Is it possible to plant Victoria in humus? How to plant strawberries correctly in August: rules and secrets. Preparing the soil for planting a new berry plantation

Work on transplanting strawberries in the spring should begin as early as possible, immediately after the snow melts and there is no danger of night frosts. Usually, favorable conditions for transplantation develop already in early April. But you can also postpone transplanting work until the end of April - beginning of May, but during this period the strawberries will grow much slower.

And yet autumn is the most better time for replanting strawberries. At the beginning of autumn it is still warm enough for the bushes to get stronger and take root before the onset of frost, but there is no longer the burning sun threatening the delicate leaves sunburn.

Transplanting strawberries to a new place: when and how

The best time to replant strawberries is from September to October.

Victoria planting in autumn

One of popular varieties large-fruited garden strawberries called Victoria. In the summer, it flaunts on the beds of most dachas, since the requirements for its cultivation are not too high, and a bountiful harvest more than pays for all the effort expended. This berry is planted as in spring period, and in the autumn. Let's consider in the article how to plant Victoria correctly in the fall so that it does not suffer in the fall. winter period and pleased with juicy aromatic fruits in the summer.

Selecting a site for planting Victoria

This berry belongs to the remontant varieties, which allows you to delay the planting of Victoria until late autumn. However, it is better to avoid extremes; after all, the plant must have time to take root, otherwise there is a high risk that the bushes will die in winter or give an extremely low yield in the first year. Victoria is planted in a well-lit, flat area, protected from the winds. If you grow plants in lowlands, they often get sick and produce low yields. Also in lowlands it often happens high humidity, which negatively affects the winter hardiness of garden strawberries. A windy area is especially dangerous in winter - if the wind blows the snow away from the area, the plants will die from frost.

Victoria's predecessors

Victoria is a finicky berry in planting from the point of view of crop rotation. Being perennial plant, she has not lived in one place for more than 4 years and requires a transplant. The plant will take root well if legumes, beets, onions, carrots, oats, rye, dill and garlic grew on the site before it. You should strictly avoid such precursors as cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, nightshades and strawberries. The area where strawberries were already growing will be unsuitable for planting Victoria for at least 5 years.

Preparing the soil for autumn planting

Before planting Victoria in the fall, you need to take care of summer soil preparation. Typically, gardeners add humus to the soil a month before the intended planting (about 3 kg per square meter) and dig it up, then level it and trample it down. It is important to get rid of the roots of other plants and insect larvae when digging.

How and when should strawberries be replanted?

Sandy loam soil is ideal for Victoria, so sand is often added when digging.

Rules for planting Victoria garden strawberries

Directly planting Victoria in the fall is no different from planting in any other season. The soil is loosened to a depth of about 8 cm, furrows are made in it and watered abundantly. Correct fit Victoria requires the following distances between bushes to be provided - 25 cm between plants in the same row and 60 cm between beds. If Victoria roots exceed 7 cm, they should be trimmed. It is important to lower the roots vertically into the ground to ensure rapid growth of the root system, and place the apical bud strictly at ground level. The technology for planting Victoria involves further compacting the soil near the bush, watering it and mulching with sawdust with a layer of 5 cm. If you decide to plant Victoria on a covering material, secure it to the bed before planting the plants and make holes in the places where the garden bushes will grow. strawberries

Caring for autumn-planted Victoria

This is not to say that caring for Victoria requires some intricate actions. In dry weather, watering is required; loosening the soil around the bushes and weeding is also necessary. Regarding aftercare autumn planting, then it is important to take care of protecting the plants from frost. There is no need to rush when the first autumn frosts begin; give Victoria the opportunity to experience them for herself, to harden herself in some way. When the temperature drops to -6°C, you can cover the plants, for example, cover them autumn leaves layer of 15 cm. Be sure to remove the cover in early spring so that the plants do not wither and die.

Which summer gardener doesn’t wait for summer to enjoy strawberries from their garden? And so that the garden bed pleases you year after year excellent harvests, strawberries need to be properly cared for, in particular, replanted on time. You can find out when you can replant strawberries from our article.

When should you replant strawberries?

The need to replant young strawberry shoots usually arises in the fourth year after planting, when the old bushes finally weaken and are unable to produce a full harvest.

When else can you replant strawberries?

In principle, you can replant strawberries at any time. convenient time- in summer, autumn, and spring. Naturally, for replanting work, dormant periods are chosen, when strawberries do not bloom or bear fruit.

When to replant strawberries in the spring?

Work on transplanting strawberries in the spring should begin as early as possible, immediately after the snow melts and there is no danger of night frosts. Usually, favorable conditions for transplantation develop already in early April.

