Do-it-yourself upholstery of an iron door with dermantine. Do-it-yourself insulation of doors with dermantine. Inner side of a metal door

Both wooden and metal entrance doors require periodic maintenance. Otherwise they appearance will not meet aesthetic requirements. In order not to regularly spend money on painting and finishing materials, you can finish the structure with leatherette.

This unique decoration will not only give the entrance doors the proper appearance, but will also improve the heat and sound insulation of the room several times. In addition, dermantine is characterized by particular strength, endurance and sophistication. He will last long years without losing its original aesthetic and quality properties.

How to upholster doors with dermantine yourself? What nuances should you pay attention to? Why is dermantin considered the most suitable material for decorating wooden and metal door? More details about this.

Properties, features and disadvantages of the material

Dermantin is one of the finishing materials endowed with special properties. It does not fade in the sun, does not crumple or wrinkle, and is quite difficult to damage. Upholstering an interior wooden or metal entrance door with dermantine looks beautiful, elegant, expensive and stylish.

The advantages of the material include its following features:

  • Moisture resistance. The material is not inclined to accumulate moisture, it perfectly repels it, thereby preventing damage to insulation and waterproofing materials used in the production of door structures.
  • Long service life. Dermantin retains its original properties for 7 – 10 years.
  • Simplicity and ease of care. To give leatherette upholstery a presentable look, just wash it thoroughly. plain water and periodically lubricate with a special cream.
  • Resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Dermantin does not fade in the sun, so it can be used for decoration not only interior designs or doors indoors, but also entrance groups.
  • Resistance to microflora influences. The material does not rot and prevents the proliferation of mites or other microorganisms. It does not bloom and mold does not form on it.
  • Frost resistance. Even at sub-zero temperatures, dermantine retains its declared properties and original decorative features.
  • Wide variety of colors. The material is offered for sale in several shade options. The door trim can be made from brown, gray, black, burgundy, green dermantine - it all depends on the taste preferences of the buyer.
  • Possibility of chemical cleaning. Dermantin is one of the few finishing materials that consistently reacts to non-aggressive influences. chemical compositions. It can be cleaned using a variety of detergents and compositions.
  • Excellent aesthetic appearance. Dermantine door upholstery is presentable, beautiful, elegant and tasteful.
  • Affordability. The cost of the material varies within affordable limits, so anyone can afford to decorate doors with it.

Finishing entrance and interior door structures with the material in question allows us to solve another problem the most important problem, which so often worries everyone without exception, is the problem of heat and sound insulation.

Dermantin prevents cold and noise from the street from entering the room, which is also important.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • Low fire safety. Dermantin easily spreads fire, it is flammable, and therefore increases the risk of fire.
  • Unsuitable for repair. If the material is cut, it cannot be repaired without spoiling the aesthetic appearance of the canvas. The only one the right decision In this case, the dermantine will be replaced.
  • Instability to mechanical damage. Cut or tear finishing material possible without much effort.
  • Firstly, the material improves the sound and heat insulation of the room.
  • Secondly, it allows you to decorate doors without any special financial costs.
  • Thirdly, it makes the door leaf presentable and original in appearance.
  • Fourthly, it lasts for many years and is characterized by increased resistance to natural, chemical and mechanical influences.

Dermantine for upholstery of metal entrance or interior wooden doors - The best decision in conditions of limited budget.

Door decoration technology

Upholstering doors with dermantine is very simple, so if desired, each of us can cope with this task without resorting to the services of professionals. Do-it-yourself upholstery is done in several stages:

First stage: preparing tools. During the work you will need staples equipped with 10 mm legs, a stapler, a knife, a screwdriver, scissors, a glue brush, and a hammer.

Second stage: preparation of materials. To decorate a door with dermantine yourself, you will need lining material, upholstery nails of a certain color, glue (if the door panels are going to be upholstered with metal) and the dermantine itself.

Third stage: dismantling the locks. On interior doors Silent locks are very often installed. They are much more difficult to remove than regular ones. Very important during dismantling works Follow the instructions supplied with the mechanism.

Otherwise, after subsequent installation, the lock will not work properly or will completely fail. To make the task easier, experts recommend first removing the door from its hinges.

First of all, the locks are dismantled, then the old casing and peephole. Safety rules must be observed during work.

Stage four: do-it-yourself upholstery on the inside of the doors. A roller will help to upholster the canvas beautifully with the chosen material. It minimizes gaps between the door frame and the door itself. Using a stapler, you need to nail the dermantine to the canvas with the front side.

