Purpose of radon baths. Special radon baths: indications and contraindications for them. What are the benefits and harms of using radon?

A radon bath is an effective means of combating a huge range of diseases. In essence, this is an ordinary bath filled with radon water.

Despite the apparent harmlessness of this procedure, it should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Before prescribing a course of treatment with radon baths, the doctor will conduct an examination to identify serious problems with health in order to eliminate contraindications for taking such baths.

People noted that after swimming in some waters, many diseases disappeared from them even before the discovery of such a phenomenon as radioactivity of waters and gases natural sources with mineral water.

Thus, the Russian nobility preferred to improve their health in the imperial baths of Baden-Baden. And as it turned out, not in vain, because in 1904, a local resident and part-time local pharmacist O. Ressler, together with the physicist H.F. Gaitel discovered that those waters “are radioactive.” Another popular resort was Bad Kreuznach in Germany, which became popular precisely due to the discovery of radon adits.

The emergence of a full-fledged radon resort is associated with the names of Pierre and Marie Curie, who in 1903 experimented with uranium ore in the Czech town of Jáchymov. Later, in 1911, a resort was created here, where the sick were treated with radon baths created naturally.

It is noteworthy that the radioactivity of water is precisely explained by the presence of dissolved radon in the water. Radon is a gas that is inert when it decays or reacts with other substances.


Radon bath of natural origin

According to the degree of radioactivity of water, it is customary to distinguish three types radon baths:

  1. Low concentration (from 1 to 10 nCi/l).
  2. Medium concentration (from 50 nCi/l).
  3. Strong concentration (from 120 to 200 nCi/l).

From the point of view of origin, radon baths are divided into:

  1. Baths of natural origin- mineral water comes from natural radon springs, it is thermal, and there is no need to additionally heat it.
  2. Baths of artificial origin- poured into the bath plain water, desalinated and undergone additional purification, which is artificially saturated with radium.

Natural radon water is much more effective than artificially saturated water, since natural radon water contains 90% nitrogen from the point of view of the gas spectrum, and from the point of view mineral composition– almost all elements periodic table Mendeleev plus increased silicon content. However, water artificially saturated with radon is no less effective.

Radon water has a complex effect on the cells of the body, so radon baths effectively fight various diseases, activating the internal reserves of the body and healing it. In addition, radon water has a positive effect on everything internal organs, providing a number of positive effects on the body as a whole.

Properties of radon baths

Radon-saturated water has, in particular, the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • relaxing;
  • vasodilator;
  • helps improve the functioning of all body systems;
  • launches regenerative processes in the body;
  • increases the efficiency of metabolic, metabolic and other processes and reactions in the body;

At the same time, radon baths are usually prescribed in combination with various procedures, for example, massage, ozokerite treatment and some others.

Indications for use

Due to the effects of radon, the pain threshold does not exceed the minimum permissible values, general state The patient’s health stabilizes, improving as the procedures are taken.

Radon is indicated for:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases (IHD, vegetative-vascular dystonia).
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (cerebral palsy and motor dysfunction, including muscle atrophy, arthritis, myositis) and the consequences of various injuries.
  3. Allergic and contact dermatitis and skin and venereal diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis).
  4. Dysfunctions endocrine system(diabetes mellitus type 2).
  5. Diseases digestive system and gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers, enterocolitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis, dyskinesia of the biliary tract and ducts).
  6. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (endometriosis, prostatitis, uterine fibroids).
  7. Ovarian dysfunctions, which lead to hormonal imbalances.
  8. Disorders of metabolic processes and metabolism.

Radon therapy and blood vessels

Taking radon baths has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them, making them stronger and more elastic.

In addition, radon also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which normalizes blood circulation and, as a result, blood pressure, normalizes heart rate, and reduces the likelihood of coronary heart disease by strengthening the heart muscle.

Radon therapy and the nervous system

Radon has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, enhancing the course of reactions that depress the central nervous system. Effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, neuralgia and neuroses, autonomic dysfunction.

