Is it possible to mix urea with copper sulfate. Ways to use carbamide. Bordeaux mixture for processing the orchard in autumn

Due to the fact that bacteria multiply rapidly under the bark of untreated trees, the vegetative process slows down. Plants slowly "wake up" after winter. Therefore processing fruit trees autumn is very important. To do this, you need to prepare the plants. Treatment of trees that are over six years old begins with the removal of old bark and lichen with a wire brush. This is necessary so that pathogens of various diseases cannot hide. Immediately after removal, the trees need to be processed. The last spraying in the fall occurs when all the foliage has fallen. You can perform this procedure after the first frost. To begin with, all foliage, fallen branches and weeds are removed. The protection of fruit trees is provided by solutions of copper or iron sulfate, urea, etc. Each drug is aimed at a certain type of threat. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall cannot consist in spraying with only one agent. The drug is selected depending on the desired results. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in question at the end of October.


This drug is intended for spraying and feeding fruit trees - apple trees, cherries. After the procedure, the plants are saturated with iron and useful trace elements. Processing fruit trees in autumn helps to improve oxidative processes. The drug fights pests, destroys lichen, scab, moss, black cancer, cytosporosis. Iron plays an important role in the life of fruit trees. Its lack reduces the amount of yield and leads to incomplete development of the fruit. It is very easy to prepare a solution of ferrous sulfate. It is necessary to dilute one kilogram of dry powder in a fifteen-liter bucket of water.

blue vitriol

This remedy, which includes a fungicide, prevents the appearance of putrefactive diseases, scab, powdery mildew, spotting. it is recommended to spray trees twice - in spring and autumn. Processing fruit trees in autumn blue vitriol especially recommended for pears, apples and plums. You can, of course, spray other plants in the garden. Plum copper sulphate provides a protective reaction against moniliosis, klyasterosporosis, coccomycosis, curly. The remedy protects pears and apple trees from scab, moniliosis and phyllosticosis. For fruit trees (up to six years old), up to two liters of copper sulfate per seedling is enough. Consumption for older plants - up to ten liters. Fruit trees are recommended to be sprayed in the morning or evening. The weather should be calm, and the temperature should be from +5 to +30 degrees. From contact with the drug, it is necessary to protect people and animals, and also to prevent it from entering water sources.

Treatment with urea (urea)

Apparatus for processing

The processing of fruit trees in autumn is simplified thanks to existing mechanical or manual principle actions. These devices protect the gardener from contact with the preparations, spray them evenly. Regardless of the principle of operation, all devices are equipped with a spray pump. The differences between mechanical devices and manual models are the convenience of their use. And, of course, there is a difference in their cost. Mechanical devices are more convenient, but more expensive. And for spraying trees with handheld device periodic pumping is required.

Additional processing

The processing of fruit trees in the fall from pests and diseases should not be limited to spraying with copper, iron sulfate or urea. Plants also need to be watered and whitewashed abundantly. The layer of lime on the bark should be at least three millimeters.

If the tree has cracks and wounds, then you need to add a little to the lime cow dung and finely chopped straw. The resulting solution will protect the plant from cracking.

Another way to protect is garden pitch. You can buy it at the store or make your own. To do this, you need to take one hundred grams of rosin and two hundred grams beeswax. It is necessary to melt these substances (each separately), then mix them and add one hundred grams of unsalted fat. Before filling cracks, the var must be heated.

Autumn preparation in southern regions includes pruning trees. In northern cities, this will doom the plant to freezing.

With the advent of spring, everything around wakes up. This applies not only to young buds on trees, but also to various pests that have been waiting all winter under the bark, fallen leaves. Therefore, it is important to carry out agrotechnical measures in time that will protect the plant even before the buds and leaves bloom. Practice has shown that independent manual collection of pests is a very laborious process and, unfortunately, is not always effective. The fight against caterpillars and beetles with herbal preparations often shows the same result. If there are a lot of pests, then chemistry will come to the rescue. spring processing vitriol gardening is simple and effective.

Types of chemicals

Now consider all the positive and negative characteristics chemicals for pest control in the garden.

Spring processing of gardens chemicals gives excellent results. These substances can cope not only with pests, but also with diseases and weeds.

Preparations for spring garden processing:

  • herbicides;
  • insecticides;
  • fungicides;
  • zoocides, etc.

