Generalization of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool. Description of the system of work experience of a speech therapist teacher. Repeated examination of oral and written speech

1. Presentation of the own pedagogical experience of the teacher-speech therapist GK OU "Insar general education boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities" Kirdyankina E.F.

Subject : "The effectiveness of using information technology in speech therapy classes."

1.Relevance of the problem.

The purpose of education in a correctional school is to identify and develop the abilities of each student on the basis of a personality-oriented approach to learning, the formation of a spiritually rich, free, physically healthy, creatively thinking personality, possessing solid knowledge, capable of adapting to the conditions of an unstable society. Information technologies are among the effective means of teaching, increasingly used in special pedagogy. One of the pressing problems of correctional pedagogy is the improvement of methods and techniques aimed at overcoming and preventing speech disorders.

I work as a speech therapist in a special school. In my work on speech correction for students with intellectual disabilities, I actively use ICT. In 2013, the speech therapist's office was equipped with a laptop.

The introduction of computer technology today is a new stage in the educational process. Speech therapists not only did not stand aside, but also actively participated in the process of widespread use of ICT in their practice.

2. Conceptuality (originality and novelty of experience).

The use of a computer in speech therapy work helps to activate voluntary attention, increase motivation for learning, expand opportunities to work with visual material, increase the efficiency of correctional work, intensify work with the results of speech therapy monitoring studies, and improve the quality of the educational process.

Overcoming speech underdevelopment in children with intellectual disabilities will be more successful if the system of correctional and developmental education uses information technologies aimed at developing not only speech, but also non-speech functions, as well as correction of mental functions and mental operations. I believe that modern information and computer technologies meet these requirements.

The novelty lies in the fact that the use of information technology in speech therapy work with children with intellectual disabilities has advantages that allow:

Maximize individualization of volume, degree of difficulty, pace of material delivery, dynamism and repeatability;

Carry out a gradual presentation of the material with constant operational control and self-monitoring;

Provide for the impossibility of transitioning to something new without a solid assimilation of the previous material;

Strengthen the fun of the learning process, create the so-called internal motivation of the cognitive process;

Present an infinite number of combinations and variations for the sake of variety in the exercises.

Thus, in the process of speech therapy classes using a computer, children learn to overcome difficulties, control their activities, and evaluate results.

3. Availability of a theoretical basis.

The goal of the professional activity of a speech therapist teacher is to provide the organizational, content, and methodological components of the speech therapy segment in a single educational space of the institution, to unite the interacting, mutually influencing efforts of adults to maximize the development of children’s capabilities, eliminate their existing speech pathology, and prevent secondary disorders.

The use of a computer by a speech therapist as a teaching tool should not entail a change in the principles of planning all correctional work with a child. The level of speech development of the child and the tasks of a given period of his education remain fundamental for determining the priority correctional tasks. The work program should be built in accordance with the logic of the given stage of development and correctional education of the child. A speech therapy session using a computer is a natural element of the entire correctional and developmental course in a given content area and should be organically connected with it in content and objectives.

The theoretical basis for organizing speech therapy work was developments about various forms of speech disorders and the creation of effective methods for overcoming them by R.E. Levina, R.I. Lalaeva, F.A. Rau and others, who are based on the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria and A.A. Leontyev about the complex structure of speech activity.

Logowork using a computer is carried out at different stages: as a way of creating a problem situation, as a way of explaining new material, as a form of consolidating what has been learned, as a form of checking homework, as a way of testing knowledge during the lesson.

4. Leading pedagogical idea.

Constantly working on studying the individual characteristics of students in my practice, there is a constant search for effective methods and techniques of teaching and bringing them into the new education system. Individual work with logopaths; person-centered teaching methods. The combination of the use of ICT can effectively stimulate the cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the classroom and during extracurricular hours, make lessons and events bright, interesting, and introduce novelty into learning. Students receive qualitatively different knowledge using the latest information technologies, educational and cognitive activities are activated, learning motivation increases, information technologies are effectively introduced into the educational process, and independent activity skills are formed.

I set my main goal as the correction of defects in oral and written speech of students, facilitating successful adaptation to educational activities and further socialization of children. I try to help every student succeed. I compare myself with myself and show his success in promotion. And information technology helps me significantly with this.

5. Optimality and effectiveness of funds.

Features of the mental development of children with intellectual disabilities are expressed in impaired speech activity, a limited understanding of the world around them, a weak need for communication, thereby determining the qualitative uniqueness of the process of speech development, the pace of which is slower in such children, and speech activity is insufficient due to poverty, limitations , primitiveness of the dictionary (V. G. Petrova). Therefore, to provide the speech correction that is so necessary for children of this category, optimal and adequate conditions for the development of their speech activity must be provided.

An effective means of solving these problems is the use of specialized or adapted computer programs (diagnostic, educational and developmental), developed taking into account the general patterns and specific features of the development of a child who has not only speech disorders, but also intelligence. The effect of their use depends on the professional competence of the teacher, the ability to use information computer technologies in the education system of each child, promoting the development of speech and non-speech functions, as well as providing freedom of choice to the forms and means of the speech therapist’s activities.

6. Effectiveness of experience.

Over the past two years, the following work has been done on the use of ICT in logocorrection work:

Corrective and developmental speech therapy programs and programs for the correction of mental processes have been selected, installed and used in their work:

Computer speech therapy programs

No. Program name

5 Literacy training.

6 Learning to write letters.

7 Let's get acquainted with beeches.

8 Learning letters.

9 Fun games for the development of speech and hearing.

10 Learning to speak correctly 1.

11 Learning to speak correctly 2.

12 Correction of mental processes for children 5-6 years old.

13 Correction of mental processes for children 6-7 years old.

14 Correction of mental processes for children 7-9 years old.

15 The best alphabet in the country of letters.

The educational computer program “Baba Yaga Learns to Read” is of great importance in learning the alphabet of the Russian language, developing the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, syllable formation and sentence construction. Thanks to the use of this program, I develop reading and speaking skills in Russian in children with intellectual disabilities, develop observation skills, and train visual memory. During joint work on the “Baba Yaga Learns to Read” program, the child memorizes the alphabet, expands his horizons, studying various objects and phenomena simultaneously with letters and words. The program contains 10 game-based educational and developmental tasks; many fairy-tale characters; the alphabet in verse; ditties about letters; colorful cartoons and animation; high-quality sound; All navigation in the game is done using the mouse.

Presentations on various areas of speech correction work have been created or downloaded from the Internet: articulation gymnastics, exercises to relieve eye strain, presentations on automation and differentiation of sounds, familiarization with letters, various speech therapy games, etc.

7. Performance analysis.

Annual report of the work of speech therapist E.F. Kirdyankina (14 hours) for the 2014-2015 academic year

Corrective work was carried out in accordance with the annual plan, which set the following tasks:

Corrective and educational impact on the speech and personality of students in the process of speech therapy classes;

High efficiency of each speech therapy event (classes, consultations, etc.);

Improving the forms and methods of speech therapy work that contribute to the most complete overcoming of speech defects in students;

The unity of speech correction with the correction of all cognitive activity;

Comprehensive development of students’ speech, aimed at:

Formation of correct sound pronunciation;

Enrichment and development of vocabulary;

Development of grammatical structure of speech;

Formation of coherent speech of students.

Speech therapy work at school is based on the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2002 No. 29/2194-6 “On the organization of speech therapy work in special (correctional) educational institutions of the 8th type.”

Correctional and speech therapy work was carried out in the following areas of activity:

1. Diagnostic and analytical activities.

2. Corrective and developmental activities.

3. Advisory and methodological activities.

4. Methodological work. Increasing professional competence.

5. Work on equipping the speech therapy room.

    Diagnostic and analytical activities.

