Disadvantages of stone wool. What is the difference between basalt wool and mineral wool? The question of density and quality: is more always better?

Mineral basalt wool is one of the highest quality and most effective insulation materials. Why? I will tell you about all the properties of this material and conduct experiments so that you can answer this question yourself.

Stone wool - what is it?

Basalt wool (stone wool) is a type of mineral wool, a fibrous thermal insulation material designed for insulation building structures, pipelines, thermal insulation of chimneys.

Thermal insulation materials of this group have similar properties and characteristics. But there are also differences that play important role and affect the quality of home insulation.

The question of which is better, basalt insulation or mineral wool, loses its meaning, since basalt wool itself belongs to mineral insulation. In addition, glass wool and slag wool also belong to mineral wool.

Today, stone wool is used quite widely. The material is produced by a lot of manufacturers, including many domestic companies. Some of them produce good quality products.

Particularly popular are slabs for insulating facades, foundations and roofs, although mats are also popular for insulating floors and.

This type of mineral wool is distinguished by excellent indicators of efficiency, durability, and resistance to various destructive factors. It is easy to work with, it is completely safe and does not have many of the disadvantages inherent in other types of mineral wool. In addition, it is an excellent means of sound insulation.

Scope of application

Mineral wool based on basalt fibers is widely used. This is a universal insulation.

The main areas of its application:

  1. Insulation of enclosing structures: walls, floors, ceilings, ceilings, roofs, foundations;
  2. Insulation of pipelines;
  3. Soundproofing of walls and partitions;
  4. Thermal insulation of pipes with hot liquids and gases;
  5. Fire protection of load-bearing steel structures, cable ducts, pipe penetrations, reinforced concrete floors, air ducts.

Types of fibers

There are two types of basalt fibers: thin (BTV) and ultra-fine (BSTV). The latter are approximately 10 times thinner than the former, and products made from them have better characteristics.

Because of high cost It is advisable to use products made from BSFF at temperatures above 180 °C, since super-thin fiber demonstrates much greater heat resistance: its limit is 900 °C.

Technical properties

Basalt wool is the best fiber insulation available today. To prove this, let's look at the numbers. So, specifications basalt wool:

Characteristic Value for stone wool
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m*K 0,035 – 0,039
Density, kg/m³ 30-220
Vapor permeability, mg/m²*h*Pa 0,25-0,35
Fiber diameter, µm 5-15, for BSTV - 1-3
Sorptive humidification per day, % by volume 2-3,5
Flammability group according to GOST 30244-94 NG - non-flammable
Fiber length, mm 20-50, for BSTV - 50-70
Sound absorption coefficient, dB 0,8-99
Mass fraction of binder, % 2,5-10
Taunting absent
Selection harmful substances when heated phenol, formaldehyde
Elasticity, % 71
Compressibility, % 40
Sintering temperature, °C 700-100, for BSTV - 1100-1500
Heat capacity, J/kg*K 500-800, for BSTV - 800-1000
Chemical resistance in water, % (weight loss) 1,6
Chemical resistance in acidic environment, % (weight loss) 2,2
Chemical resistance in alkaline environment, % (weight loss) 2,75
Operating temperature range, ̊ C -190-+700
Humidity,% by mass 0,5
Compressive strength, kPa 8-60
Layer peel strength, kPa 80
Service life, years 50-80

Analysis of the technical characteristics makes us understand that basalt wool is an effective and high-quality insulation material, which is characterized by a wide range of applications and a low thermal conductivity coefficient.

Effect of application

To demonstrate the effect of using stone wool, we will use special device- thermal imager. It records the intensity of thermal radiation. The closer the image color is to yellow and orange, the higher the temperature.

Now we point our device at the facade of the house, which has not yet been insulated with stone wool. This is what is displayed on the device screen:

Now you need to wait until the building is insulated. For the purity of the experiment, it is necessary to measure heat loss on the same house, so you will have to wait until the completion of the façade insulation work. So, we point the device and see:

Main characteristics

Property 1. Water absorption

To move away from the dry and not everyone clear language numbers, I will provide a visual demonstration of the hydrophobicity of basalt wool:

Image Procedure

Place the sample in water. To do this, prepare a bowl of water, cut out a small piece of material and place it in the water.

