Wood stain: what is it for? Types and methods of applying the composition. Stain - rules for applying the composition and tips for high-quality tinting of wood (110 photos) Water-based stain on wood color scheme

If you are working with wood and need to give it a certain color, then you will definitely need a stain. Today, there are several types of stains that differ in composition. In stores you can find the following types of stains:

  • aquatic;
  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • nitromordants.

Let's take a closer look at each type of stain.

1. Water stain- this is the most common type. Makes it possible to paint wood in any tone: from the lightest “pine” color to dark mahogany. It exists in liquid and dry form. Liquid water stain can be used immediately, but dry powder must first be mixed with warm water.

This type of stain has almost no odor, which is big advantage, if wood staining occurs indoors. But it takes quite a long time to dry - within 12-14 hours. In addition, water stain can raise the wood pile during staining, and this leads to the fact that the wood needs to be sanded after staining.

Of all the water stains, acrylic stains are distinguished separately, which are based on acrylic resin. They have increased resistance to fading, are not washed out by water and raise wood fibers much less. However, they have one drawback - their high price.

2. Alcohol stain is a solution of various aniline dyes in alcohol (denatured alcohol). After applying the stain, the coloring substances penetrate into the wood texture, and the alcohol evaporates. This type of stain dries quite quickly - in 15-20 minutes. That is why it must be applied very quickly to prevent stains and washouts. Uniform staining with alcohol stain is achieved by using a spray gun to spray it.

3. Nitromordant- stain made on the basis of solvents. The principle of action is similar to alcohol stain. Apply quickly and using a sprayer.

4. Oil stain - a mixture of dyes and oil (most often linseed). This type of stain is applied easily and evenly. Oil stain does not lift fibers. The coloring agents of oil stain have high light fastness, which allows the surface to long years maintain its brightness and original appearance. You can apply oil stain with a spray gun, a wide brush or a rag. Oil stain dries in 2-4 hours.

Choice of stain color.

Each stain color has its own code, which corresponds to the international classification, and a name that matches the type of wood whose color the stain copies. For example, stain "Chestnut", "Walnut" or "Cherry". But it is very short-sighted to choose a stain only by its name or picture on the label, as an unexpected result may result. There are special reasons for this:

1. If stains of the same color and code were made by different manufacturers, then they can have different shades. For example, the water stain “Larch” manufactured by “Tsaritsyn Paints” has a pinkish-brown tint, and “Larch” produced by “Novbytkhim” has a soft yellow color. Various stores have samples that have been painted with different stains. Such samples will convey the color of the stain much more accurately than the picture on the label.

2. Natural color, structure and density of wood can also affect the result staining. For example, stain on mahogany will look much darker than on maple (if the stain used was the same tone). This is because mahogany wood has a darker shade than maple wood.

The same test with pine and maple samples will demonstrate that pine wood stains faster and more intensely. Pine has softer and more porous wood, while maple is dense and hard. For this reason, it is easier for dyes to penetrate into pine wood.

The texture of the wood also affects the degree of staining. Oak has a pronounced structure, so it quickly darkens from staining, as coloring substances penetrate into the recesses of the veins. But the main part of oak wood, which is outside the veins, is colored more slowly and not so brightly.

Methods for applying stain.

To paint wood with stain, you can use a spray gun (nozzle size 1.5 mm or less), a wide brush (100 mm wide), a foam swab or a rag. To treat a large area, it is better to use a spray gun. It is also used when working with nitrimorls and alcohol stains, since they dry out very quickly, and when using brushes or swabs, stains appear on the surface of the wood.

Brushes, swabs and rags are perfect for working with water and oil stains. Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for oil stains, and brushes with synthetic bristles are suitable for water stains. The bristles of the brush should be strong and should not leave behind hairs on the surface of the wood.

If fabrics or tampons are used to work with stain, they should be cotton or foam rubber. They should not leave behind lint and threads, which may remain on the painted surface and thereby reduce the quality of the coating.

Preparation for applying stain: making a color test.

After purchasing stains, but before starting the coloring itself, it would be useful to make a color sample. Its necessity is that it will help you understand whether a given stain is suitable for the surface. In addition, the test will allow you to find out what color you will end up with and will help you decide on the number of layers to apply.

To make a color test, you will need a board treated in exactly the same way as the wood that is to be painted. Undoubtedly, the type of wood of the sample must coincide with the main surface.

