Folk calendar of weather, signs and holidays for April. What can you plant for the May holidays? St. George's Day: celebration traditions

On the date 06.05.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 21 lunar days in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Capricorn ♑. Illumination percentage Moon is 66%. Sunrise Moon at 01:19, and sunset at 09:16.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 20th lunar day from 00:34 05/05/2018 to 01:19 05/06/2018
  • 21 lunar day from 01:19 05/06/2018 until the next day

The influence of the Moon on planting and caring for plants according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener May 6, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn (+)

Moon in a sign Capricorn. This is an average sign of fertility. Provides good harvest, which stores well and for a long time, although the fruits are of medium size.

The seed material is of very high quality, the seeds remain viable for a long time. Plants sown and planted these days sprout slowly but amicably. They have a powerful root system, a strong stem, and although they grow slowly, they acquire endurance and resistance to various damage, diseases, temperature changes, drought, and frost.

Trees and perennial shrubs will bear fruit for a long time, especially those crops that will have to grow and bear fruit in dry or very cold conditions. Perennial and annual flower plants have a strong stem and are not large, but beautiful shape flowers.

Favorable in Capricorn:

  • soaking seeds;
  • sowing, planting long-term storage and for seeds, also replanting vegetable plants, especially potatoes, root vegetables and onions;
  • sowing and planting trees and shrubs, legumes, grains;
  • planting rootstocks for further regrafting;
  • sowing and planting winter and perennial plants overwintering in open ground;
  • you can replant plants with a weakened root system, as well as those flowers that will have to spend the winter on cold window sills;
  • root and foliar feeding of plants;
  • pruning, pinching, grafting and taking cuttings;
  • making hay;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • harvesting for long-term storage and for seeds;
  • root harvesting medicinal plants;
  • procurement of grown products for future use: canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, preparing juices and wine.

The following crops can be sown and planted in Capricorn:

  • vegetable: peanuts, legumes, daikon, cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower), potatoes, onions (bamboo, leek, chives), chard, carrots, hot peppers, radishes, turnips, beets, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin , garlic;
  • spicy greens: basil, mint, parsley, celery, dill, horseradish, spinach, sorrel;
  • fruits and berries: apricot, cherry, pear, strawberry, gooseberry, peach, plum, currant, apple tree;
  • field: buckwheat, barley;
  • flowers: iris;
  • indoor plants: dracaena (Derham, fragrant), Friedrich's conophytum, Noble laurel, Margaret's lapidaria, Largyroderma ovate, fan palms (Chamerops squat, Trachycarpus Fortune, Washingtonia filamentous), Crassula (silver, sickle-shaped), ficus (Benjamina, Bengal, lyre-shaped) , ficus elasticus (rubber), conifers, elephant yucca.

Not favorable in Capricorn:

  • work with plant roots.

21 lunar day (+)

May 6, 2018 at 12:00 - 21 lunar days. a day of active activities in the garden and garden. On this day there is every chance to get rid of everything that causes harm.

  • harvesting root crops, saturated useful elements, as well as cleaning of medicinal plants;
  • tree pruning, grafting, fertilizing, especially root feeding.
  • pinching and diving;
  • abundant watering.

Waning Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waning moon. the activity of vital energy and juices is directed from the leaves to the center, and the pressure in the underground part of the plants also increases.

The roots are more fragile and sensitive compared to the plant stem, so damage to them during this period can have a detrimental effect on the plants.

On the waning Moon, active growth of roots and underground parts of plants occurs, and the growth of above-ground parts stops. The aerial part reacts poorly to damage during this period.

At this time, it is necessary to water much less frequently, because... plants drink less water.

On the waning Moon it is favorable:

  • sowing and planting root crops, bulbs, legumes, potatoes;
  • thinning of seedlings, destruction of weeds and pests;
  • pruning plants to slow down shoot growth;
  • trimming strawberry tendrils;
  • excavation flower bulbs, corms and tubers for storage;
  • cutting flowers intended for long-term transportation and storage;
  • harvest for long-term storage;
  • preparations for future use: drying vegetables and fruits, making jam, canning with heat treatment;
  • allowed organic fertilizer, but only the root one.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Sunday, this day walks under the Sun, because it is permeated with its cheerful, invigorating energy and imparts good power to people and plants.

