Installation of mosquito net fastenings. How to install mosquito nets on plastic windows. Selecting and installing a mosquito net

A mosquito net on a plastic window will allow you to stay indoors complete comfort. This is a great way to ensure a consistent supply. fresh air into the house and at the same time protect yourself from annoying insects and dust.

Installing a mosquito net on a plastic window

Insert mosquito net The window should be used to solve several problems:

  • small insects entering the house
  • getting poplar fluff into the house or small seeds plants that cause allergies
  • dust and dirt entering the house
  • threat to the safety of small pets (a cat or parrot can escape through open windows)

You can install the mosquito net on the window yourself. The process itself does not require special knowledge or effort; you can install the net yourself using available tools if you know how to insert a mosquito net. Also independent work Installing such a mosquito net on a window will allow you to save money on the services of craftsmen or specialized companies.

You can order a mesh for a window of any size - this is convenient both for people living in apartments and for those who live in private houses - the mesh is made to fit the size of the plastic window. The mesh does not require special care; it is enough to wash it with water several times a year.

How to install a mosquito net on a plastic window

If you are wondering how to install a grid on plastic window- video on this topic great amount. To figure out how to install a mosquito net on a window with your own with my own hands, you need to understand the structure of the grid.

The mosquito net is a closed aluminum profile, painted to match the color of the window, with a mosquito net fixed in it. The design of a standard mosquito net includes the following elements:

  • catch mesh
  • profile frame
  • transverse stiffener
  • connecting corners
  • mosquito net brackets

Any mosquito net is installed using fasteners. There are two types of mesh installation:

  • installing a mosquito net using internal fasteners
  • installation of the mesh using external fasteners

In the first case, you need to install it this way: you need to take the mosquito net by the side handles, place the hooks behind the window and lift the net up until it stops. After this, you need to align the mosquito net in the window opening.

The second method of installing a mosquito net on a window is more reliable - screws are used to secure the corners to the plastic window. If you doubt whether mosquito nets were installed correctly in plastic windows, the videos on the pages of Internet portals will help you figure it out in more detail.

To protect your premises from bloodthirsty insects, install a mosquito net. What tools will be needed, how to select and install the mesh - we will analyze all the nuances of doing the work.

Installing a mosquito net helps solve the problem with insects that is relevant in the summer. However, the mesh very often breaks and requires repair. In order not to spend money on calling a specialist every time, you should master installing the mesh yourself. This procedure is not too complicated, but it has some nuances that you need to know before starting work. Let's figure out what tools are required to do this work and how to do the installation yourself


To protect an apartment from insects entering through windows, humanity has come up with many designs of varying degrees of effectiveness. Today the most common are several varieties:

Despite the wide variety of options, frame grids are most often installed. Their price is not too high, and the quality is quite enough to solve most problems.

How to measure a window correctly

The most common practice when installing a frame mesh is when the production of the frame is carried out by an organization (according to an order made), and the customer can do the installation with his own hands or order it for separate fee. To ensure that the manufactured mesh fits your window perfectly, the manufacturer’s employees will ask you to name the dimensions. Therefore, it is very important to measure them correctly.

The window opening is measured by opening the window. Need to measure:

  • The horizontal distance from one rubber band to another.
  • The same applies to the vertical distance.

Measurements are made with millimeter accuracy. The more accurate the measurements are, the better the mesh will fit your window. This determines how reliably it will prevent insects from entering your home.

Since there are no perfectly straight windows, it is worth taking measurements at least three times (in the middle and at each edge) for each measurement. Take the largest result: this will ensure that there are no cracks into which small midges could enter.

How to assemble it yourself

Assembling a mesh on a plastic frame yourself is not very difficult. There are several reasons for this decision: the ability to choose for yourself protective material, manufacturing savings and other considerations. To work, you will need to purchase a profile for making a mesh, corners for connecting individual profiles into a frame and fittings. All this can be purchased from a company that produces custom meshes.

Skills self-made frames will also be useful during repairs. Since the plastic frame is not very reliable design, it will have to be repaired periodically. And if the assembly skill has already been acquired by making a frame with your own hands, it will be much easier to repair the mesh.

