Charge one for electricity per year. The Ministry of Construction has given new clarifications about the CU at ODN. One's expenses for hot water are spent on

More recently, V.V. Putin signed a federal law that amended some provisions of the Housing Code Russian Federation and, in particular, touched upon the 2017 ODN standards.

Let us remind you that one-time services are general house needs. Innovations have established at the legislative level the priority of settlements and payments for them according to meter readings over approved regional standards.

The target audience

According to the new law on ODN 2017, homeowners have the right to choose a method utility bills for general house needs.

Today it is too early to talk about a complete resolution of this issue. Many homes are not yet equipped with appropriate accounting systems, although people have long understood their importance and necessity. Meters make it possible to ensure transparency in the calculation of single tax payments and eliminate the possibility of unjustified overpayments. In addition, practice has shown that payment according to established standards is much higher than according to indicators of accounting systems.

IN this aspect It is advisable to note that the legislative norms in the list acceptable work As part of the overhaul, it is planned to install a system for accounting for consumed resources.

Calculation of one-time tax from July 2017

According to information posted on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, at a general building meeting, owners independently assess the technical equipment of their housing and determine the most acceptable method of calculation for the entire house.

Essentially there are 3 possible options:

  1. According to generally established regional tariffs ODN 2017.
  2. Based on the average value of readings from accounting systems for the previous year. It is expected that every year on July 1, recalculation and adjustment will be made using a specially developed algorithm. It should be noted that if overspending is detected, financial costs will fall on the shoulders of the management company.
  3. According to the actual readings of the common house meter. In this case, we are not talking about any adjustments or recalculations.

Thus, the adoption of the new law makes it possible to ensure the correctness and transparency of accruals; people, and even the management companies themselves, will be interested in installing communal metering devices. In addition, when owners have fewer questions regarding the ODN accrual system, the amount of money lost by resource supply organizations should decrease significantly.

ODN standards from July 2017

Already, many regions have carried out a recalculation of general household needs at their level. As a result of the adjustments, water costs decreased by about a quarter, while electricity costs, on the contrary, doubled.

Thus, the dubious validity of the ODN standards is confirmed. In addition, the diversity of buildings adds confusion to the calculation rules. Updated standards, as a rule, lead to an increase in payments for one-way services. Innovations in the Housing Code of Russia will help change the current trend, ensure transparency of payments for the population and increase their payment discipline.

Electricity ODN 2017

Electricity is one of the most sensitive topics on the list of general household needs. Not only did the amount change monthly, sometimes sharply increasing, sometimes sharply decreasing, but the management companies could not clearly explain either how the calculation takes place, or why in one city in the same type of houses the amounts differ significantly, but since January 1, 2017 year, a separate column for this calculation was removed, and the amount of payments increased significantly. Not to mention the fact that the government excluded the possibility of paying using public meters.

Standards for payment for communal electricity are established by the regional administration. You can get acquainted with them on the official website of the region. For homeowners, the calculation of electricity supply is carried out using the following formula:

ODN’ = Н*КВ*Sк / So,

Where ONE'– general house electricity;

N– established standard;

HF– area of ​​all premises of common property;

Sk– area of ​​the apartment of a particular owner;

So– the total area of ​​the apartments located in the building.

Now the possibility of paying for a common house meter has been resumed and the calculation will consist of calculating the difference between its indicators and all apartment meters, and then subsequently dividing the value apartment by apartment depending on the area.

Thus, new law about ODN is essentially a well-forgotten old one. But if earlier there was an acute issue with the installation of common house metering devices, then after identifying the possibility of including this expense item in major renovation, problem solved. And homeowners are given back the opportunity to choose.

In connection with the transfer of ODN from utilities in housing from January 1, 2017, we explain the procedure for calculating and paying ODN.