Strawberries in autumn - planting, replanting, feeding and care

But you can also postpone transplanting work until the end of April - beginning of May, but during this period the strawberries will grow much slower.

When to replant strawberries in summer?

In summer, strawberries should be replanted in late July - early August, choosing cool evenings for this and watering the beds abundantly to prevent them from drying out. To prevent the soil in the strawberry bed from forming a crust, its surface should be mulched.

When is the best time to replant strawberries in the fall?

Still, autumn is the best time to replant strawberries. At the beginning of autumn it is still warm enough for the bushes to have time to get stronger and take root before the onset of frost, but there is no longer the burning sun that threatens the tender leaves with sunburn. The best time to replant strawberries is from September to October.

Transplanting strawberries in summer

You can transplant strawberries both in early autumn and in summer time. The process of transplanting strawberries in summer is not much more complicated, but it requires some additional knowledge. In this article we will look at the basic rules and advice from experienced gardeners.

Can strawberries be replanted in the summer?

Beginners in gardening do not always decide to replant or plant plants in the summer, for fear of ruining the seedlings. Therefore, the question of whether strawberries can be replanted in the summer quite naturally arises sooner or later for any summer resident. Meanwhile, it is quite acceptable to rejuvenate strawberries in the summer, the main thing is to do it at the right time, in suitable weather and in accordance with all the rules. But not every bush is worth disturbing. The fact is that you should replant strawberries only when the mother bush is ready for it. To understand how many years to replant strawberries, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this plant.

In the first year after planting seedlings, strawberries adapt and gain strength in order to please you with a bountiful harvest the next season. And then within two years you will be able to harvest the berries. After three years, the bush becomes old and fruiting is significantly reduced, and then it’s time to replant.

You can replant strawberries in the summer and thereby rejuvenate the mother bush, but this should be done correctly. Below we will look at the basic rules and subtleties of this matter.

How to replant strawberries in summer?

So, first you should wait until the harvest is completed. You should also prepare and select the bush wisely.

When can you replant strawberries?

Different varieties give different quantities shoots. If the variety you choose is valuable and there is a desire to propagate it, only two or three shoots are left. A larger amount will simply deplete the mother bush.

As soon as fruiting is completed, we begin to feed the young animals. This is the time you choose strong bushes and leave several powerful shoots on them. Experienced summer residents always adhere to two basic rules: never work on a hot day and choose only strong and well-rooted bushes.

Now let's look at the basic tips on how to replant strawberries in the summer:

  • a change of place is required (the best predecessors are carrots, beets with radishes, onions and garlic, celery and lettuce);
  • the soil under strawberries is depleted very quickly, so the soil must be fertile and fertilizing should be regular and timely;
  • if in your latitudes the summer is dry and hot, look for places between planting trees, otherwise the berries may burn;
  • Ideally, you should start replanting at the very end of summer, when the weather is cloudy and there is periodic light rain;
  • Many gardeners advise choosing two-year-old seedlings.

Before transplanting strawberries in the summer, the selected area is dug up and fertilizers are applied. The best additives would be either rotted manure or compost. Next, they dig up the area again and begin planting.

Not only the soil is prepared, but also the holes for each bush. This preparation is making the right choice size: the depth should be sufficient so that the roots can hang freely. The distance between plantings is approximately 40 cm. As soon as the hole is ready, it is watered abundantly and the bush is immediately planted.

As for planting material, it must be freshly dug. Do not allow the roots to dry out. Two bushes are planted in each planting hole. Never bury them too deep to avoid rotting. Next, you should take special care for the first few weeks and properly prepare for wintering.

Proper planting of strawberries

How to plant strawberries correctly to get a large and tasty harvest. June is the month of strawberries, because the most aromatic and sweet berries ripen. To enjoy your berries, you need to plant strawberry bushes correctly and on time. Let's figure out together how to do it correctly and when to plant strawberry mustaches.

What variety of strawberries should I plant?

There are quite a few varieties of strawberries. To extend fruiting and get berries during the summer, choose varieties with different ripening periods. Varieties differ not only in the time of fruiting, but also in the size, taste and shape of the berries.

It should be remembered that some varieties produce large berries, but there are only 2-3 of them on a bush. Other varieties, with medium-sized berries, will produce a lot of berries on one bush. Choose the seedlings correctly

Choosing the right seedlings

When buying strawberry seedlings, pay attention to the bushes. Good strawberry bushes should have 3-4 leaves and good root coverage. Do not buy old bushes that have already exposed their horns. The seedlings must be young!

When to plant strawberries?

Strawberries are usually planted in early spring or autumn. In spring, bushes are planted from early May to late April.

