Is it possible to pour boiling water over currant bushes? Watering currants with boiling water - what are the advantages of heat treatment? Watering currants in summer

To save your berry bush from unnecessary problems, it is very important to use modern insecticidal and fungicidal preparations. However, one should not forget traditional methods currant processing. One of these known methods pest and disease control is the treatment of currant bushes with boiling water in early spring.

Why treat currants with boiling water in spring:What pests and diseases does it help fight?

Spraying currants with boiling water in the spring serves the following purposes:

Of course, the most important advantage of irrigating currants with boiling water is the indisputable fact that this is a relatively safe and, one might say, “ecological” method of treatment against pests and diseases (unlike chemicals).

However! It is worth understanding that the real effectiveness of this procedure is much lower than the use of chemical insecticides and fungicides.

On the Internet you can find very positive reviews, besides, some summer residents do just this kind of treatment and their bushes are clean and the harvest is excellent. But, whatever one may say, boiling water alone cannot rid your bushes of pests and diseases even by 90%!

So be sure to check it out.

Video: processing currants with boiling water from powdery mildew

When to treat currants with boiling water in spring: timing

Advice! But still preferably Carry out this treatment when there is still snow on the street. And all so as not to knead the dirt after it begins to converge (melt).

At this moment, the plant is still guaranteed to be in hibernation, and it does not yet show signs of the beginning of life activity (sap flow has not begun, the buds are also sleeping; at most, they have just begun to swell).

Note! If you are late and the buds have already begun to bloom, then in this case there will be a high probability of damage to the buds themselves and causing serious damage (burn) to your shrub.

Thus, when choosing a date for treating currants with boiling water, first of all you need to focus on the condition of the bush: its buds should not awaken or even bloom.

Concerning approximate processing times, then, for example, for Middle zone- this is the end of March - the first half of April, for Leningrad region- second half of April. In the south of Russia even earlier - in March, and in Siberia and the Urals - at the end of April.

However! It doesn’t happen once at a time - spring comes unexpectedly every year, so first of all you focus on appearance bush.

Video: treating currant bushes with boiling water in early spring

Interesting! It is believed that treating currant bushes with boiling water in the fall (in October, when the bushes are already completely bare) can cause serious damage to aphids and powdery mildew spores. However, you will no longer be able to get the currant mite in the fall, because... he hid in a tightly closed kidney.

Technology for treating currants in spring with boiling water from pests and diseases

Spring pouring boiling water over currant bushes should not be done spontaneously, but ahead of time, having carefully prepared and planned the event.

How to properly process currants with boiling water in the spring? Let's find out!

How to prepare for processing currants with boiling water:

  • Conduct, if, of course, you have not spent.
  • Attentively inspect the bushes for the presence of abnormally swollen buds (tick buds) and remove them mechanically, i.e. manually pinch off all infected buds.

Of course, boiling water will also affect them, but manual collection is guaranteed to get rid of the tick. Naturally, all collected buds should be taken away and burned.

  • Prepare an iron or plastic watering can with a sprayer.

As a rule, modern plastic watering cans are designed for 100-degree liquids, but better check (usually permissible temperatures indicated on the bottom).

  • So that boiling water gets on everything problem areas and destroyed all pests, preferably tie all the branches into a single sheaf(tie the bushes with rope in a circle and pull them into a pile).

This will both reduce the consumption of boiling water itself and make the procedure more effective.

  • Some gardeners believe that they should be further protected root system and lay boards, plastic oilcloth under the bush, and mulch. However, this is completely pointless. Watering with boiling water will not damage the roots in any way., because It will no longer be boiling water that will reach them, but simply warm water.
  • And the most important thing is to prepare boiling water!
  • While you boil the water, pour it into a watering can, bring it to the place and begin the process of watering the bushes, the water will cool down somewhat. This is normal (70-80 degrees).

How to directly process currants with boiling water:

  • With confident movements of the watering can up and down, go around the bush from all sides, evenly irrigating the branches, while the time of exposure to one area should not exceed more than 3-5 seconds.

Important! During processing, care should be taken to ensure that all branches are evenly irrigated. hot water.

  • As for the consumption of boiling water per bush, it is important to pour over all the branches.

