Scientific style. Scientific style is the style of scientific communications. Scientific style of speech

The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style functions is science. The leading position in the scientific style is occupied by monologue speech. This style has a wide variety of speech genres, among them the main ones are scientific monographs and scientific articles, dissertations, scientific and educational prose (textbooks, educational and methodological manuals), scientific and technical works (various kinds of instructions, safety regulations), annotations, abstracts, scientific reports, lectures, scientific discussions.

As well as genres of popular science literature.

One of the most important genres of the scientific style is the scientific article, which can convey information that is diverse in nature and purpose and is most often used as the main source of scientific and technical information: it is here that everything new that appears in a certain branch of science is recorded. The scientific style belongs to the book styles literary language, which are characterized by a number of general operating conditions and linguistic features: preliminary consideration of the statement, its monological nature, strict selection of linguistic means, and a tendency towards standardized speech.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the evolution of various fields of scientific knowledge and diverse spheres of human activity. At first, the style of scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration. Thus, the scientific works of Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius were distinguished by a special emotional perception of phenomena. The separation of the scientific style from the artistic one occurred in the Alexandrian period, when Greek, which spread its influence over the entire cultural world of that time, scientific terminology began to be created. Subsequently, it was replenished by Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages.

During the Renaissance, scientists strived for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contradictory to the abstract and logical representation of nature. It is known that the overly “artistic” nature of Galileo’s presentation irritated Kepler, and Descartes found that the style of Galileo’s scientific proofs was overly “fictionalized.” In the future, as a sample scientific language became a strictly logical imposition of Newton.

In Russia, a scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of a scientific style took a step forward, but the language of science finally emerged in the second half of the 19th century.

The scientific style has a number of common features that appear regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanities) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, and mathematics differ markedly in the nature of their presentation from texts on philology, philosophy, or history. The scientific style has its own varieties (substyles): popular science, scientific business, scientific and technical (production and technical), scientific journalistic, educational and scientific.

The style of scientific works is determined, ultimately, by their content and the goals of scientific communication - to explain the facts of the surrounding reality as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns historical development etc. The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, the authors’ desire for accuracy, conciseness, and unambiguous expression while maintaining the richness of the content.

The language of scientists is often said to be “dry” and devoid of elements of emotionality and imagery.

This opinion is overly generalized: often in scientific works, in particular polemical ones, emotional, expressive and figurative means of language are used, which, although being an additional technique, stand out noticeably against the background of a purely scientific presentation and give scientific prose greater persuasiveness. Let's give two examples.

The famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov wrote in one of his scientific works:

Like a calligrapher who draws complex shapes on paper with the same stroke of the pen, a skilled operator can give a cut a variety of shapes, sizes and depths with the same stroke of a knife... How soon have you brought this flap into tight contact with the bloody edges of the skin , his life changes, he, like a plant transplanted into foreign soil, receives new properties along with new nutritional juices.

He, like an alien plant, begins to live at the expense of another on which he vegetates: he, like a newly grafted branch, demands that he be cherished and carefully protected until he becomes related to the place that the surgeon assigns him for his permanent residence.

IN modern work in radiophysics the following is given figurative comparison: The power of the reflected signal during planetary radar is negligible. Imagine that a kettle of boiling water was poured into the ocean, and somewhere thousands of kilometers away a glass of water was scooped out of the sea. In theory, the poured boiling water “slightly” warmed the oceans. So, it's redundant thermal energy in a randomly scooped glass of sea water is of the same order as the energy of the received signal reflected from Venus.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their saturation with terms, in particular international ones: on average, terminological vocabulary usually accounts for 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work. Here are two examples of grammatical definitions from school textbooks:

  • - Nouns are words that denote objects and answer the questions: who is this? or what is it? - in this definition, the term is only a phrase of nouns, but its presence and the entire construction of the sentence give the text a scientific style;
  • - A verb is a part of speech that includes words denoting an action or state of an object - this sentence also has only one term (verb), but this sentence is also an example of a scientific style.

