Directions of the priority national project: education. Implementation of the priority national project "quality education"

Results of the implementation of the national project “Education”

Today, the connection between modern, high-quality education and the prospect of building a civil society, an effective economy and a safe state is obvious. For a country that is focused on an innovative path of development, it is vitally important to give the education system an incentive to move forward - this is the primary task of the priority national project “Education”.

By the end of 2010, the results of five years of implementation of the national project “Education” were summed up. The following key indicators have been achieved:

  • 1) In the area of ​​supporting higher educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs, the first competitive selection of universities was held in 2006, and 17 universities became its winners. To implement your innovation programs in five years they received from federal budget 20 billion rubles. and invested 6.37 billion rubles. own funds.
  • 2) In the 2007 competition, 40 universities already received the right to state support. In 2007, 10 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget to finance the winners of the second competition; in addition, universities invested in the implementation of their programs own funds in the amount of 2.47 billion rubles.
  • 3) The result of the implementation of innovative programs of universities is the emergence of new curricula, as well as the development of new standards in accordance with the requirements of the modern economy. Innovative universities have become centers for advanced training for the teaching staff of other institutions of higher professional education.
  • 4) As part of the national project to support innovative schools in 2006-2009, 1 million rubles each. received 6 thousand on a competitive basis. in general educational institutions.
  • 5) In 2006-2010, state support was provided to 10,700 representatives of the country's talented youth. Of these, 2.5 thousand talented boys and girls received bonuses in the amount of 60 thousand rubles to their personal accounts, 8.2 thousand people - 30 thousand rubles each.
  • 6) Over two years, state support was provided to 20 thousand of the best teachers in Russia. Each teacher who won the competition received 100 thousand rubles from the federal budget.
  • 7) In 2010, the national project included support for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (NPO and SPO). A competition was held and 76 winning institutions were identified. Among them are 45 institutions of secondary vocational education and 31 institutions of primary vocational education, located in 40 regions of Russia. A total of 5.8 billion rubles were transferred to them from the federal budget.
  • 8) As part of the direction to stimulate the training of workers for high-tech industries, a new format of relations between business and education is being developed in scientific and vocational education institutions - public-private partnership models. The innovative educational programs of all 76 winners of the competitive selection are aimed at improving the mechanisms of interaction with employers.
  • 9) In 2006-2010, it was planned to provide access to the Internet with payment for traffic within two years from the moment of connection to 52,940 educational institutions, but due to the current reorganization of the school network, the total number of connected educational institutions was 52,064.
  • 10) More than 14 thousand sets of educational and educational-visual equipment were purchased and supplied to the regions of Russia at the expense of the federal budget, 16.25 thousand sets - at the expense of the regions. Over two years, more than 3.1 thousand buses were supplied to rural schools in the country at the expense of the federal budget, and more than 3.7 thousand buses were supplied at the expense of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • 11) Additional payments for class management.
  • 12) Within the framework of the national project, two largest universities were created in Siberian and Southern federal districts and the foundations were laid for two world-class business schools - the Graduate School of Management in St. Petersburg and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.
  • 13) In 2007, federal universities already carried out the first enrollment of first-year students. They received 1 billion rubles for their development in 2006, and 7 billion in 2007.
  • 14) Another new large-scale direction for modernizing regional education systems also appeared in the national project in 2007. In 2007, the federal budget allocated 4.05 billion rubles to 21 regions - winners of the competitive selection of entities implementing comprehensive education modernization projects. At a meeting of the interdepartmental working group reported that, according to preliminary forecasts, most regions implementing comprehensive education modernization projects will use federal support funds in a timely manner.

Currently, active work is underway in Russia to create a new model of education, called “Russian Education - 2020”. According to the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the project modern model education, focused on solving the problems of innovative development of the economy and society, is proposed for analysis and refinement expert groups all levels and sent to the regions for discussion at the traditional August pedagogical councils.

The developed model “Russian Education - 2020” contains four fundamental directions of development: the availability of quality education for any resident of the country and its continuity, that is, providing the opportunity to study, improve one’s skills and retrain at any age, the orientation of the education system towards the innovative development of the economy, its openness to society, including taking into account the interests of consumers of educational services, and the possibility of external, public assessment of the level of institutions and their educational programs.

According to the project, the changes will affect all levels of the Russian educational system, including preschool education, additional, primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

After finalization, the directions of actions and activities of the modern education model will be reflected in the concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

Priority national projects will be transformed into long-term state programs and supplemented with new directions, said Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov.

Since 2009, Russia has been implementing a new four-year cycle of development and modernization of the education system. This was stated by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko at a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Education and Science, held on September 2 and dedicated to the main provisions of the state program “Education and development of an innovative economy: introduction of a modern education model in 2009-2012.”

It was noted that the implementation of the new education model will be a continuation of the priority national project “Education”, the integration of its main directions with other existing state programs aimed at the development of education. At the same time, the envisaged systemic changes will affect all levels of the educational system, including areas that were not previously included in the national project.

Thus, within its framework it is planned to update the organizational and economic mechanisms in the education system, make preschool education more flexible and diverse, and orient general education towards individual approach to students, expand the scope additional education.

