German branch of World of Tank. Development branch of German tanks in World of tanks. Czech development tree

After an unsuccessful attempt to get a job in the society of the blind, Pokrytan almost never left his room. He indulged in dark thoughts, became irritable, and avoided friends. Time passed, he could not think of anything and became more and more withdrawn into himself.
Those who think must express their thoughts. Anyone who writes needs to publish.
Anyone who has become a teacher must raise students. Deprive a thinker of the opportunity to express his thoughts, a writer of the opportunity to publish, an actor of the stage, a teacher of his students, and you will not only complicate a person’s life, you will raise the question of his physical existence. This is the role of feedback for all living things in nature. It is the same in society. If something is disrupted in this mechanism, a person finds himself in a closed state, the destructive power of which is enormous. A developed, trained mind is looking for an explanation for this state and does not find it because it is already turned inward, turned precisely at the moment when the only salvation is contact with the outside world. The rest is thoughts about the uselessness of accumulating knowledge, about the futility of trying to prove something to anyone, even to yourself, about the ephemerality of arguments...
During that period, Covered began to feel worse. There is no more difficult and debilitating load than the habitual desire to think, to think in general, without any specific goal or measure, to grind and grind the material of life, without connecting it in any way, without taking it away and not being able to shield anything from it.
He often lay down and lay there for a long time, without moving or changing his position. He fell asleep, but his sleep was short and shallow. And when he woke up, everything began anew, with increasing force, and sleep no longer gave him short periods of rest. One phrase he heard once remained in his memory for a long time. “I absolutely cannot imagine situations where an intelligent person could not find something to do.” This phrase, or another very similar to it, occupied him for some time. He tried to remember who could have written this and what situation a person could have gotten into who retained faith in himself and did not want to explain this faith publicly. He tried to make this alien faith his own and spent hours thinking about what else he could do in life so that this activity
could feed and still be a favorite pastime. But you cannot become strong through someone else’s faith; Very soon he lost her and only more acutely felt the gravity of his situation. His former classmate found him in this state.
“I heard you’re looking for a job,” she said simply, as if not noticing what mood he was in.
“Yes,” said Pokrytan.
- I can help you.
“Help,” said Pokrytan.
- The accounting and credit technical school needs a teacher of political economy. I have one and a half bets. I can give you half the wages.
Covered smiled. If it was a matter of finding a bet or half a bet...
“Well, that’s what,” she said, “tomorrow we’ll go to talk to the director.” But he shouldn't know that you can't see.
Covered spread his hands. But she was ready to go straight to the goal. And he, accustomed to doing everything on his own and having made this his life rule, suddenly obeyed her with unexpected ease, not wanting to think or reason anymore. And off they went.
She was talking, and he sat slightly turned away, with that detached look with which a young specialist should sit, showing promise, but not yet too confident in his abilities. Pokrytan's modesty and restraint made a good impression. He was enrolled part-time on the staff of the technical school.
The director had no idea that Pokrytan couldn’t see.
Pokrytan understood that he would not be able to keep his colleagues and students in the dark for long. And he didn't need to keep them in the dark for long. It was important that they get used to him and stop looking at him as a new person or, even worse, a random person. And, as often happens in such situations, it was a small thing that let him down. Trifle.
When the head of the educational department called him, he still did not know what would be discussed. But as soon as he entered the office and felt the manager’s breath on his face, he thought with sadness that the moment had come for the inevitable explanation.
“I just now deliberately sat closer to you,” the manager began with a challenge, “but... I don’t smell the alcohol,” he finished with surprise.
Covered shook with laughter. He was ready for anything, but not for such a turn of the topic.
The manager interpreted Pokrytan’s reaction in his own way. He got offended and raised his voice:
- It’s somehow strange... I saw how you more than once tried to straighten out your... um... gait... How you hit the stove with your shoulder and could barely stand on your feet... And this is in the corridor, where there are always full of students. Maybe you can explain it to me? I think you're drinking, but... I don't smell it... So why?
Damn stove! When he first hooked her, he decided to count the steps so he could know the distance for sure. But there were always people in the corridor, and he did not do this in front of everyone. He remembered this stove every time he pushed his shoulder into it - it was painted to match the color of the walls and was completely indistinguishable to him. So why doesn't he smell like vodka?
- You see, I don’t see.
- How? That is... how can you not see?!
“That is,” Pokrytan answered, pronouncing the words separately, “I don’t see this damned stove until I hit it!”
- For God’s sake... excuse me... I didn’t expect it at all...
The manager was stunned.
“Yes,” confirmed Pokrytan.
- I couldn’t imagine...
But precisely because now the head of the educational department knew everything, Pokrytan was the first to go to the director. He had already learned a lot. He was left at the technical school. He has already proven himself as a teacher.

