Junipers are small varieties. What does juniper look like? For illuminated areas

In some botanical reference books, the coniferous juniper tree is referred to as heather, and among the Turkic peoples this plant is called juniper. By tracing the etymology of the genus name in Slavic literature, we can associate this word with the ancient verbs “to weave” and “to knit.” This is one of the longest-living plants, but it renews itself very poorly - human help is required to preserve trees.

Coniferous tree juniper ( Juniperus) belongs to the Cypress family (Cupressaceae). The genus includes more than 60 species, distributed mainly in the mountains of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The appearance of plants is very diverse - from large trees to creeping shrubs. A characteristic feature of many species is variability depending on growing conditions: in the lowlands they have a tree-shrub crown shape, and in the mountains - an elfin one.

On this page you can see photos, names and descriptions of different types of junipers, as well as get tips on growing them in the garden.

What juniper looks like: description of the plant and its photo

The leaves (needles) of junipers are very diverse: opposite or whorled, needle-shaped, scale-like, or both. The leaves of young (juvenile) plants are always needle-shaped. Varietal forms of the same species can have needles of any type. The color of needles of different species can vary from green to bluish. In junipers of the subgenus Sabina, the needles change color in winter, acquiring a protective brown tint.

Junipers are dioecious plants, less often monoecious.

Male “flowers” ​​are ovoid on short branches, female flowers are rounded, on short scaly branches, formed at the ends of long shoots. The fruits are in small, round semi-dry berries (cone berries), ripen in the second, less often in the first year.

The genus Juniper is divided into three subgenera, uniting closely related species.

The largest of them is the subgenus Sabina, which, in particular, includes such popular species in gardens as:

  • Cossack juniper ( J. sabina)
  • Chinese juniper ( J. chinensis)
  • Rock juniper ( J. scopulorum)
  • Juniper scaly ( J. squamata)
  • Juniper virginiana ( J. virginiana)

The second largest subgenus is Juniper (Juniperus), which unites, in particular, such species as:

  • Common juniper ( J. communis)
  • Coastal juniper ( J. conferta)
  • Juniper hard ( J. rigida)

The smallest subgenus, Caryocedrus, includes only one species, the stone fruit juniper (J. drupacea).

Shrub forms of junipers are very characteristic of the mountains of Central and Southern Europe. At the border of the forest and alpine zones they often form extensive thickets. The most common mountain European species are undoubtedly M. cossack (J. sabina) and M. common (J. communis).

Large woody junipers are typical plants of the mountains of Central and Central Asia, where they form groves - juniper trees. This type of juniper received this name from the Turkic name of the tree - juniper. These are mainly M. Turkestan (J. turkestanica), M. Zeravshan (J. seravschanica), M. hemispherical (J. semiglobosa), and M. Turkmen (J. turcomanica). In nature, all these species are extremely hardy and can withstand temperature changes from +40 to -40 °C. Unfortunately, this endurance is not a guarantee of the well-being of junipers in northern gardens, since it directly depends on highly aerated, “breathing” rocky mountain soils.

Look at the photos of junipers of shrub and tree forms:

Creeping species of juniper conifers define the landscape of the highlands. High-mountain dwarf junipers are characterized by an unusual crown development pattern associated with the harsh climate - plant trunks are pressed to the ground, bend between scree stones, and over time completely die off, passing the baton of life to the branches rooted in the rubble. Such populations form vast carpet clumps that live for hundreds of years. Coastal elfin trees are formed in a similar way, but, unlike mountain ones, their trunks and branches are buried not in crushed stone, but in sand.

Typical dwarf species are:

  • Juniper horizontal ( J. horizontalis)
  • Siberian juniper ( J. sibirica)
  • Juniperus daurica ( J. davurica)
  • Juniper crowded ( J. conferta)

Types and popular varieties of juniper: photos, names and descriptions

Juniperus chinensis- Chinese juniper.

Grows in China. Mongolia and Japan.

In nature, it is a tree up to 20 m high or a shrub with a free-growing, broadly pin-shaped or creeping crown. Naturally, the size and type of crown depend solely on the growing conditions - the more favorable they are, the larger the plant. It is not surprising that Chinese juniper has a huge number of cultivars.

The branches of natural forms are thin, simultaneously with two types of needles on the same plant - scaly and needle-shaped. The scaly needles are tightly pressed to the branches and have a rhombic shape, while the needle-shaped needles are collected in whorls. The ends of the branches of young growth are straight and covered with scaly needles.

As you can see in the photo, the juniper of “wild” forms is dark bluish-green, while the varietal ones have the most varied, including golden:

Men's and female plants may vary. The fruits (cone berries) are brown with a mealy ring, round, 6-8 mm in diameter. They ripen in the second year. Natural varieties are quite frost-resistant, but in severe winters they freeze slightly. The degree of frost resistance of varieties varies, but most of them are quite resistant.

Many cultivars of the coniferous juniper plant have a controversial origin, are considered hybrids with Cossack juniper (J. sabina) and are called medium juniper (J. media). Often these varieties are classified as either one species or another, but most often to the Pfitzeriana varietal group, including such popular cultivars as Gold Coast and Old Gold.

In the conditions of the Moscow region they can actively grow. But in unfavorable snowy winters, fractures and broken branches are quite common. When growing these junipers, even well-rooted and overgrown specimens can suffer from the spring sun and drying winds. They feel more comfortable in conditions with high air humidity.

Popular varieties of Chinese juniper:

Juniperus chinensis Expansa Aureospicata

Wide, tiered growth form. The needles are needle-shaped. Grey-green. The branches are pointed, some of them ending in creamy-golden growths. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 1.5-1.8 m; height 40-60 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Parsonii

Widely spreading, tiered growth form. The needles are needle-shaped. Grey-green. The branches are pointed. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 3.0 m; height 50-70 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Aurea

Widely spreading, tiered growth form.

Look at the photo - the needles of the juniper plant are soft, needle-shaped, golden:

The vegetative shoots are bright and turn green over time. The branches are pointed. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 2.0-2.2 m; height about 1 m. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Blue and Gold

Tiered, pot-like growth form. The needles are soft, needle-like. Gray-blue, with golden spots. The branches are pointed. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width up to 1.5 m; height 1 m. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Compacta

Tiered, creeping, flattened growth form. The needles are soft, needle-shaped, gray-blue. The branches are pointed. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 1.5-2.0 m; height about 50 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Gold Star

Widely spreading, tiered growth form. The needles are soft, needle-shaped, golden. The branches are pointed. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 2.0-2.2 m; height is about 1.0 m. When describing the juniper plant of this variety, it is worth noting its complete frost resistance. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Golden Saucer

Widely spreading, tiered growth form. The needles are soft, needle-like. Light green-golden. Vegetating shoots are bright and turn green over time. The branches are pointed. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 2.0-2.5 m; height about 1.0 m. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

Juniperus chinensis Plumosa Aureovariegata

Dwarf form. The needles are green-blue. The branches have white-cream tips and have a somewhat vertical growth direction. Estimated dimensions at 10 years of age: width 60-80 cm; height about 50 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Damage to the needles from the rays of the spring sun is possible.

These photos show varieties of Chinese juniper, the names of which are given above:

Juniperus communis- Common juniper

A highly variable species, distributed in the forests and mountains of Europe, Northern Asia to Northern China and North Africa.

A columnar or pin-shaped tree or a multi-stemmed shrub with a height of 2 to 20 m. Just like many other junipers, the type of crown depends on the growing conditions, so in mountainous areas you can find forms with an elfin crown spread on the ground. Diversity natural types caused the emergence of a huge number of cultivars - varieties with different strength and type of crown growth.

Pay attention to the photo - this type of juniper has green, triangular young shoots with longitudinal grooves:

The bark of adult plants is gray-brown and fibrous. The needles are needle-shaped, hard, prickly, collected in whorls of 3 pieces. The length of the needles is 10-15 mm, the color is green with a white stripe in the center.

Male and female plants do not differ in appearance. The fruits (cone berries) are dark gray, as if covered with frost, round, 6-9 mm in diameter. They ripen in the 2-3rd year. Common juniper is one of the most frost-resistant of its kind. Most varieties are also completely frost-resistant, but many columnar forms suffer greatly from the spring sun and require shading.

Juniperus communis Berkshire

Mini variety of common juniper. The needles are prickly, pointed, gray-blue. Annual growth is within 3-5 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus communis compressa

Mini variety of common juniper. Columnar shape. This variety of common juniper has prickly, pointed, green-blue needles. The branches fit tightly to the trunk. Annual growth within 3-5 cm. C south side It is desirable to shade the plant from the rays of the spring sun. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus communis Dr.U.

A narrow-columnar variety of common juniper. The needles are prickly, pointed, green. The branches fit tightly to the trunk. The crown is very dense. Annual growth is within 15-20 cm. It is desirable to shade the southern part of the plant from the rays of the spring sun. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus communis Spotty Spreader

A dwarf variety of common juniper. Widely creeping, shrubby form. The needles are soft, green, with irregular white staining. It is desirable to shade the southern part of the plant from the rays of the spring sun. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus communis Sterling Silver

A dwarf variety of common juniper. Creeping form. The needles are prickly, gray-blue. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus communis Suecica Aurea

Mini variety of common juniper. Columnar shape. The needles are prickly, pointed, green-golden. The branches fit tightly to the trunk. Annual growth is within 3-5 cm. It is desirable to shade the southern part of the plant from the rays of the spring sun. Completely frost-resistant, covered with frost, round, 8-12 mm in diameter. They ripen in the 2nd year.

Completely frost-resistant. It has a few varietal forms.

Juniperus conferta All Gold

A dwarf variety of crowded juniper. Creeping form. The needles are prickly and golden. Annual growth is within 5-8 cm. Frost-resistant.

Juniperus conferta- Juniper crowded

It grows on the sands in Japan and on Sakhalin Island, forming dense thickets.

Creeping, strongly creeping shrub, similar to the elfin form of common juniper. When describing this type of juniper, it is worth noting its very long, red-brown branches. The ends of the branches are straight. The needles are light green, needle-shaped, hard, prickly, collected in flat whorls of 3 pieces. Male and female plants do not differ in appearance. The fruits (cones) are dark blue, exactly

Juniperus horizontalis- Juniper horizontal

It grows in the mountains and along the sandy shores of large lakes in North America.

Creeping shrub with long branches tightly pressed to the ground. The branches are numerous and flat. The needles of the natural form are scaly, tightly pressed to the branches; in cultivated forms they are different: scaly, needle-shaped or combined. The color of the needles of the natural form is bluish-green, while the varietal ones are the most varied: green, bluish, golden, variegated.

The fruits (cones) are blue, as if covered with frost, round, 5-6 mm in diameter.

Juniperus horizontalis Blue Pygmy

Micro variety of horizontal juniper. The needles are prickly, green-blue, sometimes silvery, densely located on the branches. Annual growth up to 1 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus horizontalis Golden Carpet

Creeping form of horizontal juniper. The needles are scaly, golden, light green at the base of the branches. In winter it turns brown. Annual growth within 10 cm, completely frost-resistant. The decoration of the garden will be both a juniper grown on a trunk and hanging from it, and a specimen spreading along the ground.

Juniperus horizontalis Mother Lode

Creeping form of horizontal juniper. The needles are scaly, golden, slightly light green at the base of the branches. During the summer it gradually acquires brownish tones, turning completely brown in winter. Annual growth within 10 cm. Completely frost-resistant. The decoration of the garden will be both a juniper grown on a trunk and hanging from it, and a specimen spreading along the ground. Considered one of the most golden junipers.

Juniperus horizontalis Neuman

Micro variety of horizontal juniper. The needles are prickly, blue-green, sometimes silvery, densely located on the branches. Annual growth up to 1 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Almost indistinguishable from Juniperus horizontalis Blue Pygmy.

Look at the photo - this variety of juniper is considered the smallest:

Juniperus horizontalis Prince of Wales

Creeping form of horizontal juniper. The needles are scaly, green-blue. Annual growth is more than 10 cm. Crown diameter at the age of 10 years is more than 2 m. Completely frost-resistant. The decoration of the garden will be both a juniper grown on a trunk and hanging from it, and a specimen spreading along the ground.

Below are photos, names and descriptions of other varieties of junipers.

Other varieties of junipers: photos, names and descriptions

Juniperus sabina- Cossack juniper

It grows in the mountains of Southern and Central Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus and Asia Minor.

Very variable. In nature, it is a shrub that forms extensive clumps up to 4 m high. The trunks are inclined, the branches are more or less creeping with raised branches of young growth. The old bark is reddish-brown, falling off in patches. The needles of their natural shape are bluish-green, tightly pressed to the branches, combined - needle-shaped and scaly on the same plant. The needles of varietal forms are the most diverse in both shape and color. Male and female plants differ not only generatively, but also in the type of needles - in female specimens the needle type of needles is dominant, and in males the scaly type is dominant. Some varieties are naturally selected forms of either female or male plants, such as the Femina and Mascula varieties.

The fruits (cone berries) are bluish-black, as if covered with frost, round, 5-7 mm in diameter. They ripen the first year in autumn or the second year in spring. Completely frost-resistant.