As for vocational education, it is planned to expand the participation of employers at all stages of the educational process, to actively involve students and teachers in fundamental and applied scientific research (and in general to pay increased attention to the integration of education and science), as well as to create a system of continuous education so that everyone A resident of Russia could study at will throughout his life.

The goals and objectives of the state program are fully synchronized with the goals and objectives of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, according to which the strategic goal public policy in education is increasing the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, the modern needs of society and every citizen.

  • · Talented youth
  • · Federal universities
  • World-class business schools
  • · School meals
  • · Education of contract military personnel
  • Directions implemented within the prioritynew national project "Education"

    • · Monitoring the implementation of directions
    • · Symbols of PNGO

    On September 5, 2005, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the launch of four priority national projects: “Education”, “Health”, “Affordable Housing” and “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. According to the head of state, “firstly, it is these areas that determine the quality of life of people and the social well-being of society. And, secondly, ultimately, the solution to these issues directly affects the demographic situation in the country and, which is extremely important, creates the necessary starting conditions for the development of so-called human capital."

    The priority national project "Education" is designed to accelerate modernization Russian education, the result of which will be the achievement of modern quality of education, adequate to the changing demands of society and socio-economic conditions. The national project contains two main mechanisms for stimulating the necessary systemic changes in education. Firstly, this is the identification and priority support of leaders - “growth points” of a new quality of education. Secondly, the introduction into mass practice of elements of new management mechanisms and approaches.

    Support on a competitive basis for the best teachers and schools implementing innovative programs, helps to increase the openness of the educational system and its responsiveness to the needs of society. Encouraging talented young people designed to form the basis for realizing the innovative potential of Russian youth. An important institutional change is the introduction of a new teacher remuneration system. The systemic change introduced within the framework of the national project also works towards this change. reward for class management: the principle of establishing the amount of additional payments stimulates the development of per capita financing in education.

    Governmental support university innovation programs , institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, and creation of new federal universities are aimed at modernizing the material and technical base of institutions, introducing new programs and technologies and, in general, improving the quality of vocational education, its interdependence with the economy of the country and individual regions. Opening of new business schools is also directly focused on the breakthrough development of the domestic economy, on the formation of its own system for training top-class management personnel.

    Internetization of Russian education aims to spread through education modern technologies in all spheres of production and public life. Equalizing the opportunities of all Russian schoolchildren and teachers ensures a fundamentally new quality of educational services. In addition, the development of a new generation of electronic educational resources will lead to fundamental changes in educational outcomes and expanded opportunities for the implementation of individual educational programs. Supplied within the framework of the national project educational and educational visual equipment, and buses for rural areas significantly increase the availability of quality education for all Russian schoolchildren.

    All of the above areas are closely related to another area of ​​the national project - modernization of regional education systems- it involves the introduction of a new system of remuneration for general education workers, aimed at increasing the income of teachers, the transition to normative per capita financing, the development of a regional system for assessing the quality of education, providing conditions for obtaining quality education regardless of place of residence, and expanding public participation in education management.

    Thus, the directions of the priority national project “Education” form an integral mosaic, the different components of which complement each other, directing the educational system from different sides towards common goals, ensuring systemic changes. According to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, “the national project is not a one-time action that arose simply because money appeared and it was necessary to spend it. This is a logical step in the development of education reform. If you like, this is a catalyst for those systemic changes that have long been are overdue, the readiness for which has finally formed in society, and now they are also provided with resources.”


    Emblem of the national project "Education"

    National project"Education"- a program to improve the quality of education, announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2005 as part of the implementation of four priority national projects.

    Main directions of the project

    • Stimulating innovation in education
    • Connecting schools to the Internet
    • Support for talented youth
    • Organization of primary vocational education for military personnel
    • Organization of a network of national universities and business schools
    • Additional payments for class management
    • Promotion the best teachers(annually 10 thousand best teachers receive 100 thousand rubles.)
    • Supply school buses to the countryside
    • Providing schools in subsidized regions with educational equipment

    Results of implementation in 2006

    On March 30, 2007, the board of the Ministry of Education and Science summed up the results of the work in 2006. 29 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project.

    More than 800 thousand teachers received monthly additional payments for classroom management.

    Support and development of the best examples of domestic education

    3 thousand innovative schools (1 million rubles each) and 10 thousand best teachers (100 thousand rubles each) received state support. 5,350 young winners of various Olympiads and all-Russian and international competitions and festivals received awards of 60 and 30 thousand rubles to support talented youth.

    Introduction of modern educational technologies

    5,113 sets of educational equipment were sent to schools, and more than 18 thousand schools were connected to the Internet. 1,769 school buses were delivered to rural areas.

    Support for innovative universities

    State support for the winners of the competition is provided in the form of subsidies within the limits of allocations provided for these purposes in the federal budget. Subsidies were provided to universities for the purchase of laboratory equipment, development and acquisition of software and methodological support, advanced training and professional retraining scientific, pedagogical and other university personnel.

    Creation of new universities

    The first two federal universities were created - Southern and Siberian. The allocation of funds from the federal budget in the amount of 2 billion rubles was provided for their creation for a year.

    • Krasnoyarsk State University,
    • Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
    • Krasnoyarsk State Technical University,
    • State University of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold.

    Of no small importance in the context of the competitiveness of the education system is the issue of creating world-class business schools, with the obligatory participation of the business community. Decisions to create such schools were made: one at the expense of the federal budget and funds raised on the basis of St. Petersburg State University, and the other at the expense of the business community in Moscow.