In autumn, strawberries are planted from August 15 to September 20. However, most people traditionally plant berries in the spring in order to get the first fruits almost immediately.

Where to plant strawberries?

Strawberries grow best in fertile, loose soils. Strawberry bushes do not like shading or standing close groundwater.

If you plant strawberries on a slope, then choose a warm southwestern slope for it.

How to plant strawberries?

When planting seedlings with open roots, you need to make a hole so that the roots of the bush do not curl up, but are evenly distributed. In the case of seedlings in closed pots, the holes should be made according to the size of the earthen ball.

It is important to ensure that when planting, the strawberry bush does not have a deepened heart. If after watering the seedlings sag slightly, it is better to immediately lift them a little.

Strawberries are almost never propagated by seeds, since the seeds will not retain the characteristics of the mother plant!!!

When planting, choose how best to place the bushes: in rows, in a checkerboard pattern or in double ribbons.

Some summer residents prefer to grow strawberries on a special material - geotextiles. In this case, there is not so much weeding, but it will be more difficult to root the tendrils from the mother plants.

Caring for strawberry seedlings

Strawberries are easier to plant than to care for.

How to properly replant strawberries in the fall

Plantation care involves numerous weedings, loosening, timely watering and fertilizing.

It is also necessary to constantly remove the whiskers that grow on strawberries all summer. If you do not trim the tendrils, the berries will become smaller and the plants will grow like a carpet.

It is important to protect strawberries from pests and diseases. Treatments must be carried out in a timely manner.

Remember, you cannot grow strawberries in one place for more than 4-5 years.

How to plant strawberries in spring?

There are not many people in the world who would be indifferent to strawberries. But there are probably many more people who would like to have their own strawberry plantation. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to plant strawberries in the spring and how to do it correctly.

Is it possible to plant strawberries in spring?

As with most perennials, you can propagate strawberries in both fall and spring. Autumn (more precisely, late summer, since it occurs in the last ten days of August) planting is justified in regions with a warm climate and mild winters. In more severe conditions, it is recommended to plant strawberries in the spring, so that the bushes have time to take root and become stronger before the weather worsens in the fall. But wait full harvest in year spring planting not worth it.

How to plant strawberries in spring?

Step 1 - find a suitable place

In order for strawberries to feel at ease in the garden, you need to choose the right place for planting them. It is best if the site is located on a slight elevation, oriented to the southwest. The soil must be both loose and nutritious, and also protected from possible accumulation of melt or groundwater. In this case, you definitely need to pay attention to the plants that grew in this place last season. The ideal predecessors for strawberries would be legumes, root vegetables or green manure, but it is highly not recommended to plant strawberries after nightshades.

Step 2 - prepare the bed

Strawberries are fairly “gluttonous” plants that require increased amounts of nutrients. Therefore, in the fall, the planned area must be dug up, carefully selecting the remains of weeds from the ground, and at the same time adding organic matter (humus or rotted manure) and mineral complexes to the soil. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the acidity of the soil - it should be no more than 5.5-6.0 pH.

Step 3 – choose a landing method

You can plant strawberries in the spring either in the traditional (uncovered) way or on agrofibre. For traditional planting, choose one of the following bed planning options:

  1. Planting with individual bushes. In this case, strawberries are planted at intervals of 50-65 cm, and then mustaches and weeds are carefully removed. This is a rather labor-intensive method, but it pays off due to the high quality of the harvest.
  2. Planting in rows. Strawberries are planted in rows with intervals of 20 cm between bushes and 40 cm between rows. Care, as in the previous case, requires a lot of effort.
  3. Planting in nests. Strawberries are planted in a hexagon shape, with one plant located in the center and the other six at a distance of 10 cm from it.

    When to replant strawberries

    This method makes sense when there is a need to place on small area a large number of planting material.

  4. Carpet planting. With this method, the mustache is not removed and the strawberries grow “wildly”, forming a kind of carpet.

How to plant strawberries on agrofibre in spring?

Planting on agrofibre is carried out as follows:

How deep to plant strawberries in spring?

Placing a bush at the required depth when planting is one of the keys to successful survival of seedlings. The most important rule– the “heart” of the strawberry rosette should in no case be below the soil level. It is optimal if it rises slightly above the garden bed, or, in extreme cases, is level with it.

One of the popular varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries is called Victoria. In the summer, it flaunts on the beds of most dachas, since the requirements for its cultivation are not too high, and a bountiful harvest more than pays for all the effort expended. This berry is planted both in spring and autumn. In this article we will look at how to properly plant Victoria in the fall so that it does not suffer in the winter and delights you with juicy, aromatic fruits in the summer.