Varieties of Cossack juniper ten to fifteen years ago were quite common in our gardens. The plant was unpretentious, and most importantly, almost the most affordable. But soon many owners of small plots cooled somewhat in purchasing it: firstly, it turned out that this juniper has a high growth rate and significant crown diameter, and secondly, others appeared on the market, not so aggressive and at the same time more interesting , rare species and varieties of conifers.

Juniperus sabina Variegata

Natural form. One of the branches has a mutating, variegated color.

Juniperus sabina Blaue Donau (synonym - Blue Danube)

Dwarf variety of Cossack juniper. Shrubby, spreading, funnel-shaped form. The branches are pointed and have a vertical direction of growth. When describing this variety of juniper, it is worth noting its beautiful green-blue needles. Annual growth is 20-25 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus sabina Cupressifolia

Dwarf variety of Cossack juniper. Creeping, spreading form. The branches are pointed, have a vertical direction of growth, and subsequently fall down. The needles are green-blue. Annual growth within 20 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus sabina Blue Forest

Dwarf variety of Cossack juniper. Dense, creeping, densely apical form. This is one of the best varieties of Cossack juniper with short, pointed branches and blue-green needles. Annual growth within 10 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus scopulorum-Juniper rocky

It grows in the western regions of North America, on dry spurs of rocks from Texas and Oregon to British Columbia. The species is closely related to Juniperus virginiana, which leads to constant confusion with the identification of varieties of these species.

In nature it is a tree 10-13 m high, often multi-stemmed. The crown is broadly columnar, pin-shaped or unevenly rounded. The bark is dark red-brown. The needles are scale-like, opposite, tightly pressed.

The color of the needles is dark, light or bluish green. The fruits (cone berries) are dark blue, as if covered with frost, round, 5-7 mm in diameter, sweetish. They ripen by the end of the second year.

Both natural and cultivated varieties of this juniper are completely frost-resistant.

Juniperus scopulorum Moonglow

Columnar form of rock juniper. The branches fit tightly to the trunk. The needles are hard, prickly, gray-blue. Dimensions of the plant at 10 years of age: width within 40 cm, height 3.0 m. Frost-resistant. At a young age it can be damaged by the rays of the spring sun.

Juniperus sibirica- Siberian juniper

A typical dwarf species of the highlands and polar regions of Eurasia. Systematically close to M. vulgaris. In nature it forms extensive carpet thickets, in garden culture it is a squat shrub with a wide dense crown. Young shoots are green, triangular with longitudinal grooves. The bark of adult plants is gray-brown and fibrous.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of juniper has needle-shaped, hard, prickly needles, collected in whorls of 3 pieces:

The length of the needles is 5-8 mm, the color is green with a white stripe in the center. Male and female plants do not differ in appearance. The fruits (cone berries) are dark gray, almost covered with frost, round, 6-9 mm in diameter. They ripen in the 2-3rd year.

Rare in cultivation, but promising for securing slopes and decorating large rockeries. It has no cultivars or hybrid varieties.

Juniperus squamata— Juniper scaly

Grows in the Himalayas, Central and Western China. In nature, it is a highly branched, often creeping shrub that forms extensive but loose clumps. The trunks and branches are hard, elastic, covered with gray-brown exfoliating bark. The branches of young growths are long, raised, bluish-green. The needles are needle-shaped, gray, short, dense, prickly, collected in whorls. The fruits (cone berries) are red-brown, turning black over time, ellipsoidal, 6-8 mm long. They ripen in the second year. It is quite frost-resistant, but often suffers from the spring sun.

It has a few but varied cultivars, mainly with bluish-blue needles. The crown shape of varietal forms is very diverse: “vase-shaped” in the Meyeri variety, spherical in Blue Star, creeping in Blue Carpet. These varieties are the most common in cultivation and are “typical” for this type of juniper. Also recommended varieties: Holger, Meyeri, Tropical Blue.

Juniperus squamata Blue Carpet

Wide, creeping form of scaly juniper. The branches are dense, whip-like. The needles are sharp, hard, gray-blue. Annual growth within 10 cm. Frost-resistant. In damp winters it is often damaged by a fungal infection, which can result in damage to the needles of the branches. Spring sun aggravates damage. Possible loss as separate branches, and the entire plant.

Juniperus squamata Holger

It is possible that this is a hybrid of scaly juniper and Chinese Pfitzeriana Aurea. Wide, flattened shape. The needles are sharp, turning yellow in spring, later turning gray-blue. At 10 years of age, possible sizes are: 50-70 cm in height and 2.0-2.5 m in width. Frost-resistant. In damp winters it is often damaged by a fungal infection, which can result in damage to the needles of the branches. The spring sun makes the damage worse. Loss of both individual branches and the entire plant is possible.

Juniperus squamata Meyeri

Wide, creeping form of scaly juniper. The branches are dense, whip-like, and raised. The needles are sharp, hard, gray-blue, collected in whorls. Annual growth within 10 cm. Frost-resistant. In damp winters it is often damaged by a fungal infection, which can result in damage to the needles of the branches. The spring sun aggravates the damage. Loss of both individual branches and the entire plant is possible.

Juniperus squamata Tropical Blue

Dwarf form of scaly juniper. Very compact, round shape. The needles are sharp, hard, rich silver-blue color. Annual growth is within 5-7 cm. Frost-resistant. In damp winters it is often damaged by a fungal infection, which can result in damage to the needles of the branches. The spring sun makes the damage worse. Loss of both individual branches and the entire plant is possible.

Juniperus virginiana- Juniper virginiana

The name of this variety of junipers is given by the name of its main distribution area. The trees grow in their natural habitat in the dry, rocky soils of Virginia. They can also be found in wet swampy places in North America - from Canada to Florida. The species is close to J. scopulorum (M. rocky), which leads to constant confusion with the definition of varieties of these species.

In nature it is very variable, but most often it is a tree up to 30 m high. The shape of the crown changes with age - at first narrowly columnar, and later pin-shaped with drooping and horizontally spaced branches. The trunk is up to 1 m thick.

The bark is peeling and varies in color from gray to reddish-brown. The needles are gray, combined - both needle-shaped and scaly on the same plant. Scale-like needles dominate, but needle-like ones are also quite noticeable, especially on old trees, where they reach a length of 10 mm. The scaly needles are opposite, lanceolate or ovate-rhombic, 1-2 mm long.

The flowers are monoecious (male and female on the same specimen). The fruits (cones) are dark blue, shiny, as if covered with frost, almost round, 6 mm in diameter.

Both natural and varietal forms are completely frost-resistant.

It has a few cultivars, but varied in growth type. The most common are the columnar Skyrocket and the spread out Gray Owl.

Juniperus virginiana Gray Owl

A medium-sized variety of Virginian juniper. In youth, it has a prostrate-raised form, which with age becomes very wide and multi-tiered. The branches are whip-shaped, raised. The needles are prickly, gray-blue. Annual growth is within 15-20 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

How to grow juniper in the country: agricultural technology for planting and caring in open ground (with photo)

To plant and successfully care for juniper, you need to take care of loose, slightly acidic loamy soils; sandy loam soils are also quite suitable. Dwarf varieties should not be grown in overly rich soils - they may lose their typical crown shape.

When caring for junipers, adult specimens do not require feeding. Young plants can be fed in the spring after the snow melts on wet soil with complex or combined mineral fertilizer in a reduced concentration. Fresh manure and feces are strictly excluded.

These photos show the agricultural technology of planting and caring for junipers:

In order to care for junipers as proper agricultural technology suggests, you need to ensure the absence of stagnant and groundwater.

Frost resistance of species varies. Adult specimens are more resistant than young ones. It is possible to build a shelter from frost only for low-growing varietal forms.

As shown in the photo, when caring for junipers, medium-sized specimens are insulated with coniferous spruce branches; for dwarf ones, a “hut” is arranged:

To avoid breaking by heavy snow and loss of shape, lightly tightening the branches of multi-stemmed varietal specimens is necessary.

The use of junipers in garden landscape design (with photo)

It is not surprising that these beautiful and diverse plants have become one of the main ones for the formation of compositions. ornamental gardens in almost all regions of the Earth. Depending on the nature and vigor of growth, the type and color of the needles, each of the types and varieties of junipers in landscape design is used in its own way. They are good as dominants and solitaires, for creating groups and borders, for planting in mixborders and rockeries. Junipers are indispensable in garden design and for maintaining the constant color of the garden - none of the coniferous genera has such a rich variety of needle colors: all honey mushrooms are green, bluish-white and golden yellow. Junipers tolerate formative pruning absolutely painlessly throughout the year. To restrain growth and make spreading and creeping varieties more compact, it is possible to cut out any branches.

Look at the photo - in garden design, bush junipers and varieties are good for forming trimmed hedges:

Compact multi-topped forms are used for natural, untrimmed hedges and borders. Dense narrow pyramidal varieties are indispensable for creating trimmed columns, arches and spirals. Tall, wide-pyramidal cultivars are convenient for forming trimmed tiered compositions in the Japanese style.

One of the main conditions for growing juniper from seeds is to use only freshly harvested planting material. When stored under normal conditions, germination is lost after 1-2 years.

Seeds should be collected in the fall, as soon as the pine cones ripen. To improve germination, they must be removed from the fruit and washed. The seeds have very hard shells, without breaking which they cannot germinate. In addition, the seed embryo is not ready for germination, as it is at rest. In nature, the process of breaking the integument takes place in the stomach of birds that swallow the seeds, and the awakening of the embryo occurs after a long stay in the soil.

In garden culture for growing juniper, the seeds are scarified, that is, the integument is artificially disturbed. For junipers in the best possible way is a chemical method in which dry seeds are placed in sulfuric acid for 30 minutes, after which they are carefully washed. After this treatment, the seeds are sown in open ground. They germinate by spring.

Another method of seed germination is also possible, based on combined stratification, creating ideal conditions for the awakening of the embryo. Immediately after collecting and cleaning the seeds, they are mixed with coarse, clean, slightly damp sand, sawdust or sphagnum moss, and placed in plastic bags and stored for 2-3 months at temperatures from +20 to +30 °C. Subsequently, the seeds are stored for 3-4 months in the refrigerator or basement at a temperature of +3...+5 °C. During the stratification period, it is necessary to maintain an even, moderate level of substrate moisture and avoid temperature fluctuations.

In spring, stratified seeds are washed and sown in boxes or bowls. The crops are placed in a warm (+18…+23 °C) place, where they germinate. The seedlings are kept in the light, but not in the bright sun, and watered moderately, if necessary they are planted. After hardening in the fresh air, they are planted in a ridge.

To simplify the process, seeds after stratification can be immediately sown in ridges open ground. The combination of chemical scarification with further stratification guarantees a higher germination percentage.

When propagated by seed, varietal varieties weakly repeat their characteristic characteristics, and it is very difficult to identify them in the first year. To propagate varietal forms, vegetative propagation is used.

Propagation of junipers in the garden by cuttings (with video)

The method of propagating junipers by horizontal layering does not guarantee the preservation of the crown shape of columnar plants, but it is very good for dwarf forms. Rooting occurs throughout the year.

Cuttings most fully ensure the repetition of all varietal characteristics. However, not all junipers are equally easily propagated by cuttings. Cuttings from young varietal plants root relatively well, and even better are cuttings taken from plants with an elfin crown type. Cuttings of many wild species, especially those taken from old specimens, root very poorly.

Cuttings are carried out in the spring before or at the very beginning of the awakening of the buds. You can do this in the summer, when the young growths have hardened, but in this case the cuttings do not have time to form roots and overwinter only with an influx of callus.

For spring and early summer rooting, mature shoots from last year are suitable; in mid-summer, the growth of the current year is cut off. From columnar and narrow pyramidal forms, only shoots tending upward, but not the strongest, are taken; from creeping ones, everything except vertical ones are taken; from plants with a loose, oval or spherical crown, any cuttings can be taken. The best cuttings are short side branches, taken from the main branch with a piece of old wood - with a “heel”. They are prepared in the morning or in cloudy weather.

To propagate junipers in the garden, cuttings are rooted in boxes filled with a special substrate consisting of coarse washed sand with the addition of perlite in a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 or high acidic peat (3:1). The cuttings are immersed in the substrate at an angle of 60-70, and in no case should they be turned over with the back side of the branch facing up.

When cutting cuttings in spring, in the initial period, before the buds open, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of +15...+18 ᵒC, and then bring it to +20...+23 °C. It is undesirable to allow sudden temperature fluctuations and raise it above +25 °C. Direct sunlight is especially dangerous for cuttings, so they need to be shaded.

Excessive substrate moisture leads to the death of cuttings. To avoid this, good drainage is needed. However, the combination of a slightly moist substrate with high air humidity stimulates rooting. To improve results, you can use preparations for root formation, strictly adhering to the instructions included with them.

If you care for junipers in your dacha garden as proper agricultural technology suggests, then spring cuttings can take root by mid-summer, and summer cuttings by the end of autumn. But sometimes by autumn the cuttings do not form roots, having only a thickening at the cut site - callus. In this case, they need shelter for the winter. Well-rooted plants are not covered.