The uniqueness of the style of scientific works lies in the use of abstract vocabulary. Here is an example from an article by academician S.P. Obnorsky “Culture of the Russian language”...

The Russian language is the great language of the great Russian people. Language is an essential component of the concept of nation. It serves as the main instrument of culture, the main factor spiritual development the nation, its creativity, national identity. It is in the language that in the most complete way - and, moreover, in the understanding of the people themselves - all stages of the history of this people from the most distant times are imprinted, all the steps along which the movement of their culture was directed. Therefore, the rich past of a people, the intensive development of its culture is the key to the rich and powerful development of the language of a given people. This is precisely the Russian language. In its strength and wealth, the duration of the historical process the people went through and the intensity of the cultural development of the Russian nation throughout the entire course of its history were expressed.

This text contains many abstract nouns: factor, development, creativity, self-awareness, comprehension, movement, expression, duration, intensity, flow, etc. The words are used in their direct (nominative) meaning.

The scientific style has its own phraseology, which includes compound terms (angina pectoris, solar plexus, thyroid gland, right angle, point of intersection, inclined plane, freezing point, boiling point, voiced consonants, participial phrase, complex sentence etc.), various kinds of clichés (consists of..., consists of..., represents..., is used for..., etc.).

The language of science and technology also has a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of shorter variant forms, which corresponds to the principle of “saving” linguistic means. Thus, from the variants key - key (“the tip of a lever in various types of mechanisms”), cuff - cuff (“a ring for fastening the ends of pipes”) in the technical literature, the second, i.e., shorter, masculine forms are preferred.

In scientific works, the singular form of nouns is often used in the plural:

A wolf is a predatory animal of the dog genus (a whole class of objects is named, indicating their characteristic features);

The linden tree begins to bloom at the end of June (the specific noun is used in a collective, general sense);

The shape of the ear, nose, and eyes is studied (the word form is used instead of form, since it has the same relationship to subsequent nouns).

Real and abstract nouns are often used in the plural form:

  • - lubricating oils;
  • - high quality steel;
  • - red and white clays;
  • - great depths;
  • - low temperatures;
  • - noise in the radio receiver, annual and quarterly repairs.

When constructing sentences, the authors’ tendency to use fewer verbs and more nouns is noticeable: in scientific literature, definitions of concepts are more common, and names of actions are less common. In particular, this affects the choice of the form of the predicate: instead of a verb, a verbal-nominal construction is used, consisting of a noun with the same root as the verb and another verb that has a weakened lexical meaning:

  • - testing of a new machine is being carried out (cf.: a new machine is being tested);
  • - calculating and solving devices are used (cf.: calculating and solving devices are used);
  • - what follows is a list of signs (cf.: the signs are listed below);
  • - there is an increase in temperature (cf.: temperature rises);
  • - growth occurs (cf. grows);
  • - an increase occurs (cf. increases);
  • - make calculations (cf. calculate).

Adjectives are widely used in scientific works, clarifying concepts by indicating its various features and thereby performing a terminological function. For example, A.E. Fersman in the book “Entertaining Mineralogy” points out the many shades of green in which stones are painted: turquoise green, bottle green, bluish green, golden green, emerald green, olive green, grass green, apple green , also: pale green, dirty green, dense green, grayish green, bluish green, bright green, etc.

From syntactic features Scientific style should note the tendency towards complex constructions. Such structures provide a convenient form of expression complex system scientific concepts, establishing relationships between them, such as generic and specific concepts, cause and effect, evidence and conclusions, etc.

For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and a generalizing word: wider, generic concept is revealed with the help of narrower, specific concepts. For example, A.M. Peshkovsky, in his book “Russian Syntax in Scientific Coverage,” building his classification of phrases based on the concept of predicability, wrote:

Based on the possession or non-possession of this meaning, we will divide all phrases into:

  • 1) phrases containing a predicate, or indicating by their formal composition an omitted predicate, or, finally, consisting of one predicate; we will call all such phrases sentences;
  • 2) phrases containing two or more predicates or two or more phrases indicating by their formal composition omitted predicates or consisting of only predicates, we will call all such phrases complex wholes...;
  • 3) phrases that do not contain a predicate and are not themselves predicates.

