Juniper yellow variety. The amazing juniper is a beautiful tree with many beneficial properties. Types and varieties with photos

  1. general description
  2. Common types
  3. Common juniper
  4. Virginia
  5. Cossack
  6. Chinese
  7. Coastal
  8. Rocky
  9. Scaly
  10. Application
  11. Landing
  12. Plant care

The juniper genus belongs to the cypress family and has more than 60 species of evergreen shrub forms and trees. The name comes from the Celtic word Jeneprus, meaning "prickly". These plants are distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere from the polar zones to the subtropics. These rocks have existed on the planet for 50 million years. Their peculiarity is the attachment of varieties to certain ecosystems in a rather limited space. The habitats of junipers are discontinuous.

general description

Even tree forms rarely reach 12 m in height, and the diameter of the trunks is about 20 cm. The roots are taproots and penetrate the soil to great depths. Shrub forms range from 1 to 10 m in length. There are also dwarf creeping species, not exceeding 40–70 cm. The bark of young plants is reddish in color, becoming dark brown with age. The shoots are branched and flexible. The crowns are spreading, dense, ovoid, pyramidal or irregular shape. Leaves are up to 2 cm long, bluish-green, needle-shaped or scaly, collected in whorls. The buds are bare. Most junipers are dioecious, but monoecious species are also found. Male specimens have spikelets consisting of paired stamens. The carpels of female spikelets have 1–2 ovules, and they themselves are collected in pairs into whorls. Juniper fruits are round cones of a bluish, gray or black hue. Their shell consists of tightly closed thin scales. Inside the berries there are several seeds separated by partitions.

Junipers are long-lived plants. Many of them reach 400–600 years of age. Almost all breeds prefer sandy loam, moderately nutritious, slightly alkaline soils, but can exist on poor podzolic, rocky soils and limestones. Most species are photophilous. These evergreen plants, like all conifers, secrete phytoncides that are destructive to various pathogenic microflora. When rubbed in your hands, the needles emit a pungent resinous odor. In places where juniper grows, the air is cleaner and healthier.

In its natural environment, the plant reproduces by seeds. In culture, cuttings or grafting methods are more often used.

Common types

In their natural environment, junipers grow in mixed forests. In North America, Asia, and the Mediterranean, tall shrubs form small, sparse pure forests. Creeping species are located in foothill areas, on rocky slopes.

Common juniper

It has the widest distribution area. Found throughout Europe, Siberia, and North America. Other names of the plant: juniper, veres. It is a dioecious shrub about 4–7 m in height, can rise up to 10–12 m. The trunks are thin, about 10–20 cm in diameter, the bark is fibrous, reddish-brown in color. The crown is dense, cone-shaped or round in shape.

The needles are triangular, about 1.5–2 cm long, dark green in color, covered with a translucent waxy coating. The cones of the common juniper are dark blue, 0.6–0.9 mm in size, with a characteristic resinous aroma.

Heather grows very slowly: it grows 15–20 cm per year. The lifespan of the shrub is more than 200 years.


This is a monoecious tree species whose homeland is North America. Some specimens reach 1.5 m in diameter, rising up to 30 m. In young plants, the bark is gray-green, darkening over time. The branches form a narrow, ovoid-shaped crown. It expands with age. The leaves of the Vergina juniper are similar in structure to cypress: short, scaly, silver-green, bottom tightly adjacent to the branches. The berries are the same as those of the ordinary type: bluish-blue and fragrant.

Based on this species, decorative varieties were bred for landscaping streets and parks. In the temperate climate of northern latitudes, Virginia juniper is planted instead of cypress trees.


Miniature low-growing shrub, with a crown height of no more than 1.5 m. The shoots are flexible, covered with finely needle-like light green needles. Cossack juniper is best suited for landscape design. Its advantages include unpretentiousness to care and natural conditions. Withstands sudden temperature changes, strong winds and drought. Deep root system allows it to go without watering for a long time, extracting moisture from distant soil layers. The growth of the Cossack-type shrub is no more than 3–4 cm per year, which allows you to not have to worry about trimming for a long time. Many creeping varieties have been bred on its basis.

A significant disadvantage of this juniper is its toxicity: the needles, berries and bark contain potent alkaloids, so it must be handled with care.


Tall dense shrubs up to 20 m in length, found in the Far East. Some varieties are monoecious. The crown is wide, spreading, irregular in shape. The needles are short, soft, in the form of dense scales about 3 mm in length. The reddish bark of the Chinese juniper tends to flake off and fall off in thin strips.


A dwarf shrub no higher than 40–70 cm with needle-like needles about 1 cm in length. The bark is reddish in color. The shoots are long and creeping. The coastal species is a slow-growing species. The growth of the bushes increases by only 2–3 cm per year. The fruits are blue cones with a pale bluish bloom. This juniper is valued for its decorative qualities. The light green needles have grayish-blue stripes, giving the crown a beautiful sheen.


Plants with an original narrow diamond-shaped crown, reminiscent of tall columns. The growth of this juniper can be up to 12 m. The trunks are straight and thin. The side shoots are directed almost vertically upward. The needles are in the form of thin short scales of bluish-gray, dark green and olive color. Individual needles are needle-shaped and long. This type is popular with landscape designers.


Low shrub up to 1.5 m tall. The bark is grey-brown. The crown is dark green and dense. The needles are in the form of wide, lanceolate-shaped scales, very dense and hard, about 1 cm in length. Dead leaves do not leave the branches for a long time, giving them a dried-out appearance. The berries are shiny, almost black.


Due to its decorative qualities, it is actively used for landscaping urban landscapes, gardens, and parks. Extensive plantings are especially suitable for areas with polluted and dusty air. Plant needles cleanse the urban atmosphere well.

A powerful branched root system makes these rocks useful for strengthening the slopes of ravines. The wealth of varieties allows for the implementation of exquisite design solutions. Juniper bushes create a magnificent ensemble with other garden plants and are used as hedges. Bonsai varieties grow well indoors.

Almost all parts of the plant are useful.

Juniper wood has a high density: about 640 kg/cub.m. in dried form. The sapwood of the logs is narrow and yellowish in color. The core occupies most of the mass, grayish or light brown in color, and harder. Tree rings are expressed in a greenish or red-brown dark pattern. The resin ducts are not visible, the medullary rays are invisible. The texture of the wood is very beautiful, the layers of fibers have a striped or wavy structure with contrasting lines. Manual and machining this timber lends itself well, has high performance properties, does not crack for a long time, does not swell from moisture, is resistant to fungal infection .

