Is it possible to grow oriental poppy on the plot? What kind of poppy can be planted on the site. Unpretentiousness is their strong point

Many in Russia were amazed by what happened to Perm labor veteran Yegor Mikhailov. My grandfather was sentenced to a suspended sentence for growing opium poppies on his property. This story was reported by many media outlets, including RIA Novosti. The trouble with the pensioner happened only because, according to him, he brought fertile soil to his plot, which contained the ill-fated seeds.

Poppy with its bright scarlet flowers grows in many Russian gardens. And not everyone knows how to determine whether they are committing a crime without waging a fierce fight against this plant. To save our readers from possible trouble, we decided today to tell you what types of poppies you can grow on your plot and how normal poppies differ from opium poppies.

Opium poppy: how to identify an enemy by external signs

The harmless common poppy is very similar to its opium counterpart. However, if you look closely, this enemy, who is capable of setting you up badly, can be identified by appearance. Here are a few signs that can save you from trouble:

  • opium varieties of the plant always contain abundant milky juice, whereas in regular varieties it's almost gone;

  • the “criminal” poppy has leathery leaves, while the “normal” one has very thin leaves;
  • there is always a rich waxy coating on the outer parts of Datura;
  • normal poppy has thin-walled, segmented bolls with tubercles on the surface, while abnormal poppy has thick-walled, non-segmented and completely smooth bolls;

  • The stigma rays of the common poppy are rounded and narrow, they lack a thin membranous margin, and the stigmas of the opium poppy are always blunt and wide, they have membranous edges.

What varieties of poppy can be grown without fear?

The poppy color is extremely beautiful. Therefore, you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of contemplating this splendor. You just need to know what to sow on your plot or simply what varieties can not be prohibited from growing there. The number of safe poppy varieties significantly exceeds the number of those for which you can pay with freedom. The most beautiful among them include:

  • self-seeding;
  • holostem poppy;

  • poppies peacock and modified.

The advantage of the self-sown poppy is that it belongs to perennial crops. Gardeners don’t even have to make any effort to ensure that its flowers decorate their summer cottage every year.

Do you know how to competently begin rational and beautiful arrangement his summer cottage? The one we published a little earlier will help you with this.

The peculiarity of the holostem poppy is its early beginning of flowering and its late end. That is, all summer long he is able to delight the eyes and soul of the summer resident. Its flowers can be orange, yellow, white and, of course, red.

Peacock and modified poppies are annuals. Their flowers are very beautiful, but in order to admire this beauty, these plants must be specially sown.

So, there is no need to be afraid of poppies. The fate of a Perm pensioner does not shine for you if you have a head on your shoulders and good enough eyesight. The “prison-bearing” poppy can be distinguished without much difficulty from the poppy that does not threaten imprisonment.