In 2017, ODN will be added to the existing tariff for housing services. In this case, the size of one will be calculated using a very simple formula. The basis for calculating the cost of DHW and cold water supply is the volume of consumption of each resource in the amount of 0.02 and 0.022 cubic meters per square meter harvesting area. The volume of 0.02 and 0.022 is multiplied by the size of the cleaning area on the house and multiplied by the cost of the resource. Then the resulting amount is divided by the total area of ​​​​all residential and non-residential premises and the resulting size is one per square meter of area of ​​a separate room.

With regard to one electricity supply, the algorithm is the same, only the volume of resource per square meter depends on the type of house and its number of storeys. When calculating the RRP for electricity, the area of ​​the basement and attic is added to the area of ​​the staircases.

Please note that when calculating the standard for electricity at one-room heating equipment, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to the areas being cleaned, the areas of the basement and technical floor.

For example, the electricity calculation for a three-room apartment in a typical nine-story, 11-entrance building in Vladivostok will look like this: 3.83 kWh (electricity consumption standard) multiplied by 8562 sq. m. (area of ​​seats common use), divide by 25875.2 sq.m. (total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises of the house), multiply by 50 sq.m. (apartment area) and multiply by 2.7 rubles. (tariff for one kW*hour of electricity). We get 171.09 rubles - this is how much the residents of this apartment need to pay per month for electricity consumption for general house needs.

That is, than larger area apartment occupied by the subscriber, the greater will be his share of ODN. For example, a family of 3 living in one-room apartment area 35 sq.m. will pay ONE less than a single tenant occupying three-room apartment, area 60 sq.m.

So, in the case of a three-room apartment with an area of ​​63 sq.m., the payment for one electricity supply will already be 215.57 rubles.

In addition, even if the apartment is empty for several months and its consumption is zero, the owner of this housing will be obliged to pay monthly for electricity spent on general house needs in proportion to total area apartments. According to paragraph 88 of Resolution No. 354, the amount of payment for utilities for general house needs is not subject to recalculation even due to the temporary absence of the consumer in the residential premises.

When calculating the one-time tax, one should also not forget that until July 1, 2017, the cost of the resource is the same, and from July 1, 2017 it will change.

The main part of expenses for general house needs, about 50%, of course, is lighting of entrances and local area. In second place in terms of energy consumption is IHP equipment, especially pumps that circulate hot water and coolant in the heating system around the clock. In addition, electricity is used when operating elevators and during repair work. common property, requiring electricity connection, etc. Also included in the standard technological losses communal resources (technically inevitable and justified losses of cold and hot water, electrical energy in intra-house engineering communications and equipment apartment building). Taken together, all these costs add up to what at first glance seems to be an inflated value of the one-time electricity charge.

Comfortable living in an apartment building requires heating and lighting not only in the apartments themselves, but also in common areas, front doors and numerous technical rooms. Today, management companies use the practice of allocating the costs of maintaining such areas to general house needs (GDN). They are paid by apartment owners, and the corresponding payment amounts are indicated in receipts for utility bills. In 2015, federal officials made changes to the payment for ODN and proposed to classify them as expenses falling under the category of payments for the maintenance of residential premises. When will the transfer of the payment for one-day rent to the housing service take place? How will this affect the payment amount? What will the ODN fee be in 2018? And what can help residents apartment buildings save on one?

Transfer of payment for single living expenses to housing service (HS)

Initially, legislators planned to endow ODN with the concept of “housing maintenance” instead of “utility services” (CS) in the spring of 2016. For a number of reasons, mainly technical, it was decided to postpone the innovation. It turned out that not all management companies were prepared for these changes: they did not equip their facilities with general building meters that take the necessary readings, they did not complete the planned work to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, etc.

