Is it possible to plant on May 6th? What can you plant for the May holidays? St. George's Day: celebration traditions

May is a fairly warm month and is a good time to plan landing days for the garden. Before transporting seedlings to the site, do not water them for 2-3 days. Then she will endure the move more easily, as she will be less fragile. Water when transporting. If the seedlings have pale greens, you need to feed them with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tsp per 3 liters of water).

Peppers may lack potassium if the leaves curl upward; then feed them with potassium nitrate (1 tsp per 3 liters of water) or spray them with Uniflor-bud solution (1 tsp per 5 liters of water). Healthy peppers have young leaves that are lighter than others. Aphids may also appear on peppers if there are flowers growing in the room. In this case, treat the seedlings with Healthy Garden.

In May, cucumbers are planted in open ground and in greenhouses. In the first half of the month, nightshade crops cannot be fed with nitrogen in any form - remember this.

Lunar landing calendar for May 2019

As you know, when planting plants, you should take into account not only the phase of the moon - waxing or waning, but also Zodiac sign.

Favorable landing days in May 2019

1st of May. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. You can plant leaf lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Sow seeds of cucumbers, peas, beans, cauliflower and broccoli. You can sow the seeds of spicy plants - dill, coriander, fennel, borage. Also start sowing flower seeds - petunia, annual chrysanthemum, hybrid delphinium, etc.

May 2. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Sow seeds of squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkins. You can sow carrots, radishes, radishes, parsnips, parsley, plant onions, garlic, and flower bulbs. Good planting days in May 2018 for planting seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, and squash. It’s a good time to start replanting and thinning. Treat shrubs and trees in the garden.

May 3. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Destroy pests, remove affected branches of trees and shrubs. If the weather is favorable, it's a good time to plant potatoes. early varieties, planting seedlings white cabbage early varieties. Before planting, apply mineral fertilizers. You can start picking seedlings. The right time for watering.

May 4th. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Engage in weeding and fighting weeds, pests and plant diseases. A favorable day for sowing annual flowers. If the weather is good, you can plant seedlings of mid-season white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, leaf celery, and pepper. You can plant peas, beans, beans. This is not the right time to prune trees and shrubs - the trees will become sick.

5 May. Desc. l. in Capricorn. In the afternoon, if the weather is right, you can plant leeks, onions, shallots, and garlic. You can sow the seeds of carrots, radishes, radishes. If the weather is favorable, you can plant seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and pumpkins.

the 6th of May. Desc. l. in Capricorn. Suitable time for planting and sowing. If the weather is good, plant seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash. Plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.

May 7. Desc. l. in Aquarius. Planting day for beans, beans, zucchini, squash. Favorable watering. The day is also good for vaccinations and spraying. It's a good time to start forcing onions, parsley, and celery. Continue planting onions, garlic, potatoes. Sow seeds of beets, radishes, parsley, parsnips, celery, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, eggplants, and tomatoes in open ground.

May 8. Desc. l. in Aquarius. Finish what was started yesterday. The day is not favorable for any endeavors.

9th May. Desc. l. in Aquarius. In the afternoon, sow root crops - radishes, carrots, parsley, parsnips. You can sow flower seeds. Plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.

May 10. Desc. l. in Pisces. Not a good day for pruning apple and pear trees and shrubs. A good day for sowing lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Start planting perennial plants.

May 11. Desc. l. in Pisces. Plant cabbage and cauliflower seedlings. In the greenhouse, start thinning and removing weak and diseased plants. Plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers. Can be replanted houseplants. Continue to combat pests and plant diseases in the garden. Plant perennials- they will take root well.

12 May. Desc. l. in Aries. It is useful to fertilize plants today - the root system is now active. Sow cabbage, kohlrabi, and onion seeds. It’s good today to fight pests, cultivate the soil and weed. You can plant garlic, onions, onions, shallots, and leeks in the soil. Sow carrots, radishes, radishes, and parsnips.

may 13. Desc. l. in Aries. Continue fertilizing the plants. Till the land, do weeding. Take up pest control.

May 14. Desc. l. in Taurus. Be attentive to your health today. It is not recommended to engage in sowing, planting, or picking. The day is not favorable for working with plants.

May 15. New moon. L. in sign. Calf. Be attentive to your well-being. Do not sow, transplant, or pick today. You can start thinning seedlings of vegetables grown in a greenhouse.

16th of May. The waxing moon is in Gemini. If you didn’t have time before, plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Treat trees, destroy pests. Apply fertilizers.

May 17. Rast. l. in Gemini. Take up tree spraying and pest control. Thin out the seedlings and do weeding.

May 18. Rast. l. in Cancer. Continue sowing green crop seeds. Work in the garden - cultivate the beds, replant the plants, treat them against pests. In the garden - trim branches, remove pests.

