The variety of shades and textures of the bodily palette conceals the sea various solutions, capable of taking design to a new level.

A little about color

Beige tones are classic and natural, therefore they have a positive effect on human psychology. This color is characterized by calm, warmth, tranquility, regularity, stability and harmony.

When used in the interior, beige has undeniable advantages:

  • Versatility;
  • Basicity;
  • Combination with the entire color spectrum;
  • Visual increase in space;
  • Adding light to the room;
  • An abundance of shades and textures;
  • Stimulation of mental activity, calming, no irritating effect on the nervous system;

Ideal combinations

Beige wallpaper amazes with its versatility: noble caramel, enchanting creme brulee, playful pearls, mysterious sand and much more. Each shade brings its own mood to the environment, especially when combined with other colors.

The entire palette, from wheat to ivory, pairs perfectly with pastels and dark warm tones and acts as a backdrop for richer colored furnishings.

A room in creamy white tones looks harmonious with the use of dark green shades in furniture, paintings and textiles. metal surfaces. This solution is especially relevant for the kitchen and bathroom.

Beige-brown wallpaper is classic version and bring conservatism, restraint and elegance to the room. Against such a background, it is permissible to use any accents: bright prints, contrasting furniture and accessories.

The following combinations are also winning:

  • Caramel + yellow + sea wave;
  • Biscuit + gray + metallic;
  • Beige + white + wood;
  • Opal + black + gold;

Beige wallpaper with a print also looks interesting in the interior. Refined silver patterns look expensive and luxurious against a warm pastel background, rustic comfort add muted red floral patterns, and geometric pearl lines give off respectability and formality.

In general, the versatility of nude allows you to combine it with any colors. The main thing is to maintain balance and be sure to add contrasting and intense accents.

Room solutions

The use of beige directly depends on the purpose of the room. In living rooms, caramel decoration is a win-win classic, giving the space comfort and sophistication. This color scheme will be optimal for eco-style, modern, high-tech, minimalism and rustic.

In small areas, it is recommended to give preference to light and light shades, slightly noticeable textures, soft upholstery, simple ornamentation, white ceiling and wooden flooring. In the spacious rooms any options are possible.

A solid design is selected for the kitchen to maximize the space. For these purposes they are also used bright hues, with the emphasis being on the headset or wooden furniture. Large rooms can feature brown and black furniture, complemented by gray curtains and dark appliances.

In the bedroom, double wall decoration is popular: a combination of white wallpaper on three sides and a central plane occupied by beige wallpaper with an unusual pattern. More often, contrasting colors of the same color scheme are chosen for such rooms, making gold or gray accents on pillows, paintings and blankets.

Selecting curtains

The sophistication of pearl walls can be emphasized by harmoniously selected curtains, which are selected for a cream interior according to special rules.

Firstly, curtain rods are chosen to be as neutral and simple as possible. Secondly, it is recommended to purchase the canvases themselves in a similar color scheme, but of a different tone, which will prevent them from merging into one plane. Moreover, if there is an ornament or pattern on the walls, curtains, on the contrary, should not have a pattern and vice versa.

Thirdly, you need to remember about the optimal combinations: warm tones can be combined with red, yellow, brown and gold, while cold tones look better with shades of blue, steel, purple and black.

Rules for using beige

Before you build your interior in flesh tones, you need to familiarize yourself with some tips and recommendations for using color:

  • You shouldn’t fill all the space with monochrome beige;
  • A combination of only cream shades is allowed, which must be the most contrasting colors;
  • The optimal formula: light walls, bright furniture and dark floors;
  • You can complement beige wallpaper with any other wallpaper: both neutral white and accented red or burgundy wallpaper are suitable;
  • Lighting is of great importance, it can change the atmosphere from mysterious and mystical to festive and solemn;
  • Curtains for beige wallpaper are selected in neutral and warm colors: gray, yellow, gold, white;

Look at the photos of beige wallpaper below and appreciate the diversity of existing ones. design ideas. Neutral and boring at first glance, caramel or sand, with certain accents, can sparkle with incredible colors and enrich the interior with an amazing atmosphere.

Photo of beige wallpaper

When planning the interior of a room, first of all think about the location that is convenient for you. functional zones; selection of colors and shades, materials for floors, walls, furniture, curtains, accessories.

You need to think through the interior of the room down to the smallest detail.

