Is it necessary to prune hydrangeas for the winter? Rules for pruning hydrangea. The main rules of horizontal insulation

Hydrangeas are classified as hardy and winter-hardy plants, with the only exception being large-leaved species. When purchasing plants, you should always be interested in complete information about this green pet. Where to plant so that the plant takes root in the garden for a long time. Despite the similarity of many species in agricultural cultivation technology, they also have their differences.

Tree and panicle hydrangeas

Tree hydrangeas are distinguished by better adaptability to growing conditions in most of the European territory of Russia. Roots tree hydrangea go deep into the ground. These hydrangeas do not require shelter for the winter. It happens that in very harsh winters their shoots may freeze, but in the spring they are restored. Only newly planted young seedlings are covered with a small mulch layer of 6...10 cm. Peat, dry leaves, and pine litter are used as mulch.

Hydrangeas paniculata also winter well. But in extreme winter conditions bushes are prone to frostbite, although, like tree-like species, they recover. But this applies to older plants. Therefore, the root zone of the “baby plants” is covered for several years with a 10...15 cm layer of humus, peat, straw or dry leaves. This is done before the soil freezes in late October-early November.

Since hydrangeas require fertile soil, every year late autumn organic matter in the form of compost or humus is added to the root zone. But you can’t overdo it, otherwise the plants will fatten and not bloom. In the spring, it is imperative to rake organic matter from the stems to avoid overheating.

As for pruning, most often this activity is carried out in early spring, leaving, depending on the age and size of the bush, from 6 to 12 of the strongest branches, shortening the tops by 2...5 buds.
Weak thin shoots, broken and thickening branches are cut out of hydrangeas. It is preferable to prune before sap flow, in middle lane in March. In autumn, they only remove faded panicles of inflorescences, which can be used as shelter for garden plants rather than throwing it into compost. The branches of the bushes can be tied with rope to prevent snowfalls from breaking them.

Large leaf hydrangeas

When grown in the garden, this species is not winter-hardy and does not tolerate even light frosts.
They bloom on last year's shoots, so it is very important to preserve them winter time. In the fall, only faded inflorescences are removed; broken and weak branches can also be pruned, but this is done to a minimum, only if necessary.

Large-leaved hydrangeas winter well in the south of Russia. In the northern regions, it is more expedient to cultivate it as a potted crop, harvesting it for the winter in winter Garden or basement. Although, there are amateur gardeners who leave it to winter in open ground, carefully covering the plant.

Different types and varieties of hydrangea tolerate differently winter cold. In addition, they can grow in different climatic zones, therefore, there are nuances of caring for them in the fall in preparation for the upcoming cold weather.

Below you will find information about autumn care and preparing the plant for winter, about pruning hydrangea in the fall and covering it for the winter, which will be useful for both beginners and already experienced gardeners who recently planted this perennial in their summer cottage.

How to care for hydrangeas in the fall: secrets of care and preparation for cold weather

Hydrangea care activities in the fall include the following:

  • Eradication autumn spraying (treatment) against diseases and pests(alternatively, you can use a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture).
  • Transfer(but only paniculate or tree-like varieties; large-leaved varieties are best replanted in the spring).
  • Reproduction(by dividing the bush or digging up layering, but cuttings are carried out only in the summer).

By the way! You can replant a shrub by propagating it by dividing the bush.

  • Feeding and watering (more on this later).
  • Trimming.
  • Shelter for the winter.

Moreover especially important properly prepare hydrangea for winter, namely autumn pruning and winter shelter.

Autumn feeding of hydrangea and its watering regime

When the hydrangeas finish flowering and their buds begin to gradually dry out, it’s time to autumn feeding, which should help the shrub go into winter in strong condition, successfully laying vegetative and flower buds for future growth and flowering in the new year.

In the fall, it is necessary to add potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to the soil; hydrangeas are no exception. During this period, it will be good to feed them with potassium sulfate - as a potassium fertilizer, superphosphate - as a phosphorus fertilizer. Or you can buy ready-made autumn fertilizer.

