We refurbish the old one. How to update interior doors - breathe new life. Borders made of brick, stone and cinder block

To begin with, “let’s draw the image of the enemy,” that is, let’s understand what it is in a well-worn car that pushes us away.

Dents on the body;

Damaged or missing trim parts;

Broken, faded lighting equipment;

Areas with corrosion or damaged paint;

Untidy wheel rims;

Dirt and dust on the body.

Of course, if your car has a hopelessly damaged body and rust holes alternate with patches of peeling paint, it will not be easy to make a “candy” out of it (and most importantly, it will not be cheap). But often appearance vehicle spoils the “complete set” of minor flaws that can be easily eliminated.

In addition, do not forget that few people will look at your car if they come up close. Most of the “observers” see other cars from a distance of ten or more meters, which means that the smallest defects in your car can be ignored, while trying to eliminate the most noticeable ones.

Under the ruler

The car’s unevenly sagging suspension creates a catastrophic feeling of untidiness. The raised “stern”, the front end falling to one side, the wheel rubbing against the wing arch - it seems that with such external characteristics there is a direct road to the recycling site. But sometimes it’s enough to change a single spring or spring to correct the car’s posture. This issue also needs to be addressed because a skewed car handles worse.

If you have a domestic model from the Soviet period, keep in mind that all the cars of that time were designed by designers to be fully loaded. That is, the old “our marks” look most harmonious and expressive on a crouched suspension, and if geometric cross-country ability does not matter to you, by leveling the car’s posture, do not try to increase the ground clearance.

Also, the impression of a crooked body is reinforced by poorly fitting, unevenly installed doors, hood, and trunk lid. You can often adjust them yourself, only through the provided adjustments of the hinges and locks. Bumpers also play a big role, or rather the accuracy with which they are connected to other parts of the car, since the boundary lines are usually long, the slightest distortion immediately becomes noticeable.

Just like the broken lines of gaps between body parts, bent, poorly joined trim parts - moldings, linings - greatly “distort” the car. Since the original parts of this group are often expensive, here you can resort to modern tuning accessories - self-adhesive moldings from soft plastic. By the way, if, thanks to a well-chosen color, size and location, such an overlay is clearly visible on the car, it will not only help to visually align the body, but will also partially distract attention from paint defects.

Attention to detail

The image of any “old lady” is positively enhanced by the originality of the components available for public viewing. “Native” bumpers, mirrors, optics, even on the most shabby copy, will create a touch of retro authenticity, and this always commands respect. At a minimum, try to use external parts, even if not standard ones, but from related models or, at worst, from the same historical period as your car.

Another little thing that will help make your car a little prettier at an inexpensive price is replacing worn-out lighting lenses. For most domestic cars, these plastic parts can be found new - both Soviet-made and new.

Small pockets of corrosion that have damaged the paint in visible places can be easily eliminated yourself: clean off the rust with emery cloth, and instead of paint use... nail polish. In haberdashery stores you can match most car colors with a certain degree of accuracy. Of course, such a “painting” cannot be called ideal, but from a distance of ten or two meters the car will look much fresher.

They always look impressive on an old car (especially if the car is dark in color). chrome parts: radiator trim, bumpers, wheel caps, mirror and light housings, windshield wipers, moldings, glass frames, headlight rims. Take care of them and, even if there are later versions of these components in black, try to find and install chrome.

Here, most likely, you will have to face some difficulties. Thus, well-preserved shiny parts are usually not cheap, but at disassembly sites the prices are quite affordable. Keep in mind that wheel disks later years of production often do not have protrusions for fixing the caps, but at car markets they sell sets of fastening brackets using wheel bolts or nuts.

The role of wheels

For those who want to make their own old car more attractive ones should pay special attention to the wheels as one of the most noticeable elements of the exterior. (We are not talking about the fact that there should be no bald tires on the wheels, since this is not only beauty, but also safety.)

The most common visible imperfections on wheels are dented rim flanges and peeling paint. The dented metal can be rolled on a machine in a tire shop, but skillful straightening with a hammer also gives a completely satisfactory result. Traces of corrosion will have to be removed with a wire brush and sandpaper. The coating can be restored with paint from aerosol can, but how exactly a budget option A simple brush will do - the flaws in this method will be visible only from five steps and in our case will not matter.

All problems rims, of course, hide large plastic caps in one fell swoop modern style, but they rarely fit stylistically with older generation cars and usually appear alien on them. But chrome caps (we repeat!) on cars of the generation up to the early 1980s are much more appropriate. In car markets, this decor is found in abundance at quite affordable prices.

It is the wheels that make it possible to add some zest to a well-worn car with little expense. Flippers - white rings for the sidewalls of tires - were fashionable in the 1930-1960s. This accessory gives the car (of the corresponding generation!) an elegant look, but the flippers produced today are not cheap, since they are intended primarily for retro cars. However, at various flea markets these products are found quite often and in satisfactory condition.

Today's article is dedicated to the owners of their summer cottage. Tell me, what do you associate a dacha with? With a hated vegetable garden, deposits of unnecessary things and a dilapidated house? Well, that won't work! A dacha means delightful flower beds, a well-kept house that smells delicious, a charming gazebo, cute paths, a cozy bathhouse, a refreshing pond, a comfortable hammock or swing.

But such an amazing picture requires colossal investments? But no! You just need to use your imagination! Do you want to know how to improve a summer cottage with your own hands, photos of which on the Internet are simply breathtaking? Then let's get started!


So, today we will learn how to recreate laconic, but divinely beautiful works of landscape design, without involving specialists and saving money, since the prices for their services, to be honest, are quite shocking.

