Prayers that everything will be fine. A good prayer for everything to be fine in the family

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be any other way!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

Just as spring comes after winter, so joy will follow sadness. Everything will be fine!

A person is a product of his thoughts. For it becomes what he thinks about most of the time!

Everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and you will make it!

Wherever you are, tell yourself: Since I am here, everything will be fine!

Sometimes, in some strange way in life, everything works out on its own!

Everything will be fine: theoretically... logically... deductively... whatever!

It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up thinking that something good will happen today, it will happen.

And you know, it will still be there. The south wind will still blow and conjure spring and turn over the memory.

Never regret anything - everything is for the better!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

There is always the sun behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! Despite everything...

To see a rainbow you have to survive the rain! Everything will be fine!

If you feel really bad, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will feel much better!

If you have been offended, use the magic rule of the three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! It’s good for us, but for them it’s just as they deserve!

Believe me, all troubles will go away... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to the final station “Success” with all stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes... this too will pass... everything will be fine!

Happiness is when you don’t have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens on time. This is the best it could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Don't worry and don't be sad! The best is yet to come!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not the end.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't lose heart, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday’s mistakes will benefit you!

I found the mood to be lucky. Yesterday everything was fine, but today it’s better!

Things to do for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the “Settings” of your soul, open the “Status” folder, check the “Happy” box and forget the password!

Everything will be fine, because bad doesn’t suit me!

Everything will be fine, because I want it that way and that’s the way it should be!

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug you and say: everything will be fine. And it's you!

No one will feel good around you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

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New article: a prayer that everything will be fine on the site - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Prayer “for good things” to the Lord

If life brings you little joy, if your household is ill, and there is no success in business, read this prayer to our Lord before going to bed:

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

If your household continues to get sick, and there are only failures in other areas, turn to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow with a prayer.

Prayer to Matrona

Prayer for the children to do well

Say a good prayer for the fate of your children yourself before the face of Christ, the Saints or the Mother of God. She will help to continue good endeavors and cope with the awkwardness of everyday life:

“My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.

Prayer to Joseph Volotsky for good trade

Saint Nicholas Orthodox prayer for everything to go well in trading. Joseph of Volotsky is the patron saint of trading people; you should contact him if you want good and calm trading. And he will help your business to prosper. There is no special prayer for him, marked on Christmastide. Just light a candle and express your sorrows in your words. Yes, say everything you want, ask from the saint. If your soul is pure, and you yourself think about good goals, you will receive the fulfillment of what you want.

So that everything goes well - prayer to Nicholas of Myra

They dedicate a prayer to this saint if there are quarrels and scandals in the family, if things are not going well, and everything is going wrong. You can ask him for good things with the children and in the family. The main thing is the sincerity of your fervent prayer. The words you say are not important, the main thing is that you ask for what your soul desires most.

Miracle prayer to Joseph for good things to do at work

“Oh, our glorious and blessed father Joseph! Your boldness is great and leads to your strong intercession with Our God. We pray to you in our hearts of contrition for intercession. With the light given to you, illuminate us (your names and those closest to you) with grace, and with prayers to you, help the lives of this stormy sea to cross serenely and reach refuge for salvation. Having despised temptations yourself, help us too, ask for an abundance of earthly fruits from our Lord. Amen!"

A strong prayer to the saints for help

Saint Joseph Before you read this strong prayer to the saints for help in everyone’s affairs, preparation is required. You must fast for three days, do not eat dairy or meat foods, and memorize the prayer itself; you cannot read it from a book. When the fourth day comes, go to church, and before you leave the house, read it once.

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. About me, a sinful servant of God ( your name) pray, from our God, Jesus Christ, beg for forgiveness of sins for me, and beg for a grace-filled life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love, deliver me from sorrows, illnesses, and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully cope with earthly affairs and be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast, which I had observed for three days before, must be continued on this day, only tomorrow you can eat meat and milk, otherwise the prayer will not work with the necessary power.

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Prayer that changes life for the better

Prayer that all will be well is a popular text that is often used for a variety of purposes.

Moreover, there are both general prayers for a successful outcome of this or that matter, and prayers that everything will be fine in a specific, narrow sense.

Prayer is a great force that changes the most unfavorable expected outcome, often in the opposite direction to expectations. Every sincerely praying person can influence a particular situation in order to change it.

How does prayer help?

Prayer is communication with the Lord himself and His saints. God sees the heart of every person, He knows the secret aspirations of a person.