In addition, radon has an analgesic and calming effect, reduces the level of uric acid and cholesterol in the blood. In this regard, radon baths are prescribed to patients suffering from gout and joint pain.

Radon therapy and weight loss

Radon is also effective in the fight against excess weight. It should be noted that such a procedure for the purpose of body correction must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. In addition, to achieve a noticeable effect, a minimum of 10–15 procedures should be performed.

Correction of eating behavior under the supervision of a nutritionist and therapist is also necessary. The advantage of this procedure in the fight against extra pounds is the almost complete absence of debilitating physical activity and diets with a significant reduction in subcutaneous fat and improvement in the condition of the skin.

Plus, the effect of taking radon lasts from 3 to 6 months after treatment.

Treatment method

Despite all the usefulness of radon baths, this is, first of all, a procedure medical purposes, therefore it has a number of contraindications.

There are several methods for using radon therapy in medical practice, in particular:

  1. Baths and irrigation.
  2. Taking radon waters orally with drinking or in the form of microenemas (for gynecological diseases and gastrointestinal diseases).
  3. Air baths (with skin diseases and respiratory diseases) and applications.
  4. Treatment with oils enriched with radon (for skin diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system), and inhalation.

There are several types of mechanisms by which radon affects the cells of the human body.

Before performing irrigation with water saturated with radon ions, consult an otolaryngologist, as this procedure is contraindicated or can be used with some restrictions when bronchial asthma and some other lung diseases.

There are two mechanisms of radon exposure:

  1. Nervous reflex - through the effect of radon on nerve endings.
  2. Humoral effects on blood and lymph.

Before deciding to start radon treatment, you should carefully analyze your health status, and begin treatment only if there are no diseases that do not allow such treatment.

General contraindications to the use of radon therapy:

  • malignant tumors and neoplasms;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • tendency to dynamic circulatory disorders or insufficiency;
  • recent myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • severe forms of hypertension;
  • varicose veins or thrombophlebitis;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • fungal skin diseases.

Special attention should be paid to the use of radon therapy during pregnancy.

Radon therapy during pregnancy

Radon therapy during pregnancy strictly contraindicated, since radon exposure can lead to pathologies in the development of the fetus, miscarriage or death of the fetus inside the womb.

However, radon therapy is indicated as effective remedy fight against infertility.

How to prepare for the procedures?

To achieve the maximum effect from taking radon baths, baths should be taken according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

The doctor usually prescribes 10–15 procedures. In case of severe tolerance to radon, the course of treatment is reduced to 8–12 baths. The duration of the first procedure is up to 5 minutes, then the procedure time gradually increases to 15 minutes. Baths are taken at intervals of 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient’s well-being.

The temperature of the water in the bath should not be higher than body temperature, that is, from 34 to 37 degrees. Under no circumstances should you plunge your head into water. Acceptable level water - up to the chest.

At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to let the skin dry.

Advice: Lightly pat your skin dry after the bath, then wrap yourself in a towel. The towel should be large enough so as not to restrict movement.

After taking a bath, it is recommended to rest for 30–40 minutes. You should not take a shower for an hour, but rather two and a half hours, since radon, along with all its derivatives, is completely eliminated from the body after an average of two and a half hours.

Radon baths can help cure whole line diseases. The radon baths used are based on radon gas.

It is colorless and odorless and is included among the radioactive substances that can cause harm to health. But at the same time he actively fights many diseases. You should take medicinal baths only as prescribed by a doctor.

What are the benefits of radon baths for women?

The benefits of radon baths for women are extremely great. Getting through the lungs and skin, Chemical substance capable of the following:

1. Radon baths normalize the immune system, the patient relaxes. As a result, pain is reduced and sleep improves.

2. Similar procedures treat joints and lungs. Therefore, baths are extremely often prescribed to patients suffering from respiratory failure. The procedures are also indicated for elderly people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

3. Therapy with radon baths helps reduce body weight. This can be done completely painlessly. There is no need to go on diets and torture yourself with fasting or excessive physical activity.