Keep the cotton wool under water for 15-20 minutes. Then we take out a piece and let the water drain from its surface. The liquid does not linger on it and drains well. Take a knife and cut the piece in half.

Checking the result. Let's see how deep the water has penetrated into the insulation structure. We are surprised to note that the material inside is absolutely dry.

Unlike other fibrous insulation materials, stone wool practically does not absorb or accumulate moisture. This is a significant advantage.

Property 2. Vapor permeability

Again I will show you a visual demonstration of the properties of basalt wool. This time we check the vapor permeability of the material:

Image Procedure

Preparing water vapor. Put it on fire metal container with water and bring it to a boil.

We put a sample. We take a piece of slab 25x25 cm and cover our bowl of boiling water with it.

We observe the effect. After a short time, you can observe how steam freely penetrates through the thermal insulation, despite its thickness.

Property 3. Strength

Compressive strength at 10% deformation ranges from 8 to 60 kPa. On average, this value is 40 kPa. But what does it mean? For clarity, I will show a photo of what will happen to the material after a pressure of 100 kPa.

As you can see, there are no tracks or other marks left on the surface of the slabs. The material returns to its original shape almost instantly.

As you can see, even cotton wool can withstand serious mechanical loads.

Now let's check the tear strength of the layers. This indicator determines whether plaster or tile can be applied to the surface of the material.

We glue plates with special hooks for cargo on top and bottom. After the glue hardens, hang the load and increase the force to 80 kPa:

We are trying to increase the effort. We immediately get the result:

Property 4. Fireproof qualities

Stone wool has good temperature resistance, especially if we have BSTV. Again, let’s conduct a small experiment: we’ll direct the autogen to the surface of the stove and heat it above 700 degrees.

We see that cotton wool not only does not ignite, it does not react at all to the effects of fire. Moreover, you can touch the other side of the stove with your palm, and the surface temperature will not exceed 20 degrees. This once again demonstrates the high thermal insulation qualities of the material.

Rock wool or glass wool?

Despite fairly similar technical characteristics, basalt insulation has a number of significant differences from glass wool. These differences will help us understand which is better - glass wool or stone wool.

First, let's take the basalt insulation slab by the corner and try to shake it.

Now let's do the same with glass wool. The result is radically different.

Now fold the sheet of basalt wool in half.

We perform the same manipulations with glass wool. The result is again strikingly different from the previous experience.

Remember how we walked on stone wool slabs with our feet? Let's walk through the glass wool slabs. The result is different again.

In addition to this visual demonstration, you can recall the well-known feature of fiberglass insulation:

  • This material causes severe itching upon contact with skin;
  • In case of contact with eyes, seek medical attention;
  • If you inhale glass wool dust, you can get bronchitis or asthma, and in some cases, lung cancer.

If we take slag wool or mineral wool based on basalt with admixtures of dolomite and limestone, we will see that basalt insulation is superior to all these types in almost all respects.

The difference between fiber-based insulation can be quite significant. One turns out to be a safe and durable product that demonstrates unexpected properties, the other turns out to be a source of disease and simply a low-quality material.

Pros and cons of basalt wool

Strong and weak sides basalt insulation are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
1. Low thermal conductivity, which speaks about high efficiency thermal insulation from this material. Dust generation. Brittle fibers can produce a large number of microscopic debris that, when inhaled, lodges in the lungs and can cause various diseases. It is necessary to work in special clothing.
2. Easy installation. The installation instructions suggest the possibility of laying slabs and mats with your own hands. This does not require special equipment or special skills. Ability to pass steam, which can condense inside the insulation. This reduces its thermal insulation qualities.
3. A light weight. The low density of the material allows you not to worry about additional load on the foundation and other bearing structures. In addition, transportation of raw materials to the site is simplified and cheaper. The need for vapor barrier. To prevent steam from condensing inside and moisture from accumulating, the material needs additional insulation. For these purposes, vapor-tight and windproof membranes are used.
4. Fire safety. Stone wool not only does not burn itself, it can protect wooden and even steel structures from fire. High price. Basalt thermal insulation is more expensive than other fiber insulation materials.
5. Hydrophobicity. Thanks to special treatment with resins, the material does not absorb moisture with which it comes into contact. It simply flows off its surface.
6. Durability. The service life of basalt slabs can be 80 years. This is much more than most analogues.
7. Soundproofing. This material has outstanding sound-absorbing properties.