    500 million rubles were allocated this year for the creation of a business school in St. Petersburg.



    • Website for monitoring the implementation of the Priority National Project “Quality Education”
    • . Official website of the Council under the President of Russia for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    • National project "Housing"
    • National Council

    See what the “National Project “Education”” is in other dictionaries:

      Priority national project "Education"- Emblem of the national project “Education” The national project “Education” is a program to improve the quality of education, announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2005 as part of the implementation of four priority national... ... Wikipedia

      Priority national project "Education"- NOTOC National Project “Education” is a program to improve the quality of education, announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2005 as part of the implementation of four priority national projects. Main directions... ... Wikipedia

      National project- Priority national projects are a program for the growth of “human capital” in Russia, announced by President V. Putin and implemented since 2006. In fact, they became the launching pad for Dmitry Medvedev’s election race. Contents 1 Projects ... Wikipedia

      National project "Housing"

      National project “Affordable and comfortable housing”- Official logo of the National Project Housing The National Project “Housing” (project “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of Russia”) is a program to improve the living conditions of citizens, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir... ... Wikipedia

      National project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens”- Official logo of the National Project Housing The National Project “Housing” (project “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of Russia”) is a program to improve the living conditions of citizens, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir... ... Wikipedia

      National project "Housing"- Official logo of the National Project Housing The National Project “Housing” (project “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of Russia”) is a program to improve the living conditions of citizens, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir... ... Wikipedia

      Housing (national project)- Official logo of the National Project Housing The National Project “Housing” (project “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of Russia”) is a program to improve the living conditions of citizens, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir... ... Wikipedia, V. A. Sukhomlin. The ultimate goal of the work carried out on the topic of the presented project is the creation of a Virtual National University (VNU IT), which should become a popular national... Buy for 79.9 rubles eBook

    The Priority National Project “Education” (PNPE), launched in Russia in 2005, is a large-scale program for deep reform of Russian education.

    The need for systemic changes in the main areas of education has been long overdue. The Russian educational system, in accordance with the demands of the time, had to become more open, more democratic, needed new effective educational schemes, required closer connections with the civil community, and needed to improve the quality of educational management. The priority national project “Education” is designed to solve all these and many other problems.

    PNPE is implemented in several main areas - such as maintaining modern educational technologies, creating and supporting national universities and world-class business schools, supporting the best examples of domestic education on a competitive basis, etc. Each of these areas includes several projects.

    Completed projects

    Creation and support of innovative schools

    In 2006-2008 An annual competition of innovative programs of general education institutions was held, during which 3,000 of the best general education schools were selected. The schools had something to compete for - after the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation summed up the results of the competition, each of them received 1 million rubles from the federal budget for the purchase of laboratory equipment, computers, methodological manuals, modernization of the entire material and technical base, as well as improving the qualifications of teachers. In just three years this financial aid 9,000 schools were provided (3,000 schools for each year) with a total funding volume of 9 billion rubles.

    As a result of the project, the winning schools (including rural ones) were not only able to improve their material equipment and improve the quality of education, but also change their charters towards greater democratization: for example, create school self-government bodies. Many of these schools have also become resource centers for other schools to introduce innovative methods into the learning process.

    Support for institutions of primary secondary and secondary vocational education (NPO and SPO)

    The project was implemented step by step in 2007-2009. and had the goal of supporting a system for training workers whose qualifications would fully meet the needs of competitive enterprises in all sectors of the modern Russian economy.
    To identify the best primary and secondary educational institutions, competitions were also held for the best innovative programs, and the winners were awarded large subsidies.
    In general, over these three years, innovative educational programs of 320 NGO and vocational education institutions, in which over 200 thousand students study, were supported. The total amount of funding from the federal budget amounted to 9.48 billion rubles, with co-financing from regional budgets and at the expense of employers - in the amount of 3.3 billion rubles and 5.5 billion rubles, respectively.

    The implementation of the project made it possible to implement in educational institutions modern methods and forms of training designed to master the latest production technologies, as well as bring into line the requests of employers and the qualifications of graduates of scientific and professional education and vocational education participating in the project.

    Innovative programs of higher education institutions

    One of the most important directions within the framework of PNGO was the task of modernizing and making Russian production more efficient and of higher quality. higher education so that it becomes competitive in the world market and fully complies with the requirements of the modern labor market. To achieve this, it was planned to expand as far as possible the integration of education and science, modernize the content and methodology of the educational programs themselves, and create new scheme management in Russian universities.
    On a competitive basis during 2006-2008. were identified best universities, who provided on creative competition their innovative educational programs. In general, 57 best winning universities were financially rewarded - each of them received from 200 million to 1 billion rubles for a radical update of the material and technical base, for the introduction of new educational programs using information technologies and the latest teaching aids.

    In general, the project was financed by the state for total amount 40 billion rubles - 5 billion in 2006, 15 billion in 2007 and 20 billion in 2008.