Juniper wood is used to make barrels for canned fruit, kvass mugs and kitchen utensils. Brackets, pencils, and hooks for hanging meat hams are made from it. Butter, milk and other perishable products are kept fresh for a long time in juniper containers.

Tree resin is used industrially to make paints, varnishes and turpentine. The needles give essential oil, used in aromatherapy and as an antiseptic for colds.

Juniper berries in most species, with rare exceptions, are edible. They contain many vitamins, anthocyanins, antioxidants, sugars, and beneficial bitterness. They are used as a spice for meat and vegetable dishes, and marinades, giving foods an unusual flavor. Juniper fruit jam is not only a dessert, but also a medicinal remedy. Syrup, tea and decoction are used to get rid of pulmonary diseases and genitourinary infections. The active substances of the berries relieve symptoms of fever, rheumatism and arthritis, have an anti-inflammatory effect, remove toxins from the body, and support the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The juice of the berries contains a lot of inulin, which is necessary for patients with diabetes.


Germination of juniper from seeds requires from 1 to 3 years, for planting on local areas and in gardens this method is of little use. If desired, you can sow the seedlings in containers with soil, place them in a lighted place and regularly water the substrate. Shoots are planted in open ground in the fourth year. This should be done in the spring, in April or May. In autumn, seedlings may be damaged by wind and frost. Fruiting of independently sprouted shrubs is possible after 7–10 years.

Purchasing seedlings from nurseries or cuttings allows you to quickly acquire beautiful, useful plants.

It is advisable to choose a sunny place for juniper, especially decorative varieties. Only the common species tolerates a lack of light well. Any soil will do. When planting, you need to calculate the distance between seedlings in advance: for large wide species it should be at least 1.5 m, compact ones can be placed every 50–70 cm.

The size of the pits for juniper is twice the volume of the roots. The bottom is filled ¼ with drainage: small stones or crushed bricks; a layer of a mixture of peat, soil and nitroammophosphorus fertilizer is placed on top. You need to give the holes rest for 2 weeks. After placing the seedlings, the holes are filled with soil. The neck of the root should be at surface level. Each tree is watered, and then the surrounding areas of soil are mulched with sawdust.

Juniper cuttings are harvested in the spring by cutting annual shoots 15–20 cm long. They are dropped in a peat-sand mixture and left in a dark place until rooting, moistening regularly. After 1–2 years, the cuttings are transplanted from the container into open ground.

Creeping varieties are propagated by layering. To do this, make a small incision on the selected shoot and pin it to the ground, lightly sprinkling it. The next year, the shoot takes root, it is separated and planted in the chosen place.

Plant care

Caring for these plants is easy. In the first years and during dry periods, it is recommended to pour 10 liters of water under the roots every 3 weeks. Before this, you need to loosen the soil around it. In poor soil, fertilizers must be applied before each watering; additional feeding is required once a season. In hot weather in the evenings it is useful to spray the needles.

Large varieties can be pruned regularly to give the branches the desired shape. But there are no fast-growing species among junipers, so large volumes of crowns should not be cut off. Typically, pruning is used when creating hedges, and single shrubs are left in their natural appearance.

Prevention of juniper diseases is carried out in spring and autumn by spraying the shoots with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Juniper is a beautiful, drought-resistant, light-loving, long-lived plant. More than seventy species are known. Many interesting varieties have been bred - juniper is grown both in middle lane, and in cold regions.

Juniper: types and varieties

The most famous are the following species and varieties.

Common juniper - this species is highly frost-resistant. It is not picky about soil composition. The berries take 2 years to ripen.

Medium juniper stands out from other shrubs with its outstretched crown shape. The plant is relatively winter-hardy - it needs shelter only in the first years of life.

Juniperus virginiana can reach a height of 30 m. The plant prefers a dry steppe climate.

Horizontal juniper is characterized by excellent adaptability - it feels good in both hot and cold climate zones.

Daurian juniper is extremely unpretentious - it grows equally well both in the southeast of Siberia and in warm regions.

Cossack juniper is a prostrate or creeping bush. The plant is characterized by excellent winter hardiness. It is not afraid of droughts either.

Chinese juniper is interesting for its decorative properties - even in nature, plants of the same species differ from each other external characteristics. This allowed breeders to develop many interesting varieties.

Juniper recumbent is grown as a ground cover plant - a creeping shrub reaches half a meter in height.

Siberian juniper prefers mountain landscapes. It grows slowly, but pleases with its beauty, and is not afraid of frost and drought.

Rock juniper is very decorative - even in natural conditions the plant has a beautiful crown. The color of the needles is also interesting - it has a bluish tint. The plant grows slowly, but has a long life expectancy.

Scaly juniper attracts attention with its beautiful needles - they are painted in a steel-gray color.

Rocky junipers: varieties

This type of juniper is represented by the following varieties: Blue Arrow, Globe, Repens, Pathfinder, Skyrocket, Silver King, Wichita.

Blue Haven juniper is a slow growing plant. Its maximum height is 2.5 m. The plant has a dense conical crown. The needles are colored light blue. The variety does not place high demands on the soil.

Common juniper: varieties

Common juniper is represented by the following varieties: B 2, Columnaris, Сompressa, Echiniformis, Gold beach, Gold Cone, Green Carpet, Нibernica, Нornibrookii, Меуер, Оblonga pendula, Repanda.

The Green Carpet variety is a low juniper (even at the age of ten the plant reaches only 10 cm in height). This variety is ideal for lawns - the plants do not require cutting or special care.

Varieties of Chinese juniper

This type of plant is represented by the following varieties: Blue Alps, Columnaris, Columnaris glauca, Echiniformis, Expansa, Globosa, Hetzii, Mint Julep, Old Gold, Pfitzeriana.

Kurovavo Gold is a variety famous for its beauty. The plant forms a spherical crown. Its maximum height is 2 m. The needles differ in color - young ones have an emerald tint, and old ones are dark green.

Juniper horizontal: varieties

Creeping juniper (horizontal) is represented by the following varieties: Adpressa, Alpina, Andorra compact, Argentea, Glacier, Glenmore, Petraea, Prostrata, Wiltonii.

Andorra Compact - this variety is interesting in the shape of its crown (it resembles a lush pillow). In winter, the needles change color and become purple-violet.

Tall junipers: varieties

Tall junipers are represented by different species. Accordingly, you can select quite a lot of varieties with optimal visual characteristics. The most interesting varieties: Skyrocket, Glauka, Gray Owl (Virginian juniper), Hibernica, Columnaris (common juniper).