First, let's take a sheet of paper, colored pens, pencils or markers and a passport land plot(it indicates the size of the territory). Now let’s bring our artistic talent to life and draw our possessions on a sheet of paper. Ready? OK. We begin to divide the territory into zones. In principle, we focus on our taste preferences, but designers recommend highlighting and beautifully elevating:

  • the area in front of the house;
  • the area around the bathhouse and any other buildings;
  • the area where the gazebo and pergola are located, or rather its supports;
  • fence area.

In addition, you can decorate a play area for children, a pool area, etc.

Wow, here are some ideas a huge number! Even for tiny territories there are a lot of grandiose ideas! As they say, 6 acres is not a death sentence!

To improve the territory, it is not at all necessary to spend money on purchasing all sorts of gnomes, ducks, swans and other “living creatures” intended to decorate the garden. You can use various available materials. I’m sure there’s a bunch of this stuff and a small cart at the dacha!

So, to create breathtaking masterpieces on the street we use:

Bottle gazebo

You can also use an old car, bicycle, motorcycle or moped. Incredible. Is not it? What else do we need? Well, of course, flower seeds. Here I am no longer a helper, as they say, the master is the master (or rather the mistress).

What to think of?

What can be created on the site? Many things! For example:

  • a colorful lawn or lawn;
  • lovely garden paths;
  • a refreshing artificial pond;
  • sophisticated decorative arches and pergolas;
  • fabulous flower beds;
  • incomparable living gazebos.

To lay a delicate and colorful carpet of soft grass on your summer cottage, you will have to work hard. We do the following work:

  • we prepare the area allocated for the lawn: we dig up the ground, remove all the roots and debris accumulated in the soil, apply fertilizers;
  • we plant the gifts of the flora: we moisten the soil, fluff up and evenly distribute the seeds to a depth of 3 cm so that they germinate and are not eaten by birds or dried out by the sun's rays;
  • We take care of the grass: carefully water it, trim it, weed it and fertilize it.

If desired, a bright lawn can be decorated with wonderful sculptures, charming figurines or bright compositions in the form of an overturned basket from which fruits, vegetables or flowers spill out in a stream.

“Green carpet”, in principle, is not whimsical, but it requires attention. Well, if you leave him to the mercy of fate, he will quickly take revenge with a terrible appearance.

Of course, the lawn is already a small masterpiece, and in combination with the original paths it is a real work of art. The material for the paths is not cheap, but this is not a reason to give up wonderful paths.

They can be created using stones, wood cuts, branches and glass or brick chips. Paths made from scrap materials look laconic, but homely. Laying of any raw material is carried out on a sand and gravel bed, under which it is advisable to lay geotextiles.

A fountain in a summer cottage looks incredibly impressive. The quiet singing of water, the chirping of birds and the aromas of flowers - this must be paradise! Why don’t we make such a miracle on the site? So, let's do the following:

  • digging a hole;
  • we strengthen the trench;
  • install the tank;
  • we install a special small pump;
  • pour water;
  • decorate the fountain.

A variety of plants and decorative lighting are suitable for decoration.

The pond on the site looks no less magical. It is constructed quite simply:

  • digging a hole;
  • we strengthen the trench;
  • install a container, for example, an old bathtub;
  • pour water;
  • decorate the pond.

What to do if there is no suitable container? Elementary! Cover the bottom and walls of the future reservoir with film. Only whole and not torn.

Fragrant flowers, small pebbles or large stones, shells, figurines in the form of fish, frogs, storks, water lilies and floating flower beds will perfectly serve as decoration.

The stream on the site looks fabulous, decorated with huge stones and plants - ferns, reeds, bergenia, marsh irises. For its construction:

  • choose a place;
  • remove soil along the contour of the reservoir;
  • cover the bottom with geotextiles;
  • pour crushed stone or pebbles;
  • we add shards of polished glass so that the stream sparkles when the sun embraces it with gentle and bright rays;
  • we line the banks with large stones;
  • we arrange a bridge;
  • We plant plants along the contour of the reservoir - barberry, viburnum, daylilies, etc.

As you can see, it is very easy to recreate amazing compositions from available materials. The main desire.

At the summer cottage there are beautiful arches and pergolas, in the passionate embrace of climbing plants. The structure can be made from plastic and metal pipes. When it comes to greens, the choice is huge. Ordinary ivy or grapes are wonderful, amazing clematis, noble climbing roses and elegant honeysuckle are delightful. Just imagine: in summer, pergolas or arches are covered with rich greenery, in spring – with delicate foliage, and in autumn – with fiery crowns.

To improve the dacha plot, we will place delightful residents on it, pampering them with an intoxicating aroma, lush flowering, stunning appearance. The colorful gifts of flora look perfect everywhere: around the house, in front of it and behind it. You can use the simplest flowers, but you need to think about the design. Although, why bother? Wonderful and exclusive ideas can't be counted.

Is there an old log lying around the property? Great. We make a hole in it, fill it with soil and plant flowers. Is there a stump in the yard? Great. We take out the “insides” from it, fill it with soil and plant the plants. Do you have an old boat, barrel, cart? Amazing. We issue in unnecessary things luxurious flowerbed.

Is there a vintage car in the garage that you’d hate to take to a landfill? Incomparable. We lift the hood, secure it so that it does not close, throw out the “insides,” fill it with soil and plant flowers. In the attic, old shoes, dishes, and plumbing fixtures are waiting in the wings. Well, their finest hour has come! We make flowerpots out of them!

