Do-it-yourself installation of sewer stations. Installation of sewage pumping stations, turnkey installation of sewage pumping stations. Type of pumping equipment

Why do many city residents strive to travel outside the metropolis for at least a few days a month? The answer is obvious - even such a short period of stay in clean fresh air gives them a charge for the rest of the time. At the same time, a dacha or Vacation home it is necessary to equip it with some of the benefits of civilization in order for the vacation to be truly complete.

General information

In this case we're talking about on the removal of contaminated Wastewater. This question should always be decided at the design stage of any home. You will be lucky if the central collector is nearby.

Otherwise, you will need a sewage pumping station (SPS), which will make it possible to pump dirty water to treatment facilities located nearby, or to the main drainage system.

Below in the article we will tell:

  • about its structure;
  • about the operating principle of the equipment;
  • about the varieties of CNS.


The station is essentially sealed drain hole, which is equipped with one or more pumps. With their help, wastewater is transported in the right direction. Let's highlight the main elements of equipment:

Storage tank
  1. A container where all our waste accumulates.
  2. Made from plastic, concrete or metal. The price of the entire system depends on this.
Fecal pump Two units are installed:
  • worker;
  • backup

Their task is to raise wastewater to the required level, and not to create pressure in the system. After that, they move on by gravity.

Pipe system
  1. Designed to combine pumps into a single system and send wastewater to a central collector or treatment plant.
  2. Equipped with special valves that control the operation pumping equipment.
Float switches The instructions recommend installing three or four floats in order to organize full control over the system in the event of any failure. They are designed to automatically turn on and off the pump in the system. Their work is organized as follows:
  • when the level of wastewater in the pumping station rises to a dangerous level, the float, rising upward, releases the cable tension, which causes the pump to turn on and begin pumping the liquid accumulated in the tank;
  • if the level drops to a certain point, the cable is tensioned and the pump is turned off.

If the main pump does not turn on, the 3rd and 4th floats start the backup unit.

Also, such household pump stations are equipped with:

  • a ladder to facilitate their maintenance;
  • cover with inspection and inspection holes;
  • switchboard designed to control the supply electrical energy to the station.
  1. Please pay attention Special attention pumps for pumping stations. They are usually of the submersible type and are installed on chains or vertical guides. This makes it possible to quickly and easily replace units in the event of a breakdown.

Tip: when replacing one pump, the station’s operation does not need to be stopped.

  1. Ventilation is also an important component of the system.

It is mounted on the lid, and it consists of two pipes coming out of it:

  • one for inflow fresh air to the station;
  • the second is to remove contaminated material.

In expensive pump stations, the latter is equipped with a filtration system.

Tip: install an additional pipe on the lid with your own hands, lowering it almost to the bottom storage tank. This way you can quickly remove wastewater from the tank.

Types of pumping station

Today, manufacturers offer two main types of such equipment - for domestic and industrial needs. The second includes huge stations that are designed to collect wastewater from a large number of residential buildings. In this article we do not consider them, but will devote more time to mini-sewage pumping stations.

They can also be of two types to work with:

  • with one plumbing fixture (for example, a toilet);
  • with several bathrooms.

Advice: installing a mini-sewage pump station is advisable if the central sewer collector is located far enough from the house, and when the bathrooms are located in the basement floors.

Where is the best place to install

If the house plan provides for the placement of bathrooms below the level of the first floor and it is impossible to carry out gravity flow of wastewater there, you need to install a mini-sewage station directly inside the bathroom. Usually - between the toilet outlet and the sewer. This type of equipment is also a household waste shredder, and no sewer pipes are needed for its connection. large diameter. The devices have an outlet up to Ø40 mm or, more often, Ø32 mm.

The topic of sewer drains may seem unpleasant only to an inexperienced homeowner and only at first glance. Once problems arise with the sewer system, eliminating them becomes the most important task.

If problems with drains are regular, it makes sense to review the original project for errors. To eliminate them, a sewage pumping station may be needed. We will tell you how to install, operate and maintain it.

Sewage station or sewerage station is a device for forced deletion solid and liquid waste. Such devices are most often used for industrial purposes.

But there is whole line KNS, specially designed for operation in living conditions. They are usually installed in private households with or where it is necessary to ensure transportation of waste to a centralized riser sewer system.

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There are compact models of sewage pumping stations that can be installed under the kitchen sink. But connecting a washing or dishwasher it is forbidden

Should be considered permissible temperature drains installed by the manufacturer for each specific model. Yes, sewer pumping stations, into which warm but not too hot waste water can be drained, suitable for connecting to a shower cabin, bathtub, toilet, bidet, kitchen sink and so on.