Fast-growing junipers: varieties

The following varieties have good growth rates: Blue carpet (scaly juniper), Tamariscifolia and Mas (Cossack juniper), Pfitzeriana Aurea, Mordigan Gold, Pfitzeriana compacta (medium juniper). Juniperus virginiana also grows quickly.

Mordigan Gold is an elegant, compact, frost and drought resistant variety. The needles have a golden hue. The height of the plants reaches a meter, the diameter of the crown does not exceed two meters. This juniper tolerates urban conditions well.

Edible juniper: varieties

Juniper fruits are not eaten like ordinary berries, but they are used in the preparation of tinctures, marmalades, kvass, jellies, jelly, and beer. The aroma of juniper makes smoked meat especially tasty. Cossack juniper is poisonous. Fruits of other types can be used. The fruits of the Caucasian juniper are most widely used.

Cossack juniper: varieties

Cossack juniper is represented by the varieties Arcaida, Blue danube, Buffalo, Supressifolia, Erecta, Fastigiata, Mas, Rockery Gem, Tamariscifolia.

Variegata is a variety with brightly variegated needles (they are colored green-white or yellowish). This juniper grows slowly and forms a creeping crown. The greatest height is 1 m. The plant is quite demanding on the composition of the soil. It does not tolerate frost and drought well.

Juniper: varieties for the Moscow region

Many types of juniper are grown in the Moscow region and central Russia. The most common junipers are common, horizontal, rocky, and Cossack.

Plants of the Skyrocket variety look very beautiful. They have a columnar shape. The scaly or needle-shaped needles are colored blue-gray. The height of the plant reaches 6-8 m. Unlike many other types of juniper, this variety grows very quickly - the annual growth is about 20 cm.

Juniper varieties for Siberia

Many junipers are characterized by good frost resistance, which allows them to be grown in harsh conditions. climatic conditions. The most widespread junipers in Siberia and the Urals are Siberian, Cossack, hard, Chinese, Virginia, common, and scaly.

The Blue Alps variety (Chinese juniper) has excellent recommendations. The plant tolerates frost well and has a compact shape. Its average height is 2.5-4 m. The needle-shaped needles below are painted silver, and above they are light green.

There are many varieties of juniper. Plants are actively used for landscaping areas - they are very decorative, therefore they are in great demand.

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(Juniperus virginiana Hetz)

Juniperus virginiana Hetz is attractive with its spreading crown shape, gray-blue needles and a large number of spherical dark blue cones. Tolerates haircuts well. In especially snowy winters it can be broken by the weight of the snow cover, so it is recommended to tie the branches for the winter. It develops normally both in the sun and in partial shade. Does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. IN landscape design used in rocky gardens, in single and group plantings.

(Juniperus horizontalis Icee Blue)

Juniper horizontal Ice Blue - evergreen shrub with long creeping shoots forming a bluish-green carpet. The growth rate is slow. Drought resistant. Grows equally well in sun and partial shade. Winter-hardy. The plant is used as a ground cover, as well as in rock gardens and rocky slopes.

(Juniperus horizontalis Andorra Compact)

Juniper horizontal Andorra Compact has a creeping form. Prefers fairly moist soils, but without stagnant water. Frost-resistant, light-loving. The growth rate is slow. Used in small gardens in group plantings, as well as in rock gardens and rockeries.

(Juniperus horizontalis Andorra Compacta Variegata)

Juniper horizontal Andorra Compacta Variegata is an evergreen shrub with variegated needles. It is not picky about soil composition, light-loving, and frost-resistant. Looks great in composition with low-growing coniferous plants.

(Juniperus horizontalis Blue Forest)

Juniper horizontal Blue Forest is a creeping form with vertically raised shoots. It grows slowly. Unpretentious to soils. Prefers a sunny planting location or light partial shade. Has high winter hardiness. Despite this, shelter for the winter is recommended due to the fragility of the shoots from the weight of the snow. Looks great in rock gardens, rockeries and heather compositions.

(Juniperus horisontalis Blue Chip)

Juniper horizontalis Blue Chip is a creeping coniferous shrub that forms a dense carpet. The growth rate is slow. Frost-resistant, light-loving. Does not tolerate severe waterlogging. Looks great in rocky and heather gardens.

(Juniperus horizontalis Wiltonii)

Juniperus horizontalis Wiltonii can be grown as a ground cover plant or on vertical supports. This juniper is perfect for decorating slopes, ledges, and terraces. Photophilous, tolerates light partial shade, frost-resistant.

(Juniperus horizontalis Limeglow)

Juniperus horizontalis Limeglow has golden-yellow needles that are not afraid sunburn in the spring. Grows well in all types of soil. Frost-resistant. It is resistant to diseases and pests. Looks great in rocky gardens.

(Juniperus horizontalis Prince of Wales)

Juniper horizontalis Prince of Wales is a slow-growing coniferous shrub. Its crown is so dense that entire juniper lawns can be created using this species. Frost-resistant, shade-tolerant. In landscape design, this variety is popular as a ground cover plant for planting in rocky gardens, for creating juniper cover in the lower tiers of tree and shrub compositions.

(Juniperus sabina)

Cossack juniper is capable of growing in width. Grows on all types of soils. Photophilous, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Easily tolerates pruning. Decorative throughout the year. Suitable for planting in urban areas. Recommended for single and group plantings.

(Juniperus sabina Blaue Donau)

Juniper Cossack Blau Donau is a coniferous shrub with a wide, fire-like crown. Photophilous, frost-hardy. Resistant to urban conditions. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Recommended for large gardens and urban landscaping.

(Juniperus sabina Variegata)

Juniper Cossack Variegata is a dwarf variety of juniper with an original variegated color. It grows slowly. Photophilous, frost-hardy. Prefers sunny planting sites; in the shade the needles lose their decorative properties. Resistant to polluted urban conditions. Recommended for single and group plantings.

(Juniperus sabina Glauca)

Juniper Cossack Glauka is characterized by the ability to grow greatly in width and cover large areas. Grows on any soil. At a young age it grows slowly, then develops faster. Frost-resistant, light-loving, resistant to urban conditions. Recommended for strengthening slopes, landscaping cities and residential areas.

(Juniperus sabina Mas)

Juniper Cossack Mas is a frost-resistant coniferous shrub. It grows quite quickly in width. It is not picky about soils, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Prefers sunny planting locations or light partial shade. Decorative in single and group plantings in rocky gardens.

(Juniperus sabina Rockery Gem)

Cossack juniper Rockery Jam is a rather low coniferous shrub with a spread-out crown shape. The growth rate is fast. Prefers fertile and moist soils. Frost-resistant and light-loving. Used as a ground cover plant for alpine landscapes.

