Night hours at 1s 8.2. How to calculate surcharge for night hours. Assigning a permanent accrual to an employee “Additional payment for night hours”

To calculate an additional payment for night work, you need to enable the “Night hours” and “Apply hourly wage” functions in the payroll settings. Go to the “Settings” tab and select the “Payroll” item.

Fig.1. Setting up payroll calculations

Fig.2. Setting up the composition of charges and deductions

In the window that opens, you need to check the boxes next to “Night hours” and “Apply hourly wages.” Then click “Apply and close”.

Fig.3. Enabling the hourly billing feature

To calculate the additional payment for night work, the employee’s hourly tariff rate (hourly cost) is multiplied by the percentage of the additional payment and by the number of night hours worked during the period. The number of night hours subject to additional payment is determined taking into account the actual time worked.

The employee's hourly or daily wage rate is determined automatically in the program. At the same time, for employees whose basic payment is calculated at the monthly tariff rate (official salary), the rates are recalculated.

Daily recalculation tariff rate(cost per day) per hour (cost per hour) is done by dividing the daily rate by the length of the working day. The length of the working day in this case is determined by dividing the number of hours per week according to the employee’s work schedule by 5 (for a five-day workday and a shift schedule) or by 6 (for a six-day workday).

Conversion of the monthly tariff rate into an hourly rate (hourly cost) is carried out by dividing the monthly tariff rate by the number of working hours in the month for which the payment is calculated.

Conversion of the monthly tariff rate into a daily tariff rate (cost per day) is carried out by dividing the monthly tariff rate by the number of working days in the month for which the payment is calculated.

For employees whose work is paid based on a monthly tariff rate, the calculation of the hourly or daily tariff rate for calculating payment for work at night can be done:

  • based on the monthly time standard according to the employee’s schedule. In this option, the hourly (daily) rate is determined by dividing the monthly tariff rate (official salary) by the number of working hours (days) in the month of performing night work according to the employee’s schedule;
  • based on the average monthly working time (determined automatically according to the completed production calendar as 1/12 annual rate). With this option, the hourly (daily) rate is determined by dividing the monthly tariff rate (official salary) by the average number of hours (days) per month for the year;
  • based on the monthly time standard according to the production calendar, taking into account the length of the working week established for the employee’s work schedule. In this option, the hourly (daily) rate is determined by dividing the monthly tariff rate (official salary) by the number of working hours (days) in a month according to the production calendar, taking into account the length of the working week.

The regulatory procedure for recalculating the monthly tariff rate (official salary) into an hourly (daily) rate (cost of an hour (day) is currently not regulated, therefore the program supports three calculation options:

  • Average monthly number of hours (days) in a month;
  • Standard time according to the employee’s schedule;
  • Standard time according to the production calendar.

The calculation algorithm option is set in the settings for salary calculation parameters (section Settings - Salary calculation) in the section. When converting an employee's tariff rate into the cost of an hour (day), use.

Fig.4. Calculation setup

The selected option is used for all calculations related to the recalculation of the monthly tariff rate into an hourly (daily) rate (calculation of payment for overtime work, payment for work on holidays and weekends, etc.), and applies to all organizations for which records are kept in the information base. In our example, to recalculate the monthly salary into an hourly rate (hourly cost), the organization uses a recalculation algorithm based on the standard time according to the employee’s schedule.

The amount of additional payment for night work is indicated in the organization’s accounting policy.

Fig.6. Opening hours

Open the chart in which you want to add night hours, and click “Change chart properties.”

Fig.7. Setting up a work schedule

In the window that opens on the right, you need to check the box next to “night hours”, then in the left window, enter the number of night hours, and then click “OK”

Fig.8. Filling out the schedule

We make sure that the chart is filled, then click “Post and close”.

Fig.9. Schedule after setup

Now you can calculate your salary and make sure that the bonus is accrued.

