Name of China. About the name "China". Why is modern China called China in Russian?

In order to understand why China is called China, you need to turn to the history of the 10th century. It was at this time that nomadic tribes of the Khitan or Chinese came to the territory of modern northeastern China. Now it is difficult to determine the exact origin of the Khitans, but, apparently, these people belonged to the Tungus-Manchu group.

In 907, the Khitans ousted the Jurchen tribes from their inhabited areas and founded their own Liao state on the conquered territories, which lasted until 1125. However, in the languages ​​of neighboring peoples, a different name was assigned to the new state - “Cathay”. This was both a reference to the name of the tribes that settled here and a characteristic of the state: the word “Cathay” can be translated as “flourishing country”. After the Italian merchant's journey through Asia (1271-75), this toponym passed into European languages. It should be noted that Polo, again, used this word only to designate the northeastern regions of the country. In the 15th century, the somewhat transformed “Cathay” also entered Muscovite Rus'. Here the name begins to sound like “China”. But the word “China” came into widespread use only in XVII-XVIII centuries, after the beginning of the development of Siberia and the Far East.

The Khitan people have not existed for many centuries. IN beginning of XII centuries, the Jurchens took revenge, destroyed the Liao state and regained their lands. The surviving Khitans fled back to the steppes and gradually became part of the great Mongol Empire, dissolving into its constituent tribes. However, China is still called by the name of this nomadic people.

Origin of the word "Chine"

Even more ancient origin has the word “Chine” and its derivatives, which are used to designate the Celestial Empire in European languages. The name is borrowed from Sanskrit and, apparently, goes back to the name of the Qing dynasty, which ruled China in the 3rd century BC. e. The concept "Cina" in Hindu scriptures refers to the lands lying in the northeast of India. Soon, through Greek and Roman merchants, this word entered Latin, which was the ancestor of most European languages.

For centuries, both names were used in Europe: the Mongolian "Cathay" and the Latin "Cine". Due to the fact that China for a long time was divided into two vast areas; until the beginning of the 17th century, these two words were not identical. The toponym “China” was assigned to the northern regions of the country, where the Khitans once lived. And the southern territories, as well as porcelain products, which were exported from here to Europe, were nicknamed the “Chin State”. A similar division can be found even in the work of the Tver merchant A. Nikitin “Walking across Three Seas,” where he described his journey through India. But over time, in most Romano-Germanic languages, the name “Cathay” was forced out of everyday speech and began to be used exclusively in poetic works, and the term “Chine” and its derivatives are firmly established in everyday language.


The Chinese themselves call their country “Zhongguo”. This word can be translated as “Middle Empire”. Initially this term was called state entities, which were successor to the Western Zhou dynasty (XII-VIII centuries BC). At first, this toponym extended only to territories located in the Yellow River Valley. With new conquests and expansion of the territory in which ethnic Chinese lived, “Zhongguo” began to be called the entire territory of modern China. The concept of “Middle Empire” emphasized the exclusivity and sacredness of the Chinese state, opposing the barbarian peoples.

This ancient formulation has not lost its relevance to this day. Since 1949, the word “zhongguo” has been enshrined in the official name of the country.

When we have time to think, we begin to look for answers to seemingly simple questions. For example, why was China called “China” and not something else? A fifth of our entire planet lives in this densely populated state. As to why this country is named this way, there are several very interesting theories, each of which may well turn out to be true.

Historical theory

Previously modern China was divided into two parts: northern and southern. In its northern part there was a state founded by the Kitami tribes, and it was called “Liao”. South part at that time belonged to the Mongols. Where the indigenous Liao tribes came from is not known for certain to this day. If you believe some sources, then they also owe their origin to the Mongols. But there is other information that they originated from the Tungus-Manchu tribes. Subsequently, residents of nearby states began to call the northern territories “China”. In principle, this theory could be the answer to the question of why China was called "China". But how did this name come to us in Slavic speech? After all, the name of this country sounded completely differently in different dialects: Catai, Hetai, Khitan and China.