First of all, you need to decide on the sizes. Measuring the window opening is done in the same way as when ordering a mesh from a company. But you need to subtract 40 mm from the obtained values. This distance will be occupied by the corners with which the frame is assembled.

If the height of the frame is more than 1 m, it will bend and “play” in the wind. To prevent this, a plastic spacer is made in the middle of the structure - an impost. It is attached to special corners. They will also have to be purchased, along with the impost strip, and taken into account when determining the length of the frame.

The frame is assembled by knocking it together from two long and two short pieces using corners. The corners are inserted into the main profile tightly; you cannot insert them by hand. To connect the profiles, you will need a hammer, but it is not recommended to knock directly on the frame (you can crush plastic profile). To make the assembly without damage, the corners are hammered in by placing a wooden block.

If the corner fits into the profile easily, it means it is chosen incorrectly. A frame assembled in this way will simply fall apart on the very first day of use.

If the profile is too long, it can be cut to the required length. It is better to do this operation with a hacksaw. It gives a smooth cut surface, but then you still need to file it so that there are no even small irregularities.

After assembly, you need to check each goal so that the profiles are connected strictly perpendicularly. Otherwise, there will be gaps in the corners through which small midges can crawl.

Selection and installation

To make nets that protect a room from mosquitoes, materials are used whose cell diameter ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 mm. A mesh that is too wide may not trap the smallest insects. But installing a mesh that is too dense is also undesirable, since it makes it difficult for air to pass into the apartment.

Both natural and synthetic materials are used to make mesh:

  • Cotton. Not afraid of ultraviolet rays. The threads have a pile that effectively traps insects. The main disadvantage of cotton is its fragility: it absorbs moisture and can begin to rot.
  • Polyester and nylon fiber are synthetic materials that have neither special advantages nor significant disadvantages. They are one of the most common options due to the optimal combination of low price and acceptable quality.
  • Steel. Durable material, which however is not used very often. The reason is the tendency to corrosion. A protective zinc coating makes the mesh more expensive, and cheap versions without such protection will quickly rust.
  • Nylon. Thanks to its fine weaving, such a mesh can even trap pollen, dust and other histamines. Therefore, nylon nets are chosen by people suffering from allergies.

Other materials are also used. The mesh should be 3-5 cm larger than the frame in each dimension. It is placed on the assembled frame, covered with a cord and tensioned, pressing the cord into the grooves of the frame.

There is a special roller for tensioning, but you can use a knife, a screwdriver handle, a ring of scissors, or any other object that fits the shape. You can press one side first and then the other, or work on each side alternately.

The tighter the mesh is stretched, the better its protective properties. After tensioning the mesh, all that remains is to install the handles.

Types of fastening

The easiest installation option is to use brackets Z-shape. The brackets differ in the size of the shelves. Larger sizes are for the upper brackets, smaller sizes are for the lower ones. For fastening, two upper and two lower brackets are installed.

Another affordable option for do-it-yourself installation - use four corners (two on top, two on bottom). This mount looks somewhat more aesthetically pleasing, but it is a little more difficult to install, since you need to measure not only the height, but also the width. However, this method of fastening can be handled without much difficulty.

Fastening the mesh to plungers is used on the first floors. Its main advantage is that the plunger will not allow the mesh to be removed from the street, preventing its theft.

How to install a mosquito net with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

As an example, consider the method of installing the mesh on the brackets. You need to prepare 2 upper and 2 lower brackets, 8 self-tapping screws, a long ruler, a pencil, a ladder for work, a screwdriver and a drill with a 2 mm drill bit.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Set aside from the bottom edge of the window with outside 30 mm. We draw a line.
  2. We apply a grid to the line, placing marks along the upper edge. We draw the second line. On two lines we mark 10 cm from the edges, attach brackets for attaching the frame. The main thing is not to confuse the upper ones with the lower ones!
  3. We mark the places for the screws and drill holes.
  4. We fasten the brackets with self-tapping screws.

That's all! All that remains is to place the mesh behind the upper brackets, and then insert it into the lower ones. It is removed in reverse order.