It is important to observe a three-dimensional approach. If the door structure is equipped with overhead locks, the roller is nailed starting from them, if with mortise locks, the roller is nailed below the middle of the side.

The lining material must be cut into strips, carefully laid and fixed with a stapler on the canvas so that the roller protrudes a few centimeters, based on the location of the door and trim. After the roller is fixed, you can begin finishing the surface with dermantine.

The upper edge of the material is folded up and placed in the corner door design and nailed with a decorative nail. All other edges of the material are nailed in the same way. You must remember to tighten the dermantine while working.

Fifth stage: finishing with external material door leaf. Outer side it's upholstered a little differently. A projection of the door frame is drawn on the canvas with a pencil. It allows you to get an accurate contour of the skin.

First, the lining material is fixed with a stapler with an indentation of 1 cm, then the main piece of dermantin is nailed with a decorative nail and an insulating roller is made, which is pre-fixed to door frame.

It is not advisable to nail the bottom roller to the threshold. Over time, constantly touching it will lead to abrasions. Lastly, the bottom edge of the sheathing is nailed and all accessories are installed.

Step-by-step plan for metal door trim

Using a brush, the perimeter of the door leaf is coated with glue, the lining material is evenly glued to its surface, then dermantin is fixed on the hinge side on top of the lining material with glue.

Of course, today, if the front door has lost its former attractiveness, the issue can be resolved radically - simply replace it. Fortunately, gone are the days when this procedure was really a problem due to the total shortage of absolutely everything. But... Firstly, not everyone wants to part with their good quality door, even if it has already dried out and allows all sounds and smells to pass through. Secondly, not everyone can afford to install a new one. What to do in this case? Breathe a second life into it - upholster the door with dermantine! Do it yourself or invite a specialist. True, the first option is preferable, if only because it will allow you to save quite a significant amount. And this, you see, is a compelling argument. Therefore, arm yourself with materials, tools and knowledge on how to upholster a door with dermantine. And don't be scared. Even if you've only held a hammer a couple of times in your entire life, everything will work out! The process is very simple, you will not have any difficulties.

So let's begin. We offer you a master class on the topic: “How to upholster a door with dermantine.” Study, and then start working with full confidence in your abilities.

All about dermantine

But first, you need to say a few words about the upholstery material itself, which, by the way, has been used to update doors for a very long time. It is considered a variety artificial leather, but is a more budget-friendly option. The back side of it is and the front side is a layer of nitrocellulose.

If we talk about him operational characteristics, then it should be noted that dermantine is distinguished by its strength, durability, ease of care, and more than affordable cost. In addition, there is such a variety of colors and textures on sale that if you decide to upholster a door with dermantine yourself, you will not have any problems with the choice. On the contrary, you can choose so interesting option this material will make your front door look as good, if not better, than your neighbor’s expensive, custom-made one.

What you will need

We sorted out the upholstery. But since it is necessary to upholster a door with dermantine using insulation - a special lining material, you need to stock up on that too. Typically, either foam rubber or special batting is used for these purposes. As for the amount of material required, both insulation and dermantin need to be purchased according to the size of your door (taking into account seam allowances - ten to twelve centimeters on each side).

You will also need furniture nails. They are usually produced with metal caps, which can be made in various colors and stylized as silver, gold or bronze. If desired, you can also find carnations whose caps are covered with dermantine. You also need to purchase metal corners (four pieces) and PVA glue.

How to cover a door with dermantine without tools? No way! Therefore, stock up on a screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer, stapler and scissors. We can begin.

Preparatory stage

The door, of course, will have to be removed from its hinges. Then remove - if any - all old upholstery. Along the way, get rid of everything that could interfere with the update process: remove the lock, take out the peephole, hinges. If there are any defects on the door leaf, eliminate them. When the surface is completely prepared, you can proceed to the main stage.

How to cover a door with dermantine

Free up space in the room or hallway, place two stools, and place a door on them. Screw it in the corners. They will make your structure more durable. Cut the insulation according to the size, spread it with glue and glue the foam rubber or batting. In order not to wait for the glue to dry, grab the material in several places with a stapler. Then lay a piece of dermantin on the insulation, so that there are equal seam allowances on each side. And then tuck the edges inward, under the insulation, forming a small roll and at the same time nailing them. Algorithm of actions: we start from the top edge, then fasten the left and right sides, the bottom is at the very end. When fixing the roller, be sure to ensure that its thickness is uniform. And be sure to drive the nails at the same distance from each other, otherwise your door is unlikely to look neat.

That's probably all. At this point, the master class “How to cover a wooden door with dermantine” can be considered complete. But it is still necessary to mention one small detail, thanks to which the front door to your apartment will become truly exclusive.

