Incorrect behavior. Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Professional ethics and business communication in an organizational environment are important components of industrial relations that influence economic activity and the stability of the enterprise, and their role is difficult to overestimate. Compliance with professional ethics and skills of competent conversation in a team, with partners and clients affect the success of the company’s internal and external activities, preserving its image and reputation.

Business conversation

Business communication implies principles and norms aimed at achieving mutually beneficial results. Regardless of the position and functions of the employee, he must be able to clearly express and argue his own thoughts, analyze the thinking of his partner, and form a critical attitude towards relevant opinions and proposals.

As the examples show business communication, prerequisite is to conduct a conversation and adjust its process, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, persuade and exert a positive influence, create a favorable atmosphere conducive to productive activity and elimination conflict situations, maintaining the standards of professional ethics.

Telephone ethics

Intonation is of primary importance during a telephone conversation, especially at the beginning and end. Any speech errors, procrastination, or stuttering cause tension or irritation in the interlocutor. And if the tone does not match the content of the information, the interlocutor is inclined to trust the intonation.

Before calling, you should formulate the task as briefly as possible and make the necessary notes. After connecting, you need to introduce yourself, indicating your name and company name, and then check with the interlocutor whether he has enough time.

Of course, regardless emotional state, one should avoid inappropriate behavior in such a way as to openly express one's own emotions. But excessive politeness in the form of lengthy thanks can cause impatience and irritation in the interlocutor.

As extraordinary examples of business communication that require careful preparation, you should indicate cases when the caller needs to be reminded of himself after a long absence, and also offer a service various types customers whose preferences are unknown.

Features of incorrect behavior

Incorrect behavior implies:

  • offensive remarks addressed to colleagues and clients of the company;
  • use of profanity in conversation;
  • rudeness, abuse of authority, intrusive behavior;
  • tactless gestures towards colleagues and clients.

Also, inappropriate behavior of an employee includes violating the established dress code of the organization and wearing inappropriate clothing.

Code of Ethics

And official conduct is drawn up on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and developed in accordance with the principles and rules of conduct of an employee, which he is obliged to study when entering a position. A set of norms in the form of an attitude towards professional duty are designed to ensure the effectiveness of implementation job responsibilities, help increase the authority of employees in the team.

The Code of Ethics and Service Conduct shapes relationships within the workforce. It regulates such concepts as conflicts of interest within the company, abuse of power, data confidentiality, personal integrity, adherence to the principles of healthy competition, and much more. Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to expect employees to behave in accordance with their professional ethics.


Information in the form of a report is intended for senior management in order to bring it to their attention and apply appropriate measures. The difference between a memo and a memo is that the latter has legal force.

Any person who was present when an employee behaved inappropriately has the right to file a report against him. In addition to the report, it is permissible to record facts of such violations regarding other employees and business partners.

An official report on inappropriate behavior must include the following items:

  • indication of the culprit of incorrect behavior;
  • name of the injured party;
  • names of those present during the incident;
  • other circumstances of the incident.

Report functions:

  • solving administrative or production problems;
  • proposals to rationalize and improve production;
  • notification to management of disagreement with the decision of superiors;
  • clarification of circumstances that arose during a conflict with employees or immediate supervisor;
  • progress reports;
  • complaints regarding failure of subordinates to fulfill their labor duties;
  • investigation into improper delegation of responsibilities;
  • reporting information about disciplinary violations;
  • reporting information about unusual incidents that could result in material losses or physical harm;
  • positive nature of events requiring management attention.

Responsibility and punishment

For inappropriate behavior, disciplinary punishment is provided in the form of a reprimand or reprimand. Dismissal is not permitted in this case, since the actions are not of a one-time serious nature.

If, prior to this, a disciplinary punishment has already taken place against this employee during the year, then a repeated reprimand may lead to dismissal, although his offense falls into another category of violations.

The official investigation does not insist on indicating the expressions that were used against the injured party. And if the case is taken to court, then such details should be confirmed, supported by facts with the help of witnesses.