May 19. Rast. l. in Cancer. You can plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers. Sow seeds of zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumbers. Treat the beds and replant the plants.

May 20. Rast. l. in Leo. Plant seedlings of peppers and eggplants. Sow the seeds of spicy plants and green crops. Today you can replant, thin out, remove weak and diseased plants. In good weather - on permanent place plant seedlings of white and cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. You can sow cucumbers and tomatoes in open ground.

May 21st. Rast. l. in Leo. You can pinch and pincher vegetables. Take up plant pest control. Cut through the seedlings and water them.

May, 23rd. Rast. l. in Virgo. Replant, weed, remove weak plants. Favorable planting day in May 2019 for tomatoes, cucumbers in open ground with seeds.

May 24. Rast. l. in Libra . Favorable time for sowing seeds annual plants. If the weather is good, you can plant seedlings of mid-season varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, leaf celery, and pepper. It is recommended to plant peas, beans, and beans. Not a good day for pruning fruit trees. and bushes - they can get sick.

May 25. Rast. l. in Libra. Not a favorable day for sowing and planting. Take care of your health, relax. A good day for weeding and removing weeds.

26 of May. Rast. l. in Scorpio. If the weather is favorable, you can plant seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and squash in open ground. In the afternoon, plant garlic, onions, leeks, shallots in the soil, sow the seeds of carrots, parsnips, radishes, radishes.

May 27. Rast. l. in Scorpio. Today you can only focus on thinning the seedlings and cultivating the land. Today you can only start what can be completed during the day.

May 28. Rast. l. in Scorpio. There is no need to replant anything, but the day is favorable for planting and sowing plants. Sow the seeds of onions, celery leaves, basil, and parsley. Sow seeds from annual plants. You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.

Yegory and Yuri are names whose difference our ancestors did not recognize. In Rus', two Egories were celebrated: one cold - on December 9, and the other hungry - on May 6. And indeed, at this time the belts had to be tightened. Winter supplies were running out, and in early spring there was nothing to replenish them with. But since Yegoriy was considered the patron saint of livestock, the first pasture of livestock in the field, on the spring grass, was timed to coincide with this day. It was perceived as a great holiday and was decorated with various rituals, sentences and songs.

First, according to the old custom, on May 6 they made “juiced milk” to find out if the cattle were healthy. To do this, they swept hemp and flax-seed, mixed, pounded in a mortar and diluted with water. Animals that drank this “milk” were considered sick and were not taken into the general herd. The rest, hungry during the winter, but quite healthy, were herded by the shepherd boys from all the yards into a huge herd and went with it to the pasture. The whole village saw them off, and the cattle were lashed with willow left from palm week, and shouted: “Willow from across the sea, give me health, willow!” Willow, whip - hit until you cry! Take a twig and drive out the cattle!”

On May 6, the pasture took place, as a rule, at dawn. After all, Yuriev’s dew, according to knowledgeable people, helped animals become surprisingly fat and healthy. In some regions of Russia, a green branch was tied to the tail of the first cow in the herd: sweeping away the night dew from the grass, it seemed to provide a rich milk yield for those following her.

According to an ancient custom, the shepherds were doused with well water, “so that they would not sleep all summer,” and then they were treated to worldly scrambled eggs. In the evenings in the villages, a real holiday was organized for the “cow guides”: tables were set, round dances were performed, ritual songs were sung, which always ended with choruses about the preservation of the herds.

But no matter how important the first drive of cattle to pasture is, most of the signs associated with May 6 are still addressed to the upcoming summer and the future harvest: “If spring Egor is with food, then autumn Nikola (December 19) will be with a bridge,” then if winter sets in, there will be a good sleigh ride; “If on Yegory’s day there is a leaf in half, on Ilya’s day put the bread in a tub,” “Sow seedlings on Yegory, there will be plenty of cabbage soup,” “On Yury, snow means a harvest for buckwheat, on Yury, rain means there’s a shortage of buckwheat,” “On Yury, dew - there will be good millet.”

However, Yuriev’s dew was also valued for other qualities. Previously, for example, on Yegoryev Day, peasants went out into the sown fields to serve a prayer service with the blessing of water, sprinkling the fields with holy water. After this, men and women rolled around the field to become strong and healthy, like “St. George’s Dew”: “St. George’s Dew - from the evil eye, from seven ailments.”

And another interesting legend is associated in the folk calendar with St. George’s Day. In time immemorial, peasants began to carry out trade transactions and, according to the old custom, were hired as workers “from spring Yuri to Semyon Day or Pokrov.” Why, you ask, was this particular time period chosen? But the fact is that there was a legend among the people that there are people in Lukomorye who die on December 9, and come to life on May 6. Before death, they take their goods to a certain place, where in winter their neighbors could take them for a certain price and without any deception. They settled accounts with deceivers and unscrupulous buyers in the spring, dealing with them mercilessly. These were called amazing people trading people, but no one knows how they kept accurate records of purchases.

