Installation of internal and external heating cable for sewer pipes. Heating of sewer pipes, external and internal. Wire for sewerage.

Heating cable sewer pipes can be divided into two categories.


What happens when we pass current through a conductor that has non-zero electrical resistance? Heat is generated on the conductor. Its temperature rises until the amount of heat it generates is equal to that released into the environment.

From the law of conservation of energy it follows that the electrical power of any direct heating device is exactly equal to the thermal power released on it. A relatively simple calculation allows, based on the resistivity of the conductor and the voltage applied to it, to select a length at which heating will be effective against ice freezing, but safe for insulating cables and heated pipes.

This is exactly how a resistive heating cable is designed.

Resistive cable can be single-core or double-core:

  • In the first case, the heating cable forms a closed circuit, the beginning and end of which are connected to the power source;
  • In the second case, the cable is powered from one side, and the other is equipped with an end coupling - a jumper between the cores.

Several types of resistive cable.

A resistive cable, regardless of the number of cores, has a number of rather unpleasant disadvantages:

  1. It consumes a constant amount of electricity regardless of the outside temperature. Whether heating is needed or not - as long as the cable is connected to the network, you will pay for the energy consumed by it in full;
  2. It is sold in fixed length sections. The section size is selected to suit your needs in certain increments depending on the cable resistivity; however, you cannot cut off the excess section;
  3. Overlapping of the cable will most likely lead to overheating and melting of the insulation, or even the plastic sewer pipe.

The second problem has been successfully solved in the zonal heating cable.
It consists of two low-resistance conductors and heating elements connecting them.
The cable can be cut into fixed size sections.


A self-regulating heating cable is a revolutionary solution that does not have all the disadvantages of a resistive heater. How is it built?

Between two conductive copper conductors with low resistivity A self-regulating matrix is ​​located inside the polymer insulation. Typically, it is a polymer with a high coefficient of thermal expansion mixed with a fine conductive filler (for example, graphite particles).

Self-regulating cable device.

How it works?

  • When a section of the matrix is ​​heated, the polymer expands; in this case, the conductor particles move away from each other, losing electrical contact with each other. The resistance of the matrix increases, which leads to a drop in the current flowing through it and to a decrease in heat generation in the corresponding area;
  • When cooled, the matrix contracts. This leads to the convergence of conductive particles and to heating of the cable section.

Operation of a self-regulating matrix.

What does this give?

  1. The cable reduces energy consumption at high outdoor temperatures, significantly saving energy;
  2. It can be cut into sections of any size; in this case, an end coupling is not needed: it is enough to insulate the cut end;
  3. If there is overlap or if some area is thermally insulated, the corresponding section of the matrix will simply stop heating. If so, the cable is not in danger of overheating.

It is the self-regulating cable that I strongly recommend using for heating pipes - both sewer and water pipes.
In the future, we will focus on this solution. .

Typical mistakes when installing a system

Experienced installers identify typical mistakes that are often made by those who install heating of gutters on their own for the first time:

  • Design errors. The most common is ignoring the features of a particular roof. When designing, no attention is paid to cold edges, warm areas, spillway areas, etc. As a result, ice continues to form on some areas of the roof.
  • Errors in fastening the heating cable: a moving wire “hanging” on a mounting tape, holes in the roof for fasteners, the use of a tape that is intended for installing a heated floor on the roof.
  • Installation of plastic clamps intended for interior use as fasteners. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, they will become brittle and collapse in less than a year.
  • Hanging a heating cable into a drain without additional fastening to a cable. Leads to wire breakage due to thermal expansion and the severity of ice.
  • Installation of power cables that are not intended for installation on the roof. As a result, an insulation breakdown occurs, which threatens electric shock.

Errors include laying cables in areas where their use is not required. His work will be useless, and the owner will have to pay for it.

Thermally insulated sewer pipes

It is best to use ready-made pipes in these areas, which are made using the so-called sandwich technology and already have a built-in heating cable for the sewerage. Such pipes just need to be connected to the sewer and electrical networks.

In their production, a multilayer coating is used plastic pipes hydro- and heat-insulating materials, which eliminates the need to carry out this work yourself and reduces installation time.

This method has significant drawback- significant cost of the product Therefore, independent installation of the heating cable and subsequent insulation are most often used.

Cable used for heating pipes

First of all, it should be noted that the heating cable can only be installed outside the pipe; installing it inside is not allowed.

For these purposes the following is used:

  • A resistive cable that has constant power, most often it must be installed in compliance with the regulated length; if it is possible to adjust this parameter, it is only within small limits.
  • Reliable sewer heating can be achieved by using a self-regulating cable. It is distinguished by the possibility of installation in any size, they just should not exceed the maximum permissible. In addition, allocated thermal power is not the same along its entire length; in places where ice forms, it heats up more than in areas where such a load is not necessary.

Self-regulating principle of pipe heating cable

In addition, the installation of such a cable is quite simple; it is available in the form of self-adhesive tapes. Its use significantly reduces installation time and also reduces energy consumption.

Preparation for installation

Before installing the cable, a thorough inspection of the sewer pipeline should be carried out; any damage to it is unacceptable. To do this, we open the sewer ditch and free the pipe from the soil.

Before installation, make sure that the minimum allowable bend of the cable will allow it to be wound onto the pipe. If the diameter of the sewer is smaller, you will have to lay the cable in parallel lines.

You should not check the functionality of a heating cable that is wound into a coil; this can lead to its overheating and failure. It should also be remembered that heated sewer pipes can only work if there is effective thermal insulation, so take care of purchasing it in advance.

The connection of electrical network elements should be made using special heat-shrinkable elements. In this case, reliable insulation must be ensured. Installation of these elements must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

How does a heating cable work?

A heating or hot cable is a heating system for pipes laid deep into the soil. An electrical cable in an insulating sheath is fixed to the pipe and connected to the power supply. The pipe heats up, as a result the wastewater acquires a consistently high temperature, which reliably protects it from freezing.

There are cables for external or internal pipe heating. The first is laid on the outside of the structure, and the second on the inside. It is believed that external installation is easier to carry out than internal installation, which is why it is more in demand. In addition to the outer cable, a heating film is also used.

Heating using film for sewer systems is not often used. The material has to be wrapped around the entire pipe, which complicates installation, but ensures uniform heating

The structure is completely wrapped with this material and then secured. The film provides more uniform heating of the pipe than cable; it has less power, which allows for a slight reduction in operating costs. Three types of cable can be used to heat pipes:

  • self-regulating;
  • resistive;
  • zonal.

A self-regulating cable is considered an extremely convenient option, since it can automatically change the heating temperature depending on climatic conditions. Cable resistance decreases as the ground heats up and increases as the temperature decreases.

Self-regulating cable is most in demand in modern conditions, since it is easy to install, it is more reliable and does not require additional elements for installation

This change in operating mode reduces the overall power of the system, i.e. allows you to save energy. Moreover, the change in resistance may be different in individual sections of the pipeline. The result is a higher quality of heating, the cable itself will last longer, and there is no need to install thermostats.

A resistive cable does not have such abilities, but it has a more reasonable price compared to self-regulating systems. When installing this type of cable, you will need to install a set of temperature sensors and thermostats to ensure that the system's operating mode changes when the weather changes.

Resistive cable costs less than self-regulating analogues. If this option is selected, the appropriate power density must be carefully calculated to prevent overheating

If this requirement is neglected, the risk of cable overheating and breakage increases. The zone cable also does not have the ability to regulate resistance, but this system does not generate heat along the entire length, but only in certain sections. Such a cable can be cut into separate fragments, which is convenient when installing pipelines of complex configurations.

It is also widely used when installing metal sewers or for heating containers. It is worth noting that heating structures buried in the ground is not the only area where heating cables can be used. It is also used to heat pipes laid on the surface or in rooms that are not heated.

Sometimes the cable is used only for certain sections of the pipeline, for example, parts that go to the surface. Systems that are mounted inside a pipe are used relatively rarely. Most often they are used if the pipeline is already laid in the ground, and installation of an external cable would require extensive excavation work.

This way, installing an internal cable will cost much less. But such cables are usually recommended for use only inside small-diameter pipes, since their power is low. It varies between 9-13 W/m, which is usually not enough for large sewer pipes. The length of such a cable, for obvious reasons, should be equal to the length of the pipe. The internal heating cable is made only of the self-regulating type.

Pipe heating

About the need for heating

A proper sewer heating system will eliminate freezing of pipes

The simplest way to protect pipes from freezing of liquids in them is to place the sewer system below the freezing level of the soil. The average depth of soil freezing in winter is considered to be approximately 1.2-1.4 meters.

However, some areas of the sewer can still be exposed to low winter temperatures, so heating the sewer pipes is essential.

Types of pipes that need heating

The main types of sewer pipes that require heating include:

  • pipes that are intended for arrangement external sewerage;
  • drainage to a local treatment plant or septic tank;
  • pipes that are designed to drain the cleaning filter wash water;
  • pipes that connect the septic tank to drainage fields or a filtration well.

Methods for heating sewer pipes

Methods for heating sewer system pipes include:

  • heating using a special heating cable;

Pipe with heating cable

  • arrangement of the sewer system with pipes that are equipped with a thermal insulation and heating system;

Sewage pipe with thermal insulation and heating

  • laying sewer systems at a level below ground freezing.

Heating cable functions

Often, sewer pipes heated with a heating cable can solve a number of problems. Heating cable:

  • prevents the sewer system from stopping due to the formation of traffic jams;
  • increases the speed of movement of wastewater in the cold season;
  • maintains the technological viscosity of liquids that move through the sewer system;
  • prevents the accumulation of condensate on the surface of sewer pipes.

Make it yourself or buy it

In the presence of special education and experience working with electricity, you can make a heating cable yourself. For this, low-power spirals and wires are used. Metal insulation is carried out using heat shrink tubing. The finished product can be no worse than industrially manufactured analogues.

However, the time and money spent on purchasing materials may not bring tangible benefits and savings.

Professionals recommend choosing products with such power that will ensure high-quality heating of the main line when the temperature drops critically. If it is possible to continuously monitor the condition of the cable, then it is advisable to choose a resistive option.

When the system operates in autonomous mode, it is better to install a self-regulating device from inside the highway.


First, let's figure out how to warm up the sewer system in a private house if it is already frozen.

The algorithm is extremely simple: the cable is laid under the pipe and attracted to it in any way (adhesive tape, rags, bandage, etc.), after which the pipe is insulated as much as possible (for example, wrapped in the same rags). The cable is plugged into the network and heated until the waste melts.

How to organize constant heating of the sewer?

The cable can be installed both outside and inside the pipe.


External heating of sewerage.

  1. The cable is attached under the pipe ( warm air rises up, remember?) using aluminum tape. Its surface should be pressed as tightly as possible against the walls of the pipe. It is aluminum tape that is used because the foil reflects infrared radiation, reducing unnecessary heat loss;

At sewer bends, the cable must be bent so that the wider plane is perpendicular to the bend radius.
Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the current-carrying matrix or breaking the copper wires.

  1. The pipe is thermally insulated from the outside with any roll insulation or, which is much better, a foam shell. Thermal insulation not only reduces heat loss, but also fixes the cable: aluminum tape is not durable.

Insulated pipes with cable heating.

In my case, high-quality insulation was not required: in Crimea, heating is needed only a few days a year. In addition, with open sewerage, any thermal insulation would quickly become monstrously dirty.