Insecticides are used to kill harmful insects.

Fungicides help control the spread and destruction of pathogenic fungi.

Zoocides are used in the fight against warm-blooded harmful animals.

Unfortunately, most pesticides are poisons. They poison the body of the pest. Pesticides also include sterilizers and growth inhibitors. Therefore, the spring processing of gardens must be carried out taking into account all the recommendations.

The action of chemicals

Modern drugs that are aimed at pest control act quickly enough. Many can see the result of the action within an hour after application. This effect may persist for a long time. If your plants are characterized by massive damage or have an advanced stage of the disease, then pesticides must be alternated in such a way that insects do not develop addiction.

After a certain period of time (each drug has its own) chemical substances decompose. This period lasts from several days to three weeks. Thanks to this action of drugs, we can safely say that the treatment of trees in early spring or in the autumn after the harvest, it cannot do any harm to a person.

Present on the market today a large number of drugs that are characterized by a combined effect. They allow you to quickly and effectively cope with a variety of pests. This eliminates the need for re-treatment of plants.

The use of urea in horticulture

Of course, do not forget about fertilizer. One of the popular and highly effective drugs is carbamide (urea). This is a fertilizer in granules that contains nitrogen in an assimilable form ( necessary element for the development, growth and nutrition of the plant).

Urea is a fertilizer that is characterized by the maximum concentration of nitrogen. Under the action of enzymes of soil bacteria, this fertilizer is converted into ammonium carbonate. This process takes approximately 3 days. It is also used for feeding crops. Can be used in greenhouses.

Ammonium carbonate can partially decompose in the air. Some of it is also lost as ammonia gas. Therefore, the introduction of urea into the soil by a surface method can lead to a significant loss of nitrogen. You should also consider the type of soil. Indeed, on alkaline and neutral soils, such a loss will be maximum.

Use of urea

This substance must be applied throughout the projection of the crown of shrubs and trees. For an apple tree, it is necessary to prepare 250 g of urea, for plums and cherries - 140 g.

Applying urea is quite simple. You can sprinkle it on the surface of the plant, after which it must be watered. You can dissolve the fertilizer, but do not forget about watering.

It should also be remembered that carbamide is able to acidify the soil. Therefore, it is neutralized with limestone in accordance with the proportion of 1 kg of urea per 0.8 kg of ground limestone.

To process an area of ​​10 m 2, 100-150 g of carbamide should be prepared. 2/3 of the solution is applied to the soil, and the rest is gradually used during the growth of the plant.

Spring treatment of the garden with urea should be carried out even before bud formation.

The use of iron sulphate

Almost all people have heard the name "iron vitriol". But unfortunately, not everyone knows about it. In fact, this is an effective and versatile tool that can significantly increase the fruiting of trees. It is also used to restore old plants. Many gardeners know this tool and actively use it. As for beginners and amateurs, they unjustifiably forgot iron vitriol. And in vain, because this remedy is available to almost every person, its action has been tested for many years, and besides, its cost is quite low.

Spring treatment of gardens with a solution of vitriol allows you to get rid of mosses and lichens. To do this, use a 5-7% concentration of the substance. After this procedure, by the summer, lichen and mosses will be destroyed, and the tree will become more alive, healthier and more beautiful. And in a year you will be able to receive big harvest. Spring treatment of the garden with urea also allows you to saturate necessary fertilizers plant.

A one-time treatment in the spring is carried out for young trees. If your garden consists mainly of old trees, then in the fall it is necessary to re-treat the plants in the garden with iron sulfate. This will prepare the tired trees for winter and will allow you to consolidate the result.

gardeners mistake

Unfortunately, many amateur gardeners make the mistake of adding lime to iron sulfate. This may lead to negative consequences for plants. And the thing is that inexperienced gardeners inattentively get acquainted with the information, because lime can only be added to blue vitriol, and not to iron.

Irreplaceable fertilizer

Iron vitriol is a unique fertilizer that allows you to enrich the plant with iron in an easily accessible form. What is this element for? The fact is that it is iron that plays an important role in the respiratory system of a plant.

Iron deficiency is often found in fruit trees: pears, apple trees. It is also recommended to spray raspberry and rose bushes. Besides, vegetable crops also need iron (cabbage, potato, tomato).