Published Published by Savenkov December 17 2014 17:57:49


Many people have the opinion that hemp and poppy are prohibited for cultivation in Russia. The media even persistently published information that this ban was put in place by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 12, 1987 N 695 “ On the prohibition of sowing and growing oilseed poppy by citizens". In fact, this decree prohibited the cultivation of poppies by citizens for personal plots citizens, but not by agricultural collective enterprises or associations. And collective farms themselves stopped growing this highly profitable crop due to the beginning of the collapse of collective and state farms and the growth of drug phobia. This has led to the fact that we receive food poppy and opium painkillers only from abroad, which means we are completely dependent on restrictive SANCTIONS of a political nature.
On June 21, 2011, Chairman of the State Anti-Drug Committee, Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia Viktor Ivanov at next meeting The State Anti-Drug Committee stated: “ The confectionery poppy seed market in Russia today amounts to 20 thousand tons annually. However, work domestic manufacturer it has been prohibited since 1987 by a decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. This strange, to say the least, decision gave rise to massive (highly profitable) channels for the supply of foreign-made products, which poppy straw smugglers became addicted to».
68% of poppy seeds in Russia are supplied by the Czech Republic; in addition, poppy supplies to the Russian Federation are carried out by Spain, France, the Netherlands and other countries, which, at the expense of Russia, have actually increased the amount of acreage and jobs.
Later, statements by FSKN employees appeared that poppy crops were prohibited by government decree Russian Federation dated September 3, 2004 N 454 “ On the prohibition of the cultivation of plants containing narcotic substances on the territory of the Russian Federation». In fact, this decree prohibited the cultivation of only the following plants containing narcotic substances: ephedra (plant of the species Ephedra L); cactus containing mescaline (plant of the species Lophophora williamsii). At the same time, the cultivation of poppy and hemp was prohibited only for the purposes of Article 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and for citizens it was indicated that the large size for the illegal cultivation of poppy was 10 plants, and for hemp - 20. (The sown area under industrial hemp crops in those years was more than 4 thousand hectares).
The above Government resolution was replaced by a new resolution dated November 27, 2010 No. 934 “On approval of the list of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors and subject to control in the Russian Federation, large and especially large-scale cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, for the purposes of Article 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as on amendments and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of trafficking in plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors.” It approved the List of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors and subject to control in the Russian Federation. Note, control, not prohibition!!!
Thus, the statement that the cultivation of industrial varieties of poppy and hemp in Russia is prohibited is fundamentally incorrect and not based on law.
Clause 4 of Article 2.1 federal law « About narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances" prescribes that « The control measures provided for in paragraph 3 of this article do not apply to varieties of narcotic plants permitted for cultivation for industrial purposes. (except for the production and manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances), and their parts" That is, in the Russian Federation the cultivation of poppy and hemp varieties for industrial purposes is permitted!
What prevents the cultivation of poppy in Russia if the current legislation does not interfere? Law enforcement practices that are not based on the law and the lack of logic on the part of law enforcement officials are hampers. The law clearly stipulates that in the Russian Federation the circulation is prohibited or controlled narcotic drugs, not drugs. Poppy and hemp are not one of them!!!
For literate people it is immediately clear that there is a huge distance between a narcotic drug and a narcotic substance. According to the law " narcotic drugs - substances of synthetic or natural origin, DRUGS included in the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, including the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 year A". That is, narcotic drugs have a preparative form ready for use for narcotic purposes.
Based on the logic of the law, plants containing narcotic substances, mixtures in which narcotic substances and a neutral component are not in a preparative form should not be considered as narcotic drugs. For example, a mixture of sand and clay, on which a drug addict spat, in which experts discovered the presence of a narcotic substance, the urine of a drug addict, in which traces of narcotic drugs were found, food poppy containing microimpurities of poppy straw, since such mixtures are unsuitable for direct anesthesia, and narcotic drugs CANNOT be obtained from them in an easily accessible manner.
According to the logic of the law mentioned above, a mixture of a narcotic substance with a filler that does not allow its use as a drug should not be considered a narcotic drug.
According to the Narcotic Drugs Convention of 1961 (hereinafter referred to as Convention 61), parts of the cut opium poppy plant (the so-called poppy straw) are NOT a narcotic drug.
Moreover, the parties to Convention 61, knowing that a significant part of narcotic drugs are medicines, clearly indicated that only drugs included in Schedule I of Convention 61 are considered narcotic drugs, and drugs with a lower percentage of narcotic substances are not classified as narcotic drugs and are included in other Lists of Convention 61.
But in the fight against the drug threat, our country is ahead of the rest, and therefore poppy straw - parts of the cut opium poppy plant - is included in List I of narcotic drugs prohibited for circulation. This created a stalemate that practically banned, contrary to the law, poppy sowing in Russia, since poppy cultivation always produces poppy straw, which is prohibited by law. Hence, there is an actual ban on the circulation of edible poppy seeds in the territory of the Russian Federation in any form of such circulation. Hence the numerous criminal cases against sellers of edible poppy seeds.
As part of the Federal Target Program “Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking for 2002-2009”, the first in Russia varieties of oilseed poppy with a low content of narcotic alkaloids, “Parus” (morphine content in pods less than 0.15%) were created at the Penza Research Institute of Agriculture. and “Pearls” (morphine content in boxes less than 0.1%). These varieties were recognized as conditionally non-narcotic and included in State Register selection achievements approved for cultivation on the territory of the Russian Federation. But they did not dare to cultivate, because they considered that a formal obstacle to this was the lack of direct permission for the cultivation of poppy in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 460 of July 20, 2007 “ On establishing varieties of narcotic plants permitted for cultivation for industrial purposes, requirements for such varieties and conditions for their cultivation » .
And then the Penza Research Institute of Agriculture and the Russian Agricultural Academy came up with a legislative initiative to introduce such changes to the Government of the Russian Federation No. 460, which would allow the cultivation of oil poppy in our country and would put an end to Russia’s dependence on the import of foreign products. I was one of the authors of the draft amendments.
The initiative was positively received by the Ministry Agriculture. It was approved in the media by the head of the Anti-Drug Committee of the Russian Federation and at the same time the director of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Ivanov.
At the time of the events described, there was no regulatory act in the Russian Federation prohibiting the content of narcotic impurities natural for the poppy plant in poppy seeds and edible poppy. However, GOST R 52533 -2006 “Poppy food. Specifications", which is not a mandatory normative act, did not allow the presence of weeds organic impurity, including poppy straw, and also contained an unenacted ban on the presence of narcotic drugs in edible poppy. This was not only a formal basis for the persecution of the “grocers”, but also prevented the revival own production edible poppy.
In the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia in 2012 it was created working group on the preparation of regulations and other documents regulating the use of oil poppy and hemp in the food and processing industry. I was also included in its composition. In 2013, GOST R 52533-2006 was brought into compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, and impossible requirements to prevent the content of narcotic drugs in poppy seeds were excluded from it. A draft amendment to Government Resolution No. 460 was also prepared. It was published on the Government website, but has not been approved to date. Probable Cause- disagreement between the positions of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Agriculture.
So is it possible to grow poppy in Russia? De jure - you can! De facto - no!

