Unusual "talents" and "active effects". Quests for permanent effects Skyrim active effects eternal

> How to view active character effects in Skyrim?

How to view active character effects in Skyrim?

Like any other role-playing game, Skyrim has a whole range of positive and negative effects on the player character. So in Morrowind it was much easier to watch them; the fourth part of the Elder Scrolls also helped in our endeavor. But TES 5 began to pay less attention to this, concentrating on the gameplay. It's not so easy to guess that in Skyrim active effects are hidden in the magic menu.

To see the set of effects that currently affect a character in The Elder Scrolls 5 you need in the magic section, select active effects(active effects). The magic menu can be called up as standard via the tab (Tab) or directly by pressing the “P” key. Some additional mods for Skyrim can help make access to this game function easier; more details about such plugins are written on the site in the corresponding additional section on the game. As a standard, learning about the effects is quite problematic, and the entire game control on a personal computer does not look very convenient. I specifically mentioned this in the review of tes 5 on the site, as well as in a number of other articles on the game.

Meanwhile, this function is very useful, since there are a great many effects in the game: from diseases to temporary blessings. In the same menu you can find out the time remaining before the spells (stone skin or summoning an atronach, for example) expire. Naturally, the set of diseases is of particular importance, since some of them may well turn our good hero into a vampire. And in general, illnesses do not add health or mana to a character. I note that there is no great reason to become a creature of the night in Skyrim, although nothing fundamentally bad will happen in the opposite case. In any case, the vampire's bonuses could have been made more significant, although this is a topic for a completely separate conversation. An indirect definition of a disease by weakening a character’s characteristics cannot be called convenient and correct; it is much easier to look at the actual list.

The range of positive effects is also large and, as a rule, exceeds the list of diagnoses and other illnesses. So, from the very beginning of our journey through the world of Nirn, we will be accompanied by racial bonuses that will help us cope with more than a dozen dragons. In the same menu you can learn about the benefits that the items we wear give us. Alas, this is done in Skyrim as inconveniently as the entire menu. That is, the complete set of all positive and negative properties is located in a simple list. Only when you hover over each effect, its symbolic image (usually in the form of a luminous sphere) and a detailed description appear. Unfortunately, this approach cannot be called visual, and when the number of bonuses exceeds the first ten, navigating through them becomes problematic. For example, each increase in a parameter is worth a separate point, depending on what item strengthens the character.

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I have seriously taken up the topic of removing various visual effects from the player, such as the glowing eyes of a draugr, centurion pairs, etc. Surely many of you have caught this unpleasant bug. There are three ways to get rid of it.

Method one.
Find out the ID of the effect and delete it using the commands "player.addspell" and "player.removespell". I can’t automate anything here because... sequentially entering commands does not give anything, and in addition to everything, you need to look for the effect ID by external signs. After executing the "player.addspell" command, you must exit the console, log in again, and only then enter another command - "player.removespell". But there are two more ways that interested me very much.

Method two.
Removing Magic Shader Effects from the player directly using the "player.sms" command. We take the list of effects from the Creation Kit in the “SpecialEffect -> EffectShader” section.

Method three.
Removing Magic Effect Visuals using the "player.sme" command. The list of effects can be found in the Creation Kit, they are located in the "Magic -> MagicEffect" section.

Here there is already scope for automation. What I've done? I took the ID all effects(for the second and third methods) from Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn and compiled a batch file to remove them, which can be executed with one command.

How to use.
Unpack the files into the root folder of the game, not Data, but where TESV.exe is located. In the game, take a third person view and enter the command (without quotes): "bat<имя файла>" i.e. bat SEFSH, bat DEFSH, bat DBEFSH, bat SMGEF, etc. I didn’t mix everything into one pile and made three files for each method: S EFSH - for Skyrim, D EFSH - for Dawnguard and D.B. EFSH - for Dragonborn. Remember to edit the first two digits of the ID according to the DLC's position in your download list. Because I use unofficial patches of the latest versions, and according to their positions they were numbered with ID. . First try to remove shader effects (second method) and if this does not help, then proceed to remove visual effects (third method). There are a little more than a hundred shader effects in Skyrim, but almost a thousand visual ones.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I collected IDs only from Skyrim and two add-ons. If you use third-party mods to add new monsters and have picked up a bug from it, then these batch files will not help you. In this case, you need to open the mod in the editor and look at the list of its visual effects.