Watch the video “Propagation of juniper by cuttings” to better understand how this agricultural technique is performed:

The genus Juniper has 71 species. 12 of them grow in wild plantings in Russia and neighboring countries:

The remaining varieties of juniper are not found in natural plantings, but due to their decorative qualities they are actively cultivated for landscaping garden plots and creating landscape compositions.

Forest juniper

Common juniper (Juniperus communis) is often called forest juniper. This dioecious (less often monoecious) plant is found mainly in Europe, Asia, North America - countries of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate. This species is also common in North Africa, Pakistan and Nepal. On the territory of Russia, forest juniper grows in Western Siberia (sometimes found in Eastern Siberia). It grows mainly on dry hills, limestone, along river banks and in pine forest undergrowth, as well as in mixed forests. Quite rarely, this type of juniper, photos of which are presented on this page, settles in swamps. Prefers sandy soils; excess moisture is contraindicated for these plants.

Forest juniper, the average size of which reaches 3 m in height, has an ovoid or cone-shaped crown. In males the crown is narrow, in females it is wide and spread out. The bark is grayish-brown or dark gray, flaky. The shoots mainly have a red-brown tint. The triangular, pointed leaves are arranged in a ring shape, reaching 1-1.5 cm in length, with a whitish strip running through the middle of the leaf. The male cones of Juniperus communis are yellowish in color and almost sessile. Female cones are pale green and become black and blue with a blue tinge when ripe. Cone berries ripen in the second or third year and have 1-2 conical, yellow-brown seeds.

Juniperus pyramidalis

One of the cultural forms is pyramidal juniper. The branches of these trees with a narrow crown start almost from the ground and are tightly pressed to the trunk. The needles are short, soft, dark green. The plants resemble cypress trees in appearance and have wide decorative uses. Juniper pyramidal, like most plants of this species, is light-loving and easily tolerates slight shading. Very undemanding to soil fertility and grows well on limestone and sandstone. It is quite frost-resistant and tolerates molding well. Looks great both in single and group plantings.

Used as an ornamental garden plant. Thanks to its extended root system, it holds the soil well, so it is used as protection for slopes. The wood of the plants is reddish, has a pleasant smell, but has no industrial value. Due to the small size of the trees, the wood is used only for making canes, small parts and toys. Dry distillation produces juniper oil, the resin is used to make white varnish. Forest juniper cones are used in brewing and the alcoholic beverage industry (in the production of gin and juniper vodka). The fruits of this plant are also included in many spicy mixtures for making sauces and sweets.

Rock juniper

One of rare species– rock juniper (Juniperus scopulorum). This is a dioecious shrub or tree of medium size, reaching 5 m in height with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The irregularly spherical crown begins almost from the very base, tetrahedral young shoots have a bluish-blue color. green color. The leaves of rock juniper are ovate-rhombic, scale-like, with a blunt tip. Dark blue, with a bluish coating, the cones reach 4-6 mm in diameter and ripen at the end of the second year. Inside the cone berries are two reddish-brown, ribbed seeds.

Juniperus scopulorum should be planted in light, wind-protected areas. The annual growth is up to 12 cm. In the shade, the crown of rock juniper becomes bare, and the tree loses its decorative qualities. The cold resistance of this species is low; in snowy winters, tree branches can break off. This species grows especially well in areas where annual precipitation is 150-200 mm. It has cultivars with a pyramidal crown and blue needles.

Red juniper

Red or prickly juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus) is a dioecious plant reaching 5-10 m in height. The crown is ovoid-cone-shaped, sometimes umbrella-shaped in old trees, reaching 1 m in diameter. The bark is smooth, light gray; young shoots have reddish or yellowish-brown bark. The branches are straight, triangular, widely spread. Leaves with two longitudinal stripes reach 20 mm in length and a width of 1.5-2 mm. The fruits are solitary, spherical, tightly seated on the branches, ranging in size from 5 to 12 mm, of a bright red-brown color. There are usually 2-3 seeds in a cone; they have a triangular, ovoid shape.

The distribution area of ​​red juniper is the entire territory of the Mediterranean, the northern border reaches the south of France. Often found in the Crimea and Transcaucasia, under natural conditions it grows at an altitude of up to 300-400 m, often on cliffs and rocky slopes. Plants of this species are heat-loving and drought-resistant. Their wood is very durable, heavy, reddish in color with white sapwood, very resistant to rotting, and therefore is widely used as a building and ornamental material.

Red juniper fruits contain 1.5% essential oil and are an excellent diuretic. Dry distillation produces juniper oil, which is used as a medicinal preparation for skin diseases, in the production of some cosmetics and as an anthelmintic.

Crimean juniper

The varieties common in the Crimea are called Crimean junipers. These relict plants are extremely popular among tourists, because their medicinal properties have been known since ancient times.

The needles and berries of juniper trees contain essential oils with a tart aroma that have a detrimental effect on pathogens. One hectare of juniper plantings releases up to 30 kg of phytoncides per day, which are destructive to bacteria. Once in the bronchi and lungs, phytoncides have an anti-inflammatory effect; staying in such forests is very useful for asthmatics and people with chronic bronchitis. These trees purify the air five times more efficiently than Crimean pines.

There are especially many juniper forests in the mountains of Bakhchisarai. While inhaling the aroma of these trees, work normalizes. nervous system, stress arousal decreases, mood improves, headaches subside, stabilizes arterial pressure, shortness of breath decreases, sleep normalizes and overall immunity strengthens. It has been noticed that after a walk through the juniper grove, appetite increases, and tea with the berries of this plant improves digestion and enhances kidney function.

Blue Juniper

Many trees and shrubs of this species have bluish needles, which is why they are sometimes called blue junipers. To effectively grow these plants, a number of conditions must be met.

Blue juniper grows vigorously in well-lit areas, but does not tolerate prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Trees with bluish needles are quite frost-resistant and prefer fertile, well-drained soil. When replanting plants, it follows that the root system of blue juniper is highly intertwined, so care must be taken to avoid damaging the small roots. This species does not tolerate dry air well and requires regular spraying of the crown and moistening the soil. Dry branches should be trimmed with pruning shears.

Juniper creeping

Creeping juniper, a small form widespread in Ireland, is often used in ornamental plantings. These low-growing plants reach up to 50 cm in height, the diameter of the crown does not exceed 2 m. The needles of creeping juniper are very thick and prickly. The needles are usually light green, with silvery-white stripes.

Creeping juniper prefers light, well-drained soils and can grow on rocky surfaces. Quite drought-resistant, frost-resistant, light-loving, and tolerates light shading. These plants should be planted in open areas, 3 bushes per 1 m2. The needles of creeping species do not tolerate air pollution and dust, so it is necessary to resort to systematic spraying.

Columnar juniper with straight crown

Columnar juniper got its name because of the strict, straight shape of the crown.

These tall trees are widely used to create hedges.

Unlike creeping varieties, columnar plants are not too susceptible to the harmful effects of air pollution, and therefore are suitable for growing in urban environments.

They grow most actively in open, sunny places and tolerate light partial shade.

Quite drought-resistant and does not tolerate stagnant moisture. In winter, it is advisable to tie the crown of columnar junipers so that the branches do not break under a layer of snow.

Hello, my name is Valeria, I am engaged in landscape design. One of my favorite plants is juniper. This plant is very plastic, it is easy to shape, and the variety of species and varieties allows you to find a texture for any garden. Today I will talk specifically about the types and varieties of this plant.

This plant can be either an elegant bush or a spreading tree. The most popular varieties can be divided into several categories:

  • The species are frost-resistant;
  • Cossack junipers;
  • Chinese junipers;
  • Horizontal;
  • Scaly.

Frost-resistant junipers

There are several categories here too. I'll tell you about the most common ones.

Common junipers

These can be both trees and shrubs. Their shape can be varied, height – within 12 meters. The needles are lanceolate and narrow, up to 14 mm long. The cones are black and have a bluish coating. Resistant to both poor ecology and any frost. Grows even in the poorest soils. About a hundred varieties are known, but the most popular are:

  1. Suecica. Shrubs with a maximum height of 4 meters. The bushes are dense and column-shaped. The shoots are vertical, the needles are light. Grows best in areas with good lighting;
  2. Green Carpet. The shrubs are low, reaching only half a meter in height and one and a half meters in width. Often used as ground cover plants. Suitable for rocky gardens and slopes. The needles are small and soft;
  3. Hibernika. The tree is columnar in shape, up to three and a half meters high. Suitable for any soil. It is best to tie up trees before winter, otherwise they may break under the snow. Don't forget to protect from the sun in spring;
  4. Gold Cone. A tree reaching a height of approximately 4 meters. It has a conical shape. The crown can reach a meter in width. The peculiarity is that its shoots can change their color throughout the year. It is frost-resistant and survivable on any soil. The only thing it does not tolerate is too wet soil. In addition, it is better to plant it in well-lit areas.

Rock junipers

They are also frost-resistant. They can grow up to 10 meters in height. Suitable for hedges and coniferous compositions. Ideal for hot areas, they tolerate any adverse factors well. The two most popular varieties are:

  • Blue Arrow. These are trees up to 5 meters high. The shoots are tough, the needles are blue, not prickly. It is unpretentious and resistant to frost. Loves light and well-drained soil;
  • Skyrocket. It has the shape of a column, the crown is dense. Height up to 8 meters, crown has a width of about a meter. Loves soils where water does not stagnate, and loamy ones. Also loves light. Resistant to frost, drought and wind, but it is better to tie its branches before winter.


This is the most unpretentious of the frost-resistant junipers. Resistant to rotting, grows on mountain slopes and river banks. Tolerates frosts, droughts, and even shade. The most popular varieties are:

  • Blue Cloud. Quite a miniature shrub. The needles are small and gray, the branches are long;
  • Glauca. It has the shape of a column, height up to 5 meters. The needles are silvery, the branches are thick;
  • Ganaertii. Quite a tall tree with dark needles;
  • Burkii. It grows quickly, reaches 6 meters, the needles are not prickly, and have a delicate greenish-blue color;
  • Pendula. One of the highest representatives. Can reach 15 meters. The tree is spreading, the needles are bluish in color;
  • Gray Owl. A low (up to one and a half meters) shrub with a wide crown and hanging branches. The needles are gray-silver. Normal to pruning;
  • Hetz. It grows equally quickly in both height and width. Suitable for large parks and gardens.

Medium junipers

They are also frost-resistant and come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. The most popular:

  • Low and spreading Pfitzeriana Aurea;
  • Gold Star with golden scales. It grows more actively in width than in length;
  • Hetzii. The needles are gray-blue;
  • Old Gold. Known for the golden color of its needles. It grows slowly and has miniature sizes;
  • Gold coast. It grows in width more actively than in height;
  • Mint julep. It is distinguished by the bright color of its needles and the curved shape of its branches.


They are also winter hardy. Usually creep along the ground. Suitable for strengthening slopes. They are not very picky about soil, they tolerate drought well, but they love light. They grow in European forests and Asia. There are many varieties and they differ greatly in appearance and size.

  • Tamariscifolia. The height is only half a meter, it is actively growing in width. The needles change color with different amounts of light;
  • Glauca. Also low and with a wide, pillow-shaped crown.
  • Arcadia. Low bushes that grow up to 2.5 meters wide and cover large area. With age it becomes like a carpet. The needles are soft, pale green.


They grow throughout Asia. Suitable for creating bonsai and for small areas. They grow slowly, but sometimes reach 20 meters. Ideal for moist and fertile soils, but quite tolerant of droughts.

  • Variegata. Pyramidal with a fairly wide crown.
    Loves well-drained and moist soil, it is better to hide it from the sun in early spring;
  • Kuriwao Gold. The peculiarity is that the needles turn pale in the shade, so plant it in the sun. Good for rocky gardens and gardens with different types of conifers;
  • Blue Alps. It has a dense crown and shoots hanging down at the edges. Can reach 2 meters in both height and width. Suitable for any soil, but it needs more light;
  • Blaauw. It has asymmetrical shoots. The width and height are the same - about one and a half meters. Light partial shade is comfortable for them. But the soil needs nutrition, the reaction is either neutral or slightly alkaline.


Originally from North America. Used as ground cover plants.

  • Limeglow. Miniature creeping shrub: height about 0.4 meters and one and a half meters wide. The needles are bright yellow with golden tint. It can be used in a variety of gardens as an accent, but it does not tolerate heavy soils, and also loves bright light Location on.
  • Blue Forest is the smallest - about 30 cm high and one and a half meters wide. The crown is creeping, but the shoots are vertical, so it looks like a tiny forest. The color is blue, most expressive in the month of July;
  • Blue Chip. A beautiful creeping bush. The shoots are horizontal and spread in different directions. Their ends are slightly raised. The color is silvery blue, but turns purple in winter. Externally it resembles a carpet;
  • Andorra Variegata. Also a dwarf variety. The needles are bright green, but there are also lighter inclusions. In winter it turns violet-purple.


They are not too demanding of either soil or air. Native to the Eastern Himalayas and China.

Here are the most popular of their varieties.