Since ancient times, Sunday has been reserved for rest. And people communicate with each other with pleasure, meet to spend time in conversations, games, and pleasures. This is a day of Sunday festivities, going to visit at the call of the soul, which straightens up after a week of fatigue and work, washed by friendly participation and unity. Sunday is for light, not hard, work in the garden.

May is a fairly warm month and it good time to plan landing days for the garden. Before transporting seedlings to the site, do not water them for 2-3 days. Then she will endure the move more easily, as she will be less fragile. Water when transporting. If the seedlings have pale greens, you need to feed them with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tsp per 3 liters of water).

Peppers may lack potassium if the leaves curl upward; then feed them with potassium nitrate (1 tsp per 3 liters of water) or spray them with Uniflor-bud solution (1 tsp per 5 liters of water). Healthy peppers have young leaves that are lighter than others. Aphids may also appear on peppers if there are flowers growing in the room. In this case, treat the seedlings with Healthy Garden.

In May, cucumbers are planted in open ground and in greenhouses. In the first half of the month, nightshade crops cannot be fed with nitrogen in any form - remember this.

Lunar landing calendar for May 2019

As you know, when planting plants, you should take into account not only the phase of the moon - waxing or waning, but also the zodiac sign.

Favorable landing days in May 2019

1st of May. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. You can plant leaf lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Sow seeds of cucumbers, peas, beans, cauliflower and broccoli. You can sow the seeds of spicy plants - dill, coriander, fennel, borage. Also start sowing flower seeds - petunia, annual chrysanthemum, hybrid delphinium, etc.

May 2. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Sow seeds of squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkins. You can sow carrots, radishes, radishes, parsnips, parsley, plant onions, garlic, and flower bulbs. Good planting days in May 2018 for planting seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, and squash. It’s a good time to start replanting and thinning. Treat shrubs and trees in the garden.

May 3. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Destroy pests, remove affected branches of trees and shrubs. If the weather is favorable, it's a good time to plant potatoes. early varieties, planting seedlings white cabbage early varieties. Before planting, add mineral fertilizers. You can start picking seedlings. The right time for watering.

May 4th. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Engage in weeding and fighting weeds, pests and plant diseases. A favorable day for sowing annual flowers. If the weather is good, you can plant seedlings of mid-season white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, leaf celery, and pepper. You can plant peas, beans, beans. This is not the right time to prune trees and shrubs - the trees will become sick.

5 May. Desc. l. in Capricorn. In the afternoon, if the weather is right, you can plant leeks, onions, shallots, and garlic. You can sow the seeds of carrots, radishes, radishes. If the weather is favorable, you can plant seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and pumpkins.

the 6th of May. Desc. l. in Capricorn. Suitable time for planting and sowing. If the weather is good, plant seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash. Plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.

May 7. Desc. l. in Aquarius. Planting day for beans, beans, zucchini, squash. Favorable watering. The day is also good for vaccinations and spraying. It's a good time to start forcing onions, parsley, and celery. Continue planting onions, garlic, potatoes. Sow seeds of beets, radishes, parsley, parsnips, celery, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, eggplants, and tomatoes in open ground.

May 8. Desc. l. in Aquarius. Finish what was started yesterday. The day is not favorable for any endeavors.

9th May. Desc. l. in Aquarius. In the afternoon, sow root crops - radishes, carrots, parsley, parsnips. You can sow flower seeds. Plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.

May 10. Desc. l. in Pisces. Not a good day for pruning apple and pear trees and shrubs. A good day for sowing lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Start planting perennial plants.

May 11. Desc. l. in Pisces. Plant cabbage and cauliflower seedlings. In the greenhouse, start thinning and removing weak and diseased plants. Plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers. Can be replanted houseplants. Continue to combat pests and plant diseases in the garden. Plant perennials- they will take root well.