It is quite natural that in scientific literature it is common different types complex sentences. For example, in a study on aesthetics we read:

The special and unique originality of music among other types of art is determined by the fact that, striving, like every type of art, for the broadest and most comprehensive coverage of reality and its aesthetic assessment, it does this by directly addressing the spiritual content of the world of human experiences, which it activates in its listener with extraordinary power.

In complex sentences used in scientific texts, there are often compound subordinating conjunctions characteristic of book speech in general: due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, despite the fact that, in while, meanwhile, while, while, etc. They allow us to more accurately identify the relationships between the parts of a complex sentence than simple causal, concessional, and temporary conjunctions.

To combine parts of the text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and their combinations are used that indicate this connection: therefore, in this case, first, then, in conclusion, thus, so, therefore, etc.

The means of connecting parts of the text are also introductory words and combinations: firstly, secondly, finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc., indicating the sequence of presentation.

In general, syntactic structures in scientific prose are more complex and richer in lexical material than in artistic prose. For example, in the works fiction 60s of the XIX century. (in the author's narration in the novels of I.A. Goncharov, I.S. Turgenev, N.G. Chernyshevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskov and L.N. Tolstoy) complex sentences make up 50.7 percent of the total number of sentences, i.e., half, and in scientific works of the same period (works of the chemist A.M. Butlerov, physiologist I.M. Sechenov, linguist A.A. Potebnya, literary critic A.N. Veselovsky, also “Aesthetic relations of art to reality.”

N.G. Chernyshevsky and the historical and philosophical “Epilogue” of “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy) - 73.8 percent, i.e., almost three quarters.

Moreover, the average size of a complex sentence in artistic prose is 23.9 words, and in scientific prose - 33.5 words (in simple sentences, respectively - 10.2 and 15.9 words). The average sentence size (regardless of structure) in the author's narration in the same novels is 17.2 words, in scientific research- 28.5 words. In general, a sentence of a scientific text contains approximately one and a half times more words than a sentence of a literary text.

The scientific style is realized mainly in written form of speech. However, with the development of mass communication, with the growing importance of science in modern society, and the increase in various kinds of scientific contacts, such as conferences, symposia, scientific seminars, the role of oral scientific speech is increasing.

The main features of the scientific style in both written and oral form are accuracy, abstraction, logic and objectivity of presentation. It is they who organize into a system all the linguistic means that form this functional style, and determine the choice of vocabulary in works of the scientific style.

This style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, and recently international terminology (manager, quotation, realtor, etc.) has occupied more and more space here.

A peculiarity of using vocabulary in a scientific style is that polysemantic lexically neutral words are used not in all of their meanings, but only in one. For example, the verb to count, which has four meanings, here primarily realizes the meaning: to draw some conclusion, to admit, to believe.

Use in one, becoming a terminological meaning is typical for both nouns and adjectives, for example: body, strength, movement, sour, heavy, etc.

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. The volume of text in a scientific style increases not so much due to the use of different words, but rather due to the repetition of the same ones. An example is the passage: “Transport inter-shop connections for the main types of raw materials and finished products, as well as the transfer of goods between production shops and warehouse and transport facilities are mostly provided by continuous transport (...) Motor transport finished products is supplied to nearby consumers, and they also perform auxiliary loading and unloading operations.”

In the scientific style there is no vocabulary with a colloquial and colloquial coloring. This style, to a lesser extent than journalistic or artistic ones, is characterized by evaluativeness. Ratings are used to express the author’s point of view, to make it more understandable, accessible, and to clarify the idea. Scientific speech is distinguished by the accuracy and logic of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of presentation. In the syntactic structures in the scientific style of speech, the author’s detachment is maximally demonstrated.