Although the process of installing the mesh on the brackets is simple, we recommend watching the video so that you can see all the stages of the work with your own eyes:

Installing a mosquito net with your own hands is not very difficult. And then the mesh will reliably protect your home from insect invasion. If necessary, you can easily repair the frame or replace a torn canvas using the methods described in our article.

September 21, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Attaching a mosquito net to plastic windows is usually performed at the final stage of installation: this part has a very simple design and installs without much difficulty. And yet, if you do the work yourself, then it’s definitely worth understanding the nuances of choosing the type of fastening and the method of fixing the product on the window.

Design and purpose of mosquito nets

An anti-mosquito net that is attached to a PVC window is most often a frame product:

  1. The mesh frame is made of lightweight polymer (PVC) or aluminum. Plastic structures are less durable, which is why more and more manufacturers are switching to aluminum profiles. At the same time, a special coating protects aluminum elements from external influences.
  2. At the corners, the frame elements are connected with special corners. Thanks to this, the rectangularity of the frame is maintained, since plastic inserts give the product the necessary rigidity.

  1. A mesh made of synthetic fabric is stretched over the frame (fiberglass is most often used). The mesh is most often fixed into the profile groove due to the elasticity of a special cord, so if necessary, the damaged mesh can be removed and replaced with a new one.

Usually the canvas is painted in grey colour. Neutral coloring makes sense: it is in this case that the weaves of the mesh are least noticeable in any lighting level.

  1. WITH inside Two handles are fixed on the frame of the mosquito net, intended for installing the product and removing it from the opening. Plastic handles in 90% of cases disappear after about two years of use, and structures made from a polymer strip rolled into a ring last a little longer.

As the name suggests, mosquito net provides protection against the penetration of flying insects - flies, mosquitoes, etc. into the room. The cross-sections of the holes in most nets are selected so that their size is less than the wingspan of the most common insects.

In addition, structures with tension fabrics provide shading of an apartment or balcony. Despite its high transparency, the mesh material effectively absorbs Sun rays, therefore, in the heat, nets are a good help, especially in the absence of curtains and blinds.

There are many options for fixing mosquito nets on the window

Installation Methods

Method 1. On hinges

There is probably no clear answer to the question of how to attach a mosquito net to a plastic window. There are several fastening systems, and each has both advantages and disadvantages.

First, and obvious way installation – installation of the mesh on hinges:

  1. For this technique it is necessary to make a structure from a special profile. On one side of the frame there are hinge groups (two or three, depending on the height), and on the opposite side there is a latch retainer.

  1. When installing, place the stack on the outside of the frame and mark where the hinges will be located.
  2. Then we use self-tapping screws to install the mating parts of the hinges on the frame.
  3. We put the structure on the hinges and fix it with a rod.
  4. We put a latch on the response element and close the mesh, marking where the latch will be located.

  1. We install the latch on the frame, fixing it with outside self-tapping screws.

It is very convenient to use such a product: if necessary, the mesh simply swings open on rotating hinges and the opening opens. But there are some restrictions:

  1. Firstly, dismantling the product for the winter is labor-intensive - you need to disconnect the hinges, which is not so easy to do.
  2. Secondly, such structures cannot be used on windows with installed external bars - there will simply be nowhere to open the grid.
  3. By personal experience I’ll add one more nuance: with a side wind directed along the wall, the latch can open, and then the mesh swings open. As a result, the sailing canvas sometimes breaks off its hinges.

Method 2. On pockets

Simpler, more reliable, but at the same time slightly less functional fastenings for mosquito nets on plastic windows are the so-called “pockets”. They represent plastic structures, which are fixed on the corners of the mosquito net frame.

Installing pockets is extremely simple, but there is a little trick to it:

  1. Fastening is best done before the frame is mounted in the opening. This way we will be able to perfectly align all the details, otherwise we will have to fix the design “by eye”, which often leads to mistakes.

  1. We start installation from the bottom pair. To do this, we take two pockets with low front sides and secure them with self-tapping screws so that the upper edge of the profile mosquito frame coincided with the top edge of the window frame itself.
  2. After this, we insert the mesh into the lower guides, and then carefully lift it so that the lower edge of the frame extends beyond the front walls of the pockets. Now mark the position of the upper edge of the frame on the upper transverse part window frame.

