Instant email. Review of the best temporary mail services

Don't want to share your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

Our reliable and free service allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on websites, create several accounts on social networks and don’t worry about security and anonymity.

Who needs a service for creating temporary mail and why?

There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or guess, since you are on our website.

But it would not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is extremely necessary:

    If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create several accounts on social networks.

    If you don’t want to “shine” your real Email address on various Internet resources.

    If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

    If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

    If there is a need to correspond with the respondent while remaining anonymous.


Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous always and everywhere. For example, you wanted to register on some forum or portal, but you do not want to reveal your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

Spam protection

When creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier than introducing a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile phone, even if you have a good antivirus. A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the security of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will the best solution this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

Forwarding letters to a real email address

We have provided the ability to send a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real email address.

Chrome browser app

Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without going to the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the upper right corner of the browser, and in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


Temporary mail can not only receive letters, but also send them! No one except you can view the contents of letters! Your safety is under control.

1 account and 10 Email addresses!

Log in to the website through a social network convenient for you (Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 10 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the period of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

When I started asking this question to my friends who have been working on the Internet for several years, I was surprised that many of them did not know about it.

Therefore, I decided to go into more detail and tell you why it might be needed?

Temporary mail (email)- email mail, which is created for a limited time, most often even for a few minutes.

What is disposable mail used for?

Often, when registering on various services, portals, forums, sometimes for the sake of just one piece of advice or a program, we are forced to leave our email, which can then receive tons of spam.

Some use a separate email address for these purposes, which is a good solution.

But there is an alternative - a temporary email address. There is no need to register it and waste time on it.

Disposable mail can also be used for anonymous sending. Some people use it for various online voting, if there is a restriction on registration from one email.

It is created easily and simply, in fact you don’t even need to create it, just go to the website

Now let’s take a closer look at the most functional and simple services for registering a temporary email address.

I noted the most interesting services for me - I recommend!

10 services for creating temporary email boxes


Mail is created with the click of a button and is automatically checked every 10 seconds. By clicking the “Change Address” button, you can instantly change your mailbox address to a new one.

Crazy Mailing

Temporary mail is created immediately upon entering the site. The “+10 minutes” button on the main page extends the life of your email box by 10 minutes.

There is a redirect to your real address. To do this, you need to log in through one of the social networks. networks in the upper right corner and the Settings button will appear there, where you can make a redirect “Redirect to real”. You can also create up to 10 temporary boxes there.

There is an application for Google Chrome. I recommend!

10 Minute Mail

A very simple service of 10 minute temporary email addresses with a poor design. If you don’t have enough time, you can restore the address lifetime to 10 minutes. 10 minutes is the maximum for this service.

Discard Email

The service has a nice design and big choice domain names on which mail is created. The mailbox lifespan is 30 days (1 month). It is possible to accept HTML emails with attachments. I recommend!

Guerrilla Mail

Mail is provided for 60 minutes. It is possible to select a domain from the proposed list on which to create a mailbox.

Drop Mail

Mail is created instantly. It is possible to expand mail by automatically generating hundreds of new addresses that link to the main temporary one.

The email address works indefinitely until you refresh the page. If you refreshed the page accidentally, the “Restore Access” button appears.

And in the service you can accept letters with attachments. Minimalistic design, but very good functionality! I recommend!

Hide My Ass

A very interesting name. Unlike other services, here you can choose a login and password for your temporary mailbox, as well as specify the main mailbox for sending letters. Distinctive feature is a function of the box's lifetime - from 24 hours to 1 year.

Yop Mail

It has a simple design and quickly creates mail without passwords or registrations - you just need to enter the address you created. Mail is stored in the box for 8 days.

Mail For Spam

When you get to the service, you immediately select the name of the temporary box and instantly receive it for use.

The name of the service is telling - it’s immediately clear for what purposes such temporary boxes should be used.

Temp Mail

When you access the site, a temporary email is automatically created, which can be changed by clicking one “Delete” button. By clicking the “Change” button, you can choose your own mail name using domains from the list.

Minimalistic and user-friendly design, pleasant to use. I recommend!

Of course, there are many more temporary email address services. I reviewed only those that, in my opinion, seemed to me the most simple and functional.

Now, when you decide to register on another Internet resource, think about it: maybe a temporary email address will be suitable for these purposes.