The board is covered with one layer of stain. After drying, a second layer is applied to 2/3 of the sample. The third layer is applied to 1/3 of the board. After the stain has dried, the board is coated with two layers of varnish. By comparing the brightness of the color of each part of the sample board, the optimal number of layers for a certain surface is selected.

To choose best option, you need to do several test stains. Several boards are painted with different stains and after that the final choice is made.

Treating wood before applying stain.

Before applying stain, the wood must be prepared. There are several processing stages:

1. First you need to remove the old coating, if any. This is done by scraping and sanding the boards. This process will not only remove the old coating, but also level the wooden surface.

2. Clean the surface from grease and oil stains. To do this you need to wipe problem areas a rag that has been soaked in white spirit or gasoline.

3. Coniferous wood must be deresined before staining. It is necessary to remove resin from the wood structure, which may interfere stain absorption. There are several types of solutions for degumming:

Dissolve 50 g of potassium carbonate and 60 g of soda ash in 1 liter of water heated to 60 degrees.

Dissolve 50 g of caustic soda in 1 liter of warm water. Treat the surface with the resulting soda solution.

Mix 750 ml of distilled water with 250 g of acetone.

Any of these solutions must be applied to the surface of the wood in several layers. After 30 minutes, wipe the wood with a cotton cloth and rinse with warm water.

Stages of painting a wooden surface with stain.

If the wooden surface is properly prepared for painting, then the procedure for applying stain will be quite simple. It is performed in the following steps:

1. First, the stain needs to be warmed up a little to increase its penetration into the wood.

2. A brush, rag or swab is moistened with stain. Do not under any circumstances allow excessive moisture, as drips may appear and the coloring will become uneven. If a sprayer is used, the stain is poured into the tank.

3. The stain is applied along the wood fibers. It is necessary to apply the stain quickly and without interruption to avoid stains. If drips appear, the surface should be wiped with a cloth, collecting excess liquid along the fibers. Then the surface is left until the stain dries completely.

4. Similarly, several more layers of stain are applied in order to obtain the desired shade (usually 2-3 layers).

5. Then the surface stained, varnished in several layers. Each intermediate layer is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

October 23, 2017
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

Wood stain, what do you know about this liquid that can turn the cheapest wood into expensive “oak” or “rosewood”? Coating with stain provides color without creating a film on the surface. Due to this, the tree retains its natural texture and naturalness.

Classification of stains

A huge group of staining products can be divided into 4 categories:

  • aquatic,
  • alcohol,
  • nitromordants,
  • oil

What to choose?


I love them for the opportunity to get a whole rainbow of colors and shades, ease of use and ease of mixing without an unexpected result. Oh yes, still missing unpleasant odor and drying speed. The last two points will be relevant for those who plan to process a small item, such as a box, at home.

Water stains can be truly “watery” and dry. The latter require dilution with warm water.

It will take about 12–14 hours for the surface to dry completely, is this a long time? Patience, my friend, haste is contraindicated when working with wood! The peculiarity of the composition is its ability to lift wood fibers, as a result treatment will be required sandpaper.

In the water group they stand apart acrylic compositions based on resins. From personal observations I can say that the color obtained when applying them does not fade or wash out.

And lack- quite high price.


Alcohol stain is an alcohol solution of aniline dyes. Advantages: deep penetration of dyes into the structure of wood, which gives bright and rich shades and speed of drying; after 20–40 minutes the alcohol evaporates and the surface becomes suitable for further processing.

This drying speed puts forward its own requirements for application. You need to work with the composition quickly, as accurately and carefully as possible, otherwise you will have to become familiar with stains and smudges.

If you have a large surface to process, use a spray gun to apply stain. It will help you get an even color.


They can be called relatives of alcohol stains. Due to the presence of a solvent in the composition, the characteristics are as similar as possible to the latter.


The base is linseed oil.

Advantages: uniform application, no smudges or stains. In addition, this composition does not lift wood fibers. At self-application you can use a wide brush, a spray gun or even a rag. Drying time is from 2 to 4 hours.

Riding on a rainbow

Having dealt with the classification, let's look at the colors that can be obtained using stain. The first rule I made from personal bitter experience is that the same name on the package does not guarantee you will get the same result.

"Larch" ("Tsaritsyn Paints") is a pleasant brownish-pinkish color, while "Novbytkhim" believes that the color should be soft yellow.

How to choose a color? Neither the name nor the label is your friend; rely on the color samples offered by the manufacturer. But even here a catch may await you - the final result is influenced by the structure of the wood, density and original color.

Painted pine will be an order of magnitude lighter than mahogany, but darker than maple. How so? Pine is a porous and soft wood that absorbs pigment well, while maple is hard and dense.