  1. A pair of pockets equipped with sides bigger size, install it so that the raised mesh fits freely into the resulting groove (we make a larger margin of about 3 - 4 mm). This, on the one hand, ensures reliable fixation of the structure in the installed position (i.e. when it rests on the lower pocket), but at the same time makes it possible to remove the mesh from the grooves.

After installing the window in the opening, the mesh is placed in the pockets very simply:

  • first we insert the frame into the upper pockets until it stops;
  • then press the bottom edge of the frame against the window;
  • and place it on the supports of the lower pockets.

Of course, it takes longer than with hinges, but removing the mesh is much easier.

Method 3. On the “flags”

Another fastener for mosquito nets on plastic windows is the so-called flags. They are not very convenient to use, but they take up the least space:

  1. The flag is a miniature part: either a Z-shaped plate made of thin metal, or an L-shaped rotary element made of dense PVC.
  2. Metal flags are most often placed directly on the profile frame (it must be aluminum, since the self-tapping screw comes out of PVC immediately). Plastic products The frame is attached close to the edge of the mesh installed in the opening.
  3. To attach one frame you need 4-6 flags.
  4. The flag works very simply: we turn each element using a self-tapping screw as an axis, and press the flag to the frame. Thanks to this, the mesh is fixed in the opening at several points.

  1. If necessary, the structure is removed according to the same scheme: we turn the flags so that they become parallel to the frame parts, after which we remove the product.

When turning the flags, the bridge must be held by the handles, otherwise it will simply fall out.

However, this mount has significant drawback: it is inconvenient to rotate the checkboxes due to their small size, in addition, both plastic and thin metal do not last long. And the self-tapping screws that secure the fasteners to the mesh frame also sometimes come loose. In general, this is an option for those who remove the mesh from its fastenings at most once a year.

Method 4. Velcro

Frameless insect screens also exist, and what’s more, they’re not difficult to use. As a rule, a pair of Velcro is used to attach such a structure:

  • one is fixed on the window;
  • and the second is sewn or welded around the perimeter of the mesh fabric.

There is a simpler option where the mesh is attached directly to the adhesive tape on the window, but it seems less reliable to me.

The installation instructions for the product will be as follows:

  1. We thoroughly wash the window intended for installing the mesh, removing dirt and greasy stains (they form where we touch the plastic with our bare hands).
  2. Before attaching the mesh, wipe the window dry.
  3. Remove the protective tape from the Velcro, exposing the adhesive layer.
  4. We apply the product to the window and press it firmly, making sure the tape is correct the first time, without folds or “waves.”
  5. After the Velcro tape is glued, we attach the mosquito net to it. This product holds up well and can be removed in just a few seconds.

The disadvantage of this method of fixation is that it is not very reliable: no matter how high-quality the Velcro is, it is still inferior in terms of fixation strength to mechanical fasteners.

Roller shutters, plungers and other options

There are several other options for attaching the mesh to the window opening:

Mounting type Design Features
Plunger Plunger-mounted nets have an almost standard design: a fiberglass or PVC sheet is located in a plastic or aluminum frame:
  1. Plungers are built into the frame itself - spring-loaded rods, which in normal condition extend beyond the edges of the frame by about 15-20 mm.
  2. When installing the mesh, the frame is inserted inside the window, the plunger handles are pulled back and the rods are recessed into the profile.
  3. After we release the handle, the plunger comes out and is secured in a hole pre-drilled in the frame.

This mount is reliable, but the downside is the need to install the structure inside the frame. There is an option for attaching the plungers to holes made in the overlay, but in this case the relatively thin layer of plastic will experience serious loads.

Roller shutter Probably the most convenient, but at the same time the most expensive option:
  1. A roller shutter with a mosquito net, side guides, and a lower hook are installed outside.
  2. If necessary, we simply grab the cord and pull the mesh out of the roller shutter part, while its base goes down along the guides.
  3. At the bottom, the base is fixed with a latch, which holds it in the desired position.
  4. If necessary, the mesh can be easily removed - just remove the base from the latch and slightly pull the mesh up.