Etymological theory
IN English language the name "China" appeared in the twelfth century and it was written like this: "Cathay" (now it is written differently - "China"). There is an interesting argument that China began to be called “China” after the Qin dynasty arose. And this word entered the Russian dictionary in the fifteenth century in the form it has now.

But it is worth recalling that only a small part of its territory was called “China,” and the name came to us after the Qin dynasty collapsed. In fact, not even all Chinese know why China was called "China". This means that we can confidently say that there is no specific meaning in this word; this sometimes occurs in the history of titles and names.

Why is China called "The Celestial Empire"
The country with the largest population in the world actually goes by several names. The Chinese themselves call their country “The Celestial Empire,” while citizens of other countries call it “China” or “China.” If we consider the word “Celestial Empire” itself, then Chinese it consists of two hieroglyphs - “Tian” and “Xia”. The first in translation means “day”, “sky”, and the second is translated as “foot”, “bottom”. So something similar to “Celestial Empire” comes out. The Chinese have long worshiped the sky and firmly believe that only their country is protected by it. And other people do not have heaven.

China also has another name - “Zhong Guo” - “the path of the earth.” This philosophy is quite understandable, because no one really invaded China or sought to conquer it. Therefore, it is understandable why the Chinese consider their country to be the middle of the world. And so, while we are pondering why China was called “China,” the inhabitants of this country are rapidly developing and occupying niches in international markets. trading markets. So maybe they are actually the main inhabitants of the Earth, despite the fact that civilization has reached them, infecting them with opium and the communist system?

The Celestial Empire - this is what poets call China, the Middle Kingdom - this is what China was called in ancient times, the country of socialism under construction - this country was called in the 70s of the last century, the country of great prospects and hardworking people - this is what China is called now!

First of all, this is due to the ancient religion, in which Heaven was considered the highest deity. In Beijing there is an ancient temple of heaven, where the emperor consulted Heaven only in extremely difficult state situations. It was a gorgeous ceremony - it lasted two weeks, with the participation of many priests, officials and troops, more than 100 thousand people, not counting horses and war elephants.
Well, the entire huge country, led by Heaven, was naturally called the Celestial Empire.
The greatest power in Asia has changed many names over its long history. The Chinese usually called their cultural universe Tianxia - the Celestial Empire, sometimes Syhai - “(countries between) the four seas.” The state was named after the reigning dynasty, the name of which was chosen after some ancient kingdom chosen as a model (Tang - in honor of the inheritance of the mythical wise ruler Yao, Song - in honor of one of the most cultural kingdoms), or with a special meaning: Yuan - Main, Min - Light, Qing - Pure. If we were talking about China as a country, in contrast to all other countries and regardless of who reigns, then they said: Zhongguo - Middle Country, Zhonghua - Middle Blooming, Huaxia - Blooming Xia (one of the oldest dynasties). The Chinese call themselves Zhongguoren - people of the Middle State, or Hanren - Han people, after the most famous dynasty of antiquity.
The Celestial Empire (Chinese 天下, Pal. tianxia) is a Chinese term that was used to designate the territory over which the power of the Chinese emperor extended.

Since the time of Dong Zhongshu, the emperor was considered in Confucian ideology as the representative of heaven on Earth. According to the Confucian worldview, the entire celestial world was considered the territory under his control. The main sanctuary of the imperial capital was called the Temple of Heaven.

Similar ideas about the local monarch as the ruler of "all that is under heaven" existed in Japan, as well as during some periods of history in Korea and Vietnam, since the proximity of strong Chinese states made it possible to control these countries sporadically, asserting at least the symbolic supremacy of the Chinese emperors .

China(中国, pinyin Zhongguo, pal. Zhongguo, « central state", "middle state") - a cultural region and ancient civilization East Asia.