Is there a metal bed, chairs, stools, washstands? Yes, we are fabulously rich! We bring all these treasures out into the light of God, cover them with film, fill them with soil and plant flowers. Do you have unnecessary vases and jugs? We fill them with soil, lay them on their sides, plant plants, creating an imitation of a stream. You can continue endlessly!

Now let's talk about flowers. Incomparable:

  • delicate chamomile;
  • graceful mallow;
  • bright September;
  • sophisticated marigolds;
  • fragrant peony;
  • fluffy dahlia;
  • wonderful aster;
  • lovely balsam;
  • curly hyacinth;
  • elegant petunia.

There are a lot of plants that pamper you with lush flowering, enchanting appearance and fragrant smell. The choice is yours.

Designers recommend getting a living gazebo. Just imagine: you are sitting in a gazebo, inhaling the sweet smells of plants, and you feel how your body is filled with the power of nature. An indescribable feeling! In addition, such a structure looks incredibly impressive. How to make a miracle gazebo? Quite simple. For this:

  • choose a place;
  • we buy seedlings (birch, maple, linden, willow are suitable, as they are very flexible);
  • plant trees at a distance of 1 m;
  • we install supports between the seedlings, connecting them with wire;
  • we attach the branches to the wire when the trees begin to grow;
  • when the seedlings grow up to 2 meters, we begin to create a roof from their branches, weaving them together;
  • to cover bare trunks, we plant climbing plants;
  • we create the interior decoration.

Over time, flowers and trees will create an amazing gazebo that will be the envy of everyone. Of course, this masterpiece needs to be looked after, but it is worth it.

The various sculptures on the site look very interesting. For example, you can build funny little animals from tires and plastic bottles painted in bright colors. In addition, painted stones look original. You can make them out of them ladybugs, fawns, piglets, hedgehogs, hares. We arrange the “household” in a chaotic order or create an amazing composition.

What conclusions arise? And they are as follows: improving a summer cottage without investment is a reality. Money is not needed here at all. The main thing is wild imagination and burning desire!

Get creative, dear friends! See you soon on other blog pages. And don't forget to subscribe for updates bye!

Wisdom Quote: Among young people, those who blush are better than those who turn pale. (Cato Marcus Porcius).

Owners country houses or dachas, you have to maintain not only the house itself, but also the area adjacent to it. And almost every summer resident wants to see his land not only functional, but also attractive and original.

How to improve your summer cottage without spending a lot material resources? Some design ideas are so simple that anyone can use them, even those who are not experienced gardener. Let's take a closer look at the options that can be used to decorate your garden.

Regular flowers in pots and small flower beds, unfortunately, do not look original and quickly become boring. But there is a way out: you need to collect all the old utensils, household items that have fallen into disrepair and are gathering dust in attics and sheds. It is antique things that can transform and create unique style your site.

Similar items include:

  • leaky watering cans and wooden barrels;
  • old stools, benches and chairs;
  • broken bicycles, car tires;
  • jars, troughs and porcelain dishes.

Barrels can be successfully turned into beds for climbing plants. We fill the containers with soil, make holes and plant the crops. Extremely unusual but beautiful flowerpots also come out of sinks or toilets.

Tires placed vertically on top of each other will serve perfectly as a flower bed. When the flowers begin to curl and grow downward, you will get a beautiful flower fountain.

A broken bicycle can also be turned into an original planter. Instead of a seat and steering wheel, we install potted flowers. Just don't forget to secure the structure.

Chests, grandmother's suitcases, wicker baskets - what are flower beds? If they look untidy, you can cover them special means, protecting the tree from rotting.

We remove the seating area from the old stool or chair, install a container with soil and plant whatever your heart desires.

Metal headboards from beds will be an excellent support for rose bushes, raspberries or climbing plants.

A broken vase and fragments of porcelain dishes will be useful for creating an original stream. We place a vase or jug ​​on its side, fill it with soil, lay out a kind of small stream around it made of glass or porcelain and plant any plants. You can create the impression that streams of moss, juveniles or sedum flow from the jug.

Shoes, torn boots and boots, arranged in a chaotic manner, will create a collection of unusual lawns with flowers of different shapes planted in them.

Shady areas of the garden, where there is little vegetation, will be perfectly complemented by straw effigies, figurines of gnomes and sculptures of brownies. If the area is small, then the figures, accordingly, should be miniature. In a large garden, the figurines can be made larger.

Tires make excellent cartoon and fairy tale characters, all kinds of animals and birds.

By the way, ordinary plastic bottles are a cheap and easy-to-use material from which you can create original decor for a country composition.

When suburban area large, then you can build a pool or a multi-level fountain. But what to do if the garden small size, but you really want to have a pond? In this case, it will be enough to dig a hole of the required size and install a bathtub or any plastic container. If there is no bath or container, you can simply use polyethylene. Line the bottom with film and fill with water. The edges can be beautifully decorated with flower beds or pebbles, pebbles, and small cobblestones.

An existing pond can be perfectly transformed with the help of flower beds floating on the surface. Making such a flower bed is very simple: take a plastic container, make small holes in the bottom, line it with geotextiles and fill it with soil. You can plant your favorite flowers on top and lower the structure into the water.

Bright and original garden paths
Paved path

Paths and paths in a personal plot will look attractive and cozy if they are laid out from small stumps, twigs, pebbles, mosaic tiles or from fragments of multi-colored plastic. Any material must be laid on a sand and gravel base.

Note! If your tile is worn out and does not look aesthetically pleasing, then simply remove it and plant small flowers, moss or sedum in this place.

