Which tank is discounted in October? Promotions and competitions. Invitation codes and bonus codes for World of Tanks

World of Tanks - a unique game based on tactical battles between players using combat vehicles. At first it may seem that the game has an arcade basis, but in reality everything is much more systematic and there is a place for the use of tactical tricks. In the vastness of virtual battlefields, there are tactics that belong to the class of technology and team tactics. We will try to analyze each of them and introduce you to all the nuances of a correct and successful battle. First, it’s worth analyzing the tactics of use by vehicle class, and only then move on to team battles.

Light tanks

Light tanks are the rarest and least popular class in the game, which has no a large number of units of strength, but at the same time this class has the unique ability to conduct active or passive reconnaissance of enemy forces. This type equipment is strictly intended for conducting “exposure”, which must be carried out efficiently, using unique places in the location and taking into account the equipment setup of opponents.

The setup must be studied in order to set yourself in advance important goals for exposure, if your opponents have a set of self-propelled guns and tank destroyers, then it is necessary to actively illuminate this equipment, since it is the most destructive. The second task is to catch the same light tanks, but this must be done carefully, since it is unknown what kind of support they have, the best option is damage to the caterpillar and immobilization of the opponent, who clearly cannot withstand all the napalm fire from your allies. Otherwise, when the enemy still has medium and heavy tanks, your task should be to spot them, but this goal should be prioritized only if you have no other option for action or the main combat units have already been spotted and destroyed. If you are playing on top light tanks, then your tasks may also include supporting your allies; you need to approach the enemy from the rear and shoot at his rear, which in most cases will penetrate with almost every shot.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks are the main mobile force of the team, which must act openly and actively, using the entire map to move. When playing this technique, you need to assess the situation in battle as accurately as possible and correctly determine the option of supporting your allies or choose directions for rapidly pushing towards the opponent’s base. But the main tactical direction should be supporting its allies. Using high speed and mobility, medium tanks must bypass the enemy in various directions, encircle him and crush him en masse, followed by destruction. In addition, medium tanks can serve as fireflies, but given their powerful guns, it is better to give preference to supporting allies.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are the main strength of the team, which should perform the function of assault and push the direction. Heavy tanks should not act alone and in a group of 3-4 vehicles they can perform an assault function. Having good armor and powerful guns, these combat vehicles serve as an excellent “breakthrough log” on the way to the enemy base. But you shouldn’t rely only on yourself, since TTs need support from STs. This mixture of military equipment is destructive and can achieve high results in any battle. Remember, the TT is the main force that takes damage and holds the enemy back, but despite its power, it constantly needs support.

Tank destroyer

Combat tactics for tank destroyers on this moment is not very different from the TT, since this class of military equipment has excellent characteristics and capabilities for such use, it is only worth noting that the most powerful weapons allow you to inflict colossal damage on the enemy. In theory, a tank destroyer is necessary to control the direction and protect the base, but this battle tactic should be used only in extreme cases; if there is a predominant battle, then it is worth pushing through the directions together with your allies. If the enemy team has an advantage, then it is necessary to use defensive tactics. Try to stay alone less, otherwise you will be destroyed by any CT, try to provide yourself with an escape route or at least the possibility of support from your allies. And remember, tank destroyers are priority targets for artillery, so any light can cause artillery fire on your position. Take this factor into account and do not forget about shelters.


World of Tanks battle tactics basically involves active actions that allow you not only to survive and win, but also to make a good contribution to the effectiveness of your battle. Regarding artillery, battle tactics vary greatly, since these combat vehicles are capable of shelling the entire game card and at the same time it is necessary to stand on them for a long time, waiting for the projectile to be loaded. This specific class in the game deals the highest damage and is capable of damaging several tanks at once in one shot or completely destroying one unit of military equipment, regardless of the amount of durability, however, in this situation it is necessary to make the most of the ability to aim and shoot. The tactical application of this class is that it is necessary to correctly identify priority targets for destruction. Artillery should be in first place, tank destroyers in second place, and enemy drums in third place. If a priority target cannot be identified, then you immediately provide active support to your allies who are facing stiff resistance. This is how you can help your allies and increase your chance of victory.

Team game

As for the tactical game of team battle, in this case, if you are not a commander, then you are obliged to simply obey orders and recommendations; if you decide to improvise, then nothing good will come of it. The main thing is discipline and submission, and then discussion of the game. If you happen to be a commander, we hasten to note that fighting in these battles can sometimes be very difficult, so experience and knowledge play a key role in the tactics of this battle mode. watch the video, get acquainted with various recommendations and personally analyze all existing tactics and methods of battle. Only in this way will you gain invaluable experience and understand how to use this or that technique, what commands to give and what to do in unexpected situations in battle.