Federal Law No. 73 of March 30, 2016 put an end to the issue of the final transfer of payment for single living expenses to the category of housing services (HS): it obligated amendments to Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts Russian Federation" and give them legal force from January 1, 2017. Thus, already in 2017, we will have to pay for electricity, heating, water, as well as cleaning, maintenance and repair of front and technical premises citizens had to comply with the new regulations. At the same time, it was installed new order distribution of ODN between apartment owners separately for each utility service (CS). It is introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”

Payment for ODN in 2018

This innovation made it possible to restore order in the area of ​​payment for utilities provided for general household needs. First of all, apartment owners stopped receiving receipts with often incomprehensible amounts, which were calculated by specialists of management companies based on outdated standards. House-wide meters (metering devices for resource consumption), which were supposed to be installed in every Russian apartment building, are designed to show the real consumption of electricity, water consumption, etc., which also makes it possible to evaluate the energy efficiency of the residential building itself.

In addition, the changes that have already been made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation obligated at the level of each region to carry out work to calculate standards for the consumption of resources necessary for the maintenance of premises. From now on, both management companies and citizens themselves will receive exact numbers, which will show how much utilities (CS) for general house needs should cost. The new standards will become a kind of framework, exceeding which will mean ineffective work of the management company. In this case, the latter will no longer be able to exercise initiative in calculating the amounts payable by the residents of the house.

Calculation of ODN in 2018

To calculate the standards for energy consumption used for general household needs, specialists had to install common building meters (metering devices) in apartment buildings. They show how much resources are received and how much was spent directly by the residents (according to the readings of individual meters for electricity, water, etc.). The resulting difference is included in the category of the communal resource that the house needs.

Having collected readings from tens and hundreds of thousands of objects, taking into account the types of houses and their equipment with meters, energy-saving equipment (for example, LED lightening in front rooms), legislators received average standards, which formed the basis for future assessment of the performance of management companies. Why is it necessary to evaluate something? The fact is that since January 2017, at those facilities where the ODN fee exceeded the established standards, or readings could not be issued due to the lack of meters, residents received the right to pay for utilities within the norms, while all expenses exceeding them were fell on the shoulders of the Criminal Code.

Thus, the calculation of the ODN made it possible to streamline the work on establishing new standards and pushed the management company and the HOA to pursue a resource-saving policy, including forcing them to install communal water and electricity meters. This, in turn, affected the overall saving of utility resources, both on the scale of one house and on the scale of an entire region and even a country.

At the same time, those management companies that fail to organize proper work to collect data on the consumption (expense) of resources used for general house needs will be forced to indicate in receipts the amounts calculated on the basis of the standards established in the region. And since utility providers will continue to rely on their meter readings to show what volumes of resources are supplied to the facility, payment of the difference will again be made from the pocket of the management company.

ODN standard for water in 2018

How the ODN payment for water will be calculated can be found in the example that demonstrates the work of Stavropol officials. Thus, representatives of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Stavropol Territory were among the first to calculate and officially approve standards for the consumption of ODN. Their indicators vary depending on the category of residential buildings and in relation to the water supply of objects are 0.029-0.067 cubic meters of cold water per square meter of living space. In this case, several factors are taken into account:

In addition, experts included in the standard the volumes of water that will be needed for cleaning the front doors and scheduled (twice a year) flushing of the heating system. All this, according to experts, will allow residents of apartment buildings to pay for water used for general house needs, exactly as much as is necessary directly for servicing the house.

ODN standard for electricity in 2018

Continuing with the example of the Stavropol Territory, we can see how the standards for electrical energy consumption were calculated. Starting from 2018, the fee for one electricity distribution network in the Stavropol Territory will range from 2.84 to 11.17 kilowatt-hours per square meter per month. When establishing these standards, experts took into account the categories of residential apartment buildings, the average area of ​​technical and residential premises, the number of storeys of the building, the presence of elevators, intercoms, television antenna amplifiers, etc. Note that in a number of cases, the volumes of electricity that were used for lighting the adjacent building were also taken into account. territories.

On the nuances of calculating ODN standards in different regions of the country

Utilities used for general household needs cost consumers differently in different regions. In some places, climate or the length of daylight plays a role; in other cases, you have to deal with special types of buildings that differ greatly in their thermal characteristics. Hence, the maintenance of general or technical premises may require different quantities communal resources.