I solved the insulation problem like this:

  1. The cable was attached to the pipe with ordinary tape, which is much stronger than aluminum;
  2. The tape was wrapped with aluminum tape on top;
  3. Additional fixation was provided by polyethylene ties.

The cable is secured with aluminum tape over regular tape, and additionally secured with polyethylene cable ties.

As it turned out, it is primarily the horizontal sections of external sewers that need heating: the slow flow of wastewater allows them to cool to freezing temperatures. A vertical riser laid along the facade does not freeze provided its lower part is heated.


Heating sewer pipes from the inside is possible with some restrictions.

  • The heat shrink on the cold end connection and the end sleeve must not come into contact with waste water. An aggressive environment destroys heat-shrinkable tubes in one or two seasons, but the cable’s own insulation can coexist with it indefinitely;

The end coupling can be taken outside the sewer through a hole drilled in an angle or tee.

  • The cable should be easy to remove. When clearing a blockage mechanically (with a cable or wire), it is guaranteed to be damaged or at least wound around your tool.

I use internal cable heating for the septic tank sump tank installed on outdoors, under the porch of the house. For a volume of 1 m3, several turns with a total length of approximately 4 meters are sufficient. The tank is not insulated from the outside and successfully survived several days of frost at a temperature of -10 without freezing the contents.

The cold end connection is located outside the tank.

Cable heating of sewerage

In its turn heating a sewer pipe using a heating cable prevents such problems from occurring and increases the service life of the sewer system in your home.

The power of the heating cable is selected in such a way as to compensate for the heat loss of the pipe by 120-160% at minimum temperature according to MSN 2.04-01-98 “Building climatology”:

Considering that in most cases, pipes with an internal diameter of 5 are used in domestic sewerage 0 before 110 mm and thermal insulation with a thickness of 20-50 mm (PPS, PPU, PPE), to solve the problem of protecting sewer pipes from freezing, you can use self-regulating low-temperature class heating cables with linear power from 16 W/m to 32 W/m.

Let's list the most popular:

Self-regulating cables for heating sewer pipes

    Self-regulating heating cable 17KSTM2-T
    227 rub.

    Self-regulating heating cable 30KSTM2-T
    242 rub.

    Self-regulating heating cable Nelson CLTR-25-JT
    713.8 RUR

    Self-regulating heating cable Nelson CLTR-28-JT
    RUB 791.87

    Self-regulating heating cable Nexans Defrost Pipe 20
    942.54 RUR

Samreg is sold per piece, in multiples of meters. Due to its design features, it saves energy and prevents pipe overheating.
Resistive cable used in underfloor heating for heating pipes inside is not suitable because supplied ready-made kits(from 20m) the length of which cannot be changed and is not protected from local overheating (which can lead to failure).

Installation of cable heating for sewerage

At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the length of the heating cable, taking into account cold bridges (flanges, supports, valves, etc.) and the power cable. Then install the end and connecting couplings using a heat gun.

In case of installation on the pipe the heating cable is fixed along its entire length. If the pipe is metal, then fiberglass tape is used for fastening. Transverse fastenings are made every 30-40 cm. If the pipe is plastic, then to ensure thermal contact the cable is glued along the entire length with aluminum self-adhesive tape and additionally - across every 30-40 cm.

If it is not possible to install on the surface of the pipe, then it is allowed installation of a heating cable inside the pipe.
In this case, the external insulation must be resistant to aggressive environments.

Here is a list of heating cables with a fluoropolymer sheath suitable for installation inside a sewer pipe:

Cables for installation inside a pipe

    Self-regulating heating cable Freezstop-S30
    587 RUR

    Self-regulating heating cable Nelson LT-28-J
    1122.53 RUR

    Self-regulating heating cable Nelson LT-210-J
    1056.27 RUR

The end and connecting couplings must be led outside the pipe!
The PUE requires the adoption of measures to protect against fire and electric shock.

For this purpose apply accordingly:

  • class C circuit breaker - 6, 10, 16A;
  • protective shutdown device with a cut-off current of 30 mA.

To save energy and extend the life of the system, you can install a thermostat, because Although the cable is called self-regulating, unfortunately, it does not turn off completely. The thermostat sensor should be mounted in the supposedly coldest place in the pipe. If it is difficult to determine the coldest place, then you can set a programmable on-off timer.

thermostats and sensors for heating sewer pipes

    Electronic temperature regulator RT-300
    2658.5 RUR

    Temperature sensor TST04-2.0-P (+5 to +10)
    1091.09 RUR

    Thermostat for heating pipes ETI-1551
    5086.73 RUR

From us you can purchase a ready-made section of any length, including a power cable, a connecting coupling, the heating cable itself and an end coupling.

All you have to do is install the heating section on the pipe and connect it to the electrical panel.

Principle of operation

Heat is generated due to the fact that the wire that is the basis of the cable has a certain electrical resistance.

When current passes through metal, heat is generated. This principle is used in the manufacture of incandescent lamps and heaters. To ensure that energy is not wasted, the cores are insulated with dielectric materials with the maximum degree of thermal conductivity and flexibility. The heating cable is made from flexible metal with medium resistance. The heat generated is enough to prevent ice from forming and not melt the insulation.

Types of pipes to be heated and means for its implementation

The following elements of the wastewater disposal system must be heated:

  • external sewer pipes carrying waste to a treatment plant or septic tank;
  • pipes that connect the septic tank to drainage fields or a filtration well;
  • pipes discharging washing water from cleaning filters.

Traditionally, insulation is carried out by enveloping them with thermal insulating material, creating an air layer and other methods. But modern technologies offer a very convenient means in the form of a cable for heating sewer pipes from the outside or from the inside. In addition, industry today produces elements engineering communications, initially equipped with a heating and thermal insulation system. This refers to sandwich pipes, which are based on a plastic hollow product and a self-heating cable.

Of course, electrical heating of a wastewater disposal system cannot be called a cheap undertaking. But due to the fact that the sewer system of the house will work reliably even in the most severe frosts, the costs will be fully justified. After all, it is possible that without heating the pipe may simply crack, and replacing it will require considerable money.

The most commonly used are sandwich pipes, in which the heating cable passes between the pipe wall and its upper coating.

Rules for installing cables on pipes

Laying a heating cable is a relatively simple process. It is simply fixed to the surface of the pipe, usually lengthwise, in one strip. Some projects include spiral installation. In this case, the calculated pitch between the turns of the spiral must be precisely maintained so that the pipe is heated evenly.

After the heating cable is fixed to the sewer pipe, it is recommended to additionally lay a layer of thermal insulation to improve the quality of heating

Crossing individual sections of the heating cable is unacceptable. Depending on the type, the cable is secured using heat-resistant adhesive tape or mounting ties. The pitch between the fastening points must be at least 200 mm. To secure the cable in mineral shell use metal fasteners: tightening tapes or a special bandage.

But most often I still use heat-resistant tape. Fasteners must not only withstand high temperatures, but also be resistant to the influence of natural factors and chemical substances. Sometimes aluminum tape is used as fastening. But at the attachment points, the thermal power of the cable will increase.

This is not always useful and can lead to overheating of communications. It is not recommended to use metal fasteners when installing a heating cable enclosed in a polymer insulating sheath. But in some cases, aluminum tape can even improve the situation.

The heating cable on a plastic sewer pipe can be secured with aluminum tape to increase the heating efficiency and make it more uniform

When laying on a polymer pipe, metallized tape is placed both under the cable and above it. This slightly increases the thermal output and also helps to heat the pipeline evenly. Heating cables are rarely used inside sewers. Typically, small areas of the system that are not located in the ground, such as pumps, are heated this way.

To install the internal cable, you may need a clamping and sealing sleeve, a coupling, a set of washers, as well as other elements (+)

To install the internal cable into a pipe whose installation has been completed, you will first need to cut a tee into the system. This will make a hole for inserting the cable into the pipeline. In addition, a special nipple coupling may be required. Such a solution may slightly worsen the characteristics of the sewer system, for example, at the location where the tee is installed, the pipe clearance will slightly decrease.

This increases the likelihood of debris accumulating and causing clogs. Difficulties with internal cable inevitable if the sewer has several turns, bends, etc. It is not easy to carry out internal work on the installation of hot cables, as well as in sewer systems of considerable length.

Of course, you should not connect the system to power until it is completely finished. installation work. Before covering the cable with insulation, you should carefully check all connection points. If you use thermal sensors, it will be easier to determine when the system is connected and disconnected.

You can automate the process using a relay. If the power of the cable laid in one line is not enough, you can install it in a spiral or lay two parallel lines. The main thing is that individual sections do not overlap and there is no overheating. To make the heating of the structure more uniform, sometimes the pipe is first wrapped with foil, and then a cable is placed on top.

These examples allow you to get an idea of ​​how to properly connect the power and heating cables, as well as the procedure for insulating them (+)

Temperature sensors are installed after the insulation is installed. It is recommended to apply markings on top that reflect the position of the heating elements. To connect the cable to the electrical network, you will need a piece of heat-shrinkable pipe. Then about 50 mm of insulation and 10 mm of braid are removed from the edge of the cable.

The separated and stripped ends are protected with pieces of heat-shrinkable tubing of suitable diameter and heated with a hairdryer. Now you need to strip about 6 mm of wire, roll it into a spiral and clamp it in a metal tube. Similar manipulations will have to be done with the power cable.

About 80 mm needs to be cleared of insulation and sheathing and divided into separate wires. The resulting ends are cut to 35 mm, but one wire should be left uncut for grounding. 6 mm wires are also stripped here. Now the ends of the heating element and power cables are connected in a heat-shrinkable tube equipped with a metal sleeve. It is heated and clamped, the contact point is wrapped with thermal tape, and then covered with another protection tube.

Why does the sewer freeze?

The problem of sewer pipe freezing is not immediately detected. Unlike water supply communications, here the flow of liquid is not constant and does not completely fill the cross-section of the pipe. In addition, sewage entering the sewer system usually has a higher temperature than, for example, water from a well. Therefore, freezing of wastewater occurs gradually.

At first, only a small part of the contents of the sewer may freeze, then another layer of frozen sewage appears, etc. Gradually, the entire lumen of the pipe is filled with a dense frozen mass, after which the problem becomes obvious. Faulty plumbing, such as a leaky faucet or tank, can make the problem worse.

Small portions of water enter the sewer, quickly cool down and freeze. Even correct styling sewer pipes and the presence of a layer of insulation do not always prevent freezing of drains. Defrosting a frozen sewer is troublesome; in addition, this phenomenon can lead to damage to the pipes, some of which will have to be replaced.

Freezing of a sewer pipe can occur gradually, layer by layer, and slightly leaking plumbing only increases the danger of this unpleasant phenomenon

Therefore, it is recommended to lay sewerage below the ground freezing level with mandatory insulation communications. If in southern regions And in the middle zone, digging a deep enough trench is usually not a problem, but in the north everything is a little more complicated. In this situation, the use of a special heating or hot cable is more than appropriate.

When using a system of this type, the volume of excavation work is noticeably reduced, since the depth of the trench can be reduced to an acceptable level without worrying about soil freezing.

Features of assembly and installation of heating cable sections

Before proceeding with the installation of the heating cable, it is worth deciding on the choice of a specific product model, the use of which will be most appropriate in this case.

There are many types of cables available on the market. Their main characteristic - specific power - can vary in the range from 10 to 40 W/m.

  • 10 W/m. Suitable for heating water supply systems with a diameter of no more than 25 mm.
  • 16-17 W/m. Can be used in sewer pipelines with a diameter of no more than 50 mm.
  • 30-40 W/m. This power will be enough to heat a large sewer pipeline with a diameter of 110-160 mm.

