Marine and winter shades: Turquoise color in the interior (38 photos). Turquoise color in the wardrobe - combine it correctly Turquoise color is also white-green

Turquoise is a soft mineral, and therefore quite sensitive to various external influences. If you wear jewelry on it too often, it will gradually fade, becoming whiter. Due to the instability of color, this gem has been subjected to additional processing since ancient times. This is especially true now, when deposits of natural stone are depleted. The processed material is superior in quality to natural material - it is stronger and does not fade in the sun. This is the kind of turquoise that is used to make jewelry.

For the most part, this mineral is considered semi-precious, but there are specimens that can be called precious. This gem, unlike a semi-precious one, is translucent and has a beautiful blue color. Such specimens make up only 10% of the total mass. In jewelry, precious turquoise is also used in natural form, and in the form of plates and crumbs. The cost of such jewelry is many times higher ordinary products with opaque turquoise inserts.


Semi-precious turquoise is much more common than precious turquoise and has a slightly lower quality and less durable color. In such minerals there are more often inclusions, sometimes too large. They have the most varied colors, ranging from blue tones, green, and even yellowish. Such gems make up the majority of the deposits. Its semi-precious varieties are most often set in silver and used to make figurines.

It is this kind of turquoise that is easiest to counterfeit, unlike precious ones. The huge number of fakes is due to the constant demand for this beautiful blue stone. The vast majority of turquoise products on the world market (data vary from 60% to 80%) have been subjected to additional processing in order to improve decorative and performance qualities. There are also many artificially grown stones; most often, a mixture of crumbs of various minerals and epoxy resins is used for this purpose.

The most common imitations:

  • pressed stones;
  • gems passed off as originals - lazulite, variscite, etc.;
  • tinted natural gems, such as quartz or chalcedony;
  • fossilized bones (odntolite);
  • synthetic materials, plastic, glass, enamel, etc.;
  • doublets.

White turquoise, blue, blue-green, etc. are divided into several varieties depending on origin, etc. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail, focusing on the classification accepted in jewelry terminology.

Natural turquoise

This type includes all untreated stones, such copper turquoise(the mineral contains a high amount of copper, which gives the blue-green palette of shades) was not subjected to additional processing. This means that the minerals were not impregnated with special substances and were not tinted for a brighter shade. Of course, not everyone goes into jewelry making. natural stone, but only the highest quality raw materials. Such minerals have the greatest hardness and their only processing is grinding and cutting.

Ekaterina Malyarova

“In many cultures, the color turquoise occupies a very special position. Turquoise is considered a protective talisman. It is the color of deep compassion and healing, and also the color of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky..."

Leatrice Eiseman, director of the Pantone Color Institute

Turquoise + beige

Turquoise with beige/milky – more soft combination than turquoise and white. It looks best on the spring color type. Unlike dazzling white, beige - warm color, it lowers the degree of coolness and freshness of turquoise.

Turquoise + red

Turquoise and red are a very controversial combination. These colors are very annoying to the eye if taken in equal proportions. In this case, it is recommended to make one color dominant and the second additional. Or you can add a balancing white color. The combination of turquoise and red came into fashion in the 50s, so it can be successfully used in retro-style looks.

The combination of turquoise and orange is similar to the previous combination with red. These two colors create high contrast. It's like ice and fire. Warm orange dilutes the coolness and freshness of turquoise. If you want to find out with, then read a separate article on this topic.

Turquoise and yellow are a bright and positive combination. It is memorable and can set you apart from others. Turquoise and yellow also carry cheerfulness and a huge charge of energy. Yellow softens the coolness of turquoise, complementing it with warm sunny colors.

Turquoise and blue are related colors. That is why this combination looks so beautiful and harmonious. It should be noted that blue lowers the warmth of turquoise, this combination looks very fresh. For greater contrast, take the brightest shade of blue, called ultramarine, and you will get a luxurious, noble and aristocratic duet with turquoise.

Turquoise in combination with brown it gives a very beautiful contrast. This is a classic combination that is often used in clothing. Turquoise is associated with lightness and freshness, while brown is more traditional and conservative. If you take a dark shade of brown, called chocolate, then the combination with turquoise will turn out to be exotic and stylish. If you want to find out, then read a separate article on this topic.

Turquoise is a cross between green and blue. His ability to harmoniously fit into the interior and clothing style was noticed by designers. Therefore, the presented shade has been on trend for several years. shade in the interior can emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house, creating unique design almost any room.

Each color carries certain associative information. Therefore, when choosing dark shades of turquoise to decorate a room, it is necessary to study its properties and features. The right combination with other colors will also help make the interior harmonious and effective.

general characteristics

Some people equate the color turquoise with either a blue or a green tint. However, this is wrong. This is an independent color that is as unique as the mineral that defines its name.

