Musical games, competitions and entertainment. Funny musical games for adults - the highlight of the holiday for any company

Musical competition

This game is best played by those who are well versed in music. The leader is chosen, he takes the ball for himself and stands in the center of the circle, then throws the ball to one of the players and names a composer. The player must throw the ball back to the leader and name some piece of music by this composer. For example, the presenter throws the ball and says: “Mozart.” The player answers: "Turkish march." Then the presenter throws the ball to another player and says: “Mendelssohn.” The player answers: “Wedding march.” Game continues. If a player cannot quickly find his way, he leaves the game. This game can be played in a different way. The presenter can name not composers, but modern singers, both Russian and foreign. And the players remember the songs they perform. Another variation of the game - the presenter calls a piece of music or a song. And the player must name the composer or performer of this song. The rest of the game plays out similarly.


In one corner a house is built from cubes or from a table and chairs. Dolls, bears and other toys live in this “house”. And in the opposite corner of the hall there is a “fire station”. “Firemen on duty” sit on chairs at the ready, as “alarm signals” may come at any moment. On their heads are fire helmets made of paper. At the signal, the “firemen” must quickly stand up, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, while pretending to be a fire truck. There are 8 people from the group of children who are located near the house. Each person holds a piece of red paper in one hand and a blue piece of paper in the other. When it is necessary to create the appearance of fire, children should wave these sheets of paper. The entire course of the game is accompanied by music, sometimes calm, sometimes alarming, and a choir consisting of kids. During the performance of the choir, it is important to ensure that the children clearly sing all the words, and the leader must control their breathing: those singing should not forget to round their mouths, they should sing in a vocal position, and not in a folk manner.


This game is for children from 7 to 9 years old. At least 2 players can participate in it. At the teacher’s command, children must take a breath together (one “one”) and, most importantly, hold their breath, and then slowly, in a thin stream, gradually release the air (one “two”). The winner is the one who can hold air in his lungs the longest. The game can be continued by inviting children to sing any well-known children's melody on the syllable “la” or “a”. Break the whole song into phrases. But before each phrase, don’t forget to breathe. You need to try to have enough breath for the entire musical sentence. For older children, you can complicate the task and include vocalizations in the game. Two teams are offered several melodies to choose from. In a short period of time, they must remake the given melody as colorfully as possible, using different syllables. Whoever has the best vocalise and who performs it more melodiously will be considered the winner. And if you want to complicate the task, you can put your breathing where it shouldn’t be. Will children understand and find mistakes? For this task, the presenter can assign them additional points. The main task is to teach children to breathe correctly, which is so important when singing.

Riddle game

The number of participants is unlimited. It could be grandparents, dad and mom, brothers and sisters, and friends. They all sit comfortably on chairs. One of the players stands with his back to those sitting and closes his eyes, and the child, who also serves as the leader, turns to face the players. He will be the conductor, who must show with his hand those sitting on the chairs who and how to perform the sound [a]. Someone needs to sing this sound loudly, and someone needs to sing it quietly, someone needs to sing it low or high. The player who stands with his back to those sitting must guess the singer by timbre and characterize distinctive properties his voices. When everything is guessed, you can sing the sound [a] to everyone with various musical shades.


This game is practically endless. The age of players is not limited, the number of participants ranges from 4 to 10 people. You can play in several ways.

1. The presenter thinks of a letter, mentally listing the alphabet, until the player for whom this letter is intended says “stop.” The presenter names the letter on which he stopped, and the player remembers a line from the song for this letter. The leader changes after all the players go around the circle. The shift can be carried out in two ways: the next player becomes the leader or the most active and musical participant is selected.

2. The presenter simply says the letter, and the rest take turns performing a line from the songs for the hidden letter. The leader changes after all players sing one line from the song, and the best player becomes the leader.

3. There is no leader, the first player mentally recites the alphabet, the second stops him and sings the line for the letter on which the leader stopped, then he does the same for the next player, and so on in a circle. Songs cannot be repeated; in one round they must be on the same topic, or you can choose one artist or performer.

4. There is no leader, the first song is guessed, as in the previous version, and subsequent ones are performed in the letter with which the previous one was completed. If the song ends with soft sign or “th”, then the previous letter is taken as a basis. Similarly, you can play “names”: there are songs in which they are mentioned. You can play using only men's or only female names. Whoever hesitates is eliminated from the game. If 3 people in a row cannot remember the song with the name, then the game ends and the topic changes.

Question answer

The game is designed for children from 10 years old, the number of players must be at least 6. The game develops memory, attentiveness, reaction speed, and concentration. The host asks the song question: “Where are you?” Players must remember songs that indicate possible locations. "IN open field, in an open field...", "In a sunny clearing...". Each player must provide their own version of the answer, and if someone fails, they are eliminated from the game. The presenter changes if he runs out of questions. He is replaced by the player who last answered the question. asked question. Another change may occur if 1 player remains who will answer song questions, and everyone else leaves the game.


The age of the players is from 8 years, the number is at least 5 people. The game develops hearing, erudition, and attention. The presenter claps the motive of the intended song, and the players must guess it and perform it. If several people guessed the song at once, the presenter guesses a more complex melody or chooses the player who performed the song best. In any case, you cannot drive more than 3 times. The exception is the case when the song is not guessed by any player for the third time. With this option, you can repeat it again and only then guess the next one. The song can be clapping your hands, stamping your feet, or tapping a pencil or other object on the table. Only those songs are guessed that all or almost all participants in the game know. It is better not to take old, unfamiliar songs, since they are very difficult to guess.