The assembly procedure itself is very simple and does not require any special skills from the master. The only tools you will need are pliers for crimping connection sleeves, pliers, a hair dryer for heating the shrink film, side cutters or a knife for stripping insulation, and sealant.

The action algorithm can be presented as follows:

  • The current-carrying conductors, shielding metal braiding and ground are stripped (not present in all cable models).
  • Sections of heat-shrinkable tubing of the appropriate length are sequentially put on individual cores, the cable under the braid and its outer sheath.
  • The adjacent ends of the current-carrying wires are connected in pairs using sleeves.
  • A small layer of sealant is applied to the joint, after which heat shrink is performed.
  • A similar procedure is performed with the ground and screen, if available.
  • At the end of the heating cable, further actions depend on the type of cable. In a resistive two-core cable, the current-carrying conductors are connected, followed by sealing and insulation of the coupling with a jumper. In a self-regulating cable, all the conductors at the far end are cut and separated at a certain distance to increase the resistance in the event of a leak in the coupling.
  • The free ends of the shrink film are flattened using pliers.

Note! Since the heating cable can perform its functions only in the presence of electricity, such systems are often additionally equipped with a backup power source. . Outdoor installation

Outdoor installation

The heating cable is secured under the pipe using aluminum tape. To improve heat transfer, it should be pressed against the pipe as tightly as possible. Aluminum tape helps further limit heat loss by partially reflecting infrared radiation.

The cable is fixed with short pieces of adhesive tape at regular intervals (at least 30 cm), after which it is also fixed with tape along its entire length. For additional reliability of fixation, plastic clamps are often used.

It is important! Where the pipeline bends, the cable should be positioned so that its widest part is perpendicular to the direction of the bend radius. . It is possible to place the cable under a layer of insulation, which will not only provide additional thermal insulation, but also help to securely fix it

It is also worth considering that, first of all, horizontal sections of the sewer system need to be heated, through which wastewater moves much more slowly than along vertical ones.

It is possible to place the cable under a layer of insulation, which will not only provide additional thermal insulation, but also help to securely fix it. It is also worth considering that, first of all, horizontal sections of the sewer system need to be heated, through which wastewater moves much more slowly than along vertical ones.

Internal installation

Laying a heating cable inside sewer pipes is allowed with some restrictions.

The ring coupling should not have contact with wastewater passing through the pipes, since they are considered an aggressive environment that can destroy the heat shrink in just a few seasons. At the same time, the cable’s own insulation is resistant to such influences and can remain inside the pipe for as long as desired.

Therefore, the ring coupling is usually taken outside the pipeline. To do this, use special holes in the tee or corner of the structure.

Another an indispensable condition– the cable should be easy to remove. Otherwise, during mechanical cleaning of pipes with wire or plumbing cable, the cable will almost certainly be damaged.

Of course, this method of heating sewers cannot be called cheap. However, if we take into account that the pipeline will be reliably protected from any temperature changes and will be able to serve properly for many years, using a heating cable will be much more profitable than replacing frozen sections of the system.

How does a heating cable work?

The principle by which heating works lies in the operation of the core wire, which is actually the basis. The heat created by the passage of electricity is transferred to the surface of the pipes. Warming is carried out not only on the surface, but also from the inside, preventing condensation from accumulating.

The outer sheath of the cable and its protection from external factors- This is external insulation. There are two wires inside it. Conducting wire (cold), heating wire (hot). The elements are connected by precise laser soldering, and a plug is located at the end of the cold wire.

  • Polymer and cast iron pipes in internal sewerage systems
  • How to insulate a sewer pipe on the street in a private house?

All heating cables used to maintain the temperature outside and inside the sewer pipe laid on are divided into two types:

  • self-regulating;
  • resistive.

Self-regulating cable

The complex design of the cable puts it one line higher in terms of cost. Temperature changes and heating of lines are regulated by sensors installed in it. Heat generation increases when the indicators drop below a given norm, and decreases or turns off completely when the indicators normalize.

Heating cable device

On a note. This principle of independent regulation of the cable heating the pipes allows you to maintain optimal mode and eliminate the possibility of overheating, and as a result, failure.

The main feature is the possibility of uneven heating. In one area, the temperature may be different regarding the degree of cooling of the sewer pipe outside and inside.

Resistive control system

Cables belonging to this category operate at constant current resistance. This means that once the heating is turned on, the temperature will be maintained continuously.

You can reduce energy consumption and eliminate the possibility of cable burnout by installing additional sensors. They regulate the system turning on and off when a certain temperature is reached, set in advance. The downside to the operation of the thermal relay is that it significantly reduces the service life of the cable heating the sewer pipes.

Proven options rating of the most reliable models

For installation inside sewer pipes

SAMREG 17HTM2-CT self-regulating from a Russian company

It has a fluoropolymer shell that reliably protects against aggressive waste substances. Additionally, the insulation includes a metal braid.

Specific power 17 watts per linear meter. Designed for a supply voltage of 220-230 V. Can heat up to 65 degrees Celsius, and in short-term mode up to 85.

The cable can be supplied as ready-made sections with a mounted plug for connection to standard plug sockets. The length of the cold lead (where there are no heating elements) is 2 meters.

Handy Heat Dvu 13 (Denmark)

It is produced by a Danish company. The cable has a protective screen and an outer sheath made of a polymer based on fluoropolymer thermoplastic.

Power consumed by one linear meter cable - 13 Watt, supply voltage 208-227 Volts. Operating temperature of the cable is up to 65 degrees Celsius.

It can also be supplied complete with a plug assembly for insertion into the pipe cavity. A distinctive feature of the heating cable is the small radius of permissible bending - only 25 millimeters, which facilitates its use in sewer pipelines of small diameter.

The length of the cold lead (where there are no heating elements) is 2 meters.

Raychem R-ETL-A 10 W

This is a product of a multinational company, the RAYCHEM brand is used by two companies TE Connectivity and Pentair Thermal Management and has production in many countries.

Self-regulating cable has a standard insulation design made of fluoropolymers resistant to aggressive substances with an additional screen. Power per meter of length 10 Watt, operating voltage 220-230 Volts.

Heating temperature up to 65 degrees Celsius. The cable has an even smaller allowed bending radius than the above-described HANDY HEAT DVU 13 - 20 millimeters, but this is due to the lower power density (only 10 W), and therefore the smaller size of the semiconductor jumpers.

The cable retains all characteristics with a length from the connection point up to 80 meters. The length of the cold lead (where there are no heating elements) is 2 meters.

Internal heating of sewerage

In addition to external heating of the sewer system of housing construction, a heating cable running inside the sewer pipe is often used. Moreover, the installation of such a product requires the preliminary installation of a tee, which is designed to facilitate the insertion of the cable heater into the drainage system of human waste. Thanks to the direct contact of the electric heating element with the ice, it becomes possible to quickly remove the plugs. But this method of installing a heating cable has many disadvantages:

  • a significant decrease in the reliability of the sewer system due to the use of additional tees;
  • the presence of foreign elements inside the wastewater system can lead to frequent blockages due to solid elements present in the wastewater;
  • reduction in the diameter of sewer pipes and, as a consequence, a decrease in the performance of the entire system;
  • If the sewer distribution has many turns and tees, the installation of heating cables becomes significantly more complicated.

Therefore, after weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of installing electric heating, the homeowner will have to make a choice between the efficiency of the sewer system and the high-quality fight against ice jams. Therefore, internal installation of cable-type electric heating elements is advisable only if it is impossible to carry out external work. This option is often used if the sewer system has already been installed, and the cable is laid through the tee of the internal sewer system without the need to dig up the sewer system pipes.

To summarize, I would like to note that high-quality external or internal heating of sewer pipes - important condition efficiency, operation of the wastewater system of housing construction in severe winter frosts. And, despite the fact that such devices consume certain amounts of electrical energy, their use is more economical than repairing sewer lines, which is very problematic during the winter period.

Plus, in order to save money, heating systems can be equipped with sensors and thermostats that will monitor and regulate temperature indicators.

Sobolev Yuri Alekseevich

Operating principle of the heating cable

Such cables are represented by a core wire, the heating of which is ensured by the electric current at the moment it enters it. Further heat begins to spread in all directions, causing the ice to turn into water. WITH outside Protection for such a cable is provided by seamless insulation. An electric cable is connected to the heating wire, for fastening which laser soldering is used. Moreover, the end of the latter has a plug. To ensure operation, the plug must be connected to a household electrical outlet.

If we proceed from such a parameter as the heating control option, then all heating wires can be classified into two types:

  • resistive;
  • self-regulating.

Moreover, each of them can be used to heat water. At the same time, they have their own characteristics.

Resistive heating cable

It is distinguished by the presence of resistance, the value of which remains unchanged all the time. When such a cable is connected, heat generation occurs without interruption within a strictly specified temperature range, which is usually from 5 to 13 degrees Celsius. Its use allows you to effectively protect pipes from ice at any time, which never remains solid in winter.

Self-regulating heating cable

This cable is characterized by a more complex operating principle. It is distinguished by the presence of dynamic resistance, the value of which can increase or decrease depending on the temperature of the water. Thus, heat begins to be released in greater or lesser quantities. It is due to the presence of a self-regulating operating mechanism that such a cable prevents overheating and burnout.

Thermal relay

In order for a cable to successfully cope with its task, it is usually used with additional devices. This is a thermal relay with a temperature sensor, the main purpose of which is to automatically turn on in case of temperature drop. Its other function is to disconnect the cable, which occurs at the moment when the temperature rises to the upper permissible value.

To ensure stable operation of such a device, it is important to choose the right location for installing the temperature sensor. An unacceptable location for this element is the area next to the heating cable

It is recommended to select an area on the opposite side of the pipe to place the sensor. It must be borne in mind that the use of this heating in combination with a thermal relay can lead to a reduction in the service life of the former. A contributing factor to this is the increase in resource consumption due to the frequent switching on and off of heating.

Basic methods of warming up

During installation, new systems can be immediately assembled from pipes with a connected heating line.

This plastic products factory-made, where a self-heating cable is already installed under the insulation layers. In this case, you will receive a ready-made “warm” pipe and you will not have to do the sewer heating yourself. True, the purchase of such sections will cost a pretty penny.

Cable electric heaters can be installed independently if the pipes are already installed and have even been in operation for some time. They are produced in different capacities, so that future costs for the “heating” season for your sewer system can be calculated and adjusted in advance.

There are cable products on the market that operate at a constant power of 9-10 W/m (less than this may not give the required result) and self-regulating at 30-40 W. Cables with a power of 50 W/m are also produced, but they are used only when time has already been lost, and complete heating of the sewer pipes is required with your own hands.

Film heating is carried out using special low-power heat emitters that are wrapped around the sewer pipe. The method is effective, inexpensive and easy to install. To maintain normal operation of the sewer system in closed but unheated basement rooms, a household convection heater can completely solve the problem of freezing pipes.

Wire on pipes is one of the simplest methods of defrosting

About thermally insulated pipes

Currently, factory-made heat-insulating pipes are actively used. They help keep you warm heating systems and prevent sewer pipes from freezing in cold weather.

Such a system consists directly of a pipe, which is securely hidden under a layer of thermal and waterproofing tape. By purchasing special heated pipes, you can get rid of the unnecessary work associated with pipe insulation.

Today, many construction hypermarkets offer a wide range of PVC pipes, including heated ones. Their price depends on the quality. If you want to do high-quality and durable work, then there is no point in saving on material and price

It is worth noting that it is important to select the desired pipe diameter that can provide the desired result.