However, if there is an automatic washing machine, you should choose a sewer pumping station model for your home into which wastewater with a temperature of 90 degrees or higher can be discharged. It should be borne in mind that the operating mode of such equipment usually involves boiling.

All this also applies to the dishwasher, from which almost boiling liquid can flow into the drain. In addition to your current home needs, you should evaluate your plans to avoid having to purchase and install a new sewer plant.

If you plan to purchase a dishwasher in the future, it is better to immediately choose a water pump designed for drains with high temperatures.

It is worth paying attention to the number and location of pipes. For each new household device that needs to be connected to, which may appear in the future, there must be a corresponding connection. Otherwise, there will simply be nowhere to connect it.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

An overview of the compact sewage station for the toilet is presented here:

This video schematically depicts the installation process of a large pump station:

A sewerage plant can significantly improve life in your home. It is important to choose correct model KNS and install it correctly. Correct operation and regular maintenance will ensure there are no problems with this useful device for many years.

A sewerage pumping station (SPS), designed for pumping wastewater, is the whole complex technical devices, which also includes special tanks. Such stations are used in cases where it is not possible to transport wastewater through the sewer system by gravity. For example, you cannot do without a station if the bathroom is located below the level at which the sewer pipe is installed.

Today you can purchase sewer stations of various modifications, which differ from each other and technical characteristics, both design and scope of application. That is why, before proceeding with the selection of such installations, if the need arises for them, you should understand them design features, principle of operation, as well as get acquainted with the main types of such equipment and the differences between them.

General information

Depending on the complexity of the design and performance characteristics Sewage pumping stations can be divided into three main categories: simple, medium and complex. It makes no sense to use complex water pumping stations for a private home, since such expensive installations are characterized by high productivity, significantly exceeding the volume of wastewater accumulating in a private building. Complex category pump stations are equipped with industrial enterprises, in the process of which activity is formed a large number of Wastewater.

To service private homes, it is advisable to use household pumping stations, which are characterized by their compact dimensions and affordable cost. When choosing a specific modification of a water pumping station for a home, the expected volume of wastewater, the degree of its contamination, as well as the type of contaminants that are present in such waters are taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the topography of the area where the station will be installed, as well as the depth of the sewer pipes.

Device diagram

Different types of pumping stations for sewage differ from each other in design, but regardless of the modification, their main elements are a pump and a sealed tank into which waste products are collected. The reservoir with which the sewage pumping station is equipped can be made of concrete, plastic or metal. The task of the pump that is equipped with the sewerage station is to raise wastewater to a certain level, after which it flows into the storage tank by gravity. Once the tank is filled, the wastewater is pumped out and transported to a disposal site.

Often, the design of a household pumping station includes two pumps, the second of which is a backup and is used in cases where the main one fails. Sump stations serving industrial and municipal enterprises with large volumes of wastewater are required to be equipped with several pumps. Pumping equipment for pumping station can be various types. Thus, domestic sewage pumping stations, as a rule, are equipped with pumps with a cutting mechanism, with the help of which the waste is crushed. fecal matter and other inclusions contained in wastewater. Such pumps are not installed at industrial stations, since the solid inclusions contained in wastewater manufacturing enterprises, getting into the cutting mechanism of the pump, can lead to its breakdown.

In private homes, mini water pumping stations are often installed, the pumps of which are connected directly to the toilets. Such an aesthetically designed water pumping station (a real mini-system equipped with a pump with a cutting mechanism and a small storage tank) is usually installed directly in the bathroom.

Serial models of sewage pumping stations are equipped with polymer tanks that are buried in the ground, while the neck of such a tank for sewage pumping stations is located on the surface, which facilitates routine inspections, maintenance and repair of the tank, if the need arises. The neck of the storage tank before the start of operation of the pumping station is closed with a lid, which can be made of polymer material or metal. The connection of such a tank to the sewer system through which wastewater enters it is carried out using pipes. To ensure that wastewater flows into the storage tank evenly, a special baffle is provided in its design, and a water trench wall is responsible for ensuring that no turbulence occurs in the liquid medium.

The equipment of sewer pumping stations for a private home includes: control devices and automatic control mechanisms. TO additional elements, which are supplied to industrial sewer pump stations and installations for servicing the home sewer system, include:

  • a source that provides backup power supply to the equipment included in the pumping station;
  • pressure gauges, pressure sensors, elements shut-off valves;
  • equipment that provides cleaning of pumps and connecting pipes.