Pokrytan worked at a technical school and continued to work on employment: half-time is just half-time. In the end, at his own pedagogical institute he was approved as an assistant in the department of political economy, but circumstances were such that he immediately began giving a course of lectures for fourth-year students. Subsequently, the regional party committee additionally sent him to lecture at. There were not enough economists - or, as they said then, “political economists” - in the city’s universities at that time. So once again
without his intervention, the choice of his future fate was made. He accepted this path as final. He became an economist. Having become a university teacher, Pokrytan realized that his knowledge base would not last long. A path has opened before him, along which he can follow ad infinitum. And on this path, the strongest was the one who managed to go further than others during his life. This was the path to the heights of professional work, and here the Great Teacher of Braille could no longer help him.

In Odessa there is the Starokonny market. They sell everything there. It was covered at the Starokonny Market twenty-five years ago. Twenty-five years ago Pokrytan purchased a magnifying glass at the market. The magnifying glass was weighty and, therefore, good: he could not evaluate it any other way - he brought it to his “seeing” eye and saw nothing. But he didn’t want to part with it, and the magnifying glass moved to his room.
As already mentioned, Pokrytan’s left eye retained one percent of vision. Covered bought a magnifying glass after deciding to make this percentage work. The question of whether this is possible at all was not analyzed by Pokrytan due to the absolute idleness of such a question.
Returning from the market, he sat down by the sunlit window, put the text in front of him, took out a magnifying glass and gradually began to tense up. He didn't try to strain his eyes immediately. He tensed his body, gradually bringing tension to the eye muscles. And at that moment, when his eye became clouded with tears, he managed to notice the printed sign. Like an insect, a letter flashed and then disappeared. Was washed away by a tear. The only one. He didn't even have time to see what letter it was. But it was a letter, not a spot: it had outlines.
He rested for a long time. He rested like a weightlifter who had made an unsuccessful attempt to lift a record weight. On the second try, he saw the letter. And again it was blurred by a tear. But he already managed to remember it. Again I rested for at least a quarter of an hour. His whole body ached, as if he had really been lifting weights. Then he saw the letter again and did not work again that day.
For the entire next day he read one sentence.
When he had completed several dozen pages, putting them together from letters, he felt himself gradually plunging into the hitherto unknown world of genuine research and realized that now there would be no other work in his life and that he did not need any other work. He acquired the strongest passion, which, perhaps, can only be compared with the passion to live. He still gave lectures to students, but now it went on as usual, as if by itself. Freed from affairs, which for most of us is work that requires daily effort and instills self-respect in us - freed from this, he sat down at the table and did his work. He was sick, he felt how his physical strength was being depleted, he understood that any day he could work until he hemorrhaged, but his one percent already obeyed him. The rest was a matter of endurance.