Dark turquoise color is associated with sea ​​space. He's very calm. Like the shades themselves, they remind a person of serenity, depth and spaciousness. This color exudes a pleasant coolness. This is a very beautiful shade. It's chill and relaxing.

Experts say that the presented color can relieve irritation and stress, restoring clarity of thought and calm. However, you should not use too many dark turquoise elements when decorating your interior. This may cause some discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly apply and combine the shade with other colors.

Dark shade

The color is not pure. Its structure defines several different shades of the spectrum. The main ones are blue and yellow. The final shade depends on the proportions of these colors.

It should be noted that each person perceives dark turquoise differently. For some, it is approaching green. It can even be called glass. This is explained by the depth of color. The dark shade hides the boundaries between tones.

However, there are people who, in a combination of green and blue, highlight the second component of the combination more. Blue color in this combination is a priority for them. This feature allows you to create a variety of moods if you combine turquoise with other colors.

Interior Design

Has a lot of advantages. It easily matches with almost all colors. Even different tones of turquoise can be combined in the same interior. This provides a wide field for creative imagination designers.

Dark turquoise can be used for interior decoration as the main color in combination with some other shades. With its help you can place small but rich accents. It all depends on the design style and preferences of the home owners.

Dark turquoise color is noble and versatile. It can be found in many modern styles interior It is used quite often to decorate a kitchen, bedroom, living room or bathroom. It doesn’t have to be a marine interior style. By using different color combinations you can create almost any type of interior.

Combination with yellow-green shades

May look gloomy if not complemented various details and combinations. One of the winning combinations in this case will be the proximity to pistachio, olive or mustard shades. This combination gives the interior energy and cheerfulness.

It is best to use pure shades. Some designers argue about the advisability of using such colors in the interior. However, the smooth flow of dark turquoise into warm yellow-green shades pleases the eye. At the right approach the room turns out to be spectacular, beautiful and interesting.

When combining these shades, you should avoid combining colors of the same saturation level. One of them must be dominant.

Turquoise and blue

If you want to decorate a fresh interior of a living room or bedroom, you can give preference to a combination of dark turquoise with blue or blue. All shades should not be contrasting or bright. They should blend smoothly with each other. For example, if you want to set off a carpet or sofa, you can place dark blue accessories against the background of such objects. This will highlight the play of shades well.

Blue or light blue should be a secondary color. They only emphasize the natural beauty of turquoise. In the living room it is allowed to use deep or bright shades. They can act as the main color for pieces of furniture and rugs. A large dark turquoise sofa looks beautiful in combination with the same curtains.

This combination will also look harmonious in a nursery. You shouldn’t decorate the entire room in these colors. It's better to leave them for accents. You can combine turquoise, blue with others bright colors. This contributes to the proper development of the child and proper rest.

Brown and beige

The combination of dark turquoise with brown and beige shades also looks very impressive. Do not use contrasting black or white shades. The interior in this case will be unnatural, oppressive. Smooth tints between brown, beige and dark turquoise will create an atmosphere of natural purity and freshness.

This combination looks elegant and laconic. This is expensive simplicity. There is no place for rhinestones and feathers. Turquoise itself looks like a jewel against the background of a muted design. To make the interior seem richer and more interesting, you can add simple patterns to the bedspread, curtains, and other interior elements. There shouldn't be many of them.

The presented combination is well suited for decorating a living room or bedroom. For the kitchen or bathroom it is better to give preference to other combinations. Beige shades will make the dark turquoise color noble and deep. Upon registration nautical style You can combine turquoise with white and red decor.

Bright combinations

Or the nursery will look interesting and bright in combination with warm and bright shades. Bright pink, orange, yellow colors. Cool dark and light bright shades will make the interior interesting and lively.

In such combinations it is better to give main role turquoise. Orange and yellow shades should act as small accents. You can add beige or white to this interior. The combination of gold and dark turquoise looks harmonious. It is worthy of palace walls. However, it is important not to overdo it here. Everything should be in moderation so that the decoration of the room is done with taste.

Red, pink and purple can be paired with dark turquoise. This is an advantageous combination for the kitchen. Depending on the style of the interior, all details are thought out.

Purple and pink

Dark turquoise color, combinations which are very diverse, can be combined with all. If they are pale, pastel, this will lighten the interior. For example, a soft purple rug and bedspreads will highlight the beauty of dark turquoise.

Purple shades can be more saturated. This adds drama to the interior. You can combine the presented combinations with gray shades. However, it is better to give preference to light tones of purple or pink. In the West this is a fairly common combination.

Also, against the background of a dark turquoise color, variegated interior elements in pink or purple will look very bright. color scheme.

When choosing a dark turquoise color for interior decoration, you need to know several of its features. This shade should be used in spacious rooms. The room should have good daytime and evening lighting. Otherwise the room will turn out dark and gloomy. Even bright accents will not be able to bring cheerfulness. The sun's rays penetrate especially naturally into this interior.