4. With the help of radon baths it is possible to solve problems with menopause. They are useful in the treatment of various gynecological pathologies. When undergoing a course of treatment using radon baths, you can get rid of adhesive uterine processes, infertility, and ailments in the ovarian area.

5. The substance can help normalize blood pressure. Immunity improves.

6. Baths promote rapid healing of wounds, injuries and various eczemas. All skin ailments can be effectively cured.

7. It is possible to reduce pain associated with cerebral palsy.

It is very important to carry out therapy only under the supervision of a qualified specialist. To obtain lasting high results, you need to complete the whole course. It can consist of 10, 15, 20 sessions.

If there is fibroids, physiotherapeutic procedures are prohibited. But radon therapy comes to the rescue in this case.

The benefits of radon baths for women in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Taking healing baths is very often used to cure many gynecological diseases. This is an effective way to eliminate pathologies in the pelvic organs. Effectiveness in treatment is noted:

· uterine fibroids;

· female infertility;

· endometriosis;

· premenopausal and menopausal disorders.

For fibroids, baths can be either artificial or natural. Natural sources contain radon, which is naturally occurring. The use of waters that have a low concentration of the chemical element is provided.

Other baths are obtained by diluting a concentrated aqueous solution of this element. It is important to follow all safety rules and dilute the solution using a special method, since it is characterized by high radioactivity. When curing fibroids, the bath should be no more than 35 degrees.

Such baths are prescribed for this diagnosis strictly individually. The location is determined by the size, growth rate, age of the patient, location of the nodules and the severity of all symptoms. The session lasts about 10 minutes.

Treatment of fibroids should be carried out with a course once a year. Maximum effectiveness is observed during the first six months. Afterwards the effect begins to gradually decrease.

The benefits of radon baths for other diagnoses

During menopause, radon baths are characterized by a sedative effect on the central nervous system. They can make sleep deeper, eliminate pain and anxiety.

For endometriosis, baths have an anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and analgesic effect. The coagulation system is normalized. Thanks to this, blood loss is reduced. The composition of the blood is also restored.

The benefits of radon baths are also noticed in cases of infertility. They have a good effect on the reproductive system. This is due to the products that appear during decay.

Cure of infertility is possible in the case of endocrine pathologies. It can be:

· endometriosis;

· ovarian cysts and others.

Diseases that are inflammatory in nature are also curable. These include:

· endometritis;

· chronic salpingoophoritis;

· endocervicitis.

Harm of radon baths for women

The procedures for taking radon baths in themselves do not cause harm to women. If the patient initially has some problems, then undesirable consequences may occur. The harm from treatment can be colossal. Negative consequences are as follows:

1. Provoking seizures in epileptics. This disease is the main contraindication to taking baths.

2. If there is damage to the dermis, the skin will be even more irritated. Do not perform the procedure with open injuries.

3. Such therapy may cause the growth of malignant tumors. If there is a small formation, it is prohibited to take baths. Initially, you need to contact a specialist.

4. Harm is possible when the patient suffers from leukemia or angina pectoris. These diseases are a contraindication to taking baths.

Before conducting sessions, it is important to consult with a specialist.

Also contraindications are:

· pregnancy;

· some gynecological diseases;

· a period of less than a year after a heart attack;

· all stages of radiation sickness;

· decreased thyroid function.

The healing effect depends on the correctness of the bath. Only in this case can a radon bath not cause harm to a woman. The rules are:

1. The procedure must not be performed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is recommended to wait about half an hour after eating food.

2. The procedure can last from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the disease and its severity. Only the attending physician can determine the duration. You should start with just 5 minutes and only gradually increase the time taken.

3. You should immerse yourself in the bath up to your chest, at nipple level. If cardiac disorders are observed, then the bath is taken sitz. The water level should only reach the navel.