Although we have covered the typical and basic tactical directions of battles, experience should be an important indicator of your tactics. Don’t just play for fun, try to think and analyze the situation correctly, all battles have a chaotic order and only a correct assessment of the situation will allow you to emerge victorious even from the most difficult battle. Only with knowledge and desire can you achieve success and create the correct system for the tactical use of equipment. Remember - practice, experience, analysis and confidence in your actions are the key to success and superiority!

We welcome you, guests and guests of the portal. website! Today we will tell you about another World Of Tanks map - Swamp. The map is very simple and predictable, which is perhaps why it has not earned much love from players. However, let's talk about it and maybe you will learn something new.

General information.

Picture 1.

Swamp refers to summer maps (summer camouflage is used), available for battle levels 4 - 11, only in random battle mode. The standard size for our game is 1000*1000 meters. wot map The swamp appeared in our game a long time ago, in patch 0.7.0. However, the gaming community and the developers themselves almost immediately recognized it as unsuitable for play, and already in patch 0.7.4. was withdrawn. For a long time it was collecting dust in the archives of the Minsk office of card makers until in update 0.8.8., having undergone some changes, it was again added to the random. True, even then the players did not like the map and the developers had to radically remake the Swamp wot in update 0.9.9. To this day, the map is available in random battle mode, although it did not find much love among tankers even after major changes. Let's figure out what's wrong with this card.

Main components of the map:

Picture 2.

1. Upper base.
2. Positions to defend the top base
3. Convenient hill with bushes(used by tanks of the upper base to shoot through the swamp and enemy positions near the base).
4. Slide(a convenient direction for the team to quickly push through the lower base and enter the enemy base, but more often it is quickly cleared by the upper base team due to the fact that the positions of the upper base are located not far from the hill and the opponents who came here, encountering resistance, simply find themselves constrained in their actions) .

5. Lower base.
6. Positions for defending the lower base(there are some shelters from artillery here).
7. Convenient hill with bushes(used by tanks of the lower base to shoot through the swamp and enemy positions near the base).
8. Urban development (a convenient position for heavily armored tanks to measure the thickness of the armor, however, similar to the hill, it is most often simply cleared by tanks from the lower base with the support of allies from positions near their own base).
9. Central Lowland(a swampy place, mostly unplayable and used only by fireflies to highlight and troll opponents on the hills; towards the end of the battle, when the situation on the battlefield becomes clear, it is used to quickly travel to the enemy hill and defensive positions near the base).

How to play on the Marsh map?

Friends, take a good look at the minimap. Does this remind you of anything? Yes, yes, it is very similar to the map. There are also two parts separated by a swamp, and each part is easier for one team to defend and push through than for the other team. So, for example, part of the map with a hill is easier to capture for the team at the top base, and part of the map with urban buildings is easier for the team at the bottom base to capture. However, on this map, unlike Erlenberg, it is still easier to push through the enemy part of the map, it will just require a little more tanks than usually go there in random.

Tactics on the Swamp wot map for the top base team:

Picture 3.

Picture 3 shows standard scheme gameplay on the Swamp for the top base team. This tactic can be seen in every random battle on this map. Tank destroyers and other fans of shooting at someone else's light take up positions not far from their own base (zones displayed blue): from these positions, good shots open into the central swamp and enemy hills, and also provide comfortable conditions for protecting your own base in the event of a breakthrough by enemy tanks. These positions are good if there is no enemy firefly approaching them in the swamp, which will inevitably highlight and troll you. Fast tanks break through to the hill and, with the support of their allies, clear it. Other tanks drive along the hill, firing at enemies driving up the hill, and then they, teaming up with fast tanks from the hill, break through and press towards enemy positions near the base, gradually rocking the defense from different sides with the support of tank destroyers. You can often see tanks traveling to the town from the upper base. This is not always the case The best decision, after all, you will be shot at at the entrances to safe areas, and therefore do not be surprised that you will reach the city already “bitten.” From the upper base it makes sense to go to the city only if your allies support you (it doesn’t make sense to go there with three or four tanks, since there will probably be more enemies there and they will have support from tank destroyer positions). It is worth saying that even if you are supported in an attack on a town and you successfully capture it, further advancement will be extremely difficult, since leaving the urban area is in direct fire from the more comfortable positions of tank destroyers. Artillery on the Swamp map from the upper respawn should take positions behind the allied forces and, as far as possible, move towards the hill.