The lack of this element leads to the appearance of chlorosis in various cultures. This provokes a weak growth of young shoots, underdevelopment of leaves and minimal fruiting. Therefore, spring chemical treatments in the garden are simply a must.

Advantages of ferrous sulfate treatment

As mentioned earlier, each plant requires care and attention. It is necessary to protect the plant from various pests in time, to enrich useful elements etc. Iron vitriol refers to such substances. What does he provide?

  • Plant nutrition. Iron vitriol affects the formation of chlorophyll in the foliage in flower and fruit crops. Flowers and leaves acquire improved coloration.
  • Pest control, mosses, lichens, fungal spores.
  • Disinfection. This tool does an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors from summer toilets, cesspools.

Features of the use of iron sulfate

Spring treatment of the garden from pests is necessary for every plant. Iron vitriol is used as a microfertilizer. This process is carried out by spraying for tree crowns or by sprinkling for foliar top dressing.

Spring processing of gardens requires the preparation of a solution. It is made independently. To do this, 5-10 g of the drug should be prepared for 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out in early spring, even before bud break. The procedure should be repeated after 15 days.

You can also get rid of the house fungus of wood and walls with a solution of iron sulfate: 1.5 kg of the drug for 10 liters of water.

For whitewashing the walls in the basement, a solution is used: for 10 liters of water, 400 g of the drug.

Features of the use of chemicals

Spring treatment of the garden with chemicals is fraught with dangers. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions. After all, it is necessary to observe not only the processing time, but also the dosage. Often this information is provided by the manufacturer on the packaging. A high concentration of the drug can adversely affect the plants. It is possible to burn buds or leaves, the death of pistils, a decrease in the viability of pollen. And this negatively affects the quantity and quality of the crop. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled and inappropriate use of chemicals has a detrimental effect on the condition environment, which leads to a violation of the natural balance.

Incorrect use of chemicals can adversely affect human health. This can also lead not only to the disease of wild animals and birds, but also to their death. In addition, insects and fish also suffer because of this.

As for a person, pesticides can enter his body not only through the gastrointestinal tract, but also through the respiratory organs and skin. Therefore it should Special attention to give their own protection when treating plants with various preparations. Spring treatment of the garden with iron sulphate also requires some safety measures.


Modern horticulture cannot exist normally without the use of various chemicals. They help get rid of pests, nourish plants essential trace elements. Their correct use will help to get a safe, high-quality and plentiful harvest.

Apply chemicals on your site or try to grow environmentally friendly products - this dilemma haunts many gardeners. Most prudently choose the golden mean, and the spring processing of the garden with blue vitriol becomes one of the first measures to combat diseases and pests in the new season. Why is spraying so important? First, let's figure out what these drugs are.

Description of drugs and their effect on plants

Copper sulfate and urea act differently on plants. It depends on their chemical composition.

Copper sulphate is called copper sulfate, each molecule of which attaches five molecules of water to itself. In horticulture, it is used in the form of an aqueous solution as an antiseptic and fungicide - a substance that is used to combat fungal plant diseases. This drug is contact, that is, it does not penetrate the tissues, but acts only on the surface.

Copper sulfate belongs to the class of low-hazard substances, but when working with it, safety precautions must be observed: wear a respirator, protective clothing and goggles.

Urea () is a chemical compound containing 46% nitrogen and is used as. Soil bacteria decompose it to ammonia and nitrates. In this form, it is absorbed by plants. Nitrogen is one of the main plant nutrients. The use of nitrogen fertilizers dramatically increases the yield of all crops. But excess nitrogen harms both humans and nature, so the dosage should not be exceeded.

Apply this fertilizer both in dry form, plowed into the soil, and in the form of an aqueous solution. Spraying with a solution of urea is a popular top dressing among gardeners, since nitrogen in liquid form is absorbed by plants much faster than in dry form and practically does not enter the soil, thereby creating excess nitrates in it.

Why spraying is necessary in early spring

Biologists and agronomists identify several reasons at once why the treatment of the garden with urea should be carried out in early spring:

  1. In the garden, the need for nitrogen in trees occurs at the very beginning of the growing season and continues until mid-summer. But the soil has not yet warmed up in early spring, and the natural processes of microbiological formation of nitrates in it are suppressed. Therefore, spraying with nitrogen fertilizer to replenish nitrogen reserves is necessary during this period.
  2. Spraying the garden helps to get rid of many pests wintering in the bark - aphids, apple red mites, moths, flower beetles, glass cases, leafworms and others. To do this, use a concentrated solution of urea - at least 700 g per bucket of water. Before the leaves bloom, this concentration is completely safe for the tree.
  3. With the onset of heat, fungal diseases of fruit trees are activated - powdery mildew, scab, and others. These diseases are easier to prevent than to treat a weakened tree. Early spring spraying with a five percent solution of copper sulfate will help suppress fungal spores.

