Music house in the Chinese city of Hunan. Guggenheim Museum. Bilbao, Spain. Stone House – Portugal

What are the strangest buildings in the world? Today we will talk about which buildings are the strangest in the world.

Looking at them, you are amazed how a person could create this. They really are the weirdest.

Crooked House - Sopot, Poland

IN city ​​of Sopot on the street of Heroes of Monte Cassino ( Poland) one of the most unusual houses on the planet is located, it is called - crooked house(in Polish - Krzywy Domek). Looking at it, you get the impression that it either melted in the sun and became distorted, or it is an optical illusion and it is not the house itself, but a reflection in a huge, crooked mirror.

Stone House – Portugal

The Casa do Penedo house in the mountains of Portugal, built between four boulders, resembles a Stone Age dwelling. The isolated hut was built in 1974 by Vitor Rodriguez and was intended for relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The desire for simplicity did not make the Rodriguez family hermits, but brought them closer to a natural lifestyle without excesses. Electricity was never installed in the house; Candles are still used for lighting here.

And the room was heated using a fireplace carved into one of the boulders. Stone walls serve as an extension interior decoration: Even the steps leading to the second floor are carved directly into the stones.

Piano House - Huainan, China

Who better than China can surprise with its invention. The glass set consists of two musical instruments a piano and a violin (looking at the size of the instruments, one might assume for a moment that some giant left them here).

There are a great many interesting, unique buildings all over the world, but not the building of a piano with a violin.

"Music Building" Hunan, China

Of great interest to tourists is an unusual “musical” building in China, the sight of which immediately leaves you guessing - what’s inside?

The Chinese city of Hunan has become much more famous with the opening of a new landmark - an original and beautiful building, the shape of which is very unusual. It is worth noting that this is not news for China. Building unusual shape- this is the hobby of Chinese architects.

The “Music Building” was built according to a student project Faculty of Architecture Hefei Institute of Technology, developed jointly with designers from Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co. This building consists of a huge piano and an equally huge cello attached to it. The shiny piano is black and the cello body is made of transparent material, which opens up a view of everything that happens inside the building. The cello building houses the main entrance and staircase. Thanks to the continuous glazing of the facades (transparent and tinted glass), the premises of the complex receive the maximum possible amount of natural light. And at night, the body of the object disappears in the darkness, leaving only the neon contours of the silhouettes of giant “tools” visible. The main purpose of the construction of this building was to attract the attention of travelers. Well, besides this, in this building you can find information about the new district of the city.

Piano House was built for music lovers, but this building has nothing to do with music directly and is, in fact, an exhibition center. But this did not at all affect the attendance of the attraction by tourists who book air tickets and choose hotels to look at such an original structure and, of course, capture it in photos and videos.

Despite its popularity, the building is often the object of criticism as a kind of postmodern kitsch and a typical student project, in which there is much more outrageousness than art and functionality.

Guggenheim Museum. Bilbao, Spain

Until recently, the ancient city of Bilbao in the Spanish Basque Country could boast only medieval basilicas, churches, palaces and luxurious mansions of the nobility. But in 1997, on the banks of the Nervion River, which flows through the city, a building rose that attracted the attention of the entire enlightened world. The branch of the Guggenheim Museum houses within its walls not only a unique collection of modern art, but is itself a real work of art - this building is recognized as one of the most beautiful and spectacular in the world of all, built in the deconstructivist style.

The history of this branch of the now world-famous museum began in 1991, when representatives of the Basque Country turned to the Solomon Guggenheim Foundation, which has been supporting and developing contemporary art for several decades, with a request to help them in the cultural development of their region and the city of Bilbao in particular. The Basque proposal was heard, and the Foundation decided to build its next branch in Bilbao.

The American architect, winner of the most prestigious Pritzer Prize in the field of architecture, Frank Gehry, took on the task of developing the project for the future museum. By that time, Gehry had already established himself as a great master of deconstructivism on a large scale, boldly moving away from classical forms and experimenting with architectural forms.

As a result of these experiments, a unique museum building appeared, which opened its doors to visitors in 1997. The structure, reminiscent in shape of either a giant flower or a futuristic interplanetary spacecraft, is spread over an area of ​​24,500 square meters. meters right on the banks of the Nervion River. The petals of this “flower,” 55 meters high, are made of glass and concrete, and each is, in fact, a suite of exhibition halls. The building's design is based on a steel frame consisting of three-meter lattice sections, the modeling of which was carried out on a computer, which made it possible to create previously impossible forms. Frank Gary uses soft curves in all his projects metal structures, explaining that “the randomness of the curves is designed to catch light”

The museum is located below the level of the river and the entire city, this allowed the unusual structure, with all its grandeur and monumentality, not to suppress the surrounding buildings, not to hang over them, but to easily and gracefully fit into the city landscape.