Tactics on the Swamp wot map for the lower base team:

Picture 4.

As you can see in picture 4, the tactics from the lower base are practically the same. The only exception is that the team takes the city and moves from it to the enemy base, but going to the hill does not always make sense due to the fact that there are often more opponents there and they are under the cover of tank destroyers. Of course, for heavy and slow tanks in the Swamp it will be very convenient to play under the cover of city buildings and from your respawn it will be much more convenient to occupy the city than your opponents. However, after occupying the city (where it is not always possible to meet resistance), this position almost completely loses its relevance, because from here there are no shots at enemy positions, and shots at own base are highly limited by the position of your tank and are only possible as long as someone can provide you with illumination. For artillery there is a convenient lowland leading to the town, along which you must take positions and in the event of an enemy breakthrough, you must hide in the urban area.

In addition to the above, I would like to note that on the map Swamp wot both bases are located in open, well-exposed terrain without shelter and it makes sense to try to capture any of the bases only when you are sure that the enemy is far away.

Also, fast tanks (usually light ones) on the swamp map can try to win back through the central swamp. From here you can constantly highlight and troll enemies. However, if opponents fall on you, then you will not have time to escape and you can only hope that your allies will fire at the descending enemies in time. In the swamp, however, there are several hills behind which you can hide for a while.

In conclusion I will say, that the Swamp is played much faster and more dynamically than the same Erlenberg, but the tactics here are also not very diverse and, as a rule, the same situations are repeated from battle to battle. On the Swamp there is enough cover from the “suitcases” of artillery and long-range shots, but if you are not careful, you can easily end up in an uncomfortable position, as they say, find yourself in a half-position when your enemy has a clear advantage.

Dear readers, that’s all for today. See you on the new map!

I decided to try my hand at writing tactics and tricks for the MMO game “World of Tanks”. It turned out pretty good (for beginners).

Golden Rule

Force a fight on the enemy in unfavorable conditions for him and avoid accepting a fight in conditions unfavorable for you. Following this rule looks like this:

1) Remember about the art. If you can simply illuminate the enemy with a working artefact, do not rush into battle yourself. During a clash, try to position your tank so that it is hidden from enemy artillery, and the enemy tank is accessible to your artillery.

2) Do not drive around a corner with several trunks or with a weaker trunk against a stronger one. In general, try to avoid a frontal battle against a stronger opponent.

3) Use maneuver to change the battle conditions in your favor. If your tank is faster, approach the enemy from the rear, try circling around the slower enemy, you can even leave the weak flank and save your tank for successful actions in another part of the battle. If your tank is slow, use cover such as buildings, rocks, slopes.

4)Use bushes. Bushes are a legal cheat, much like . If you can’t see through the bushes, then you won’t be illuminated after the shot: keep this distance when shooting from the bushes at someone else’s exposure.

5) Avoid the heroic temptation to cover a completely open flank alone. If your team does not pay attention to one direction, and sometimes even two, then, as a rule, defeat is inevitable, and your task becomes to inflict the greatest damage on the enemy. Alone on an open flank against 3-4 enemy tanks, you will rarely be able to fire more than one shot.

Silver Rule

Keep an eye on the big picture battle on the mini-map and act quickly according to the changing situation:

1) At the beginning of the battle, look at how your team’s tanks choose directions and try to choose the most appropriate position for your tank.

2) Based on the light of the enemy, try to imagine a picture of the distribution of enemy tanks. Change this picture as the battle progresses and take into account the retired enemy tanks.

3) An enemy tank that is illuminated but not destroyed continues to operate even though it disappears from exposure. Be sure to try to predict the actions of such tanks, at least close to your position. This is especially true when a flying firefly is spotted and one of your team’s flanks breaks through.

4) If there is a threat of an enemy breakthrough into the area of ​​your artillery positions or even your base, you must immediately make a decision: continue to carry out your task or return to help. Only help that is provided on time is good. Advice: any decision made is better than shying away from one decision to the opposite. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to do nothing.

5) When many enemy tanks are spotted, learn to choose priority targets: first, the tank that can be finished off with one shot, especially if it can escape. Exception: this tank will most likely be finished off by your weaker ally, and you have the opportunity to inflict powerful damage on a strong tank. Then: an enemy tank that your ally is shooting at and threatening you or an ally. Then, perhaps, art. And so on.

Bronze Rule

Learn to interact with allies:

1) Follow the chat dialogue. Turn to your allies when you need their help. Give them information that is important to them.

2) The most important: protection of the artillery, illumination for allies, coordinated shooting, covering of one-shot allies, etc.