Selecting a site for planting Victoria

This berry belongs to the variety, which allows you to delay the planting of Victoria until late autumn. However, it is better to avoid extremes; after all, the plant must have time to take root, otherwise there is a high risk that the bushes will die in winter or give an extremely low yield in the first year. Victoria is planted in a well-lit, flat area, protected from the winds. If you grow plants in lowlands, they often get sick and produce low yields. Also, in lowlands there is often high humidity, which negatively affects the winter hardiness of garden strawberries. A windy area is especially dangerous in winter - if the wind blows the snow away from the area, the plants will die from frost.

Victoria's predecessors

Victoria is a finicky berry in planting from the point of view of crop rotation. Being a perennial plant, it does not live in one place for more than 4 years and requires replanting. The plant will take root well if legumes, beets, onions, carrots, oats, rye, dill and garlic grew on the site before it. You should strictly avoid such precursors as cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, nightshades and strawberries. The area where strawberries were already growing will be unsuitable for planting Victoria for at least 5 years.

Preparing the soil for autumn planting

Before planting Victoria in the fall, you need to take care of summer soil preparation. Typically, gardeners add humus (about 3 kg per square meter) to the soil a month before the intended planting and dig it up, then level it and trample it down. It is important to get rid of the roots of other plants and insect larvae when digging. Sandy loam soil is ideal for Victoria, so sand is often added when digging.

Rules for planting Victoria garden strawberries

Directly planting Victoria in the fall is no different from planting in any other season. The soil is loosened to a depth of about 8 cm, furrows are made in it and watered abundantly. Proper planting of Victoria requires the following distances between bushes - 25 cm between plants in the same row and 60 cm between beds. If Victoria roots exceed 7 cm, they should be trimmed. It is important to lower the roots vertically into the ground to ensure rapid growth of the root system, and place the apical bud strictly at ground level. The technology for planting Victoria involves further compacting the soil near the bush, watering it and mulching with sawdust with a layer of 5 cm. If you decide to plant Victoria on a covering material, secure it to the bed before planting the plants and make holes in the places where the garden bushes will grow. strawberries

Caring for autumn-planted Victoria

This is not to say that it requires any intricate actions. In dry weather, watering is required; loosening the soil around the bushes and weeding is also necessary. As for care after autumn planting, it is important to take care of protecting the plants from frost. There is no need to rush when the first autumn frosts begin; give Victoria the opportunity to experience them for herself, to harden herself in some way. When the temperature drops to -6°C, you can cover the plants, for example, cover them with a 15 cm layer of autumn leaves. Be sure to remove the cover in early spring so that the plants do not dry out and die.

When to replant strawberries

Let's start with the fact that it is reasonable and correct to transplant strawberries approximately once every 3-4 years. It is during this period that the strawberry bushes manage to give their caring owners the maximum possible amount of harvest. And after this period has expired, it becomes noticeable that the bush weakens, bears less and less fruit, and the berries themselves are no longer so large and sweet. Strawberries, as they say, “degenerate.”

If you notice such signs, then this is a sure sign that it is time to update the place where the strawberries grow and the bushes themselves are also time to be replaced.

Age of the transplanted bush

It must be remembered that only bushes that are no more than two years old should be replanted. If you transplant an older plant, even in a new place it will not give you a good harvest.

Before transplanting, we carefully inspect all the bushes and select only strong and healthy ones - without any signs of disease and with a well-developed root system.

In spring or autumn?

If you believe experienced gardener, then you can replant strawberries with equal success in both spring and autumn. Only if in the fall for replanting they most often use young bushes that have formed over the summer on the tendrils of an old plant, then in the spring they plant with the same success bushes that were grown from seeds in the winter in pots on the windowsill.

To transplant strawberries, if possible, choose a calm and cloudy day.

Preparation of beds and the “correct” predecessors

It is important to choose the right place for the future growth of strawberries. After all, not all crops are good predecessors for strawberries. For example, if legumes, grains or onions previously grew on the site, then this is very useful for strawberries. But potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers will not leave anything good or healthy for strawberries.

Video: Planting strawberries

By the way, don’t try to remove dry tops after beans and peas - it’s better to dig them up and make a so-called “straw mattress” for the strawberry bushes. Strawberries will definitely love this.

In general, all the soil in the area prepared for planting strawberries must be carefully dug up and one of the fertilizers applied - humus, compost, chicken droppings. For 1 m2, take approximately a bucket of this fertilizer. Having finished with the fertilizer, the soil must be leveled, breaking up all the lumps.

Planting depth

When you lower the bush into the prepared hole, do not forget to ensure that its uppermost bud does not go too deep, otherwise there is a high probability of the plant dying. It is believed that the depth has been chosen optimally if, with a slight twitch, the bush remains sitting in “its place.”