    The successful experience of holding these competitions later became the basis for holding a competition for the best national research universities in 2009

    Internetization of education

    Connecting all Russian schools to the Internet was an urgent need, as it provided students and teachers with access to a powerful modern educational resource. Daily during 2006-2008. Up to 300 Russian educational institutions connected to the network, which provided students and teachers with access to electronic libraries, museums, scientific, technical, humanitarian and natural science online portals. The so-called system is currently being developed. electronic resources of a new generation - that is, interactive educational programs in all school subjects.

    Schools were not only connected to the Internet, but also provided with adequate technical support and filtering of inappropriate Internet information.
    The total financing of the project amounted to 3 billion rubles.

    Educational equipment

    In 2006-2008 In thousands of schools in all regions of Russia, educational and educational-visual equipment was updated. In total, 54,800 kits consisting of modern laboratories, interactive electronic boards, multimedia projectors and other equipment were supplied to these educational institutions. This made it possible to greatly improve the learning process and increase the interest of schoolchildren in studying subjects - especially those that involve laboratory experiments.

    Equipping schools with a total funding of 6.9 billion rubles significantly improved the learning conditions of about 6 million children in 15 thousand schools different regions Russia.

    Rural school bus

    In 2006-2008 A program was implemented to purchase buses for rural schools. Distances of many kilometers to school were a serious obstacle to obtaining a quality education for children living in rural areas, since it was either difficult or completely impossible for them to attend classes.

    Small and ineffective rural schools were eliminated, and children were given the opportunity to attend distant basic schools using special school buses. Thus, the launch of 9,800 buses, purchased with funds from the Federal budget for a total of 3 billion rubles, made it possible to improve the accessibility of education for 136 thousand students living in rural areas.

    Modernization of regional education systems

    Conducted during 2007-2009. competitions for comprehensive projects for the modernization of regional education systems made it possible to help the winning schools of 31 regions equip them with new educational equipment, as well as to increase the salaries of all teachers in these regions.

    The general achievements of the project currently include an increase in the equipment of regional schools from 4 to 24% of the need, as well as an increase in salaries for teachers by at least 25% (and by more than 80% for the strongest and most effective of them) in accordance with the transition at NSOT - a new wage system.
    Funding for the project amounted to 9.95 billion rubles from the federal budget and 23 billion rubles from regional budgets.

    II. Projects currently being implemented

    Creation of a network of federal universities

    The development of a system of higher regional education and the strengthening of regional science in accordance with the needs of effective socio-economic development of the regions required the creation of a network of strong regional universities that could train highly qualified specialists in accordance with the demands of regional labor markets. Those who, thanks to the intellectual capital received at the university, could provide the local economy with original innovative developments.

    The first federal universities were:

    Siberian University in Krasnoyarsk - based on the merger of Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Krasnoyarsk State Technical University and State Academy of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold;

    Southern University in Rostov-on-Don - based on the merger of Rostov State University with Rostov state academy architecture and art, Rostov State pedagogical university and Taganrog State Radio Engineering University.

    The decree on their creation was signed by the President of Russia in 2006. Each of the universities received about 6 billion rubles of budget funds for the implementation of their programs, as well as funds from regional budgets and regional businesses.

    The following six federal universities were founded in 2009 in accordance with the Presidential Decree:

    Northern (Arctic) in Arkhangelsk;
    - Privolzhsky in Kazan;
    - Uralsky in Yekaterinburg;
    - Far Eastern in Vladivostok;
    - Baltic named after. Immanuel Kant in Kaliningrad;
    - North-Eastern named after. M.K. Amosov in Yakutsk.

    The last federal university to date, created in 2011, was the North Caucasus University in Stavropol.

    All 9 universities have advanced educational programs implemented in close integration with science, the most modern equipment, the latest educational methods and train specialists in a wide range of specialties. Also here in close cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences, are held basic research in the most important areas of modern science. It is expected that within 5-6 years higher educational establishments of the new model will be among the 10 leading universities in Russia, and by 2020 – among the 100 best universities in the world. The Baltic and North Caucasus Federal Universities are also entrusted with a number of geopolitical tasks and the important mission of socializing youth in these regions.

    World-class business schools

    Considering the shortage of top management in the Russian economy, primarily senior and middle managers, it was extremely important to implement the project to create world-class advanced business schools in the St. Petersburg and Moscow regions. It is planned to create by 2015 the Higher School of Management on the basis of the Faculty of Management of St. Petersburg State University (estimated capacity - 1800 students, of which 30% are foreign students) and the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo" (approximate capacity - 1000 students).

    The ambitious project provides for the training of management personnel capable of making a real breakthrough in the Russian economy.

    Payments to class teachers

    Encouraging the work of class teachers is a necessary condition in organizing the educational process in Russian schools. Therefore, the status of the class teacher was normatively secured with the simultaneous allocation of an additional fixed remuneration for teachers performing these functions - up to 1000 rubles, depending on the size of the class and the number of students (hearing impaired, with developmental disabilities, etc.). Since 2006, payments have been made to more than 800 thousand class teachers, for which about 11.7 billion rubles are allocated annually from the federal budget.

    The best teachers

    The payment of bonuses to the best teachers in order to stimulate their hard work and develop their creative potential was first approved in 2006. Since then, competitions for the title “Best Teacher of the Year” have been held annually. From 2006 to 2009 Each of the 10,000 teachers who won the competition was paid cash incentives in the amount of 100,000 rubles, and, starting in 2010, each of the 1,000 best teachers was paid bonuses in the amount of 200,000 rubles. Project funding amounts to 200 million rubles annually.