The texture of the wood is also important. For example, oak is painted extremely unevenly (but beautifully) due to the fact that the paint penetrates into the veins faster and more intensely, while the main part remains lighter.

What to paint with?

At one time I had a useful experience using various methods applying stain. And now I can say with confidence that universal method does not exist.

If your goal is to cover a large area, use a spray gun with a nozzle no larger than 1.5 mm. The tool is universal, suitable for water, alcohol and nitro stains. The latter are extremely difficult to apply with a brush, since the composition dries quickly.

stain on water based“friendly” with a wide brush and rags. A few more words about brushes:

  • natural - for oil compositions;
  • synthetic - for water-soluble.

If this is your first time staining wood with your own hands or the composition is unfamiliar to you, be sure to do a test staining. This will allow you to understand how deeply the composition penetrates into a particular wood and how intense the color is.
The first layer is applied to the entire surface of the sample, the second - to 2/3, the third - 1/3. This “rainbow” is covered with 2–3 layers of varnish, after which it dries, final conclusions can be drawn about the advisability of using this type and color of stain.

How to starve and not get tired

Stage Instructions and recommendations
Preparatory Works preparatory stage depend on the coverage:
  • If we're talking about and a surface that has seen life, it is cleaned of paint/varnish and sanded. In the case of staining the floor, scraping is carried out.
  • Oil and grease stains are removed with solvent or gasoline, which is used to moisten a rag.
  • Coniferous species require de-tarring before the staining procedure. To do this, use an aqueous solution of potassium carbonate and soda ash.

White stain creates a base on the surface, allowing the colored layer to lie more evenly.

Basic Before application, the stain is slightly heated, thereby increasing its penetrating ability.

A brush/foam swab/rag is moistened in stain and applied along the fibers. In this way, 2–4 layers are applied until the desired shade is obtained.

Final After drying, the surface is treated with sandpaper (with the exception of staining with oil stain) and covered with several layers of varnish.

It is better to imitate ebony on pear, birch, beech, alder and ash. You can get a plausible “nut” on alder, linden and birch.

Themselves with a mustache

You can also prepare liquid for wood tinting yourself. Our hands are not for boredom, so let's get down to homemade magic.

Natural pigments. In this category I will include plant components that are capable of high-quality coloring of wood and giving a long-lasting result.

  • If you are working on a small item (for example, a box) made of light wood, paint it with a decoction of onion peels.
  • Birch and oak can be turned into mahogany using a decoction of larch bark.
  • Cold brown tint obtained by decoction of powder prepared from the shell walnut. Before use, add soda to the strained liquid.
  • Black natural “stain” is obtained from a decoction of alder or oak bark.

Chemical pigments. For exterior work, you can use chemical stains prepared from potassium permanganate, glaubert's salt, and copper sulfate.

  • Potassium permanganate gives wood a cherry tint. To do this, 50 grams of potassium permanganate are diluted in a liter of water and applied with a brush, the residue is removed with a damp sponge.
  • Wolfberry juice + baking soda= blue color.
  • Wolfberry juice + glaubert salt = scarlet.
  • Wolfberry juice + copper sulfate= brown.

Summing up

The best stain is an extremely vague concept, defined by goals and desired results. For some it will be acrylic, for others it will be oil, covering a massive door. Be that as it may, staining wood is a great way to add color while maintaining that warm, natural texture.

Wood is considered one of the most beautiful and durable materials, which is actively used for the construction of houses, various buildings, interior decoration premises, as well as furniture. But in order for its base to last for a long period, it must be protected.

To protect wood surfaces, various products are made; stain is considered one of the best today. This product allows you not only to protect the tree from negative factors, but also gives it a very aesthetic appearance.

What is stain used for?

If you have never used this product, then you probably often wonder: what is stain and what is it for?

Wood stain or stain is special compounds which are used for tinting natural wood during its finishing. This product is produced in the form of a liquid, which, during use, is applied to the surface and absorbed into the area of ​​the outer layer of the wood, thereby changing its color.

Important! It is worth noting that, unlike paints and varnishes, stain does not form a film on the surface of the wood; its composition enters the wood. The degree of penetration of this product depends on the type of wood and the quality of the stain.

Since wood has a multi-layered texture, in which the layers have at different levels density and permeability, all this leads to coloring of wood with varying degrees of intensity.

After staining, the wood acquires its obvious natural qualities. It is this property that has made this product popular among many restorers, furniture manufacturers, and specialists in finishing wood products.