12 May. Desc. l. in Aries. It is useful to fertilize plants today - root system is now active. Sow cabbage, kohlrabi, and onion seeds. It’s good today to fight pests, cultivate the soil and weed. You can plant garlic, onions, onions, shallots, and leeks in the soil. Sow carrots, radishes, radishes, and parsnips.

may 13. Desc. l. in Aries. Continue fertilizing the plants. Till the land, do weeding. Take up pest control.

May 14. Desc. l. in Taurus. Be attentive to your health today. It is not recommended to engage in sowing, planting, or picking. The day is not favorable for working with plants.

May 15. New moon. L. in sign. Calf. Be attentive to your well-being. Do not sow, transplant, or pick today. You can start thinning seedlings of vegetables grown in a greenhouse.

16th of May. The waxing moon is in Gemini. If you didn’t have time before, plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Treat trees, destroy pests. Apply fertilizers.

May 17. Rast. l. in Gemini. Take up tree spraying and pest control. Thin out the seedlings and do weeding.

May 18. Rast. l. in Cancer. Continue sowing green crop seeds. Work in the garden - cultivate the beds, replant the plants, treat them against pests. In the garden - trim branches, remove pests.

May 19. Rast. l. in Cancer. You can plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers. Sow seeds of zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumbers. Treat the beds and replant the plants.

May 20. Rast. l. in Leo. Plant seedlings of peppers and eggplants. Sow the seeds of spicy plants and green crops. Today you can replant, thin out, remove weak and diseased plants. In good weather - on permanent place plant seedlings of white and cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. You can sow cucumbers and tomatoes in open ground.

May 21st. Rast. l. in Leo. You can pinch and pincher vegetables. Take up plant pest control. Cut through the seedlings and water them.

May, 23rd. Rast. l. in Virgo. Replant, weed, remove weak plants. Favorable planting day in May 2019 for tomatoes and cucumbers in open ground with seeds.

May 24. Rast. l. in Libra . Favorable time for sowing seeds annual plants. If the weather is good, you can plant seedlings of mid-season varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, leaf celery, and pepper. It is recommended to plant peas, beans, and beans. Not a good day for pruning fruit trees. and bushes - they can get sick.

May 25. Rast. l. in Libra. Not a favorable day for sowing and planting. Take care of your health, relax. A good day for weeding and removing weeds.

26 of May. Rast. l. in Scorpio. If the weather is favorable, you can plant seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and squash in open ground. In the afternoon, plant garlic, onions, leeks, shallots in the soil, sow the seeds of carrots, parsnips, radishes, radishes.

May 27. Rast. l. in Scorpio. Today you can only focus on thinning the seedlings and cultivating the land. Today you can only start what can be completed during the day.

May 28. Rast. l. in Scorpio. There is no need to replant anything, but the day is favorable for planting and sowing plants. Sow the seeds of onions, celery leaves, basil, and parsley. Sow seeds from annual plants. You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.

The days of May this year promise to be special. Not only that, almost every other day church holidays, open orthodox calendar, and May 1st, Victory Day, is still ahead! However, it is at the beginning of May that the majority of the population of our country will be able to relax at least a little!

The weather is warm, conducive to everyday activities, and many will want to plant something during this period. Well, while there is time, you can plant a lot over the weekend. But is it even possible to do gardening during such a period, and if so, what is best to plant first?

Is it possible to plant in May?

Landings in May holidays possible. You can start working right in the morning. However, if your working day falls on long Orthodox holidays- such as Easter, then rest on this day. All other days, in principle, are available.

What can you plant for the May holidays? At the beginning of the month, we start with the fact that if you are not superstitious, then on May 1st you can plant celery, “spread” some early-ripening radishes around the beds and plant onions of any kind, even “lice”, “slezun”. You can also plant skoroda with parsley. On May 2 and 3, planting can continue.

On the 4th-6th it is recommended not to touch the soil at all. However, you can prepare in these days planting material and beds for sowing legumes. In the garden you are allowed to plant climbing roses, replant strawberries and plant grapes. We plant all this on May 7th and 8th.