Helpful information! If you are confident that you will be able to complete the pipe heating system yourself, then you can safely get to work, taking into account all the nuances that were listed in this article. If you do not perform all the work according to the rules, you can damage the equipment. You need to get some tools that will help you complete all the work.

Otherwise, you can seek help from specialists who will help you complete everything efficiently and quickly necessary work. Then you won’t have to worry about where to get it. the right tool. The team of workers will have all necessary tool to perform quality work. Specialists will guarantee the work performed.

The topic of insulating sewer pipes is especially relevant in regions with a prevailing cold climate. Unique equipment that is installed for heating allows you to get rid of problems associated with freezing of the system.

Duration of work

All companies that produce heating cables offer various warranty periods for their products. Individual products may have a warranty ranging from 5 to 20 or even 40 years. Compliance with installation technology allows you to count on the fact that the heating cable will be able to work for a long time. First of all, this applies to situations where it is used external installation method.

During operation of the heating cable, the owner will encounter less energy consumption than in the case of repairing a failed sewer or water supply system. If a resistive heating cable with a length of 20 m and a power of 9 watts is run continuously throughout the day, this will result in the consumption of about 4.3 kilowatt-hours of electricity. You can save on cable use if you supplement it with a device such as a thermal relay or choose a self-regulating cable.

Mistakes and prejudices

Most often, problems with the operation of a heating wire are associated with the point of view according to which the plumbing system can do without conventional insulation. The main task of the heating cable is to prevent emergency situations that may occur with the water supply system. However, it should not be considered as an alternative to a thermal insulation system.

It is also undesirable to leave the heating cable on without interruption when winter comes. This will lead to a serious increase in energy costs. You should resort to such a device as a heating cable only when the need for it arises. You also need to monitor the weather forecast: if weather forecasters promise a sharp cold snap, it is recommended to turn on the heating cable in advance.

How to connect a heating cable yourself

It is quite possible to connect the heating cable for water supply and sewerage pipes with your own hands.

Installation is carried out as follows:

    We take the heating cable and put a heat-shrinkable tube on its end, the diameter of which should be larger;

    This is what heat shrink tubing looks like

  • then we clean the end of the cable by 50 mm from the sheath and braid, and cut the braid itself by 10 mm;
  • we divide the heating cable and clear it of 40 mm of insulation;

    Cleaning the heating cable

  • after that, we put a small-diameter heat-shrinkable tube on the cable itself, and a small-diameter tube on each wire;
  • then, using tweezers, hold the tube and heat it with an open flame; you can also use a hair dryer;
  • at 6 mm, strip the ends of the cable wires and place the twisted braid in a metal pipe, while clamping it tightly;

    Wrapping a pipe with cable

  • now the end of the power cable must be cleared of 80 mm of sheath;
  • The wires of the power cable should be separated - leave the grounding wire 80 mm long, and cut the rest by 35 mm. All wires of the power cable, or rather its ends, must be stripped to 6 mm;
  • Now comes the crucial moment - you need to connect the wires of the power cable with the heating wires. To do this, you need to place all the wires in a small-diameter heat-shrinkable tube with a metal sleeve in it and heat it with a hair dryer;

    Fixing the cable on the pipe

  • in those places where the connections of the supply wires are marked, you need to insulate them with tape;
  • then we connect the metal braid and place its end in the metal sleeve, accordingly, clamp it;
  • We insulate the junction of the braid with tape;
  • after this, the connection point of the heating cable must be covered with a heat-shrinkable tube larger diameter a, heat with a hair dryer or you can use an open flame as heating;

    Fixing the heat shrink tube

  • We clear the non-attached end of the heating cable from the sheath by 6 mm;
  • Accordingly, we remove the metal braid;
  • We put a heat-shrinkable cap on the end of the heating cable and heat it using the same means, namely, an open flame or a hair dryer.

Heating cable for water supply

A heating cable for sewerage inside a pipe is a fairly necessary thing that will ensure that the water supply pipes or sewerage system do not freeze.

Cable heating the internal pipe

As you can see, installation is quite simple, but it is very important to adhere to all aspects of the instructions and comply with all necessary rules. . Otherwise, the cable may not be connected correctly, resulting in problems with its functioning.

Otherwise, the cable may not be connected correctly, resulting in problems with its functioning.

Electric heating of sewer pipes

Today, this method is considered obsolete; it has been replaced by the latest developments in the field of heating technology, which make it possible to provide heating for pipes laid above the soil freezing line, and even external ones.

Of course, installation electrical systems heating pipes is an additional material investment, but if there is electric heating There are no costs for laying pipes in the ground.

Electrical cables for heating pipes are made by many different manufacturers. According to the installation method, heating systems are divided into:

  • internal;
  • external.

Example of external pipe heating

How to choose the right cable

When choosing a suitable hot cable, you need to decide not only its type, but also the correct power. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as:

  • purpose of the structure (for sewerage and water supply systems, calculations are performed differently);
  • the material from which the sewerage system is made;
  • pipeline diameter;
  • features of the area that is supposed to be heated;
  • characteristics of the thermal insulation material used.

Based on this information, the heat loss per meter of the structure is calculated, the type of cable and its power are selected, and then the appropriate length of the set is determined. Calculations can be performed using a special formula, using calculation tables or using an online calculator.

The calculation formula looks like this:

Qtr – pipe heat loss (W); - thermal conductivity coefficient of insulation; Ltr - length of the heated pipe (m); tin - temperature of the pipe contents (C), tout - minimum ambient temperature (C); D- outside diameter communications including insulation (m); d - outer diameter of communications (m); 1.3 - safety factor

Once the heat loss has been calculated, the length of the system should be calculated. To do this, the obtained value must be divided by the specific power of the heating device cable. The result should be increased, taking into account the heating of additional elements. The power of the sewer cable starts at 17 W/m and can exceed 30 W/m.

If we're talking about about sewer structures made of polyethylene and plastic, then 17 W/m is the maximum power. If you use a more efficient cable, there is a high probability of overheating and damage to the pipe. Information about the characteristics of the product can be found in its technical data sheet.

Using the table, choosing the appropriate option is a little easier. To do this, you first need to find out the diameter of the pipe and the thickness of the thermal insulation, as well as the expected difference between the temperature of the air and the contents of the pipeline. The latter indicator can be found using reference data depending on the region.

At the intersection of the corresponding row and column, you can find the value of heat loss per meter of pipe. Then you should calculate the total cable length. To do this, the size of the specific heat loss obtained from the table must be multiplied by the length of the pipeline and by a factor of 1.3.

The table allows you to find the size of the specific heat loss of a pipe of a specific diameter, taking into account the thickness of the heat-insulating material and the operating conditions of the pipeline (+)

The result obtained should be divided by the power density of the cable. Then you need to take into account the influence of additional elements, if any. You can find convenient online calculators on specialized websites. In the appropriate fields you need to enter the necessary data, for example, pipe diameter, insulation thickness, ambient and working fluid temperatures, region, etc.

Such programs usually offer the user additional options, for example, they help calculate the required diameter of the sewer, the size of the thermal insulation layer, the type of insulation, etc. Optionally, you can select the type of installation, find out the appropriate step when installing the heating cable in a spiral, and get a list and number of components that will be needed to install the system.

When choosing a self-regulating cable, it is important to correctly take into account the diameter of the structure on which it will be installed. For example, for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, it is recommended to use the brand Lavita GWS30-2 or a similar version from another manufacturer

For a 50 mm pipe, a Lavita GWS24-2 cable is suitable, for structures with a diameter of 32 mm - Lavita GWS16-2, etc.

Complex calculations will not be needed for sewerage that is not used often, for example, summer cottage or in a house that is used only occasionally. In such a situation, simply take a cable with a power of 17 W/m with a length corresponding to the size of the pipe. A cable of this power can be used both outside and inside the pipe, and it is not necessary to install a gland.

When choosing a suitable heating cable option, you should compare its performance with the calculated data on the probable heat loss of the sewer pipe

To lay a hot cable inside a pipe, choose a cable with special protection from aggressive influences, for example, DVU-13. In some cases, the Lavita RGS 30-2CR brand is used for internal installation. This is not entirely correct, but an acceptable solution.

This cable is intended for heating the roof or storm drains, so it is not protected from corrosive substances. It can only be considered as a temporary option, since if used for a long time in unsuitable conditions, the Lavita RGS 30-2CR cable will inevitably break.

Types of pipes that should be heated

It may be necessary to heat the following sewer pipes:

  • external sewage systems - for draining wastewater to treatment plants or septic tanks; pipes connecting the septic tank with drainage fields or a well for filtration; for draining wash water from cleaning filters.

As a rule, insulation is carried out by wrapping it with thermal insulation, providing an air gap and other methods (for more details: “How to insulate sewer pipes in the ground - materials and methods of insulation with your own hands”). The latest technologies can offer more convenient ways to heat sewer pipes - with a heating cable , which can be laid both outside and inside the pipe. In addition, there are utility elements on sale that already have a ready-made heating system.

We are talking about sandwich pipes and self-heating cables. Naturally, the method of heating sewer pipes with a heating cable cannot be called cheap. But since such a system will work very smoothly for a long time in any frost, you can put up with additional costs. After all, we cannot exclude the fact that without heating the pipe will simply burst, and even more money may be required to fix the problem. Read also: “Which pipeline heating is better - an overview of heating cables and methods of their installation.”

Do-it-yourself cable making and installation

The best option for making homemade heating systems is to use a P-274 communication cable or its analogues. These products consist of copper wires and durable insulation that is resistant to moisture and mechanical stress. The wire is supplied with a direct current of 6-27 volts. Parameters are changed using a manual or automatic regulator adjusted to temperature changes.

Drawing and diagrams

The drawing is drawn up to scale on a computer or a sheet of paper.

It is necessary to schematically display the following design details:

  • the beginning of the pipeline;
  • the outlet of the main into the well;
  • drainage line;
  • corners, tees and taps;
  • pipe diameter;
  • trench depth.

Based on the created schemes, calculations are made necessary materials and equipment.

Size calculation

Pipe outer diameter
50 cm
75 cm
50 cm
1 32 10 8 5
2 42 13 10 7
3 48 15 12 8
4 60 20 15 10
5 75 25 20 12
6 90 30 25 15
7 110 40 30 20
8 160 50 38 25

The calculation is based on an air temperature of 30 ºС. A change in parameters by one degree entails a similar change in power by a third of a point.

Installation video

Installation features

When assembling a sewer heating system, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Careful preparation of the installation process. Conducting consultations with specialists.
  2. The internal cable is tightened through an additional double, which is installed indoors.
  3. The wire of a self-regulating product must be laid only in a straight line. Resistive devices may be wrapped around pipes and fittings.

There are two types of heating cables - resistive and self-regulating. Resistive ones use the property of metals to heat up when passing an electric current. In this type of heating cables, a metal conductor is heated. Their characteristic- they always emit the same amount of heat.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s 3°C or -20°C outside, they will heat up the same way - at full power, therefore, they will consume the same amount of electricity. To reduce costs in relatively warm times, temperature sensors and a thermostat are installed in the system (the same as those used for electric heated floors).

When laid, resistive heating wires should not intersect or be located next to each other (close to each other). In this case, they overheat and quickly fail. Pay close attention to this point during the installation process.