This game is similar to the previous one, but the only difference is that in it you can only sing those songs that mention seasons or natural phenomena(rain, snow, etc.). The game develops memory and attention of participants. The presenter thinks of a topic (winter, summer, rain, etc.). Players must remember as many songs as possible on a given topic and sing them (one at a time). Those who are confused and do not remember the songs are eliminated from the game. The presenter can, in addition to the topic, wish for a specific song on this topic (without informing the players about it), and the one who performs it becomes the leader. If this song is not performed, the presenter remains the same. You can play in another way: the presenter thinks of not only the theme, but also the number of songs where this theme is reflected. This increases the game time and its possible variations. In addition, with a certain number of songs, it is not always possible to guess the one that the presenter himself ordered for himself.

Round dance

Only children's songs may be used here. Number - at least 4 people. Children stand in a round dance (in a circle), join hands and begin to move. The presenter starts a song and sings the next line standing nearby with the leader (from the side in which the round dance is moving), this continues until the song ends. The one who sang the last line begins to sing a new song. You can only sing the chorus or verse if the number of players is limited. This way, more songs will be used in the game in a shorter period of time.

The game becomes more difficult if the age of the players allows it. The round dance can be conducted in different directions, depending on this, the song will be performed either correctly or from the end to the beginning. If the round dance goes clockwise, then the song is performed as expected, if counterclockwise, it is performed from the end. In this case, you also need to react quickly and not lose your way. Anyone who sings the wrong line is out of the game. Moving in reverse side, you can only sing a song that has already been performed correctly so that the participants can remember the whole thing. Songs that are familiar to everyone are selected.


This game has a certain number of participants (even), at least 4 people. Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple thinks of a line from the song. Then the partners show it in the form of a pantomime, the rest must guess what it’s about we're talking about. The couple that guesses correctly must sing not only the demonstrated line, but also the entire song, and this must be done together, otherwise the winnings will not be counted. The correct pair continues the game, showing their line from the song.

You can make a guess either from the first line of the song or from the middle of the verse or chorus. You cannot repeat songs: if the wished-for song has already been heard, then the couple must consult and wish for another one. If several pairs guessed the line at the same time, the leading pair either chooses players to sing the song or re-guesses the line. You can make the game a little more difficult by guessing theme songs or songs from specific artists.

Folk festivities

The Russian people have long loved to celebrate holidays noisily. Not a single celebration was complete without cheerful songs. But, in addition to the fact that our ancestors performed numerous songs with pleasure, they also played each other very successfully. We offer a game that matches the entertainment of our great-grandparents in terms of practical jokes and music. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which must choose a captain. A person with a good sense of humor and creative abilities is best suited for this role. So, when the preliminary preparations are over, the game begins. Team captains go to the middle of the room and turn on fun music.

It is advisable that this is not a song composition, but just a melody. Next, the captains take turns singing any song, trying to make it appropriate for the given music, that is, they take the text of some popular song and sing it to the music of their choice. Since this choice is made by the captains themselves, as a rule, the first competition takes place in a rather serious environment. But later everything changes. Because when the captains have done their part, they call one player from their teams and explain that they need to repeat what they just did. The unsuspecting players naturally assume that they will have to, like the captains, sing the same song to the same tune. But in reality everything will be somewhat different. When naive players go to the middle of the room and take pieces of paper with the text, they will also be played a melody... only not the one that has already been played, but a completely different one. And it will absolutely not correspond to either the lyrics of the song or the melody that sounded the first time. Will it be easy for players to sing the lullaby lyrics to the Macarena music?

Musical comedy

This game is something like a civilized jousting tournament. The participants are representatives of the strong half of humanity. The rules of the game are that the “valiant knights” will have to demonstrate some musical number in their performance - a song or dance to the music. The jury determines which act is worthy of the prize. Ladies can also take part in its performance and help their gentlemen. It is possible to hold a second round of the competition.

It will be won by the couple who can dance best. So, turn on the tape recorder, and put it on first fast music, then, after about 1 minute, a slow one, and then a song performed by a Russian pop singer. Dancers must quickly navigate the changing rhythm of the accompaniment and adapt to the music so that their dance is coherent and harmonious. For each couple you need to play different music. The jury chooses the couple that will cope with this better than others.

Dance number

The next game is a competition for the best dance. Preliminary preparations are that everyone who wants to take part in it must be divided into two teams numbering from 3 to 8. Each team must think over its own number, i.e. a collective dance. The evaluation will be carried out by judges who should be selected in advance. Of course, in order for a dance number to be the way it should be, musical accompaniment is necessary. Participants themselves determine what kind of melody they would like to accompany their dance - a recording of popular music, classical works or, on the contrary, avant-garde music.

In general, a fair amount of imagination is again needed here. The presenter can act as artistic director. And of course, he needs to keep track of the time allotted for preparing the dance. The most the best option is preparation within 10-15 minutes. You can prepare a dance specifically for a certain date, like a concert number. In its own way, this is also a game that all cheerful people will surely appreciate. By the way, the dances themselves can be humorous, which is welcome.

