Wise parables for wise women. About living with morality. Parable about life: The Master and the Waitress

Why do people need books? Great philosophers, thinkers and ordinary people have asked this question more than once. Every creation of a writer is small world, which brings something new to the reader: some books teach to love and empathize, others - to always come to the rescue and value friendship, and others - to correctly set life priorities. However, there are also books that bring nothing but chaos and confusion, but they can hardly be called literature. Tales and short stories, short stories and novels, fables and fairy tales... All this represents the great heritage of human wisdom, at a separate level of which stand parables about the meaning of life .

What are these short stories, filled with deep meaning, which sometimes cannot be conveyed even in a three-volume collection of works. What is their great strength? Who are these talented creators who gave readers wise parables about the meaning of life and human relationships, about faith and hope, about love and mutual understanding, about tolerance and piety?

Why do we need parables about life?

Each of us, from a young age, albeit unconsciously, began our acquaintance with parables - short stories about fictional characters that carried teaching and morality, every mother was sure to tell them. And if in childhood this was perceived as part of education, parental guidance, then in adult life parables open from a completely different side. In addition to the obvious meaning that the work contains, more and more new facets and subtexts appear that can show the full depth of morality.

The main feature of parables, in addition to their meaningful content and small volume, is their peculiar infinity - if stories or tales are interesting only upon first reading, then philosophical parables about life you can re-read an unlimited number of times, and with each reading they will become more and more interesting. They unobtrusively, metaphorically open the readers' eyes to the only important thing that exists in the world - goodness, mutual understanding and spirituality. Moreover, it does not matter at all how many years ago the parable was created - five years or five centuries ago - it does not lose its relevance, just as the moral values ​​passed on from generation to generation do not become unnecessary or unimportant.

Parables about life and wisdom: where to start getting acquainted?

In the context of modernity, literature has ceased to play a primary role - printed publications have been replaced by the Internet, Cell phones, e-books and other gadgets. Of course, this technique, when used wisely, can bring a lot of good - in a matter of seconds, find the necessary information, tell absolutely any work, no matter what year or origin it may be. On the other hand, not a single device is capable of creating a magical aura that appears the moment you open a book. That is why read parables about life better in printed form - this will help you feel the full power of the word, tactilely feel the softness of the pages, inhale the special typographic aroma and absorb every word spoken in the parable.

However, there is nothing seditious to draw the wisdom of centuries online - no matter how paradoxical it may sound, there are many truly valuable and deep collections of parables on the Internet that will allow you to plunge into the world of morality and spirituality, take a step towards a more conscious perception of yourself and get closer to knowledge of true values.

Beautiful parables about life Little listeners and readers really like it - the child’s soul is especially subtle and sensitive, so such works cannot fail to find a response in it. Therefore, caring parents who want to raise their child to be a full-fledged and spiritually developed personality should begin to get acquainted with this genre from the first years of the child’s life. Such upbringing will be useful not only for the baby, but also for the parents themselves - easy, kind and instructive parables They will explain to the child what cannot be conveyed directly, and they will remind the adult how important the soul is.

5 reasons to read parables about life

  1. Such works allow you to look at life from a different angle, direct your consciousness in the right direction, take a step towards self-development and reconsider your own values.
  2. In moments of special emotional experiences, there is nothing better than parables about life and wisdom . They will tell you what to do in a given situation, share the wisdom of centuries, and help open your eyes to current events.
  3. These mini-stories exude goodness and light. Here you will not find gloom, despondency, cruelty and abuse - the stories are presented in such a way that they look more like positive stories about other people's experiences than instructions.
  4. This collection will be an excellent antidepressant against stress and melancholy, sadness and unmotivated anxiety. An evening spent with a book of parables will relieve the stress of the past day, fill the soul with light and some indescribable faith in beauty, help you become more tolerant of others and understand what was hidden until that moment.
  5. Parables should become a reference book for any parent - these mini-stories can explain what cannot be presented in your own words. How to explain what God is? How to convey to a child that words can hurt more than deeds, and helping your neighbor should be in the order of things? Only with the help of wise parables!