3) Be polite and condescending.

That's all, good luck!

17.3.2017 6215 Views

If there are no tactics in World of Tanks, tankers will not understand what to do during battle. But World of Tanks is a simulator of tank battles during the Second World War. Naturally, during the war, tankers used combat tactics to achieve victory.

A similar situation has developed in World of Tanks. Tactics on World of Tanks maps can differ significantly, because the maps have terrain features. Where it is good to go in that direction on one map for LT, on another it is a death sentence.

Game tactics in World of Tanks are not universal - they are built around a certain class of equipment and cards. For example, the action plan for a well-armored TT is to push the direction, deter enemy attacks. LTs definitely cannot cope with such a task - they have no armor, and therefore they can only provide light to their allies and sometimes shoot from a safe position.
Combat tactics in World of Tanks cannot be universal - situations in battle are different. Sometimes, it is not always possible to predict the actions of allies and enemies, and therefore the player needs to modify his behavior and evolve.

Team battles – world of tanks tactics

Team battles in World of Tanks have gone a step further in terms of tactics and deserve a separate discussion. In KB, players with voice communication fight and, more often than not, play well with each other. Therefore, teamwork in the design bureau is at its best, which cannot be said about “random confrontations.” In this mode, players are led by a commander - an experienced player who knows every card and is able to predict the enemy's moves.

Combat tactics in World of Tanks are often thought up by commanders in advance, after which each move is played out for hours, or even days, in training rooms so that the effectiveness of the actions taken can be understood.

Cards deserve special mention, because knowing them gives an experienced player an advantage over a beginner. Having learned all the maps, it is not difficult to understand in which positions a certain tank is better to operate.
Combat tactics on World of Tanks maps are built around the performance characteristics of the tank itself and the features of the terrain, the presence of buildings, and bushes.
The simplest are tactics for a specific class - for heavy, light and medium tanks, as well as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns.

On city maps, the playstyle for heavy tanks is simple: we “tank” away from buildings and exchange shots. If medium tanks get into a city, they should “attack” single vehicles with several vehicles, and not try to trade with heavy tanks. Light tanks are better off not engaging in direct combat.

On open maps LT, self-propelled guns and tank destroyers are already in charge, while the STs are feeling pretty good, but the TTs are not feeling well. LTs freely “run” across spacious maps and shine for allies, PTs shoot from afar.
Important role plays out the relief. For example, a tank with good air defense can take a position behind a hill or a small hill, playing from an armored turret. However, such positions are prohibited for tanks with poor air defenses - all Chinese tanks and most Soviet ones.


Oddly enough, reviews or so-called guides can help you understand what tactics are best to use on a particular tank. The reviews are a “guide” to World of Tanks video tactics.

Famous tank players in such videos share their experiences and tell why they act this way in a given combat situation. As a rule, after watching the guides, players feel more confident and their statistics increase.

Game tactics tanks World of Tanks is developed by each player over time. Just starting to play tanks, most will find them incomprehensible until the mechanics cease to be a mystery. Having played at least 5,000 battles, any player remembers all the maps and tanks with their pros and cons - from which tactics on the battlefield are based.


Now you can understand how strategy and World tactics of Tanks affects the outcome of any battle. Without being guided by any basics, players do incomprehensible things - they eat where they should not go, go alone against several enemies, do not cover those who need help, and only spoil the statistics of experienced players who are trying to win victories.

Correct tactics in World of Tanks are the key not only to victories and good results, but also to the respect of other players. Make the most of the capabilities of your combat vehicle, play in convenient positions and attack at the right moment, coordinate your actions with your allies, then victory will not be long in coming.

Of course, sometimes correct actions cannot guarantee victory - different situations happen and defeats cannot be avoided.

Tactics for playing Heavy Tanks

Since in game World of Tanks there are a large number of heavy tanks, we will not be able to analyze the features of the game on each vehicle. For example, American heavy tanks are distinguished by excellent armor on the turret front and mediocre armor on all other parts, which implies very specific tactics. On French heavy tanks high levels There is practically no armor at all (that’s why they are sometimes even called “cardboard”), which makes playing with them very unusual.

We will further discuss, for example, tanks such as the Soviet KV-1 and T-150 or the French ARL 44, that is, rather slow tanks, the advantage of which is strong armor. It makes no sense to talk about tanks of higher levels, since, willy-nilly, by the time they are acquired, players will already have learned to play heavy tanks. But, for example, with the purchase of the KV-1, tactics will have to be radically changed after the classic T-28 medium tank.