(Juniperus sabina Tamariscifolia)

Cossack juniper Tamariscifolia is widely used in landscape design. The growth rate is slow. Photophilous, frost-resistant and drought-resistant. Susceptible to rust and sawfly. Prefers a sunny planting location. Looks great in single and group plantings. Used to decorate rocky and heather gardens.

(Juniperus sabina Hicksii)

Cossack juniper Hixie is a coniferous shrub with a wide-spread crown. The growth rate is fast. Prefers a sunny planting location or partial shade. Unpretentious to soils. Frost-resistant. Feels great in urban conditions. Used in alnaria and rockeries.

(Juniperus chinensis Blaauw)

Chinese juniper Blauw is a coniferous shrub with a dense crown and bonfire-shaped branches. The growth rate is slow. Not picky about soil composition, frost-resistant, light-loving, drought-resistant. Susceptible to rust and sawfly. Used in single and group plantings.

(Juniperus chinensis Blue Alps)

Chinese juniper Blue Alps is a fairly large coniferous shrub with silver-blue needles. The growth rate is slow. Frost-resistant, light-loving. Not picky about soil fertility. Used in compositions with other coniferous plants, goes well with large rose bushes.

(Juniperus chinensis Ketelerii)

Juniperus chinensis Keteleri - narrow columnar conifer tree. Grows moderately quickly. Light-loving, tolerates partial shade, suitable for growing in urban conditions, frost-resistant. Low demands on soil fertility and moisture. Used singly, in groups, hedges.

(Juniperus chinensis Kuriwao Gold)

Chinese juniper Kurivao Gold is a medium-sized coniferous shrub with an unusual crown shape. It is not picky about soil fertility, prefers sunny planting locations, and is frost-resistant. During dry periods, sprinkling is necessary. This variety of juniper is widely used landscape designers when landscaping gardens in Japanese style. The shrub also looks great in rocky gardens.

(Juniperus chinensis Obelisk)

Chinese juniper Obelisk is a vigorous coniferous shrub, reaching three meters in height. The growth rate is fast. It remains decorative only in well-lit areas. Winter-hardy, undemanding to soils. Suitable for creating low alleys, as well as for use in rocky and heather gardens.

(Juniperus chinensis Plumosa Aurea)

Chinese juniper Plumosa Aurea is recognized as one of the the best varieties with yellow colored needles. Light-loving, undemanding to soil composition. At a young age, it requires shelter in harsh winters, but over the years it becomes more frost-resistant. Burns on spring sun. Used in group plantings, to create decorative tree and shrub groups, landscaping rockeries, rocky slopes.

(Juniperus chinensis Spartan)

Juniper Chinese Spartan - fast growing variety, reaching three meters in height by the age of ten. Grows on any soil. Photophilous, wind-resistant, winter-hardy. In the shade it loses its decorative appearance, so its planting location should be sunny. May burn in the spring sun. Serves as a wonderful background for roses. It is used for landscaping rocky and heather gardens in single and group plantings.

(Juniperus chinensis Stricta)

Chinese juniper Stricta is a shrub with a narrow-nosed crown. It is unpretentious to growing conditions, undemanding to soil composition, and frost-resistant. Prefers sunny places for planting. Suitable for growing in containers. Looks great in heather gardens and rocky compositions.

(Juniperus chinensis Expansa Variegata)

Chinese juniper Expansa Variegata is one of the variegated varieties of juniper with numerous inclusions of soft cream color. The growth rate is slow. Unpretentious. Photophilous, frost-resistant, drought-resistant. Can be an excellent decoration for rocky gardens and oriental style gardens.

(Juniperus procumbens Nana)

Juniper recumbent Nana is a beautiful creeping variety of juniper with a very dense crown, forming a beautiful uniform carpet. Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Frost-resistant. Prefers a sunny planting location. Used as a ground cover plant and in the art of bonsai.

(Juniperus communis Arnold)

Juniperus common Arnold has a narrow columnar crown shape and low growth. Photophilous and frost-hardy. It grows slowly. Requires regular spraying during dry periods. Perfect for decorating an alpine hill, rocky, heather or Japanese garden, hedge.

(Juniperus communis Gold Cone)

Common juniper Gold Con has a columnar crown shape, turning into a cone at the very top. Its golden-yellow needles take on a bronze hue by winter. It grows slowly. Sun-loving and frost-hardy. Does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. Does not tolerate transplantation well in adulthood. Burning in the spring sun. Sensitive to snow pressure, so winter period It is recommended to tie the shoots to prevent them from bending. Used in landscaping city parks and countryside garden plots in single and group plantings.

(Juniperus communis Green Carpet)

Common juniper Green Carpet is a ground cover coniferous shrub. Its shoots creeping along the ground form a dense bluish-green carpet. The growth rate is average. Grows equally well in sunny and semi-shady places. Frost-resistant. Does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. An excellent choice for planting in rocky gardens and on slopes.

(Juniperus communis Meyer)

Common juniper Meyer is a tall coniferous shrub with a wide columnar crown. Thanks to its multi-vertical structure, this juniper variety looks fluffy. Grows well in sun and partial shade. It burns a little in the spring. Frost-resistant. It is undemanding to moisture and soil composition. Tolerates haircuts well. Used in rocky gardens, group or single plantings.

(Juniperus communis repanda)

Common juniper Repanda is a ground cover coniferous shrub with incredibly fluffy needles. Undemanding to soils. Light-loving, but tolerates light partial shade. Frost-resistant. During dry periods it requires artificial irrigation. An excellent choice for planting in rock gardens and on slopes.

(Juniperus communis Suecica)

Common juniper Suetsica is a dense coniferous shrub with a slender columnar crown shape. The growth rate is slow. The variety is unpretentious and frost-resistant. Prefers a sunny planting site; in the shade it becomes loose and spreading. Tolerates pruning well. Its slender shape allows you to create verticals in garden compositions. Widely used in single plantings and in groups.

(Juniperus communis Hibernica)

Common juniper Hibernika is a small coniferous tree with a dense columnar crown reminiscent of cypress. The growth rate is slow. It is undemanding to soil fertility. Light-loving, but suffers from spring sunburn. Drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Looks great in single and group plantings on the lawn, in small compositions.

(Juniperus conferta Schlager)

Coastal juniper Shlyager is a dwarf shrub with creeping shoots and very beautiful needles. The growth rate is slow. Shade-tolerant, but it is preferable to plant the plant in the sun. Looks great on rocky hills, in rockeries, in compositions with shrubs and herbaceous perennials.

(Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow)

Rock juniper Blue Arrow is a slow-growing coniferous shrub that forms a bright blue vertical in garden compositions. Thanks to its narrow crown, Blue Arrow juniper can be used in almost any garden, even in small gardens. Prefers sunny planting locations. It is frost-resistant, but in severe winters young shoots may freeze. In landscape design, the use of this type of juniper is very diverse. It is used in alley plantings, hedges, and also in compositions with other trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.

(Juniperus scopulorum Moonglow)

Juniper rock Moonglow is a pyramidal shrub with a wide silver-blue crown. Prefers a sunny planting location. Not picky about soil, drought-resistant. The variety is average in winter hardiness. Requires fixation of branches for the winter to avoid breaks and shelter from spring sunburn. Used as vertical element in compositions, suitable for creating hedges.

(Juniperus scopulorum Skyrocket)

Rock juniper Skyrocket has a slender blue-green crown. The plant is light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Frost resistance is average. Prefers dry soils. The growth rate is fast. In snowy winters, the crown cannot be broken, so gartering for the winter is recommended. Looks good in group plantings and in tree and shrub compositions.

(Juniperus chinensis (media) Pfitzeriana Aurea)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Aurea is a coniferous shrub with a wide, spreading crown. Unpretentious to soil composition. Resistant to urban conditions. Has high frost resistance. Prefers a sunny planting location. It grows wide, so it is not suitable for small rockeries or rock gardens. Used as a lower tier in large landscape parks and compositions.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Glauca)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Glauka is a large coniferous shrub with a spreading crown. Grows relatively slowly. Unpretentious to soil composition. Shade-tolerant, but it is preferable to plant the plant in the sun. Frost-resistant. Used in large gardens and city parks.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Gold Coast)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Gold Coast has a wide, spreading crown. Prefers a sunny planting site; in the shade the needles lose their golden-yellow color. Tolerates city conditions well. The growth rate is slow. Frost-resistant. Excellent as a tapeworm in the background lawn grass.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Gold Star)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Gold Star is a coniferous shrub with a spreading crown. The growth rate is average. Photophilous, frost-hardy. Used in single and group plantings on rocky hills and lawns. Can be used as a tapeworm, as well as in various decorative groups.

(Juniper media pfitzeriana Goldkissen)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Goldkissen is a slow-growing coniferous shrub. It becomes especially decorative in spring and early summer, when its needles acquire a golden color. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, light-loving. Pairs well with decorative cereals and roses. Resistant to urban conditions. Used in group and single plantings, in landscape compositions.

(Juniperus pfitzeriana King of Spring)

Juniper Pfitzeriana King of Spring is a branched coniferous shrub that has the brightest spring color among the yellow-colored varieties. It grows slowly. Unpretentious, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Tolerant to urban conditions. Looks great on rocky hills, rockeries, in compositions with shrubs and perennial herbaceous plants.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Pfitzeriana Compacta)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Compacta is a coniferous shrub with a beautiful, open, dense crown of gray-green color with gracefully hanging tops. Low demands on soil fertility. Prefers a sunny planting location or partial shade. It does not tolerate dry air, so additional sprinkling is recommended during dry periods. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Used in rocky gardens, in compositions with ornamental shrubs and perennial herbaceous plants.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Mint Julep)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Mint Julep is one of the most popular varieties of juniper in landscape design. It has very bright green pine needles, which do not fade in winter. The shrub is unpretentious and grows quite quickly. There is no need to worry about its large size, as this is one of those juniper varieties that tolerate pruning well. The plant is also interesting because it can be modeled and molded. The height and width of the plant can be changed - for example, by pinning branches to the ground, the bush will become more spread out and low, and by creating a vertical support for it, it will begin to develop upward. Prefers a sunny or semi-shade planting location. Frost-resistant. It goes well with barberries, rhododendron, cotoneaster, dogwood and conifers. A wonderful plant for any garden.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Mordigan Gold)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Mordigan Gold is a low-growing spreading shrub with horizontally arranged shoots. The growth rate is slow. Frost-resistant. Prefers well-drained soils and sunny planting sites. Perfect for single and group plantings, rock gardens, rocky hills, and shrub compositions.

(Juniperus media pfitzeriana Old Gold)

Juniper Pfitzeriana Old Gold is a slow-growing coniferous shrub with a dense yellow-green crown. Not picky about soil fertility. Prefers a sunny planting location or partial shade. Frost-resistant. Recommended for single and group plantings in rockeries, for use in tree and shrub compositions.

(Juniperus squamata Blue Carpet)

Juniper scaly Blue Carpet is a blue ground cover shrub. Frost-resistant. Prefers a sunny planting location. Does not tolerate waterlogged soil. Resistant to urban conditions. Tolerates haircuts well. One of the most spectacular varieties used in gardening and landscape design. Used as a ground cover plant on slopes and retaining walls. Suitable for container growing.

(Juniperus squamata Blue Star)

Juniper scaly Blue Star is a dwarf coniferous shrub with a cushion-shaped crown. Its needles are almost blue in color, and the pattern created by the needles resembles blue stars. It grows slowly. Not picky about soil composition. It grows slowly. Photophilous and frost-hardy. Recommended for single and group plantings, for rocky gardens, alpine slides, heather gardens, and for decorating slopes.

(Juniperus squamata Meyeri)

Juniper scaly Meyeri is a low-growing coniferous shrub, although when favorable conditions are created it can reach three meters in height. Photophilous and frost-hardy. Does not tolerate stagnant waterlogging. In especially snowy winters, the crown is likely to break, so planting in places where snow piles are possible is not recommended. The growth rate is slow. Looks great in single and group plantings, rock gardens, rock gardens, and heather landscapes.

(Juniperus squamata Holger)

Juniper scaly Holger has a very interesting color needles - whitish-blue. Young shoots have a golden hue. The growth rate is moderately fast. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Like all junipers, it does not tolerate stagnant waterlogging. Resistant to urban conditions. Used in single and group plantings.

Junipers are coniferous evergreens that last years have reached the peak of popularity among decorative conifers. They are used to decorate almost every second area. And those gardeners who have not yet planted this shrub of the Cypress family would like to have it, but are afraid of difficulties in caring for it. The most beautiful of the species, blue junipers, are especially alarming. It is believed that it is more difficult to care for them than their green “brothers”, because they are more capricious and whimsical.

In fact, decorative junipers have green, light green, yellow, silver, variegated and blue needles. The variety of shapes and colors does not make this shrub more difficult to care for. The truth is that blue is the most beautiful of the shades, thanks to which the plant looks noble and majestic and serves as the best decoration for the site. Of course, as in the case of other plants, before growing blue juniper, you need to learn everything about the most popular varieties of this species and the features of their cultivation.