Petropavlovsky Vladislav. Consultation Line Specialist

Night work is considered to be from 22:00 to 6:00.Increased amounts of pay for night work are established by a collective agreement, but these amounts should not be lower than the amounts provided for by law. Minimum size increasing an employee's wages for night work is 20 percent of the hourly tariff rate (salary calculated per hour of work) for each hour of work at night.

On manufacturing enterprises There are often situations when an employee works on his day off, and even at night.

In such cases, it is necessary to enter him firstly, and secondly, also accrue surcharge for night hours worked.

Let's consider the procedure.

1. Assigning a permanent accrual to the employee “Additional payment for night hours.”

For all employees working on shift schedules, if the shifts fall at night, it is necessary to enter the planned accrual “Additional payment for night hours”.

To enter a planned accrual, you must click on the “Constant accruals” link on the “Payroll” tab.

Add new document “Entering information about employee planned accruals.”

In the “Employees” tabular section we add the employee to whom we want to assign an additional payment.

After selecting it, its planned (permanent) accruals will be displayed in the lower table. Add a new line, select the calculation type “Additional payment for night hours”, action “Start”. In the “Period” column we set the date from which the accrual begins to apply. In the column “Indicators for calculating accrual” we assign the percentage of surcharge for night hours.

Using the “OK” button, navigate and close the document.

2. Reflection in the work program on a weekend (or holiday).

We enter the employee's payment for work on a day off, where we indicate the total number of hours (including night hours) worked by the employee on a day off.

Details on how to enter payment for work on weekends and holidays are described.

3. Entering a time sheet with night hours.

Now you need to enter information about night hours worked into the system. Since the employee did not work according to his work schedule, this must be done using the “Working Time Sheet” document.

On the “Payroll calculation” tab, click on the “Time sheet” link and open the list of documents “Time sheet”.

We create a new document, use the “Add” or “Selection” button to add the required employee.

For ease of use, set the value of the “Time entry method” switch to the “Summary, overall for the period” position. The tabular part of the document will be simplified and it will be convenient to enter the total time worked for the month.

In order to add the “Night hours” column to the table section, click on the “Change column composition” button. A form will open in which you can video change the tabular part of the document by checking and unchecking the boxes.

The “Night hours” column will appear in the tabular section, where we will enter the night time worked by our employee.

Let's navigate and close the document.

4. Entering and calculating the “Payroll” document.

Let's calculate the employee's salary for the month of April. Let’s enter the document “Accrual wages", using the "Fill" button, the "Employee selection" menu, we will add our employee to the document. The lines with the employee’s constant accruals will be automatically filled in: payment based on salary and the additional payment we entered for night hours.

The tariff rate opposite the surcharge for night hours was calculated automatically from the employee’s given hourly tariff rate, multiplied by the percentage of the surcharge for night hours.

Let’s calculate the employee’s accruals: in the column “Paid for days/hours” the value will appear,

previously entered into the time sheet, and make sure that the result is correct.

So, we calculated the employee’s additional payment for the night hours worked on his day off.

Video tutorial:

Today we will talk about how in the program 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) configured and executed Calculation of additional pay for night work. Let's look at the basic settings for payroll calculation and the organization's accounting policies related to this issue. Let's take a closer look at the type of accrual " Additional payment for night work" which is predefined in the program and used for these purposes.

I will also touch upon the issue of setting up an employee’s work schedule, taking into account night time and using the filling method By cycle of arbitrary length (shift schedules). On specific example, let's calculate the employee's salary and see how the program calculates the additional payment for night work. Let's consider all the methods used to convert the total tariff rate into the cost of an hour (day), the indicator required for calculating the type of accrual Additional payment for night work.

First, let’s look at what settings need to be set in the program to correctly calculate the surcharge for night work.

First, let's go to the Settings section - Organizational details and on the tab Accounting policies and other settings Click on the link Accounting Policies. A window will open in which we can set what percentage of the surcharge will apply in the organization for work at night and evening time. By default, the program sets an additional payment for work at night - 20% (minimum payment), and for work in the evening - 10%. If necessary, these parameters can be changed; for our example, we will use these indicators.