It is also worth saying that resistive heating cables for water supply (and not only) can be single-core or double-core. Two-core ones are more often used, although they are more expensive. The difference is in the connection: for single-core ones, both ends must be connected to the mains, which is not always convenient. The two-core ones have a plug at one end, and a regular one at the other end. electrical cord with a plug that is connected to a 220 V network.

This is approximately how heating cables for plumbing are sold.

Self-regulating cables are made of a metal-polymer matrix. In this system, the wires only conduct current, and the polymer, which is located between the two conductors, heats up. This polymer has an interesting property - the higher its temperature, the less heat it releases, and vice versa, as it cools down, it begins to release more heat.

Structure of a self-regulating cable

Self-regulating (self-heating) cables have many advantages:

  • they can intersect and will not burn out;
  • they can be cut (there are markings with cutting lines), but then you need to make an end coupling.

They have one drawback - the high price, but the service life (subject to the operating rules) is about 10 years. So these expenses are reasonable.

Heating cables (types)


Produced in single- and double-core versions. The basis of a product of this type is a conductive (heating) core, which, when an electric current passes, releases heat according to the Joule-Lenz law. The heating core is usually insulated with heat-resistant material (for example, fluoroplastic). Some types use double insulation.

Figure 2. Design of resistive cables

This cable works as follows. If it is single-core, then the power supply must be carried out from both sides (as shown in the figure below left), and the wire must be distributed evenly in a loop along the entire length, which is extremely inconvenient. The problem of two-way power supply has been solved in two-wire products, although the principle of operation is similar, but installation and connection are more convenient (in the figure below on the right). In addition, for both types it is necessary to control the temperature of its surface using thermostats.

Figure 3. Methods for connecting single-core and two-core resistive cables


It is a type of resistive, or rather a modified version of a two-wire one. The modification consists in the addition of short sections of heating spiral wires located at a certain pitch. Now, unlike its predecessor, it can be cut into pieces of the desired length with a certain step.

Figure 4. Zone heating cable design


It is a wire with two parallel copper conductors, between which there is a semiconductor. This structure is covered with protective, electrically insulating and shielding shells. The electrical resistance of a semiconductor is directly proportional to its temperature.

That is, the higher its heating temperature, the higher the resistance between the two wires and vice versa. As with previous products, heat is released according to the same law (Joule-Lenz), but not in the current-carrying conductors, but in the semiconductor separating them. Since its conductivity depends on temperature, the current value will also change, and, consequently, the power.

Figure 5. The principle of self-regulation of the conductivity of the heating cable


Such a heating cable consists of an insulated conductive core wound around a ferromagnetic core, which is a pipe. Alternating current creates an alternating magnetic flux, which induces eddy currents in it, and they heat it.

Such heating is considered obsolete and is now used extremely rarely. This is due not only to low efficiency, but also to the fact that it can only be used for metal pipes.

The reliability of a self-regulating cable directly depends on the quality of the heating matrix (semiconductor material between the current-carrying cores). The lower the quality, the faster it ages - as a result, specific heat generation and self-regulation decrease. The service life of such a low-quality matrix is ​​3-4 years.

Trusted manufacturers who care about their reputation, such as Fujikura, Pentair, Devi, Hemstedt use quality materials for production. This of course translates into a higher price, but its performance over its entire service life (15...20 years) is worth it.

When do you need to heat utility networks?

Artificial heating of communications entails additional energy consumption, most often electricity. As a result, the cost of maintaining a private home in winter increases. Therefore, it is worth listing the situations when heating systems are indispensable:

  1. The external water supply or sewerage network must be laid in the ground above the freezing line. Reason: rock ridge, concrete structures, groundwater and other underground obstacles that prevent digging a deep trench.
  2. The water supply section has to be routed along the street. The most common case is cottages built on a pile-screw foundation. Because they are raised above ground level, pipe insertions up to several meters in length are at risk of freezing in winter.
  3. At the entrance of the pipeline to a well or borehole.

Heating of sewer pipes: external and internal

It is best to use ready-made pipes in these areas, which are made using the so-called sandwich technology and already have a built-in heating cable for the sewerage. Such pipes just need to be connected to the sewer and electrical networks.

In their production, multilayer coating of plastic pipes with hydro- and heat-insulating materials is used, which eliminates the need to carry out this work yourself and reduces installation time.

This method has a significant drawback - the significant cost of the product, therefore, most often, independent laying of the heating cable and subsequent insulation are used.

First of all, it should be noted that the heating cable can only be installed outside the pipe; installing it inside is not allowed.

For these purposes the following is used:

  • A resistive cable that has constant power, most often it must be installed in compliance with the regulated length; if it is possible to adjust this parameter, it is only within small limits.
  • Reliable sewer heating can be achieved by using a self-regulating cable. It is distinguished by the possibility of installation in any size, they just should not exceed the maximum permissible. In addition, the generated thermal power along its entire length is not the same; in places where ice forms, it heats up more than in areas where such a load is not necessary.

Self-regulating principle of pipe heating cable

In addition, the installation of such a cable is quite simple; it is available in the form of self-adhesive tapes. Its use significantly reduces installation time and also reduces energy consumption.

Before installing the cable, a thorough inspection of the sewer pipeline should be carried out; any damage to it is unacceptable. To do this, we open the sewer ditch and free the pipe from the soil.

Before installation, make sure that the minimum allowable bend of the cable will allow it to be wound onto the pipe. If the diameter of the sewer is smaller, you will have to lay the cable in parallel lines.

You should not check the functionality of a heating cable that is wound into a coil; this can lead to its overheating and failure. It should also be remembered that heated sewer pipes can only work if there is effective thermal insulation, so take care of purchasing it in advance.

The connection of electrical network elements should be made using special heat-shrinkable elements. In this case, reliable insulation must be ensured. Installation of these elements must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

A proper sewer heating system will eliminate freezing of pipes

The simplest way to protect pipes from freezing of liquids in them is to place the sewer system below the freezing level of the soil. The average depth of soil freezing in winter is considered to be approximately 1.2-1.4 meters.

However, some areas of the sewer can still be exposed to low winter temperatures, so heating the sewer pipes is essential.

The main types of sewer pipes that require heating include:

  • pipes that are intended for arranging external sewerage;
  • drainage to a local treatment plant or septic tank;
  • pipes that are designed to drain the cleaning filter wash water;
  • pipes that connect the septic tank to drainage fields or a filtration well.

Methods for heating sewer system pipes include:

  • heating using a special heating cable;

Pipe with heating cable

  • arrangement of the sewer system with pipes that are equipped with a thermal insulation and heating system;

Sewage pipe with thermal insulation and heating

  • laying sewer systems at a level below ground freezing.

Often, sewer pipes heated with a heating cable can solve a number of problems. Heating cable:

  • prevents the sewer system from stopping due to the formation of traffic jams;
  • increases the speed of movement of wastewater in the cold season;
  • maintains the technological viscosity of liquids that move through the sewer system;
  • prevents the accumulation of condensate on the surface of sewer pipes.

The following elements of the wastewater disposal system must be heated:

  • external sewer pipes carrying waste to a treatment plant or septic tank;
  • pipes that connect the septic tank to drainage fields or a filtration well;
  • pipes discharging washing water from cleaning filters.

Traditionally, insulation is carried out by enveloping them with thermal insulating material, creating an air layer and other methods. But modern technologies offer a very convenient means in the form of a cable for heating sewer pipes from the outside or from the inside. In addition, the industry today produces elements of engineering communications, initially equipped with a heating and thermal insulation system. This refers to sandwich pipes, which are based on a plastic hollow product and a self-heating cable.

Of course, electrical heating of a wastewater disposal system cannot be called a cheap undertaking. But due to the fact that the sewer system of the house will work reliably even in the most severe frosts, the costs will be fully justified. After all, it is possible that without heating the pipe may simply crack, and replacing it will require considerable money.

The most commonly used are sandwich pipes, in which the heating cable passes between the pipe wall and its upper coating.

Laying a heating cable is a relatively simple process. It is simply fixed to the surface of the pipe, usually lengthwise, in one strip. Some projects include spiral installation. In this case, the calculated pitch between the turns of the spiral must be precisely maintained so that the pipe is heated evenly.

After the heating cable is fixed to the sewer pipe, it is recommended to additionally lay a layer of thermal insulation to improve the quality of heating

But most often I still use heat-resistant tape. Fasteners must not only withstand high temperatures, but also be resistant to the influence of natural factors and chemicals. Sometimes aluminum tape is used as fastening. But at the attachment points, the thermal power of the cable will increase.

This is not always useful and can lead to overheating of communications. It is not recommended to use metal fasteners when installing a heating cable enclosed in a polymer insulating sheath. But in some cases, aluminum tape can even improve the situation.

The heating cable on a plastic sewer pipe can be secured with aluminum tape to increase the heating efficiency and make it more uniform

When laying on a polymer pipe, metallized tape is placed both under the cable and above it. This slightly increases the thermal output and also helps to heat the pipeline evenly. Heating cables are rarely used inside sewers. Typically, small areas of the system that are not located in the ground, such as pumps, are heated this way.

To install the internal cable, you may need a clamping and sealing sleeve, a coupling, a set of washers, as well as other elements ()

To install the internal cable into a pipe whose installation has been completed, you will first need to cut a tee into the system. This will make a hole for inserting the cable into the pipeline. In addition, a special nipple coupling may be required. Such a solution may slightly worsen the characteristics of the sewer system, for example, at the location where the tee is installed, the pipe clearance will slightly decrease.

This increases the likelihood of debris accumulating and causing clogs. Difficulties with the internal cable are inevitable if the sewer has several turns, bends, etc. It is not easy to carry out internal work on the installation of hot cables, as well as in sewer systems of considerable length.

Of course, you should not connect the system to the power supply until the installation work is complete. Before covering the cable with insulation, you should carefully check all connection points. If you use thermal sensors, it will be easier to determine when the system is connected and disconnected.

You can automate the process using a relay. If the power of the cable laid in one line is not enough, you can install it in a spiral or lay two parallel lines. The main thing is that individual sections do not overlap and there is no overheating. To make the heating of the structure more uniform, sometimes the pipe is first wrapped with foil, and then a cable is placed on top.

These examples allow you to get an idea of ​​how to correctly connect the power and heating cables, as well as the procedure for insulating them ()

Temperature sensors are installed after the insulation is installed. It is recommended to apply markings on top that reflect the position of the heating elements. To connect the cable to the electrical network, you will need a piece of heat-shrinkable pipe. Then about 50 mm of insulation and 10 mm of braid are removed from the edge of the cable.

The separated and stripped ends are protected with pieces of heat-shrinkable tubing of suitable diameter and heated with a hairdryer. Now you need to strip about 6 mm of wire, roll it into a spiral and clamp it in a metal tube. Similar manipulations will have to be done with the power cable.

About 80 mm needs to be cleared of insulation and sheathing and divided into separate wires. The resulting ends are cut to 35 mm, but one wire should be left uncut for grounding. 6 mm wires are also stripped here. Now the ends of the heating element and power cables are connected in a heat-shrinkable tube equipped with a metal sleeve. It is heated and clamped, the contact point is wrapped with thermal tape, and then covered with another protection tube.

Types of pipes that should be heated

  • external sewage systems - for draining wastewater to treatment plants or septic tanks; pipes connecting the septic tank with drainage fields or a well for filtration; for draining wash water from cleaning filters.

As a rule, insulation is carried out by wrapping it with thermal insulation, providing an air gap and other methods (for more details: “How to insulate sewer pipes in the ground - materials and methods of insulation with your own hands”). The latest technologies can offer more convenient ways to heat sewer pipes - with a heating cable , which can be laid both outside and inside the pipe. In addition, there are utility elements on sale that already have a ready-made heating system.