  • Meyeri. The height of the bush is about a meter. The shoots are arranged obliquely, their ends hang down. The needles are thick, needle-shaped and rather short. Its color is silver-blue. If you trim this bush regularly, you will get a beautiful, dense and openwork shape.
  • Blue Star. This is a dwarf shrub and grows quite slowly. Its height is up to a meter, width - up to 150 cm. It is best to plant on rocky hills, slopes and borders.
  • Blue Carpet. Refers to fast-growing shrubs. The needles are quite prickly and silver-blue in color. The cone berries are dark blue in color and have a waxy coating. It is best to strengthen slopes and slopes with it.

The genus juniper is represented by small evergreen plants - trees (10-12 in height, less often up to 30 m), tall, low, and creeping ground cover shrubs. It is characteristic of the juniper genus that the needles of all young plants are needle-shaped, but in adult individuals of different species they can be either needle-shaped or scaly. Acicular spiny. Scaly, small, pressed to the shoots, opposite in pairs or, less commonly, in three-link whorls.

An extensive genus with over 70 species growing in the northern hemisphere.

Junipers are light-loving, drought-resistant, frost-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Their powerful roots, penetrating deep into the soil and extending underground in all directions for tens of meters, are capable of extracting water and nutrients from the poorest soils. Therefore, juniper grows on the saline sands of sea coasts (coastal juniper) and in mountain deserts (Chinese juniper), in mossy swamps among the coniferous forests of the North (common juniper) and on calcareous soils in the mountains. Some species of junipers inhabit mountain slopes from their foot to the very top, climbing to a height of 4000 m, while others easily tolerate the harsh conditions of polar snow in the Arctic zone. Many junipers are characteristic inhabitants of rocky slopes and cliffs. Central Asian junipers growing in the mountains feel comfortable at temperatures from +40 to -30°C.

The most characteristic biological features of all junipers, in addition to their pronounced love of light and the superficial occurrence of lateral roots, include extremely slow growth even in optimal conditions existence. Junipers have an enviable longevity. Very often in the mountains you can find “honorary elders” with thick twisted trunks and ugly curved branches - trees aged 800-1000 years, which still produce growth and many cones with benign seeds.

Juniper is a plant that is also unique in that it produces 6 times more phytoncides than other conifers, and 15 times more than deciduous trees. Junipers have a unique property: they purify and heal the air. In the juniper forests it is very easy and free to breathe. Juniper has a purposeful healing effect on the body.

The juniper fruit is a juicy cone. This is the main one hallmark kind. It has a spherical or somewhat elongated shape and when ripe looks like a berry-like formation, which is commonly called a cone berry or even a juniper berry. The cones of some types of juniper ripen within three years from the moment of pollination. By the end of the first year they have reached their final size but are still green. By the end of the summer of the second year, they become soft, blue-black or dark burgundy with a bluish waxy coating. Depending on the type of juniper, a cone can contain from one to 12 seeds. Mature seeds are brown, hard, and easily separated from the resinous soft cone. Shedding of ripe cones begins at the end of summer and continues until late autumn. Until the seeds are freed from the pulp of the cones, they do not germinate, but remain viable for a long time. The bees feast on the pulp of the cones, piercing the skin, which contributes to their faster ripening.

Juniper fruits, berry-shaped cones, have medicinal properties, but edible and used for medicinal purposes, exclusively the fruits of the “common juniper”! Other types of juniper cones are considered mildly poisonous or poisonous, so it is better not to experiment with them.

Common juniper is the most common type, the fruits of the cone are fleshy, juicy, large, about 6-9 ml. Cone berries are consumed raw and dried; ripe cone berries are bluish-violet in color, with brownish-greenish pulp, with a tart, aromatic, spicy taste. When consuming juniper cones, the mouth and stomach are cleared of bacteria, digestion is improved, and blood composition is improved.

Dried berries are harvested in the fall, ripe purple-blue berries are collected and dried at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, dried berries are used for medicinal purposes and have bactericidal and phytoncidal properties. They are used in cooking as spices and give dishes a specific aroma. From dried berries of the common juniper, tinctures, syrups, decoctions are made, tea is brewed; juniper tea is an excellent remedy for combating diseases of the upper respiratory tract and as an expectorant. Juniper tea: for one glass of boiling water, add a tablespoon of dried juniper berries, infuse for half an hour and take a third of a glass three times a day. If you use juniper berries for medicinal purposes, you should remember that they can only be used when the digestive system is normal, in case of aggravation of the stomach, liver, kidneys, in no case should you use juniper berries, because they can lead to bad consequences. Not only the berries, but also the rest of the juniper, twigs, needles, are medicinal and are used for medical purposes, but they are mildly poisonous or poisonous; you do not need to experiment on your own at home.

The main agents of juniper dispersal are various animal species. Both feathered and four-legged forest inhabitants hunt for the sweet, juicy, nutritious cones. Juniper seeds are covered with a durable and strong shell that protects the embryo. The swallowed family passes through the digestive tract unhindered, remaining intact and capable of germination.

Juniper needles are needle-shaped or scaly, covered with a thick layer of cuticle and a waxy coating. Young needle-shaped leaves of juniper remain on the plant for 8-10 years. Later they are replaced by shorter, equally needle-shaped or scaly leaves.

Junipers, as already noted, are generally light-loving, drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, can easily withstand pruning, and are frost-resistant. They do not tolerate city conditions well, because their needles are shed only after 8-10 years, during which time they form a large number of oxides, greasy film, which interferes with the normal functioning of plants.

They reproduce by seeds; stratification is necessary. You can also propagate with green cuttings taken with the heel, preferably from young plants. Creeping forms are easily propagated by layering.

Juniper is a very large and very diverse group of ornamental, unpretentious evergreen coniferous plants. From creeping ground cover shrubs to fairly tall trees. Very decorative in small groups, single plantings, used for fixing soil on slopes, mountains, and river banks.

Let's consider the most decorative types and varieties of juniper, photo description by growth and preference:

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper)

It grows naturally in Northeast China and North Korea. Dioecious or monoecious low evergreen trees or shrubs, with a pyramidal or columnar crown shape, with ascending thin shoots. The needles of young shoots are needle-shaped, scaly, bluish-green on the upper branches. In female specimens, scaly needles predominate, in male specimens, needle-shaped ones. The cone berries are numerous, small, variable in shape and color, almost black, with a rich waxy coating, and ripen in the year of flowering. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Tolerates urban climate and emissions of harmful substances well. Low demands on pH value, soil fertility and moisture. It is frost-resistant, but in the first years the tips of the shoots may freeze in young plants; frost resistance increases with age. Chinese juniper is successfully used in single and group plantings; when growing, it is advisable to use sprinkling, since Chinese juniper is responsive to air humidity.

Decorative garden varieties of Chinese juniper:

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Blaauw"

A slow-growing shrub with a funnel-shaped crown and strictly raised, rigid, feathery branches. The annual growth is 10 cm in height, 5 cm in width, at 10 years it reaches 1.5 m in height, an adult plant is about 2-2.5 m in height and 1.5 (2) m in width. The needles are scaly, thick, gray-blue. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. The soil and moisture requirements are low, and the pH value is undemanding. Resistant to air pollution. Recommended for small garden plots, Japanese gardens, rock gardens, for growing in containers. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Blue Alps"

A fast-growing, upright, bushy shrub or small tree with strong skeletal branches and slightly drooping shoot tips, often with a single straight trunk. The annual growth is 12-15 cm in height, at 10 years it reaches about 2 m in height, an adult plant is about 2.5-4 m in height and 2-3 m in width, you can find old specimens whose height is about 5- 6 m. height The needles are very decorative, bright green-silver-blue, very stiff, 1 cm long. Light-loving, does not like even slight shading, and loses its decorative effect in shaded areas. Prefers dry or fresh, moderately fertile soils, from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for single plantings, garden compositions or container gardening. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Ekspansa Variegata"

Widely growing low-growing shrub, with some creeping shoots. Slow-growing, at 10 years it reaches 0.3 m in height with a diameter of 1.2 m. The needles are green-blue, shaped like needles or scales. A characteristic feature is areas of cream-colored shoots, randomly placed on the bushes. Photophilous, tolerates light partial shade. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows well on rocky and sandy dry soils. Recommended for small gardens, rocky and Japanese gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Iowa"

A shrub with a straight columnar crown, reaches about 1.5 m in height at the age of 10 years. The needles are needle-scaled, green with a slight bluish tint. The variety bears fruit abundantly. Photophilous, low soil and moisture requirements. Recommended for hedges and groups. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Kaizuka"

One of the most original juniper varieties with exotic appearance. The crown is not regular, wide, with protruding side shoots, but some specimens grow quite symmetrically - cone-shaped, with picturesquely protruding shoots, each bush with a unique, non-repeating crown. The growth is average, 10 year old specimens are about 1.5 meters in height, the width of each plant is varied, an adult plant is about 5-6 m in height. The needles are soft, scaly, rich light green. Average soil and moisture requirements. Quite low frost resistance, recommended for southern coastal areas. Particularly beautiful in single plantings, perfect for Japanese gardens. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Kuriwao Gold"

A strong growing wide shrub, at 10 years it reaches 1.5 m in height and 2 m in diameter. The needles are golden-green. Ascending shoots. Light-loving, undemanding to soil and moisture. Recommended for large gardens and parks. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Monarch"

A tall, fast-growing shrub with an asymmetrical columnar crown. At 10 years it reaches 1.5-2 m in height and 1.0-1.2 m in crown diameter. The needles are green-blue, prickly. Prefers open sunny places and is unpretentious to soil and moisture. Recommended for Japanese and heather gardens, for single and group plantings. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Obelisk"

Strongly growing shrub, annual growth is 22-25 cm, at first the crown has a narrow-conical shape, later it is wide-conical or pyramidal. The skeletal branches are numerous, erect, short, thin, and strongly branched. In young plants, the top branches off at a very sharp angle, resulting in a narrow conical crown. With age, they recede at a less acute angle and the crown becomes broadly conical or pyramidal. At any age, the crown is correct, symmetrical, with a clear, beautiful silhouette. At 10 years it reaches up to 3 m in height and about 1.2-1.5 m in crown diameter. The needles are small, hard, needle-shaped, covered with a blue coating, young growths are bright grass-green, stand out in contrast against the background of old blue needles. The requirements for soil and moisture are low. Light-loving, tolerates slight shading; in shady places the saturation of the blue color is lost. It is recommended to be planted in trellises and as part of different compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Plumosa"

Dwarf, wide, funnel-shaped, slow-growing variety. The annual increase in height and width is about 5-10 cm. At the age of 10 years it reaches about 1 m in height and approximately the same width, at 30-40 years it is 2-3 m in height and 3-4 m in width. The needles are in the form of dark green scales with a small number of needles, in the middle part of the bush. The branches are rigid, obliquely located, with slightly drooping ends. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Frost-resistant, low requirements for soil and moisture, grows on all moderately dry soils, fresh, from acidic to alkaline, resistant to industrial emissions. Recommended for rock gardens and small gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Plumosa Albovariegata"

A slow-growing funnel-shaped shrub derived from the variety "Plumosa". Reaching 0.8 m in height at the age of 10 years with a similar width. The needles are scaly, bluish-green. A characteristic feature is whitish-cream fragments of shoots, randomly located throughout the plant. Other characteristics and preferences are the same as for the variety "Plumosa". Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Plumosa Aurea"

A dwarf shrub form, reaching no more than 1 m in height and the same diameter at 10 years. The needles are bright golden-yellow, bronze-yellow in winter, scaly, the ends of the shoots slightly hanging. Other characteristics and preferences are the same as for the variety "Plumosa". This is one of the most beautiful yellow juniper varieties, recommended for small children. home gardens, rockeries and mixed compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Robusta Green"

A slow-growing variety with a narrow columnar crown, it reaches about 1.5 m in height at 10 years of age; an adult plant reaches up to 3 m in height and 0.5-0.6 in diameter. The shoots are slightly twisted, hard, densely covered with needles or scales, bluish-green. Frost-resistant, not demanding, light-loving. Recommended for small gardens, rock gardens, Japanese gardens, single plantings. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Spartan"

An upright, fast-growing variety of juniper, columnar in youth, wide-pyramidal with age. Reaching up to 3 m in height at 10 years. The needles are needle-shaped, juicy light green in color, the shoots are soft and arranged vertically. Photophilous, very frost-resistant, undemanding, grows on all dry or fresh, moderately nutrient-rich substrates, from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for single plantings and garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Stricta"

Slow-growing, dense, conical variety of juniper, annual growth does not exceed 5-7 cm, reaching up to 2 m in height at the age of 10 years. The crown is dense, even, symmetrical, cone-shaped. The shoots are thin, short, dense, and grow vertically. The needles are needle-shaped, prickly, green-blue in color. Light-loving, but it is better to plant in such a place that in the hottest hours a light shadow falls on it, young shoots slope towards sunburn. Frost-resistant, low soil and moisture requirements. Recommended for rockeries, heather gardens, container gardening. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) "Variegata"

Shrub with a dense conical shape. Slowly growing, at the age of 10 years it reaches 2 m in height. The shoots are tough and short. The needles are prickly, green-bluish in color; a characteristic feature is protruding shoots with a white-variegated color. Sun-loving, low soil and moisture requirements. Recommended for home gardens and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Juniperus communis (common juniper)

Under natural conditions it grows throughout Northern and Central Europe, western Siberia, North America and North Africa. Grows mainly on moderately dry, moderately acidic, humus, loamy, clayey, sandy and peaty soils. In light forests, on rocky slopes, on dry sandy fields. Common juniper is a dioecious evergreen shrub or low tree with a bushy or columnar form, often multi-stemmed, some trees sometimes reach up to 15 m in height. The needles are needle-shaped, sharp, collected in whorls of 3. The cone berries are round, black and blue with a bluish coating. They ripen in the second and third years after flowering, so the plant simultaneously contains green and ripe berries. The fruits of the common juniper coneberry are non-poisonous or very slightly poisonous, edible, eaten raw and dried. Common juniper is one of the most common types of juniper in decorative garden landscaping. Frost-resistant, unpretentious to soil conditions and location, drought-resistant. Tolerates slight shade as an undergrowth (does not form seeds under the canopy of deciduous trees), develops better in an open place.