The listed aspects are interconnected: for example, for the recreation area, living room and kitchen it is better to use different color combinations and, therefore, materials and decorations are also selected individually for each of the listed examples. This also applies to furniture and curtains. However, the interior of your home should remain cohesive, which requires following one style. You can use a unifying color.

Beige goes well with almost any color, including different combinations achieving dissimilar effects. Therefore, it is a good idea to use beige wallpaper for the walls.

Beige goes well with other colors

Features of combining beige with different shades

Warm colors

  • Gold color in combination with beige is perfect for rooms with good insolation, creating a space that claims to be a palace luxury. This color is characteristic of the Baroque style.
  • Brown and beige are a discreet combination that creates a cozy environment, characteristic of Art Deco and some modern solutions.
  • Combined with beige, red is present in avant-garde modern interiors, characterized by boldness and aggressiveness.
  • In combination with beige color shades of light green create a warm, cheerful atmosphere, which modern designers often use when introducing light green curtains, tablecloths, and bedspreads into the project.

A combination of gold and beige will look very good

Cool tones

  • Shades of blue give a feeling of lightness. Together in beige they are often used in romantic and classic styles.
  • In the company of beige shades, active Blue colour creates a cold and oppressive environment characteristic of the avant-garde.

The combination of beige and blue will look great in the interior

Achromatic colors

  • With beige, black creates a very dynamic and expressive result, characteristic of Art Deco and modernity.
  • White and beige are a nuanced union, built on a delicate play of shades.
  • The combination of beige and gray begins to work well only with the use of some other elements of an active shade, such as red curtains or a blue carpet.

Beige color goes well with white

Choosing beige wallpaper for the kitchen

The difficulty in choosing wallpaper in this case lies in the fact that the kitchen requires difficult operating conditions, including for wall decoration. The beige wallpaper used here must have increased moisture resistance, strength and durability. A comparison of different types of wallpaper according to the listed parameters is presented in the table.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, pay attention to moisture resistance and durability

Thus, for this type of room it is better to choose non-woven, vinyl or fiberglass wallpaper. True, the latter are relatively expensive and require further painting. Paper wallpaper is significantly cheaper, but in this case it is preferable not to use it. The textile option should be saved for other rooms.

In addition, the kitchen walls should not have a relief pattern, because it will become clogged with dirt. It is preferable to choose beige wallpaper with a smooth surface, at least in the area working area. The lack of prints can be compensated by bright curtains.

Non-woven, vinyl or glass wallpaper is perfect for the kitchen

Choosing beige wallpaper for the bedroom

Other wallpaper characteristics are important here. For example, their soundproofing properties, environmental friendliness, safety for humans. As well as the external expressiveness of the wallpaper, its texture.

As is clear from the table, it is better not to use vinyl wallpaper for bedroom walls, especially if children or allergy sufferers are planned to live there. Textile beige wallpaper will fit perfectly.

Curtains made from expensive heavy fabrics will fit well into the bedroom.

When choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, pay attention to environmental friendliness and sound insulation

Beige walls: color features

As noted above, an important advantage beige walls Their job is to combine the interior of different rooms into a single whole. And also how they combine with other shades, allowing you to achieve interesting effects. For the same purposes, white or black colors, as well as shades of gray, and natural textures like wood are well suited. However, dark-colored walls do not look good in a living room. They visually narrow the room and make it heavier. It is better to take black as an additional color, not for wallpaper, but for floors, furniture, and curtains. It is preferable to use light shades as the main ones in the interior. Such as white, light gray or beige. But White color, despite its enormous potential, is too easily soiled and is rejected by many due to impracticality. Room with gray walls poorly perceived for psychological reasons. But beige wallpaper is ideal for walls.

From point of view psychological influence on the human condition, beige color is considered to promote relaxation and the development of analytical abilities.

Beige color promotes relaxation and relaxation

Textures, prints, patterns and plain surfaces in the interior

The presence or absence of a pattern on wallpaper, curtains or furniture is determined by factors such as the style of the interior and the color combinations used in it. For example, classic styles suggest the use of small floral patterns, Art Deco loves geometry, and modernity relies on prints with large patterns and plain surfaces.

The choice of the type of beige wallpaper is also influenced by the colors that complement it. Delicate tones work better with small patterns. Bright shades, such as burgundy or emerald green, are preferable to be introduced into an interior devoid of ornaments. Or you can use patterns with large patterns in this case.