Such high concentrations of copper sulfate and urea for trees can only be used before the leaves appear.

It is possible to spray the garden with a solution of copper sulphate only before bud break in order to avoid burns. After the start of the growing season, Bordeaux mixture is used.

How to prepare a garden for spraying

Before the spring treatment of the garden with urea with copper sulfate, it is necessary to prepare the trees:

  • cut dry and diseased branches;
  • clean up areas of dead bark;
  • smear the places of cuts and strippings;
  • collect and burn last year's foliage.

All cleaned places are disinfected with a solution of copper sulphate, saw cuts - with garden pitch.

For this procedure, you need to choose a dry, calm day when the air warms up to 5 degrees Celsius. In rainy weather, spraying will not do any good.

How to prepare a mixture

A solution of urea and copper sulfate for treating trees is prepared as follows:

  • 700 g of urea is poured into a clean 10-liter bucket;
  • pour water into a bucket and stir until completely dissolved;
  • in a separate bowl, dilute 500 g of copper sulfate in a small amount of hot water;
  • diluted vitriol is poured into a bucket and mixed again.

It is necessary to spray the trees with urea and blue vitriol abundantly in the spring, soaking the trunk, branches and soil of the near-trunk circle.

The prepared mixture is used immediately. Put on before starting work protective equipment- goggles, respirator and gloves.

These drugs can only be diluted in glass, wood or plastic containers.

The spring treatment of the garden with urea with copper sulfate, carried out in accordance with all the rules, is a guarantee that your garden will be much healthier and will delight you with a friendly harvest. But it should not be forgotten that in order to good result in the garden, a whole range of measures is needed. Trees need various fertilizers and protection from diseases and pests throughout the year.

First spraying of the garden - video

For the treatment of a garden plot in the fall, substances such as copper or iron sulfate, as well as urea, are used. Spraying solves several problems:

  • Destroys pests;
  • Prevents fungal diseases;
  • Heals wounds, disinfects them after trimming;
  • Acts as a fertilizer.

During operation, the instruction prescribes to take protective measures At least put on a respirator and gloves. When processing large area It is convenient to use a special sprayer for the garden.

Treatment with iron sulphate

If the trees are not young, affected by moss and lichen, iron sulfate is suitable for processing. The solution is prepared with a concentration of ferrous sulfate not less than 5% and not more than 8%.

The mixture must not be kept in metal container. For its preparation, glassware or a bucket made of thick plastic is suitable. For treatment - disinfection of sections and hollows for 1 liter of water, take 100 g of iron sulfate.

Processing the garden with iron sulfate in the fall will help in the fight against gray mold, mosses and lichens on old trees. At a concentration of 1 liter of water - 30 g of the drug, it is used for spraying currant bushes, gooseberries and raspberries.

Iron sulfate is used to prevent and treat diseases of roses, in particular, it helps to defeat black spot.

Autumn spraying of apple trees with iron sulphate destroys insect pests that have hid under the bark for wintering. Branches, trunk and trunk circle treated with a 5% solution. Spring treatment with iron sulphate kills at least 50% of eggs laid for the winter of apple sucker.

In addition to protecting the garden from pests, iron sulfate is a source of iron, which is necessary for normal plant growth and fruit development. In contrast, copper sulfate is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent (fungicide).

What is copper sulphate for?

Autumn spraying with copper sulphate has preventive goals. By the time the buds begin to bloom, the trees will already be protected from diseases.

A one percent solution of this drug is treated with the roots of seedlings before planting. They are lowered literally for 3 minutes, after which they are thoroughly rinsed in running water.

A solution of copper sulfate will help prevent the occurrence of fruit rot, powdery mildew and scab.

For the best result, lime is added to it in the ratio: 100 g of copper sulfate is taken for 200 g of quicklime. The resulting mixture is called Bordeaux.