The reason for the popularity of blue junipers

Why are juniper species with silvery-bluish needles considered the most popular?

  1. Firstly, they look original and can decorate any landscape composition. High decorativeness distinguishes these varieties from all other numerous representatives of the family.
  2. Secondly, blue juniper retains its decorative qualities all year round. On the white snow, the branches, as if covered with a bluish haze, look no worse than among the summer greenery or the autumn riot of colors.
  3. Thirdly, blue junipers have the widest scope of application. They can be used almost unlimitedly in garden design of both private properties and public parks.

Using blue junipers in design:

Blue juniper in landscape design

  • landscaping of slopes;
  • hedges;
  • border plantings;
  • tapeworm plantings on the lawn;
  • decoration of rock gardens and rockeries;
  • planting along the banks of artificial reservoirs.

If you decide to plant blue juniper on your property, start by choosing the right variety. To do this, you need to find out which of these plants belong to the blue juniper species.

Popular varieties

Among the blue junipers there are short and tall, spreading and with a compact crown, ground cover and erect.

The versatility of the size and growth of various types of blue junipers allows these plants to be used for various purposes, including cultivation indoors, in containers or in greenhouses.

Juniper Cossack

If junipers with a blue crown are the most popular of the representatives of this type of conifer, then the Kazatsky juniper is the most popular of all. It includes almost twenty species. The best:

  • Tamariscifolia;
  • Rockery Jam;
  • Cupressifolia;
  • Blue Danube.


The shrub grows one meter in height, the diameter of the crown is two meters. The branches are located at an angle of 40 degrees. The needles are prickly, blue with a slight silvering. This shrub seems to be covered with a light coating of sparkling frost at any time of the year.

Juniper Cossack Tamariscifolia

It looks best on rocky surfaces and is also used in rockeries, in combination with light stones.

Rockery Jam

This variety is dwarf. It grows to a maximum height of up to half a meter, but the diameter of the crown can reach five meters, since the plant is creeping. A very beautiful spreading bush seems to be adjacent to the ground. The needles are a blue-turquoise shade, very pleasing to the eye.

Juniper Cossack Rockery Jam

This “handsome” plant is used for solitary plantings on lawns, where it is simply irresistible.


Also a low-growing variety, it grows up to 0.6 m, but in terms of spreading it is far inferior to the Rockery Jam variety. The crown diameter is compact - up to one and a half meters.

Juniper Cossack Cupressifolia

The needles are blue-green, in the depths of the branches they have a blue tint. Except decorative properties has utilitarian properties - the bush produces numerous, large, aromatic berries. Grown for rock gardens, artificial ponds and border planting.

Blue Danube

An evergreen lush shrub that grows up to 60 cm in height and can reach up to three meters in crown diameter. The ends of the lateral branches are raised. The gray-blue pointed needles are long, up to 6 mm. The needles may have a bluish coating.

All representatives of the Blue Danube variety have a specific smell that repels moths very well.

The berries are black-brown, covered with a bluish coating, up to 12 mm long, ripen annually, but are poisonous. The shrub is a creeping one and can withstand frosts of -40°C.

Juniper Cossack Blue Danub

It is ideal to grow it in a sunny area. The variety can be used as a background for flower beds and paths, background for shrub compositions with flowers and decoratively colored foliage.

Juniper squamosus

Varieties of this species with blue needles are most often used as groundcovers. They can become a spectacular backdrop for decorative deciduous and flowering shrubs and tall perennial flowers.

The most beautiful representatives:

  • Blue Chip;
  • Blue Carpet;
  • Blue Star.

Blue Chip

A low-growing creeping variety that grows in height up to 30 cm, with a crown width of an adult bush of two meters. The main shoots grow horizontally, and the side shoots are directed almost at a right angle upward. The needles have a steel-blue color. The bush looks very exotic. Can be used in rockeries and rocky gardens.

Juniper squamata Blue Chip

Blue Carpet

This version of blue juniper is ideal for decorating alpine slides. The maximum height reaches 30 cm, diameter – 1.5 meters. The crown is blue-gray, close to flat in shape.

Juniper scaly Blue Carpet

The variety is distinguished by its amazing undemandingness to climate conditions, but if the plant does not get sunlight, the needles become faded and uninteresting.

Blue Star

One of the most beloved and valuable blue varieties. It is valued for its delicate silver-blue needles and slow growth. The dome-shaped dense crown does not rise above 60 cm. In a year it grows only 5 cm. The bush can spread one and a half meters wide, but this will also take a lot of time.

Juniper scaly Blue Star

The plant prefers soils that are sufficiently moist, nutritious and located in sunny areas.

This variety is very good to grow in a container, as well as in mini-balcony compositions for decorating loggias, terraces and roofs.

Juniper horizontal

This species is also called prostrate juniper. It includes more than 60 varieties, which are distinguished by needle-shaped needles, long creeping branches and numerous short creeping vegetative shoots. These shrubs are used to decorate plots, balconies, flower beds, rock gardens, in the form of low borders, on terraces and balconies as container and potted plants.

To the best blue varieties horizontal view relate:

  • Wiltoni;
  • Blue Forest;
  • Bar Harbor;
  • Ice Blue.


A creeping creeping shrub that grows up to 20 cm in height and has a bush diameter of two meters. They brought him out back in 1914. And for more than a hundred years, its green-blue branches parallel to the ground have been growing, forming a dense soil cover and intertwining with each other in the shape of a bizarre star.

Juniperus horizontalis Viltoni

Blue Forest

A variety characterized by dense and compact needles and short skeletal branches. The lateral branches are structural, dense, adjacent, vertical. The color is intense blue. The shrub grows up to half a meter. Especially when skillfully formed, it gives a very beautiful, graceful crown.

Juniper horizontal Blue Forest

Bar Harbor

Creeping variety with dense needles. Since the branches are very prostrate, and the side shoots also spread to the sides, it can be used as a ground cover plant. It grows about 30 cm. After the first frost, the blue-gray needles acquire a purple tint. Used in the design of public parks, squares, and botanical gardens.

Juniper horizontal Bar Harbor

Ice Blue

A very low-growing creeping variety that grows in height no more than 10-15 cm. The width with age acquires about two meters, but this may take decades because the bush grows slowly. The side shoots are located almost vertically, with dense silver-blue needles, which become plum-colored by winter.

Juniper horizontalis Ice Blue

Blue juniper care

After listing and describing the most attractive blue juniper varieties, you need to learn how to care for them.