By the end of 1949, Pokrytaya passed the candidate minimum in political economy. In 1950, an institute for advanced training of university teachers was opened at Kiev University. Now in such institutions classes last five to six months. Then - a year. The institute recruited two groups. The first - more numerous - consisted of those who set themselves the task of passing the candidate minimum. The second was a group of dissertation candidates. It took a year to write a dissertation and defend it.
At that time, in Odessa, with its sixteen universities, there would have been at most five or six candidates of economic sciences. The selection of those wishing to be included in the group of dissertation candidates was carried out strictly. Pokrytan was not refused because his persistence was impressive. Through the Odessa Regional Party Committee, his documents were sent to Kyiv.
When the selection committee in Kyiv was considering documents received from different cities of the republic, Pokrytaya was in the clinic of Vladimir Petrovich Filatov. This was the fifth operation in a row, and Filatov himself performed it. Before the operation, Vladimir Petrovich warned that it was preliminary in nature and that only after it would it be possible to judge whether it was necessary to do the next one, that is, whether there was any chance of partial restoration of vision.
“You need to refrain from any work that is tiring for the eyes” - with such parting words from the great surgeon, Pokrytan was discharged and immediately left for Kyiv. He returned from Kyiv disgruntled and angry.
“We have people with excellent eyesight who work thirteen hours a day month after month and cannot complete dissertations in a year,” said the director. This was reality. Pokrytan could not accuse the director of callousness. Vice versa. The director belonged to those active and knowledgeable people who always aroused Pokrytan’s respect.
He was a cultured, intelligent man and, what Pokrytan especially liked about him, a man of strong convictions. The director was convinced that Pokrytan was unable to work within such tight deadlines. Pokrytan was convinced of the opposite, but could not prove anything. There are no other ways to influence an opponent. Covered and did not recognize any other methods. Remembering how he pulled out a magnifying glass, through which the director, becoming interested, tried to look at something and, of course, out of habit, could not see anything, Pokrytan was angry with himself for the mistake. Well, what did this magnifying glass mean for a person with normal vision? What do these four letters mean to someone who can immediately see the line without any effort? Trying to justify his strength, he only admitted his weakness. The world of things can never serve as an argument in its favor. He had learned this a long time ago, but just when so much depended on the conversation with the director, he made such a mistake! In the end, it was about Pokrytan’s ability to work, but this cannot be put on the table as material evidence! And everything that the director of the institute knew was based on exactly the opposite: you need to work with your eyes thirteen hours a day. With your eyes. And he, Pokrytan, who did not even see the face of his interlocutor, claimed that he could read thousands of pages of text (not to mention the fact that he still needed to write something, and this “something” was a dissertation!). And I couldn’t think of anything better than to take out the magnifying glass...
Of course, the director had to look at him as a fanatic. Like someone possessed by a manic idea. Of course, he had to think that Pokrytan did not realize what he was achieving.
But he, the director, must be aware of such cases, although in such a situation it was probably quite difficult for him to insist on his own...
This is how Pokrytan reasoned, looking at himself from the position of the director of the institute, and did not know what could be opposed to this. Nothing can be opposed.
Only your faith. But his faith is his faith... It’s a pity that such an opportunity was lost... Just only a year, albeit an extremely difficult one, but only a year! Pokrytan also needed this year as an extremely tough situation: it was in tough situations that he felt confident and his performance was limitless.
He went to the institute, gave lectures, put on his homemade eyepiece in the evenings and bit into the text, physically feeling its granite density, and this extremely hard physical work helped him comprehend the density of thought. He stopped thinking about his unsuccessful trip to Kyiv. Time passed, the fifty-first year cohort at the Kiev Institute of Advanced Training has already begun work. And suddenly he receives a letter from Kyiv. What could be in that envelope?
“ decision of the commission...” “enrolled in the group of dissertation candidates...” “it is proposed to immediately leave for Kyiv...” The letters were jumping around, and he could not bring them into focus.

The trees illustrate the development path of each combat class presented in the game, offering different ways to obtain certain models so that players can ultimately choose the “tank of their dreams.” In World of Tanks:: World of Tanks, the player is not tied to a specific nation or class of combat vehicles, and therefore is completely free to choose tanks and development trees.
From patch to patch There are more and more armored vehicles in the World of Tanks game. Reinforcements are taking place in the ranks of all current nations. Further - only more. In this regard, the development team is constantly working to improve the overall balance of the game, which led to a revision of the development trees. New tank research trees in the MMO game “World of Tanks” are presented below.

New versions of full trees of tanks of all nations (November 10, 2012):

When making changes to the development trees, the following actions were taken to replace tanks:


  • Division of the KV tank into KV-1 and KV-2. Anyone who has upgraded the KV-2 turret (on KV) and has a KV tank in the hangar will receive both tanks with an additional slot in the hangar. The crew with KV will receive specialization in KV-1, KV-2 will receive 100% crew. Unallocated experience from KV will go to KV-2, but can be transferred to KV-1 at the request of the player.
  • Shifting the KV-3 up 1 level and adding the T-150 tank. Anyone who has a KV-3 in the hangar will receive a KV-3 in a new status, in the current upgrade, with the same set of modules and the old crew, and a T-150 without upgrade, with an additional slot in the hangar and 100% crew.
  • Replacing the IS-4 tank with the IS-8. Anyone who has an IS-4 in the hangar will receive it in a new status with a complex mechanics for replacing modules with the old crew, as well as an IS-8 with a complex mechanics for replacing modules, with 100% crew and an additional slot in the hangar. Undistributed experience will remain on the IS-8, but at the player’s request it can be transferred to the IS-4 in a new status.
  • Preliminary mechanics of replacing modules on the IS-4. If the player had an engine unlocked on the IS-4, then this engine will be unlocked on the IS-4 tank in a new status, and on the IS-8 tank it will also be unlocked or its equivalent. Radios, turrets and chassis will be replaced in a similar manner. The IS-4 and IS-8 tanks will be equipped with the same modules that were on the IS-4 tank, in the old status, or their analogues. The guns, if they are changed, will also be replaced according to a similar scheme, but additional complications are possible.
  • For tank commanders of the Soviet development tree, I recommend paying attention to the site where you can download the software you need quickly, without registration or SMS.