I was very lucky - I found my grandfather alive. When I was little, my grandfather was harvesting wheat near their house (he worked as a combine operator), and my grandmother sometimes asked me to bring him lunch wrapped in a towel. And when returning home, I managed to put together a bouquet for my grandmother from ears of corn picked along the way and simple wildflowers.

I still like them. And today, having bought a dacha, I decided to arrange in the yard a not fashionable rose garden or alpine slide, and a mini-field with spikelets (we then collect them and sprout them for salads), cornflowers, daisies, and of course, poppies.

At least flowers decorative poppy“live” only a couple of days; by sowing the entire bag, you can get more than twenty bushes. Each one produces several flowers... In general, such a flowerbed will bloom for about a month.

Everyone knows that poppies are red. But they can also be white, pink, and purple.

The process of blooming of this flower is simply mesmerizing, and everything happens very quickly:

One bad thing: it is difficult to cut to place in the house. First of all, poppies don't last long. Secondly, the petals of this culture are so tender that you barely touch them, and creases immediately appear on them. Therefore, I immediately mulch the flowerbed, because it is very difficult to get rid of weeds and at the same time not injure the poppy flowers.

But the decorative poppy:

  • not picky about the soil;
  • is not afraid of both cold snap and drought;
  • can perfectly decorate an open flowerbed without being afraid of light.

This unpretentious plant He is afraid of only one thing - a wetland. Therefore, it is better to choose a flowerbed for it with loose soil. And if it is also nutritious, the flowers will bloom - a treat for all the neighbors.

Is it legal to grow such flowers?

  1. Decorative poppy is not edible (the so-called soporific poppy), it does not have narcotic properties, which means it can be planted. True, not all species: we are also advised to refuse oriental, bract-bearing, and bristlecone poppies.
  2. You can plant up to 10 bushes on your site for beauty. If there is more, the “organs” may become worried.

In any case, I would advise this: if the situation in your area is not the calmest (drug addicts live in business - this is easy to understand from the frequent petty thefts), and you really like poppy, choose not red, but other decorative shades of the flower.

For example, you can sow purple or pink poppies (there are such among the Eastern Pikoti). After all, you can’t explain to various scoundrels that the “wrong” poppy is growing in a flowerbed - when they see simple red petals, they will still fit in and will only trample the flowers in vain.

Important: there is also Peony poppy (Papaver). It is not similar to food, but is also considered a narcotic, and some bad people they are hunting him. Therefore, you can plant such beauty only if your fence is high and without holes.

The most striking types and varieties

Poppy can be different - annual and perennial, with bare and fluffy leaves. The poppy genus includes up to 100 different types(+ varieties).

We mainly grow perennials in our flower beds.


Tall (up to 80 cm) crop with large, densely pubescent leaves.

The flowers are scarlet and often have a black dot near the base. Their diameter is about 11 cm. They bloom from May to June.

This is a convenient culture. Seeds can be sown both in spring and late autumn, they can be stored for up to 3 years. Poppy reproduces well by dividing the bush.

If flowers are cut at the bud stage (burst, with petals visible), they can stand in a vase for several days.

The most interesting varieties:

  • Perry white. This tall (up to 90 cm) poppy has the standard black dots near the base, but its petals are not red, but white.

  • Picoti. In the photo it is orange, but in nature it is milky flowers bordered with bright red.