He can predict how this or that action of a person will respond to other people and, most importantly, how it will respond in the soul of the person praying.

If God knows that success is useful to a person, He gives it to everyone who sincerely prays and wants to change their life for the better (both their own and the lives of other people).

If success only does harm, do not persist and do not go to fortune-tellers; perhaps you are not yet ready to accept the blessings prepared by the Lord. It takes time - this happens sometimes, not everything can be obtained instantly and easily.

It is absolutely normal and natural to desire that our destiny and that of those close and dear to us be successful. It is necessary not only to make every effort to achieve this ordinary life, but also to strengthen confidence by prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome embarrassment and embarrassment - ask God for help, as you would ask your father or mother for help: God is our Heavenly Father.

Don’t upset him, don’t go to fortune tellers and witches, don’t cast magic to achieve your goal. A separate, special case of prayer that everything will be fine is a prayer for success in running a business - a very complex and responsible matter. Considering negative factors

and the defects of the system that have to be overcome, it is difficult to maintain a sound mind and confidence - if you do not reinforce your spiritual strength with prayer.

Ask the Lord to get rid of all kinds of problems - any situation can be changed for the better. Pray every day for the outcome of this or that event, and simply for the prosperity and success of the business. Do not forget to thank God by giving rich alms, sharing big income

Recently, Russian entrepreneurs received their own special patron - St. Joseph of Volotsky. You can and should pray to him every day for the prosperity and success of your business - regardless of its size and other factors.

If you are haunted by failures caused by people, ask for help and intercession of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Wonderworker of Myra. This wonderful saint became famous for many miracles performed by the Lord through his holy prayers, and especially for his protection and patronage of the deprived.

All who have suffered undeserved offense from people have Saint Nicholas as their defender and representative before the Throne of God - he never leaves the faithful children of Christ in need and offense.

How to pray correctly?

To change your life for the better, you need to change yourself. Become a little better every hour, every day, do not allow despondency and anger to roll us back, try not to get irritated, angry or jealous.

You definitely need to pray not only for your success, but also ask God and His holy saints for the well-being of your family, loved ones, friends, not only friends, but even (more than others) your enemies, you need to forgive and pray for them! This is what the Lord commanded us, and we, to the best of our modest strength, must try to comply.

Do not use magic and witchcraft to achieve success and positive changes in life.

This offends the Lord and entails the most unkind consequences for you and your loved ones who are involved in it.

Prayers for everything to be fine: comments

Comments - 9,

You really need to pray as much as possible. Just, as the article says, you need to be patient. God knows best when and to what extent we need it and whether it is necessary in principle. After all, it often happens that we want something very badly, but it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it seems that fate itself is against this. But we still persistently strive and, in the end, when our desire comes true, we see that it did not bring anything good.

I feel bad at heart, I'm smart about debt


Thank you for writing prayers, these are prayers that everyone needs.


Matronushka, help me in difficult times and ask the Lord to forgive me for all my sins Thank you

Touched help our family. Help us have our own home

Matryonushka, help all my loved ones to be fine. And everything was good in my life. Amen. Thank you

Matryonushka, help me so that everything will be fine for me and my loved ones. Please, thank you

Prayer that everything will be fine to the Lord God and Matrona of Moscow

I would like to introduce you to universal prayers aimed at ensuring that everything in your life turns out well.

At first glance, it may seem to you that you will have to pray to God for nothing.

What do you mean everything is fine?

Is it a lot of money or no problems at all?

This doesn’t happen, you exclaim.

Prayers “about everything” addressed to the Lord God and Matrona of Moscow teach us to be content with what we have, asking for “a little bit of everything.”

When you feel that the matter is not going well, and the profit is not going well, do not sow despondency, but turn to the Lord God with a prayer.

And don't forget to light it church candles, placing holy images nearby.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Give me a little more of everything, take away everything that is sinful. Give me a little piece for my path and save my soul. I don’t need a lot of contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith is my holy reward, and to know that I will not be executed. Even though everything may not be fine, I need your help. And what I really lack, may my soul soon receive. Thy will be done. Amen.

This orthodox prayer marked with a special marker in the manuscripts I inherited.

Indeed, the text is simply magical.

Please say it with faith in your soul.

In the event that you and other household members continue to get sick, and in other areas there are only failures, turn with a prayer to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

Blessed Eldress, Matrona of Moscow. Help me reject illness, send down your Good from Heaven. Don’t let my faith leave me because the demon will lead me astray. Let my children grow up healthy, help them get up from their knees. Let misfortune break the shackles, and let not captivity bind sinfulness. Thy will be done. Amen.