Flashlights Homemade lighting

To make your dacha pleasing to the eyes not only in the daytime, but also at night, you should think about lighting, but not just install lanterns or light the perimeter, you can make the area mesmerizing and attract attention at night. And simple tin cans will help with this. We take a jar, draw any interesting design, make holes according to the design using a nail or an awl. All that remains is to paint the body a bright color and attach a wire handle. Place a candle inside. You can fasten several cans together and hang a garland of them in a certain area of ​​the garden. Glass jars are also suitable for decoration. We paint them with acrylic paints and install candles.

Make it original and attractive garden plot Just. With a little effort, you will want to admire the masterpieces you made yourself again and again.

  • do-it-yourself greenhouse made from a profile pipe;
  • how to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands;
  • how to make a garden path with your own hands.

Landscape design ideas:

How to correct the shortcomings of a small area using landscape design:


My sister and I came up with the idea of ​​purchasing a small summer cottage when we were 22 and 25 years old, respectively. We are both passionate about decorating and we wanted to bring to life different interesting ideas, and also have a place where you can simply relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy being close to nature.

The place was not chosen by chance - overlooking an ancient pine forest, on the other side of which our grandparents once lived and with which our happy childhood is therefore associated.

View of the pine forest from the attic

The plots in this SNT are small - only 3 acres, but we were primarily interested not in the vegetable garden, but in the house. Therefore, we immediately rejected proposals with plots turned into one continuous bed.

... And finally, luck smiled at us - an elderly man responded to an ad written by hand - his old friend was selling a plot of land with a house. When we saw him (the house, not the man) - it was love at first sight! A plank house with an attic and an overgrown garden! We asked for the owner's phone number and immediately agreed on the purchase without haggling on the price (and it turned out to be much lower than we expected!). So we became his happy owners.

The house was made with love, but it was already very “neglected”. We wanted to breathe into it new life, having made repairs and without spending large sums. We initially decided that this would be a “budget” renovation, and wanted to prove that beautiful and cozy does not mean expensive.

This is what the house looked like at the time of purchase and the start of cleaning: old wallpaper yellowed from time and stains on the roof, an old bed and gray chairs:

Spring bed USSR

The wall opposite the bed (let’s call this place so that it’s convenient to compare later 😉)

This is what the house looked like from the outside

Even more scary places I won’t show it on the ceiling - so as not to scare you))

So, my sister and I started the renovation by cleaning.

We raked out and sorted the trash that was stored in the shelves and “cabinets” - these were old clothes, jars, bottles, etc. We swept up trash, dirt, dust, and of course mouse poop everywhere (tying up our respiratory organs with scarves and wearing masks just in case). Some of the trash was taken to a landfill, some was used for rags, some was sent for washing, and some was left for use or decoration.

We immediately called this place “tea room” - because here, as you can see, there is a small table with a couple of chairs for drinking tea and a gorgeous view from the window (topmost photo of the post)

We washed everything with bleach water!

Literally EVERYTHING: floors, walls, ceilings and even furniture.

Started painting old furniture in more “cheerful” colors. For example, it was decided to make the bed white.

Acrylic paint was used. And for painting window frames We used cheap alkyd enamel.

Painting the bed

Chairs - lavender!

The paint emphasized the structure of the wood

Gradually, a unique “concept” for this mini-room developed - and we called it “lavender tea room”.

I decided to paint one of the doors here like this:

I write in English “lavender tea room”

By the way, we called the main room in the attic “blue bedroom.” It was decided to use a warm, joyful shade of sky blue and, of course, white for combination (association with white clouds in a blue sky).

The plywood on the ceiling in places where there were leaks was replaced with new

They tore off old wallpaper from the walls and some paper from the ceiling. We washed the walls again with chlorine, dried them and started wallpapering.

The wallpaper for the main wall of the bedroom was white with a blue flower

“Feodosia” - 200 rub./roll

Blue wallpaper (for combination) - 80 RUR/roll

Wallpaper for the ceiling - free (we found old ones in the barn and pasted them on the wrong side)

View from the bedroom to the tea room

Let's roll it into new wallpaper..

Let's continue...

It’s not easy to paste over the ceiling - your hands get numb, but then your hand gets full)

Meanwhile, the walls in the tea room are covered with the remnants of wallpaper that was stored at home (pink), and the lilac ones were bought for 70 rubles per roll in the store. The “cabinet” door is painted pink.

I'm at the teahouse

Well, you’re probably tired of looking at phone photos of our “flops” and you want to see what came of it all?

We specially arranged a “photo shoot” of the resulting interior using a camera:

Lavender tea room

And now the blue bedroom.

The photos are arranged as if we were turning to the right:

Blue bedroom


Table by the window

Shelves and suitcase for storing linen (decorated by hand)

Sofa opposite the bed

View from the bedroom to the tea room

blue bedroom

And the outside of the house now looks like this (we painted it mint and pink - we tinted it ourselves).

They painted with rollers, using a folding ladder, and leaned out of the windows to paint where the ladder didn’t reach:

House in autumn:

And here my sister Lyalya and I are in the garden near the house. The peony bush has not yet bloomed, but has already grown - we made a “holder” for it from an old chair with a hole in the seat (which we simply tore off), found in the attic of my grandmother’s village.

My story ends, but the story of the house's transformation does not. The plans are to “furnish” the first floor. We will definitely share the result with you!

We are slowly organizing the garden: we dream of a lawn, flowers, a fence and garden furniture.

Thanks everyone for your attention! We hope that we have inspired at least someone else to be creative and create))

What to do if large-scale renovations are not included in your immediate plans, but you really want to change the outdated interior? Thanks to several budget solutions, the “grandmother’s” apartment will turn into a cozy and original home.