  • Goliath. Standard red flowers.

  • Salmon Glow. Semi-double variety. The center of the flowers is dark, the base color of the petals is pink (salmon).

  • Kleine Tanzerin. A pink ruffled variety named after the ballerina skirt it closely resembles.

Siberian (holostem)

In cold climates it is often an annual, and in warm climates it is a perennial (but it is not worth keeping such a poppy in a flowerbed for more than three years without updating).

Despite the name, the leaves of this poppy can be not only bare, but also with edges.

The flowers bloom small (up to a maximum of 5 cm), but a lot of them grow on the bushes at once. Shades of petals: orange, yellow, white. In addition, having started in May, such a crop will bloom until frost. If desired, they can also be cut, but you only need to select half buds.

You might be interested in this variety:

  • Atlant. Low (up to 20 cm) perennial. It blooms yellow and white, the flower size is up to 5 cm. They begin to bloom in June and continue to bloom for up to 2 months.

Propagated by seeds. Moreover, they are so tenacious that if they fall into the ground in a flower bed, they can survive the winter just fine, and in the spring you will notice that the poppy is trying to take over the entire yard.

Bractose (Beshtaugorsky)

A giant among domestic poppies, it grows up to 130 cm. And the rest of the plant matches it: flowers are 16 cm in diameter, leaves are almost half a meter long.

Unfortunately, these luxurious scarlet flowers with black dots in the calyx bloom only in the spring and do not bloom for long.

Terry (peony)

Not only are the flowers of this poppy simply “studded” with petals, but its leaves also do not look like poppy leaves - they are not dissected, smooth.

This type, despite all its decorativeness, is considered unpretentious.

The most respectable varieties:

  • Black cloud. Tall (up to a meter) annual. The flowers are solitary, up to 10 cm, bloom from July to August.

  • Salmon cloud. An annual of the same “growth” and flower size. Blooms in July.

This poppy is also called Papaver. Although in fact this word is not a variety or a species, but the same poppy, but in Latin. This miracle blooms for up to a month.


And this is already an annual. Moreover this type the most interesting, since you can see everything in it: double and semi-double flowers, one- and two-color petals.

The most popular varieties of this type of poppy are recognized:

  • Silk moire. This semi-double bicolor beauty with bright yellow centers grows quite noticeably - up to 80 cm.
  • Morning song. The variety is similar to the previous one, but there are already pink, crimson, and purple lush flowers. But in my opinion, the most interesting thing is the coloring in the photo: red petals, as if covered with frost.
  • Order of the Crusaders. A red “standard” poppy, the center of which is not black, but light, as if decorated with a miniature cross.

Propagation of poppy seeds

Seeds are sown in seedling boxes.

When the sprouts are decorated with 2 true leaves, they can be picked into separate containers. It is ideal to use peat pots for this - the plants do not even have to be removed from them when planting in open ground, because with this “dishes” the sprouts are dug into the flowerbed.

If it is a perennial, it should be sown immediately after collecting the seeds. Such poppies are planted in a flowerbed even in the fall, and for the winter they are hidden under a ball of fallen leaves.

Subtleties of poppy care in open ground

  • Occasionally, a flower bed with blooming poppies needs to be watered. Just not too generously: if the poppy is not very afraid of poor (sandy, rocky) soil, then stagnation of water is a serious problem for it.
  • The soil should be fluffed up from time to time.
  • This crop can be fed with humus. By the way, it is not necessary to dilute it and introduce it using a watering can - you can mulch the bed with humus once. This will solve the nutrition problem and create a barrier to weeds (I won’t say completely impenetrable, but still noticeable).
  • Bushes need to be freed from dry leaves from time to time. Do not tear them off, but cut them off, otherwise you may injure the plant.
  • Perennial crops can grow in your flowerbed for up to 6 years. Then it is better to update them. It is not necessary to throw them away and sow new ones. You can simply transplant the bushes from place to place. Do this in late autumn, during the “wet” season. And be careful with the roots - it’s better to roll them over without shaking off the soil.

He will tell you more about growing such poppies (while showing everything on by example) florist in this video:

The correct answer to the question of what kind of poppy can be grown in the country: none. Many summer residents are sure that the ban applies only to opium poppy, while oriental poppy, for example, can be planted, but wild poppy generally grows on its own, without demand. There is an opinion that “our northern” poppies, unlike the “southern” ones, do not contain anything narcotic and that it is not prohibited to have up to 3 poppy bushes - so to speak, for beauty - on the site.