As a rule, insulation is carried out by wrapping thermal insulation, providing an air gap and other methods (for more details: “How to insulate sewer pipes in the ground - materials and methods of insulation with your own hands”). The latest technologies can offer more convenient ways to heat sewer pipes - with a heating cable that can be laid both outside and inside the pipe.

In this article I want to talk about methods for heating sewer pipes with a heating cable. We will get acquainted with the methods of laying it, fastening it, with the restrictions that should be adhered to during installation, and with the types of cable for heating pipes.

Heating of external sewerage cable.

If we summarize all possible scenarios, they can be divided into two main categories:

  1. When laying sewer pipes or installing a septic tank below the freezing level is for some reason impossible or undesirable;

This is relevant, in particular, when building a house on permafrost.

With a soil freezing depth of 6 - 10 meters, installing a septic tank below this level is, to put it mildly, difficult; The only way out is to organize insulation and heating.

Another possible scenario is the rocky soil on the site, which makes digging trenches very difficult.

  1. In addition, heating can be insurance in case of extreme events uncharacteristic for a given climate zone cold weather. Thus, in Crimea, winter temperatures rarely drop below zero, and most of the gravity sewerage is laid openly or with minimal burial. However, if the Arctic air front breaks through the Crimean Mountains, the temperature may drop to -10 and even -20C for several days.

Laying sewerage along the facade of the building. The location is Sevastopol, Crimea.

Types of cable

Cable for heating sewer pipes can be divided into two categories.


What happens when we pass current through a conductor that has non-zero electrical resistance? Heat is generated on the conductor. Its temperature rises until the amount of heat it generates is equal to that released into the environment.

From the law of conservation of energy it follows that the electrical power of any direct heating device is exactly equal to the thermal power released on it. A relatively simple calculation allows, based on the resistivity of the conductor and the voltage applied to it, to select a length at which heating will be effective against ice freezing, but safe for insulating cables and heated pipes.

This is exactly how a resistive heating cable is designed.

Resistive cable can be single-core or double-core:

  • In the first case, the heating cable forms a closed circuit, the beginning and end of which are connected to the power source;
  • In the second case, the cable is powered from one side, and the other is equipped with an end coupling - a jumper between the cores.

Several types of resistive cable.

A resistive cable, regardless of the number of cores, has a number of rather unpleasant disadvantages:

  1. It consumes a constant amount of electricity regardless of the outside temperature. Whether heating is needed or not - as long as the cable is connected to the network, you will pay for the energy consumed by it in full;
  2. It is sold in fixed length sections. The section size is selected to suit your needs in certain increments depending on the cable resistivity; however, you cannot cut off the excess section;
  3. Overlapping of the cable will most likely lead to overheating and melting of the insulation, or even the plastic sewer pipe.

The second problem has been successfully solved in the zonal heating cable.

It consists of two low-resistance conductors and heating elements connecting them.

The cable can be cut into fixed size sections.


A self-regulating heating cable is a revolutionary solution that does not have all the disadvantages of a resistive heater. How is it built?

A self-regulating matrix is ​​placed between two low-resistivity conductive copper strands inside the polymer insulation. Typically, it is a polymer with a high coefficient of thermal expansion mixed with a fine conductive filler (for example, graphite particles).

Self-regulating cable device.

How it works?

  • When a section of the matrix is ​​heated, the polymer expands; in this case, the conductor particles move away from each other, losing electrical contact with each other. The resistance of the matrix increases, which leads to a drop in the current flowing through it and to a decrease in heat generation in the corresponding area;
  • When cooled, the matrix contracts. This leads to the convergence of conductive particles and to heating of the cable section.

Operation of a self-regulating matrix.

  1. The cable reduces energy consumption at high outdoor temperatures, significantly saving energy;
  2. It can be cut into sections of any size; in this case, an end coupling is not needed: it is enough to insulate the cut end;
  3. If there is overlap or if some area is thermally insulated, the corresponding section of the matrix will simply stop heating. If so, the cable is not in danger of overheating.

It is the self-regulating cable that I strongly recommend using for heating pipes - both sewer and water pipes.

In the future, we will focus on this solution.


In the price lists of cable manufacturers, the list of options indicates “shielded” or “unshielded”. What does this mean?

Twisted copper braid solves three problems at once:

  1. Grounding. If the sheath is mechanically damaged, current will flow between the phase current-carrying conductor and the braid. A situation in which the sewer line is energized, water pipe or drain is completely excluded;

The braid, of course, must be grounded to the body of the electrical panel, dug into the ground a metal sheet or a contour welded from a rod.

The braid is connected to ground.

  1. The likelihood of mechanical damage itself will also noticeably decrease: the braiding is not so easy to break through with an accidental blow;
  2. Finally, grounded shielding will protect nearby electronics from interference. With a certain installation configuration, the cable will act as an inductor that induces currents in all adjacent circuits.

To protect wastewater from freezing, there is a heating cable for sewer pipes. Sewer heating is necessary in situations where pipes have to be placed in unheated rooms, basements, ground levels of buildings.

Sometimes it is not possible to lay the system at the required depth, which makes the pipeline susceptible to the risk of freezing drains and the formation of an ice plug. In such cases, it is necessary to insulate the pipes. The best option is a heating cable for sewer pipes that solves the problem effectively and reliably. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Which pipes need heating?

Please note that most sewer pipes do not require heating. If they are located inside a building, then, as a rule, they are not exposed to low temperatures. In addition, the system has a certain slope, thanks to which wastewater quickly passes into the collector and does not linger in the pipes. The temperature of the waste also plays a role - large volumes of water are most often warm, as they are discharged from the bathtub, obtained when washing dishes or doing laundry.

Sewer heating is only necessary in certain cases:

  • for the outer part of the system, ensuring the flow of wastewater to the collector or treatment plant ;
  • pipelines through which clarified wastewater passes to filtration fields or discharged into filtration wells;
  • for pipelines supplying water to the flushing filters of septic tanks or treatment plants.

The main problem is the difficulty of determining the degree of risk for a particular section of pipes. There are a lot of factors influencing the system, from the level of soil freezing in winter to the depth of soil water. An additional complication is the constant change in conditions and the emergence of new factors that create a threat of freezing for the sewer system. If the installation of the system is carried out correctly, in compliance with all SNiP requirements, there is nothing to fear. But it is not always possible to immerse the pipeline to the required depth - the hydrogeological conditions of the site or the presence of other communications may interfere, preventing the work from being carried out according to all technological rules. The way out is to heat the sewer pipes with a heating cable.

What is a heating cable

The heating cable is a long-length electric heating device tightly attached to the pipeline and laid together with it in a trench. Somewhat simplified, its design is a conductor that heats up when an electric current passes. The simplest options have a design common to the design of most heating devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating cable

The advantages of cable heating of sewerage include:

  • the ability to eliminate freezing and congestion within the system;
  • heating of pipelines allows reducing the volume of excavation work;
  • the use of a heating cable stabilizes the operation of the sewer system of a private house, which is not loaded as intensively as public lines and is more susceptible to low temperatures;
  • Cable installation can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of expensive specialists.

The disadvantages of a heating cable are:

  • creating additional load on power grids;
  • the need to pay for used electricity;
  • low maintainability;
  • significant labor costs when installing a heating system;
  • the need to connect additional devices to ensure the operation of the heater.

The disadvantages are quite serious, and the main one is the load on the electrical network. Considering the general deterioration and dilapidation of the power supply system, the use of electrical appliances for heating sewer systems seems to be a somewhat irrational solution. However, in the absence of other methods of protecting pipelines, it is necessary to choose heated pipes for sewerage.

Types of heating cable

There are different designs of heating cable:


The simplest design option. It has a strictly defined length and does not allow cutting or joining several pieces, since the resistance will either decrease too much, which will create emergency situation for electrical wires and equipment, or will increase and sharply reduce the efficiency of the cable. There are designs with one and two conductors. The first option requires installation folded in half, since the ends must be connected at one point. The second type can be laid in any way you like, since the double conductor is one wire that simply goes to the end and comes back.

Resistive cable has a lot of disadvantages, but its attractiveness for the user lies in its low cost.


The zonal design consists of a double insulated conductor, around which a heating nichrome thread is evenly wound. It is connected to conductors at regular intervals, which allows for corresponding heating zones. Such a system does not depend on the length of the circuit and can heat pipelines of any size. The use of a zonal type facilitates the installation of a heating cable on a sewer pipe and provides some advantages:

  • there are no starting currents;
  • if the nichrome thread is damaged in a separate section, the rest of the cable continues to work;
  • heating power does not depend on the length of the circuit;
  • characteristics do not change over time.

The disadvantages include the danger of local overheating of the cable section and the possibility of its damage during installation. The price of such a heater is slightly higher than that of resistive types, but significantly lower than that of self-regulating designs.


The self-regulating cable consists of two conductors onto which a polymer heating matrix is ​​pressed, protected by a double layer of internal insulation, a copper screen and an external protective insulating layer. The peculiarity of its operation is its ability to create its own temperature in different sections of the cable depending on external conditions. The lower the temperature, the stronger the heat release at a given point. A self-heating sewer cable represents the most effective solution to the problem of pipeline freezing, but its cost is significantly higher than that of simpler designs.

Heating film

In the most difficult cases use heating film. It wraps around the pipe, ensuring uniform heating of the entire surface. This allows for maximum heating efficiency, but significantly complicates and slows down installation work. At the same time, the film consumes much less electricity, which can significantly reduce costs. Considering that you have to install the system once, and pay for the resources used constantly, heating sewer pipes using film can be considered a very good option.

Which cable to choose?

The criteria for choosing one type of heater or another are:

  • size and configuration of the problem section of the pipeline;
  • line depth or conditions;
  • temperature operating conditions in winter;
  • cable cost;
  • possibility of repair or replacement.

As a rule, an element for heating sewer pipes is selected based on the totality of these conditions and requirements. It is very difficult to name the most successful option without knowing the specifics and configuration of the system. However, according to experts, resistive types are used less and less, and self-heating cable is used much more often, although it costs users much more.

Heating cable installation options

There are two cable placement options:

  • outside the pipe;
  • inside the pipeline.

Installing the heater outside the pipe is easier. It is usually attached along the pipeline or, if the length allows, wrapped around the pipe for greater uniformity. For fixing to the surface, use regular or metallized adhesive tape that is resistant to heat. A layer of insulation is put on top. The most correct option is a polystyrene or polyurethane foam shell, which is easy to install and effectively retains thermal energy.

Installing a heating element inside the pipeline allows you to obtain a significantly greater effect. It is used in cases where the system is located close to the surface of the earth or is even located in an open area. A self-regulating heating cable for sewerage inside a pipe allows you to reliably protect both conventional and stormwater systems, which remain practically unused during the cold season. The remaining wastewater freezes, is periodically replenished during warming periods, and ultimately forms an ice jam that can rupture the pipeline. However, the heater can only be installed in pipes of a sufficiently large diameter, otherwise it will cause frequent blockages and instead of benefit will only bring unnecessary worries.

DIY installation and connection of a heating cable

Installing a heating element is not particularly difficult. It is most convenient to carry out work during installation of the system, so that you do not have to dig up pipes that are already in use. If you plan to heat the system from the outside, before installing the insulation, lay a heater along the pipeline and secure it with tape. Installing a self-heating cable for sewerage inside a pipe is somewhat more difficult, since it is necessary to combine the installation of the system with the installation of the heater. It is important to bring the element all the way to the drain hole, which is an area exposed to cold.