  • Introduction of the E-50 tank. Anyone who had a Panther-II in the hangar will receive an E-50 with the Panther-II upgrade scheme (the top engine is changed to HL295 or added as a new one), with the same set of modules that was on the Panther-II. The one who had Pz. V Panther in the hangar, will receive Panther-II, with the Panther upgrade scheme (with an additional 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 gun), with the same modules that were on the Pz. V Panther, as well as Pz. V Panther at level 7 in stock configuration, with an additional slot in the hangar and with 100% crew.
  • Commissioning of E-75 and E-100 tanks. Unallocated experience with elite Tiger tank will switch to Tiger II.


  • Replacing tanks M26 with M46 and T23 with M26. Anyone who had an M26 in the hangar will receive an M46 with the same composition of modules (possibly renamed), retention of upgrades and the same crew. Anyone who had a T23 in the hangar will receive an M26 in a new status, with the same leveling, with the old crew.
  • Replacing T34 tanks with M103. Anyone who has a T34 in the hangar will receive an M103 while maintaining the upgrade of the T34, with a new 100% crew. And also T34 as a premium tank with the old crew from T34 and an additional slot. The player's statistics on the T34 tank are transferred to the M103 tank, without any losses or penalties and with the preservation of achievements. All accumulated undistributed experience on the T34 tank is transferred to the M103 tank.
  • Replacement of T30 tanks with T110E5 and transfer of T30 to the tank destroyer branch. Anyone who has a T30 in the hangar will receive a T110E5 with the old crew from the T30. And also a top-end T30 as a tank destroyer with a new 100% crew and an additional slot. The player's statistics on the T30 tank are transferred to the T110E5 tank, without any losses or penalties and with the preservation of achievements. The player receives an open transition from the T28 prototype to the T30 as a tank destroyer, in the American tank destroyer branch, that is, the T30 as a tank destroyer is open to him.

When writing this page, material from the company that developed the MMO game was used.
Above are new research trees tanks in the MMO game "World of Tanks".

Among the main features that made the World of Tanks game successful are its extensive development branches. World of Tanks invites us to choose not only which country we prefer to play for, but also which tanks we want to control. Thus, each nation has a whole fleet of five types of vehicles, so there really is a lot to choose from in the process of leveling up.

How to level up quickly?

In order to make it easier for you to understand which are the best World of Tanks development branches to download, you should understand the features of each individual tank, as well as decide on the pros and cons of all vehicles. The ease of leveling up will be directly determined by what preferences you follow, as well as what tactical nuances you use during the game. Thus, the speed of your development directly depends on how much you want to play, as well as how effective you will be in various battles.

Light tanks

It is believed that it is the light type that is the hardest to upgrade in World of Tanks, because such tanks are created for real “skilled” players who are willing to spend considerable effort and show dexterity in order to achieve their goal. If you want to play tanks of this type, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need to show maximum speed and efficiency, while light tanks do not give you much profit, although pumping them up in most cases is an order of magnitude cheaper compared to other types .

Light tanks have a fairly low cost and are also cheap to repair, so when upgrading this development branch of World of Tanks you will spend a minimum of money. It’s immediately worth noting the fact that when playing with light tanks, the only tactic used is to highlight enemy tanks for your allies. That is, you are a kind of intelligence officer who calculates targets, reports them to his allies and waits for them to clear the way for him to further advance and perform other tasks. If you fail to realize it, then your best bet is to continue playing with some other technique. It is believed that the optimal light tank for leveling up is the T-50, which has good survivability, better firepower and speed than other tanks.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks are no less active participants in battles and are the most active destroyers of enemy equipment. When choosing medium-type branches, you need to remember that in battles you will need to constantly move and look for opponents. Several medium vehicles will easily tear apart any heavy tank, as they are distinguished by sufficiently high power and maneuverability, which makes them ideal for

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks require quite a long period of pumping, because these vehicles are distinguished by their static nature, and the cost of each such monster is quite high, not to mention the acquisition of various additional modules. The incredibly strong armor and firepower of these tanks makes them the vanguard of the team.