This is expressed in the use of generalized personal and impersonal constructions instead of the 1st person: there is reason to believe, it is believed, it is known, presumably, one can say, etc.

The desire for logical presentation of material leads to the active use of complex conjunction sentences, introductory words, participial and participial phrases, etc. Most typical example- sentences with subordinate reasons and conditions, for example: “If an enterprise or some of its divisions is performing poorly, this means that not everything is in order with the management.”

Almost any scientific text can contain graphic information; this is one of the features of the scientific style of speech.

1. general characteristics scientific style.

2. The main linguistic features of the scientific style of speech.

3. The term and its specific properties.

4. Brief description of substyles.

1. General characteristics of the scientific style.

The sphere of scientific communication is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goals of the most accurate, logical, and unambiguous expression of thought. The leading position in the scientific style is occupied by monologue speech. In most cases, the scientific style is implemented in written form. However, with the growing importance of science in modern society, the scientific style of speech is also acceptable in oral form: conferences, symposiums, seminars, scientific discussions, etc.

1. Scope of use



2. Topic

Any scientific information intended for serious scientific or educational study, as well as for the popularization of knowledge in order to educate people of different ages and various types of activities

3. Goals

To present and justify scientific knowledge for the purpose of developing a scientific field based on the use of arguments, facts, and empirical research data

Clearly stated and explained scientific facts for the purpose of teaching a specific audience (school, university, etc.)

Present and explain scientific facts in an accessible manner in order to popularize the achievements of the scientific field.

4. Substyles

Actually scientific

Educational and scientific

Scientifically popular

5. Main genres

Textbook, study guide, essay, seminar, dictionaries, etc.

Popular scientific publications (manuals, articles, TV programs, radio)

6. Basic linguistic features

Use of terms and general scientific concepts; deductive way of presentation

Limited use of terms and concepts explained in the text; inductive way of presentation

Limited use of terms and concepts using colloquial speech and journalistic style; inductive way of presentation

7. Leading style features

Logicality, specificity, accuracy, conciseness, generalized - abstract nature of information, objectivity

Logicality, specificity, accuracy, imagery, emotionality

2. The main linguistic features of the scientific style of speech.

The main features of the scientific style are: accuracy, abstraction, logic and objectivity of presentation; these features are realized using the following linguistic elements.


The requirement for accuracy of scientific speech predetermines such a feature of the scientific style dictionary as terminology: actively used: special vocabulary, terminological vocabulary, international terminology ( management, sponsor, sequester, realtor), general scientific terminology ( function, process, condition, universal, reason, state); scientific style does not have the property of being generally accessible;

The use of general literary phraseological units, inter-style phrases, acting in a nominative function ( magnetic storm, rational grain, voiceless consonant);

Special words like usually, usually, systematically, regularly etc.

Speech clichés: represents..., consists of..., consists of...

Polysemantic stylistically neutral words are not used in all of their meanings, but, as a rule, only in one. For example, see in the meaning of “to be aware of, to understand”; " We see that scientists differ in their interpretation of this phenomenon.»;

The desire for generalization is manifested in predominance abstract vocabulary above specific: frequency nouns are those with abstract meanings like thinking, perspective, truth, hypothesis, point of view, conditioning and under.;

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. In a scientific style, the volume of text increases due to repeated repetition of the same words;

There is no colloquial or colloquial vocabulary. This style is less evaluative. Emotional expressive coloring is alien to the scientific style of speech, since it does not contribute to achieving accuracy, logic, objectivity and abstractness of presentation. The following statements are unacceptable: “An incomparable method of integration...”; “Integral behaves quite well...”; “The solution to the problem trembled at the tip of the pen...” In some genres of scientific style, expressive vocabulary may be used, but only to strengthen logical argumentation.