The museum building is lined with titanium sheets resembling fish scales, and glass surfaces, skillfully integrated into the design, give interior spaces more light, making it almost transparent. This makes the museum look a little alien, but very impressive.

Opposite the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao there are two interesting objects. The first is a huge metal spider made by the American Louise Bourgeois. The second interesting object near the building is a giant 13-meter puppy decorated with flowers, created again by American artist Jeff Koons.

This amazing house called Piano House was built in Huainan (Anhui Province, China) according to the project of students of the Faculty of Architecture of Hefey University of Technology, developed jointly with the company's designers Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co.

Piano House consists of two parts depicting two instruments - a transparent violin resting on a translucent piano.
The unique building was built for music lovers, but has nothing to do with music. In the violin there is an escalator, and in the piano there is an exhibition complex in which plans of streets and districts of the city are presented to the attention of visitors.

The object was created at the request local authorities authorities. The unusual building seeks to attract the attention of Chinese residents and numerous tourists to the new developing area, in which it is the most iconic object. Thanks to the continuous glazing of the facades (clear and tinted glass), the premises of the complex receive the maximum possible amount of natural light. And at night, the body of the object disappears in the darkness, leaving only the neon contours of the silhouettes of giant “tools” visible.

Despite its popularity, the building is often the object of criticism as a kind of postmodern kitsch and a typical student project, in which there is much more outrageousness than art and functionality.

In English sources of information, this building is more often called the “Building in the shape of a piano and violin” or “Piano and Violin Shaped Building”. This is quite fair, since the entire architectural composition actually includes two musical instruments, which, due to their size, are clearly visible even from afar. After all, the architectural composition is made on a scale of 1:50 and is almost a copy of the classical musical instruments well known even to those who are not music lovers - the grand piano and the violin.

Choosing forms to implement this architectural project was dictated by two reasons - the symbolism of the tools and their utilitarian functions. The shape of the piano makes it possible to distribute the space for the exhibition complex in the best possible way, and the shape of the vertically located violin makes it possible to place a staircase in it, along which visitors ascend to the halls. Thus, the Royal House simultaneously responds to both aesthetic and practical requirements. Both are important for him, since the Royal House performs another function - advertising. Construction of the Royal House was completed in 2007. At this time, the city of Huainan, located in the Chinese province of Anhui, felt the need to attract attention to the development of a new area. It was decided to make the Royal House a symbol of another, future part of the city, at the same time giving it the functions of an exhibition complex, where, among other things, plans for the construction of a new area along with streets, houses and squares will be presented to the public. Along with advertising of new buildings, exhibitions on other topics were not excluded from the work plan of the Royal House.

Thus, thanks to its original architecture, the Royal House entered the unofficial list of amazing phenomena of world architecture more likely as an unusual building than as a real masterpiece of architecture. The Maison Royale itself is truly an extraordinary creation. However, there are quite a lot of attempts in the world to realize in the design of buildings a resemblance to some objects and even living beings. Even if the Royal House was not included in the list of world architectural heritage, its main goal- to intrigue the public - he undoubtedly achieved.

It is worth noting that in discussions of the Chinese Royal House there is a lot of criticism of the design of the building. Some note in it the signs of “boring postmodernism,” while others call it “a typical student project.” However, the majority cannot help but recognize the originality of the idea, which, despite possible shortcomings, really makes an impression. Well, the fact that the architecture of the Royal House is more shocking than art can easily be explained by the ambitions so characteristic of young architects.

After all, the design of the House-Piano was carried out by students of the department architectural design Hefei University of Technology together with designers from Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co. A lot of materials were used in the building design modern materials, including glass. And its design provided the opportunity to be surprised by non-trivial architecture, both in daylight and at night.

A unique structure in the form of a piano with a cello leaning against it was built in the Anhui province of China. This showroom urban planning and it amazes with its originality.

Both the piano and the cello play a role in the structure: the first houses the exhibition hall itself, while the second is a staircase and escalator - the only way to enter the building itself.

What exactly prompted the architects to build a building from this particular pair of musical instruments is difficult to say, but the project was developed in one of prestigious universities China - a science and technology university located in the city of Hefei. Perhaps symbolism played an important role here. After all, the building was built as an exhibition center, which presents various plans for the expansion of the city and virtual three-dimensional models showing the future of developing areas. Probably, the beautiful sight of a transparent glass cello and an elegant piano should make Chinese citizens think that the future of their country, like music, is beautiful and majestic.

The piano house was built using modern building materials, including glass, concrete and polyethylene pipes. Due to its amazing shape, the building is becoming a popular tourist spot. Who wouldn't want to have a photo of themselves in front of a huge piano, pressed against a glass cello? A local residents They call the building the most romantic building in China. It's hard to argue with them, isn't it?