On this day, there was a widespread tradition of organizing festivities in the streets. They said that spring comes on this day. It was May 6th that was considered the day when the shepherds finally drove the flock of sheep into the field. They said that the morning dew has healing power specifically on Yegoria. If you collect it, you can use the healing moisture to treat diseases and remove the evil eye. However, such dew can only be collected before sunrise.

On this day, they were waiting for the arrival of swallows, because they were returning from warm regions at exactly this time. Also on this day appeared May beetles.

IN Orthodox Church On May 6, the memory of Saint Yegori was revered and he was considered the patron saint of the fields. That is why on this day we held a large number of rituals for a good harvest in the future. The priests also blessed the fields with water and said a prayer. They said: “Sow the seedlings on Yegoriy - there will be plenty of vegetables.”

Pasturing cattle on May 6 was a big holiday for peasants. The animals were urged on with willow branches, which were specially prepared for this purpose in Palm Sunday. They also placed a table in the field and an icon on it. After this, a prayer service was performed. It was customary to feed the shepherds scrambled eggs, gift them with linen and money so that they would not sleep and protect the flock.

Yegory is also known as St. George the Victorious. He was considered the patron saint of fields and earthly fruits, and therefore the tradition of consecrating fields was widespread. It was believed that George protected livestock, and peasants tried to pray to the saint on May 6th to ask him to protect horses, cows, and sheep from disease and pestilence. There was even a special prayer called cattle herding.

People said that the care of the livestock should be entrusted to Yegory, who entered into an agreement with the goblin, and the latter would not touch the domestic animals. But there were special conditions this agreement - for example, it was necessary to bring milk to the devil. There was also a widespread tradition, according to which the shepherd would pronounce a special spell and throw a padlock, locked with a key, into the forest. The goblin needed to lift this lock and unlock it or leave it the same - this is how he confirmed or denied the extension of the contract.

Saint George was often perceived as the master of all forest animals. They believed that it was George who rode around the villages on a white horse and gave orders to the forest animals. In addition, George was considered the patron saint of brides, and the girls prayed to him to send good grooms. There were round dances, but gatherings were no longer held at that time. In some villages they could perform rituals related to horses and notice signs. The horses were washed, bathed, and fed with special cookies in the shape of a cross, baked for Epiphany.

Folk signs for May 6

  1. Warm weather in Yegoria - summer will come soon
  2. You can’t knit anything on May 6th or even just hold wool products in your hands - the wolves will gnaw all the sheep in the herd
  3. You can’t shout or swear on this day - it can kill you with a thunderstorm
  4. Heavy rain on Yegoria - a lot of grass will grow
  5. A waxing moon, strong winds that drive clouds in a cloudy sky - this weather will continue for quite a long time
  6. Mosquitoes flock in swarms on May 6 - expect warmer weather soon
  7. The dew has appeared on Yegoria - it will be good harvest millet If it snows or hails, frost is noticeable on the trees - buckwheat will grow. Rain portends, on the contrary, a failure of the buckwheat harvest, but excellent growth of bread
  8. The rivers in Yegoria overflowed heavily - a sign that there will be grass on Nikolina’s day (May 22)
  9. A clear, windless morning - early sowings will be successful and a rich harvest will be possible. If the weather was initially bad, but improved during the day, late sowing will be successful
  10. The night from May 6 to 7 is very warm - the bread will have time to ripen before the first frost
  11. The south wind blows - there will be a rich harvest. The north wind on May 6 foreshadows early frosts in the fall
  12. A large leaf on a birch tree means the year will be fruitful
  13. A damp towel was hung out overnight. If it dries in the morning, the cucumber harvest will be rich.

Introducing for 2019 for every day. Daily lunar calendar for gardeners, flower growers and gardeners. Moon calendar sowing and planting contains detailed description gardening work on every day. The calendar recommends favorable days for sowing, planting, caring for plants and mass necessary work in the flower garden, garden and vegetable garden, depending on the influence of the Moon and taking into account the agricultural conditions of Central Russia. The lunar calendar gives the dates for sowing and planting a large number of fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental plants.

The calendar includes the calendar for 2019. Exact time rising and setting of the Sun and Moon, time of entry of the Moon into the zodiac sign, hours of the full moon, new moon, transition from the waxing to the waning Moon, change time lunar phases, day longitude is indicated in Moscow time for Moscow coordinates.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for 2019 published for 10 days and updated weekly.

We suggest that experienced gardeners use a brief Lunar calendar in pictures, and you can open the general Lunar sowing calendar in the form of a table, published for three months, using the picture link below:

November 22, 2019. Friday

Psychologist's Day.

Waning Moon from 7:19 in the sign of Libra. Phase 4.

26th lunar day. Sunrise 1:49. Sunset 15:06.

Sunrise 8:18. Sunset 16:13.