1. Primary examination of children.

For the purpose of effective correctional training, at the beginning of the school year, from September 1 to 19, a thorough comprehensive diagnosis was carried out, the task of which was to identify the nature of the speech disorder, its structure, and individual characteristics of manifestation.

At the beginning of the school year, all students from grades 1 to 7 (56 hours) were examined.

2. Group formation and scheduling.

At the end of the speech therapy examination, a list of students in need of speech therapy support for the 2014/2015 academic year was approved through the PMPK.

16 students enrolled in speech therapy classes studied individual speech development programs during the school year. All students, according to the PMPC, have systemic speech impairment of severe and moderate severity with intellectual disability.

In order to clarify the etiology and nature of speech disorders, medical examination data and anamnesis were collected.

At the end of the survey, the following were compiled:

List of students with disorders in the development of oral and written speech;

Individual programs;

Schedule of individual classes for the 2014-2015 academic year (the schedule of classes was compiled taking into account the class lesson schedule and approved by the school director);

Long-term work plan (for individual lessons);

Speech cards have been created and filled out.

3. Repeated examination of oral and written speech.

At the end of the school year, from May 1-15, a speech therapy examination was conducted to identify improvements in the oral and written speech of students studying with a speech therapist. Speech cards are filled out.

    Corrective and developmental activities.

Conducting individual speech therapy sessions on sound pronunciation with students. According to the schedule, individual lessons were held twice a week for children with sound pronunciation disorders.

III. Advisory and methodological activities.

    In order to control the children’s speech, I attended lessons in grades 2, 3, 4.

    She took part in the work of the district and school PMPK.

    Regularly informed teachers about students' progress in speech therapy classes.

    She took part in the work of the primary school school education department.

    Participated in the work of the regional municipal organization of speech therapists and professional competitions in the city of Insara.

IV. Work to improve the equipment of the speech therapy room.

1. Methodological literature was purchased.

2. Purchased fiction for reading.

3. Visual handouts on the automation of sounds S, L, R, Sh, Zh have been replenished. 4. Visual and didactic material on speech therapy correction has been systematized.

5. Updated syllable tables.

6. Systematized illustrated and handout material for frontal lessons on the topics “Seasons”, “Wild Animals”, “Transport”, “Utensils”, “Furniture”, “Pets”, “School Supplies”, for individual lessons on working on syllable structure of the word for speech development (presentation).

The following documents were completed in a timely manner:

    Annual plan of correctional and methodological work.

    Journal "Recording students' attendance at speech therapy classes."

    Individual programs for each student.

    Speech cards for each student.

    Individual speech correction plans.

    Lesson work plans.

    Schedule of speech therapy classes.

    Protocols for examining students' oral and written speech.

V. PMPk.

    She took part in the work of the PMPk.

    Examined students for school PMPc.

    Provided speech therapy presentations, speech therapy reports and recommendations.

    Participated in the development of individual programs.

    Monitored the dynamics of students' speech development.

    Prepared the necessary documentation for PMPK meetings.

    Participated in the work of the PMPK of the Insarsky municipal district as a defectologist.

Thus, the annual plan of organizational, methodological, correctional and developmental work for the academic year has been completed.

Having analyzed the correctional and speech therapy work over the past school year and the results of diagnosing children, we can conclude that the tasks set at the beginning of the school year have been solved and the intended goals have been achieved.

Presentation of own innovative teaching experience published


Natalya Duplinskaya
Generalized pedagogical experience of a speech therapist teacher

Generalized teaching experience

Subject experience:

“The development of fine motor skills as one of the areas of work on the prevention of written speech in correctional and speech therapy work in children with speech disorders of senior preschool age.”

Idea experience:

Clear, correct speech is one of the most important conditions for normal human mental development. With the help of speech and communication, the child easily and imperceptibly enters the world around him, learns a lot of new and interesting things, and can express his desires, thoughts, demands.

"If your hands are unskillful,

If your fingers are timid,

It's hard to hold the hand

Write letters exactly

Can't hold a pencil -

Not it will turn out to be a landscape».

1. Duplinskaya Natalya Alexandrovna

2. Education: Specialized secondary

3. Novosibirsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after. A. S. Makarenko

4. Educator

5. MKDOU kindergarten "Spring"

6. Teacher speech therapist

7. Teaching experience - 15

8 Work experience in current position - 10 years

Presenter pedagogical idea

V. A. Sukhomlinsky rightly argued that "A child's mind is at his fingertips". The formation of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of finger motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of oral and written speech.

2. Formation conditions experience

While working in kindergarten, I noticed that the vast majority of children have inactive fingers, their movements are imprecise and inaccurate. consistency: children hold a spoon in their fist, have difficulty grasping a brush and pencil correctly, and cannot always fasten buttons, zipper, tie a hat, or lace their shoes. Insufficient development of the motor analyzer and fine motor skills in childhood is becoming increasingly common and in almost all cases affects the development of not only oral but also written speech.

You need to start working on developing fine motor skills from a very early age. Already a baby can massage his fingers, thereby influencing the active points associated with the cerebral cortex.

In older preschool age 5 - 7 years, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of preparation for school, in particular for writing.

3. Theoretical basis of topics

The development of fine motor skills is a necessary part of almost any preschool education system - both traditional and newly discovered.

You can explain in different ways why a child’s fingers need to develop and train, but there are no such teachers, which would deny the significance of working with the hand.

It has long been known what benefits motor skills bring hands: this is the development of the corresponding parts of the brain, sharpening tactile capabilities, training muscle memory, developing perseverance and attention, preparing for learning to write.

The term fine motor skills refers to coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.

It has been noticed that children who make numerous animated movements with their fingers develop speech clearly faster than others. If you specifically train small hand movements, speech development can be significantly accelerated.

“The origins of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips”, - wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. This means the more a child can, wants and strives to do with his own hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. After all, at your fingertips there is inexhaustible "source" creative thought, which "nourishes" child's brain.

4. Relevance

Why is it so important for children to develop fine motor skills? The fact is that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thereby activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate neighboring areas responsible for speech

By including preparatory exercises for the development of fine motor skills, we simultaneously develop in the child the ability to accurately and deftly perform certain movements. It is optimal to use physical education minutes. During physical education sessions, children are offered, as it were, "design" from the fingers various items and objects. Such an unusual gaming activity arouses a pronounced interest and emotional mood among the children. This allows you to maximally mobilize their attention. Children's desire to quickly and accurately reproduce a finger shape stimulates memorization. It should be remembered that the development of fine coordination of movements and manual skill presupposes a certain degree of maturity of brain structures; control of hand movements depends on them, so in no case should a child be forced.

And, of course, in older preschool age, work on developing fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of preparation for school, in particular for writing. Consequently, the level of speech development of children is always directly dependent on the degree of development "thin" movements of the fingers. And when a child enters school, it is important that he not only has well-developed speech, but also a trained hand and has hand-eye coordination.

5. Novelty

The innovativeness of this experience is that the introduction of visual models into the learning process will allow the speech therapist to more purposefully develop the impressive speech of children, enrich their active vocabulary, consolidate word formation skills, form and improve the ability to use various sentence structures in speech, describe objects, develop gross and fine motor skills, and compose a story. When working with this material taken into account the degree and severity of a speech defect, the level of individual development of each speech-language pathologist child, the age characteristics of preschool children, taking into account the speech environment.

6. Targeting

The work may be of interest not only teachers, but also for parents with the problem of insufficient development of fine motor skills in children of senior preschool age, and subsequently, at school age, with the appearance of dysgraphia.

7. Labor intensity

This work can be carried out by any interested preschool teacher. Organizing the work does not require any special costs.

The advantage of games for the development of fine motor skills in children is that they do not require any special toys, aids, etc. The games use improvised materials that are available in any home: clothespins, buttons, beads, cereals, etc.