4. It is prohibited to dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath. You just need to gently wet yourself with a napkin. After the session, do not wash for about 2 hours. It is important not to wash away the healing ions.

5. Typically, treatment courses consist of 10-15 procedures. Each session should be carried out every other day or two. Since the therapeutic effect is observed for about six months, the course must be repeated after six months to a year.

If you follow all the rules of administration and contraindications, there will be no harm to women from radon baths. It is recommended to take such baths in specialized sanatoriums under the supervision of specialists. But you need to remember that radon is still a radioactive element, so you should not get carried away with such procedures.

Radon baths are new effective method fight against many diseases. But you should not self-medicate and prescribe courses of therapy yourself.

Most people know radon as inert gas colorless and odorless. In addition, it belongs to the group of radioactive substances, which means that the substance is not safe for human health. However, low concentrations of radon can be used for treatment, but only if the therapy has been prescribed by a doctor.

The benefits and harms of using radon

As soon as the element was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century, it immediately aroused interest from scientists in various fields. Its effect on the body has been studied repeatedly, therefore, doctors were able to select the most optimal doses of the substance, the benefits of which are maximum and the harm is minimal.

Already in 1920 it was known that radon was very effective in treating many diseases that were difficult to treat by others, quite effective methods. These are immune diseases, varicose veins, problems with the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Another benefit of radon for humans is that it can have a calming, relaxing effect and help get rid of extra pounds. An equally important positive effect of radon is the removal of pain, including women’s, during menopause.

You might think that this is universal remedy against all diseases, however, it can also cause harm. As it turned out, this “useful” gas, if used frequently and in excess of the dose, can contribute to the development of lung cancer. Once in the body, radon begins to decompose and settle in the lungs, thereby irradiating them with various types of radiation.

In addition, harm from radon radiation can be obtained not only during therapy, but also in the process of working with building materials, or will be irradiated in natural conditions, if a residential building is built in a risk zone.

Radon treatment methods

Today, quite a lot of radon treatment methods are used in medicine, however, the most popular among them are radon baths. This procedure allows you to fully influence the body and fight several diseases at once. The benefits of such baths are undeniable. As a rule, doctors prescribe a whole course, which is complemented by other procedures, such as mud therapy, massage and much more. As a rule, the number of procedures ranges from 12 to 15, depending on the type and nature of the disease. The bath temperature is about 36 degrees, the duration is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Such procedures are prescribed to people who have problems with blood pressure, since other methods can harm the cardiovascular system. Elderly people with joint pain can easily use radon baths for treatment and not worry about the fact that they will also have to treat their blood pressure later. Radon therapy is an excellent alternative to drug treatment.

In addition to radon baths, other treatment methods are known, the benefits of which are also very great. This:

  • drinking cure used to combat diseases of the digestive system and “female” diseases;
  • air baths for the treatment of the respiratory tract;
  • radon-enriched oils used to treat the musculoskeletal system;
  • Radon boxes are a unique method of treatment, usually used in resorts. This therapy can only be prescribed to persons over 18 years of age under the close supervision of a physician.

Regardless of the variety of methods, radon baths are the most common and effective.

Types of radon baths

To carry out radon baths, specialists use water from natural radon sources, or ordinary fresh water, which is artificially saturated with the element. These two types of procedures have equally positive effects on the human body.

Baths of natural origin include mineral waters that contain short-lived radon substances. It's about about radon and its derivatives, decay products of the element. That is why this type of procedure is also called alpha therapy. Natural radon waters contain a small amount of minerals and a complex gas composition, which practically do not harm the body, and their benefits are maximum.

Depending on the concentration of radon in water, the following types of baths are distinguished:

  • weakly concentrated, containing from 5 to 40 nCi/l (0.2-1.5 kBq/l) radon;
  • moderately concentrated - from 40 to 200 nCi/l (1.5-7.5 kBq/l) radon;
  • baths with high radon concentrations - above 200 nCi/l (>7.5 kBq/l).