If you use unofficial patches, try disabling them in the launcher, launch the game, save in a new slot, exit the game, load the save you just made, and only then run the batch file. This is due to the fact that unofficial patches make a lot of changes to the game and commands to remove effects may not work or work partially.

Enjoy it for your health. And don’t let your character hover and illuminate his path with glowing eyes.

Magic is an integral part of the world of Nirn, it allows you to control the elements, summon creatures, heal wounds, change matter and create illusions. All this is available for study in Skyrim.

To see the spells available to you, press Tab and go to the Magic section. Spells are packaged by school: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion and Restoration.

You can take 2 different spells in each hand and use them either simultaneously or in turn, or take one spell in both hands and (if you take the corresponding perk in each school) use its enhanced version. You can take a sword in one hand and a spell in the other.

Active Effects

In addition to spells, in the magic menu you can see what active effects affect you. In particular, the screenshot below shows the effect of activating the Thief Stone:


To use a pre-selected talent, press the Z key. Each race has its own unique talent from the very beginning, and you can acquire new talents as you travel. Only one talent can be marked at a time, and in most cases such talents can only be used once per day.

Skill Upgrades and Spell Levels

To increase your skill, use spells from the corresponding schools, but so that there is some effect. If you want to level up destruction, then throwing fire at a wall will not help level up the skill; you need to use the spell against your opponents.

The growth of any skill somehow improves the character's abilities. The higher your stealth, the quieter you walk, the higher your skill with a bow, the higher the damage from bows. In any school of magic, the bonus from increasing skill is the same - spells cost less magic. But how then to increase the power of spells?

Firstly - perks. As with any skill, by investing perks into the school you're interested in, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of spells... and lower their cost. The first perk of the school is always to reduce the cost of beginner-level spells. Next, you can invest perks to reduce the cost of apprentice, adept, expert, and master level spells. We'll talk more about levels a little later.

Secondly, new spells. You can buy or find spells that are stronger than the ones you currently have. Books of spells are purchased from court magicians and the magicians' guild. But they won’t immediately sell you the most powerful spells; for this you need to achieve the appropriate level of skill.

There are 5 spell levels (or mastery levels):

  • Beginner: 0 skill;
  • Apprentice: 25 skill;
  • Adept: 50 skill;
  • Expert: 75 skill;
  • Master: 100 skill.

Novice and Apprentice level spells can be purchased without reaching the appropriate level

To purchase adept and expert level spells, you must reach the appropriate skill level.

You can also find spell books while wandering through dungeons. New levels of spells will open depending on your character’s level (and your magic school skill does not play a role in this case):

  • Beginner: level 1 and above;
  • Student: level 11 and above;
  • Adept: level 23 and above;
  • Expert: level 35 and above.

Some spells cannot be purchased. You can find a book while wandering around the world (such books are located in a certain place), or receive a spell on a mission.

Master level spells

To purchase master-level spells, you must complete the task, which is taken from the teacher of the corresponding school in the College of Winterhold upon reaching skill level 90:

  • Illusion: Drevis Neloren (ritual illusion spell);
  • Witchcraft: Finis Gestor (ritual spell of witchcraft);
  • Destruction: Faralda (ritual destruction spell);
  • Restoration: Colette Marens (ritual restoration spell);
  • Alteration: Tolfdir (ritual alteration spell).

Master level spells differ from lower level spells:

  • To prepare a spell, both hands are used (hence, you cannot take 2 different spells in your hands).
  • You cannot move while preparing a spell.
  • Spell preparation can be interrupted.

Acquiring Spells

A small supply of initial spells can be bought from the Rivenwood merchant, novice and apprentice level spells can be bought from any of the court magicians, and the magician can also sell spells to an adept of a certain school (upon achieving the appropriate skill).

Spells of higher levels are purchased from the College of Winterhold.

Details in the table:

Change Witchcraft Destruction Illusion Recovery
Rivenwood Merchant Bark leather Raise a Zombie Frostbite Clairvoyance
Small amulet
(Court Mage of Riften)
Adept *
(Court Mage of Morthal)
Adept *
(court magician of Markarth)
Adept *
Farengar Secret Fire
(Court Mage of Whiterun)
Adept *
(Court Mage of Dawnstar)
Adept *
Wunfert the Unliving
(Court Mage of Windhelm)
Adept *
Sibylla Stentor
(Court Mage of Solitude)
Adept *
("Frozen Hearth" in Winterhold)
Newbie Newbie
Newbie Newbie Newbie
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
Finis Gestor
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Drevis Neloren
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
Coletta Marens
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *

* Spells at the adept and expert level are purchased only upon reaching the corresponding skill level, and for the master level, in addition to the skill level, you must complete a task.