8. Technology experience

The purpose of this work is to reveal the relevance of using various methods and techniques to improve the development of finger motor skills as one of the areas of work on the prevention of written speech in correctional and speech therapy work for children with speech disorders of senior preschool age, to show the importance of using the proposed tasks in preparing the hand for writing.

As a result of achieving the stated goal, I set a number of tasks:

Strengthening the child's psychological base.

Expansion and enrichment of speech child's experience.

Development of switchability from one movement to another.

Development and improvement of general and fine motor skills.

Development of the sensory-perceptual sphere.

Prevent the possible occurrence of dysgraphia by developing fine motor skills.

Cultivating friendly relationships with peers in joint activities; development of the desire to perform tasks efficiently.

Encourage interest in speech therapy classes; Encourage children to be active in class.

Work on this topic made it possible to create a variety of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills and the prevention of dysgraphia, which can be used not only teacher in kindergarten classes, but also by parents at home. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school education, therefore the content of these games and exercises allows, in the process of game situations, through sensations with the active inclusion of auditory and visual analyzers, to form not only fine motor skills, but also internal speech, memory, logical thinking, Creative skills. The proposed tasks gradually become more complicated, and the children make figures first according to the model, then according to the plan. Some tasks are accompanied by poems (remember, repeat) and riddles (guess)

9. Effectiveness

To determine the main ways of development and improvement of fine motor skills, as one of the directions for the prevention of written speech in correctional and speech therapy work for children with speech disorders of senior preschool age, I conducted a diagnostic assessment of the level of speech development; a survey of parents, a series of consultations for preschool teachers and parents. Based on the results of the above work, games and exercises for children, consultations and recommendations for preschool teachers and parents.

The main ways to develop and improve fine motor skills as one of the areas of work on the prevention of written speech in correctional and speech therapy work for children with speech disorders of senior preschool age.

Passive gymnastics (massage and self-massage)

Active gymnastics (well-known construction sets, lacing, puzzles, colorful clothespins, mosaics, buttons, counting sticks).

Finger and conjugate gymnastics (static, dynamic exercises.) The purpose of conjugate gymnastics is to attract the child’s attention to the sensations that arise from the movements of the muscles of the fingers and lips; teach control of these movements. Conjugate gymnastics also offers exercises for simultaneous work of the fingers and tongue.

Finger Theater. Speech is just beginning to form, and exercises for the fingers, tongue, and lips, turned into an exciting game, help strengthen and develop the speech apparatus.

Graphic exercises, finger and palm drawing, origami. Doing graphic exercises in preschool is very important for successfully mastering writing. A special place in the development of graphic motor skills is occupied by shading, stenciling figures or objects using simple and colored pencils, and design.

Physical education sessions combined with finger exercises. Traditionally, physical education sessions are carried out in combination with children’s speech. Reciting poetry simultaneously with movements has a number of benefits: speech is rhythmized by movements, made clearer, more emotional, and the presence of rhyme has a positive effect on auditory perception. The combination of finger exercises with speech accompaniment in poetic form allows you to achieve the greatest learning effect.

Logorhythmics. The fundamental principle of the classes is the relationship between speech, music and movement. Movement appears here as the main means of interaction between the child and the world around him.

Preparing your hand for writing. The accuracy of graphic actions is ensured through muscle control over fine (thin) hand motor skills. This is the dexterity of the fingers and hands, the coordination of their movements. The development of fine finger movements can be judged by watching how a child draws or paints over the details of a drawing. If he constantly turns the sheet and cannot change the direction of the lines with the help of subtle movements of his fingers and hand, it means that the level of development of fine motor skills is insufficient.

Test for the development of graphic skills.

Development of graphic skills. Graphic dictation, drawing lines: straight and curved paths, drawing: by points, along contours, by cells, performing hatching with different directions of hand movement, silhouette hatching.

In implementation teaching experience Individual and subgroup forms of work are predominantly carried out.

Submitted by experience, gave stable positive results in the correction and normalization of speech, both oral and written, in children of senior preschool age.

The final diagnosis, carried out at the end of the school year, proves the effectiveness of the system of correctional speech therapy work on the development of finger motor skills as one of the areas of prevention of written speech in correctional speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age. U children:

Positive motivation for learning, cognitive and speech activity is formed;

More subtle sensations of the hands and fingers, perception, attention, memory, imagination develop;

Children develop full-fledged structural-dynamic mechanisms of internal readiness to master the writing process;

Muscle activity develops;

Develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements, increases performance, tone of the cerebral cortex

Thus, the implementation of this correctional and developmental work makes it possible to increase the level of preparedness of children for learning at school.

To achieve the greatest effect, exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers should combine movements of squeezing, stretching, relaxing the hand, using isolated movement of each of the five fingers, and not just "social hand zone".


Folder with accumulated teaching materials teaching experience works on this topic.

Advice for parents and teachers, working with child:

Try consider his individual characteristics, be patient and kind, help overcome the difficulties that inevitably arise, without making a tragedy out of them, that is, simply learn to understand it!

Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is of great importance for the formation of a full-fledged personality. Such a person easily enters into communication, he can clearly express his thoughts. Well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning at school.

The goal of my work in a preschool educational institution is to preserve the psychological and somatic health of children within the framework of correctional and developmental education and to educate children in clear, expressive speech with an age-appropriate vocabulary and level of development of coherent speech.

Correctional speech therapy work corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child. Therefore, I pay special attention to modern educational technologies.



Work experience of a speech therapist teacher at MADOU No. 38 – Shnyrkova S.A.

(from work experience)

Topic: “Modern educational technologies in the activities of a speech therapist teacher”


3. Application.


A good speech therapist teacher must learn constantly!

Innovative experience, in my understanding, is “keeping your finger on the pulse” of modern pedagogy, and my preschool children, who attend classes in the speech therapy group of our preschool educational institution, have special educational needs.

Mastery of innovative pedagogical technologies is a requirement for the professional qualifications of a teacher of the 21st century!

In the work of a speech therapist, modern technologies are becoming increasingly important. They contribute to achieving the greatest possible success in overcoming speech disorders in children, serve to create a favorable emotional background, and contribute to the inclusion of intact mental functions in work and the activation of impaired mental functions.

Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapists use in their practice, adapting to their needs, the most effective, innovative technologies that help optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher.

Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance, and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard work.

The use of innovative technologies in speech therapy practice serves as an effective addition to the generally accepted most popular classical technologies and techniques developed in the mid-late 20th century. By creatively varying the compatibility of different teaching technologies, systematically and purposefully using them in practice, in accordance with the individual physical capabilities of each child, the correctional and developmental process becomes more effective and efficient.

“Create ideas and develop them. And then you can be called a modern teacher,” notes Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.N. Smirnov.

It’s nice when children go to classes with a speech therapist with joy and desire, in anticipation of what awaits them today. What could be waiting for them?

An attractive environment in the speech therapist's workspace, aesthetic design, and educational teaching aids - this is the only way to interest a child and invite him to dialogue. And, of course, a smile! A smile encourages the desire to communicate, trust, and creates a friendly emotional background.

Implementing the priority directions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, I, as a representative of the younger generation of Modern Speech Therapy, have to constantly look for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children.

Thus, the process of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders in the speech therapy group of a preschool institution is aimed at:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics;
  • correction of speech disorders in preschool children;
  • formation of prerequisites for educational activities;
  • formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is of great importance for the formation of a full-fledged personality. Such a person easily enters into communication, he can clearly express his thoughts. Well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning at school.

The goal of my work in a preschool educational institution is to preserve the psychological and somatic health of children within the framework of correctional and developmental education andnurturing children with clear, expressive speech with an age-appropriate vocabulary and level of development of coherent speech.