Musical instrument

The leader makes a musical “instrument” out of five children and helps them come up with the sound and tonality of their instrument. Children are divided into groups of 6 people each. Five of the children will become an "instrument" and one will become a "musician". The leader begins to work with one of the groups, the rest observe. One of the players lies down on the floor. The leader asks the player what sound he would like to become? Then he asks to play the sound he has chosen and remember its sound, since he will have to sing the sound many times during the game and do it the same way all the time. Now the next student joins.

The leader asks him to lie perpendicular to the student, who is already lying down, and put his head on his stomach. Then he asks him what sound he would like to become? And he also asks you to sing this sound. Five children are positioned on the floor in a “ladder” - so that each next one puts his head on the stomach of the previous one, and before that they demonstrate their sound. Next, the leader shows how to “play this instrument.” When he touches his forehead, the student begins to sing his sound until the leader removes his hand. Thus, he only has to play one note. If the leader “plays” with both hands, it means that he will be able to extract 2 sounds from the “instrument” at once, perhaps of different lengths. The leader demonstrates the different capabilities of the “instrument” and transfers the role of the musician to the sixth student. Then he helps the other groups form their “instruments”. In this game you need to ensure that as many children as possible become “musicians”.

Dance compositions

Option 1. The presenter plays some melody for the audition, taken from a song, a classic work, or a movie. Participants in the game must come up with dance moves to this melody and demonstrate the dance, so all players are divided into small groups of 5-8 people or divided into pairs if the dance requires it. The leader gives each group the task to use a certain dance size. For example, the meter of a waltz is three-beat, a polka is two-beat, and a march is four-beat. For those who do not know the time signatures of the dances, the leader explains that in a three-beat time signature, the first beat is strong, the next beat is weaker, and the last beat is the weakest; in a dicotyledon: the first is strong, the second is weak; in a four-beat: the first beat is the strongest, the second is weaker than the first, but stronger than the third, the third is much weaker than the second and the last is the weakest. But in all sizes, the last beat must tend to the next one, pass into it. Children must take into account the rhythm and tempo of the dance.

The movements can be very different, depending on the melody. But in any case, the dance should follow a plot improvised by the participants. If the melody is taken from a classical work with an abstract theme, for example from “Fantasia” (D minor) by W. A. ​​Mozart, then the participants are given the opportunity to show their creative abilities - to come up with a plot or borrow it from some fairy tale, movie, or literary work. Option 2. The game participants are divided into two groups of several people (5-6). One group shows the movements of the dance assigned by the leader, and the second composes musical accompaniment. Movements can consist of jumps, hops and runs. The second group must come up with musical melodies for two dances. In order to select music, you need to know that jumping, for example, is a characteristic gallop movement, and jumps and dashes are used in polka. The leader can set the key, and the participants must describe the movement of the music to the leader or try to perform it in musical instrument. For example, jumping is more characterized by sharp turns in music (chords, jumps at a certain interval, for example, an octave up or down, etc.), rhythmic performance, and fast tempo. For jumps and dashes, the tempo can be chosen to be more moderate, gradual progression of the melody, without sharp turns. Then the first group begins to dance to the given tune. If the children cannot move to the beat, the second group is considered the winner.


For children school age. The leader plays selected melodies (3-4, no more). These can be excerpts from classical works, for example from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, “Winter” by Vivaldi, “Moonlight” or “Pathetique” sonatas by Beethoven. Children should listen to music and write down the thoughts and feelings they have while listening, associatively. The result should be a short essay (5-6 lines). Perhaps someone will come up with a poem or draw a small picture.

Listening time 5-7 minutes. If once is not enough, the presenter plays the melody again. Then the leader lets you listen to the recording again, and each of the participants in the game reads his composition during the music. But you definitely need to adapt to the music and read in time, reflecting the musical strokes and nuances with your voice (piano, forte, crescendo - gradual intensification, diminuendo - gradual weakening). In a word, the coloring of the voice needs to convey the mood, show the climactic moments that will correspond to the melody.


Designed for players aged 6 years and older. Children are divided into 6 people per team. Each team comes up with a name related to music, appoints a captain, who chooses one of the proposed tasks. The task is the text of a famous song, children's or modern pop. The team must remake the selected song, interpret it in its own way: completely or partially change the lyrics and change the title accordingly. In addition, a specific theme for the song is proposed (school, love, goodness, art, nature, etc.), which can be expanded or narrowed at the request of the participants, which will be emphasized in the title; the tempo of the song can be different: allegro (fast), vivo (lively), sostenuto (steady), largo (wide), adagio (slow), etc.

The task is performed by the whole team, the choir, with the captain acting as a conductor. At his discretion, the “choir” can be divided into female and male voices, low (bass, alto) and high (mezzo-soprano, soprano); the team can choose a soloist. Here children are given creative freedom, the opportunity to fantasize, show their acting skills, and perform a song in the form of a small skit. The leader and members of the jury selected from the children evaluate both teams. The duration of the game can take 30-40 minutes or more: it all depends on the children’s abilities and their individual qualities.


The music director says: “It rained, and a rainbow appeared in the sky (shows a card that shows 5 music lines, shaded in 7 colors, with notes located on them). The 7 colors of the rainbow correspond to 7 notes. To see a rainbow, you need to sing the scale (plays the C major scale, naming each color and distributing the colors among the children).