Video: treating currant bushes with boiling water in early spring

Video: the result of pouring hot water over currants

Alternative methods of heat treatment of currants

Inventive gardeners also use other methods of exposing currant bushes to elevated temperatures:

  • For example, it is considered that the use steam generator and it will be even more economical.
  • Some even treat bushes blowtorch(burn slightly).

Video: what needs to be done with currant bushes in the spring - treating the bushes with a blowtorch

Thus, watering and spraying currants with boiling water in early spring is relatively effective and free old method control of pests and fungal diseases of shrubs. In addition, such exposure can increase the protective properties of the crop (its immunity - resistance to various diseases).

And still! Scalding currants with boiling water is just one of the components of a set of measures for processing currants in the spring, in other words, this not a panacea from all pests and diseases.

Video: treating currants from bud mites and other pests by dousing the bushes with hot water in early spring

In contact with

Watering with boiling water is a stressful situation for a currant bush. In order to subject a plant to such a test, you need good reasons. They may be:

  • the presence of a bud mite on currants - the main culprit of leaf terry. This tiny pest settles in the buds of the plant, feeding on the sap of leaves, shoots and flowers. The leaves of the affected bush turn yellow, it begins to bear fruit poorly and is stunted in growth. Massive spread of the pest can lead to the death of the plant;
  • damage to currant bushes by aphids;
  • fight against fungal infections, including powdery mildew spores, and viruses that have settled under the bark or in the soil;
  • the need to warm the soil, accelerate the awakening of the buds and strengthen the general immunity of the plant.

Photo gallery: currant infection with bud mite

Currant bud mite becomes active in early spring Under the influence of tick saliva, the currant bud swells, loosens, increases in size and becomes like a small, loose head of cabbage Enlarged buds of the plant indicate that currants are infected with mites.

Experienced gardeners claim that currant bushes treated with boiling water in early spring are less sick in the summer, have juicy and fresh greens, and produce more shoots.

Phases of currant vegetation during which treatment with boiling water can be carried out

The following phases of the growing season are distinguished in currants:

  • bud bursting (beginning of growing season);
  • beginning of flowering;
  • beginning of maturation;
  • full maturity;
  • end of shoot growth;
  • the beginning of leaf fall;
  • end of leaf fall.

Then comes a phase of deep dormancy, during which the plant's metabolism is sharply inhibited and visible growth stops. Treatment of the currant bush with hot water can only be carried out during this period. If such an event is organized in the fall, it will have a detrimental effect on aphids and powdery mildew spores.

Watering and spraying currants with hot water - effective method fight against fungal diseases and many pests

Approximate time for processing currants with hot water

If you plan to carry out the procedure in the fall, then you need to do it in October-early November, about a month before the onset of frost. In the remaining time, the plant will have time to fully prepare for the upcoming drop in temperatures. In spring, currant buds awaken early from winter dormancy, so treatment with boiling water should be carried out early, when there is still snow on the site, but the height of the cover is already small (5–10 cm). IN different regions In Russia this period begins at different times.

Table: timing of spring treatment of currants with boiling water

Determining the processing time depends not only on the weather conditions of the region, but also on the varietal characteristics of the crop. Hybrid varieties black currant(Golubka, Koksa, Primorsky Champion, Altai Dessert), obtained by crossing grouse currants and Siberian species forms, enter the bud bursting phase earlier. In European varieties (Pobeda, Neapolitanskaya, Laxtona, Neosyshayushchaya, etc.), the growing season begins later. The difference between the beginning of the growing season early and late varieties is approximately 1 week.

The buds on red and golden currants begin to bloom a little later than on black ones. This feature should also be taken into account when choosing deadlines. spring treatment bushes with hot water.

It is possible to carry out treatment not only on the last snow, but also in the phase of bud protrusion, swelling and preparation for flowering. At this time, the bud mite leaves its shelter and moves to the currant shoots, so irrigation with hot water will destroy the pest, but will not have a negative effect on the bush itself.