Secondly, in the Settings - Payroll section, follow the link Setting up accruals and deductions and on the tab Hourly payment Let's check the boxes that our company carries out work at night and in the evening. These settings are required so that the necessary predefined types of charges appear in the program, which will be used to calculate the additional payment for night and evening hours. Accordingly, we will now be able to indicate the types of time in the employee’s schedule "Night hours" and "Evening hours".

Otherwise, the settings for these types of charges are identical, so in the future I will consider an example only for calculating night hours. If your organization also takes into account evening hours, then you should set up the calculation in a similar way.

The formula for calculating the surcharge for night work is as follows:

  • CostHour- in the program it is calculated automatically in accordance with the established settings for converting the salary into an hourly rate. We will talk about recalculation methods a little lower, when we use a specific example to calculate the additional payment for night work for a specific employee.
  • TimeInHours- this is the number of hours worked at night according to the schedule. It is the night hours that are returned to this indicator when calculating, since the Time Type is specified on the Time Accounting tab Night hours.

  • PercentageAdditional PaymentForWorkAtNightTime - loaded into the formula from the specified settings in the organization’s accounting policy.

Additional payment for night work is automatically calculated in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions if the program sees that a time type has been entered in the employee’s schedule Night hours and they are actually worked out. This occurs in accordance with the established settings in this type of accrual, i.e. in the “Accrual in progress” attribute the option is set “Only if time tracking type is entered” and below is the time type “Night hours”.

I repeat once again regarding the type of accrual Extra pay for working in the evening, here everything happens in a similar way, the only difference is in the percentage for work in the evening and in the fact that the type of time is selected Evening hours. Unlike night hours, the specific time of which is regulated in accordance with labor legislation, each employer determines the time of evening hours at its own discretion and establishes an additional payment for these evening hours worked.

Setting up a work schedule taking into account night hours in the ZUP 1C 3.0 (3.1) program

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

Let's set up a work schedule that will involve working at night (section Settings – Employee work schedules). According to the example, we will hire an employee to the organization for the position of a watchman who works in shifts - every three days. Those. shift -24 hours, working hours from 12.00 to 12.00 the next day, three days off, then the cycle repeats. In the work schedule, night hours are planned separately from daytime hours. Type of working hours "Turnout (I)"- these are daytime hours, and the type of working time "Night Watch (N)"- night hours.

Let me remind you that in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 96, Night time is the time from 22 o’clock to 6 o’clock. To make it more clear to fill out the schedule, let’s write down how many day and night hours we have per shift. Let's say that an employee starts a shift from January 1 to January 2 from 12-00 to 12-00.

Three days off: from 2 to 3, from 3 to 4, from 4 to 5

Thus the cycle repeats.

Now how can I configure this in graphics in 1C ZUP. So, let's go to the Settings - Employee Work Schedules section, click the Create button, then indicate the Name of our schedule " Shift 1 (guard)". Let's go to the link " Change chart properties" and in the window that opens Setting up a work schedule Let’s determine how to fill out the graph – By cycles of arbitrary length (shift schedules). We indicate the starting date of the schedule from 01/01/2016 and in the table Work schedule Let's define a cycle of work length.

Day 1 – Turnout – 10 hours (day hours from 12-00 to 22-00), Night hours – 2 hours (from 22-00 to 24-00).

Day 2 – Turnout – 6 hours (day hours from 06-00 to 12-00), night hours – 6 hours (from 00-00 to 06-00).

Days 3 and 4 – day off.

From the 5th day the cycle repeats.

In order for us to be able to set the number of night hours in the work schedule, it is necessary in the table Types of time check the box Night hours. If your organization pays additionally for evening hours, check the box Evening hours and a column with this type of time will appear in the work schedule, where you can specify the corresponding hours. Click OK and the program will automatically fill out the chart based on the entered settings.