The first note C is the color red, the main note; the second is orange, unstable; mi - yellow; fa - green, also basic, but not very stable; salt - blue, basic, unstable; la - blue; si - violet, unstable, always turns into the main one.” The leader explains that you need to “sing the rainbow” using vowels; each color has its own vowel sound: red - [a], orange - [a]< [о] (дети поют звук [а], при этом немного огубляя его), желтый - [у], зеленый [о], голубой - [о] (с призвуком [у]), синий - [и], фиолетовый [э] < [а], красный (до второй октавы) - [а]. Каждый ребенок поет своим звуком. Когда первые 8 человек споют, начинают петь следующие 8. Дети могут петь все вместе.

Circus dogs

For this game, as a visual aid, you need 2 cards that depict ladders made of cubes, with circus dogs jumping on them. Each step has its own color and corresponds to a specific sound (starting from bottom to top: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si). The following cards are also needed for the game: 1) a complete scale is drawn; 2) a sequence of 5 sounds going up: do-sol; 3) a sequence of 5 sounds going down: sol-do; 4) a sequence of 3 sounds of a major triad: do-mi-sol; 5) a sequence of 3 sounds of a major triad, going from top to bottom: G-mi-do; 6) 2 sounds of different heights: C (first octave) - C (second octave). There may be more tasks. The presenter invites the children to become “circus dogs.” Each player receives a task card. “The dog ran up the steps and stopped on the yellow step (note B),” says the presenter, showing a card with a ladder leading up, along which the dogs are jumping.

The player who has the full scale drawn on the card sings the scale to the sound a (domajor). “Then the dog ran down and stopped on the red step (note up to the first octave),” the teacher continues and shows a card with a ladder leading down. The participant, who has a complete scale drawn in reverse order on the card, sings the scale to sound a from top to bottom. “They took 4 cubes from the ladder: orange (note D), blue (note F), purple (note A) and yellow (note B). There are only three cubes left. The dog will have to jump from the red cube (do) to the green (mi), from green to blue (sol),” says the presenter, closing 4 cubes on the ladder leading up so that a triad is formed. Children whose card shows a sequence of 3 sounds going up sing a major triad (do, mi, sol) to the sound a. So is the case with the card that shows a ladder leading down. Then the presenter closes 5 cubes on the ladder, and the children, who have a sequence of 5 sounds drawn on their cards, sing them step by step up or down; now the leader leaves only the red cube (up to the first octave) and puts the pink one (up to the second octave), and the children sing 2 sounds of different heights, forming an interval of 8 steps (octave). The leader makes sure that the children sing sounds of different tones clearly. If the “dog” “stumbles” on any step, he needs to return to the starting point and repeat the task.


“The final stage should be a game to identify the best of your group of aspiring singing stars. Of course, you already have experience, and you can name those who sing well without competition. But the whole point is what program will be chosen. Every self-respecting vocal competition has a specific program. Of course, there are competitions in which each participant presents his or her original song. But we suggest you hold a competition in which one song will be mandatory for everyone, and one can be chosen arbitrarily, that is, at the request of the contestant. This is where, in the compulsory program, it may turn out that the best is not the one you usually thought, but someone else. The obligatory song should not, of course, be too complex, but you shouldn’t settle for too simple either. It's unlikely that you'll be able to choose a song that everyone really loves, but that's the point - to sing well what you don't really like, but in a way that others will like it. And what you like can be sung as the second number in the optional program. To add solemnity to your competition, you can draw lots for the numbers under which the participants will perform, so that everything is like in a real competition.

The following songs can be proposed for the program of this competition: “ Autumn leaves ”, “Somewhere in White World”, from the films “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Girls”, “Carnival Night”, etc. But if you like some other songs, please make your decision. By the way, the competition must have a real jury. You can invite your parents or friends. In any case, the number of singing participants should not be excessive, otherwise you will just have to sit and listen, listen, listen all day. Your company can simply be divided into two parts - the jury and the competitors. Next time you can change (we think no one will be left out). The last section of our chapter is games that develop musical memory. As you have probably already seen, those who are good at remembering poems, phone numbers, or even just jokes are not always able to quickly and accurately remember and reproduce a musical motif. As you know, the great German composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had a phenomenal memory. From childhood, he discovered an absolute ear for music and an absolute musical memory, although such a concept does not exist. One day a rather curious incident happened to him. He stole the tune! And from whom! Near the city! Every year, a service was held in a church in a German town, at which a piece was played, written for the organ especially for this day. The notes of this piece belonged to the magistrate, and no one except the organist could see, play or copy them. But don't forget: those who sing should not judge others. These are completely different areas, and they should not intersect. Mozart, who was 8 years old at that time, was present at the service and, when he came home, performed it in its entirety from memory and wrote it down without a single mistake. The next morning, when he played this piece to his father, the famous musician Leopold Mozart, he was at first afraid, because they could be accused of theft. But, after thinking about it, I decided to use this case for my own good. He rewrote this play in beautiful handwriting and presented it that same day to the archbishop of this town - as a sign of his son’s genius. Such talent is very rare, and we, of course, will not set such difficult tasks for you, especially since for this you need to master musical notation. But checking how good your musical memory is and trying to develop it a little is our goal. By the way, all previous games also used this human ability to remember sounds. And in rhythmic games, and even more so in games related to singing, memory is necessarily present and, hopefully, has already undergone some training. But almost all previous songs were associated with vocal abilities, which, of course, are not at the proper level for everyone. And the last section, dedicated exclusively to memory, may help to rehabilitate, that is, simply recoup, for those who were not able to prove themselves with dignity earlier.