Ornamental garden varieties of common juniper:

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Arnold"

Narrow columnar, compact, slow-growing form. The annual growth is 5-6 cm in height, at 10 years it reaches no more than 1.5 m in height, the height of an adult plant is about 3 m and the crown diameter is 40-50 cm. The trunk is smooth, the shoots are vertical, short, tightly pressed to each other, the needles are bluish-green, prickly. Frost-resistant, low requirements for soil and moisture, light-loving, but grows well in light shade, decorativeness is not lost. An excellent variety for rock gardens and heather gardens, hedges. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Compressa"

A narrow columnar, symmetrical, slow-growing variety, with straight, vertical, rigid, dense branches. It grows very slowly, annual height growth is 2-3 cm, size is about 0.8-1 m in height and 0.25-0.35 m in crown diameter. The needles are green-bluish-steel, prickly. It is not picky about soil and humidity, not very frost-resistant, when grown in climate zone 5, shelter for the winter. Planting location is sunny to light shade. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides. Winter hardiness zone 6B

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Depressa Aurea"

Bright low wide shrub. It grows quite quickly, the annual growth is 8-12 cm. At 10 years it reaches about 0.3 m in height and 1.5-2 m in crown diameter. The height of an adult plant is 0.8-0.9 m. The shoots are long, thick, evenly spaced, radially, the crown is formed regular, symmetrical, a bush with a characteristic depression in the middle. The needle-shaped needles are short, sharp, golden-yellow in color, yellow-brown in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, soil and moisture requirements are low. Recommended for small gardens, as ground cover, planting in groups, as an element of garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Gold Cone"

A bright, very densely branched, narrowly conical variety. The growth rate is average, annual growth is 10-15 cm in height, 5 cm in width, reaching 1.5 m in height at the age of 10 years. Mature plant 2.5-3.5 m high and 1-1.2 m wide. The shoots are dense and straight. The needles are prickly, very bright, from golden green to golden yellow, golden brown in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates partial shade; in shady places the intensity of the yellow color decreases, but does not lose its decorative effect. Undemanding, grows in all soils, dry, fresh, moist, as well as in very poor, acidic and alkaline soils. Recommended for rocky, heather gardens and bright, free-growing hedges. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Green Carpet"

Creeping, slow-growing dwarf shrub, annual growth of no more than 4-6 cm, reaching at the age of 10 years only 10 cm in height with a diameter of 1.5 m. The height of an adult plant is 0.2-0.35 m and the width is 1.5-2 m Very densely branched, forms dense tiered clumps. The needles are needle-shaped, short, light green, later dark green, soft, not prickly. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Very frost-resistant, undemanding, grows in all dry and moist soils. Reliable, beautiful ground cover shrub for small garden. Recommended for rocky gardens, heather gardens, borders, ridges, cemeteries, tubs on the roof, as a ground cover plant. Fitting density: 3 pcs. per 1 m². Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Greenmantle"

The variety is similar to the popular "Green Carpet", creeping, slow growing. At 10 years old it grows to 0.2 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter. The needles are green, non-prickly. It tolerates pruning well, a popular variety grafted onto a standard form. Other characteristics, preferences and recommendations as "Green Carpet". Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Hibernica"

A very popular form of common juniper, a tree with a narrow, very densely branched columnar crown. The growth rate is average, the annual growth is 10-15 cm in height, 5 cm in width, at the age of 10 years it reaches up to 1.5 m in height, an adult plant is up to 3-5 m in height and 1-1.2 m. width. The ends of the shoots are hard, vertical, the needles are short, needle-shaped, pointed but not prickly, green-blue on both sides. The roots are deep, slightly branched. Very frost-resistant. Photophilous. Unpretentious, grows on all soils: dry, fresh, wet, as well as very poor, acidic and alkaline. Recommended for small gardens and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Hornibrookii"

Creeping shrub forming a green-silver carpet. The growth rate is average, reaching 0.3 m in height and up to 2 m in width at the age of 10 years, the size of an adult plant is up to 0.5 - 0.6 m in height and up to 3 m in width. The shoots are densely located, lying in tiers on top of each other, the ends are slightly raised. The needles are short, thick, prickly, 5-6 mm. length, light green with a characteristic slightly silvery tint. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates slight shading. Unpretentious, grows on all soils: dry, fresh, wet, as well as very poor, acidic and alkaline. Recommended as ground cover. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Horstmann"

An original coniferous shrub with a spreading, picturesque form, with outstretched shoots. The average growth rate, growth is about 15 cm per year, at the age of 10 years it reaches 1.5 m in height and the same in diameter, an adult plant reaches a height of 2.5-3 m and 2 m in diameter. In maturity, one of the most beautiful weeping forms of juniper. The needles are small, needle-shaped, dark green in color. Very frost-resistant, prefers sunny places, but tolerates slight shade. Unpretentious, grows on all soils. It is recommended to plant individually on lawns. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Meyer"

"Meyer" is one of the best columnar forms of common juniper. Vigorous, densely bushy, dense, columnar shrub with slightly hanging ends of the shoots. The annual growth is 15 cm in height, 5 cm in width. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 1.5-2 m in height. The height of an adult plant is 3-5 m and 1-1.2 in width. The crown is compact, symmetrical, the needles are shiny, needle-shaped, pointed, prickly, silver-green, becoming green-blue closer to winter. Reliable and very frost-resistant, natural selection. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Unpretentious, grows on all soils, dry and wet, as well as very poor, acidic and alkaline. Recommended for small gardens and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Oblonga Pendula"

A low tree with a wide, irregular crown shape. The tree grows quickly, adding annually up to 20-25 cm in height, reaching 2-2.5 m in height at the age of 10 years. An adult plant reaches 3-5 m in height, about 3 m in width. The branches are straight, thick, long, gracefully drooping with age. The needles are in the form of prickly needles up to 2 cm long, green, slightly brownish in winter. Very frost-resistant, low soil and moisture requirements. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. For solitaire plantings in prominent places. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Repanda"

A flat, slow-growing, dwarf creeping variety of juniper. The annual growth is up to 2-3 cm in height, up to 10-12 cm in width, reaching 0.2 m in height at the age of 10 years with a diameter of 2-2.5 m. The branching is tiled, the branches are horizontal and evenly distributed in different directions, a regular symmetrical creeping cushion-shaped crown. The needles are densely located, dark green, with silver stripes on top, turn brown in winter, needle-shaped, not prickly. Photophilous, tolerates slight shade, very frost-resistant. It is not demanding on soils; it grows in everything from dry to moist, from acidic to alkaline. A reliable ground cover variety for garden decoration, as a single tapeworm, in pots on roofs, as a ground cover plant. Fitting density: 2 pcs. per 1 m². Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Suecica"

Strictly vertical, columnar, dense, multi-stemmed form of juniper, with drooping branch tips, relatively fast-growing. The annual growth in height is 15-20 cm, reaching up to 2 m in height at the age of 10 years. An adult plant is 3-5 m tall and 1.2-1.6 m wide. The needles are needle-shaped, pointed, prickly, bluish-gray-green in color. Photophilous. A reliable, very frost-resistant, unpretentious variety, grows on all soils: dry, fresh, wet, as well as very poor, acidic and alkaline. Recommended for small gardens, rocky and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus communis (common juniper) "Suecica Nana"

A slow-growing shrub with a narrow-columnar crown, at the age of 10 years it reaches up to 1.5 m in height and only 0.4 m in width. The shoots are arranged vertically, covered with bluish-steel needles. Other characteristics, preferences like "Suecica". Recommended for small gardens, rocky and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus conferta (coastal juniper)

Coastal juniper is named so for a reason. Distribution area under natural conditions: coastal areas on Sakhalin and Japan, on loose sandy soils, its long creeping branches form dense thickets. In nature, it winters under the protection of high snow cover. Fruits abundantly, the cones are round, 8-12 mm, initially bluish-green, then darken and become dark blue, covered with a bluish coating, as if covered with frost, do not ripen at the same time, and decorate the bushes for a long time. The needles are gray-green, shiny, fragrant, 10-15 mm. long, with spiky ends. Photophilous, drought-resistant, salt-resistant. Not picky about soil fertility, recommended for planting on poor sandy soils. Little is known in cultivation; there are still few garden varieties.

Ornamental garden varieties of coastal juniper:

Juniperus conferta (coastal juniper) "Blue Pacific"

Spreading, creeping form of coastal juniper. Slow-growing, at the age of 10 years it reaches about 0.4 m in height with a diameter of 1 m, an adult plant up to 2 m in diameter. The needles are long, green-blue, prickly. Photophilous, frost-resistant, undemanding to soil and moisture. Used as ground cover, on alpine slides and rock gardens. Grows in sunny places. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus conferta (coastal juniper) "Schlanger"

A spreading, slow-growing form, at the age of 10 years it reaches 0.2 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The needles are long, dark green with a bluish tint, and prickly. Frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates light shade. Undemanding to soil and moisture. Recommended for rocky gardens and rock gardens as a ground cover plant. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal or prostrate juniper)

Evergreen creeping low-growing shrub. Distribution area under natural conditions is the Atlantic region of North America. It grows in deep to medium-deep, mostly poor sandy soils, rocky mountain areas, gravel, calcareous slopes, often Great Lakes dunes, coastal cliffs, and occasional swamps. Creeping shrub with graceful long branches, densely covered with blue-green needle-shaped needles 3-5 mm, turning brown in autumn and winter. Fruits abundantly, numerous dark blue, almost black cones up to 6 mm. stand out beautifully against the background of pine needles. Frost resistance is high, it is not very demanding on the soil, it grows on poor acidic to alkaline soils. Tolerates urban climate and industrial emissions, periods of summer drought. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Juniperus horizontalis is one of the most common types of ground cover juniper in decorative landscaping, and today many interesting decorative forms have been created.

Decorative garden varieties of horizontal juniper:

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Andorra Compact"

Popular dwarf form. Dense compact flat-rounded cushion-shaped shrub, the branches are very densely located from the middle and directed outward, and slightly raised, with age the lateral branches lie on top of each other. It grows slowly, the annual growth does not exceed 5-10 cm, at the age of 10 years it reaches 0.3 m in height and 1 m in diameter. An adult plant is about 0.4 m high and 2 m wide. The needles are mostly scale-like, sometimes needle-shaped, very narrow and small, gray-green in summer, becoming light in winter. purple shade. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Very frost-resistant. It is undemanding to soils and grows even on poor soils. Recommended for small gardens as a ground cover plant and for garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Andorra Variegata"

Dwarf form. Dense spreading flat-rounded cushion-shaped shrub, branches radiate, densely located from the middle and directed outward, and slightly raised, with age the lateral branches lie on top of each other, gray-blue in summer, purple in winter with numerous cream fragments. The needles are scaly. It grows slowly, the annual growth is about 5-8 cm, at the age of 10 years it reaches 0.3 m in height and 0.8 m in diameter. An adult plant is about 0.4 m high and 2 m wide. Frost-resistant. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Small requirements for soil and moisture, prefers moderately nutritious, sandy loam, acidic, well-drained soils. Used as a ground cover plant in small areas. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Bar Harbor"

A very low, fast-growing, spreading variety of shrub, with creeping shoots lying on the ground, with a dense crown, thin branches. At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.1 m in height and up to 2.5 m in width. The needles in the form of small needles and scales, green with a bluish tint, usually acquire a slightly purple tint in the fall. Very frost-resistant, light-loving. It is undemanding to soils and grows even on poor, dry, sandy soils. Recommended for alpine slides and rock gardens as a ground cover. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Blue Chip"

A popular ground cover blue juniper, the name means blue chip in English. A low creeping shrub characterized by an average growth rate. At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.2 m in height with a diameter of 1.5 m. The shoots are dense, creeping along the ground, growing unevenly to the sides, with easily rising ends. The needles are small, silver-blue, slightly purple in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving. The requirements for soil and moisture are low. It develops better on moist, but without stagnant water, moderately nutritious, sandy loam, acidic, well-drained soils. Recommended for rocky gardens, ground cover plant. Fitting density: 2 pcs. per 1 m². Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Blue Forest"

An original variety with a creeping form, with vertically located short shoots. Slow growing, reaches 0.3 m in height and about 1 m in width at the age of 10 years. An adult plant reaches 0.4 m in height and 1.5-1.8 m in width. The needles are scaly green-blue, silver-violet in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving. The soil and moisture requirements are small; it prefers moderately dry soils with an acidic or alkaline reaction; it does not develop well on heavy soils. For planting in rock gardens and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Douglasii"