How does KNS work?

The CNS has a fairly simple operating principle.

  • Wastewater from the sewer system enters the receiving part of the installation, from where it is pumped into the pressure pipeline.
  • Through a pressure pipeline, wastewater is transported to a distribution chamber, from where it is then pumped into the treatment plant system or into the central sewer system.

To ensure that wastewater does not return through the pipeline to the pump, SPS are equipped with check valve. If the volume of wastewater in the sewer pipeline increases, an additional pump is turned on at the station. If the main and additional pumps for the pumping station cannot cope with pumping the volume of wastewater, then a device is automatically turned on, signaling the occurrence of an emergency situation.

The operating principle of industrial SSCs provides for automatic control of such installations, which is provided by float-type sensors installed on different levels station receiving tank. A CNS equipped with such sensors operates according to the following principle.

  • When the level of wastewater entering the tank reaches the level of the lowest sensor, the pumping equipment remains turned off.
  • When the tank is filled with wastewater to the level of the second sensor, the pump automatically turns on and begins pumping the wastewater.
  • If the tank is filled with waste to the level of the third sensor, the backup pump is turned on.
  • When the tank is filled to the fourth (topmost) sensor, a signal is triggered indicating that both pumps involved in the pumping station cannot cope with the volume of wastewater.

After the level of wastewater pumped out of the tank drops to the level of the lowest sensor, the system automatically turns off the pumping equipment. The next time the system is turned on, the backup pump is activated to pump wastewater out of the tank, which allows both pumping devices to operate in a gentle mode. The station’s operation can also be switched to manual control mode, which is necessary in cases where the pumping station is being maintained or repaired.

Types of pumping equipment for pumping stations

The main and most important element any sewerage pumping station is a pump whose task is to pump out domestic and industrial wastewater, sludge and liquid media coming from storm sewer. The main types of pumps that are used to equip pumping stations are:

  • submersible devices;
  • console pumps;
  • self-priming pumping equipment.

Submersible pumping equipment, classified as pressure-type devices, during operation is constantly in the liquid medium it pumps, therefore the body of devices of this type is made of materials that are resistant to the aggressive effects of substances contained in wastewater.

Among the advantages of submersible pumping equipment used to equip the pumping station are:

  1. no need for a specially designated place for installation, since such equipment is located in the medium it pumps;
  2. high reliability;
  3. ease of use;
  4. no need for frequent maintenance;
  5. ability to function effectively even when low temperatures;
  6. spontaneous cooling of internal elements of equipment carried out by the pumped liquid medium;
  7. versatility, which lies in the fact that pumps of this type can also be installed on the surface of the earth.

Using cantilever pumps located on the surface of the earth, industrial pumping stations are serviced. To install such pumping equipment, it is necessary to prepare a separate concrete site and correctly install pipes to it, so it is best to trust the implementation of such a responsible procedure to qualified specialists. The advantages of pumping equipment console type should include:

  • high reliability;
  • ease of maintenance and repair (since the pump is located on the surface of the earth);
  • the ability to change the performance of the device, which is carried out by replacing the electric motor and other structural elements.

Surface self-priming pumps, which can be used to pump even heavily contaminated media, are used to service pumping stations of industrial and municipal enterprises. If we talk about the advantages of pumps of this type, then these include:

  • ease of maintenance, which is ensured by a retractable design;
  • the possibility of pumping wastewater containing solid inclusions;
  • ability to work even with negative temperatures when equipped with special heating element;
  • maximum tightness of the housing, which is ensured by a double mechanical seal;
  • ease of installation and dismantling.

In order to install the pumping station, it is necessary to first prepare a pit to accommodate the station’s storage tank. The depth of the pit being prepared should be such that the neck of the storage tank protrudes 1 meter above the ground surface. When preparing the pit, you should also take into account that at its bottom it is necessary to equip a sand cushion 1.5 meters thick. After preparing the pit, they place it in storage capacity, to which all the necessary pipes are connected. The final procedure for this stage of installation of the pumping station is filling the pit with sand and compacting it layer by layer.

Further installation of the SPS consists of adjusting the stroke of the floats, which must be located in the tank at certain levels. So, the first (lowest) float is installed in the container at a level of 0.15–0.3 m from its bottom. The remaining floats, if the SPS device provides for their presence, are installed in the container in increments of 1.5 meters. You can see how the floats should be positioned in the SPS tank using photos that are easy to find on the Internet.