Calculation of additional payment for work at night in the document “Calculation of salaries and contributions” in the 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

We will hire employee L.S. Sokolov from 01.11.2016. for the position of a guard with a work schedule Shift 1 (guard)(document Hiring – Personnel section). On the Payment tab, we will assign a planned accrual to the employee Salary payment (by the hour) in the amount of 20,000 rubles. Let's review the document.

According to the work schedule in November, the employee has 62 night hours and 118 day hours (Appearance). Unlike the 1C ZUP program version 2.5, where night hours were included in the total number of hours of attendance, and then the number of night hours was indicated (as was the case in ZUP 2.5, read), in ZUP 3.1 night and day hours are allocated separately outside depending on each other. I will explain why this is so using a specific example when calculating an employee’s salary.

Let's calculate the employee's salary for November. Sokolov L.S. He worked the entire month in full and had no deviations from the schedule. When filling out the document Calculation of salaries and contributions the program will automatically add the accrual type Extra pay for night work because she sees that the employee’s schedule, assigned upon hiring, has the time type Night hours. Let's open the details of the calculation.

In November, the employee worked 62 night and 118 day hours, a total of 180 hours worked, which corresponds to the schedule. Additional payment for night hours is 20%, this figure is set in our organization’s Accounting Policy. The program automatically determined the hourly cost in the amount of 111.11111 rubles. Now let's talk about how this indicator was calculated?

To do this, let's go to the section Setup – Payroll, follow the link Other payroll settings(at the very bottom of the form) and in the window that opens, we will have access to three indicators used when converting the tariff rate into the cost of an hour (day).

  • Average monthly number of hours (days) in a month
  • Standard time according to the employee's schedule
  • Standard time according to the production calendar

In our example, in the settings there is a checkbox to use Standard time according to the employee’s schedule(Sokolov’s norm is 180 hours). Let’s check whether employee L.S. Sokolov’s hourly cost was calculated correctly. in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions: 20,000/180 = 111.11111 rubles. The calculation is correct.

If we want to use some other indicator for recalculation, then we need to check the box next to it. I would like to note that in this way the setting is set for the entire organization as a whole. Also in the program we have the opportunity to configure the recalculation procedure specifically for an employee. For this purpose in the document Recruitment on the tab Salary there is a field Recount procedure, where we can choose the recalculation option necessary in a particular case.

For clarity, we will now indicate Sokolov instead of the previous method (According to the employee’s schedule) new order recalculation: According to the standard time of the production calendar and recalculate the document Calculation of salaries and contributions.

The Hourly cost indicator has changed, now its size is 119.76048 rubles. In order to check whether it is calculated correctly, let’s open production calendar for 2016 and print it (section Setup - Production Calendars). The norm according to this calendar in November is 167 hours. The cost per hour is calculated as follows: 20,000/167 = 119.76048. That's right.

We will also fully check the calculation of the surcharge for night work using the formula CostHour*TimeInHours*PercentageAdditionalPayForNightWork/100 specified in this type of accrual .

119.76048*62*20/100= 1,485.03 rubles. The calculation is correct.

Separately, I would like to note that when calculating payment based on salary (by the hour), all hours worked are taken into account in full for an employee, i.e. and Turnout and Night Hours. Since the days of work at night are planned in the schedule, the salary is assigned taking into account the fact that the person works at night. Therefore, this salary collects not only Turnout hours, but also Night hours. In the schedule of Shift 1 (guard) in November 118 hours (Appearance), 62 hours (Night hours), a total of 180 hours (total work time). After working 180 hours in November, the employee will receive full salary.

Why does the program indicate exactly this number of hours when calculating salaries? This occurs in accordance with the established settings in this type of accrual. Let's open the accrual type Payment by salary (hourly)(section Settings - Accruals) and on the Time Accounting tab as a Time Type we will see what is used Work time. This special view time, which collects all working hours and attendance times, and night hours. Therefore, in the employee’s schedule, the Hours of Attendance (i.e., daytime hours) and separately the Night Hours are specified separately.