Beautiful parables about life: a moral lesson or educational literature?

Each parable is its own ode, a small chest in which morality is stored. And although their variety is limitless, as are spiritual matters, the most popular narratives touch on the following aspects:

  1. Happiness. What really is real happiness, not polished, fake, ostentatious, but small and touching the soul to tears? In something distant, unattainable, or in simple little things? The answers to these questions can be found in parables.
  2. About relationships. Of course, no story is complete without describing the relationships between people. A friendly shoulder offered at the right moment, support stranger, good deed in relation to a stranger - this is what is truly valuable.
  3. Dreams. Not to confuse a desire and a dream, not to give up a dream in the name of a momentary benefit, means taking the first step on the path to success.
  4. Correctly set priorities. In the bustle of modern megacities, it is so difficult to notice what is really important - the loving look of a loved one, the smile on the face of a passerby, the first flower that blooms in spring. Pay attention to the beautiful to make your life a little happier!
  5. Attitude to money and career. Are finances as important as we used to think? Is buying 101 handbags more important than spending a couple of hours with your family? Is it really worth working without a break for a vacation on an overseas coast instead of spending the weekend next to those who are looking forward to it so much? Work to live or live to work? Don't make the wrong choice so you don't miss out on what's really important!

This list can be continued endlessly - folk wisdom, collected together in parables, has no boundaries.

Wise parables about the meaning of life

Why do you get up every morning, go to a job you don’t like, sit in the office from 9 to 18, listen to dissatisfied remarks from your boss, stand in traffic jams, and then lash out at your loved ones because of fatigue and devastation? Is this really your true purpose? Parables will help you find answers to these difficult questions.

Parables about life created to remind a person of what is truly important. It is not for nothing that many collections open with a phrase that has long since lost its author and become popular: “Parables are the true art of words going straight to the heart”. The search for the meaning of life is considered one of the most important tasks of a person in self-knowledge. In order not to get confused on this difficult path, from time to time pick up a collection of these wise stories so as not to forget about something important.

0 He who desires less is given more

Christian parable

There were three brothers; They had nothing else in this world except one pear tree, and they guarded that tree in turns: one remained near the pear, and the other two went to work as day laborers.

One day God sent an angel to see how the brothers lived, and if it was bad, then to provide them with better food. An angel of God descended to earth, turned into a beggar and, approaching the one who was protecting the tree, asked him for one pear. This one tore it from his share, gave it to him and said:

The angel thanked him and left.

The next day another brother remained to guard the tree; the angel came again and asked for one pear. And this one tore him from his share, gave it to him and said:

Here's some of my share for you; I can’t give you any of my brothers’.

The angel thanked him and left. When it was the third brother’s turn to protect the tree, the angel approached again and asked to give him one pear. And the third brother tore some of his share, gave it to him and said:

Here's some of my share for you; I can’t give you any of my brothers’.

When the fourth day arrived, the angel became a monk, came early in the morning and found all three brothers near the hut.

Follow me,” the angel told them, “I will give you the best food.”

They followed him without saying a word. They come to a large turbulent stream.

What would you like? - the angel asked his elder brother.

And he responded:

So that wine could be made from this water and would go to me.

An angel crossed the stream with a staff - and instead of water, wine flowed: barrels are prepared here, wine is poured here...

Here you have it according to your wishes! - the angel said to his elder brother and left him in that place, and with the other two he went further.

They went out into the clearing - the pigeons covered the entire clearing. Then the angel asked the middle brother:

What do you want?

So that all these would be sheep and belong to me.

The angel of God crossed the field with his staff - and instead of doves, sheep appeared: where did the sheepfolds come from, some women milk, others pour milk, others skim the cream, others make cheese, others melt butter...

Here you have it according to your wishes! - said the angel.