Nouns in – NIE, - IE, -OST, - KA, - TSIYA with the meaning of a sign of action, state, change: thinking, gasification, function;

Unit h. in the meaning of plural: salt, dirt, oil;

Genus forms case: norms of literary language, language of interethnic communication;

Complex forms of comparative and superlatives adjectives: more complex, most important;

Short forms of adjectives expressing not temporary, but constant sign objects and phenomena: the language of the work is rich and emotional;

Verbs in the present tense: atoms move, words are combined into phrases;

Future and past tense forms to indicate timelessness: Let's create an equation, apply the method of statistical analysis, the experiment was carried out;

The pronoun WE instead of I;

Prepositional combinations, which can be full-valued words: based on, compared with..., depending on...;

Short forms of participles acting as predicates;

Rarely used: simple superlative form of adjectives with suf. – EYSH -, - AYSH – due to its emotionally expressive tone; words like now, currently, at this moment; forms of the 1st person unit. number of verbs and the pronoun I, forms of the 2nd person singular. and many more numbers.


The detachment of the author and the objectivity of the information presented are demonstrated as much as possible, which is expressed in the use generalized-personal And impersonal designs: it is believed, it is known, there is reason to believe, presumably, one might say, it should be emphasized and so on.;

The desire for a logical presentation of material in scientific speech is determined by the active use of complex sentences of the conjunction type, in which the relationships between the parts are expressed unambiguously, for example: “ Sometimes 2-3 lessons are enough to restore fluent speech.”. The most typical are complex offers With subordinate clause causes And conditions : “If an enterprise or some of its structural divisions is performing poorly, this means that not everything is in order with the management.”».

The purpose of an emphatically logical presentation of thoughts is also served by the use of introductory words, with the help of them the following is achieved: sequence of messages, degree of reliability of information, sources of information: firstly, secondly, finally; apparently, as they say ..., according to theory and etc.

The use of passive structures is typical: “Russian Grammar” reflects and describes many phenomena of colloquial and specialized speech;

The use of compound nominal predicates, which is associated with the task of determining the signs, qualities, properties of the phenomena being studied;

Using the link IS: language is the most important means of human communication;

Use of participial and participial phrases, plug-in constructions.

Sentences are typical where the subject and predicate are expressed by a noun; the demonstrative pronoun THIS can be used: language is a system of signs;

The use of nominative sentences is limited (only in headings and as points of the plan), non-union sentences.

A distinctive feature of written scientific speech is that texts can contain not only linguistic information, but also various formulas, symbols, tables, graphs, etc.

When writing a scientific article, dissertation or term paper, you must adhere to a certain style speech - scientific. The scientific style of speech has its own characteristics and specifics. Authors of scientific papers need to adhere to certain rules and avoid certain language techniques.

The scientific style of speech is intended for one single purpose - the transmission of structured, logically constructed information with arguments for its truth. Scientific style implies a complete absence of emotional coloring of the text. The ability to write in a scientific style will be useful when writing a scientific article.

Subtypes of scientific style of speech

Based on discipline or topic, the following subtypes are distinguished:

  • scientific and technical
  • scientific-natural
  • scientific and humanitarian

Depending on the scope and form of presentation, subtypes are distinguished

  • strictly scientific – used in monographs, articles, reports, etc.
  • scientific and informative – used in abstracts, textbooks, textbooks etc.
  • popular science – used in essays, books, lectures, etc.

Features and aspects of the scientific style of speech

Despite the differences, the subtypes of scientific style are united important property– dominant. The dominant of the scientific style is logical speech, dry facts, precision of definitions.

The accuracy of scientific speech means the use of linguistic means that are unambiguous and are able to best convey the essence of a definition or concept (in other words, a logically complete thought about a phenomenon or object).

Examples of scientific style of speech

The scientific style avoids using (but still sometimes uses) various figurative means, for example, metaphors. It is important to understand that metaphor terms do not fall into this category.


  • In physics - atomic mass
  • In biology - the pistil of a flower
  • In anatomy - the auricle

The abstractness and abstractness of scientific language is isolated by specificity scientific knowledge. Any field of science expresses a generalized thought that requires specification and proof.

