What to attach the PVC window sill to. Installing PVC window sills with your own hands - quick and accurate installation. How to do the preparatory work

When installing plastic windows, installation specialists regularly encounter a situation where customers do not know what a window sill is for - they perceive it as a standard element of the window structure. In fact, a window sill has many functions, depending on which the material for the window sill board is selected. Let's fill the gap in knowledge and tell you about the functionality of the window sill, its types, the advantages and disadvantages of the material from which it is made, as well as how to install the window sill on plastic windows with your own hands.

Initially, the window sill had four functions:

  1. prevent the entry of cold air into the room in the area where the window structure connects with the base of the window opening;
  2. level the difference between the bottom of the window opening and the frame that is installed on the gaskets;
  3. collect condensation when window panes fog up;
  4. cover the visible part of the wall in the opening.

Over time, the role of the window sill has expanded. He became:

  • decorative element in the interior of the room;
  • stand for flowers and various figurines;
  • table in the kitchen, desk or work table in the nursery, living room, bedroom;
  • support when washing windows and hanging curtains;
  • a business card of the owners’ wealth;
  • a place to watch the street and relax.

Based on how the owners see their window sill, the material from which it is made is selected.

Types of window sill

The construction industry offers a base for the window sill from:

  • natural (granite, marble) and artificial (acrylic or quartz based) stone;
  • natural wood (oak, cherry, pine, larch);
  • composite materials (MDF, chipboard);
  • plastic (polyvinyl chloride).

A natural stone

Window sill from natural stone- one of the few interior elements that very clearly demonstrates the wealth in the house, status and good taste owners. Him:

  • handsome, respectable appearance, which remains until the end of operation;
  • a variety of colors and patterns, which allows you to fit it into any interior;
  • the highest strength - granite and marble are among the best minerals on the planet in terms of this indicator (second only to diamond);
  • there is no reaction to external influences in the form of temperature changes (does not burn and is not afraid of frost), high humidity, ultraviolet irradiation (does not fade in the sun);
  • has an unlimited service life - in old castles you can find stone window sills with a service life of several centuries;
  • easy to clean.

Natural stone also has disadvantages:

  • on polished up mirror shine the surface, despite its high strength, can be quite easily scratched with a sharp object (granite is more resistant to sharp objects);
  • marble is afraid of vinegar and acid (this mineral is essentially limestone). Tea and coffee stains are difficult to wash off;
  • both minerals accumulate radioactive radiation - it is better to avoid them in radiation-contaminated areas;
  • high level of thermal conductivity (granite - 3.5 W/(m x deg), marble - 2.9);
  • limited dimensions (a large slab is difficult to polish, transport and install);
  • in case of accidental damage (chip, crack), it cannot be restored;
  • heavy weight - the window sill-tabletop is in most cases supplied by tap through the window;
  • granite has a limited number of colors (to be fair, we note that the natural pattern of the material is fantastic);
  • high cost of the product.

Fake diamond

An alternative to a marble or granite window sill is an artificial stone made from acrylic or quartz agglomerate. The product has a lot of advantages:

  • light weight - easier to transport and secure;
  • there are no restrictions in size - thickness and width;
  • high strength - higher than that of PVC and wood window sills, but lower than that of natural stone;
  • long service life;
  • with the addition of various components to the mixture, you can get unique colors and patterns imitating various natural materials;
  • is not afraid of moisture, is easy to clean from dirt, does not absorb odors;
  • warm to the touch, like natural wood;
  • Can be restored using glue, heat treatment and grinding.

Flaws artificial stone related to its nature:

  • afraid of high temperatures - traces of cigarettes and hot dishes remain on the surface;
  • is destroyed when interacting with aggressive chemicals;
  • is easily scratched and abraded (it is afraid of abrasive materials), which is clearly visible on polished plain surfaces, especially on black, chocolate and dark gray backgrounds;
  • high cost, in some cases exceeding the cost of natural stone.

For information: the above damage can be easily removed by specialists on site, without dismantling the window sill. But it costs money.


Like granite and marble, wood is a natural materials and has the same centuries-old history of use in window construction. With the advent of the construction industry on the market artificial materials, the position of wooden window sills fell sharply, but still retained their fans and connoisseurs.

Wooden window sills have their pros and cons.

  • environmental purity of natural material;
  • durability during operation - do not break like natural stone, are not afraid of hot objects like plastic or acrylic board;
  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • beautiful color and original texture: the surface can be made glossy under modern styles interior design, or to give the appearance old wood- under country music;
  • high strength - can withstand the weight of a person and flower pots;
  • natural warmth both during direct contact and visual inspection.
  • is afraid of direct contact with water and wet rooms - the surface swollen with water is deformed, so such a window sill must be either painted or varnished;
  • constant care is required: first of all, regular and timely repainting;
  • does not tolerate close contact with batteries central heating(deformed) - if there is not enough distance from a constant heat source to the window frame, it is better to abandon the wooden window sill.