1. Alignment with walls

In many ways, it is the walls with partially peeling plaster and faded wallpaper that give Soviet interiors an outdated and sloppy appearance. Therefore, you can’t do without updating the wall space. Universal method- paint the walls White color or cover them with wallpaper. If this goes beyond the budget or seems too complicated, then use a fashionable technique characteristic of the loft style - unfinished walls, for example, concrete or brick. This style allows the use of old furniture, so furnishing a Soviet apartment in accordance with its characteristics will not be difficult. On "naked" or painted in white wall hang abstract paintings or apply graffiti.

The appearance of the room will be transformed by numerous open shelves on which there are beautifully bound books and original items. It is not at all necessary to hang them on the walls in a row. Chaotically placed shelves look more interesting.

2. Make room for new things

The problem with most old apartments is total clutter. Feel free to get rid of all items that you do not use for more than six months. Throw away things that don’t bring you pleasure when looking at them – we’re talking about decor. Leave only the essentials, and breathing in your old apartment will become much easier! The fewer random small objects it contains, the better. If you want to transform a rented apartment where you can’t throw away small things, then pack them in boxes and hide them in the sofa, on the mezzanine or under the bed. Sticking wires also create the impression of clutter. Hide them in special boxes, secure them under the countertops... Original solution– wrap the wires with twine or tape, but in this case you must first make sure that electrical communications OK.

3. Remember and realize that the furniture is not nailed to the floor.

Huge wardrobes and sofas, on which the eye continually rests, make a depressing impression. Since changing furniture does not fit into our budget, all that remains is to rearrange it correctly. Furniture should not block Sun rays entering the apartment from the street. Also try to place it in such a way that it does not come into view from positions where you spend the most time. For example, in the living room you should not place a cabinet next to the TV, since the massive furniture will always be noticeable to the person watching it. It is not necessary to place furniture along the walls. If the area of ​​the apartment allows, try using it for zoning. For example, a sofa located in the central part of the room will allow you to divide the room into several functional zones. You can instantly refresh the interior with the help of a screen or a rack on wheels. At the first sign of fatigue from the interior, simply move them, and a feeling of newness is guaranteed.

4. Not a step without textiles

When we say that it is impossible to imagine a cozy apartment without textiles, we do not mean multi-layer curtains with lambrequins. We'll have to get rid of them. But light translucent curtains or Roman blinds will effectively refresh the interior. Textile covers and bedspreads will help hide worn furniture upholstery, and bright printed pillows will radically change the perception of an old apartment. But if the interior is overloaded with small details and various details, then it is better to refuse flashy textiles. On the contrary, opt for solid colors that will help balance the decor and make it more harmonious.

5. More light and shine

After freeing the windows from multi-layer curtains, it’s time to move on to increasing the degree of artificial lighting. In most Soviet apartments you can find only one chandelier hanging in the center of the room. As a result, the room in evening time it looks gloomy, and people don’t have enough light. Table and floor lamps and candles will help solve the problem of insufficient lighting. The atmosphere will immediately become more comfortable! Also pay attention to the various interior details with a glossy shine - gold, silver, bronze... They harmonize perfectly with the dark wooden furniture, which abound in apartments, and ennoble the atmosphere. Photo frames, furniture fittings, lamps, lamps can be shiny...

6. New life for old furniture

There are a lot of ideas for updating old furniture. One of the simplest ones is replacing old fittings with new ones. A slightly more labor-intensive method would be to sand the furniture from the layer of old varnish and paint it. You can decorate the surface of updated furniture using decoupage or stencil design.

7. A “living” interior is always relevant

To make the interior look more dynamic, do not forget to decorate it with fresh flowers. Remember to take good care of your plants. Half-dried indoor flowers with yellowish leaves will produce the exact opposite effect. Choose large plants with richly colored leaves.

8. Bright details create an effect of novelty and surprise.

The problem with interiors created during the Soviet period is their monotony. As a result, the apartment looks boring and predictable. Therefore, we recommend that you liven things up by using a few bright details. Even one item non-standard color capable of radically transforming the Soviet interior. The more contrasting the environment, the less it will be perceived as outdated and unfashionable.

9. Say “yes” to non-trivial combinations

It is not at all necessary to turn a Soviet interior into a classic one. Firstly, the result is unlikely to be successful, and secondly, there are more interesting options. For example, eclectic. This style allows for the combination of things in the interior that at first glance seem incompatible. Thus, an eclectic interior allows for a high-tech lamp surrounded by old furniture. But be careful - in order to create high-quality eclecticism in the environment, you need to have excellent taste.

Many owners of a summer cottage or a private house want to see not only garden beds in the area adjacent to the house, fruit trees and shrubs, but also decorative elements that improve your mood.

After all, a summer cottage today is, first of all, a place of relaxation, where you can have a pleasant time after working day or a whole week.

Even a small area can be turned into an attractive and cozy area that combines several functions. Each person arranges and decorates the local area in his own way, depending on his means, strength and free time.

How to improve a summer cottage? There are a lot of options, and it is not at all necessary to implement everything you see and read on your site. Set your priorities and take action. And now, step by step, we will move forward and equip our summer cottage. And so off we go!

Step one. A high-quality and well-maintained lawn is the key to success

Sometimes it is enough to arrange a small area, and the appearance of the site will significantly change for the better.

True, to maintain such beauty you will have to work hard. Only if certain actions are performed will the lawn be beautiful and well-groomed:

  • high-quality planting material adapted to your climate;
  • processed and neat edge of the lawn (you can use border tape);
  • timely mowing of overgrown grass;
  • fertilizing, weeding, watering and “repairing” the green carpet.

Unusual shapes of the lawn will give the area a special decorative effect.