Tank destroyer

The artillery branches of World of Tanks tanks take the longest to level up, because the equipment itself is quite expensive, and to play these vehicles you need to have certain skills. However, in the same class as heavy tanks, self-propelled guns are distinguished by more serious weapons, as well as enhanced camouflage.

self-propelled guns

The most specific tanks, entirely based on shooting from cover. Thus, the owner of such a machine must be diligent, observant and calculating in order to hit accurately and on time. The cost of repairing such equipment is quite high, as a result of which it is necessary to shoot down at least two opponents in order to feel some kind of development.

Thus, it is impossible to say which is the best branch in World of Tanks, because they all differ in their own features and advantages.

Hello, fellow tankers! Today we will look at the German branch of tank development (in the game World of Tanks), or rather, I will describe to you all its pros and cons in as much detail as possible from my point of view and, perhaps, help you decide on the choice of nation. This will not be a guide, but a personal opinion, so there is no need to vehemently prove that I “didn’t write the guide based on guides.”

The popularity of German tanks in World of Tanks

German tanks, although inferior in popularity to Soviet and French ones, still found their admirers among players. These people play with German tanks all the time, their hangar is dominated by these tanks and they worry about everything that happens to this nation. Such players are called “German-philes”. Why this technique found its admirers - read below.

Advantages and disadvantages of German tanks

On the plus side Most of the equipment is worth noting guns. Many German tanks have accurate, penetrating and fairly fast-firing guns. It often happens that even on the move you can accurately hit the enemy with these weapons. According to their characteristics, German guns are the best in the game. It is also worth noting the armor of the turrets of almost all the vehicles of this nation, as well as the hull armor of individual vehicles (Mouse, E-100, etc.). Most cars have good dynamics (speed, mobility), as well as excellent visibility.

Minus the Germans is the hull armor (mostly). And also small one-time damage (there are exceptions).


The technique is divided into 5 initial branches WoT development:
  • Fri-Sau
  • Heavily armored light tanks (up to Pz.IV)
  • Maneuverable light tanks (up to Indien-Pz.)
  • Medium armored light tanks (Pz.II)
  • Self-propelled guns (artillery).


German anti-tank installations are famous for their guns (and subsequently armor). You can get a lot of fun from breaking through them at any level of battles. On JgPanther, the development tree is divided into two branches: JgPanthII and Ferdinand (the most popular tank destroyer, due to its level 10 gun and excellent armor). Then everything goes on one branch.

TB/M/SB light tanks (conventionally designated in my own way)

These tanks are somewhat reminiscent of entry-level French light tanks - this is armor. These tanks (from Pz.35(t) to Pz.38 nA) have excellent frontal armor, as well as some dynamics.

The Germans also have very fast and dynamic tanks, starting with Pz.I through “Aulyukhka-totampanzer” (or simply “Long-fat-pard”). They also have penetrating and rapid-fire cannons (but most of them are cassettes), and coupled with their speed, they can decide the outcome of a battle even when it is just beginning. And the Pz.I c with its “Mauser” became especially famous. The “fat guy” is also famous for its 105 mm high-explosive weapon with cumulative shells.

The Pz.II line is one of the most popular, because has access to Panther, after it on E-50. The Panther has a cannon with excellent penetration, while the E-50 has strong armor, a good cannon and a large mass, which it often uses for ramming. These vehicles are one of the best and most popular tanks in World of Tanks.

From the Pz.IV you can upgrade to the Maus heavy tank (by switching to the Tiger P), as well as to the E-100 (by switching to the Tiger). Both tanks are well armored, and the Tiger and Tiger P heavy tanks have accurate, fast-firing and penetrating cannons.

self-propelled guns

Artillery - the gods of war. It’s not for nothing that they were called that, because a skilled artillery commander can crush all enemy tanks and keep all enemies at bay. Self-propelled guns fire along a hinged trajectory from a howitzer aiming mode at long distances. The advantages of German artillery are damage, accuracy and horizontal aiming angles. Some self-propelled guns have good screen armor. Otherwise, they take a long time to come together, but are still loved by players. Hummel, Grile, and GwPanther are the most popular artillery in the game.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can say that German tanks are good. But they practically do not forgive mistakes of inexperienced players, so it is worth buying the equipment of this nation if you are an experienced player who has played several thousand battles. The biggest disadvantages are only in armor and one-time damage. Otherwise, they may well be a good competitor to any nation. German tanks need to be upgraded to try what breaking through the “omnipresent” guns can do.