Decorative finishing

To decorate the surface of the updated door, you can use special braid or cords. A pattern is laid out from them in the center or over the entire surface, and then in in the right places secured with nails. And you can “depict” whatever your heart desires: a grid, vignettes, diamonds. This is as your imagination will tell you.

That's all it really is now. It is possible not only with clear conscience teach everyone how to properly upholster a door with dermantine, but also demonstrate the result.

How do we nail the bolsters?

The roller is nailed to the door frame and serves as a stop for the door leaf.
At correct upholstery, the tightness of the door is taken into account. When closing, the roller should not create significant resistance, but also free space should not remain. Upholstery with rollers is a complex and time-consuming job that requires great experience. Installation of rollers is carried out only on wooden doors, since fastening is done with special nails that cannot be driven into the metal.
The design of metal doors initially assumes the presence of stops, seals and rebates that act as rollers. Installing a roller on a metal door is possible only if it was originally installed on the door. During the production process of metal door wooden blocks hammered into the frame for attaching wallpaper nails. With this design, upholstery with rollers is possible without additional modification.

When is it impossible to upholster the front door?

After removing the upholstery, you have to deal with unpleasant surprises. Unfortunately, door manufacturers, in the struggle to reduce the final cost of the product, resort to all sorts of tricks to save on the materials used in door production. Therefore, you should not be surprised if under the door trim you suddenly discover that the door is made not of a whole sheet of steel, but of strips of metal, between which they left a gap of a centimeter or instead of metal they used hardboard, that is, pressed paper.
Of course, such surprises will not please not only the owner of the door, but also the master who came to order, since they significantly complicate the work he is doing. Also inner sheet can be made of plywood. When using plywood instead of metal, the thickness of the plywood is critical. When using a thin sheet of plywood, there is simply nowhere to hammer the nails. In this case, the master has to resort to covering the door with leatherette.
Doors equipped with crossbar mechanisms may have non-removable handles for driving the crossbars. In such a situation, upholstery without dismantling and replacing the handles is impossible. Replacing handles increases the cost of work. And in some cases, it becomes impossible to carry out work at all.

Wooden entrance doors are a very finicky part of our apartments. They need constant care, protection and restoration. Of course, few of us devote the due amount of time and attention to this subject. That is why they often fall into disrepair or simply lose their presentable appearance. There is not always the desire and opportunity to replace the old wooden product for something new.

But you can always update it with your own video, give fresh look and aesthetics, upholstered with leatherette. How to cover a door with dermantine? There are many video tutorials showing how to do it yourself correctly. And with the help of a clear step by step instructions This will not be difficult to do even for people who do not have special skills and abilities. Moreover, the result will be not only external beauty, but also noise and heat insulation.

Before starting work, prepare all materials and tools. The choice of material is so wide that it makes sense to think about the future design of the door in advance. Otherwise, you will walk around and choose for a very long time. You will also need foam rubber 2 centimeters thick and batting, a construction stapler, a hammer, large scissors and regular and furniture nails. First you need to prepare the door. To do this, dismantle the door handle, peephole, hinges and all decorative elements.

Step-by-step instructions: do-it-yourself upholstery of a wooden door with dermantine video

Let's start making the so-called roller; it serves as the main element of the upholstery and closes the gap between the door leaf and the jamb. Using scissors, cut a strip of leatherette 10 cm wide. Then place it wrong side up along the perimeter of the door leaf and attach it using a construction stapler. Instead of a stapler, you can use a regular hammer and small nails.

To avoid uneven distribution of the material in the places where the door hinges are fixed, it is necessary to make cuts on a strip of leatherette. Now you can start fixing the foam rubber. Lay it flat on the surface wooden door and secure with a stapler. Next, lay the batting in 2 layers on the foam layer. Batting is reliable protection foam rubber and protects it, increasing wear resistance and service life.

Now you can start cutting leatherette. Cut a piece of canvas the size of the door, adding 4 centimeters on each side. Lay the sheathing material evenly on the door leaf and begin nailing it with furniture nails. You should start from the center, first at the top wooden canvas, then at the bottom. Remember to stretch the material well by hand to eliminate any unevenness. Next, continue attaching the leatherette along the perimeter of the door, slightly tucking the cut edges.

Now that the door already looks quite nice, all that remains is to finish the work with the rollers. Roll the batting that remains after covering the door into a tube and wrap it in strips of leatherette nailed to the door at the very beginning of work. Nail the resulting roller with furniture nails in increments of 7-10 centimeters.