The first type of bath is the most common. Large concentrations of radon in water are usually prescribed in other procedures, for example, radon drinking.

Efficiency of radon baths

These procedures are different high efficiency and are used to treat the following diseases:

  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • neurological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and hormonal disorders;
  • prostatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with excess weight;
  • senile diseases.

In addition, radon has a calming effect, can be used as a pain reliever and helps normalize blood pressure. No less important is the positive effect of radon on the nervous and muscular systems.

Contraindications to the use of radon baths

Radon baths are much more beneficial for the body than mud baths. They are much easier to tolerate and more effective. However, it is better to consult a doctor before starting procedures.

  • blood diseases, including leukemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases;
  • the presence of tumors, both malignant and benign.

It is also worth remembering that although radon is useful, it is still a radioactive element, therefore, women should not get carried away with radon baths.
As you can see, radon baths are a new and quite effective way to combat various types of diseases. With their help, you can normalize blood pressure, treat problems of the reproductive system in both men and women, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and cope with many other problems. However, like any other procedure, they must be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor and in compliance with rules and regulations. You should not treat yourself with radon baths.

Video about the benefits and harms of radon baths:

Radon baths is a therapeutic method that is based on the use of radioactive water enriched with radon-222 (an inert gas whose decay is accompanied by α-radiation). Radon mineral waters are also used for rinsing, inhalation, intestinal lavage, vaginal and rectal irrigation, and local applications.

Currently, there are about 300 natural sources of radon mineral waters in the world. The most popular European radon resorts are:

  • Ischia (Italy);
  • Jachymov (Czech Republic);
  • Baden-Baden (Germany);
  • Lendek Zdroj (Poland);
  • Baile Felix (Romania).

There are about 30 radon resorts in Russia, of which the following are popular:

  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Uvildy;
  • Belokurikha;
  • Liski;
  • Kuldur;
  • Yangan-Tau.
Effect of radon baths

Treatment with radon baths is carried out in a course of 10-15 procedures (baths) daily or every other day (the duration of the procedure is 12-15 minutes). Radon baths promote the following:

  • acceleration of healing and resorption processes in the skin, muscle and bone tissue, nerve fibers;
  • improvement of cardiac activity;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • relief of pain syndromes;
  • vasodilation;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • sedative effect, etc.

Indications for the use of radon baths

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (coronary heart disease, mitral heart defects, atherosclerosis (initial phenomena), hypertension (stages I and II), varicose veins, obliterating atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, etc.);
  • inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, polyarthritis, osteomyelitis, osteitis, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, bone fractures with delayed consolidation, etc.);
  • chronic diseases digestive system, kidneys and lungs;
  • dermatological lesions (scleroderma, psoriasis, lichen planus, seborrhea);
  • chronic gynecological diseases with hormonally dependent neoplasms (endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovaries);
  • long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers, keloid scars;
  • diseases and injuries of the peripheral and central nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis, neurasthenia, insomnia, etc.);
  • diabetes;
  • diffuse toxic goiter I - III degree;
  • obesity II and III degrees, etc.

Contraindications to treatment with radon baths

Radon baths can only be prescribed by the attending physician, provided that the resulting beneficial effect will be significantly greater than the damage from the effects of α-radiation on the body. At the same time, measures to limit the doses of radiation received must be strictly observed. Due to the fact that there are no fewer contraindications to radon baths than indications, and various side effects, before the treatment course it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body. Women are also recommended to visit a mammologist before starting treatment.

Radon baths have been widely used as part of spa treatment for several decades. The procedure is recommended for diseases various systems, it is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Radon penetrates into all tissues and organs, as a result, important processes in the body are activated and the functioning of various organs is stabilized.

The radon bath procedure, like all techniques, has contraindications. It is prohibited during pregnancy, childhood and old age, as well as in the presence of certain diseases. Therapeutic radon baths are recommended as part of complex therapy; it is important to maintain a correct lifestyle and adhere to a certain diet.