Correctional speech therapy work corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child. Therefore, I pay special attention to modern educational technologies:

1.Person-centered learningcomes from the recognition of the uniqueness of the child’s own subjective experience as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in the development of linguistic reality. With the help of person-oriented technologies, I was able to implement an individually differentiated approach to correcting speech disorders in children.

I use personality-oriented technologies when creating an organizational moment for a lesson as a whole or for a specific task - I present the children with a problematic situation that needs to be solved. Children offer their solutions to the problem, negotiate with each other, and then choose the best. Thus, the problem becomes an inducer that motivates children to work.

I use dramatizations and sketches when conducting classes on the development of coherent speech. This technique helps to make the child an active subject of activity, allowing him to realize himself in theatrical activities. At the same time, I allow the children to choose the roles themselves and distribute them among themselves, taking into account the individual needs and capabilities of the participants in the performance.

To help children get used to the character better, I use hero masks and other attributes (hats, scarves, etc.). After conducting a sketch or staging, I definitely conduct a discussion, reflection and sum up the results. I use this type of activity when planning lessons on the development of coherent speech, which helps to increase motivation for the lesson, the development of the intonation-expressive side of speech, and the emotional sphere.

2 .To increase children’s motivation for classes and increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental workI use gaming technologies.

Play is the leading activity of preschool children; on its basis, readiness for learning at school is formed.The game promotes the acquisition of knowledge not out of necessity, but at the request of children and is not formal, but interesting.

The purpose of using gaming technology in speech therapy practice is to increase motivation for classes, increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work, and develop higher mental functions.

A toy, like a hero, helps create motivation, a game situation, a surprise moment.

In my office there are selected toys, real objects, natural objects (vegetables, fruits), and educational games.

I use toys as heroes who create motivation, a playful situation and a surprise moment. Almost every lesson “has a guest.” The appearance of a “guest” immerses children in a playful situation, where children, by teaching the “guest,” acquire skills themselves.

Games with objects develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification) and improve speech.

With the help of didactic games “Suggest a word”, “Name it kindly”, I work to consolidate the skills of inflection and word formation. I use the games “What’s gone?”, “What’s changed?”, “Remember and name”, “Wonderful bag” in correcting sound pronunciation, syllable structure, and activating the dictionary.

The children in my group enjoy playing printed board games. They help clarify and expand ideas about the world around us, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.

Construction in the preschool period is a game on the basis of which productive activities are formed. They contribute to the formation of cognitive processes, speech, emotional, creative development, independence and arbitrariness of processes. Children's construction refers to an activity in which children create various play crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, etc.).

In my speech therapy work, I successfully use a puzzle game

"Tangram". The game promotes the development of attention, imagination, thinking, combinatorial abilities, and fine motor skills.

One of children's favorite toys is a ball. Children with speech impairments have difficulty in such movements as passing the ball from a short distance (throwing it, hitting the target with their palms, trying to catch the ball), rolling and grabbing the ball.

Verbal games with a ball are an excellent solution to problems of consolidating speech skills in a mental sense based on ideas and without relying on visualization, developing general motor skills, and self-control skills when performing a task.

Gaming technologies are an integral part of pedagogical (educational) technologies: task-based, gaming, computer, dialogue.

The problem of using gaming technologies in the educational process in pedagogical theory and practice is not new. However, in the Russian education system, gaming technologies to this day remain an “innovative technology.”

3. I use information and communication technologiesin the form of electronic aids for demonstration on a multimedia projector: “Sesame Street”, “Auntie Owl’s Lessons”, “Speech Therapy Games”, “Speech Therapy Exercises”, etc.

When demonstrating presentation materials, the children in my group perceive the educational material better, their interest in learning new things increases, their cognitive activity is activated, and their thinking develops.

4. Emotional excitability, delayed development of the motor sphere, constrained and uncoordinated movements when performing exercises, and insufficiently developed motor skills of the fingers are characteristic of children with speech impairments.

Using in workhealth-saving technologies(breathing, articulation and finger exercises, physical education), I increase the effectiveness of the correctional process, maintain and strengthen the health of children, and promote the speech development of pupils.

Regular classesbreathing exercisescontribute to the development of correct speech breathing.During exercises, I teach children to take short, deep breaths and smooth, long, economical exhalations.When mastering breathing exercises, children begin to independently regulate the duration and force of exhalation, and rationally use exhalation at the moment of pronouncing sounds, syllables, words, phrases.

Articulation gymnastics- development of correct, complete movements and certain positions of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. The main task is to develop accuracy, strength, pace, and switchability of movements. To develop the articulatory apparatus and facial expressions, I use fairy tales about the cheerful Tongue (articulatory gymnastics in pictures, facial bun).I select exercises taking into account the child’s specific disorder.

I pay special attention to the development of fine motor skills, since training the fingers and hands stimulates the child’s speech development.

S.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the sources of creative thought. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child. Systematic exercises for training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on the development of speech, are a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex, affecting the centers of speech development, developing manual skills, and helping to relieve stress.

I conduct finger games: with small objects, games with tongue twisters, games with poetry, I use various lacing, mosaics.

I also use physical exercises during exercises in which movements are combined with words, muscle activity develops, speech deficiencies are corrected, existing vocabulary is activated, in a skillfully selected simple poem, the given sounds are practiced, and lexical material is consolidated.

I actively use Su-Jok. This therapy expands the understanding of a modern specialist in the development of fine motor skills.

Correction of sound pronunciation is impossible without working on the expressiveness of speech, its meaningful duplication in activities such as retelling, memorizing poetry, tongue twisters.

I use the technique of symbolic analogy, which facilitates the memorization process - mnemonics. The essence of mnemonics is that for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is created.

Mnemonics uses the natural mechanisms (visual-figurative memory) of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information.

The above types of technologies cannot be considered in speech therapy as independent; they become part of generally accepted time-tested technologies, and bring into them the spirit of the times, new ways of interaction between teacher and child, and new incentives for the speech therapist teacher.

5. No positive dynamics during correctional intervention can lead to the achievement of the expected effect if changes in the child’s speech development do not find understanding, response, or appreciation from parents, if significant, loved ones do not see the meaning of these changes.

It is necessary to initially inform parents about the development of the child’s speech, the peculiarities of the formation of his speech, the structure and content of correctional speech work.

To increase the competence of parents in matters of speech development, I usetechnology of project activities.

M Noah developed the “Together with Parents” project.Participants in the “Together with Parents” project are a speech therapist, children of senior preschool age, and their parents. The objectives of the project are to establish partnerships with the family of each pupil and increase the literacy of parents in the field of correctional pedagogy. The effectiveness of these results is the positive dynamics of children’s speech development, successful social adaptation.

Speech therapy project “Together with parents”

Shnyrkova Svetlana Alekseevna

Speech therapist teacher, MADO No. 38

Project passport

Project type : informational, practice-oriented, open.

Duration: long-term.

Implementation deadlines: September 2015 – May 2016

Project implementation principles:

  • significance (the selected topics are relevant and accepted);
  • variability of forms and methods;
  • scientific character; cooperation;
  • consistency of feedback;
  • openness;
  • privacy.

Objective of the project: increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development.

Adopted Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012. No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” obliges teachers and parents to become not only equal, but also equally responsible participants in the educational process.

Whatever significant changes in a child’s speech occur during classes with a speech therapist, they will acquire significance only if they are transferred to a real life situation.

The task of a speech therapist is to help parents understand their role in the child’s development process, choose the right direction for home education, equip them with certain knowledge and skills, methods and techniques for overcoming speech disorders, and fill home lessons with children with specific content to assimilate and consolidate the acquired knowledge. The work of a speech therapist with parents of children is defined as mandatory and is an integral part of the program for training and raising children with speech disorders.

During speech therapy work it is necessary:

  • activate parents, draw their attention to the correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children;
  • explain and show parents what speech therapy work consists of;
  • help parents understand how important it is to correctly form their children’s speech.