For example, in the definition: “Coordination is a method of communication in which the dependent word is put in the same forms as the main one,” any word in the definition can be decomposed into a separate definition.

By the way, failure to adhere to the scientific style of speech is one of the most...

What should not be used in scientific style of speech

Scientific work is carried out in a strict presentation structure and requires adherence to the logic of the narrative. It is necessary to think in advance general concept and split it into smaller definitions, building a full chain.

The purpose of scientific work is to search for an existing problem and propose current solution with the necessary evidence base. The author’s “I” and other pronouns are inappropriate here: “we”, “you”, “they”. The presentation should be conducted in one tense (mostly “past tense” is used).

The emotional coloring of the text is also unacceptable. The text should be presented clearly, dryly, clearly, objectively. Agree, it is difficult to imagine such a text in a scientific work among formulas and proofs:

“I struggled for a long time to solve this complex problem and finally found a way out"

Use neutral language without any reference to the reader. Before writing your own scientific work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the works of others and adopt their presentation style - this will significantly simplify the process of writing a text for you and, in addition, will develop your vocabulary.

Total information

In their speech, people use a wide variety of speech styles, depending on the society in which they communicate. That is why it is necessary to use different styles in speech.

What are speech styles?

Speech styles are a system of linguistic methods and means of organization that have historically developed and are used in any particular sphere of human communication, his social life: the sphere of literary and artistic creativity, science, business relations, propaganda and mass activities, everyday communication. In this regard, the Russian language is divided into the following: scientific, colloquial, journalistic and official business. Moreover, all styles, except colloquial, are considered bookish.

In this article we will consider all speech styles, while Special attention will be devoted to the scientific style, which is used in scientific papers, textbooks, and presentations at conferences. requires more stringent rules of use than others, since it requires the use of terminology applicable in a narrow field of knowledge. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the scientific style of speech. Examples of texts will help you understand it in more detail.

Features of speech styles

The emergence of a variety of speech styles is justified by the diversity of speech content, as well as its communication goals, that is, communicative orientation. It is the goals of communication that usually dictate their own rules for choosing a style in a given situation.

Each of functional styles speech has its own typical features, has its own lexical circle, as well as its own syntactic structure, which must be realized to a certain extent in each genre. Thus, each style has a number of its own characteristics. Examples and examples will help demonstrate all speech styles. short description their features.

Business style can be determined by professional terminology, precise definitions of the words and expressions used, also due to clichés. For example: I, Alevtina Vladlenovna Mironova, ask for another vacation.

Scientific style of speech: main features

Scientific style is intended to communicate and explain results. Although there are many fields of science, there are some basic features that apply to scientific style in general:

  • logical sequence of text;
  • an ordered system of connections between all parts of statements;
  • the author's desire for unambiguity, accuracy and brevity in expressions.

If you have an idea of ​​all the main features, it will not be difficult to write a text or determine the scientific style of speech. Examples of texts in this style will help you understand everything more specifically:

"Since 2009, NCC has been processing Visa, Union Card and MasterCard cards, and also issues combined Maestro/NCC cards. And in 2008, the company was awarded the title of International payment system, which significantly expanded the range of its services."

“The head of the enterprise or Chief Accountant. If the deadline for submitting the report is not met, the enterprise, represented by its director, will be subject to a fine in the amount established by law.”

Substyles of scientific style of speech

As you know, in speech very rarely there are styles in their pure form. In most cases, they are combined, which is the reason for the formation of substyles. Substyles of the scientific style include:

  • scientific and business;
  • scientific and journalistic;
  • popular science;
  • scientific and technical;
  • educational and scientific style of speech.

Features of a scientific style text at the lexical level

All major distinctive features, which are inherent specifically in the scientific style of speech, can be divided into three main groups: at the level of vocabulary, syntax and at the morphological level.