And may everything be fine for you!

Believers fill their lives not only with secular events, but also with prayers. - this is a special appeal to one or another saint who can help a person in a difficult situation. In the heavenly hierarchy, each biblical character is responsible for his own “sphere of influence.” Therefore, all travelers turn to Nicholas the Pleasant, and all women turn to the Mother of God. Determining who will help is not difficult; it is enough to at least superficially understand the lives of the saints in order to understand which one to turn to. So, prayer that everything will be fine at work, for example, implies an appeal to the Lord God himself. It is within his competence to correct any unfavorable turn of human destiny, especially since he himself worked a lot to create the world.

When is it necessary to pray?

If you are in trouble at work, your boss is nagging, and someone in the workplace is weaving intrigues, then the above prayer will help you find intercessors from above and correct the situation.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you need to do is pray for a solution to a difficult situation, and only then carry out your daily routine.

Many people who use prayer to solve their problems have noted significant improvements after calling on the Lord for help three times a day for a week or two. But how can you pray at work?

There is no need to let everyone around you know that you are asking for God's intercession. You can go out to the park at lunchtime and read the text of the prayer in a low voice. And the remaining two times you can pray at home. Praying “to oneself” is also not forbidden if circumstances do not allow privacy for at least five minutes.

A simple prayer that everything will be fine at work is also excellent preventive measure. When there are no special problems, there is no need to relax, hoping for “maybe”. You can read this text on your way to work once a day so that God's blessing will always be with you.

Prayer for well-being in the workplace helps in the following cases:

  • when there is a threat of unfair dismissal;
  • when they want to dismiss a person from his position;
  • when co-workers treat a colleague negatively;
  • when you need to improve your position in a specific place.

By praying, a person, as it were, tunes into the divine wave and sends a signal for help. If you say prayers sincerely and do not treat this action as a formality, then help will certainly be provided.

The good thing about the prayer technique is that it does not cause harm, and it can be used for yourself personally, as well as for others, even if they do not know about it. Just as a mother prays for her child when he gets into trouble, so here you can pray for someone for whom your soul hurts and whom you want to help. Therefore, prayer that everything will be fine at work is a universal and unique remedy. By praying for another, a person commits a good deed, which will definitely be credited to him in the future. Thus, the one who prays improves not only the life of others, but also fills his own with light and grace.

people in modern world worried about financial insolvency, physical imperfections and much more. But people forget about the soul and its needs for mercy, compassion, and care. By focusing excessively on worldly goods, a person loses a sense of happiness, peace of mind, and tranquility. And only then do people think about the need to change something. We can talk about a successful outcome of a matter in those cases when a person himself realizes that he needs the help of the Almighty, and he is ready to completely entrust his life to Him. God can even help a girl who is suffering greatly from breaking up with her boyfriend. Even if Orthodoxy does not adhere to the concept of “relationship before marriage.” Today in this article we will present the texts of some prayers that will help improve your life, make it happier and better.

How can prayer make life better?

The text of the prayer that everything will be fine in life and in the family is very popular. It is used absolutely different cases. There are prayers for a good outcome both in the general sense of the word and in narrow areas of life. It is a prayer request that is the only force on Earth that can change even the most unfavorable outcome, turning it in the opposite direction. Anyone who puts their sincere feelings for God into prayer can change the situation. How and why prayer helps in life can be understood by considering how it works and who is the root cause of everything:

  1. Through Prayer, a person communicates with God himself and His Saints.
  2. The Lord penetrates into the very heart of everyone and helps if their thoughts are pure.
  3. God predicts how the desires of one will affect other people and what feelings it evokes in the person asking.
  4. If the Almighty sees that a person really needs success, this will bring happiness to him and other living beings, He will definitely help in the implementation of plans.

Of course, we want our life and the life of our loved ones to be ideal. But only God knows what she must be like in order to pass her lessons, endure sorrows and disappointments, and in order to ultimately experience boundless happiness.

Prayers to the Lord and Saints that everything will be fine

It is customary to read a prayer in cases where the joy has left, if relatives and loved ones are sick or sad for no reason. You can also turn to the Lord with prayer if success does not come in one endeavor or another:

Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!

According to the rules, reading the prayer text “about good things” must be done when the day has already passed, that is, before going to bed.