Let's check the sound insulation:


I looked at the features of insulation made from stone fibers and showed which is better - basalt wool or mineral wool. You learned about all the characteristics and properties of the material, and saw visual demonstrations of these properties. If you want to know more, watch the video in this article and ask questions in the comments.

Stone wool is made from rocks and is a fibrous material consisting of many stone strands. Basalt rock becomes hot and under the influence high pressure air, stretches into thin, stone-like hair threads. Without going into the complex preparation process, we are sure that we have enough knowledge to understand what stone wool is. Stone wool is more often referred to as basalt wool.

Products based on basalt wool have excellent thermal insulation characteristics, a long service life, and resistance to various negative influences.Due to its mountain component, basalt wool is often called stone wool.

Stone wool, or rather superfine fiber, has a chemically neutral composition, so it does not decompose over time and does not enter into chemical reaction with aggressive substances and does not emit toxic components. It is safe for humans and environment insulation.

Consumers have become more practical in choosing insulation materials; one of the first requirements on the list is taking care of their health. Since stone wool has a natural base, it is completely safe for human health. You can buy and use basalt fiber without fear, even in institutions with high sanitary standards. They will tell us in the video review:

Stone wool, area of ​​application

Stone wool made from basalt fiber is widely used in a wide variety of industries and construction. This material is not afraid of high temperatures, is fireproof and is able to retain its shape during prolonged exposure to fire, protecting the building from the rapid spread of fire. Structures insulated with mineral wool acquire a high fire resistance class.

The main uses of stone wool are insulation of external walls, roofs, ceilings and partitions, thermal insulation of industrial installations, water supply and heating pipes. Durable, durable and fireproof sandwich panels are made from high-quality basalt wool.

In the production of boiler equipment, stone wool is used for furnaces in order to protect consumers from burns and increase the efficiency of units by saving thermal energy.

Most likely, stone wool, like any material, has its pros and cons. Nevertheless, The wide scope of application of mineral wool insulation is due to unique properties basalt superfine fiber. We present as evidence the main characteristics and advantages of the material.

Low thermal conductivity of basalt wool

Due to the fibrous structure, basalt wool contains a lot of air inside, trapped between the chaotically intertwined threads. The thermal conductivity of the air itself is very low, and since it is enclosed in microvoids and is in a stationary state, there is no convection, which determines good thermal insulation properties products.

Fire safety

This is perhaps the main advantage of basalt mineral wool over other insulation materials. The stone wool base does not burn or melt at temperatures up to 1400 degrees. It should be noted that mineral wool contains synthetic resins that glue the fibers to each other. When heated to 250 degrees, the resins evaporate, but the fibers retain their position in the absence of mechanical loads. Due to this, rigid mineral wool slabs and soft mats retain their geometry, preventing the spread of fire inside the building.

This fire-resistant insulation is used for thermal insulation of objects that require compliance special rules fire safety. Stone wool does not burn and does not support combustion. The fiber is often used to create a fire barrier in the chemical industry.

Stability of shape and dimensions

Mineral wool made from basalt fiber does not cake and does not shrink due to the elasticity of the fibers. Depending on the concentration of binding resins, mineral wool products of medium and high hardness (slabs), as well as soft products (rolls, granules, mats) are distinguished. Rigid slabs do not deform under their own weight and can be installed on vertical structures.

Thanks to the ability of the boards to maintain their original shape, the formation of cracks in the heat-insulating layer is prevented. Soft insulation materials laid on horizontal surfaces adhere tightly to structures without forming gaps at the joints between them. Under mechanical loads, such materials are compressed and then expanded, returning to their previous volume. This makes it possible to fill hard-to-reach and hollow areas of buildings with stone wool.

Good noise insulation performance

Due to the random arrangement of threads inside the mineral wool, sound and shock vibrations are suppressed. One of the manufacturers producing soundproofing boards based on stone wool is the company Technonikol. Using this material to insulate external walls, you can protect the premises from street noise.