The standards by which utilities for general household needs will be paid will be influenced by many factors. For example, here are the recently established standards for the consumption of utilities for cold and hot water supply for general house needs in the Belgorod region:

How to save money on utility bills?

The innovations that came into force on January 1, 2017 should be considered by apartment owners as the first step to optimize their costs for paying for housing and communal services. Each apartment owner, who has standards for the consumption of resources necessary for the maintenance of premises (residential and common), can evaluate the performance of their management company and initiate work to improve the energy efficiency of their housing. Here it has also become possible to assess the volume of consumption of utility resources directly in the apartment: metering devices provide more accurate data that helps to understand where consumption is excessive, or why heating one apartment is more expensive than the neighboring one.

Finally, homeowners in apartment buildings can see how much it costs them to maintain common front or adjacent areas. Perhaps, based on the evidence received, many will be able to find ways to resolve pressing issues related to saving utility resources and reducing the amount of payment for general household needs for electricity, water, etc.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia has once again clarified the procedure for including the cost of “utilities for common building needs” (hereinafter referred to as CU for common building needs), now referred to as “utility resources used for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” (hereinafter referred to as CU for SOI). Let us remind you that earlier clarifications of this issue were given in letters from the Ministry of Construction and. Another clarification was given by letter dated 04/11/2017 N 12368-АЧ/04.

The position of the Ministry of Construction, set out in letter dated 04/11/2017 N 12368-АЧ/04

1. The Ministry of Construction indicates that the amount of expenses for “utility resources used for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” as part of the payment for the maintenance of residential premises should be determined based on the actual consumption of the specified communal resources, determined according to the readings of the collective (common house) utility meter resource, in cases:
- if the volume of communal resources for the purpose of maintaining common property, calculated according to the readings of such metering devices, presented for payment to the owners of the premises, will be lower than calculated according to the standard for the consumption of utilities for general house needs;
- if the owners of the premises at a general meeting decided to distribute to all owners of the premises the volume of communal resources for the purpose of maintaining common property, exceeding the volume of communal resources calculated according to the standard for the consumption of utilities for general house needs.

2. The Ministry of Construction explains that when calculating payments for utility resources for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building, it is envisaged to include different areas of common property for different utility resources (cold and hot water, electrical energy, etc.).

3. The Ministry of Construction notes that in accordance with Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ, when initially included in the payment for the maintenance of residential premises, the costs of paying for cold water, hot water, electrical energy, thermal energy consumed in the maintenance of common property in an apartment building home, leads Wastewater in order to maintain common property in an apartment building, drainage of wastewater for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building, their size cannot exceed the standards for the consumption of utilities for general house needs, established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation as of November 1, 2016.

Analysis of the letter from the Ministry of Construction

The fact that the Ministry of Construction of Russia has already changed its position on the same issue several times over the course of 4 months (it is explained that the cost of the CD for SOI as part of the content should be equal to the cost of the standard volume of the CD for SOI, it is indicated that this cost can be less if the actual volume of CD on SOI is lower than the standard volume, and it is already stated that such value can be either equal to the cost of the standard volume, or be less than the cost of the standard volume, or be greater than the cost of the standard volume - if the corresponding decision is made by the general meeting of owners ), is of some concern. Of course, letters from the Ministry of Construction are not normative legal acts and are not binding, however, it seems more correct on the part of the Federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the housing and communal services sector, which is the Ministry of Construction of Russia, to more carefully and thoughtfully prepare not only draft legal regulations, but also their letters. In particular, it seems appropriate, in the event of a change in the position of the Ministry of Construction on a particular issue, to indicate that previously issued letters containing other positions are considered invalid. By not implementing the proposed actions, the Ministry of Construction creates a situation in which there are several different (identical in their legal status) clarifications on the same issues. Moreover, explanations can be given by the same official, who, even in the absence of changes to certain norms of legislation, for reasons unknown to anyone, may unexpectedly “change his mind” and present other explanations that contradict previously given ones.