On May 9, having attended a rally and paid tribute to those killed in the Great Patriotic War ancestors, let's start planting squash, zucchini and even eggplant. This day is favorable for planting cucumbers with seeds, cabbage and planting tomatoes in greenhouses or directly in open ground. Towards evening you can plant peppers and melons. Work can be extended until May 11.

Having rested on May 12, 13 we began planting fruit trees and shrubs. We continue work on the 14th, planting everything that grows “for beauty,” including rose hips and honeysuckle. On May 15 and 16, you can plant any ornamental plants, and, in addition, trees that are planned to be grown from seed, and street flowers. Plant trees with seeds and outdoor plants, cut flowers are available on May 17 and 18.

Starting from May 19, the remaining crops can be planted. These are primarily tomatoes and cucumbers, cabbage (any kind) and pumpkin with peppers. On the 21st, greens and berries are added to all of the above, for example, strawberries, physalis.

The next stage of work begins from May 23 to 25. These days, only shrubs and trees are planted, not even fruit trees. There is a break until May 29, and from this date until May 30, celery, radishes, and onions are planted. May 31st we have a rest!

As you can see, even though in May there are some Orthodox events on almost every day, among them you can find the days most suitable for planting a particular crop. If you strictly honor the traditions of our people and think that you cannot work on major Orthodox holidays, rest, but when a “simpler” holiday comes, after lunch you can safely start planting!

Yegory and Yuri are names whose difference our ancestors did not recognize. In Rus', two Egories were celebrated: one cold - on December 9, and the other hungry - on May 6. And indeed, at this time the belts had to be tightened. Winter supplies were running out, and in early spring there was nothing to replenish them with. But since Yegoriy was considered the patron saint of livestock, the first pasture of livestock in the field, on the spring grass, was timed to coincide with this day. It was perceived as a great holiday and was decorated with various rituals, sentences and songs.

First, according to the old custom, on May 6 they made “juiced milk” to find out if the cattle were healthy. To do this, they swept hemp and flax-seed, mixed, pounded in a mortar and diluted with water. Animals that drank this “milk” were considered sick and were not taken into the general herd. The rest, hungry during the winter, but quite healthy, were herded by the shepherd boys from all the yards into a huge herd and went with it to the pasture. The whole village saw them off, and the cattle were lashed with willow left from palm week, and shouted: “Willow from across the sea, give me health, willow!” Willow, whip - hit until you cry! Take a twig and drive out the cattle!”

On May 6, the pasture took place, as a rule, at dawn. After all, Yuriev’s dew, according to knowledgeable people, helped animals become surprisingly fat and healthy. In some regions of Russia, a green branch was tied to the tail of the first cow in the herd: sweeping away the night dew from the grass, it seemed to provide a rich milk yield for those following her.

According to an ancient custom, the shepherds were doused with well water, “so that they would not sleep all summer,” and then they were treated to worldly scrambled eggs. In the evenings in the villages, a real holiday was organized for the “cow guides”: tables were set, round dances were performed, ritual songs were sung, which always ended with choruses about the preservation of the herds.

But no matter how important the first drive of cattle to pasture is, most of the signs associated with May 6 are still addressed to the upcoming summer and the future harvest: “If spring Egor is with food, then autumn Nikola (December 19) will be with a bridge,” then if winter sets in, there will be a good sleigh ride; “If on Yegory’s day there is a leaf in half, on Ilya’s day put the bread in a tub,” “Sow seedlings on Yegory, there will be plenty of cabbage soup,” “On Yury, snow means a harvest for buckwheat, on Yury, rain means there’s a shortage of buckwheat,” “On Yury, dew - there will be good millet.”

However, Yuriev’s dew was also valued for other qualities. Previously, for example, on Yegoryev Day, peasants went out into the sown fields to serve a prayer service with the blessing of water, sprinkling the fields with holy water. After this, men and women rolled around the field to become strong and healthy, like “St. George’s Dew”: “St. George’s Dew - from the evil eye, from seven ailments.”