If the material is placed on interfloor ceilings or internal partitions, this allows you to effectively soundproof neighboring rooms. The walls of the loggia, where stone wool is used as insulation, absorb street noise more intensively, maintaining peace in the apartment.

Vapor permeability

Stone wool is treated with water repellents, which prevent moisture droplets from adhering to microscopic fibers. Moisture vapor passes between the threads without condensing on their surface, therefore, with natural steam pressure in the direction from living quarters to the outside, removal occurs excess moisture. Due to this process, structures insulated with mineral wool remain dry. In the rooms of an insulated house, the likelihood of dampness and mold formation is reduced, and the air becomes cleaner.

Since gas molecules pass through the entire thickness of mineral wool, their continuous circulation leads to partial purification of the atmosphere in the house. Carbon dioxide goes outside and goes inside the building fresh air. Thanks to this, the microclimate improves and living spaces become more comfortable.

This is true if your house is insulated with basalt wool and is not used intensively in winter. If your home is constantly heated, then winter period when the streets are strong negative temperatures, vapor condensation is possible at the junction of the warm inner surface of the wall and its cold outer surface. The so-called “dew point” is formed precisely in the insulation. Despite the fact that stone wool is subject to destruction with great resistance, we strongly advise you not to skimp and use vapor barrier membranes.

Stone wool cons

  • vapor barrier and wind protection required – Stone wool needs its own protection. Helps save insulation vapor barrier film, protecting it from the side of the room. Wind protection will protect the material from blowing out and moisture from rain or snow getting on it.
  • high thermal conductivity – in terms of thermal insulation properties, stone wool is inferior to such material as. The owner will have to increase the thickness of the insulation with basalt fiber to equalize the characteristics. .
  • crumbles – during the installation process, the fiber is slightly destroyed, as a result of which small particles enter the room, creating stone dust. A regular respirator will help to protect employees, but working in such conditions is not pleasant at all. In small quantities, the effect of the formation of dust particles may occur during operation. As a conclusion, insulation of the material itself and work using protective equipment is required.

  • caked – stone wool has significant weight and, during long-term storage, becomes compacted under its own weight. Caking leads to loss of thermal conductivity. Moreover, compacted basalt wool is more easily susceptible to destructive processes. Another negative point is that compacted stone wool will have to be strengthened using additional fasteners, which will lead to higher installation costs.

The economic benefit of using basalt thermal insulation lies in the fact that during the operation of the building, the cost of heat losses and, as a result, heating costs are reduced. Basic designs acquire good protection from freezing and temperature changes, so they do not require large repair costs and become more durable. Manufacturers claim a 50-year warranty on the material.

Material hardness.

We are used to seeing hard slabs of stone fiber on the counters. However, stone wool is often soft and packaged in rolls. Soft stone wool is used in places where there is no strong mechanical load. Soft option Perfect for well masonry. Often builders insulate ventilated facades not exceeding four floors with soft basalt wool.

Insulation materials on the market today are presented in such an assortment that doubts rightly arise regarding their choice, characteristics, and functionality. To determine which thermal insulation is better and why, it is worth analyzing the main properties and features of the most popular options. We are talking about basalt (aka stone) and mineral wool. Insulation materials are produced in the form of rolls, slabs, and sometimes mats; they are widely used for heat and sound insulation; they have their advantages and disadvantages.

Insulation based on basalt wool is characterized by glass fiber, combined with special components to maintain the bond and improve the hydrophobicity of the material.

An important advantage of thermal insulation based on basalt wool is its resistance to high temperatures, which is especially noticeable when compared with mineral wool insulation. In addition, the insulator is characterized by:

  • lack of ability to release toxins when the temperature rises;
  • resistance to dirt and fungi;
  • high level melting point;
  • simple transportation and installation.

The manufacturer of thermal insulation made from basalt wool claims a fifty-year service life, subject to the basic rules of use. In addition, the characteristics of the material indicate a high level of sound absorption, which allows it to be used for insulation and noise reduction in rooms for various purposes.