To water or not?

Another important point A successful strawberry transplant operation is associated with its watering. Yes, transplanted strawberries need watering. Just don’t approach this issue fanatically - excess water can cause the roots to rot.

And when watering, you must try to prevent water from getting on the outlet, otherwise this will also lead to the death of the bush.

Video: Proper care for strawberries


If we adhere to such, you see, simple recommendations, then with a high degree of probability we will be able to state the fact that our efforts were not in vain!

How to transplant strawberries to a new place - rules and diagram for beginners

The soil in the area planned for strawberries needs to be dug up with the simultaneous application of organic fertilizer choice of humus or rotted vegetable compost. For 1 m² of land you will need 10 liters of organic matter.

Chicken manure is also used, but only in diluted form. The solution will require no more than 500 ml of organic matter/10 l.

Watering is carried out after digging the area on leveled ground. The litter solution should be used no later than 7 days before transplanting the strawberries. Before boarding upper layer The soil is leveled again with a rake.

Dry manure can be used, but in this case the interval between the starting application of fertilizers and the replanting of the berry plant should be at least 2 - 3 months.

The ideal option is to apply dry manure to the site in the spring if planting is carried out in the fall. And, conversely, fertilizer is applied in the fall if the transplant is done in the spring.

Before use, dry manure is mixed with sand if work is carried out on black soil and peat bogs, or with peat if the area for strawberries is located on sandy, turf and sandy loam soils. The ratio of litter and sand (peat) is 1:1. The mixture is evenly distributed over the dug up area in a layer of 1.5 cm - 3.0 cm, then the soil is leveled with a rake.

To prepare the soil for strawberries, you can use green manure. White mustard is planted under strawberries in the fall; the same green manure can be planted in early spring.

Mustard is a frost-resistant plant; moreover, it quickly grows green mass necessary for fertilization.

By planting mustard in early May, you can have time to plant the useful tops in the ground and replant the strawberries before flowering.

Ash is added to any organic and mineral mixtures. 500 ml of wood ash is added per 1 m² of soil solution. Also wood ash used in dry form for pre-sowing soil cultivation in spring. Under strawberries, they simply dust the ground with it at the rate of 10 g - 15 g/1 m².

Agrochemicals and growth stimulants

Organic fertilizers can be replaced by applying agrochemicals per 1 m²:

Fertilizer is applied before digging in the spring or summer for transplanting strawberries in the fall or in the fall if the transplant is planned in the spring.

In spring transplantation, you can use growth stimulants, for example, the drug "Zircon", which is harmless to strawberries, stimulates their development and removes nitrates from berry products. The soil is treated with growth stimulants several days before transplanting.

Timing and schemes of transplantation

Garden strawberries can be replanted at any time during the growing season - in spring, in summer after fruiting and in autumn. Each option has its own disadvantages and advantages.

in spring

Is it possible to replant strawberries in the spring and when is the best time to do it? The plant should come out of hibernation, the strawberries should experience active growth of the vegetative mass, that is, it is too early to carry out work in March. The beginning of flowering means the end of the period when transplantation can be carried out, which means the most optimal time will become the month of April.

When carrying out work in the spring, follow the following scheme for transplanting strawberries:

Remove all weak and damaged plants; Prepare spacious holes; Select bushes that are no more than 2 years old; Dig them up with the root and soil ball; Replant the bushes without exposing the roots, but also without deepening them too much; Compact the soil, then loosen the surface layer around the plantings.

Please note that the first feeding after spring transplantation is carried out only after two weeks.

Transplanting strawberries in spring has disadvantages, the main one of which is damage to the rhizome during the period when the plant is gaining strength, actively growing green mass and preparing for flowering.

Those who choose a spring transplant will face difficult care, especially in the event of a dry spring. There is another significant disadvantage - bushes transplanted in spring do not bear fruit, despite abundant flowering.

in autumn

It is believed that autumn transplantation of strawberries is the most correct. The plant prepares for winter and gradually goes into a dormant state.

The rhizome stops growing, the above-ground part stops developing, and the strawberry begins to store nutrients for the winter.

Autumn care is greatly simplified due to heavy rainfall, and the absence of intense ultraviolet radiation reduces the risk of burning out of fragile bushes.

The advantage of autumn planting is the reduction in volume. gardening work compared to the workload in the spring. Plants transplanted in the fall will give a bountiful harvest in the spring, and care at the beginning of the season will be reduced to fertilizing, loosening and killing weeds.

The autumn transplant scheme is as follows:

Select two-year-old seedlings with rhizomes 5 cm or more with 4 – 5 leaves per plant; Place the plants in the holes so that the roots are freely located, are not too deep, but do not protrude out; The holes are filled with soil, compacted, watered with water +15°C, loosened: After loosening, mulch is laid - straw, green manure, spruce branches.