Water treatments

One of the options for rhythmic games is a game that prepares children to memorize simple melodies. It also requires some preparation. You need to take several (5-7) glasses, preferably identical and with not too thick walls. Fill them with water and hit the glass with a metal rod to see what sound they make. Try not to hit too hard so as not to break the glasses or drop them, but at the same time so that the sound is as clear as possible. Each glass should “sound” in its own way. Even if it is not too melodic and harmonious, the main thing is that the sounds are clearly distinguishable by ear. The task of the players in this case becomes much more complicated. Now they should remember not just the timbres, but also the pitch of each glass. It is better if, before the start of the game, they are lined up in a row as the height increases, so that to the left of the performer there are low ones in sound, and to the right - high ones. It would be very good if one of the more “advanced” players could tune this entire series according to the musical scale.

But even if this doesn’t work, don’t be upset, try to follow the direction: remember in which direction the subsequent sound changed, whether it was higher or lower than the previous one. And just try to repeat the given rhythm as accurately as possible, while the melody is not the most important thing for you. Examples of rhythmic patterns can be taken from the previous ones. So, we have learned to catch and remember the rhythm. Now let's try to start solving a more complex problem: games that develop musical ear and memory. Ears are a rather complex device that requires careful adjustment. But don't let difficulties stop you. You must know for sure: everyone has hearing, only for one it seems to “lie on the surface”, while for the other it is hidden inside, and it must be “retrieved” from there very carefully and persistently.

If the sense of rhythm is inherent in a person by nature itself (after all, the most basic rhythm is the beat of our heart), then with the pitch of sound everything is much more false. Often those who are said to have elephants running through their ears simply do not have a voice. The voice either breaks during adolescence or does not have time to develop. Usually they simply don’t know how to use their voice, but at the same time they hear that the singing is not very correct. But this man’s ears are fine, his hearing controls his voice, but sometimes it cannot help. The games that we will offer you will help you test yourself and the state of your hearing in musical and pitch terms.


Well, now let's try to master the rhythms of Latin America. We are all familiar with such words as samba and rumba. After all, the popular Macarena dance is also based on Latin American rhythms. Having heard them, we immediately imagine hot Latin Americans in sombreros, with guitars and with such rustling balls on their hands (they are called maracas). For this game, children will need new tools, and they will have to make them with their own hands. To make one of these, you need a simple tin can from a carbonated drink, fill it with some small loose objects - rice, sand or small pebbles - and carefully seal the hole with tape or adhesive tape. The prototype of this instrument is the Latin American instrument chocalo, which is a kind of wooden cylinder. Another instrument resembles a guiro, which in its homeland is made from dried pumpkin. To make this tool, just pour peas or dried olive pits into the same tin can, seal the hole, and the product is ready. If anyone has children's maracas, it means that a unique Latin American ensemble is present almost in full force. A tambourine and a drum are also not superfluous. Chocalos, guiros and maracas must be played by shaking or swaying the sounds. Instead of shaking the Chocalo, you can rotate it around an axis, then its contents produce a quiet rustling sound. Now we need any melody in the rhythm of samba, rumba, tango or bossa nova. Surely someone in your group has a tape recorder: such modern performers as Alsou (her famous single with Enrique Iglesias) have songs in the rhythms of Latin American dances. You can also use the famous Macarena. The game is to, having previously practiced, try to “merge” into the sound of a pre-prepared song or composition. Try to ensure that the sounds of your instruments exactly match the “beats” of the music being played, with the beats of the drums or the sounds of the bass guitar. Playing such a simple rhythm on a tambourine and drum is not difficult, but on a guiro or maracas you won’t be able to do everything right away, since such simple-looking instruments require great skill and a sense of rhythm. But with some effort, you will feel that your group of “musicians” is becoming a real Mexican orchestra or participants in a Brazilian carnival. If you don’t find the recording you need, you can use any melody that is similar in rhythm, some song by Britney Spears or songs by the group “Spleen” (for example, “My Heart”). In combining songs that do not quite fit in style with such specific accompaniment, you can even find a humorous effect (many groups are now experimenting with mixing styles). Combine the sound of your percussion ensemble with the melodies of such groups as “Tatu”, “Hands Up”, “Ivanushki-International”, etc. Try it, see what happens.

It would seem that what could be easier than organizing dances? Turned on the music and the fun began! Not so. People are all different: some will start dancing in half a turn, while others can sit at the table almost the whole evening.

Ready-made quest scenarios for children and adults. For detailed information, click on the image of interest.

In order to leave a good impression from the dance part of the program, so that the dancing comes out fun and lively, so that everyone feels free and at ease, you need to take care of the following things:

  • how to attract more guests to dance
  • how to help shy people
  • how to give everyone the opportunity to show their best side

Therefore, we suggest diversifying the dance program with games during the dance and dance competitions, which are given below. Choose, play and make your holidays brighter and more fun!

N New Year's Macarena

This fun dance is great for New Year's holiday as a warm-up for the audience.