We have discussed how in the 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program surcharges for night work occur. Let me formulate once again all the necessary actions for the correct calculation of this surcharge:

  • Correctly set the surcharge percentage for night work
  • Check the appropriate boxes in the payroll settings to make them available required types accruals
  • Set up an employee’s schedule taking into account night hours
  • Specify which method will be used in the program when converting the total tariff rate into the cost of an hour (day)

That's all I have for today. All the best!!!

In this article I would like to talk about how to properly set up accounting for work in the evening and night hours in 1C Zoop. Quite often it happens that zoom is used exclusively for the automatic generation and printing of regulated reporting. At the same time, little attention is paid to automating the payroll calculation process. There are quite compelling arguments for this: “It’s easier for me to enter the data manually!” But when you manage to convince an accountant to spend a little time and get acquainted with some useful features of the program, life becomes better and easier for everyone)) So one of these wonderful features of 1c zoom is additional payment for work at night and evening hours.

How to set up night and evening calculations

Let's consider an example in which, based on data on the number of night and evening hours worked, reflected in the employee’s work schedule, automatically calculated payment amounts. Employee Ivanov, when hired as a planned accrual, has the calculation type “Salary by day”. Therefore, when filling out the document “Calculation of salaries for employees of organizations,” the program creates one line corresponding to this type of calculation:

Let's assume that this employee worked 2 hours on the evening shift and 4 hours on the night shift on April 5, 2013.

Sometimes there is a situation when the “Of them evening” / “Of them night” fields are not displayed, that is, according to this schedule there was no need to keep track of this data. In order for these fields to appear and we can fill them out, we need to click on “Change chart filling parameters...” in the upper right corner of the open chart and configure it as shown in the figure:

Attention! After clicking on the “Fill” button (on last step) the program will ask if we really want to refill the data in the chart. And if we do not need the data to be refilled, but only need the fields “Of them evening” / “Of them night” to appear, we can answer “NO” in the proposed window. At the same time, the fields we need “Of them in the evening” / “Of them at night” will still appear:

Thus, the first method of reflecting the fact of work in the evening and at night was described. However, adjusting the main schedule may not be suitable for us if this work schedule is defined as the main one for a number of employees who did not work at night and in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the second method.

Second way implies the use of the document “Entering individual work schedules of an organization.” This document is used to allow an employee to enter a work schedule different from the main one for a certain month. That is, individually only for him and only for this month. Of course, it makes sense to do this if the difference from the main schedule is of a single nature, otherwise it is easier to make a separate main schedule for such an employee.

For our example, in which it is necessary to reflect night and evening hours for employee Ivanov, the document “Entering individual work schedules of the organization” looks like this:

Let's assume that using one of the above methods we reflected the fact that an employee works at night and in the evening. After this, we will try to refill the document “Payroll for employees of the organization”:

As can be seen from the figure, calculation lines appeared for the types of accrual “Additional payment for night hours” and “Additional payment for evening hours”. These lines appeared automatically. It is worth noting that the employee’s planned accrual is still only “Salary by day”:

The automatic appearance of these lines in the document “Calculation of salaries for employees of the organization” is due to the fact that in the calculation types “Additional payment for night hours” and “Additional payment for evening hours” on the “Time” tab, the “Automatically accrue based on time sheet” checkbox is selected:

Next, let’s look at how the program calculated the hourly tariff rate for the types of accrual “Additional payment for night hours” and “Additional payment for evening hours” when filling out the document “Payroll for employees of the organization”:

The calculation of these indicators is affected by two parameters in the “Accounting Parameters Settings”. The first parameter is located on the “Salary calculation” tab (more details about the settings of this tab can be read in the article:) in the “Additional payment percentage” group. These indicators determine what percentage of the employee’s hourly rate will be taken for additional payments for evening/night hours:

The second group of parameters is located on the “Calculation Algorithms” tab (you can read more about the settings of this tab in the article:). They determine how the monthly salary will be converted into an hourly rate:

Let's consider all three options.