Relevance of the projectis determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education system and the existing contradictions between the increase in the number of children with speech disorders and the lack of possibility of providing correctional and speech therapy assistance to everyone in need in a general developmental preschool educational institution, and the need for parental participation in the correctional and speech therapy process.

Based on the above, we see the relevance and significance of the problem of increasing the competence of parents in matters of children's speech development.

Project participants:teacher-speech therapist, children of senior preschool age, their parents.


  • establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, create an atmosphere of community of interests;
  • increase parents’ literacy in the field of developmental and correctional pedagogy, awaken in them interest and desire to participate in the upbringing and development of their child;
  • instill in parents the habit of asking teachers about the process of child development in various activities, and seeking help in matters of correction;
  • find out the educational needs of parents and their level of competence in matters of speech development;
  • to interest parents in using the information and methodological stand “Speech therapist’s corner”;

Expected results:

  1. Parents are actively involved in the correctional and developmental process to eliminate children’s speech deficiencies at home,
  2. Parents independently use materials from the information and methodological stand “Speech therapist’s corner”.
  3. The survey revealed an increase in the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child speech development.

The effectiveness of these results is:

  • For children - positive dynamics of speech development, successful social adaptation in preschool educational institutions and the family, individual approach to each child;
  • For parents - positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution, readiness and desire to help the preschool educational institution;
  • For teachers - the interest of teachers in creativity and innovation, taking into account the positive dynamics in the development of children’s speech when certifying teachers;
  • For preschool educational institutions - favorable conditions for the professional growth of teachers, increased status of preschool educational institutions.

Project description: strategy and mechanism for achieving the goal

Work on interaction between a speech therapist and parents on the speech development of children takes place in 3 stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (information and analytical).


  • Discussion and formulation of problematic issues.
  • Selection of exercises for the development of fine motor skills, selection of exercises to develop the correct air flow, exercises for the tongue and lips.

To solve these problems, we begin our work with a survey. During the survey, based on the collected data, you can analyze the characteristics of the family, identify the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development, and develop tactics for your communication with each parent.

Stage 2 - main (practical).


  • develop and test a system of methodological activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children.

The knowledge and speech skills of children acquired during classes with a speech therapist are consolidated in a playful way in everyday life.

Project means and methods:

  1. Conducting parent-teacher meetings, consultations, joint activities between parents and children, business and role-playing games, a round table;
  2. Collection and study of information;
  3. preparation of a report on the work and registration of the results of the work in the form (presentations, publications, etc.);
  4. Visual information forms:

Stand “Advice from a speech therapist”,

Moving folders,

Memos for parents “Structure of the articulatory apparatus”, “Obedient breeze”, “Let’s breathe correctly. Game exercises for developing breathing."

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, presuppose the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and parents, and awareness by parents of the role of the family in the education and upbringing of the child.
Stage 3 - final (control and diagnostic).


  • To analyze the effectiveness of a speech therapist teacher’s work with parents on issues of children’s speech development.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of correctional work with children.


  • Khvattsev M.S. Speech therapy. “Working with preschoolers” M. 1996.
  • Babina E.S. “Partnership between preschool educational institutions and families in speech therapy work.” Speech therapist 2005 N 5.
  • Filicheva T.B. “Fundamentals of Speech Therapy” M. Prosveshchenie 1989.
  • Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva G.B. "Speech therapy". Ekaterinburg, 1998.
  • Mironova S.A. “Speech development of preschool children in speech therapy classes.” M. 2007.



Shapes and
working methods





until 15.09

1. Questionnaire “Me and my child”

Analyze the relationship between adults and children in the family, study the adequacy of the parents’ position in relation to the child and his speech defect, and their pedagogical awareness

Questionnaire for parents

Teacher speech therapist

Stage 2


“We play with our fingers and develop speech

A message about the relationship between speech development and fine motor skills of the hands, recommendations for finger exercises

Protocol of the workshop, feedback from parents

Teacher speech therapist


“Speech breathing is the basis of correct speech”

Thematic consultation with a practical part.

Protocol of consultation, feedback from parents.

Teacher speech therapist


"Open Day"

Parents attend individual and subgroup classes and watch how their children study.

Speech therapist teacher, vos-li


Master Class
"Learn to hear sounds"

Teaching a set of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children

Protocol of the master class, feedback from parents.

Teacher speech therapist


A holiday of beautiful and correct speech

Demonstration of speech skills acquired in class

Protocol of the holiday, reviews from parents

Teacher speech therapist
Music hand


"Home toy library"

Introduces parents to simple, but very interesting, and most importantly useful games for children.

Card index of games and exercises

Teacher speech therapist


Individual consultations

Providing assistance to parents on issues of interest to them

Parent consultation log

Teacher speech therapist

3. Final stage


work of a speech therapist with parents

Identification of the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development

Questionnaire for parents


Children monitoring

Identification of the level of speech development of children

Speech therapy diagnostics

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

“Kindergarten No. 18 “Nest” of a combined type in Orsk”

Year of birth: 1972

Education: 1. Pedagogical College

2. Moscow Non-state educational institution of higher professional education Capital Financial and Humanitarian Academy. Qualification as a teacher-speech therapist with a specialty in Speech Therapy.

Total work experience: 24 years, including teaching experience: 24 years

Work experience as a teacher-speech therapist at MDAU d/s 18 – 3.6 years

2. Conditions for the formation of experience.

I selected and studied the following literature on this topic:

1. Bystrova G. A., Sizova E. A., Shuiskaya T. A. Logostales [Text]: St. Petersburg: “Karo”, 2005

2. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. – M., 2007.

3. Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with special needs development. - M. 2004.

4. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D. Games in fairy tale therapy; Developmental Fairytale Therapy – St. Petersburg. 2006. Fundamentals of fairy tale therapy; Training on fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg. 2010.

5. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. – M., 2007.

6. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

7. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. Edited by Kozhevnikov V.M. 1987.

8. Makunina E. We come up with stories and fairy tales.J. Child in kindergarten 6-2005 p.35.

9. Nishcheva N.V. Educational fairy tales [Text]: A series of classes on developing the lexical composition of the language, improving the grammatical structure of speech, developing coherent speech in preschool children - an educational and methodological manual-summary. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-press, 2007

10. Novikovskaya O.A. Notes of complex classes on fairy tales. Introductory article. - Saint Petersburg. 2007.

11. Sakovich N.A. Practice of fairy tale therapy. Saint Petersburg. 2005

12. Stishenok I.V. Fairy tale in training. Saint Petersburg. 2009

Shorokhova O.A. Let's play a fairy tale. - M.2006.

13. Shorokhova Playing a fairy tale [Text]: Fairytale therapy and classes on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008


3. Theoretical basis of experience.

The educational process is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “The Basic General Educational Program of the Kindergarten”, on the basis of a personality-oriented model of training and education. Conditions are created (general educational programs, developmental environment, personal professionalism) that ensure the readiness of children with special needs for the next stage of education, the full development of personality: the emotional sphere, creativity, interests, motives, self-esteem and self-awareness of the child, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Due to the fact that the nature of speech pathologies in preschool children has become more complex, there is a need to search for new forms and methods of work, and to use innovative technologies in the field of correctional and developmental education and upbringing. What is the task of the Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia.

After analyzing this situation, I identified a pedagogical problem: identifying methods and techniques for the effective work of a teacher-speech therapist in a preschool educational institution to improve all components of the speech system, increase interest in performing speech correction exercises, develop cognitive mental processes, namely, imaginative thinking, attention, memory , imagination, development of empathy, formation of models for expressing basic emotions and feelings, mastering the skills of managing one’s behavior, creative activity, and moral education.

Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature, I identified for myself the method of fairy tale therapy, which is a health-saving technology, namely a complex system aimed at correcting speech disorders, the personal development of a child and preserving his health, and allows solving educational, correctional, and educational tasks within the framework of a fairy tale.