The presenter reminds those who have forgotten the dance movements:

  • "Once" - right hand pull forward
  • "Two" - left hand pull forward
  • "Three" - right hand on the left shoulder
  • "Four" - left hand on right shoulder
  • "Five" - ​​right hand behind the head
  • “Six” - left hand behind the head
  • "Seven" - right hand on the right thigh
  • "Eight" - left hand on left thigh
  • “Nine” - they wiggled their butts

Dance Quiz

This competition is also great for warming up the crowd. For each correct answer, the viewer is awarded a small souvenir. At the end of the quiz, those who have prizes in their hands are invited to participate in the next stage competition. So you will dial required amount participants for holding competitions, and also defuse the situation at the beginning of the holiday, creating the right mood.


  1. "Fruit" dance of sailors (Apple)
  2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba)
  3. Letka's half (Enka)
  4. Dance, characteristic feature which is rhythmic percussive footwork (step, or tap dance)
  5. Cuban dance, which is also widespread in Latin America (Cha-cha-cha)
  6. Dance after vodka (Gopak)
  7. Caucasian dance (Lezginka)
  8. Popular Greek dance (Sirtaki)
  9. Famous Spanish dance (Flamenco)
  10. Natasha Rostova's first dance (Waltz)
  11. Dance with high leg kicks (Cancan)
  12. An Argentine couple dance characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm (Tango)
  13. Russian belt with stomp (Trepak)
  14. What dance can you do to polish the floor? (Twist)
  15. What dance is he learning? main character the movie "Hipsters"? (Boogie Woogie)

Alternatively, you can complicate the task: players need to not only name the dance correctly, but also try to demonstrate it to the audience using a short appropriate composition. It will be much more fun this way. In this case, it is better to purchase more significant prizes.

An expanding dance, or everyone is dancing!

A chair is placed in the middle of the room and a guy sits on it. Two girls stand behind him, and each puts her hand on his shoulder. The guy, without looking, takes one of the girls by the hand and they go dancing. The remaining girl sits on a chair and the guys walk around, stand behind the girl, and she takes the hand of one of the guys and they also go to dance. Everything continues until all the guests are on the dance floor.

Sirtaki in Russian

All guests must be lined up in two lines: male and female, facing each other. It is advisable that there are at least 10 people in each line. Everyone holds each other's hands, bent at the elbow. To the music of the Greek dance sirtaki (at first it is not very fast), at the command of the leader, the male line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. And then the line of women also takes three steps forward, makes the same bow and returns to their place three steps back.

Thus, two ranks, having completed the simplest dance movement, return to their places.

  1. bow
  2. turn 180 degrees
  3. right foot stomp
  4. left foot stomp
  5. jump (bouncing)
  6. friendly male “Eh!” and in response a mischievous female “Uh-uh!”

The chain of movements, which are done by men and women in turn, should result in the following: 3 steps forward - bow - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - turn around - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your right foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your left foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - jump - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - “Eh!”, “Uh-uh” - 3 steps back.

Having performed the movements, they must be repeated in the same sequence, first, but only at an accelerated pace, and then at an even more accelerated pace. The leader needs to help the dancers and suggest movement commands, then the result will be a well-coordinated, fast and lively dance.

Dance with tasks

Everyone dances, the music stops every now and then and the leader gives some commands, for example:

  • We greet each other, shout “Hello”!
  • Let's jump up to see who's higher!
  • Let's clap our hands!
  • Let's wave our arms!
  • We're spinning like snowflakes!
  • sway your hips!
  • We shout: “Happy New Year!” and etc.

Dance medley

Any number of people can participate in this dance competition, but only in pairs (M+F). It is necessary to record about 8-10 different musical compositions in advance (this could be: lambada, waltz, polka, tango, dance of little ducklings, rock and roll, boogie-woogie, etc.) and play them one by one. The contestants' task is to quickly switch from one music to another. At the end of the competition, the best couple is determined by audience applause. You can choose the best dancers in each separate form dance.

Musical dialogue

Two teams play (it’s more interesting when men play against women). The first team begins to sing, performing a line, verse or chorus of a song where there is some question, for example: “Well, where are you, girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts?” The second team must perform an answer to this song, for example: “Where the maple rustles over the river wave...” and ask their question. You cannot repeat previously played songs. The game continues at the discretion of the host - as long as the players are excited. The process of coming up with questions and answers is very interesting!

A wedding is not only marriage registration and feasting, but also an entertainment program. What else, besides music, fits so organically into the cheerful and noisy atmosphere of the festival? Music competitions at weddings are the most popular. They do not require specific skills or abilities, because popular musical compositions are heard everywhere.

Regardless of whether the bride and groom choose a traditional celebration or prefer a more informal setting, there are many music competitions to suit each style of celebration.

There are many games that are played to music; you can choose from competitions that have already been tested over the years, or come up with your own.

The main thing is that they coincide with the theme of the celebration, the worldview of the guests and newlyweds. Therefore, it is worth choosing modern songs or those that were so popular before that older relatives constantly sing them. Otherwise, the contestants may not recognize the melody or the meaning of the words.

The simplest and at the same time famous music competition is “Guess the Melody”. To do this, you need to stock up on music from which the words have been removed.

If there are many older guests at the wedding, then preference is given to Russian-language songs that were popular 10-20 years ago.