If you decide to plant one or more blue junipers on your property, you should start by purchasing good quality seedlings.

No one says that this can only be done in a nursery, but only there you can be guaranteed to purchase a seedling of the desired variety with a closed root system.

Before the purchase.

  • Carefully inspect the seedling.
  • The bush must be healthy.
  • The branches are intact.
  • There are no wounds on the trunk.
  • The side branches do not break off.
  • The color of the needles is uniform and corresponds to the variety.
  • Roots in a pot or with a lump of soil.

Preparation and planting

It is best to plant an evergreen acquisition on sunny area. They can grow in the shade, but they will probably lose the bright and original color of the needles, and the branches will become loose and sparse.

If several tall shrubs are planted, it is better to keep the distance between them about one and a half meters. Exception - hedge, in which denser planting is allowed, with a distance of half a meter.

Preparing a hole for juniper

The depth of the hole should be from 40 to 60 cm, depending on the variety. A few days before the intended planting, the hole is filled 20 cm with a mixture of sand, peat and turf (proportion 1: 2: 1). Under the soil layer, a drainage layer of the same volume is poured, which consists of coarse sand or broken brick.

The plants are carefully, straightening their roots, planted in a planting hole on a layer of soil and covered with peat. After planting, abundant one-time watering.


The peculiarities of caring for blue junipers lie in the characteristics of their root system. It is horizontal and located close to the soil surface, so loosening the tree trunk circles should not be deeper than five centimeters. Most convenient option– don’t loosen at all, but .

All junipers can hardly tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, watering must be controlled. In summer, it is enough to water the plants once a month. If the weather is very hot and dry, you can spray the crown with a spray bottle. In autumn and winter, you can do without watering altogether.

Pruning of junipers is recommended for sanitary purposes - once a year, in the spring. There are varieties that require formative pruning, but most blue junipers are not one of them.

In the spring, junipers need to be protected from sunburn, and in the winter they need to be insulated from frost and pressure from the snow cover, which can break off the branches.

"Juniper, juniper,
Blue in autumn yellow.
Give me some berries, juniper,
Give me a thorn!”
/English folk song/

Description of the plant

Juniper (Cypress family) is a coniferous plant widely in demand in landscape design. Due to the presence of various shapes and sizes (from narrow and pyramidal giants to creeping dwarfs), it is suitable for realizing any gardener’s idea. Columnar junipers are used as an accent in landscape composition, and are also suitable for laying hedges. Creeping varieties look great in rock gardens and rockeries next to various ground covers and hosts. With the help of cutting and shaping, which the bush tolerates well, it can be given almost any shape.

The air of the area where juniper grows is saturated with a unique aroma: the plant emits a large amount of phytoncides.

The noble colors of evergreen needles range from bright green to steel blue, with some varieties adding shades of yellow and gold.

The remarkable benefits of juniper are:

  • undemanding to soil fertility
  • shade tolerance
  • drought resistance
  • frost resistance (-40gr)
  • longevity
  • highly decorative regardless of the season

Types and varieties

The following types of juniper have the largest distribution area under natural conditions in our country: common, Siberian and Cossack.

Common juniper– has creeping (up to 50 cm), shrubby (1-3 meters) and tree-like (up to 12 meters) forms. Bark various shades gray color. Distributed not only in Russia, but also throughout our latitudes, from Canada to Japan.

For planting, you should choose open, well-lit places. It is undemanding to soil fertility, but does not develop well on dense clay soils.

Common juniper does not tolerate transplantation well, so specimens taken from the forest rarely take root.

Has high frost resistance.

Common juniper cones are widely used as a spice, for making wine, smoking various products, and as a medicinal raw material.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape


Hibernica3,5 bluishcolumnar
Meyer4 silverwide-pointed
Sentinel4 greencolumnar
Suecica10 greennarrow, columnar

Medium height

Horstmann1,5-2 greenweeping
Compressa1 bluishcolumnar
Suecica nana1,5-2 bluecolumnar
Suecica aurea1-1,5 yellow, yellow-greencolumnar, narrow


Repanda0,3-0,5 dark greencreeping, round, flat
Hornibrookii0,5 green with light stripescreeping
Spotty Spreader0,2 green, white-greencreeping
Nana aurea0,5 yellow-goldencreeping
Green Carpet0,1 light greencreeping

Siberian juniper differs from ordinary juniper in its smaller needles and low creeping bush height. Grows in mountainous areas. More decorative than common juniper, thanks to its two-color needles - green with white shades.

Juniper Cossack- a widespread shrub in the European part of Russia, the Southern Urals, Altai, and the mountains of Central Asia. Creeping forms predominate. Very unpretentious and drought-resistant, it grows with a dense cover due to the easy rooting of branches. As it grows it may take large area, so perennial flowers and shrubs should be planted next to it with caution. It lends itself well to cutting and shaping. It has good endurance - tolerates both drought and frost. Looks good against the background of a lawn or in a rock garden. It differs from common juniper in the toxicity of its cones and specific odor. Upon contact with the ground, the branches take root on their own. In addition to decorative functions, it can also perform practical ones: its roots strengthen the slopes well.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Tamariscifolia1 bluishprostrate
Variegata0,5 green with white highlightsprostrate
Cupressifolia0,5 bluish-greenwide, creeping
Erecta2 dark greenpyramidal
Arcaida0,5 light greenprostrate
Fastigiata5-8 dark greennarrow-columnar
Femina1-1,5 dark greenwide spread

Juniper squamosus- a shrub with dense branches and dark brown bark. Habitat: China, Taiwan, Himalayas. Differs from other species in less frost resistance. It has a dense, decorative crown. The needles are sharp-needled, very hard.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Blue carpet0,3 blueflat, wide
Blue Star1,5-2 bluewide, dense, semicircular
Meyeri2-5 bluishprostrate
golden flame2-5 yellow-variegatedprostrate
Loderi1-1,5 green-blueweak-pointed

(prostrate) in nature lives mainly in the USA and Canada. Creeping shrub with long branches. Doesn't tolerate well low humidity air. Characterized by slow growth.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Admirabilis0,25 bluishbraided, dense
Adpressa0,15 green, white-greenbraided, dense
Bar Harbor dark green, gray-greenthick, lying, prostrate
Blue chip0,3 bluecompact
Douglasii0,5 silver-greencreeping, whip-like
Golden Carpet0,1 yellow-greencreeping, dense
Blue Forest0,4 silver bluedense, raised up
Winter Blue0,3 silver-green, blue in wintercreeping, shoots raised
Prince of Wales0,3 bluecreeping
Limeglow0,4 lemon yellowvase shape
Ice Blue0,15 bluish-greencreeping, with long shoots
Hughes0,5 silver bluecreeping