Experts do not have a consensus on the price factor: some consider it a plus because of the affordable price, others consider it a minus, because, on the contrary, it is very high cost wooden window sills. Here, oddly enough, both sides are right. A window sill board made of pine is not too different in cost from plastic, while oak board costs about the same as natural stone.

Composite materials

Composites - chipboard and MDF - are intended to replace natural wood. However, alternative window sills are greatly inferior not only to wooden ones, which they are intended to replace, but also to all other types of window sills. The main problem is their ability to swell when in contact with water.

Protection of wood-based material with waterproof film is not very reliable. The film is easily damaged sharp objects and is afraid of high temperatures. In this regard, laminated MDF is more reliable material, but also costs more.

Polyvinyl chloride

A plastic window sill is a hollow panel with a thickness of at least 2.0 cm made of two thin sheets (the upper one is at least 3 mm thick, the lower one is at least 2.5 mm thick), connected by stiffening ribs. The more ribs or thicker the sheets, the stronger the product.

Installation plastic window sill allows:

  • save money - its price is lower than the cost of natural and artificial stone, as well as wood;
  • synchronize the service life of the window sill board with the plastic window;
  • get a window element of various designs that fits into any interior, including wood or natural stone;
  • ensure good thermal insulation between the frame and the lower base of the window opening;
  • produce everything installation work on one's own.

Among the disadvantages of PVC window sills it is necessary to note:

  • fear of high temperatures - traces of cigarettes and hot pots remain;
  • low strength.

At correct operation these deficiencies, as a rule, do not appear.

Please note that all types of window sills can be installed independently. Using the example of how to install a plastic window sill with your own hands, we will consider the general principle of organizing the work and describe the entire technology step by step, noting at the end the nuances of fastening this window element from other materials.

Materials and tools

The efficiency of the construction process depends on correct selection materials and necessary tools. To install a window sill in one window you will need:

  • window sill material;
  • polyurethane foam - poured between the window sill canvas and the wall of the house;
  • silicone-based plastic sealant - seals the joints between the window sill, window frame and slope panel;
  • perforated metal strip and self-tapping screws if additional fastening of the window sill is planned;
  • putty for sealing grooves in the wall;
  • plugs for the ends of the window sill;
  • wedges made of wood or plastic for the window sill (3 pieces per window).

Tools needed:

  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • mallet or rubber mallet;
  • a hammer drill for making a groove in the wall under the window sill;
  • one of the following cutting tools plastic profile. These can be: grinder - cuts quickly, accurately, with smooth edges along the cutting line; a jigsaw with a metal file as a cutting tool; a hacksaw - almost every home has one;
  • building level;
  • gun for polyurethane foam;
  • builder's pencil or marker;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • construction (stationery) knife with a retractable blade;
  • clean rags.

Preparatory work

Before installing the window sill, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  • take measurements of the window opening to determine the size of the window sill board;
  • select the window sill panel;
  • make grooves in the wall;
  • clean the base of the window opening from debris;
  • cut the window sill to size.

Window opening measurements

The quality of an installed window sill is determined by several parameters. Among them important place takes into account the accuracy of the measurements taken and the calculation based on them of the size of the window sill. In the case of a plastic slab, bringing the window sill to size is done at home.

Other types of window sills can be ordered in finished form. Therefore, errors in calculations, if they are made in a smaller direction, cannot be corrected. At large sizes you will have to enlarge the grooves and install brackets for additional support of the window sill.

The measurement is carried out in the following order:

1. The distance from the frame to the edge of the wall on both sides of the window is measured, i.e. The depth of the window opening is measured. To determine the actual width of the window sill, 2 cm is added to the result obtained to go under window design and 4-6 cm for going beyond the wall into the room.

On many sites you can find a recommendation to extend 10 cm beyond the wall. Here, only the aesthetic perception of the window sill is taken into account. In technological terms, a large protrusion interferes with warm air flows from heating radiators to spread throughout the room (air convention is violated);

2. The distance between the walls next to the window is measured (line B in the figure), and then the length of the edge of the wall at the base of the window opening if the slopes are not made at right angles (line C in the figure). To the results obtained, 2-3 cm is added on each side so that the window sill board fits into the grooves on the wall (stone and wood are hidden in the slopes by 1.5-2 cm). In addition, 3-5 cm are added to the eyes.

Selecting a window sill panel

The plastic window sill has standard dimensions:

  • length 6 m;
  • width from 20 cm to 100 cm, with increments of increasing size by 5 cm to a width of 60 cm and 10 cm further.

Therefore, choosing the required size is not difficult - you can always cut off the excess. More difficulties arise when choosing a specific plastic model. Here you need to follow the advice of experts.