Depending on the properties and composition of the stain, there are several purposes for this product:


You can cover absolutely any wood surface with stains - pine, oak, maple, birch and so on. But you still need to know the types of this product, because each type of stain has certain properties.


The presence of water in the composition of the stain is considered the main constituent ingredient. The group of water-based impregnations is considered the largest. Typically these products are made in finished form or in powder form. The powder can be diluted in water independently according to the attached instructions.

Positive traits:

  1. Due to the fact that this product has a neutral base, it does not have increased toxicity and does not have any harmful effects on health;
  2. Availability of a wide range of shades with natural texture. Using these types of products, you can create shades from the lightest to the deepest, which will help recreate natural look and deepen the tone. This quality also gives the surface an expressive and noble appearance;
  3. It is easy and simple to apply, with minimal product consumption;
  4. Suitable for any type of wood - pine, birch, oak, maple, walnut, cherry;
  5. Not high cost.

Important! Please note that this product has one significant drawback, during application it lifts the wood fibers and opens the way for moisture to penetrate. To prevent water penetration after treatment, be sure to varnish the surface.

Alcohol type stain

This product is available in the form of aniline dye, which is dissolved in denatured alcohol. This type of stain is sold both ready-made and dry in powder form, which must be dissolved.

This product has the advantage of drying quickly. However, this quality provides some qualities when manually applying the mixture to wood; after drying, greasy stains often form. Therefore, many builders recommend using a spray gun when using alcohol products.


In these products, all oil pigments are dissolved in solvents or White Spirit. This composition provides whole line advantages of this type of stain:

  • When painting, it provides tinting of wooden surfaces in various colors;
  • Oil mixtures are convenient to use at home;
  • The composition adheres well to the surface and can be applied with any tools;
  • The oil stain evenly enters the area of ​​the wood structure, while forming a protective film on the surface.

Acrylic and wax

Wood stain, which is made from an acrylic or wax base, is new to the construction market. This product has proven itself positively among many consumers and professional builders. This is due to the fact that this mixture, after application, creates high protection for the base from negative influences and premature wear.

Features of the composition:

  1. After application, this type of impregnation forms on the wood surface insulating film, through which moisture and other negative substances do not penetrate;
  2. Varied color characteristics. Compared to other varieties, this composition has a variety of colors from natural to bright exotic tones;
  3. These types of stains are used by many designers. modern furniture. These products are used to paint the external facades of cabinets, tables, and chairs made of different types of wood.

With whitening effect

It is not always necessary that the wood be dark in color; sometimes it is required that, on the contrary, it have a slightly whitish color. In these cases, impregnations based on hydrogen peroxide and acids are suitable. With their help you can get light, bleached color wooden beam. Typically, these solutions are used to prepare the surface for further painting.

Attention! It is important that these products completely cover the entire surface of the wood. Otherwise, you will not be able to get the desired result.

Stain is easy necessary thing to improve the quality of wood. This product protects the base from rapid wear and destruction. The main thing is to choose the right product and carefully read the instructions and characteristics of the composition. But which mixtures to choose all depend on what they will be used for - to improve color or for protection. It is better to first study the properties of each type of stain.

Wood stain is a composition with tinting properties. It is used for processing wood; under the influence of stain, the wood changes its shade. Also used when working with fiberboard, chipboard, plywood, MDF. There are two individual species: for indoor and outdoor work. A pigment is added to compositions for external use, which protects the coating from fading when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Types of stains

If when working with wood you need to give it a different shade, you can’t do without stain. Thinking about what kind of stain would be better suited for a specific purpose, and when looking at options in stores, keep in mind that there are different types. Let's consider each of them separately.

Water based stain

Paints wood in completely different shades: from light to the darkest. From existing species– most common. Available in liquid or dry (powder form). The use of powder requires dilution in warm water before starting work; the liquid composition is sold in finished form.

A huge plus when working with such a stain is that it has no odor. This is a very important factor when working indoors. However, it takes 12 or more hours to dry. It can lift wood fibers; additional sanding of the wood will be required.

After processing, varnishing will be required. Acrylic stain belongs to the same type of composition. It is somewhat more convenient to work with, but it is also more expensive.

Oil stain

It is a composition of a mixture of oil and dyes. The most commonly used oil is flaxseed. Distinctive features– easy and uniform application, easy to use, it does not have the property of lifting wood fibers. The dyes in the composition are highly resistant to light and are not subject to fading.

The original surface color retains its brightness for a very long period. The coating is resistant to temperature changes and perfectly protects the wood from moisture.