** Gives you the opportunity to trade only after receiving a task from Azura.

Good day, dear readers. In this post I want to tell you about some interesting and unusual magical things in Skyrim. These things are “talents” and “active effects”. I will tell you very briefly about the quests associated with them, since everything is simple there. As usual, there are a lot of spoilers. So let's get started.

Active effects.

1) "Dragon Slayer's Blessing". The effect is temporary. It is issued by the Blades archivist Esbern, whom you will meet during the main quest.

The chance of "crit" against dragons is increased by 10% for 5 days. So the effect is temporary

2) Three more effects that will become available during the main quest. Paarthurnax will tell you them.

- "Strength without effort"

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

You lose your balance 25% less often and opponents 25% more often.

- "Fire Spirit"

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

The Fire Breath shout deals 25% more damage.

- "Immortal Spirit". This effect manifests itself during the action of the "Ethereality" shout.

Health regenerates 25% faster while the shout is active.

3) "Ancient Knowledge". You get the effect when you return the dictionary to the pedestal in Avanchnzel. The quest “From the Depths” is given to you by the Argonian From the Deepest Depths at the docks of Riften. She asks to return the cube (dictionary) to the Dwemer city. Return it and get the effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

You get a 25% bonus when wearing Dwemer armor (in patch 1.3, all armor), and your blacksmithing skill grows 15% faster.

4) "Dibella's Chosen". Having broken into the temple of Dibella in Markarth (into its inner sanctuary) in order to steal the statue (also a quest, given by a man in a tavern), the priestess starts a conversation with you. If you agree to find and deliver the little girl (the new priestess of Dibella) to the temple, you will be forgiven for your intrusion into the sanctuary. We find it, return it, get the effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Damage to the opposite sex in combat is increased (by 10%, in melee).

5) "Sailor's Rest". After completing the quest about the murders at the Frost Lighthouse, you find the “Remains of Khabd” (in the belly of the Corus Reaper). These remains must be burned at the top of the Frost Lighthouse. Burned - we get the effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Healing spells are 10% more effective.

6) "Mara's Chosen". You get this effect after completing the quest "Book of Love". You can get it from the priestess in the Temple of Mara in Riften. The quest is easy, but you will have to run around Skyrim and Riften. You will need to talk a lot.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

+15% magic resistance.

7) "Sinderion's Surprise". In Blackreach you will find the laboratory of the alchemist Sinderion. Read the magazine, then everything will become clear. The scarlet roots of Nirn grow quite thickly in the state of emergency, not only near water. But with the last five you will have to work hard. Take the roots to the farm, get books and an effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

25% chance to create a second potion of the same type when practicing alchemy.

8) "A complete set of nightingale armor". The effect is obtained when wearing (surprise!) a full set of Soloviev armor. Separately, they also provide some effects that are not so unique. You receive armor as you complete the Thieves Guild quest (not even at the end), but you will only receive the effect at the end.

A full set of Dark Brotherhood armor gives exactly the same effect. Thank you, Spamer009.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases armor class by 25 units.

9) "Articulation". Also a Thieves Guild quest. But you will receive the Amulet of Articulation only after restoring the entire reputation of the Guild and becoming its head, that is, at the very, very end, and not at the end of the main, “nightingale” quest.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Eloquence is 15% more successful (and the “Persuasion” action in dialogues is always successful).

Articulation amulet bug:

This amulet can be worn with other amulets. But you only need to wear amulets in this order: Any amulet/necklace - Amulet of Articulation. The reverse order doesn't work.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

1) "Call of the Spectral Assassin". The call of the assassin, Lucien Lachance (familiar from "Oblivion"), will become available as you progress through the Dark Brotherhood quest.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Summons the spirit of an assassin to fight on your side until defeated.

2) "Summoning Arnel's Shadow". You get the talent by completing the quest “The Arnel Gein Project” (a very interesting quest, by the way). At the end, the unlucky scientist Arnel Gein decided to follow in the footsteps of the Dwemer tunnel architects and conducted an experiment with the Divider (remember Morrowind) and the soul stone. In the end, he took it and disappeared! And we still have the summoning spell and the Separator.