  1. Buy a window sill board with an allowance in size.
  2. Do not skimp on material - cheap plastic has low strength (fragile) and fades in the sun.
  3. Take a PVC panel of the same color as the window, unless design solution in the interior, where the window sill can be under natural materials.
  4. The stiffening ribs should not be positioned vertically, but at an angle, in the form of saw teeth - the panel has higher strength.
  5. Scratches and abrasions are less noticeable on white.
  6. The distance between the stiffeners should not exceed 35 mm.
  7. Study the certificate. It is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of polyvinyl chloride (the norm is about 60%) and chalk - no more than 5%.

Grooves are knocked out

The window sill board should extend 2-3 cm inside the slope. To do this, at the level of the base of the window opening, a groove measuring 50x50 mm is knocked out in the wall with a puncher. If you don’t have such a tool at hand, you can select a recess in the brick using a hammer and chisel.

If the slope is concrete, use a grinder with a special cutting wheel to make 2-3 cuts in the place where the groove will be. To avoid accidentally damaging the frame, a spatula is pressed tightly against it. It is easier to knock out cut concrete than monolithic one.

Preparing the base of the wall

The polyurethane foam must come into direct contact with wall material. Therefore, the base of the opening is cleared of construction waste and foam that protruded excessively when foaming the space between the frame and the walls. The foam is also cut out from under the lower window profile to a depth of 2-3 cm to partially pinch the window sill fabric by the window structure.

If the distance between the lower plane of the installed window sill and the base of the wall is less than 1 cm, a recess up to 70 mm wide and 20-30 mm deep is cut into the wall to form a foam seam on which the plastic panel will lie.

Preparing the plastic panel

The plastic window sill is sold in a rectangular shape. You need to insert a panel in the shape of the letter “T” with a wide leg (often placed in the shape of a rectangle or trapezoid). Therefore, the dimensions of the real window sill are transferred to the plastic and the cutting lines are drawn with a construction pencil. The required shape is cut along the lines.

Important: when installing windows, they often move along the vertical axis, when the distance from the edge of the wall to the frame is different on different slopes. In these cases, the rear side of the panel is cut obliquely so that a parallel is maintained between the wall and the window sill protrusion.

Window sill installation

Instructions on how to properly install a window sill on plastic windows are simple and easy to understand for beginners in the construction business. Let's look at all the operations step by step.

Step 1. The protective film is removed from the bottom side of the window sill, as well as from the sides at a distance of 3-4 cm.

Step 2. The window sill is tried on and inserted into the place of permanent fixation. If an undercut area is discovered, the inaccuracy is corrected.

Step 3. A vapor barrier tape is attached under the frame.

Step 4. Pre-purchased wedges (bars) are installed. There are several important points to consider here:

  • The minimum width of the bars is 5.0 cm;
  • The length of the wedge should be less than the width of the panel, but no more than 10.0 cm, and the block should not protrude beyond the wall;
  • The ideal distance between the bars is 40.0-50.0 cm. This rule does not apply to narrow window openings of Soviet-built houses - at least three bars must be placed under the window sill for one window;
  • Under the wedges, the wall surface is leveled or plaster mortar or putty;
  • Using a level, all supports are brought into one plane. In addition, the length of the block is aligned horizontally.

Step 5. A protective film 3-4 cm wide is removed from the surface of the plastic on the window side. Plugs are placed at the ends.

Step 6. The final test fitting is carried out, during which the following tasks are solved:

  • a tight fit of the window sill panel to the frame is ensured - if necessary, the bars are additionally adjusted;
  • the slope of the window sill board towards the room is ensured by 2-3 mm for every 20 cm of window sill width - necessary for condensate drainage.

Step 7 The installation seam is foamed onto the base of the opening.

Step 8 After the foam reaches the “touch-dry” state, a window sill is installed. Rubber hammer he sits down in his permanent place.

Step 9 The level once again checks the plane of the window sill. If necessary, adjustments are made - another gasket is installed (fourth) or the existing ones are adjusted.

Step 10 A small weight is placed on the window sill board closer to the room - in this way, a tight fit of the window sill to the frame is achieved due to the expanding foam.

Step 11 After half an hour, an additional 10 kg of weight is placed on the windowsill, after which the remaining space can be foamed.

Step 12 The grooves are sealed with putty, after which the slopes can be sheathed with plastic panels.

Step 13 The joints of the window sill with the slope panels and the frame are sealed plastic sealant- silicone.

Step 14 After a day, the load is removed and the protective film is removed.

Now you can install the plugs at the ends and remove the protective film.

For information: on balconies and loggias, window sills are installed using the same algorithm.

The nuances of installing window sills from other materials

How to attach a window sill to a plastic window made of other materials? Window sill boards made of natural and artificial stone must be attached with glue. To do this, the base of the window opening is leveled cement-sand mortar. The ends of the stone are protected with felt.