As for application, you can use a spray gun, brush or rag. The stain dries quickly, within 2-4 hours. Excellent for restoration and minor touch-ups.

Alcohol stain

The liquid consists of denatured alcohol and aniline dyes. Thanks to alcohol, the pigment quickly penetrates into the wood and dries within 15-20 minutes. This type of stain requires fairly quick application to prevent uneven coloring. It is best to work with a spray gun.


It is produced on the basis of solvents, the properties and action are almost similar to alcohol. It dries quickly, forming a coating that is resistant to sun rays. It must be applied with a spray to avoid unevenness and differences in tone when painting.

Selection of stain color for wood

In accordance with the international color classification, each stain is assigned its own code, as well as a name identical to the type of wood whose shade you will get by applying the composition. But if you choose a stain only based on the name on the label, you risk encountering an unexpected result. This can happen for various reasons.

Manufactured by different manufacturers, stains of the same color can give a different shade. Specialty stores have wood samples painted various types stains. They convey the color as accurately as possible, in contrast to the picture presented on the label, so it is better to focus on them.

Any wood has its own special color, density and texture. All these factors influence the final result, and coloring may not give exactly the effect you expected.

The darker the shade of the tree itself, the more dark color it turns out in the end, when using the same stain.

Take porosity into account: the softer the wood, the more intense the staining result you will get. The composition will penetrate deeper and faster into the porous structure. If you compare, for example, pine and maple, pine is more porous, and accordingly, the staining results will be different.

The structure of the wood in the form of a natural pattern (veins) also matters when painting, affecting the intensity of the result. For example, when painting oak, pigments easily penetrate deep into the veins, causing them to darken faster than the rest of the wood. The shade on the veins will look more saturated.

Before starting work, it is advisable to carry out a color test on a separate board, processed in the same way as the material for painting. First, treat the entire board in one layer, then apply a second layer to 2/3 of the part, and a third to 1/3. You can see how suitable the composition is for a particular surface.

Photo of stain

Wood stains are a thing of the past; they only allow you to shade the natural color of the wood or darken it by several tones. Modern stains are wonderful antiseptics that prolong life many times over. wooden products, allowing you to paint wood in a wide variety of colors. The palette of stains is expanding more and more every year.

Varieties of stains

The classification of stains consists of dividing impregnations into groups depending on the quality of the base on which they are made.

Based on this, all impregnations are divided into:

  • aquatic;
  • oil;
  • alcohol;
  • acrylic;
  • waxy.

I would like to note that when choosing a stain color, you must first carry out a wood sample of one or another shade of your choice. This need is dictated by the fact that wood of different quality has different ratio absorbency, which determines the final color of the painted product.

For example, conifers, due to the fact that they are impregnated with resins and oils, they do not allow various impregnations to penetrate deep into them, and therefore will not change color much, while deciduous trees those with good absorbency will be colored more intensely.
Wood sample will avoid extra expenses and get the desired result.
Let's take a closer look at the main types of impregnation, wood stain colors, and photos of painted products.

This type of stain can be presented in two forms: liquid, ready for use, and dry - in the form of a powder for the manufacture of the final product.

A distinctive feature of water-based stain is that with its help, wood can only be painted in wood shades of varying richness; it will not be possible to radically change the color of the product.

Then apply a layer of water-based stain. In this case, the product will have an attractive appearance and will remain protected from the negative effects of moisture.
Excess water-based stain that has not been absorbed into the wood surface must be removed from the surface by blotting it with a lint-free cloth.

This type of stain makes it possible to paint wood in a wide variety of colors and shades. Oil-based stains are dyes dissolved in oil. White spirit, a universal dye for oil paints, is used as a solvent for this type of impregnation.

This type of impregnation is excellent antiseptic. Alcohol stain does not lift wood fibers, but has another significant drawback: it dries very quickly. Some will say that this is a virtue, but it is not. It dries so quickly that it is not recommended to apply it to wood with a brush, because... stains will remain, and the coloring will not have a decorative appearance.

Their advantages include the following:

  1. They do not raise wood fibers, which means they protect the wood from the penetration of moisture into the wood fiber.
  2. They form a layer on the surface of the wood that prevents the wood from getting wet;
  3. Allows you to paint in a wide variety of colors and shades.
  4. They dry out fairly quickly.
  5. They can be applied either with a brush or with a spray.

The main advantage of stains is that they do not paint over natural structure fibers, but only emphasize and shade it, which gives the interior naturalness and originality.