The obvious disadvantage is the high price of the product, but otherwise it really turns out to be extremely convenient and very reliable.

Pleated The operating principle of a pleated protective mesh is somewhat similar to a roller shutter, but it moves not in a vertical, but in a horizontal direction:
  1. A guide with a fixed blade is installed on one side, and a guide with a latch on the other.
  2. The pleated mesh (hence the name - pleated) is attached to two horizontal runners - top and bottom.
  3. When closing, we simply pull the handle and the net gradually unfolds. Then, in the extreme position, we fix the stretched canvas with a latch.
  4. Removing the mesh from the opening is just as simple: we remove its edge from the latch and gradually fold the material like an accordion.

The disadvantages include not the tightest covering of the opening due to slight sagging of the material, as well as the high cost of the product. But for balcony door or a wide window is indeed a very convenient option.

Net care

Anti-mosquito structures can be installed on the most different types fastenings, but still, when using them, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. The mesh fabric loses its elasticity over time and therefore breaks even under minor mechanical loads. Perforated fabric copes with its functions much worse, so it should be changed periodically (every five to six years).
  2. To extend the service life of the canvas, the mesh should be dismantled winter period. I usually remove structures in October and put them back in place in March. Thanks to this, neither the profile nor the canvas are subject to freezing, and therefore last an order of magnitude longer.

  1. After removing the structure, it is worth washing it - during the warm season it collects an incredible amount of dust. If your windows face highway, then I would advise washing the grids more often - once every two to three months.
  2. Finally, keep in mind that this design is not designed for fall protection. Not a single mount can withstand a significant weight load, so if you have children or active pets in your home, then the sash with an installed mosquito stack can only be opened in the folding position.

I never tire of repeating: to protect children from falling, the opening of the window must be blocked. To do this, install either a special handle with a key or a lock on the bottom of the frame. It doesn’t interfere with ventilation, but it will protect you from turning the sash with overly curious hands!

"Anti-cat" is not a panacea, but it can help

  1. The only exceptions are anti-cat nets, which are distinguished by reinforced fabric and more reliable fasteners. But even they cannot support the weight of a well-fed Maine Coon or a small child, so it’s better to play it safe without getting into trouble!


Of course, you will not use absolutely all the methods of attaching mosquito nets described above - this is not necessary. But it’s definitely worth understanding the range of products and learning how to install them.

September 21, 2016

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Many people face a mosquito net on a plastic window, as soon as the summer comes into legal rights. Having woken up after a long hibernation, the midges strive to fill all the rooms, climb into all the cracks, hit the hot lamps, not to mention the annoying mosquitoes that so interfere with sleep. And when it’s hot, you really want to open the window wider, especially in the evening, when the heat of the day gives way to the coolness of the night.

However, before opening the windows, it is worth installing mosquito nets and preventing the possible penetration of harmful insects.

Ready meshes

In any home improvement store you will find ready-made mosquito nets. They cover the windows well, the main thing is to choose the appropriate size. But at the same time, they also have disadvantages. For example, having purchased a frame, you will be faced with the need to take it out every time you need to close the window. Also if we're talking about about plastic windows, you will not be able to open them for “ventilation”, leaving the mesh in place. Therefore, before purchasing a ready-made frame, think again about how to install a mosquito net on a plastic window, while avoiding many unnecessary steps?

DIY mesh

Pull the mesh onto the frame the right size You

You can do it at home, which, however, will not solve the problem of removing it from the window opening every time you need to close the window. An interesting alternative is to use a grid without frame base. without using hard inserts? Very simple. Installing such a grid will take no more than fifteen minutes! To do this you need to buy a mosquito net desired color and size at any hardware store, Velcro tape (textile fastener), silicone-based glue or double-sided tape. The length of the skein of textile fastener is determined along the perimeter of the window frame.