Basic rules for processing currants with hot water

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to think through and organize preparatory activities:

  • identify bushes that require treatment. The importance of this point is determined by the fact that hot water in cold air it will cool quickly, so without a clear watering plan, the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease;
  • organize additional protection of the root system by covering the soil around the bush with any available materials: plywood, boards, plastic oilcloth;
  • Prepare a metal watering can with a fine strainer. A watering can made of another material, in particular plastic, will not be suitable, as it can become deformed due to exposure to hot water.

Water for irrigation should boil. To make the procedure more effective, you can add traditional pest control agents:

  • potassium permanganate (0.1 g per bucket of water);
  • copper sulfate (3 g per bucket of water);
  • salt (1 teaspoon per bucket of water).

When irrigating a currant bush with hot water, you should know not only when to carry out the procedure, but also how to do it correctly:

  • you need to constantly monitor the temperature of the water for heat treatment: it should be between +60–80 degrees. From watering more cold water the effect will be zero, and treatment with boiling water can lead to burns to the plant;
  • it is necessary to process all branches evenly, and no more than 5 seconds can be spent on watering each shoot;
  • Do not allow hot water to get into the root system of the bush;
  • Depending on the age category, 10 liters of water are consumed for 2–3 plants.

Remember that incorrectly chosen time, non-compliance temperature regime water for irrigation, contact with boiling water on the roots of the plant will not only not bring the desired result, but will also weaken the currant bush.

Video: treating a currant bush with boiling water in early spring

Currant bushes are often affected by many pests and diseases. Among them are powdery mildew, mites, and aphids. To combat these pests, gardeners use a wide variety of pesticides. However, there is one catch - treating shrubs with chemical solutions and mixtures can negatively affect the harvest (berries watered with pesticides cannot be eaten).

However, experts have found an effective and absolutely safe treatment method for plants against such pests - watering the plants with boiling water. The causative agents of these pests and diseases are very sensitive to heat treatment and will die under such exposure. When is the best time to carry out work? Plants need to be treated immediately, as soon as the snow under the bushes melts and the ground warms up a little. Most often this is the beginning or middle of April, depending, of course, on weather conditions.

Watering the plant with boiling water

If you carry out the work later, there is a high probability of burning the root system of the bush, which will lead to its death.

If you were unable to heat treat the currants in the spring, you can postpone the work until the fall, when the plant stops blooming and begins to dry out. The best period is mid-November. At the same time, carefully inspect the bushes before watering - if there are still green leaves on the branches, boiling water can burn them.

In order for the heat treatment method to be as successful as possible, you need to know not only when to carry out the work, but also how to do it:

  1. Pour boiling water into a suitable container or bucket and, without delay, go to the garden where the currants grow. By the time you reach the bushes, the water temperature will drop to about +80 °C, and upon contact with the branches, the water will lose about 10 °C more and will be between +60–65 °C. That is why take a thermometer with you to monitor the temperature of the liquid - if the temperature drops too low, the effect of watering will be zero (using too hot water can harm the plants themselves).
  2. Additionally, to enhance the effect of the solution, add salt or a little potassium permanganate to the water.
  3. Scald the branches evenly, trying not to miss any of them, so as not to give pests any chance. The soil around each bush should also be treated with boiling water. But you should not pour hot liquid directly onto the roots of plants. To protect the root system, use iron sheets.
  4. Keep the watering can about 10cm away from the branches. Water each shoot for no more than 5 seconds. One bush requires approximately 5–6 liters of water.
  5. When spraying with boiling water, do not forget that you can water each bush only once - if you notice that you have not treated all the shoots, it is prohibited to carry out the work again.

Scalding currant branches

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in treating bushes with boiling water. But it is worth remembering that if currants suffer from frost in early spring, then it is better to postpone treatment with boiling water until the fall, when the plant’s buds are in the stage of forced dormancy, which means they will not wake up as a result of a “hot shower.” By the way, in addition to fighting diseases, treating with boiling water will help you make plants even more resistant to diseases, increase productivity and make the berries taste more “rich.” In addition, you can also process raspberries and...

But to avoid having to water the bushes with boiling water or apply other pest control measures, remember about preventive measures. For example, in early spring it is necessary to treat currants with a solution of nitrafen.