Note! Issues regarding the procedure for approving the amount of housing maintenance fees, taking into account the new rules on including the cost of utilities for general house needs in the maintenance fees, will be explained in detail at the online seminar (webinar) “,” which will be conducted by an expert on legal issues on May 19, 2017.

During the webinar, the expert will comment on amendments to the housing legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the inclusion of the cost of utilities for general house needs in the payment for housing maintenance (Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N176-FZ, RF PP dated December 26, 2016 N1498), and will examine in detail the procedure for changing the amount of payment for the content, including explaining the specifics of making relevant decisions by the general meeting of premises owners (general meeting of HOA members), indicating the correct wording of agenda items general meetings, the timing of such meetings.

The event program, conditions of participation and application form are available

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On January 1, 2017, the country's housing and communal services industry began to live by different rules - a new system for calculating general household needs (GDN) came into force. In this article, we will look at how the innovation affected the activities of management companies, and what measures should be taken to minimize financial risks Management companies, homeowners associations and owners of apartment buildings.

ODN standard from January 1, 2017

The housing and communal services industry in Russia is usually called a “black hole” into which billions of dollars of investment - money from owners and the state - fly away. New rules for calculating ODN have been adopted to calculate utility resources and distribute costs in accordance with actual consumption. However, even the best legislative initiative often turns into a complex and confusing process, raising questions from both ordinary citizens and employees of management companies and homeowners associations.

Back in the summer of 2015 State Duma The Russian Federation adopted Federal Law No. 176-FZ “On Amendments to the RF Housing Code and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.” The law was aimed at creating the conditions necessary for efficient work and improving the payment discipline of the housing and communal services industry. The most revolutionary changes in it were the changes, as a result of which the payment for the maintenance of common property from 01/01/2017 began to include payment for utilities consumed in the process of using the common property of an apartment building. Such a fee should be calculated based on the amount of consumption calculated according to the standard established at the level of republics, territories and regions.

ODN as a housing payment

The introduction of new accrual rules from January 2017 was dictated by the need to bring calculations to the real picture of consumption. The developer of the bill - the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation - believes that the transfer of public services to housing, where strict standards apply, will allow charging only for resources that actually go to the needs of the house.

Now ODN is theft, imbalances of utility organizations. The person receives a receipt. He spent four cubic meters of water for his needs, and six are attributed to him; each of his neighbors has the same situation. This scam is very hard to prove! An ordinary person cannot collect readings from all metering devices in the house.

The goal of officials is clear - motivation for energy saving, accounting and control. This is emphasized in the preamble of the document:

Recommend to authorities local government ensure, by holding general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings, informing the owners of premises who carry out direct management apartment buildings, on energy saving measures in the event that the volume of communal resources consumed for common house needs, determined on the basis of readings from collective (common house) metering devices, exceeds the corresponding consumption standards.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 603

The new rules were introduced in stages. Initially, the transition date was scheduled for April 1, 2016. Then the start was pushed back to July 1, and even later to January 1, 2017. This gap was necessary so that management organizations and owners could prepare for changes in the payment procedure.

By the end of the year, management companies must inspect each house: identify and eliminate all cases of inappropriate use of utility resources, and carry out work to improve energy efficiency. The deadline for introducing a new payment algorithm has been extended, including so that management companies eliminate the possibility of misuse of resources. Residents should not have to pay for water leaks or illegal electrical connections.
Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

How will ODN be calculated in 2017?

In 2017, expenses for general house needs are included in the fee for the maintenance of common property; there will no longer be a separate line “ONE” in the receipt. To common property, according to Art. 36 clause 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation refers to premises that are not parts of apartments and are used for general use. Such premises include:

  • elevators and elevator shafts;
  • roofs and technical floors of the house;
  • inter-apartment landings and corridors;
  • attics and basements containing utilities;
  • the plot of land on which the house is located, including landscaping elements located on the territory of the house (for example, flower beds or a children's yard).