    Support for talented youth

    The key resource for the country's development is the intellectual potential of its young citizens. State support for identifying and encouraging young talents is thus strategically important for the further development of the national economy, science, politics, and culture.

    Within of this project With the help of the Olympiads, it is planned to annually identify 5,350 young talented people in all regions of Russia. Payments to 1,250 children selected from among the winners of Russian and international Olympiads amount to 60,000 rubles, payments to 4,100 young talents selected from among the winners of regional and Russian Olympiads amount to 30,000 rubles. Moreover, the selection of candidates from the second group is carried out not only in the categories of scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities, but also, for example, in social activities or amateur sports.

    School meals

    The task of improving the school nutrition system for all children studying in state and municipal comprehensive schools Russian institutions, is currently being implemented in a pilot project. It provides for improving the quality and availability of school breakfasts and lunches by improving the technology of their production and delivery to schools, as well as expanding the network of school canteens and school food factories.

    Based on the competitive selection, the winning regions were identified, which needed to implement the project in 2008-2009 alone. 500 million rubles were allocated. The project, which has been implemented to date, already has tangible achievements: in the schools participating in the experiment, hot meals are now received not by 76% of students, as before, but by 100%.

    Education of contract military personnel

    Assistance in organizing training for young people who have served at least 3 years under contract in the ranks Russian army, in preparatory courses at universities, is one of the important areas of the priority national project “Education”. The Federal Law adopted in 2007 ensured the right to benefits for former contract soldiers when entering universities, and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation determined the procedure for paying them scholarships from the state budget. Thus, former military personnel received benefits as upon admission to preparatory courses for a number of Russian universities, and directly upon admission to the 1st year of university. Funding for the ongoing project amounts to 500 million rubles annually.

    Based on materials from the website “Discussion Club of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” (

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    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    FSBEI HPE "Mari State University"

    Department of Pedagogy

    Essayon the topic of:

    National project "Education" and its implementation


    student of FTiPO o/o PT-55(E)

    K.A. Shabakova


    Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor

    R.G. Chulkova

    Yoshkar-Ola 2011


    1.1 Main directions of the national project “Education”

    1.2 Three main problems in the implementation of the Education project



    national education project

    Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens is a key issue of state policy. It would seem an indisputable declaration. This is exactly how it is perceived now. Including when it is spoken by the authorities. But relatively recent historical experience shows that just a few years ago its indisputability was not at all so obvious.

    Dangerous disintegration state institutions, a systemic economic crisis, the costs of privatization combined with political speculation on people’s natural desire for democracy, serious miscalculations in carrying out economic and social reforms - the last decade of the 20th century became a period of catastrophic demodernization of the country and social decline. In fact, a third of the population fell below the poverty line. Mass phenomenon there were months-long delays in the payment of pensions, benefits, wages. People were scared of default, the loss of their savings overnight. They no longer believed that the state would be able to fulfill even minimal social obligations.

    This is what the government that began working in 2000 faced. These are the conditions in which it was necessary to simultaneously solve the most pressing everyday problems and work to establish new - long-term - growth trends.

    On September 5, 2005, the President of the Russian Federation (at that time) Vladimir Putin announced the launch of four priority national projects: “Education”, “Health”, “Affordable Housing” and “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. Why these particular priorities: education, healthcare, affordable housing and increased attention to agriculture?

    It is these areas that affect every person, determine the quality of life and form “human capital” - an educated and healthy nation. The social well-being of society and the demographic well-being of the country depend on the state of these areas. It is in these areas that citizens most reasonably expect a more active role of the state and real changes for the better.

    1. Main directions of the national project “Education”

    On September 5, 2005, the President of the Russian Federation (at that time) Vladimir Putin announced the launch of four priority national projects: “Education”, “Health”, “Affordable Housing” and “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. According to former head state, “firstly, it is these areas that determine the quality of life of people and the social well-being of society. And, secondly, ultimately, the solution of these very issues directly affects the demographic situation in the country and, which is extremely important, creates the necessary starting conditions for development of so-called human capital." The priority national project "Education" was intended to accelerate the modernization of Russian education, the result of which was the achievement of modern quality of education adequate to the changing demands of society and socio-economic conditions. The national project contains two main mechanisms for stimulating the necessary systemic changes in education. Firstly, this is the identification and priority support of leaders - “growth points” of a new quality of education. Secondly, the introduction into mass practice of elements of new management mechanisms and approaches. Supporting the best teachers and schools implementing innovative programs on a competitive basis helps to increase the openness of the educational system and its responsiveness to the needs of society. Encouraging talented young people is intended to form the basis for realizing the innovative potential of Russian youth. An important institutional change is the introduction of a new teacher remuneration system. The remuneration for classroom management introduced within the framework of the national project also works towards this systemic change: the principle of establishing the amount of additional payments stimulates the development of per capita financing in education.

    State support for innovative programs of universities, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, as well as the creation of new federal universities are aimed at modernizing the material and technical base of institutions, introducing new programs and technologies and, in general, improving the quality of vocational education, its interdependence with the economy of the country and individual regions. The opening of new business schools is also directly focused on the breakthrough development of the domestic economy and the formation of our own system for training top-class management personnel.