Remember! No nitrogen fertilizers in autumn period, and also no ash as a potassium supplement, because it alkalizes the soil, while hydrangeas, on the contrary, need fertilizers that acidify the soil.

But watering in the fall is practically stopped (especially if the weather is cloudy and/or rainy), although, as you know, hydrangea loves moisture very much, so it is very important to water it regularly in the hot periods of the year during abundant flowering.

Features of autumn pruning hydrangea

Many lovers of this wonderful flower often have questions about this procedure: when is it better to prune - in autumn or spring; and is it necessary to prune hydrangeas for the winter? It is worth looking into these issues in more detail. In addition, if this procedure is carried out incorrectly, the shrubs may bloom poorly and, in principle, leave the gardener without their beautiful flowers throughout the entire season.

Note! Details about pruning hydrangeas in autumn you can read

Should I prune for winter?

In the fall, it is imperative to remove all faded (dry) inflorescences, otherwise in winter, under the weight of snow, hydrangea bushes may simply break. It also does not interfere with sanitary and thinning pruning.

When is it better to prune - autumn or spring?

It is believed that paniculate and tree-like hydrangeas can be pruned both in autumn and spring, or pruning can be carried out in several stages (cut some in the fall, and then finish what you started in the spring). But, as a rule, they try to prune the large-leaved variety only in the spring. Pruning of young bushes 2-3 years old (which still have thin stems) is most often left until spring.

Features of autumn pruning of plants depending on the type

Let us consider separately how tree-like, paniculate and large-leaved varieties, because each of them has its own characteristics.

Pruning the paniculata variety

As a rule, in the fall, paniculate hydrangea cut off only faded inflorescences, and in the spring they carry out complete (final) pruning, that is, pruning is carried out in 2 stages.

However, the flowering of paniculata, like tree hydrangea, occurs on the shoots current year, which means it’s not at all scary to make a mistake when pruning. That's why In autumn, you can completely prune tree hydrangeas., but leaving some margin. For example, when pruning for flowering, you should leave 3-4 pairs of strong buds.

Video: pruning paniculate hydrangea in autumn

Tree species pruning

Note! Autumn pruning of tree hydrangea performed similar to paniculata, but with some nuances (due to the structure of the flower). Naturally, you can do full pruning in the fall, because... it also blooms on the current year's shoots.

Video: how to prune tree hydrangea for the winter

Pruning the large-leaved variety

Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on last year's growth, so it requires a completely different pruning. And if you do standard pruning, you can simply deprive yourself of flowering next year.

So, in the fall, only faded two-year-old shoots of the large-leaved variety are pruned; all other pruning procedures are transferred to the spring.

Note! Many gardeners prefer not to touch large-leaved hydrangeas at all in the fall, but to do everything in the spring.

But you can still cut off the inflorescences in the fall. Moreover, it is recommended to cut the inflorescences to the first pair of buds at the end of the branch, that is, they (the buds) should never be touched. In addition, a stem of approximately 1.5-2 cm (a long stump) should be left above them.

Sheltering hydrangeas for the winter

Many novice gardeners are interested in covering this perennial for the winter, namely: when and how to do it correctly.

Note! There is already one on the site that you can find.

Features of frost resistance of each type of hydrangea

Hydrangea paniculata is one of the most frost-resistant species; it can withstand frosts down to -30-35 C.

The tree-like variety is slightly less resistant to frost, in which young shoots may freeze in the cold season. But the plant usually recovers very quickly during the next season.

And the most unstable to cold weather is the large-leaved hydrangea. The fact is that this perennial blooms on the shoots of the previous year. And if the flower buds freeze over the winter, there will be no flowering next year.

Is it necessary to cover for the winter?

Thus, not all varieties of hydrangea need to be covered during the cold season, or rather only tree and paniculate varieties, since they are highly frost-resistant. It will be enough to just lightly hill each of the bushes (for insurance).

But large-leaved hydrangea is strongly recommended to be carefully covered for the winter, since it is a very heat-loving species. Therefore, if you do not cover this shrub in the central zone (Moscow region) and cold northern regions, then it will definitely not bloom.