And another interesting legend is associated in the folk calendar with St. George’s Day. In time immemorial, peasants began to carry out trade transactions and, according to the old custom, were hired as workers “from spring Yuri to Semyon Day or Pokrov.” Why, you ask, was this particular time period chosen? But the fact is that there was a legend among the people that there are people in Lukomorye who die on December 9, and come to life on May 6. Before death, they take their goods to a certain place, where in winter their neighbors could take them for a certain price and without any deception. They settled accounts with deceivers and unscrupulous buyers in the spring, dealing with them mercilessly. These were called amazing people trading people, but no one knows how they kept accurate records of purchases.

On this day, there was a widespread tradition of organizing festivities in the streets. They said that spring comes on this day. It was May 6th that was considered the day when the shepherds finally drove the flock of sheep into the field. They said that the morning dew has healing power specifically on Yegoria. If you collect it, you can use the healing moisture to treat diseases and remove the evil eye. However, such dew can only be collected before sunrise.

On this day, they were waiting for the arrival of swallows, because they were returning from warm regions at exactly this time. Also on this day appeared May beetles.

IN Orthodox Church On May 6, the memory of Saint Yegori was revered and he was considered the patron saint of the fields. That is why on this day we held a large number of rituals for a good harvest in the future. The priests also blessed the fields with water and said a prayer. They said: “Sow the seedlings on Yegoriy - there will be plenty of vegetables.”

Pasturing cattle on May 6 was a big holiday for peasants. The animals were urged on with willow branches, which were specially prepared for this purpose in Palm Sunday. They also placed a table in the field and an icon on it. After this, a prayer service was performed. It was customary to feed the shepherds scrambled eggs, gift them with linen and money so that they would not sleep and protect the flock.

Yegory is also known as St. George the Victorious. He was considered the patron saint of fields and earthly fruits, and therefore the tradition of consecrating fields was widespread. It was believed that George protected livestock, and peasants tried to pray to the saint on May 6th to ask him to protect horses, cows, and sheep from disease and pestilence. There was even a special prayer called cattle herding.

People said that the care of the livestock should be entrusted to Yegory, who entered into an agreement with the goblin, and the latter would not touch the domestic animals. But there were special conditions this agreement - for example, it was necessary to bring milk to the devil. There was also a widespread tradition, according to which the shepherd would pronounce a special spell and throw a padlock, locked with a key, into the forest. The goblin needed to lift this lock and unlock it or leave it the same - this is how he confirmed or denied the extension of the contract.

Saint George was often perceived as the master of all forest animals. They believed that it was George who rode around the villages on a white horse and gave orders to the forest animals. In addition, George was considered the patron saint of brides, and the girls prayed to him to send good grooms. There were round dances, but gatherings were no longer held at that time. In some villages they could perform rituals related to horses and notice signs. The horses were washed, bathed, and fed with special cookies in the shape of a cross, baked for Epiphany.

Folk signs for May 6

  1. Warm weather in Yegoria - summer will come soon
  2. You can’t knit anything on May 6th or even just hold wool products in your hands - the wolves will gnaw all the sheep in the herd
  3. You can’t shout or swear on this day - it can kill you with a thunderstorm
  4. Heavy rain on Yegoria - a lot of grass will grow
  5. Waxing Crescent, strong winds, which drives clouds in a cloudy sky - this weather will continue for quite a long time
  6. Mosquitoes flock in swarms on May 6 - expect warmer weather soon
  7. Dew has appeared on Yegoria - there will be a good millet harvest. If it snows or hails, frost is noticeable on the trees - buckwheat will grow. Rain portends, on the contrary, a failure of the buckwheat harvest, but excellent growth of bread
  8. The rivers in Yegoria overflowed heavily - a sign that there will be grass on Nikolina’s day (May 22)
  9. A clear, windless morning - early sowings will be successful and a rich harvest will be possible. If the weather was initially bad, but improved during the day, late sowing will be successful
  10. The night from May 6 to 7 is very warm - the bread will have time to ripen before the first frost
  11. The south wind blows - there will be a rich harvest. The north wind on May 6 foreshadows early frosts in the fall
  12. A large leaf on a birch tree means the year will be fruitful
  13. A damp towel was hung out overnight. If it dries in the morning, the cucumber harvest will be rich.