Levels are controlled using float sensors, which provide timely start and stop of pumps, as well as alarm levels

After the entire structure of the SPS has been assembled, the station is connected to the power supply, for which well-insulated cables are used. A test run of the station, the purpose of which is to check the operability of all its elements, is carried out using clean water coming from the water supply system or storage tank.

To get an idea of ​​what the assembled station should look like, take a photo of the pump station or a video demonstrating the process of its installation.

Both domestic and industrial sewage pumping stations require regular maintenance to maintain efficiency and extend the life of the equipment used. Maintenance involves the following procedures.

  1. First, the equipment is inspected and the condition of the pumps, shut-off valve elements is checked, and the parameter values ​​reflected by the control panel of the pumping station are checked. If during operation the pumping equipment makes a lot of noise and vibrates, it is removed, inspected, cleaned and washed.
  2. To clean and rinse pumping equipment, as well as the station body, brushes and plain water, and do not use any detergents. When flushing the pump station using water supplied from a hose, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the control panel and pressure gauges.
  3. After dismantling the pumping equipment for inspection, cleaning and flushing, reinstallation should be carried out in such a way that all devices are securely fixed to the automatic pipe coupling.
  4. Maintenance sewer pumping stations also involves checking the catchers that protect pumping devices from getting large debris into their interior.

A sewage pumping station is used in cases where it is necessary to lift sewage and send them to the main sewer. In this situation, the task was to forcefully pump the wastewater coming from the bathhouse into the central sewer system with the help of a pumping station. Initially, the customer wanted to supply it, but he had to be dissuaded, since TOPAS will not work if it does not contain sufficient food for bacteria.

Real Sewage Pumping Stations cost from 100 thousand rubles, we offered the customer an option similar to the standard sewage pumping station and made a non-standard one. In a standard sewage pumping station, 3 or more sewage drainage pumps with cutting mechanisms are installed. We installed one drainage pump with a knife inside the tube. Collector well Alta Plast Tuba a good option for organizing a CNS with your own hands. This tube is a model Alta Plast Tuba - 2.400, 2 meters high, in fact 210 cm with a sealed bottom and a closing lid.

How to choose the right sewage pumping station

In order for the pumping station for your sewer system to be as efficient as possible, you should select it carefully, guided by the criteria that we will outline below.

When choosing a station for your home, remember that there is absolutely no point in buying overly powerful and, therefore, much more expensive equipment, the capabilities of which will be used by a third or even a quarter. The selected unit should be optimal and fully meet the needs of your home. For this purpose, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. The distance over which wastewater is to be pumped.
  2. Maximum volume of processed waste.
  3. Level of wastewater pollution and its structural and qualitative composition. So, if there are large fractions in them, it makes sense to purchase a pumping station that includes a grinder that virtually eliminates the possibility of blockages.
  4. The height difference between the station entrance and the place where the wastewater is supplied.
  5. Equipment dimensions.
  6. Required level of wastewater treatment.

There are no universal formulas used when calculating equipment performance. For this reason, you should use the calculation algorithm, which, as a rule, is set out in the instructions attached to a specific CNS.

The required station capacity is calculated in the following sequence:

  • the daily water consumption in the house and the volume of waste generated are determined;
  • an approximate schedule of wastewater receipts for a daily period is constructed;
  • the maximum and minimum values ​​of the sewer flow are calculated;
  • The required performance of the pumping station is determined taking into account the contamination of the wastewater.

By correctly determining the parameters listed above, you can accurately select the optimal equipment that will fully satisfy the needs of your home.

We have already talked about the prices for sewage pumping stations a little higher. Now we want to clarify that the price is a fairly eloquent indicator:

  • brand popularity;
  • maintainability of the product;
  • possibilities service equipment.

Preference should not be given to cheap units if their operation will be daily and if there is no additional pumping equipment for evacuation and wastewater and no reserve tanks are provided.

How to install KNS

To begin with, we deliver the materials and tools necessary for installation to the installation site. We begin to dig a foundation pit for the pumping station and...

At the same time, we install a socket inside the tube to supply power to fecal pump. A hole is drilled with a percussion and the cable is threaded through the corrugation. The cable is mounted to the socket, and the socket is screwed onto the walls of the tube with self-tapping screws.

The outlet pipe was already in the trench and led into the central sewer system; all that remained was to connect it to the station. We are digging a pit to install a sewage pumping station.

When the pit is dug to the required depth, in our case it is 225 cm, we make a sand cushion and level the bottom of the pit. We lay guides for lowering the reinforced concrete slab.