Patterns on the walls can be supported by the same or similar patterns on furniture and curtains.

Choose the wallpaper for your room carefully, it will affect the final result

How soft beige wallpaper works in the interior

Beige wallpaper work in the interior as an unobtrusive background that can be used to create any picture. They soften the environment, making it appear warmer. Beige wallpaper helps create a feeling of coziness in the room along with textiles - curtains, draperies, pillows, upholstered furniture. They will suit both traditional and classic rooms.

Beige color can create a feeling of comfort and warmth

How to create a lively and rich interior

Brightness appears in the interior when correct selection details. Sometimes it's enough to put a pillow on the sofa the right color, supporting the color scheme of the room in order to enhance its expressiveness. Last but not least in this regard are curtains, carpets, accessories, and furniture. When easily readable accents appear, the space ceases to seem monotonous and comes to life.

You need to think through the design of a room down to the smallest detail.

Which curtains will go with beige wallpaper?

To choose curtains for beige wallpaper, you need to remember that they must match the overall color scheme of the room and its image, and support an existing ornamental motif, if any.

The curtains should stand out a little big picture

The color of the curtains is very important. If you want to get an expressive and contrasting interior, then you can use bright or dark curtains made of heavy fabrics that stand out against the background of beige walls. Light, light options are suitable for quiet rooms, the color scheme of which is based on a combination of similar, soft shades. A bad idea would be beige curtains, as they will get lost next to the beige wallpaper.

Video: Beige wallpaper in the living room interior

Video: Beige-gray room

There is such a thing in design universal solution for finishing, ideal for any style and purpose. It's about about beige wallpaper in the interior - a gentle, cozy and comfortable option that can be left in a laconic interpretation or diversified with bright details. Find out how to choose the right wallpaper for your space in our article!

Features of beige color

Colors are one of the main visual components that shape the atmosphere in the interior and the mood of people. Of course, it is important to be surrounded by flowers that match the taste preferences of the residents. But it is much more important to properly organize the space, highlighting its advantages, hiding its shortcomings, and also fitting it into the framework of the desired style.

Beige is primarily a traditional solution for housing. If other, brighter shades appeared in homes along with modern stylistics, then beige has been present here since ancient times. It is ideal for classical trends, because it itself has a characteristic noble charm and severity.

But this does not mean that beige is rarely chosen in modern interiors. Here it is used to create a natural environment, gravitating towards nature and visual comfort.

Color promotes relaxation, rest, improves well-being, but at the same time helps to focus on important matters without distracting attention. Don't worry that such a design will seem boring and emotionless - beige goes well with other options, and its palette of tones demonstrates a deep variety of shades.

These include cream, nut, opal, caramel, and biscuit varieties. Even if you limit yourself to only them, you will be able to create a comfortable space.

Types of wallpaper

Wallpaper is perhaps the most popular finishing option that can be changed without damaging the wall. They differ relatively low cost, practicality and visual variability. The construction market offers to decorate the interior with a surface with a monochromatic design, various prints, textures or colors, including the entire palette of beige shades. But the main selection criterion is the material of the products, which affects the aesthetic and practical characteristics.

Thus, the most budget-friendly and environmentally friendly type remains paper wallpaper. They can be single-layer or double-layer, and rarely have relief. After just five years, the beautiful beige will begin to fade, the coating will absorb all the odors and will definitely come off somewhere. The fragility can be justified by the cost, as well as the ease of gluing.

Vinyl wallpaper is durable and moisture resistant. They can be re-painted, hide uneven walls, but do not allow air to pass through. This type cannot be called environmentally friendly, which is why it is not recommended to use it in the bedroom or nursery.

Non-woven wallpaper has virtually no disadvantages, except for the high price. Products without a vinyl layer are absolutely harmless. They can be taken for gluing ceilings.

An unusual solution for any room will be liquid wallpaper, combining best qualities decorative plaster and painting. They do not leave seams when gluing, do not collect dust, and also have a deep texture that diversifies and highlights even the palest shade of beige.

Textile wallpaper is characterized by low resistance to any type of contamination. But a covering made of natural silk, linen, cotton or velor will decorate rooms with a stable microclimate. And in combination with beige color and floral pattern, they will fit perfectly into the classic style.

Photo wallpapers are not taken into account, since they are difficult to select in a beige interpretation. In general, the choice depends on the space conditions, budget and the desired visual effect.