4.Relevance and prospects.

A fairy tale is an effective developmental and correctional tool for the development of coherent speech when working with children with general speech underdevelopment.

Improving the quality of education for children with speech disorders is one of the important areas of modernization of preschool education. The prevalence of speech defects in preschool children and the need for their correction requires the teacher-speech therapist to be proficient in the use of modern educational technologies.

The fairy tale therapy method is a health-saving technology, a comprehensive system aimed at correcting speech disorders, the personal development of a child and preserving his health, and allows, within the framework of a fairy tale, to solve educational, correctional, and educational problems.

Goal: using effective methods and techniques of fairy tale therapy for speech correction, motivating children to the correction process and related mental processes, developing the emotional-expressive sphere of preschool children.

All work is based on general didactic principles (the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of consciousness and activity), the principles of special pedagogy (the principle of developmental education; the principle of clarity; the principle of correctional orientation) and the principles of speech therapy (the principle of differential approach; the principle of the formation of speech skills in natural conditions speech communication; ontogenetic principle).

5.Novelty of experience

Fairytale therapy is a method that has been known since ancient times, but has recently gained popularity in correctional pedagogy. Coherent speech is the most difficult section in the work of a speech therapist, especially with children with general speech underdevelopment. The development of coherent speech in classes using the fairytale therapy method should occupy one of the central places, since no other type of activity can provide such a complex impact on the child’s speech sphere.

The educational and educational properties of fairy tales as a pedagogical tool have been known since ancient times. The fairy tale is used in various areas of work with preschool children with speech disorders, including in work on coherent speech. Coherent speech, being an independent type of speech-cognitive activity, at the same time plays an important role in the process of raising and educating children, since it acts as a means of acquiring knowledge and a means of monitoring this knowledge.

6. Targeting of experience.

The material can be used in kindergartens, speech centers, speech therapy groups by speech therapists, educators, students of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical universities.

7.Technology experience

Methods: targeted observation of text; description by reading the text; “interior” of a fairy tale; creating illustrations for individual episodes; modeling of fairy-tale characters; making carnival masks; magical attributes; selection of illustrations for previously read books; acting out scenes from fairy tales; literary theaters: dramatization, literary reading, demonstration of drawings and crafts; listening to music; exhibition of books by writers; writing stories on behalf of one of the heroes of the work; speculating on the fate of the heroes; telling about your favorite fairy tale; thematic conversations about what you read, about the author, about the genre; a conversation about literary heroes whose task is to develop artistic associations; conversation about genre; experiment with artistic image; games “Heroes Among Us”.

When working with fairy tales, I use mnemonics and computer technology (mnemonic tables and computer presentations have been compiled for fairy tales).

In my work I use teaching aids that present cycles of speech therapy didactic fairy tales with elements of fairy tale therapy. Cycles are sections of the program: Phonetics. Sound pronunciation. Literacy training. Grammar. Vocabulary. Each cycle of fairy tales has its own character, its own fairy-tale land with its laws, its own tests (that is, tasks for a specific section of the program).

Techniques of fairy tale therapy in the formation of coherent speech: verbal director's play; retelling from the perspective of a literary hero; word drawing; “what then”; joint solution of a problematic issue to a fairy tale; changing the situation in familiar fairy tales; inventing short stories; modeling; fairy tales about yourself; twisting a fairy tale; fantasy binomial; fairy tales in a new way; tracing tale; fairy tale word

In my speech therapy practice I use the following forms of complex fairy tale therapy:

Analysis of fairy tales (solving “open” fairy tale problems).

Telling fairy tales (group: inventing “in a circle”, telling “in a circle” a famous fairy tale; individual: from the 3rd person, from the 1st person).

Production of fairy tales (dramatization games).

Writing fairy tales (interpretation, rewriting, adding, composing new fairy tales and stories).

Meditation on a fairy tale (immersion in any process - static, psychodynamic)

Puppet therapy (finger puppets, puppets, paper puppets, glove puppets, riding puppets, flannelgraph, shadow, magnetic, stand).

Fairytale image therapy (instant transformation with the help of costumes).

Drawing fairy tales (spontaneous “magical” drawing).

A fairy tale can be made from fabric.

Comparison. Comparison game: “Who is like who?” “What does it look like?”

Fairy tales have smells. Living a fairy tale through the sense of smell, that is, with the help of smells.

Fairy tales sound. To help children better feel the peculiarity of a particular fairy tale, we use the sounds made by bells, tambourines, as well as plastic jars with different objects inside, which “make noise” when shaken.

8. Effectiveness of experience.

Fairytale therapy in the system of speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech pursues the following goals: - creating a communicative orientation of speech utterances; - improvement of lexical and grammatical means of language, the sound side of speech; - development of the prosodic side of speech; - development of dialogic and monologue speech; - introducing children to the origins of folk culture. Lessons on fairy tales are structured according to the following algorithm: listen, tell, live and compose a fairy tale.

In my speech therapy practice I use the following forms of complex fairy tale therapy.

A fairy tale can be made from fabric . Together with the children, I began to depict on the table the place where the fairy tale takes place, using pieces of fabric that differ in shape, size, and color. For example, Tsarevich Ivan went out into a wide field - rags with daisies and cornflowers were spread on the table; long blue chiffon ribbon - a stream.

Games - conversations with fairy tale characters . After conducting a conversation with children in the group, which makes it possible to assess how well the content of a work of art is understood, I sometimes continue the discussion of the book, but in the form of a game-conversation with its characters (theater dolls, soft toys). The goal is to teach how to maintain a conversation, speak out proactively, ask questions, and summarize your knowledge in speech.

The funniest fairy tale. The funniest episode (“What other funny books do you remember?”). I conduct the same conversation about the most terrible, saddest book - in any case, the child’s thinking develops and a certain taxonomy of what he read arises: according to the similarities and differences of characters, authors, according to the similarity of the impressions received from the books. Along with this, the ability to highlight a specific episode in a fairy tale is developed. The goal is the ability to build interaction between speech parts

Game - dramatization of Who is like whom

The next stage in work in the second half of the senior group is a game - dramatization, a game - staging. It is this feature of a genuine work of art that I use in further work on it.

Puppet show

Fairy tale and music.

Selection of the most suitable music for the fairy tale (individual fragments). Music can heal - this has been proven many times by medical scientists around the world. Music is the basis for the harmonious development of personality.

You can dress up as heroes and dance. Creativity and imagination also develop in the process of inventing and putting together a costume for a fairy-tale hero. We do not sew them, but rather we compose them from the collection of fabrics we have. Children love to dress up. When the children “dress” like fairy-tale characters and admire themselves and each other, we select music.

Experiment with the artistic image of the game “Heroes Among Us”

Showing illustrations

Acting out scenes from fairy tales

Drawing and application of fairy-tale characters

I strive to live a fairy tale with my children, using all their senses. When I started doing fairy tale therapy with children, I realized that simply told fairy tales do not leave a deep imprint in the child’s soul. For example, they “do not see” either the forest through which Ivan Tsarevich makes his way, or the place where the mighty magic oak tree grows. In this case, illustrations help, but not every book has them. Therefore, after reading the fairy tales, together with the children they began to draw, make appliqués, recalling various episodes in their memory. I saw that each child perceives a fairy tale in his own way, and drawing and applique helps to understand the moral aspects, facilitates the process of retelling the fairy tale itself, its plot.

Different types of theaters

Quiz - relay race

based on Russian folk tales

Kindergarten No. 18 “Nest”, Orsk

senior speech therapy group

teacher - speech therapist Goncharova O.P.


Expand preschoolers’ knowledge about fairy tales;

Promote the development of physical qualities: speed, coordination, agility;

Develop preschoolers’ speech, reading interest, memory;

Foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, and camaraderie.