He took his younger brother with him, walked with him across the field and asked:

What would you like?

I don’t need anything else, if only the Lord would give me a wife from righteous Christian blood.

Then the angel said:

Oh, it's not easy to get; in the whole world there are only three like this: two are married, and one is a girl, and two of them are wooing each other.

Walking for a long time, they came to one city in which there was a king, and he had a daughter from righteous Christian blood. When they came to the city, they now went to the king to ask him for a bride, and there two kings were already wooing her. They also began to get married. When the king saw them, he said to his entourage:

What should we do now: these are kings, and these are like beggars before them?

Do you know what? - said the angel. - Let’s do this: let the bride take three vines and plant them in the garden, assigning each of the grooms which one she wants; on whose vine there will be grapes in the morning, let her marry him.

Everyone agreed to this; The princess planted three vines in the garden and assigned their own to each one. They looked in the morning, and there were grapes on the poor man’s vine. Then the king, having nothing to do, gave his daughter to his younger brother, and they were married in the church. After the crown, the angel took them into the forest and left them there; They lived here for a whole year. And when the year was completed, the Lord said to the angel again:

Go and see how those orphans live; if in need, put on more of them.

The angel descended to earth and turned again into a beggar; I came to the brother who had a stream of wine flowing and asked him for a cup of wine. But he refused him, saying:

If you give everyone a cup, there won’t be enough wine!

When the angel heard this, he immediately crossed himself with his staff - and the stream began to flow with water, as before.

“There’s nothing for you,” he said to his older brother, “go under your pear tree, guard it!”

Then the angel departed from there; I came to another brother, whose entire field was covered with sheep, and asked him for a piece of cheese. But he refused him, saying:

If you give everyone a piece, there won’t be enough cheese!

When the angel heard this, he immediately crossed the field with his staff - and instead of the sheep, doves fluttered.

“There’s nothing for you,” he said to the middle brother, “go under your pear tree, guard it!”

After that, the angel went to his younger brother to see how he was living. He comes, and he and his wife live poorly in the forest, in a hut. The angel asked to spend the night with them - they willingly, with all their hearts, accepted him, and began to beg him not to blame them for not being able to treat him as they would have liked.

We are poor people! - they said.

“Nothing,” answered the angel, “I am happy with what I have.”

What will you do? They didn't have the flour to make real bread; so they pushed tree bark and from it they made bread. The hostess now kneaded such bread for her guest and put it in the oven. They began to talk; Then, look, is it ready? And in front of them was real bread, so glorious, rising so high... Seeing this, the husband and wife thanked God:

Glory to you, Lord, that we can treat the stranger!

They served bread to the guest, brought a jug of water, and as soon as they began to drink, there was wine in the jug. At that time, the angel crossed the hut with his staff, and in that very place there became a royal palace, and there was a lot of everything in it. The angel blessed them and left them there, and they lived happily all their lives.

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Sometimes important things are easier to tell in the form of a fairy tale. All the peoples of the world did this, and after a while parables appeared. Short stories about life with elements of wisdom.

Wise parable “Belief in yourself”

Once upon a time there were little frogs who organized a running competition. Their goal was to climb to the top of the tower.

Many spectators gathered who wanted to watch these competitions and laugh at their participants...

The competition has begun...

The truth is that none of the spectators believed that the frogs would be able to climb to the top of the tower.

The following remarks were heard:

“It's too difficult!!
"They will NEVER get to the top"
"No chance! The tower is too high!

The little frogs began to fall. In sequence…

...With the exception of those who got their second wind, they jumped higher and higher...

The crowd was still screaming “Too hard!!! No one can do it!”

Even more frogs got tired and fell... Only ONE rose higher and higher...
He was the only one who didn’t give in!!

In the end everyone gave in. Except for that one little frog who, with all his efforts, climbed to the top!

THEN all the little frogs wanted to know how he did it?
One participant asked how this little frog, who made it to the top, managed to find strength in himself?