Step two. Garden paths

It could be step-by-step path from concrete slabs, . You can decorate the path with brick or any stone chips, or make it from ordinary paving slabs, lay out in mosaic. Choose an option that is acceptable to you and that matches the overall appearance of the site and the house.

Step three. Decorative arches

A green lawn isn't enough for you? The garden path makes you happy, but is something missing? Then we move on. We will install a pergola along the route. entwined climbing plants the design will decorate the area, inviting you to enter the garden or recreation area.

Several arches installed one behind the other will eventually be overgrown with plants so that they will create a pleasant shady corner where you can hide from the scorching sun and take a break from work.

The choice of plants for arches is great: from ordinary vines and ivy to beautifully flowering vines (honeysuckle, clematis, climbing rose). But also girl's grapes will delight you throughout the season with the variety of its colors: soft green leaves in spring, rich greenery in summer, and especially beautiful blushing leaves in autumn.

Step four. Flower beds and flowerbeds

Flowers and various floral arrangements add a special decorative touch to the area. To make such compositions look beautiful, it is better to arrange them in the form of flower beds or with the selection of the appropriate color scheme and flowering period planting material. The flower bed can contain both annuals and perennials, flowers and decorative herbaceous plants, differing in height.

You can plant plants as a border along the lawn.

Or organize a dense flowerbed of varying heights somewhere in the center of the green lawn.

And how many options there are for designing flower beds. This is their framing various materials: wattle fence, wooden fence or brick around the perimeter, wooden cuts or decorative cuts, fencing made of plastic bottles; or completely unusual and even household items.

Just an ordinary old log for a long time, lying somewhere on the site or in the forest, can become an attractive flower bed. In the same way, you can decorate the stump of a cut tree or an old tub.

Many people loved the unusual design move - decorating the garden with vehicles that had fallen into disrepair (cart, bicycle, boat). Decorated in the form of flower beds, they become the main art object in the garden.

And even an old retro car that has stood idle for a long time in your grandfather’s garage can become an element of the landscape.

Alpine slides are especially popular. But to create them, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the terrain of the site and select the “right” stones. On a flat, even terrain, a hill made of round cobblestones and decorated with plants will look like a “dog grave.” Such a slide will be random and will not bring additional beauty to your site.

Particular attention should be paid to selection. Stones are selected not only by shape, but also taking into account the plants that you plan to plant in this composition.

Of course, flowers also require care: weeding, fertilizing, watering, otherwise beautiful flower bed will turn into neglected thickets.

If there is a lack of time or space, but if you want to decorate your summer cottage, use flower pots, tubs or garden flowerpots for planting unpretentious plants. flowering plants. Such elements are easily transferred at will from one zone to another.

Any utensils that have become unusable (pots, buckets, watering cans) can be used as flowerpots, and here you can be creative. Decorate products with mosaics, paintings, paste them over wooden slats, braid with a rope or a vine - whatever your imagination allows.

You can also use old shoes as a flowerpot - a very interesting and original solution.

Step five. Arrangement of the reservoir

We continue to move on. What else can you decorate with? personal plot? Or maybe we'll dig a pond? On a fairly spacious area you can place a pond or swimming pool. If there is not enough space - small or. This building will certainly become the highlight of the landscape.

Setting up a swimming pool requires a lot of money and appropriate preparation. And anyone can build a mini-pond. To create a reservoir, you can purchase ready-made plastic forms, or make concrete base. An old bathtub can also be used as a bowl.

Much attention should be paid to the exterior, planting, etc.

A bridge built across a pond or stream will add even greater decorativeness to the overall composition.

We continue moving. Step six - decor

Decor is a set of elements for decorating something. Our task is to decorate a summer cottage. How else can you decorate the territory, in addition to the techniques listed above?

Garden sculpture is an object designed not only to decorate the garden, but also to attract and stop the eye. Garden sculpture must correspond to the overall style of the garden. It is very important not to overload the area with these elements.

If there is a path made of wooden cuts on the site, it is absolutely appropriate to decorate some part of the fence with the same cuts.

The wattle fence goes well with landscape elements decorated in the same style.

You can decorate the fence with various hanging elements, paintings, or creeping plants - vines. The flight of fancy is not limited.

An integral part of garden decor is garden furniture. And everyone chooses it in accordance with their taste and style at home.

A table set in the shade of trees is not only a decoration for the area, but also mainly a place for the family to gather for lunch, tea and conversation.

Step seven. Beautiful beds

Even the most banal ones can become a real decoration of a summer cottage with the appropriate approach to their design.

The beds, decorated in the style of a regular French garden, will combine two functions at once: beauty and rational use territories.

A bed designed in the form flower bed will undoubtedly decorate any garden plot.

In this case, the beauty of the bed is achieved by a well-chosen assortment of plants: both in shape and color.

Our journey does not end here. We're just making a stop. New meetings and topics for discussing dacha and surrounding topics await us ahead. Spring and summer are ahead - the time to bring ideas to life.

The areas allocated for planting vegetables are becoming smaller and smaller. More and more, owners are beginning to pay attention to the beauty of appearance and a comfortable stay in the fresh air. How to arrange a summer cottage with your own hands?

Classic options

Decoration with flowers - a classic of the genre

Decoration with flowers - not invented by us

The easiest way to start landscaping a summer cottage with your own hands is with flowers. When creating flower beds, it is important to pay attention to the color scheme used. Flowers can be planted both in the form of flower beds and in the form of a border. At the discretion of the owner, perennial or annual plants, as well as ornamental herbaceous plants and flowers that vary in height. We described what flower beds are and how to arrange them correctly in separate thematic articles. Today we are talking specifically about ideas for garden styling.