If planting material If it was not grown on your own plot, but was bought secondhand, it makes sense to disinfect it. To do this, the roots of the seedlings are soaked for 15 minutes first in hot water+50°C, and then for 10 minutes in cool water.

In order for strawberries to take root better, you can use growth activators from natural ingredients - water, humus and clay in equal proportions. The roots are coated with the composition immediately before planting. Ready-made drugs sold in specialized retail outlets are also successfully used for these purposes.

Please note that in middle lane work with strawberries is carried out no later than September, in the southern regions it can be postponed to October, and in the northern regions it is better to replace the autumn transplant with a summer one and carry out it immediately after fruiting.

Strawberry feeding scheme, as well as a competent choice of fertilizers;

Technique for feeding strawberries with yeast;

Effective methods for controlling the most common strawberry pests.

In summer

Summer replanting is used only in exceptional cases, when the bushes have grown too much or have not produced a harvest this season.

Summer work is carried out after fruiting: regular varieties– in July or August, at remontant varieties- in early September.

After transplantation, the strawberries are shaded to prevent burning and improve the survival process. If the planting site has not been prepared in the fall, organic matter is added in the spring and the soil is dug up twice.

Features of transplantation

To prepare high-quality planting material, only the first seedling is taken from the donor bush.

Seedlings from other branches will not cope with the winter and will not bear fruit well. All tendrils, except the first one, are removed so as not to deplete the donor plant.

You need to dig up the strawberries together with the soil clod, so the plant will better take root in the new place. The hole is first filled with water and only then the seedling is placed. Do not allow the soil to dry out after replanting.


Care after transplantation determines how quickly the plant will take root, increase its vegetative mass, and therefore prepare for its first wintering. Caring for young strawberries involves performing the following work:

In the first ten days, seedlings are watered every other day; Next, reduce watering, but make sure that the soil is slightly moistened; After each watering, the soil is loosened; In the fall, they are treated with fungicides against infections and insecticides against insects.

There is no need to apply fertilizer to strawberries after replanting if the initial addition of fertilizers to the digging was carried out. If it was not possible to fertilize the soil in advance, young strawberries are fed 12–15 days after planting.

Did you come across this material because you most likely need to either plant or transplant your strawberries to a new location? Essentially, this is the same thing, you need to create a new strawberry bed with one of possible ways. To be honest, this activity is not very simple, but absolutely necessary. Why, when and how to do this most correctly and rationally will be discussed in the article below.

One of the features of strawberry development is the gradual increase in diameter of the bush due to the growth of new rosettes (it would be more correct to call them horns), which in the future negatively affects its fruiting.

When strawberry bushes grow so much, they become cramped, there is not enough nutrition, so the plant should be renewed (rejuvenated) to return to its optimal productivity, i.e. plant or replant (for example, if you initially planted the bushes too close to each other).

Interesting! Strawberry bush development diagram:

  • a one-year-old strawberry seedling has 1 horn (this will be the mother root);
  • for the 2nd year of life - already 2-3 horns (the most abundant harvest);
  • by the 3rd year of life there are already 6-9 horns (the yield is noticeably reduced).

Thus, strawberries can grow well in one place (without replanting), as a rule, for no more than 3 years. In fact, you yourself will notice how the bush will grow, and the berries themselves will begin to become smaller.

In other words, the strawberry itself will tell you when it needs to be replanted, because there are certain varieties and hybrids that can bear fruit normally for more than 3 years, of course, with proper care and regular feeding.

What you need to do to continue to receive abundant, tasty and large harvests strawberries? Here's what:

  • in the 2nd year, it is mandatory to propagate strawberries - with a mustache or by dividing the bush;
  • in the 3rd year, overgrown bushes should either be disposed of (throw away and not tormented) or divided old bush.

By the way! Some summer residents who have no problems with a place for planting (in the sense of a large area and not planted), do not get rid of old strawberry bushes, since the small and fragrant berries make the most delicious jam.

When is the best time to transplant strawberries to a new location?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of when it is better to replant strawberries - in spring or autumn (more precisely, in the summer-autumn period). But we can highlight the advantages of planting in each season:

  • The advantage of replanting in the spring is the fact that during this period there is a lot of moisture in the ground and the air is not hot. During this time, young garden strawberries will have time to take root and develop a good root system.
  • If you replant in the fall, then before the onset of frost the strawberry bushes will also have time to take root very well and produce young green leaves. In addition to this obvious advantage, it often rains in autumn, which means there will be no need for frequent watering. In addition, at this time there is simply more time than in the spring bustle with seedlings.