IT TURNS out that the winner was DEAF!!!

Never listen to people who are trying to convey to you their pessimism and negative mood...

...they rob you of your deepest dreams and desires. The ones you cherish in your heart!

Don't forget the power of words. Believe in yourself and in your strength! YOU CAN!!!

A wise parable about love - Island of Spiritual Values

Once upon a time, there was an island on Earth where all spiritual values ​​lived. But one day they noticed how the island began to go under water. All the valuables boarded their ships and sailed away. Only Love remained on the island.

She waited until the last minute, but when there was nothing left to wait, she also wanted to sail away from the island.

Then she called Wealth and asked to join him on the ship, but Wealth replied: “ There is a lot of jewelry and gold on my ship, there is no place for you here».

When the ship of Sadness sailed past, she asked to come to her, but she answered her: “ Sorry, Love, I'm so sad that I should always be alone».

Then Love saw the ship of Pride and asked for her help, but she said that Love would disrupt the harmony on her ship.

Joy floated nearby, but she was so busy having fun that she didn’t even hear about the calls of Love.

Then Love completely despaired.

But suddenly she heard a voice somewhere behind: “ Let's go, Love, I'll take you with me" Love turned around and saw the old man. He took her to land, and when the old man sailed away, Love realized that she had forgotten to ask his name. Then she turned to Knowledge:

- Tell me, Knowledge, who saved me? Who was this old man?

Knowledge looked at Love:

- It was Time.

- Time?- asked Lyubov. - But why did it save me?

Knowledge looked at Love once more, then into the distance where the elder sailed:

- Because only Time knows how important Love is in life...

Parable of Life - King Solomon's Ring

Once upon a time there lived King Solomon. Although he was very wise, his life was very hectic. One day he decided to seek advice from the court sage:

“Help me - there are a lot of things in this life that can make me angry. I am subject to passions, and this makes my life very difficult!”

To which the Sage replied: “ I know how to help you.

Wear this ring and the phrase “THIS SHALL PASS” is engraved on it.

When strong anger or strong joy comes to you, just look at this inscription and it will sober you up. In this you will find salvation from passions!«.

Solomon followed the advice of the Sage and was able to find peace. But one day, during one of his fits of anger, he, as usual, looked at the ring, but this did not help - on the contrary, he lost his temper even more.

He tore the ring off his finger and wanted to throw it further into the pond, but suddenly saw that there was inside The rings also have some kind of inscription. He looked closer and read:


For many years I have been collecting wise, beautiful, instructive stories. Surprisingly, the authors of most of these masterpieces are unknown. It is likely that the depth and inner beauty of these miniatures turns them into modern folklore, passed on from mouth to mouth. I bring to your attention ten of the best parables about the meaning of life and that important thing that allows you to compare life guidelines, distinguish true greatness and spiritual wealth from the limited world of everyday vanity, although at times it looks solemn and magnificent. I chose it to my taste, of course.

Full jar.

The philosophy professor, standing in front of his audience, took a five-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least three centimeters in diameter.
- Is the jar full? - the professor asked the students.
“Yes, it’s full,” the students answered.
Then he opened the bag of peas and poured its contents into a large jar, shaking it a little. The peas took up the free space between the stones.
- Is the jar full? - the professor asked the students again.

“Yes, it’s full,” they answered.
Then he took a box filled with sand and poured it into a jar. Naturally, the sand completely occupied the existing free space and covered everything.
Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full? They answered: yes, and this time definitely, it is full.
Then from under the table he took out a mug of water and poured it into the jar to the last drop, soaking the sand.
The students laughed.
“And now I want you to understand that the jar is your life.” Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, your children - everything that is necessary for your life to still remain complete even if everything else is lost. Peas are things that have become important to you personally: work, home, car. Sand is everything else, little things.
If you fill the jar with sand first, there will be no room left to accommodate the peas and rocks. And also in your life, if you spend all your time and energy on small things, there is no room left for the most important things. Do what makes you happy: play with your children, spend time with your spouse, meet with friends. There will always be more time to work, clean the house, fix and wash the car. Deal first of all with stones, that is, the most important things in life; define your priorities: the rest is just sand.
Then the student raised her hand and asked the professor, what is the significance of water?
The professor smiled.
- I'm glad you asked me about this. I did this simply to prove to you that no matter how busy your life is, there is always a little room for idleness.