Folk traditions are centuries-old wisdom. In combination with the weather forecast and information gleaned from the lunar calendar for May 2010, this knowledge can serve well all those who want to get a good harvest on their plot or achieve lush flowering ornamental plants. Everything must be done on time! Read our recommendations for the week from May 5 to May 11.

By folk calendar May 5 is Luke's Day. “Whoever eats onions will be freed from eternal torment.” If there is a frost at night on this day, then the spring will be cool: forty morning frosts will still fall on the bread, forty morning frosts will fall for the whole summer, while the grain is standing in the field. If the morning is clear, you can sow; if it is foggy, you should wait to sow. Sowing should be early if the moon is young on this day, as early autumn frosts are expected; and if the moon is in decline, you don’t have to rush to sow - the autumn will remain warm (this year the aging phase of the moon fell on May 5). On this day, it is customary to plant onion sets in the beds, but it is advised to refrain from planting until May 8th.

Oak and linden are blooming. It is believed that a fully expanded birch leaf means the soil has warmed up to +7°C. You can plant potatoes (May 5-10). Starting from May 5th, strawberries begin to bloom. The same day is considered the beginning of the week, during which it is recommended to plant celery seedlings in the ground. From this day on (adjusted for the phases of the moon), planting seeds of annual flowers in the ground is allowed.

Yegoriy Veshny (spring St. George's Day) is celebrated on May 6th. Egory is also known as Saint George. This is one of the most revered saints of the Russian people. George is the patron of arable land and cattle breeding, the guardian of livestock, the patron of wild animals and especially wolves. This is the holiday of the shepherds: from this day on, they drive the flock into the field. Round dances began in the villages from Yegor, and gatherings were postponed until Dmitry (November 8). Popular wisdom resulted in the following maxims: “A clear morning on Yuri means early sowing, a clear evening means late.” “These early peas are before George, the late ones are after George.” Starting from this day you can sow beets and carrots.

It is useful to watch birds on this day. If you notice the arrival of swallows, expect spring thunderstorms: “The swallow has arrived, soon the thunder will roar.” If the cuckoo crows before Yegor, then this means crop failure and loss of livestock. Those who want to get rich should especially listen to the cuckoo, and as soon as they hear the first “cuckoo”, they should shake the money in their pocket or grab their wallet: “When you hear the cuckoo for the first time, grab your wallet so that you can have money all year long.”

May 8 - Mark's Day, arrival of songbirds in flocks. It is useful to go around the “rooms” with nettles, and wash the floors with its infusion. It was believed that Mark unlocked the heights of heaven, summoned moisture, and asked it to descend to earth. Moon calendar recommends starting to plant strawberries and some, and in the garden on this day the trees are sprayed with herbal infusions and decoctions of garlic, mustard, yarrow - against pests and diseases.

Glafira Goroshnitsa is celebrated on May 9. On the day of Glafira, the Pea-women spoke a spell to the peas so that they would grow to glory, dug ridges in the garden and began early boarding potatoes, if, as was said earlier, the birch leaf has completely unfolded. The phase of the moon favors such work.

May 10 - rejoicing in honor of Semyon Ranopashets. On this day, all sorts of “unclean creatures” shake off their sleep, emerge into the light of day, and take on the form of animals and birds. On this day, people work in the fields and gardens with caution; they do not bother animals. From May 10, it is recommended to water fruit-bearing trees if there is no rain. Dig in the raspberries, adding peat-ash mixtures and a little superphosphate under them. Sweet varieties of onion sets are planted in the beds. From 10 to 15 May - last deadlines sowing seeds of beets, carrots, parsley, peas, kohlrabi cabbage, cauliflower, turnips into the soil.

May 11 - Maxim's Day. Warm wind brings health. On Maxim, patients begin to be given birch sap. Watch the weather: if the night is warm and starry, it’s for the harvest; a clear sunrise - for a great summer. It is believed that the warm (south) wind on this day brings health. Winter rye begins to ear. Primrose blooms. To combat powdery mildew berry growers spray the bushes with a 0.5% solution of soda ash and soap.