Wooden window sill can be installed different ways:

  • by pressing method - under the frame;
  • on wedges;
  • on glue;
  • on the brackets.


On sale you can choose a window sill for every taste and at any price:

  • made of natural stone (granite, marble);
  • artificial stone (acrylic, quartz agglomerate);
  • wood;
  • Chipboard, MDF;
  • plastic.

Installation instructions are simple. Provides for the following types of work:

  1. measurements of the window opening are taken;
  2. a panel is purchased and then cut to size;
  3. grooves are knocked out in the wall;
  4. the base is cleared of debris;
  5. wedges are placed;
  6. the plane of the window sill is installed in accordance with the requirements of technological regulations;
  7. the window sill board is secured with mounting foam;
  8. the grooves are sealed with putty, the slopes are sewn up with plastic panels.

For balcony windows installation of window sills is carried out according to the same scheme.

There are so many things in our lives whose purpose we hardly think about. It seems to us that they have always been and always will be.

We notice them only in situations where we are confronted with them directly, for example, when we are trying to install a window sill.

general information

It would seem that everyone is familiar with the element of a window opening, but it can solve not only practical, but also aesthetic problems. For example, it smooths out the difference between the thickness of the window frame and the wall, creating a cohesive whole.

A beautiful and correctly installed window sill performs various functions– provides an area for flowers, an additional table in the kitchen or as a resting place in some interiors, as shown in the photo below.

The most common materials for it are plastic, wood, marble, and artificial stone. In the video in this article you will see some of them. The price of each of them differs from each other, and not everyone can be used in terms of weight. Therefore, they are selected depending on the type of window, the style of the room or the entire home.

The installation of each of them is individual in its own way. But, there are general principles on how to properly install a window sill on plastic or wooden windows.

One of them is that you should definitely tilt it slightly in the direction of the room. In this case, condensation or excess water from watering flowers will not accumulate between it and, for example).

Technical significance

The window sill is not just a whim or someone’s desire to increase it with its help usable area rooms. It has a very specific technical purpose.

In fact, the window sill is an artificial barrier for warm air rising from heating appliances. It prevents it from instantly mixing with the cold outside, dispersing most of it throughout the room.

For reference: It is considered an insulator that helps maintain normal temperature in the room.

How to prepare walls

Before properly installing a plastic window sill, the area for it must be cleared of uneven areas and construction debris. To remove dust, it is best to moisten it with water, then the solution or polyurethane foam will have better adhesion to the wall.

According to the rules, the window sill must extend into the side walls of the window block (slopes) by 2-5 cm on each side. Therefore, it is necessary to make the appropriate recesses with a hammer drill.

Tip: if the walls are perfectly smooth, it can be installed flush with the plaster; if not, it can be moved forward by 1-3 cm.

Installation of a plastic window sill

Today, PVC windows are becoming increasingly popular, and at the same time the demand for plastic window sills is increasing. To install the latter, you don’t have to be a professional; a home craftsman can do it with his own hands, even without training.

To do this you will need a certain construction tool and a plan for completing the work. But, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is best to take several lessons from the masters. The instructions below will tell you the main points of the process.

Tools and materials

Before installing a plastic window sill yourself, you need to prepare:

  1. Corner grinder(“grinder”) or jigsaw, but you can limit yourself to a hand saw for metal;
  2. hammer drill with attachments for working on stone;
  3. building level, preferably 1 m long;
  4. polyurethane foam;
  5. spray foam gun;
  6. wooden wedges;
  7. construction knife with replaceable blades.

Work order

Installation is carried out in several stages:

  1. product selection;
  2. window sill adjustment the right size;
  3. installation of a window sill;
  4. laying the gasket;
  5. checking deviations;
  6. fixation plastic block.

Below we will tell you in more detail how to install a window sill on plastic windows.

How to choose a PVC window sill?

You can buy it today at any hardware store. The standard length of the product varies from 1.5 to 3 m, width - 0.15-0.60 m.

The length of the window sill is selected based on the width of the window opening plus an additional allowance (minimum 30 mm on each side). The width of the plastic block is selected depending on the depth of the window opening - the distance from the window profile to the wall, taking into account the allowance for the recess of the window sill (about 20 mm) and the protrusion of the window sill from the opening.

It is important to remember that the window sill should not completely cover heating device otherwise, the circulation of heat flow will be disrupted, which will lead to the formation of condensation and the appearance of ice on the windows. If this happens, then in some cases you will need to replace and repair plastic windows.

The permissible protrusion size is from 50 to 70 mm. In some cases it may be completely absent.

Caution: Protrusion of the protrusion may block natural air circulation.
If this happens, the windows will fog up.