The spell is located in the "Witchcraft" section.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Summons the shadow of Arnel Gein for 60 seconds, to the point the caster points to.

3) "Talents of the Nightingale". They become available at the end of the "nightingale" quest of the Thieves Guild.

-"Nightingale Discord".

Sucks 100 units. health from the goal. Acts like a scream (flight of a certain clot in a straight line).

-"Cloak of Shadows Nocturnal".

You automatically become invisible for 120 seconds while sneaking.

-"Deception (Cunning) of the Nightingale".

People and creatures within the radius of the spell attack everyone nearby for 30 seconds.

Blessings of the deities.

I think these effects are worth putting here. After all, they are also quite unusual.

Blessings are temporary and last 7 in-game hours.

The altars of all the gods are located in the Temple of the Gods in Solitude.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple of the Gods.

1) Blessing of Arkay. Arkay is the god of birth and death, funeral rituals. Its adherents are staunch opponents of necromancy. There are shrines of Arkay in all cities of Skyrim. They can be found in the halls of the dead.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Shrine of Arkay in the Temple of the Gods in Solitude.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases health by 25 units.

2) Blessing of Kynareth. Kynareth is the goddess of air. Her servants are always ready to help the sick and wounded. There is a Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun...

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

...and her sanctuary is there.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases your stamina by 25 units.

3) Blessing of Mara. Mara is the goddess of love and compassion. The possibility of getting married in Skyrim is connected with her. You just need to find/buy her amulet, talk in it with the NPC you are interested in, and then arrange a wedding in the Temple of Mara in Riften.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple and sanctuary in Riften.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Healing spells are 10% more effective.

4) Blessing of Dibella. Dibella is considered the goddess of beauty. Her temple is located in Markarth, but only priestesses of Dibella are allowed into the Inner Sanctum. You will gain access there after the quest “The Heart of Dibella” (see p. “Active effects”, paragraph 4).

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple and sanctuary. Markart.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

+10 to eloquence.

5) Blessing of Julianos. Julianos occupies a place of honor in the pantheon as the god of wisdom. The sanctuary is located in the Temple of the Gods.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]


Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases magic by 25 units.

6) Blessing of Zenithar. Zenithar is the god of crafts and commerce. He patronizes mortals and their trade relations.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Altar of Zenithar.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Prices are 10% more favorable.

7) Blessing of Stendarr. In the cult of deities, the god of mercy and compassion is Stendarr. His altar is also located in the Temple of the Gods.

By the way, Stendarr's amulets were seen among the Whiterun guards.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]


Altar in the Temple of the Gods.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Magic is restored 10% faster.

9) And the most interesting thing. Blessing of Talos. Talos (Tiber Septim) is the ninth god in the pantheon, an ascended hero of the Empire. The Aldmeri Dominion banned his worship throughout the Empire. That is why his sanctuary is not even in the Temple of the Gods. More precisely, Talos's niche is empty. But throughout Skyrim there are statues of Talos and shrines next to them. For example, such a sanctuary can be found in Riften, not far from the entrance to the Thieves Guild hideout (thanks Flamma

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Now all the niches are filled!

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Time between screams reduced by 0%. Bug? (completed all main quests)

Oh yes, I completely forgot. There is a temple in Windhelm dedicated to Talos. This is because Windhelm is initially under the control of the Stormcloaks. Whether the temple will be closed if Windhelm is captured by the Empire, I don’t know.

And further. If anyone is interested, then under the spoiler there are links to articles about werewolves and vampires.

Proud of your character reaching max level in Skyrim? Then you will definitely want to read the list of 5 hidden powers in the game. They can be obtained after completing not the most famous quests in the game. Most of them give inventory items that provide buffs that last throughout the game.

If you don't have Skyrim and you're reading this article just to get ready for a walkthrough in which you'll turn over everything you can, you can download the game here:

Everything described below is available in the base game (although one of the cases requires the Dragonborn DLC). All this is in both Skyrim and Skyrim: Limited Edition.

This is a passive ability that allows you to deal 10% more damage to enemies of the opposite gender. This talent is more useful for female characters, since there are more men in Skyrim. First you need to talk to the vagabond Degain in Markarth. The player will receive a quest in which they need to steal a statue from the nearby Temple of Dibella.

