Municipal procurement 1s. Procurement planning and formation of a procurement plan

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In this article we will look at how to index salaries in 1C ZUP for employees of an organization. Guided by Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the employer must provide an increase in salaries for employees, since the cost of goods and services periodically increases. If the organization is financed from the budget, then indexation is also carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, various acts or a collective agreement.

Wage indexation should first of all be understood as an increase tariff rates– salaries, both for the entire enterprise and for its individual divisions or branches. The value of the coefficient will be used in the future when calculating vacation, business trips, average earnings and other cases.

To carry out salary indexation in 1C ZUP, you need to complete a number of steps in the program. The first thing you need to do is check what is displayed required settings. In the “Settings” section, select the “Payroll calculation” item. A checkbox is required indicating that earnings are indexed in the database.

You should also ensure that staffing records are maintained and history maintained. To check the availability of these options, you must select the “Human Resources” item and follow the “Settings” link staffing table”.

In order to index in the program, starting with release 3.1.3, there is a special document “Changing the staffing table”, which is located in the “Personnel” section. We create new document and fill in the date from which the changes and organization will take effect. To fill out the table. parts, click on the “Change” button and add the required schedule units.

By clicking the “More” button on the right, selecting “Displayed indicators”, you can use checkboxes to control the visibility of indicators and display only those that are required in the document. Next, click on the “Fill in indicators” button, and in the window that opens, set the coefficient for the “Salary” indicator to 1.1.

After confirmation, the values ​​in the document for all lines will be recalculated taking into account this coefficient. By clicking on the “Signatures” link at the bottom of the document, you can indicate the head of the organization and the head of the personnel department. In the future, they will be displayed in the printed form of an order to change the schedule, which can be printed using the “Order to make changes” button. Then we carry out the document.

If you have questions on the topic of Salary Indexation in 1C ZUP, ask them in the comments under the article, our specialists will try to answer them.

To reflect the fact of the increase wages you need to create a document “Changing planned accruals”, which is located in the “Salary” section, item “Changing employee pay”. Since in our example the history of changes in the staffing table is kept, the above-mentioned document can be entered from the created document “Change in the staffing table” using the corresponding button.

After which a completed document will be created. Please note that the “Consider as indexation of earnings” checkbox must be checked.

Then we carry out the document. When paying salaries for the next month, the salary will be calculated taking into account indexation.

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The program provides a product classifier with the ability to describe consumer properties and characteristics of services, goods, and works. You can enter data both in the Products section and in documents; the visibility of directory elements is specified for all users or specifically for an institution, with user rights set.

Preparation of an order with subsequent placement:

  • the entire process of placing an order, holding auctions, competitions, requesting quotes is automated: from creating a procurement commission to printing documents;
  • information is entered into the system in a structured manner, the status of documents is reflected, all stages associated with the order placement procedure are monitored;
  • 1C State and municipal procurement allows you to create consolidated lots of auctions and competitions, combining several lots, or lots that match some parameters. The choice of parameters for combining is left to users. The entire process of combining products is automated;
  • It is possible to transfer products from one lot to another. Consolidation and transfer allow the customer or authorized body to formulate the procurement item optimally for the auction;
  • documentation is generated automatically based on the data provided in the system, including auction and tender documentation, request for quotation, template mechanism is customizable;
  • Each user can change system settings manually. Using automatic calculations, the optimal reporting option is reflected in printed documentation.

Pre-selection stage, selection of suppliers:

  • registration and detailed consideration of participants’ applications in 1C State and municipal procurement, with subsequent placement of orders in the system;
  • generation of materials for the work of the commission with the development of preliminary decisions based on information data entered into the system;
  • automated calculation of scores for quantitative criteria that are established in the documentation submitted in the competition. This includes fixation expert assessments, with automatic assignment of places to applications;
  • auction board with automatic fixation of bids in the system. In 1C State and municipal procurements, all possible types protocols, including autopsies, evaluations, reviews. A mechanism for customizing templates is provided.

State system:

  • it is possible to streamline the process of approval and approval of submitted documents;
  • transitions between states are possible, by user decision or automatically;
  • This program allows you to control the correctness of filling out a document at each change of state, to link operations carried out in the document to each of the states;
  • in 1C State and municipal procurement, the state system is configured based on user requirements. And users who are granted system administrator rights can adjust states to suit a specific user.

Advantages of control in 1C Procurement

The 1C State and Municipal Procurement software solution implements a mechanism for strict document control, which significantly reduces the number of errors when entering data. Control is possible both automatically and at the initiative of users.

The system provides the ability to notify auction participants when entering incorrect data and when transitioning to other states. Users can go to the error location at any time from the system message window and enter new data.

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