An independent quality assessment is carried out by whom. Methodological recommendations for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities. National partners

1. Independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities(hereinafter referred to as the educational activities of organizations) is carried out in order to provide participants in relations in the field of education with information about the level of organization of work on the implementation of educational programs based on publicly available information.

2. In order to create conditions for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations:

1) a federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, with the participation of public organizations, public associations of consumers (their associations, unions) (hereinafter - public organizations) forms a public council to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations and approves the regulations on it;

2) executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, implementing public administration in the field of education, with the participation of public organizations form public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations located on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and approve the regulations on them;

3) local government bodies with the participation of public organizations have the right to form public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations located in the territories municipalities, and approve the position about them.

3. By decision of the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, or local government bodies, the functions of the public council to conduct an independent quality assessment educational activities of organizations can be entrusted to the public councils existing under these bodies. In such cases, public councils for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations are not created.

4. An independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations is carried out according to such general criteria as openness and accessibility of information about organizations carrying out educational activities; comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out; friendliness, politeness, competence of employees; satisfaction with the quality of educational activities of organizations.

5. Indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, with preliminary discussion at the public council.

6. An independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations, organized by public councils for its implementation, is carried out no more than once a year and no less than once every three years.

7. Public councils for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations:

1) determine the lists of organizations carrying out educational activities in respect of which an independent assessment is carried out as provided for in this article;

2) formulate proposals for the development of technical specifications for an organization that collects, summarizes and analyzes information about the quality of educational activities of organizations (hereinafter referred to as the operator), take part in the consideration of draft documentation on the procurement of works, services, as well as draft state and municipal contracts, concluded by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies with the operator;

3) establish, if necessary, criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations (in addition to the general criteria established by this article);

4) conduct an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations, taking into account the information provided by the operator;

5) submit, respectively, to the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies, the results of an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations, as well as proposals for improving their activities.

8. The conclusion of state and municipal contracts for the performance of work, the provision of services for the collection, compilation and analysis of information on the quality of educational activities of organizations is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. The federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies, based on the results of concluding state and municipal contracts, formalize a decision on determining the operator, responsible for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations, and also, if necessary, provide the operator with publicly available information about the activities of these organizations, generated in accordance with state and departmental statistical reporting (if it is not posted on the official website of the organization).

9. The public council for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest. The composition of the said public council is formed from among representatives of public organizations. The number of members of the public council cannot be less than five people. Members of the public council carry out their activities on a voluntary basis. Information about the activities of the public council is posted by the body state power, the local government body under which it was created, on its official website on the Internet.

10. Information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations is posted accordingly:

1) the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, on the official website for posting information about government and municipal institutions on the Internet;

2) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, and local governments on their official websites and the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet.

11. The composition of information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities and the procedure for posting it on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

12. The federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies provide technical information on their official websites on the Internet the opportunity for citizens to express opinions on the quality of educational activities of organizations.

13. Monitoring compliance with the procedures for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations provided for in this article is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As a priority within pedagogical process Today, monitoring and assessment of the quality of education are important. To implement them, an objective and transparent model for analyzing student achievement is created.

Normative base

IN modern conditions Competition among educational institutions is becoming increasingly important. Institutions begin to “fight” for their students. In this regard, special meaning acquires an independent assessment of the quality of education. On May 7, 2012, the President signed Decree No. 597. It regulates measures to implement social policy states.

This document ordered the government and public associations to jointly form, by April 1, 2013, a system of independent assessment of the quality of the activities of organizations that provide social services, define criteria for analyzing the effectiveness of their work, introduce public ratings. In pursuance of the decree, Resolution No. 286 was adopted. This document approved the Rules for the formation of a system for independent assessment of the quality of activities of institutions providing social, including educational, services. In addition, Order No. 487-r adopted a plan of relevant measures.

Implementation of norms

The Ministry of Education and Science developed and approved the Regulations on the education quality assessment system. Methodological recommendations were adopted for its implementation. In them:

  1. It is defined what an independent assessment of the quality of education is, and the main users of the program are indicated.
  2. The forms in which activities are carried out are described.
  3. Possible directions for using the program in the work of educational management institutes have been identified.
  4. The sections describing the tools, the object, customers and system participants, the procedure for using independent assessment tools for the development and approval of management decisions are described.