This completes the DIY door upholstery video. All that remains is to install the peephole, hinges, door handle and that's all decorative elements, which were on the door earlier. Now you can rejoice not only in the neat new look of your front door, but also in your craftsmanship.

If you apply a little more imagination, you can use metal thread and nails to create an interesting design that will add individuality to your door. In order for everything to succeed, watch the video on how to properly upholster a door leaf with your own hands.

Even in ancient times, people came up with a device that blocked their homes. Initially, the front door was needed to protect against cold, rain and wild animals. But over time, the function of the door has expanded a little, and today a good entrance door not only performs a protection function, but also combines with the interior of an apartment or house.

Put in order front door doing it yourself using dermantine is not such a difficult task, especially since it is a very affordable material.


I love it, even very much old door can be transformed by upholstering it with dermantine. This material has its own characteristics and advantages.

The word "dermantin" has foreign origin. The literal translation means “material imitating skin”, since the root of this word is “derma”, which means “skin” in Latin. The letter “n” crept into it by accident to make the pronunciation more harmonious. But this phonetic distortion does not change its properties at all, and most people know this material precisely in this sound.

The basis of leatherette is cotton fabric with nitrocellulose coating, applied to one or both sides of the material. Leatherette has many features, thanks to which it is most often chosen as upholstery material.

First of all, it has a fairly long service life. The presentable appearance and properties of this upholstery material remain unchanged for 10 years.

Leatherette is a very moisture-resistant material. Due to its composition, it does not absorb moisture at all, so insulation and other waterproofing materials used together with leatherette as upholstery do not change their properties.

Leatherette is not subject to rotting processes. Its composition prevents the proliferation of various microorganisms. It also does not fade in the sun, as it is resistant to ultraviolet rays. This quality makes it possible to upholster doors located not only in enclosed spaces, but also installed on open areas without fear of changing appearance.

This material is also resistant to temperature changes. At sub-zero temperature Neither its properties nor its appearance change. To clean the surface of this material, no specialized products are required; ordinary soap and water are sufficient. But it is worth noting that it is quite stable when exposed to many cleansers. Do not also forget that covering doors with dermantine solves the problems of heat and sound insulation of a room.

Pattern options

Various designs are often made on the surface of a door covered with leatherette. To do this, use special decorative nails and cords made from the same material as the upholstery itself. In order to make any drawing, You must first put marks on the surface in the right places, and only then nail the nails. Thanks to point pressing, contours will appear on the surface of the upholstered door, which form a pattern. In addition to decorative nails, cords are often used; they are clamped with nails and pulled between them, resulting in a textured pattern.

Most often, designs can be made in the form of rhombuses, which can have different sizes and location. Diamonds of the same size can be concentrated in the center or distributed over the entire surface of the door. Sometimes the design combines rhombuses of different sizes.

On a door upholstered in leatherette, you can apply a pattern not only in the form of rhombuses, but also in the form of other geometric shapes: circles, rectangles, squares.

You can decorate the door without using cords. To do this, nails are stuffed onto the surface of the canvas in the intended order. There can be a small number or a lot of them, they can be located both around the perimeter of the door and in the center of the structure.

Decoration iron door carried out to the door trim. Leatherette and insulation are connected with special buttons in the right places. Today you can buy it in the store ready set special devices for decorating a door. With its help, you can create an unusual and beautiful drawing However, the cost of such a set is slightly higher than ordinary nails and cord made from leftover material.

How to sheathe it yourself?

In order to properly upholster a door with your own hands, you first need to purchase the necessary material and tools. There are two types of doors - either metal or wooden structures. Depending on their type, the required amount of material is selected. In order not to make a mistake with the footage, you need to first measure the length and width of the door leaf and based on the obtained values, purchase material. Wooden structures are upholstered with a piece of leatherette, not exceeding the area of ​​the door leaf by more than 15 cm on each side. And for metal doors, a margin of 10 cm is enough.

To upholster a wooden door, in addition to covering the main surface, additional elements such as rollers are usually used. They are nailed around the perimeter of the door leaf and serve not only additional element decor, but also cover the gaps between the canvas and the box. As a rule, these strips are prepared in advance from leatherette and insulating material. The width of leatherette strips varies between 10-15 cm, and the length depends on the size of the door. Strips of insulating material should be slightly smaller in width (8-10 cm).

When selecting insulation, you need to take into account not only the price, but also the service life of the material. The most common material is foam rubber. It is affordable, and its service life varies between 13-15 years. You can also choose batting, which has a slightly higher cost compared to foam rubber. Its service life does not exceed 30 years and, in addition, it has significant weight, so it can significantly burden the structure of the door leaf.