Fitting the plastic block

Window sill installation and gasket installation

  1. Clean the installation site of the plastic block from debris and dust with water.
  2. Insert the prepared workpiece into the groove provided under the window profile to a depth of about 20 mm.
  3. Place wooden wedges under the window sill, with a distance between the bars of about 400 mm. Wooden wedges-stands will not only help you position the window sill correctly and press the block tightly against the window), but will also take on the entire load.

Checking deviations

Using a building level, determine the correct installation of the plastic block. The level must be maintained in all directions.

If there are unevennesses, the situation is corrected by selecting the thickness of wooden wedges-stands. Do not forget about the slight slope of the window sill towards the room.

Fixing the window sill

Before fixing the window sill in the opening, it is weighted down. To do this, use various objects, for example, bottles or jars filled with water. Afterwards, they check again for any deviations and begin fixing the product.

The PVC window sill is fixed using a can of polyurethane foam installed in a special gun. In addition, with outside the windows are pressed to the frame using self-tapping screws. After a day, the load is removed from it, and the excess foam is cut off using a stationery knife.


After reading the article, you learned how to install plastic window sills on PVC windows yourself, without involving professionals. (see also article) The main thing is to carry out the preliminary preparation correctly and follow the instructions. Thanks to these tips, you can install not only plastic, but also any other windows on any windows.

Repairing an apartment or house includes installing window sills and slopes on plastic windows. It is known that the window sill, in addition to its aesthetic role, also plays a protective role.

In addition to mechanical loads and the influence of temperature, wooden, stone and plastic window sills are influenced by moisture and sun rays.

All these factors determine the service life of windows.

Installing or replacing them with your own hands with plastic or wooden windows is a simple process and does not require any professional construction skills.

Preparatory stage

Before you repair and replace window sills and slopes, you should buy everything necessary tools, which are needed to install a window sill under the window.

After all, correctly selected and good materials, the tools are a pleasure to work with, as they increase efficiency and quality of work.

In addition, the products and tools will be useful in the future, given that the repair and replacement of windows will be done more than once, and the installation of slabs will be carried out under each window.

All of them are purchased in specialized stores or window companies.

If you will be installing windows yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • level
  • roulette;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • marker;
  • hammer drill

Installation of a window sill begins, first of all, with measurements. First you need to find out the dimensions of the workpiece.

It should be remembered that the quality of the entire work depends on how correctly the required dimensions are determined.

The length of the workpiece should be chosen longer than necessary, because later it will not be difficult to adjust the dimensions using ordinary tools.

The width of the workpiece should be such that the design does not interfere with the air circulation from the battery upwards.

If this condition is neglected, condensation will appear on the windows, and a flow of cold air will move into the room and it will be necessary to replace the windows.

That is why determining the dimensions correctly in advance is a very important stage of the preparatory work.

Trimming a slab under a window

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to correctly adjust the window sills to the appropriate window sizes. First, markings should be made on the product using a marker.

Do not forget that the excess is cut off from the part that is attached to the wall.

At the same time, the cutting lines should also be noted. They must pass by 0.5 - 1 centimeter so that the slab fits rigidly and tightly with the window frame.

If the edge of the product does not preserve the stiffening ribs, the internal sections will lose the desired shape at the joint and bend inward.

Trimming is done with your own hands using a jigsaw, a saw or a special hacksaw, and stone window sills are trimmed with a special diamond blade.

The main thing here is not to forget about accuracy and not to press the tool with great force in order to prevent scratches or chips, otherwise you will have to change the workpiece.

You should also not forget about safety measures: avoid getting small particles in your eyes and use gloves.

Now the workpiece is completely ready to be installed in place. The window sill must be washed and proceed to the next stage.

Lining installation

When the measurements and trimming of the window sill have been carried out, it is necessary to continue the repairs and prepare the linings.

This is important for creating small slopes during outside so that the water flows out.

The linings should not protrude so that they do not have to be cut off again later.

If there are gaps, they are usually covered with polyurethane foam.

When installing, do not forget to put the slopes of plastic or wooden windows. The lower slopes are cut to the wall, and the installation site is cleared of unnecessary material.

It is assumed that the gap between the window sill and the wall does not exceed 4 millimeters and is quite tightly and correctly adjacent to the windows.

It is also necessary to install metal strips and insert the ends of these strips into the lower plugs under the window sills to avoid their deformation.

Installation of window sills

Repair involves installing window sills and slopes in various ways. The first one is outdated and rarely used.

It implies that the window sills are fixed using a special adhesive solution. Most quick way- This is a do-it-yourself installation using self-tapping screws.

First, holes are drilled in the frame, into which these same parts are then screwed.

The joint area is poured silicone sealant, and the edge of the window sill is placed under the frame, tightened with self-tapping screws.

According to the second method, installation is carried out using aluminum spring brackets, screwed with self-tapping screws.

And the final method, which is the most reliable and involves the use necessary materials, consists in the use of special linings that are installed under various window sills.