The reason this ability is often overlooked is because the quest requires you to get caught. Only in this case the associated quest is launched, which gives “The Chosen of Dibella”. It’s very illogical to deliberately get caught in a quest that requires stealth! If one of the priestesses catches the player, he will be taken to Hamal, the head of the temple in Markarth. She will say: “You have committed a crime” and “You must be punished.” As you probably thought, this means that you will have to go on another quest...

The quest is called “The Heart of Dibella”. It needs to help a family from Kartwasten. A man named Enmon says his daughter Fjotra was kidnapped by the Forsworn. As always, you will have to play the role of the hero and save her from the Broken Tower.

After defeating Briarheart, you need to free Fjotra from the cage. You should then return to the Temple of Dibella in Markarth and pray at the altar. Enjoy the new damage bonus!

After you have received this ability, do not forget to choose “Lover's Intuition” as a reward for completing the quest “Black Book: Winds of Change”. Thanks to this, the damage dealt to characters of the opposite sex will increase by a total of 20%.

Sinderion's Surprise gives the player a 25% chance to create 2 identical potions. This is especially useful if the character specializes in Alchemy. Note that if you have a high level in Alchemy and have the appropriate abilities, powerful potions can be sold for a huge amount of money. Make a whole bunch of elixirs and you might even end up with twice as many potions.

The quest you need to complete to get this ability is confusing, but following some tips can make it easier. First you need to go straight to the Black Reach. If you've never been there, it's best to follow the main quest. There you need to explore Sinderion's laboratory, which is not so difficult to find if you enter the Black Reach through Alftand (where the main quest directs). You want the first small building you see when you enter.

Read Sinderion's diary (it lies on his corpse) and find out that he hoped to study the scarlet root of Nirn. After this, “Return to the Roots” will start - a quest in which you need to get 30 scarlet roots of Nirn. Considering that Blackreach is difficult to move quickly and the map doesn't provide any hints, this may sound extremely difficult. As mentioned earlier, the following tips will help speed up the process of completing the task:

1. Play with SFX turned on and/or headphones

This type of plant is generally similar to the common Nirnroot. When the player gets close to the root, it begins to make a whistling or buzzing sound. Keep your ears open. Chances are good that you will hear the plant first rather than see it.

2. Stay on the trail

It's easy to get lost while exploring Blackreach, especially if you're searching for the Crimson Root of Nirn. It is best to stay on the path or at least make sure that it is always in your field of vision. This way you won't have to walk in circles. While the map isn't particularly useful in this area, it will mark where you've been, so check the map if anything happens.

While we complain about the difficulty of navigating the terrain of Blackreach, it is one of the most beautiful locations in Skyrim. Sparkling waterfalls spill into shimmering lakes; around the luminescent mushrooms there is an eerie, mysterious glow that is reflected from the walls and ceilings.

This aesthetic will work to our advantage. In dark areas it is easier to notice the glow of the scarlet root. Don't forget: it usually grows near water. Maybe you should still step away from the path and plunge into the water. Swim to the shore of the lake and you will probably find 1-2 roots.
Once you've collected all 30 roots (great job!), head to Sarethi Farm, near Ivarstead. There you will meet Sinderion's colleague, Avruza. Give her the roots, and she will reward you with the desired ability.

This talent is useful for any characters who rely on healing spells and potions. With it, such spells restore 10% more health. This power is especially good to use in conjunction with the Escape from Death ability, thanks to which it will restore 10% more.

This ability is very often missed, since the quest for which it is given must be stumbled upon. Travel through the mountains between Dawnstar and Winterhold and you'll find the Frost Lighthouse perched atop a snowy mountain.

As soon as you go to the central room of the Frost Lighthouse, the quest “Rime Abyss” will appear. Explore a surprisingly frightening location to discover the corpses of the family who lived here. You will have to venture into a network of caves that is infested with Falmer and Chaurus. As a result, you will have to fight the terrible Corus Reaper. If your character is low level, then this battle will not be up to you.

To defeat this monster, you should use a weapon that deals fire damage. Ranged weapons are best: this way you don't have to approach the creature. This is also one of the rare battles where you should wear armor that is resistant to poison. The reaper's spit attack is deadly.

After killing the Corus Reaper, pick up the remains of Khabd. Climb back up and open the door to the top of the lighthouse. Place Khabd's remains in the fire. For this you will receive “Sailor's Rest”.

Dragon Bones and Scales only ranks so high on the list because of how common dragons are in Skyrim. This effect causes dragons to deal 25% less melee damage, helping them deal with bites and tail strikes. This will help a lot if you are going to fight legendary dragons. By the way, this power also reduces the likelihood that the dragon will eat your character. This can happen if the armor rating is relatively low.