Radon baths - what are they?

Radon is a rare, colorless and tasteless gas that has the property of glowing in the dark. Its amount in the atmosphere and water is insignificant. The element is formed during the decay of radium; the use of radiation as a therapeutic agent began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Radon baths have become widespread in European and Russian resorts.

Russian sanatoriums use natural and artificial radon baths. The first are built on springs or use water from underground wells. In artificial sources, gas is diluted in required proportions, although 100% recreation of the composition mineral water impossible. Opponents of the method talk about the dangers of radiation, citing the Chernobyl disaster as an example.

It is worth noting that over the century of its existence, the technique has been thoroughly studied and its safety for the body has been established. During the procedure, the body receives negligible radiation, which is a thousand times less permissible norm. Today, radon baths are used as an additional treatment for a variety of diseases. Reaction to procedures different people is different. Some people immediately notice the effect of it, for others the technique is useless, in any case, a doctor’s prescription is required to carry it out.

Features of the event

The number of sessions depends on the disease; therapy is often supplemented with mud baths and massage. The duration of treatment is 12-15 sessions, depending on the type and course of the disease.

Water at a temperature of 36 degrees is poured into the bath; the session lasts 10-20 minutes. When cooking artificial baths a concentrated gas solution is used; adherence to the procedure is mandatory. 200 liters of water are poured into the bath, 100 ml of radon is added.

The gas penetrates through the skin into the deep layers of the dermis, permeates all tissues and organs, as a result, metabolic processes are accelerated, inflammation is reduced, and the structure of the dermis is improved. Types of radon baths:

  • low-concentrated - 5-40 nCi/l;
  • medium concentrated - 40-200 nCi/l;
  • highly enriched - from 200 nCi/l.

When using baths, the first type of bath is most often prescribed, water with increased concentration radon is used for drinking.

Order of conduct

During the procedure, the body must be completely submerged under water, the head remains on the surface. In case of cardiovascular pathologies, water should reach the level of the navel, the effect of radon spreads to the upper layers of the skin, after which the gas penetrates the circulatory system. An invisible layer of film forms on the surface of the skin; the patient should be in a relaxed state and not make sudden movements.

Important: during the procedure the patient must be in good mood, smoking and alcohol are contraindicated.

Mechanism of action

When radon is dissolved in water, alpha particles are released, which settle on the surface of the skin in the form of plaque, and the process of ionization of molecules occurs. Due to complex biochemical reactions, antioxidant processes are activated, resulting in skin restoration cellular level, immunity increases.


Radon baths are often used to reduce pain, resulting in improved well-being and normalized sleep. The pain disappears after the first session. The radon bath procedure activates metabolic processes, resulting in weight loss. It is very important to follow all doctor's recommendations. The positive effect lasts for six months.

Treatment with radon baths is most often carried out in sanatorium conditions, where the patient is under the supervision of specialists, so the effect is noticeable almost immediately.

The state of the body is influenced by the most various factors: environmental situation, lifestyle, working conditions, adherence to sleep and rest schedules, physical activity. The effect of any therapy can be reduced due to non-compliance with medical recommendations, therefore, when treating various diseases, it is very important to monitor nutrition, adhere to a diet, and exclude unhealthy foods from the diet, including sugar and baked goods.

The action of the method must be directed; radon baths are prescribed if there are the following indications:

  • weakened immune system;
  • skin diseases, inflammatory processes, keloid scars, wounds - the procedure accelerates recovery processes;
  • diseases of the respiratory system: rhinitis, asthma, lung diseases;
  • diseases of bone and joint tissues: arthritis, fractures, etc.;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, neurasthenia, neuralgia, neuritis;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • endocrine system disorders - diabetes mellitus, excess weight - the procedure shows an effect when combined with physical exercise;
  • chronic inflammation of the genitourinary organs (prostatitis in men).

Women's diseases

Radon baths are often prescribed for the following gynecological diseases: endometriosis; polycystic ovarian lesions; fibroids.