The length of the day is 7:55.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 23, 2019. Saturday

The month is bright and clean - it’s getting colder.

Waning Moon in the sign of Libra. Phase 4.

27th lunar day. Sunrise 3:16. Sunset 15:22.

Sunrise 8:20. Sunset 16:11.

Day length 7:51.

A favorable sign for sowing and planting bulbous and tuberous ornamental plants. Vegetable crops are sown and planted. In a heated greenhouse, spring onions, chives, and onions are forced into feathers; Today is a favorable day for sowing seeds of early varieties of radish.

Watering fruit and ornamental plants, contribute organic fertilizers. They do surface loosening, weeding, and mulching the soil to absorb moisture. Thin out the seedlings.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 24, 2019. Sunday

Mothers Day.

Waning Moon from 8:57 in the sign of Scorpio. Phase 4.

28th lunar day. Sunrise 4:44. Sunset 15:39.

Sunrise 8:22. Sunset 16:10.

The length of the day is 7:48.

In a heated greenhouse, parsley, beets, celery, asparagus, sorrel are planted for forcing, and onions, chives, and onions are forced for cultivation. Suitable days for sowing and planting spicy and medicinal plants.

Water the plants and apply organic fertilizers. They do superficial loosening without touching the roots. They weed, mulch the soil, thin out the seedlings. The crops are harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 25, 2019. Monday

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio. Phase 4.

29th lunar day. Sunrise 6:12. Sunset 15:58.

Sunrise 8:23. Sunset 16:09.

The length of the day is 7:46.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 26, 2019. Tuesday

World Information Day.

Waning Moon from 11:10 in the sign of Sagittarius. New moon. Phase 1 from 18:06.

30th and 1st lunar days. Sunrise 7:39. Sunset 16:22.

Sunrise 8:25. Sunset 16:07.

The length of the day is 7:42.

They don’t sow or plant. You can do pinching and pinching.

A good day for weeding and controlling pests and plant diseases. Purchase gardening tools.

In the garden, they trample down the snow around the fruit trees and shake off the stuck wet snow from the tree branches. They throw snow on wintering plants. After a snowfall, strawberry and strawberry plantings are additionally covered. Snow banks are made on the site for snow retention.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 27, 2019. Wednesday

Day Marine Corps. Appraiser's day.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Phase 1.

2nd lunar day. Sunrise 9:03. Sunset 16:52.

Sunrise 8:27. Sunset 16:06.

The length of the day is 7:39.

They don’t sow or plant. You can do pinching and pinching.

A good day for weeding and controlling pests and plant diseases. Purchase gardening tools.

In the garden, they trample down the snow around the fruit trees and shake off the stuck wet snow from the tree branches. They throw snow on wintering plants. After a snowfall, strawberry and strawberry plantings are additionally covered. Snow banks are made on the site for snow retention.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 28, 2019. Thursday

If snow falls, it will not melt before the rivers flood.

Waxing Moon from 15:32 in the sign of Capricorn. Phase 1.

3rd lunar day. Sunrise 10:19. Sunset 17:32.

Sunrise 8:29. Sunset 16:05.

The length of the day is 7:36.

Sow and plant green plants for seeds and long-term storage harvest. In a heated greenhouse, seeds of early varieties of spinach, arugula, mustard greens, leaf lettuce.

Plants are sprayed to combat pests and diseases. In the first half of the day, dry loosening is done and the seedlings are thinned out. In the afternoon, water the plants and feed them mineral fertilizers, do foliar feeding. Harvest and root crops are harvested for planting.

The trunks of young trees are tied with spruce branches or covering material to protect them from mice and hares. For snow retention, branches and brushwood are laid out in the garden and in the vegetable garden, and shields are installed. In the garden, they shake off the stuck wet snow from the branches of fruit trees.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 29, 2019. Friday

On Matvey (November 29) thaw and slush are common. If November 29 strong wind- wait for blizzards and blizzards until December 19.

Growing Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Phase 1.

4th lunar day. Sunrise 11:23. Sunset 18:24.

Sunrise 8:31. Sunset 16:04.

The length of the day is 7:33.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

November 30, 2019. Saturday

International Data Protection Day.

Waxing Moon from 23:12 in the sign of Aquarius. Phase 1.

5th lunar day. Sunrise 12:12. Sunset 19:25.

Sunrise 8:32. Sunset 16:03.

The length of the day is 7:31.

Sow and plant for seeds and long-term harvest storage. Seeds of Chinese cabbage, watercress, lettuce, spinach, arugula, and dill are sown in a heated greenhouse.

On this day, plants need abundant watering. They feed with mineral fertilizers and do foliar feeding. They loosen, dig, mulch the soil to cover moisture, and hill up the plants. For snow retention, branches and brushwood are laid out in the garden and in the vegetable garden, and shields are installed. In the garden, they shake off the stuck wet snow from the branches of fruit trees.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

December 1, 2019. Sunday

Day military glory Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop in 1853.