Insulation made from basalt wool is much better than mineral wool in terms of vibration resistance, does not belong to the group of explosives, and is suitable for insulating environments with elevated temperatures and aggressive types.

Analyzing how insulation based on basalt wool is really better than mineral wool, it is worth noting a special chemical composition material. It does not include dolomite and limestone elements, which are necessarily included in the glue required for installing mineral wool.

Basalt insulation for all positive qualities weigh little and exhibit increased resistance to mechanical damage. This is important because in the stage of destruction, insulation materials pose a real danger to the health of people who inhale microparticles of fibers floating in the air.

Probably not better insulation than based on basalt wool, when we're talking about about the ability to cope with the effects of moisture. The material has a high level of water repellency, and when moisture gets inside it does not allow it to accumulate.

The material also has some disadvantages. Stone wool is sold at a fairly high price, different from the cost of mineral wool - rather a budget option.

The peculiarities of the insulation structure can also be considered a disadvantage. The material in the form of a slab, most often used for thermal insulation, has many seams at the joints, which can cause problems high-quality thermal insulation, especially if you make mistakes in installation.

In terms of safety, insulation based on basalt wool is considered more environmentally friendly than conventional mineral wool, despite the minor inclusions of phenolic binders in the composition.

So, summing up the differences between basalt thermal insulation and other types of mineral wool-based insulators, it is worth noting the following important factors:

  • the material is resistant to chemical and biological attacks, which distinguishes it from the same glass wool;
  • the plasticity of the material exceeds the same parameter of mineral insulation materials, including glass wool;
  • the material provides a high level of thermal insulation, significantly higher than that of glass wool analogues.

How much the advantages cover the above disadvantages - everyone decides for himself after analyzing the features alternative types insulation materials, including those based on mineral wool.

Mineral wool for thermal insulation - characteristics and features

The main difference between mineral wool insulation and stone wool insulation is more affordable price. It is this fact that often becomes decisive when choosing an insulator among the range available on the market. The low price of mineral wool in comparison with basalt slabs is associated with the peculiarities of the production process.

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • low density;
  • resistance to ignition;
  • resistance to chemical and biological environments.

In thermal insulation based on mineral wool, corrosion processes do not progress, but in terms of resistance to high temperatures, the insulation is inferior to stone wool, since it is able to withstand temperatures of no more than +400 degrees Celsius. This is due to the length of the fibers - it is longer than the length of the basalt wool fibers, which suggests an excellent degree of elasticity.

You can insulate surfaces with mineral or fiberglass wool irregular shape and an uneven surface layer.

In terms of their ability to absorb noise, mineral insulation is superior to basalt insulation. But when it comes to strength and service life, insulators lose here largely due to their inability to withstand shrinkage due to crystallization.

Mineral wool or basalt thermal insulation - what to choose

In terms of installation, both materials are worthy of attention. Mineral wool insulation and basalt slabs can be laid on horizontal and vertical surfaces. It’s just more difficult to work with stone wool, since it is denser, not as elastic and brittle. But unlike mineral wool, it does not lose functionality even when 30% wet, does not shrink, and is suitable for thermal insulation under plaster and screed.

Mineral insulation shrinks, is not as resistant to dust and moisture, does not remove moisture accumulated inside well, and requires additional protection with special vapor barrier membranes. Only a few samples of mineral insulation are suitable for installation under plaster or screed.

In terms of operation, glass wool is more convenient. The insulation includes acrylic base, is more elastic and practically does not clog the room with dust. Many brands have a real resemblance to natural cotton.

In conclusion, it remains to be noted that basalt wool, despite some shortcomings, is better than its mineral counterparts, which once again confirms the analysis of the characteristics reflected in the price. When choosing mineral insulation, you should give preference to proven brands with high density values.

During the construction of a house, many are faced with the problem of choosing insulation, not knowing which is better, stone or basalt mineral wool. However, it must be said that both types of heat insulator belong to the same class, so the question should be posed differently.

Here, when choosing, it is very important to take into account what technical characteristics and features are inherent in these two types, because it is these parameters that play a decisive role in the selection and creation high-quality insulation Houses. Therefore, in order to correctly answer the question of which is better, let’s take a closer look at the features of these heat insulators.