Creeping shrub of irregular shape. Quite fast growing, at the age of 10 years about 0.15 m in height and up to 2 m in width. The shoots are long, covered with scales, gray-green with a blue tint, slightly purple in winter. Needle-shaped needles only in the inner part of the bush. Undemanding to soil and moisture. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates slight shading. For rock gardens, alpine slides, as ground cover. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Glacier"

A beautiful creeping groundcover juniper, slow-growing, at 10 years it grows up to 0.1 m in height and about 1 m in diameter. The needles are scaly, rich green-blue in color. This is one of the brightest blue varieties. The shoots are tender, roll-shaped. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, not picky about soils. Recommended for small gardens as a ground cover, for rock gardens and slides, as a container plant. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Glauca"

A prostrate, very densely branched, creeping, relatively fast-growing low shrub. Forms a dense flat carpet. Annual growth is 12-15 cm. By the age of 10, the height of the plant reaches 0.1 m in height with a crown diameter of up to 1.5 m. An adult plant is 10-15 cm in height and 2-2.5 meters in width. The shoots are numerous, thin, long, densely covered with needles, the scaly needles are very small, soft, silver-blue, the color does not change in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates slight shading, tolerates urban climate and industrial emissions. It is not picky about soil, grows in all dry or fresh, well-drained, even poor soils, from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for rock gardens, alpine slides, as a ground cover. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Golden Carpet"

Elegant creeping form “Golden Carpet”, one of the most popular among creeping yellow juniper varieties. A flat, spreading groundcover shrub with creeping creeping shoots, characterized by relatively rapid growth. Annual growth is up to 10-12 cm. At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.1 m in height and 1.2 m in width. The skeletal branches are long, grow in different directions from the center of the bush, pressed tightly to the ground, take root and receive additional nutrition and additional opportunities for horizontal development of the plant; old specimens reach impressive sizes. Creating a dense, wide-spread canopy that truly covers the ground like a carpet. The needles are scaly, thick, densely cover the shoots, green-golden-yellow, in winter they acquire a light bronze tint. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, planted in an open sunny place, in shaded places the needles turn green. The requirements for soil and moisture are low; it prefers moist, moderately nutritious, well-drained soil. Recommended as a ground cover plant and also for rocky gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Grey Pearl"

A dwarf shrub with an outstretched, slightly raised crown. Quite slowly growing, reaching 0.3 m in height and about 0.8 m in width at the age of 10 years. The dimensions of an adult plant are 0.4 height and about 1.5 m width. It grows wide, forming a dense clump, with vertically growing shoots. The needles are thick, tender, in the form of small gray-blue needles, 0.3-0.4 cm long, bronze in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, low soil and moisture requirements. Recommended for heather gardens and alpine slides. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis Icee Blue (horizontal juniper) "Monber"

Popular creeping variety. Slow growing, at the age of 10 years up to 0.1 m in height and up to 1 m in width. An adult plant reaches 0.1-0.2 m in height, crown width is about 2.2-2.5 m. The skeletal branches are very long, flexible, highly branched, densely covering the surface of the ground. The needles are scaly, cylindrical, bright blue, and take on a steel tint in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates partial shade; in semi-shaded places the needles almost do not lose their blue color saturation. Small requirements for soil and moisture. Used for alpine slides, retaining walls, for containers, as an ampelous, ground cover plant. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Jade River"

Creeping fast-growing variety. Reaches 0.1 m in height and more than 2 m in width at the age of 10 years. The shoots are dense, long, covered with needles and scales, gray-blue, slightly purple in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, low soil and moisture requirements. For rock gardens, for alpine slides, as a ground cover. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Limeglow"

The variety has a spreading form, rather slow growing, annual growth of about 7-8 cm, at the age of 10 years up to 0.3 m in height and 0.8 m in width. The height of an adult plant is 0.3-0.4 m. The diameter of the crown does not exceed 1 m. The shoots are cylindrical, radiant, form a small depression in the middle of the bush, the crown is compact, dense, and symmetrical. The needles are small, soft, scaly, spring color is golden-yellow, gradually turning green. Winter coloration shows brownish-pinkish-orange tones. In highly lit areas it may be damaged by the sun. High winter hardiness, light-loving, tolerates light semi-shade. Soil and moisture requirements are average; it does not tolerate overly moist heavy soils. Recommended for color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Prince of Wales"

“Prince of Wales” is a very low creeping shrub, slow-growing, annual growth is 10-12 cm. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 0.2 m in height with a diameter of 1.5 m. An adult plant is 0.3 m and a crown diameter of about 2.5-2, 8 m. The branches are relatively rigid, ground cover, and with age lie on top of each other. The scaly needles are richly green; in winter, a reddish-reddish bronze hue appears. Photophilous, tolerates light shade. Frost resistance is high. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows in all dry, fresh, well-drained, even poor soils, from acidic to alkaline. It is recommended to be used as a ground cover plant to form so-called juniper “lawns” on slopes and in rock gardens. Fitting density: 2 pcs. per 1 m². Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus horyzontalis (horizontal juniper) "Variegata"

The original form, more massive than other representatives of the horizontal juniper group. The shrub has an average growth rate, reaching 0.3 m in height and up to 2 m in width at the age of 10 years. An adult plant reaches 0.5-0.6 m in height, the crown diameter is up to 2.5-3.0 m. The shoots are sparse, located at an angle relative to the ground. The needles are scaly, bluish-green, with white fragments irregularly scattered throughout the plant. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates slight shading; even in conditions of significant shading, the contrasting variegated color of the needles is preserved. Low requirements for soil and moisture, grows in all dry, fresh, well-drained, even poor soils. For rock gardens and flower compositions. Poorly covers the surface. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus horizontalis (horizontal juniper) "Wiltonii"

A low creeping variety, characterized by fairly strong growth, reaching 0.1 m in height at the age of 10 years with a diameter of 2-2.5 m. The shoots are long, creeping, the color is silver-blue-green. The needles are scaly, very small needle-shaped in the center of the crown. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, low soil and moisture requirements, grows on all dry, fresh, even poor soils, from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for growing as a ground cover plant, for the formation of so-called juniper “lawns”, on slopes and in rocky gardens. Fitting density: 2 pcs. per 1 m². Winter hardiness zone 3

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana

Juniper medium is not natural view, this is a hybrid of Cossack and Chinese junipers. Juniper is a medium-sized, powerful, unpretentious, widely spreading shrub, with obliquely ascending branches, a funnel-shaped crown, the lower branches lie horizontally on the ground, some hybrid forms can reach up to 3.5 m in height and 5-7 (8) m in width with age.

Ornamental garden varieties of juniper middle Pfitzerian:

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Blue and Gold"

An original shrub variety of juniper, relatively slow-growing, annual growth of no more than 8-10 cm, reaching 0.8 m in height with a diameter of 1 m at the age of 10 years. An adult plant is up to 2 m in diameter, the crown is irregular, asymmetrical. The shoots are thick, long, grow unevenly, moderately branched at a young age, and branching intensifies over time. The needles are needle-shaped, not prickly, uniquely colored, the general background of the bush is blue, with scattered different sizes spots of golden yellow color. Prefers well-lit places up to partial shade; in partial shade the color of the needles loses their saturation a little and becomes more faded. Frost-resistant, low soil and moisture requirements, can grow even on sandy and rocky soils. Recommended for small gardens, single plantings and compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Gold Coast"

The variety is bush-shaped, with a dense spreading crown, growth rate is average. At 10 years it reaches about 0.5 m in height with a diameter of 1.5 m, the maximum height of an adult plant is 1 m and 2 m in diameter. The shoots are ridge-shaped, dense, the needles are scaly, needle-shaped at the base of the branches, golden-yellow. It is not demanding on soil fertility, grows on all dry and fresh soils, even poor soils, and has high frost resistance. Prefers sun to partial shade, develops more slowly in the shade. Used in small gardens as a ground cover, for alpine slides, plant compositions and groups. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Gold Star"

A compact medium-low shrub variety of juniper, characterized by an average growth rate, annual growth is 10-12 cm. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 0.5 m in height with a diameter of 1 m. An adult plant reaches up to 1 m in height and width up to 2.5 m. The shoots are thick, highly branched, and grow unevenly from the center of the bush. The ends of the shoots are drooping. The crown is formed dense, asymmetrical, spreading, flattened-cushion-shaped. The needles have the shape of needles or scales with a bright golden-yellow, greenish-yellow color. Low soil and moisture requirements, drought-resistant. Frost resistance is high. Prefers sun to partial shade; in partial shade the intensity of the yellow color decreases. Recommended for small gardens and rocky gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Hetzii"

A spreading, large, fast-growing shrub, with horizontal shoots when young and, with age, raised skeletal shoots and loosely arranged branches. The annual growth is 20-25 cm in height, 30 cm in width. At the age of 10 years it reaches up to 2.5 m in height and up to 3 m in diameter. An adult plant at 30-40 years old is 3-5 m tall and 5-7 m wide. The needles are mostly scaly, small, gray-blue. Frost resistance is high, light-loving. Tolerates periods of summer heat and drought well. It is undemanding to soils, grows on all types of soils, even those poor in nutrients, from dry to moist, from acidic to alkaline. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Mathot"

Low spreading variety with medium growth rate. At the age of 10 years it reaches about 0.5 m in height and 1.5 m in width. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bluish-green. Green needles dominate on the main, fast-growing shoots. Undemanding to soil and moisture. Frost resistance is high. Prefers sun to partial shade. Recommended for garden plots, rock gardens, and flower arrangements. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Mint Julep"

A large dense shrub, with arched spreading branches and elegantly hanging ends of the shoots. Characterized by relatively strong growth, the annual growth is 10-15 cm in height, 20-30 cm in width. At the age of 10 years it reaches 1.5 m in height, with a diameter of 2-3 m. An adult plant at 30-40 years old reaches up to 2 .5 m high and 3-4 m wide. The needles are scaly and bright green. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows on all dry and fresh, moderately nutrient-rich substrates, from acidic to alkaline. Frost resistance is high, resistant to urban climate and industrial emissions. Due to its size it is recommended for parks and large gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Mordian Gold"

The mutant of the old variety "Pfitzeriana Aurea" is characterized by slow growth and a more compact form. Annual growth is up to 10 cm, at the age of 10 years it reaches up to 0.8 m in height and crown diameter is 1.5-2 m. An adult plant is about 1 m in height and 2-2.5 m in width. The shoots are ridge-shaped, golden-yellow during growth. Not demanding, grows in all dry and fresh soils, moderately rich in nutrients, from acidic to alkaline. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade, high frost resistance. Designed for large gardens and as a color element in plant compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Old Gold"

A spreading, low, slow-growing shrub with spreading, dense branches. Annual growth is up to 5 cm in height, up to 15 cm in width. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 0.4 m in height with a diameter of 1 m. An adult plant is up to 2 m in height and 2.5-3 m in width. The needles are shaped like needles and scales with a bright golden-yellow color, even in winter. Frost resistance is high, prefers sun to partial shade. The requirements for soil and moisture are low; it grows on all moderately dry soils, fresh substrates, from acidic to alkaline. Resistant to urban climate and harmful emissions. Recommended for small and rocky gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper “Pfitzeriana”)

One of the most famous and widespread varieties, called the grandfather of all garden forms of juniper. It was introduced into sale in 1899 by L Shpet. Juniper medium “Pfitzeriana” is a fast-growing, large, powerful, widely spreading shrub, with funnel-shaped branches, the ends of the shoots gracefully hang, the lower branches lie horizontally on the ground. The dimensions of an adult plant are 3-4 m high and 6-8 m wide. In 10 years it grows more than 1 m in height and 3-4 m in crown diameter. The needles are scaly, partially needle-shaped, and painted a rich green color. Frost resistance is high, prefers sun to partial shade. Undemanding, grows on all soils, dry and moist, acidic and alkaline. Resistant to urban climate and harmful emissions, tolerates dry, semi-shaded locations under trees, is well trimmed, and can withstand even heavy pruning. Recommended for large gardens and parks. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Aurea"

A fast-growing large, wide-spreading shrub form, reaching 1 m in height at 10 years with a diameter of 3-4 m. An adult plant is 2.5-3.5 m in height and 3.5-5 m in width, old specimens up to 6-7 m .width. The crown is initially spread out, then raised, the ends of the shoots are hanging, the lower branches are horizontal and lie on the ground. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, pointed, young shoots are golden-yellow, later yellow-green. Frost resistance is high, prefers sun to partial shade, shade-tolerant. Unpretentious, grows on all soils. It is resistant to the urban climate and harmful emissions, it cuts well, and can withstand even heavy pruning. Recommended for parks and large gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper “Pfitzeriana Compacta”) "Pfitzeriana Compacta"

Dense compact flat-growing shrub. Fast-growing, at 10 years it reaches about 0.8 m in height and 1.5-2 m in crown diameter. The needles are scaly, needle-shaped at the base, green. Frost resistance is high, prefers sun to partial shade. Unpretentious, grows on all soils. Used in large gardens and in groups. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus media Pfitzeriana (medium juniper) "Glauca"

A spreading, large, fast-growing variety. At the age of 10 years it reaches 1 m in height and 2 m in width, old specimens reach almost 2 m in height and 3.5-5 m in width. The shoots are slightly raised. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bluish-green turning into gray, with a silver tint. Frost resistance is high, prefers sun to partial shade, shade-tolerant. It is undemanding to soil and moisture content and grows on all soils. Resistant to urban climate and harmful emissions. Used for parks and large gardens, for wide unformed hedges. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper)

In nature it grows in the mountains of Southern Europe, the steppe zone of Siberia, Central Asia and Mongolia. It grows in rocky, steppe, light pine and deciduous forests, as well as in the foothills of the Alps on dry plains and areas with dry grass. Dioecious, widely bushy, low creeping or prostrate shrub with spreading branches. Up to 1.5 m high with often located recumbent tail-shaped branches, the bush is up to 6 m wide, forms dense thickets. Needles of two types. In young plants, it is needle-shaped, erect, 4-6 mm, bluish-green at the top, soft, with a clearly visible midrib. In adult plants it is scale-like. A characteristic feature of the species is the pungent odor that the needles and shoots emit when rubbed; the shoots of this species contain essential oil sobinol, which is a toxic substance. Abundant cone berries, round or ovoid-round, 5-7 mm. in diameter, blue-black covered with a bluish waxy coating, ripen in the autumn of the first year or in the spring of the second year. Winter-hardy, light-loving, tolerates slight shading, drought-resistant, undemanding to soil, resistant to smoke and gas, tolerates heavy pruning. Thanks to the rooting of branches (paws) lying on the surface of the earth, it grows quickly. The species has been used in culture for a very long time, widely used for decorating rocky hills, slopes, in single and group plantings on lawns and forest edges.