At the level of vocabulary, the scientific style has the following features:

  • saturation with the terminology of a certain science;
  • the use of direct meanings of words, without various metaphors and interjections;
  • use of phrases and words with abstract meaning: number, property, law; as well as the use of verbal nouns: use, processing, study;
  • a rather private use of words and phrases that indicate the sequence and connection of thoughts: therefore, vice versa, therefore, first of all, first of all, first.

All these lexical features will help determine the scientific style of speech. Examples of texts for visual representation of scientific style are presented below:

“Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. The symptoms of gastritis are the following: pain in the stomach after eating or on an empty stomach, nausea, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting, etc. A diagnosis is made based on an endoscopic examination of the stomach.”

“The most significant economic and biological criteria of varieties are: durability, resistance to all growing conditions (climate, pests and diseases, soil), shelf life and transportability.”

Morphological features of scientific style text

At the morphological level, the following features that are inherent specifically in the scientific style of speech should be highlighted:

  • the use of gerunds, participles, as well as their expressions;
  • rare use of pronouns “I” and “we” in works and verbs in the first and second forms of the singular;
  • the use of impersonal and vaguely personal constructions in the text.

Features of a scientific text at the syntactic level

Also at the syntactic level, the scientific style of speech has its own characteristics; sentences of this style have the following characteristics:

  • frequent use of references and quotations;
  • refusal to use exclamatory sentences or their very rare use;
  • use of graphs, diagrams, various formulas;
  • the use of complex sentences using conjunctions to connect phenomena in parts of the sentence.

Examples of scientific style texts

Will help identify distinctive features and correctly determine the scientific style of speech; examples of texts:

“The problem of theft requires timely and adequate actions on the part of the business entity, namely, the use of additional tools to eliminate the potential risk from the attacker.”

“Based on the results of the experiments, the data of which are presented in the appendix and displayed in Fig. 3, we can conclude that a change in the demand curve in short term influenced by the price level."

Genres of scientific style

All scientific texts must be formatted as complete works, and their structure must be subject to all the laws of the genre.

All genres can be divided into primary and secondary, depending on who exactly is the author of the text. Educational and scientific texts are also included in a separate group.

Primary genres include reference books, journal articles, monographs, textbooks, reviews, reports, dissertations, scientific reports, oral presentation at a conference and others. These genres can be considered primary, since they were created by the author for the first time.

Secondary texts can be considered abstracts, abstracts, theses, various notes, annotations. These works are classified as secondary, because they are compiled on the basis of existing texts. When preparing such texts, information is often collapsed to reduce the volume of the entire text.

Genres of the educational and scientific substyle include lectures, seminar reports, term papers, abstract messages. Regardless of the genre, all the basic features that are inherent in the scientific style as a whole must be observed.

How exactly did the scientific style originate?

The origin of the scientific style is determined by the development of fields of science, different areas of human knowledge. Initially, the style of speech, scientific and artistic, were very close and similar. Later there was a separation of scientific from artistic style, since various kinds of scientific terminology began to appear in the Greek language.

The scientific style gained increasing popularity during the Renaissance. It was during that period that all scientists tried to present their works as accurately as possible, but in a condensed form; they tried to remove emotional and artistic descriptions from the text, since they contradicted the abstract and logical reflection of nature.

However, during that period, conflicts arose over the presentation of scientific material by various scientists. It is known that Kepler considered Galileo's work to be overly artistic, and Descartes considered the style of presentation of Galileo's scientific works to be “fictionalized.” Newton's presentation is considered to be the first example of scientific language.

The development of the scientific style also influenced the Russian language. The scientific style of speech in Russia began its development at the beginning of the 18th century. During this period, translators and authors of scientific publications began to create their own terminology. The development of this style continued in the second half of the 18th century thanks to the work of Lomonosov and his students. The final formation of the scientific style of Russia occurred in the second half of the 19th century thanks to scientific work great scientists of that time.