Before carrying out radon baths, it is necessary to carry out the following preparation:

  • quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • pre-emptying Bladder and intestines;
  • exclusion of emotional and physical stress;
  • refusal to eat and drink.

Important: it is worth noting that radon baths are not a panacea for all diseases; the radioactive properties of the gas are preserved, so caution should be used when carrying out the procedure.

Dry radon baths

The condition of some patients does not allow them to dive under water; excess weight or various diseases may serve as obstacles. A dry method was developed especially for such cases, during which the body is placed in a special capsule. Radon-enriched air enters it, and the head is also located outside. The effect of dry radon baths is the same, although sometimes it can be somewhat weakened.

Benefits and harms

After penetration into the body, water has a positive effect on all systems; the effect is achieved by activating blood circulation. A small amount of radon is quickly eliminated from the body (within 2 hours), harmful effects in this case are practically excluded.

Therapeutic radon baths have the following effect:

  • normalization of heart rate, blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels, strengthening of capillary walls, prevention of varicose veins and the occurrence of spider veins;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system, calming effect;
  • improvement of blood clotting;
  • regulation of metabolic processes, reducing the content of free lipids in the blood, reducing cholesterol levels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the functioning of the adrenal glands and the synthesis of glucocorticoids;
  • improvement of mood, psycho-emotional state;
  • calming effect, decreased excitability;
  • accelerating the recovery processes of bone and muscle tissue.

The relaxing effect of radon baths is beneficial for the male body, because men are more susceptible to stress. After their implementation, potency improves, intensifies sexual attraction, the overall tone of the body increases.

Important: the radon bath procedure is recommended only after consultation with a doctor; self-medication is contraindicated; therapy is most often prescribed in combination with other treatment methods.


In medical practice, cases have been recorded in which lung cancer developed as a result of the use of radon baths. This effect is associated with the property of accumulation of decay products of the substance, as a result of which the process of formation of cancer cells is triggered.

Important: therapy must be carried out under medical supervision, the duration of treatment is prescribed taking into account individual characteristics.


Patients are often interested beneficial features and damage from the procedure. Radon baths are contraindicated for cancer and bleeding, angina pectoris and epilepsy. Children, old age and pregnancy are also considered contraindications. If abused, side effects may occur, especially for female patients. It is very important to listen to your feelings; you should inform your doctor about any changes.

Other contraindications:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe forms of neurosis;
  • radiation sickness at all stages, leukopenia - reduced concentration of leukocytes;
  • hyperthermia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in acute stages, second degree heart failure;
  • low level estrogens;
  • unstable angina;
  • period after heart attacks, strokes;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage - in some cases the procedure can be performed;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • benign neoplasms, the stimulating effect can activate the development of tumors and aggravate the situation;
  • forced exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • intolerance to radon water;
  • ovarian hypofunction, polyps, matopathy.

These are the main contraindications that must be taken into account before deciding on the advisability of radon baths.

Sanatorium treatment in Russia

There are many sanatoriums on the territory of the Russian Federation; the Belokurikha resort in Altai is considered the oldest; it has been operating for several decades. Natural sources located on the Crimean Peninsula, in the Caucasus, in the Altai Territory, artificial ones - in the Moscow region. The springs in Pyatigorsk are diverse chemical composition.

The cost differs depending on the duration of therapy and the class of the resort. The average price of a two-week course is approximately 15 thousand rubles. Treatment with artificial sources will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, the price of the procedure starts from 200 rubles. total cost is calculated based on the number of procedures.


Therapeutic radon baths - an effective way to heal large quantity diseases. They are prescribed for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the respiratory system. The procedure helps reduce excess weight, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, shows effectiveness in treating the genitourinary system. The duration of the course depends on the specific disease; before starting it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications.

There are natural and artificial radon sources. In the second case, treatment will be much cheaper. The demand for spa treatment with radon baths has persisted for decades; the procedure is absolutely safe for health.