But if the holiday is created for young people, then you should choose modern songs, foreign or domestic. National compositions that are well known enough to be able to guess their motive are also good.

It is better not to use melodies from rap, most often they are very similar to each other. In such songs, the emphasis is on words, so the arrangement is rather sparse and can mislead guests.

The second competition that both guests and newlyweds will enjoy is “Remember the Song.”

To do this, several teams are created that must take turns singing the words of a composition on a given topic. Those who remember the most songs will win.

Topics for the competition:

  • wedding songs;
  • where they sing about love;
  • those that mention the names of the newlyweds;
  • telling about the profession of the newlyweds (if it is popular).

This competition has more difficult option, in which guests are divided into two teams and must remember opposing concepts.

The first group remembers words about all the “very, very big” things, the other – the small ones.

Song competitions - the funniest options

In addition to competitions related to music, there are also games that are based on the lyrics of songs. And it doesn’t matter who wins, the main thing is that all the guests laugh during the process.

For such competitions, it is advisable to invite a qualified presenter - it is almost impossible to conduct them independently.

Without special training and developed skills, even the most fun situation will look boring. In order to involve all the guests, only a few sheets of paper with selected words are needed in the competition to congratulate the newlyweds.

According to the rules, the invitees must create a song in which they congratulate the newlyweds on this significant day, but to do this, use only the given words or phrases.

There can be 2 teams, but 3 is best to maintain excitement, but not provoke rivalry between guests.

Depending on the complexity and number of words, 5-10 minutes are given for writing. After this, each team chooses one representative who will sing it to the newlyweds.

It is best to warn guests that they will evaluate not only the text itself, but also how artistically it was presented. The main judges in this competition are the bride and groom, who will decide who to give the prize to.

You will not need any special props to run this competition.

To begin with, the host forms several teams, each of which should have 3-5 guests. After that, he explains the rules and says a phrase from any song, the first team must answer it with a line from another song.

The next group does the same, but for the words of the previous one. This creates a unique and funny song. According to the rules, you must answer very quickly. Those who do not answer within 5 seconds receive a penalty; if half a minute is reached, the team is eliminated.

This happens until the last group remains, or if two teams cannot continue the battle.

This is very fun competition, it is important that the operator captures it as a memory. Therefore, it is necessary to warn him in advance about long-term filming. To play the “Broadcasting Crown” you will need a paper hat or crown and a piece of music.

The host first asks what the bride is thinking about, pretending to put a crown on her head. On background The first excerpt is included. The toastmaster does the same with the groom and guests. There are no winners or losers in this competition, it is aimed at entertaining everyone present.

The better the song excerpts are chosen, the more laughter they will generate.

How to hold a dance competition at a wedding

Every holiday involves dancing, and weddings are no exception. But the advantages of this celebration are that, in addition to simple traditional dances, various competitions can be held. The tasks that guests perform to the music can be very different: from serious, requiring concentration, to absolutely comical.

It all depends on the general atmosphere and what kind of reaction you want to evoke from others.

To conduct the “Strange Movements” competition you will need:

  1. 4-5 chairs, depending on the number of participants.
  2. 4-5 cuts of melodies.
  3. Participants.

Chairs are placed on the platform at intervals of 50 cm. Participants are asked to sit on chairs, explaining that they will have to dance to music without getting up from them. The one who does it least artistically is eliminated.

At the next stage, the task is made more difficult for those remaining - they should not move their legs, they can only move their torso and arms. Again, the weakest performance guarantees elimination. After this, they are prohibited from moving their arms; they can only move their head or torso. When only two remain, they are given the task of “dancing” with facial expressions.

The one who does it the most funny will win.

To conduct the “Balls” competition you will need:

  1. Several pairs of guests.
  2. Balloons filled with helium.
  3. Ribbons or thick threads, 1.5 m long.
  4. Music for slow dancing.

One end of the tape is attached to the ball, and the other is tied to the woman's ankle. The girl and the guy stand opposite each other and clasp their hands. After this, the music is turned on and the couples begin to dance. The main task is to burst the opponents' balloons, but at the same time save your own. You can use everything for this except your hands, which should not open. If one of the pair lets go of the partner’s hand, then the pair is considered eliminated.

The winners are those who are left alone on the dance floor.

Very funny competition for the wedding “Musical Hat”:

It is important to select competitions and music so that they are suitable for the age of the competitors. The younger the guests, the more active they can be. This means that the melodies can be more incendiary.

Musical competitions are important because they entertain guests and newlyweds, so they must be held at any wedding so that guests do not get bored. For this, it is best to hire a toastmaster, because he has experience and can present the most boring situation as funny and amusing. It’s impossible not to consider cool instruments that will lift the mood of the guests and remain in the memory of each of the participants. Would you like to see music competitions at your wedding?

So it’s your anniversary, birthday, or guests just came to you. It’s so great to sit, chat, sit again and chat again. But eventually it will get boring and guests will want to leave. How to be? Maybe it's worth playing, for example, musical competition Guess the melody. There is no need for a ready-made script for this competition. After all, the game follows the rules, and everything else is impromptu. The main thing here is better melody, more drive and then your guests will come to you again and again.

Let’s say right away that you can play this competition in different ways. There are many options, and we will try to explain each option in detail separately and provide examples for the competition. All you have to do is choose the one you like best or take them all.