What colors to combine with?

Interior decoration is not limited only to the use of beige wallpaper. They need to be placed in tandem with other elements, choosing a winning palette that will emphasize the calm nature of the color or diversify it.

You can wallpaper one side of the room with beige wallpaper, and paint the others in more neutral or bright shades. Wherein important role The texture of the material and the pattern play a role, which can act as the main coloristic accent. Let's consider the main combination options:

Halftones and monochrome gamma

This combination includes the use different shades one color, in our case - beige. It offers the most comfortable palette for perception, in which, firstly, there are no bright inclusions, and secondly, there are various natural variations.

Furniture with white or gray upholstery, as well as curtains, look harmonious against the wallpaper. It is necessary to take into account that if the textiles have patterns, the wall covering should be plain, and vice versa. This will help balance the interior.

A wooden set will fit well, especially if it is a light-colored species. Despite the fact that you have to work with one color, it is recommended to focus on tonal contrast: wooden items- muted wallpaper, white objects - rich beige wallpaper with texture.

Contrasting tones

The principle of this palette is extremely simple - bright details are added to the design, which are especially noticeable on the beige “canvas”. It is important to choose a combination that is pleasing to the eye.

If the wallpaper has a pattern of a different color, you should use it for textiles or decor. In other situations, it is recommended to focus on the beige undertone, which can be lilac, pink or even peach - this will provide guidelines for further searches.

Looks unusual against the background of the cold wallpaper turquoise, adding a refreshing touch to the interior. Green helps create a natural atmosphere that gravitates towards natural landscapes. Red will fill the space with warmth, and pink - tenderness. There should be few such details, otherwise the beige ones will get lost in the bright colors.

Beige wallpaper in the interior - photo

Wallpaper of a certain color is an important reference point in design, but the choice is not limited to it. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, conditions, geometry and other elements to create an aesthetic design.

Beige wallpaper in the living room

The living room is a place where you want to relax with loved ones, read a book or watch an exciting movie. This is where guests are often received, therefore, in addition to home comfort, you need to think about the presentability of the central part of the house.

IN spacious rooms you can use wallpaper with a floral pattern, geometric patterns or the usual “stripe”, which will visually raise the ceilings. To highlight the wall with the TV, we recommend painting the remaining partitions white - even beige will be noticeable against such a background.

Bright inclusions in the form of furniture or decor diversify the design, and neutral shades will hide the shortcomings of small living rooms.

Beige wallpaper in the kitchen interior

Paper varieties in such a room are a very impractical solution, since they absorb odors and cannot be cleaned. It is better to focus on vinyl or washable types, selecting only high-quality products.

Wallpaper is used mainly to cover the dining area or the area that is located far from the stove. If the apron is plain, you can allow it to be finished with bright prints, thereby creating visual zoning.

Pay attention to the shade of beige: its palette includes options that are associated with food and would be extremely appropriate in the kitchen. For example, cappuccino, nut, caramel - stimulate appetite and also improve mood.

Beige wallpaper in the bedroom

Environmental friendliness and ventilation play a role in the bedroom great importance and affect not only the quality of sleep, but also human health. Here you can limit yourself to paper or non-woven wallpaper, but vinyl should be left for more demanding spaces.

This part of the house is usually free of sources of pollution, so textiles with their natural texture will help create a cozy and comfortable mood.

The color scheme is usually more restrained and not full of bright details. For rooms with windows facing north, it is better to choose a finish with a cold undertone, and vice versa.

Often beige wallpapers in interiors are combined with each other to create subtle shimmers on the surface of the walls. And thanks to the softness of the shade, it will not be difficult to choose bright and rich contrasts that can enliven the atmosphere.

Beige wallpaper will appeal to lovers of calm and delicate interiors . Experts recommend using them in rooms intended for relaxation. It is noteworthy that beige wallpaper promotes not only relaxation, but also the development of analytical abilities, awakens creativity and allows you to experiment with shades in space.

We create a lively and rich interior

If you still think that the beige tone of the walls is a rather boring idea, you can add a few bright accents, having previously found out what color the beige color of the wallpaper goes with.

Beige shades harmoniously combine with tones from a light palette, dark and cold colors, as well as rich and catchy shades. Therefore, you can easily set a second tone for your room.