Methodological recommendations have special practical significance within the framework of the pedagogical process. The document describes not only the activities themselves, but also the benefits that the results of the procedures provide for all participants. These include parents, students themselves, teachers, and heads of educational institutions.

Key directions

An independent assessment of the quality of education is a procedure carried out in relation to the work of pedagogical institutions and the programs implemented in them. Its purpose is to establish the conformity of the services provided:

Customers and initiators

An independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out upon request:

  • founder;
  • local authorities;
  • management of educational institutions;
  • public regional chamber;
  • educational management institutes at the federal, subject and municipal levels;
  • individuals or organizations;
  • parents;
  • public council under the municipal/regional executive body;
  • public associations.

Customers of the independent assessment procedure can be:

  • head of the educational institution;
  • government bodies of the Russian Federation, subject or structure of local government;
  • founder of an educational institution;
  • parents;
  • teaching staff of an educational institution;
  • students in high school.

Objects of analysis

The education quality assessment system can be aimed at:


To establish the level of mastery of the organization’s pedagogical programs, appropriate materials are developed based on:

  1. Customer requirements.
  2. Measuring tools for international comparative studies.
  3. Federal State Educational Standard requirements.


The Education Quality Assessment Center may use in its analysis:

  • Public reports of municipal/regional authorities, educational institutions.
  • Ratings.
  • Statistical data of official records, which are posted on public electronic resource in the Internet.
  • Other open information characterizing the conditions and progress of teaching activities in the educational institution.

Information posted in the public domain about the work of educational institutions can be used in an independent assessment when agreeing on the participation of educational institutions in this procedure.

Responsible entities

Assessment of the quality of education in a school or other educational institution can be carried out by such bodies as:

  1. A non-profit organization whose activities are socially oriented and carried out by specialists with the appropriate qualification level.
  2. A commercial rating agency that has experience in creating ratings of institutions.
  3. Education Quality Assessment Center.
  4. One or more experts with relevant experience.
  5. Public-professional, social, non-profit autonomous, non-governmental organization.

It is allowed to involve several performers who monitor the assessment of the quality of education. When carrying out procedures, openness should be ensured during the formation of an order for assessing the work or performance of educational institutions. The list of persons performing activities is posted on the official website of the regional department. An educational institution can independently select those organizations that will assist it in obtaining an independent assessment.


Individual experts and the organization that perform the independent assessment procedure analyze the identified results at the end of their work. Based on the results of analytical work, they develop recommendations regarding the further development of educational institutions, regional and municipal pedagogical structures. In addition, they create a methodology and compile ratings, perform other procedures, prepare analytical reports, and present reports on the state of the pedagogical process. When implementing all activities, openness and public access to information must be ensured.

Meaning of the results

The results obtained after the assessment can play a key role in large quantity interested parties. Among them, in particular, heads of educational institutions, parents, administration of municipal, federal, and regional authorities. The results obtained should contribute to:

  1. Development of competitive conditions.
  2. Improving the quality of education.
  3. Discovery and dissemination of effective models for organizing the pedagogical process.
  4. Preservation and improvement of a unified educational system, diversity curricula.

Practical use

In accordance with the results obtained, the following can be prepared:

  1. Management decisions at the level of the subject, municipality, educational institution. For example, this could be a program for allocating additional funding from the fund to support the quality of education, methodological and personnel support, and so on.
  2. Recommendations for:
  • management structures at different levels;
  • customer;
  • public associations;
  • parents;
  • students;
  • teaching staff or one teacher;
  • educational institution.

Important point

The head of the educational institution must study the Methodological recommendations for conducting quality assessment procedures educational process. In addition, he must familiarize all participants in the process with them. Knowledge of the provisions of the document will contribute to more thorough preparation for upcoming events. Previously, the head of the educational institution can organize an internal assessment of the quality of education. If necessary, you can request an examination and use the results obtained during it to analyze the activities of the institution, develop a development plan, identify priority areas. The results of the activities will allow:

Teachers themselves, having the opportunity to request an independent assessment, can analyze their own activities, establish professional level, readiness to undergo certification.