Video: how to properly cover large-leaved hydrangea for the winter

Features of covering hydrangeas depending on the region

In the Urals and Siberia experienced flower growers manage to grow large-leaved hydrangea, many varieties of which are valued for their beautiful decorative look foliage, as well as beautiful flowers different colors. To provide good shelter for the winter for this heat-loving variety in the northern regions, it should be planted separately from other plants so that its shelter does not interfere with the development and growth of other flowering perennials. Some gardeners sometimes even grow this type of plant in large tubs, which are put away in a greenhouse for the winter or to the greenhouse.

As for how to cover large-leaved hydrangeas in the middle zone (Moscow region), an air-dry shelter is used here (however, it can be used in Siberia and the Urals), for example, like this:

  • The shoots of the perennial are tied together, wrapped with lutrasil, and a mesh frame is built around it, the size of which is 10-12 cm larger than the height of the shrub. Dry leaves are poured inside the frame to the very top. Then the resulting structure must be wrapped with any material that does not allow moisture to pass through. In this way, young seedlings of all types of hydrangeas should be covered for the winter.

Attention! Already on the site detailed article on covering hydrangeas for the winter which you can read.

These wonderful shrubs are actively grown in landscape design for decorating park areas. But more and more often they are found on the most ordinary summer cottages and in the gardens of private houses. However, gardeners need to remember that these perennials require special treatment in preparation for the cold period.

Video: preparing hydrangea for winter: pruning and covering

In contact with

Visible behind almost everyone's fence garden plot. Large, with caps of inflorescences, smaller and more modest, or only in leaves. The decorative quality of this popular shrub, which is not too picky about growing conditions, is influenced by climate, weather during the growing season, its age and, of course, our care. What can you do in the fall to ensure your hydrangeas look healthy and bloom profusely next summer? First of all, this correct pruning and proper shelter for the winter.

Is autumn pruning required for hydrangeas?

Gardeners often wonder whether it is necessary to prune hydrangeas in the fall. Some gardeners carry it out only in the spring, while some do without pruning at all, preferring not to injure the plant in any way. Experience shows that in order to preserve hydrangea, annual abundant flowering and create the desired shape of the bush, carefully thought out and correctly carried out pruning is needed.

Attention! If pruned incorrectly, hydrangea may not bloom at all.

It all depends on the type of plant. The most popular and common are paniculate, tree-like and large-leaved hydrangeas. Other species are also cultivated - Bretschneider's hydrangea, petiolate, serrated, ashy. The first of them bloom on the current year's shoots, the others on last year's shoots.

According to the type of flowering, hydrangeas are divided into two groups, which require different approaches to pruning. They are represented by:

  • the first group is large-leaved hydrangea;
  • the second group is paniculate and tree hydrangeas.

Pruning hydrangeas of the first group

Paniculata hydrangea should be pruned like a tree, without disturbing the skeletal branches. If several shoots grow from one place, leave only those that grow outward. Remove old and damaged shoots. Remember paniculata hydrangea loves moderate pruning and will respond to it with a large number of panicle inflorescences. At the same time, when large quantities The shoots that accumulate from year to year thicken, the plant weakens, and the inflorescences become smaller.

Attention! The purpose of pruning young paniculate hydrangeas is to form a bush; for adults, it is to thin out and rejuvenate.

With the help of pruning, you can get the usual bush or standard form (a sort of bouquet on a stick, very impressive).

For tree hydrangeas, only sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall, removing broken, dried out or pest-damaged shoots. Remove dry inflorescences. Do you want to rejuvenate your bush? Trim it mercilessly, leaving shoots no more than 10 cm.

Pruning hydrangeas of the second group

In autumn, large-leaved hydrangeas cannot be cut off with young, not yet flowering shoots, because flower buds have already formed on them, which will bloom next summer. The purpose of autumn pruning is to sanitize the bush and rejuvenate it. In this type of hydrangea, the shoots live fruitfully for 4-6 years. Every autumn, cut out part of the old shoots to the very base - you will get strong replacement shoots and good flowering.