Satisfaction of the claim by the court

In addition to the expected punishment according to Labor Code It is possible to apply paragraphs of Article 152, which reflects the procedure for protecting business reputation.

The lawsuit will be satisfied under the following conditions:

  • recognition of a violation of the code of ethics and official conduct;
  • the information disseminated concerns the issue of honor;
  • discrepancy between information and reality.

In this case, the plaintiff is obliged to provide evidence of the facts of insult, and the defendant is obliged to confirm what is true.

Professional ethics in macro perspective

Professional ethics can include a system of specific moral norms and principles, taking into account the characteristics of a certain professional activity, which ensures confidential communication.

Several large-scale directions can be identified as consequences.

  1. Corrupt practices. This type of action limits freedom of choice and makes changes to the conditions for decision-making. The employee is then able to increase his benefit through unearned income. Bribery leads to the redistribution of resources in favor of less promising options.
  2. Compulsion. Coercive actions prevent the development of relationships between a certain seller and customers, aimed at stimulating the purchase of specific services or products, which is why competition is untenable. As a result, there is a decrease in the quality of available products, a narrowing of the range, and a reduction in demand. Fewer resources go into production than would be available under unlimited competition.
  3. Unreliability of information. Distortion of information about the product leads to consumer dissatisfaction, delays in subsequent deliveries and production cycles. The consequence of unreliable information is unjustified expenditure of funds.
  4. Theft. Theft increases the cost of services and products, since damages are compensated for by rising prices. The result is an increase in prices and irrational redistribution of resources, a shortage of products.

Psychology and ethics of business communication are components of a complex of basic sciences, based on the principles of most of them. And if the success of society does not depend on one individual, then the success of the company affects the subject and society. Thus, personal development, relationships within an organization, enterprise success and social development are interconnected, so professional ethics always remains relevant.

I approve the head of MBDOU

G.N. Vorobyova

Order No. 11 of December 19, 2014



1. General Provisions

1.1. Code of Ethics and Official Conduct for Employees of MBDOU Mirnovsky kindergarten Kolobok" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) was developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation”, Federal Law of December 25, 2008 “On Combating Corruption”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2002 No. 885 “On Approval general principles official conduct of civil servants" and is a set of general principles of professional service ethics and basic rules of official conduct that should be followed by employees of the MBDOU Mirnovsky kindergarten Kolobok" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. Employees of the Institution familiarize themselves with this Code and take the necessary measures to comply with this Code in the course of their activities.

2. Purpose of the Code

2.1. The purpose of this Code is to disseminate anti-corruption ideas and views, create an atmosphere of intolerance, professional and personal resistance of employees to corrupt behavior, establish ethical standards and rules of official conduct of employees for the worthy performance of their professional activities, as well as help strengthen the authority of the Institution and the trust of citizens and ensuring a unified moral and normative basis for the behavior of employees of the Institution.

2.2. This Code:

a) serves as the basis for the formation of proper morality in the field of education, respectful attitude towards pedagogical and educational work in the public consciousness;

b) acts as an institution public consciousness and morality of the Institution’s employees, their self-control.

2.3. Knowledge and compliance by employees of this Code is one of the criteria for assessing the quality of their professional activities and official behavior.

3. Basic principles of official behavior of MBDOU employees. 3.1. The basic principles of official conduct of employees of the Institution represent the basic principles of behavior that should guide them in the performance of official and functional duties.

3.2. Employees, aware of their responsibility to the state, society and citizens, are called upon to:

a) perform official duties conscientiously and at a high level professional level in order to ensure efficient work Institutions;

b) proceed from the fact that the recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms determine the main meaning and content of the activities of the employees of the Institution;

c) carry out their activities within the powers granted to the employee of the Institution;

e) exclude actions related to the influence of any personal, property (financial) and other interests that interfere with the conscientious performance of official duties;

f) notify the head of the Institution, the prosecutor's office or other government bodies about all cases of any person contacting an employee of the Institution for the purpose of inducing them to commit corruption offences;