World AIDS Day. Networker's Day.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Phase 1.

6th lunar day. Sunrise 12:48. Sunset 20:34.

Sunrise 8:34. Sunset 16:02.

Day length 7:28.

Carry out dry loosening. You can thin out seedlings and collect root crops for planting. They fight pests and plant diseases, incl. spray the plants. They throw snow on wintering plants. In the garden, they trample down the snow around the fruit trees and shake off the stuck wet snow from the branches. Purchase gardening tools.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

A few words about the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day of the year.

About the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year

The daily lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a list of work for every day in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. The lunar calendar was compiled for those who are passionate about gardening, floriculture, and vegetable gardening. In the calendar, the days for sowing and planting various crops are recommended based on the lunar phases and the Moon’s passage through the zodiac constellation, as well as agricultural dates.

The lunar calendar gives recommendations on what seeds are favorable to sow, what plants to plant, how best to care for plants under the influence of the Moon. Fertile zodiac signs Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio favor sowing, planting, and a bountiful harvest. In the days of low-fertility signs Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, you can sow and plant individual species plants, mainly ornamental. Under a favorable zodiac sign, root crops are planted and sown on the waning Moon, and other vegetable crops, berries, fruits, and ornamental plants are planted and sown on the waxing Moon. During the full moon and new moon, the lunar calendar does not recommend sowing and planting; on these days they fight against plant diseases and pests.

Also in the lunar calendar for each day the necessary daily work in the garden and vegetable garden is listed, the results of which are not influenced by the Moon; these works are determined by the agricultural conditions of the given area and the weather. In the lunar sowing calendar, for these works we recommend days free from sowing and planting work.

The lunar calendar shows the dates for sowing and planting many plants. These are fruit and ornamental trees, berries and ornamental shrubs, annual and perennial floral and berry crops. Our lunar calendar tells us about the favorable dates for sowing and planting almost all vegetable crops bred in Middle lane, With in different ways cultivation: planting, forcing, sowing, through seedlings, including in a greenhouse, on a windowsill and in open ground.

The lunar sowing and planting calendar for each day contains astronomical information indicating the exact time of the Moon's entry into each zodiac sign, the hours of the full moon and new moon are indicated, the time of moonrise and sunset, the time of sunrise and sunset and the length of daylight are given. If the Moon enters a certain zodiac sign during the day, then in the lunar calendar, in the sowing and planting recommendations column, a note is given before the specified hour to sow, plant and care for plants according to the recommendations of the previous day of the lunar calendar.

In addition, the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day is given folk signs according to the Moon and signs for the harvest from the folk agricultural calendar.

Astronomical information about the Sun in our calendar

If you observe the position of the Sun for a long enough time, for example, throughout the year, you will notice that its height above the horizon on different days will be different - the highest on June 21-22, and the lowest on December 21-22. IN different years these events fall on different days. These days are called the summer and winter solstices. Twice a year, on March 20-21 and September 22-23, the Sun rises exactly at the east point and sets exactly at the west point. On these days it is below and above the horizon for the same amount of time (that is, day is equal to night), and therefore they are called the days of the spring and autumn equinox. Between March 21 and September 22, the Sun rises north of the east point and, conversely, between September 23 and March 21 south of it.

Traditionally, March 21, June 22, September 23 and December 22 are considered the beginning of the seasons in the northern hemisphere of the Earth: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We publish information on which days the listed astronomical events fall this year in the daily lunar calendar, which is given above.

How to grow plants in the rhythm of the lunar phases

The topic itself is interesting about the influence on the growth and development of plants of the position of the planets in the zodiac circle, in particular the closest companion of our planet - the Moon, about the interaction of the phases of the Moon and the growth, development of plants, the activity of microbiological processes in the soil.

The influence of the Moon on earthly affairs has been known since ancient times. It is with this planet that the tidal phenomena of ocean and sea waters, as well as fluctuations in electromagnetic fields that affect the weather, are associated. It is believed that on a full moon, the above-ground parts of plants are filled with juice to a greater extent, and on a new moon, it seems to tend to flow back to the roots. In the first case, there is a stronger hydration of the tissues, in the second - some dryness. From here comes research into the influence of the moon on plants, and based on the knowledge gained, a lunar calendar is compiled for each day of the current year.

Plants are influenced not only by the phases of the moon, but also by its position in the zodiac signs. It is better to plant when our companion is in the constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Fight weeds when she is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius. The presence of the Moon in the constellation Aries is conducive to collecting fruits - they are better stored. Moving to the constellation Libra is favorable for watering and grafting, to the constellation Leo - for mowing and weeding, Sagittarius - for digging up root crops, Aquarius - for exterminating pests.