Benefits for parents and students

At the legislative level, these entities also had the opportunity to request an independent assessment of the quality of the educational process. Parents can thus obtain reliable results in their children’s mastery of current curricula. In addition, in accordance with the results of the events, they are provided with the necessary recommendations for further interaction with students, themselves educational institution, as well as individual teachers.

High school students who have received basic general education, can also contact one of the competent organizations with a request for an independent assessment. During the events, they can undergo either a survey or testing. Responsible organizations during assessment activities apply various shapes and methods of analysis. Based on the results of the test, students will receive the necessary recommendations for creating individual plan training, making adjustments to it, as well as the prospects for obtaining special (professional) education.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out on the initiative of legal entities or individuals with the involvement of organizations that have experience in this activity and use valid tools for conducting assessment procedures. At the same time, an educational organization has the right to choose those organizations (public, social-professional, autonomous non-profit, non-governmental organizations) that will help it obtain an independent assessment of its activities. Director of MKOU "Suslovskaya Secondary School" Ilyinova L.I. 2016

2 slide

Slide description:

INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Object of independent assessment of the quality of education The object of independent assessment of the quality of education can be: 1. Educational programs implemented by educational organizations; 2. Conditions for the implementation of the educational process, websites of educational organizations, etc.; 3. Results of students mastering educational programs; 4. Activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education, local governments in terms of organizing the current functioning and development of images.

3 slide

Slide description:

INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Independent assessment of the quality of education is an assessment procedure that is carried out in relation to the activities of educational organizations and the educational programs they implement in order to determine the compliance of the education provided with: - the needs of individuals - consumers educational services(including parents of minors studying in preschool, general and additional education children and other programs, and adults studying in relevant educational programs) in terms of providing them with assistance in choosing an educational organization, educational programs that correspond to the individual capabilities of students, as well as determining the level of results of mastering educational programs; - the needs of legal entities (including the educational organization itself) in terms of determining the quality of implementation of educational programs, the necessary adjustments to these programs based on the results of the examination; - founder, public associations, etc. in terms of compiling ratings (rankings), other evaluation procedures for the subsequent development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as improving the quality of the educational programs they implement.

4 slide

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INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Tools for independent assessment of the quality of education According to the principles of information openness in accordance with the current federal law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) all educational institutions are required to present data on their activities on their website (hereinafter referred to as open data). This norm expands the possibilities for the formation of various tools for independent assessment of the quality of education. In this regard, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education can monitor the information openness of educational institutions or recommend its implementation to non-governmental organizations in order to stimulate, through the publication of its results, the implementation of the relevant norm Federal Law. Organizations carrying out assessment procedures use open data, public reports of regional (municipal) education authorities, educational organizations (in agreement with the educational organization) to construct ratings (rankings) according to various reasons, in the interests of various groups of consumers of educational services.

5 slide

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INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Tools for independent assessment of the quality of education: * Ratings in education * Public reports * Measuring materials

6 slide

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INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Customers for independent assessment of the quality of education Customers for procedures for independent assessment of the quality of education can be: 1. - public councils, public associations, regional public chambers 2. founder of an educational organization 3. government bodies of the Russian Federation, state bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments 4. head of an educational organization 5. pedagogical worker of an educational organization 6. parents of students 7. high school students

7 slide

Slide description:

INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Participants in the independent assessment of the quality of education Educational organizations: - ensure the collection of information on performance indicators, prepare public reports and post them on the Internet - provide a report on the results of self-examination in the public domain on the Internet, -according to the results participation in procedures for independent assessment of the quality of education are developed, coordinated with the state and public administration bodies of the educational organization and approved action plans to improve the quality of work - use the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education to solve problems reflected in the main educational program (programs) of the organization, as well as with with the aim of increasing the efficiency of activities, achieving results in mastering educational programs that meet the requirements of federal government educational standards; -can take part in all-Russian and international comparative monitoring studies.

8 slide

Slide description:

INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The main criteria for independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations (hereinafter referred to as NEC OD) are: 1. openness and accessibility of information about organizations; 2.comfortable conditions in which educational activities are carried out; 3.friendliness, politeness, competence of employees; 4.satisfaction with the quality of educational activities of organizations. Experts note that questions may arise regarding the objectivity and measurability of such criteria as “friendliness, politeness, and competence of employees.” The remaining criteria are relevant and significant. The above criteria are mandatory when conducting NOC OA. In addition to these, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments may include other criteria in the conduct of NEC OD that reflect the characteristics of educational organizations and programs that are important for the corresponding education system.