In an interior with dark turquoise there should not be more than 3 shades. Otherwise appearance the room will seem overcrowded. Color combinations should not be the same level of saturation. Each shade should be lighter or darker. Multi-layering and smooth transitions of combinations will decorate the room and bring harmony.

Only one third of the room should be dark. Therefore, in combination with turquoise, most of the space should be given to light and neutral shades. The cold beauty of dark turquoise can become spectacular, original decoration interior The owners of an apartment or house must correctly discover all the possibilities of this color.

Having considered what a dark turquoise shade represents in the interior, you can create a uniquely beautiful design. Combinations with different colors provide a wide field for creative imagination and expression of the individuality of the owners of the house.

Do you sincerely believe that like is drawn to like? Not necessary if we're talking about O color scheme internal finishing. For several years now, turquoise has remained in the top five trending universal shades for the home. interior. Another fashion whim or a truly worthwhile find that goes with everything? Let's try to figure it out together.

The nature of turquoise and interiors

Turquoise is a symbol of love of life and energy; it finds its niche in any style from classic to high-tech. Why is this color so easy to find? mutual language with world and design variations?

The versatility of turquoise is explained by the nature of its birth; it is not a pure color in itself; if you look at it in detail, it is a mixture of many parts of the color spectrum. The basis is blue and yellow, the fusion of which gives turquoise and the play of its shades; as soon as you add a little more of one or the other, turquoise reacts sensitively to changes. That's why we can often get confused and call it a color sea ​​wave or even blue, but “some strange blue.” Our eyes perceive the affinity of this color with green in different ways, sometimes calling it “almost emerald” or “bottle” if the shade is dark turquoise. This is a changeable color that can give incredible sensations if you find the right approach to it.

What turquoise can give in the interior

  1. Optical illusion of coolness and cleanliness.
  2. Psychologists claim that it has a positive effect on the psyche - it gives better concentration to achieve goals or promotes a better feeling of solitude. The main thing is to successfully play with the shades.
  3. It gives a feeling of the proximity of natural bodies of water, to which city dwellers are so often drawn, but due to the heavy workload they cannot go to them as much as they would like.
  4. The color fits organically into all types of rooms - it amazes with beauty and does not irritate the eye turquoise bedroom, no living room or children's room, no turquoise kitchen or bathroom.

Turquoise rooms best help their owners escape from the tenacious clutches of urbanization and feel themselves in quieter places, close to nature. Now let’s look at what colors go well with turquoise.

With green, blue and cyan

There is a lot of debate about the compatibility of these colors, but no matter what anyone claims, we have one indisputable argument - our own eyes, which are able to see and let us understand that shades of the same range smoothly flowing into each other are an interesting find. The main thing is not to combine turquoise, green and blue of the same saturation level, but to give one of them a clear leading position.

The symbiosis of these tones is suitable for:

  1. Bedrooms - a large and bright room looks advantageous if turquoise takes the role of the “queen”, and green and blue faithfully serve as her pages, highlighting her greatness. The main thing is that the ruling color in the bedroom should be soft and non-aggressive. We’ll leave special richness for the living room.
  2. Living room - here turquoise can either boldly become the “highlight of the program”, showing its nature in very bright forms, or serve as a moderate background for others and give the reins to blue and green. This is a matter of taste and interior design ideas, sometimes turquoise color serves best as an accent, if there is a large niche in the room, you can additionally decorate it with pieces of furniture or curtains, rugs and other small items of the same range. A large turquoise sofa looks especially beautiful as a focal point.
  3. Children's room - for our children this can be a godsend. Oddly enough, a turquoise room corrects your attitude towards life in a positive direction, giving an influx of energy, but at the same time promotes good sleep. Options can be different - from the domains of a merman to a fairy forest or a turquoise kingdom. If parents have doubts about painting the entire walls, you can focus on small details or interior items - wallpaper with turquoise stripes, put a turquoise chest of drawers, table lamp etc.
  4. The bathroom is a complete flight of fantasy, but with an emphasis on relaxation; after all, the bathroom is a place where we not only carry out hygiene procedures, but also relax after working days.
  5. Turquoise and cool sea or gentle mint overflows will create the atmosphere of the real kingdom of Ondine. Their natural purity and freshness will make it easier for the housewife to create invaluable comfort.

    With black and brown

    Turquoise and yellow. When heard, this combination always evokes skeptical exclamations, but if you approach the design competently, you can get original solutions. The main thing here is that both tones should not be very saturated, almost pastel, and turquoise should predominate. Yellow can only serve as a splash.