The payment is calculated based on the readings of common house metering devices (CDMU) for heat, water and electricity. Now they are installed in most apartment buildings.

In other words, ODN is the difference between the readings of a common building meter and the residents’ personal meters. If apartment owners do not have individual metering devices, the volume of consumed resources is distributed in proportion to the share of apartment space as part of the sum of all areas of common property.

Let me remind you that utility services are used to support the life of an apartment building. This includes the operation of the elevator, lighting of the entrance, local area, wet cleaning and flushing engineering systems etc. The discussion about ODN arose due to the fact that management organizations began to write off their debts to resource suppliers and third-party expenses there. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev drew attention to this problem.
Alexander Sidyakin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services

Standard for payment of single tax from January 1, 2017

How to calculate ODN for heat in 2017

Let's look at how payment for one-time tax payment is made from January 1, 2017 using thermal energy as an example. We will use the following formulas for calculation:

Calculation of payment for heat consumption in an apartment:

Apartment area * Heat consumption standard (Gcal/m² for the last 7 months) * Heat energy tariff

Calculation of payment for heat consumption in common premises:

Share of area in common areas * Heat consumption standard (Gcal/m² for the last 7 months) * Heat energy tariff

Calculation of the share of the area of ​​​​premises included in the total composition of common property:

Area of ​​common premises * Area of ​​the apartment / Area of ​​all apartments in the house

How to calculate one tax for water in 2017

As in other cases, the calculation of ODN for hot and cold water, is made depending on the availability of common house metering devices (CDMU). The presence of such devices with automated transmission of readings makes the task easier. Including the management company itself - to eliminate friction with resource suppliers, who can attribute all technological losses to the owners of apartment buildings. And also for quickly calculating the consumption of utility resources.

There is a common house meter: the formula is one for water

If there is a general household metering device, the general house needs are the difference between the reading of the common house meter and the sum of the values individual meters. The sum of the IPU values ​​also includes costs according to standards in premises not equipped with meters. The resulting result is distributed in proportion to the area of ​​the premises among all owners. Accordingly, regardless of the number of people living in a multi-room apartment, the cost of one-room apartment will be greater for it than for a one-room apartment.

There is no communal meter: the formula is one for water

In the absence of ODPU, the calculation is made according to the standards. The formula for calculating ODN for hot and cold water in this case looks like this:

How to calculate ODN for electricity in 2017

There is a common household appliance: the formula is one for electricity

The most common case for MKD: the premises are partially equipped individual devices accounting and established ODPU. In this case, the formula for calculating ODN for each room will look like this:

(DPU readings - Consumption in common premises - IPU consumption - Consumption according to the standard) * Apartment area / Area of ​​all apartments in the house

In other words, the amount of RRP for electricity that falls on a specific premises is determined in proportion to its area to the total area of ​​the house and to the balance of “unpaid” consumption in the apartment building.

There is no common household appliance: the formula is one for electricity

If there is no common house electricity meter, the calculation is made using standards for electricity consumption for common house needs.

Consumption standard * Area of ​​common premises * Area of ​​apartment / Area of ​​all apartments in the house

After calculating the share of electricity consumed at the ODN, it is added to the volume determined by the IPU or standard and is included in the owner’s receipt. In turn, the owner of the premises must pay the ODN as part of the total payment for electricity.

Losses: hide or find

The key thesis of the Ministry of Construction's innovations is that management companies and homeowners' associations will not be able to distribute to owners expenses that exceed the amount of one-time tax established by the standard. Inappropriate use of resources in houses will become a payment burden for the management organizations themselves. Under these conditions, there are two paths that management companies and homeowners associations can take.

The first way is fraudulent. It consists of “covering up” utility costs at the expense of other items or including “hidden fees” in receipts.