Advice. To give the bush a compact shape and maintain it, completely cut out inclined and crossing shoots.

How to preserve hydrangeas in winter - shelter for the winter

Before leaving for winter, decide whether you need to cover the hydrangea on your site:

  • evaluate the climatic features of winter in your region:
  • evaluate the winter hardiness of hydrangea;
  • select suitable type shelters.

Attention! Wintering affects the survival of the plant, its condition in the future growing season, the timing and quality of flowering.

By decreasing winter hardiness, hydrangea types are arranged in the following order:

  • paniculata;
  • tree-like;
  • large-leaved.

Paniculate hydrangea tolerates cold better than other species. It can overwinter without shelter, and if it freezes, it will quickly recover in the spring. All it takes is mulching trunk circle– to protect the root system.

The next most cold-hardy species is tree hydrangea. Mature plant can survive the winter well without shelter, also with a mulched tree trunk. Young plants often have young shoots that freeze in cold winters.

Large-leaved hydrangea is thermophilic. Pass the winter period She can do this without shelter only if the bush is small, bent to the ground and completely covered with snow at least 70 cm thick.

Advice. Large leaf hydrangea and young (up to 4 years old) bushes of paniculata and tree hydrangea must be covered for the winter.

Prepare the hydrangea for the upcoming winter: a few weeks before sheltering, stop watering, switch from nitrogen fertilizers to phosphorus-potassium ones; immediately before sheltering, remove dry leaves, except for the top leaves of the large-leaved species (they will protect the flower buds from the cold).

Ways to cover hydrangeas for the winter

First way– leaves. Follow the steps:

  • tie the branches with rope;
  • tilt the branches towards the ground and secure them, for example, with wire pins or rope to driven pegs;
  • cover the plant with leaves;
  • secure the shelter, for example, with stones.

Second way- spruce spruce branches. Follow the steps:

  • cover the soil around the bush with spruce branches;
  • lay the shoots on the spruce branches;
  • fix the shoots on the spruce branches;
  • Place another layer of spruce branches on top;
  • cover with covering material or a simple cloth;
  • secure the cover.

Third way- air-dry shelter. Follow the steps:

  • sprinkle the base of the bush with dry soil;
  • tilt the bush, but not too close to the ground;
  • fix the inclined shoots;
  • install a low frame of boards or wire so that the snow completely covers it and is strong enough to support a layer of snow;
  • cover the frame with non-woven material, thick paper, and on top with water- and light-proof material; leave holes for ventilation;
  • After the onset of cold weather and snowfalls, close the holes.

Organize a reliable wintering for your hydrangea and in summer you will see it in all its glory.

Caring for hydrangea in the garden: video

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Pruning hydrangeas in the fall is considered a mandatory annual procedure, as it stimulates flowering and shapes the crown of the bush. Therefore, for those who are interested in growing flowers, you need to know the basic subtleties and rules.

Characteristics of the genus

Hydrangea is a plant that belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family, it consists of approximately 70-80 species. Most of them live in East Asia. The shrubs grow up to 3 meters and are considered the most common representatives of their genus, others look like small trees, and all the rest are vines that climb up the trunks and reach a height of up to 30 meters. Plants are both deciduous and evergreen. Often it is the first species that are cultivated.

Flowering begins already in spring period and lasts until late autumn. At the end of the stem, the flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences and have a corymbose or paniculate shape.

In most varieties there are heads in which 2 types of flowers are collected, in the middle they are small and fruit-bearing, and at the edges they are large but sterile. You can also find plants in which all the links are the same and are considered fertile. The color of the bloom will depend on the species. White is the most common, you can see blue, pink, lilac, red and yellow.


Pruning and caring for hydrangeas in the fall are very important steps in growing healthy and beautiful plant, so you need to know that the flower is moisture-loving and you need to set the watering regime. During dry periods you need to water the bushes 2 times, and in rainy periods once a week. It is important to avoid stagnation of moisture so as not to harm the root system. For the procedure, it is better to choose settled water. On average, about 40-50 liters are poured under an adult bush at a time. As a preventive measure, they are sometimes added to water. citric acid or vinegar.