Most valuable

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.
But time passed, college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. The young man was busy every minute, and he had no time to remember the past, or even to be with his loved ones.
One day he found out that his neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy’s dead father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.
In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the empty house of the deceased. Everything was the same as many years ago...
But the small golden box, in which, according to the old man, the most valuable thing for him was kept, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of her few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.
However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing his neighbor's name on it, the man shuddered and opened the box.
Inside was the same golden box. It contained a gold pocket watch with an engraving: “Thank you for the time you spent with me.”
And he realized that the most valuable thing for the old man was the time spent with his little friend.
Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath.Time is running away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.

Footprints in the sand(Christian parable).

One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures from his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.
When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And he saw that often along his life’s path there was only one chain of traces. He also noted that these were the most difficult and unhappy times in his life.
He became very sad and began to ask the Lord:
“Didn’t You tell me: if I follow Your path, You will not leave me.” But I noticed that during the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of footprints stretched across the sand. Why did You abandon me when I needed You most?The Lord answered:
- My dear, dear child. I love you and will never leave you. When there were sorrows and trials in your life, only one chain of footprints stretched along the road. Because in those days I carried you in my arms.


While flying the plane on one of the routes, the pilot turned to his friend and partner:
- Look down at this beautiful lake. I was born not far from him, my village is over there.
He pointed to a small village, which, as if on a roost, was located on the hills not far from the lake, and remarked:
- I was born there. As a child, I often sat by the lake and fished. Fishing was my favorite pastime. But when I was a child fishing in the lake, there were always airplanes flying in the sky. They flew over my head, and I dreamed of the day when I could become a pilot myself and fly an airplane. This was my only dream. Now it has come true.
And now every time I look down at that lake I dream of the time when I will retire and go fishing again. After all, my lake is so beautiful...

Lame kitten.

The seller of one small store posted a “Kittens for sale” sign at the entrance. This inscription attracted the attention of the children, and within minutes a boy entered the store. Having greeted the seller, he timidly asked about the price of the kittens.
“From 30 to 50 rubles,” answered the seller.
Sighing, the child reached into his pocket, took out his wallet and began to count the change.
“I only have 20 rubles now,” he said sadly. “Please, can I at least take a look at them,” he asked the seller hopefully.
The seller smiled and took the kittens out of the large box.
Once free, the kittens meowed contentedly and began to run. Only one of them, for some reason, clearly lagged behind everyone else. And somehow strangely he pulled up his back leg.
- Tell me, what’s wrong with this kitten? - asked the boy.
The seller replied that this kitten has a congenital defect of the paw. “It’s for life, that’s what the vet said.” - the man added.
Then for some reason the boy became very worried.
- This is what I would like to buy.
- What, boy, are you laughing? This is a defective animal. Why do you need it? However, if you are so merciful, then take it for free, I will give it to you anyway,” said the seller.
Here, to the seller’s surprise, the boy’s face lengthened.
“No, I don’t want to take it for nothing,” the child said in a tense voice.
- This kitten costs exactly the same as the others. And I'm ready to pay full price. I'll bring it to you money “,” he added firmly.
Looking at the child in amazement, the seller’s heart trembled.
- Son, you just don’t understand everything. This poor thing will never be able to run, play and jump like other kittens.
At these words, the boy began to roll up the leg of his left leg. And then the amazed seller saw that the boy’s leg was terribly twisted and supported by metal hoops.
The child looked at the seller.
- I, too, will never be able to run and jump. And this kitten needs someone who would understand how hard it is for him, and who would support him,” the boy said in a trembling voice.
The man behind the counter began to bite his lips. Tears filled his eyes... After a short silence, he forced himself to smile.
- Son, I will pray that all kittens will have such wonderful, warm-hearted owners like you.