If you believe the experience of astrological observations, then the zodiac signs are divided into productive (fertile): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and unproductive (infertile): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Planting and sowing of fruit and ornamental plants according to the lunar calendar is best done when the Moon is in a productive zodiac sign.

How the lunar calendar of sowing and planting is compiled for each day

From a practical perspective, the recommendations of the lunar calendar will be valid if they correspond to the local calendar dates for sowing and planting crops. Due to dissimilarity climatic conditions, landscape, soil in different areas, it is impossible to develop a single lunar calendar. If we calculate the timing of sowing crops in another specific area, we will get significant differences. In one case it will be late, in the other it will be too early (compare the south of Russia and the Urals). Agricultural work, as well as care and cleaning work, are also related to the length of daylight hours.

Local folk calendar, traditional experience, accumulated knowledge - main support in the practical activities of a gardener, florist and gardener. For neighboring regions, any lunar calendar needs amendments regarding the deadlines for sowing and planting, taking into account the conditions of a particular area. Data on the exact time of the Moon's entry into zodiac constellation can be obtained from a number (tear-off calendar) for gardeners and gardeners or an astrological calendar.

The weather also does not vary from year to year - there are early and late springs, which is also taken into account when compiling the lunar calendar.

The timing of the moon phases does not coincide from year to year. In almost a month, the Moon passes through 12 constellations, called the signs of the Zodiac. On next year the lunar calendar shifts by 10 days. The timing of the moon phases repeats itself every 19 years. Every year, amendments are made to the daily sowing and planting calendar for the specific shape of the season and for the lunar phase.

The hottest time has come for gardeners and summer residents. It's time to transport country cottage area seedlings and plant them in greenhouses, and somewhere in open ground. Sow carrots, plant potatoes, flowers, in general, all garden and vegetable crops.

The gardener's lunar calendar will help you plan garden work so that sowing, planting and processing plants lead to abundant harvests. If you do everything looking back at may calendar planting, and of course, observing the agricultural technology of the crops grown, the result will be excellent.

Moon phases in May 2019

  • May 1-4 - waning moon
  • May 5 – New Moon
  • May 6-18 - waxing moon
  • May 19—full moon
  • On May 20-31 the moon wanes again

Favorable landing days in May 2019

The best days for planting and sowing garden crops:

  • cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins - May 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • eggplants - 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • pepper - 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • onions - 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31
  • garlic - May 17, 18, 21, 22, 23
  • cabbage - 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
  • tomatoes - 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • radish, radish, turnip - 1, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • potatoes, carrots, beets - 1, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • greens - 1st, 8th, 9th, 10th, 17th, 18th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers in May 2019

  • It is recommended to plant and sow annual flowers on May 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
  • plant perennial flowers 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • It is better to plant bulbous and tuberous flowers on 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31.

Prohibited days for planting in May 2019

Favorable days for planting trees and shrubs in May 2019

When to plant trees and bushes according to the lunar calendar

  • Fruit trees (apple trees, pears, etc.) - 1, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • grapes - 1, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27, 28
  • currants, gooseberries - 1, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • raspberries, blackberries, honeysuckle - 1, 13, 14, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
  • strawberries, wild strawberries - 1, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.

Lunar calendar for gardeners, gardeners and florists for May 2019

The planting calendar for May will tell you favorable days on which it is better to plant, replant, sow, and on which days it is preferable to water, weed or treat the garden from pests.

May 1, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Pisces. It is recommended to sow seeds of lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, and plant seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, and peppers in the ground and greenhouses. You can already plant potatoes. Good effect from fertilizing with organic matter. Flower growers can plant tuberous and bulbous flowers, as well as ornamental bushes. We do not recommend pruning trees and bushes or treating them against pests and diseases on May 1. Watering is moderate. Strawberries, blackberries and grapes planted on this day will take root well.

May 2 and 3, 2019. The waning moon is in the barren sign of Aries. You need to sow dill, lettuce, cilantro and other greens. Start preparing the soil - loosen, dig, etc. Weed out weeds and thin out the seedlings of planted crops. We do not recommend picking, pinching, or rooting plants. Feeding with fertilizers these days will not bring the desired result. Also, do not prune the orchard. But pest control is effective.

May 4, 5, 6, 2019. Our Lunar sowing calendar for May 2019 does not recommend working with plants these days. This is the New Moon period. The moon is in the sign of Taurus.

May 7, 2019. The waxing moon is in the unproductive sign of Gemini. You can sow dill and parsley on greens, peas, beans, cabbage, lettuce, melons, watermelons, and cucumbers. good time for pinching and pinching plants, spraying them against diseases and pests. In flower beds you can plant hanging plants. In the orchard, you can trim shrubs and trees and plant the desired varieties. Treat plantings of strawberries and wild strawberries.