Top dressing

At the beginning of September, it is necessary to carry out the main feeding of the plant for the current year. The selected fertilizers should include a phosphorus-potassium complex. Nitrogen components in this period are not required, they are perfect when the plant begins its active growth.

Treatment for diseases and pests in the fall

During this period, treatment is considered more preventive than therapeutic and is carried out with the aim of destroying pests and diseases that collect in the soil or in the bark of a tree for wintering. Some of the most popular drugs are Abiga-Peak and 1% Bordeaux mixture. Similar activities are carried out after the leaf fall ends.

Why pruning?

The volume and method of pruning depends on the varietal and species characteristics of the plant. You don’t have to do this procedure at all, but then the foliage will become too thick, and the inflorescences will become smaller and smaller after each year, resulting in an untidy bush.

For beginners, you need to know that pruning hydrangeas in the fall is carried out for the following purposes:

  • formation of larger inflorescences;
  • formation of the required crown for landscaping a decorative area;
  • prevention of breakdowns from snow loads in winter;
  • removal of weak and old branches;
  • "rejuvenation" of the bush.

Basically, all species, with the exception of large-leaved and groundcover hydrangeas, are pruned in the same way, like paniculates.

At the end of the procedure, the flowers must be fed with fertilizers, and mulching of the root zone is also formed. To do this, it is best to choose a layer of compost or humus 5-7 cm thick. Fertilizing will actively stimulate the formation of fresh shoots and growth.


Pruning hydrangea paniculata in autumn is carried out very often, but you need to remember that the temperature for these purposes should not be higher than from +5 to +10. This procedure is also done at the end of winter, immediately before the buds appear, or in early spring (the main one) before the leaves bloom.

In the autumn, they often prune faded inflorescences, thereby reducing the breaking off of branches. Sometimes part of the main pruning is postponed to this period if it is necessary to obtain specimens on stronger shoots, but in this case the flowers will be smaller.


It is very important to systematically and accurately trim everything. Of course, they will grow perfectly without this, but the bushes will begin to thicken and lose their decorative appeal, and the inflorescences will become smaller over time.

The main pruning is usually done in the spring, but many gardeners very often do this before frost in order to strengthen the plant and make it stronger.

Pruning tree hydrangea in the fall is done like a typical shrub. After sanitizing the branches that have flowered, they move on to the obsolete ones and remove them to the ground. This is done in order to enhance the formation of young shoots. Afterwards, small thickening branches on the main bush are thinned out. Last year's shoulder straps are cut in half; only a few buds need to be left on them, from which young and strong shoots with large inflorescences will begin to grow.

I need to tell you for beginners that pruning paniculate hydrangea in the fall is done like a tree. Its skeletal branches and trunks are quite durable, so rejuvenation is performed by transferring shoulder straps to a young branch. Among the three shoots emerging from one bud, it is necessary to preserve 1-2 directed outward. Excess branches need to be removed, and all last year's branches must be shortened and only a few pairs of buds left there. The thicker these shoots, the more buds it is recommended not to trim.

Unlike previous species, pruning garden hydrangeas in the fall is done differently. In large-leaved and similar types, last year's shoots cannot be shortened, since the main buds for flowering are concentrated at their ends. But this does not mean that such plants should not be cleaned at all. It is important for them to undergo a rejuvenating procedure. Cutting is carried out to the base of the old shoulder straps, which do not allow the young animals to actively develop. New shoots will produce full flowering for next year. This procedure helps to achieve a balance between flowering and growing shoots, which ensures annual beauty.

Paniculata hydrangea

Such varieties are good because they can be used to make both a spreading shrub and a standard crown or a “bouquet on a branch.”

The main part of the work is carried out in the spring, then, in addition to the formation of the crown, frozen, damaged and dried branches must be removed. These varieties produce flowers only on young shoots, so all procedures must be carried out before the movement of juice occurs and the buds open. The most best time March or April is considered. The more you cut the shoots, the larger the inflorescences will become. In the spring, deleted branches can be used as To do this, you need to select optimal time, the buds on them should already swell a little.