Chinese juniper grows naturally in China and other Asian countries. It has tree-like and creeping forms. Quite hardy, but in dry climates it may suffer from lack of air humidity. Slow growing, does not tolerate frost well when young.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Strict2,5 bluish-greennarrow-pointed
Blue Alps2,5-4 green-silvercompact
Spartan6 greencolumnar
Plumosa aurea1 yellowwide, spread out
Leeana10 bright greencolumnar, dense
Ketelerii10 greenpin-shaped, dense
Gold coast1 golden yellowwide, flat
Pfitzeriana aurea1 yellow-greenwide, spreading

The most common are tall columnar shapes. Can be used to create a hedge. It grows naturally in Canada and the USA, and in Russia it is widely represented in parks due to its sustainability and high decorative value. Shade-tolerant, winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Does not tolerate transplantation well. In places where it grows naturally, its wood is used to make pencils. In plantings it goes well with deciduous trees and shrubs. It is not picky regarding the soil, grows well on loams and clay soils.

Rock juniper. It grows naturally in the USA. There are both tree and shrub forms. Close to Juniperus virginiana. Does not tolerate shading well, spreading branches suffer from snowfall and need to be tied up.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Blue Arrow2-3 gray-bluecolumnar
Globe2 silver-greenround
Skyrocket3 gray-greennarrow
Repens0,5 bluecreeping
Table tor2 silver bluespreading


Plants with a closed root system purchased from a nursery can be planted at any time of the year. It is enough to provide the seedling with good watering for the first time. Planting of rooted cuttings and seedlings in a permanent place is carried out in spring or autumn.

Choose a sunny place for planting. In the shade, plants with variegated needles will inevitably lose their decorative effect.

Although the plant is undemanding to the soil, when planting it is necessary to proceed from the area where it grows in its natural environment. The soil for Cossack and common juniper needs to be slightly alkaline (lime or dolmite flour is added to the planting site in the fall). Some species do well on rocky soils. Juniperus virginiana prefers loams and black soil. It is necessary to choose a place and neighbors taking into account the growth of the plant.

How to plant juniper correctly:

  1. We prepare a planting hole measuring 1 by 1 m.
  2. For plants that do not like stagnant moisture, we arrange drainage: pour crushed stone and broken bricks into the bottom of the hole.
  3. Carefully remove the seedling from the container and lower it into the hole (without deepening it).
  4. Cover with soil and water generously.

Planted plants need more careful regular watering than in any other supplements. In winter, their needles may be damaged by heavy snowfall, so the branches of tall and medium-sized shrubs must be tied up. To prevent burning, creeping forms are covered with spunbond, but usually only young plants need this in the 1st and 2nd years after planting.

Important! Replanting juniper is undesirable: it is very difficult to dig up the plant without damaging the tap root.

When choosing a type of shrub, be guided by its place of growth in nature. For regions with a hot climate, the most suitable are Cossack and Virginia juniper. For the middle latitudes of Russia - Chinese, horizontal, scaly, ordinary.

The plant propagates by seeds, rooted layering and cuttings. Before planting, the seeds must be stratified (keep in the refrigerator for about a month), and before planting, scarify - cut off the hard shell. For better germination, add soil from under adult bushes to the sowing site. Shoots appear in 1-3 years.

The simplest method of propagation is by rooted layering. In creeping forms, branches often take root on their own when they come into contact with the ground. Such a branch can be carefully trimmed and transplanted to a new place with a lump of earth.

Green cuttings for propagation are taken only from young plants, cut into pieces and soaked in a solution of a root formation stimulator. Cuttings of columnar varieties are planted straight, while cuttings of creeping varieties are planted obliquely. The appearance of new buds indicates that the cutting has taken root.

Juniper diseases

1. Physiological drying of needles.

Occurs in winter, especially on the sunny side. In the needles, under the influence of the sun, active photosynthesis begins to occur, for which the roots do not provide nutrition, since the ground is frozen. Columnar crowns are especially affected. Prevention - wrapping with covering material, pouring warm water on the roots.

2. Rust.

A fungal disease that appears as orange growths on branches. Diseased branches must be cut out and burned. Prevention – treatment with fungicidal preparations (“Tilt”, “Skor”, “Bayleton”, “Vectra”), separation of plantings with fruit trees(apple tree, pear tree), since it is from them that the junipers become infected.

A fungal disease that appears at the beginning of summer: last year’s needles turn yellow, then black dots appear on it. Dried branches must be cut out and burned. Prevention: treatment with fungicidal preparations (Skor, Ridomil Gold, Strobi, Quadris).

4. Drying of branches.

Can affect junipers of all types. It appears in the spring: first small branches turn yellow, then the disease covers an increasingly larger area of ​​the bush. Dark spots appear on the needles and bark. Caused by several types of fungi. The reason for the appearance is improper planting of the plant: thickening, heavy soil, stagnation of water. Diseased, withered branches must be cut out and burned, and fallen needles must be collected. If the affected area is large, the bush is uprooted. For prevention, it is necessary to follow planting rules and treat juniper in spring and autumn with fungicidal preparations.

Junipers in landscape design

Junipers are widely used in landscape design. Evergreen conifers are especially beautiful in the winter landscape, and in summer they highlight beautifully flowering plants. Shrubs of dwarf creeping forms are indispensable for rockeries and alpine hills. Tall specimens will create a beautiful accent in compositions with an all-round view, and a row of columnar junipers will cover the fence in the background. Pruning and shaping juniper allows you to give it almost any shape.

Examples of ready-made compositions using junipers:

1. For illuminated places.

The basis of the composition is decorative conifers. Primroses will begin to bloom in the spring, followed by spirea and daylilies in the summer. This composition will look beautiful against the background of lawn grass, it includes:

  1. Day-lily
  2. Primrose
  3. Spiraea japonica Little Princess
  4. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd
  5. Thuja occidentalis Danica
  6. Juniper Andorra

2. In lilac tones for illuminated places and partial shade.

The purple leaves of bladderwrack, barberry and heuchera are set off by white clusters of spirea and a scattering of cinquefoil flowers. Blue juniper needles give the composition nobility and depth. Composition:

  1. Heuchera Palace Purpl
  2. Barberry Atropurpurea Nana
  3. Cinquefoil Royal Flush
  4. Rock juniper Blue Arrow
  5. Juniper scaly Blue Carpet
  6. Spiraea Grefsheim
  7. Diabolo