By this time they give us a ride reinforced concrete slab, with which we will anchor our unit. Since the crane board was physically unable to enter the yard, we transported the slab manually for about 30 meters.

The reinforced concrete slab is in place, you can begin to lower the tube into the pit.

Another good thing about the tube is that it is lightweight since it consists only of plastic; we easily lowered it and installed it in place. Next, using a cable, the tube was securely fastened to the reinforced concrete slab. Now you can install the outlet pipe (PND 32) and start burying.

The tube is, of course, buried with sand so that the backfill is dense. The electrical cable is laid in the trench.

For inserting the supply sewer pipe into the station body was needed to drill a hole for the jigsaw blade and itself. A circle was cut out and wound up with a rubber seal.

All that remains is to bury...

pumped out the incoming waste.

KNS closed with a lid.

The discharge pipe HDPE 32 in the house is connected to sewer 50 gray pipe through a transition rubber band that ensures reliable fastening and tightness.

Overall, the customer was pleased with the work done and promised to recommend us to his friends.

This instruction is suitable for all underground pump housings (polyethylene, fiberglass)

Look standard projects and KNS schemes

Before installing the SPS, it is necessary to properly prepare the base. When excavating soil using a mechanized method, using an excavator, the pit should be slightly unfinished to the design level in order not to disturb the natural integrity of the soil. Completion of the soil to the design level must be carried out manually, avoiding digging, so that concrete base under the KNS it was mounted on mainland soil.


  1. It is necessary to clean the surface of the bottom of the pit from foreign objects.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, along the entire perimeter, a sand cushion 200 mm high is made, sprinkled with water and tamped. According to the developed drawings, the formwork for the reinforced concrete base is assembled. Several layers of mesh made from reinforcement are mounted in the formwork different diameters and different mesh pitches (usually the mesh is made with a pitch of 100x100 mm from reinforcement Ø 10-12 mm, in 2-3 layers depending on the height of the concrete base and the size of this base). The dimensions of the foundations for the pump station are developed by design organizations depending on the size of the sewage pumping stations, the composition of the soil at the site where the pump station is installed and the availability groundwater at the installation site. Next, the formwork is filled with concrete and allowed to settle. IN various cases use different grades of concrete. In dry soils, grades M150 are used, and in moisture-saturated soils, moisture-resistant grades of hydraulic concrete M200, M 250 are used. Concrete works must be carried out in accordance with all the rules of concrete work technology.
  3. After the concrete gains strength, installation of the pumping station body begins. Before installing the pump housing on the base, clean the surface of foreign objects.
  4. When lowering the housing into the pit, distribute the load from the mass of the housing evenly across all mounting loops.
  5. The plastic housing must be mounted strictly in the designed position. After the housing has been installed at the design level, it is necessary to make sure that it is not damaged and is installed strictly along the design axes. Check the verticality of the housing. If the foundation is horizontal, the pump station will stand vertically.
  6. After installing the pumping station on a concrete base, holes are drilled in the skirt of the pumping station along the entire perimeter (8-12 pieces, depending on the diameter of the station) with a diameter of 12-16 mm, a length of 18-22 mm) for installation anchor bolts. After this, the bolts are inserted into the holes, driven in and tightened.
  7. At high level groundwater, in addition to fastening the SPS with anchor bolts to the concrete base, it is necessary bottom part Fill the KNS approximately 0.5-0.8 m with concrete. The weight of concrete is calculated in the scope of the working design or work design.
  8. After attaching the pump station to the concrete base, it is backfilled with sand, layer by layer, tamping and watering to the level of the inlet and pressure collectors. Before backfilling, make sure that the pump housing is not damaged. After installing the SPS on the base and checking its verticality, begin backfilling. (Sand backfill serves as a gasket between the body of the pump station and the undisturbed soil and serves as protection of the pump station from ground movements).