The most modern insulation is insulation tape. The service life of this material is within 60-75 years. Very often, insulation tape is used together with foam rubber. Thanks to this combination, the entrance door even better protects the room from the penetration of noise and cold, and also when decorating it, a beautiful relief surface is formed.

In addition to materials, you need to prepare tools. Scissors are needed to cut the material. Sharp knife will be needed to remove excess insulating materials. Screwdrivers and pliers will be needed in the process of dismantling locks and other work.

Nails will be required to attach the material to wooden structure. Using a stapler, the door is sheathed with insulating material. Glue will be needed for fastening metal surface with insulation and leatherette. Using decorative nails, a design will be applied to the surface.

Step by step guide

In the presence of necessary materials and tools, you can begin the process itself. Regardless of the type of door, some additional measures need to be taken. As a rule, for convenience, the door leaf is removed from its hinges, but if you experienced master, then the door can be reconstructed without removing it. Then the lock and peephole are dismantled. Next, the door is cleaned of the old coating (if it was present there). Now you can begin to reconstruct the canvas.

Algorithm for covering the inner side:

  • First you need to attach the prepared strips for rollers to the door leaf. To do this, they are placed face down and secured on all sides of the canvas with a stapler. If the door has a padlock, then you need to nail it from its location.
  • If the design provides a mortise version, then you need to start from the top corner (from the hinge side). The protrusion of the strips should be no more than 4 cm.

  • Prepared strips of foam rubber are fixed to the surface of the canvas. Now you need to tuck the edges of the leatherette and secure it to the surface. The roller should not protrude beyond the edge of the door by more than 3 cm.
  • Then you need to cut out foam rubber or other insulating material. It should fit well between the rollers, the space on each side is 1 cm.
  • Now, using a stapler, we attach the insulating material to the front door.

  • We nail the prepared piece of leatherette. To do this, you need to tuck its edges by about 5-6 cm and attach it to the surface of the door. The folded edges should overlap the roller slightly. The decorative nail must be nailed no more than 7 mm from the edge. Similarly, we nail the second nail in the other upper corner, having previously stretched the canvas.
  • Next, we nail the nails in the upper part of the canvas in increments of 10-12 cm, gradually going down one side. We proceed in the same way with the second side and the bottom of the door leaf.
  • After securing the last nail around the perimeter, you can begin decorating the surface.
  • The final step is to install the locks and handles.

Exterior finishing steps:

  • First, we close the door tightly and, depending on the location of the door frame, draw a projection on the door surface. This must be done so that when covering the surface you do not go beyond the drawn line.
  • Now you can attach the roller to the bottom of the door leaf. It should fit snugly against the threshold when the door is closed.
  • Then you should make rollers for the left, right and top parts, but they need to be secured to the door frame. On the side where the hinges are located, it is installed flush with the jamb, and in the opposite and upper part it needs to be pulled out a few mm (depending on the cracks).
  • Now you can install and secure the main canvases.

Metal door upholstery method:

  • First you need to apply glue to the door leaf.
  • Then you need to attach a piece of insulating material to the prepared surface and press it. We cut off the excess material with a knife, not forgetting to cut out the holes for the lock, handle and eye.
  • Now we apply glue to the foam rubber and glue the leatherette, not forgetting to tuck the edges of the material.

Upholstering the front door yourself is not such a difficult task; the main thing is to take into account all the nuances associated with the design of the door.

What to paint with?

Over time, a door covered with leatherette may lose its attractive appearance. If the resulting abrasions are local in nature and there are not many of them, then there is no point in changing the leatherette; it can be restored using special paints.

Dyeing leatherette is a completely inexpensive and affordable method., with which you can tidy up a door upholstered with it. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option.

You can paint over damaged areas using acrylic paints. They adhere perfectly to a wide variety of surfaces, including leatherette. You can use special paints for leather. Due to their composition, these paints remain on the surface for quite a long time, do not fade or peel off over time.

In order to more accurately select the color closest to source material It's better to buy a set of paints. Mixing colors will allow you to choose the closest possible shade.

To properly paint a leatherette door, you must first prepare the surface. First, clean it of dirt and dust, and then treat the area to be painted with alcohol. Now we prepare the desired shade. You can mix shades on a special palette, or you can take a sheet of foil and apply paints to it. To make working with paints easier, you need to add a little acetone.

Now you can start painting. The paint is applied either with a brush or with a foam sponge. 15-20 minutes after applying the paint, when the first layer is completely dry, you can apply the second.