China is one of the most ancient civilizations, which has absorbed a large number of states and cultures over the course of 6 thousand years. After the end of World War II Civil War in China led to the actual division of this region into two states, which continue to use the word “China” in their name. These are the People's Republic of China (PRC), which occupies the territory of mainland China, and the Republic of China, which controls the island of Taiwan and its adjacent islands.

Zhongguo (中國/中国) is the self-name of China. The first hieroglyph " zhong" (中) means "center" or "middle". Second sign " th" (國 or 国) is interpreted as "country" or "state". Since the 19th century, this name for China has been translated as “Middle State” or “Middle Empire”. However, this translation is not entirely correct, since the word “ zhongguo"has long designated the center of the Celestial Empire - the state of the Chinese emperor, that is, China itself. Accordingly, the exact translation is "Central Country" or "Central State".

At the beginning of the 20th century, the term "Zhongguo" was first used in the name of the state of the Republic of China (中華民國, "People's State of Zhongguo"). Since 1949 Chinese People's Republic(中华人民共和国) also included this word in its official name.

Latin name for China China", which migrated into many European languages, probably comes from the name of the Chinese Qin dynasty (221 - 206 BC). Most likely, the Chinese merchants who traded on the Silk Road and traveled to the Roman Empire called themselves Qin. This title " Qin" was written down by the Romans as " Cina", which over time turned into " China».

"China" and "Katay"
Word " China" comes from the name " Katay", which, in turn, arose from the name of a non-Chinese, but a proto-Mongolian group of nomadic tribes from Manchuria - the Khitans (Chinese). In 907, they captured Northern China and founded their Liao dynasty. Their place in the XII-XIII centuries was taken by other nomads - the Jurchens and Mongols, but the ethnonym of their predecessors was fixed as a toponym of Northern China. Thanks to European merchants, in particular Marco Polo, this name is in the form " Katay» (« Cathay") fell into the medieval Western Europe, displacing the Latin " China" From here it passed into most Slavic languages, where it became “China”. In the West " Katay"occasionally used as a poetic title" China».

Based on materials from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Piebald Horde. History of "ancient" China. Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

9.9. About the name "China". Why is modern China called China in Russian?

Probably, the name CHINA is closely related to the word SCYTHIA or SKITIA ( F-T transition due to the double reading of fita). No wonder it still exists in Moscow ancient name CHINA TOWN. This is what our ancestors called the second belt of military fortifications around the Moscow Kremlin. Kitai-Gorod existed in Moscow until the 20th century. Its powerful walls were dismantled only at the beginning of this century, after 1917.

ON THE. Morozov rightly noted that the name CHINA ITSELF was preserved ONLY IN RUSSIA, in Moscow. Of course, today we also call modern China “China,” but NOBODY CALLS it that except us. And the Chinese themselves DO NOT call themselves that. And in Russian, East Asian China began to be called “China” only after the 17th century. In the “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th–17th centuries” the word CHINA as the name of the state is NOT present at all. Until the 18th century, the state of China in Rus' was called not “China”, but “THE KINGDOM OF BOGDOY”. The Chinese emperor was called BOGDIKHAN, and the Chinese were called “MANZY”.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron - a source of the 19th century - reports:

"The Great Empire of the Eastern and central Asia known among its inhabitants under names that HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH EUROPEAN (CHINA, China, Chine) names. In official acts, it is usually named according to the nickname of the reigning dynasty (with the addition of the word dai - great; for example, under the current dynasty - Dai-ching-go...); then used whole line literary and poetic names: Tian-xia (Celestial Empire), Si-hai (“4 seas” is an echo of the ANCIENT CONCEPT that China is surrounded on ALL SIDES (! - Author) seas), Zhong-hua-guo (Middle Flowering State), Zhong-yuan (Middle Plain), etc. In conversation, the name Zhong-guo (Middle State) is usually used. The inhabitants of China call themselves ZHUN-GUO-ZHEN (people of the Middle State) or HAN-ZHEN (Han people...), and the inhabitants of southern China, unlike the northern ones, are also called MAN-TZU... Russian name China COMES FROM THE NAME OF THE KHIDAN DYNASTY”, article “China”.