h) maintain neutrality, excluding the possibility of influencing them professional activity solutions political parties, other public associations;

i) comply with the norms of official, professional ethics and rules of business conduct;

j) show correctness and attentiveness in dealing with all participants educational process, citizens and officials;

k) show tolerance and respect for the customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia, take into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic, social groups and confessions, promote interethnic and interfaith harmony;

l) refrain from behavior that could cast doubt on the objective performance of official duties by employees, as well as avoid conflict situations that could damage their reputation or the authority of the Institution;

m) take measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent the emergence of conflicts of interest and resolve conflicts of interest that have arisen;

o) comply with the rules established in the Institution public speaking and provision of official information;

p) respect the activities of media representatives to inform the public about the work of the Institution, as well as provide assistance in obtaining reliable information in the prescribed manner;

P) serve positive example all participants in the educational process;

C) value your reputation and do not engage in immoral or illegal activities;

T) observe the rules of the Russian language, oral and writing, do not use or allow the use of obscene curses, vulgarisms, rude or offensive phrases in the presence of participants in the educational process.

4. Compliance with the law

4.1. An employee of the Institution is obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, local acts of the Institution.

4.2. An employee in his activities must not allow violations of laws and other regulatory legal acts based on political, economic feasibility or for other reasons.

4.3. The employee is obliged to counteract manifestations of corruption and take measures to prevent it in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption.

5. Requirements for anti-corruption behavior of MBDOU employees5.1. An employee, when performing his official duties, must not allow personal interests that lead or may lead to a conflict of interest.

5.2. The employee is prohibited from:

Receive remuneration from individuals and legal entities(monetary remuneration, loans, services, payment for entertainment, recreation, transportation expenses and other remuneration);

Use your knowledge and capabilities for selfish purposes;

Cause physical, moral or material damage to pupils, employees of the Institution, parents (legal representatives) of pupils, either intentionally or through negligence, and must not be indifferent to the actions of third parties causing such damage;

If parents (legal representatives) of pupils refuse the proposed additional paid services, this service cannot be imposed on the consumer and refusal of the service cannot be the reason for the deterioration in the quality and availability of educational services provided free of charge within the framework of state guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

An employee of the Institution does not have the right to enter into property transactions with the parents (legal representatives) of pupils, to use his labor for personal enrichment purposes, as well as to engage in extortion and bribery;

Receiving gifts from consumers of services (parents of pupils) in the form of cash or valuables.

6. Handling proprietary information

6.1. An employee of the Institution may process and transmit official information subject to the applicable regulations. government agency norms and requirements adopted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The employee is obliged to take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of information for the unauthorized disclosure of which he is responsible and/or which became known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties.

7. Ethics of behavior of employees vested with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other employees of the MBDOU

7.1. An employee endowed with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other employees must be for them an example of professionalism, an impeccable reputation, and contribute to the formation in the team of the Institution of a moral and psychological climate favorable for effective work.

7.2. An employee vested with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other employees is called upon to:

a) take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest;

b) take measures to prevent corruption;

c) prevent cases of coercion of employees to participate in the activities of political parties and other public associations.

7.3. An employee vested with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other employees must take measures to ensure that his subordinates do not commit corruption dangerous behavior, through personal conduct, set an example of honesty, impartiality and fairness.

7.4. An employee vested with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other employees is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the actions or inactions of subordinate employees who violate the principles of ethics and rules of official conduct, if he has not taken measures to prevent such actions or inaction.

8. Service communication

8.1. In communication, employees of the Institution must be guided by the constitutional provisions that a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value, and every citizen has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of honor, dignity, and his good name.

8.2. When communicating with participants in the educational process, citizens and colleagues, it is unacceptable for an employee of the Institution to:

a) any type of statement and action of a discriminatory nature on the basis of gender, age, race, nationality, language, citizenship, social, property or family status, political or religious preferences;

b) dismissive tone, rudeness, arrogance, incorrect comments, presentation of unlawful, undeserved accusations;

c) threats, offensive expressions or remarks, actions that interfere with normal communication or provoke illegal behavior.