The most successful options for combining beige wallpaper with other shades are the following:

In the process of shading a space, many are interested in the question of what color of furniture will go with beige wallpaper. Since beige wallpaper for walls itself is quite light, in monochromatic interior You can put furniture in bright and deep shades.

If you are not afraid of expression, you can search upholstered furniture in non-standard shades such as turquoise, violet or electric blue.

Remember! If you decide to purchase bright furniture to go with beige wallpaper, you should duplicate this shade on other interior details: picture frames, carpets or curtains.

If the walls of your room include several different wallpapers, deciding on accents will be more difficult. You can find out what color furniture will go with beige wallpaper by looking at the ornaments and patterns on the walls. For example, if it is decorated with beige wallpaper with flowers in bright colors, this the shade can be repeated in upholstered furniture and textile elements.

To choose the right curtains for beige wallpaper, you need to completely furnish the interior. We will tell you later about the features of textile window decoration in a beige space.

General principles of room design

Because every room is different specific features, beige wallpaper should be chosen taking into account such differences. For example, beige wallpaper for the hall should emphasize solemnity and dynamism, so in such interiors they give off preference for patterned options.

You can wallpaper with bright colors classic patterns, and also focus on a calmer option - beige wallpaper with brown flowers or other bright elements that simultaneously emphasize tenderness and saturate the interior with deep shades.

Beige wallpaper for the kitchen doesn’t have to be boring: experts recommend dilute plain walls with bright inserts or choose a bright color for curtains with beige wallpaper in kitchen interior. But beige wallpaper for a hallway or bathroom can be more austere and restrained.

The absence of flashy patterns on the surface of the walls can even be a plus, since it will not help to reduce the cramped space.

To ensure that the process of decorating rooms does not cause you any problems, let’s take a closer look at the design features of each design. Photos of beige wallpaper in different interpretations will allow you to decide on the most successful one. color scheme for home.

Beige bedroom design features

Comfort, harmony and tranquility, inspired by beige tones, are best revealed in the bedroom. That is why the use of beige wallpaper in the bedroom is considered the simplest and most versatile decoration option.

Such a room can be decorated in one tone or enlivened with bright inserts. And so that the bedroom does not look monotonous, you can give preference to beige wallpaper with a pattern.

Important! Bright accents on beige walls will interfere with healthy sleep, so experts recommend gluing such coverings behind the headboard. Suitable for decorating the rest of the walls in the room. plain wallpaper, as well as beige or with small prints in neutral shades.

The color of the furniture along with the beige wallpaper in the bedroom should also equate coziness. Massive furniture in dark and rich colors will not be perceived harmoniously in such an environment. But light wood or white tones on the furniture will emphasize the delicacy of the design. Curtains in a bedroom with beige wallpaper can be of any shade: the main thing is that they harmonized with the interior style.

Children's rooms can also be decorated in beige, especially if your child is still very small. Soft and warm shades on the walls will calm the baby and set him at ease. restful sleep. In the nursery with patterned coverings depicting animals, fairy tale and cartoon characters, elements of nature, space, floristry and other motifs.

Kitchen in beige tones

Choice suitable wallpaper for the kitchen this is a serious matter. Light walls in such an interior will periodically become dirty, and constant exposure to steam and moisture can ruin wall coverings. Therefore, think in advance about all the pros and cons of using wallpaper in the kitchen space and choose the best option.

Advice: to ensure long lasting and cozy design in the kitchen, use or vinyl coverings with the possibility of cleaning. If desired, you can provide additional protection to such walls using tiles or special panels.

Wallpaper in beige tones in the kitchen can be combined with warm and sunny shades for creating a spring and cheerful atmosphere. Combinations of yellow, light green, pale blue and Pink colour with beige.

The floor can be either dark or light depending on the design of the furniture and your own preferences. It is advisable to make the overall color of the kitchen under beige wallpaper more saturated so that balance the color scheme.

What furniture goes with beige wallpaper in the kitchen? If your room is not large in size, you need to create as much space as possible bright interior, that's why the color of the furniture to match the beige wallpaper should be quite light and delicate. Dark wooden fittings and furniture in the kitchen are permissible only if there is space. You can also match the color of curtains to beige wallpaper in the kitchen based on this rule.

Beige living room

Beige wallpaper in the living room interior will look much more interesting when using additional decorative effects. These can be bright accents, shimmer, sparkles, textured inserts and realistic drawings (in this case, use photo wallpaper). To provide an imitation of spectacular textile painting, you can choose silk-screen printing or beige vinyl wallpaper with plant and floral compositions.