The connections must be insulated with heat-shrinkable tubing, which is heated with a torch or a hair dryer. For entry, an oblique tee with a plug in which a hole is made is used. A heater is introduced through it, and the outlet is filled with a heat insulator that is resistant to high temperatures. It is necessary to ensure that the heater sections do not intersect anywhere and are located evenly, without clusters or empty areas.

Detailed video review:

Everything useful about sewerage -

The situation with a frozen sewer pipe is quite rare, because... such a pipe has a slope away from the consumer device, therefore, unlike a water pipe, it is empty most of the time, and the portions of liquids periodically flowing through it are usually... lukewarm. However, if small water leaks occur due to a malfunction of the flush assembly in the toilet tank or due to a leaking faucet, then the water does not have time to fast walk to a warm septic tank and freeze along the way.

Such leaks freeze layer by layer and eventually completely cover the diameter of the sewer pipe.

In order to remove the ice plug, you need to melt it using boiling water and salt, or dig up the pipe and try to warm it up using blowtorch or a hair dryer.
After removing the ice plug, it is necessary to check the pipeline for cracks and, if necessary, replace the damaged section.

Cable heating of sewerage

In its turn heating a sewer pipe using a heating cable prevents such problems from occurring and increases the service life of the sewer system in your home.

The power of the heating cable is selected in such a way as to compensate for the heat loss of the pipe by 120-160% at the minimum temperature according to MSN 2.04-01-98 “Building climatology”:

Considering that in most cases, pipes with an internal diameter of 5 are used in domestic sewerage 0 before 110 mm and thermal insulation with a thickness of 20-50 mm (PPS, PPU, PPE), to solve the problem of protecting sewer pipes from freezing, you can use self-regulating low-temperature class heating cables with linear power from 16 W/m to 32 W/m.

Let's list the most popular:

Self-regulating cables for heating sewer pipes

So that the sewer system country house functioned efficiently and effectively, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules when arranging it. Particular attention should be paid to how sewer pipes will be insulated. If you do not perform insulation, you may encounter a number of unpleasant problems, such as freezing of pipes, the formation of traffic jams, and an unpleasant odor in the area and in the house.

There are several options for protecting sewer pipes from low temperatures. You can lay them below the freezing level of the soil, but it is not always technically possible to do this. Most often, sewer insulation is performed using insulating materials. For this purpose it is used mineral wool, basalt fibers, polystyrene foam, others.

One of the most effective ways is to heat the sewer pipe with a cable. It is also considered the most expensive, since it involves costs not only for installation work, but also for maintenance. The cable requires electricity to function. If it's frosty outside, it consumes electricity constantly.

Heating a sewer pipe with cable

Cable operating principle

Using a heating cable, sewer pipes are heated from the inside. The operating principle of the cable, which is used to heat the sewer system, is significantly different from how conventional cables that conduct current work. During its path, the current in the heating cable spends a minimum of energy, saving it in order to do its main job, that is, heat the sewer pipe.

The cable takes the load simultaneously with the release of heat necessary to heat the pipe. In order for the cable to do its job effectively, care must be taken to ensure that it is wound correctly onto the pipe.

Note! Considering that there is an increased risk of freezing at the junctions of sewer pipes, the insulation of these areas must be done with high quality.

The cable constantly heats the pipes, protecting them from freezing, the formation of frost or ice plugs inside. As a result, the functionality of the sewer system is maintained even at very low temperatures.

Heating a sewer pipe using a heating cable

Types of heating cable

During operation of a conventional heating cable, temperature regulation is carried out using a control system. This is not very convenient, so engineers and technologists have invented another type of cable that does not require the owner’s attention, since it can regulate itself. Based on the principle of operation, there are two main types of heating cables.

  • The resistive cable works without interruption. It emits the same amount of heat along the entire length of the sewer pipe, so a control system is needed in order to regulate electricity consumption.
  • A more modern, efficient and safe heating cable for sewer pipes, which is called self-regulating. It is equipped with a matrix that is capable of changing the cable temperature depending on the soil temperature. This cable costs much more, but it consumes less energy.

Note! The self-regulating cable heats the sewer automatically. To bring it into working condition, you need to connect it to an outlet. A heating cable is installed inside the sewer pipes. If you use it for the first time, you may encounter that the temperature will be higher than stated, but then it will normalize.

Attaching the heating cable

Cable installation

You can install the cable for sewer pipes yourself. You will need some knowledge and skills related to working with electricity. The process of performing work consists of several stages.

  1. Clean and dry the surface of the sewer pipe.
  2. Now you need to wind the cable around the pipe or attach it on both sides using special elements.
  3. We wrap the pipe together with the cable with special foil to prevent exposure of the cable and the pipe itself to moisture, microorganisms, and aggressive compounds.
  4. The pipe should be wrapped or lined with insulation to prevent heat loss.
  5. You can lay the pipe in a pre-dug trench and bury it.

Note! To make the connection between the foil and the pipe more reliable, you need to wrap the pipe with tape around the foil.

Heating cable installation

Insulating a sewer pipe using a heating cable is effective, practical solution, how to maintain normal operation of the sewer system in winter. Using a cable will help prevent problems with the sewer system during sudden temperature changes, and will also prevent pipes from freezing.

Heating sewer pipes using cables: effective and practical

Using an electrical cable to insulate a sewer system. What cables are used for heating sewer systems? Operating principle and installation rules

Which pipes are better to choose, their types, applications and installation

Heating sewer pipes with a heating cable

Heating of sewer pipes with a heating cable is used when the system is located in areas where the soil freezes. It is not always possible to extend the drain line below the mentioned level. This can be prevented by:

  • swimmer;
  • laid other communications and much more.

Therefore, there is a need to heat the sewer system. For this task, the industry offers a large number of insulation materials. All of them are excellent performance characteristics and high quality.

Also a distinctive characteristic of these materials is their low cost. The most effective of the heat insulators is the heating cable for drain lines.

Heating inside the system

Heating cables inside sewer pipes have been used for quite some time. In terms of its structure, it is an electrical cable where resistance regulates the temperature within the network. It uses known property metal conductors, this is heating when electricity passes through them. At the same time, with increasing resistance, the heating level rises.

From the above, it becomes clear that the heating cable for sewer pipes must be equipped with good waterproofing, because it is constantly in water.

The cable that is laid inside is arranged like this:

  1. metal conductor for heating;
  2. conductors enclosed inside heat-resistant insulation;
  3. another layer of fluoroplastic insulation;
  4. copper screen;
  5. outer layer of insulation.

In addition, the device for pulling inside the drain structure contains a temperature regulator. It prevents overheating of the mechanism and saves energy.

Advantages of sewer heating

Heating sewer pipes with a heating cable from the inside has whole line advantages:

  • Wires that heat up from the inside make it possible to maintain the desired temperature level so that the liquid in the system does not freeze.
  • High safety of cables pulled from the inside and their regulators.
  • Such devices can be used not only from the inside, but also on the outside of the highway.
  • Simple and convenient use.
  • Possibility to save electricity due to automatic regulator.

The only drawback of devices installed from the inside is the dependence on the supply of electricity. For these reasons, additional sources have to be installed on important pipelines, which will come to the rescue if the main source is interrupted.

Types of devices that can be bought in Yakutsk

You can buy the following types of heating cable for sewer pipes in Yakutsk:

Resistive options that are offered in Yakutsk are divided into the following types:

Linear type products generate heat when electrical energy hits the conductors. They can be single-core, or consist of several metal strands, which are often shaped like a spiral.

To buy quality products from this line in Yakutsk, you need to know that they differ in type of application. Low-power types are recommended for installation on household pipelines.

ADVICE. Most often in country houses and cottages for heating sewer network use an option with a power of 50 watts per meter of pipe. For a small drainage structure this is quite enough.

For an important trunk route in Yakutsk, you can purchase a cable system with more high power, it will effectively protect pipes from freezing even in this cold region.

You need to understand that the heating power of the cable depends not only on the diameter, but also on its length. Since the climate in Yakutsk is cold, preference will have to be given to more powerful options, and this will affect electricity consumption.

Self-regulating heating wire

The information presented above makes it clear that in winter, heating sewer pipes is simply necessary. For this, special devices are used.

A self-regulating heating cable for heating sewer pipes is distinguished by its ability to warm up or cool down depending on the ambient temperature. There is no need to apply any additional regulatory mechanisms.

With the internal installation method, self-regulating heating is installed on drain networks with a volume of up to 50 mm, which cannot be reached directly.

A heating device in the middle of the line is installed along its entire length. For this, a stuffing box assembly is used, and all work is carried out in accordance with safety regulations.

Here are some quick conventions that you need to adhere to:

  1. When entering, all parts of the edges and threads of the fittings should be covered.
  2. Do not damage the outer shell of the heating device.
  3. The cable installation location must be marked on the outside of the trunk.
  4. The length of the heat pipeline must correspond to the length of the main line.
  5. Pass the self-regulating heating device through shut-off valves not allowed.

This type of installation makes it possible to achieve the highest heating efficiency and is used for commissioned structures. Before this, precise measurements are taken of the area that will be heated.

A self-regulating wire for protection against short circuits is equipped with a device automatic shutdown. To the above, it must be added that a self-regulating heater inside the network is not recommended for highways, supplying drinking water, but for drainage systems this option is very suitable.

Features of external installation

A self-regulating heating cable for heating sewer pipes is very often placed on the outer part of the main.

There are several options for this work:

  • Laying in the shape of a wavy line.
  • Placement along the pipe product straight.
  • Several heating wires running parallel to the main line.
  • In the shape of a spiral.
  • On elbows and taps when installing a heat pipe, combine the previous methods at the same time.

A self-regulating cable when pulled externally requires constant monitoring for damage. The heating wire is attached to the top of the sewer pipes using adhesive tape. It is allowed to use only special aluminum tape, and plastic tape is not allowed for this task.

At first, the device for heating the drain network is fixed with small pieces of tape. They are placed at a distance of 0.3 m from one another. Then aluminum tape is passed along the entire length of the heat pipe. In this way, a strong attachment is created to the upper part of the highway.

ADVICE. The minimum bend volume for a heating wire is equal to the sum of its six volumes.

If this installation is carried out on a plastic system, it must first be glued with adhesive tape; you can also use aluminum foil for this task. This will allow the heat to be evenly distributed throughout the entire pipeline area.

After installing the heating device, it is recommended to thermally insulate the pipe system using special materials.

Heating sewer pipes with a heating cable is easy to perform effectively, thanks to such manufacturers as Raychem, Esto, Lavita, etc. And the products of the Devi company received the highest ratings from the craftsmen. All of them help to extend the life of the system, because this directly depends on the quality of heating in the cold winter.

Heating sewer pipes with a heating cable: consider the types of devices, their advantages and disadvantages, installation features

Heating of sewer pipes with a heating cable is carried out both inside the main and outside. The heating cable inside the sewer pipe must have good waterproofing, since it is constantly in water

Heating of sewer pipes: external and internal

Taking into account the climatic characteristics of most regions of Russia, when laying external sewerage systems, it is necessary to ensure heating of sewer pipes. More recently, to prevent water from freezing in pipelines, the technology of laying pipes below the soil freezing level and insulating them with various heat-insulating materials was used. You can learn about more modern technology from our article.

Sewer pipes need heating

Electric heating of sewer pipes

Today, this method is considered obsolete; it has been replaced by the latest developments in the field of heating technology, which make it possible to provide heating for pipes laid above the soil freezing line, and even external ones.