8.3. Employees of the Institution must contribute to the establishment of business relationships and constructive cooperation with each other in the team, must be polite, friendly, correct, attentive and show tolerance in communicating with children, parents (legal representatives), the public and colleagues.

9. Appearance

9.1. The appearance of an employee of the Institution when performing his official duties should contribute to the respectful attitude of citizens towards the standards established in the Institution and comply with generally accepted business style, which is distinguished by formality, restraint, tradition, accuracy.

10. Employee liability for violation of the Code

10.1. For violation of this Code, the employee bears moral responsibility, as well as other responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Employee compliance with the Code is taken into account when conducting certifications, calculating incentive payments, and creating personnel reserve for promotion to higher positions, as well as when imposing disciplinary sanctions.

Accepted on General meeting MBDOU protocol No. 3 dated December 19. 2014

What is work ethics? What it is? What are the basics of a standard code of ethics and rules of etiquette for employees and managers? How to behave with clients? What are the consequences of inappropriate behavior in the workplace? All this will be discussed in our article.

What does the concept include?

Office ethics is a set of fundamentals and rules of human behavior in the sphere of his professional, production or official activities.

Office etiquette refers to the norm of moral behavior of a person in a team. Knowledge of etiquette is expressed in the acquisition of professional qualities and the constant improvement of existing skills. A key condition for the coordinated work of any organization, company or institution is the culture of behavior and relationships between management and employees, as well as between clients and partners.

IN work environment the employee is constantly in communication with everyone. Both managers and subordinates are required to follow the rules and requirements of business etiquette.

According to the rules of etiquette at social events, conversations should be conducted without discussion personal life, it is better to discuss only current business problems and issues.

Compliance with official etiquette in accordance with all the rules is intended to create a healthy emotional work environment, improve mood, which will help increase work productivity and satisfy personal self-affirmation.

Fundamental Principles etiquette in official activities have significant differences in companies, organizations, institutions of different industries. Exist general norms, mandatory for compliance by company employees and government officials. Several of the basic principles can be identified: punctuality, compliance appearance employee to the established company dress code, the ability to maintain confidentiality, and leave personal problems behind the walls of the office.

Leader etiquette rules

Being a leader implies a certain status in connection with the assigned position and position. The authority of a leader is influenced by his possession of a high culture of communication. The standards of professional ethics that must be observed by the manager are expressed as follows:

  • communication with subordinates, colleagues, partners and clients should be based on the principle of democracy;
  • attentiveness to the behavior of subordinates and accessibility when resolving conflicts;
  • the ability to create a friendly and trusting atmosphere in the work team;
  • polite and correct attitude;
  • responsibility in business matters;
  • the ability to keep their word;
  • have objectivity in relation to all subordinates;

  • express adherence to principles and exactingness in business;
  • create a favorable moral and psychological climate in a collective environment;
  • make claims to subordinates not in front of everyone, but in private conversation;
  • it is necessary to periodically reward employees for their success;
  • in case of an incorrect assessment of the situation and punishment of an innocent subordinate, be sure to admit your mistakes;
  • be fair when assigning punishment to employees;
  • do not engage in empty quarrels.

It would be correct if the leader, through his actions and behavior, strengthens the subordinate’s sense of dignity. The praise of the subordinate in the form of verbal and monetary rewards should not be forgotten. However, there must be a measure of praise, otherwise the subordinate will develop intolerance to criticism.

There is always a need for balance in a leader's behavior. So, if a subordinate did not carry out the instructions of management, it is necessary to indicate that failure to carry out instructions will result in liability or punishment.

Employee etiquette rules

Each company has its own “table of ranks”. The document can be either standard or supplemented with industry-specific principles. For example, some employees are addressed only by their first names, while others are clearly subject to subordination when addressed by their first and patronymic names.

Beginners should carefully look at the manners and forms of communication in interpersonal relationships in a team and take them as an example.