Slide 9

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INDEPENDENT SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 1 Indicators characterizing general criterion assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities, relating to the openness and accessibility of information about organizations carrying out educational activities

10 slide

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Openness and accessibility (Points 0-10) * Completeness and relevance of information about the organization carrying out educational activities (hereinafter referred to as the organization) and its activities posted on the official website of the organization on the information and telecommunications network Internet (hereinafter referred to as the Internet) (for government (municipal) organizations - information posted, including on the official website on the Internet

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Openness and accessibility (Points 0-10) ** Availability of information about the organization’s teaching staff on the organization’s official website on the Internet

12 slide

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Openness and accessibility (Points 0-10) *** Availability of interaction with recipients of educational services by telephone, e-mail, by using electronic services provided on the organization’s official website on the Internet, including the possibility of making proposals aimed at improving the organization’s work

Slide 13

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Openness and accessibility (Points 0-10) **** Availability of information on the progress of consideration of citizens’ appeals received by the organization from recipients of educational services (by phone, by e-mail, using electronic services available on the official website of the organization)

Slide 14

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(points from 0 to 10) 2 Indicators characterizing the general criterion for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities, relating to the comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out Comfort of conditions

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Comfort of conditions (points from 0 to 10) * Logistics and information support of the organization

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Comfort of conditions (scores from 0 to 10) ** Availability necessary conditions for the protection and promotion of health, organization of nutrition for students

Slide 17

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Comfort of conditions (scores from 0 to 10) *** Conditions for individual work with students

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Comfortable conditions (scores from 0 to 10) **** Availability of additional educational programs

Slide 19

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Comfortable conditions (points from 0 to 10) ***** Availability of opportunities to develop the creative abilities and interests of students, including their participation in competitions and olympiads (including all-Russian and international), exhibitions, shows, physical education events, sports events, including in official sports competitions and other public events

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Comfort of conditions (points from 0 to 10) ****** Possibility of providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students

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Comfort of conditions (points from 0 to 10) ******* Availability of conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities and disabled people

22 slide

The importance of the sphere of vocational education for the economy of any country is extremely great. The development of the country's trade, economic, investment, scientific and technical potential is impossible without the main resource component - highly professional personnel. In this regard, one of the key areas of activity of the Russian Register is an independent assessment of guarantees of the quality of education, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account international experience.

Many universities and colleges in the country have a long history, decades of developing culture, traditions and educational technologies that allow them today to offer the labor market graduates whose competence surpasses foreign specialists. Modern tendencies developments in education and the labor market dictate requirements for educational organizations to improve the quality and accessibility of vocational education. In conditions of increasing levels of control and requirements for educational organizations from the state, the labor market and consumers, and demographic decline, educational organizations constantly have to prove their advantages.

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education predetermines trends in assessing the quality of education - professional and public accreditation of educational programs and public accreditation of educational organizations.

On the basis of the Russian Register, there is an agency for assessing the quality of education, which offers services for assessing the conformity of the quality of education, both at the institutional and program levels, with the requirements of international standards for management systems, European standards and recommendations for guaranteeing the quality of education ENQA, legal requirements in the field of guaranteeing the quality of education.

The Russian Register offers educational organizations services in the field of independent examination of the quality of education:

  • certification of compliance of the quality management system with ISO 9001 requirements with international accreditation by RvA, a member of the International Accreditation Forum IAF, the International Network of Certification Bodies IQNet,
  • professional and public accreditation of educational programs in accordance with the requirements of Art. 96 Federal Law-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”,
  • independent examination of the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association, comparable to the European standards for guaranteeing the quality of education ENQA, requirements international standard ISO 9001, national and international professional standards, employers' associations, customers,
  • assessment of the compliance of information security management, management of IT services required during research and development work,
  • certification of the integrated management system for compliance with the requirements of 2 or more standards, incl. ENQA, professional standards,
  • personnel certification (qualifications),
  • integration of the above procedures – the opportunity to receive a comprehensive service, incl. using the transfer procedure,
  • training of employees of educational organizations.

Due to the fact that the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems are correlated with the requirements of European standards and recommendations for internal quality assurance of education ENQA, the Russian Register can carry out a combined procedure for assessing the quality of education.