Making a grid

The first step is to cut out a mosquito net that will fit the size and

the shape of your window. Second: we attach one half of the Velcro to the mesh using glue or Of course, it is safer to use glue - it provides better adhesion and does not leave unaesthetic marks. Third step: glue the second half of the textile fastener around the perimeter, and it is advisable to place it as far as possible from the edges of the opening itself. In this case, it is also optimal to use glue: even if you need to remove the Velcro, it will not leave marks on the frame. What to do next is obvious: carefully apply the mesh so that the textile fasteners match, and enjoy the mosquito net, which protects against midges and does not interfere with the full functioning of the window frame. So, the question is: “How to install a mosquito net on a plastic window?” solved

At the end of the season, such a mesh can be easily removed, washed and put aside until next summer, and the textile tape can be easily cleaned with soap solution. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

Sometimes, when replacing windows in a house, people try to save on small things. The installation of mosquito nets on plastic windows is generally considered unnecessary. But, with the onset of hot and humid summer, attacks by mosquitoes, flies and other insects convince the inhabitants of the home of the opposite - protection is necessary. To restore comfort in the house in this case, you will need to install a mesh on plastic windows yourself.

Before you get started self-installation mosquito nets for plastic windows, you need to order the net itself from the manufacturer, of which there are a great many today. There are also different models of mesh, the price of which also varies. Choose at your own discretion, the main thing is to take the measurements correctly. The mesh size should be equal to internal size windows plus a margin of 2 cm on each side for fastening.

Required Tools

  1. Level (up to 50 cm)
  2. Pencil for marking the level
  3. A screwdriver or screwdriver for fixing the mesh on the window, brackets, etc.
  4. Small screws (up to 2 cm)

Mosquito nets differ in purpose, design, appearance. First, you need to understand what mosquito nets are and how they differ.

Functions of mosquito nets for plastic windows

Types of nets for plastic windows and methods of installing them

Frame removable mesh

This model consists of an aluminum frame connected plastic corners and, in fact, the fiberglass mesh itself, clamped in the frame using a sealing cord. These removable mosquito nets are placed on plastic windows from the outside and do not interfere with the opening and closing of the sashes. The mesh is divided in half by a horizontal bar to provide greater structural rigidity. Fixed under the sealing cord plastic handles, simplifying the process of installation and removal of the structure.

Installation of removable frame mesh on plastic windows

Anti-cat mesh for plastic windows

A net designed specifically to protect pets from accidental loss, mounted on plastic or metal brackets. The anti-cat frame is made of the same aluminum. The black canvas can be steel, aluminum or polyester with PVC braiding (the most popular). The grids are equipped with several imposts (reinforcing strips). The installation process of such special protective sheets is identical to the installation of frame mesh. You just need to choose steel fasteners, since plastic ones can break if an animal jumps onto the window.

Rotating mosquito nets

Such nets are usually installed on small windows. When installing them, the main thing is to attach the magnet and canopies. The process is sometimes complicated by imperfect installation of the plastic windows themselves (failure to maintain the level when installing the window can also lead to skew of the mosquito net).

Installation of rotating mosquito nets

  1. Using a tape measure on the frame in the place where the canopies are supposed to be attached, measure their width (2 cm) + the width of the aluminum mesh profile (1.6 cm) = 3.6 cm, carefully double-checking these dimensions to avoid distortions. Make the appropriate marks with a pencil.
  2. We attach the magnet in the center of the window, gluing it or screwing it with self-tapping screws.
  3. We install the appropriate magnets on the mosquito nets.
  4. We check the structure for opening and closing.

Rolled mosquito net

The most popular, but most expensive model. Such nets are created on the principle of blinds; they are twisted and held in this position using a cord or a winding handle and a roller. The mesh fabric fits tightly to the frame, which effectively protects against the penetration of small insects. These grids will be appropriate if you do not have space to store such things. After all, they can be hidden in an aluminum box installed in the upper part of the window opening. Roller mosquito nets have a frame with snaps and retaining bars.

Installation of rolled mosquito nets

  1. Remove the frame from the mesh, exposing the fasteners.
  2. Attach the mosquito net to the window, mark the installation locations, and screw it on.
  3. Remove the cover from the retaining bar by sliding it up and down until you find the mount inside.
  4. Install the strip evenly around the entire perimeter of the window.
  5. Wind the net with the twist lever.
  6. Place the lid on the bar.

Now you know everything you need to know to install mosquito nets on plastic windows. Go for it! Have a comfortable summer!