Best options

Basalt (stone) heat insulator is made on the basis of fiberglass, and it is obtained by melting at high temperature mountain gabbaro basalt rock. This mineral is successfully used not only in the production of stone wool, but also in the construction of roads, for the manufacture of monuments, sculptures, in a word, the area of ​​​​use of such rock is quite wide.

The slab heat insulator has big differences from mineral wool, therefore, to say that exactly and which type of them is better will at least not be reasonable, because, as we said above, they belong to the same class, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Basalt heat insulator is based on glass fiber; during its production, special components are added to it to provide a bond to the glass fibers; in addition, they maintain the water-repellent qualities of the heat insulator. Due to the fact that basalt mineral stone wool has a fairly loose and fibrous structure, such a heat insulator better retains heat in the room.

In addition, this structure of basalt insulation holds air layers between the fibers, and they, in turn, will store the required specified temperature regime, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s warm or cool. Therefore, with such a heat insulator, the house will always be warm in winter and cool in summer.

Stone wool structure

Basalt heat insulator - pros and cons

High-quality basalt-based mineral wool has many advantages, among which especially noteworthy:

  • Freely withstands high temperatures.
  • During heating, mineral insulation does not emit dangerous toxic substances.
  • Has good resistance to stains.
  • Convenient to transport.
  • It has long term services. Basalt heat insulator can last more than fifty years, and during this time it will not lose its properties.
  • It has a low level of sound conductivity. This property allows you to dampen excess acoustic vibrations.
  • Basalt insulation has good level vibration resistance, which cannot be said about mineral wool.
  • Stone wool does not belong to the line of explosive materials, so this type of insulation can be freely used to create thermal insulation for aggressive and hot environments.
  • The material is not afraid of rodents.
  • The basalt slab has a low specific gravity and yet has a high level of insulation.
  • Due to its structure, stone wool has excellent resistance to any mechanical stress. And the point here is the arrangement of the fibers, they are in different directions, which ensures good rigidity of the heat insulator, also in better side affects its practical properties.
  • The material has excellent water-repellent qualities. Slab mineral stone wool can allow moisture to pass through, but it does not accumulate inside the material.

Characteristics of basalt insulation

However, despite its many advantages, stone wool has its disadvantages:

  • The cost of a basalt heat insulator is quite high, which ranks this type of heat insulator among the line of preferred materials.
  • Slab basalt insulation at the joints has a large number of seams, which, when laying it, may cause some important thermal insulation properties to be somewhat reduced.
  • Strength characteristics also cannot boast of high indicators.
  • Many experts argue that the use of a phenolic substance as a binder during foam production makes the insulation environmentally unsafe.

Attention! When working with basalt insulation, you should be careful, because the material tends to crumble, so it is better to wear goggles and a respiratory mask.

How does stone wool differ from other types of mineral insulation?

If we consider the features and characteristics of basalt insulation, a number of advantages of stone wool over other analogues will become noticeable thermal insulation materials. One of the most important factors of this material is considered to be a good degree of biological and chemical properties. activity. This fact allows us to stand out from others insulation materials, for example, from the same glass wool.

The heat insulator for the production of which basalt was used has a special structure, which has short and thick fibers, so the level of ductility of the insulation greatly increases. In addition, the likelihood that the material will fall off during installation is minimized.

Technological module for the production of insulation materials

Features of mineral wool

Unlike basalt wool, mineral wool has a low price. The large difference in cost is largely due to the availability and low cost of the production process. Mineral heat insulator is produced in packages and does not require much space during transportation, in this it outperforms its basalt counterpart. In addition, the light weight of the material significantly reduces the cost of transporting it to the site. Among the advantages, the following qualities of mineral wool should be especially highlighted:

  • Mineral wool is lightweight.
  • Low density.
  • Its use does not create a large load.
  • The material has excellent chemical passivity qualities, as well as a high degree of biological endurance.
  • The insulation is not prone to fire.
  • The fibers of the mineral insulation are two times longer than the fibers of the basalt heat insulator, which gives the material excellent elasticity.

Excellent flexibility of the material allows it to be installed in difficult places
  • The use of mineral material does not cause corrosion processes on the metal.
  • Its use is possible in those designs that may have uneven surfaces and different geometries.
  • The sound insulation of mineral insulation is higher than that of stone wool.

Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to highlight a considerable amount of shrinkage. This happens because after a period of time, the fibers used to make quartz and glass begin to crystallize.

Attention! When you choose mineral insulation, be sure to pay attention to its thickness, how the fibers are arranged and what its density is.

Mineral heat insulator

What's better?

Having studied the features, as well as all the pros and cons, it becomes obvious which is better, glass wool or stone mineral wool. But let's look at these two insulation materials in a closer comparison. So, let's start with the price. Glass wool has a lower cost than its basalt counterpart. If we compare ease of transportation, here too mineral wool takes a leading position because it has significantly less weight and does not require much space.

Even if it happens that during transportation and unloading the glass wool loses its shape, then after it sits for a while, it will again acquire its original appearance, that is, the material is restored very quickly.

Mineral wool is characterized by high levels of flexibility and elasticity; this property allows this type of heat insulator to be used on any surface, even those that are uneven and irregular in geometry. In addition, the sound insulation characteristics of the material are much better than those of stone wool.

However, given these comparisons, it is still impossible to say for sure which of these two insulation materials is better. To do this, you still need to take into account the following fact, under what conditions the heat insulator will be used. In one case the best option may be basalt insulation, and in another, on the contrary, glass wool.

If we consider a comparison of stone and mineral wool in terms of their service life and cost-effectiveness, in this case the most advantageous option would be the use of basalt insulation. Which is directly related to its fairly long service life, the material can last more than fifty years.

In addition, stone wool can be laid on the ceiling, walls, under floor covering, onto the subfloor. It should also be noted that basalt insulation can be used in any conditions, and the material will not lose its properties, but here it is mineral wool that is slightly inferior.


Basalt material is better due to its special characteristics, which is why today this type is very popular in modern construction and private housing construction. It’s just that the price of the material is somewhat confusing, but it’s worth it, because for the money you get really high-quality insulation that will serve you faithfully for decades. With such insulation, the house will be warm even in the most severe frosts, and cool in the hot summer.

Regarding the installation of these heat insulators, preference should be given to mineral insulation, because its installation is easy and safe. This is because the material has fairly good flexibility and elasticity, which cannot be said about basalt heat insulator, which can crumble during installation.

In the process of manufacturing a mineral heat insulator, additives are used that are of great interest to rodents, while stone wool is not threatened by such a neighborhood. Glass wool has a low density, so over time it begins to shrink, while stone wool can retain its properties throughout its entire service life.

Now that we have compared all the characteristics and features of mineral and basalt heat insulators, the conclusion suggests itself that both materials are in many ways very similar in their properties, but which one is better, mineral or stone wool, is up to you to decide. However, before you choose any material, watch this video:

In contact with

With the advent of the first cold weather, people living in private houses begin to think about insulating their homes. The question they face is: what would be better suited, mineral wool or stone wool? Both belong to the same class of insulation, but each has its own advantages, disadvantages and other qualities, and there are many differences that people pay attention to when choosing.

The manufacturer market is huge, the range is varied and it is necessary to understand all the criteria. Therefore, in the article we will talk about the production of each of the wools, the differences and main characteristics, the most successful and not qualities for insulation different types houses - urban and rural.

Construction work using mineral wool

Differences between stone and mineral

When people tell us about mineral wool, we don’t understand what it is. To make it easier for people to understand, Everyday life It is called, oddly enough, glass wool. That is, the basis is a material that is extracted from mineral rocks, has excellent sound insulation, thermal insulation and consists of small fibers.

  1. Glass wool.
  2. Stone wool.
  3. Slag-like.

After considering the types of minerals, the question of which is better disappears, because the basis is the same, but the production technique is different. It's worth looking into.

They differ from each other mainly in the composition and content of raw materials.

On large industries This type of rock is used such as basalt. They are crushed into small parts, taken to production, heated to the melting point (1000 degrees). The resulting liquid mass is blown, and after cooling, small fibers are obtained. Next, to convert it into the final product, the liquid is combined with a solution of phenol-formaldehyde. The end result should be slabs that resemble cotton wool, but are more structured.