It is extremely interesting that according to the ideas of the ancient Chinese, China was surrounded by seas FROM ALL SIDES. And, as we now understand, this is correct. Because the " Ancient China"- this is in fact the Great Russian Medieval Empire, the chronicles of which were brought to China by the Manjurs and subsequently formed the basis of the supposedly purely local ancient Chinese history. And the Great Empire was truly surrounded by seas on ALL SIDES. Because it occupied ALL EURASIA. But it cannot be said about modern China that it is surrounded by seas FROM ALL SIDES. This is simply not true.

As for another Chinese name for China - “MIDDLE EMPIRE” - it also suits modern China very poorly. Take a look at the map. What is modern China in the middle of? It is located not in the middle, but AT THE VERY EDGE of the Eurasian continent, in its southeastern corner. On the other hand, from medieval EUROPEAN geography we know that the CITY OF JERUSALEM used to be placed IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WORLD. The first maps were drawn like this - a circle with Jerusalem in the center. See our research on vintage geographical maps in the previous book of this series “Caliph Ivan”, chapter 5. But Jerusalem, also known as Troy, as we know, was located on the Bosporus and was the capital of the ancient Roman kingdom, which collapsed in 1204, see our books “Forgotten Jerusalem” and “Beginning Horde Rus'". Therefore, most likely, the “original Chinese” name “Middle Empire” is indeed a VERY OLD name. But not local Chinese, but brought to China on the pages of European chronicles. The Chinese removed it from there, took it for themselves and carefully preserved it.

In old European and Chinese documents, the KARA-CHINESE state pops up from time to time, it is also the state of Prester John. According to our reconstruction, this is - Ancient Rus', which in the 14th century AD. e. expanded sharply due to victorious wars of conquest and turned into the Great = “Mongol” Empire. Moreover, it was called “Mongolia” by a foreigner, from the Greek “megalion”, great. The Russians themselves called their state the Russian kingdom or simply GREAT RUSSIA. A trace of this name remains to this day in the words Velikorossiya and Great Russians.

The Great Russian Medieval Empire had many names. Both internal and external. On different languages she was called by different names. Among them was apparently the name SCYTHIA or “CHINA”. These are just two different pronunciations of the same word. Maybe it was the name of only one of the parts Great Empire.

That is why Moscow still retains the old name KITAI-Gorod.

In general, CHINA IS AN OLD RUSSIAN WORD. Today it is no longer used, but until the 17th century it was common in our language.

According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th–17th centuries, the word KITA means something braided, tied in a bun, in a braid, p. 141. In particular, KITA meant a braid, a tourniquet, a SULTAN OF FEATHERS. A 17th-century author writes: “The caps [the Janissaries] had WHALES,” p. 141. THUS, KITA MEANED A PART OF WARRIOR EQUIPMENT. The word KITA - with the same meaning - exists in other Slavic languages, for example, in Polish as KITA, p. 141.

Let us note that the word KITA subsequently meant part of military uniforms, for example, Russian. HUSSARS wore WHALES - high plumes on their caps. The name “sultan”, which is familiar today, is a later name for the whale, which back in the 17th century was called in the old way - WHALES. What can be seen, for example, from the following words of a source of the second half of the 17th century: “The horse is riding, the saddle on it is HUSAR... the chaprak is sewn with gold, WHILE, the same feather,” p. 141. Here, when describing military equipment, “a whale from the same feather” is mentioned, in particular.

Even on the modern monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky in Kyiv you can see KITU - a plume of feathers on a TURBAN. The tall sultan-KITU on a turban was worn by Turkish warriors, for example, the famous Janissaries.