Equipment: exhibition of books with fairy tales, illustrations of Russian folk tales, illustrations for fairy tales made with errors, sheets of Whatman paper and felt-tip pens, two buckets, two brooms, medals.

Quiz progress

A recording sounds.

So, friends, let's start the program,

We have a large supply of ideas.

And who are they for? For you.

We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Than our fairy tales.

Why are they magical?

Yes, because in them animals can talk, there are non-existent heroes

(Koschei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the goblin), miracles happen - a frog turns into a princess, brother Ivanushka into a little goat, buckets move on their own.)

And today we have gathered to hold a quiz on Russian folk tales between two teams. Let's greet team..., team...

Each team will receive its own task. If a team fails to complete the task, the question moves to another team.

So, let's begin!

Competition 1. “Name the fairy tale from the picture”

(Based on the illustrations, participants name the fairy tales: Kolobok, Ryaba the Hen, Geese and Swans, The Frog Princess, Teremok, The Wolf and the Little Goats, According to the Pike's Order, The Fox and the Wolf.)

Well done!

Competition 2. “Ears on top of your head”

(Teams listen carefully to excerpts from fairy tales and determine the name.)

There is no river or pond. Where can I get some water? Very tasty water. In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The beautiful maiden is sad, She doesn’t like spring. It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing sheds tears. (Snow Maiden).

A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth, Scary, evil, who is she? (Baba Yaga).

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp, and in this swamp someone caught it. Who said goodbye to green skin. She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty. (Princess Frog).

Her grandfather planted it in the field. It grew throughout the summer. The whole family pulled her, she was very large. (Turnip).

It was mixed with sour cream. Baked in a Russian oven. I met animals in the forest and quickly left them (Kolobok)

The little goats opened the door. And everyone disappeared somewhere. (Wolf and kids)

He was chilling at the window. Then he took it and rolled away to be devoured by the fox. (Kolobok)

What a miracle, what a wonder a sleigh rides without horses? (By magic)

My sister started playing. The birds took my brother away. (Swan geese)

Competition 3. Relay race “Young Artist”

We made sure that you know the fairy tales. Do you know how to draw the heroes of your favorite fairy tales? You will find out who you will draw from the riddle:

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled…….. (bun)

That's right, you will draw Kolobok. But you will draw with the whole team. Listen to how. Teams are lined up in 2 columns. The first participant runs and draws a head, the 2nd participant - one leg, the 3rd participant - another leg, the 4th participant - one arm, the 5th participant - another arm, the 6th participant - eyes, the 7th participant - a mouth, the 8th participant - the path along which the bun is running .

(Drawing sheets are attached to the board, and the first team members receive a felt-tip pen.)

Competition 4. “Guess it”

1 – What song did Kolobok sing?

2 – What did the goat sing to her kids?

3 – What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

4 – What did the hen Ryaba say to the grandfather and woman?

5 – What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?

6 – What did the fox say at that time?

7 – What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?

8 – What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

Competition 5. Relay “Flight of Baba Yaga”

The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a mortar and a broom. In the relay race, a simple bucket is used as a mortar, and a broom is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, with his hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a broom. And now in this position it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the “mortar” and “broom” to the next one.

Competition 6. “Find the artist’s mistakes”

(Children look at illustrations for fairy tales and find the artist’s mistakes.)

Competition 7. Telegrams arrived at our d/s. Help me guess who they are from?

Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (kids)

Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg” (mouse)

Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)

Help, our house is broken, but we ourselves are safe” (animals)

Dear grandparents, don't worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I’ll be home soon” (Masha)

Help, my brother has turned into a little goat” (Alyonushka)

It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub)

Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I’ll marry a frog” (Ivan Tsarevich)

Competition 8. “Guess the fairy tale”

    "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf"

    "Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka"

    "Daryushka's hut"

    "Floating Ship"

    "Axe noodles."

Well done boys

The game is over

It's time for us to part ways. And for an interesting game I give you medals.

Lesson summary using fairy tale therapy and

Logorhythmics “Travel with a Kolobok through the Forest”

Teacher speech therapist

Goncharova O.P.

Goal: Development of the communicative function of speech. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere using elements of fairy tale therapy and logorhythmics.

Correctional educational objectives: Introducing children to oral folk art, Russian life, expanding and activating the vocabulary based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”, “Vegetables - Fruits”. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and developmental tasks: Activation of speech activity, improvement of dialogic speech, development of coherent speech, phonemic representations. Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, general speech skills, creative imagination, fantasy.

Correctional and educational tasks: Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, independence, overcoming indecision before public speaking and the ability to evaluate actions. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Methodological techniques: Organizing children, asking riddles, asking questions, conversation, logorhythmic exercises, physical education, outdoor games, using musical compositions, showing demonstration material, using handouts, using physical equipment, surprise moment, encouragement.

Material: Caps of fairy tale characters, two baskets, models of vegetables and fruits, three hoops, pictures with Wolf songs, pictures with sounds (A), (U), (I), parts of the whole picture “Kolobok”.

Audio recordings: Musical compositions “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, “Song about a Kolobok”, “Dance with Musical Instruments”, “Sounds of Nature”.

Preliminary work with children: Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, distributing roles, learning poems and songs.

Didactic material “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Progress of the lesson

1 part. Introductory.

The musical composition “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is playing

Speech therapist: Hello children. Do you like fairy tales? Today we will play with you our fairy tale about Kolobok. In the meantime, I will turn you into fairy-tale heroes (children wear hats of characters from the fairy tale Kolobok)

Speech therapist:

Today is an unusual day,

I want to surprise you.

On a big journey,

We'll leave now.

But we will not go alone, but with a fairy-tale character, and which one you must guess with.

(speech therapist asks a riddle)

It is shaped like a ball.

He was once hot.

Jumped off the table onto the floor

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side...

Did you find out? (Kolobok).

(Kolobok appears to the music from the cartoon “Kolobok”)

Kolobok: Hello, children, I am Kolobok (the children greet the Kolobok).

Speech therapist: Guys, what geometric figure does our bun resemble? What colour? How many eyes does he have? (Children's answers)

Kolobok: You guys are great, smart, quick-witted, I want to invite you to the spring forest, in order to get there, you need to complete all my tasks.

Guys, let's form a circle of "Kindness"

(Logoritmics “Circle of Kindness”)

We will build a circle with you

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend

Don't go anywhere

You are from the circle of “Kindness!”

We'll go to the forest today

It's full of miracles

Ears, eyes alert

Don't miss a thing.

So that we don't go astray,

My friend and I should go!

(Movements are performed to music)

The legs began to walk

Along the spring path,

We'll walk through the forest

And contemplate nature. (children are walking)

Keep your heads up, friends, we are watching the sky. (raise their head)

Sun, clouds and warmth, can we guess the weather?

What's the weather like? (gloomy, cold, stormy, sunny, hot)

Clouds are moving quickly across the sky, who is driving them away? (wind)

I am a wind. You are my clouds.

Wind, wind, you are powerful,

You are chasing flocks of clouds. (children run in a circle)

The sun rose and dispersed the clouds.

(I. p.)

The sun extended its rays to us

(restore breathing inhale-exhale)

Close your eyes. (Music sounds) We found ourselves in the forest. How beautiful it is here!

Part 2. Main.

Kolobok: Oh, who is this? (a child dressed as a Hare comes out from behind a bush)

Hare: Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Kolobok: But you won’t eat it! Hares do not eat koloboks, but love fruits and vegetables.

Speech therapist: Children, collect a basket of fruits and a basket of vegetables for the bunny.

(Game “Help the Bunny”)

Kolobok: To keep your teeth strong, chew vegetables, all the kids!

Speech therapist: And Kolobok rolled on. (the guys follow Kolobok like a snake)

He ran along the road, at the feet of the gray wolf.