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

  1. When calculating the monthly salary into an hourly rate, use: “The average number of hours per month for the year.” In order to find out the average number of hours per month for the year, just open the production calendar, click on “Print” and at the very bottom of the printed form find the following:

Hourly RateAdditional Payments = Salary: Average for the YearNumber of Hours in the Month * Percentage of Additional Payments

Hourly RateAdditional Payments (Evening) = 25,000: 164.17 * 10% = 15.23

Hourly RateAdditional Payments (Evening) = 25,000: 164.17 * 20% = 30.46

  1. When calculating the monthly salary in an hourly rate, use: “Monthly standard time according to the employee’s schedule.” Let's go to the accounting settings and change the settings:

According to Ivanov’s schedule, the monthly time norm is 173 hours:

Hourly RateAdditional Payments = Salary: Monthly Norm of Time According to the Employee's Schedule * Percentage of Additional Payments

Hourly RateAdditional Payments (Evening) = 25,000: 173 * 10% = 14.45

Hourly RateAdditional Payments (Evening) = 25,000: 173 * 20% = 28.90

  1. When calculating the monthly salary at an hourly rate, use: “Monthly rate according to the production calendar”

In order to determine the monthly norm according to the production calendar for April, just open the production calendar, click on “Print” and at the very bottom of the printed form find the following:

Hourly RateAdditional Payments = Salary: Monthly NormAccording to the Production Calendar * PercentageAdditional Payments

Hourly RateAdditional Payments (Evening) = 25,000: 175 * 10% = 14.29

Hourly RateAdditional Payments (Evening) = 25,000: 175 * 20% = 28.57

Let’s refill the document “Payroll for employees of the organization” and make sure that the calculations are correct:

Thus, thanks to simple settings, we can easily charge additional payments for work at night and evening hours. Good luck in job!

That's all. Come back to the blog and don’t forget the blog via e-mail or join our groups at in social networks, where all articles are also regularly published:

At correct settings 1C programs that support complex payroll calculations, additional payments for night hours are calculated automatically, while the program itself, based on working time data, “understands” in which month it should be accrued and in which it should not. Let's figure out how to achieve this in 1C programs: Salaries and personnel management 8th ed. 2.5, 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 and 1C: UPP 8.

The first thing you need to do is go to the salary calculation settings and check whether the percentage of payment for night hours is indicated there correctly. To do this, on the desktop, on the "Enterprise" tab, click the "Accounting Options" link (you can enable the desktop in the Tools - User Settings menu).

The percentage of additional payment is indicated on the "Payroll calculation" tab.

Now let's move on to work schedules. Required condition The automatic accrual of extra pay for night hours is determined by the presence of night hours in the employee’s schedule. You may have to fill out timesheets manually all the time, because... employees are constantly moving from shift to shift or taking part-time jobs, and you think that schedules are not needed since they are not respected. However, this is not the case, although the timesheet will still have to be adjusted, but set up correctly shift work and it is necessary to assign it to an employee.

If you are just hiring an employee, then indicate this schedule in the hiring document. If it has already been working for some time in your organization with a five-day period in the settings, then you need to do personnel transfer, changing only the work schedule to shift work.

At the end of the month, you fill out a time sheet that looks something like this (night hours must be entered).

Now you can proceed to the document “Payroll for employees of organizations”, which should be filled in automatically. Please note the tariff based on which night hours are calculated.

If an employee is paid at an hourly rate, then no questions will arise; the rate is simply multiplied by the percentage of night hours. But if the main accrual is a monthly salary, then to pay for night hours, a recalculation is carried out into an hourly rate, which can be done in different ways. The recalculation method is also selected in the accounting settings on the very first tab “Calculation algorithms”.

Thus, the automatic calculation of additional payments for night work in the program is implemented very transparently, you just need to carefully understand it. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article.