    Internetization of Russian education is aimed at disseminating modern technologies through education into all spheres of production and public life. Equalizing the opportunities of all Russian schoolchildren and teachers ensures a fundamentally new quality of educational services. In addition, the development of a new generation of electronic educational resources will lead to fundamental changes in educational outcomes and expanded opportunities for the implementation of individual educational programs. The educational and educational-visual equipment supplied within the framework of the national project, as well as buses for rural areas, significantly increase the availability of quality education for all Russian schoolchildren. All of the above areas are closely related to another area of ​​the national project - the modernization of regional education systems - it involves the introduction of a new system of remuneration for general education workers, aimed at increasing the income of teachers, the transition to standard per capita financing, the development of a regional system for assessing the quality of education, and ensuring conditions for obtaining quality education regardless of place of residence and expanding public participation in education management. Thus, the directions of the priority national project “Education” form an integral mosaic, the different components of which complement each other, directing the educational system from different sides towards common goals, ensuring systemic changes. According to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, “the national project is not a one-time action that arose simply because money appeared and it was necessary to spend it. This is a logical step in the development of education reform. If you like, this is a catalyst for those systemic changes that have long been are overdue, the readiness for which has finally formed in society, and now they are also provided with resources.” The main directions of the project: stimulating innovation in the field of education; connecting schools to the Internet; support for talented youth; organization of primary vocational education for military personnel; organizing a network of national universities and business schools; additional payments for class management; rewarding the best teachers (annually from 2006 to 2009, 10 thousand best teachers received 100 thousand rubles, and since 2010, 1 thousand best teachers received 200 thousand rubles); supply of school buses to rural areas; equipping schools in subsidized regions with educational equipment.

    1.2 Three main problems in the implementation of the priority national project “Education”

    It is obvious that in a relatively short period of time, a lot of useful things have been done for the education sector, something that had not been done before for decades. And this is the positive side of the Priority National Project “Education”. Therefore, the enormous work done must be recognized as necessary and useful for the country. But does this mean that this project does not have shortcomings that could be constructively criticized? No, that doesn't mean it.

    Since the announcement of the projects, three main problems in their implementation have emerged.

    Firstly, National Projects have not turned into scientifically developed programs. This was probably due to lack of time, as well as the general practice of underestimating scientists that developed in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. That’s why the National Projects turned out to be more election politics and indirect propaganda than well-thought-out ones social policy development of human potential in Russia.

    Secondly, the perception of national projects in society turned out to be contradictory. The facts are that the very idea of ​​the National Project, as a way to solve important problems of the country, seems fruitful to only 29% of Russian citizens. According to 27% of Russians, national projects are not effective way problem solution. This point of view is especially often expressed by Muscovites (42%), as well as citizens with higher education (34%). Citizens are right that the country has too many problems, and these problems require a systematic, balanced approach, which individual projects, even if there are many of them, cannot provide.

    For example, accelerated computerization of schools would be a step in the right direction, if only the schools themselves were not in dire straits. Already, out of a little over 64 thousand Russian schools, 27 thousand are unsuitable for classes. Ask what is more important for these schools now - a repaired roof or a computer? The degree of depreciation of fixed assets of educational institutions is more than 37%. And their renewal rate is approximately 1.2% per year. If we move at this pace, then literally in 10 years we will lose the entire material and technical base of educational institutions.

    This means that you can’t patch the roof with a computer from the National Project. We need a government program that would solve one problem in conjunction with another. In addition, computerization of schools without the introduction of an electronic education system (e-Learning) is not effective. But there is not a single line about this in the Priority National Project.

    The projects did not become National, in the Western sense of the word. In countries where the nation represents the unity of society and the state, the state serves the society. In our country, the opposite happened: society actually found itself in the grip of a state flexing its muscles. Decorative institutions like the Public Chamber do not change the essence of the matter, but only emphasize the actually existing relationships. The true meaning of the name “National” implies a leadership role in these projects public organizations and the decisive contribution of professional associations, of course with the support of the state.

    In this case, the opposite is true - the state itself puts forward projects, manages them itself, and distributes money itself, at its own discretion, in the absence of effective public control. V.A. Medvedev, it must be admitted, in attempts to prevent the theft of public funds allocated for the implementation of National projects, over the past two years has shown a principled, consistent and in some places a very tough position towards officials. However, publications have appeared about threefold increase in prices for work performed, for example, for the creation of an Internet portal. In national projects, the involvement of public bodies was widely used, but under the constant control of officials.

    National projects were adopted without scientific and public examination. And this is not the first case of government projects adopted in a strong-willed manner from above. It is enough to point out the so-called mediocre project. the Unified State Exam (USE), which the authorities never dared to publish. And therefore he continues to act blindly, in an unfamiliar sphere of pedagogical dimensions. And he has been behaving voluntarily there for many years. This is one of the reasons why projects now look like National in name, but governmental in essence.

    The main form of implementation of the National Projects under discussion is the distribution of money based on incompletely developed criteria. In other words, there are bureaucratic and monetary approaches here. However, in the delicate spheres of education, healthcare, culture and science, such approaches do not always show their ineffectiveness. Questions are more important scientific justification, interesting ideas, meaningful solutions that satisfy the interests of the majority of citizens. But this is precisely what is lacking in National Projects. For example, the Priority National Project does not deal with sensitive issues of the content of education and quality tests to check the quality of mastery of new educational programs. It is no coincidence that we received bad textbooks and unusable, home-grown so-called. KIMS Unified State Examination.