Decorative garden varieties of Cossack juniper:

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Arcadia"

Dense, rapidly growing dwarf shrub, annual growth of at least 12-15 cm, reaches 0.3 m in height at the age of 10 with a diameter of 1.5-2 m. The crown is regular, symmetrical, dense, cushion-shaped at a young age, then wide-spread . The needles are scaly, small, soft, light green or green. Frost resistance is high, it prefers sun to partial shade; in shady corners the decorative effect of the shrub does not suffer. Undemanding, drought-resistant, grows in all dry or fresh, well-drained, poor soils, from acid to alkaline. Tolerates urban climate. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens, urban landscaping. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus Sabina (Cossack juniper) "Blaue Donau"/"Blue Donaube"

A spreading, low, fast-growing shrub, annual growth is about 20 cm. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 1 m in height with a diameter of 1.5 m. The needles are scaly, needle-shaped at the base of the crown, green-blue in color. Very frost-resistant, grows well in sunny and semi-shaded places, resistant to urban conditions. Undemanding, drought-resistant, grows in all dry or fresh, well-drained, poor soils, from acid to alkaline. Recommended for large gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens, urban landscaping. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Broadmoor"

A wide-spreading, low, dense, creeping variety. Rapidly growing, reaching 0.2 m in height and about 2 m in diameter at the age of 10 years. An adult plant reaches a height of 0.3 m and 3 m in diameter. The shoots are located horizontally, overlap each other in a tiled manner, green with a slightly blue tint. The needles are scaly. Frost resistance is high, prefers sunny places, tolerates slight shading. Resistant to urban conditions. Undemanding, drought-resistant, grows on all soils. Recommended as a ground cover for urban and suburban landscaping. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Glauca"

A fast-growing tall and wide creeping spreading shrub that quickly grows in width. At the age of 10 years it reaches approximately 1.5 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter, an adult plant up to 5 m in diameter. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, blue-green, reddish-green in winter. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, resistant to urban conditions. Requirements for soil and moisture are small, drought-resistant. Recommended for large gardens, urban landscaping, and residential areas. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Mas"

The variety is tall and widely spreading, densely bushy with strongly raised branches and inclined ends of the shoots. Moderately fast growing, annual growth up to 10 cm in height, up to 20 cm in width. At 10 years it grows about 0.5 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter. An adult plant is 1.5-2 m tall, and 5-7 older specimens and up to 8 m wide. The needles are mostly small, velvety needle-like, prickly, bluish on top, green below, with a slight purple tinge in winter. Very frost-resistant, undemanding, drought-resistant, grows in all dry or fresh, well-drained, poor soils, from acidic to alkaline. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Tolerates urban climate and tolerates heavy pruning. Recommended for large gardens and parks, urban and suburban landscaping. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Rockery Gem"

Spreading, low, flat-growing, fast-growing shrub. At the age of 10 years it reaches about 0.4 m in height and up to 3 m in width. An adult plant is 2-3.5 wide and 0.5 m tall. The crown is very dense, thick, the branches are located horizontally and partially lying on the ground, covered very densely with small needles, the tips of the shoots are scaly, colored blue-green. Very frost-resistant, prefers sun to partial shade. Undemanding, grows on all soils, dry and moist, acidic and alkaline. Resistant to urban climate and harmful emissions, tolerates dry, semi-shaded locations under trees, is well trimmed, and can withstand even heavy pruning. Recommended for large gardens and parks, as a ground cover plant, urban and suburban landscaping. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Tamariscifolia"

A fairly large flat-growing shrub, with skeletal branches very densely arranged in several layers, lying on top of each other, with very short branches directed upward. The growth rate is average, annual growth is 3 cm in height, 15-20 cm in width. At the age of 10 years, about 0.3 m in height and 1.5-2 m in diameter. The dimensions of an adult plant are up to 1 m high and 3 m wide. When young, the shoots spread along the ground; with age they rise. The needles are dense, in the form of small needles, light green/bluish-green. Photophilous, undemanding to soil and moisture, tolerates heat and drought, grows in all dry or fresh, well-drained, also poor soils, from acidic to alkaline. Very frost-resistant. Resistant to urban climate and industrial emissions. Recommended for home gardens, rocky gardens, and as a ground cover plant. In urban gardening. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus sabina (Cossack juniper) "Variegata"

Slow-growing dwarf form, annual growth does not exceed 5-7 cm. At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.4 m in height with a diameter of 1 m. Dimensions of an adult plant, height about 1 m, crown diameter up to 1.5-1.8 m The branches are spread out, creeping, and grow evenly from the center of the bush, forming a dense, regular, symmetrical rounded crown. The needles are predominantly scaly green in color. A characteristic feature is that some of the shoots have an elegant white-variegated color. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, undemanding to soil and moisture. Recommended for small gardens and rocky gardens, garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus scopulorum (rock juniper)

Its natural distribution range in the US Rocky Mountains covers the states of West Texas, Northern Arizona and Oregon. True to its name, it settles on rocks, climbing to a height of 1500-2000 m above sea level. Slender trees up to 10-12 m in height, but there are specimens even higher, up to 15 m in height. The crown is pyramidal, symmetrical, with a clear, beautiful silhouette. The needles are needle-shaped or scaly. The cone berries are dark blue with a bluish waxy coating. Garden forms of this species are popular due to the slender, symmetrical crown inherited from the species ancestor, elegant coloring of the needles, high frost resistance and unpretentiousness.

Decorative garden varieties of rock juniper:

Juniperus scopulorum (rock juniper) "Blue Arrow"

It is one of the most popular varieties of columnar juniper. Extremely narrow and straight vertical very dense columnar form, with vertically growing branches closely pressed to each other and adjacent dense shoots. The needles are needle-shaped or scaly, small, tightly adjacent to the branches, intensely gray-blue in color, the tonality of the young growths differs slightly. The growth rate is average, the annual increase in height is 10-20 cm, in width up to 5 cm. At the age of 10 years it reaches 2-3 m in height. The dimensions of an adult plant are 5-6 m high and 0.7-1 m wide. Prefers well-lit places. Frost resistance is high, undemanding, grows on all dry or moist substrates, not very rich in nutrients. It lends itself perfectly to cutting and grows back slowly, thanks to which it can be used to create different shaped, cropped shapes, and holds its given shape for a long time. Used in rock gardens, heather gardens, hedges, compositions in containers. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus scopulorum (rock juniper) "Blue Heaven"

Beautiful cone-shaped with an average growth rate, at the age of 10 years it reaches about 2-2.5 m in height. The size of an adult plant is up to 5 m in height, up to 1.5 m in width. The crown is slender, regular, symmetrical, squat, columnar. The branches are straight, thick, strongly branched, raised, cylindrical, the ends of the shoots and the apex are slightly drooping. The scaly needles are a beautiful pure blue color, the same in winter. One of the bluest varieties of juniper. Frost resistance is high, undemanding, grows on all dry or moist substrates, not very rich in nutrients. Prefers bright places or light partial shade. Recommended for color compositions and solitary plantings, in bright hedges. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus scopulorum (rock juniper) "Moonglow"

A bright, wide-pyramidal, fast-growing variety, at the age of 10 years up to 2.5 m in height. The dimensions of an adult plant are up to 6 m in height, up to 1.5 m in width. The branches are dense, thick, located vertically, slightly extending to the sides, growing evenly. The crown is smooth, dense, dense, symmetrical, wide-pyramidal. The scaly needles are bright blue, silver-blue in winter. One of the brightest blue varieties. Frost resistance is high, undemanding, grows on all dry or moist substrates, not very rich in nutrients. It grows poorly on heavy soils. Prefers sunny places or light shading; in shady places the shoots become excessively elongated and the crown loses density. Recommended for flower compositions and solitaire plantings, in bright hedges. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus scopulorum (rock juniper) "Skyrocket"

A slender tree, growing strictly vertically, an extremely narrow columnar shape, with straight, long, dense branches vertically adjacent to the trunk and each other. Characterized by rapid growth. The annual growth is 20-30 cm in height, 5 cm in width. At the age of 10 years it reaches more than 3 m in height, an adult plant is 6-8 m in height and 0.8-1 m in width. The needles are needle-shaped and scaly, of a very beautiful green-grayish-blue color, which does not change throughout the year. It is light-loving and should be planted in well-lit places; in light shading, the shoots become very elongated and the crown becomes loose. Frost resistance is high, undemanding, grows on all dry or fresh substrates that are not very rich in nutrients. Tolerates urban conditions well. Recommended for small home gardens as a horizontal element in plant compositions and hedges. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus scopulorum (rock juniper) "Wichita Blue"

Vertically growing, densely branched, columnar variety, medium growth rate. At the age of 10 years, about 2 m in height and 0.7 in width. An adult plant is about 4-6 m high and up to 1.5 m wide. In old age, it grows greatly in width and a pyramidal crown is formed. The branches are long, strongly branched, vertical, tightly pressed to each other, silvery-green-blue in color all year round. Frost resistance is high, undemanding, grows on all dry or fresh substrates that are not very rich in nutrients. Prefers sunny places or light partial shade; in shady places the needles do not lose their color saturation. Beautiful variety pyramidal in shape, recommended for hedges and trellises, as an element of color compositions. Planting spacing in a row: 0.6-0.8 m. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper)

A densely branched coniferous dioecious shrub that grows naturally in the mountains of China, Taiwan, and the Eastern Himalayas. Low-growing creeping shrubs up to 1.3-1.5 m tall, forming an irregular cushion shape with densely located branches. The needles are hard, prickly, sharp, 0.5-0.8 cm long, green. The cone berries are black, shiny, and ripen the following year. Photophilous, undemanding, grows on poor, dry or fresh soils, from acidic to alkaline.