Nitrafen solution for pest control

You also need to carefully examine the bushes - before buds form, you need to cut off dried and diseased shoots using pruning shears or a sharp hacksaw. should be carried out in such a way that after carrying out the work there are no places left on the branches where pest eggs could theoretically remain. If the bushes are too badly damaged, they will likely need to be removed completely.

After flowering ends, the bushes need to be treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. To consolidate the result, repeat the work after two weeks. If you want to protect plants from the dominance of powdery mildew, you need to treat the currants at least twice a season with a solution containing soda ash or ammonium nitrate. And, of course, don’t forget to collect garbage and fallen leaves after winter (where pests usually hibernate) and burn them.

Many gardeners practice summer cottagewatering currant bushes with boiling water. It is believed that hot water while the berry bushes are still dormant (in early spring), it can destroy dangerous pests. However, there are different opinions about the advisability of this procedure. About why pour boiling water over currant bushes And When do it in 2019, we read in country literature.

Why pour boiling water over currants?

In early spring, even before the buds open, not only currants, but also gooseberries are usually treated with hot water. This can significantly reduce the risk of the spread of powdery mildew, aphids and bud mites. That is, the treatment is aimed at those pests that overwinter in the above-ground part of the bush. But this does not mean that you can forget about them during the year. No, boiling water only kills the first generation. Secondary infection may occur during the summer.

Boiling water will not help at all against insects that overwinter in the soil. On the contrary, hot water, hitting the soil, will warm it and become a signal for the awakening of bugs and larvae. And this is an argument against it.

Watering berry bushes boiling water is not able to completely improve the health of plants, but it significantly reduces the number of pests at the beginning of the season.

Water temperature: Most sources indicate a temperature of 80-90 degrees.

When to pour boiling water over currant bushes in 2019?

So, treatment with boiling water is carried out in early spring, before the buds open. The procedure is carried out only once a season, then pests are controlled with the help of insecticides.

The astrological calendar of a summer resident says that you can pour hot water on currant and gooseberry bushes as early as March. Moreover, the source recommends doing this with boiling water at a temperature of 90 degrees. To combat bud mites, swollen buds are also pinched.

What about dates?

Favorable days for treating plants against pests and diseases in 2019:

  • In March: March 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31;
  • In April: April 1, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.

(calendar data from the magazine “Homestead Farming”)


In one of the magazines I came across: Oktyabrina Ganichkina, instead of watering currants with boiling water in early spring (which she considers to be of little effectiveness), recommends treating them with the following solution:

  • Green or tar soap grate on a coarse grater to make 3 tablespoons and dilute in 10 liters of warm water (30 - 40 degrees). Before processing, the soil is loosened to bring the pests sleeping there to the surface. The first time the bushes are watered with the solution before flowering, the second time after flowering.
  • Another alternative: solutions of special biological products.

From aphids

If last year it was observed on the bushes great amount aphids:

  • Before and after flowering, the preparations “Kinmiks” (at temperatures below 15 degrees), “Aktellik”, “Karbofos”, “Fufanon” (above 15 degrees) are used.
  • And every 7-10 days you can treat with infusions of garlic, yarrow, and dandelion. They have an insecticidal effect.

Many of us have heard about simple technique pest control: treatment of currants with boiling water in the spring. When is the best time to water bushes with boiling water? Why is this being done? Is it possible to water other berry bushes? Let's try to figure it out!

Watering currants with boiling water - why, when, and how to do it correctly?

Shoots of berry bushes become a refuge for pests in winter period. Larvae and fungal spores overwinter. A simple remedy - boiling water - will help in the fight against misfortunes.

Processing should be carried out either late autumn, or at the end of February, before the sap begins to flow and buds open.

Water +80...90°C is poured into the watering can.

You can add excipients to enhance the effect:

  • Potassium permangantsovka

Each bush is thoroughly doused with hot water, consumption is 3-4 liters per bush. Water the tree trunk circles generously.

Not a single branch is missed. This treatment will help avoid the use of chemicals and increase the harvest.

What crops can be treated with boiling water?

  • Currant
  • Yoshta
  • Gooseberry
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberry

We have repeatedly treated currants with boiling water, the effect is wonderful, but we cannot go ahead with this, the buds must be in the resting phase, and nothing else!

Processing currants with boiling water - video