    The distribution of budget money was carried out through the relevant ministries, which is convenient for the government, but is incorrect in essence of the National Projects. Because such implementation of projects objectively contributes to the strengthening of bureaucracy and the strengthening of the power vertical. Neither one nor the other has a positive relationship to the genuine interests of the country's citizens.

    A significant drawback of the Priority National Project “Education” is its selectivity. Or, in the language of officials, precision. It is believed that the best will help move everything educational sphere towards updating. And indeed, some schools began to work in a new way. But what to do with the rest? They, like hospitals, cannot be closed. Transporting children along bad roads to neighboring villages and the region is also not an option; it is also dangerous and expensive. In genuine educational activities attention to and assistance to weak students should be greater than to strong students. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the work of all those educational institutions that still remain. Experience would be helpful here interesting experience Cuba for the preservation of rural small schools.

    The selectivity of allocated grants leads to the disappearance of the main features of any truly National project - the universality of the positive effect. With a targeted focus on financial support, one can hardly hope for broad scientific, professional and public support these projects.

    It is useful to ask an important question: - Has education in Russia improved as a result of the implementation of the Priority National Project “Education”? The investment of huge sums in the education system has not led to a noticeable improvement in education throughout the country. On the contrary, too many facts have accumulated indicating a real deterioration in the quality of education in many, especially remote regions. Mass school education is constantly deteriorating. Knowledge natural sciences And native language The number of school graduates has become lower than ever. About half of schoolchildren do not master mathematics to the required extent, and their knowledge of the Russian language is lower than ever before. 80% of unusable textbooks are the result of many years of experience of irresponsible bureaucratic management of the education sector. It is no coincidence that Russia has already dropped to 57th place in the Human Development Index, and there are no prospects for improvement yet.

    2. Results of the implementation of the priority national project “Education”

    The priority national project has become practical tool launching systemic changes in the field of education. Along with the institutional effects, the steps taken have had a positive impact on the living conditions of many citizens: the number of children studying in modern schools has increased. Along with connecting all schools to the Internet, the number of computers in them has increased and teachers are actively using them in their work. In a few years, all educational places will be united into information networks. With the participation of the best teachers, interactive electronic educational resources, which are located in open access in all sections of school curricula. At the same time, everything is being done to ensure that the school Internet is safe for children - from high-quality content filtering to thoughtful educational work.

    The basis of systemic changes is organizational and financial mechanisms that establish a clear, “transparent” dependence of resource provision on the quality of education that each student receives. It was based on the number of students, taking into account their place of residence, that resources were allocated to the regions in all areas of the national project, from encouraging the best teachers and supplying educational equipment to supporting regional complex projects.

    In the context of per capita financing, schools received an additional incentive to create comfortable conditions for each student, to help them maximize, realize and increase their potential. High school students have more opportunities to choose subjects and the level of difficulty of their studies. And also, together with receiving a general education, begin to master in-demand professions and determine your future. The laws on general education for all and on new structure educational standard.

    There are more interesting clubs, sections, and clubs at school, where every student can find something interesting to do and achieve success, show creativity and social activity. Over the past few years, the number of additional education organizations has increased, while the average age of additional education teachers has decreased by 13 years and is 40 years. Professionals from the real sector entered the education system, in many cases combining this activity with their main job. Technical circles are returning to our lives, sport sections, tourist clubs.

    At the same time, such achievements of children as victories in competitions, olympiads and competitions, implemented projects are recognized as significant educational results and taken into account in their further education and career.

    The state is extending mechanisms for strictly linking funding to the volume and quality of services to preschool and vocational education. This will increase the efficiency of using budget funds and ensure that every invested ruble “works” for the student with maximum return.

    As part of comprehensive education modernization projects, a new teacher remuneration system has been tested, in which the salaries of the best teachers, including young ones, are growing faster. As a result, teachers' demand for advanced training is growing.

    In all areas of the national project, a competitive mechanism for supporting leaders was developed, in which budget funds were distributed on the basis of public assessment. We can confidently say that today the education system has become more open to requests and control from society than before the start of the national project.

    Of the innovative schools supported in the competition, over a third are rural socio-cultural complexes. Such a school is gradually becoming not only educational, but modern information, cultural center, where the most significant local events take place, all residents can use the library, media library, gym, and engage in amateur art activities.

    Based on innovative institutions of primary and secondary vocational education with working together The federal, regional authorities and business are forming the backbone of resource centers for the entire country in areas of training that are in demand by the economy. This lays the foundations for overcoming the personnel shortage.

    Support for innovative universities, also selected through tough competition with the active participation of employers, contributed to the development of their scientific, economic and academic independence. Students studying there, together with teachers, participate in innovative scientific research using modern equipment, often previously unavailable. Cooperation has increased scientific schools and institutes of various departmental affiliations, which is supported by the law on the integration of science and education adopted at the end of last year. These changes are sociologically significant primarily for young people. As a result, innovative universities have achieved a balance between the implementation of a competency-based approach and fundamental training.