Decorative garden varieties of scaly juniper:

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Blue Carpet"

A fairly fast-growing variety, a flat-spreading shrub, with a creeping crown, with long, strongly branched, dense branches forming an irregular cushion shape. Annual growth is 3-5 cm in height, 10-25 cm in width, reaching at the age of 10 years about 0.5 m in height with a diameter of 2-2.5 m. An adult plant is 0.3-0.5 m in height and up to 3 m .width. The needles are needle-shaped, thick, intensely silver-bluish-steel. Frost resistance is high. Photophilous, drought-resistant. Undemanding, grows in all dry or fresh, well-drained soils, as well as poor soils, from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for rocky gardens and as a ground cover plant. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Blue Star"

Dwarf form, slow growing with a dense compact crown, almost spherical at the beginning, becoming irregular and broadly rounded with age. The annual growth is 3 cm in height and 6 cm in width. At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.3-0.4 m in height and about 0.5 m in diameter. The branches are dense, short, needle-shaped needles, very thick, prickly, silver-blue in color. Frost resistance is high. Photophilous. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows in dry or fresh, well-drained soils, ranging from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for growing in containers and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Blue Swede"

A relatively large medium-growing variety, annual growth of 12-15 cm, reaching a height of 1.0-1.2 m and 1.5 m in width. The branches are long, thick, moderately branching, growing unevenly from the center of the bush, with hanging tips of the shoots. The crown is asymmetrical, flattened and rounded. The needles are needle-shaped, very thick, hard, prickly, soft green-blue. Photophilous. Frost resistance is high. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows in dry or fresh, well-drained soils, ranging from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for heather gardens, large alpine hills and rocky gardens, garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Dream Joy"

A dwarf, compact, flat-shaped variety, reaching a height of 0.5 m and about 1 m in diameter. It grows relatively quickly, reaching 0.3 m in height at the age of 10 years with a diameter of 0.8 m. The branches are long, strongly branched, grow unevenly from the center of the bush, are located horizontally, the crown is asymmetrical, flattened, and cushion-shaped. The needles are needle-shaped, small, gray-blue, young growths during growth are bright golden-yellow, stand out in contrast against the background of old needles, which gives an excellent coloristic effect. Photophilous. Frost resistance is high. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows in dry or fresh, well-drained soils, ranging from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for small gardens and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Floreant"

Very beautiful compact form, mutation of the popular variety "Blue Star". Forms a small bush, dense, rounded shape. The needles are gray-blue, thick, prickly. A characteristic feature is the white-cream fragments, irregularly scattered throughout the plant. Frost resistance is high. Photophilous. The soil and moisture requirements are low; it grows in dry or fresh, well-drained soils, ranging from acidic to alkaline. Recommended for growing in containers, small gardens, rock gardens and slides. Winter hardiness zone 5A

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Holger"

A low spreading shrubby form, characterized by moderately rapid growth, at the age of 10 years it reaches a height of up to 0.8 m and about 1.5 m in diameter. The branches are long, strongly branched, from the center of the bush they grow evenly, in an arched manner, the ends of the shoots often spread along the ground. The crown is flattened and rounded, becoming cushion-shaped with age. The needles are needle-shaped, thick, short, silver-blue with a slight greenish tint; young growths in the spring during the growth process are bright golden-yellow, stand out in contrast against the background of old needles, which gives an excellent coloristic effect. Photophilous. Frost-resistant. The soil and moisture requirements are low and grows in dry to moderately moist, well-drained soils ranging from acidic to alkaline. Does not tolerate dense soils. Recommended for rocky and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Hunnetorp"

The variety has a low bush form, an average growth rate, at the age of 10 years it reaches 0.5 m in height and a diameter of about 1 m. The skeletal branches are thick, long, with numerous lateral shoots. Skeletal branches from the center of the bush grow unevenly, extending at a slight angle, directed to the sides and upwards. The needles are needle-shaped, small, very dense, the old ones are bluish-dark green, the young ones are blue-blue, they stand out in contrast against the background of the old needles, resulting in an excellent coloristic effect. Frost-resistant. Photophilous. Undemanding, grows in all dry to moderately moist soils. For small gardens, rock gardens and alpine slides. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus squamata (scaly juniper) "Meyeri"

A large variety, with an irregular funnel-shaped crown, with raised several strong main branches and numerous side shoots, with slightly hanging tops; with age, the bush becomes loose. Moderately vigorous, at the age of 10 years it reaches 1 m in height. The dimensions of an adult plant are 3-5 m tall and 2-3 m wide, very old specimens are up to 6 m tall. The needles are thick, needle-shaped, and have a pronounced silver-blue color. Frost-resistant. Photophilous, tolerates shade. Undemanding, grows on all moderately dry or fresh substrates, from acidic to alkaline. Tolerates urban climate, heat, and tolerates haircuts well. Recommended for single plantings and garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Juniperus virginiana (Virginian juniper)

In natural conditions it grows on mountain slopes, from shallow, dry, poor calcareous rocky soils, to flooded areas and swampy places. In North America, from North Dakota and Minnesota to Maine, south to Texas and North Florida. In nature, tall trees with a columnar crown, reaching 15-30 m in height and a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. The shoots are thin, the needles are scaly or needle-shaped, very small, green. Abundant small, spherical cone berries, 0.6 cm in diameter, dark blue with a bluish bloom, ripen in the first year in the fall, do not fall off for a long time. In the USA, the wood is used in the production of pencils, which is why it received another name: “pencil tree”. It is unpretentious in cultivation, very winter-hardy, drought-resistant, tolerates summer heat and periods of drought, urban climate, and emissions of harmful substances.

Ornamental garden varieties of juniper virginiana:

Juniperus virginiana (Virginian juniper) "Canaertii"

A fast-growing tall slender variety, columnar or cone-shaped, annual growth of more than 20 cm in height and 8-10 cm in width, at the age of 10 years more than 3 m in height. An adult plant is up to 10 m tall and 2-3 m wide. The branches are short, vertically adjacent, slightly deviating with hanging ends, covered with scales in youth, becoming more needle-shaped with age and bright green in color. Needle-shaped needles with sharp tips, but not prickly. Abundantly produces small blue cones, with a waxy coating, forming a beautiful contrast with the light green needles. It is undemanding to soils and moisture, tolerates all soils equally well, even very unfavorable ones, from dry sandy, poor in nutrients, to rocky or clayey. Grows well in both acidic and highly alkaline soils. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates shade only in youth. Tolerates summer heat and periods of drought, emissions of harmful substances. Recommended for urban landscaping, large gardens and hedges. Planting spacing in a row: 0.5-0.6 m. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus virginiana (Virginian juniper) "Grey Owl"

A spreading, vigorous shrub, with thick, strong, diagonally raised or horizontally lying branches, and hanging ends of the shoots. The annual growth is 10 cm in height, 20 cm in width, at the age of 10 years it reaches 1 m in height with a diameter of 2-2.5 m. An adult plant is up to 2-3 m in height and 5-8 m in width. The needles inside the plant are needle-shaped, scaly on the sides, green-silver-gray, the shoots are soft. Abundantly produces small, blue cones, with a waxy coating. It is undemanding about soils and moisture, tolerates all soils equally well, even very unfavorable ones, from dry sandy, poor in nutrients, to rocky or clayey. Grows well in both acidic and highly alkaline soils. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates partial shade. Tolerates summer heat and periods of drought, emissions of harmful substances. Recommended for parks and large gardens. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus virginiana (Virginian juniper) "Hetz"

A shrubby, large, spreading, fast-growing variety of juniper, reaching more than 1 m in height and 2-2.5 m in width at the age of 10 years. Old specimens are almost 2 m high and 3.5-5 m wide. The branches are thick, long, rising, spread above the ground, and in older specimens they are located obliquely. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, green-gray-blue, initially flat, later rounded. Very frost-resistant, light-loving, tolerates partial shade. It is undemanding to soil and moisture content and grows on all soils. Resistant to urban climate and harmful emissions. Recommended for large gardens and parks, for wide, unformed hedges. Winter hardiness zone 4

Juniperus virginiana (Virginian juniper) "Tripartita"

A fast-growing, wide-growing shrub with a dense crown, reaches up to 1 m in height and 1.5 m in width at the age of 10 years. An adult plant reaches up to 2 m in height and 10 m and even more in width. The branches are long, stiff, strong, characteristically irregularly deflected, covered with needles and scales, green with a blue tint, in winter with a purple tint. Very frost-resistant. Grows well in sunny and semi-shady places. Drought resistant. Undemanding to soil and moisture. Recommended for parks and large areas. Winter hardiness zone 4

Junipers are very decorative and varied; they are undemanding to soil and moisture. And no matter the size of your plot or garden, you can always find a variety that will fit on it. We repeat once again, junipers are unique plants, have a unique property, they purify and heal the air, and have a healing effect on the body. Also "common juniper"(Other types of juniper cones are poisonous!) can be grown not only as ornamental plant, but also as a fruit plant, for collecting juicy, tasty and healthy juniper berries (it does not form seeds in the shade). Junipers do not tolerate transplantation well, they reproduce by seeds, green cuttings taken with a heel, preferably from young plants; creeping forms are easily propagated by layering. It is better to propagate juniper by cuttings and layering; the seeds have a rather low germination rate. In addition, the most decorative are garden forms; seedlings grown from seeds do not repeat the characteristics of the parent specimens.

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Any corner of the garden or summer cottage can be decorated with unpretentious and beautiful junipers. In modern landscape design they have become popular and loved due to their various shapes, colors, plasticity and unpretentiousness. Any design idea can be easily realized with the help of these conifers, which cut perfectly. On your site you can plant a lush bush or a spreading tree, creeping ivy or a columnar monolith. There are more than 70 species in the juniper genus. In this article we will talk about the most popular and low-maintenance species and varieties.

Frost-resistant species of junipers

These types of junipers are most often have large habitats. These can be large shrubs growing in light coniferous forests, or small trees found in the undergrowth of deciduous forests.

Common juniper: photos and varieties

A tree or shrub up to 12 meters high can have a variety of shapes. It is distinguished by reddish-brown shoots and flaky bark. The shiny, prickly and narrow lanceolate needles are 14-16 mm long. Blue-black cones with a bluish coating reach 5-9 mm in diameter. They ripen in the second or third year.

Common juniper, resistant to frost and urban air pollution can grow on poor sandy loams. The shrub has about a hundred varieties, which differ in height, color of needles, shape and diameter of the crown. The most popular varieties are:

Pyramid tree native to North America can reach up to 10 m in height. Due to their resistance to adverse factors, rock junipers are in great demand in areas with hot climates. With their help, they create tall hedges and various coniferous compositions. The most unpretentious and known are two varieties:

Red cedar

This coniferous plant can rightfully be considered the most unpretentious and resilient among all types of junipers. In nature he grows along river banks and on windswept mountain slopes. Virginia juniper wood is resistant to rotting. In this regard, it is used to make pencils, and the plant itself is called the “pencil tree”. It is drought-resistant, frost-resistant and tolerates partial shade.

Varieties of this type of juniper are easily propagated by grafting, cuttings and seeds. Every year a large number of cones ripen on the tree, from which seeds can be obtained. After stratification, the seeds are sown in the ground and are excellent planting material to obtain a hedge. Most often used to decorate gardens and parks. seven varieties of juniper virginiana:

  1. The Gray Owl variety is a shrub with silver-gray needles and gracefully drooping branches. Grows up to one and a half meters. The width of its crown reaches two meters. A large number of cones berries add additional decorativeness to the shrub. It tolerates pruning well, loves sunny areas, and is frost-resistant.
  2. The Hetz variety is a plant with bluish needles that grows up to 2 meters. It can be 2-3 meters wide. Suitable only for large gardens as it quickly grows in width and height. Resistant to almost any weather conditions.
  3. The Pendula variety is a spreading tree up to 15 m high. Its “weeping” branches are covered with green needles with a bluish tint.
  4. The Burkii variety is a fast-growing, pyramidal shrub, the height of which reaches 5-6 m. At the age of ten years, with a crown diameter of 1.5 m, it has a height of 3 m. It is overgrown with non-thorny needles of a green-blue hue.
  5. The Ganaertii variety is an oval-columnar dense tree that grows up to 5-7 m. The branches are covered with dark green needles. In autumn, countless blue-gray cones are formed on the juniper.
  6. The Glauca variety is a columnar-shaped tree up to 5 m high. It branches densely and is distinguished silver color needles
  7. The Blue Cloud variety is a dwarf form of juniper virginiana. It has a height of 0.4-0.5 m, a crown width of up to 1.5 m. Long branches are covered with small gray needles with a blue tint.

Medium junipers: varieties

Shrubs with a wide variety of colors and habit, characterized by good resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. The most popular varieties:

Chinese junipers: photos and varieties

Slow growing pyramidal trees, growing in China, Japan, Korea and the Primorsky Territory. Their height can reach up to 20 m, so bonsai are often formed from them. They love moist, fairly fertile soils. They tolerate drought well.

Some varieties of Chinese juniper are spreading bushes and are suitable for decorating small areas:

Cossack junipers

Most often this winter-hardy, creeping shrubs, which grow naturally in many areas of Asia and in the forests of Europe. They are often used to strengthen slopes because they are undemanding to the soil, light-loving and drought-resistant. Their varieties differ in needle color, habit and size:

Juniper horizontal

A North American plant species that can be used to decorate retaining walls and as a ground cover plant. The most popular varieties:

  1. The Limeglow variety is a plant that grows up to only 0.4 m in height and grows up to one and a half meters wide. Its branches are strewn with beautiful, bright golden-yellow needles, which allows the shrub to be used as an accent for any composition in the garden. Does not grow well in heavy soils and prefers well-lit areas.
  2. The Blue Forest variety is a dwarf shrub 0.3 m high and 1.5 m wide. Young shoots grow vertically on its creeping crown, creating the impression of a blue miniature forest. The color of juniper is especially bright and original in mid-summer.
  3. The Blue Chip variety is one of the most beautiful creeping junipers. A bush with horizontal shoots spreading in different directions with slightly raised ends looks like a thick silver-blue carpet. In winter, the needles change color and become purple.
  4. The Andorra Variegata variety is a dwarf shrub 0.4 m high. The cushion-shaped crown grows up to one and a half meters. Juniper is distinguished by bright green needles with creamy splashes in summer time year, and the needles are purple-violet in winter.

A drought-resistant plant with low soil fertility requirements, it grows naturally in China and on the slopes of the Eastern Himalayas. In landscape design, wide-spreading varieties with silver needles are used:

Nothing will clean and freshen the air in your garden quite like planting junipers in it. They will add their shapes and color to the garden comfort, beauty and originality. Can be dropped off huge tree, tiny shrub or make a composition from them. Any of the varieties and types of juniper will easily fit into landscape design a small summer cottage or a large garden.

Juniper and its varieties and types