In fact, all of the above are misconceptions. As explained by the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region, sowing any varieties of poppy is prohibited, since they all contain opium. According to the law, there should not be any poppy in the dacha; it cannot be planted either for culinary purposes or for beauty, and the number of bushes does not matter either; even one scarlet “poppy” by the fence is illegal. By the way, more than 10 poppy bushes are already large-scale plantings, and the gardener can have major problems because of them.

It happens that a summer resident has not gone to his plot for a long time and is simply not aware that not only is there grass near the house, but also poppy has grown there. If it really has grown, the owner of the dacha may be in for another unpleasant and unsafe surprise - drug addicts may take note of the area. It is their interest in other people's poppy bushes that makes even the most avid gardeners, who, out of old memory, still continue to grow them, give up poppy.

How events will develop if the owner of the poppy plantings does not know about them was explained by the State Drug Control Department for the Moscow Region:

– Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. The owner of the site will receive an official order from the authorized body to destroy wild drug-containing plants and will have to take all necessary measures. For a law-abiding citizen, this will all end.

For poppy in the countryside, you can be warned, fined and even convicted - it all depends on how the poppy bushes ended up on the site, in what quantity they were found and how the summer resident reacted to the official order to destroy his plantation. For “failure to take measures,” ordinary citizens can receive a fine of up to 2 thousand rubles, legal entities– up to 40 thousand. As for the deliberate sowing and cultivation of prohibited plants, for such cases the Criminal Code has Article 231. According to it, these crimes “are punishable by a fine of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or by restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or by imprisonment for the same term.” This is how things stand with poppy plantings.


In addition to poppy, in Russia it is prohibited to sow and grow for any purpose the khat bush, hemp, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, coca bush, Williams lophophora cactus containing mescaline, and ephedra, which, by the way, grows on its own like a weed in the southern regions.


What kind of poppy can be grown in a personal flower garden? Remember the poem: “The third grade sowed poppies, not in a flowerbed, just like that...”? In the time of Agnia Barto, this was still possible, but now the poppy is a forbidden flower, even if it is “just like that.” Although, as it turns out, not all gardeners know about this. The correct answer to the question of what kind of poppy can be grown in the country: none. Many summer residents are sure that the ban applies only to opium poppy, while oriental poppy, for example, can be planted, but wild poppy generally grows on its own, without demand. There is an opinion that “our northern” poppies, unlike the “southern” ones, do not contain anything narcotic and that it is not prohibited to have up to 3 poppy bushes - so to speak, for beauty - on the site. In fact, all of the above are misconceptions. As explained by the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region, sowing any varieties of poppy is prohibited, since they all contain opium. According to the law, there should not be any poppy in the dacha; it cannot be planted either for culinary purposes or for beauty, and the number of bushes does not matter either; even one scarlet “poppy” by the fence is illegal. By the way, more than 10 poppy bushes are already large plantings, and the gardener can have major problems because of them. It happens that a summer resident has not gone to his plot for a long time and is simply not aware that not only is there grass near the house, but also poppy has grown there. If it really has grown, the owner of the dacha may be in for another unpleasant and unsafe surprise - drug addicts may take note of the area. It is their interest in other people's poppy bushes that makes even the most avid gardeners, who, out of old memory, still continue to grow them, give up poppy. How events will develop if the owner of the poppy plantings does not know about them was explained by the State Drug Control Department for the Moscow Region: - Ignorance of the laws does not exempt from responsibility. The owner of the site will receive an official order from the authorized body to destroy wild drug-containing plants and will have to take all necessary measures. For a law-abiding citizen, this will all end. For poppy in the countryside, you can be warned, fined, and even convicted - it all depends on how the poppy bushes ended up on the site, in what quantity they were found, and how the summer resident responded to the official order to destroy his plantation. For “failure to take measures,” ordinary citizens can receive a fine of up to 2 thousand rubles, legal entities - up to 40 thousand. As for the intentional sowing and cultivation of prohibited plants, the Criminal Code has Article 231 for such cases. According to it, these crimes “are punishable by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or by restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years, or by imprisonment for the same term.” This is how things stand with poppy plantings. Important! In addition to poppy, in Russia it is prohibited to sow and grow for any purpose the khat bush, hemp, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, coca bush, Williams lophophora cactus containing mescaline, and ephedra, which, by the way, grows on its own like a weed in the southern regions.