The combined procedure for certification of the quality management system and professional and public accreditation of educational programs in the Russian Register will allow educational organizations to reduce costs (human, time, financial) for conducting the examination and obtain documents:

  • certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard;
  • certificate of professional and public accreditation of the declared basic professional educational programs.

Goals and operating principles

In our work to assess the quality of education, we are guided by generally accepted goals and principles formulated by the professional community and the principles of quality assurance in the European educational space.

You can learn more about the main goals and principles of the Russian Register for assessing the quality of education in the section of the website “Goals and principles for assessing the quality of education.”

Basic documents

  • Rules and conditions of professional and public accreditation
  • Form of the educational organization's report on self-examination of the educational program
  • Experts participating in the Program for Independent Assessment of Education Quality

Institutional level of education quality assessment

Assessment of the quality of education at the institutional level in the Russian Register assumes:

  • independent examination of the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association comparable with the European standards for guaranteeing the quality of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national and international professional standards, associations of employers, the customer,
  • certification of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of ISO 9001 with international accreditation by RvA, a member of the International Accreditation Forum IAF, the International Network of Certification Bodies IQNet,
  • certification of compliance of the management system with the requirements of various international standards
  • certification of the integrated management system for compliance with the requirements of 2 or more standards, incl. ENQA standards and recommendations.

Criteria for evaluation

  • The criteria for assessing compliance with management system standards are reflected in the requirements of the relevant standards.
  • The criteria for assessing compliance with the requirements for internal systems of quality assurance in education are reflected in the ENQA standards and recommendations, part 1.
  • The criteria for examining the quality of education (education quality assurance systems) are reflected in the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association, comparable to the European standards for quality assurance of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national requirements for education quality assurance systems, and require an assessment of the level of maturity education quality assurance systems.

Program level for assessing the quality of education (professional and public accreditation of educational programs)

Assessing the quality of education at the program level in the Russian Register involves conducting an accreditation examination of educational programs for the purpose of professional and public accreditation in accordance with the requirements of Art. 96 FZ-273 “On education in the Russian Federation”.

Criteria for evaluation

The criteria for assessing educational programs are reflected in the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association, comparable to the European standards for quality assurance of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national requirements for the quality of educational programs, and involve an assessment of the level of maturity of the educational program.

Register of educational organizations that have successfully passed the assessment of the quality of education at the institutional level

The Russian Register has many years of experience in assessing the quality of education at the institutional level, i.e. assessment of intra-university quality management systems of educational organizations.

The register of certified organizations of the Russian Register contains more than 250 entries for educational and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, including: National Research Technological University "MISiS", St. Petersburg State University Railways, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", Southern federal university, Southwestern State University, Kursk State Medical University, Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva and others.

Register of educational programs that have successfully passed professional and public accreditation

The register of educational organizations that have successfully passed professional and public accreditation of educational programs includes more than 200 educational programs, including educational programs of the Kursk State medical university, Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva, Vologda State University.

  • Information about accredited educational programs

Benefits of the service for educational organizations

  • Strengthening the image of an educational organization in the market of educational and research services.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of the educational organization and the implemented basic educational programs in the educational services market.
  • Strengthening quality assurance and improving the quality of learning outcomes.
  • Certification by the professional community and employers of the compliance of the level of training of graduates and the conditions for the implementation of educational programs with modern demands of the labor market.