Plants and flowers planted along the lawn and forming a flowering border will look appropriate. The center of a lush, bright lawn can be decorated with a flower bed with colorful plants of varying heights. There are a lot of options for designing flower beds! You can frame them with a wooden fence or picturesque stones, make a fence from plastic bottles, sow the edges with ornamental plants or decorate them with wooden saw cuts. Even unnecessary household items and a wide variety of improvised devices are suitable for decorating a site with your own hands.

Alpine slide: without snow, but with flowers

The Alpine slide always attracts attention

Landscaping a summer cottage is possible by installing an alpine slide with your own hands. Alpine slides are now very popular even among novice garden designers. It is important to remember that their creation will require a change in the topography of the earth, as well as the selection of the necessary stones. Folded alpine slide on a flat surface and decorating it with cobblestones and flowers, you are unlikely to see your dream in the end. Such a slide will not add any aesthetics, but, on the contrary, will only add foreignness to it.

When the entire plot is already occupied and it is difficult to find a free corner, pay attention to the space next to the house. This place will a great option to create a blooming front garden.

Mobile solutions - for decoration

When there is no time and opportunity to fully improve the garden, you can use tubs, flowerpots or flowerpots. By planting unpretentious plant species in them, you can easily distribute all the beauty throughout the territory, and, if necessary, rearrange them, thanks to the portability of such a solution.

Flowerpots made from decorated buckets are a great option

By showing your imagination, you can elevate even an ordinary wooden box. By painting it in an unusual manner or hanging it from ropes that look like hands, you will add some humor and fun to the design.

Flower pots are great for creating sculptures. Having selected pots of different sizes, they are fastened with wire, refreshed with paints, flowers are added and woo-a-la - you have very cute and unique figures in front of you!

Ponds visible from afar

What else do they like to decorate with? summer cottages except flowers? Of course, bodies of water. Ponds and little ponds in combination with green plants will become a piece of paradise in your garden. On hot summer days, sitting here will be a real pleasure. Ponds can be decorated in different ways; here an immense horizon of possibilities opens up for your imagination. Along the shore of the pond, you can build a deck from wooden boards, which, in order not to have to worry about impregnating and painting them, can be replaced with composite ones. The advantage of this material is that it does not rot, does not change color and is very reminiscent of wood. The correct name for this coating is decking. It is also perfect for building a veranda or terrace, or for the side areas of a swimming pool.

Even a small pond will add the charm of water

Stone slabs will also do an excellent job as banks. The time spent will be justified, because as a result you will get a stunning and reliable pond. To better fix the stones, you should prepare the soil. Part of the soil is removed, crushed stone is poured in, thoroughly compacted and covered with a layer of sand on top. Stone slabs are already laid on top of the sand layer. For greater reliability, sand and cement should be poured into the gaps between the slabs in the form of a mixture. You need to remove the excess and wait for the rain, which, by wetting the blind area, will allow the cement to fasten the slabs to each other.

The owners, whose house is located not far from a quiet river, can collect suitable boulders on the shore and decorate the pond with them. However, it is quite possible to buy such stones at a garden center.

It would be appropriate to move garden paths made of paving stones to the shore of the pond. Then all the garden decoration will be decorated in the same style. The technique is similar to what we already mentioned above.

Lawn - beautiful music

Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands will be half finished if you create a well-groomed lawn on a small area. Maintaining green beauty is not easy. Consider the following lawn care tips:

  • seeds for planting must be of high quality and suitable for the local climate;
  • the edges of the lawn should be neat (you can use border tape);
  • regular mowing of grown grass is necessary;
  • Don’t forget about weeding, watering, fertilizing and repairing lawn imperfections.

How to use a lawn to make your property unique and inimitable? Plant it in an unusual shape. This landscaping technique will add zest to your garden.

Lawn as the basis for the wealth of green spaces

Arches and pergolas so that the flowers are not naked

When thinking about how to improve a summer cottage, one cannot help but think of pergolas, arches, and trellises. You can decorate the path to your home by installing a pergola or decorative arch. A durable, but at the same time elegant structure, entwined with a variety of bindweed, will be the ideal conductor to the recreation area. By installing the arches at a short distance from each other, you will eventually, after some time, get a shady corner where it will be so pleasant to sit and read on hot summer days.

The arch at the entrance lifts the mood

Selecting plants for landscaping decorative arches very wide: it can be ivy, grapes, honeysuckle, or climbing rose, which have very beautiful buds when flowering. If you choose virgin grapes as a plant, you won’t go wrong either. The color of the leaves will change from time to time: in early spring You will be pleased with the soft green fresh leaves, in the summer the foliage will acquire a rich green color, and in the autumn you will enjoy the sight of bright red leaves.

Decorating the toilet as if it doesn't exist

The first building in a dacha is usually not even a change house, but a toilet. A necessary thing, I must say. How can a toilet become a decoration, you ask, since our conversation today is about transforming the site? We'll tell you how to turn a very prosaic thing into a source of pride for the owner.

Of course, putting the toilet in a visible place is not the best best idea, but it can be perfectly decorated. For example, make it from logs in the form of a birdhouse. Such a cute hut in itself evokes sympathy, and if you do some landscaping and plant flowers or low shrubs around, and even decorate a stone path, then the building will sparkle in a new way. See the photo below for an example.

A royal toilet for a royal owner

When we arrange a site, it is important to pay attention to style, where the priority is the appearance of the house. That is, when choosing a toilet design, you need to coordinate it with existing buildings.