In this work, all speech styles were considered. Examples clearly illustrate the differences between them, and a detailed description of the scientific style will help you easily use it in your speech.


Scientific style of speech………………………………………………………………………………..4




The scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and educational and scientific activities. Every member modern society V different time life and to varying degrees encounters texts of this style, functioning in oral and written form, therefore mastering the norms of scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is important integral part culture of Russian oral and written speech.

The scientific style belongs to the number of book styles of the Russian literary language that have general conditions functioning and similar linguistic features, including:

pre-thinking the statement

monologue character of speech,

strict selection of linguistic means,

desire for standardized speech.


The main features of the scientific style in both written and oral form are:

  • Accuracy
  • Abstractness
  • Logic
  • Objectivity of presentation

The scientific style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, incl. and international.

The peculiarity of vocabulary is that polysemantic words are used not in all meanings, but only in one. This brings her closer to vocabulary formal business style. The volume of text in a scientific style increases due to repeated repetition of the same words. There is no colloquial vocabulary. Assessments are present and are rational, not emotional. Also used in syntax are complex conjunctive sentences, complicated simple sentences. The texts contain various formulas, tables and graphs.

The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style functions is science.

The sphere of scientific communication is different in that it pursues the goal of the most accurate, logical, and unambiguous expression of thought. The most important form of thinking in the field of science is the concept; the dynamics of thinking are expressed in judgments and conclusions that follow each other in a strict logical sequence. The idea is strictly reasoned, the logic of reasoning is emphasized, and analysis and synthesis are closely interconnected. Hence, scientific thinking takes on a generalized and abstract character. The final crystallization of scientific thought is carried out in external speech, in oral and written texts of various genres of scientific style, which, as was said, common features. The general extra-linguistic properties of the scientific style of speech, its stylistic features, determined by abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logical thinking, are:

Scientific topics of texts. Generalization, abstraction, abstractness of presentation. Almost every word acts as a designation general concept or an abstract object. The abstract-generalized nature of speech is manifested in the selection of lexical material (nouns predominate over verbs, general scientific terms and words are used, verbs are used in certain tense and finite forms) and special syntactic constructions (indefinite-personal sentences, passive constructions).

Logical presentation. There is an orderly system of connections between the parts of the statement; the presentation is consistent and consistent. This is achieved by using special syntactic structures and typical means of interphrase communication.

Precision of presentation. It is achieved by using unambiguous expressions, terms, words with clear lexical and semantic compatibility.

Evidentiary presentation. Reasoning substantiates scientific hypotheses and positions.

Objectivity of presentation. It manifests itself in the presentation, analysis of different points of view on the problem, in the focus on the subject of the statement and the absence of subjectivity in conveying the content, in the impersonality of linguistic expression.

Saturation of factual information, which is necessary for evidence and objectivity of presentation.

The most important task of the scientific style of speech: to explain the causes of phenomena, to report, to describe the essential features and properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

The named features of the scientific style are expressed in its linguistic characteristics and determine the systematic nature of the actual linguistic means of this style. Scientific style of speech includes linguistic units three types.

Lexical units that have a functional-style coloring of a given (that is, scientific) style. These are special lexical units, syntactic structures, and morphological forms.

Interstyle units, that is, linguistic units that are stylistically neutral, used equally in all styles.

Stylistically neutral linguistic units, predominantly functioning in a given style. Thus, their quantitative predominance in a given style becomes stylistically significant. First of all, some morphological forms, as well as syntactic constructions, become quantitatively marked units in a scientific style.


The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas of life and activity of nature and man. Initially, scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration (emotional perception of phenomena in scientific works Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius). The creation of stable scientific terminology in the Greek language, which spread its influence throughout the entire cultural world, led to the separation of the scientific style from the artistic (Alexandrian period). In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century in connection with the creation of Russian scientific terminology by authors of scientific books and translators. A significant role in the formation and improvement of the scientific style belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students (second half of the 18th century), the scientific style finally emerged only towards the end of the 19th century.


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