Eat different ways installation of various window sills, the positive and negative sides each of them and only after that - you need to choose the most optimal one, because the replacement of windows will depend on this.

The methods differ only in how various window sills, including wooden ones, are placed under the frame.

If the window sill is uneven, then during installation there may be a gap between it top part and frame. It is carefully filled with silicone.

After this you need to wash everything.

Installation of slopes

Upon completion of the installation of the window sill, it is necessary to install the same (wooden or plastic) slopes.

To do this, both horizontally and vertically, you need to level the window opening with your own hands.

This process is carried out using polyurethane foam, which protects them from the influence of temperature. Next, the quality of the poured foam is checked.

If there are excesses, they should be removed, and if deficiencies are found, they should be refilled.

First, you should install the top panel, which stretches along the entire length window installation and only then secure the side panel.

There are different approaches. Installation can be carried out using slatted frames, while securing the panel with nails or staples.

It is necessary to do everything as correctly and carefully as possible, without damaging the window sill, window and its slopes.

The second approach, the simplest and most convenient, is the use of polyurethane foams for installing windows, as well as masking tape.

An important condition for beautifully made slopes is the ideal vertical fastening of the rails.

For leveling purposes, you should use wooden blocks and use a level to achieve the perfect vertical.

When all necessary materials installed, excess amounts of foam cut off, outside and inside the room, before washing everything, it is necessary to apply a rotband to the foam.

As soon as it hardens, the various external slopes should be painted with water-based paint.

Then it is necessary to remove the protective layer from the slopes, window sills, plastic window, wash away stains and dirt, and at the end, coat all the cracks with liquid plastic.

At this stage the renovation is completed.

The role and importance of the window sill cannot be overestimated, since it is not only beautiful element windows that perform a decorative function. It prevents cold air from the street from penetrating inside the house, thus playing an important function in the thermal insulation of the room. In this regard, installing a window sill with your own hands must be done with maximum precision and accuracy, in compliance with all norms and rules! We will talk about the basics, features and nuances of this in our article.

What is the window sill board made of?

Modern window sills can be made from a wide variety of materials. Depending on this, the installation method also changes.

Made of plastic

PVC products are becoming increasingly popular in construction from year to year. The situation is similar with plastic window sills, which have a whole list of advantages:

  • Easy to install with your own hands;
  • Manufacturers place a special layer on top laminating film, which can be framed different images and colors, which makes it possible to choose a model that best suits the style of the room;

  • Retains heat well indoors;
  • Plastic tolerates moisture well and is not afraid of mold and fungi, which is especially important for lovers of indoor plants;
  • The surface is easy to clean;
  • Thanks to stiffening ribs, modern plastic window sills withstand mechanical stress;
  • Temperature changes are not scary;
  • Under prolonged exposure to sunlight, the characteristics of a plastic window sill do not deteriorate.

However, despite a lot of advantages, PVC window sills also have a number of disadvantages:

  • High temperatures on the surface, for example, the lid of a hot pan, can damage the product, causing deformation;
  • The laminating decorative film is easily scratched, in addition, over time it can peel off;
  • Artificial origin of the material.

And although PVC products have some disadvantages, most often the owners of apartments and houses choose it, performing self-installation window sill.

Stone board

Connoisseurs of natural materials often prefer stone window sill boards. In most cases, this is done marble and granite. Of course, stone models are distinguished by their unique natural image on the surface and beauty in general, but such a pleasure cannot be called cheap!

Along with this, on a carefully polished surface natural stone you can easily get an unsightly scratch, their thermal insulation leaves much to be desired, and many stains, be it tea, wine or coffee stains, are easily absorbed by the material. Besides large mass and the cost of the material leave no chance for self-installation, forcing you to hire professionals for this.

A worthy alternative natural material considered a window sill board artificial stone. It is made of acrylic and is not inferior to its natural counterpart in beauty, heat resistance and strength. Additional benefit The advantage of a stone window sill made of acrylic is that the surface is not scratched, and the product itself is noticeably cheaper.

MDF and chipboard

Window sills made of chipboard and MDF panels remain more budget option compared to wooden products. Many manufacturers make window sill boards from fiberboard and particleboard. Such models are covered with a special film on top.

Chipboard is a less moisture-resistant and durable material than MDF - if the protective film is damaged and moisture gets on the chipboard, the latter may begin to swell, which will lead to noticeable deformations of the window sill. MDF boards are more stable, but their price is higher.

Window sill boards made of wood fiber and shavings are easy to clean, the main thing is do not use abrasives for this!

Made of wood

For a long time, types of wood such as pine, cherry and oak remained common materials for the production of window sill boards. Wooden window sills remain very popular today.

Installing a wooden window sill with your own hands begins with careful drying and processing of the material varnish and antiseptic composition.