If it seems to you that prayer to God is not helping, although not enough time has passed, or you have not been able to understand and pronounce it correctly, you can simultaneously resort to prayer to Saint Matrona so that everything works out and is good in life and family. Elder Blessed Matrona of Moscow helps everyone who is pure in heart and soul.

My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.

Every person has troubles in life that require help from Above. In many situations, we pray for the protection of the Holy Saints, because they have the boldness to pray for us before the Almighty. Moreover, at one time they were also ordinary people and understand our problems.

And after death, the Lord granted them the gift of helping people in various situations.

When to ask for help through prayer

Work is where a person spends most of his life. Labor activity gives us the opportunity to provide ourselves and our family with material benefits.

But sometimes at work there comes a “dark streak”, a series of troubles, which forces you to look for a way out of the problems. Of course, you can endure attacks from colleagues and superiors, be under stress every day, or look for a new job, which is quite difficult during a crisis.

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Prayer for troubles at work to the Saints can influence the situation and change it for the better.

She is able to solve any problem, bring some sense to her enemies and calm their hearts. The Mother of God will protect you from enemies, eliminate omissions among colleagues, and improve the microclimate.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Many-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our long-suffering sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy, for you are not known for refuge and warm intercession, but, as having boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas of Myra is one of the most beloved and especially revered saints among our people.

His miracles are countless; he helps people in almost all matters and life situations, including resolving work conflicts.


Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Favors desperate and weak-spirited people to come out of difficult situation.

The Lord awarded the future saint with the gift of healing in his childhood. The boy could cast out demons and heal the sick. According to legend, Saint Tryphon saved one of the cities from creeping reptiles, for which Emperor Troyan, an opponent of Christianity, subjected him to torture, and then ordered his head to be cut off, which is still kept in the Montenegrin Cathedral of St. Tryphon.

The saint does not refuse anyone; he opens new paths for those who believe in his help and gives strength for good deeds.

Prayer to Saint Tryphon

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, I resort to you in prayer, before your image I pray. Ask our Lord for help in my work, for I am suffering inactively and hopelessly. Pray to the Lord and ask him for help in worldly affairs. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

They pray at conflict situations At work.

In his youth, he served as a priest in one of the parishes, thanks to which his household lived in prosperity and peace. Having become a widower, the cleric thought about asceticism and was appointed Bishop of Voronezh.

Mitrofan became famous for his deeds of mercy and assistance in resolving conflicts. He will always stand up for those who ask.

Prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I bring you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (request for work) prayers, holy, yours. Amen.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

It must come from the very heart, it will not help in deception, and the pure thoughts of the person asking will bring great benefit.

You can ask him, in addition to resolving troubles, for promotions and salary increases.

We must not forget about thanking the saint who appears before the Lord for his help.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Remember us at the throne of the Savior and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life. We send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for work will strengthen the spirit and faith, relieve temptations, and help in difficult situations.

O glorious Apostle Peter, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with his blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Bear our infirmities and do not leave us in spirit. We ask for intercession for all of us. Help us with your prayers, turn the face of Christ to our requests and grant us, together with all the saints, the blessed Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb. Amen.

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Lord, give me s peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

In the Psalter, the Word of God is revealed to prayer books.

David's songs help to get rid of any everyday misfortune, to appease ill-wishers who do evil. Reading psalms can protect against demonic attacks.

Read the psalms:

  • 57 - if the situation around you has become tense and there is no way to calm the “storm”, prayer will protect and call on the Lord’s help;
  • 70 - will suggest a way out of the conflict, will calm down the tyrant boss;
  • 7 - helps to resist grievances and quarrels, indicates the right steps to solve the problem;
  • 11 - pacifies the spirit of an evil person;
  • 59 - reveals the truth to the boss if the employee has become a victim of gossip or conspiracy.

Prayer Rules

When entering the Holy Temple, you must cross yourself three times. It is important to touch your body with your fingers and not cross the air.

Having entered the chapel of the temple and stood before the face of the saint, you need to concentrate and devote your thoughts to the saint to whom the prayer will be addressed.

It is advisable, before turning to a saint, to read his life, confess his sins, and take communion. And strong faith and the Orthodox spirit will give strength in this situation.

In petitions, do not forget about basic gratitude. Even if the request has not yet been fulfilled, then you need to continue praying, not renounce the saints and not blame anyone.

It should be remembered that for every action and event there is a time and place.

Prayer for work to Saint Tryphon