The reason that such a small number of users know about such a useful effect is because of the series of quests tied to it. It starts with “Kill Paarthurnax.” Yes, you heard right: to get the effect you will have to destroy your favorite ancient dragon. And that's not all - just the beginning. After Paarthurnax has been killed, go to Skyhaven Temple to become one of the Blades.

Now you need to complete the quest “Rebirth of the Blades”. These are brilliant (repeated) missions where you need to recruit new followers of the Blades and slay dragons. At some point, Delphine will say to talk to Esbern about “Dragon Hunt”. This is a simple quest in which, together with other Blades, you will need to fight a random dragon. Esbern will ask you to take bones and scales from the creature's corpse. When you return, talk to Esbern about Studying Dragons.

Give him the bones and scales and you will be rewarded with Esbern's potion. Drinking it will give you the permanent “Dragon Bones and Scales” effect.

These powers take 1st place on the list, since they contain 5 hidden abilities at once. One of the main quests in the Dragonborn DLC is “The Fate of the Skaal.” During it, Storn reveals that the new Word of Power can be studied at Syringa Outpost. The shout is called “Word of Power”. It can be used to break stones corrupted by Miraak's influence in Solstheim. The quest “The Fate of the Skaal” ends when the Shout is used on the Wind Stone, which is located near the Skaal village in the north. The Lurker you have to fight after this can distract your attention so much that you don't notice one cool feature.

After clearing the stone, you should approach it and activate it. If you touch the Wind Stone, you will receive the ability “North Wind”. In the “Cleansing the Stones” quest, you can clear 4 more stones, each of which will give the player a new talent when activated.

All forces are listed below.

  • North wind” (Wind Stone): Can summon a cold wind that deals 20 damage per second. Since it is a cold spell, it also affects the enemy's stamina. Especially useful in close combat, only if you are not fighting against the Nords. If this reminds you of the spell from the school of Destruction “Buran”, then in essence it is the same thing. This talent does not cost mana, and there is no long animation when using it! Suitable for any build.
  • bones of the earth” (Earth Stone): With this talent, the caster can ignore 80% of damage. Please note that this is not armor, so nothing will be added to its stats. However, it can work in conjunction with armor: you ignore 80% of physical damage, and then armor durability comes into play. True, this power does not apply to magical damage. It is better to use it when you are attacked with weapons, sharp fangs or terrible claws. Reminds me of the spell from the school of Change “Dragon Skin”? It is the same. And again: the talent does not waste mana, and there is no long animation.
  • Waters of life” (Water Stone): This talent is wonderful: it restores 200 health to you and all players nearby. It will come in handy if you are working with other characters or participating in a large battle. Strength will also help if you are low on healing potions.
  • Roots of Power” (Tree Stone): This is another very useful power. All spells cost 75% less mana for a full minute. This means you can use stronger spells more than usual without relying on additional equipment. If you have, for example, the Archmage's Robe, all spells will now cost 90% less mana! Wear a ring or amulet and your power is unlimited for 60 seconds. This is enough to turn the tide of the battle.
  • Summoning the Werebear” (Beast Stone): This is my favorite effect. It allows you to summon a werebear for 60 seconds. It works the same way as any other summoning spell: you need to choose a place nearby, cast the spell, and the summoned creature will appear nearby. Again, this is an effect, not a spell, so no mana is wasted! Did I mention that this is a real werewolf bear??? This creature can easily send enemies flying and tear them to pieces. Summon it when your opponents outnumber you and watch the battle turn your way while laughing like a maniac. Good times.
  • Solar flare” (Sun Stone): This talent creates a fiery explosion around you. It deals 100 damage to enemies. Those opponents who are closest to you will suffer the most. Yes, this is the same as the Destruction school spell “Firestorm”. We still like this power.

It is worth noting that all these forces work not only in Solstheim, but throughout Skyrim. This means that a werebear can be summoned either in the Thieves Guild or in High Hrothgar. If you do, please send a video.

One last thing about these forces. These are not ordinary abilities that are weakening every day. All stone effects are one-time only. After use they will disappear. Fortunately, not forever: you can get them again by reactivating the stone. True, for this you need to go through the whole of Solstheim again.

Hopefully, from this list you learned about quests and content that you didn't know about before. Now you know what to prioritize in your next game!