Spraying with copper sulphate is best done in the fall, as in the spring a highly concentrated solution will harm young foliage. But this can be done not earlier than November, since a chemical burn is possible when processing the leaves.

Spraying with urea

The composition with urea is used at a concentration of 5%. This treatment will help rid and protect the garden from scab. The components of urea have a positive effect on the vegetative processes, as the plants are saturated with nitrogen.

Spraying with urea is carried out a month before the first frost in order to protect the garden from negative weather conditions. It is carried out in calm weather. Another name for urea is urea.

Autumn processing: terms and procedure

In autumn, it is important to remove fallen leaves. If this is not done, insect pests and rodents will overwinter in it and continue to destroy the garden in the spring.

Main goals autumn work in the garden:

  • Spraying the garden from pests, their larvae;
  • Rodent protection;
  • Shelter of trees and bushes from frost.

The sequence of work to prepare the garden for winter:

  1. Collection of fruits. Healthy fallen fruits are processed or composted, and the carrion is fed to livestock. Diseased parts of the plant are burned.
  2. Fallen leaves are collected. Healthy leaves cover garlic and strawberries. The rest is placed in the compost heap.
  3. The old bark is scraped off. Hollows and wounds are cleaned, disinfected and treated with garden pitch.

Before these procedures, unnecessary fabric is spread under the crown - so that the pests that live in the crown do not fall to the ground. At autumn pruning shoots growing inside, top shoots, diseased, damaged and dried branches are removed.

In regions with frosty winters, pruning is carried out in the spring. Where at this time of the year a predominantly positive temperature remains, sanitary pruning is carried out - crooked, dry and diseased branches are destroyed. All waste is incinerated.

Trunk whitewashing

The procedure for applying a protective solution is carried out after all the foliage has fallen, but before the first frost. In the central regions, this time falls on the end of September - the first ten days of October. Processing is not carried out in rainy weather.

Whitewash will create on the trunk protective film, which will serve as a barrier against pests. Ordinary lime is ineffective.

It is better to use a special paint designed for garden trees. She lasts longer than mortar and contains an antiseptic.

As soon as the temperature drops to +5°C, you can start painting the trunks. This is done to protect them from freezing in winter, and from freezing in spring. sunburn. Garden paint is not applied at temperatures below +2°C.

If a we are talking about young seedlings, it is not recommended to whitewash them with lime. In extreme cases, the solution is made less concentrated, but the protective properties are reduced. Therefore, it is safer for seedlings to use garden paint.

To prepare a solution of lime, you will need the following components:

  • Hydrated garden lime - 2 kg;
  • Water - 10 l;
  • Copper sulfate - 250 g;
  • Clay - 1 kg.

This is not a spray, so the mixture should not run like water. Clay gives it density. If the solution turned out to be liquid, then this is corrected by adding clay. The consistency of the mass should resemble kefir or liquid sour cream.

Rodent harness

When all garden work carried out, spraying fruit trees and berry bushes completed, the temperature dropped below zero, the trunk is tied. At the same time, spruce branches, raspberry branches are used, but if there are none, then it will do. metal grid or ruberoid. The strapping will protect the bark from sun rays, which in the spring can leave burns on the trunk.

If the rodents are already on garden plot, then set traps, traps and poisoned baits. If there is a lot of snow, it is rammed around the trunk. This technique allows you to maintain the heat balance. Strapping becomes unnecessary closer to April. To protect the bark from burns, the shelter is removed on a cloudy day.

To make your garden look well-groomed, bushes beautiful, fruit trees were healthy and gave in the summer good harvest, it must be properly prepared for the season. One of such important activities, in addition to whitewashing and pruning trees, is their spraying, and the most effective tool for this, carbamide (urea) is considered. Treating trees with urea solves several problems at once.

Urea is one of the highest concentrations of nitrogen fertilizers - almost 46%. Some beginner gardeners confuse it with saltpeter, which can be harmful to tree foliage. Carbamide is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish tints, which have absolutely no bad smell, easily dissolves in water (in hot water up to +80°C the process is faster) and is perfectly distributed on the treated areas. Due to its hygroscopicity, it must be stored in airtight containers. Gardeners value urea not only for its high nitrogen content, but also for the high absorption rate by plants. This is especially effective in dealing with harmful insects when every minute counts.