(in a clearing, a child in a Wolf costume is sitting on a stump)

Wolf: Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Speech therapist: Wait, Wolf, don’t eat Kolobok, do you want the children to sing your songs? We can sing them loudly or quietly.

(According to silent articulation, children sing the sounds A, U, I quietly and loudly).

Kolobok: and the guys and I can also lay out pictures with words under these letters. (Game “Arrange the pictures in the houses.” (pictures with the vowels A, U, I at the beginning of the words: stork, needles, apricot, fishing rod, orange, toy, dill, bus, duck, pineapple, iron, snail, turkey, watermelon. )

Well, why don't you eat me? Will you let me go?

Wolf: I won’t touch you, I really enjoyed playing with you.

Bear: Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Kolobok: Don’t rush, you’ll have time to eat.

Do you want to listen to a counting rhyme?

Bear: Well, come on, why not listen.

Kolobok: (Logorhythmic “Bear”)

Behind glass doors (clap rhythmically)

There is a bear with pies. (stretch both hands forward)

Hello, Mishenka, my friend, (bow)

How much does a pie cost?

A pie costs three, (moves three fingers - show three fingers)

And you will drive (pointing gesture)

(The bear growls and runs after the children. The children run away)

Speech therapist:

Kolobok rolled away, his ruddy side flashing.

And the bear ran after him, but he didn’t catch up with him.

And towards, oh, oh, oh, a fox walked along a forest path.

(a child appears in a Fox costume)


How handsome you are, Kolobok, how rosy and cheerful!

They say that you, my friend, know a lot of songs.

I want to be friends with you, to receive you as a gift.

Speech therapist: We all really liked the bun too. Let's all make a portrait of Kolobok together.

(Children use parts of the whole picture to make a portrait of Kolobok)

Speech therapist: How did our Kolobok turn out?

Children: Handsome, cheerful, rosy.

Speech therapist: And now I propose to dance with our kolobok, to the accompaniment of noise musical instruments.

(to the song about Kolobok, the guys perform movements with musical instruments)

Part 3. Final.

Speech therapist: Well done! You've succeeded. But the time of our journey today has come to an end, it’s time for us to say goodbye, and for Kolobok to return home to his grandparents (the children say goodbye to Kolobok).

Answer me, friends, did you like our trip?

What did you like and remember most?

Was it difficult?

We will definitely go traveling again.

And now let’s say goodbye to our guests and say to everyone “See you again!”

Used Books:

Magazine "Speech therapist", No. 12013.

Book “Logoritmics in kindergarten”, author Kartushina M. Yu., M-2007.

The book “System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment”, author Nishcheva N.V., St. Petersburg - 2003.

Natalia Popova

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Popova Natalya Valerievna, teacher speech therapist, kindergarten No. 40 "Brigantine", city o. Balashikha.

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Dear jury, dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention experience on the topic: « Innovative methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist teacher».

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Currently, one of the urgent tasks of correctional pedagogy is to increase the efficiency of the correctional educational process in kindergarten.

Innovative methods, without requiring much effort, optimize the process of correcting children’s speech, contribute to the improvement of the whole body, which is confirmed by my pedagogical experience.

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Beautiful, clear speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of preschool children, which is the goal of my work.

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Through use innovative methods and techniques I solve the following problems. A exactly:

developing: linguistic components of speech (phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic) and the ability to apply them in practice;

Articulatory, fine and gross motor skills;

VPF (speech, imagination, thinking, memory);

Activity, independence, creativity;

Mimic and pantomimic skills;

Non-verbal communication skill;

Formation of a positive psycho-emotional state of the child;

Reducing possible fatigue, relieving muscle tension.

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In my practice I use the following innovative methods and techniques:

Creative play therapy (peskoterpiya);

Marbles Pebbles;

Vocal therapy;

Fairytale therapy;

Puppet therapy;

Speech therapy massage;

Rhythmic declamation;


Su-jok therapy;

Information technology of education.

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But today I want to focus on the brighter ones methods and techniques which I use in my practice.

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In individual lessons, each speech therapist teaches classical methodology and techniques for the development of articulatory motor skills. I developed an author's manual"Live" mirror" where method demonstration and explanation is most effective, since the child concentrates his attention on clearly performing the articulation exercise.

Here you are, here I am

Look at me!

This is a mirror

It is your reflection!

Let's play fun

Repeat the exercises!

And in order to arouse interest, the desire to practice, the desire to perform the exercise correctly, I use magic figures as a surprise moment.

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Vocal therapy.

Children love to sing. I believe that when singing pure sayings and nursery rhymes to musical accompaniment, the general psychophysical condition of children improves. The method develops rhythm, expressiveness, stimulates speech functions, normalizes the prosodic side of speech.

Nursery rhyme "Bug" (E. Zheleznova).

Bug, bug, buzz.

Show me how you fly.


- I fly and buzz:


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Rhythmic declamation.

I use rhythm declamation in combination with vocal therapy. IN work With children I use wooden sticks and texts for speech games. I choose simple texts so that they are easy to remember. Most often these are examples of oral folk art - songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, jokes.

The simplicity of the selected text allows you to devote more time not to memorizing it, but to developing rhythm, diction, clear articulation, and correct sound pronunciation.

Legs, legs, did you walk?

We walked, we walked.

Legs, legs, were you running?

We ran, we ran.

Legs, legs, are you tired?

We are tired... We are tired...

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One of the most effective methods for speech development I use syncwine method.

Sinkwine helps to find the most significant element in a large information material. Draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. It develops speech, thinking, memory, and interest in the world around us.

Cinquain is a small verse of five lines, without rhyme.

Now let's play cinquain.

The time of year is winter. Let's make a cinquain about winter.

1. Let's start with the subject. What? Winter.

2. What kind of winter is it? (Fierce, crackling).

3. What does winter do? (Circles, howls, sweeps).

4. Now let’s draw a conclusion and briefly formulate it in one sentence. (Fluffy snowflakes are falling).

5. The word is an association. (Magic).


1. Winter. 2. Fierce, crackling.

3. Circling, howling, sweeping. 4. Fluffy snowflakes are falling.

5. Magic!

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And to develop coherent speech, I use Marbles pebbles. They help you plunge into the world of games, fairy tales, miracles and magic.

They form the correct grip of a pebble with their fingers, develop mental function, orientation on a plane, in space, and develop imagination.

We talk and relax

We sort through the stones,

Different - different:

Blue, red,

Yellow, green,

Light, heavy.

I use an artistic word on a lexical topic, the children use magic pebbles to lay out the plot of a fairy tale. This helps them construct their story.

I want to demonstrate to you the use of this method in practice.

Story "Bullfinches".

End of winter. The most difficult time has come for birds. All the berries, all the grains in the forest have already been eaten! And the birds fly closer to the person. Kind people. They will take pity on the unfortunate birds and feed them their: some with crumbs, some with grains, and some with lard and butter.

Now the bullfinches have come to you. Beautiful birds bullfinches: there is a black cap on the head and a red chest.

Bullfinches love berries. But there were almost none left on the branches. The bullfinches ask you to help them - fill these branches with berries.

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My practice is not limited to working with children. I include parents in the correctional and developmental process. I act as a partner, mentor, consultant.

Optimism, patience and determination help me establish emotional contact, unite parents into a team, and relieve communication tension. For this I use master classes, consultations, and surveys.

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I am happy to share my professional experience at seminars, methodological associations, round tables.

My articles are published on various Internet resources and magazines.

I strive to ensure that in my communication and interaction with colleagues there is always joy, creativity, a constant desire to change something, to move forward, to look for new approaches to solving difficult problems of teaching practice.

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Innovative methods and techniques which I use in my work efficiently, because I see positive results.

Thank you for your attention. All the best!

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