    With the support of these universities and the creation of the Southern and Siberian Federal Universities, the formation of a network of scientific and educational complexes began. In the future, modern technologies will develop around these complexes. college campuses with a rich infrastructure.

    The logic of supporting innovation, worked out within priority project, is the basis of the concept target program"Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel", principles of support for research institutes.

    Thus, within the framework of the national project, the foundations have been laid and the formation of a modern education model has begun. Education integrated with science and economics. The basis has been laid for transferring the economy to an innovative path of development and increasing its efficiency. Effective mechanisms for program implementation have been developed social development.

    The results and developments obtained will allow us to systematically continue this work, increasing the complexity of decisions made and mechanisms implemented.


    President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev said that “National projects are not a one-time measure. This is our long-term policy. Investments in people, in their education, health, and quality of life have become the key idea of ​​the country's development. And now we have come close to the formation of a new social policy on the basis of national projects - a policy for the development of human potential, one that should open up wide and equal opportunities for self-realization for our citizens."

    In my opinion:

    1. It is better to replace national projects with state programs for balanced development public health, education, housing construction and all other areas of social development, programs to raise the level and quality of life of the peoples of Russia.

    2. It is necessary to increase budget funding for education. Just look at the example of Finland and Taiwan, which have excellent secondary schools and spare no expense on their development. Now state budget expenditures per capita in Russia are 43 times less than in Finland. This kind of stinginess of the government in matters of human development in Russia is inexplicable.

    3. It’s high time to sign the previously adopted The federal law on anti-corruption. Corruption in the education sector is getting worse every year. In 2006, Russia received 2.5 points (127th place), in 2007 it received 2.3 points and shared 143rd place with Gambia, Indonesia and Togo.) . Within the country, the education sector came in second place in terms of corruption levels, after customs. This negative process must be stopped by the Law and a system of known but not yet applied anti-corruption measures.

    4. In the educational policy of the state, it is necessary to minimize the role of officials and increase the role of public education management bodies. Only then does education become a people's education, that is, a common cause of the entire people. In fact, the Priority National Project “Education” has immeasurably increased the role of officials in the country. And this is equally dangerous for both the existing government and citizens.

    In Japan, the number of officials in the Ministry of Education is several times less than in Russia, and ten times less than the number of public advisors to the ministry. Civil education management structures have already been created there, because genuine educational reforms are impossible without students, parents, and citizens.

    Reducing state pressure on the education system will free universities, schools and vocational education institutions from excessive bureaucratic supervision, from unsuitable minimalist standards, from issuing state diplomas and related state certification and state accreditation. A very interesting experience of absence may be useful here. Federal Administration higher education in the USA. So, do universities there work worse because of this?

    5. It is necessary to actually restore the autonomy of educational institutions, without which there cannot be high quality educational work. Nowadays, a very important turn is to be made in educational activities: from educating everyone to educating everyone! But to do this, it will be necessary to thoroughly reform the existing Ministry of Education, personnel and the content of its activities. Previously, in Russia, Trustees of Education were appointed to management positions. These people created Great Russia. In the current leapfrog of ministerial appointments, it is difficult to find a publicly recognized, actual Trustee of Public Education.

    7. The time has come to establish a public and professional examination of the quality of education, independent of the state. Can not government agency responsible for the quality of education, he himself objectively check the results of his work. This is a direct path to corruption and a decrease in the quality of education.

    8. Instead of specialized education, it is time to move, where possible, to level education, to establish truly elite (not to be confused with elitist) educational institutions, on whose graduates the country’s survival in difficult conditions of global competition will largely depend.

    9. Rural schools should not be closed under any circumstances while they have at least one student. In these schools, it is necessary to introduce the e-Learning system, which has proven itself well abroad.

    List of sources used

    financial economic systems approach

    1. Avanesov V.S. National projects are needed, but different. Report on VII international scientific conference: RUSSIA: Priority national projects and development programs. Section: “Quality of management, mechanisms of social partnership and national competitiveness.” INION RAS, December 14, 2006.

    2. Egoryshev S.V. Participation of students in the research of applied security problems social system. P.12-15. Sat. "Education and National security Russia. Problems, relationships, prospects.” Materials of the scientific and practical conference. February-April 2005 Part 1. Ufa, 2005

    3. Human rights and educational legislation // Public education, No. 1, 2007.

    4. Anastasia Malakhova. It's time to go to school. April 24, 2007.

    5. Smolin O.N. Human rights and educational legislation // Public education, No. 1, 2007. P. 19.

    6. Mendro, ROBERT L. Student Achievement and School Teacher Accountability. (What should teachers be paid for? For the actual work they do or for the knowledge of students? Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 12:3 257±267, 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.

    7. Avanesov V.S. "Single State exam, or this thing will be stronger than Goethe’s Faust” // Teacher’s Newspaper, No. 49, November 28, 2000. The results were far more devastating than could have been imagined at the time; http://testolog. people. ru

    8. Illegitimate experiment in education. Independent newspaper.

    10. Putin V.V. The Unified State Examination system will be improved. 02/15/08

    11. 14:44 09/15/2007.

    12. S. Mironov, speaker of the Federation Council: “The Unified State Examination must be cancelled!”

    13. http:// obrazovanie. viperson. ru/wind. php? ID=429735

    14. http://news. mail. ru/incident/1438756/




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