The following information is suitable for beginners; pruning hydrangeas in the fall is done carefully, since the plant has fragile wood, so it is necessary to remove only dried inflorescences up to the buds. Cluster winter snow often leads to branches breaking or bending to the ground.

Plants that are young should not be cut after planting, since the foliage will be needed for the growth and nutrition of the seedling. After several years, you can begin to form a bush.

Tree varieties

The rejuvenation technique is similar to paniculate species. For the first few years, only sanitary cleaning is performed. Pruning tree hydrangeas in the fall will not be difficult for beginners, since they only remove dried flowers. These varieties, like paniculate varieties, develop flower stalks on new shoots that grow, so it is necessary to deeply cut the plant in order to stimulate the active formation of the crown. This species produces many shoots growing from the root zone. In spring they are often used for cuttings. Three types of pruning are most often used:

  1. Minimum - shortening is carried out by several buds. In this embodiment, hydrangea is cultivated as a free-growing shrub. The flowers grow small, but there are quite a lot of them.
  2. Pruning “for flowering” - several internodes are left on the branches below. In this case, large but sparse inflorescences are formed.
  3. Full “under the stump” - performed to rejuvenate the plant. It is done only for representatives over 5-7 years old. Branches are cut off from the ground by 10-15 cm. Hydrangeas that are already 10 years old are not recommended to be subjected to such a test, as they may die due to lack of nutrition.

Garden hydrangea

This species blooms on the upper branches of last year's growth. Counts important information for beginners, pruning of hydrangeas in the fall of these varieties is not performed, it is only recommended to clean them bottom part. To do this, you need to rely on the following rules:

  • all dried inflorescences must be removed as they appear - this will give the opportunity for new branches to grow;
  • if the flowering is abundant, only part of the young shoots that are formed in the depths of the bush are cut out;
  • overly diseased and old branches must be removed completely.

It is important to know that the milder the climate, the more careful pruning is required. In cold regions such as the Urals, Siberia and the North-West, garden hydrangea trimmed to a minimum.

And also for all species there is another type of pruning - rejuvenation, intended for those specimens that are more than 7 years old. Everything is done in the same way, shoots are cut out to a height of 10-15 cm. With minimal intervention, it is recommended to leave just a few strong branches growing outward.

Pruning hydrangea in the fall for beginners

The garden beauty is most often pruned in the spring, but before the cold weather it is necessary to remove the flower caps and shoots.

In the early stages, it is better not to touch the bush; wait until it is 3-4 years old so that the plant gets stronger and grows well.

It is important to know for beginners that when pruning hydrangeas in the fall, especially paniculata, they undergo thinning formation and removal of panicles, perform sanitary cleaning and shorten the shoots.

Short pruning will help you get a tall bush with active flowering, but branches that reach more than 150 cm may break off if strong wind, the thin shoot will not withstand the weight and will bend to the ground. It must be remembered that such a bush is difficult to wrap for the winter. Therefore, this type of pruning is recommended to be used infrequently.

Annual pruning of hydrangea is a mandatory action for the gardener, because this manipulation allows you to maintain the plant for a long time in good condition, promotes abundant flowering and rejuvenation of adult bushes.

Of course, without pruning the bush will not die, but will lose its decorative effect. Firstly, its crown will develop chaotically, and the shape of the bush will become less attractive, and secondly, the flowering of hydrangea will no longer be so abundant and long-lasting, and the size of the inflorescences will decrease significantly. Therefore, pruning hydrangeas is an important stage in growing flowering bush. It promotes:

  • maintaining the health of the bush;
  • formation of a beautiful crown and growth of green mass;
  • increasing the number of inflorescences on the bush and their size;
  • rejuvenation of hydrangea.

Annual pruning stimulates the growth of new and strong shoots, which naturally directly affects the decorative condition of the shrub. But it should be carried out strictly adhering to the basic requirements so as not to harm the plant. Below we will take a closer look at how to properly prune hydrangeas.