The basic norms of etiquette are expressed as follows:

  • possession of a common culture;
  • integrity in relationships with colleagues;
  • respect for the honor and dignity of colleagues;
  • absence of hypocrisy and lies;
  • politeness;
  • the ability to leave your problems and personal troubles behind the walls of the office;
  • goodwill, conscientiousness, respect, tact, delicacy;
  • the ability to sympathize and express compassion.

Rules of etiquette with clients and partners

The etiquette of official relationships with customers and partners at enterprises and government agencies shows that You must maintain the correct behavioral qualities and follow the following rules:

  • politeness;
  • punctuality (you can’t be late for meetings);
  • timeliness (all incoming letters and calls from clients must be answered on time, without delay);
  • responsibility for the tasks taken and the deadlines for their completion;
  • neat and decent appearance.

Compliance with generally accepted ethical standards in the work process will contribute to long-term and strong relationships with clients and business partners, as well as increased prestige and profit of the company.

Office etiquette when working with foreign clients or foreign partners presupposes knowledge of the customs, traditions of the representative country, mentality and moral behavior. Ideally, relationships are built on respect and honesty.

Basics of a Model Code of Ethics

The code of ethics and official conduct should not contradict the constitutional foundations, but take into account the principles of ethics in the professional sphere and the rules of employee conduct in the work team.

Fundamental norms express the attitude towards professional duty and ensure high-quality performance of official duties, promote career growth and high key indicators efficiency.

Ethics regulations shape collective relationships. The document spells out the basics of conflicts of interest in the company, responsibility for exceeding official authority, maintaining the confidentiality of personal data and company secrets, compliance with the principles of reasonable competition, rules on personal integrity, and more.

This document is not just a set of rules. It is based on a whole list of international and Russian documents, including main law countries - Constitution. As well as generally accepted moral norms of public morality.

Why and what is it needed for?

The state apparatus, its entire vertical is a complex system power, implying different levels of subordination, access to information, responsibility and authority. To ensure the coordinated and effective operation of such a complexly structured “organism,” clear rules of conduct within the framework of professional work ethics are required. The document in question is mandatory for use by all civil servants, regardless of rank, group, class and position.

What is provided

The application of the Code is provided, first of all, by the special social and legal status of civil servants. The whole point is that the position of this group of people determines not only the influence on them of dogmas and rules of public morality (it does not matter whether they are documented anywhere or not), but also the influence of the behavior of civil servants themselves on the formation of official and official ethics. interpersonal communication. That is, the official is a kind of model for ordinary citizens and his subordinates.

In addition, directly or indirectly, it personifies power, declares powers, and determines attitudes towards specific issues and options for their resolution. It is also useful for ordinary citizens to study the document; this will help them react correctly to the actions of officials in a given situation, in accordance with a set of rules and expecting behavior and reactions from those in power within strictly defined limits.

Model Code of Ethics for State and Municipal Employees

On this moment official relations between civil servants in our country are regulated by the current “Code of Ethics and Official Conduct”. The document clearly states the goals and objectives of the set of rules, their binding nature for employees of any position, and even the level of responsibility for violations of the provisions of the document. The extent to which civil servants know and comply with the “Model Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Civil Servants” is one of the main criteria for the qualitative assessment of their work and behavior in service.

The basic principles governing the official conduct of officials include:

  • conscientious and professional performance of official duties;
  • understanding the meaning of one’s work as recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms;
  • preventing abuse of power;
  • loyalty to any groups that differ in social, professional and other criteria;
  • the primacy of professionalism over personal interests;
  • combating corruption and other crimes within the framework of authority and law;
  • correctness, attentiveness and compliance with the law in all its manifestations.

Model Code of Ethics and Official Conduct for State and Municipal Employees

What happens for non-compliance with the Code?

Each case of violation of the current provisions of the document is considered by a special commission. Article 10 of this Code defines the responsibility of civil servants for any violations. In addition to moral responsibility, there is also legal responsibility:

  • disciplinary sanctions up to and including dismissal;
  • administrative and criminal liability provided for by law.