Often inexperienced players, caught in heavy tank to the top of the list, succumb to the feeling of “I’m in a tank” and fearlessly drive towards the enemy, hoping for strong armor. Indeed, it is unlikely that tanks below your level will be able to penetrate you in the forehead, unless, of course, they use “gold” shells, and low levels Almost no one uses them.

But, firstly, without the support of your allies, you will easily be surrounded and killed, because the sides and stern of all tanks are much easier to penetrate. Moreover, even if you expose only the forehead, even it may not be able to withstand a real barrage of shells, especially if the enemy is able to hit the lower frontal part, which is always rather mediocrely armored. Secondly, do not forget about enemy self-propelled guns, which are capable of dismantling even a very armored enemy, since their shells cause damage even through thick armor, and they can also hit your roof, the armor of which may simply be minimal.

Having gone to the hangar after such a “rush” ten times, many players begin to make another mistake: they stand somewhere in the bushes near the base and start shooting at someone else’s light. Or they hide behind cover, fearing enemy self-propelled guns. This leads to disastrous results. If you are at the bottom of the list, then you simply will not bring value to the team, and you yourself will lose most of the silver and experience that you could gain by playing correctly. If you are at the top of the list, then most likely your wrong actions will lead to the defeat of the entire team.

Since you are on a heavy tank, you must be on the first line, that is, the first to meet the enemy. It doesn’t matter here whether your team is attacking or is on the defensive in a given direction. Thick armor allows you to get non-penetrations and ricochets much more often than medium tanks or tank destroyers. While the enemy will unsuccessfully try to break through your armor, your allies will be able to inflict damage on them and outflank them, and light tanks will probably even be able to break through to enemy self-propelled guns, highlight them and even destroy them. You also have the highest HP, so you can survive more damage hits than other team members.

Thus, you are absolutely not allowed to stand in the bushes near the base. But you shouldn’t rush mindlessly towards the enemy either. Remember that World of Tanks is a team game, so you must play a role as a team rather than going it alone. A heavy tank is less dependent on other team members than, for example, a firefly or self-propelled gun, but it still depends.

To get the maximum number of non-penetrations and rebounds there are several simple tips. Do not expose the sides and stern to the enemy. The strongest part of the tank is the gun mantlet, so try to expose it to enemy shots. The front of a tank always consists of lower and upper frontal parts, which form a kind of wedge at the junction. While the upper frontal part of heavy tanks is well armored, the lower frontal part is much thinner, so even not very good guns can penetrate it. Therefore, the lower frontal part must be hidden behind various objects, bumps, and folds of the terrain.

A good way to increase the chance of no penetration or ricochet is to stand in a diamond shape. It is necessary to rotate the tank's hull so that the enemy is forced to pierce the forehead at an additional angle. In this case, the enemy may try to punch you into the side, but it will be at a very sharp angle, so the enemy is unlikely to succeed, or the damage will be absorbed by the caterpillar.

If you are playing on a heavy tank, then you are a priority target for enemy self-propelled guns for several reasons. First, you move slowly, so you're easier to hit. Secondly, you have big sizes, which also makes you a profitable target. It should also be said that heavy tanks have low stealth rates, so you are detected more often than other tanks, and therefore they shoot at you more often.

Obviously, you should stand behind cover to avoid being hit by enemy self-propelled guns. The main thing is that the shelter is high enough to protect you. Some self-propelled guns (for example, SU-5) are capable of hitting targets located even behind fairly high shelters, since their shells fly along a very steep trajectory. So, for example, even a tall stone may prove to be an unreliable shelter. You must also remember that high-explosive shells do not ricochet. The edge of the rear of your tank, which sticks out from behind cover, may not be penetrated by enemy heavy or medium tanks, but a high-explosive SPG shell can cause full damage, so be careful.

You also need to imagine where the enemy self-propelled gun is approximately located in order to stand behind cover with right side. The situation becomes much more complicated if enemy team several self-propelled guns. Experienced artillery guides take different positions, which makes it almost impossible for you to find a completely safe shelter.

But all this does not mean that since you are playing on a heavy tank and the opponents have several self-propelled guns, then you should stand behind some house the entire battle and be afraid to look out for a shot. Firstly, thick armor provides good protection against high-explosive shells, so you can survive under enemy fire for a certain amount of time. Secondly, if you don't stand in open field or moving in a straight line at a constant speed, you will be much harder to hit. Tactics of the game Heavy tank does not automatically mean “stand still and shoot”; this type of equipment also involves constant movement, which allows you to avoid an unpleasant gift from an enemy self-propelled gun.