  1. Then the pipes of the incoming collector are connected and the pipes of the pressure branch are connected. The soil under the supply and pressure collectors is compacted.
  2. Then backfilling with sand is carried out layer by layer, to ground level with layer-by-layer compaction, evenly along the entire diameter of the pump station. If these conditions are not met, the body or neck may be deformed.
  3. Then the pumps are installed in the pump housing. Lowering the pumps along the guides into the pumping station can be done manually (if the pumps have a low mass) or using lifting devices such as hoists or cranes (if the pumps have a large mass).
  4. Then it is mounted. The pump control cabinet, according to the project, can be placed on the body of the pumping station in a special metal box (protection from vandals), near the pumping station in a metal box, or in any room located close to the pumping station. It is easier and cheaper to place the pump control panel on the pump body. At our production site, we have developed platforms with sealed inputs into the pumping station, for the installation of metal boxes inside which pump control cabinets are located. Electrical cables from the pumps are 10 meters long as standard, and if the pump control cabinet is not located near the pump station, then it is necessary to buy an imported, expensive cable for extension, which increases the cost of installing the pump station.
  5. The next step is connecting the central cable to the pump control panel. The cable is selected depending on the power of the pumps and according to the project for installing the pumping station.
  6. Then, suspended floats are hung inside the pumping station for pump operation.

At the final stage of installation of the pump station, cables from pumps, floats, overflow sensors, etc. are connected. to the pump control panel and commissioning of the pumping station is carried out.

Local cost estimate for installation of KNS made of Germes-Plast-KNS PE polyethylene in dry soils

NameUnit changeQtyCost, rub. Equipment per unit changegeneralKNS Ø1200 N 3000PC. 1 0,00 0,00 Total: 0,00 Optional equipment Anchor fastenersPC. 6 260,00 2 080,00 PN-20PC. 1 6 500,00 6 500,00 Electric cable 5x4 brp/m 40 260,00 10 400,00 Sandtn. 45 450,00 20 250,00 Total: 39 230,00 Loading work 2 000,00 Fare 8 000,00 Land works Mechanical diggerLF 24 1 500,00 36 000,00 Manual diggingm3 2 1 200,00 2 400,00 Total: 38 400,00 Installation work" data-order="Installation work" data-colspan="5" data-rowspan="1"> Installation work Installation of pump stationPC. 1 50 000,00 50 000,00 Electrical cable supplyp/m 40 150,00 6 000,00 Control cabinet installationPC. 1 5 000,00 5 000,00 PC. 1 30 000,00 30 000,00 Total: 91 000,00 TOTAL COSTS: 178630,00

Local cost estimate for installation of KNS made of Germes-Plast-KNS PE polyethylene in wet (humid) soils

NameUnit changeQtyCost, rub. Equipment per unit changegeneralKNS Ø1200 N 3000PC. 1 0,00 0,00 Total: 0,00 Optional equipment Anchor fastenersPC. 6 260,00 2 080,00 KS-20.9 6 500,00 13 000,00 PN-15PC. 1 4 500,00 4 500,00 Electric cable 5x4 brp/m 40 260,00 10 400,00 Concrete M250m3 3,5 4 200,00 14 700,00 Sandtn. 30 450,00 13 500,00 Total: 58 180,00 Loading work 2 000,00 Fare 10 000,00 Land works Mechanical diggerLF 40 1 500,00 60 000,00 Manual diggingm3 2 1 200,00 2 400,00 Total: 62 400,00 Installation work Installation of pump stationPC. 1 50 000,00 50 000,00 Electrical cable supplyp/m 40 150,00 6 000,00 Control cabinet installationPC. 1 5 000,00 5 000,00 concrete ring" data-order="Installation of a concrete ring"> Installation of a concrete ringPC. 2 3 000,00 6 000,00 Commissioning and commissioning certificatePC. 1 30 000,00 30 000,00 Total: 122 000,00 TOTAL COSTS: 254580,00

Our company produces sewage pumping stations from fiberglass. These materials are resistant to aggressive environments what are fecal and storm drains.

The service life of the pumping station when installed in the ground is at least 50 years. Pumping stations of our production are installed in any type of soil with seismic activity up to 9 points.

The pumping equipment that completes our sewage pumping stations is supplied by world market leaders in this industry: Grundfos, Vilo, KSB, Pedrollo, Hisskraft, Zenit, Flygt, EBARA, CNP and others.

We present to your attention standard series of KNS.

This page will help you quickly navigate the price to include a sewage pumping station in the estimate or project. You can also leave a request and receive a calculation of the sewage pumping station within 30 minutes.