    Turquoise and gold. These motifs have long been actively used in the creation of palace interiors; state and ballrooms often shone with turquoise and gold. Today they are replaced by living rooms and corridors, and this combination is often used for the bedroom. Golden patterns on turquoise canvas create the feeling of an expensive material, without weighing down the space or visually reducing the size of the rooms. This is a cheerful classic.

    Turquoise and red. This is the line between youth and growing up, or the same theme of water - after all, they grow up in the sea beautiful corals. The main thing is that there is a little red, and it is discreet even in accents - not a completely red pillow, but a turquoise pillowcase with burgundy flowers, not a scarlet lampshade, but a different shade of turquoise or green with red patterns, etc.

    The unity of turquoise and nature is best represented by oriental and country style. The first will be distinguished by the predominance of turquoise in huge quantities, diluted with sewing, pillows, flying canopies and expensive carved items wooden furniture. The second style will remind us of the years spent with our grandmothers, everything will be sweet and simple, and turquoise will serve not as a basis, but as accents: a bedspread on an old metal bed, a tablecloth hanging from a heavy oak table, a curtain fluttering on a formal window with wooden platbands, removable textile seat on bent chairs, etc.

    Turquoise color can be easily obtained by mixing paints. By definition, turquoise is a shade of blue and green, a sea green color, close to cyan. There are a number of ways to achieve turquoise, they will depend on the result the artist wants.

    Turquoise color in nature, its meaning

    Turquoise is one of the most beautiful shades; it is widespread in the world around us. This tone can be seen on the sea near resort shores; the water in the area of ​​sea lagoons, various oases and water quarries is colored turquoise. Different shades turquoise are observed in the sky in the early hours of the morning. This color is not present in the main palette; it must be obtained by combining paints.

    Psychologists call turquoise cold and mysterious, although people associate it with intimate conversations with friends. In the countries of the East, the color symbolizes faith, healing, compassion, and in Europe it was previously considered a talisman that bestows good luck.

    Alternative medicine uses turquoise in color therapy: this shade good for the eyes, can strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk of overload, depression and stress. It is believed that this tone is very harmonious, designed to add calmness and balance to a person, and helps control emotions.

    Getting a turquoise shade

    Making turquoise color with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you can use gouache, watercolor, acrylic paints, you just need to mix them in certain proportions. Since turquoise is a mixture of green with a drop of blue, these two basic tones will be required to prepare the paint.

    There are no clear instructions on the number of colors. Search is a creative process where paint standards are selected individually. To work you need:

    • palette or plate white color A;
    • tassels;
    • a glass of water;
    • paper.

    You should take a sufficient amount of greenery for work, which does not have foreign impurities, and then add blue drop by drop. follows after the introduction of each new portion of the material. In any case, the amount of blue paint should be less than green. If a color seems right, you should try it out. To do this, make a smear on the paper - a uniform turquoise tone should remain on it.

    Exist various shades turquoise - sea wave, azure, blue-green, as well as curacao, aquamarine, the color of thrush eggs and others, which are exotic to the ears of beginners. It is worth considering the process of making the most popular turquoise halftones in more detail.

    Light turquoise

    To create more light tone you will need blue paint, not blue. It is made using the simplest method - adding a little white to the desired degree of lightening. Then they begin to gradually introduce a blue tone into the green until a delicate turquoise tint begins to “emerge.” Also, professionals often add a drop of yellow paint to the mixture - it adds brightness and lightness to the greenery, making it light green, so the finished turquoise will be airy and very beautiful. If ready tone seems not gentle enough, it can be diluted with any amount of white paint until a pastel shade is obtained.

    When light turquoise still needs to be “cooled,” you can add a little gray paint to the finished color scheme. That is, they mix green, blue, white and gray tones. The result is an unusual muted color, perfect for painting pictures of the sky.

    Dark turquoise

    Making dark tones of turquoise yourself is also easy. To do this, you should purchase cyan paint, which already has a green tint with a hint of blue (sold in an artist store). You need to put a little of this paint on the palette, then add the usual green color in small portions. The dark turquoise color is achieved by adding a small amount of greens, and thorough mixing is very important. Some specialists add a little brown to darken the tone even more; this color will be a little warmer than ordinary turquoise.


    Sea color is obtained in a similar way. It will require two standard colors - blue and green - in approximately equal proportions. They are mixed until smooth, then a tiny amount of white paint is added for some lightening. Depending on the amount of white, the sea green color will change from rich to paler. Professionals call marine color a mixture of blue phthalocyanine and titanium dioxide, but for the average person, ordinary (classic) gouache from a store is quite suitable.

    Color ratio table for obtaining turquoise

    You cannot see turquoise in the spectrum of primary colors; there are only basic tones. But by mechanically mixing paints, you can make almost any desired color. Here is a table with data that will help you navigate the variety of shades of turquoise:

    Even a schoolchild can make the shade in question. Experiments will help you create an original color - all you need is paints, brushes, a palette and a little imagination!