Beige wallpaper in the interior of the hall should not interfere with the creation of a solemn atmosphere. Therefore, complement plain walls with bright accessories, create inserts and panels from patterned wallpaper, or implement interesting combinations on the walls.

Advice: Make beige wallpaper the background in the living room interior, and decorate one of the walls in a different color. This method will allow you to create interesting accents in the area of ​​the TV, sofa or fireplace, as well as draw attention to stylish niches and protrusions in the space.

Even beige shades can have different saturation, and dark tones close to brown can cause a cramped and insufficiently lit environment. That's why beige wallpaper in the living room small sizes must be light.

Depending on the style of the room, decide on the patterns on the walls. For example, beige wallpaper for a hall in a classic manner may include strict lines, flower arrangements and unusual large-sized ornaments.

Cabinets, tables and other interior items can have either a light or dark shade. Upholstered furniture in such an interior it is much more difficult to choose than the rest. What color sofa will go with beige wallpaper? Focus on bright accents on the walls, the color of the floor and the style of the room itself. These can be light, dark, and rich colors depending on the design features.

In some cases, decide which sofa to go with beige wallpaper fits better Everything is possible, based on the color of the curtains and tulle.

Selecting curtains

What color of curtains goes with beige wallpaper? You can find the answer to this question yourself. Curtains for beige wallpaper are selected depending on your wishes: light colors will expand the space and refresh the atmosphere, while darker colors will create the desired contrast.

What kind of curtains do you think will suit beige wallpaper in the interior of a bedroom? In this space It is unacceptable to use excessively bright accents that distract from sleep. Therefore, experts recommend using curtains and drapes made in soft, pastel colors. The fabric may contain designs and patterns with catchy accents, but the additional shade should not dominate the window area.

What color of curtains will go with beige wallpaper in the hall or living room? Here the choice of curtains will depend on the lighting conditions and the size of the room.

Cramped and dark spaces need to be refreshed: choose curtains for beige wallpaper in white, soft blue, pink, peach or light gray shades. The color of curtains under beige wallpaper in spacious and bright rooms can be brighter: red, blue, green, yellow, brown and others.

Advice: To decide which curtains can be matched with beige wallpaper without compromising the style of the interior, pay attention to the drawings on the walls. Geometric, floral and other patterns should be repeated on the fabric or at least be similar to textile prints.

In search of an answer to the question of what color to choose curtains for beige wallpaper, many people forget about the key role of textiles in interiors. Curtains for beige wallpaper can be light or massive. Airy fabrics will create a gentle atmosphere and are suitable for the kitchen, bedroom and nursery.

More formal textile options can be used in the living room or office. If desired You can combine several fabrics.

Now you know how to make your home environment as comfortable and harmonious as possible. One of the most important advantages of beige walls is that from time to time you can add new shades to the interior without compromising the perception of the interior. This means that your room will always be stylish and original.

Decorating a room is like painting a picture. Just like in painting, in interior design it is important to understand composition and color palette. Beige wallpaper is an excellent and neutral background that allows you to show your imagination. To make the room cozy and pleasant to be in, you need to listen to your feelings when renovating. Each person has an individual taste, some like bright colors, and for some pastel shades.

Light beige wallpaper will suit all curtain colors without exception, from white to black. From this variety, you can choose the appropriate color for the curtains if you understand the purpose of the room and your own author's intention. To get inspiration, you can look at photos of design solutions, then take a pen and paper and draw what the room will look like.

There is no need to try to perfectly convey all the details, folds of curtains, curves of furniture. The main task is to see the room as a whole and understand your wishes.

Color accents should be placed in the drawing: what is lighter, curtains or wallpaper? Is the furniture darker than the wallpaper or lighter? Most best designer interior designers will not be able to come up with renovations as well as the owner or landlady of the apartment.

Apartment layouts often involve a small kitchen. Beige wallpaper combined with light curtains will visually enlarge the room. A beautiful and practical choice for the kitchen is short light curtains, tulle or sliding curtains. You can choose curtains with a light floral pattern, made of natural fabric. The most suitable colors that will add sun to the kitchen: shades of green, yellow, white, pink, blue, any pastel shades.

Short curtains:

  • Do not take up much space;
  • Easy to wash and iron;
  • They do not shade the window and allow sunlight to pass through.