Typical SPS options

NameWastewater flow, m³/hourHead, mHousing Ø, mmHousing H, mmMaterialCost, rubHousehold mini KNS Germes-Plast KNS mini LIFE PE Ø900|600, DN 40.2008to 10up to 12 900/600 1500-2500 polyethylenefrom 65000Standard design GERMES-PLAST mini KNS BYT NI PLAST DN 40.2008to 10up to 12800x800 1500-2500 polyethylenefrom 75000Complete mini KNS Germes-Plast KNS mini PE Ø1000-1200, DN 40.2008up to 20up to 15 1000-1200 1000-10 000 polyethylenefrom 120000Complete KNS Germes-Plast KNS PE Ø1-1.5, DN 50-65.2008up to 40up to 40 1000-1500 1500-10 000 polyethylenefrom 400000Complete KNS Germes-Plast KNS SP Ø1-1.5, DN 50-65.2008up to 60up to 40 1000-1500 1500-10 000 fiberglassfrom 430000Complete KNS Germes-Plast KNS PE Ø1.5-1.8, DN 65-80.2008up to 100up to 50 1500-1800 2000-10 000 polyethylenefrom 590000Complete KNS Germes-Plast KNS SP Ø1.5-1.8, DN 65-100.2008up to 150up to 50 1500-1800 2000-10 000 fiberglassfrom 640000Standard design of KNS with insulation GERMES-PLAST KNS ​​PE UT Ø1-2.4 DN 50-150.2008up to 200up to 80 1000-2400 3000-10 000 polyethylenefrom 280000Complete KNS Germes-Plast KNS SP Ø1.8-2.5, DN 80-200.2008up to 500up to 80 1800-2500 2000-10 000 fiberglassfrom 800000Modular polyethylene KNS Germes-Plast KNS PE Ø2.4-3, DN 150-300.2008up to 1000up to 80 2400-3000 2000-10 000 polyethylenefrom 2800000Modular KNS Germes-Plast KNS SP Ø2.5-3.6, DN 200-300.2008up to 1000up to 80 2500-3600 3000-10 000 fiberglassfrom 2800000Modular KNS Germes-Plast KNS SP Ø3.6-4.2, DN 300-500.2008up to 3500up to 80 3600-4200 3000-10 000 fiberglassfrom 3900000Block KNS Germes-Plast KNS SP Ø3.2-4.2, DN 300-500.2008up to 10,000up to 80 3200-4200 3000-10 000 fiberglassfrom 5700000

Popular KNS projects

Cost of complete polyethylene buildings (shafts) KNS

Height, mm 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
Internal diameter, mm Pump harness
1000-1 DN 40 149200 155000 160900 171800 178200 184600 191000
DN 65 158000 163800 169600 180600 187000 193400 199700
1200-2 DN 40 193700 200300 226400 235500 244600 263700 273700
1500-2 DN 40 246900 254900 303700 316800 333900 357800 371900 404400 419900
DN 65 264500 272500 321200 334300 351500 375300 389400 421900 437400
DN 80 294200 302200 350900 364000 381200 405000 419100 451600 467100
1800-2 DN 40 342000 358500 375100 391600 412200 452500 471200 501300 520900
DN 65 359500 376100 392600 409100 429700 470000 488700 518800 538400
DN 80 389200 405800 422300 438800 459400 499700 518400 548500 568100
DN 100 450000 466500 483100 499600 520200 560500 579200 609300 628900
2000-2 DN 65 440000 460500 481000 501600 542000 564100 648600 675900 703200
DN 80 469700 490200 510700 531300 571700 593800 678300 705600 732900
DN 100 530400 551000 571500 592000 632400 654500 739000 766300 793600
2200x2 DN 65 500000 523200 546400 634700 669200 746800 781600 816300 851100
DN 80 529600 552900 576100 664400 699000 776500 811300 846000 880800
DN 100 590400 613600 636900 725100 759600 837300 872000 906800 941600
2400-2 DN 80 955000 1003000 1050000 1107000 1155000
DN 100 1036000 1084000 1131000 1188000 1236000
DN 150 1202000 1249000 1297000 1353000 1402000
3000-2 DN 100 Price is negotiable
DN 150
DN 200

The price of the case includes:

  • KNS building
  • KNS cover
  • service area
  • basket for collecting large waste with guides and chains
  • cable channel for powering pumps
  • metal staircase
  • guide for pumping equipment
  • upper platform for placing the pump control panel
  • ventilation tube *

Ordering sewage pumping station With us, you get the highest quality at the best price.

Cost of complete fiberglass hulls (shafts) KNS

Name Price, rub. Cost of increasing height by 1m, rub. Cost of thermal insulation 1500 mm, rub Weight, kg Application
KNS body D=1000 H=5000 DN=50 292 500 48 800 20 000 42

When installing a SPS in a lowland, in a place where a large amount of melt water accumulates in the spring, the design should provide for an elongated neck. In the standard version, pumping stations are manufactured with upper necks 250-300 mm high from the upper cylindrical part of the plastic body. The elongated sealed neck has a height of 500-600 mm from the top of the body, so it is very difficult for spring melt water to get into the inside of the KNS shaft. Fiberglass or with upper necks are made 100% sealed and it is highly undesirable if sand and other dirt gets into the pump housing, which can damage the pumping equipment.