Fiber Density

Mineral raw materials:

  • Broken glass and quartz sand. To glue the material, no resinous substances are required. Disadvantages - it crumbles during installation, can get into the lungs, there is a possibility that sharp parts will damage the skin, it is problematic to use.
  • Waste from the metallurgical industry. Made from clay and carbonate that reacts with potassium. Disadvantages - cannot be used at home, as it is toxic and causes unnatural reactions of the body (allergies, general deterioration of health).
  • . Made from environmentally friendly materials and does not harm health. It is the most popular for insulating roof structures.

Also, for the production of subspecies - glass wool and slag wool, quartz sand and residues from broken glass in production, less often full glass.

Mineral wool rolls

The difference between stone and mineral insulation

  1. Appearance. Stone wool is produced and released in slabs. The rest are rolls or mats, soft in structure.
  2. Glass wool is an environmentally friendly product, because phenol solutions, etc. are not used in its production.
  3. One type of mineral product requires quartz sand in combination with broken glass.
  4. Type 1 insulation is better protected from water penetration.
  5. Retains heat better.
  6. Much easier to transport to Right place because it is light in weight.
  7. There is a low risk of mold formation on stone wool.
  8. The fibers are in a cross direction. This makes practical sense.
  9. Stone is not capable of releasing various types of toxins.

Density of stone wool

That is, when compared, the first subtype of mineral wool turned out to be more reliable and durable.

The composition includes dolomite, installation adhesive and limestone rock.

At the same time, the service life of both insulation materials is the same - half a century. But with careful use and care, it can last in a person’s home for up to 20 years.

What is better for a home in the city?

You need to know that stone mineral wool has lower sound conductivity, which becomes best indicator, if you need to get rid of unnecessary noise in the house. Especially if built in a big city.

This material also has high vibration resistance properties. And this is the ability to meet the parameters presented by the manufacturer. It can be used for high temperature work places.

Disadvantages of stone wool:

  • Due to the structure and physical conditions, when installed, gaps appear between the slabs, and the quality of thermal insulation is greatly reduced.
  • It's easy to make a mistake, so it's better to trust professional builders.
  • This type of mineral wool is not the most budget option.

Installation of stone wool on the front side of the house

Which type of wool is better: stone or mineral?

The installation of both wools is not much different from each other.

  1. Placed on different surfaces: horizontal and vertical.
  2. Stone wool is less plastic, brittle, has good water repellency and good sound insulation.
  3. Basalt does not wrinkle over time and under the weight of roofing materials.

What is the difference:

  1. The density of stone wool is much higher than mineral wool. The soft component bends strongly and easily allows water to pass through. Additionally, you will have to impregnate or coat protective material. But when moisture penetrates, mold forms and bad smell and you will have to change the coating to a more reliable one. This will be difficult due to the thinness of the fibers; they crumble a lot.
  2. To create good strength, acrylic is added to glass wool.
  3. Also, it responds well to physical impact, that is, it stretches and does not break, does not cause allergic reactions and does not harm the skin. Glass wool resembles cotton in structure.
  4. Mineral wool is more difficult to install in a vertical surface due to the softness of the structure.
  5. If pipeline insulation is required, then mineral wool is excellent.
  6. Stone insulation retains its basic characteristics longer.

Important! Stone wool is much more expensive than mineral wool and its analogues due to the above properties. Mainly due to durability, strength, dense structure, which does not allow moisture and extraneous sounds to enter the home.

Installation of mineral wool. It can be seen that it looks like silk.

Both materials fully comply with the manufacturer's specifications. But each is better or worse for insulating certain parts of the house.

Installation of stone mineral slabs in the attic

If you need to create thermal insulation for a pipeline, then mineral wool is better suited, as it is soft, flexible and will not allow pests (mice) to get to the protected part. And for insulation of walls and floors in the house - stone wool. Because its solid structure without the possibility of further compression allows you not to change the material during for long years. It also does not allow moisture and sounds to pass through, interfering with a quiet life. Perfect option for living in the city and in a private house in winter.

Glass wool has become environmentally friendly pure product, because the production does not use harmful solutions that can harm human health (cause allergic reactions, itching, damage to internal organs due to ingestion).