May 8, 9 and 10, 2019. The waxing moon is in the fertile sign Cancer. Feel free to plant seedlings of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in prepared areas, in greenhouses and under film in greenhouses. Favorable days for sowing and planting peas, beans, beans, zucchini, squash, salads, sorrel and other greens. It is recommended to transplant plants and dive. You can plant green manure. Perennial flowers and ornamental shrubs planted these days will delight you in the future abundant flowering. Do not treat plants with pesticides. We advise you to plant trees and bushes; they will take root well. It is also recommended to mow the lawn during the waxing moon.

May 11, 12, 2019. Waxing moon in the barren sign of Leo. What to do in the garden - loosening the soil, weeding seedlings, spraying against diseases and pests. You can plant unpretentious crops - bush beans, asparagus, head lettuces. Do not dive or replant plants.

May 13, 14, 2019. The waxing moon in the sign of average fertility Virgo. Good days for planting ornamental plants and annual flowers. Plant dill, artichoke, fennel, coriander, watercress, and ornamental cabbage in the garden. The gardener's lunar calendar recommends fighting plant diseases and pests these days. Limit watering, or very moderate. Do not engage in sanitary pruning. Plant trees in the orchard. Favorable days for planting edible and decorative grapes. You can start collecting the roots of medicinal plants.

May 15, 16, 2019. The waxing moon in the sign of average fertility Libra. You can plant cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, watermelons, beans, peas (including decorative ones), beans, and corn. Planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cabbage in a permanent place. It is possible to sow mustard, spinach, and broccoli. In flower beds, plant ornamental plants, roses, perennial and annual flowers. Treatment of plants against pests and diseases is not recommended chemicals. Refrain from trimming trees. Good days for rooting strawberry mustache.

May 17, 18, 2019. Waxing moon in the fertile sign of Scorpio. In the garden you can sow and plant almost any vegetable that produces a harvest above the ground. The time has come to plant the remaining seedlings of tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse, or in the southern regions - in open ground. Watering, loosening the soil, and fertilizing all crops will come in handy. You can plant all flowers, including spray roses, clematis, etc. Plant trees, bushes, strawberries, and grapes in the garden. Fruit grafting is recommended.

May 19, 2019. Full moon. Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. The lunar calendar of gardeners and florists does not recommend working with plants on this day.

May 20, 2019. The waning moon is in the unproductive sign of Sagittarius. Planting vegetables from seeds. Plant bulbous and tuberous plants. Great day to plant potatoes. Also on May 20, you can replant plants, thin out and weed, loosen the soil, and fight pests garden crops. We recommend planting climbing ornamental plants on this day. But it is not recommended to shoot and trim plants. Plant grapes and large-fruited strawberries. You can harvest seeds and fruits of medicinal herbs.

May 21, 22, 23, 2019. Waning moon in the sign of average fertility Capricorn. Planting root crops (carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips) for winter storage. Planting seedlings in a permanent place. Sowing perennials. Try not to injure the roots of the plants. Sanitary pruning, grafting in the orchard.

May 24, 25, 2019. The waning moon is in the barren sign of Aquarius. Engage in shaping cucumbers, tomatoes, weeding, hilling, pinching. Only unpretentious crops should be planted these days. It is recommended to prune fruit trees and shrubs, remove growth, and trim shrubs.

May 26, 27, 28, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Pisces. Sowing for a good harvest of carrots, beets, radishes, radishes. Planting potatoes of medium and late varieties. Sowing head lettuce. Planting seedlings of tomatoes, bell and hot peppers, eggplants. Organic feeding these days will give a good effect. It is not recommended to treat plants against pests and diseases - there will be no result. You can plant raspberries, grapes, strawberries, shrubs and trees, the seedlings will take root well.

May 29, 30, 2019. The waning moon is in the barren sign of Aries. Water the weeds from the plantings, loosen the soil, shape the plants, and fight garden pests. Do not feed the plantings; it is better to do this another day. Do not trim trees and shrubs. Start collecting medicinal plants.

May 31, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Taurus. You can plant potatoes, carrots, and beets for winter storage. Planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants in the ground. Favorable days at the end of May for planting tuberous, bulbous perennial flowers, as well as roses and decorative bushes. Planting fruit trees and shrubs, strawberries. You can spray plants against diseases and pests, this will have an effect.