If the kitchen has light walls, but you don’t want to update the renovation, you should choose washable wallpaper. It is better to think through the practical side of the issue before the repair is completed. Then the beauty created in the interior will exist for many years and bring joy every day. For the bedroom, on the contrary, it is better to choose dense and long curtains. Plain beige wallpapers are combined with colors: brown, red, rich green, yellow, light blue, coral.

Beige striped wallpaper can be combined with a similar geometric pattern on curtain fabric. You also need to consider the color of the bedspread in order to maintain the integrity of the interior. An interesting trend is to combine different types wallpaper within the same room. It is especially beneficial to use such a solution for the living room, because it is in this room that the most people gather. Beige wallpaper will help make the interior not only cozy, but also presentable. IN combined finishing walls are often used noble shades beige, patterns in the style of the 18th and 19th centuries are applied to the canvases.

Which curtains are best suited for glossy beige wallpaper? Curtains the color of melted snow, white with a gray sheen, mother-of-pearl or pearl.

How to choose colors for the interior (video)

Combination rules: what wallpaper goes with beige wallpaper

If the wallpaper has a shiny beige texture, for example, beige damask, it can only be combined with fabrics of the same shine. There is another solution: beige damask framed with matte beige wallpaper. Often luxurious patterns are selected for damask, in the Baroque and Rococo styles. To make the room resemble a palace hall, the furniture should be antique-style.

Combined wallpapers must have the same performance according to the following criteria:

  • Gloss: matte or glossy;
  • Thickness of the canvas;
  • Relief.

The walls of the living room can be successfully decorated with glossy or matte canvases of the same thickness. The classic solution: create one accent wall, and for the background walls choose a neutral design. Beige wallpaper does not necessarily play a secondary role. There are many design projects where the main emphasis is on beige fabric. What wallpaper should I choose for the other 3 walls? It is best to use more dark colors, for example, chocolate, nut. Curtains should match the color of large pieces of furniture.

If there are gray-beige curtains in the living room, the sofa upholstery made of white leather will match them.

Beige wallpaper: canvas texture in the nursery

Choosing curtains to match beige wallpaper in a nursery is an easy and pleasant task. Curtains for a nursery should not be too long; the ideal length is a gap of 10 cm from the floor. What curtains to use in the nursery? Sunny, bright and cheerful are best. Patterns with polka dots, stripes, plant and floral patterns are suitable. The texture of the wallpaper and the relief can repeat the patterns of the curtains. For example, wallpaper with flowers, dotted or geometric patterns.

For children there are many curtains with funny animals, butterflies, fish and birds.

It is important for a child to receive visual impressions, so you don’t have to limit your imagination.

Multilayer curtains for beige wallpaper

In design large rooms You can use cascading curtains, multi-layered, with a beautiful fabric cornice. French curtains consist of two different fabrics, the top one is dense and rich in color, the bottom one is transparent and light.

A single color scheme looks good: beige, brown top curtain fabric to match the wallpaper.

What color of furniture goes with beige wallpaper: ideas

Neutral light color walls can be used with both dark and light furniture.

To make the room seem larger and lighter, it is better to choose furniture:

  • White, ivory, milky or creamy;
  • Stylized antique, lemon, pale blue, pistachio.

If you need to make the room more businesslike, for example, decorate an office.

It is worth using classic dark furniture:

  • Natural colors – oak, beech, linden;
  • Black, red-brown, chocolate, cherry.

Furniture, curtains and beige wallpaper create a single color scheme for the room. Before purchasing anything, it is better to take a pen and paper and draw what the room should roughly look like. Often objects in the interior look completely different from those on display. The drawing will help you place accents and think through not only the color, but also the placement of furniture.

What color goes with beige wallpaper in the room?

If the apartment is designed in one stylistic direction, then the design of each room should logically fit into the overall plan.

You can successfully choose curtains for beige wallpaper according to the principle:

  • Harmony, use shades similar in palette;
  • Contrast, use colors opposite in palette.

The principle of harmony is realized if the curtains are light gray, milky, golden, or pale olive. The principle of contrast, if beige wallpaper is used with curtains: khaki, pink, fiery, purple.

Beige interior: combination of beige color in the interior (video)

Both approaches make it possible to complete the design of a room beautifully and stylishly. You need to listen to your own preferences, and then the apartment will become truly cozy.

Examples of beige wallpaper (photo)