But sooner or later the secret becomes clear. Thus, the management company “Zhilinvest” (the name has been changed) from the Siberian million-plus city of Krasnoyarsk for many years “covered up” payments to heat supply organizations from the funds of the owners of apartment buildings collected under the heading “for major repairs.” As a result, the management company went bankrupt. The bankruptcy trustee, having conducted an audit of the management company’s activities, discovered that over several years the company had misused 2 billion rubles collected “for major repairs.” Now it is no longer the auditors who are dealing with the situation, but the prosecutor’s office and the investigative committee.

Each person receiving a receipt for housing and communal services must clearly understand what he is paying for and why exactly the amount indicated in the calculation. Undoubtedly, best tool for this purpose - the use of metering devices, and we will continue to encourage their installation, both in individual apartments and in houses as a whole.
Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

The liability of management organizations for incorrect calculations of monthly fees is regulated federal law No. 176-ФЗ dated June 29, 2015. According to the law, for poor-quality provision of utility services or overpayment when calculating the management company is obliged to pay a penalty to consumers. The most severe administrative liability comes for violation of calculations, which led to an increase in the amount of charges for owners. Management organizations are required to pay fines to consumers. Administrative punishment can only be avoided if the identified violation is eliminated before contacting the regulatory authority or payment by the consumer.

It will no longer be possible to bypass the ODN standard by concluding direct contracts with resource supply organizations. In addition, management companies will pay a penalty to the RSO for late payment of consumed resources for ODN.

However, management organizations can choose the second, conscientious way to minimize risks. This is a way to improve management efficiency, which includes a range of measures:

  • installation of common house metering devices (ODPU);
  • energy saving measures (basement insulation, flights of stairs, installation modern windows and so on.);
  • one-time reading;
  • identification of unaccounted consumption.

This can be achieved using . Last years the state actively motivates management organizations to install just such systems.

An innovation that will help overcome ODN is intelligent metering systems, when the device automatically transmits readings from all apartments. And such accounting systems will be installed by the management companies themselves. We motivate the management company itself to invest in such a system in order to reduce its OPL.
Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Experts' opinions on the new rules for calculating one-person income tax

The new system for accruing ODN according to standards is being actively discussed by representatives of management organizations and MKD activists.

According to the chairman of the house committee from Ulyanovsk, Oksana Zinovieva, ODN can be reduced to zero:

To begin with, we eliminated all leaks and identified apartments that are not equipped with meters. The owners of those apartments where more people live than registered were called to account. For example, according to the standard, they paid for one, but three of them spent water. And the difference was spread over the whole house. Pressed by public opinion, connected management company- in the end, all the meters were installed. The next step was to install anti-magnetic tapes on the metering devices so that the readings would not be underestimated using magnets. This is how we ensured that negative readings for ODN appeared in our payments. But the main thing, I think, is taking testimony together. One day, the management company takes readings from common building meters, we go to apartments and take individual readings, I draw up a general register and take it to the RIC for charging.

Ilya Kostromskoy, speaker educational project The “House Manager School” in Izhevsk believes that metering devices on each individual riser help reduce costs for general house needs:

When, it would seem, the above-described measures against the “leakage” of resources have been taken, and the one-way demand is still growing, I advise installing metering devices on separate risers. In one of the apartment buildings in Izhevsk, they found out in this way that the neighbors’ meter simply did not work for several months. When the owners replaced him, the ODN figure immediately dropped.

So, the new ODN payment system is a fait accompli. The law has entered into force; it will not be repealed or the deadlines will be postponed. By and large, this is the final leg of a long journey from “nobody’s” communal services to the responsibility of everyone management organization and every owner of an apartment building. Live in the old way, estimating “by eye” and tidying up “ average temperature around the ward” will no longer work. However accurate calculations, optimization of activities and the use of new accounting technologies will help management companies and homeowners associations not only “survive” new system accrual of ODN, but also to improve the quality of servicing of houses. This means the quality of life of each owner.

How to reduce ODN and collect water meter readings online

In continuation of the article.