From the book Empire - I [with illustrations] author

4. 2. 8. About the name China The traditional dating of these supposedly Chinese events that were now discussed is approximately 1130 AD. But taking into account the century shift already discussed above, they fall into the middle of the 13th century AD. This is the correct dating. At this time, Byzantium

From the book Empire - I [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

6. 9. Why China is called China We have already said above that China is old Russian word, which was common in our language until the 17th century. China is Kitia or Skitia - a variant of the word Scythia. More on this below. The word whale also meant something woven, tied in

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

52. 1. Is it true that the country of Serov, that is, Serkland, is modern China? This is what E. A. Melnikova says about this. “Seres, Serir, Serki - sulfur, serki. The ethnonym Seres, according to most researchers, comes from the Chinese word meaning “silk,” p. 215. Either, –

From the book Empire - II [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

54. 1. Scythia was called Kitia, that is, China. China is one of the old names of Ancient Rus'. So, as we see, China is one of the old names of Ancient Rus'. From here we immediately see how the word China could have arisen, which initially meant Scythia, that is Great Rus'

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11.3.2. WHY IS BEIJING CALLED BEIJING Let's start with the fact that the modern Russian word “Beijing” very inaccurately reflects the true name of this city. At the end of the 17th century it was called PEZHIN in Russian. This can be seen, for example, from the report of the Russian embassy N. G. Spafaria in

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23.1. Is it true that the country of the Serovs, that is, Serkland, is modern China? This is what E.A. says about this. Melnikova. “Seres, Serir, Serki - sulfur, serki. The ethnonym SERES, according to most researchers, comes from the CHINESE word meaning “silk”, p. 215.Or, -

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5.3. Why Beijing is called Beijing Let's start with the fact that the modern Russian word “Beijing” very inaccurately reflects the true name of this city. At the end of the 17th century it was called PEZHIN in Russian. This can be seen, for example, from the report of the Russian embassy N.G. Spafaria to China,

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3. Why did China remain a “closed” country for so long and how did its “opening” happen? Since the establishment of the Manchu Qin dynasty in China, a policy of isolating the country began to be pursued. Contacts between the Chinese and foreigners were considered dangerous by the authorities. But huge

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Probably, the name CHINA is closely related to the word SCYTHIA or SKITIA (F-T transition due to the double reading of fita). It is not for nothing that Moscow still retains the ancient name KITAI-TOWN. This is what our ancestors called the second belt of military fortifications around the Moscow Kremlin. Kitai-Gorod existed in Moscow until the 20th century. Its powerful walls were dismantled only at the beginning of our century, after 1917.
ON THE. Morozov rightly noted that the SELF-name CHINA was preserved ONLY IN RUSSIA, in Moscow. Of course, today we also call modern "China"

China, but NOBODY CALLS it that except us. And the Chinese themselves DO NOT call themselves that. And in Russian, East Asian China began to be called “China” only after the 17th century _ In the “Dictionary of the Russian Language XI-