That's all for me. If you have any questions, ask)

The range of uses of disposable or temporary e-mail boxes is very wide. Each service for generating a temporary email address has its own disadvantages and advantages, but they all provide anonymity and the absence of spam.

We create disposable email addresses

Services like Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Netflix allow you to test their services for free for a limited amount of time, but if you don't want to sign up for a paid subscription, don't stop there. However, it is necessary.

In fact, you can continue to use the service for free by using a different email address after the trial period expires. Retailers - both online and offline - also tend to require an email address in order to send their offers in a timely manner, but this often results in an unwanted barrage of spam emails.

Ways to receive a one-time email, the best services for creating a temporary email

Gmail option to create a temporary email address

If you're a , you have the option of using an existing email address to receive emails from any service you subscribe to, and then "unlink" them later from your primary address.

To use Gmail's temporary email feature, simply add a "+" to the end of the email address you submit to sign up for the service, along with your name.

In this example we used "unwantedemail". So, when you receive an email from this company, they will have this additional nickname attached by you to the address.

Once you decide to stop receiving emails from that particular recipient, you can set up a Gmail filter to automatically delete any emails coming to that address. To do this, type your added name into the search field at the top of your inbox and click the arrow on the right.

Then place this tag in the "From" part of the filter form and click "Create a filter based on this query."

On the next page, click "Delete" and click "Create Filter".

You will no longer receive any emails to this specific address in your inbox.

Anonymizer in Mail.Ru mail to create an alias for an email address. How to create a one-time email has an excellent service for generating temporary mailboxes inside the main email.

Go to “Settings” of your mailbox, in the upper right corner

Go to the “Anonymizer” section (anonymous addresses)

Create an anonymous address to use when registering on dubious Internet resources. Use a pseudonym when posting sales advertisements and corresponding with potential buyers.

Create temporary emails for different purposes and delete them as needed.

All created temporary mailboxes are accessible only if you log in to the main email address.

Disposable mail services without forwarding

If you prefer not to use the forwarding feature, there are also many standalone apps and services that will allow you to create a disposable email address for use.

MailDrop to create an email

Maildrop starts with a familiar premise: create an email address or choose an automatically generated one.

The service then generates a simple list of all emails received at the specified address, with a basic refresh option that allows you to check emails as they arrive.

Maildrop offers several more features. The service provides you with an "alias address" or automated alternative that will also send emails to that page, but with an added layer of privacy.

However, you must know the original email address to access messages from an alias address.



Mailinator creates an account for any email address you use as soon as an email is sent to the address.

For example, if you sign up for a service with the address "[email protected]", the Mailinator site will create an account for that specific address if it doesn't already exist. After that, you can go to the Mailinator home page and enter your made-up email name just like any other user, since there is no password protection in your inbox. And read the letter, it will be without links and attachments. Just a classic paper letter.

You can create a mailbox and use it as needed if you are worried about spam.

Any user accessing the site using account Gmail automatically receives already protected from strangers email box with the corresponding name: [email protected].

Additionally, although emails are deleted from the system after a few hours, email addresses remain unchanged indefinitely. However, keep in mind that many major sites such as Facebook already block this domain.


Guerrilla Mail

Technically, GuerrillaMail disposable email addresses are just regular email addresses. Each address can be customized using one of nine different domain names and a custom inbox ID, just like a standard email address, making email options virtually limitless, whether you're using domain names like "" " or "".

Although the email address you choose on GuerrillaMail will never expire, all emails that end up in that email's inbox will be automatically deleted within an hour, regardless of whether they were viewed or not.

The platform comes with additional tools built in to encrypt your inbox ID and filter out unwanted spam, as well as a simple email compiler capable of sending attachments up to 150MB.

There's also an Android app that lets you create disposable email addresses on the fly. The only downside is that Guerrilla Mail looks a little old-fashioned.


Mail for 10 minutes

Ten Minute Mail doesn't have advanced features - it won't even let you create your own address - but is instead frustratingly simple.

Once you land on the site's home page, it will provide you with an automatically generated email address that will expire after 10 minutes unless you choose to renew it.

Additionally, there are various inbox settings located at the bottom of the page and links above your email address to quickly copy the address to your clipboard.

If you just want a little more time, there's always 20minutemail.

Fake Mail Generator | FMG

FMG is very similar to 10 Minute Mail in that it is an ad-free site that automatically generates an email address that you can use for various services and login.