Gardening in May

  • It is worth feeding tomato seedlings with phosphorus and potassium, excluding nitrogen. This is usually done with potassium monophosphate, following the instructions. In this case, the plants begin to actively grow root system, and strong roots are the key to a full harvest.
  • To ensure that the seedlings take root well and form strong roots, and also adapt to changes in night and day temperatures, immediately after planting, spray them with a zircon solution (4 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water).
  • Limit processing orchard strong drugs against pests, so as not to poison pollinating bees. After all, now is the time for fruit blossoms. Use biological products and folk remedies.
  • Throughout May, fruit trees can be grafted.
  • Check the currant buds for pests. Swollen buds hide bud mites - collect them and burn them.
  • Under berry bushes To protect them from the invasion of ants and aphids, lay out rags soaked in kerosene. Just place it on a substrate, not on the soil.
  • If you see red swellings on the currant leaves, treat the bushes with phytoverm, this way you will get rid of the gall aphids that have infected the plant.
  • Cover the soil under the bushes with mulch, this will help maintain moisture. But under trees, mulch is not needed, since constant moisture in the root zone is one of the reasons for gum development on cherries, cherries, plums, apricots, etc.
  • You need to remove the raspberry beetle from raspberries in May. It is simply shaken off the bushes onto a spread film on the soil. And then they destroy it.
  • At the end of May, you can feed winter and April sown carrots. Water the plants with a weak organic infusion (0.5 liters of mullein or bird droppings per 2 buckets of water) or add a teaspoon of urea and a tablespoon of potassium magnesium per square meter to the rows.

It is convenient to carry out work in accordance with the calendar, but you need to focus on the weather

Natalya Feoktistova, “Evening Moscow”

Of course, you know many gardening techniques. However, we sincerely hope that our work calendar will help you carry out sowing correctly.

April gardener's chores

Yes, winter has frayed our nerves this year. But life is getting better! So, before the end of April you need to have time to plant in a greenhouse or under film - when the earth warms up - salads, broccoli, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, zucchini and squash. Planting early zucchini is very easy. First, sprinkle the prepared bed with ash - this will warm it up faster. Then select a deep hole in the garden bed, put humus in it, plant 4 zucchini seeds, sprinkle with soil from the dump and, covering it with film, “pin” it on top so that it does not blow off the wind. In this state, the zucchini will sprout perfectly, and the two weakest plants will need to be pinched and destroyed. Then during the day, let the zucchini “ventilate”, and then cover it at night, even at above-zero temperatures.

In April, the time will come for planting in open ground. Suitable crops for this include peas, carrots, spinach, radishes, turnips, dill, parsley, onion sets and shallots. You can also plant onions on a feather. There is such a method: plant the bulbs by cutting off their tops by a third and holding them in a bucket of water so that they “drink” more.

If you still love home-grown seedlings, sow before May the seeds of cucumbers, early low-growing tomatoes, zucchini - if you like to plant them as seedlings, as well as squash, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, and corn.

Newly purchased bulbous, cold-resistant annuals (cornflowers, calendula, lavatera, nigella) are planted in the flower garden. It is recommended to plant poppy and iberis in a permanent place - preferably under lutrasil. Keep in mind that these flowers do not tolerate transplantation well.

So, in April the most lucky days for boarding – 17 and 21.

In addition, there are simply favorable days - April 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27 and 28.

Now - clarifications:

5 – plants for seeds,

7 – potatoes, and besides them other root, tuberous and bulbous crops,

13 – potatoes,

14 – radishes and greens,

19 – if you plant - melons and legumes, especially peas and green beans,

25 – flowers,

27 - potatoes, flowers, greens, legumes.

May chores

Of course, the main garden chores fall in May. During the holidays, take the time to plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers, watermelons, melons, zucchini, celery, lettuce, marjoram, and basil in greenhouses - under film. At this time, it is no longer scary to plant cabbage of all types in open ground. Well, cold-resistant green crops can be sown in the ground, sowing them every two weeks.

It is convenient to carry out the work in accordance with the calendar, which is given below, but still focus on the weather! In the second half of May, it is advisable to sow a new lawn.

If the arrival of warm spring temperatures is delayed indefinitely, and the seedlings reach a meter in height, the chances of getting a good harvest will be reduced to a minimum

In May the most good days for plantings in 2018, 1 and 4 are considered.

Just favorable days for gardening work, May 1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 30 are considered.

Now let’s clarify in detail what exactly and when to plant:

10 is a great day for planting pumpkin and nightshade crops, vegetables and potatoes,

12 – day of planting greenery. Please note - the day is not suitable for planting vegetables!

22 – we plant vegetables that are intended to be “eaten from the garden”, but not for storage, as well as garden flowers,

23 – flowers,

24 - vegetables,

25 and 27 – vegetables intended “for seeds” and for long-term storage,

30 – vegetables for seeds.

June chores

Planting work continues in June. At the beginning of the month, strawberry seedlings are planted, then cucumber seedlings (just don’t rush!), as well as zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, mid-season cabbage, pumpkin, melon and watermelon in open ground. Early ripening vegetables are also sown - once a week or two.
The best day for planting in June is the 7th. Everything that is planted on this day will grow and bring a solid harvest. Well, at least that's what the stars say.

Other favorable “gardening” days in June are 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25 and 29. It is better to prepare beds and work on the ground on June 12 and 15.

We detail the plantings by day:

3 – flowers,

10 – flowers and ornamental grasses,

16 – flowers,

21 – vegetables,

24 – plant eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, root parsley and celery,

25 – plant onions, radishes, greens,