Before you start pruning hydrangea shoots, you need to know exactly what species they belong to, since the type and period of pruning depends on this.

Among all the variety of plant species, there is among them large-leaved hydrangea, which blooms exclusively on last year’s shoots, and the formation of flower buds occurs in autumn. That's why this type Hydrangeas are pruned only for sanitary purposes: damaged shoots are removed, thickened bushes are thinned out, and faded inflorescences are trimmed.

Also different from other species is ground cover hydrangea, which is also not subject to deep pruning. It is a wide, rounded bush with lush flowering m on the shoots of the current year, but for her normal development Only an annual slight shortening of the longest stems is sufficient.

Other types of hydrangeas bloom exclusively on the shoots of the current year and the rules for pruning them are similar.

In our region, paniculate and tree hydrangea are most often grown. Using their example, we’ll look at how to prune hydrangeas.

Bushes blooming on the current year's shoots must be pruned in early spring. Moreover, the sooner this procedure is carried out, the more successful the hydrangea will bloom. It is important to wait until the growth buds begin to swell in order to navigate by them. Depending on the weather conditions, this occurs in March or early April. The sooner pruning is done, the more time the plant will have to drive out young shoots and prepare for the winter season. You should also take into account the characteristics of hydrangeas. The tree type is pruned no later than mid-March, but the paniculata tolerates the removal of shoots quite well even in early April. In any case, you should focus on the condition of the flower buds. They are a good guide to start pruning bushes.

It is not recommended to prune hydrangeas in the fall, as you can damage the bush, which will significantly reduce flowering in the next season. Most often, in the fall, they only prune the branches a little, and then only those varieties of hydrangeas that need shelter.

Pruning hydrangeas are divided into the following types:

Formative pruning must be carried out in the first two years after planting the seedling. The formation of the crown at this stage of bush development is very important point. Firstly, as a result, the correct skeletal shape of the bush is formed, and secondly, strong branches are formed that grow in the right direction.

The scheme for carrying out formative pruning is as follows:

An adult, already formed hydrangea bush also needs annual pruning. With the arrival of spring, all last year's shoots should be shortened to two or four buds, as a result they will produce young branches with large inflorescences this season.

Sanitary pruning is also necessary conditions full development bush. First of all, dry stems, damaged parts and last year's inflorescences are removed, although some gardeners remove inflorescences in the fall so that snow does not accumulate on them and branches do not break under the overall weight.

Adult hydrangea bushes also require periodic thinning. Small and non-flowering shoots, as well as new stems extending from the root, should be removed.

Anti-aging pruning is part of the care of mature shrubs. And it is often held in conjunction with the annual spring pruning shoots (if we're talking about not about radical rejuvenation), it includes the annual removal of old shoots that are more than four years old, to the very root.

Rejuvenating hydrangeas

We're talking about radical action. There are cases when a fairly mature hydrangea bush in the garden has lost its former appearance due to certain reasons (lack of nutrients, various diseases or damage by insects) and in addition to agrotechnical measures, it is necessary to carry out drastic pruning. Such seemingly radical actions will have a stimulating effect, which will allow the bush to grow new young shoots. Trimming is carried out as follows. It is necessary to completely cut off all lignified shoots, leaving only small eighty-centimeter stumps. By the next season, the hydrangea will send out many young shoots, but they will be weak and there will be no flower buds on them yet. In the first year after radical pruning, all the forces of the hydrangea will be directed to the formation of the crown. But, when proper care, already next year, the renewed hydrangea bush will delight you with lush flowering, albeit not so abundant yet.

After the bush has been pruned (any type), it needs additional strength to restore lost shoots. And where does he get them? From the soil, of course! Therefore, it is important during this period to carry out mandatory spring feeding hydrangeas It is best to use complex mineral fertilizers. And mulch the root circle near the bush with a five-centimeter layer organic fertilizers, which are suitable as manure, peat, humus.

Having received additional support from nutrients, the bush will recover very quickly and will delight you with a chic crown and abundant flowering.