Advantages of cooperation with the Russian Register

  • Many years of experience in assessing intra-university quality management systems of educational organizations. The register of certified organizations of the Russian Register contains more than 250 entries for educational and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, including: National Research Technological University "MISiS", St. Petersburg State University of Transport, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", Southern Federal University, Southwestern State University, etc.
  • The Russian Register is included in the register of accrediting organizations and organizations carrying out accreditation examination of educational programs for the purposes of professional and public accreditation. The register was formed as part of an automated information system“Monitoring of professional and public accreditation”, created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in order to provide effective information support for the process of implementing procedures for professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented in the Russian Federation.
  • The Russian Register is a full member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE - International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) and the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN - Asia Pacific QualityNetwork), and also has affiliate status in the European Association for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education. Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) - global associations active in the theoretical and practical solutions in the field of quality assurance of higher education.
  • The Russian Register is included in APQR - the Register of Agencies of the Asia-Pacific Education Quality Network (APQN). The APQR Agencies Register is established by the Asia Pacific Education Quality Network (APQN) and is a register of external quality assurance agencies that demonstrate their activities as meeting a certain level of maturity according to the APQR criteria, as confirmed through independent external peer review of the agencies.
  • The Russian Register has bilateral agreements with the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of Kazakhstan (IAAR - Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating), the German agency FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), the Agency for Science and higher education Croatia (ASHE - Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education), which are full members of ENQA, and the ABMS Open University of Switzerland, which is accredited by foreign organizations that have affiliate status in ENQA.
  • Authority from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the field of assessing the quality of education.
  • The opportunity to receive a comprehensive service by combining procedures independent examination quality of education, which will allow educational organizations to reduce costs (human, time, financial) for conducting examinations.
  • The only certification body (among national and foreign ones) offering on the Russian market a unique set of international, national and industry accreditations and notifications, and providing clients with full recognition, both in Russia and throughout the world. Today, the clients of the Russian Register are more than 4,000 organizations located in Russia, the CIS, the Baltic countries and abroad.
  • The independence and objectivity of the Russian Register, as well as the competence of the staff, are confirmed by numerous national and foreign accreditations and recognitions, and the positive practice of many years of activity. More than 100 experts have been trained on the basis of the Russian Register to assess the quality of education and professional and public accreditation of educational programs.
  • An extensive network of officially registered representative offices of the Russian Register allows educational organizations to minimize the costs of travel expenses for experts, quickly coordinate work issues, provide methodological and information support, and attract qualified auditors from the nearest branches or representative offices located not only in the Russian Federation and the CIS, but also abroad .
  • The certification association "Russian Register" cooperates with the All-Russian industry associations of employers "SoyuzMash of Russia" and "ZHELDORTRANS" on the procedure for professional and public accreditation of educational programs.


National partners:

  • All-Russian industry association of railway transport employers "Zheldortrans";
  • All-Russian industry association of employers “SoyuzMash of Russia”;
  • Regional association of employers “Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Leningrad Region”;
  • Association of Culinary and Restaurateurs Sverdlovsk region;
  • Regional association of employers “Union of Employers of the Rostov Region”;
  • Union "Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry";
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kronstadt;
  • All-Russian public organization "Russian Medical Association";
  • All-Russian public organization “For Quality Education”;
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after. O.E. Kutafina";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg National research university information technologies, mechanics and optics";
  • ANOO VO "Interregional Institute of Economics and Law under the IPA EurAsEC".

International partners:

  • International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE – International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education);
  • Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN);
  • European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education);
  • Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of Kazakhstan (IAAR – Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating, Kazakhstan);
  • German agency FIBAA (FIBAA – Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, Germany;
  • Agency for Science and Higher Education of Croatia (ASHE - Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education, Croatia);
  • ABMS Open University of Switzerland.

An independent assessment of the quality of education (IQE) is regulated in Article 95 of the Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” which defines the IQE, defines its participants and goals. According to this law, the NOKO is aimed at obtaining information about educational activities, the quality of training of students and the implementation of educational programs. It includes an independent assessment of the quality of students’ training and an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities.

The law provides some restrictions, for example, the ability to carry out NOKO only to legal entities. In this work, NOKO is considered in more detail in a broad sense, like any assessment of the quality of education conducted by independent agents.

Also, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved the “Methodological recommendations for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities,” which prescribe the main participants of the NOKO, recommendations to authorities, educational organizations, procedures for its implementation and some other aspects.

NOC procedures are carried out for the purposes of:

increasing the efficiency of education administration;

improving student training;

changing approaches to training and advanced training of workers in the field of education;

popularization of effective models of organizing the educational process;

increasing the diversity of educational programs in a single educational space.

NOKO is implemented through:

1. Attraction non-profit organizations and individuals to assess the quality of education

2. Coordination of the activities of all agents to improve the quality of conditions for the educational process

3. Improving the ways of organizing and content of the educational process

4. Measures to improve the quality, efficiency and accessibility of educational services

The results of the NOKO can be used by various groups to solve both professional and personal problems:

1. Students and their parents (for the purpose of choosing a place of study for themselves and/or their children)

a. to assess the current level of mastery of educational programs and changes in individual curricula;

b. to identify your own opportunities to continue education in certain programs;

Institutions carrying out educational activities, for analysis purposes:

a. analysis of the level of training of students and the circumstances influencing it

b. assessing the compliance of activities with the expectations of participants and/or other interested organizations;

c. determining a list of measures to improve the results and quality of educational services;

2. Interested organizations: to form common actions with the educational institution to change educational programs, etc.