Option 1 – traditional.
The first option is traditional. It can be played by all guests, or you can divide guests into teams. The idea is simple: the melody of the song is played, but without words. And the guests must guess what kind of song it is. Whoever knows the answer gives a signal (rings a bell, blows a whistle, pops a balloon, etc.). After the signal, the music stops and the answer sounds. If the answer is correct, then this team sings this song. If the answer is incorrect, the second team can answer and earn one point.

Option 2 – guess the melody from the video clip.
From the name of the competition it is clear that here guests must guess the song only from the video clip. That is, the video is shown on the screen, but there is no music and no caption. Who performs? Guests must understand who the artist is and what the song is.
This competition is going great. Firstly, everyone loves to watch TV and will definitely stare at the screen, and therefore play a competition. Secondly, everyone has passion, and everyone will try to be the first to answer the question and win. And thirdly, this is just an interesting competition.

Option 3 – melodies from TV.
Nowadays every advertisement, every movie and cartoon is accompanied by songs. They sound so often that they sometimes become more popular than the musical hits of famous performers. And you can use this in your competitions!
How to play? It’s very simple - a melody or song from an advertisement is played, and guests must guess. Which advertisement is the melody from? It’s the same with films and cartoons – you need to guess the name of the film or cartoon based on the music.

Option 4 – guess the melody from the text.
There won't be any tunes here, not yet. First, you ask the guests a question about the song, and they already try to guess it. If you guessed right, the song starts. If not, then others offer their own options.
You can come up with questions about any song. For example:

Option 5 – guess the song and alcohol.
There are many songs in the world, and even in our country, that mention this or that alcohol. We suggest you guess not the song itself, but the alcohol that is mentioned in this melody. You will see how guests will quickly guess everything. And to heat up the excitement even more, say: whoever guesses exactly what kind of alcohol is in the song will receive a bottle of this drink! Then the guests will “fight” in a good way for prizes.

That's all. Play, have fun and your guests will be the happiest in the world!

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The traditional Russian way of having fun: singing your favorite songs in chorus with an accordion (or without it) is still popular, especially among the older generation, but new musical entertainment, games and competitions are being added that bring entertainment programs holidays diversity, warmth and enthusiasm.

The most favorite musical entertainment at the holiday is: karaoke, various adaptations of songs, music quizzes, song re-renditions with tasks, or performance of the text of a famous song in a different style: rap ,folk, musical, etc. If a musical company is gathering, then the whole scenario can be conceived as a show, let the guests demonstrate their talents all evening - for example, “Become a Star” (you can watch).

Music games and competitions from our selection are very diverse: completely new and long-loved, lyrical and funny, table and game.

1. Musical game "Noise Makers".

(to download - click on the file)

6. Musical warm-up.

Remember the KVN “Warm-up” competition, and arrange the same improvisation at the festival, only not from jokes, but from songs. Teams must exchange questions and answers from songs, i.e. one team remembers a question line from songs, the other an affirmative line that matches the meaning. Then they change roles. For example, the question: “Why are you standing there, swaying, thin rowan?”, the answer: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home!” Or: “Where are you, Marusya, who are you walking with?” - “...I’m walking along the sleepers, again walking home along the sleepers out of habit.”

You can play until your imagination runs out.

7. Musical compliments.

The program of any holiday, and especially a corporate one, can include a musical exchange of compliments between the male and female half of the room. This is very simple to do: the female team remembers flattering lines from songs about men, and the men, on the contrary, sing excerpts from songs that can be regarded as compliments to the ladies. And one by one they begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example of praise to gentlemen, the presenter can recite the following lines from A. Sviridova’s song:

“How good! You can trust a man!

How good! And don’t think about anything!”

Like a song nod to beautiful ladies - a verse from Yu. Antonov’s hit:

“Attention, men! There is no reason to laugh!

Today, women are a match for us in every task,

And we, of our own free will, teach the roles of others,

The winner is the team that names the most musical compliments within ten minutes, although there is no need to count, let friendship win.

This stream of song compliments can be directed in one direction, for example, on the women's holiday on March 8, you can arrange a musical congratulation - a medley, which will consist of excerpts of compliment songs.

8. Song encyclopedia.

For this song rehearsal, you can divide the hall into several teams (depending on the number of guests) and prepare cards in advance with the intended themes of the songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love, and so on. Each team draws three to five cards. Five to seven minutes are given to think.

Then, by drawing lots for themes, each team presents its musical illustrations, for example, the theme “Stones”: “Give me a moonstone”, “He has a granite pebble in his chest”, “I can do everything, I can do everything - my heart is not a stone.” It is allowed to sing either one line from a song or an entire verse or chorus. The main thing is that it corresponds to the meaning of the task.

For each answer given to the topic - a point. The winners are determined by the amount of points earned.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments."

From the guests (10 - 15 people) we create an Orchestra of virtual instruments - everyone draws a card with a written instrument, each of them, of course, has a different one. Participants must depict playing instruments very expressively, so that it is clear who is playing what music.

Then the presenter explains that he will be a conductor, but also play the drum. However, the leading conductor will always “switch” to any other instrument, and the player whose instrument is this moment portrayed by the presenter, must immediately stop his movements.

In this way, those “musicians” who “missed” the leader’s new movement gradually drop out of the game of the virtual orchestra. The most attentive player wins.

10. Musical ABC.