The main advantage of wooden window sill boards is its noble appearance and natural origin. However, solid wood is subject to deformation, and the material itself is not cheap. Increase performance characteristics A wooden window sill will work if you avoid contact with aggressive chemicals, water and abrasives. In addition, it is worth updating the coating from time to time!

Subject to compliance with all technological standards and requirements, window sill boards are more resistant to negative impacts. external factors and a lower price tag.

DIY window sill installation

Regardless of the type of window sill, installation is carried out according to one scenario. And since in most cases PVC window sills are installed independently, using them as an example we will tell you step by step how to install a window sill with your own hands, simultaneously highlighting the features and nuances of the work. At the end, we will touch on the features of installing structures made of other materials.

Board length and width

Before purchasing material, it is worth accurately measuring the proportions of the future window sill. The length of the window sill board is measured as follows:

  • The width of the opening is measured near the window, as well as against the wall on the side of the room;
  • In order to hide the edges of the board inside the slopes, it is necessary to add at least 1 centimeter to the maximum width of the opening;
  • If you plan to place a protruding window sill in the room (which does not go flush with the wall), then, in addition to the dimensions of the board, you should also take into account the dimensions of the eyelets.

Measure the width of the wall to the window to most accurately measure the width of the window sill. To this value add 1.5-2 centimeters, which will go as recesses into the grooves of the window. This will be more than enough when installing the board flush with more or less even walls.

Important nuance! If the walls have unevenness, then it is worth accurately measuring the distance on both sides - this will make it possible to install it yourself as evenly as possible.

If desired, you can arrange a small protrusion, but its size should be no more than 8 centimeters, otherwise air convection may be disrupted, which will cause the formation of ice in the cold season and uneven distribution of heat in the room.

Based on the obtained dimensions, the window sill board is adjusted in width and length. After this, you can proceed directly to installing the window sill with your own hands.

Dismantling the window sill (photo)

Installation procedure

  • Place the future window sill at the installation site. Trim the board if necessary.

In the case of chipboard, wood and MDF, it is better to cut the material jigsaw, better suited for stone and plastic Bulgarian!

  • If necessary, make grooves in the wall surface using a hammer drill. This is where the edges of the window sill will be placed in the future.

  • Clean the surface of the workpiece thoroughly from debris and dust.
  • Remove the protective film from the inserted edge of the board and insert the window sill into the window profile.
  • Starting from the extreme sides, wooden wedges are installed under the window sill. In this case, the maximum step between the wedges should not exceed 40 centimeters, and the inserts themselves should not extend beyond the inner edge of the window sill and wall.

  • The level of the window sill is checked using a spirit level. In case of a slight deviation from the horizontal, the level of the board is corrected by driving in additional wedges.

It is important to emphasize that the slope angle to the inner edge from the window should be about 2 millimeters! Thanks to this, water will not accumulate near the window, simply flowing down.

  • Any cargo is placed on the windowsill, and the total mass should be in the region of 10-20 kilograms.

  • After checking and leveling the board horizontally, the board is secured in place. For this purpose, polyurethane foam is usually used. For best quality work worth using professional foam, as well as a special gun, with the help of which the foam will be sprayed. Finally, using self-tapping screws, additional fixation is carried out to the profile from the outside.

Important point! If the foam is in a place where it should not be, immediately clean the surfaces with a cloth. Frozen foam should be removed using a special solvent.

  • After a day, the excess foam is trimmed, and all excess load is removed from the window. At the end, the protective film is removed and plugs are installed at the ends.

If you are planning to install a wooden window sill, then inside boards are worth placing felt treated with antiseptic. This is done using shingles. In the case of stone window sills, the ends are similarly protected using a felt layer. In other respects, installing a window sill made of wood and stone is no different from its plastic counterpart.

This is how you install a window sill with your own hands; as you can see, there is nothing overly complicated here, especially when we're talking about O plastic construction. The main thing is not to overdo it with the application of polyurethane foam and be careful and precise while working.

The internal window sill is an integral part of any plastic window. This design is needed in a home for additional insulation of the junction of the window frame and the wall, as well as for the window to have a finished look. It has the following advantages over other materials:

  • wooden structures require constant maintenance and also become damaged quite quickly;
  • stone window sills are characterized by rather difficult installation, which is unrealistic;
  • plastic structures are reliable, durable, beautiful;
  • have long term operation;
  • are easy to install;
  • plastic sheet is moisture resistant;
  • the material has an affordable price;
  • plastic is resistant to chemicals;
  • the material is plastic and light in weight, it is easy to cut and install with your own hands;
  • the canvas has high thermal insulation;
  • you will not need for installation special devices, you can get by with improvised tools.

In this article we will talk about how to properly install a plastic window sill on a window, since such designs have recently become particularly popular.