... In reality, WHO you are is not as important as the fact that there is SOMEONE who will truly appreciate you for who you are, who will accept and love you without any reservations. After all, the one who comes to you, at that time how the whole world leaves AWAY from you, and there is a true Friend.

Cups of coffee.

Alumni group prestigious university, successful, who have made a wonderful career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to work: graduates complained about numerous difficulties and life problems.
Having offered his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray filled with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal. Some were simple, others expensive.
When the graduates took apart the cups, the professor said:
— Please note that all the beautiful cups were taken apart, while the simple and cheap ones remained. And although it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, this is the source of your problems and stress. Understand that the cup itself does not make the coffee better. Most often it is simply more expensive, but sometimes it even hides what we drink. In reality, all you wanted was just coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got which cup.
Now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society are cups. These are just tools for maintaining and maintaining Life. What kind of cup we have does not determine or change the quality of our Life. Sometimes, when we focus only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself.

Most happy people- these are not those who have the best, but those who extract the best from what they have.

Your cross(Christian parable).

One person thought that his life was very difficult. And one day he went to God, told about his misfortunes and asked him:
- Can I choose a different cross for myself?
God looked at the man with a smile, led him into the storage room where there were crosses, and said:
- Choose.
A man entered the storage room, looked and was surprised: “There are so many crosses here - small, large, medium, heavy, and light.” The man walked around the storehouse for a long time, looking for the smallest and lightest cross, and finally found a small, small, light, light cross, approached God and said:
- God, can I have this one?
“It’s possible,” God answered. - This is your own.

Glass in outstretched hand.

The professor began his lesson by taking a glass with a small amount of water in his hand. He held it up so that everyone could see it and asked the students:
- How much do you think this glass weighs?
“50 grams, 100 grams, 125 grams,” answered the students.
“I really won’t know until I weigh it,” said the professor, “but my question is this: what would happen if I held it like this for a few minutes?”
“Nothing,” said the students.
- Okay, what would happen if I held it like this for an hour? - asked the professor.
“Your arm would start to hurt,” said one of the students.
“You’re right, but what would happen if I held it all day?”
“Your arm would go numb, you would have severe muscle breakdown and paralysis, and you would have to go to the hospital just in case.”
- Very good. But while we were discussing here, has the weight of the glass changed? - asked the professor.
- No.
- What makes your hand hurt and causes muscle disorder?
The students were puzzled.
- What do I need to do to fix all this? - the professor asked again.
“Put down the glass,” said one of the students.
- Exactly! - said the professor. “It’s always like that with life’s problems.” Just think about them for a few minutes and they will be with you. Think about them any longer and they start to itch. If you think any longer, they will paralyze you. There's nothing you can do.
It is important to think about problems in life, but even more important is to be able to put them off: at the end of the working day, the next day. This way you don’t get tired, you wake up fresh and strong every day. And you can manage any problem, any kind of challenge that comes your way.

All in your hands(eastern parable)

A long time ago, in an ancient city there lived a Master, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: “Is there a question that our Master could not answer?” He went to a flowering meadow and caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. The butterfly clung to his hands with its paws, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:
- Tell me, what kind of butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?
He held the butterfly tightly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.
Without looking at the student’s hands, the Master answered:
- All in your hands.

Fragile gifts(parable from M. Shirochkina).