Transplantation in spring

Optimal timing Strawberry transplants in spring directly depend on your climate zone and current weather conditions. As a rule, on average in the south of Russia (as well as in Ukraine) this is the months of March-April, in the middle zone (Moscow region) - the end of April - May, in the Urals and Siberia - the second half of May-early June.

General rule To determine the right time to transplant strawberries, the moment when the soil completely thaws and the air temperature rises to +10 degrees is considered. Although, if the soil has already thawed, but the temperature is zero (and according to the weather forecast it will only increase), then the procedure can be carried out; the strawberries will be able to survive light frosts.

Important! The main advantage of transplanting strawberries by dividing the bush in the spring is the fact that you can get a harvest (albeit small) already in the year of division.

As for suitable methods of transplanting (propagating) strawberries, in the spring this can only be done by dividing the bush, or by planting seedlings grown from seeds. It is not possible to propagate bushes from whiskers, since they begin to form only in the summer.

Video: transplanting strawberries in spring

Transplant in summer

You can replant strawberries in the summer. But it is very undesirable to do this if there is extreme heat, for example, in July. But it is in August (2 weeks after fruiting) that the most favorable time for transplanting strawberry bushes to a new location.

Important! Strawberries should not be planted in the summer heat because the roots cannot yet properly receive nutrition from the ground, and the hot air causes the leaves to evaporate much moisture. As a result, such bushes will either take a very long and painful time to take root, or they will dry out (without proper care).

If you nevertheless decide to plant strawberries in the middle of summer, then you need to look after them very carefully, namely, water them almost every day using the sprinkling method (but the drops should be small).

Transplantation in autumn

Clarification! Rather, it is correct to talk about summer-autumn transplantation.

Best time for transplanting strawberries - this is the beginning of autumn, that is, approximately the month of September. One of the main advantages of replanting in the fall is the fact that at this time strawberries can be propagated, in addition to dividing the bush, by planting seedlings grown from seeds, as well as with the help of mustaches that grow over the summer. But you need to root your mustache in the summer, in June-July.

However! If you live in the northern regions, for example, in the Urals or Siberia, that is, frosts come early, then you should not replant strawberries in the fall (or late summer), it is better to do it in the spring (or summer) so that the bushes have time to take root properly .

Video: transplanting strawberries in autumn

Methods of propagation (transplantation) of strawberries

There are only 3 methods for propagating strawberry bushes:

  • dividing the bush (horns);
  • rooting the mustache;
  • growing seedlings from seeds.

Video: 3 ways to propagate garden strawberries (strawberries) - by seeds, tendrils and dividing the bush

Rooting mustaches (or rosettes)

Before you start rooting the mustache, you should take a closer look to select the most productive strawberry bushes for propagation. Moreover, you should take no more than 3-4 mustaches from one bush, and remove the rest.

Important! In such uterine bushes, in an amicable way, you should cut off all the flower stalks and not allow them to bear fruit, so that they direct all their strength to the mustache, although, in principle, this is not necessary.

Step-by-step instruction Strawberry propagation by mustache:

Step by step instructions transplants young seedling strawberries to a new place:

Important! This method Strawberry propagation is completely non-traumatic, and the survival rate of the bushes is almost 100%.

Video: propagation of strawberries with a mustache

Dividing the bush (propagation by horns)

Step-by-step instructions for dividing a strawberry bush:

Step by step guide further planting of divided strawberry seedlings (horns):

Worth knowing! The propagation method by dividing the bush is applicable to any type of strawberry, including remontant ones.

Video: propagation of strawberries (garden strawberries) by dividing the bush (horns)

Note! When dividing an old bush, the divisions will most likely no longer produce a strong and stable harvest, since these are already quite depleted bushes. Therefore, this method should be used only in exceptional cases, for example, if the bushes froze over the winter or it is a beardless variety (of which there are almost none now).


Important! Detailed information about propagation and growing strawberries from seeds (planting seedlings) at home you can by reading.

Rules for transplanting (planting) strawberry seedlings and answers to frequently asked questions

Below you can find out answers to pressing questions about the correct transplantation (planting) of strawberry seedlings.

When is the simplest transplantation of strawberries (without propagation and division of the bush) to a new place carried out?

In the spring before flowering (before the flower stalks are thrown out) or at the end of summer-autumn (2 weeks after the end of fruiting).

How to move a bush from one place to another:

  1. Remove old leaves (dark green) with spots, and you can also trim the leaves additionally (so that less moisture evaporates)
  2. Trim the mustache (if replanting in summer-autumn)
  3. Prepare a large hole for planting according to the size of the earthen ball and water it generously.
  4. Dig up a bush along with a lump of earth and take it directly with a shovel to a new place, carefully lowering it into a wet hole.
  5. Lightly water.
  6. If desired and necessary, mulch.