  • Is equipment used for crushing waste in the KNS mine?

    Inside the SPS housing, you can install a garbage shredder (crusher), which comes in two types:

    1. Crushers pipe type, a pipe grinder is installed in pipes to grind solid inclusions of 6-12 mm in size.
    2. Channel type crusher, installed on pipes. Shreds solid and fibrous waste measuring 20-50 mm.
  • Are odor screens or some other structure used?

    To drain the reserve from the pumping station shaft, a fan riser with a deflector is provided in the upper part. In some cases at the top fan boner install carbon filters that absorb unpleasant odors.

  • Is the equipment signed and labeled?

    After manufacturing the KNS body, a marking is applied to it, which indicates: manufacturer, date of manufacture, material of manufacture, overall dimensions, weight of the product, internal wiring, gravity and pressure pipeline, how many pressure threads.

  • Are there fire/smoke alarms?

    Since the pumping equipment, when the pumping station is running, is always located below the layer of fecal wastewater with water, it cannot ignite, it follows that fire sensors are not needed.

  • Is it possible to insure such equipment?

    It is better to find out the insurance conditions from consultants of insurance companies.

  • Situation. In a private house there is a sewage pumping station that discharges wastewater into treatment plant. The temperature outside is -30 degrees below zero. The owners left for 5 days. The presence of ventilation in the pumping station causes a large loss of heat; is there a threat of freezing of unpumped wastewater in the pumping station shaft?

    In this case, before installing the SPS, it is necessary to order from the manufacturer the height of the SPS shaft such that the bottom of the SPS is 1500 mm below the freezing depth of the given area, then the drains will never freeze.

  • How is the CNS protected from floating under conditions of high groundwater levels?

    If the groundwater level is high, you must contact design organization so that they can use special program, in a certain area, calculated the overall dimensions, weight, marking of concrete, knitting internal mesh, anchor bolts for bottom loading concrete slab, which is installed at the bottom of the pit. The KNS is mounted on a concrete base and secured to the loading plate using anchor bolts. The mass of the loading plate in water-saturated soils and quicksand should be five times greater than the buoyancy force acting on the SPS body when empty.

  • An aggressive environment can create a galvanic effect with metal structures of the SPS. How is this resolved?

    The aggressive environment, which is fecal waste, is destroyed in a few years metal constructions inside the KNS. That's why we make stairs from stainless steel, polyethylene or aluminum. Guides from of stainless steel or galvanized. Internal pipelines are made of stainless steel or pressure polyethylene pipes. Fasteners are made of stainless steel only. Chains are galvanized or stainless steel. Service platforms made of sheet polyethylene or stainless steel. KNS housings, reinforced fiberglass or polyethylene KNS housings, are neutral materials to fecal wastewater, so the service life of these housings is at least 50 years.

  • Does the dry compartment in the pump station for equipment maintenance have drainage in case of liquid ingress?

    It is mandatory that a drainage pump be provided in the dry compartment to prevent leaks, which in the event of an accident must pump out the waste water entering the dry compartment to the surface of the earth with a certain capacity and pressure.

  • How is KNS equipment protected from lightning and overvoltage? Is there grounding?

    The KNS control panel must be grounded. When connecting the power cable, it is placed on an input circuit breaker, which protects the power supply station from overvoltage.

  • For what cases is an alarm system provided?

    The emergency alarm is the fourth, topmost, electric switch level within the CNS. If the level of wastewater rises inside the pumping station shaft and the topmost float is triggered, this means an accident. In this case, as a rule, the pumps do not work and the level of wastewater rises. At the same time, the red light on the control panel lights up and a beep sounds. Can alarm, using a light or sound signal, bring it to the housing of the pump station, with using GSM A modem built into the KNS control panel can transmit an emergency signal to a computer or any gadget.

  • What measures are provided in the event of a power outage to pumping equipment?

    Can be manufactured with AVR. AVR is a double power input for the pump station. In this case, it is possible to power the KNS from different power cables. If one of the cables is damaged or there is no power on it, the ATS automatically switches the power supply from the other cable. If there is no power on both cables, then a generator should be connected. In the case when the pumping station is completely de-energized, it is recommended to reduce water consumption.