Of course, installing electric pipe heating systems is an additional material investment, but if electric heating is available, there are no costs for laying pipes in the ground.

Electrical cables for heating pipes are made by many different manufacturers. According to the installation method, heating systems are divided into:

Example of external pipe heating

External heating systems for sewer pipes

Outdoor heating methods

External heating of sewer pipes can be film or cable.

Film type external heating systems are the most common and relevant. The fact is that the cost of such a system is quite acceptable, and its installation does not cause difficulties. The material for the production of film heating is heat-radiating film. The film system has the following advantages:

  • heat spreads evenly over the entire area of ​​the pipe;
  • The system has low power, which allows saving money during operation.

Film heating for pipes

Another option for heating sewer pipes is possible - using a heating cable. In this case, a cable laid along the heated pipe, when the system is turned on, heats it to a predetermined temperature.

Electric heating cable is available in various types:

  1. Self-regulating cable - the most promising of all existing species heating cable. He is able to “adapt” to climatic conditions: When the outdoor temperature rises, the cable resistance automatically decreases, which leads to a decrease in power consumption and, consequently, to a reduction in energy costs. Moreover, the heating power may be different in different sections of the insulated pipe. When using a self-regulating heating cable, you can do without thermostats.

Self-regulating cable diagram

  1. Resistive cable It is cheaper, but the power and resistance in such heating systems are not regulated when the ambient temperature changes, so the cable may fail due to overheating. To prevent breakdowns, sensors and thermostats must be installed in the heating system.

Resistive cable diagram

  1. Zone cable the principle of operation is similar to resistive, but unlike it, it does not release heat along its entire length, but only in certain zones. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to cut and redistribute the cable to any place in the sewer system. The use of zonal cable is advisable for insulating metal pipelines and tanks.

Zone cable diagram

Installation of heating cable outside pipes

When laying an electric heating cable, take into account the following rules:

  1. The cable is pulled strictly along the pipe - this is the only way to avoid possible installation errors, prevent various damage to the cable and significantly save time.
  2. The electrical cable can be laid out in a spiral laying, but only if the project requires it.
  3. When laying, crossing the cable on supports and in other places is not allowed.
  4. Cable installation must take into account dead-end and bypass lines.

The principle of installing the cable outside the pipe

Fastening the heating cable to sewer pipes

The electric heating cable must be attached to heated sewer pipes. Fastening is carried out at intervals of at least 200 mm with heat-resistant tape or synthetic cable bandage. If the heating cable has mineral insulation, fastening is done with tie tapes or a steel cable tie.

The principle of fastening the heating cable

When choosing fasteners, take into account the following recommendations:

  • the preferred means of fastening is adhesive tape;
  • When using a cable band, its resistance to chemical reagents and increased temperature effects;
  • if the heating cable is placed in a polymer sheath, the use of metal fasteners is prohibited;
  • when gluing aluminum-based adhesive tape onto a heating cable, its thermal power increases, so the use of such tape must be justified by the requirements of the project;
  • If it is necessary to insulate synthetic sewer pipes, the best way to secure the cable is with aluminum adhesive tape or passing foil under the cable (in some cases, under and over it), as this provides effective heat transfer and evenly distributes the heat.

It is better to additionally insulate the structure from the outside

Internal heating systems for sewer pipes

The use of internal heating systems occurs in small sections of the sewer pipeline, most often at street pumps. Internal systems the principle of operation is similar to external systems, however, when inserting the heating cable into the pipe, preliminary installation of a tee is necessary. Through it the heating electric cable will be introduced into the pipe.

Laying heating cable inside sewer pipes

Inserting a heating cable into the sewer system

There are times when it is necessary to lay an electric heating cable inside a sewer pipe. Then the cable is placed into the pipe through a special coupling - nipple. However, this comes with disadvantages:

  • due to the insertion of a tee into the sewer pipeline, its reliability decreases;
  • the internal diameter of the pipe decreases;
  • the likelihood of blockages increases;
  • if the pipeline is installed with numerous transitions, bends, and also has a significant length, installation of the heating cable inside the pipe is very complicated and time-consuming.

Installing the cable inside the pipe

In conclusion, I would like to say that high-quality heating of sewer pipes is an important condition for the efficient operation of sewerage systems in the cold season. And although heating systems consume a certain amount of electricity, they can be economical, even with constantly rising electricity prices. After all, the system can be supplemented with switches or controllers and thermostats that will monitor changes in temperature in the pipes and regulate energy consumption.

Heating of sewer pipes: external, internal, film and cable

Heating of sewer pipes can be either external or internal. The most popular heating of sewer pipes is with a heating cable, thanks to which the pipes become heated.

Heating of sewerage with electric cable

The performance of the sewer system in the winter season depends entirely on compliance with recommendations regarding the deepening of the collector to a depth below the soil freezing mark. However, it is not always possible to adhere to such recommendations at the installation stage due to the characteristics of the soil on the site or other conditions. Common reasons are:

  • Wetlands that do not allow pipes to be lowered below the groundwater level;
  • Part of the external collector, which is responsible for connecting the system to the septic tank;
  • Pipes leaving the house;
  • Pipeline running from filters to drainage fields, etc.

In this case, the sewer cable will help to heat the collector.

It's important to know that average value The depth of the sewer collector varies between 1-1.4 m. The pipeline laid above is prone to freezing. This means that peculiar icicle growths will form inside the pipe, which will subsequently gradually collect wastewater, thereby forming a large ice plug from the inside in the drainage system. As a result, the sewage system will simply fail.

Important: a heater in the form of a special cable will prevent possible freezing of the sewer system pipeline.

Methods for heating sewer systems

Heating of sewer pipes can be carried out and arranged at the stage of collector installation in two ways:

  • By using special heated pipes, which have a sandwich structure and are equipped inside with a special heating element. This collector is made of plastic. A heating element is placed on top of the plastic collector, and the pipes are wrapped with a special thermal insulation material. The cost of such a sewer collector will be several times higher than the standard one.
  • You can also heat the sewer pipeline using a special heat cord. Such a device is a sealed and waterproof heating element, which in most cases is located outside the pipeline. It is not recommended to install such an electrical cable from the inside. There are only a few situations when the heating cable is installed inside. One of them is the insufficient cross-section of the collector.

Benefits of using a cable

By using a special cable to heat the sewer with your own hands, the master receives a lot of benefits from this solution:

  • Thus, the sewer collector is in working condition constantly, regardless of the temperature outside the window and the intensity of use of the sewerage system.
  • The speed of transporting wastewater from the house to the septic tank (pit) increases significantly, which prevents stagnation in the pipes.
  • Technological consistency aggressive environment remains in its original state, which accelerates the bacteriological treatment of wastewater in the septic tank in winter.
  • In addition, there will be no condensation on the surface of the collector, which means that the risk of corrosion inside the collector is minimized.

Types of heating cable

You can use three types of cable to create pipe heating with your own hands. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Resistive heating element (heating cable). This type of device works on the principle of constant heating, regardless of the outside temperature. That is, the set temperature regime is constant, which means the current consumption will also remain unchanged. Resistive heating elements require constant monitoring.
  • Zone cable. This type of heating element is identical to the operating principle of a resistive one. But it has a significant difference - the heating element works in zones, and not along its entire length. Most often, such a wire for heating the system is used in certain sections of the sewer network.
  • Self-heating cable. This type of heating element for heating the sewer is more productive and economical. The wire is able to regulate the temperature of the collector heating depending on the ambient temperature. The operation of such a wire is based on a semiconductor matrix, which regulates the amount of heat. The self-regulating cable consumes only 33 W of electricity per linear meter. At the same time, the installation of the wire is simplified due to the presence of an adhesive aluminum side on it. The convenience of using such an element is due to the fact that it can be easily cut into pieces without losing its working properties. And the cable, which is 80 m long, can be plugged directly into a power outlet. Also, the self-heating cable can be adjusted according to temperature parameters at any desired section of the pipeline. That is, where the collector is located higher to the surface of the earth, the temperature can be made higher and vice versa.

Important: when connecting the heating system for the first time, you may experience a one-time energy consumption that exceeds the nominal one. But within 1-2 minutes the heating system levels out the current consumption and goes into normal operating mode.

Do-it-yourself heating cable installation

It is worth remembering that installing a heating element inside the system is not recommended. If there is an urgent need to install a high pressure pump inside the collector, then it is better to invite specialists to do it. It is quite possible to mount the wire outside the system with your own hands.

Work rules

If you decide to install a heating system with your own hands, then you should adhere to these important rules:

  • It is prohibited to attach the heating element to any sharp or cutting surfaces;
  • Before carrying out work, it is worth inspecting the collector for tightness and detecting possible leaks;
  • It is forbidden to connect a cable wound into a ball to electricity;
  • The finished heating system must be wrapped in hydro- and heat-insulating materials;
  • If the collector is made of plastic, it is recommended to first wrap it with foil material to increase the thermal conductivity of the collector;
  • When laying the heating cable, it is necessary to make 3-4 loops 1.4 m long throughout the entire pipeline (depending on the length of the collector) in case of emergency disconnection of the pipeline. The loops are attached to the valves or carefully laid along the manifold;
  • Depending on the diameter of the cable, you can strengthen the heating system by winding the heating element outside the collector in a spiral in two steps in opposite directions relative to each other.
  • The installation of a heating system for sewer pipes can also be carried out parallel to each other in a straight line. But in any case, it is necessary to use additional clamps that will not allow the wire to move away from the collector in the future.
  • To avoid possible damage to the heating element, a mark is placed outside the pipeline indicating that the collector is equipped with an electronic heating system.

Important: laying layer upon layer or crossing a resistive type cable at the installation stage is unacceptable, since the cable may burn. The self-regulating wire can be intertwined during installation.

Carrying out installation work

If you purchased a cable in a reel and are planning to install it yourself, you will have to make a plug for the wire. To do this, you need to complete the following stages of work:

  • Measure 10 cm from the end of the cable and remove the outer sheath on this section of the wire. To do this, we use a stationery knife or any other knife.
  • Now carefully unravel the braid using an awl and twist it into a bundle. In the future, we will connect this harness to the ground wire.
  • Again remove the outer layer of thermal protection to the same length. There will be a conductive matrix under it. To easily remove it, you need to heat the material with a hairdryer until it becomes plastic. When the matrix becomes pliable, remove it.
  • We will have in our hands two copper current conductors, which need to be connected to the wires of the prepared plug.
  • We reliably insulate all contacts of the heating cable after connection.

Important: if there is no grounding barrier in the plug circuit, then you can simply cut off the remaining braid bundle.

We install the prepared cable on the pipeline in the intended position and insulate the pipes.

Cable selection

In order to choose the right heating system, you need to pay attention not only to the type of wire itself (resistant, self-regulating), but also to the power of the wire. Because a more powerful element is not always necessary in a particular case. Most likely, you will simply have to overpay for electricity.

  • So, for water pipes with a diameter of 22 to 36 mm, a cable with a power of 16 W per linear meter is suitable.
  • If the water pipe or sewer has a diameter of 50 to 110 mm, then a wire with a power of 24 W/linear meter is suitable.
  • For pipes with a larger diameter, you will need an electrical cable with a power of 33 W per linear meter and higher.

In this case, heating any water supply or drainage system using a heating cable will be more effective than using standard insulating materials.

Heating of sewerage: heating cable for pipes

Methods for heating sewer systems and the advantages of using electric cables. Types of cables and installation methods. Choosing a cable.