When working with urea, keep the following in mind:

  1. Carbamide belongs to organic compounds, but is considered a mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  2. The action of urea begins immediately and has a long period.
  3. Urea for the garden as a fertilizer is applied directly to the soil, since it has the properties of weathering.
  4. It is used in any soil, including in protected conditions (in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  5. Shows good efficiency on waterlogged soils.
  6. In soils with high biological activity, carbamide loses less nitrogen, which cannot be said about alkaline and neutral soils.
  7. Getting into the soil, urea is converted into ammonium carbonate (ammonium carbonate).
  8. It is the most effective and safe nitrogenous fertilizer for garden plants in the summer - does not burn the foliage even with the wrong dosage.
  9. Another one of the very useful properties urea is that it slows down the growing season - the flowering of trees begins later, and this helps to avoid the death of ovaries from spring frosts. This is especially effective for early ripe varieties of peaches, plums, apricots.
  10. During the period when buds are forming on the trees, urea treatment solves the problem with many pests and various diseases.
  11. Spring treatment of the garden with urea helps protect trees from frost.
  12. Urea is useless in the fight against old stumps, it is not able to completely destroy them, but only contributes to decay.
  13. Never mix urea with other fertilizers and minerals - chalk, simple superphosphates, lime.

Preparing the garden for cultivation

Before you start spraying the garden in the spring with urea, you need to consider some recommendations:

Processing the garden in the spring from diseases and pests with urea is carried out as follows:

Processing of fruit trees

  1. You can start treating the garden with urea if you have properly prepared the trees for this - dug up the ground under them, removed frozen and damaged branches, whitened the tree trunks.
  2. For works fit sunny and, most importantly, windless day. If the weather is hot, then it is advisable to spray in the early morning or evening after sunset.
  3. It is necessary to prepare the solution and carry out the spraying itself in protective clothing, a mask, goggles and gloves.
  4. Urea will be especially effective in the fight against insects in combination with copper sulfate - 700 g of urea, 50 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. Such a composition solves two problems at once - it destroys pests and fertilizes the soil.
  5. For spraying, it is best to use a special sprayer. With it, even very tall trees can be processed.
  6. When processing trees, do not spare the solution, it is impossible to harm them.
  7. The second processing of the garden can be carried out already during the flowering period of the trees, and the third immediately after the ovary of flowers.
  8. If precipitation falls after spraying, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, otherwise everything will be in vain.
  9. Root feeding of fruit trees during the fruiting period is carried out in the following ratio: cherry and plum trees will need from 120 to 150 g per 10 liters of water; apple trees will require 230-250 g per 10 liters of water.
  10. You can not prepare a solution, but pour dry urea, but in this case it is necessary to carefully water the trees with water.
  11. In the case of feeding trees with organic matter, the application rate of urea must be reduced by 1/3 or half, it depends on the amount of organic feeding.

Treatment of other plants and shrubs

Surely, many gardeners grow in the garden not only fruit trees, but also other plants, shrubs, both fruit and ornamental. They are also treated and fed with urea, which is used both as a fertilizer and as a disease and pest control.

  1. Active feeding of plants is carried out in case of nitrogen starvation, which manifests itself as follows:
    • the plant begins to lag behind in growth;
    • leaves turn yellow and curl into a tube;
    • flowering is weak, without ovaries;
    • fruits and berries appear in small quantities and quickly crumble.
  2. For work, preferably morning or evening. No work is carried out during the rainy season.
  3. To prepare the solution, you need 30-40 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Norms for root dressing:

  • for cabbage and onions of any variety, beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes, take 20-25 g per square meter. m.;
  • for legumes and cucumbers - 5-8 g per square meter;
  • for feeding strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber or tomato - 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. Under each bush or plant, 1 liter of solution is needed;
  • gooseberries are fed in a ratio of 10 g per 10 liters of water;
  • for currants take 20 g per 10 liters of water;
  • squash, eggplant and zucchini require 10-12 g per sq. m.

Today, urea is the most popular means for feeding trees, shrubs and other plants - approximately 35% of all nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can be safely called one of the most effective and safe, which confirms the high and ever-growing demand. The cost of carbamide is slightly higher than that of other nitrogen-containing fertilizers due to the fact that it is not natural, but is obtained as a result of synthesis from ammonia and carbon dioxide. But in this case, we can safely say - the price justifies the quality.

Treatment of the garden with urea. Video