If you want to make a toilet out of stone, show your imagination and depict it in the form of a knight’s castle. My home is my fortress, but don’t overdo it, otherwise neighbors and passers-by will consider it a rarity and want to visit it.

Original options

Dacha is a small country for creativity and limitless design. To improve his own plot, the owner can use a variety of means and materials. We'll tell you how to transform and landscape a boring garden patio and help it become cute, cozy and unforgettable. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy anything, just look around and you will find a lot of useful, but, alas, unnecessary things. We offer ideas for the design of a summer house, garden and vegetable garden that are easy to implement with your own hands.

Flower bed but can't sleep

An old unnecessary bed will be an excellent base for a flower bed. Fill the base with soil and sow with perennials. This design solution will certainly fit perfectly into the garden landscape. In the photo below is one of interesting options.

If only all dreams were like this

Fairytale straw goby

Your house is so reminiscent of your native village, where your grandmother kept a cow, pigs and other animals. How to bring nostalgia back into the modern landscape design? A hay bull will be very appropriate, and most importantly, not much labor will be required. A frame is tied from wire and covered with hay on top. Be curious how great it turns out.

The touching charm of something made by hand

The stump feeder is not a rattle at all

It is not necessary to uproot the old stump that remains on the site. Make a bird feeder out of it. In cold weather, your yard will become a haven for titmice, sparrows and other birds looking to refresh themselves. Everyone: both children and adults, will enjoy watching the birds' meal. The inside of the stump should be hollowed out, leaving the side surfaces intact. Place some grains inside, and your feeder is ready to receive its first guests. Having made it from a tree stump, you can hang the product on a branch near the house.

Birds on a homemade feeder always sing beautifully

The grass figures are right in their own way

Something similar happens if the figure is trimmed with linen on top artificial grass. The coating is reliable, weather-resistant and does not require watering. The frame can be made from almost any material, taking into account, of course, exposure to moisture and sun. Wonderful example garden sculpture- rhinoceros in the photo below.

A donkey from the grass drags a mass of beauty

Mesh figures are just sweets

Mesh garden figures are becoming increasingly popular. It could be a jug, a bird, a donkey, etc. Of course, you need to tinker a little to tie a beautiful figure made of mesh with a green PVC coating with wire. Such products are complemented by weaving and climbing plants. Internal cavities can be lined with fine plastic mesh also green, and then filled with soil. Then you can plant any plants that do not require moisture.

The weight of responsibility from flowers will not allow the peacock to fly away

Decorative well - landscape miracle worker

Flower wells look beautiful, from which various flowers seem to spill out. Availability of a well or a well at the dacha concrete rings, will allow you to create decor on an existing base. Choose brick or stone to clad the walls. Such materials are most suitable, because they tolerate dampness well, and, therefore, will be a reliable “shelter” from rain, sun and frost. When you need to disguise frameless installations, choose any material for decoration - lining or boards, siding, plastic panels or tiles. The photo shows one of the options.

Decorative well goes well with the decoration of the house

Cart for decoration - support for vision

Such an unusual design solution solves two problems at once: it serves as a flower bed on which you can place the volumes of two flower beds at once, and it will also be a very original decorative element. Today you can choose the most different variants carts Both sizes and styles will vary. Classic version– cart in rustic style, but some prefer to choose a cart in the style of the Wild West or from Provencal streets for their garden. Carts can be made of wood or metal, or have combined parts.

The old cart scatters beauty

Small confusions and ways to solve them

Let's look at the most common site problems that worry owners the most. We improve uncomfortable and inconvenient areas:

  1. Lack of space for a flower bed. An excellent solution would be to select beautiful stylized pots, flowerpots and flowerpots in which you can plant any plants. Such point decorations are very mobile and can be easily moved from one point in the garden to another.
  2. A simple chain-link fence does not have decorative feature and does not protect from prying eyes. The problem is solved by planting climbing plants next to the fence, which, entwined around the mesh, will not only create protection from prying eyes, but also give aesthetic pleasure. Choose as plants climbing rose, maiden grapes or ivy.
  3. Lack of space for arches and pergolas. As an alternative, choose any vertical object available in the garden: an old tree, a fence, walls of house buildings. This way you will receive blooming garden with climbing plants and decorate unsightly objects.
  4. An unsightly pillar on the place of execution, spoiling the view. Decorate it with flowers that can be planted in tin cans. You can also plant bindweed at the bottom of the post and let it brighten up the ugly object.

If you tickle your heels, you'll laugh
  1. You can beat up a boring vegetable garden with shrubs and plants that can be trimmed, such as boxwood. Thanks to this find, you will decorate your garden plot with original figurines made of greenery.
  2. Places that require camouflage, such as a crack in the foundation, can be decorated with cushion-shaped plants with a pleasant shade and three-dimensional shape. Such plants are usually shade-tolerant and can be planted in both shade and sun.
  3. The compost heap has unpleasant smell and does not add aesthetics to the landscape. Having created a green barrier around the perimeter from berries or decorative ones, but fragrant shrubs, You can solve both of these problems at once.
  4. The untidy appearance of the area is created by fallen autumn leaves. Due to the abundance of work, you don’t have time to remove them, and they spoil the whole look. Plant ground cover plants in the garden that will perfectly decorate fallen leaves.
  5. The existing path made of concrete slabs can also be used. It is worth taking out the slabs in a checkerboard pattern and planting low ornamental plants in their place. So, the appearance of the path will become more attractive.
  6. Children run shortcuts across the lawn, and new paths appear that do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Fill them with gravel and it will look like it was intended.
  7. You can refresh the faded and dull colors of buildings and fences by painting. Wall painting will give the garden a bright, unusual and attractive look.