Once an old man came to one village and stayed to live. a wise man. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but only gave them fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be careful, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
One day his parents couldn’t stand it anymore and came to him:
“You are wise and wish only the best for our children.” But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it’s impossible not to play with them.
“Very few years will pass,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart.” Maybe this will teach them to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

A short parable about anger and self-control, based on a story from the novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

The girl was waiting for her flight at a large airport. Her flight has been delayed and she will have to wait for the plane for several hours. She bought a book, a bag of cookies and sat in a chair to pass the time. Next to her was an empty chair with a bag of cookies on it, and on the next chair sat a man reading a magazine. She took the cookies, and the man took them too! This infuriated her, but she said nothing and continued reading. And every time she took a cookie, the man continued to take it too. She was furious, but did not want to cause a scandal in a crowded airport.

When there was only one cookie left, she thought, “I wonder what this ignoramus will do?”
As if reading her thoughts, the man took the cookie, broke it in half and handed it to her without looking up. This was the limit! She got up, collected her things and left...

Later, when she got on the plane, she reached into her purse to take out her glasses and pulled out a packet of cookies... She suddenly remembered that she had put her packet of cookies in her purse. And the man she thought was ignorant shared his cookies with her without showing an iota of anger, just out of kindness. She was so ashamed and had no opportunity to correct her guilt.

Before you get angry, think about it: maybe you are the one who is wrong!

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Motivation Parable: Elephants

04.08.2019 . PritchiAdmin

One day, while passing by the elephants at the zoo, I suddenly stopped, surprised that such huge creatures as elephants were held in the zoo by a thin rope to their front leg. No chains, no cage. It was obvious that the elephants could easily free themselves from the rope with which they were tied, but for some reason, they did not.

I approached the trainer and asked him why such majestic and beautiful animals just stood there and made no attempt to free themselves. He replied: “When they were young and much smaller than they are now, we tied them with the same rope, and now that they are adults, the same rope is enough to hold them. Growing up, they believe that this rope can hold them and they do not try to escape.”
It was amazing. These animals could have gotten rid of their "shackles" at any moment, but because they believed they couldn't, they stood there forever without trying to free themselves.
Like these elephants, how many of us believe that we can't do something just because it didn't work out one day?

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Parable: The Boy and the Starfish

01.08.2019 . PritchiAdmin

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed like there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally dotted with them for many kilometers.
- Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.
“If they remain on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to ebb, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping what he was doing.
- But this is just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!
The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:
- No, my attempts will change a lot... for this star.
Then the man also picked up a star and threw it into the sea. Then another one. By nightfall there were many people on the beach, each of whom picked up and threw a star into the sea. And when the sun rose, there was not a single unsaved soul left on the beach. “Excuse me, ma’am,” he turned to the old woman, “what happened to your dog?”

Once the System Administrator asked:
- Teacher, would you like beautiful picture for your desktop? I have a nice collection of desktop wallpapers with starry sky and moral law.
- Why do you think that my current wallpaper is worse? - Yin Fu Wo asked in response.
- I don’t know what picture you have now. I've never seen your desktop. You always have many windows open.
“I’ve never seen him either,” said Yin. - I am working.

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A parable about happiness: In the depths of yourself...

23.07.2019 . PritchiAdmin

An old Hindu legend tells that there was a time when all people were Gods. But they neglected their Divinity. And Brahma, the Supreme God, decided to take away the Divine Power from them and hide it in a place where It could not be found. However, finding such a place was a big problem. And Brahma gathered all the supreme Deities together to solve this problem.

And they suggested: “Let’s hide Divinity under the Earth!”
But Brahma replied: “No, that will not do. A person will start digging and will find Her again.”

The deities offered another option: “Then let’s throw Her into the very depths of the Ocean!”

But Brahma again replied, “No. Sooner or later, a person will explore the depths of the ocean and, having found Her, will bring her to the surface.”

The deities were at a dead end, they did not know where they could hide the Divinity. And it seemed that there was no place on Earth or in the Sea that would be inaccessible to humans.

But then Brahma objected: “This is what we will do with Divinity: We will hide It in the depths of man himself, because this is the only place where he will never look.”

Since then, man has been rushing around the Earth to explore it all: since then he has been searching, ascending and descending, diving and digging in search of a thing that can only be found within himself!

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