Preparatory stage of work

Before proceeding directly to installation, you need to prepare workplace. For this you will need following materials and tools:

  1. level;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. roulette;
  4. hacksaw;
  5. pencil;
  6. polyurethane foam;
  7. foam gun;
  8. perforator;
  9. drills for a hammer drill;
  10. hammer;
  11. chisel;
  12. wooden blocks;
  13. bit.

The window sill is installed so that it fits into the side wall, so you will need to cut connectors about two centimeters deep in the slopes.

To carry out this procedure, you need to attach the plastic window sill to the wall and make the appropriate marks on it with a marker, then carefully knock out the grooves. Such an operation requires maximum concentration and accuracy, otherwise it will take a long time to restore the slopes.

Important! To ensure minimal damage to the slopes, they should be handled very carefully during the entire installation process.

  • The slopes are made of gypsum plaster. In this case, the procedure can be carried out using a hammer or chisel.
  • Concrete slopes. Then you can make recesses for the plastic window sill using a hammer drill.

Read also: Finishing window slopes sandwich panels.

After completing all of the above manipulations, you need to clean the stand profile and bottom part windows from pieces of plaster and dust, since these materials are used to install the window sill. Then the cleaned surfaces are moistened; it is better to use a primer for these purposes, which strengthens the surface.

Note! In order to prevent drafts from appearing from the window, you need to thoroughly blow out all the cracks of the window frame with foam.

Fit to size

Installing a window sill with your own hands is not a complicated procedure that requires minimal investment of money and time. However, each window frame has its own characteristics: bulges, roughness, cracks. Therefore, before installation, if you have a ready-made canvas, you need to cut out a blank for the window sill from it. To do this, calculate the width and length of the future structure.

It should be understood that the length of the canvas should be slightly larger than the width of the window, and may extend beyond the boundaries of the slopes. Basically, this output value is five or six centimeters.

The width is calculated by the formula: the width of the protruding part of the window sill + the depth of recess of the canvas into the stand profile + the width of the surface under the window sill.

You also need to cut rectangles on the sides of the plastic blank, which allow it to easily enter the slope. Cutting plastic is quite easy. To do this, use a hacksaw, grinder or electric jigsaw. If nicks appear when cutting the material, then there is no need to worry, since all defects will be hidden by plastic overlays.

When the blank is made, it needs to be tried on. To do this, place the plastic blank on the surface of the window sill and place it behind the slopes and the support profile. At this stage, it is necessary to eliminate all inaccuracies in measurements, if any.

Installing a window sill horizontally

Before the final installation of the plastic window sill, the canvas must be leveled. To do this, pads are placed on the surface of the base. This operation is quite easy to perform yourself. For a regular window you will need two linings, and for a balcony - three.

The wedges must be placed strictly at the level of the window; this procedure makes it possible to properly level the window sill blank before installing it. Then you need to set the optimal angle of inclination. This manipulation is required to eliminate condensation naturally. To do this, the edge of the slab is lowered a few degrees, and the slope angle is measured with a building level. In order for the opening to be smooth, these parameters should be checked in the middle and along the edges.

Read also: Insulating wooden windows for the winter

You need to adjust the level using pads. For wedges, it is better to buy special plastic elements in advance, but you can also use wooden beams. The plastic window sill must be installed in such a way that there are no gaps between the canvas and the window frame. For this purpose, pressure plates are used. Which are attached to the stand profile.

Installation (foaming) of the board

In order to properly secure the window sill yourself, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Moisten the bottom of the opening and the slab again.
  2. Clean the part of the canvas that will be installed under the slopes from the protective film.
  3. Then, using mounting foam, blow out the gap between the profile and the lower edge of the opening.
  4. Then apply a wide layer of foam to the entire surface of the base, especially carefully treating the far corners. At this stage, you need to take into account that the thickness of the foam should not exceed the thickness of the installed wedges, otherwise, when the material hardens, it can greatly lift the plastic window sill.
  5. Next, to evenly distribute the load, you need to place a load on the plastic window sill. It is recommended to do this on the inner edge of the board.
  6. The window sill is installed, now all that remains is to wait until the polyurethane foam dries.

Installing a window sill on a balcony

Nowadays, it has become popular to install not only windows, but also balcony structures from plastic. This material retains heat well in the apartment and saves usable space. However, you should understand that the installation procedure itself is quite expensive. Therefore, many residents of multi-storey buildings perform the procedure themselves.

Before you start replacing the plastic window sill, you need to prepare metal brackets. They are necessary if it is not possible to place the canvas under window frame. The brackets are fixed to the parapet using anchors, which increase the load on the PVC board and strengthen the entire structure.

The brackets are installed at a distance from each other that does not exceed one meter. After installing the panel, you need to check the angle of inclination with a building level. Before fixing the fabric holders, you need to tighten the thread well. This operation makes it possible to level the PVC board horizontally.