3. Collegiate governing bodies of institutions providing educational services:

a. as a way to involve local representatives in the implementation of organizational development tasks, etc.

4. Federal and regional executive authorities: for making administrative decisions.

· create conditions for the development of educational organizations and the development of personnel for the implementation of NEC training of students;

· coordinate the work of participants in the NOC for training students;

Educational organizations: ensure the collection of the required information and its provision to the organization implementing the NFCS; provide conditions for conducting the assessment procedure in accordance with the instructional and methodological materials developed by the OKO organization; based on the results of participating in independent assessment procedures, develops an action plan to improve the quality of student training; ensures openness and access to information about the implementation of NQF PO at all its stages.

Rice. 1.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the interaction of elements that ensure the effectiveness of NOKO, compiled by T.A. Mertsalova. Unfortunately, the latest guidelines issued by the authorities and the experience of implementing the NCCO show that the role of the public and independent players is extremely low. In the regions where comprehensive education modernization projects have been created since 2007, the departmental system for assessing the quality of education has been well developed, Quality Assessment Centers, Education Monitoring Centers, Expertise Centers for the activities of educational organizations and similar organizations are successfully functioning.

This leads to the fact that the final products of NFCS often do not meet the needs of reference groups. It is no secret that territorial remoteness is a key factor in choosing a school. Based on this statement, it turns out that the TOP-500 rating, published annually by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, cannot satisfy the requests Russian citizens. For example, a resident Altai Territory It will be difficult to choose a school from it, because out of more than 800 schools in the region, only 4 are represented in the ranking for the 2014-2015 academic year. At the same time, the lack of detailed and primary data does not answer the population’s request for information about general secondary education.

As a result, various problems of reference groups (parents, business, media, public organizations) remain unresolved.

School choice, kindergarten or university is often based on rumors, advice from friends, anonymous reviews on the Internet, rather than on studying better information. As a result, due to a lack of information, people chose far from the best best options getting an education.

A very important part of quality assessment is data that can be used to conduct NCQE and rating educational organizations. The key components of this system are:

· “closed” data, access to which is limited or completely closed. These include:

o state accounting information (statistical and administrative);

o departmental monitoring implemented by subordinate institutions;

o international monitoring (PISA, TIMSS, etc.);

"open" data

unstructured data:

o data from educational organizations themselves;

o data that can only be obtained from the public (for example, from consumers of educational services through opinion polls) .

When implementing and developing NOCO, a problem arises such as a lack of information about the activities of organizations. Often, only organizations affiliated with local authorities authorities in the field of education are organizations established by these authorities themselves for monitoring in the field of education. They have much more rights and powers to work with data than third-party organizations or individuals. The reports of these organizations are not often made public, and a conflict of interest is obvious: the educational institutions being assessed are subordinate and the organizations themselves that carry out the NQF often have the same founder.

Key role in this process open data can play. Open Data is the concept that data should be freely and freely available to all users and reusable without any restrictions or control on the part of the data publisher.

The role of open data here is to use it to solve any public problems. Data in itself is only important if its subject matter, quality and detail can help in some way. reference groups solve your problems. Tim Bernes-Lee introduced a five-star typology scale for open data quality:

First level: data is available in any format;

Second level: open data is posted in machine-readable format (xls, xlsx);

Third level: open data is presented in a non-proprietary format (CSV);

Level four: open data is published in open W3C standards (RDF and SPARQL);

Level five: Open data is linked to other data in a contextual manner.

Trends towards open data in the world have only begun in the last few years, but are actively taking over various industries: from ecology to law enforcement. Experience with open data in other areas shows the effectiveness of this mechanism when it comes to engaging individuals and organizations in the public sector:

· the opportunity for the public to contribute to improving the performance of public services;

· transparency;

· creation of new products;

· development of public and state relations ;

Thus, their more active use in education and, directly, in independent assessment of the quality of education can open up additional features to improve the quality of education and public involvement in this area.