Video: transplanting strawberries to a new place - expanding strawberry areas by planting thickened plantings

Preparationbeds (soil) for replanting

To prepare a new place (soil) for transplanting strawberry bushes, you will need:

Video: preparing the soil for transplanting strawberries to a new location

Is it possible to replant flowering garden strawberries?

Yes, it is possible, but it is recommended to remove all flower stalks without fail, so that the plant does not waste extra energy, but concentrates on the survival of the roots in the new place. But still, it is better to carry out all propagation procedures either before flowering (before the flower stalks are thrown out) or after the end of fruiting (after 2 weeks).

However! You can also replant flowering strawberries (but only young bushes), but you must preserve the earthen ball (transfer the bushes directly with a shovel). In this case, the strawberry bushes will not notice anything and will continue to bloom. But if the roots are exposed during transfer, then soon they will drop the flowers themselves and begin to hurt...

Is it possible to replant (plant) strawberries in their old place?

Yes, you can, especially if you treat (water) the bed (to disinfect the soil). But still, it is better to plant garden strawberries after greens (lettuce, sorrel), onions and garlic, carrots, beets, radishes and legumes. It is strictly not recommended to plant after potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers.

At what distance to plant

It is most convenient to plant strawberries on the most standard scheme: 60-70 by 25-30 centimeters (tape in 1 line or rows). But there are various ways plantings - both simpler (solid carpet) and complex (ribbon in several lines).

Caring for strawberries after transplantation

You need to carefully care for transplanted garden strawberry bushes, but in general the care is quite simple - it mainly requires regular watering.

So, after transplanting, the bushes should be watered every day for at least 1-2 weeks. However, you need to try not to overdo it and not overfill, especially if you. About the same amount of strawberries is needed to somehow settle in a new place. Further watering should be carried out as the soil dries out.

In the first year, there is no point in feeding strawberries additionally, because... When replanting, you have already fertilized the bed well.

Proper replanting is exactly what strawberries need to restore maximum productivity and prospects for a rich harvest. It is worth taking a closer look at interesting proposals for replanting strawberry bushes and choosing the most optimal ones for you.

In contact with

Anyone who has been growing Victoria for many years knows very well that this type The berries need to be replanted periodically to a new location. This is done approximately once every four years, and this is necessary not only because the soil is already depleted, but also because the plant itself is already old and replanting is simply necessary to increase productivity.

You can start replanting in early spring, but autumn is also perfect for this process. The main thing is to have time to replant the Victoria before frost, so that the plant has enough time to get stronger and calmly endure the winter. It is believed that autumn transplanting is more effective in terms of fruiting.

Selecting and preparing a place for planting

You need to immediately plan where exactly you will transplant the Victoria, dig up required area and add some fertilizer. The area should be light, there should not be many weeds on it, otherwise they will grow rapidly together with the Victoria in the spring and thereby harm the berries.

The place should not be shaded and the soil should be moderately moist and always fertile. It is believed that if legumes grew in this place before Victoria, then this is the most suitable piece of land! But if the predecessors were cucumbers or tomatoes, then look for another place.

When digging, you need to add a little humus and potash fertilizers, you also need superphosphate. After digging, let the area sit untouched for about a week. Then it is well watered and the next day you can plant Victoria.

Victoria landing

Choose a planting time so that it is slightly cloudy outside, preferably in the afternoon. Having dug up an old Victoria bush, pinch off a young bush from it and dip its roots for five minutes in a pre-prepared solution of clay, humus and water, everything is taken in equal parts.

The treated Victoria bush is placed in the soil, making a depression with a spatula. The soil is sprinkled around, lightly pressing down, being careful not to cover the landing point. The next Victoria bush is planted in the same way, departing from the previous one by about 30 cm. There should be a distance of at least half a meter between the rows of Victoria.

What to do after landing?

Immediately after the entire bed is planted new Victoria, the berries are watered. The surface of the soil around the Victoria roots is covered with a layer of sawdust; if not, then you can use ordinary straw or some other mulching material. Everything that you place around the Victoria roots does not need to be removed until spring. The covering material will serve as a good shelter from winter frosts.

Since Victoria is replanted in early autumn, you will have time to water the berries several more times, during which time they will take root sufficiently, and some bushes will even have time to grow.

In the spring, the first thing you need to do is, as soon as the snow melts, immediately collect all the covering material from the Victoria and uncover it. This will allow the roots to dry out faster and grow. Don't forget to add fertilizer we're talking about both organic and mineral substances.