However, FMG allows you to create your own name for a temporary address.
Additionally, the site waits for emails to be sent to the disposable address you create, and automatically updates to show you those emails.



Applicable for creating multiple accounts on social networks. Anonymity. Spam protection. Forwarding letters to a real email address. Confidentiality.

Crazymailing is a free and easy to use online service that generates random temporary email addresses. These email addresses will be automatically deleted after a short period of time. for Mozilla Firefox

Unlimited mail forwarding

No alias expiration

Filters incoming messages using the CAPTCHA system.

You can send emails using a secure SSL web form

Address name reservation for 365 days

There are currently 16 domain names available that can be used for TrashMail


Of course, these are not the only services that have browser add-ons. A quick search on the Mozilla add-ons site or the Chrome Web Store will bring up many other extensions.

Here are the simplest ways to create an email for short-term use.

Temporary Email required for today a huge number Internet users, but not all the proposed options are convenient and simple, and many are often “stupid” so that it is not always possible to receive mail to a temporary address in a timely manner. From the abundance of options available for online services for temporary email addresses, we are interested in those that are, at a minimum, Russian-language - for ease of use, and, at a maximum, reliable, simple and intuitive to use.

Below I have made a short description of three Russian-language such email services. These are the easiest to use and very reliable options. The sites are extremely convenient because they are intuitive, which makes me happy - you don’t have to rack your brains. In a couple of seconds, you can create and receive temporary mail for yourself without registration. Obtained from the ones described below online service x temporary mail, correspondence arrives instantly after it is sent.

Receive temporary mail at . This service is convenient because to create a temporary email address, you just need to reload the page in your browser. The second undeniable advantage is this. That you are given an email account not for 10 minutes, as on many similar online services, but for the entire time you have the page open in your browser.

Letters are received instantly, there is no need to register on the service, you can receive letters with attachments (pictures, files). The number of one-time temporary boxes is not limited - just reload the page.

Receive temporary mail at . This temporary email address service is, in principle, no worse than the first one, with the only difference being that initially the temporary address is given for 10 minutes. But this is not a problem at all, since you can easily extend the validity period of the box an unlimited number of times, just timely click on the bookmark image at the top left + 10 min. And if you do this several times, you can add quite a long lifetime to your one-time mailbox, for example, one hour or more.

The second serious advantage of this online service is that here you have the opportunity not only to receive correspondence, but also to send it, which is also often in demand. Work for this service also occurs without registration.

Temporary email on the service

Receive temporary mail at . This version of the temporary service email addresses has something similar to the first option. For example, here you cannot send correspondence, and mail created for you once will always be yours until you forcefully delete it yourself, as in the first service.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when you need to register on a website, write something or download a file and never visit it again, without subscribing to spam emails. “Email for 5 minutes” was invented specifically to solve this problem, mainly working without registration. We will look at mailboxes from different companies and decide how to create temporary mail.

There are many different companies that provide anonymous postal addresses, but their number does not include such giants, as well as due to the desire to increase the user base. Therefore, we will introduce you to boxes that you may not have known about before.

The fact that MailRu provides anonymous mailbox services is rather an exception to the rule. On this site you can create either a separate temporary email or write from an anonymous address if you have registered previously.

Temp-Mail is one of the most popular services for providing temporary email addresses, but its features may not be enough for some users. Here you can only read messages and copy them to the clipboard; you cannot send letters to other addresses. A distinctive feature of the resource is that you can create absolutely any mailbox address, and not one randomly selected by the system

Crazy Mail

This disposable mail is notable for its intuitive interface. Of all the functions, new users can only receive messages and extend the life of the mailbox by ten minutes (initially it is also created for 10 minutes and then deleted). But after you log in using social network, you will have access to the following features:

  • Sending letters from this address;
  • Forwarding letters to a real address;
  • Extending the operating time of the address by 30 minutes;
  • Using several addresses at once (up to 11 pieces).

In general, excluding the possibility of forwarding messages to any other address and an unloaded interface, this resource is no different from other sites with temporary mail. Therefore, we found another service that has a strange, but at the same time very convenient function.


This resource may not boast the same simple controls as its competitors, but it does have one “killer feature” that no other popular temporary box has. Everything that can be done on the site can be done from your smartphone by communicating with a bot in Telegram and Viber messengers. You can also receive emails with attached files, view and download attachments.