  1. centuries” the word CHINA as the name of the state is ABSOLUTELY ABSENT. Until the 18th century, the state of China in Rus' was called not “China”, but “THE KINGDOM OF BOGDOY”. The Chinese emperor was called BOGDIKHAN. and the Chinese - “MANZA”.
The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron - a source of the 19th century - reports:
“The great empire of eastern and central Asia is known among its inhabitants under names that HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH THE EUUPEAN (CHINA, China, Chine). In official acts, it is usually named according to the nickname of the reigning dynasty (with the addition of the word dai - great; for example, under the current dynasty - Dai-ching-go...); then a number of literary and poetic names are used: Tian-xia (Celestial Empire), Si-hai (“4 seas” is an echo of the ANCIENT CONCEPT that China is surrounded on ALL SIDES (! - Author) by seas), Zhong-hua-guo (Middle flourishing state), Zhong-yuan (Middle Plain), etc. In conversation they usually use the name Zhong-guo (Middle State) ... The inhabitants of China call themselves ZHUN-GUO-ZHENB (people of the Middle State) or HANB-ZHENB (Han people...), and the inhabitants of southern China, unlike the northern ones, are also called MAN-ZI... The Russian name of China COMES FROM THE NAME OF THE KITAN DYNASTY,” article “China”.
It is extremely interesting that according to the ideas of the ancient Chinese, China was surrounded by seas FROM ALL SIDES. And, as we now understand, this is correct. Since “ancient China” is actually the Great Russian Medieval Empire, the chronicles of which were brought to China by the Manchus and subsequently formed the basis of the supposed
purely local ancient Chinese history. And the Great Empire was truly SURROUNDED BY SEAS OF CD ON ALL SIDES. Because it occupied ALL EURASIA. But it cannot be said about modern China that it is surrounded by seas FROM ALL SIDES. This is simply not true.
As for another Chinese name for China - “MIDDLE EMPIRE” - it also suits modern China very poorly. Take a look at the map. What is modern China in the middle of? It is located not in the middle, but AT THE VERY EDGE of the Eurasian continent, in its southeastern corner. On the other hand, from medieval EUROPEAN geography we know that the CITY OF JERUSALEM used to be placed IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WORLD. The first maps were drawn like this - a circle with Jerusalem in the center. See our study of ancient geographical maps in the previous book of this series, “Caliph Ivan,” chapter 5. But Jerusalem, also known as Troy, as we know, was located on the Bosphorus and was the capital of the ancient Roman kingdom, which collapsed in 1204, see our books “Forgotten Jerusalem” and “The Beginning of Horde Rus'”. Therefore, most likely, the “original Chinese” name “Middle Empire” is indeed a VERY OLD name. But not local Chinese, but brought to China on the pages of European chronicles. The Chinese removed it from there, took it for themselves and carefully preserved it.
In old European and Chinese documents, the KARA-CHINESE state, also known as the state of Prester John, comes up from time to time. According to our reconstruction, this is Ancient Rus', which in the 14th century AD. expanded sharply due to victorious wars of conquest and turned into the Great = “Mongol” Empire. Moreover, it was called “Mongolia” by a foreigner, from the Greek “megalion”, great. The Russians themselves called their state the Russian kingdom or simply GREAT RUSSIA. A trace of this name remains to this day in the words Velikorossiya and Great Russians.

The Great Russian Medieval Empire had many names. Both internal and external. It was called differently in different languages. Among them was apparently the name SCYTHIA or “CHINA”. These are just two different pronunciations of the same word. Perhaps this was the name of only one part of the Great Empire.
That is why Moscow still retains the old name CHINA-City,
In general, CHINA IS AN OLD RUSSIAN WORD. Today it is not used in English, but until the 17th century it was common in our language.
According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th-17th centuries, the word KITA means something braided, tied into a bun, into a braid, p. 141. In particular, KITA meant a braid, a tourniquet, a SULTAN OF FEATHERS. A 17th-century author writes: “The caps [the Janissaries] had WHALES,” p. 141. Thus, KITA MEANED PART OF WARRIOR EQUIPMENT. The word KITA - with the same meaning - exists in other Slavic languages, for example, in Polish as KITA, p. 141.
Let us note that the word KITA subsequently meant part of military uniforms, for example, Russian. HUSSARS wore WHALES - high plumes on their caps. The common name today is “sultan” - a later name for the whale, which back in the 17th century was called in the old way - WHALES. What can be seen, for example, from the following words of a source of the second half of the 17th century: “The horse is riding, the saddle on it is HUSAR... the chaprak is sewn with gold, WHILE, the same feather”, p. 141. Here, when describing military equipment, “a whale from the same feather” is mentioned, in particular.
Even on the modern monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky in Kyiv you can see KITU - a plume of feathers on a TURBAN. The tall sultan-KITU on a turban was worn by Turkish warriors, for example, the famous Janissaries.